The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 17, 1850, Image 2

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Bloorasburfr. Thursday. Jan. 17. 1850.
TVV. B. PALMER, general neirspaper, sub
scription. and advertising agent, N. 11. Coner,
of Third and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia,
TFE. W. CARR, U. States newspaper agent,
Third and Walnut sts., opposite the Exchange,
Philadelphia, and
CF*GEORGE PRATT. 164 Nassau street. New
York, will receive and receipt for- subscriptions
and advertisements fur the "Star of the North."
ry C. PF.IRCE General Advertising Agent,
Bulletin Buildings Phila., is also agent for sub
scription ami advertising in the Star of the
TY S M. GII.MORE, SR., will act as our agent
at Berwick, Pa., in receiving and receipting for
subscriptions, advertisements andjob-work. Ad
vertisements left with him on Tuesday trill ap
pear in our paper of the same week. All orders
or job-work lej t with hint will be attended to im
Ptaocratic County Convention.
The Democrats of Columbia County arc
requested to meet at the several places of
holding the general elections in said county
Saturday, the 2d day of February next,
between the hours of 2 and 7 P. M., and e
lect two delegates from each district to as
semble in County Convention, at the Court
House in Bloomsburg, on the Monday fol
lowing, (February 4.) at 12 o'clock, noon,
for the purpose of choosing a Senatorial and
Representative Delegate to the next State
Canal Commissioner's Convention.
By order of the Standing Committee,
L. B. RUPERT, Chairman.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 2, 1850-te
''Know thyself is an aphorism which had
its erigin, certainly as far back as the Grc
eians; and has met with the universal appro
bation of wise men. To know thy enemy, in
our view, would be a prudent aphorism in
these days of plots, perfidy and audaueious
defectiont Our Federal enemy, tho' always
hostile to the rights of white men, and of
black men too, while they could make a
profit in buying and selling them, in its early
history had one of the attributes of honor,
and that was a boldness in contending in the
open field of politics and openly carrying on
the VT nr -whb liginmnto wonponn. But they
have sadly fallen off from the chivalry of
their fathers and condesce id to use forbidden
arms and to violate all the rules of approved
warfare and manly honor. The appeal to the
people to the support of their political here
sies, having failed, they have adopted tho
weapon of bribery, and secret combinations.
They despair, since the people have weigh
ed, discussed their political dogmas and pro
nounced them absurd ; since the people have
hissed at their brazen audacity in declaring
that "gold and silver was a humbug," and
the "notes of the United States Bank were the
only imperishable and unchangeable" stand
ard of value or currency, for the use of man
—Bince they dare no longer to offed the com
mon ear with the blasphemous maxim that
"a public debt was a public blessing," and
since the people no longer endure the shame
less insult that to impose burdensome and
wanton taxes upon a laboring people was pro
tecting their labor, they rosort to bribery,
thinking it a more "convenient mode to cor
rupt one agent than to stupify and corrupt an
independent and intelligent yeomanry.—
These then, freemen and fellow citizens, are
the weapons against which, in the future, we,
the American Democracy, must contend,
and it would bo a slander upon your virtue
and intelligence to suppose that you would
permit yourselves to be subdued by such a
system. Let a strict and rigid discipline bo
adopted—let union and harmony among hon
est Democrats be the motto upon your ban
ner—and war—implacable war be waged a
gainst traitors and deserters, and betrayers of
the cause of Democracy. The honest por
tion of the Federal, or Whig, party if you
like, will desert a banner so dishonored and
soiled as is now borne aloft by their reckless
leaders. Let us, fellow citizens, and ye hon
ost Democrats, oppose honor to dishonor-
tho truth and purity of our creed to the ab
surdities ana abominations of Whig or Fed
eralist—let us oppose the unbought purity of
tho ballot-box to the execrable system of
bribery resorted to so audaciously and shame
lessly by our enemies.
▲ small Court.
An inquest inquiring as to the lunacy of
Matthias Kline, of Orange township, is now
in session in our court-house. Some twen
ty-five witnesses have been subpoenaed in
the case, and it creates quite a sensation in
the community. He is an old gentleman o
ver 80 years of age, and is personally pres
ent during the trial, declaring that he is as
sane as he ever was. Whether his failing is
anything more than cxcossive excontricity, is
for tho inquest to decide. Tho previous in
quest was set aside by the court. Counsel for
Kline—Bancroft and It bodes. For petitioner
—Burkalow and Hurley.
