fT" J'.. Fur the Removal tiki! FerHUiveat Cnie of all NERVOU3 DISEASES, * .Ant! of t.isftff C'< :njl'iiit. wtiioli uto cau-oit hii i;n j \ited, weekene l or UHl.calthy roii t.tion of ih© Nr.II V OCR HYRTC3I. TUU beautifnl out osnv. lit-nt opnllrft'iun of tk© rre s terioun powtMi ol (i AI VvMsMat-i MAiiNKTISM, hus been j.rotvMi:tcd Iy .1 J.r ! j-kjsi iun, Ix.th in Lur.tj.o .nil |]j* L'lihod S 'cs, ti> be tie MOI( iu!.uihh rn'duinal ditroi t y cj (it *'^r Dr. CHRISTIES GALVANIC BELT •nil MAGNETIC FLUID, la met with the mott pcifo t an! ceiUin'sncceaa in oil CMC* cf GENKRU. DEBILITV, Etrnugltifluing (ho we.kene.l t. . ly, give g t< na to tl.c TirkviD organa, Rnl tlt'e enii p vystem Al-o u FITS, ( RAMP. PAUU.Y* H and 1 A! . V. DYStM.P. fcl A or INDt'D.M to:-: IltlKf \I ATIS a. A( UTK .! chronic, <;o j, tTti.r psy, ir r\c,n. DEAF NKHH, NIUVOLS TnKMOaS. PALPITATION nF Till; lIF.AUT, I TO! I EX N , Nkt.HA! fit \, i'AINS in th HIDE ant CIJEST I IVKK COMPLAINT. SPIN (I. COMPLAINT, n ! CCUV ATCRK of l! e PfINE. H I COMPLAIN I". DISK AI-1 S rf the KIDNEVH. DKFI CJENCY OF N Lit Vol's cat PHYSICAL INI.JtOY, •nJ all NEItVOI SDi \smm, which ccinjileinta unap froin one aki.ple cou f e -namely, A Darsnfoment of tho" ITor7cu3 Byntem. (XT- In NEKVo s TO' "PI. \tNTS, Dr.-f?s nr: 1 Modi giet of thi .. J'l ly J' .1 •■yiom :\ I :le, under the - y vitili/in-j fnßuenoo of Gal aani.ic. s. >|>}ilioit I r,.s hoautii..l and wmijpiful iJn cver/. a., exhausted faticnt a il weakened nift'oipr i vvfitnred to former health, ttrcnglh, elasticity' and vi£ v The great peculiarity and exeellenro of Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curalivos, •onMttw in the f u pt tlint ll.ey r.rrpt end cure di cnc hy cviwit'd application, in place of tin* u.stic.l m)de of dnig gmg. and !>h>aickitij tlio pntiont. 1.11 cxliau.tcd Natu:o ainkf hopelessly nndei the iuiNction. Thty ttrenithm the tpho'e tyth'/, *t]*talixt the circn lition of the blood, ptotncle tl.r eci r'innt, ai"l nevh do the tl.'gfresl injury wi-lrr in/ cii cnmttai" *v Smre tlxur introduction in t.:e l"i:i'.cl hutci, only llirco years nii.ee, more than GO, OO O Pci*s on s including all ngc. ola*si< nn I condition*. Among wnirh were a Urge r.uinht rof I .di.-. who nic peculiarly mibjcct to Nervou* ComplninU. l.avc keen ENTIRELY AITD PERMANENTLY CURED, whon all linpc of ri-licf had been given up, ond every thing cLe been tried in voin . To illustrate the tee of the GAI.VANIC lIbU.T, Hie nno . f a pc:on {.iftlctol with that bnite tf civilization, DYfcPKl't-lA, r any ok.er lnon.c or Ncrv cu# Droider In ortfinntv ens- s, Min.ulns'ts ate token, which, by their action on the ncives.a ! irti-clcsoi the stomuch, afl'ii i t-myooy irk r. hut v.hi- 'i Icivc the |4tie:.! in a i wo- Date ~od \v i *.! i'.Jt-.ic.l hu ulties. after the action thus excited hi- -; s. i. N w rmnpurc this with the rftg.-t r ltd: •; ! .-m ''.c nj j.lic t >t ? . | the ii 'I. DF.l.'p. 'j ~kc n Dvipeplio fciidoif!. ev-MI in the .symptoms r.f an attack, and aimjdv tic the Celt •round the llc.dy. u-i-g the Magnetic ! i"'il a diiccted. In a rhf.it period tho iu* i: ih!.- )>e it pi rati on will net on the poiitive element of tli,. Belt, ..iciel-j cn.iMS a ivil .anic cirelilnlii n wtnel, e.ill pa.e.in In i'.e ntfT.ltlve, tn.d tbtnrc tinek ng.i.l. In llie p i-n.ve, llnu K.-ej.,i „•> a con. tinunu. ualciiuic Client -linn if-■■■.u llie .v.ten Thin lb. most revera cs.c, ol nr. P 11. MAM.XUI ri.-ltl P. A r .f'. litis H t\;;it hi mcIKNT TO KItADiCATU Xi:>: 111.-r t>K Ol CERTIFICATES AM) TESTIMONIALS Of Hit* itiot I'lidoubiftl Clinniftrr, From all |>arU of thc-c\ nor could I obtiiin permanent rebof fioin any CMPSC of medical treatment whatever. About fourteen years tirce, in consequence of frequent expojuue to the weather, in tlio discharge of my p sturul dut*"*. I became subject to a scveie Chronic lthettrm'ism, which for year after y ear, canted me indeiilibuhlo nuguixh Farther: in the winter of '45 an I '4i, i.i cnii-c --quence of preaching n greit deal HI my own a id various ot!er cliurrhrs in tfiis region, I wan attached by the Bronchitis, which coon Income so sever.' as to require an immediate rti sponsion of my pax tot >1 labors. My nervous system mas no to thoroughly pros trated, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so ul o did my DyPj.fy.a and Illwuinotic r.fl'ertinn thus evincing that these disorders weie connected with each othei through Hie medium of the Nervous System In the whole pharmacopoeia there seetucvl to be no remedial , vgent which could reach and rem |e rate niv Nervous By stem ; every thing that I had tried for this purpose hml e xnpletely failed. .At last I was led by m> tueu l to ex Amino you: inventions, and (though with no veiy san guine hopes of their efficiency.) I cletoi mined to trv the e fleet of the application ol the GALVANIC BELT '.AND NECKLACE, with the MAUNKTIC l-LUll). 'Jhisw.n in June, 1543. 'j'o sir onrw ssTosilhHßiT, IN ivm VATS VIR IHSRRWV tun r.oxr; IW EIGHT IAVS I w A :" VDLM) TO ItKSt'MR IV PAST ORII. I.ATmns, Null ||vVK-| •INCK OVITTKO SRKVICK ON AC COUNT Or TIIR BRONCHITIS j uro MY ItitrtMATic OMCTION IIAV IV ttliif ortiKO TO TO MI Bnch is t4c w UNDER ful and happy remit tlio experiment I have lecomr.u' ' -1 the BELT and FLUID to many Who he* to bu n likewise sit flu ling from Neuralgic ailec tinns They have tried them, WITH lurrv CKIULTI, I • stixta. ivrnr CASK. 1 arn.dear sir, very respectfully vonrs, KUBKHT \V. LAND! 9. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE 1# used for all complaints affecting the Tin oat or fj.ad, euch as Bronchitis, Inflammation of the 'I bro t. Nervnu. and Sick Headache, Dizziness of the Head, Neuralgia in tna Face. Burring or Roaring in the Ears, f'cafne-R is gunc ullv Nervous, end that dltlicusing coin pluiut, called Tie. Lioloicux. Palsy aad Paralysis. All physicians acknowledge that these tcirihl* di. easas are caused by a deficiency of Nervous Enerty in the affected limbs lm. t HKISTIK'S Gal.urn Aiticle* will •apply this deficient power, and a complete aim entire care is thus ofl'ecied. