AGKICUL.TUKAL. SEEDBED. A warm sheltered location, (loop, rich,: tardy loer,frt froth woedu or oejsd, Is I inu ubsi, i lun ur npuuo, ui ihu ihu, mil to ivfolvo IrjcltcB deep ; rnke level by htt row or rako,"nttd cover oloKily with to bacco i(a)ks laid on fitraiglii. In spring na soon ob tlm ground will work wall, re move the stalks and plow lbto or foar inches deep, making a very narrow furrow slice, and into each furrow, ns turned, etrow rjtlano or lion ihanuro quite fre61y 5 work in and on the curfaeo tliroo peok's to a bushel of proudrotto to tho stiuaro rud,! and miko the coil as Cno,and;thc eurfaco , as nraooth and level ob ponlblo. Uto a , table-Fpoqnful of need to cach.9(uKC rod ' of bed , mix it with eand, ano bow broad-1 . . . . . ( cost very evenly j finish by rolling with a heavy roll. Mttl'e the beds ten to twelve fret wide, that being convenient width in working : cover with bruih to keep fowls off, and to prevent radiation. To word tho bed, remove tho brush and ttretch n plank across tho bed, using blookg under tho ends to provent tho middle from net ting on the plants when you sot on it to weed. 'H10 bed should hi kept onrtfolly clean of all weeds. IllANnE3 AND AlTLICATIOX. Tho main reliance la to bo had on farin or yard manure., Tobacco grows quick, is a groso feeder and needolargo quantities nf the best manuro to feed on , from 20 to "u oordj par acre should bo well fined, spread broadcait ovar tho Eurfaco(after the ece ond plowing;) nd cultivated abd.ljirroiw cd to thoroughly ,iooorporato it with the soil to tho depth tho cultivator reus ; this with tho odditionjof tho'fertilizens, here aftor'montionotl, will with with such care ful culluro as hero rccoommcndcd, produce tho best result. This application of ma nuro hotild bo dono acout a week previous to transplanting. Lay off your rows, with a suitable marker, 3 ft. 10 inches apart. Now with a coverer which hauls tho soil into light ridges follow tho mark er ; this leaves a- place for tho row as smooth as a roll would leave the burfaoc. Take a light wheel (or o'ne may bo at tached to tho caverer) and fasten blocks to the outer cdpa.two feet apart and have "a shaft and handle for hand to use. Go overjthe ndgos'whh it, "marking the place for hilh ; with tho hand I100 open the bolos and drop into them guano . and plaster, mixed at the rato of 151) posnda of the former to 2G0 of tho latter to tho acre ; cover two inches deep with fine soil and epat with the hoe, leaving it a little do pressed for sotting tho plant. dtt 1 SEED. I At topping timo let a desirable -number of tho earliest and bcU plants go without topping keeping all tho lower branches broken off. When tho .general crop is ripo ttrip (ho leaves offend tio the stem to n stake. It is ripo when without freezing tho capsules are turnud quite brown ; cut the seed wilb about two feet of the etalk and Lang it in a dry;placo whero itwill not bo molcfted. When wanted for" use. select tho best bolls, rub out tho seed with.1 tho hands and screen through a fino rirVo. SOILS. A sandy loam neither very light or lif avy, is the best ; the farther removed from this the poorer the quality of tobac co. Ground which has been cultivated with somo hoed crop is'thc bc5t,i'aud pro duces tho finest grained leaf such should be plowed twico, tho first time in April or early in May ; IheVecond about tho 20th or 25th of May. It should bo well done, plowing dop and Pwith 'narrow furrow tlices,;nnd between first nnd second plow iog,'using tho harrow to keep k down tho wed, etc. fii A batchclor uncle, to whom hio nieco appliod for advico on the question of ohoo:ing between two suitors, ono of whom was rieh and tho other poor- the latter, of conrsc,ibeing tho Jmost ardent, as well cs well as the favorite lover sen tentioudy roplicd i'JIj dear tho qocs lion being stripped of'allJlInsory'elcmentR, your ehoieositnply Hes.bctwecn I070 and beef. Now, lovo is an;idoa, vhilo boef ii a reality. Love you can get along with out but beef you muH have. Therefore raako euro of your beef,' - 'Now girl?,' said Mn. Partington th'1 other day to her niecos, 'you must get 1 1 b,.nds as.soou 03 posiible or they'll bo rurdored.' 'Why so aunt V 'Why, I see by tho papor that we've got almost fifteen thousand post-offices, aud nearly all on 'em dispatches n mail every day. Tho Lord bavo moroy on us poor widows,' and the old lady stepped to tho looking-glass to put on her now cni', Cgy Oh, mother do Eond for tho doc tor" said a littlo boy of thrco years. 'What for my doar I' 'Why, thcre'a a gentleman in tho parlor.who says ho'H dio if lace iloa't marry him and eko soys iho won't.' 57" No matter how long yon havo been married never neglect to court your wife, "HELMBCLD'S P.C7J 2.X '2V..7C 7' , W IPLUID SXTaACT.B.UQHU, A jo tin mi um nobody tat iimsoM Ik iruUtr, Kidney r.rnrti hci lfraiMiai, nmuiic, This Medicine ti-otcvni tho jwiwttfiiof dlfjMtlafi, tut tatlteiUi absorbents lata healthy lOllon, by which tho tfitwyof eUccxeous drprs'llne, And ell tmnotarsl ItKNMSt WDredoeol, an well 111 pun Md InHifiHWMtcHt tAI gwO for tun, women nnd cbilctiM HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BtJCHU, ror,rlrafMrl8inc from CtcciMl, Bftblti of Dimpa tioti, Esrly iadliorsJon. attends! with Ut tolKnriHii ByrnrlODiii Indisposition to EtetUoe, Lose el rower, Dlticalty et