My Weaver & Gilinore.] VOLUME 1. TUB STAU OP THE NORTH k published every Thursday Morning, by Weaver & Gilmore. •FFICE—Up stairs in the Sew If rick building bh the south side of Main street, third square below Market. TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of subscri bing; two dollars and fifty emits if not paid Evfttiiin the year. No subscription received fir a less period than six months: no dhrou tfinance permitted until all arrearages are id, unless at the option of the editors. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square. 11 bo inserted tliree times for one dollar, and enty-five cents for each additional insertion. A liberal discount will be made fo those who ad tvertise by the year. A NEW VOLUME OF THE "STAU OF T II E NORTH," WHICH IS ADMITTED TO BE THE VERY BEST COUNTY PAPER. tar Tho Star will enter upon a new vol- j ume in a few weeks, when every person who j desires to furnish himself or his family with a local Journal of Literature and Sews should . subscribe. This paper has already obtained j a large circulation in Columbia and the coun ties adjoining and received the HIGHEST CO.!!MEND.! 7IOSS Front the presses of the fsa'c. I s article 1 and opinions are quoted with approval a broad, cud its growing .ciiption list is the . best evidence ol its popularity at home. It i is the newspaper from which the other conn- ; ty papers get thiir lo:d iru" is the largest i sice of country papers, and is printed with' materials of the best kin 1. Tire pap :r will I lurnish tlio latest Foreign and Local News, •Original and selected Literature and IN- ays upon Meals, Religion, Science, History and I Politics. It will give thef reports ol Congres sional and Legislative proceedings, and Jin! j accounts cf the doings in cur County Courts, j Tho paper has correspondents in Washing- i ton. Philadelphia and Harri.-burg V. ith th-' new volume a number cf Xl'll FEATUIES ANDIMPROVEMEXSS, Will bo introdu ced into the paper fur the instruction and a musement of its readers A number ot NEW ( ORRFSPIINTICNIN) Will furnish Original Literary and! articles for its columns. One of these i on tributes an interesting paper,-27w 1)'. iry q a Hoarding School Mi i, which w. . >:t ap pear in tho ''Star." Another, a member ol : the Philadelphia Bar, has writ a for it ;. sketch called "'The Pcrphxi'd J a Man it-..'. a Family." The publishers will a'.ca give a letters fiom the different t v: ol th::." > *Uii ty. They will publish a series of i ;.-tr.v rii Legal Essays, upon uih subjects a- eh..!! bo ol general interest i.nd importance, and w.d receive Political Ersiys from several gentle men of eminent character and talent. In fact, no labor or expense will be spared to , make THE STAR OF THE NORTH Agreeable to every class of readers, la politics the 'Star'will be as heretoiore, radi cally DEMOCRATIC. It will feario.-i.-ly ad-j vocale equal rights to all, and sustain the cause of the people against every combina tion and assault of monopolists. It lias not heretofore spared tiro corrupt or unprincipled , of any party, and it will continue as it has , begun: adhering to the puh'icul Ruth of JcJ ferson, Jackson. Polk and Shank : tru.-ting to , the eternal and immutable principles ol llight and Truth ; with a high, holy and ho- , pitig faith in the universal brotherhood of all j mankind, and looking onward to tho time when all the earth shall be one happy, uni 1 ted and prosperous republic of peaceful ; freemen. That their friends may see how the paper is received hy the press abroad the publish ers annex here a few ot the many commen dations received during llto year from pa pers of the State : Prom the Fcnnsyh mi'in. "The article.- are able, ; uin'.ril and thor oughly radical ; and tho v. hole paper gives ovi.lerico of a perseverance that must pro duce prosperity. Mr. \\ caver i.- well known us a fine writer end speaker, and Mr. Gil more a the recent efficient ednor ol the Co lumbia Enquirer.'' rrotn th" Pittsburg Pest. "The 'Star of the North,' published at Bloomsburg, in this State, is 0.. Eot the a blest and best of our exchanges. It is really refreshing to read its editorials, about these davs of bank villainy and turilf liumbuggcry. If there were a few more such papers in Pennsylvania, tho laboring cln.