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast service in cases of < cnvitLion or Kit*. Kpftsmodic. Comnlaints, ami genmul Nervous .4 ff.clin'i* of the Head and upper extremities Abo in r.iNv HIMI raralysis, and nil disease* c**usil by a di fic.s'i.v y of i>.vvc or Nervous Energy in the limbs or other organs of tin body. Tie Doloreux and Neuralgia. Those dreadful and agonizing complaints are imnt diately relieved f.y the applirit.NTl of the GALVANIC HI . r Nr.cai.Acr and FLUID The Belt diffuses the Klectricitv through the system ; the Necklace has a local effect, and the Fluid acta directly npon the affected nerves. In these distreumg adlictious the application NK.VEK FAILS. FITS AND CONVULSIONS. These alarming and terrible complaint* am ihvays caused by a derangement of tire Serve The lb r. Dturunii ami Finn will cure nearly every rase, in matter how young or old the patient, or how cnnfirido l the complaint Numtrouft itud (Utoniahiig pioofs OIE HI pOMMsinn of the proprietor. &/- Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the country of the most txliaordiuury character can he given if requited- C~f~ No trouble or inconvenience attends the uso of DR. CHRISTIE'S G 'tJ.V. IMC ARTICLES, and tbev may ho worn bv ihr> most feeble and delicate, with perfect, eave and vii'-tv In many cases the scnyatinn attending their ■ W highly n zrU and agreealle. They can be soul to a >y pait of the country. Prices: Tho Oftlvanio Belt, Three. Dollars. The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars. Tlio Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Each Tho Magnetic Fluid, Quo Dollar. CtjH Tlie article* are accompanied liv full and plain Pamphlet* with full pnrticulais may be hv' of ihariMAliorlzed Agent. WTICULAR CAUTION. QCh Counterfeits and fFo thless Imtaliof D, O. MOREHEAD. M. D., GENERAL ACZNr FOTL TJIE UNITED STATES 139 Uroaitway, New York. Far MfemSfc/oomiil/iirg, t'u , t.y tin authorized agmt. TtgjOHN R. MOYF.R. and by authorized kacnte in the prinei . pal towns of the Slate, The Greatest Because the Best Fam ily Mcdiciue in the World IS WORSDEI.LS VEGETABLE UESTOR ATIVE I'ILLS, they have succeeded in curing some of tlio worst cases, of disease eve; record oil, and aie daily accomplishing the ro-torutiou of persons ai;cr having trieil in vain to obtain relief from any other source. One of the Proprietor ,is a regular physician of extensive experience, who de votes his time exclusively to tin ir prepara tion. for I ; EVERk AGUE, they have nev er yet failed. At least one thousand cases in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have been cured since the first ol Sept last. In Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint. Scrofula, for Worms, and all other di cases of children, they are micipialletl I V anytln z ever reputed for ih ; purpo e, while for he various diseases ol females tame is no in diciue can compare -wiili thein. 1 hero is mine of them . (M—tli 'Wire, in grecnr de mand than any "her pill—a id wlun oa o introduced in a family, they no,- I no other ortedieiiie. Each box containing fifty Pills, r.v rs thorn die chea o-i. w.de tie, no decidedly lire best, a> well as the mildos: in uetioii.tif any now in the market. The E iilorof the. -City henif (//> speak < of Them : i i-' Revo en, yon are suifering from fwer and ngae, ami votl have never tried I for* doll's Veuolnlihi Resloia ive Pills, Shake no more. There is still hope lor may yet be eared* Go, or send at once to A. Weeks S; Co.. 7(1 Nor.h Eialuh -treat., ami piociire a box ol ih-.-e unrivaled pilis, wliicii areu.-ovreigu antidote lor tins (lis.leasing I ooin;)laini. Cut. Forn'l) of the l'ennstjh union \ ! Woßvnr.Lt.'s Pili.s —Tlii I'xoell.'iit farnilv I metlicine i< tlnily winning ww nvnlj*ea*t, utnl oon-equHiiity i" ih# lug" i r.i.id in public favor. In ill" removal o: the | ovary itay ille th.it llosli is licit t 1 wo know jol no boiler coaiponiiil. Wo IICHI.I ilia oli ur■ Jv of " ilcsper.co case ol crofoloiis c m,i , • ,s of tlio head Bad lacc b..-i ig i- iinel) cared by ibem. i),t So tie of the "Times." suits : i i/' Tho groat popularity ol U ir-doll';. Vogelablu Pills, ls"iit:rilui:eil Io diojiot mer it wliieli they really p. ->e-s. Tlioy have boon unietly gaining tlie lame tlioy nmv I have, by tlie forejo" ot their own virtue-. ; The meaos usually emplo;,oil to give e.-la | 10 iie-.v remedies have not been ;.0I b, the proprietors. They I ave been coiitent to J let their rnedi. iae -peak loi iisi 11. I: i- now j doing ii in every section ol llie cotiiury. They#;ro for sale by most ol the Stor> Keepers throughout the C outiirv.ai'd in rpiilo liiies at reasonahle rales, al the Labor.uorv No 70, North Eighth 8m ot. A. WEEKS X; Co., Proprietors Agenls. JOHN 11. ibO\ I If, Bloouisbtii.. i E. Lazarus, Oiangoviile. | M. G. Shoemaker, Hm-khorn, Funstnu F: Diefeubat-li, Jerseytown, M. C. Orier, Danville, i C. I nrlman & Co., Cat'awi-sa, nml by \ mest nierelmnts throughout the eoantry. €OLI ViBIA ('IIINTT tN iMi l iK. i The Trustees of the Colitml it ( amity T.\'i | t 'tr take pleasure in atiuouiitdn-g to the public that thev have secured the service.- oi the itF.V. SAMUEL FCHAFi'LU, I a* I'.iueipal of the School to be opened in 8.-inusburg on Thursday, the Sill da, ol I Aptil n-'xl. I'he highly attested .-.hiltties per oiiarcr. j Do. with addition of languages, C '• '• U'M. MeKEI.VV. I 1,, if. Iff PERI', CALEB i:\KTON. \ r.- since. DANIEL SNYDER, I JACOB ME LICK. J Bloonisburg. March 15. ISIU. "TWJi FCttliS 110TKL. The subscriber wouM Inform his old friends and the public in genera!, thai he Ii ,s taken j the w ell known slnud-recsntlv kept by Dim | i"l Soy'fler. E(p, on the head ol Alain street, j io Bioomsburg, ami will continue llie public | houre known bv llie sign ol •• lilE 1 OIiKS ' where he is preparerl to-aePoinmodaie those who mny favor liirri with their custom. His urraugemeuts are complete, ipuir ers spaci ous—location pleasant, and without proud* iug too inucli, lie (Intlers himself lie will Li able to do ample justice io his guests. Ssubliug and tin; best fare lor Itor. es, &e. SAM EI, BLUE. Blonnisbnrg. April 2F. IS lli " * i'ntm ( diiiuiiTTiu There is news that elolhing is dear, but in Light Street ./. E. Pre Icrichs .mi for,es S.iil'i make the iieaies! kind of clothing ai ilio low est prices. .They liave o x-ited a hop';e.