lilt. SUAIXE'S CEDED HATED FAMILY MEDICINES! CURE FOLLOWS CVilli! MORE PROOFS OF THE EFFICACY OF DR. SVVAYIM RS C'omimttml Syrup of WILD CHERRY, The Original and Genuine Preparation! t OXxf Hl' I ID.V Coughs, Colds. As'.hama. lironchitis. Liver com plaint, Spitting lllood, difficulty of Ihnthiag, Pain in the Sietc and lircait, Palpitation of the Heart. Inf."en:a, Crimp, broken < ■m etitiition, Sore Throat. Ferrous Debili ty, and ail diseases of the Throat, Breast and Longs; the most effec tual and speedy cure known for any of the vJiove dise scs is li)li. SWlit'Ml'S i'onipouml Syr tip of Wits! tlicrvj ! Costst'MPTtos C't'anu— Cl.lMNSl: a STBKNOTII KN.—-CoNtti'MPTTON CAN He CURED. MORE News for the Sick.—Afflicted Head.— A Voicefrom Schuylkill county.—Phase read this Extraordinary Cure. Da. SWAYSE: Dear Sir—About six years a go, I discovered that my lungs were affected, ot which 1 became more convinced Irom time to time, although I tried many reme dies, vet without any apparent benefit, and my disease increased until I wits compelled to keep my room, and at last my bed. 1 had great pain in my left side, upon which Icould not lay in bed; and in the morning my cough was so severe, that 1 found it very painful to throw up the pltlem, which gathered in great quantities on my lungs, when tortuuiitel) I bought of your agent in this place, one bottle of your Comnovul Syrup of WiU Clicrrv. wide It EO lmii it to. 'Vol tv.e that I cnutimo'it using it until now. I have tt- I both. .- ami am happy to t< I! you that my ; ains at > removed, my sir .tl. relt:."icd. my sleep t undisturbed ami swat, and I t.**-l pcifectly well. I can now U llow my daily avocation without being alibi '■ - with that painful ha !-- ing, weakening cough, and I firmly believe that to your medicine, tinder the blessing of Providence.l'm indebted lnrthis great change; and am very happy to subscribe my-elt. Yvh.i UFA i MONT. Ft. Clair, Schuylkill co., Pa. Jan., 2b, 19. .Another Letter to l)r. &'/.c-ynr. Dated Andcrsotitovvn, Ltd. Da. SVVAVNU: Dear Sir—All yotlr mcciicines sell well and give good atisfactiou Y our v:il nble Compound Syrup of YN'iKl ( harry '„a been the means ol restoring .-onto bn; ' ca-es in thL section. Y t.'ttr Pills arc tmi.-l ex cellent. I want you to send me a g -od -tt, - ply of them. A man purcha .-1 ti buttle ol your Vermifuge tho ether day 1 ir ht-ehilt. and by its use discharged f.ixty-'.hi. - e ot the largest worms he ltad ever si en. 1: i- some what difficult to get the people to try it. t:- they have s>i often be gulled by nauseousand worthless vv orm i'ii'dau' CE. \ ours being o very pleasant to the taste, as ihe sumo lime effectual, 1 shall bo able to dispose ol it large quantity. Respectfully your.-, Y. T. SHARP, P.M. I'iry Important—Cuuti m: Bear in mind there isjl r.t m.e gciini e prepiration of Wild Cherry , and thai is Dr. HWAYNE'S, the first ever prepared i:. this conn try. Also bear in mind that all others pur porting to contain VVihl Cherry are positively '•fictitious end eounofieit." Remember alvvnvs to inquire particunrly for the grout original preparation, "Or Suayne's Cmnpound My tup of Uild Cherry," vviclt is put up in square, bottles, covered with a beautiful wrapper (steel engraving having tho Portrai, of Dr. Svvayne thereon) ngraved, a!-o hissipuatttre. ihe counterfeiting of xvliich will be . .uiehetl forgery. l)r. Stvai/ne's Celebrated f' rmifvge, A safe and efTectunl remedy for Worms, Dyspepsia, Clioleia Morbus, sickly or Dyspepsia Children, or Adults, and the most useful family medi cine ever offered to the public. ticad thin Home Certificate : Dr. Swayne: Dear Sir—Having made use of various nauseous Vermifuge medicines, which had been highly applauded by their proprietors, without the slightest good effect, and having heard my neighbors speaking in Ihe highest terms of your Worm medicines, its delightful taste and wonderful effect, al though 1 felt somewhat discouraged from the result of the articles 1 had forced upon my already emaciated, sickly, dyspepsia looking child, whose delicate and almost -worn out frame the worms had already begun to make their ravages: I concluded to make tiial of your most valuable Vermifuge, which to our great joy, the worms had to let go their dead ly and strong holds upon the vitals. Such was the effect of Dr. Sway lie's Vermifuge on my child, which is now perfectly healthy, as auming all the color of the rose, with ali the mirthfulucs of an innocent and playful child Yours with respect, TOBIAS WIEGAXD, No. 3 Howell street, between Schuylkill 2d tied fourth. SfisTHttcare of Mistakes. lirmemltr: Dr. Swayne's Vermiii.ce is now put up in sq-'.in li'ittUs. (huvi: gbeeu chat ed recently) covered with a beaulin.l wrapper, (steel engraving) with the portrait oi Doctor Swayne thereon nigra-, cd. Bear this minimi •t;d \>o not deceived. Important Notice: All Pills sent out from my office after the Ist of Julv 18-tEI will have an outs! |e nulling of pure while sugar, whereby evert thing dis agreeable to the tu-te nr smell isru'irely re moved, without in the least affectinu the ex eellent qualities of the medicine. 'I hey will also be put up in boxes turned out ortlu- solid wood, covered with a label bearing rignatnre of Dr. Swayne. l'urcha-ers will please bear this in mind. The above valnab! ■ me lioines arc prepa red only by Dr. Swayne, N. West corner ol Eighth an i Race street: t ...idclphia. AGENTS. Bri be following highly respectable store keepers have been duly apj .-'.tiled Agents fir Columbia County : E. P. Lutz if John R. Moyer, Bloomsbur . M. C. Crier, Danville. John Moore. do. Chalfmt Sf Hugh's, do. John Sharplcss, C'altawissa. Hastman ff Co.. do. " C, ifjl- Shaman, CatV.vissa Fosge; .Brthen tx Creasy , MidjinviHo. A. Miller, Berwick. John Doak, Bjiarcreek township. Peter Ent, Williamsburg. E tf J. Lazarus, Orangeville. J K. Millard, Espvlotvn. Elias Waterman, Rhorsburg. George. Masters, Millville. J. M. Sheldon, Jerseytown. McCary fy Patterson, Washinglonvillc. Hugh McWilliaxus, Mooresbnrg, Ana by most all storekeepers in the adjoin ing counties. Jan. 3, 1850.