Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 17, 1866, Image 2

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" Oar Corutltntlotvgtjarcl it evert
Our glorious Union hold It dear I
Our btarry I'lag foraako It never!
Tho proud Oatacmlan our only poert
Saturday Mornings Feb. 17, 'GG.
Democratic State Convention.
Tbo Democratic Stato Convoniio"
(or tlio nomination ol a candidato fo;
Governor of Pennsylvania, will meet in
tlio ball of tbo ilouso of Representatives
at Harrishurg, ou Monday, tho fifth day
of March, 1800, ai 3 o'clock r. M.
iij order of tho Dcm. State Committee
huir man,
Ben. L. Fostek, Seo'y.
llurrisburg, Jan. 0, 1800.
Address of the Democratic State
Central Committee.
DiMOCRinc State CoaMtTrcc Room:, I
lUnni-DL-ao Ktt U, ltOU.
To the Democracy of Pennsylvania :
The eventJ of lho last political canvass
arc yet frceh in your minds.
You announced your unequivocal en
dorsemcnt of tho restoration policy of
President Johnson, and denounced tho doc
trine of negro suffrage.
Your opponents affirmed their support
of the President, aud evaded the issuo up
on the question of suffrage.
A powerful organization, large offioiul
patronage and an unscrupulous use of mon
ey, secured to them tho viotory.
Tho record of lho pasl montli strips the
mask from tho face of tbo victors.
They treat with derision the declared
policy of the Pxosident. 1'hoy have placed
tho Government of tho Constitution in
aboyance, and its legislative and cxecutivo
l'unctious are usurped by a cabal of men,
who, iu obedience to caacus, govern the
nation through tbo forms cf a directory.
The right of each Slate to regulate the
qualifications of its oleotors is denied ; tho
will of tbu people of the District of Colum
bia is overridden, and by an almost unan
imouns vote. Tho Republican party in
Congress and the Stato Legislature accord
to tbo negro equal political rights with the
white man.
The initinlstep toward a war of races j
has been taken, and u consolidated gov
ernment looms up in the dittance.
Tbo tenets of the President upon theso
points aro our cardinal doctrines. In
sustaining him we vindicate them.
Organize in every nook and corner of
tho Commonwealth.
Organize to sustain tho President, to!
maintain your p'rincigles, to restore lho
Union, to vindicate the supremacy of your j
race, and to bring in political oblivioa tho
men who havo beau false to the Union
falo to their pledges, falso to the instincts (
of their blood, and truo alono fo their mad-,
ness that rnlc3 the hour.
By order of tho Demooralic State Cen
tral Committee.
Wm. A. Wallace.
Petrolum Explosion I
Dr. Pee John, tbo princo of humbugs
and groat higb-priest of political abolition
republican miscegenation amalgamation
negto-ology, it is reported, has gained
another grand triumph. He has busted
up and run down tho far-famed and ill
fated concern, known hereabouts, a3 tbo
l'Greencreek Pftrolenni Company." What
else could havo been expected of any at
tempted cntorprize, over whioh such a
brainless soapo-goat and rookless adventu
rer was placed as chief-cook and bottle,
After boring ovar eight hundred feet,
wo are told, lho Jackson Oil Well has
been abandoned. We pity tho Company,
many of whom aro amongst our most wor
thy citizens, but havo been duped by de
signing speculators with Mr. Dunn as
their leader. But Thomas cot tbo monev
over fifty dollars aomo months and
what cared ho for tho success of tho on
Mr. Dunn has been peculiarly fortunate
in running down and busting up every
thing bo has undertaken in life, excepting
tho woman he attempted to seduce, when
ho changed his namo from Pco John to
that of Tlwmas Dunn.
J3S71, Payments by Mail. Occasionally
one of our distant subscribers sends the
amount of his subscription by mail ; that
is, the remittance reaches aa, in tbo courso
of mail transportation. Mr. W. S. A., of
Tuscalosa, Michigan, sonds us S3, whioh
carao duly to hand. But it is not so in
overy case. Somo are too mc-au to send
money, even in response to bills forwarded,
and then meaner still, take, advantage of
our confidence and lay they remitted as
requested and thus wo aro cheated. Wo
hope wo havo but few such customers.
Still, wo admit, that in tbeso days of ab
olition Post-offioo misrule and dishonesty,
tbero is grout uncertainty in mail trans
missions, Tho P. M. at Monticello, Mis
Houri, wrote us last week, that in last No
vember he had mailed us S4.50 for Wm.
L. Mack, Ee., and Ezra II. Stine, says
La Eent us monsy from Illinois, neither of
which sum did We ever recoiva.
ffijr Dr. Johu, through (lie "Smut Ma
oliino," of taftt woclt, in slandering tbu Ed
itor of till journal, rooly (ells tbo public
lliat "he Qwo) did not go to fight."
Wo oonsider thii aosertion ou tho port
nf tM nrn i,r.,1 Bt,iiiti'. ti.n I
coolest f nccimcn of consummate Imnudencn
and downright f-Iachood, that has over yet
t r I
graoedtho oolumus of tho "Smut Mu--Xim
cW Wo enlisted in the service, boul. !
dered our mu.k.l and marched Wi.h dpt. 1
Clark's company to tho front, wbrro ff0
saw tho Binofco and heard tbo booming
of MoClcllan'8 cannons, and never failed
f, n,n . . .,.
fur an hour to meet tbo most stlinecnt
Docs that look i's thounh wo
lid not go to fight?"
But bow is it niih Pea John. Wo is
sued tho call for tho meeting in tho Court
House, to raise volunteers to suppress tha
invasion of our State, and told Mr. lU-p- ter'y "tmusteti, wuu no poaa.oio purpnaca
annatin.T.,n,,ni.wnintf.n,1Ptlinr.tit0 "ocomplUli by treachery to it, to cn-1
down our uamo Grst and to go, and did ,
him that wo could thus prove Dr. John a
coward. Wo wero right. Dr. John cow
ard-liko refused when, asked to put down
bis. name and rink bis carcas in defenses of
bis country in her cstremo emergency
Wo revert to tho coolness of Mr. Dunn's
above assertion. Who but an educated
liar would thus pervert tho truth of his
tory. And what may wo not expect to
hoar Dr. John deny 1
Thero aro, however, three points in tho
history of this renowned Abolition Editor,
which bis native insolence may induce
him to attempt to obliterate, but which tho
public will never disbelieve :
First That when his couutry called ho
was too cowardly to obey tho fumraon.
Second 'I bat bo changed his name to
that of Thomas Dunn for tho purpose ol
seducing bis neighbor's wife.
Third Tbat he is a lineal decendont
of tho stock of Patriots, known aa tho
Revolutionary Tories.