When is a Mnn Crazy.
Barker, the newly elected Mayor of Pitts
burg, is th! man who a few months ago was
ranting upon the streets of that city against
the Catholics, in a most blasphemous and in
decent manner. He was aslreet preacher ala
George Munday. The Catholics had him ar
rested, and he was convicted and sentenced
to six months' imprisonment. Many of the
citizens regarded this as a persecution on the
. part of the Catholics, and expressed their de
termination to vote for Barker for the next
Mayor. Accordingly, he was elected last
week, and immediately upon his election
was released from prison by a pardon from
Governor Johnston.
ty T ie extract in our last number by mis
take credited to the Carlisle Democrat should
),aire been given to the Carlisle Volunteer, —
from which we copy another sound nrticle
Secret Associations.
Our Philadelphia correspondent has to-day
something to say upon the subject of secret
societies, and we embrace the occasion to give
our ovrn views upon this subject. Secret so
cieties are most in vogue in despotic coun
tries, where the government does not allow
the free expression of public opinion. Such
■Moomtionp, for the discussion and spread ot
liberal politica' views, are perhaps most com
mon among the students of the German uni
versities. Almost every student belongs to
one or more of these secret societies, and if
the government drscover this fact, the stu
dents suffer transportation, and the Profes
sors are dismissed from their office. In those
countries, then, it is indispensable that such
associations should be secret. In our own
country, political opinions may be openly
discussed, and we have no secret political
But tho turn of the American mind is for
Associations. Our government does not, as
in Europe, manage every thing. It is a lim
ited power and an easy master upon the peo
pie; or rather the people are here the mas
ters of the goaernment, while in the old
world the government masters tho people
Stupendous improvements are there made by
public authority, while hero they are ac
complished by a combination of private en
terprise. Our people yet in some degree
distrust their own ability, and wo have no
class of families among us who can accom
plish any great undertaking by the force ol
their individval influence or wealth. Hence
almost every thing is done here by means of
associations, and so powerful is this charac
teristic of our people, that it lias found its
way as a feature into our laws. This is car
rying it too far : for as our citizens grow in
wealth, individuals will be competent to car
ry through any undertaking, and where opin
ion is free it needs not the prompt of a char
tered company's influence to make the com
munity appreciate merit.
But the object of most of the American
societies is a moral one, and in this they will
have much higher success than in their pe
cuniary department. The inculcation of a
fraternal feeling is tho high aim of must mo
dern secret societies; and it will not be long
until, in this respect, public societies will su
percede the secret ones. In a country where
all are placed upon an equality, it only re
quires a little further spread of intelligence
to make all reciprocate the feeling of univer
sal brotherhood,
Another Tricu.
We learn that petitions are in circulation
in the lower part of Luzerne county praying
that Huntington and Fairmount townships
may be annexed to this county. At this time,
the movement is a trick instigated at Dan
ville to aid in the erection of Montour coun
ty, by flattering the upper end of Columbia
with praises, pledges and promises. It is in
stigated by tho tools of Best, and we warn our
friends against this plot to dismember the
Toward the people of Huntington & Fair
mount we have the most friendly feelings,
and when our own local and political diffi
culties shall once be settled—when our coun
ty shall bo purged of such men as the traitor
Best—and when peace and harmony shall
pervade our own borders—then will we con
sider our house in order to receive a fraternal
visit from them. We desire that when they
become a part of our county, they shall find
their abode in it pleasant, and feel that they
have lost nothing by the change. Their ad
mission at this time would only be produc
.ive of a new quatrel and a more bitter local
strife in our county.
Serious Areiilcnt.
On Monday of last week a unfortunate oc
currence took place at the Montour Boiling
mill, of Danville. The large fly-wheel of
the heaviest engine, weighing some twenty
five tons, exploded when going at the rate of
80 evolutions a minute. The segments were
thrown through the roof of the building with
great violence and noise. Some of the frag
ments thrown oil' weighed two and a half
tons. The accident was caused by a small
piece of iron getting between the cogs of the
driving wheel and the spur wheel, and pro
ducing a sudden check in the motion of the
machinary. It is surmised that some villain
ous scamp, from mischievous motives, threw
the bit of iron between the cogs. No per
son was seriously hurt by the accident, and
only one or two persons received the slight
est personal injury. The loss is estimated
between ten and twenty thousand dollars.—
It will require three or four months to repair
the machinery.