Bteatliln;, Trcmbtlnf, WakofaJnoi, rlnlnUiBnei, rituhlnj Of th Body, Eruptions of tho TMe. I.oso of Memory, , norrorof niacitio, , Tdmiio or Vision, Hot lUnds, Dryness of tho BUS, univoraai Lssoltnde. Pallid count onanco. Th030 symptoms, If allowodlo noon (vhlch tUa WeO tint luvai lsbly roiBOTCs), toon follow l ATtrltr, EPILEPTIC riXB, e tu cno of uhlcli lira j,stlont my ixrJre. Wbo can y they aro not IroqnonUr foitoiwtl 17 fiioeo "direful dl3 tawc," ISTSANnr AND CONSUMPTION? Many arc swore ef the cunw of their tairirlnj,tnt aaat ntUcooiBta. Jho records of ths Idh.uio t-;laTOt oart tbc biclancholy doailn liy ronauaiptlon tcur nmplo wllnoM to tho tratli of the amnion. Tlio Cotiitltutloo. onco hffcetol by orjjanla vwTraest, t ("ir.'rc: tho ulil of mcdklno to utrcM'-Uwi aail lavljorato (!ic r-1 vlilch HEUUIOLD'O EXTIUCT Of nUCHU taTHrlstlr Cccj. .V trial will cemviuco tio not: ccofitlcal. i tn tuaor r-ffeotlor.s pocu'.lur to Femalw, tho lizTEAcr conjilitiu Incident to the sez, or la tho ueomhk on ciuuaE or lipe. t2T SKS SYJIPT0U3 AEOTX. Wo Faraily should ho vlthout It. Tt:no Balsitn, Mercury, or nnplouant racdlclno f?t Caplenaant nnd dnnjernna dlsoaucj. liEiiiiiJuiiij'o EXsiluCT BUGiiU C.:ro Saort-t jfSls-as3 I: all their otu;. m Utile expense, Utilo or no clunjs of'lKr) DXPOStJIlS. USE HJBX-MBOXjD'S EXTRACT BUCHU l'ornll Deetlom and dlacaew of thrr- orw, utbthtr rsisiu.'o in- male W! r:r.i.r. 3?rcai T7L,tcfr -nco origlsatinc. cad ao mattcrliOTT ttamllntf, DiiC 13S ft t-Cb J orgii3 KinJra tho old of a diuretic. - HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU I3 tho Groat Diuretic. And It Is c amain to imvo too dettrcd cStct la all diseases tor ifhldi 1'. U mciaiccn&ed.t B2.003! SSOOQ! SLOODI BEelmlolcl's jnSTTLT COSCETTEATI COSTOrOT FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, rorparlfylas lha Dlood, rcnoTJue all chronlo cotsllln t'onal dlscnaco arlrlcg fresi r.n Impnro Etato of tho Elood. itad tho onl7 rcllahla csd cffcclaal Imotni 1 cracdy for tho euro of Scrofala, Ccald Ilcd, Salt Ehcno, Pallia and Errclllaea cf tha Eoaca, nccialiona of tho Throat and Less, Illotchcs.riaiplcs on tho race,, l.'ryslpcSa3, C2d all ocaly Eruptions of tho Stla, Asra m.wxiTx7xz THE coam.Esior. EOT A FEW of Iho trcrst disorders that toilet n-.Eklcd arise from tho corruption that accnmulatcs la Ilia Elood. Of all the dU covcrlcathetliaTO cccn undo to purgolt ou.,:ioo can cQtial la effect HrLSicotD'a Coaroc:tu Exieact or Eac fiTAEiLLA. It cleanses and rcuoTatC3 thcll'.ood.lnslllla tho vigor of health Into tho cystcci, end pargC3 out tho liuniora which raato dlseaso. ft BtlnvilatcB the healthy fnncllona of tho I'Ody, and cirel3 the dlcordcrn that nrow tad rankle In fhb blood. Each a remedy tint could ha rcllod onhaslong he'ea souehi for, and now, for tho firat tinio tho pnhllo havo ono enwhlch they can depend. Our ipacohcredoconot admit of ccrtincatcatoehowltscrfccte, tat iho trial of a slnjla bottlo rlll ehliw to tho elct that It boa Its vlrtnce oirpnksicfi unyt'.iliia; th: y "navo over tn'icn. Two tablccpoopsful cf tho Extract of SareaparlUa added to a pint ef vrotcrlscfiaalto tho Llshoa Diet DrlcU, and one hottlo U VMly equal to a EUon of tho Syroj) of Sa:sn porHSd cr thu Ceceetlon as usaally made. nSLuII20LI)'S HO EE "WASH, An excellent Lotion for asoc crlslng fraciJisiilU of CUtlpatlcn.njcdlnconnectloii 'wlth tho Extracts Hocbu end Earaaparllla, In ouch oUomcs as Tccomraond 1. Evi dence of tho most responsible and i oliahlo character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit direction for uto, uUh hundred e thowantl? living ivl tnotscs, and up wards of 80,005 nnjolleltcd certificates and recommenda tory letters, many of -sbloli aro from tho hleheut sonreec , InclndlnealncntlliyrU'Ians.ClcryDicntateBmcnc. Tho rroprlctor has r.cver i osortcd lo their publication In tha uotrspopera j ho docs not do this from the fact that his articles rani: as Ctandard Preparations, and do not need to be pror-ped up by certlflettes. Tho Ecltnco of JIcdlclcB, USco tho Doric Colnxn, should Claud clrcnle.purc, msJosUc, bavin; Fact for Its l.r-Els, LjneUon for Its pillar, and Truth alone for Ha CcpltaU IT; Eitmct Gajjiparllla la a Jilocd Purlflcr j my Eitrac t Sachuls a Diuretic, and -v.-lll acf as snch In nil cases. Both aio prepared on unrcly sclentlflc prlaelnlea in tfaetio-aud aro tho dott active tooaanrcsef cither that can In made. A ready end cencinirli o test Trill be a com. parlson of their properties wilt those set f srtli In tho fob towing irorSti Ceo Elipsnsatory of tho ualted Slates. Ecc Rofetsor Dewiso' vtSuahlc Trotla on tho Tractleo of rbyHc. Eos remaiks modo by tha colebratod Br. riiTstc, Kdla. Eee reinorlcs made by Dr. ISriouiK MoDowjili, a ecle trattcl rhyolclan aud Member cf tho Koyol t'ollogo of Ecrgeotu, Ireland, aad published In lbs Tr&wacltona cf tho King and (Jaeen'is Journal. Ceo lUOlco-Chlrcrslcsl Ktviatr, pnbllhed by Hsb-Js TAvEBs,rclloT of the Itc ul Collcjo of Surgeons. fcto no;t of (tc late alandard worLa oa llcdlclno. COLD nr ALL DIlUOQISTS KVTSISVWITErJI. iMUrctt letters for Information, In confidence, to n. T. IIELTiIBOLD, CUomist PRIHOIPAL DEPOTS Ilolmbold'o Drue aud Cliomlcal Warohouoe, Ho. DDI BROADWAY, NEW YORK, an! Xlelmbold'a Modloal Dopot, Wo. 101 COnm 'JEHTH 8T,, PHILADELPniA, I3EWAH13 OF COtJNTEltFKITS. A OK POIt II13LH1B O LB'SI , TAKE NO OTIII3RI . FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARI LLA $30,000,000 LOAN or tb ' Republic of Mexico. Twrniy-ywr Coupon HoihIj in Hums . of 950, $100 B00 ami 55,00. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT.,1 PAYABLE IN THE OITY OE ! NEW YOIIK. Prinoiplo and Interest Pnyablo in Gor.D. 10,000,000 to be Sold ?U SIXTY on the DOLLAR In V. . CuriMioj', llnis ylelrtlnj nn Int.riist ofTivMv I'erCetit.InC.UIil1, iirHavcntaoti For (Vnl.ln UUII lIliN'l.'V, Bt tho (irfU'iit rato of iirPtnltim on Rol.l. THIS I'tKSTYHAK'BlXIISrtnsr AMICAMV lT.OVI . HKl). he Most DESlllAm.KlN VESTMENT over OFFE11ED, , linmenie tract of.Minlnc ami A'tlcultiiral l.iimlg; I Fixty per (flit, of l'ort Dues, Inipoil, ami Tiixoa, In t the f tales of Tlinioullpni nnil Pni'i I.ui IMtosl ; mil I llio l'lialitoil Fitith ufllio i-nM Hlitcs a n I Ilia (.'cncral j ()nvi,rtim"iit ate nil riadpil for tin roilnniplion of thera Ronih uiul pnymant of intarcit. . The Security is Ample. $1(1 In U. I. G'oocy vil buy a Tpcrict goM boml of S-0 SWO " " " " 8100 hoo " " " snoo seoo " " 51,000 Ijct every I.ovor of ncpublleanjlnttltutioni liny at leant Circular" forwanlM aniljsubierljl lions rtcelvcl by JOIi.V V, Coni.lllSf'i: CO.. ami J. If- Tltrr, rinauHnl Awr.l orthe Kepubllc of Mexico, 17 llro.nlwny. N. Y, tO" Su!isbrlitliiiij nln'j icccivcil by liauks nnj Dnnlccrs gcnarally tliraugliouUhe Unilcl Hialos . Nov. i!3, SJ5-l(ii. HEADING RAIL ROAD. Winter Arrangement. November 2T, 1805, .f'trcat Trunk Lino From The North Jl nnil Nortli-Wcrt f'ir t'hlHdflph'n, TSfw York, Uending, rottivilli. Tamaqua, Athland, I.cliannn, A. lenlon 11, Kulnii, fco. Trama lenvi- llarribhiif; for T.'mv YnrK, ni I'ollnwt : At :i(IU,7, M and H.Oi A. ,H and 1.-15 mid WO I' Jl iirriviiii! at Wow Ytuk 15-M and luuu A. M.nud 3'W and IH.II.J t ll. f oihic'iIihk Willi 'JViilim on llio lVnuyIvaiiia Hull fload ; Sltcpiii Cire nrcinup.'Uty liii; thu tl.OO nnil ,i.05 A. M Train -, iihout cli.niai;, J.. uvo llariisburb'for lUuiliuit, l'uti-vilk', 'i'mua'pia, .liiieravillo, Anhland, 1'ino Croc, Allcutntvii. and riiiudi lplil.i nt 7 yj A M. mid 1 AS unl U OU 1' .11, slop pinir nt l.i hanon mid nil Viy itHioiis ; thu I'.li.l 1'. M. 'rrfflhiniuiiis nn tlon." touiiccliuiiii for t'oltsvillc nor riirmvielpliia For ruftsnlle. St-.iuylklll Haven and Auburn, via ricliuylkill nnil Sui-qiuliauna Hail Uoad, li atu llurihiirs n. 4.UU 1. M. Keturiiins I I.'aic N.-.v-Yorlc at OdO A. SI. 12.(10 noon and , (u l1. jl. ; rhiladi-lpliij at H CD A. .11. nnd J W I". .11 : ruttsvilh' at t ::u A. ,11, and 2 1.5 l 31 : A fliland 011(1 mid II 45 A M. and I 15 l. 31. Tamamu at T MA. ,11, nnil I !() I". M. Leave l'oltvill lor Ai'rnb:ire. vii Srliiivlkll nnd Siiqufh inna Kail Ilond, m li 45 A. .11, lli'iulinj Arcniuinuilutinn Train : leaves Il"nillnn nt U '10 A. .If., rctiirnln; from Vlillndolphia lit I Stl 1. ,M . C'lliiuil.'in Kail ltnud 'I'm In .1 I'javi! IIctII ntf at (! HMA. M. and C, 13 1'. .11. for Knlirata. l.lliz. J.:iiic.istiT. Un- luiubla. Sic. HO h:llll,laVu : I.rnviv ?ff W Y.lrlc nt 1' M. Pliiln- ilclnhia ;i 15 I M. roltsulln 8UII A 51. T,iiiianiia8ou A M, HarrlsliurK U 01 A Mnnd ltcaillnu nt l.lia A .11 for ilartiibart', and 10 Hi A. SI. for Mow-York, UoininUlalirni, auieagu, acason, ec;iooi ana i;.xcur. 6l8n TickoU'o ami from nil p"liit, nt llati'.t. Jlarcico I'JiccL'eil IliroUL'.'i : el) nouTI'M allowsd each ranvuger.1 It. A. r.'H-OJ.I.S, RWEIUI, t't ftniNTEMlE.ITi Heading, Pa. ISov. 27, laKS. Tobacco AND ' At Slroup's Old Stand, on Main Street nphc undersirnril having opend the Stora C formerly oceupl'id by David .-'troup, as u (irwery. nibhedr. witli a largu ana uned nasoiinicnl lent TOBACCO AND CIGARS, most respectfully invites Ihu patronage of tho citi zens of iiioiim-hnrgund vicinity. lie m prepare. 1 10 sen at wiiciicsaic aim retail, upon thu unit reasonable term. Mfi(.haut4, ilo'.ul Keepers, and (Iroccryincii, would do well to eivu iiiui n call. Bj" All kinils ef t'liewing mid Rinokinir Tobacco, in large ami small qualities, constantly 011 hand and for bulo. II. II. liu.vmiuuc-uu. -loousburg, Sept. S3, 1SG5 Union S. II. D13 WOLF, DHALUrt IN Ready-Made Ctothfog No 202 North ficcontl St., Omi door iibova lluce t PHILADELPHIA. " Clothing made to order at tho short est notice. May 'JT. ItliS. (ini PJUVATH filHMt'AL AUVISKIt. (Exelutivrly for Ladies,) ' An Invaluable treatise of 11)0 pages, by published for the benent or the sex. , On receipt of 1 1SM C ISN'T ft it will be sent nnstnaid in n sealed envelope, to all who apply for it. addrcnn 3. BSSBYArS, ISox S079, 4121!roadwny, N. Y. July 15, 1505. A m eri'can H o t e 1 , , tUEBESWitfBT SS'iTfiSKET, Opposite old Independence Hall, I,IIllsr!'rIill,l. S, M. I1EULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. II. Hhumnos, I'hrk. May i7, ISM. Uni 3ELL & ALLABACH, Propridirs. COItNUIl OF THIRD STiy PENESYLVAN1A AV WASHINGTON. V. Oi Ea.e;Se iiotel. TO, y i"lj -T' i M fpiIE uiidcrsigucd having opened a pur, .2 lie house, in Uohrsburg, Columbia Count licown as thu EAGLE HOTEL, Announces to his friends nnd the public. gonerAlly, ih.'il he will be linppy at all times tu administer In their (iiilertuiuiuuiii. Cuilniii solicited. Civo liim a call and you will not regret it. WILLIAM EDGAR. ltolirbur.', July 8, 1B05. WJI. C. HAllfilS, 13, n.l'ISALIS, & IS. 0. IlUHLKY WM. G. II