—4w. Mutts A new lot just received and for sale cheap by GEORGE WEAVER. •MACKEREL, just received and forsale by* GSOBfI WfcAVBH. on- : vs CELEBRATED UER.Ii.IN BITTERS J PREPARED HY ££Eo (To SCo a7£mS@SJo AT THE GHUMAN MEDICINE STOKE, No. 120 Arcli Sticet. IMiilndelphin. Will effectually c•• re l.irer complaint. .1 ud:rc,\ Dyspepsia, Chroaii: or \eri-ous iliiatily, l)i™- caic if the Isttlniys, aial all I ISLSSCS j arisui.. from a disordered lieer or stomach. Such a Consumption, Inward Piles, Fill- | ness of lllooil to the Head, Acidity of the j Stomach. Name a, Heartburn, Disgust for j Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, ; Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the l'it of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Dillieult breathing. Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Sulfieating sensations when in a Eying Posture, Dim-! I noss of Vi.-ion, Dots or Webs beloro the i Si.;ht, Fever anil Dull pain in the Head. Deli cti nev ol Perspiration. ello . ne.-s ol the Skill at.d Eyes, Pain n the Side, Hack, Chest, Limbs, S;e., Sti.hle t tin. lies ol Ileal, nuruing in the Flesh, Co.tsiaiit liiraginings ol Evil and Great Depression ot Spirits. The Genuine are Entirely Vegetable and free fr nr. Alcoholic Stimulant Syrup, Aloes, Itlieuhard, Calomel, Acids, and all Mineral j and Injurious lugieilienls, they are pleasant ! in taste and smell, and mild ill their epera tion, never griping or giiittg any uneasiness, they give strength to the whole system whilst they drive limit it disease. They can be administered to the most delicate infant with perfect safety. READ THE F< FLOWING ARTICLE. It appeared in the leading German Jour nall ol Philadelphia—tint "Philadelphia Hem crat." 'I he Editor was personally tie | ijuuinte I v ith Df. Honlland, and pri/.,ug Vie j servicer ol thisgreut ttiHl) ho eould ttoi ipti v:> - ok v.,.'. .• its-ti i.ine" in an impostor, wiili-;:. pri/.i.-g the public ol approaching Cjmlop!) Qufilunb. IN I.'NOI.ISII Christ-, It r II II i f,and. "One of the most renowned physicians, one of the greatest betielaelors o: modern times, was l-irn at La, ecu Sal/a, Germany, ion the 12'ilt day ol mieusl 17ii2. Alter a ! careful seliohtstie edttealton, he, Lke his tath f or ami gtat.dai'.iier. (two eelelu.t e..l Doctors.) voluntarily devoted Itimseli to the study ol Me licit.i*. ,:i Jena and Gotiigeu. and in 17:t I obtained the degree of Doctor of Medici i", I tit the latter I niversity. Front 17':t to 1801, I lie olhc. te ' -Pr ■ o: •' In* En r-;:y nl .lena. In IStll. he was aypoi.m I I'utki.e Physician to tint King ot I'ro -ia. Aloiuher ol the Ae.'.deuiy ot c'-eicuce. ami upon the establishment "! the .:eart :h _at lieiliu, Proh's.-or .i:.*l ( ourt Pay siibtm by the Mini..- in oi the Itce.ior. Hi.- eharai.eri.-tie pro : ioitiidtn'-s tutdileep peiiotralion ei.aided l.iin to combit.e the theoretical ami practical; to 11(1 iIL! ohi and new :-y tew ; produce in com | tnon the practical and usetul, it:.,l thus iltaw therefrom the results and necessary applica ble means. ' "It w;.> Dr. 1 1, prittcipally, who exposed ami destroyed tho 'Brown's System,' which, no'.u itlisaii'oinn the brilliant exterior, eould not conceal its many imperfections, brought to light by lbuillaiid's noble impartiality, sound truths, and deep penetration. Inde pendent ol his practical usefttlue.-s as Pity j sieian and Profo—or oi the lteuleig art, lie I has earned uddyiug tame lor his superior knowledge in Uateri a I'rde I. a- w :! a- lor i his manitold works on Medical juris,ira donee. Among these may bo mentioned hit I world renowned -i Takroht or the art ol prolonging lile,' cm oi prueltea! healing i ll," -hlou-ol l'aoiogetiic. Joarual ol prae itical Medicine.' &e. lie has bosidesall tlti.s gained et .'rnal lume and prai-e irom suffer ing him eiiiy lor it.o •in. every and eo.nbi nation of several i: :alot.!e tncdicinals, a moug which is tho tar ranted am! justly cel ebrated compound, known as DR. HOOFLAND S GERMAN HITTERS. The application of :s eatlli lor the cure ol .sulphuric disease.—'lhe celebrated Diaphoretic rc me !y—and numerous inval I uable recorded recipes. After the celebration of his fiftieth profes. 1 sioiiul festivity in 1533, upon v. ttirh occa j sion the King ol Prussia, ho:: i him with | the insignia oi the Order ol the JU*d Eagle, l ntut many other Rayal Orders and marks oi \ distinction, lie died on the 25th day ol Att- I gust lSoti, (as tho King o! Prussia's private I Medical Counsellor,) willtuutauy legitimate I malt! heir or offspring, j "Dr. C. M. Jackson, of Philadelphia, has hail the nieaiis ol obtaining the genuine ro j eipes of the great medical eouncellor 'Chris- I lopli Wilhelin lluleluud,* and these itivaln- J able medicines are prepared with the utmost i care tit the German Medicine Store. The bitter mixture: lloollatid'sGerman Hitters, ! is the result ol many years: tiuly and expe rience by the great inventor, and known and ! prized in Europe as an infallible remedy lor the .'UI ■ i I J.I- r t.'unpl ial Jsa.lice, Dyspep j si i Or. C. M. Jackson's preparation of 1 in medicine bus oblci ,■•'.! Lite : nne celebri jly in tlii:- Wi .-toin \\ otKl. Ihe te.-iiiuonials and innumerablo confjrmations of thousand* | of the most severe and difficult casus cured, lis ample proot of this. Tfte medicines oora* pounded by Dr. C, .M.Jai k.-on have produced I the veryffeetspid tho >ame happy results, j whit It the iinniihtai ii.veulor indicuteil, and I intend til, and ore,spiei 'dymiict be prepar ed with serupulotts accuracy, it- view ol I die übovo tact'-it .-t .us . mgtt'ar, that any | body cottltl have the hardihood anil impii ■ deuce to abuse the tinmen! this dtsiioguish \ t'tl Doctor, who died thirtoi n yea:- agtu To 1 pa s oil a cliarla.itii quack ; rcparaii.-u tis the real and genuine medicine, and to give a a mbiance ol nii.-.i i.iiity by alh.xing a fic simile ot the deceased, is indeed extraordi nary! I lie public will Uiidi'istuial w hat to j expeot, mid w'tal to do under such eircuin* : stance:.." j A number of-German papers copied the ; above and are therefore entitled to our , thanks. j Tin :0 bitter- are worthy the attention ol invalids. Posso.