\" door to S. 1.. Ilcttlo's store in the lower cu of Light Street, whom the;, will do ail kind ol FASHIONABLE TAILORING M the shortest notice and lowesi prices. Tln-y invito only a trial lo give satisfaction. I'hcv receive the lalest city fashions, and will gb ,- pariicnlnr attention to culling out. J. 1.. Fredericks will also continue his busi ness at the old stand in the uppef pan of the town. Light Street, April 10, 1819. F.I s MO X.I /; /, ll r.i I /. ()I! / so imt.AM IV. BItBAV.V, Has opened a shop in one ol the upper rooms of the new building opposite tlio Fork. Hotel, in Bioomsburg, l'a., where lie invites all customers who wish fashionable, wa.ll-ti. ling and well-made garment* to i i.-it Id shop, examine his work, and give him a trial. He regularly receives the LATEST CITY FASHIONS, and ask only for a trial lo ensure satifaetion. Particular attention will bogiveii lo euiliug out. Bioomsburg, April 9, 1819. 0. C. KAHLER, - Attorney at Idiwinitl . ouusolior, Rospeetlully ndorms Ins friends a id the pub lie lliat lie lias commenced the practice ol law in Bioomsburg, Columbia county, l'u., wherd he will promptly aite.nl io ait legal bu siness entrusted lo his care. Office on Main street, three doors south ol Hay hurst & baldy's store. Bioomsburg, April 2li, 1849. F. MMttVtf AUhi'iicy-ai-Law, Has removed from VVilkesbarre to Berwick, where he will attend to all business entrust ed lo his care in Columbia and Luzerne counties. Office eyposile the ' lining Sim • 1)11- noOFLiMD'H ' CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS} PPEPStIIEI) BY ©So Oo So sriicisissOTo AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STO R E . IVo. 120 Arch Street. I'liilndelphia. Will effeehmVij cwc Liver complaint, 'Jamil ice. Tys,* >i i. ( hrontc or AVrsons iL'nlilii, Vis cute if the liithny*. ninl all diseases arising from timsorilered liter or stomach. Such ns Consumption, Inward Piles, Ful r.e.- of Ulood to the Head, Acidity of the Finiiiticli, Nausea, Heartburn, Di-gusi lbr i ood, Fullness or weight in the hiomacli, Four Eon-tali ins, Sti.knivr or Fluttering at ilio Pit of the f toitiach. Swimming ol lite I lend. Ilini.ed and Ddlicult Breathing. 1-lut loiini: at the Heart, (.'iiokiu-.- or Sullicuting H'i.sii:h:.s when in a Lying Pus tire. IJini :■<■ oi Visini, Dots or Webs bo.ore the !>ver ai d Dull pain in the Hand, Dell ! i uot IVrsp.rnlion, h cilom ilc.-s ol the f kineT d Eves. I'ain io lite Fide. Buck, < In- t.-l.lull fc., Sudden flushes ol Ilea, Earning ill the , le-li, L'oilsliint Imaginings ol Evil mid Gieuf Depression of Spirns. The Genuine ure Entirely Vegeinhle and free Iron. Alcoholic Stimulant Syrup. Allies.' Rheuburd, Calnmel, Acid.-, mid all Mineral and lujiirieiis lugreiiiciiis, tliey aie plea-am in :a.-:e and sun 11, and mild in liieir opera tion, nevi i giipiug or giwug any nnea-tuess, ihev give sireng'li ' to Hie whole system wli'il-i iliev rlrive irom it disease, l imy can • inliiiiiitViercd io llie uioesl rlclicute liilunl with perfect sa!ely. READ THE F< LI.OWING ARTIC LE. ll appealed in tlie leading German Jnur nall of Philadelphia—tlio '-Philadelphia Dcinoerat. : , Iho Editor win* personally tie ipiaiuted with Dr. Hootlauil-, utnl prizing die -erviec- ot this great limn lie could not tjni ei'v It ok II;h>I. the 10-uraoee ol mi i: ,passu, without apprizing the public of approaeiiiug danger: Cijvislop!) lUilij.im fpf lnnb- IN I MiLIHI Ch'ixto;lMV II tlii tm Ilmjhuul. u O. 00l tin* rnohL r i owiied y-ifisuis. i>:it ol (lie Tmhiulu* ors ol nio'.lerii liiiic s. was iioni m Sa!/:i. (ii'rrnauy, dm iho 1-! i day ol aiiiasi |7(>*2. Alter a fjt. ii! .m-lid!:>-lie lie, lii> intli oi ii ;! iirjiml:ii".!iit. (iwooole!ra!oil Doctors.) voluntarily dunnc-il iiiiu-oil 10 iliu ot Mcila iao. at Jona an I GotlL'Cii. a: •! m I7! Science, anil upon iio c •:il , ii>liiiic!il ol tlio near t ollcuc at llcrli.i. Pro.' or;i::i! Com. V iy--ici;ci lo ih" AJim.v tin* lnti/Mo:' Ills fhui.ic.tMisia* j-:o --0. . 1 a il deep iwiicirji'ion enul)lcil tiim to combii.O the thcorciica! and practtcal; to udite old and in \v s\stews; produce iacom in op the practical and useful, and thus draw •!' i.-i •-1 tic ■ -a!. <• id lu-cesM-ry applica -4-11 was Dr. 11. principally, who exposed and d - rcvoil tliu "Hrown s System,' which, in .With- fidioii tlio hnlliiiut cxicrior. tould f!| ro '•• 11 I's irui ,y iiuptulcciio is, hrollglu to i..'.i h\ HonUuiid's i l -.)'l<" irupartiainy, ou .ii i.iiSj deep penetration. Inde nt dent ol I '| r.ic'h'al uMduhic - as l'liy -M iiiu am' i'ro: -or ol the hi .tli iu art, lo Itu.-earned udd> i larin for hi. supcrioi Unnvieo'jc hi M <•'.. /a Mr.' well as for ii - ma> ilold woths on :Meda al jnnspru *l' cc. AiiiiiiL ihf; e may le mentioned hi? woi o ■• iw. oil •',rtkr,,l.t iVj or the ai m prohui. i i ; :t*S\ s.cmi di prai-;ical iiealiuu air, * 11it*;i- oi I'd liMiiciiic." .lonraal oi prac i icid Aiedictiic. uf IL'itiis I o-nlc. an t!iis allied etcrn • ;uoo and j-raise Jrom suli'or iiikt huuiauitv lor tt.c cm cry and co.nhi nation ! several i ... iihle meiicinais. ji which is tlm tar rain •.! uid justly ril* etra:ed compound, Unowa as UK. IIOOi LAND'S GKKAIAN KiTTERS. Tlie .licatiou o' a-< iduons rardi lor the Dia.diuretic renin ly t.l uiiinerous i..\iii uahii* :• .rd d i cs. Afcr .1: • id ioi Ids li : .- !i pro'"- siiiani . u. I.i tSh3. u. > w !:c! occa die insignia of rho Order of !.•• Red li.j'n an i nmny either U yal Oidms ;md murks ol d,-;.:icti .he d.etl on die !i day oi Au _• i 1 h. (as the Kinir ol i'russia's priva'e AlcdiCi l Loan elloi.) wiihouta.y legi.imatc male heir or iilfsprin^. • Dr. C. Al. .hu ksoii. of DiiiudclDhia. has had liw iiican ,o' ohniiaintxthe re ci..c- ol i to meat medit ;n onnccllor 'Chris ;op!i \\ ilioMii lluleiaiai, ai d the.