AUG IS h CO. No lSOSouiIi Pocond t?t below Chestnut, I'hll.i, Mniiufs IngJa l'uity, ( auufsottirers of Vuruishos aud Dry- Japans nnd dealers in White Lend, Zinc, r, oukum, Painter's Colors and Tools. Hunt ing nnd LubiiculingCnal Oils, llenzinw, Naplha, kc. i iiuurumviiis io ucaicrs. ' t. i6-.iy. Great Excitement IN Light Is AT ENT'S STORE I On Account of the New Arrival of Fall & Winter Goods, 'TAS just roerived from tho caslorn riilnn 1 ml l now oiicntna tit thu old staiul n iplcmllil assottment uf r n r n Tsi sT5 'lv .11 .a 'a jzi w-' rTilsi!na nf cvi'rjrllilii generally l.cpt in n country (lore, Mhlcli will bo mdd ( Itctipir thitn the Cfff;j. Call mid see nndjinlgi' far yourselves. IIli ulrwkrnnVlft of Ladies Dress (loods choicest stylei sndlatisll'ililoni4 , Onlicos, I Mualiim, Giiighains, Flannel.'', , ' Carpets, Shawls, ' Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, " .. Satiucts, Coltonadca, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Quecnswiiro, Cedar ware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o BOOTS, SHOES. II ATS & CATS. Arc Thepatronni;i- nfolil friouds, and thu public penoia- ly, in r."prf tiiiliy so'iilt.1". Tin' luiiiir-i nn rirkct iirttt paid for country produce PETEK ENT. I.lht Hired. Of 1 -I',: ??rif the LlOO(l. tuh :hi;ati:st misihcink of this agis A sure antidote for silliness, and a refuge from Sorrow, Fain and Disease. yan's Lips Pill ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They arc ndmiitcd to be tho Best Family Medicine tor general use. l'nrifyliii the I'.lnod and clciisuing the system from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills to regulate the Slnniii.'h, Liver nnd L'lliary Peers Hons which is the i hief i aue nf iicrvouness , (iiddi. neis, lliiuness nf Sight, Headache, frick Stomach and other Kindred iouid:iiuls. Hundreds of Ciitifieate can be Shown. They have been licd bv tlioiisands with success, Bryan's Life Pills Are a'Uipicd -for all Ages & Constitutions, Thrynrc conipfised of Uienctivf principles of Herbs nnd Knots culled from ur lb Ms mill foriiels. They are mild but ceilaiii in their npiiratimi prndiirliig neither rrnnips, griping pains or sickness. Tliey may be taken by nil ages, mmuk or coiidill'jn without lear. Bryant's Jj'fo Pills, Cure Headache. Brvnnl's Life Pilla. Curn Sick Sioinaoh. Bryant's Lifu Pills, Cure Giddiness. Bryant's Life Pills, Purify tho Blond. ;V Bos of Bryan's Lin: Pints will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They will accomplish f.iithl'ully nil that Js icpreiculcd. I iiey are elegantly put up by the proprietor, whu was tin- inventor nl InlYAN'rf FUl.MDNitJ U'Al'!:i!rf n incdiiine long and luvnrably known to ihu Auicriciu Naiiun. Ifyouwi-'i In buy IHiYAV'S Lll'IS PILL? nnd ct.ii. not gi t tlieiu ol jour dingeifl, dont take'nuy cither, but tend Twenty Kivti Ci nis in n letter n Iho prapric tor, mid you will get them by return of mail, post paid Addrcia DR. J. BRYAN, Box 5079, 112 Broadway, N. Y. Sou, ny Ilr.L'cioiHi.s Clnlhaily. ISMIIAH. IIAI'.MSd &CO., N. Y. Wholesale Agents, July 15, 1,5. l'ibruury II, iEtij.-y ISC3. I'hilr.!Wi:li!a (Si .! iC IsliD. 1 & A S 51 & A P This great lino traverses Hie Northern and North west counties of l'eiiiisylvuuia tn thu city of,ou Lake ISrie. It has bocii leased by tho IVii'isylvania Itailroad l.'oi.ipany, mid is operated by th.;iu. IIIJC or I'ASTSHtll a RAINS AT NOIlTIII',MniRI.AND, L!'AE bASTlVARD. V.rln Milil TiHio, ISnu Impress Train, l.lmira Ilvpress 'i'r.un, Ulinira.lliillTrain, 5 40 P. M. 3 Wl A SI 1 1 ! P II 1U Ui A .11 iiKAVE WESTH'AIll) lSrlo Mall Train, llrie ISiitri'ss I lain, Lliunii Hxpress Train LlmiraMail Train, 3 15 A .11 a 40 i' m 5 Ml A .11 4 35 1' ,11 l iissciigers Cars run through on the llriu -Kail and Hxpress Trains wilhuut ciianciic belli wa) s between Pliilailelphiaanil Lrie. NISW YOIIK CONNISCTIPN. Liavn New York ntlUiU l. II. arrive ntlSiiea.ST A. M Li live I'.riu nt 1.53 1". 11. nrnvu .it N'evv York I, 15 P Jl. No Cli.msie of Cms htwtf ui ISrin and New York. Mcepirw ('.ns on nil Night Traiii3 Tor infoiiuatii n i tsi.-.-t n,t? I'tissenger Inisiues3, op ply ul the Cor. :im 1 1 mid Market fits. I'lnl delplila . And for Vii ight busiiiei ol tho Company's Agents. ri. II. King-inn, Jr , Cor. Dili and Market His., l'hil'ii J. n . lli,noli., I'.n U, i r..w ii i: oi V. (!. li: ll., Ilallliiiore, Ii. ll. Ii'mi-i i i Agt . Philadelphia, II. V. tiWI'ie I. I, ll. I I l,''t Agt.l'ilil.lllelpllia, A. I. TII.Lu t. n i. uj,'t Williumsport. Oi'iub r, l".j NEW .-TOOK OF Groceries & Provisions TUST received at Runyon'n Provision W (T()UIS. a large nssnrtim lit of (ii'.OOI.HIISS AND PllOV'l.--lUNV:,coiisictiii ul all the necessaries of life bciiglit for tii-h nnd will bu sold lo defy roinpeiilion. Hotel lUeie.rH nil 1 t'ounlrv Mcrrlritus, would dowell 1 tn call mid examine Hlo, k and Provisions beforu pur- j Cll isina c isew nere, iiujii-i uie biock ni.iy lie loiiuii i ri'ii.Aiii?, oi uu gruuus, r.iiji,Ar;oi,s nuu aiuei a I from the lowest price to tlw best grades. Grain & Ground Coffee, of all qualities, Navy, Plug, Twist, Fine-cut Chewing & Smoking Tobaco, Young Hyson, Im perial, Gunpowder and Oolong Tons, Cheese. Uracl5crs,Fiuo Salt.Wooden & Willow Waro, Malolics, and Cigars. Canned Fruit of all hinds, & IS I? jE C T 11 0 W C Hi 6 E S , DIIIISU I'ltUIT. No. I U. S FISH by tho Ilair.l, ono hatf or (inn fcuitli or nun eighth birrcl, Herring, Cimioll, cte., fcc., ull of wlilth will bu sold at llio loncsl maiki t priii" Illnoiusbiirg.Oct' i. 1S05, ;A YEAR tnado by auy ono Ws " with Ijii aienul Tools No eipn. lleutu necessary. Thu Presidents, Cashiers, nnd Treasurers nf 3 Hanks indorse tho circular. Hunt frco with samples. Address tho Aingrican Stencil Tool Work, Springfield, Vermont, IVt, SI. lirW.