-sing groat virtues in the ! recti lie at ion ol dt.t ascot the liver and lo | ser glands, exetei-nu the most searcitiug j powers in weakness and affections of the i digestive organs, ttiey are withal, sale, eer | lain, and pleasant. OPINIONS OF THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS. The German "Illustrated News" says : "Our editor and others ot this office have used the German Hitter r ; I can recoinnioinl it with confidence to otw readers. As prepa red by Dr. Jackson, it fully <juals if not sur passes in its effects upon diseased Liver and Stomach, the fullest expectation of tho dis tinguished physician. Tho City Item, October Kith ssys: JOY von THE INVALID. —IIow many of nut readers are atllicled with diseased liver, stomach or nerves ? Matty, no doubt. They are to be pitied, yet to idl there is tt cure. Dr. lloollatid's German Hitters has al ready cured hundreds; and that it will cure, no one who once uses it will dout, if they use it as directed. It has established for itself an undying fame, which few have done out of die vast number that has been thrown before the publo. It is. one of U e most perfect preparations in use, and, n< a German contempory has said, that as pre pared by Dr. Jackson, it fully equals, if not surpasses, in eilects the fullest representa tions Of the distinguished physician who I lir-t < ompouwled it. A.- a spurious article is now before the |utl<lii'. we would caution all against using any hut that signed C. M. Jack son and sold by hint at 120 Arch street. The l: Camden Democrat," the best paper in West Jersey, says, July 21. '•HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS." "We have seen many flattering notices ol litis meditine, and the source Irom tbov came nidneeil in to make i iiptiry re - nt n •..!ed to UM i'. n "I ute-t -ay we found II si.t t :('•■• 111 it.- nut it. : lipo.i dl -oa.-es lit tin* liver and ilia* -live organs, and die powerful inllueiieo it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surmising. It calms and strength- > ens the nerves, bringing tlieui into a state of ! repose, making sleep refreshing. It this medicine was more generally used, j we are satisfied there would belesssiekn ss, i as Irom the stomach, liver and nervous sys tem the meal uiajoii \ ol rial and imaginary discuses emanate. Have them in a healthy j condition, you can bid deliattce to opideni- | ies generally. This exirie rdmary medicine no would udviseur friend- vlio are ul till in- ■ disposed to give a trial—it will then recom mend itself—lt should, in fact, bo in every family. ' No other medicine can produce such evidences of merit. BEWARE OF COnNTKKFKITS. This medicine lias attained that high char acter which is necessary for all medicines to | attain to induce counterfeiters to put torth a j spin ions article at llio risk ol the lives ol thoso who are innocently deceived. Look well ot the marks of the genuipg. They have the written signature of C. M. JAC'KMON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are I spurious. ! For sale wholesale and retail at the Ger ! man Medicine Store. No. 120 Areli Street, i one door below Sixth, late ot 27S Knee St., I l'htin.iclphta. And by JOHN U MOl EK, illootiisbtirg, and by respectful dealers gene ! rally. ' -U-tirn. I _ J l;lictim;tlism. | Itr. 11.-nrv Turner's Ithi'iiuuitic l.ii itiient I I lis huju rmr remedy to) (tie tiiieu Minium, tun ' : r.vuitly iuli.uiiuevi 11 to tiiiet i*uiia \ ly iie pie I m'ji! |iro}r!c(ur, litis long liefi, kn wn m Ivuy- , I < •<i:tl, mm! HI J'l tu uluily, as iho lie#i. t.*tl m l cerium cun I T Unit ilimressijij; UIMI p.iintul *t(- j i 'no.'tor.. Ilscil rt I)| on llie system is until ;t . ..ti. 4. at lite same iui-certain a.ul illi acious j nirily t gn n-liet' up. HI Hie. ii>i appli j .an HI, lV lejic itinj tl a fe.v tiine-i, t j*. i iII a lien t < UIC is eHecteJ. W. tia* ♦ .'.•"um ruses of pain in the brrost .iut haitv, ui:li ftoieia s#, ol SL-veiai Weeks <iur- I troil• cu .l iii one Hti|(le nit:lit ami heard the ex|irtii hi&grau-t'ul (hanksthit *ueh re- I imviy wa> ever d.scovtned We have also liourd 1 "ul.- dun!:* .)■ iluy would yive (h ot | .it lla a lr u cure i.-i rht iintti'iii yet (he same uiiitvidul# were cufd hy two liiMil--* id" ih.a git at i i.iniii.GJil. ('• linn I.ui liny tei is eatu. Who j a luld i(iviim sin h a pri. e!• r such a rem eilv to he tree IIMIII the exnuiia ing tortu e of j dial meal j .in.lid it all dise.i.-es, .Mil: (id g > pnicu e a imttle ot Dr. Turiiei'n | liiniun m and tie healed at once ; do tint longer ! delay, hut east aside nil iio-truiiis and cuie all-, i! .i (he oi e lit'iig iifii'iilul to iii-ure a cure. Mohl j wholesale ami rr nil hy D W'ou:r|y <* Co pr j prieloiH .\o Colli ne. ce tn. I. and (hell gen ua ag n s Ui wjiitlali i 3>ii, i\o ~l iNorih •ixtti -neel, I h 1:1 i 1,1.1U lls-j. b>j JO USII MOV Ell Bloomsbiirg. titn. ' •'->-g-' j __ - u-i LL J. I Indian Vegetable Remedy-No lure I NO !" A V .11 HI I'livsii l ...a' "j N| : a-. i no I lone .rierib il me HIU.VC ini lii-nit- in ; .-cvi-rul ens n| Primary bi-c i— eg mill Secondary Syphilis, and tin- cf- J feel lots been strikingly beneficial ; so j in Hi* It sou to imlu-e me to ounitnop its : use in sit It eases with inueli satislae;ton. - I: t- generally agreeable to lite taste of I patients. JUN A. ELKINOTIIN. M. I)., No. 102 N. Fifth st, Phi!:.., June 12. IS 15. I have piCseiibid •■lit. '"lllb it's R in edv," 111 ill ill. ens aol G inn rlim-t, anil t.iuiid it 'n effect .i cure in a v r\ idnn I nine, A. W U.S- N. M. I)., Cor. Tweifii & Siiijipen si-. I'lii.a.. I) f. 10 !., IKIS, Messrs liwind <fc Walton— (• tt'le. men : 1 have prisctibed your celebrated ! -'Dr. (Inllnn's Remedy," in several eases of of fri.ttorrlioea and St philis, and can ciniseiciiiionsly recommend it as a certain and speedy cure. Yours. Ate,. Jos I' I'rrrfhß, M I).. C-irner of Seei ml iY llcavi r. N E. Wholesale and ID-mil, In ROWAND A' W A L ION proprietors, til SIX I'll Si. and by the pet suns named in another e dtiiini as agents of Dr Culleu's Indian Vegetable I'anaeea llloomslmrg. Jan. 3d 1853.-Gill To Miysiciaus, Ilruggisis n<l Country M KU C 11 ANT S. Dr. J. N. Keeler and liro. most respectful ly solicits attention to their fresh stock of Ito It'll. Freuth. German mil American Urates. .Medicines. Chemicals. Varnishes, Paints, Oils, D.e Stuffs, (ill: s ware. Pertain my, Pa lent Medicines etc. Having opened a new store No. 29! Market Si. with a lull supply ol fresh Drugs ano Medicines, we respect fully solicit Country dealcs to examine our -:ock I elore purchasing elsewhere, piomis ing one and all who may leel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any oilier house in the City, an to htilliluilv execute ad orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. • hie ot the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee ol the genuine quality of all articles sold at their e.