The County Finances.
The County Expenditures for 1849 are
$534,66 less than for 1848. The County Ex
penditures for the last four years are as fol
lows ;
184(1, $12,(>23 Gf>
1847, 8.9G5 90
1848, 13.908 07
1849, 13,363 31
The heavy freshet of March, 1846, and
the extraordinary one more recently, upon
Fishing Creek, have pressed upon the coun
ty, as well as other outlays arising from the
new location ot the county seat. The form
er has however been the most prolific source
of expenditure.
The county is now, however, in such situ
ation that we may expect lighter expendi
tures, and increased credit, a state of affairs
creditable to the county officers, and agreea
ble to the citizens.
MORE COSTI.Y SHAWLS. —One hundred and
eighty shawls were recently sold in Boston
for $18,675 60; being an average ot S9B 20
for each shawl. The most costly one brought
SB6O, another $475, a third $260, fourth $350
fifth $320; three at S3OO. &c.
W A Cherokee Law, passed at their late
council, makes it the duty of the sheriffs of
the several districts, each, to summon a
guard of four men to assist in searching for
whiskey, and, if found, to spill it upou the
! ground.
A Federal Heresy.
We look upon the pructiceofelectingmem
bers of the Legislature to the position of State
Treasurer and United States Senator as a
most dangerous and injudicious one. It leads
the members to have a steady eye to their
personal promotion, when they should care
only for the interests of the State and their
constituents. Their conduct and their votes
begin to yield gradually to an easy profitable
spirit of conciliation, and finally settles down
into a most dangerous compromise of prin
ciple. Every session a number of members
think tlroy hear a brighter future prophecy
to them of preferment and, like the weird
sisters of the bard, saluting them by a higher
title. Such men begin to represent themselves
alone upon the floor of the House or Senate.
They cease to deal out that even-handed jus
tice, which is due from them ; and they have
no longer that fearless independence which
is above interest or prejudice.
This subject is one of importance, and de
mands the mosls serious consideration of
every true Democrat. If it is true that all
political power emanates from the people,
the best remedy for the evil is to have these
officers elected directly by the people. This
will leave the members of the Legislature
nothing to look after but thejinterests of their
constituents. There will be nothing left for
them to trade, gamble or plot about. They
will then have the business of legislators to
attend to and nothing else. They will be
'reed from those elections which but too
often only disgrace the character of their le
gislative body, and make it a placp where
honor is bartered and sold. It could not but
be a great relief to all honorable and high
minded members if these elections were ta
ken out of the legislature. The only class
of members that would suffer would be those
who fatten upon corruption and the trade of
honor. The people would be the grea.est
gainers by the change.
In the last Danville Intelligencer, Best still
calls himself the '■ Democratic Senator from
Columbia." We ask, was it a proof of bis
Democracy to enter into an infamous bar
gain with the Whigs for his own elevation
to the Speaker's chair ? Was it a proof of
his Democracy when he gloried over '.Vie
defeat of Geo;go W, Woodward for L T . S.
Senator, and of John B. Andcrsou for State
Treasurer? Was it a proof of his Democra
cy tliat he could not get the vote of a single
Democratic Senator for the Speakerssip of
the Senate ? Was it a proof of his Demo
cracy that he gave the Whigs the best half
of the appointments in the Senate, and al|
the important Committees? Was it the
proof of his honesty when he published two
papers at the same time—one for Cass and
the other for Johnson for the Presidency?
And was it a proof of his Democracy or
honesty when ho violated every promise he
had made, and betrayed the faith of the
people who had trusted him? A man who
has done all '.his must be most shameless &
abandoned who can with brazen effrontery
call himself a Democrat. He must be lost
to all sense of honor and manliness, and
must be sunk to the lowest depths of moral
turpitude and baseness. Ah! no wonder
that the guilty thing shook like an aspen leat.
No wonder that he trembled, like Belshazzer
of old, till his knees smote together, and he
became almost speechless. And what a
little price he brought! Why Judas of old
brought nearly as much when he sold him
self to the fiend of baseness.
CLEMC OF THE HOUSE.—On last Friday the
House of Congress elected air Campbell
(Whig.) Clerk over John W. Forney by the
following vote.
