AGRICULTURAL. CHLORIDE t)F LIME FOIl VEIt M1N. A correspondent of tho London Jhiilcl tr writes ; Homo yoaro ego i reau in a French rotontifiic porddloal, that chloride of lime would rid a houso of all these nul- paneo?. I troaBured up Iho information until opportunity offered for testing its value, and this oocured some lour years since. I took an old country liouso infes. tod with rats ; roico and flics : I stuffed every rat and mouss-holo with tho ohlo r'tdo. I threw it on the quarry floors of the diary and collars. I kept saucers of it under the chest of drawers or soma other contenicnt piece of fumituro in ovory nur Bory, bed, or dressing. roora. An orna tnental class vase hold a nnantity nt tho foot of each staircase. Stables', cowihcds, pic'tiei, all had their doso and tho result wai gloriquj. I thoroughly routed my cnomios and the rals, more impudent than tho rest did make renewed attaoks upon tho diary about twolve months when probably, from repealed cleaning and flushing nil traces of tho chlorido had vanished a handful fresh ogain routed them and left mo mas ter of my own premises, T l m uw year was a great ono lor wasp they wouldn't face the chlorido ; though in tho dining-room, in which wo had none as its smoll, to mo moat refreshing and wuolcsoino is not approved by all persons , wo had a perpetual warfare and all this comfort for eight penes! Only let housewives bowaro thai they place not chlorido in their china pantries, or in close proximity to bright steel wares, or tho ro suit may ho that their elided china will be reduced to plain and their bright steel to rusty iron in no time. How Many Inches in a Bushel. Tin standard bushel of the United States con tains 215 cubic inches. Tho 'imperial bushel, is about 03 cubic inohes larger, be ing 2,218,191 cubic inches. Any box or meaiurc, tho contents of which are equal to 2150,4 cubic inches will hold a bush el of grain. Jn measuring fruit vegetables coal and other substances, ono Gfth must be added. In other words a peck meas urc five times even fall makes one bushel.' Tho usual practice is to 'heap-tho measure In order to got on the fifth peck measures must bo heaped as Ions as what is to bo measured will lie on. A Patriarchal Farmer. Bowels of the. 'Republican,' wroto from Cbio, Cal., of tho farming operations of Gen. Bidwelr M. C: 'Gen. Bidwell becamo tho owner of one of the famous Spanish grants i n the rioheetpart of the valley, and ha a farm of 20,000 acres ; 18,000 aro under culti vation. His crop of wheat in 18G3 was 30,000 bushels from 000 aores of land, or an averago of tho valley is 52 bushels. Of barley and oats, his other principle crops, ho usually harvests 50 bushels to tho acre. His garden and orchard cover 200 acres-' Rats. Neighbor Jones say, that if we Will go to a tin shop and get a lot of scrap tin, and crowd it into their holes, they will evacuate the premises at onoo- Whether they (ear, them as traps or whether thoy soratoh their sides orwliethcr they havo a natural fear of it he could not toll. He only knows tho fact. Maine Farmer, JKB A Cellar which opens inside a dwelling should bo kept as faultlessly cloan all tho year round as any part of the house because its atmosprcro is constantly as cending and impregnates every room in tho houso with its many odors. In real ity' there ought not to be any cellar under any dwelling. Getting Rid op a Guinea. A gen tleman on his travels called his servant to the side of tho po3t chaise. '-Tom," says ho, "hero's a guinoa whioh is too light, and I can get nobody to tako it; do you, and part with it, somohow or other on tho road." Ycs, sir,' Bays tho footman, I will endeavor.' When they camo to thoir inn at night, tho gentl eman called to his servant to know if ho had passed off the guinea- 'Yes, sir,' says the man, 'I did it slily.' 'Ay, Tom says his master, I, fancy thou art a sly sort of a follow ; but loll me how!' 'Why, sir,' says tho foot men, -the peoplo refused it at breakfast, and so they did when you dined ; but as 1 had a groat to pay at the turnpike, I whipped Lim between tho halfpcnco, and the man put it into his pooket, and never saw tl IC7 A correspondent tells of a young ter who on beine admonished bv his motlior not to take all the hash from Iho dish, because ho should leave somo for manners, replied, after looking around tho table, " Well, I don't seo any Manners here to eat it !" Down Hill, A gentleman lying on bis deathbed, called his coachman, who had been an old servart, nnd said : "Ah Toin I am going a long nndTuggcd jour do5iMr;ro than you ovor droro mo" "Oh been an ninlied the follow, (ho having that disoourogo'jV-jnaiter,) "novor let hill down iwiwiim mtUuuMJMumtm urn jsxsmswuiiisnsJUumJ THE EVENING TOST, J Edited I,, William atlkn Bryant and Prospectus. The evening Post, now in its slxtyfifth yenr, having begun with this nineteenth . century, has always maintained u loading position among tho metropolitan journals. Tho fearless and hearty support which , . 