New York Humbugs, Wc notice that
some ot our bretuern of lho Countrv
Press, aro inserting in their columns, no-
fioes and advertisement sent out by swin
dling concerns, purporting to bo doing bu
siness in New York, with some of whom
wo have bad a littlo experienoo and deem
it our duty to give them such notice as
they justly deserve.
Parkinson Co., 20 Broadway, have
a littlo box, away up in the Fourth Story,
with a board-box crcotcd to sciccn their
rascality, end a little hoy to poke his bill
through tho hole where they run tho ma-
ohine, who may give you a brans pin for
$20 worth of advertising, not worth over
50 cent, which they call a "gentleman's
Scarf Pin !"
Read Co,, another bogus concern,
send out numerous advertisements, with
liberal promises, but never have anjthiDfj
to pay. Bartbew & Co., is ono in which
tueJ 'iavo Iatfc'j deceived many printers.
The wholo thing is bogus,
John T. Jaman, another sharper, wlo
always aends a boy to tho office, that he
may remain incog, and dates from the
"Bible House," (to keep up a moral ap
pearacce,) should be avoided by all hou-
est men.
Blather Co , is another "Hals Nest,"
on Broadway, but now defunct. They
never had any vital existence. 'I'hej suc
ceeded, howover, in swindling tho Pros3
of tho country to a pretty considerable
extent, in broken promises and dirty Ink.
Wo know a few more of tbo same sort i
of swindlers whom wa shall attend to in
duo form and at tho proper time, J
CSS Should any of our brethren of the,
Press get thtir pay from any of the above
impostcrs, they will please let us know it, j
and wo will givo the concern credit for!
mora honesty than wo now beltcvo. thoy
are possessed.
Legislative. Hon. W. II . Jacoby, the
Member of tho Legislature for lho Co-'
lumbia and Montou? District, 1ms intro
duced tbo following, among other BiIIe,
into tbat body during the present Session :
A kilt wrmrirKmr frti flirt - n rr nr aP 1 sx
oal bounties to VeWon Volunteers. This
bill 13 general, and no doubt will meet the
hearty approval of tho soldiers and thtir
A bill incorporating tho Centralia Wa-
tcr Company.
A bill authorizing tho appointment of
Commiseioners to lay out a now road be-
twecn Ashland, Schuylkill county, and
Centralia, Columbia county.
A bill incorporating the Montour .and
ColoradaGold Mining Company.
A bill changing tho time of holding tbo
Spring Elections in the Borough of Bcr-
wici;, using u at mo tnuie timo me town- vn at tuo oihcr, and ibis great Govern
uhip elections aro held in this county. , ment tbo best tbo world over saw wa
Wo also notice that petitions havo been kept upon the anvil and hammered dur
Drcsontcd from citizens of Columbia coun- ii'!5 lho rebellion, and it has been ham-
.o. nnit rrrrr.A tn H,n nrnnPn nnmmti.i.r,
... ' . v , . '
praying for the passage of moro stringent,
laws for the punishment of horse thieves
ami liko criminals.
Cr Tho delegation of tho Legislature
on Saturday waited on tho President and
,nannln,l .hn rn.nlnlmn, nf ih.t. hrl M.
, . ,. ,. T , , T .
dorsing his polioy. In reply tho Presi-
i . -j .u . . ,r v. j
dent said that tho timo was not far distant
, ,. ., ,,. , ,, , .
in inn nil Hin St-itaa it'milit 1, n ranimDnn ,il
(tlM ... .mw wi.ia iwm... iv. ibll.anillCU
in Congrotfl, and tho Union (completely
restored, and thon all our foreign difficul
ties would disappear.
It is tbo opinion in Congressional
circles at Washington, that Napoleon's
speech is evasive and that ho will not
withdraw bis troops from Mexico unless
our government will rocognlzo Maximilian.
Tho I'reBidcnt mid tho RcpUb-
Ucian '
Tin, T.r.r.Uln.t..rn of Virginia named res-
ihe liegisiaiuro ol irgmm passctt ns-
olutloDS uffir,aiug iu no uncertain tcrnm,
w good faih of her people in thoir sur-
. ... . i r . .. . i . , .,
. . u.uiuo .rum U0lt.
e nDU ,rom ai"t'ret P"" wo
aiM0 Pr0Dlc" lucse on ,
9"- Wo will nut re-
opilulato licrc ll.o honest asiurauccs of
,uo ,rS,m'1 Jg,b.aiuro , uo.iner sua"
I vvo P1"'10 10 examine tlio sincerity of tho
WionorabUgmllenioii who assured ilwPrcs-
,ucul lUBl luu 1U":"'CU " " lc"Erui BU
!.l-. .1. ... .1. ...... .. .1.. I?.. I I -..
thonty by tlio men of that btatc, hail not
been morn hcroio than their fiulmiisiion to
,. f. e --.I !.l.r..l tlT!.l. 1 1
11 " ,ranK , a,""u '
....... .1. in,. .,...!,.ol ll.l. IT, ,1111 III.
t""3 "'uea"us -a
forco bJ "fg111"001 &a evident faot of their
" - -
uul UU'J " ,u,i u"u "s
but to outrago their common senso,
The President made a lengthy reply to
tbo assurances of the committee of tho ,
l.rtr!,i T.n..ieljlltri, 'Plifl ten,,! tvllinlll
Yircinia Legislature. Tho words whioh
ho Uicil on tho occasion are so full of im
port tbat we go directly n them in order
to hold them up to tho patriot throughout',
the land as words of high hopo. Speak
ing of the admission of the Southern del
egations into Congress, lho President said
thai "when tho people send suoli men iu
good faith they arc entitled to representa
tion through thorn.'' JIo stated further :
'This beinr done I feel that the day is
not distant I speak confidently 'id rcgaid
to I hi; rrcat mas of the American peoplo
when thr-y will determine that this
Union shall bo mado whole and Ui6 great
right of representation in the councils of
tho nation shall bo acknowledged."
Here ho not only insists on bis policy
in defiance of the Black Republicans, but
ho intimates to tbcm very broadly he
will appeal from them to "tbo great body
of the American pcoplo.' Ho reiterates
his determination to grapple with tho revc
lutiunists, in these words :
"Gentlemen, Ihst is thu fundamental
principle. "No taxation without represen
tation" wits ono of thu principles carried
by us through ibe rcvolutioli. This great
principle will hold good yet , aud if wo
but perforin our duty, if wo but con ply
with the spirit of the resolutions presen
ted to me to-day, thu Amerieau people
will maintain and sustain the great doc
trine upon which tbo Covcrnmcut was in
augurated. It can ho done, and it will be
done, and I thiok that if the effort bo fair
ly aud fully mado with forbearanco and
with prudence, and ".nth discretion and
wisdom, the end is not very far." '
And he tells tbc people who yearn, in
both sections, for political repose and re
storation of the Union that "tho end is
not very far !" Hero are tha words ol
hope, and cbear, spoken, too, with a cour
age, a patriotism that in themselves are
calculated to difool tbo .doom with whiob
the fanaticism of Congress has filled the
hearts of tho millions 1
Nor doen the President speak dreamily.