— e would not now bo bending their necks to the feudalism (if grasping monopolists." Frcm the Carbon Democrat. "It is a large sized, well printed and ably conducted paper, and wo have no doubt it will receive, what it deserves, a wide circa- L lation." From the. Lancaster Intelligencer. PR "It comes recommended by an elegant ex terior, and discourse., Democracy of thp true stamp. The editors enjoy the benefit ol much experience in tho editorial profession, and will not fail to make the 'Star' an able and efficient newspaper." From the Pottsville Emporium. "The new paper is a large, line looking sheet, handsomely executed, and edited with spirit and ability." From the Lcwishurg Chronicle. "The 'Berwick Enquirer* lias ceased to interrogate, ami its remains being carried to Bloomsburg, it lias arisen into a 'STAR' of the first magnitude and brilliancy. Mr. Gil more has the efficient aid of R. W. Weaver, Esq., as Publisher and Editor—and they talk 1 'Democracy' (particularly as regards Slavery land Protection) in away that would have a ■ntazed Thorn us Ji-fforeou. The *is 'bound Hp thine." TSLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1850. Frnm the Hndfotd Reporter. • "The lirst two numbers which we have j received are well punted and ably edited." From the Lycoming Gazette. 1 "Tho lirst number gives tokens of entcr i prise and success." Fromtht Hamy Luminary. (Whig.) : "The 'blur' is a largo, well executed sheet, and we wish the editors success in th -ir new I, in a pecuniary way, but destruc j lion politically. From the Miltoni in, ( Whig.) "It advocates Democracy, and makes quite i a creditable appearance." From the tl'ilkesbarre Farmer. ! " The last -week's bloomsburg 'Star' is a lew-lot a number. The Star is earning'lor itsed' a high character for ability and sou ml , I Democracy." From the Phwnixville Ledger. \ "The - btar of the North,' one ot the best I journals in the Slate." 13/ TERMS—Two dollars per annum, or ; wo dollars and fif.y cents if not paid within i tho year..A t | This paper, having a large circulation, and j being read by those who take, will be found i a profitable medium for advertisers to make their business known. JOll H'UIIK will be i cheaply and handsomely done at the "Star" .office BLANKS of all kinds are always for - i I sale. , Address, WEAVER k GILMORE. j Biooiusbutg, Jan. 12th, ISSO. T JYCBI the National Anti-Shivery Standard. 112 L MUST SNOW-FALL. SY JAMES RUssl-'.LL LOWELL. I THE snow had begun in the gloaming, | And buisily all the night . Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and while. ' Ete.v pine and fir and hemlock Wore ermine to dear for an earl, And the poorest twig on the elm tree Was ridged inch-deep with pearl. ' Front sheds: new-roofed with Carrara, I Came Chanticleer's muffled crow, I'll" .ill ra.l- we. sotlened to swan's-town, j | And : ill Butler,vd down the sttow. ' 1 :-\i 0.l ami watched by the window The ttoishn - works of the sky, 1 And tho sadden flurries of snow-birds Like brown LAVS '.vhuling by. • 1 thought cf a mound in sweet Auburn j \ ..ere a littlo bead tone stood, tbiw the were folding it gently, As did robt ins the baber in the wood. i i'n !• .oke our own lii'de Mabel, ', : *• .-'a', wito makes it sttow? And ! laid of the good Allfalltcr Wi.o ee.roj lor Us all oclow. Again I 1 iked at the snowfall, And thought of the leaden sky 1 But arched o'er our lir.-l great sorrow, When that mound was heaped so high. ! I remembered dm gradual patience That fell from that cloud like snow, 1-lakc by flake, healing and hiding i The scar of that deep-stabbed woe. ' And again to the child I whi-pored, •'The mow that Lit liethall, Darling, the merciful Father Alone can make it tall!" Then, with eye.', that raw nol.lkissed her, Ami she. kissing buck, could not know i That my kiss watt given to Iter sister Folded close umler deepening snow. The Franking Privilege of Postmasters. — j The Postmaster General has decided that 1 when a Postmaster is agent for a publisher he has power to frank letters forwarding sub scriptions to such publishers. The following is the letter containing the decision : POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, ) Appointment OJicc, Dee. 31, -19. j Slß:—the Po-tniastcr General, alter care ful consideration of tho question as to the ! right of Postmasters that have the privilege 1 of franking, to frank letters to publishers of ! newspapers conveying money for subserip i lions or the names of subscribers, lias, deci ded, that when tlio I'oMniaster is Agent for . the publisher, he has the power to frank : such