1 . -I ..,- u nas aiways givon 10 inc great principles of universal justice and freedom has mado it tho almost indisponiablo companion of bravo and truo mon, who aro moro deeply interested in tho success of principles and tho progress of humanity than in the tri umph of party. During tho war tho Evening Post was ono of tho most earnest and vigorous sup portors of tho cause of the Union ; it hold up tho hands of our brave soldiers in tho fields, and encouraged tho hearts of our noble men and women at homo ; every ....I,. i il.. 1, 1,.,1 projeot for paShlDg on tUO Column had US ..1.... - ..,.i . l.:i li . 1 I ZOalOUS support ; WllllO it no 1CSS ZoalOUS- ly lashed and rebuked treason in nil its ' forms, whether open and courageous as at the South, or covert and mean, as at the North. That groat moasnre of the war particu larly the Proclamation of Emancipaliou was early welcomed incessantly urged and most joyfully approved by it, as the imperative necifof tho times. That other measure, no less important, the Comtitu tional Amendment, has found, in the Eve ning Post, its latest and most persistent as well as its earliest and most earnest ad' vocatc. At the samo time, with all its enthusi asm for liberty and Union, tho Evening Post did not close its eyes to tho dangers of an abuse ol power ; it was the enemy of all undue excroise of the central author ity, of all kinds of political jobbery and corruption ; it has insisted upon economy in expenditures and of tho strictest ad herenco to the Constitution. To these principles the Lvcning Post mtends to adhere. Pledged to no party, and look ing only to the interests ol the whole conn try, now happily restored and united, it will uso whatever of energy it has, and of influonce it may acquire in beball of 1st. those fundamental maxims of hu man equality, human right, human pro gress and elevation which lie at tlio foun dation of our democratic form of society; 2l, Iooal independence and local eolf- govcrnment, so necessary to dispersion of power and to the political education of tho masses ; and 3d, national unity and supremacy not of national centralization so gloriously maintained in the war. Bat the Evening Post has always aimed to he moro than a political and commer cial journal. It detires besides to bo 'a good newspaper.'' In its columns will bo found a eomplolo history of the events of the day, important political or etato doc uments entire, proceedings of legislative bodies, summaries of European intelli gence, and nows from till parts of the world, accurate reports of financial and commercial matters, trustworthy corres pondence, and a carefully solected literary miscellany, comprising poetry, roviews of new woiks, with liberal extracts, gossip and anecdotes thcwholo forming an ex cellent variety, in which every reader will discover something to his taste. TerpisTo Mail SuOscribers Evening Tost, Weekly, $J CO per annum. Evening Tost, Semi Weekly, $100 " Evening Post, Daily, gl-J 00 ' ' Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. AGENTS SENDING US THE MONEY and names of twenty subscribers to our Semi-Weekly paper at S-l eaoh, or forty Subscribers to our Weekly, at S'2 each, will receive o'no of Whoeler & Wilson's $55 Family Sewing Maehinee, or ono of the Howo Sewing Machines, which sell in New York for 800 ; or if they should not succeed in making up tho full number to entitlo them to this preinium,thoy can send us such subscriptions as they have obtain ed, and deduct 12$ per cent, from tho amount of their remittance! Address Wm. C. BRYANT & Co., Publishers, 41 Nassau st., cor. Liberty, N. York, J- Wo onoo knew of a fellow who fan eied he was a jacksss . Tho beauty of it was, he wasn t much mistaken. EriTAPii ter. ON A PniNTER, Dead mat- C A little to rouoli wbiskoy has kept many a man from pursuing a straightfor ward path. JCSf The higher an asi holds his the plainer wo seo bis oars. head JEWELRY AT LOW PRICES! 100,000 Watches, Chains, Lockcls, Rings. Bracelets Uels of Jewelry, Cold Pens, li;. Ice, To he disposed of at ONE DOLLAR each without ro. gard to value, nut to be paid for until you know what you nre to receive. J 00 Cold Hunting Casa Watches each SIO tn ouu silver ivnicuci each J.'Oiu js 10,000 Cold Pens and Silvsr Case each 5 to 8 lO.Uoo Btls Ladies' Jewelry, (assorted) each 3 10 And a largo assortment nf Jewelry of every do scriptlon for ladies' and gents' wear, varvina in val ue from g:i to $23 each, The method of disposing of iiiL-.H i;uwub ui wuu ,uiiur eacu us iniiows: CEUTIFICATEd iinming an ARTICLE and Its price are placid In SEALED ENVELOPES nnd well lulled, one of which will be sent by Mall to any nil dress on receipt nf Price, Ono Certificate 'Ji cents. Five for $1- There nro no I1LANK8, You mint get the VALUE of your money. Circulars with particu lars Free. Address. A. J. HARPER & CO 220 Rroadivay, New York. I605-3mo. mff "HllV'm'II I A ... , .yOA i1," 111 ' Agents Wanted 1P v for six snffrsy nris rlir. lust out. Ad. I drtisO. T CAREY, City lluildliig, lledfotd. Mains, c. i i, iruj -- ly THE PHOENIX PECTORAL w - jj QUVG your Ooilgll' THE PHOENIX PECTORAL OR, compound svnur or wtt.n cherry & Nrs- 1:KA snake hoot. vm uuro llie oaics 'SKSC&.O A ST S) Sfe "W C S Such as Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Soro Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, kc, Itstimoly uso will prevent PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, And even where, this fearful disease Ii fully ilovet. oped it will nllofd mure icllef than any other inedi. cine. ) Lawrence Ooti, rx-Hpeakor of the ronnsylvnnla llouxo of ItKprrrciitntivc. snya : "Thli roiiRli rcnic ilv Is now extensively used, and li of the highest value lo mo community, its curative ipiaimes iinvtng uecr ,.,,cii tv llionnnd with the most crnttrylns results to tho romiimnlly, its curative qunlltlf having been It is carclully nnd skillfully prepared from Wild (.lcy llutk and penekn Snake Root by Dr. LcvlObcr- a'lrrarry a,iVVnVi0,;r;ofe: Keepers." I). P.Crosby, cx-Postmastcr and cz-Durgcisnf Potts town. ccrllHcs as fullows : Pottstowk. 