II j has evidently looked -at thu position
practically and boldly. Tonipoiisings he
evidently holds himself done with'. lie
may now bo expected to enter on his worl;
with straightforward vigor. IIo shows
himself prepared to grapplo in a death
struggle with the party ol revolution.
"As now," bo says, "that tho attempt to
destroy the Government b&? failed at one
end of the line, I trust wo shall go on do-
termined to preserve the Union in its or
iginal puiity against all eppesers J" The
protended "Union Party'' mmt learn that
they cannot trifie with a man of Mr. John-
on's energetic devotion to tho Union.
And, again, ho says: "I oannot take
the position that a State which attemptod
to accede is out of the Union, when I con
tended all the time that it could not go out
and that it never had been out. I cunnot
be forced into that position .'" Hre, then,
13 tho gauntlet thrown down to Oongrcos
in a patriotio and gallant defiance !
But tho speech leaves no doubt what-
070r of lbu dtrminaticn of tho President
to resist tho revolutionists to the at,t
'I do not," said he to t'do Virginia del
egation, "intend to say anything perso.
Ual, but you know as wall as I do that at
tbc beginniug of-tho recent gigantic strug-
in hniwopn ihn ilitrrnnf R(.n'iinna f
country tbero wero estrcrao mon South
aud thero wuro extreme men North, I
. migbl make uso cj a homcl) Cgur wLio,,
i3 sometimes as goad as any other, even
io ihu illustration of great and important
n,,PStlo.iH. and
hammer at ono end of tho line and an ao-
"orcd Mime tho rebellion, and there seems
to bo a disposition to continue tbo bam
maring unfu tho Government slll bo do
ctroyed. I have oppoied tbat system al
wayp, and Iopposo it now.''
, . "up
TT .1 .U- T3 :.!...
, , '""" " "' i-puBuhu
' C,0lm U,ffl ,0r ,la 0WU g'VCS It 10 UU
dcrstand that ho hold3 it as bottilo to tho
ril . , t. ,
preservation of tho Government 1 But he
, . , . , . ,
' u uu s uoi Biou wini mis very piniu snesiK
r r
i ft ,.. ...
. inn. In. Im ft'firna Hip Innllnmela In n , i n n
C3. i.h.uu ,,, ti.uu
of earnestness, amounting to passion, that
thoy must stand aside. Hear him all you
who glory in tho institutions of our fa
thers :
"Tho Government, in tho assertion of
its powers, anu in tho maitenance ol the
principles of lho Coustitutiou, ban," says
ho, "token hold of ono cxtreme, and with
tho strong arm of physical powor has put
down tho rebellion. Now, as we swing
arnund tlio circle of tho Union, with a
Gcd nnd unaltcrablo determination to
7 . f, ' - . uu"..".. .um, m
tho duplicate of tho name spirit that ply
I.- :t II n, il.- --....-...... .
0d in ibis frclitig and those persona in tbo
'South, this other i-xtremo whiob stands iu
.be Way must get out o( it, and the Gov
crnracnt must stand unshaken and uninov.
c,j ou j.8 Un8is.
This Government mutt
bo preserved."
Thus, does Andrew Johnson nromise '
A r!jfl wl t
weuin mi colll.Mn hi9 uaD( jD lho
fttC0 of a traitorous Congress anil party, 1
.j (j(C C0UI)try 00j. , Um for tUu dlf. ;
. , ,., i
char((oof his wholo duty so a Statesman :
and a patriot 1
The Court Proceedings.
Court met at Uloomsburg, upon Mon
day, February C, 1800. Hi? Honor, Wil-
,!a,n EIvibU iresi()crjti wil, ,he IIoD.
Jnhn jioHcvnoUi,, ftDa Hon. Stenhcn
jja(ly) Associate.-., upon tho Bench. Tho
tho principal oases
:win, vs johu joudsou, jr., aamuoi donu-
goo jr., and Aaron Johnson, Indictment
Malicious MUchief. Truo bill. Yeidict
entiog John Johuson, jr., and Sam
I I.. I.... . . . I t .
uel Johusou, jr , not guilty j Aaron John
son guilty in manner and form as indicted.
Sentence of Court A fiuo of twenty-five
dollars and cots.
Com. vs Dennis O'Neal Indictment
Malicious mischiaf. Truo bill. Defend
ant plead guilty. Sentence of Court A
fine of one dollar and costs of prosecution.
Com. vs. Simon P. Case Indictment
Assault and Battery. True bill. Verdict
not guilty. Prosecutor and Defendant
each pay one lulf of costs.
Com.Vi. Satan Anderson Indictment
Aesault and Battery. Not a truu bill.
(County to pay tho coit?:
Com. vs. George Dodson and Charles
Dadsuu Indictment Aassault and Es
cape Truo bill. A'olh I'losrqtte entered.
Com. vs. Charles M. Blaker. Indict
ment Assault and Battery ou his wife.
True Bill Deft plead 'Guilty" Sen
tence of Court A fine of 525 costs ol
prosecution, and to givo bail of SHOO for
(urety of peace for one yrar.
Rei-out or mc Grand Joky.
To the Honorable Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas now comprising o Court
of Quarter Sessions of tbu Peace in and
for tho County of Columbia.
Tbo Grand Inquest of tho Common
wealth of Pennjjlvai.i.i, inquiring for the
body of tlio Couuly of Columbia, respect
fully report, .
That wo have examined tho public build.
iogs belonging lo lho County, and find
them all in good repair.
Wc recommend tbat there bo an addition
of twenty feet put to tho rear of the Coutt
House ; and that the grouud floor of said
addition be mado into firo proofs to be
used by the Register and Rocordcr, aud
Commissioners ; and that the Commission
ers offico be held iu tha room now occu
pied and used as a Grand Jury room ; and
that a a pwt of said room, with a part of
tho room now u'od and occupied by the
Commisiioner.J, bo made into a rojm for
a Sheriffs OfBoe : and that tho balance of
the Commissioner's office be used by thu
Treasurer of said County ; And that ou
tbo second floor of said addition, there
shall be two rooms fitted up, one for the
Grand Jurors mid one for lbs Traverse
The public road between Rupert and
George Willits iu Moutcur township, b
very dangerous for want of a proper fence
betwueu acid Road and the Lackawauua
& Bloombburg Rail Road.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Wa. LAM ON, Foreman.