letters, and his agency will bo presu med from the fact that ho hanks tltein. As no pos.master has any authority to frank these communications but when lie is such an Agent, it is proper to regard htm as acting 1 | in tnat capacity when he so conducts, until information is received to tlio contrary. In doing this business, the Postmaster must bo i regarded as entirely the Agent of the pub j lisber, and not of the Department. Very respectfully, fee, FIT/. HENRY WARREN. I TUB ACE OF HUMBUG. —A Mr. Martaiu mysteriously disyppeared recently from | Niles, Michigan, and murder was immedi ately suspected. A clairvoyant in the neigh | borhood saw hint with his throat cut at the bottom of a river, which was dragged wilh > | out producing the mutilated body. A few I days alter the man "turned up" in Vermont ! alive and well. i<|t , ! ' ti7" Dr. S. I'. Townsend, the New York Sun says, has s tld out the good-will of his I sarsaparilla business for $ 100,000; and the > ; raw matetial and machinery of his manu -1 factory at Albany for $26,000. Mr. Thomas 1 i \V. Camming? is the purchaser. Mr. Town send re,.res with a very largo fortune. 1 THE "Iron Workers" of Pittsburg have held a meeting and resolved to resist all at tempts to reduce their wages. The P. tinsylviinla Senate. | The press continues its comments upon | tho modesty of Mr Bnsr. We are glad to perceive the healthy tone of the Democratic portion upon the subject. The federal por tion. without being sati-lied with lite traitor, express their gratification at the result of the i bargain, by which he was elevated—we j trust, only to fall into the insignificance, I which conduct, such as lie has been guilty | of, is certain to bring upon its author. From the Juniata Register. Mr. Best is now, without a doubt, heart & ' | hand with the Whig party; anil we only j | hope that he will learn to be an honest man ! For our part we say "good riddance to bad j i rubbish." From the Bedford Gazette, j V. Best, (n professing Democrat, but tin j worthy the name.) refused to go iido caucus, j j and by lite aid of the entire whig vote, sue- j I cecded in reaching the Speaker's chair ol I 1 the Senate, aver J. P. Brawley, the candi date of the party, and a firm reliable Detn i oerat, every way worthy tho position. That j matt who will unite with those as professes ; to oppose, politically, for the sake ol eleva ! ting himself, cannot command the respect of j tho body over which lie presides. Such j men should receive no countenance from I Democrats. i Gut of the Stale al.-o, this event lots crea ted a prolouml sensation. Wc have observ- | ed that several of the leading Democratic newspapers have indignantly commented | upon it ; but we have no space fur extracts, j I save One, which we copy from the leading Democratic press of New Jersey, the i'rett i ton True American: I What a contemptible apology for a man ntust he be, who will lend himself to the : opposition, for the trilling consideration ot J gratilyinghis vanity with tut office. The j I whole object ol tho Whigs was, to create \ j discord in the Democratic ranks; but ltis! childish desire to bo Speaker, makes hint 1 heedless of the intentions of tho opposition j ' and oven lead hint to tho unparliamentary ' act of voting tor himself. Verily, such "men j ARE but children ol larger growth." From the I cnnsylvanian. VALENTINE HESi. j The present Speaker of the Senate is al j ready a historical character. His name isat- ! ready deeply impressed upon our annals. He j is immortalised in the press and the forum ; j and through >ut this broad Union, his exam- ! I pie is held up to '.he public gaze. The pro- j cess by which ho has suddenly attained this conspicuous elevation, is really novel. "The youth who fired the Ephe-iau dome outlived j the pious fool who reared it;" but Mr. BEST I has improved upon bis model. ARNOLD, I when he parted with his honor, still retained his courage. That most expert of al! recre ants, Mr. PENROSE, ami his confederates, ex i cused their treason to a great cause by at least an appearance of defending themselves. : Gorgey, who sold poor Hungary to tho Aus • tiians, now pleads the apology that ho only i gave way when his country seemed to bo un j able longer to resist. Even the bribed judges , of England, boasted of their conduct as a I tribute to rovalily, and sought to palliatelheir I infamy by cunningly excusing it. But Mr. ' Valentine Best goes into the