Ballots 18th 19th 20th.
Campbell 96 103 102
Forney 93 97 96
Trench 18 13 11
Scattering 6 5 4
213 218 223
The House then ballotted for Sergeant-at
Arms, but without making choice.
Da. WEBSTER IN JAIL. —We learn that Dr.
Webster has made frequent complaints to
Mr. Andrews, tho jailer, that the occupants
of the cells in his immediate vicinity are in
the habit of shouting out to him at nights,
uttering all sorts of unkind epiihets such as,
"You're the man that cut up Dr. l'arkman,"
"You're a murderer,'' "You're a blood-thirs
ty scoundrel,'' &c., &c. Mr. Andrews had
no other knowledge of this matter except
what he heard from Dr. Webster. He one
night placed two men in the passage way
that leads to the cells, where they remained
until morning, but heard no unusual or un
pleasant noises. The day following this the
Doctor repeated his complaints to Mr. An
drews, saying that "last night the same out
rages had been repeated." Mr. Andrews
knowing this not to be true, of course con
cludes that the Doctor's imagination is so
wrought upon, or that his dreams are of such
an unpleasant character, as to produce in
some degree mental aberration. Dr. Web
ster has lost much of the buoyancy of spirit
that sustained him when he first became an
inmate of the jail.— Roston Mail.
tW The Post Office at Carrick, Franklin,
Pa, has been discontinued. That at Monroe,
Buck's county, Pa., has had its name chan
ged to "Durham." That at Greenville, Lu
zerne county, Pa., has had its name changed
| to "Green Grove "
Glossbrennor, the editor of the
York Gazelle, has been elecied Sergeant-at-
Arms in tho House of Congress by the fol
lowing vote :
For Glossbrenner, (Dcm) 107
" Giddings, (Whig) 102
FV A piece of Lead Ore weighing 1,500
pounds was recently received at New Orleans
from Arkansas. The ore is said to yield 120
ounces of silver to the ton.
Just as we expected. —Bost says, in his last
paper, that lie "will vote for such new Bank
Charters as he may think proper."
Tbe Senator of Broken Pledges.
We are pleased to observe the healthy tone
of the public press in denouncing the treason
of Senator Best. We copy, on our first
page some more of the scathing denunciations
which flay him in these days. The one from
tho Pcnnytvanian should be read by every
person in thin-Senatorial district. But there
is one editor who knows Best in a manner
never to be forgotten. This is Mr. Bratton.
of the Carlisle Volunteer, a gentleman of in
tegrity and a Democrat of principle. He for
merly edited a Democratic paper at Harris
burg, and lays bare the villainy of Best in
this fashion :
"We envy not the feelings of Valentino
Best, the miserable traitor who occupies the
Speaker's chair of the Ssate Senate. By re
ceiving the entire Federal vote and voting for
himself, he succeeded in accomplishing his
base purposes. We happened to be in the
Senate chamber when this disgraceful scene
took place. After the vote had been announ
ced, Best was led to the Speaker's chair, and
in ascending the platform presented the ap
pearance of a criminal mounting the scaf
fold In his attempt to address the Senate,
he shook like a reed in the wind—his words
were broken and interrupted, like the accents
of a man in despair, and void of the energy
suitable to the occasion. Ah, it is not to be
wondered at that he trembled. He had just
perpetrated a most dastardly and villainous
act, by turning traitor to those who had elec
ted him to represent them in the Senate. He
had, by a base bargain with the Federalists,
thwarted the hopes of the Democratic party,
and he trembled like a culprit as his con
science upbraided him for his treason.
The treachery of Best should serve as a
lesson to our Democratic friends in every
county of the State. It should teach them
never to trust a man with political power who
is not a reliable and honest Democrat. Val
entine Best has always been—touse a vulgar
expression—e. "fishy Democrat." We were
when the Democrats of his dis
trict nominated him for the Senate, for we
well knew that he was not a trustworthy pol
itician. In 1843 Mr. Best was the editor of
tico papers—both purporting to be democrat
ic—one of which supported Gen. Cass, and
the other Richard M. Johnston for the Presi
dency ! This fact of itself was proof of his
dishonesty as a politician. When Governor
Porter turned traitor to the Democratic party,
Best was his supple tool and defender. When
George W. Woodward, the regular Denocra
tic nominee for the U. S. Senate, fivo years
since, was defeated through the defection of
a few Democratic members of the Assem
bly, Mr. Best rejoiced over his defeat. When,
some years since, William B. Anderson, who
received the Democratic nomination forStato
Treasurer, was defeated, by a union of the
Federalists with a sufficient number of mem
bers who had been elected as Democrats,
Best zealously defended those Democratic
members who proved recreant to their prin
Such lias been the course of Valentine Best
ever since we have known him. He has al
ways been a truckling disorganizer—a tra
ding politician, who never cared a straw a
bout the principles of the Democratic party.