Note. Court adjourned on Saturday
aftorDoon, after a lull week's session, lo
meet again on Friday, tho 23d of Febru
ary. Ed Demy,
A "White Boy Recovered from
the Indians.
A corrc3dondcnt of the St Louii Dem
erol writing from Jetferson City, Mo.,
February 4, oays : "Your readers will
romember that sonic weeks go Colonel
King, of tbo Thirteenth Misouria, anivjil
from the plains with bis rcimeut brine
ing with him a white boy twelve years of
ago, wuo ono morning came io niarcgF
mental camp lar out in the wilderness
among tbc oavago Sioux. Tho boy could
give no accouut ct liimsclr, and could
on!yuy means ol signs, grunts anu hero
and there an English word in tho barbar
ous language of thu Sinur, mado known
that tho Indians called him1 pale face,' and
tho palo faces ho know lived beyond tbu
'sun rise,' lhat ho had a 'big flight' with a
'yonng buck,' (meaning a youu,? Indian)
and got hn 'scalp,' and tlut fearing thu
'old bucks' would kill him, ho set out on
bis little Indian pony in search of the
tribo ol the 'palo laces,' for whom he in
stinctively yearned, iututivcly believing
that they wou'd protect bim from tho cruel
vengeanco of tho f avuges for killing one of
their youths1. When asked how long ho
was making bis escape, ho replied 'five
wakes and four sleepa,' indicating the
number with his fingers of his hands,
IIo has uo knowlcdgo of his parents, his
birthplace, or tho circumstances explain
ing his presence among tho Indians, Ho
only knows that ho was, 'a pale face'
"Immediately on roaohing tbo States,
tho Colonel caused tho inquiry to bo star
ted in the papers for tho discovery of tho
boy's parents or relative' whioh has rc
suited successfully
ftlr, J, A. Sylvfter
of Quinoy, Illinois, was hero yesterday to
no thu boy, and by comparison of iiis
photograph with an arabrotipe taken of
him when he was a ohild, nd marks of
rcsotubianco whioh ho reeognlocd, camo tol
tho conclulon that the boy was a eon of
I..- . tirrtl lut r nut nil tint I' In inn
vj." v - , . " V 7 . V,"
in thu summer of 1800, wlnlo tbo family
wen' on thtir way to Oregon,
"Colonel King accordingly c:
g..h.r a number of .euators, re
lives and others iu an ante-room of Wio ,
Senato Oliambur. who, after a careful in
! vesication was bad beforo thorn uf tho
I evidences of thu identity of tbo buy with
rv,u.lT8, , 1 "... . ' " "
" K7o' Mr 8?"
vca(nr, Whcu the formalitim, of (lie Iran-
fer were over, Mr. Sylvester turned to
Mr. King, anil with deep emotion pro.
ed 'U gratitu- o lo tbo colonel, saying ho
could never disoharco tlio obliuntions uu-
der which ho bad placed tbo family by
rescuing tbo boy from tlio bauds of tho
savngos. If money would reward him the
sum lie would namo was at his command,
Colonel King said thai bo bad only per
formed his duty and could not bo induced
to ta ko pay. IIo would not be reimbur
sed cither for expenses he bad iucurcd in
1 carina for and ulotbing him eineo bo came
llnto .... dy . lie also insisted that
i ,ook b .
iinmi. .in,i IQi(i i.i,., , ... nnw iBriVI1 i,:s
whii'i warrior '
'riie boy who bad been watching tho
'white council' with uarue;t looks of anx
iety and doubt now comprehended its
I meaning, and bluntly refused to go. He
nail uccom1: miicii atmcuc'i in mu -uir war
rior,' us la; c 1 1 1 1 Colonel Kin, and it was
.only by his ius uiablo lovj of adventure
and the prospect ol new sighN mid otuor
scenes among tlio 'paluf'.cni' tlut induced
him to go, The conception of a-motlier's
lovoora fsiher'o care never enters hij ,
miud, and he possesses all the stoical in
difference of tho Iudinu to tho rela
tions of civiliz-d society. II. i) a wild
fellow, and civilizi'i slowly. His parents
are now living in Oregon, and have bouu
noiificd of bis safety. The manner of his
los3 was this : The emigrant party were
encamped ou the Ilumbold j a party of
Indians came, one coming into camp, ben
giu' an I lounging ; after they loft ho was
no v? 1 1 era to bo found ; tho Indiana had
stolen him.''
Nero CA&ucrtisrmcnts,
Washing Machiatc.
r5HE undt rsined , h ving purehard
H me Kigiit iu ten tin annre nameu remarairu in.
ven linn in the countlee of Coliimlil i ami Montour, I
Inlroa llll'l, Cll .. I II ll 1 1 II fl 11 1" 1 II ! II. I III C 1 1 1 9 .1 II u 1 1 1 I ! I 111 II I I
hnrp. ninl the public (,'euer.illy. bo 1 noiv pre- ,
..n.n.l ... Ull ,.r.l..,.j ,.l, .liltr, Ki.lln., ill, I ,,....l ll ,
fii( jeu'-ral suiinfactiuii. The U'asber H nccoiiipani.
ed wail a very j
urii.rjuiiaiiii' vnu i ul,o iil.iui u
which nan only to be.ried tube 'iniver-.ill approved
K o I' t.-illy fliotiiil be without. these Ju.Uy
I nlior-tavius IMucliiiie
?rh Coll and ejainlne for yourf elvei.
llloomiburs, Tcb. 17, 1C-CG
Estate of Ludwig Young, de-easel.
'"J11!C underjljlifil. Auililor appnlnted bj Hie Orphan"
1 Court of l.'irmnl.iu eounly. tn nri'i ' ui5Lril.i,ti"U of
tije fund in til i hand of l.'-vi Wriiun :ut! intiiiu
Voting. Arturr,of l.udwi!- Yu'int:. dee'd u'li di.'
heir eiit.llcd to tbu Mime, in Ihe order rtuhli-hed !,y
taw, will iitleiid nl hi otli'e. hi lUnom.liiir''. on
.M'lXDAY, till) ICtil llllV of MAK II HUM. lit 10
o I.1HCK t. in. i.i saiu cuy. lur inn purpiiHil hi io.iini
the diitiiiiuuon. All persons liavnii! eUiiiu or ilu
lnamls jiaiiif t the eslaie of Uu dece Imit . are iiulillcl
lo prestiit Uu m lo tlie Auditor ou that day, nr be de
barred from cuiuing iu for u tdiaroiif the fund.
February, 17, ltd. 4wJ2 00 AudHi r.
Steam Flouring MilS
F 0 11 S A L E !