-Sni, BARGAINS ! BA-GAINS! IE YOU WANT TO BUY Fall and WJnlcr I GO TO t'reasy's Store, In Light Street, Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, 0 Alt PETS, HOSlEllY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Jens, lusli, Salt, Bacon, IIani3, Lard, Tobacco, sgars, Hats, Boot-, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, -&c.,&o. tn addition to onr largo stock nf Dry (Snod, we have n lai(!0 and full amirlmcnt of Heady Mwln Clothing lot- iiii'ii mid llojn wmr v. hit'.i we iro determined to sell ihenper than can he huught clsinhcrc. Call and sen, and Jndgo for yourselves IC" They nljo keep a line nmnnc nt nf IJP.tJfJ-8 ami SIi:i)ICI'i:.-i, t siiiply tin nbn-111'c uf a n aelar Drug ; fluro in Light Hlriy I, wliirh will hu L.irelnl'y roup 1 pounded nnd millahly d'rectL'd lur tin' a ruiuo.l.ition uf iniir customers. II. W. OllKASY, &Go. Light Street, Nov. 4, l"(15. A.J, IIvanj A. llAtllMiX Clothing Empoi'ium ! THIS WAY, GENTLEMEN, Firm of Evans & Earl man r ATE arrival of Fall & Winter Cloth- IJ tiig.ntlhoold et nut n(A. J. ISVANrt, on Main Plieet, i:iooinburg. tho best nnd latcttt)li:s nnd I .iKiiinns. GL0TI1ES, CASSAMEIfS, -. Evciythiug In tlio (Icnlleiuans Hue of Cloihing.. Having in our employ llio well known and experienc ed I'uller, Dr. C. L. Ki.ieiinii,,l'otmerly ol Il.tnu. perfet fit U guurutecd, and loordcr. Also Large as BOrti.icnt cflteacly Hindu COATS, PANTS, VESTS, &c. &o. Alio-nn assortment of U0OT3, tho cheapest in the market. Alton splendid assortment of Clothes and Casaamcrsj for ala or to maketofrder EVANS & IIARTMAN. Illoomiburg. Oct, 14, lcC. Slaker & Confectioner T'WS undesigned has always on hand nad for sale, lit U.S. 1 HHLAII, t.AKE, l'll'.rf uud French and Domestic Confec tions in gic-.t and splendid variety; Wilts, rruils.and every thing usually fo md in a ll est class coufei tionery store. Ho would call especial attention to his newly re ceived stock nf PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. B. II. STOHNER Hlooni-burg, April 22, 1-lW. Stove &Tisiware bhop rpiIE undersigned informs the public in S general. Hint lie has np-ned u NEW TIN SHOP In Iho building f ir'iierly occupied bv P. ft. SIo),;r, on door b.'luw the Columbia Democrat OlVue. on Slain r-liecl. Illonintbiirg. w hero he will make all Kinds i Tiu-lVaru nnd llepairiug, in good style and cm nioder PTOVISH of nil kinds and nished lo order. cjmlitics for fOo nf fur CSy Country produce taken and public cutom rci-pectfully eolinili'd. JACOB METZ, Jr. Hloonubiirg, April ".'J. h'fi.',. ly JACOB L ADO M U S;4 DEALER IN English, Swisj and Ameuican M $& W V1. Si tW & rfgfl m il ) iv) Vejf. K?; Sra! S! fef, sv?. JEWELRY , SILVER WARE, &o 018 Marlct Street, corner of Decatur , PhILADLLI'IUA. Dealer in American, I'.uglisli mid HwUa Watrhes, making a soeci.i'iiv id' til" cvlobiated 'Amst.icas I Wati li. wlitrh ho uotllil rei oiniiieoil to till unnuii" n g"" ' tim.i kuepi'r, will lie. sold at tin loiifk, ITii i s nun are inu i.ue.ipcbl uuu uusi lor im. puce, Jlarcli A, 1M,5. ly. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. 'pilIS uiidersliiiied repe, tfully 'informs Ills old friend J. mid customers, that lie has purchased his hmihem lite i est hi iho above establishment, mid the. com cm w ils herealler liu ciniducted by liiiusell'iwilusively. t. lie has jiisi received uud olfeis for sale, the larg and iiiosl I'Aleiisivo assortment of 1'ANCY twrj rlTO V 1SS ever introduced inlo tins niarki t, "-1- His stock rousi-is uf a niiiiplett' asoiimeiit ot he best (Sookiii" mnl parlor sinvrs in the market, logelh er with Ktove ristures of every -iescription. Own ami lu.x rii.tvtts, lltidtuiord, Ciliudar Htovis, Cast Iron Air- 1 ight siovi.s, Cannon l-toves, &c . i:r. fiovepipu nod Tinware cnii-tanlly cm h.iud uud munuf.n lured In order. All kinds ol repairing done, ns usual, tin short itoiico. The ntrou.ige nf old friends and new eiiMomers re speilfully solicited. A. .11 RUl'lSRT. lllooiiinluirg, November 3.11 r1 ' ll. tf. The Forks Motel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. Tho uiiilersigiieil having tuken tho well-known Turks Hotel, re-peclu illy iiniiouuces to his Iriends uiul tliu public generally, ihtil he is piepured to accnmiuodatu all who may I'uvor him Willi their cuslmn, lo entire, sat- Isf.iltloll, Ho is provided witli nniple Stabling nnd provinder for llio iiiconiiiiodulinii nf I'rj vellers, Teamslers, Dro vers, &.C., cm uiodi.r.ate term.. U" t'ublie custiim is solhi led. GEO. W. MAUGER. Hlnoinsbiirg, April S. lei'i. COLUMBIA Insurance CJompany, COLUMBIA, LylNCMSTER Co., Pa. Cash Capital &, Aosct3, 0500,000. (CIIAHTISK ITSIU'LTUAL) Directors : Jnliu W. ritcacy, Win, l'.ition, .11. ft Shuuian, H. I'. ISbi'iluiu, ISdinond nnering. fl. 0 flaymakcr, Samuel Hlincli, llobt.T. Ityon, N. .lIcDoiiuld, . John t'eudrlch, Amos H. Green, Ceo. Young, Jr., 11.