And yet, the Democrats of Luzerne and Col
umbia, knowing the political characterof this
man, elected him to represent them in the
State Senate. They now curse him because
of his treachery, but we must say, in all
kindness, that it does not become them to do
so. They recognized, and apparently appro
ved Mr. Best's democracy. He has now re
hired 'the poisoned chalice to their own lips,'
and they cannot, with a very good grace,
We trust, however, as we said before, that
the treachery of Mr. Best will serve as a
wholesome lesson, not only to our Democra
tic friends of the thirteenth Senatorial dis
trict, but also to the Democratic party of the
whole State. The people, in many of the
counties, it appears to us, aro too careless in
•electing proper persons to represent them in
the State Legislature. It has been too much
the habit of late, to nominate men of doubt
ful political character. Men of modesty and
of worth, who are Democrats from principle,
and who would scorn a base act, are too oft
en pushed aside by those who pride them
selves in being well versed in political in
trigue, and who are steeped to the eyelids in
corruption. Let the base treachery of Valen
tine Best, therefore, serve as a warning here
after to the Democrats of the different coun
ties of Pennsylvania. Let it teach them not
to place in nomination for the Assembly any
man who is not a Democrat from principle."
Tbe Pardoning Power.
At the November court, in Luzerne coun
ty, B. Morrison, Esq., was found guilty upon
an indictment, and last week, at the January
sessions, was called up for sentence,when he
presented to the court a pardon from Govern
or Johnston. We shall next expect to see
the Governor give his particular friends a gen
eral indemnity from all punishment for crime.
CP" At the late Election in Wisconsin, the
question of free suffrage was voted upon,
and resulted in 4,090 for, and 3,603 against
the measure, which established the right of
every male citizen, of whatever color, over
the age of twenty-one years, to vote at all
Toll on Coal Iron Flour, (fc. —According to
the report of Canal Commissioners, the
toll received on the following articles trans
ported on the State Works, were as follows:
—Coat $257,096 54; Iron, $98,21 i 38;
Flourand Grain, $92,972 17.
ty The Cherokee Indians, it is said, de
sign to apply for admission into the Union in
a few years, and, with that view they are ex
ceedingly anxious to compete with the
whites, in all kinds of improvements.
burg Gazette says that a rich salt well has
receatly been discovered in Mercer county,
sufficient to manufacture 300 bushels of salt
per day. It is about six miles from the Red
Sulpher Spring.
A New Song.
The Speaker's Old Chair.
"I love it, I love it, and who shall ilare
To chide me for loving the Speaker's Old
I have cherished it long," and had little rest,
Until I resolved TO DO ALL FOR THE BEST.
I have dreamed every night, for these many
weeks past,
Of that Chair, and the means to attain it at
I have councilled with Whigs, from the East
and the West,
And at last I resolved, TO DO ALL FOR THE
When the bargain was made, but no matter
That I could be placed in the Speaker's Old
My mind was at ease, and at last got some
By the sage resolution, TO DO ALL FOR THE
The Democrats may thunder,as much as they
Since my object's attained, MY POOR MIND
They may swagger and rant, for I know their
Since they see how I fixed it, BY DOING ALL
The Whigs, too, despise me, but what do I
Since I am promoted, to the Speaker's Old
"A cool hundred" I'll make, which will ease
my poor breast,
And the world will agree, I'VE DONE ALL FOR
For the Star of the North.
A Reminiscence.
The recent open defection of Sena
tor Best from our party affords a convenient
opportunity to review the manner of his no
mination, and I therefore wish to say a few
words on that subject. It is clear that Best
was the choice of a large minority of the par
ty when he was nominated. In the Colum
bia County Convention the final vote stood,
25 to 21; our townships each being repre
sented by two votes. In the Luzerne Con
vention the vote stood 33 to 5 against him—
each township there being repiesented by 1
delegate. So that in the Senatorial district
the choice by townships stood as follows:
For Mr. Buckalew:
Columbia, 10}
Luzerne, 33
For Mr. Best:
Columbia, 12}
Luzerne, 5
Majority against Best, 26
And yet he was nominated under the usa
ges of the party, the conferees of the two
Conventions standing two against two ; Mr.