1803.Jan. 3, I This certifies that I havo used the Phoenix Pectoral In my family, and 1 recommend it to tho piililic ns the very best remedy (or Cough nnd Colds that I have ever tried. One of iny children was taken Willi a cold, accompanied with a Croupy Cough, so bad, Indeed, that it could n it talk nnd breathe. Having heard so much snid nbout the I hocnlx I'cctnral, 1 procured a botllo of It. The first dose relieves Iho ilihlcutly of breathing, and before the child had taken oun-fniirlli of the bottle it was entirely well. EverV family sho'd hove it ill their house. 1). P. CROdllY. J, Ui Smith, druggist, of New Hope, Ilucks county, Ta., in writing to Dr. Oberholtitei. says "A few unys since 1 bought two dozen of your valuable cough remedy to try, and And It very good, arid as it is near ly nil guno 1 would like you to send mo a gros of ii, "Your medicines gives belter sntisfaclloii than any other 1 have In Iho store, I nm ogent for some of tho most popular cough picparnlions, but youri sucmj to bo doing the most good. The following is an extract from n letter from Hi rani Ellis, merchant, near l'nttloi.u, I'n, : "I have tried the I'lurnix Pcitoral, nnd 11 ml it to be the best cough medicine extant, It meets with n more ready sale than any other thai 1 linvo ever had in my store." Tho proprietor of this medicine lias so much confi dence In its curative pncrs from Iho testimony of thousands who have usoil 11, that the money will bo Pair Hack to any purchaser who is not eatlslio.l with ts eirects. It is so pleasant to take that children cry fur it Trico TlllltTY-FlVE (,'ENl'a ; Largo liolllcs ON 11 DOLLAR. It is intended for only ono class f diseases, name ly, those of the Throat ami Lungs. Q" Prepared only by LEVI OBE11IIOLTZER, M, D Phamlxvillc, l'a. Sold by nil Drugslslsnnd Storekeepers. JOHNSTON, 1IOLI.OVVAV, & COWIIEN, No. 23 North Sixth Street, I'hllnilelphia, nnd F. C. WELLS & Co,, No. IIS Franklin Street, Now York, (ieliernl Wholesale Agents. Sold b E. P LU'JY. and EYKK Ic MOVER. Dm; gists, llloomburg, nnd by nearly every druggist nnd country storekeeper in UoliiroVa county. N. IS. If journeercst drmMist or storekeeper does not keep this mcuicinu uo nrwfi mm puiyou on Willi tomi other medicine, but sesraul once lo one of the agents lor it. January, 'JO, ltGli. Cm TUP. undersigned is cxto nslvely engaged In tho Undertaking JJisines,snd kiepscoiieu.illy on hand nndior saloat his tVare room s.n large assortment of FINIS,1ED tS3 COFFINS, By which he is enabled to fi.ll orders on presentation At-so Keeps n good Horse und Hearso, and will at nl times be ready to attend Funcrels. SIMON C. SIIIVE. Illoomsbi'rg, January 29. IE30 TobaCCO AND At Stroup's Old Stand, on Main Street Tho undersigned having opend tho Store formerly occupied by DavidSlroun. as nOroeerv. and furnished i'. with a large and varied assortment of excellent TOMACCO AND CIGARS. most respectfully invites tho patronage of tho citi zens of nioom.hurgnnd vicinity. nu is prepareu uistn ni wnoiesaio anu retail, upon the mot re atnnahlo terms. Mordinnts, Hotril keepers, and Groccrymen, rouId do well in give him a call. VT All kinds of Chewing nnd Smoking Tnbarcn, in lnrgo and small qualities, constantly on hand and for sale II. II. IIUNB11ERGER. nioonsburg, Bupl, S3, 1503-Gmns WRAPPING AND MINING PA PElt. llavillir thorouchlv overhauled mv Pn Vcr Mills nt Mill Grove, near Dlnomsbiirg Columbia i.ounty, l'a,. 1 am now prenarcil tn till Ml rnlcis fur wrapping, nry inasting anu water rroor Paper, on sliorl notice nml fair price?. 1 have opened a ware house in Wllkcn-llarre, and appointed Josepli llrnwn ol the llrm ol llrown, r.ray fc Co., my agent to dispose of my paper in Luzerne County. THOMAS TRENCH, Dloomsburg.Sept. fO, I6C3, 111 e r i c a n o te8 Opposite old Independence Hall, rillLADELl'illA. S. M. IIEULINGS, Proprietor. WM. May 27, II. IIeolinos, Cleric. !eu5,-12m TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC THE subscriber, 20 years a practical Piano Forla Manufacture r, of New York Cilv, has permanently located in this section, and woul, respectfully solicit orders for TUNHNG, REPAIRING, AND REG ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS. Tho subscriber is also tho manufactur er's Agent for Ohiclccring k Son's, Hazleton Dro'e, Lindcman & Son's, William 1). Hradbury's, Edward Rloomfield's, McDonald k Co's a n ,PIAN FORTES, And