Speaker's chair ol the Senate, without the talent to ailorn it, or the courage to defend the miserable do -1 feetioti that placed him there. He parts with his self-respect without compunction. lie: | goes over to the common enemy, without : shame and without provocation. He rivits a bad bargain by a prostitution ol tnanly pride, never yet equalled in our day; and votes for himself with a craven and coward spirit, tnoro worthy of the convict than the Senator, lie totters up to llto scat surrounded with no ble associations; and nearly sinks to the floor in abject feat. Even his prepared speech at j the same time a proof of his poor treson, is j whimpered through white lips, while his , blanched checks, ami downcast eyes, tell i "how hard it is to part with honor." Even j the Whigs who have put up this, ana who knew lie could not annul the Democratic mu -1 jorily, save by publishing his degradation i i with his own vote—accustomed as they are • to intrigue, and reckless as they are ol the ! judgment of lite public—though constantly writhing under the laslt of the people—scorn j the shrinking object of their votes. Tltey cower before the proud, glance of the defeat- i ■ ed but defiant Democracy ; who point at the . 1 scandalous depravity they have encouraged, . ! and recoil from the pestilential bargain coun- I soiled and consummated by the Whig Sena • tors. I Poor old Pennsylvania! Ilow often she | has been outraged by these conservators of ! order—these lovers of decency-—these oppo i nonts of immortality! With a noble and in j telligent population, proud of the history of j her career, and confident of a brilliant future I —with a system cf Common Schools, emu ; lated and applauded every where —with a ' I chain of public improvements destitiei! to be the admiration of llto country—how often is 1 Iter escutcheon stained by the Rimers, the j Pentoses, and the Bests, who,obtaining pow er at the hands of an honest constituency, ■ ; outraged the eonfidiiice that has trusted 5 ; them, and sully a reputation secured by thu ' patient industry, and lite ready industry of ■jhorsons! Have the Whig Senators, who ' ! have all prated against the shame of Repu ' 1 diation, reflected how the transaction leading j to the present organization of the Senate,will be commented upon to lite discredit of the • 1 State elsewhere—how it will arm our ene • | mies—liotv it w ill lead to misrepresentations 1 of our people—how in a word, it will he 1 ' I Trulh and Rlfht-—God and our fonniry. laughed at and elaborated as nn evidence of j the mercenary meanness of the public men I of Pennsylvania ! One such act as this, bold ly carried out under the auspices o! the wltigs, and their instrument, w ill be powerfully quo ted against all the benefits rendered lit llto country by our statesmen and orators. It will alfect equally the eminent men of both par tics; ami, in a short time, unless a terrible public judgment overwhelms those who took purlin it, will make Pennsylvania a by-word and a hissing among her sisters. How gen tlemen like Mailtias. Crabh, Dursic, & King, | can justity their pan i t this miserable exlti j liition, we cannot imagine, j But we beg oi our countrymen to rernent- i j bor that, extraordinary us this act has been, j ! the authors of the whole affair are Wltigs, and the object ol it. long ago. more than halt J : disposed to do Whig bidding, and to support | Whig measures. He has, lor two years, mis- ! | represented, by ltis votes, a solid Democratic j district; the assured Democratic majority of i i which is at least 2000. If the act itself did j j not dishonor tho Slate, we should rejoice that j : Best lias thus proved his title to Whig sup j port, by this public self-degradation. It will j j at once show the Democrats ol Colutnbiaaud | Luzerne what a viper they have been nurs- , j ing in their midst. II he has been inliueu- i ! tial in creating any ilissentions among them, I ' a common feeling of contempt for ltis con- j duct anil character, will al once unite tln I In this respect, good will nottie out of Itt baseness; and though the Penns) Iviuiian i 1 may often feel the blu-lt of shame suffuse j 1 his cheek when, in other States, he hears the name of Best pronounced, its one who re- j reived high honors, he may rejoice that it is ! now certain tha that race ot politicians is i x i tine.!, and that the lesson will produce healthy consequences. From the Wilikesbarre