All Mi, known p.s MOrr'ri. ii Uu fjornh ul'I'jti.
h'nr, l.'iA'ttw cotjmy, teni.t 111 :i, t j oi!i-rJ lur
fciih1. It in MluuU'il t'i I. art f ISj W'ynuiuig ami"i!inu 'tt-..!-. nit c ,t.iii.Iy pt e 0 ;i U
van Ui'p sit: r2itil Uu a'ny. w r 1 ri o.,ti
MUil.ur.Uxll. til it UO l lil'T
w:.t'.r co..,:.iutiii.i.ili n t,cr:i 1." . r in to ilii!t,.inr , I
Hid . ou lho one Mde, i'.lid i....ij;n. 1' . i .1 ll;.- 01a . ,
v.lnle eoi'.iiiiuiil.i.iii. 1 1 1...1 Ly l.:;.lral t.nli nil
pa.'. ol the ('.'.iv. A bri Ja Hjnu.iiue the liu-i'iue. '
ii.1.11 a ".ram, i.c. &c , of .','ui.iii:j valley rilit
Uy r.s d.iur.'.
'I mi ill at .1 CO of Ja Mott. Id.. it r.rourli Tnv. Ij
lliu cause M ibis v.iliiiitl,- projiuiiy belli ; throw 11 up-
on U.11 111 irhet. fiir. Moll, nai well l.uowii, una a
nr.iLlleal lii.l'br. aud ufler' tlio ilealru :!i,io of liU nl.l
nr.11.t1ca) m.l'er, aud aflei the destru :tniii 01' hi old
Mill by lire, conceive I tlio idea of ere, ting 11 MullUI,
M LI.Ii i.iid Ir 0111 I.i umplo lueaii. Lull the pres-jiil 1
structiiiu. II u liirolbhed Willi 1111 exielluut I'l.jtiue,
lii'iriuii uf ttone. and modeiu i.iaihuiery of the very I
bi'.-t l.iud. I ta la.iibive Inundations rest upon u lo:i,1 j
ret a and r'hrfj live Moties hi'ii frnui III i e.tii'il . Tl.
grinding fli-or I. ill thu uiidulu stiry. It ij lh- mo.t
si lid rlruetuie in lliu iu,i itry and w.i alwny viewed
Willi hoiiusl pride, r.n.l justly too, a. an enduring
iiiuuuu.eul of thu ctMieru iuilii.ti and puvei
I he storage ejparity of this mill 1 utiuriii.iu-, 1111. 1
lluur. giuni Czc .wu Itiaiiuil and uul.ttlv'il lroiu canal
Loati by impioveil eli-vutoiB. There 1 uriihiuery tu '
colivv) vniin to any pail '1 thu mill reipiuud. A lnuuu !
mnrka i.tier n re.uty sulu fur all the brau.shuri mid '
iijill tiuO'iiiauufailured at jju.i 1 price. ,
'1 here u a lot, dweduug liouru and lar.l, euitablo
fur thu miller, und a nture and loi a.lj ui 11 1 n:j the mill
property, hiUi will 1 u .ol.iwlth it n'r.esired.
H ik.i sou before lliu -'otli uf March next, it will be
offi-rml fur rent.
Dviry praclicil luninis tunii who i.ivesi;?ate llrs
desirubleii its of the location, and 1!ij p riu.iiiauce of
iu ttruilure. must bu luliy coiiviuied tint tin is a
most lavorable oiipuitunity t i m.iku t sure and prullt
allu investment, uu.l alloid a raruehaticu 1. uieuiuu
la tu a loituuo.
The term, (jrilfsired) inlght be, one miarlcr down
with ten njual yearly payments, with interest of the
w;.ol.i sum of deferred pamtiuts annual. y.
I iiilhur pat tieul.i.'s can be lcJrned by addressing
either cf the tabcriber
D. K. MOUS8.
Mo.sSide, Carbondalc, I'a.
. Kinns'.on. Pa.
Tebruary 17, 1EC0 itv.
Arcana Watches.
Thn rase of thee Welches aro manufactured ofdif
ferent uietul into whirh gold is forced by means of
extreme lu at and a surface lelt of IS carat gold, which
i lasting and elegant They are gotten up in hand
sO'i.u rtyle mid are equal ill appearance and liniebto
.. ...I,u, C... ili,m. 111. i I I"... t,
i hv are nil uicellent timo keeours and warranted
such We sell
Cents' large eize, detached levers, Hunting cases, I
for SM. j
Cent,' iiieilium size, detached lcversillanting cases, 1
tor S.3 to !"1.
Ladies' llnnling case, 0J0 to $C3.
Ladies' Cuard i.'haius, beautiful style, H
do t.'halelaiiie, chain dn f.i
Rents' Vest Chain, heavy nil I elegant, Oi
Orders must be uc.i inpauied by the cash and may
bo sent either by llxpress, by p jst-orlue order, or in
registered I tiers at u ir risk.
Nu watches ever bef ire oll",ired to the public equa I
llien for beauty, diiiubiliiy and excellence, when thn
price is eon. idered. Address
AltOANA WATCH CO., W Fulton t New York.
Fib, 17, I6bfi 3tu. Sclicll.
Juot Published.
A Treatise on I'rovidonoe. Dy
One Vol I2ww.8l SO.
Bent ty Mall on Receipt of Ihel'ricoby Ihe Publiihcra
Meiirs. J. n l.irrmcor Cn..Pliilailelnhia.reDert.
'Sv'n u,'
guuhed theoioaion- a voiumo winch ihey cannot but
mlin IIOUBH of llOAVO.uT.T. (.IKAVI) k. CO..
1 .Bu,navo the pieasum ofnnnouiiciiig that they
tlio Mile uf their WIDH.Y known JUWF.UIY, WATCH-
ES. c, and fur Hie purpose of making their goods ni
ZV"'?t""", "!,'." '" 1
f3ini;n up inij niui unit iiuvo ucvti ihi liver
yo'. ' f,.,,cU',,ve ,L'"i'n""l!'i 0',' " "
ll,..l..;i II. I ..III,. Am ,, ,.rll, c ,l,i I, I
All arc WurauuaaOLD of the finest
" ornmansntp,
Our fiilnnicr will nliolinve tliegtrnt ailtantnjo
ol ij ''.eenlnn nf mw mil roiherrho .tiles
nml pjttorii with which wo sliall liucp our .Now York
Agency eupplled.
WnUavu uiloptfd llio p;a.i of vale, now o popular,
of cl.uruinu i ti ill Tor price, nml til price u III mva. Ho SJ Ktilt IIAUll AIITIUI.B, im tualtor how
C'l-tlV it II1IIV In,. 'Mm urn .j ,,f ,,. I, ,. III., r ..up
NhW Vurk Agency ure paid liy tlio aula nf Ourt innate
ur tn.ipun reprcnaiitmg the vnrlou urllcles, Tlii-tn
rucli Ccrllllciitca will .how the holder thu pattkular
nrtlrlK hu ill flii! 1 eiitltlpa I,, nn novment nf nn nil. Si. f llie arllclc iiaiiiodoiiihe CVrtlllcata I
not ilenltBil, tin- lio'dur will oblige us, when no ru.
tiirm lliu Cerllfliiile, by itullng whnt other articles of
lho uniiiii viiluo he or r-lii; tnny pnftr. nml It will ho
tent with pleniiirn. OUIt AIM lu lu PMIASL', and
confident or giving the utmost rutlnfuctluii,
, j,.. , , ,, .