Best's competitor magnanimously declining
to be a candidate, undei the circumstances,
to divide or disorganize the party. It is but
justice to him further to say ; that he never
asked the nomination,and that he could have
obtained it without difficulty if he had desir
ed it, and that along with this he could not
anticipate the depth of rascality which Best
has displayed. But from this plain statement
of facts, it is indisputable [hat Best was the
choice of a small minority of the district,and
not of the majority of the Democratic party.
Besides, in order to get nominated he poured
out pledges and promises in all direcliions,
which the result shows he intended to falsify
and/iolate. He was nominated, so far. as
this county was concerned, from a generous
and magnanimous desire to conciliate his
section, deal justly with all interests, and pro
mote the harmony of the party. His subse
quent acts of treason are therefore peculiarly
wicked, ungrateiul and scandalous. The peo
ple have however learned a lesson that will
not soon be forgotten ; and that is, to nomi
nate men that can be trusted without pledges.
Pittsburg Municipal Election.
At an election held yesterday, for Mayors
and Councilmen, Mr. Joseph Barker was e
lected Mayor of this city by 270 majority,
and HughS. Fleming, Whig, Mayor of Alle
gheny. The Whig Council ticket have
been elected, Mr Barker, the Mayor elect,
is confined in prison, but he will be released
[There wore three candidates for the May
orally in the city of Pittsburg : Robert Mc
Cutcheon the Whig nominee ; John B. Gu
thrie, Democrat, not regularly nominated,
but recommended, as an indepent candidate
by the Democratic party; and Joseph Barker
whom our correspondent denotes as tho Bi
ble candidate.]
Ohio Democratic State Convention.
Reuben Wood, was nominated as a candi
date for Governor, on the sixth ballot, by the
Democratic Stale Convention. The vote
stood. Wood 164, Medill 113, Lowe 20.
More Annexation.
BALTIMOBF., Jan. 13—6 P. M.
The Soutnern mail due this evening, carao
through. The Picayune his private accounts
from Jamaica, from which we learn that the
people of that [place were making strong
moves lor annexation to the United States.
Maryland 11. S. Senator.
The State Legislature, to-day, elected ex-
Governor Pratt United States Senator, for the
unexpired term of the Hon Reverdy John
son, and for six years, commencing with the
first session of the thirty-second Congress.
A UNION of the Franklin and Marshal Col
leges, of this State, is talked of, the new
college to be loeated at Lancaster City, and
the title to be Franklin Marshall College.
The editor on Saturday had the mournful du
ly of writing its epitaph. lie says—"lf it
had told less truth in its life, it would not be
lying now in death/'
HARRISRURO, Wednesday. Jan. 9, 'SO.
SENATE. —Mr. Konigmacher, an applica
tion from the President and Directors of the
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, asking the re
charter of said bank.
Mr Shimer. a petition from citizens of
Northampton, praying for the incorporation
of a Bank at Boston.
Mr Drum, a petition from citizens of Jeffir
son Co., praying the erection of a new coun
ty, to be called Mahoning.
Mr Muhlenberg, from the Committee on
the Judiciary, presented a report unfavorable
to petitions of Homestead exemption, with a
resolution asking to be discharged from fur
ther consideration of said petition.
Mr Darsie presented a petition from citi
zens of Allegheny county, praying the pas
sage of a general Banking law, &c.
A report of committee, granting pensions,
was read, extending the right of application
to the Widows of Revolutionary Soldiers,
who were married prior to 1800, an exten
sion of fivo years.
The Senate confirmed the nomination of
Jacob Hammer as Associate Judge of Schuyl
kill county.
HOUSE.—Mr Porter, from the Committee
on the Judiciary, read a bill relating to the
salaries of certain Judges, with amendments.
Jan. 10th.
SENATE. —Mr Crabb presented a memori
al from the Beaver Meadow Railroad Com
pany, relative to the issuing of additional
Mt Frailey presented a petition from citi
zens of Schuylkill couaty, in favor of the An
thracite Bank.