Farmer. I We cannot but note with admiration the ! j dexterity with which the Senator front tlii 1 district, Mr. Best, lias transferred himself, by • aid of his own vote and that of the Wltigs, jto the Speaker's chair. For this act many ! | of our coiomporaries arc unsparing in their j denunciations. For our own part we are in j | no-wise disappointed in the course of Mr. j j Best. Nor do we as a Democrat, feel the slightest responsibility for his acts, 'lite County to which he belongs and which no- ' J inmatcd hint must shoulder the honor ot ! j fiis proceedings. ! Tlio fault of Mr. Best, is the fault of the ! school to which he belongs, and of the peo- I pie in upholding the delinquencies of that ' school. There is not otic of hi- C'aiiieroniun associates but would have dune lite same thing, anil there is not one of litem but has ! approved with shouts of del", lit proceedings l much more disastrous in tlicirnutseqttcnces. It well becomes the Demon die Lnion. and papers of that ilk. w hose editors lia'-e gorged ; ; up lite blood of slaughtered to | endeavor to brighten ilieir damaged cltarac lers with the emeried skin ol Mr. Senator , Best. Tltey indulged in beastly origins when the highe '■ interests arid the most important trusts of the Democratic parly were betray ed. unit now they ajjc'.t to cnuq.iu t when the very same example wltic' J-oy approved ; and endorsed i- followed by others. It rests j with the people tn cetrect all these evils by confiding their tmeres,s in the hands alone of those in whom tltey have well grounded confidence. From the Doyhstown Democrat. Out upon the Traitor ! On Tuesday, tho Ist day of January. 1850, j a certain Valentine Best, who was elected to the Senate by the Democrats of Luzerne and Columbia counties, perpetrated one of the most disgraeerul and unmitigated acts of treachery and soil-debasement, known in tlic annals of legislative proceedings. It is well known that the result of the laM fall's election gave the Democrats 17 and , tho Federals lti members. To make the 17, however, it was necessary to incli.dclhis fel i low Best, a politician long known as belong ing to that striped cla.-s who carry their prim : ciplcs in their pockets. As soon as the state : of parties in the Senate, after lite last elec j lion, was ascertained, and it was known that ! Best held the balance of power, there was j but littio confidence entertained by those \ ! having a knowledge of his want of political integrity, in tint democrats having a practical j majority m that body. From the Pike ('ounty Democrat. His own tole w as ttecesssary to e ectliiin, and no one who lias been acquainted with | j ltis official lite, could doubt that lie would lie would vote for himself, or do any other dirty work of a similar kind. Mr. Best, •'• j though elected as a Democrat, and from i ,e of the strongest Democratic districts in the 1 j State, has, throughout, acted and voted with the Wltigs. For our part, we are willing to , pass him over, and feel thankful that we aro now likely to get rid of hinur*. From the liellejbntc Democrat. In the Senate, Valentine Best is elected as ! Speaker over the regular nominee J.Porter Brawley, oi Crawford County. Mr. Best is 1 the Winnebago Senator from Columbia co., I who voted with the Whigs last winter on nil I banking and corporation questions, and was j elected by the whole Whig vote united with his own. We suppose lie will now go over j to the Whigs body and breeches. Certain it is, lie has not far to go. The Democratic j party will be rid of a nuisance,and the Whigs i will doubtless receive him with open arms ! on lite principle of "small favors thankfully received." I ' From the ll'estchester Republican. We regret to write these tilings of Senator ' Best, for our personal relations hnve always ; been friendly, and we have not unfrequently | co-operated politically. But we cannot ap prove in him, that which we would condemn in others. To be silent, even, towards eon- ' duct so disorganizing and so much at vari ance with all that is correct and honorable in j politics, would be treachery to lite Democra tic parly. .. From the Norr stuwn IVatchmun. It does seem that the Democratic parly j should have learned wisdom, long ago from I experience, in nominating men for office, j j who are slippery itt politics, and bring for ! I ward no man for office, in wince political j | integrity there can be any doubt. We know j not what standing Mr. Best lias heretofore | j laid vt'iih the sterling Democracy of Colum- I bia county, but certain it is be represents a ' | Democratic majority of more than two thou- j | sand votes, (Columbia and Luzerne,) and lie ! ! must be a traitor of the worst kind,that would i I when his vo'e was necessary, to sustain the j ; Democratic party, sell himself, ar.d the party i j he represents, (or a mess of pelage, to the i Whig party, and to the consumtnalioh of • Whig measures. From the Luzerne Democrat. Cut Senator, j The course pursued by the Senator front - this di.