-e iuvalu* ii!*.e iiicdicit.es iii-j prepared iiu the iuiiid. care at the (lerimiu Mcdiciro Store. 'l'hc t). cs Mixture. Ihioilai.d'.s Deiman Ifittcrs. is the i. -nit el iiuiiiy yeiifs-siitdy and expe rience l>y the areiit iovinitor, and known and ( ti/cd in lamvpe as an inlaliihle rcmtuly foi .lie ciiri! ol Liw ( ( mjjlml Jiiiulicc, I* ai i iSv. 111". I Al. .luck.so i s prepa;.t ion 1 !n> iM*il,ciiie has ohl.iiic-d tin 1 same ccicbri ly iii:ll>\ vo> ic 111 World. I io ic.-iimonials ii.al iiii.tuiifMai'lc oi lima'io,:s ol linn a d> o; die mosi sc. eiv* and diiiicnft casas cuiel. 1. Ulli; io pool of this. l ite lllcditMiie t cm pouraicdhy Dr. C . M. .hu k-ou liave die very cilectsand tlio 'ante happy results, winch the imnto. a i.M'iiior r.nlieit.ed. und ililmalcd. and conscipn- .i.y n.ur lie |)ivpar id\ ;ii it'll:, in. ;is iaeu'r.i' >. 1. v.ew t tho ii! e.o u Is u nv'in.- s,i! .ui.i; (h.it any In '. . i ii.i, ;ui\i; da? linn, .ieo>l an. nii.'O deueo to name of this dt . .n, eL Dck tor, wlio died tlmiceii yeais u-u. to ass tdf rtchailil!;;a inia k t leparatioii as the real ;.uul 1 iruuliciue, aid to ld\c a -Dirihliiuee (d ly a / ai iiiic ol llie decVa-i'd, is indeed i'\i,ao.ii . ary ! I lie public will under-;aud wlui. to e\pec . .:nt Wiiut to de um r suc.i v llvlilti- A jiumlier o! (lernntii papers copied the hove aal are ill en-1 ore euiith'd lu our thanks. These hitters are worthy tlio attention ot invalids. I'osses.-iun; ;roai virtues in the rectification oi disease ol die liver and Ie ~ ser u.a .d>, cxeiciMiij lire rno.-i searchiiiu ; owt'i'-. iii WHtftiiies* ami afh'ciio .> oi the time. ii\e oi. .ins, inoy are wuhai, .-ale, cei l. 111• a.ai j iea.-aut. oriMo.\s o/ Tin; piiu.ADr.miiA I'UEe'S. Tin? German **lllustra.ed .\c XA" sjivs : 4i f)nr t oi r and Others ol this utilec have u-e ! he Germ.ti. Ih.ter. and ca imh O l ino d II wiili \ (iiifiileace io our rtnclers. A ~e .a ret! hy Dr. Jack o it imiy •• pnu - p pa .* in it-i lleels upo.i Oi.-: i-oil Liver inn Siotn.u h, die luliesi expeelauou in tiio tie - iiiuu'iAM physician. I if n, Oe.oher l!i.lt ssys: 'he In vai.ui.—How niiiuy of our M.ff(K#h or neni ! el.my, i.o doul.l. lln y are to be pitied, yet to all (here i> u cure. Dr. iloo.laud's Gerimt.i Bmer liu* nl rciuly eiyre-l hiiudied*; und tliul it will cure, no one svlio once li t-.-u will iloui. it diey use il us directed. It bus e.rabhshed tor itself an Undying fume, ultich lew have done out ot the vast number that has been thrown bu.'otc the puble It is one ol the must perleet preparauonsiu ti.-e, and, as a Gi-rinan i diiieinpory lui> said, tliu a* pre pared by Ur. Jackson, it lolly equals, it not surpasses, in effects the lullest roiiioseiua mm #t Use yhyx-Kiiao who first compounded it. As a spurious article is now before tho public, we would caution all naaiost tiin(r any but iliat siupied C.M. Jack son and-old by nim at 120 Arch street. The '-Camden Democrat," the be.-l paper in West Jorsev, says, July 21. "HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS." "We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source trom which they came induced us to make inquiry res peel in 2 its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it. and must say we found it specific in its notion uport dis-eases ot die liver and digestive orioles, and die powerful iullneiire it everts upon nervous prostration is really surjtrisinjr. it cnlms and utreuglli ens die nerves, bringing lb p iu into a slate of repose, mukinn sleep rol'rehiiig. U this medicine was more generally used, mi are sate lied there would bo less sicku ss, as from the stomach, liver and nervous sys tem the rc.ai majori yof real and imaginary diseases ennmaio. Have them ina healthy condition, you enn bid defiance to epidem ii givi-rally. This evranidiuury medieine we would adviseur friends .vho are at all in disposed to give a (rial-—it will then recom mend itse!! —lt should, in fact, be in every family.'' No oilier medicine can produce such evidences of merit. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high char acter which is necessary for nil medicines to attain to induce coiiiuerieiters to put 'forth a spin ions article'at die risk of rite lives of tho.-e who are innocently deceived. Look welt at tlic murk* of the gcnuing. They have the written signature of C. M. JAC'kbON upon die wrapper, a id his name I. u'.vu in the bottle, without vhuh thy are s t r rums. i or sale wholesale and retail at the Cier rmiii Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Street, one door below Sixth, late ot 278 Race St., I hiladelplin. And by JOHN It MOVER, lilooinsbuig, af.d by tespecdtll dialers gene rally. 'tl-Uiii. Rheum iitisml 1)'. Henry Tumor*• Litii.unr ie Lti'iiiieut. - liift i*U|>iTite Uli U'MiiiiHtn, Imi fi'ccnllv 1111••ikluct'.i n it Ihitf niuiiii\ Ik tiff pit-- -ful |ri|triflift", litis long I wit > known in Lm.j, .•HI 111, is f It!* >ll |lllllfulil'lv, IIS |l|f tffrsl u (I • I• I V i'i lam cut f I'm" lit il isin'i(iiiij* iiml |i 11111 is I ni- I I IV i• i. 11-eil'l-1 U|OI. Ilif h* M.ilil II . : tiilii •. •' 1 "• i'lftt irijiii autl fIS kioiiv i;ifly lulling l< giw iflifl iiji m • I• i 1 itijiii ••tiiion. mill ty it-,, filing il .1 tew linn'*, • |cr •ibinctil t-uif is uUffii'J. Wf I lit* I kllllWlt CUM'H ul |i:nri" if- 11*4? I'M ii-l lilll lI.K k, \N HII Mrl||*si, ll*' SfVfi.il tVt'l'lv • till II I• •11, I'll 111 111 out* eH.ulc 'lliilil mil lii iifil Hit* , itll 11l l'\|Mt*H hlgr,|iflul •llll'lKslll I Ml I'll .. . •if \ W ir* fVt'i d'fit'tivi" I'll Vt <■ lm* lit'.*f tl 1 1 nitvutoiiis s.ty .h> y w*Miill uiVf in Miit ii.d til i lijis 1•r 11 cum iii 1 lit**iin til-Mi, yt'i 1 in.* stiui-' I it'll v ill uid at r- cut. 1! i) l\Vti lit 111 |fs .1 ilitd grim Liiii.l.l-1,1. nisiiiig itui liny in is iMca. Wlio would t gtcf giving hiu-li a jirivV lr *uih a mn iJv -I lie 11 en It ti in 1 lit* exciiilin nig luilUic t.l • li.it ni'isti fi.ii inl til uli ilisf.i-fi, .Mi. ...dg. |.