Mr Cunningham presented a petition from
the boatmen navigating on the Pennsylva
nia Canal asking that the locks may be
closed en the Sabbath day.
Mr Darsie presented a memorial from the
stockholders of the Exchange Bank of Pitts
burg, asking an extension of charter.
Mr Drum, from the Committee oti Judici
ary, reported a bill providing for the election
of Attorney General, with recommendation
that said bill be negatived.
The bill for the permanent creation of the
office of State Printer, was taken up and
Bills Read in P lace. —Mr Fricb, an act to
incorporate Odd Fellows' Hall Association!
Northumberland county.
Mr Matthias offerred the following resolu
tion :
Resolved, That the Apportionment Com
mittee be instructed to inquire into the ex
pediency of so districting the Slate as to
form one hundred separate representative dis
tricts, each to elect one member of the
House of Representatives.
Laid on the table.
HOUSE. —The Speaker presented the mem
orial of the late Convention of Editors and
Printers hold in this Borough ; also a peti"
tion from the new county of Mahoning.
Mr McClintock presented the petition of
the stockholders of the Exchange Bank at
Pittsburg, asking for a recharter.
Messrs Cessna and Smith presented peti
tions from the Seventh day Baptists, asking
for the repeal of the laws of 1784.
Mr Williams presented a petition, asking
for a repeal of the present school law, and
the establishment of the school law of 1842.
as far as Bucks county is concerned.
Mr Myers, one for a new bank at Easton
Mr Porter, one from the boatmen of the
Pennsylvania Canal, asking that the lock
may be closed on the Sabbath.
Mr Grier, a petition in favor of the county
of Lr.ckawena.
Mt Laird, for the amendment of the poor
house law in Westmoreland county.
Bills Read in Place. —Mr Beaumont, a bill
incorporating the Wilkesbarve Water Com
Mr Coryngham, a bill relative to arbitra
Jan. 11th.
Mr Crabb, a petition from citizens of the
Northern part of Luzerne connty, ir. favor of
the new county, "Lackawanna."
Mr Drum, a petition and the proceedings
of a meeting in favor of a new county,
Mr Lawrence presen'ed ten petitions from
a new county to be called "Montour."
Mr Streeter, two petitions in favor of a
new county, "Lackawanna."
Mr Koningmacher—"An Act for the re
charter of the Lancaster County Bank.
Mr Lawrence—An Act for New County to
be called Montour.
Mr Streeter— A supplement to the act for
the exemption of property to the value of
S3OO from distress for rent.
Jan. 12th.
The Speaker laid before the Senate, the
Report of the Delaware and Hudson Canal
Company. Also, petitions for the new coun
ty to be called "Montour."
Mr Crabb presented memorials from citi
zens of Pittsburg, praying for the establish*
ment of a general Banking Law in this Com
HOUSE. —Mr Biddle, (Corporations) a sur
plcmentary act to the charter of the Potts
ville and Danville Railroad Co..
Mr Schofield, an act for the removal of the
ceunty seat of Elk to St. Mary's.
Mr Stone, to extend the jurisdiction of Jus
tices of the Peace to jury liials, in certain
Mr Laird, to amend the School Law, so as
to allow persons over twenty-one years of
age to attend the Public Schools.
January 14th.
SENATE. —Mr Darsie presented a memorial
praying for the repeal of the S3OO exemp
tion law of 1849 Mr D. also presented a
petition from citizens of Allegheny county,
praying for the passage of a general Bank
ing Law.
Mr Laurence, for the incorporation of a
Bank at Kutztown.
HOUSE. —Mr McClintock, tor a General
Banking Law.—Also, for an increase in the
•alary of the Associate Judges.
Mr Marx presented a petituion from citi
zens of Lehigh, asking the repeal of the ex
emption law of 18 49.
Mr Porter presented a petition, afiking a
renewal of charter for the Easton Bank.
Mr McCuHongh a supplement to an act to
| enable creditors to attach property in the
I hands of Administrators.
[From the New York Tribune oj yesterday.']
We last night received the subjoined des
patch, made up at San Francisco by our As
sociate, Bayard Taylor, who is now in Cali
fornia. It came to us dated New JOrleans,
January 9th, having reached New York by
the telegraph wires on the same day it was
received at the Southwestern Metropolis.