-trici we cannot approve. We are sor- , rv indeed to see litis district represented as it ! lias been 'v Mr Bc-t. As a Democrat wc j dectpi! him. Ho wat pre.-ented by Coliirn- j i bia county and we went in for him in good ! faith, and did all itt our power to secure ltis | ! election, lie lias now laterally abandoned j the party, and embraced tho wltigs—nay. j | more than this, he has done what an honora- j I ble man wo tld not do—vote for himself for j ; the chairman of the Senate. Mis committees prove the bargain he con mminateil with the wltigs. Me has louglit j I new idols and henceforth he will worship at I their shrine. He is not of the Democracy ol j ! Luzerne and Columbia henceforth and tor- | ever. j DELICABY.—The Neapolitan government has ordered all the ballet girl's dresses to le ' lengthened, and the statues in tho Bourbon ' Museum to receive an addition of plaster 1 where it ivas considered exposure of the per- 1 son was immodest. The Vensuses are to , have petticoats and ruffs, the Apoilos broe- j ' cites, and the Cupids diapers. A collection of line engravings belonging to the queen; mother have been burned because the ladies ; i represented had bare necks. While they ' are doing these tilings to the statues, tnisera- ! file human beings nearly naked are crow I ding the streets, iheir \vant% totally unatten-: ded to by tiie Government which helps to reduce llient to this übjeet state. ! TIIE strongest case of love and devotion of i which we remember to have heard, says an ' j exchange, is that of a Kentucky gallant, who got into a hollow tree, w lioro lie lived a I ' whole week, peeping llironuh a knot hole at j lii.t true love, as sli sa! -owing hearkin pel- : i ticoats at her window. I !f this metamorpho sis? ' exclaimed both die parents a id gue.-ts j in astonishment. The little girl laugliei! joyously, and nai vely answered— "Ah. 1 have blackened my hair with tlio water with which mamma blackens Iter's 1" Home Journal. "SEE here, boy, how long will these lo curt tail- last.'" inquired a traveler of a wes tern urchin, while riding pasta long string oi fence made of litis material. "They'll last forever!" responded the boy in a confident tone. "Forever!'' exclaimed the stranger-—"how do you know that ?" "Why, my father's tried it twice, and i guess 1 ought to know by this time, ' said the lad very gravely. SOME innocent compositor for ci.e of our exchanges, instead of "following copy," and setting up tlio genuine Latin "fiat lux" angli cised by inserting in lieu thereof tho words "fat licks!" To have a clear head, have regard to what you put in your stomach. There is no religion like that of tho heart, no charity like that which does not blow its j own trumpet. | Tho sum of behaviour is, to retain a man's [ own c.ignity, without intruding upon the lib j aridity of others. [Two Dollars iter Annum. NUMBER 51. (Correspondent*rf the 'tar.) I KOH DIMI.ADfcM'IIIA. I'HILAD., Jan. 9, isso. 1 Mnsns. Etiroas:— 1 hoard a leclure h few days ago by | Fred. Douglass, a black man, formerly a j slave ia one of our Southern Status, but now ! editor of a paper in the city of Rochester ; devoted to the abolition of slavery. Doug lass is one of tho most impressive speakers | I have over listened to. His language is 1 chaste and beautiful, his voice musical, and ! his thoughts calculated to fix themselves for j life in the minds ol his hearers. As I listen j eJ to the noble sentiments, clothed in strong ! and beautiful language, which leaped from | his lips, snd hushed into silence, or roused ; into wild excitement the large and intelligent j audioncc that crowded Sansom St. Hall, the | African features of Douglass ceased to be rc pressive, anil he became possitively berati ■ ltd. The black face ol Douglass is radiant ; with intellectual light, and instead of despi | sing him ott account of his color, every true man must honor and respect him. Cod bless : him! 1 envy not the feelings of the man that .can sneer at and ridicule such a parson as Douglass But I remember that tho "Star ol i the Noith i,- not on abolition paper, unJthat I many ~f its re. I, m s typo.ed to littering or rending anything r.n d.o subject of Afri ; can slav.