(1 Minich, AMOis H (IHISISN. Pros't. Jl. ft SIIU.11AN, Treasurer. (JCO, Y0I1N0, Jr., Secretary. E- Wll insuro properly ntns reasnuablo rates as will bo cunsisluntlo llio Cnuipany mid thoso insured. li. 11., Agent, Beach llaveu, Pa. Junu 10, 1 605. XntAPPING AND MINING PA- T V l'ISIt. Having thoroughly overhauled my I'd per Mills al Mill drove, near Illoomiburg. Columbia County, l'a,. 1 am now prepared to hll all orders for Wrapping, Dry lllastiug uud Water 1'roof Taper, mi short notice and fair piires. I have opened u ware house in Wllke i-llarre, ami uppointed Joseph llrnwu ol iho linn ol Drown, dray & Cu my agent tu disposu of my paper in Liuerue County. THOMAS THCNCII, nioonitburg. Sept. IG, 1SC5. .lalionovy nnil lElanlf UCook'K Qupplicd to doalcrs and cash buyers at low wnoicsaia rste, w. a. I'citRY. ,rn4, lUG- 4rh and Knetj Ctvs, VIM (fYVSTOJSl ni. ri r.ji ' ALSO HBATS, CAPK AW 10J2S, rplll! iindptnlsiirilliin rcMnvcit liln lint nnd fnpptnro J. up to llvmii' old stand, tvliiro In addition to it upcMiir nmortiiicnt of SPUING AND SUMMER rr- ir..;.. 1 n . tcsss l& JliJIS illHl UUJ.b jiU OONFE0T1ONAKIES, UUAOKEUS, Molasses, Sugar, ColTeo, '-Lena, Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Iland'Lampi Books, "Writing Papor & Ink. Hardware and Ccdnrwan, . rocku Knives, Comb. j, ' Together with a variety of articles Cener-ally kept In n ' Iso-A Pne lot of KIDS, MOItOCIXM and Limno, to lilch ho In. He. the at cnllon of Shoemaker, ,l ,he I",M'Cl JOII.V K. GIRTOV. I Illoemsliurg, May 13. UC3 , " ' ' " IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Oarycy's Female Pills tho most infallible and papular remedy ever knnwnfor all diseases nftbe fennlu sex They havo been used in many thousand cases with unfailing success mid may bu relied cm lu ci cry cuso for which tliey are ru Lvmmciiiled, and partiuiilarly In all cities arising from Obbtritction, or Stoppage of Nature, no mailer Irion what cause It nriies. They tiro cinic luiil in lestorlujr In henlili nil w ho aro siiircrlng Iroui Winkiiess mid ll, lillily, Utcrluu Disiharges, Nervous ness A.c , A-c, and lliey ACT LIKE A CHARM! In trriiilliniilti ami TPtlnrlus tho Hylctii, TltouspmN of ladies who .lavij miIHtliI lufjctrn ;iii1 triml ;irion tul.up rciiifdlug in n. hwb ui their health fttltl ttrllL'tll WlinlU tn li.i- Mile tie V nf IDU 1IAIIVE1"S FEW ALE PILLS. I 'I hey are perfectly harmless on the svstem. mav bo lakcuiitniiy time Willi pel feet Miletv ; but during tlio e.irly stiig ol rregilancy they Miuifld not lie taken, or li mis arrlagc may h: taken, or n miscarrl.igo miy be llu result. Tliey never rituni any s'lekness pain ori!ilress. Each box coiilaius sutv pil.i. 1'rlcc Uns Hollar. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS. A remedy for special rates, four degrees stronger than the nlmve i l'ricu l'ie Dollars pur hoi. A private Circular to i miles with line eugriii iugf, sent fres on receipt of directed envelope and stamp. W Cut this notice out if you de-ire Dr. Harvey's Tills, nnd ii you ciiiinoi proinru them nf yourllrug' gi,t, do nut lalce any "Hit, for some dealers nlio nro uupriiii inled will recommend ether rViu"le 1'ilit, tliey can make n larger pro'it on but enclos J the j iiiuiiuy mm sunu uucci lo DR. J. BRYAN, CONHULTINO lMIYfJIL'IAN. A'cJ. 41'J J) road wntt Acw J vc. ihn will take all risk ifpropeilv cllrerted, an I will send tlio Pills, tecurcd Iio.u i liservaliuu, by return mail, Post Paid. BLLU IIY niiUcniPTM UC.S'K RALLY. I) U11 AS IIAR.VES i: CO, Srw Yoiik. VI holeialo Agents. July 15, ISCI KIIES11 JliillLVAL or Fa!! Winter MiHefi,?M Store apllIS subs'-riber has Jii'-t ri'Hiriiil from tha I'illes A Willi another large and sjlect assorimel uf F.ll.L AND IFA'-;,' GOODS purrhaed nt I'liiladulnbln. at the lowo- t iisure. and ivlin h lliey aie detcriuiiied in lell on iiin jer.ite tenor as i, in Hi procured elsciliere in llloomsburg. His stock compi ises i.amr.y noons. of clinic"-.! style- .md latent fashion. ihi ooonn, amii'i-MiK, ii uinw uti: uui-.hx.ii.ini:. cr.Djin ii'.iui:. uvumiv iy.iuk IIIOJY, .Y.1IT.S, HOOTS A- lIIUI.l ti.m a- airs, &e.. av., ,w In hort eierythiugusuiilly kept lu rnuutry i-'iorn to vim h he invito the publie gcioially, Tho IliglieMiirice p.iul for ounliy prmtiii e. N. ll. MILLER. Illooiotbiirg, Nov 25. I.-1',.'.. j. p. ivr.ii. h. Mill S lJ B XV 13LIU0 liTO El 6. WHOlESALE AND RETAIL 'CMl'l uiulcrf izin'il woitltl i ii f Mil thr-ir frifiiitit anil th t -r w 1 Ihr-ir friends ami the X litlljlic " tin v tinvi- l:iki-n thu tt:n.. I m"i!y occitiiit il by ;"o. 1. Ilnvulnif h, in I.hJkuil'O i lliiihlin:' nn Miiin si reel, in iiliiitiiisljiir?. here lie h.iu Jiicl ri'C(,ivcti a rnii hinni.v uf ' ' "'hie 11 w' '"' uioderale term, for ready pay. 1 .Also, NOTIOXM goucrally, of c veiy variety, VJriand j I'hy-li ians' prescriptions nuefuily roinpiuinded, i ,ii, Lull, ? unit on soul, imiiu i (,"- Couieciioiieiv i( the t selections, mid J'nda i, aier hi MMEon. tv" A ihaic of the public ciiiiom j idled. retpccifully si). i:yi:i! lilonmsbiirg, April 11, ls'5 JIliYLIt. JUST received u rn.iv assoi tmeiii of good styles of WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOB- , ... JJi'.JiliNU Lliili.liMj l'AL'l'ji.i. uud n general varii ty of material in ins line, which will be found on Ihu I'lUrsT I'l.OOtt iioui.