• -ti v a ltii|ti of Ur. Tiimei' Lini.it. mid i'f hi-,tick u •mrr; t!.i i"l In; g r tlul.t) . l-iii e.tbi all ii-i-iiti.iis .1 ii*i id f ml-, ~.i lit .i e lit g tie. til til in iiistiiT 11 mtii', wiittlrsiiK-uiul it uil iy l> WOl a-Jy & <_'• | |tti<* ;\ti Doiii i.u.it Mi<. 1. and 1 lit 11 gr • t r.n ag U-.w.iiiti .*n 1 Ci.ni, No I .Nniiil oimii n 1 " . 'r'"" . /s i. f.y „OUS II Ml) 17-/i iih otlfs' rg. (int tuiliuu VcgTt.'iic ReaieJy-fto lure Nll .' SI . it* c I'm Mcl.mn' '.pint ii- 11 i.. 1 ■ e , crib d 1 c lib.'l .■ ilieillcin.' i sev, r I ens I I'm.nr. Vc- . I 1,.-cas es nil Secondary Syphilis, and ill-- cf p. I II s been siritiiugl. In mli ml ; s" Hi 11.-' I soil In 11111 li I .III' I:| .'1111111:1 It -11-. in MI b r. si— nub ill in'ii sallslaiv Inn. it I- tl 111 i..11l ay I - I p ill' lit-. J IIS \. I£|.KI\GTnN \1 11 ■ .i. 102 N. I'll II s . I'l.da . Jmn 12. 18 15 1 bate it -c,On il "l)i. il l n's U in I•, m tii\ c .si -'1 (• me rtn'Ca. " if i. 11.1 il ..I i lie' l 'c IV I. a V 'V sh" 11iiii*. A. W il- N . lb. C'.ir. 'l'm I n & Sni,.pi'il M". I'll' 1.. Dec. 10 : . 1815, \||*..S.'S |{ IIV and Al tl id mil— (I title •iiII : 1 liuvc ~l', srithcil t"iir rclcbr.iii d "Dr. Cnllen's 11 "le'dt in -cverd ca-es ol of fir Uinrliiieii and Sipliibs, and rail cillsel' ntiiiii-iv rt'cuiomi ml II us a yll.iill allll s lll'l'll \ I'll re. Vmirs. ,Ve. J. S I' I'ITI.ItR. M 0. (an in rot S-e. |ni t\- 11,111.1 N I. U 1.'.1 c. V R ■ ':. tl. In RO'.V AND |\- w A I. ION I'll. >2l SIX I'llS . i■■■ I bl tin - ' pel - nII- natlll d in an. lliCI as am, tt|s . I I)'- I •'.lien's I mil .11 v. in laid' 111 ti-hnrg .1 ni. 3 I 1850.-6 n To Fkyo|o. '• f tN'iiit . t j'.t-.v *v.irf l* rn. i "iy. Pa ••). -ii.f- ILf.i . ti .<• ifd .1 new -•'■ iv .\ t •*., t \j, .Kt Si. \ .ii ji Kill MI i lls n! f're-li I>t.iaotl Al wo ri'Mt'c, fully -niifit Country doalfis in oxami. r ou biork tietnn* purchusnu lifrc, ,>romis illu '• ami . i wlki tints lot? 1 (li.-|U).-'ti in ivx.i'inl to in ;!ifir !n nil t icn .'l'Mitiii' D' a tl jVlodii'iiif-. on a- lilmra * iiia.- a- a:s n tier li'Mi--* in itm Cf). all t>. I.i; Ji i even#- nil order-. 1'.:.; .ed 10 le ,ir>rmami u i dispali-ti. I Oae -oi itic proprietors lit'iiia a regular i physit tan. nlfnnls ample cuaranu-e oi ilu> | ;itin* ipiahiy of all oracles sold at their establishment. ! \\ (• e- itfially iini e iliuuem'-- an! cotmtn toeiehaoi.-. 'alio ma) to beeoiii" neenls (ti Fr. i: < rh.)' s ("tlc'.r \tcil Fnnthj (.•la. ilard a id popular remedies.) to huwanl their atltli' 'ss. Solit it in ; the ..(ti'ti.aue oi dealers, wo re* sp't'lfully n l.lam. A. ICIHIL.KTL lilt').. Wholesale At, Market jMUtp?. I" ila.-33-ly. |t|tf .-AiNit.-- HONK TO CALI tt:; . LY, lau the business ol Cow it a'ttl .1 ,;t.i mull 11 : A\\ ill lie eoulil lietl BY i e MIIP -iro or ai the mil -ni'id on Alaikri s.ivei. lie w ill promptly a.lend to a i oidoi lor uork in his line ot liii-i u'Mi, and is always ready, ai short notice, to luraish Wagons, ( oaehot C'a'rhiae. 1i• i- it- . SSiedt and ouvufi- Oi nay sly.e : bututua.so lie Itosl ma onuls, anil ma le in tie- mo.a sub laatial maimer. He will jrive his pur. o.ial ailemiou to the business, mid employ none bm good work men. He. uuiim will be .l ieudial to wnli euro, ami upo,i ihe inosi lea ouat 1" term.- He proposes to serve his cusiuinert. to such work as will secure lor him a coti.nuiunce o their patronage, ami Irom ah who need arti cles in his line ot business. He aka only a trial ol his work to insure satislaetion. JONAtHA.N AIOSTKULEJK. Feb. 16, 1649. 10-? pNr 1 ii ail OFT ICE MANUFACTORY Dl*. H. r. TOSS NSF.XD'S iwiroi'yu F-XTtIAtT OF SAIiSAPAHILLA, Hit: IIIIIKI Wtiiitlcrfitl Slrilicinn of llir Ago . 1,500,000 BOTTLES MA N I.'KACTU It KB VKAtI I. V. Till* Medicine !•< |)'t tt|> In Hottli'* mill liioi etit'etl more tiinii 100.000 Cases of Chronic DiHoa.se, tvHltlu (lie !o*| Ten Venrt \>tte ItCrinilu* unit Hi ttigtieil l>y S. I*. TOWXSICNU. i) xv os i: . BV HKXDi:fO III;- KOII.OW I N(l A t'Kl I) AVf'l ttie rtil-lio will loarn flu* to igln, or iAlltC' \\hereih c int'ijif for in iking llif* UiC)' call OM Di .lucoh rnvviiseinl'tt p; |'(i i!|h funic In'.hi -iiikl will l>c nhlj •o jtnlge wliifli i ill" genuine nml origiunl, ami of tin 'iiiiiifstt i;f llio'mrii tv'ioitTc • 111• I toil mi holliftg it a* •lie ntigiinl lir 'i'owntcnil * S'anftjaiillo Dr. rf. I* I *■ wuset.l was Hie uiigiiial |nti|u nitm-and invent >r of ill Tow useiid's S.Msn|.fn ill.i. in.') hi* iiivdiriiie lia < lined a laputitiun lli >t n o'.liei reined.t ever gained. Me niftiiul'iotuiod ntfi' one iniilitiuof liottles |,tt tear .ml is tnaiiiilni'tniiiig at luc'.eiil *'.0.0 In ltle jicr tint ts'e us.' uiote Sh is . | 11 •! I-1 and S cilo v Duck in mil •'•UMi limeiU eneli dn, limn all lite i>lher Sdn.a|aiiilla iiliuflH'.luiPHt 111 (lie wot Id. Pliufl|illl "IlitV. lib R2A.D THE AFFIDAVIT. L'i'y fiirf f'oiinlu •;/" AVii" l*# A, u IVllliaut Animlrniig, of llie molil '"ill, liei. g dnlt • worn, di it It dp | to* i' an I til)' (liu( lie is a |ine(ir.!l amggi t nml ''hcinlat Tl.al tnnic lime in tin' latlei •it ni SI it. or tii>C of luim. a man lis tiie nni.ie .( lilt uli ii.w n flnd, w In. at that lime was a tnx.k am; st 11 jilt lot |HtdHri. I'nllpd ti|iou de|miienl', at the limine I sir. T!iiMH|wiru>. No 4f lludson-klivet, tt here lp|m. ■ .•ni 1.. niiled, and leijuo-ted ile|iouent to tviite him t. i|.e hy which In niaka a 8t iiip of Karnnii.ltilia jioiieat fiiithcr sat t, th.it he licCMine aci|iiniiitpd 'Hi aid i'l.tv line ml at the otllcn of Ttiecnlorc Fnmcr, m|., |i"..k I'litiiisher, wilti whom Ftii.l Totviisem! fill That Maid town-end had had lioquent roil versa i"'i* tit!i ilejionpnt iesj cetifig the miuiirartiire of an .lii'leol Saisanarilla to lie aoid under the name of Dr. acih Totvnspiid. That raid Town-end stilted he was an old man. ami nor. and was lint tit for haul labor—nild tvLhc l to like • ome m. .net, in oe.ler to live sun in his >|] • t s, nml tint if s n -tii.uilli nn..ortlic naiueof Tow n •"id sold o well, anil so iiiio'lt money was made hv t. he could see no reason svht 1o might not make meltiing out of it too. (Ills name Being Tow use ml,) I l.c con' l get a f.iimlilo peiSoti to |i|'o|ihic a rcei|l himself against any ultaek li.il miglit !