- :y. Ihe v 1i„ running mad after secret so cieties. The order of Masons, Odd Fellow*, 1 rinds,, SPUS of Temperance, Sens of Liberty, Brotherhood of t'uion, ice., among the men are weil known. Among females we l ave the Daughters of Temper ance, 1 liiloitathians. fee. All these societies are busy in reforming the world; each has laid hold ol some idea, and being carried a- I way with it, seems to think that all which ! the world needs to make it a perfect para dise, is the acknowledgement of and practice l in accordance with, this single idea. They can do no harm, anil it is tint worth white opposing them, but those who unite with them are often disappointed. Ido not know one of these societies which inculcates one printi>>l inimical to the best interests of tho community, and yet great good is to be ex -1 peeled from none of them perhaps, except I the Suns of remperanee. The Sons of Tem perance have less ceremony, less show arid parade, and a inoro immediately important prin ciple as their Inundation stone, than any other. J here is one objectionable feature, however, in litis organization, viz, that of benefits.— 1 litis is tho source ol nearly all tho troubles which the order has, or will meet with , and it it ever lulls, th itfeature will be the weapon by which it dies. The young and enthusiastic may join one or more of these societies not only without ; injury to his morals, but with real benefit; i but let him nut fancy that his order will soon revolutionize the society, and make earth a j paradise. Alter ho has learned the weak ness. as well as the strength of his order, in llie great battle of life, he will be a ntoto useful, though a less enthusiastic member. I v a ■ led to make these remarks from see ing an account this morning of the installa tion of the officers in the 87th Circle of tho brotherhood ot Union. This is anew order, originating in George Lippard. It is spread i iag pretty rapidly, but what are its distin guishing characteristics I have not learned so as to justily me in saying much about them. This is a great ago. -As soon a man gets hold of some idea which warms and heats his own blood to the boiling point, he founds a secret society, and with a few others,whom j lie has brought over to his views, sots about I reforming the world. Go ahead, all ye secret societies! call each other brothers; paint tho future in golden colors; it makes you fuel good, and can injure nobody else. W. SOUTHING Nr.v. U.spcn Tttc Sr.v.— A thieves' convention has been held in Lon don lor the purpo -e of adopting measures to I rocure an hone.-! livelihood. Two .hundred and seven avowed thieves attended. Tha mooting was o; enod with prayer and nhi/nn. ' An address was proposed to Lotd Asley, ask ing if any hopo was presumed of their ob taining an linnestiiviug in the British Colon ies. His Lordship expressed his willingness to befriend them, as it was his duty to do so. He candidly told them that there was little hope fot thorn, unless they turned their at tention to the back settlements of tho New World. Suggestive of levity as may bo those facts, there ia something serious and solemn in them. "We must ftsal or dio," was the response or one of the thieves; "prayer is very good, but it will not fi'l an empty stomach." Can any thing be moto expressive of the depraving influences of the social evils ot English society.— Ledger. A ScGGBs-rio.N.—The New Orleans Bulic tin, in commenting on tho late disorganized state of the House of representatives, sug gests as an elfuctuakgiuird to the recurrence of such a slate of things an amendment to | the Constitution, providing that whenever either House shall not complete its organiza tion within ten days after tho legal day of meeting, that house should be ipso facto dis solved, and new elections shall take placo ' within thirty days throughout the Union. With such an amendment the organization would always take place in due season— , Ledger. j "Illustrated with cuts,'' said a young urch in us he drew his jack knife acroos the loaves ' | of his grammar. j "In Rt fott there is ITISOTH.''