The canvars of votes cast at the State E
lection shows that about 15,000 were given
in all, a smaller number than that of the cit
izens edtitled to vote and much smaller than
was anticipated.
Peter 11. Burnett is elected Governor, and
John McDougal Lieutenant Governor. The
members elect to the U. S. House of Repre
sentatives are George W. Wright and Ed
ward Gilbert. All these gentlemen are Dem
ocrats. Of the complexion of the Legisla
ture, or the prospect as to tho candidates for
U. S. Senator, there is nothing decisive to be
added to the advices by the Panama, which
were up to Nov. 15.
No disturbance of any kind had occurred
here or in other regions of California since
the sailing of the last steamer. Public order
throughout the whole country is completed.
Labor is becoming constantly cheaper at San
Francisco, on account of the great number of
persons' coming down from the Mines to
spend the winter, and seeking occupation in
every department of industry. The prices
of vegetable? here are enormous, owing to
iheir scarcity, and_ in fact the necessaries of
life generally aro much higher than they
were this time last year. Heavy boots are
now selling at San Francisco, at the rate al
most unimaginable to any one but a Califor
nian of ninety-six dollars a-pair.
The growth of this city is still without
parallel even in the records of magic. It
now numbers twenty thousand regular in
habitants, to say nothing of the vast num
ber of its transient population. Commerce
with other ports is growing more and more
active, and the Bay no longer presents the
spectacle of a desert of inactive shipping.
The departures of vessels during the month
of November equalled the arrivals in num
ber; and the trade with all parts of the Pa
cific is not only becoming active but regular,
and is steadily undergoing a vast increase.
Freight from Stockton to the Diggings is
seventy-five cents per pound Flour at
Stockton is Si per lb., and other articles in
the same proportion.
The quantity of gold dug still continues to
increase. The yield of the river bars is
great; they are as rich as ever. Companies
are now being formed to work the strata of
quartz, which are very rich in gold. Tests
which have been made in San Francisco
give from one dollar and a half to three dol
lars worth of gold from every pound sf
The Carpenters at Sacramento city made a
strike for higher wages, as they were only
paid sl2 a day, whereupon the contractors
settled the difficulty by raising their wages
to SIG.
The weather hero is delightful. The air
is bland and balmy as an Italian summer,
and the hills around the bay are already co
vered with afresh crop of grass.
Yours truly, BAYARD TAVT.OR.
192 new buildings erected in Reading last
year and 47 repairod. The Gazette says, of
the 192 new buildings above enumerated 18
were framfo dwellings and 6 brick stables.
The remaining number, 168, were substan
tial brick dwelling-houses, mostly 2i and 3
stories high. The list of permits never in
cludes all the new buildings, as 'there are
houses constantly going up for which no per
mits are taken out. Adding these, the num
ber of new buildings is estimated at 250.
In 1843 ttaere were 98 buildings erected ;
1844, 120 j in 1845, 184; in 184G, 246; in
1847, 460; and in 1848, 318. The improve
ments during the past year have fallen con
siderable short of tho two last proceeding
CALIFORNIA GOLD. —The quantity of gold
bullion imported from California iuto New
York, during the year 1849, is estimated by
a correspondent of tho Journal of Commerce
at nearly seven millions and a half—nearly
four millions by the steamers and storeships
and the rest by passengers.
ty Millions of Pigions have been filling
the woods for miles around Fronklin, Tenn.,
for several weeks past. They have a roost
several miles in extent in Hickman county,
and with a torch and club the people sally
forth at night and bring home their Kama by
meal bags full.
tW By reference to our legislative pro
ceedings it will be seen that the Senator of
broken pledges has introduced his bill for
the now county ol Montour.
VIRGINIA. —The white population of Vir
ginia has increased 146,717 from 1810 to 18.
49, which is 16 54 per cent., upon tho whole
white population of the foimer year. Tho
whole white population is estimated at 887,
TUB Matchmaker, by the author of the Jilt,
and tho Nun, or the Inside of tho Convent,
arc two now tales just published and for sale
by T. B. Peterson.
has been sentenced, in Boston, to two years'
imprisonment in the State Prison for sending
threatening letters to another pe.-on, to ex
i tort money.
tyJacobHatnmer, Esq., has been appoin
ted associate judge of Schuylkill county.
pyGcn. t jliazy and the othet Hungarian
exiles ate now in Washington city.