-di.iie y eai ol Lui's ilr.ig Store, in toe Kupert l.lork, waero nil per-ons wishing Is in his line will be all-'iidsd'io in person nl all limes. C2?" Papvr Hanging fxreutod to order and licit fctylo, at slioit nntice. 1J J. THORNTON. lilo:ii&)Ur. Apiil iiJ Icliti . ly National Foundry. DI.OOiMSIiURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ' HIS sub-ciiber. proprietor nf Hie above named e- , nll.i I'n I'.l.lh fi ull, .. . I, i, urn,, irn.l ,..i.n.... filers fur I All Kitiils oi' Wachiniry, t l.'olleries, Illast riirnmes, Slal loniirv ISiigiues, Mills THHlSBHIMi .IIACIIIMSH. .t'C. .tC. I lie is aln prepared lo maku Stoves, all and i pullerun, plnw'-irnus, uud everylhing usually madu hi 1 lii-t.cliiss I'ouudries, His cMeusivu lacililies nnd prarilral workmen, war , iniilt liiiu in reeviving the l.ugcst contracts on tlio in i-l re.i6o.ibe' terms, i Vr' Cram uf ull kinds will be taken in exchange! for LUIIO. VJ Tins establishment is loci ed near the Lnckawuii n,l .1 Hloouisburg Hailiuad Deiml. I'LTISU HILLMYLSU. Hluollisbllrg, Kept. II. JMi.1. , John c. vj-jauhu. MAN I rACTUHr.llWI10Li:ALUIUSALlt IN I AC'l UHl',11 ttYI10LIlftI.U DISALISIt IN HATS CAPS Jt-JLJl W- K-,. X W JX rw1 STRAW GOODS, BONNE I S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 207 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov i'J. Irfi'J EJtENTSSTESY. II. C. HOWE R, SURGEON DDNTIST, srws ui pi i,c-1 1 uiii.i oners ills proiess mwi .n,iii-H ,o inn iiiiuc'! lion goouo. men nf Hl.iomsburg nnd vicinity, I In is nreiiarcd In alleud lo all Hit! various operations in Hie line of Ills profession, und is provided w Hit tho latest iniprnved VOIICIUJIIX TT.V.T1I; which will buitiserted nit gold, platiua, silvcraiid rubber bete tnlnokwell its Ihu ualiiinl teetli. Mini ral plutu and block leeili inanufactiiri'il arc' nil opemtious uu lecih, carefully and properly attended In. Ilealdeuco and olllro u few doors abuvu the Court Hon. e, saute side, lllooiiisburg, Juuufl IEG3 SCIIOLASIIII'S FOR SALE. Hliislianintiii Crittenden's ' ' Slr.illoo. Ilrvnnt k Co.. 1 Philadelphia. Clunker City Hulness College, " Thesa ?criis, nro iiinniounls of $13 ami 950 nnd nro is so much iiish, by Iho til mle li I mi cutriugeillier nf I In; above Colleges, Young men desirlu: toobtaiti u finish ed Collegiate lSducntinu, will here find a good specula iun by applying at the ollicu of the . Nov. Illsfi.. CQI.UMU1A niSMOCRAT. and .The ff.olJlf 1 ll S warranted tn bo the rnnt rbr..,. In iiaent in 1I10 ,inm. nth and blood of Harriet Hwlne, nr Kheep.ln prn. inu ng dlgoSoii,clcans. Ing Iho system and Iran sfcr.njr tlio puriaed nn- rfj hum mid In fl,ih. fat, rf ' milk, bultcr nnd drcpcth M and i'lablisliii,g heau'i t' J and v hror. llUVflYM HOKSn fi .MULi: roWDISH in the only ineiiicincs legally V",.f,nlci!,1 on 111 1 fiinie, linif Hwllserland mid OwM llidlalid. mid duly ad. iiai (.(. ALLCMTDVItl" hnnii'rcd williiiflt'e tuoiW A nil. and Invented by Ur, Dttvcy. frofessnr ul the Istf 1 neilal t'ollego lor Aqriciilluro nt rati, and now mnii ' fac lie, by r (LIIIUNT.Il. Ilr'of Z. and A., Allen. I 1 . ill !'ty. IVnnlvauli. I A l dlen'S of tho tuonncfi. Ill'ioil, Lungs and tliw. ' rls. sneedlly mid teitalnly cured. Healthy stock . 1 bo brought lulu the vcty highest slate, nl perfrctlon, nnd .uuMirtwptable'poaiinilp week, Is of great valuo tuliard wcirkliiglioises, breed Ingflnik mid mils, nnd saved thoiisiitiiU ol vnliiahbi .horses from contagious , illacuw, 11s w 1 11 nt Hi" n.irmynrd ,','! TIIU Lt.nlnll llli.'l I u.rt.w mun rfrectiiallvovetronie all the ol.lncle which u-uaUr H!7X." WZZrWv tl.M.lrc;,. Ho ""'' VhVu o'naU ;t l'nf innVa n t 0 2w7a. "o. phr lcYanVwIlli n written pres.rlp.lon.a. a ,w -VJ li' Vj'jv 1 IT' It O Vi ' f ll UAT, MICH AND ANT UX. ' n-rnMlVATOIl. In pawdrr for the siito cxtctinlnatlon of nil Vermin will never clianan ulih ueff) nnd climate, nnu nines prifernidoliilhenld Phnsphoroiis Paste, which. Imrd- ens lu n siiort time, making It worthies', lor dlrecs tlons mid purilculars see tho small bills III the boxes. E7 Ono huuilred mid prcinlnms havo been nwnrded tn these celebr.'ited prepatuliuns, up tu Otlnber '.M, L'lL .... , , ,,. lloVAt. & llnvtn, nro the wholesale Agsnls In t'liil cs. I riJO RESALE c)- JIE'L'JUL. For sale by W. Erasmus, oh Agont it Blonmsburg. bharpleis, t.'ataii Issa. L. II. i J. Shoemaker, Huck Hot. Mauler Urn.. Illllvllle. ('. Preston, ltolirshiirg. ftewarl loan. Orangovlll llendertholl. Illuoiiitburg. . I'owler, lpy. Cteasv Ac Co.. Light Street. I. nw ti r-pangler, l.nue Itidge. Ilnwmnii, & (iwen and .Miller, Cernrslb II. ll. I'owler, I'owlirsvlllc. CQiy Ml onltrs lor tolumbia uounty will bo atldtcsscd to TP. 12 RASMUS, Wholesale Ajml, lllonmsburp C. G. lllItNlOit. Ilea 5 IV,'-.Cin " 1 It JL. run this UNfOH'l rA i; sed without dktk iton Tliey do not Interfere with businiss pilrsuils, and ar speedy In nrllriii. no uiANtsnor dust is neit.hsh.'y. BELL'S SPECIFIC P1LL3 are warranted lu e.ll ca-ei, roii this si'iir.iiv and it.iimavi'nt njnn nv Seminal Yi nk'ies'i, llribia! and Viii'innl Di'jch.'iraes. flljel. S 'lual His.afjs. Iliii 'ilslious, Inip-teiltA, Ujii. j ll.ll in. I Neivous Debility nnd disciscs of tltts illadder anoKidneys. 'I hey ere ml.ipted for l.r.'