Carliort k Ncedhnm's, nml Peloubet's lYlelodcons and Harmoniums, And L. U. Bluait's Pipe CHURCH ORGANS. james McDonald. Dlonnisbiirg, May 20, I8ia. ly BELL 6t ALLADACH, Proprietors. CORNER OP ' TnjTlD VTA- PFNFVVTVANIA AV 1 AJ i) I AiViiC XJ. VAilA A V WASIUNOTON, I. Ot Grciit Excitement IN ffjiglit Street! AT ENT'S STORE! )ti Account ortlic New Arrival of Fall & Winter Goods, TTAS just received from tho eastern IX cities i ind Is now opening nt llio nut slnnd splendid assortment of 1 Conslsllng of every thing generally kept In a country ; slorc, which win no sniu cheaper tfutn lite Cheapest, I Call and seo nuu jungn lor youni-itcs. , Ills stockeouslstsnf Lndics Dress (loads choicest stylet and latest lash Inns Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpotfl, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. CassiracrCs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Joans Thread, &c. Quccnswaro, Cedarwnro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o BOOTS, SHOES. HATS & OAPS.&o. The patronage of old friends, and the public gcncrii ly. Is repectfully solicited, Tho highest market price paid fur country product) PETE II ENT. Light Street, Oct. 7. IHO.?. Purify the Blood. THE GREATEST MEDICINE OF THE AGE A sure antidote for sickness, and a refuge from Sorrow, Fain and Disease. Bryan's Life Fills. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They are admitted to bo the Host Family Medicine (or pcncral u?c. Purifying ihn Hloml nm! clensning Bryair's Life Pills to recul.ito the Siouia.'h, Liver and l'lliary Pecrj tInnB which is tlicliiel cause of nervou'iiess, Oiddl I.U8S. Dimness ol'Sisht. Ilcndache, cick Slonmcii and oilier Kindred complaints, Hundreds of CertiCoate can bo Shown. They have been used bv thousands nilh success, Bryan's Life Pills Aro adopted for all Ages & Constitutions, They nro composed of the active principles of Herbs anu noois coiieii irnni our limine anu lorestrt. i Iiey nro mild but certain in their operation producing neither crumps, griping pains or sicknei-s. They may bo taken by all ages, tuxua or condition without fear. Bryant's Lifo Pilli, Curo Hcadaclio. JJryant's Life Pills, Cure Sick Stomaoh. Bryant's Lifo Pills, Cure Giddiness. Bryant's Life Pill?, Purify tho Blood. A Box of -Br van's Life Pills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They will accomplish faithfully nil that Is represented. i i;ey nro elegantly put up by tho prnpm tor, wlm was the inventor of llltVAN'ti PULMONIC WAFEUli a medicine long and favorably known to tho American Nation. IT you tnbuy Ml VAN'S LIFE PILLS nnd cmi. not get them of your druggist, ilont take uuy oilier, but send Twenty l'iv Cents In a letter lo HiA nmnn... tor, and you will gel them by return of mall, post paid. Address DR. J. BRYAN. Box 5079, 412 Broadway, N. Y. Fold hy DnuiimsTs c.s-kram.v. EMDAS, IIAUNES c CO., N. V. Wholesale Agents. July 13, leb5. February II, iElij.-y 18G5. Philadelphia & Eric 1865. XL A S & 31 & & U n 1 This great lino traverses the Northern nml North. west counties of Pennsylvania to tho city of Erie, on Lakn Erie, It has been leased bv the Pennsvlvania Rnllrnail Company, and is operated by (hem. TIME Or 1'iSSENCltR TnAINS AT NORTH!1 MDCRL1NP. LEA.E EASTWAIU). Eric Mail Train. s 40 P. M. llr. UtToB Tvnln. a 30 A M I. lmira Express Train, II '.'.IP M Elmira.MailTruin, Jo 'J3 A Al LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mall Train, n 15 A M Erlo Express I rain, 'j .m ii Eliulra Express Train 5 ;hi a M ElmiruMail Train, -I 'M P M Passengers Cars run through on tho Erio .Mail nnd Express Trains without ciunos both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW VORIC CONNECTION. Leave New York at 0.00 P.M. arrive utErle3.37 A. M. l.eavo Erio at I. .15 P.M. urrivu at Now York 1, 15 P M. No Change, of Cars between Erin nnd New York. Elegant Sleeping Cars 011 nil Night Trams For information respecting Passenger business, ap ply (it tho Cur. aoih and .Market Kis. Philadelphia. And for Freight business nf thu Company's Agents. S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cnr.JSth and Market fits., Phi l'a J. IV. Reynolds, Erio, William lirown, Agent N. C. R; R Raltiinnrc. II. II. Houston, (Jcn'l, Freight Agt , Philadelphia, II. W. Owinner, (Jeu'l.Tickel Agt, Philadelphia, A. L.TYLEIt, Gcn'l.Sup't. U'illiumsport. October 7, 11505. NEW S'J'OCK OF Groceries & Provisions TUST received at Hunvon's Provision t) STORE, a large assortment of (irtOCI.RIES AND PROVIlONS.coiisistlng nl all Hie nccossnries of life bought for Ciih-and will bu sold lo defy competition. Hotel Koepers niurcoiintry Merchants, would do well to call mid examine Slock nud Provisions befors pur chasing elsewhere. Amongst the slock may bo found SIKiARS.ur nil grades, MOLASSES and SYRUI'S iroiu uie iuwosi price to uiu best grades. Grain &Grouud Coffee, of all qualities, Navy, Plug, Twist, Finccut Chewing k Smoking Tobaoo, Young Hyson, Im perial, Gunpowder and Oolong Tea8,Clieeso,Oracker8,Fino Salt.Wooden k Willow Ware, .Matches, and Cigars, Canned Fruit of all hinds. . IV V 12 C T 1 O N C EK 1 E S , i DRIED ntUIT, No, 1 & 2 FISH by tho Iloir.l, ono liuir or ono fourth or one eighth birrel. Herring. Coal Oil, kc, Uc, all of which will bs sold at the lOH i'st market pride, I Illoomsburg, Oct-21, 1805, ()0()'V Y111 n,ado by any ono riencu necessary. Tho Presidents, Cashiers, and Tre'surer. of 3 Hank, indorse (he circular. Sent freo xvjih samples. Address (ha Amsriun Stenrll Tool Work, Hpringfleld. Vsrmonl. i Hiil.lFM-Sm. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IV YOU WANT TO BUY Fall and Winter 7 GO TO rroasy's Store, In Mglit Street, Pa. Who Keep all Kindt of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, (J. ..MM tV C. IUI0, tUUUVO, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Ham3, Lard, Tobacco, spars, Hats, Boot-, Caps, Shoes, Drug?, Oils, Paints, &c., &c, In ndditlon to ourlnrge stock of Dry (Jonds, wo have n huge nml full assortment of Heady Made Clothing lol .Men and Il0)i wear which wo ire determined to tnll chenper than can bo bought elsewhere, Call arid seu. and Judge for yourselves By They also keep n fine assnrtinc lit of DIllMla nnd MEDIOINEit, to supply the nhjeuco of a rcgi'lnr Drug Plore in Light ftrcri, which wfll bu cnrel'ul'y com pounded and suitably directed for the aunnl'idatiou of their custuuters. II. W. CREASY, &Co. Light Street, Nov. 4, 1-05. Clothing Emporium ! THIS WAY, GENTLEMEN, EVAN'S CLOTHING STORE. V. ATE arrival of Fall it Winter Cloth- Iho old stiud of A. J. EVAN'S, on Main Flin't, llloomlmrg. Ihu best and latestSIles and Fashions. CLOTHES, CASSAMEliS, ij-r., .J-, Evcijthlng in the Genllemaus lino of Clnlhing., Having In our employ thu well known and cxperienc ed Cutter, Mr. C. I.. ltLiciiiiiD'.jfoiiuerly ol K.iston. perfet tit Is guarnteed, nnd toofder. Also Large as sorlmeiit of Ready made COATS, PANTS, VESTS,. Ac, &o. Also nn nssnituient ol 1)00 ra, the cheapest in the market, Also n splendid nssoilinrot uf Clothes and Cassamers, for nl3 or to maketo tt tier A. J. EVANS. Illoomslmrg. Ocl.lJ, 15fi.. Baker & Confectioner HMIF. undesigned has always on hand nnd for sale, I FHES.i llltl.AD, (JAKES, PIES and French and Domestic Confec tions in gleit nnd "plendid vnricty ; Nuts, r'ruits.nnd every tliiug usually lojud in n first class coiifi.rtionery store. lie would rati especial nlleutioii to his newly re ceived slock of PICKLED FIIUIT AVI) JELLIES. B. II. ST 0 UN Eli . Jiloom-fiurg, April , WX. Stove & Tin ware Shop rriIE undei;ncd informs the public in A gcucral. that lie lias opened it NEW TIN SHOP In the building fir uerly occupied by I'. S. MoycT, nip door bolow Hie Columbia Democrat Office, on S!aiu Hlnel I'.loomtlmrg. whiro lie will nuke all kii'da i Tin-Ware uud liepujriiw;, in good it) In unJ on nunlL-r ate terms. BTOVE3 of all kinds nnd qualities for sa'e or fur nished to order. CyOounlry produce taken and publio cuetom rcsprctfully eolicited. JACOIJ JIETZ, Jr. r.tooinshurg, April 50. ISM. ly JACOB L ADO M U S, DEALlilt IN ENfiLisii, Swiss and Ameuican JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &o. 018 Mo.rhct Street, comer of Decatur, Philadelphia. . ' Dealer in American, Cnglish and Huis Watches, making a speciality uf the celebrated Ammucan I Wahii, which hu would recommend to nil winning u I gnwl lime keep'ir, ami will bo sold at the lowest prices and are llie ilicapest uud best for the pi ice. Jlnich 4, IK-.I. ly. 1 TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. 'PHI: undersigned respectfully inlorins his rid friend J. nnd customers, that ho lias purchased his hrolhers nteiest in Hie above establishment, nndthu inuccrii wils herenlloi be conducted by himself exclusively. Ho lias Jiiet received an il offers for sale, (he Inrg ftS. "st and most extensive assortment of FANCY ST II V ES ever introduced iutu this market. V-V-. His stock ennui. K of 11 complete assortment nt he bet Cnnking and parlor stoves in the market, logt-Jh-er with Htovu Fixtures of ovcry description, Oven uud llox Stoves, Radiators, Cvliudur rflnves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Slovcs, &c , &c. S(ovepipe mid Tinware constantly on hand and munufaclure,! to order. Ml kioiln of repairing done, as Uhlinl, on short untie, 1 lie paironage 01 oiu tricnus ami now ruslnoiers re spectfully solicited. A. M RUPERT. Illoomsburg. November 3d IPC". If. "The Fk7e"oler LOCATED IN EAST I3LOO MSBUKG. The undersigned having taken the well-known Forks Iloiel, ri-tpectu illy announces lo his friends urn! the public generally, that he is picpared to accommodate all who may favor him with their cubtoui, to entire sul laf.irlinu. Hu is provided with ampls Stabling and prnvinder for thu accommodation of Trn vellers, Tcumslurs, Urn vers.&c, on innderuti! terms, BJ Public custom is solicited. OEO. W. MAUGER. illoomsburg, April 8. 1605 COLUMBIA Insurance Company, COEUMEL4, LlNCISTEll Co., Pa. Cash Capital &. Assets, $500,000. (CIIA RTER PER P ETUAL.) Directors : John W. Steacy, Win, Pation, M. S. Shuiiian, S. F. Eberlein, Edmond Snering. B. C Blaymakcr, Samuel Slioch, Robt. T. It) on, N. McDonald, John Fendrlrh, Amos S. Rreen, Ceo. Young.Jr,, 11. 