••• ntb.lp on him ' poiuuit l ir tht'i sate, that |>ursuant to tho request •I s'iml Jaeuh ToiViisend he wrote a recipe for the aiiiii'.eiuie .f a w t nip of Nnrmpnti'in. ami gave it to inn. Said To'vii-cik! ot. creed that he wanted to mike n specimen ti e\hitnt t* I;|v paitners for their ippiot:.l as he w j-the I t<> gratify them met cry thing, • s Ho- . 1.. ■ i<-:.• l all the c ipii-.l sai l Totvnseml also M d p lii.'.ft tliat the li.'tiicß they were *• use were i... a t .• same sj/.e and shape as Ir s p. Town mi's ami i!tU"<>ient at the request of said Jucoh oilmen.!, went to the otlJ.-e ol ti - P 'itotnsend, • l procured one of his l.iticls. \n i icpoiicnt further savs. he has heen inform. ami t ciily hciiovps iheSjMipi.f h.i-ppai ilia, soM H i laeoli |nt ii .end's, made after Die recipe fur •shi'tl nt deponent, to Jacoh low nsen.l, hs aforesaid. And fni liter-l ponont saitli not Wl 1.1.1 AM Alt MS'J'RfiN'O. Sworn to hcforc me, this *2Uli dat of Mat. 184f>. ( s \VO()i)HUI.I„ .Mayor of the city of New Voik. PROOF!! PROOF! L! Heie is pi,".l conducive that Dr •* I". Totvnsend's Hiii-apiiiill t ii the origin d. Tl.c f'l wing i Ironi • one i.l Hi.; inn-t it'|ic iiii. .• papers hi this State I'DOM TIIK Alhnny •Touriinl. Dr. Towsen'i'K Sanaparilla. Theto probably m*vrr lr* hern m p"pului a leinody, I which xv: % origin-dlx- And ifti !-• mnnufar. I tun-l in llirili. at lii T ID ..• ■•for hiiiocl'' and •ifi. . 01.1 • for if. r,:. i v.-.i - ..1.,1 to till* MUkViit lime, lo flapp fli'J oxviiseud Hi pi. . tit proprietor* S|iKo the I *noi >li i|i xx a f. ••.:. the imrtoi ha* rc-idcl in New \ i'i U, \v bcin In* k< • j .k a More. ami attends to the liu-.iucss that nrruiniilut.-> Hie < atinda*. West india Ulai..: •. •smith \ mc, ica, ami ex on to j-.u- I ■ i • |e . HI eoiiyioeiiildt* i|iinuiitics. \t Mo* munuliich.rx the* emph ;• a Mean engine, beside* a leige iiumhei •I won en au.l giil, in the |>|V| uidliou of ..ie n.eilieiiif, making t'i..\i... print.ng m- . ami tiuii out. i lor kliipii.i'iu o* *r flu) do/ n per duy , or ucai I* <■;• bottle*. 'i his i* 111 ->liot-moi|s ij'lwntil) 1 lie great Mile Ho i.rdiciue has iiei|iined, has in lured a mi in lv i < i men to get up imitations, uu-i theie IS at the j lOM iit time, I.tlou |> nines lot sale, tlml are ailed •• I'l . 'i OX IIM-IMPM haisjpa: 11 ne in I AJ-. tii i.! o stalled a dun t time ago in New 1 oik. is railed L |l| lineh T .lai'nh '1 N\\ LOEII.I'a fois.ipuri'la,'' H1..1 OP* pares.Hx v. nil a view, lo dud of mix oiti-iug, and the •iil lemedie- M oited'to in Mich cft'oils. t r.ppiopn • • the name ol In S !' Tow itsem!'* gnat run* x <• oil thii l cam all the mix flotage* resulting I'tnni th poptilutits oj the name xxhinli he Im* nrijoiied for it. by vent* of patient and oxpemixe lalom Dr s p ioxxin'ial, loimcily t this citx, as is woiPkiii.wu l.e.e D the ll.XV.,tor a id o.igiu.l iirrpr.etor of the me.tieim known as •Dr Town id's Saisapt,rjlhi.- and we think those pet sun* xx ho me ..tten>| ling to sell jhen aitiele an the genuine, should he exposed KltOM I'IIK. Srw lutk Ually 'i'illitmt. (•if- W v p tldohr-i an aditiloeinenl ina.lxe.teatlx •on e time since Hint did liuuMioe to l,i. S. I' 'I oxvii seu.l, \ 1.0 is the oi iguml ptopi trior id the picpuintion ..I Mil• :ip.trilia ktioxvn as |), Tow mi-in!'* tithe; pait.es have within the pert lew no nth* engaged in -hnn.e.ird themselxen with a man b\ He nmne ,1 l oWH-tml who put up u medicine and cells it h\ the same uume. 't his medicine wua mix CM lined in 'J St T'iSuve as the original. K.c 'I his jdx ci tUcment also Contained mallei'ileiogetoi \ to the ciut.ii ter ol fir. S I' 'l'ow iisi'ial nod that of in* nieiliejue. We icgict .t eppi Hird, and in jiutit u t. the Ur. make this e.x plaiutioit. KIIO.M TIIK N*i\v Vnrli Hully Sun, Pi. TUWNHKKU'S estrnoidio.ti x a IxriliTinent.wliirli ..Tiij-i-s an cntiie page ~| n„. Sr •, will not escape r.oticr. J>r S I* 'I oxx'tiseiul, xx ho i* the oi iginitl pro piietoi id hi 'J o\x toi'iid's SniMiptiiilia, end whose of '•< e's ue\t door to nuts. \x hete l.c hu l.cen lor r evc i .l , is dlix itig nil imioeiiM' husiur- s. lie lecriver no Jess t til* it four htm died dozen nf Fai.sepnt ilia JJ;I d. t '"ul ex en tliiv • *i "uiiis ijuiiiitit x iloci not Kiipplx lite demand. .No tiieoiime exri gaineil so gnat e populai tins hi* picp.tiiitioii of the HarsUfiut'illa Hi* edition ol Almanac- lot Isl'l cost "p-JidMltt, and lf has p.ii,| the .New \o>k Hi s for advertising, in the ■ t hdir xros. .s I' l owioeii k commits a Pond, •ml •witnlies the curtomei*. Aim llmt would he gu.lly of Kuril UII net would commit :m> other fraud ur.t tut Diuggii-t ~f coinmoii inlelligtMtce hut know* ilmt mil* is the only genuine. i>l*l dnenb Tuwum nl. Some people xx ho a.c net well informed, tyul have not ie.id the papei*. nnd not seen our Atlt eitifemenU, liuxx? I cen led to suppose, Unit heeaii w e the • men ud vei tj.-o their stulf as •• Old Jucrdi 'I ■'wnsel|d*, ,, lli.it it •iiiut. iuciplod falsehood We IIUVO comnicuced ruits ugain t Ihesn men Im .lanugos We v. s hitto ho under food, that Hie old men in no ielation to Di Tnxvnseud xvk .texor. In their :id yeiti.cnientK iiiid ciirotast.. I|ny ptiMxli a nun. ,ai ol giOM Ml-fhontU iC•,. U !/i I'oxx IIHCIUI, which we will not Miii, e I'a'si Itidim's. Our opponent* published HI the paper*, that Dr S| *i wis c.d x.s drat. 'J hi-, itu-.x rend to tl,#ii •gents olmnt tlio foouti, xx 1.0 iei>oit that we luxe jicen up htndiif • v Ur if. 'J ho public •hould he tin tneir guard, and not he deceived hx these uiiprj.ic.i pled mom .Va/ 'rc of ItriHorul ft.-r Hie fii-ft of Hapt*uihOr. 