.o c-r fenvile, eld or yminc; mid urn Inn only relir.blo hnown for the cure of .ill ills ea.emit,iiu from ' YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. I In nil Kemnl l!iieaes, as iloiiorrh"s, Strietnr'. i (,'l et. and ii nil t'riiia y nnd Ui limy complamis. limy I ae.i like a rli.irin. lleliei esnerlenu'd by InKiiu' a j lingle Inn , and fimn four to sli bono eeneially elf, cl ature. fol I in botes containing I'd pills, price iign loll ir, er tu I, 'ii a. I'i II dlars ; nlni. in large h',.v, con l.ll''i:iL' I'.ulr i f Ibe small ( r " '1 Il-ee r.'llar.--. I'm ate i.'ireul.ti s to fleutleu-eii ii?.lv. sent fre.e 02 1 reci ipl "f ''ir.-- ted eiveinie and siaiiit 1 (ly- If oii need me Hie bills, rut nut this advrr i tl-em-nt for rrfen-or. anJ if you cannot procure ihei.i of your druggist, do nol be iinposi'il on hy an Mltrr 1 rei.ieily, but enclose the in.'iiey in 11 leuer l ) tho pn I'ri.tnr. Dr. J. BVRiN, Con-u'tinu' Phviician, li .'iiiTV, -I S'J I'.ioii.lway, V Y. WI10 will lake all rir1; if pr"pi rly dir rted ; nn I ) on v. rll r- e iv-tl- ni pot p'u.i, set urely sealed Ircm nt, scivaii'"! by re turn in. ill. mil 11 uv iiitt;(!(ii.ST3 tiisMisii illy. DISMABItAItNLri i. ('), Nrw Yiir..-!. U bo'esale Afcuts J'llj IS. I" 5. NtH. !), 11, I 10, 17 Uouitl tn It Strca I NISlH tiltoADtVAY. NT.vY Yulilt CITY I Th'- ol.i etl,lis , and f ivorite re-ort of tho li is I in v I'oiiiu.inntl has liecu r. i eoiij rediled, .inn is , r, J pl-ie iii eicrytiiiug that can tuiaist. r t" Ilia cuTiforii o lis pair""' l.'uliej iirnl f,unili"H are tp.-ciall) ai"Usr' : l.ills pti'T I'leil lor. li I , i. -an alii li'iiated in Ihe Lu- mess inrt of the t' nnd is eo'ili.'M'iiis to the piincipal linos cf rtRainbesi eat".'oioiilJ't-'''Cs lerrn's, .e.. i lie table is .imply supplied Willi all l!m luxuries o th"'-i aoii,ai.d ise.piul to Himi of any utlicr hotel in .hi ro'lltlrv. ' Ample nccoinmodations nt uflci-d for uptvard el p e.i'i. i' . llu nm I. 1 1 c v e. iiinnrrj nackmcn, and others t. - WA f.1.' .i sa.' "Iho Wesli rn Hot-1 is lull." II. I). WlNCIILdlXU, I'ropiisUu TII03. D. WlNCIlISriTLIl. 1'eh. 15, Jrli-J. t! 'i ,h tgnrtv 7 Yit, &i?a??r. JNEW iM!NinUS. 'lit undrrsiiiued, grr.ipfnl for pant jmt- rm'ie. resiiei ifuily inf rm the Trivelline In' gi ir mil v he h,i. just proce-eii irom cw 1 no new. henuMfii!;"nuii c.ipa'ious by wi. i, ,, M f.Vn ....w ;,bi..'ii t co,,ve,' i seiit-rs and ll.icg.ise, sef 'nnd rouiforlably I eiwe ' "'" cnsiuirg am llio sen l.u Kna.l Ilepois, I tin' 'I'ciilns. It will in-his studi to nccoiiimodsle c ii I' nn r lo their SHtislartiau. Ho solicits lbs pu'Ui o patrouaee. i I'.'.tlS MCUNT3. JACOIl L. niRTJV. II rj, Jauunrv 7, Ifr.1, w& 'r Eifs, aj x i oN'fiUO'fi7 fiiiii, CO.', and ClU Mutket Ktrc-ct. I'liiladelphia. rpiIIH Hotel is located in the very centre of limine' X. and is near the respectacln places of tjiuijseui.'n which iiiaku il p.irlicularly desirable lo persons vi.uin? I'lilladelpkiu on business ur iileasutu i nnd the Alan. ise, liopes by ilo-o pi nlleutio'i lo thu wains ot Inn his guests to iiial'.o ll u cniufortable home for ranch at Willi ihi.'lr patronage. i:o RAUft iTopT. May S3, 1 f.t.-j? r.-a I mm Tim mmh. ' rTMit! Original n ml Genuine Ambrosia Jl is prepared by J. Ams-n Hctvcs and is I. e nts hair cltessiug and preserinlivci now in use. It sto' j In; oair tailing out, causes it logrnw thick nnd lm -and prevnntsit from turning preiunliiKly gre. It ' erauiialen daudruif, cleanses, bcautilics uud reticle r Hie ban soil, glossy uud curly Huyil. try It nnd l i convinced. Don't bu put oil' Willi a spurious artaln - - ' Ask for lleeves' Amluosia uiul lake no oilier. I'"i sale b) Drugul-ta and dealers ill 1'anry liooils cery- i where. Price 75 ci lits per builto - Qi .011 per dor., ii. I Address. lti:iVU' A.lllHtlWlA 111.1'OT. 1 ill riilion btri'et. New York City. Oc. I. Is(i5- It! mo. s. II. r , , Vr ri IT'7 til -1 r I fr1VT I 1 MCHMfifi HflTfil f b II t'ronr it'lor of tins well. known mill relitrllllv I ' I Mill Proprietor of this well-known and centrally luca J. leu House, litis i.vniANiiu iiutei., suuaio on .iai. Street, in Itloolosblire. ioliiiediatclv O'inositu thu t'cdllm bi.i County ( 'ourt lluusu, respectfully informs his frienda uud Hie public in general, that his lluusu is now In nr dur for tho lecepliou nndenlertaiiimeut of iraveleis who may teel disposed to favor it Willi their custom. He spared no expense in prcp.iriiu! Ihu Kii iianoc, lor tin, cutertuinuieni of Ins guests, neither shall there be uuy thing wauling (ml his part J to minister to their personal comfort. His liiuisu is spacious and enjoys uu exccltou i businesslncilinn. iZr" oiiiuibiiscn run nt all tunes between the V. iv Hotel uud tho nriuus lfill Depots, by which i,g clcrs will bu pleusaully roue)ed tu mid from lb' " spective Stations in due tiinii tu meet the Cars. WM. B. KOONS MAY 1, 1500. WHISKERS I WHISKERS! J'o u want Whiskers nr Moustaches t Oui Cr i ru Cninpnuiid will Inrco iliem tu grow nn thu sn.""'li' t , faco or chin, or hair, cm bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price, $1 1)11, Sent by mail tin) where, cluscl) seu'cd, oil receipt of price. Address, W'AHNHIt fc CO., Ilov 13i, llrooklyn, If. V. , I'ebruary IS, IMii-y. i F. (J. HARRISON, 31. D. 1 TT70ULD respccifully Inform the cltlr.ens of nioonis VV burg.uml vliiuity.thatliu coiiliuucsihe practis. of .MKHICI.YK WAV iUHOKUY, And solicits u sham of public patronage, Omct, uu Mjiin Htioet, lint home below the Com oiiso, Hloomsbiirg. I Pebrmry Sj.lfJd-lf 1 a 1 H 'i m