1! Minicli, AMOS S (1REEN. Pres'l. .11. r--. SIIUMAN, Treasurer. OEO YOIJNR. Jr.. Secretary. K5 Wll iiiiuro property ntns reasonable rates ns will bo cousisteuttu the Company and lliuso insured. Ji. II. CONOVER, Agent, licaoh Haven, Pa lima in iair THE I'KIVATE 3IE1)1(!AL AUVISUlt, (Exclusively for Ladies,) An invaluablo trrntite of 100 pages, by published for tho benefit of Iho sex. fr sasalnt I TI'X l- I.n il 1 . i . . , wn i ii. i, ji j i,., ui.n ii ivjii do ncni poBl nJllu, in n in i'J pnvi Liiio tn nil ivlm ti.,.,iu - u 1 ' Addrois JSK. J. jRRYAiy, Kox .1070, 'f It: Broadway, N. V. Ju Cheap Grocery Store. .'ILSO IIAT.S, CAPN AND SSIOJUS, ri 'HE undersigned has removed Ills Hat nnd CnpPloro J Up tn Evans' old stand, tthiru In addition to n superior assoiinicnt of SPRING AND SUMMER j3 Hals and Caps 5P1? CONFEOTIONAUIES, Oil ACKERS, Molasics, Bursar, Coffco, Teas, . Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. larawarc una cranrwarc, rocket Knives, Comte, , ire, iyc , Together. Willi u variety of articles generally kept In a Btore. . 1 Aln-A flno lot of KltW, MOHOiT.CM and Ltmnoslo whlcli lie Invites the ut entlon of Hhocmakcrs um! the public. JOHN K. CIUTON. nionmslitirg, May 13. Iff!-" IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Harvey's Female Pills the mod infallible nnd popular remedy ever known (nr nit diseases nftho femnlo sex 'I hey have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing success and may be relleu on in every enso tor which lh"y am ro commended, mid partieulnrly in nil cases nrising from j OliHlrurt'wn, or Stoppage, of Nature, I no matter frnui what cause It arises. They nre ch""C- tual in restoring to henlih nil who nro sutlerlug from Weakness nud Debility, Uteriuu Disclinrgus, iN'ci vous lies s tic , fcc., and Ihey ACT LIKE A C1IAHMI In slrengtticiiliig and rt'slnriug tho system, Thousands of ladies who .luve sull'red for years nml tried various other remedies in vk n. owe u renewal of their health ' nnd tticugth wliolly to tm 'theacy of Bit llAUVEVS P En ALE PILLS. 'rht-y arc perfectly harmless nn the sycin,iuay hu , taken at any llmo with pel fed safety ; hut during the i-iirly smgus of rregnnniy thoy sliuuld not ho taken, . or n mis nrringe may ha taken, or a miscarriage uuy ' be Ihrfiesllll. T!uv lutv.r rnniit mm airlimtad ti.iin I or ili-trei-K. Each box contains i-ixty pil.s. 1'riua One I Dollar. DH. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, A leniedy fur special cai s, four degrees strong, r ! thiiii thoiibovo j l'rire Five Hollars per box. i A priiato Circular to Indies mill Hue nnatoilileal i engrailngs, sent fri- on receipt of directed envelope and stamp. I KJ" Cut this notice mil if you desire Dr. Harvey's I'll I and If you uinnot iirocure them of your Drug- gi-t, do not Inko nuy utlier, fir some dealers wlm are unprincipled will reconiuieiul other Femle Pills, they can niuk,! u larger profit on but tnilose Iho money and tend dlieil to Dl. J. BRYAN, CONSULTING PlApiCIAN. i'o. 412 llroa-luxnj, tcw Jo; A'. who will take all risk if pmpeily directed, and will send (ho Pills, rerun il Iro.u nbjervaliun, by return nlail, I'.iht Palil. BOLD IIV Dlil'(!(.'ISTO OEN'CUAI.I.Y. DEM AS llAltN'Etl Sc CO., N',w Vouk, , , .. . iioleealu Agents. July 15, 1 r?fi.7. FllESJI ARRIVAL OF Fall and Wmk A T Miller's Store 'PHI! kiilicnber has Jut returned from llii Cities X wilh unolher largo nud select assorioiet of Fdl.L A1SJ) WhSI Eli GOODS purchased at Philadelphia, at the low col liguru, mid ivhli h they nro deti-rmiueii lo sell on as moderate- terms as can be procured elsewhere in lllnomsburg. His sloik comprises LWIKV Dlthf-S (100 IIS, of choicer tyl nnd latest Oihion. J)HV OdtiDS, .i.VJ) OltoCKtllKS, u iiunruiK (iUKh:Yn:nti:, cf.DjIK hw!:. iivjiK JMW, .W1II.S, IU.t)Tti S1IOI.S UATS If C1PS. iSe , .yc. J(-e In short L-verything usually kept In country Store ' to hull hu invite the public generally. Tlie. il'Sheslprue puid lor country prndtii-e, S, H. DULLER. Illnonisi'.'irg, Nnr-W, 13 J. Y. I.VtR. L .V MIIYtt New Duvg Storl. WHOLESALE AN'J Ilf)TAlL rriHI! iinderslgnid would iiiforn- iheir frieml J. public generally, thai they iiaiu taken the ttaiiu merly urcupii-d by (! -o. Al. Iliigeiibuih. in the Exih.nigi llinlding, on iM iiu btrtet, in llloouiKburt', whore he lias jum receiveil u lull supply 01 jlilUStps, t'C. i Which will be snlil on moderate Ivrms for ready piiv. I Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and , Plirsiclans' nresrrlnilni's cnrefniiv rntr, linn ,, .In. I n 1 -.. . ... nt u, ,,nn--, him, ,111 niton iitiur,:. tLr- Confeilloneiv nf (lie best selections, and Soda iv nier in season. Lv" A sham of llie public custom is respedfully so icid'd. EVER A. MOVER. nioomshurg, April II. ISG5 FJSttESSS WALL filFfiiDg, JUST received a new styles of nsiottmcni ot'i'ood WALL PAPER, INCLUDING I50I1- ni.'IllVC vn 111,'H lvn 1,11,11,, JJ1!111jMj AaNJJ UJjll.liNIJ J'Arhli, mill n l'l liernl 1 iti.