-talili-buicnt. We especially invite druggists anil country merchants, who may wish to heroine agents lor llr. Heeler's Celebrated Futility Medicines, (standard and popular remedies.) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we re spcclfullv remain. J.N. KEELER & IJRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 291 Market street, l'hila.-33-ly. THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CALI- I-'OHNIA, but the Imsiness of Coach and W agon making will he continued liy the sub scriber at tbo old stand on Market street, lie will promptly attend to all orders lor work in his line oi business, and is always ready, ai short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies. Sleds and Sleighs of any style; but always oi the best materials, and made in the most substantial manner. He will give bis personal attention to tho business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will be attended to xvith ,-ure, and uprfti ilie-most reasonable terms.— He proposes to servo his customers to such work as will secure lor him a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in his line of business, lie asks only a .tial of bis work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER. i Bloomsburg, Feb. JO, 18-19. Ore. rid Jurors For v. an. Term, 1850. Muom —J with Mttlick, Al'x. Hughes, Joseph pong fir. Ilnarcreck — Jonas Wright, Samuel Pria*. Ceiftrr- J..1 it I. OUT lit I) !••• • Do •; .1 ■ •Mir, AM F H .-I . ; I I - I MI- 'I I' . IS j . . I, M\ . (in Citir :ot! —-1) niit'l Rual. 11l Ull'-tk— IMI.M' lil'illv. Liber!}/ —Julio Dogirt, Prior O Hill no vi r, Joseph //11kri. Limexlmie —Peter Wagoner. A/übo iim: Andrew Or erperk. Montour —.1n II Quirk. Ma Caleb Tooinns. Oranzc —Samuel Conner Snstirl af —li'iin Kline, J'ltllil/ —John V, j_'.- in, Henry Winter* | Sl' HII. Traverse Jarors For January Term. FIRST WEEK. Aul/ioinj —Knbt 11 Holler. Win. Curv . j Hubert Dorr. Mourn —Philip Ever, John Meliek, I George Wonvrr. Briarcreek —James J.etnon. Cattaxrissa —Ailin Gensil.Dan. Kroigli ! Jacob (.Slay ivill. Jr. Centre— A'auiuel llovver, Daniel Hu I j'Kiihoeli. Danville —Sani'i Anderson. IVter Hal j i!y, Geoige S. Sanders, Julio Iloo'lalel j l.iW. I'raukliu —Daniel V night Pcier Kline Fiihiiil/ei cck —Ja, on Kuriis, John II Du'l 'i i • Hemlock —William H In ins. Jnrkeon— Hoteii E'gar, Linn ■italic— Joi pit Gibson. Geo. li I i i ■ ii y '■ 11. Liherlt/ —Jones Vl'.Mali"ii Mielool I Sinres. Mad'oon —Sclmoly Allen, Miehael HA on", Win M'Nioeli, J iliu M, Shelil-oi, ; Join. Fooler. Mahoning —Miehael .Van lers. Mi/tin -Ja oh liar./..'!. J ill i Mi hail, j Daniel W"il. SEi OKD WEEK. JL tllaniJ— J. lin ii.Si*. Win. Al'lli ill* - . Mucin —Cyrus II irooi, Joi'ii Glayien, ] ll:irui in Johnson. All H.o | Wallet. Hrinrcmk —Jo-. Fell. Philip Frees. Jos Hn i-h, Isaee I). | vii|e. .1 t o!> I, S tioian. Danville —Areliil.ahl Voliris, 11. njamin \ Sillier 1 Deer}/ —John Unhisoii, I Franklin —Win Hn r'ne■ U,11• • i.jiiniii P Former, Abiahain Burger Ji, James ( le | ver. Fisliinzrrcek —Tims J Hun bin-on. (1 rermrootl —Sainm I .Mathers, Charles ! Eves. Ihliihirk —Hnifs A in ine.Moses Gi'di- Li in eat o nr. Um. J Vi'Kee. Abraliaiu Jerotio. At iiliuitiil <? —Dev. P .ilies, Pelei Foosi Sofoil 111 li -l ei, Mituhon —Ni. h-mi .h Wflliver. W in, ■ 1|..: . RN. Hi." E.I D. .I, i O <I.I MI —I) nlei k 111" r. J D Kin e. I /'am inucrerk-. Du. nl Vender Sn ,'(/1 loaf — I'e'er Applemaii. l'iill< xj — William Cabin ell, WHOLESALE AND asa iiii ViAtVii STOKE, j No. Market Si. above Seventh? M> inli side, Plehelelphi i. Although e ean -.earcelv eslima'e the ; .'alto ul TIME inoe reialU ;yel by eali ! in** .0 ill ,i" e !.• . ilish.neol, JAMES j I'. \l.ilKK . • I : ' o- irlelltls, allionn I MIn mi lie IIII'IIOIIO el iviio duly ppreei j aie I - 11. i'iness. ivoli a bealliilill and per j I'eei INDI'.X I t iicuf tug ns progress, nl j wlin-e value ' liev i le judge. Ills exieiisiv stunk on iiiiinl. cmisiaiul. j elauglllg in eiuiloriiii'y I" ilu- iinpr v<- j menu ill la-ie and style of pattern and | workmanship, consists ot F.UiilT DxV nnl i I'HIRT'V HOUR Brass CO UNTING (loose PA HI.OH. IIAIX. CHURCH dj* Alarm j CI neks. French, Go'liic and failev styles, i is well .is plain, which Irmn his rxn iuiv. | I'oulli e|i. it anil eiirresioOiilenee null the ! maniit ciureis be finis Unit lie ean ptil >| ilnt lonvest cash Figure, in any qoantii. . frinn One to a rinuisand, til which be will •rrtini it" accurtey ek- rt*inifv.l >nil w ifr t'iteil.— • 'liit-k <llin 'tings on < ami ("nil and kii- in - .t lll .■ n !/ i !>•■•. JA MKS MA |: HKR. 238 M-ii I;f 1 1 -.. |>lii!:i. Si• |i 20, '4it- I JjfjJ JUWtiMSY !•*'!'<> en-; in-re iimv aliiais In- 11>it11>t ii vi-i'i large ami va. I'd i-M'r: - li-r iV.i i-'.- Ii fgaiil Jfi In , I'':: in' Anii'lis, tin Cm |. r\. Sllvi r mil I' a I'll W'an-, /j' l ' . nil i> (li-i an r i lldii'-iiiiii-ii s li> jiu i rliitm i'h than ■ll \ llii I Mmilur ■ > :<t> 11 -i I ill I ill 111 1* !• I Ill ill' 1 |>li iii. In aililiiimi in inv Imri'l'ifuri' large stock I 11av' just mlili'ii ;i ii'-w lot n|' \\ alclit'M, Ji-ivplri, Falun ArUeles, Jf*., making na (irceiu assortment one of ilu- best in I'lut lii'tf1I>)>i-i. M\- as.-ui-iiii'iii consists iii jiiirl I Culil ami Sili ir I .ii vi-I', l/t|i|tir, Quar lior anil ollii'i' ivaicht's; a lull nsk>hiin• m ill' J. W'l-lry, iu It us Cniiii'O, Stone aiul Mourning Uinst-lies, Finrci Kings, in i •irca 1 variety, Silver ami I'l.itnl 'l'nlile mil Ti-ii'Spooils. Hii I n-r Iviuvi'a, Tliiutlili'- anil IVlll'll CIISI'S, I, I'lii-'s, I'lirsru. K--V : tilf lo ol l{ iZ M's. Penknives. <s•,- ~\ ii|i a lull asSiirimi'M "I Colli P> ns ol all i• ■ ililipri-ni Makers -u lIn? greu'l.' tedui'eil price o| #1,25. Kl.l IIOI.DKN Ni. 238 M irk• i Si._ul.iive 7'3. I'lula. All kin !> of limt-lr. rare li|l|\ repaired • UV! ■ ;~i ayii'il. Ml goods r- •i* 1"• r'l at iii' vm I •'••> i'-nli |r■••• r I 1 mil si". i f">i' molting ii look. s ~M"iili. r 20. 