Amongst other article, sJpleudld (.'hicks, On d and
Hilver Wntihuii. I.lng. let ivnh Dinuiiiiidi, llublea,
Pearler, Unmet nml oilier Slona. (nilinirn uiiiliu
clutter.) Ladlu' m ta of jB..iryi.iiiiprlln! 'liiynd
I.ur rliMJ n thu mo.t f.i.h umililu style, tfl In l're.
emu Pliiiio. of every va.iety. ingetlier wilh n largo ,
lu-ortun nt of Oi.ld ninl liiuiinelli'd ami I'eail Set,
(Inlil Mini nml bli'evu Hiiltiin of thu moit heuutilul
lew variety uf llrncoli.W.CI....ii, Almical Oux.., HeaJ I
DniKiie CumU. Cli inn toe. In caaj anv
trims urn lint la want id Articles of Jnnvlry ami
y in our pi-
woulii preri-r Hliverwnre, wu will a nil, lor any e'er.
tllli ite ri'luriie.l In uu, u lichly eugruvi'd SU I' (ir
L'ASIOUS or UUT'lEtt UlSll, buaullluily ihacd and
A'cai&3 live Wanted
In every pri nrtlie United Mind' nn.l l'rovl iicrs.and
tonllvucli very liberal iu lucemenl will be'e ed.
nml, on UHpficalimi, a circular ufi.rm. wid be fur
ward id. IVo pri'lor luone) eiil In I'ojt OilUe Order
whv'p' they can be obtained, or by llauk limit tuoiir
I timer. Address ull orti'r to bur ..jenry, wuuu. will
io tu.iductud i,y
Jlcinsrs. JaQUET. BTEP.UNO i; t'o.,
ItJ llroidway, New York.
Feb. 17, 1C(.G 3ui Scliell, SJU Ol,
! I
Awful Sacrifice !
Kxtraoriliiinry Aniiouact'iiiesjl.
Ot.nnuoaOnll.i worth ufOjId.?- Rilver Watrlien,
Sil,,i-;i,l Jrwrlry, I'n.'iicli l.'lurl.s, lli.i:ni:i,l Itm.,
l'liiiiii-, Mi IuJoiiiii-i sjiiwlua; Mm hlnnn, bilv.'r U.iro,
la ., to be dipiiiid uf ul I WO DJI,.iAltsJ, e.icl.
article, villinut ri'jj'inl In Value I
Ol'.AM) Il-UltNAri()VAI, Mi:i:TIN(! Ol'MvNIJ.
1- AOI L'ltnilU Ol' WATUIIIld Si JUWKMty.
The i'ulloiii(! been regnived.llrit ill ciiiii'pn:iice
of the great Hu.'ii.iUna of Tra Iu, nn.l in order tu re
liive lloiu liecuiiiiny eiiibarr.iiiaueiiia occ.i. iniied by a
Uiitro. sinb' War, and tj uvoi
B A iX K H U P i1
t XT
S2.O0II 1101) worth r.f nod frniii tlislr :oc!t, must bo
told In the course of tii- moaUu, at
and fcrthat purpoao, they have iinani n ourly clictpd ,
DE 'I'll R Y & CO ,
34 L:l,crtV Stle"t
Xi Tlici i Exclnsiv
" 1 1 r f o
.11. i. to
As a rreliiuliury they ivnuld rrmnrk that h'V man
Mil ", im ai.-; j. ll uu biajs ait.lii.h or ul
Or' TU :
. a E rt U if v'J1 Qi it a m ;V u 5 ?M L 2
'I'ho arti -'-'3 to sell at T.VO HOI. I.AP.O caiii,
No matirr how co.tly it n.iy ho, .onsi st
of ft;,t ii ll I M.iiiiln,. ll i I an I rlvir VVnte't
t'r.;i.ih t'luL'u. ;tni lit with One. on h, ll,,in
l'i..irU ami n.lier p-eciu i s-lmi iSn a.ur" nn.l In
ll irnllLW of Hie ,mt r.lalinill'ililii nml n...ii.reTi,. 1 1 i'.
elu leri) I..1.U ft t. it J.-iveiry i n-itiintii i Pi i .t
Gold a ml t.u iiueio I lira 'is. ,s.t i It. nn 1 til-.-v 'I il
tons, 1. i,e 111s ot all iii-.-iitiiious iJcc. .e, si'ver V, are,
("ilia d) eouipri-iii'4,,ri. tinner I'i-ii, beau
tiful y iln.-ei indi'iiar veil. T.iblo i; leu iiunni t-z.
t"., I'ii'ii'n. .MeloiU'ous i. sscivlug ll-.iliiuu uf thu
llerl ii-ai-i r .
The ml 1 of r:it-h iitlide varying from s-IX to E'dilT
IltJMIliUO deliar.
UuV U'E i 11A L L PR 0 EE!),
Ii-iv a I. pled the plan of tho ale ii" m popu
lar ot i li.irv uu a ii.n I'm m pru ,- and 1I1U w ill iin aria.
b'y be VI lor l.u-Ii article reande ol'ialm, '1 he ex
peases ot cm luatiug our Ayuiry aru pal I tin- salt.'
of ji-rtihi I". , or coupons r' presenliiu i!te v . i i-nr.
tide-.. Hi s c-rliliiiite aro uhl at 1- IfTY 0.1 vT-l
eacli or Sfnr 0-I'U and inch eiult.atJ will s.'lj.v the
h.ildi.r lliu p.irin'Ul,ir.iiliili' he or she is eutithdtuou
piiyiii'ut uf uu nd.lilioii tl .J0I
Tin: uxi'iiNvn-t or fi:i:igiit a vi imimivi; pi.
AiNuo ill', si. ':Xi: MA..'iiM.- Vi'l I.I, 111; I'A IU
111' Tilt: PA.iT 1 1 S3 WHO AM L.TI 1 nil..
AG E N TS AlilTw A N T B ' )
In every partnfil," Unit'Ml nuuis mid PrOviuT nn I
to u'l snui m; y liburitl in-l-iccn uill U tUTur u,
aihl on ajiji'ir.niiiiii u cn cn nt' t, ujM bM
ia;Jf(!. Wi pi.'fjr tirny -i-i.t in Ctwt ;ri: oruur
nr,L.r I'lensn v.