-IV nC iunln.ini in I ,,. . I I wi'i'i bY'r::;,::',' wtfnS pk.? !zXZ. r !'aJ; of Lul.'s Drug Slore, in too Unpen llio. k. whore all persons wishing goods in his line will bo ntUiiil-d to persons wishing goods in his line will bo ntleiid-d to 111 person ni an limes, Cr Paper Uanginfr pxeculod lo order and best style, nt short notice. E J. THORNTON. Illonmsburg, Auril S3 1811.5 ly National Foundry. I! .nnMSHlTl'n nnLUMmt en ,PA. rt HI. subscriber, proprietor of the above named ex J tensive establishment, is now prepared lureceitu lers for AH Kinds of iHacItinpi y, r Colleries, lllast Furnncej, Hiatiunary EngluCB, Mills Tlll'ESIIINI! MACHIXI.H, kC. ki:. Uo is nlso prepared to make Stoxes, all sizes nnd pnllorns, plow-irons, nud everything usually made in (li st-class I'uuudries. His uaIjusivo larililies and practical workmen, war paint him in recuving llie largest contracts on thu liin.t reasnitublu terms. Orain of all kinds will be taken in cichanku for castings, O This establishment is near the Lackawan na , Depot. - PETER HILLMYER. Illmiuifbiirg, Sept. 12, 18(S. JOHN C. V EAGER to Uo., MAN I FACTURER k WHOLESALE DEALER IN STU1AT8, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, liONNE I S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Pliila'd. Nov '."J, IPC BE5NT8STKY. II. C. II O W E R, SURGEON DBNTIST, Mm. , RrsPECTFUI.LY ntrers his profes. 'fSteS. 'll"ul "crvlci lollie ladies uud gentle. irjKi)4iJ men of I'diiniusburg nnd vicinity, Ho is "-M-LJ" prepared in ntli nd tu all llio various operations in tho Hue of Ills profession, and is provided xvilhlhe Intel improved 1'OltCF.L.Ilfi TEKTIt; whirU xvill luiiMcrted on gold, plutiua, silvcrand rubber be lolookwi ll as the teeth plate and block teeth manufactured nr all 0 eriilious mi leelli. iniefully and priiu-rly uttended to, Itesidenru nnd olllie u lew doors ubovu the Court llim.e. samo sidu, Illoomsburg, JuneO lf-03 SCIIOLASHIPS FOR SALE. ningliamptin " Crittenden's Philadelphia. Htrnlton.llryant & Co.. " " fliiukerCity Uulness Collego, Tliesa Hcrips, uru iiiumouiils ofsjIJnnd 850 and nre to much cash, by tho Hludenl on eiitringeilhcr ofihe above Colleges. Young men desiring toubtnin a finish ed Collegiate Education, will here find a good sperula ion by pplvlujat the officeofihs Txnv. Iltbbt- COLIJMIilA DEMOCRAT- " The If.olilffli Vl J Cattle Fowiler TS warranted to hn the most power. In agtnt nr Iho' ,tnm. nth and blond of Com. , Bwlne. or Kheep, In i,r. inn ,,g dleestion.cleani. Ing jlin system and Iran. final flu d nosh, fat, milk, butter and sire ecih ami establishing hoallli and vigor. nuvovB nortPE it MUl.r. POWnilll Is tin, only medicines legally naieniru in rranco, Dug land, Hwltr.erland nnd Holland, nnd duly nd milted by their Courts honored wlthprlr.e inml. nls, nnd Invented by 1r. Duvny, Professor of the Im. ticrlul College for AgrlruWiro nt Paris, and now num. iifacturedby (1. 0. HlllNEIt. Dr' nf 7., and A Allen town, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. All diseases or tho Htnm.tch. Illou I, Lungs nnd n.iw,' rls, speedily nnd certainly cured, llenlthy slock will ha brought Into tho very highest Mate of .perfection, nnd one or two liihtesponnfnl n week, is ol great value to hanl working horses, breeding slmk nnd colls, nnd ,l,m,.i,ml. ui viititiitdo liorscs from criiitntlnue -n-o Uif cni'i m cffeclunllvoverromo nil tho uhstncli'i ulilcli usuallf, t.reveni the mtielllnc of worms, ore plensnnt to take. ii nil nlso ono of the most ngrennlih) purgatives fof (liildreii. Horonlldont Is the Inveiilor of the sncceso ol his laborious studies, In the pnthologicnl compost Hon ofthls preparation, that lie furnishes every gind I iialed physician, with a written prescription. ns o new ' tru In mnleria medlca. . , .,, ,, I THE UNION I'.OACII. HAT, MICE AND ANT EX. 1 TEllMINATOIt, .. .. I is a powder for the sun.' extermination of nil Vermlns, will never change Willi age nml tllmalo, and. niucli ' preferubln tn the old I'hos phomus Paste, which hard. ens In skort time, making l worthless. For direc tions and particulars see Iho sm ill hills In tho boxes. uV" lino nuiiuieii nun iinriy-seveii premiums nava been nwurded lo tliCBU celebrated preparations, up to Ortobcr ), IP'W, lloYAi.h lloytK. are tne wnoi"saic Agents in rnira. 1 II Uh lis A U i i liliTJUL, i RETjIIL, For sale by W. Erasmus, Hole Agent fi lilooinsburi;. h'harpless, iVilnwIssn, ,. 11, St J, ,huemiker, Uuck Horn. Mnsler k llro.. Mlllvllle. (', I'ri slon, Ridiisburg, Ptewnrt k Sloan, Uraiigovllla. Ilcudersholl. Illoomsburg. (-. Fowler, Epv. Crcav k Co., Llulit Street Low k Spangb-r, Lime llldjc. How 111,111, k Owen nud Miller, llurulck. 0,11, Fowler, Fowlersvllle. Way All ordnrs for Columbia County will be addressed to W. Ell ASHUS, Wltolcfale Ajrciit, lllountslfurff. C. G. I1IRNEK. Dec 2 lcii1 fmin GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE, USED WITHOUT I)ETE 1T()N Thoy do not inlerfero with business pursuits, and art ipeedy in artlou NO CIIANC1F. OF DIET IS NECC8H Ml Y. HELL'S SPECIEIO I'lLLS nro wnrrniited in all caies. cop. the in i:i:ti v and i'i:i!ma.vft r-uitE of Heuiinnl Weakness, I'rclliral nml Viuinal lli'ch.irgi-s, (let. Sexual Disvas'-s, llmmi-ions, luipu'euc", fleu. ital ns.,1 ,erous llehility and dl of llin Hladdct and Kidu'-ys. They uie adapted for male or female, old or young and are llio only relli.ble know u lor the cuio ol nil dis eiiBes nri iiig Irnni y u u rn f u l i n di scretiox. In nil Sexual tliseaps, as Conorrhea, trkliir. (leei, and in nil Driu-i y and Kuluey coinplatnts, ihuy act like a I'hiiriu. Rclii-i is 1 Mierii 111 ed by taking a fiugle boi ; anil fioui four to six boxes generally 1 fleet acure. Sold in boxes contaiuinz CM ollls. Mice One Dollar. j or six boxes, Fio Dollars ; also, in laigo boxes cou , lalniug four id' llie suuill price Th'i-e l.iill.irs. ! I'livalel-'irculars to C-nili n-eii om.v. sent free oil I receipt i,f dire ted envelope ami ttamp lL If J011 uei-il Ihu Hie Pills, 1 ut out this ndver I H-i-meiil lor reference, and if you cannot procure tin-in j nt" your druguint i'.o not bo inipo.ed on by any ntlo-r 1 remedy, but curl" -e llie ni-iney in a letter to the pin 1 pliilor. Dr. J. BYRAN,Oon-i!t'W Phyficinn, linx .W.i. -lit! I.ioadw.