1511'. Dr S P Townc IN New \ ork Oilier will U in the South baptist ri.uit'h. No sj N'assipu stieet xxl.i ii is uoxx* nmlevg. ir g a thotoiigli change ami xvill 1 i tied for the In ttei accomniodation of the pio piii'f.'iN and the ptilihc. Ttikr /iu) licilur Xohcr —No Hiirsaporitla is the g<-mi:no nod original Dr 'J'own-eiid's Sariapaiill.i, un less s.g. Ed Itv S. P. 'J'ownxond. \:s n Ped,ling St t'n, No 9 Hla'o i.trcet, nnd N!' -4 K Ix idd. r. .No I Hit • oilit-stieet noston ; Sanou*; •xiddcr. J . j.'twnll ; Henry Piotl, Salem-, Imne* H (Jicen Worcester ; Allison H.. i.ault, ('miourd-. J Balcb Son Pro . mence ; and by Druggist* *n.l Mcr ciinuts generallx throughout the Hniled StHte*. We* 1 Indies and the f utisidas Jon V n MO YE 11. It I! (JOG IST, Is IIIH .-oi • nifuiil in Bloomsptir:; fi>r ilmsnle of Dr. S. P. Townseud's Sarsapiirilla 3(i-ly lliilTx A now lot just received and for anle rhanp by WIUVUB. iJl' < OiiiWUW Till! ENVY F ALL PILE MANUFACTURERS Because tiny hip B*er. belter ami n>re efficaci ous thri nnv "llier*. and Im rrttiye the public will lake int other# can obtain tlirm. 500 000 DOXKS have been mild annually fur I lie* hut five? yenrs. y iiiitr iiiml ••Id. mnlt' and female. rati always take Inom with equal s.ifr ty. without fear. IF PIM.3 RE NECESSARY for purs ng nml rloaiisiig the n!uii am and bow. i'U, tin.l purity iii t; (lit) bfoud and iluid* of lilt* ho dy lake no other#—for no other pill* pr dure those combined Hint*, or c ml tin siirrttip.irillu in them. Eat j Drink, and Live as Usual, and pur-neyour umihl occupa ion whilst taking litem, Willi ml fear of taking coin during i!l kind# of weather ftNE THOUSAND DOM.ARS lire wngcrrd that nioro uenuioe certificate* [fioin piiy i('i in;,, eler.vntfii; Member* of Connie.-.* ami re.-peelidtlu citizens] can he ptoducad of their el lie.icy than of any inherit* and Ten Dollars will ho forfeited in every in*lauec where ONE BOX will not do mote good than two boxes of any o i tier*. Forty Pillcarcin a L~x! and sold at I vv my.five Cents a llov, with direr it on and uiueli wholesome advice accompanying each hot They have no fast k nor unpleasant mnc'l free fr*-in dust or powdei of any lend—do iml uiipe the sSntinuHi ir bowel*—produce uoji i, New Votk. Boston. Baltimore, Ve . mul associate and cniietionndiiiir ineinbei u! t-tvoril Medical In* (dilution# of bond 01 ami Paris hence the rea son o" the greater cot fidetice placed in hi* pills, and ihere being recommended in the | r:i< lice ul most respectable physician* lb ougli oil the L'rti led -Slates. Principal Depot, Pit. Lhit>t'* Di-fkvsiiit. No. 114 North Point h Sticut. Pbiladclphi i ami sold wholesale und rt lad by J. It. Moyer U K. P. Lulz, Ifioonistnrg: Dr. A. B. V\ ilon, Berwick: Peter Knt. Light S:reot; M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorti: .1. A. Moore. Danville; Uirkntt* LL Ssewart, •Oiangev ille : John So mirk. CaPuwis.-n : A. Lever**. Washiiigionvillr• J M. Slu-ldon. Jer sey town : J. K. Derr, Whitehall: J. S. Woods, Columbus; Brown 6c Crea-y, K. U'er-iuuii, Illior*bnrg, and by Siorckt o|c is generally. 49- ly Dr. I'oiitson'* C E L En ]{ A T E r> Pulmonic Expectorant, Is the mat certain and tjjbtiul icmctfy know ft for the iinc rf Co iglt*. ( ohh. Consumption. In- Jh'cnza. hoarseness, spitting of ld i ooooeed me iiu-urai le. My liu ' aiul then pioctP red for nut six hot (Tea ot yi.ur Pulmonic l.xpec loruis, will *h I had heard InJilv rermnniended— and helore I had taken lip- la lueai and side, mi oxhemei) had cough. spilling of ldoud, a dehili!y, nigh- sweats. and other symptoms of confirmed consumption. I became so mi. h re. I need that I W:i unable to atttind lo mv ordinary business. liu .de applic itiou lo a phyn ion, who i X onined my cheat. H;I.I gave n as Ins decided o pinion (It >i my lungs were serious v afleeicd. I liteii app.led loiiiiolhci. who was of the same o pmioti and after having prcsciilad advised me to tfturit to my fiend*. Previou* to this i had for a long limo hren Ii '.toiing under nil ihe symptoms usually found with persons laboring under disease of ihe Itu gs. and n was ttiotight by ail who kin w me thai I was fust weaiiug iiW.iv wnli decay. At ihe li ne 1 applied in the physicians I w,i (n'nnitig utitler n severe nttuck f idood iv h p!n in my lireaat and -itit*. 'I heir prccrlp il • X filled lo lie.C Ihe pain. ill.d all then skill could not niest lite discharge of (flood Iroin my lungs I'his bring inv condition. I w.s induced to unke a trial of your \ Iu ile t ulmmiic Bvpcc lor.int, oy M e u*e or which i *.vu* immediately re lev. dol all those tit.l. u nut sym,.b m-. and am u wv so I'h rest rc: o ilea h, i.a! i ain able lo u. t d lo all my o dliiui V hli i. ess, and expose my-ell as much as ii is put out for any OIIC lo do. i would Me old re confide- liy iccotnmcm! evcty per on who is laltoriug tn.tl *r disease of ihe tunes oid Itieasl. r who ire nffl eted with colds or willi coughs. io m ike trial ■ f youi mast vulunhlo p'ep talon- I would ftnilnr add ilutt uller having nude use of your Kxpeeioruni ftr a lew wetks. i iter oud -o ftesy lhal persons wit Ii whom I Was acquainted htrdlv knew me. i still leuiuiu in good In allh nt tins lime#March, 1816 # Youts Irtilv. * JOSKPII lIOGIiAN D. (/PINION OF PHYSICIANS. The following eind of three ie. pt clahle plt\-- ciitns sets forih ihe virtues of Dr * J'u!- 1110 ic Kxpectoraiit * Having made use of Dr. Pearson's PULMONIC FXPIVCTOHANT. wo feel it a duty to tecotniuctid il as a safe and ctTeclual cu~e "f the v .rioua diseas. !cs for which it is intend -J. VVo are nrqut!,tevmrai. I)r- IVifsmi's B Enihrucu'ion is de cidedly Hie leu' | r. pLftttjim lPf.il can leuacd fur the u-c of Guts. Galls, fplinte suiln ringbotre, npavin, n fi'.rssef the joints it is nil article which slmu!d bo in the hands of every hortcunin, and no si.ihlu should he without a bottle of it. price 25 and 60 cents. Prepared • nly by S A. Pearson, M. I), and for Bale, whole .