1810. IV. BLANKS!! DEEDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBI'tENAS. and Ji. MOMENT NOTES, o' and desirable lut-po, for sale at the oflirp the "S'at ol rli" North." (aiim Sums. A fine lot of all ei us just received add for sale cheap by FKANTZ k JOHNSON. • D'? u: , :i£S| r* N ! 111 '! JjLiJn' I '' i. MiTuTll 1111 l tfii OFFICE MANU FACTORY Da. S. P. TOWJNSEAJD'B . A li S A 1' A li I I* Is A . VVoiifler KIH! IIJ< sslitfcj of flic Age. /'he most ex'raordivary Meditinr in the World! Phis Kxtract is jot up in Quart Buttles ; it is six iime ciiO'ijifr, |loisantt r, and warranted suj't'tior to any M.ld. It cures dioaso without xornituig, |*uiging, sickening, or debilitating the Patient. 'J lie gieut lieauty and lUpeiiority of thi Sarsaparil la over oil other .Mcdh'inea i, while it eradioatei dis ease, it invigorates the hodt. It is one of the very best SntlNU AND BUMMK.II MKDICINKB ever known; it not only purifies the whole i.d strengthens the perron, but it creatrr, iit-w, pure .'I rich blond ; :i power |><is**Fe I hv no other .••!('•!- . And i i this 1 the K 1 '• • ' K '" •' •* 111 1 sieve R It has peifoi inc i Within the las', two y Ciill, . re than one hundred thousand curesot Re\ciera<-es •f disease, id ieast, 50,t'00 wero cmi>ic!ered inrurable. t ha saved the lives of nunc timn l',noo children the l.ruo pa it seasons. KM),000 CRM! of Wciicrnl I) lilllty and want of Nervous Kiirrgy l)n. 8 T TOWNBRND'S Sarsanaiilla invigorates the ■vII.JIC stein permanently. To those who iune lust •i ir :nu..cular energy, h> the cllccts of medicine, or . i ■ ,*'* i ctii'ti romniitted in youth, or the excessive in* ulgeiiC'- of the passions, ainl brought on by physical prostration of the ncivous s>steni, lu-tsitude, want of onhitiou, hooting sensations, i>reniatute decay oud 'ecline, iinstciiing toward that fatal disease. C'onsiimp* . HI, ran be entirely restored by this pleasant remedy. I'liis har-upHiilla is far superior to any INVIGORATING COHDIAL, ii renews and invigorates the system, gives activity to the limbs nud strength to the muscular s) stem in a n.'.st extrftoidmury degree. C'oiiHiuuptloii Cured* • demise and Strengthen. Consumption enn he cured. lhnticlulii, L'timuiiijilion, J.iver Comixtiint, Colds, Catarrh, Coitfht, .Islhtnit, Spitting of Wood, Sort tins in llit t'!i< si, ll'i tic /'lns'., A Sv lit, I'if. (icult o I'rnfuse fUjiecloration, rain in the Side, 4'C., have been and con be cured. Splttlrig IJtood. Da. s P, Townsmtn- I vsrily bellevt your litis* i>(*iiliu hn- been the means, tin cign Providence, of - uln,; my life. I have ho several year.* h i id ough u becHir.o wurae and wore At last I raised • K" ij11a11111i<• K of Flood, had and was 4,'!;. '.* bilitated and reduced, *nd did not expect to fv • I have only ned j our Sarsa par ilia n shmt time, •i . ; there has a womleti'iil change been wrought in ■ I:c now aldo to walk all oor the cit> T r.iise no Id -I mil in;, rough ha left me. von can well o.i.'t:iiic i'.l t lam tii o.Ulul f•• these results IPIII obedient servant. \V.' K185..1,, 64 <utherinc*st. Kitut Fltstt Fltftll! Dr. 8 P. TnwNsrxr, not liaviug tested his Snrsa* lisi ilia iu ease ol Pit*, of course, never recommended it, and as siuniiscd to receive the following from an i .ii-lligoiit and respectable Farmer in Westchester County: Ford bam, 18. 1847. DR. 8 P. Town*:nn - Dear Sir : I have a little girl, xuven years of age, who has been several years %.hie ted with Kits; we tried almost every thing for her, but without an rem ; M t last although we c* uld fh.d n. recoiuineinlaticn in > our t iicitl irs ion-uses like ; ,r<?, we inougi.t, *•; she w as in very delicute health, we would give her some of your Sarsaparillu, ati.l art glud we did, for it not only ri stored her strength, but >l e lifii had no return of the Kits, to our very great jih Msiire and t>urpii>e. She is fast hcconiing luggi d and healthy for which we feci grateful. ' Vouis respectfully, JOHN DL'TLKtt, Ja. F mule Pic. S. P. TOWNSVNI.'s Sarsnpnriila i a sovereign and si-vdy cure for Incipient Consumption, barren* '.c-s, Pi-'dapsiis l.'teri, or K.illing of the Womb, Cos* •iv. c v. Piies. I.eueonh'Pß. '.r Whites, obstructed oi liilicult >itlotriiation incontinence of Uiine. or in volnntarv discharge thereof, and lor the geoeial pro*- milieu of the -vstcm no matter whether the result •f inherent cause or cause , produced by irregularity, illin-'i; or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorating effects on the human frame Persons all weakness and latitude, from taking it, ut i,ice become rolm t HP.. I full of energy under its in* rtu-'occ It immediately counteracts the nervcles*. ■je*s of the female frame, which i* the great cause of U renr.esK H * ill not be expected of us. in cases of o delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures ..nforinctl, I ut we can assure the atHicted. that bun* tied* (•!" ruses hno ' een reported to us. Thousands .!' o■•o 'aheie families have been without childien, <tt-r u-ing M lew I utile; of this invaluable Medicine, irvp been blessed with fine, healthy offspring. Great Ith Hslng to Mutiu-rs and < lilldren. It 1* the infest and most effectual medicine for purify n g to; • ...... ...-i , i. x.ogi.L .-it:.*i- **t tciutaot upon chibibi:'... c .er Ji covered. It sticigth* e is 1 oih ■.in- i". i ei and the chilpi event* pain JD • ii-,e..-e ii.c:cdsrs und cone hen tho food; those who have ii-*.-d it think it is indispensable It is liiglily use* fnl h >th befoic an I after confinement, as it picvonts di-eines ujion child-t.irth—in Uostiveucss, Piles, ( ramps, Swelling of the feet, Despondency liearthum Vomiting, lain in the Back and Lions, l al>e Pa ns. Hemorrhage, and in regulating the secre tions and equalizing the ciicuiHtion, it has no Oijuul 'i he gicat b.-iut. (! '.his medicine •*, it i* ulwwy* safe, and the most dciicatu use it mo t suecesslully very few cases rcijuire any c.tli-r me Sicinc, iu some a little f ustor Oil. or .Mag'.e i-i i- u eful. Kxercise in the oj.cti air. and light food ivith this medicine, will always secure a safe and easy confinement. ltln oiiiutlt-in. Wo./. I. rll's Is.f.L *rpl I 1. I*l7 Dn. S. P. TOWSM SI. Dear S.