-tat nlainiv -m l
I I -
v, nuio incy ran uu obitiiiicn ur uy li.nt); Urr.iu to ii..r
-1 itt yuur Warni', lowii, (Juthity vuA
AGiii'd imp. m M'i'.voruitc;;sj,
31 i.ibeity 5t., Xow Yorl:,
Feb. 17, l6GB,-Cai.JJU
public sale
Personal Froperty
J ILL hi! sold at Pl.hlio Sale, r.t tlio
VV rendem.0 of the undersigned, in CatavNissa
t v. p.. Columbia cuul), on
l'uiduy the 2t of March, 18GG,
tlu following dei crb al persunal property, viz ;
v.... f "., 1 rl
1 1 u"(j "H'1,
4 Shca'.s, 4 Sheep 1 Two-
norso t agon, I Spring Wuguii, One nuggy, ono
Tread inw.-r '1 hrishine iMa.l.lnu. with
Wiii-'on complctt-, one .-led, I'luw, , liar
lur. b. Com Harrows, one ret of
light Harness, one set heavy
Harness, one set Uufiy
Harness, una
andcther article ton uuuierou In mention.
L Sf'alti tu commence at u o'tnc A. M,, when
condlliuusol sale will be iu i.le ko liy
I'llll.ll' Uori'SIIAM..
Catawiisa. tw p. Feb. 10, lijiili t
Valuable Real Estate,
npiIE Fiibscribcr offer? to sell at private
! .ale. A 'I ItACT OF I.AXD, situate in Jackson
township, Coin ubi c inuty, Pa., containing
fcixty Acres,
Fifty Acres of which 1 Improved, and in a hlsli stato
nf cultivation, Hie reinaiiider in woods, cuniaiaiug a ,
laige luaiitttyui gooj ran liinoer. aisu,
ImTiv Acres of Laud.
ItuatoiH Pino township, county aforesaid, whereon
Ij nr. . ,.. I n I
v., u
Frame Divcllin" lloitSC
XTU1UC IJlVLlllUg JiUlliC,
wilh Ihe necessary oul bullcliiigs, and a young thrive
iim Orrhard. Ten Acre of which is cleared, and I he
balance well-tliubereil, A stream of water runs thro'
the premise, maiing it a desirablo rite fur thi erec-
tion or n saw Mill.
Cr Tlie above properly will bo sold cheap and on
eauy contlitioiis. Further information can be obtained
Jackson twa. Feb. io, tBGa.-tr.
Agents Wanted.
Tu sell prize Ccrlirtcatea
Ladies Jewelry, Dlumuiil Kings, Pin, fee,
For any article drawn, ltetnil Prico from Sin to 8350
All Ucdds Wnrianled Genuine,
Price of Cerlillrnte (!5 cent each. Liberal Preml.
uius and allowed tu agents.
For Circular and Term address.
Meisr. HAYWArtO 4; CO
Jan 13, 'M3iu SW ilroiilwty, New V.ik.
"PT A "NTO l?nt)rri70
A J-XXXl JnL 'UXl 1 HjD.
A lir.TlinONt.Y iNstTltUMGNTS constriiMml .
XV truly sclcntllk principle. Tlicv h.
"""e"'. "111 reman, lunger In Tunk than Vn, ..I
MB ni... tit ...
nr. 1 ""'"'",,c""" " "'"I'lenmi iiitu-ui.aii
I. Ji i ... .. . ' ' '"HirUIMPIIl
ti,c cue, thereby c'uioii,,g mti, tho i,i i,a,, furrn of
alrlnglr.g, by iitiatltutttiz atrnlght tiriilgcs, lrcscrvl.i
at the mine time lho Over ftfiii,B a. of nhlch M,
,.,, ' e 1 01 .
llniom f tlu lnvoiitor. Uy Mima Improvement tto
gain much more vibratory power, at the tamo tlmo
nromtvini nil ii nntliv nn.l rl.l,,. . r .
Treiotv ii2 nil ll pur 1 nn I rlchnet. of toao.
J licy have rCCLlVUll the IlillllCt tout ImnLlnl. r...n,
tho I'rrta, mid all the ptlnclpal atllili in tho connitr.
amonc which aro !
7 . Jo., ,' ,1 ,
"y Sandcmun, I.. .M.Colliebalk,
Max Matelzek,
Theodore J:ifielj,
,, , ,. , , .
"'uisn tVollenhaupt,
FrancMI. Drown,
Win Henry fry,
Win, .M.iion,
A. llarlll,
M. EtrarAimch,
Mr.SIMiaMlID TIIAI.UCna, the great planl.t,
i-na-. j-r.iuci ,
eaya s l nivc examined your new nami-rutto, and I
""""''J' approve- ot its nyncm uf construction. It
principle, by which gieat liicrcaicnf lbrutory powtr
i, ni,,i,, , , .,.; ,.. , ., . ,, .
' "-""'"cd, being very lmple and perfectly pnllotupli.
lcal' Tha tone it grand and noble! It lmi grenl ra
padty for eu.taluing the ound or liiislng, nml lit vol.
i,, ,, ,. . " """'"'
f "o r oer t have never heard excelled In
"epui, purity, mid tyinpalhetlc incctiu-aa.
Wm. IIEMlY l'UY, late musical criticof the N . Y,
,, ' , 1-7 ""'"'"""'"'.owly ll.vcntd
- uu iimiiu given 1 1 theia
byMossM.Tualberg, Coiuchalli, Maion nn.l othor..-
Aregaiujtirucliire,tli.yure ori.-lnal nn.1 p!iilooph.
ical j In purity, volume, and continuity of tounjln vo
cal criinllilude, that crowning ctceilenee ' whicti
enable tho plauiita to "lnS" 0 tha inurnment .
Your rientia crrr deserve the liljlu.t rank. Yuur In
vention, In my oinnn, r,8 dfciined tn woik radical
change iu trie manufacture of l'iauo througlruut tha
From itm K Y. Herald, Sjpt, Cl'pnu a careful ex.
aiiilnatiouol lliuuuj Piano l'orto, wu 11 ml thj result,
obtained nnt a ve y fine niiilujj tune, grut purity ana
brilliancy tlirouglimii the entiru iiitrmneiut iml olteu
full ml iu Pianos ioiistruclc.1 upon the old plan,
Tlio X. Y '1 line, July I.', say: VVu havu now an
iiii-truiiiint nn urpial. It can ung with a
jiiiooth i!e,ary, u rfirlly iiu.ill,iliiiibln ou any other
i hlriliiient : an or,!n;irv player olilmii with no .n.)r.
lliili.llie cjr.n.l Piano l'orle, and thy
u u-1 .U.T-I'il ' ll d 1;,
li,:siLL,i.i.;i : J.aiuii; lho.ou; rxiinl'ieiland !ot.
ed the l'ltitiO-Furte iiiM'iited and p.itjniu,l .y .),.. y, u,
Ilr.iuts. I am ol the oi lnlon tli.s tou- reaulMn.
frmil In eilnbited iiiihj initrumeiiu
under examination, iu point ufrkhu. ss., depth i
brilliancy, njual ihi.t of ll.o belt Crtnd Piano fmi, txiiELstliemln pure, musical iiiti'nuiionaliun ar.J
ACUii. tunc, power thu uproilmatii' to j, . t
I coiiilder pcrfectlo.i in the iiutruiii iul tlun hi),.t
bjn achieved Lyiiuy otiur )otsm of ituiiafacture.