-iy, N" Y..,,. Who will take nil risk if properly directed ; and ni! w ill receive Ihem post pain, securel) sealed from ob serviliou. by t.-tnin mail. ftULD ISY DIlLliiilSI'S OEN'EI'.ALI.V' DEAI ASIIARNES ii''l kw YoHf VV llu'csall, Ageols. July 1.1 l-r1. WiiS'S'S BCfti 23 OS'S-; 8,, Nos. !), 1 1 , lit, 15, 17 Cou tlatnlt. Stroo, MEM! imoADWAY, NEW YORK HIT i ! This old-eslnblif hd and fnviiiilc result uf iho llu , 1 uess Comiounii.v has ueeu recently relitted, and is com pled-111 everything that ran uiinit-ii-r in the i-omlbrls u ' its ptitinu L.ulieu an, I families aro specially ait tare I lu'l) proi ideil fin. I 11 i centrally Im-aigd in tin- lui-ni'-ss part of thee 1 and it- contiguous lo die principal tines of steamboat! cats, iiinnibusses ferries, kc. I he table is aiiiplv supplied with all the luxuries c ; ih"-ea.sou,andisc'pial 10 that of any oilier hotel 111 hi ' coitntrv. I Ample ncromniodations are ollered for upward of I ' . gueals. 1 tC Do not believi niuners n.ickuien, and o'hers wlm . 'ay say "the Western Hotel is full." '' I) D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. THUS. II. WJ.M.I1I.B1 lilt. Feb. 15, 1.-. t"fTt T.!x "i?- ( Vt.'t.TrSTr?'! iKV In1. j' 1 M''-sTrfiScr,, iNEW OMNI U US. I ho undcrfiignrd, crnieful for past jiav rinage, lespeclfully inf rms lire Travelling Pulitu gcm'rally.that he hasjust procircd from Saw urk ,x new-, ami c.ip-iriuus Phoenix Company Coacli, It)' wiiii ii means he is now- ouuhlud to convey I n ! 'cnsers nnd Ihigg.ite, snf.-ly and rmnforlnlily letwee 1 1 "hi'jmsburg anu thu several Rail Road D-pois, to 11 .' I '"lOTlllillS. 1 1 W i 1 1 III' Il I S klUlly III II C COIII IUmI.1,1 ll'i ,o e , rr'vAllv rrm 'n.i,jj,,iin. , .,.,.., JACOB I. (IMT.JM. Illoninhburg, January 7, IP03, STiTliS SJ'ION BSOTiEf (.Oil and CUri Market Hlri-et, Philadelpliia. cpillS Hotel is located in tho very centre of liiisines . X am) isneur the resnertnplu nl,ip. nr ... I J'1'11' '""K"; " particularly desiruldu to persons vleituig wu nr ot.M.ei, m ,1 l,.. , - I hopes by close personal ntti nllo.i to Hie waiusol'his , his guests to muko It n comfortable homo foi much as " with their pairouage. J. c HAUi J'rop'r. , May 23, 13C1 -? r a, Wim Tim E3AHIB. fPho Original aiid Genuine Ambrosia Ji i prepared by J. Auks lli ivrs nud is Up nest liair dressing nud preservative now in use. It slop, (lie uiiir failing out. causes it togrow thick nml long nud prevents it from turning piematiirely grev. Il eiadliatcs ilandrufT, cleanses, heaiitihes nud renders the hair soil, glossy and curly. Iluyii.try it and bo lonvinted. Don't bo put oirwilh a spurious article. Ask for lleeves' Ambrosia nud tako no other. Foi ale bj Druggi.ts and dealers in Fancy Hoods c-xery where Piiio "5 tints per liottle gii (10 per dozen, Address. REEVES' AMIIKOS1A DEPOT, (ii Fulton Hlreet, Nexv York City. 01.7 lEfiS-l'Jmo.-S. n.f. ' 7 to .. iii rt .t-t f rpilEI'roprielorof this well-know u and centrally Iocs JI ted House, tho ExciiANau lluriL. situato no ,M;,i flreet, in llluumsburg, immediulely opposite Ihu Coluu'i. bin l.'onut Court House, respectfully informs his friend u nod tlio public in general, Ihul his liouso is now in or iter fur thu reception uud entertainment of travelers wiiu may fi-i I disposed to favor it witli their custom, lie hao Hiiired nu expenso in prepaiiug llio Exiiianue, for tliu t'lilertaiumuiit of his guests, neither slrill liiere be nuy. Hung xvaiillng (on liis part) to minister to their personal comfort. His home is spuiious and enjoys an i-iallcut business locatiun. U.y"Ouiuibuson run at all times between ihu Ex ,iv Hotel ami the various 111 il Roail Depots, by which tin c clerB will bo pleasantly conveyed to und from tho rs spective rjlations in duo time to meet tho Cars. W.M. U. KOOxVS. MAY 1, 1(;0, WHISKERS! WHISKERS! Do you want Whiskers or .Moustaches I Our (irecian i oijipnund will forcn them tu grow on the smoothest fucu or chin, or hair, on bald heads, in fix Weeks. Price, SI ui), rtciilby mail nuywhero, closelv seu ed, on receipt of price, Address, WARNER fc CO.. llox 133. Ilrooklyn, N. Y. February la, IMi5-y F. C. HARRISON, M. D. " WOULD reeperlfully infnrui Ihecitlrens ofnioomi, burg.and vicinity, that lui contlnuesthe practiss of .VEUltWU slXJi bUMIMir, And solicits a sharn nfpublic patiunagc, Oinrt.on Main Slivct. Ilrst hoiue below' tin Coy nuse, llloomihiirg. Tsbruary 3, If J -f( Al I eM-rnwiTr