( : I have audited lei rihly for nine years with the Dheuo atisin : consideia file I>f the tune" I could uut sleep or walk I had the utmost distressing pain and my limbs vv ere tcr rihly hw idlon I liave n*ud fbui bottles of y our F-Jtau pa ilia, ami they have done me ni re than one thou miiiU dollars woi'th nl g.xid, I am so mu h better in deed ! am entliely ielii-ved. Vou aie at liheily to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. lours respectfully, JAM Kb CUM MINUS. T IN- lies'. Joli ll Mi-ger Of Jersey ' itv, an old and highly respectable clcigy man of the Ifajdbt Denomination, handed in the fol low nig ceitilicate at Di *S P. 'i ownsen.r* office. II sjicaks for itself. DR. S. P. Towxsrxti -Dear Sir : I am consttwined to give you a stutenient of the benefit I derived from ■l-ing your Snrsajiaiilla. believing, by so doing, I shall render a benefit to those who ate suffering e* I have been I vvu< ieduced for many months by the Dyspcp -o mu i> Ui tit waa with much difficulty f..i mo to walk or kicji about. I had also tetter, which covered the most paitof my head—which WHS extremely troublesome and son*; it got to be almost a scab I u*od rjui'.e iiund'cr of remedies for both the complaints, but icccivvd littl or no benefit, until I took your Sursujiarilla, which, through the kindnc<i of I rot ideucc, be.* rest .red mo to tnore th in my IIMKII liCdltii. as I am now enjoy ing b-tter than I have f*-r a nurid irof y car- !cm now 60 y•am of ago Ibe lievc it t*> be an iuvaluablo medicine, and recommend it to my imiurrouK ncjuuint uices, wlucli i-i very large, c* I have been a minister u gient many vtais Ib' jic tin* busty Ketch may be as much benofit to vou as vour medicine has to me. July 11, I 17. JOHN SKGKR, Jersey ( ity. RTitlrndiat Clergyman. Tlte fcUowing WHS se*.t to oir Agent in Rahvvov, .t to • 1V..1 (I 'r I I ON, of the Methodist Kpi. Co. , it' :rch one of the iiio-l learned and respected in the .iiu' cltOi m l is another evidence of the won ! rlhl i-fleets of Dr. S. P. To vn-end's barsapurilhi on the sy stem Kwirvn PI ARSOX— IlHving for rnme time past, a? you aie uwaie, experienced great general debility of my system, attended with constant :<nd nlarming irritidiou of my thioat and lungs. I was, t y ou.r imMuucc, and in,(M|ti' •*," havmg read ' ej-tain McLean's de ft le.l testimony iu its behalf. Induced In try Dr. 8. P Tovvnscii ! * fir-famed Hnrsdpatilla I tiled it. I en fcKs, more in the hope tluin in the confidence of i* prov ing efftcocious ; but I nrn bound in condor now to acknowledge, thu! I bad not tried it long lielore I be gan to ex|ii-iicucc it.i Ftiluliuy effects; rii.l I may n* vv 'iv, w;'h ( Ojitain McLean, "flint I would not 1 e with out it on any rom-i leiation." It has done me more go.ul than any pre won- remedy I have tried, end if this statement is deemed by y'ou of any importune® you have my full consent to make it public. Rahway, August 3d. |H!7. J. (>. TUNIBON. fSCKOKITTiA CDRRD. This certificate conclusively proves that this Barsa parilla lias purli-ct control over the most obstinate diseases of the blond. J luce persons cured in one house is unprecedented. Three Children. Dr S P. Towwsrxn Dear sir : I have the pleasure to inform you that fliiee of my children have been cured of the Scrofula by the uo of your excellent medicine. J hey were aiHicted very severely with hud Sores; liuvc taken oidv four bottles ; it took them away, for which I i i-l myself under great obligation." Very respectfullv, ISA M W. ( it MS, Ififi Woo&ter.&L OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Da. S P. TowNm.Ni> is almost daily receiving ordeis from Physicians in different p.*ts i,l tho Union. This is to Certify that we, the undersigned. Physi cians of the ( ity of Albany, have in numerous raves prescribed Dr S P Townsvud's Saisß]Mrillu, and le* li.-* e it to he one of the n:o.xt valuable prej-arations m the market. JI. T PULING, M. D. J WILSON. M. D It B DItIGGS. M. I). P K. KLMK.N DORK, M. D Albany, April I, 1817. Notice of Femoral After the first of September, ISJi), Dr. 8 P- Tow nsend's New York Office will be in the South BnplM ( liurch, No. 8J Nussau street, which Is now umleig'iing a thorough change, w ill lie fitted fm the bettor accommodation of tho pro* prietors ami the public. AGENTS— Redding St Co, No a Rtnkvstrect, and Mrs. K. Kidder, No 100 Court-street, Boston; Sunruel Kiddor, Jr. Lowell; Homy Pratt. Salem; James 8. (ireen, W.irdoter; Allison ik (J.irrlt, Concord; J. Balrh k Son. Providence ; end ! y Drmrgists uud Mer chants gcnerullv thioughciit tire United States, West Indoor *.*, 11... .i - JOIIX n. MOYF.II, DRUGGIST., Is thu sole A<rent in for tho -ale of Dr. S. F. Townsoiid's Pat -aparilla 36- ly Tiic Clicaprxl Amuxcilllil, As well as the most rational and profitable, during tho long winter evenings, is to read some of the .literesting books that yon ean bnj- to cheap of J SWARTZ. AULAD Of ALL OliiLiibl THE ENVY OF ALL PILL MANUFACTURERS. Because they use sater, belter and more efficaci ous than any others, and because the public will like no others if ihey can obtain them. BOXES hove been sold annually for the hist five years. Yourie nod old. ninle and female, can always take them with equal safety, without fear. IF PILLS RE NECESSARY for purging and cleansing the stomach und bow els, and purifying thu blood and fluids oftho bo dy take no others—lor no other pills produce those combined effects, or contain sarsaparilla in them. Eat, Drink, and Lire as Usual, and pursue your usual occupa ion whilst taking them, without fear of taking cold during all kinds of weather ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS arc wagered that more genuine certificates [from physicians, clergymen; Members of Congress uml respectable citizens] can he producud of their cf ficacy than of any others, and Ten Dollars will he forfeited in every instance where ONE irox will not do moie good than two boxes of any o (hers. Forty Pillc are in a Pox ! and sold nt I went).live Dents a Box, with direc tions and much wholesome advice accompanying each box They have no tastr. nor unpleasant smell free from dust or powdei of any k'tid—do not gripe thoWtoinaih or bowels.