Yliit respjiifnlly,
i.. .11. HoTrsan.Mj:.
cot.i: ARIIXT.S
!)'!) Broad war, New l'oik.
lleljre purchasing, uinJ lor a dcurlrtivecalulug i.
nun price.
Fib 17. ItOJ-ly.-JJIl.
I'T.riMU'lL l. i;v.Xd.
CU'il E,iiici.i nut I'mc.i!. ,i I, it r.t
No 4io Walmii ty. l'tiil'n
p yniyri e.r.t.-.l -i:m-.'.I i.iiohho.i Euciner.n
t I)rnll"!lllll3 mm 'Uellil-.. tlo leU mil l,. .a..,..
oTull klu. I nude mi,l H'ulll illy an.,,!,.,! tu r.,.r(,i
iiiieiiiiou civ.ii in mi i i:o i !; c-y;t n.,d i.Ni'
.. . ..e- ,! j ui all i.u.' Irni.i
I aiuhl tlfice pnii iii ml
N. I. slave )iiurelvrs usel,- tro ible and trnv I
liui! .-.ipei.sis. a. ill ri is no arliul u-ed of ner. ,1
li'l-IV.i-W With US. All ll', ,, ,.Heotli esrl.i.
h. l.niieaiteil i.iiiriliu? 1 orlurih-r iiil'ornialiiin ili
r rl i.f iiUuve, Willi Mainp inclosed lor clicular illi Ul, i'C
-Ii J. Weitfi r.
J"'innc into t!n enclosure of I lit under-
V sine ied. r'-i Iin' in I oru t tiiivuthip, l.VluiuM i , on or abuat I ul llirUtiuas, an old
iiUHilEL HultNB.
Th.' owner m r'viested to prove pr"pent. pir
, Ii .ri;es nn 1 inke hint u.vav or he ill b.- di.n.irel
1 1 a ihe law imlj.
riiA:ii.i:s FCTTcniiAV.
Fill. in. 3 :t.'
IJN ibrSaie or Menu
A w.l! arranged Inn or Tajrrn. nitus-
i" ted :-i r l,i. ,-e :: ',;., rupimlu i (Jou.ily. I'a ,
I nir n ! I'.r rat.-ur rent. It is a i uuimuil iou s build
iui aii.U i iiilapte.l f,ir ,i Hot I
H- For i-ar'tuulai - nn lire of Ilia lliiperttinnd w los
oicupi.i the prmnin-i.. Ter.uti of sale will tu niadu
tasy tu ths pun luer.,
nonr.' Tf iiown.i.. .
I nwer Mm" Illi'se, Feb III. INK!.-- Sin.
DMiniii'S,D.i(:l;. pay .I'onaioua.&o., collected.
Epecml attention paid In m uter aruirg under the tu-l-ri
ul lti.veiiiu I.H1VI.
OFriCU Fust door beluw the Court House,
. , liLOOslsIBUUG, Pa.
Jaa C3, ,6iG
Estate if Thomas Wildoner, da: it.
i t
itii-ru of Adi:
j t.J o.i the Il.latu of Thus Wiidonc-r. lat of Fishine.
; .Cf"!l l"i. Columtia cn. deceasod, havo been era,.
tyiiriulr.l i.m ,., ..
,r u, , i.uaisier oi i.oiiiinoia lonuty to the under,
signed, rei-idiiig in lleiilon township, All peron.
h. un claim i.CLiust Ihn estat" of thn decedeni are
re'iuetel to presmt then, to t!ieundersi'iieil. wuh
forliiwi'lh l'etsons Indebted lo make payment
Adm'r. dt tiuii ron.
Jan 11, lS".0.-Ctv $"
Adminisirator's Notice.
Estate of Charles Etssenhart, deceased.
TcltPM of ndmini-tration on the
J of Charles Ilis.enhnrt. late of Cntaii ia tw
dJC',1. have been a'lantedby the UegUier ofCuluuiLia.
Co.. in Hie uniliTsigiied.
All claims neaiui theestale of the do
cedent are ruipi.-tt-d tu present ihc-m It, Hoi iinilersign
ed. without deh.y. unci all persons indebted lo mako
payment lurthnilh.
Jan.S7..8C0.-Cw.-S - VBWCB.V.
Public Notice,
Whereas my wife Caihnrino Fox. has
left my bed and board without Just eaure or
provocation, and refuse in retitpii - tin. ... ,i,nv..r.,.u
to notify all person against harboring or trusting her ,
as I will not be responsible for any debt of her con
I Feb 10, 13GJ- 3w
Admiuatrtor's Notice.
Estate of John U JIcss, dte'd.
B" ettcrst of Administration on tho estate
nf ll... II ,1 I . ! a I . f . 1.1. ....
,, iii-.s. line ill uuyiiiiua, lun it si,,p, i,,,.
lumbm county, dee'd. have been granted by the Ilegi.-
ter of Oiilmubia in . Intbe iiiiderngnuil.
All persons having claim nguiist tlm estate of tha
dscedent nre recpn.'. led to present them to ilia under
signed . without delay, and ll persuns indebted t
make paymeni tortlivvilh.
EzitA srnt'imxa,
Feb, 3, IKO-Ow $3 Adin'r.
. , 1 ; .
AumiUSitl' atOr'S NotlCO.
! , , .. , , . , , ,
, Instate ol Mary cjchtoepprnhisc, dec d.
LUTTEltS ol Administration on tbo
Estate nf Mary Bchweppeuhiser, laloof Miftlin twp.,
Columbia county, dee'd, b ive been granted by the lieg
later of Columbia to., to the uiidersigued.
All persons having claim against Hie estate nf tha
decedent aro requested to present them to the Admin
trnior without delay, anil all person indebted tt
mus.u payment luriuvviiu,
February, 10, 'Gij-OwSl
CIovci'scc! Wanleil.
Tho undersigned, will pay thu hirhe,
market price for CUOVF.RSEEL), delivered at ltir
Kuptit, Pir, 55, Ul.-3m.