-ulc and retail, ul 106 North founii street, pliilad. I'he following cert fi utes are from horsemen of the highest resw- c'alulitv who have given it b de i tl il preference over ottar picpjratiuu uf the kind 111 use. Phfiia., March 2, 1817. Pi. S. A r.nrsnn. Pent !?ir—i fed it u Jul/ ivliid) i owe to \ ■> nmi lite eoinmunUv m lar|(c, or rattier tint pari ;t the eonrinnnhy who posse** r in any way have churgo rd Horses to say, Ibut i hive. Used \ our • Kmb^ocal^ow ,, f u horses, it i d cidodly the best pfcpurnfion i have ever lined, or nave tiny know ledge of lor the vurit.us disease# w id) it is recommended. I also know u g v eat number of my friend* who have u-rd it and lliey all say tliet it is the hest • nediciiie f.r horse# they have ever used. I would confidently recommend cm rv person wh- has a in r*e sit übl keep a tuittic of litis vuluahk* Liubrw i utioii in hi* stable. Yours respectfully, Ab'M. C. SCriENCJC. Sitletn, N. J.. May Dr. S. Pearson, Mi liaving tiieu your • mbroea!)oii < for horses, I hive found it the hast •emedy ilia* 1 hove ever seen or tricii tor the cures that ii is rccouinu'ru ed to perform. It cures gill# with lite lca*t p delay ill it it Could ie done. I w.ndd checilully rceomn ud siabicke#- jieurs and owners id iuuM a s, WVi. S. SOUDER, DAVID C. WOODS, Proprietors Salem Line Stage ? tj Bridgeton. New Jersey. Phila. May 28, 1347. Thi# is > certify that 1 hove u"td l>. Pcar*- "ii' IJiirber's Viirihrocatioti for htr.-c* und u.the*- iiaiinglv say that it in decidedly tho best remedy of tho kind, for thy various disease# which it ia recomuu udfd. that I have ever used, or have ary know lediio uf,• and confidently recommend il to all lioiscineii and keeper* • f horses, to be kept constantly ti th. if possession, WM. KING, While Ilurse, Corner of Wood &. 3d sis. Phila I fully ng.oe with tlie obove certificate and o ( iiiitiu uf Mr. King, in the use of Dr. Pearson'# Barber's -Embrocation.' JOHN CAS A', Bucks County, Pa., June 19, 1847. February 13, 1848. S. A. Pear*on, M.D. S*ir—*Tliii is to certify ih.it I hove II -ed your I'mhrocrttion for hones.and . givs il a decided pi clarence over every other arti ;t le >f i!• kind in use f r the vnriou* diseases for aliicli it i> recmnm tided; it does not destroy th* hair as loosd utlicr artii les d >. I would recommend ii to every horccinan to he k pu .metanlly in lliett staldcs, Your*. Ac., WM. S. iIOL'GIT, SoJebtiry up, Bucks Co., P4 Doyliston*n, May 29, 1818. Dr. Pearson, Sir—Having csetl your "Embro cation for Horse*" on several occasion* with great -nice**, I do mo* fully rcc mmend it as an in valuable preparation lor spniiis, bruises, ctlt# and in Miori aluiout uiiy 1 I the lils thai hoibC ficah i# j heir to. Yours, Ac , C. I!. MANN, Iligh Sheriff of Buck.* Co., Pa. Philad., Sept. 7, IS4B. Dr. PcnBvi. Sirollivirig m ide u*e ofynur ICm ; i.roca.ion for h n.c on seveial occasion*, with great succc#s 1 do bthrve it to boa most excellent [ain 1 valuable | rcpa. olmii. decidedly the best that 1 hate ever u.c-d, or have any knowledge of, for iho purpose lor which ii is intended, and Wnrdd | iiiui confidently iccommeml it to the notice of I every norsiiuaii. it >h>uid be kept COIH out ly in j 1 hen-possession. Very icspcctivHv yours, JOHN VANDERBKLT, Phi'fd lohii. i have tried Dr Pears mi's Barber's Fmbrvet lion l a U(r-es, j"d ; am coiifiJcnt th.ll it i# liio most usefril preparation that can -be u*cu, for all disease* which it is renin mended ; and also, for Sprains, ifroixf# ami Rheumatics, of men. December 23rd. 1848. ENOCH AI'STIN S.ib m Co., N.J. We. the undersicui'd. having mo le us of I)r. Pearson** Berber's Lnilimcation. fully oerre in the opinoils cxpiss sd in the atove Certificate#, and tullv rccomnicitdcd it to every Horfcmai) and Fa m-r who keeps horse*, to he used by tlicm ii\ piefcrriice to any other article, for the vmious uit* ease* for which ii is recommended. A. J. Beaumont. New Hope. Pa; John V. §i-!ieik Stab! keeper, St LouU; A. Pearson, M. L).. Dublin, Bocks County, Pa; Jored Bryil. Solelittry Tp.. Bucks Co., Pa; Win. li. Dii kei'soii, Esq. Pliilndcluhia: James F. N'ieliolas, lioxboro, Pa ; J. 11. lieailin-, lleuiinutoti, N.Menrhaut; H. C. Bun iueaia. Moiiinmiou, N.J.. Editor ; J. Larrison lluotenloii Co . N. J., Merchant ; Win. Erley ! rislol, Ctiroiler ot I ueks Co ; John Slrati'er, Lancaster, Ohio; Henry Johnson, Miltord, N. J. ; William Kiae, Esq. New Pork; Wm. Kohis ii, Ilhfumtb'.irg, I\i ; Win. Sciuhler, Fails near Trenton, N. J: Wm. M. Cade. Philadelphia; Dr. A. Curtis, Drug gist, Pulsion Ferry. Agent—Wtn. Kobison, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eyes Opcu Tight. A nor A to the sick ami afflicted. B. P. kcTX. would 114.1(11 invite the attention of the citizen* of Bloom burg, tit id vicinity, lo hi# new end splendid assortment uf Dings, Medicine*. Oils, Paints. V arnishes, Gin**, Dyestufi*. Ccn f etioimries ai l sofuttf), which he has just re ceived, uud will tell upon tho most reasonable terms. in addition to the above, he would offer a. gen crnl assortment nf spices. Paint Brushes, Varnish Biu-bes sa*litoo|s and Patent Medicines from a Pill up to any amount of 'i'ownsand's Sarsap# rilla. Also, LrtrQo Glass for pictures and clock-faces, us Inige 'is 24 by 30 iuclies.and should the size# not sun he will cut I hem at his own risk for a very little addition to the 01 i;-inn) prices—Gold and Silvei Leaf, Freurli Leaf, Dutch Metal Red, H hite. Green ami Yellow Bronze#, Kept Con stantly on hand varying in price# from 37c1 lo if. mi our.ro - GiiJeifl and t!i publio generally areW'iteii lo call and examine his stork helorepuiiti ising elseware. No ehorge for look ing a* unities. Remember the sign uf the golden Mot tar and pestle. N IL Glass-cutting done to order at the ehort est notice. EPIfRAIM P. LUTS. Dloomshnrg. Fob. K. 1849—6 Adtuinislratiir's Notice. Lcllors of Administration having boon granted to the undesigned by the ot Wills of Columbia county upon tho Es tate ot Tlioma- McNair deceased, late of Berwick, all pur. jus having claims agains said Estate ate requested lo make tho same known without delay, and those indebted to the Estate to-iunke nnv mom to THOMAS S. MoNAIR. Adminiftritor. Berwick, Jni. 7th, l a 6". flt.