—produce no sick ness, vomiting or bud feelings—they arc good at nil limes, and adapted lo most diseases common lo mankind. No one having once hiking them will ho willing afterwards in take any others, because V e\ always do good, and if they do not then no others will. Dr. A\ D. Lcidy, the Proprietor Manufacturer. is a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of fifteen years ex peril nee in Philadelphia; member of different Medical Institutions of Phi ud lphia, New York, Boston. Baltimore, di e . and associate and corresponding member ol several Medical In stitutions of Loud ii and Paris hence the rea son of the greater confidence placed in his pills, and there being recommended in the practice of most respectable physicians through on I the Uni ted States. Principal Depot, Da. Lnnv's Di-pf.\*sati r, No- 114 North Fouith Btreot, Philadelphia, and sold wh dcsnle and retail by J. It. Moyer & E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; Dr. A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peter Knt, Light Street; M. G. Shoemaker. Buekhorn : J. A. Moore. Danville; Uicketts 6: Stewart, Oratigeville; John Sc mick, C attawissa ; A. Levers, Washingtonville; J M. Sheldon, Jer sey town ;J- F. Derr, Whitehall ; J.S. Woods, Columbus; Brown & Creasy, Miltlitisburg ; E. VVerimau, Rltorsburg, and by Storekeepers generally. 49- ly Dr. Pearsons CELEB R A T E D Pulmonic Expec lor a n Is the must certain and effectual remedy known for the cure of Coughs. Colds, Consumption, In fluenza. hoarseness, spitting of Llood, difficulty of breathing, Bronchitis, pain in the breast and side, palpitation of the hearty whopping cough, asthma, croup, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. It is a medicine that can he confidentially re commended in all the above diseases us the most effectual remedy ever offered to en lightened peo ple. It is warranted always to give relief, and if used in ihe early stages of the disease or before, it attained a ialul termination, n speedy and cf fectuul cure will always he obtained, if ucud tic voiding to the dircel'ons uccompauy ing each bot tle. A lair tri.d of this medicine should he given meveiy individual laboring under udiseased the hi east or lungs. Thu proprietor of this Pulmonic Expectorant, having graduated as u physician, and followed the prartice of his profession for several years, can, therefore give to those persons who squire such medicines that assurance which cannot be expect ed where a compound is only concocted from an antiquated recipe, taken from the leal of an old almanac or some similar source. Piepared by S. A. Pearson, M. I) No. 100 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, price £ I per bottle, or six bottles for $5. READ THE FOLLOWING: r. S. A. Pearson : Dear Sir—For the benefit of others. I would inform you tl.ut I have been usnevour Pulmonic Bxpcc'orunt for a cough \ed pain in my breast and bide, the effects of a rolry heavy cold—l find that it has given mc great linief I consider it an invaluable medicine. I eidvo also u>ed it in my family with the most do. uaed benefit—it cures colds in the least oossible time that medicine COB hi euro them. If its vir tues were generally known, it would save thous ands from an untimely grave. You skouldspuro no pains nor ex to have it brought into use throughout the country. Yours, dee. WM. M.CABE, No. 212 (.'berry &t. A LADY SAVED. l)r. S. A. Pearson . Dear >'it— About a year a g< I was attacked with a severe inil imatiou of the Lungs, which threatened every symptom of a speedy I onsumption. I called upon one of the most eminent physicians of Philadelphia,ivlio pro nouueed me incurable My hu-diand then procu red for me six bottles of y .iir Pulmonic Ex pee tor mi i, vvhi 'ii I had heard highly recommended— and before I had taken the last of the sixth bottle ii)> lungs were w 11, my cough ai d other syrup tours of Consumption e. tirely cured lam now eujoyin, fine health and becoming quite 11.-shy. ELIZABI.'I'II CLIME, Jay JSt.. between Coutesdt Wallace. A WONDERFUL CURE. Hunterdon County, N. J, Dr. A Pearson, Dear sir—About a year n go I became severely afflicted with a pain in my bicat and side, an extremely bad cough, spittingof blood, debility, nigh, sweats, and other symptoms •if confirmed consumption. I became so much re duced that I was unable to attend to my ordinary business. I made application to a physician, who examined my cheat, and gave it as his decided o pinion that my lungs were seri ius'v afieeted. I then app.ied to another, who was of tin* same o pinion, and after having prescribed udviscd me to return to my friends. Previous to this I had for a long lime been la boring under aii the symptom* usually found will) persons laboring unde? disease of the lurgs, and it was thought by all who knew me that 1 was fust wealing away with decoy. At the time I applied to the physicians I was laboring ainder a severe attack of spitting blood, with pain io my Ureaat and side. Their prescrip tions failed to relieve the poin. and all theii skill could not arrest (lie discharge of blood from my lungs. This being iny condition, I w.-.s induced to make n trial of your valuable Pulmonic Expec torant, oy the use or winch I was immediately re lieved of all those unpleasant symptoms, and am it >w so far restored to health, that I am able to tttrnd to all my ordinary hurincss, and expose myself as ranch as it is pru lent for anyone to do. ! would the efore coufidoi ily recommend every person who is laboring under disease of the lungs and breast, • r who are afflicted with colds or with coughs, to mike trial of your most valuablo picp nrat on* i would further add that after having undo use <>f your Expectorant for a few weeks, I becamd so fiwy thit j*ron§ with whuxa z wat acquainted hardly knew rnc. i s'ill remain in gooJ health tit this time, March, I £lO. Yours truly. JOSEPH HOGLAND. OPINION OF PHYSICIANS. The following card of thrca respectable physi dans acts forth the virtues of Dr. Pearson's i'ul mo ic Expectorant • Having mndo use of Dr. Pearson's Pclmoxic Kxpkctoiiant. wo feci it a duty to recommend it as a sale mid cll'ui tunl rye • f the various diseas es foi which it is intended. Wo ore acquainted with many persons who have been cured of cough bronchitis, pain in the breast and side, spitting of hlood, palpitation of the heart, and incipient con sumption, ey its use. und many of them after all other means had failed. A. PEAKSON, M. D;, U. 8. Navy. 8. K. LBKDOM, M. I). Champlain C 0.,0 W. 11. GADWALLADEH, M.D., U. S.N. Patients may consult 8. A. Pearson, M. D # , at his office No. 100 North Fourth Streci, above Race* For sale in I'loomsburg by William I'obison, Merchant,and also ut Fitlston Ferry, by Dr. A. Curtis, Diuggist, 49-ly \ Woril lo Sloi'Keiaeii. l)r- Pearson's Barber Embrocation is de cidedly the best preparation that can be used for the cure of Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Splints suib, ringbone, spavin, stiffness of ihc joints, fa it is an article which Miould be in the hands of every horseman, and no stable >hould be without a bottle of it. price 23 and 50 cents. prepared* only by S. A. Pearson, m. i>. und for sale, whole* sale ami retnil.nt 10G North fourth street, philad. The following certificates are from horsemen o9 the highest respectability who have given it a de cided preference over other preparation of the kind in use. Phila., March 2, 1817. Dr. S. A Pearson, Deal Sir—i feel it a duty which t owe to you and the community nt large, or rather that part o'* the community who posses* .r in any way have charge of Horses, to say, that r hive used your "Embrocation" fu horse-, it is decidedly the best preparation t have ever used, or have any knowledge of /or tiro various discuses w ich it is recommended. I also know a g-eat number of my friends who haven-edit and they nil say the t it is the best mi d;vine I r hT.-es they have ever used, i would confidently recommend ev ry person wh • has u h rse hli oild keep a bottle ol this valuable Embro cation in his stable. Yours respectfully, Aim e. scjienck. Salem. N.J.. May 19, 1817. Dr. S. -\. Pearson, Sii—Havi ig tried your •Embrocation' for horses, I have found it the best remedy tba l I have ever seen or tried for the cures •li*it it is lecommcht ed to perform. It cures galls with the least pi.nsiidc delay that it c >u!d e done. I would cliceilully recommend it to all siablekce pt ers and owners of horses. WM. S. SOLDER. DAVID C. WOODS, Proprietors Salem Lino Stages to B.iJgetott, New Jersey. Phila. May 2S. 1917. This is to certify lust I have u d Di. Pears on's Barber's Embrocation for horses, und unhes itatingly say thai it is decidedly the best remedy of the kind, for the various diseases which it is recommended, that I have ever used, or have any knowledge of; and confidently recommend it to nil hoiscinen and keepers f horses, to be kept constantly n their possession, WM. KING, White Horse, Corner of Wood 6c 3d Ms. Phila I fully agree with the above cert licato and o- I ioiati of Mi. King, in the use of Dr. Pearson's Barber's' Embrocation.' JOHN CAB/Y, Bucks County, Pa., June 19, 1817. February 13. 1848. 8. A. Pearson, M.D. Sir—This is to certify that I have u-eil your Embrocation for horses,and giv it n decided preference over every other art!- tie i f the kind in use fur the various diseases for which it is reconim nded; it doe? not destroy the hair as most other articles do. 1 would recommend it to every horseman to lie kept constantly in their stables, Yours, Arc., >YM. S. HOUGH, Folcbury tsp, Bucks Co., Pa. Doyleslown, May 2P, IS4B. Pr. Pearson, Sir—Having used your "Embro cation tor Horses" on several occosinns with great success, I do mos' fully recommend it as an in valuable preparation lor sprains, hruLes, cuts and in btioi t almost ony of the ills iliat horse flesh is heir to. Yours, &c., C. 11. MANX, Shorili of Bucks Co., Pa* Piiilad., Sept. 7, 1818. Dr. Pea i son. Sir-Having made use of your Em* hrocatiou for horeb on several occasions, with great success I Jo believe it to be n most excellent nud valuable preparation, decidedly the best that I hate ever used, or have any knowledge of, for the purpose for which it is intended, and would most confidently lecommend it In the notice of every horseman. It should be kept constantly in then possession. Very respectively yours, JOHN VAN DERBELT, Philadelphia. 1 have tried Dr Pearson's Barber's Embro: - lion for Hor.-es, a id i am conli lent that it is s l io most useful preparation that can be u-icd, for aii diseases which it is ccommciidr-d ; and also, fur Sprains, Biuises and Rheumatics, of men. December 23rd. IS iS. ENOCH AUSTIN Salem Co., N.J. We, I lie undersigned, having made us of Dr. Pearson's Barber's E.nbroc.ilio), it.ily ncrce m the opinions expi>s ed in the alum Certificates, and fully recommended it to every Horseman and ! iin wii i k eps horses, to be used by them in preference to any other article, for the various dis cuses for which it is recommended. A. J Beaumont, Now Hopo, P.t; John V. Sehcck, Stablokcopcr. St Louis; A. Pearson, M. !>.. Dublin, Bucks County, Pa; Jared Jtoyd. Solebury Tp.. Bucks Co, Pa; Win. K. Dickerson, 1-Nq. Pliibulelphia; James F. Nicholas, IJoxl oro. Pa ; J. H. Reading, Fleminaton, N. JMerchant; 11. C. Buff ingtou. Fieitiinu'oti, X. J.. Editor ; J. I.arrison Hunterdon Co., N. J., Merchant ; Wm.Erley KriMol, Coroner ol Puck* Co ; John Shtpffer, Lancaster, Ohio: llonrv Johnson, Milford, N. J. ; William Kimr, Esq. New Pork; VVm. Robiso i, JJloonibburg. Pa ; Win. Scudder, Sctulder's Falls near Trmiton, N. J; Win. M. Cade, Philadelphia; Dr. A. Curtis, Drug gist, Pittslori Ferry. Agent—Win. Kobison, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eyes Open Tlghl. A ward to the sick and afflicted. E. P. l.crz, would again invito the attention oft lie citizens of jilonmshurg, mid vicinity, to his new and splendid assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyestuils, Con fi clioniiries tn d buforth, vvhicli ho bus just re ceived, and will till upon the most reasonable terms. In addition to the above, he would offer n gen eral assort merit of spices. Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes saah*tonls and Patent Medicines from a Pill up to any amount of Towneand's Sarsupa rilltt Also, Large Glass for pictures and clock-faces, as large us 24 by 80 inches,and should the not suit he will cut them at his own risk for a very little addition to the original prices—Gold and Silver Leaf, French Leaf, Dutch Metal, Red, White, Green and Yellow Bionics, Kept Con stantly on hand varying in prices from 37cls to ** sf. an ounco - Physician's, Punters, Gilders and the public generally arein u iteu to call and examine hit stock before purchasing clsewnie. No chorgo for look ing at articles. Kcmciuher the sign -of the golden .Mortar ami pestle. IN" B. Glass-cutting done to order at the short est notice. EPIIUAIM P. LUTZ. Eloomiburg. Feb R , ISI9 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers