COLUMBIA DBHOCRAT. Saturday Morning, Feb. 10, 'GG. )3u Rend tho Nov. Dr. Hook Notioo in our columns. 80? Mr. 0. N. Savage lias sold tho "Darivillo Hotol," to Mr. Wolf, late of tho United Statas Hotel, nt Milton. A, II. Stephens and Uorshol V. John sou have accepted tho Georgia Sonator fillips. . Wr Col. C.'eorgo A. Woodward, gon ol Judgo Woodward, has Icon assigned to tho command of tho Department of Ohio. C8y Mr. U.J. Cami'iikll, lias been appointed Deputy Post Mastor, at Main vUlo, Columbia county, in plaoo of Isaao Yettcr, Esq., resigned. Thcro arc 42,000 destituto porsons in Alabama, and ii will rcquiro an oxpond. turo oi over 52,000,000 yearly to relievo .them. t&- IIluso.v Owns, Esq.. of Berwick, has been appointed Superintendent of tho Wjotning Canal. Than Mr. Owen, no man in tho State is more competent. Un der his supervision the Canal hai-prospered for near thirty years. OimlUdtisfor Governor Hon. Iloistcr Clynirr, Col. (!. W. Cass, ami Judge Aai Packer, aro prominent among tho demo cratic candidates for tho Gubernatorial ship of Pcnnnjlvania. Mr. Clymcr has the intido track. T!ioy aro all good men, and the nominee, bo liu who ho may, will hi triumphantly fleeted. . . Kir The undcrMgucd has rto tons of dean atovo Coal (Nos. 3 & A mixed) which ho will sell at a reasonable rate. It docs not contain any dirt. lie also wisbos to nell tbreo building lots in the outskirts of the town 0. H. HUOCKWAY. CslT Wo learn that ore day last week an infant boy was fouud in tho Ham of Mr. T. Jiff. Wiotcrstccn, iu Koariiif" creek township, this county, whero it had been placsd in tho Fodder heap, by its unnatur al MoiIht. It was alivo and squalling 'Young America," is said to be doing ""H I - - r.-- i.-.i mi. r,rn. is j'i.wi:iil., isnn 01 our I'refideiit Judirc.) has ptirclinssil Mr. Kuuyon's (irocory Store iu Blnomsburg. lie sayx he is soiling Cheap Groceries and is dptorniiniiil to nnko it an object to the public lo trndc at his Store. Wo ak our friends lofjiva him a call and lest his tho ory with practic. . KaV- Dr J. J Ky, will rnuain at the livclianoo II U)I durinp; t hi -t wuuk. Ilis riuuucs-i has breti i mJri;.l wonderful in the curu nf eluonio ('.i-i-nsos of various kinds. II" linn ciroil J-mrlem oaici of fits which were pfoiiouni) d incuraMo. Suffiircra hotiiil not fail to call on him before ho icaviM town, as lie will riot return a ugaiu for eevou wre!. Lmrrn"- Union. U'jn. A .1. CLOssimtSHNEit, Senior Eili'.nr nl the Ago. litis dispo-t'd of liis in lt:rest iu tlitit erluldislitnuiit, lo .Iaiks M. Konn, H-q. Messrs. U'ei.mi & Woiiu will conlintip iu ptiblicatioo. Tm: Aon is nn I'S'ti'lleiii papor, being tho only Daily Dem ocratic Jnurnal iu I'liiludclphiti, and do- H'rvrf, IVOll 01 Its country aud tllO support of Ihf i' rent Democratic partv. , r- 1 - n.,v U. nnl-t, .Ti. I T", I t T , w ...,iw6i,u0, itujrui. m aud many new subset ihers during ibo set ling of our Courts. Wo alt-o, call aitcu tion to our valuable new advertisements this week. Many columns more of the baraesml, aro omitted this week, i'or want ol time nnd np;ici'. .V.tti ...; ".i 1! .... A 11t)n.i- I " ' 'fc.fc.'Q.. ... . . A I, t .t,.. , (late of tin' firm ol Evans & llartman, Merchant Tailuts,) has purchnuil tbe (Jrocery Sturo of Mr. A. Terwilligrr, on Main Street, above Irou S'.rcct, I51ooais burg, whore he will be happy to sat "o!d V'riond and nc t7 Customers. " IIo hss n ... t, n f 1 1 1,3 mtm.r, n f ,llnivu In lor salt) - , It tt.Ulltl U3JUl.llll.lH VJ I uuud ... tho Grocery lino, which ho will sell as cheap as iho Marhet allows, for Cash or' Trade. Civo him an early call and get bargains. USw" William Lamon, Eq.,ofBri- arcreek 'township, on Monday last, was appointed by tlio Democratic btanuinj: Committee of Columbia County, the Rep resentative Delegate for this Legislative District, to tho nest Democratic Stato Convention, Mr. L. is not only an intel ligent man and sound democrat, but is one of tho most estimable of all our citizens. Wo hail it as an excellent selection, OlIARMINO A3 THE NEWEST NOVEL, "Tho new edition of Webster's Quarto Dictionary is a monument of literary la-1 bor, which will attract the attencion of tho learned, tho world over. It is as charm ing as the nnvtst novel. I turn over page after page, and know not when to close it. I hope that tho day is not far distant, when every school in our State v?ill have a copy." Samuel T. Bales, Dep. Sup't. Loin, schools oj l enn. EST Suppose wo turn over a now leaf. Let ub begin a new eohomo and treat them as human boingi, endowed with tho same rights as oursetvos. Col. Co. Republican. Negro equality is thero proolaimed in its broadest and most demoralizing sense. ENDOWED WITH THE SAME RIGHTS AS OURSELVES. " Aro tho pooplo, even tho Republicans of Columbia county propared for that. To vote, to hold offico, to sit on jurios, to be POLIT ICALLY AND SOCIALLY cur equals ! ffir- Vfe did not,- at drat, comprehend how ontirely now a work th!, as compar od cvon with tho last preceding edition ; and how It has received, making It, for substaneo, a rowrilten volumo, with all mat was admirable and superior in tho previous contributions nf a generation to its pages, presorved nnd augmontcd by a thorough oonoctitrallon upon It of tho best skill and wildest ro.iearob of tho preson. As it Btandt, in its etymologios, In its definitions, in its synonyms, and in its (roal) illustrations, it is far in advanoo of any other uiannal which offers itself to the aid of the student of tho multifarious woalth of tho composite English tonguo. It is not a sectarian dictionary, Wo do most siuoersly beliovo that all sects will find their especial phrases of faith moro cxaotly and fairly and fully givon in Web ster than in any or all others put together, Boston Congregationalist. The Emperor Napoleon, in a spcoch on tho 2SJd, aiiounocd that the Frotich troopj wero to bo withdrawn from Mexico. MARRIED. On tho Oth inst.. bv tlm 1 Ittf Willi. t i,i u i ' -.. m iiii.iu,uuuiiu, nc mo onii mijeci or IIic lulvcrllKC J. ijyor, Jlr. batnuol btauffer, of Ring. ' sending ihurreseiiption is to benefit the niiiicic.i, tOWM. Rolillulb-,11 fin. ..,.. -...1 n . sore wl hiCnrninllnti ii I.1..I. I... .,....l...... ... I... t i.. --! ".;.... uuuilijl, illlu JU113 Qly Weber, of Imaringcrci-k, Columbia conn iy, I'a On January 23d, by Rev. W. Fox, Mr. luonias It Sliultz. of Limn Hid. Col. co., and Miss Kiiza A. Larish, I . ( I . . T ' of New uoiumons, jjuzornu county. January 28tli, by tho same, Mr. Sam'l Holier, of Berwick, and Mrs. Margaretto Frcy, of JScscopcck, Luzerne co. liy 1(0V. ii. C. .Swallow, CIO the 1st int i... i . . . , . 1 at tho rcsuloncool'Jolm Doalc.E-o: . Cant. T , . " V"I" O. In J .ick'on, and Mis Lizzio S'jbcrt, an oi uorwifk. , By Ilcv SI P. CrOSthwaitc, on the 30.h, lilt., at ttlO ICSllleilCC of tho brillo S father, IvCV, S. C. Swallow, of Berwick, and Miss RubeCCa S , younpjO'.t daughter of Dr. Jo Soph Bobins, of Elysburir, I'a. ,j , bl ' IfV ttlO came, on Ihu 8amn day, at Bor- wick, tMr. jjcgranil hpiincnburc, of Briar-, I. 1 t! t ... orrt'E, aun nna ,iaty iilli'O Ncscopeck. Fortner, of In Driarcrcck township, on Thursday ovoninfr, January afitli, 1300, by Adam Suit, E q , Mr. Charles J. Owen, of Ber wick, and 3lrs; M.iry Towclls, of Stony town, Columbia co. J'a. At Catawissa. .lau. 23, a' tho residenco of the bride's father by Rov. F. Oarbart Jacob II. Crcusj, to Sarah E. John, all f Catawba- Pa. A-i3inc: DIED. In Iletnlook on the 4tb inst , Mrs John M. Barton, aged a5 years and 7 montlm In Montour Inwmhip, Columbia oo., on tho -1th ins'., Kdivard U. II tiu'ru. oon Cailwalladcr and Ann Itjborts, ai'ed ... IT I'm, years auu mouths. At Hlootmburg, J.tuuary 2D. ISGO Ce kslia Ii B'olucl. D.iug'itor of Pntor and Ki zabeth Bcchtel, aged 13 mouths and 11 dajs. In V inn township, Columbia county. Pa., on Monday, tho i!ith ol Jauuarv. ,w,-r. e .- mi f I lMiG.o ' coiisiiinption. .Mrs Julia how- LCIl, Wile Ot Joltn I'. I'ti'.Vlcr, l'jq.,0)i0 ty Oominiiiioiicr, in the 54ih year uf her ty Ooimniiiioiicr, in tho 5-lih year uf her aKe. Mih. I', was an estimable lady, nndnntuii-ni-nl I'liri ti.m. I'or abo it -U y.Mrs, the di'ce.ued was wnrlhr niiiiihir nf tin, It.'ii.liMt I'linr-i .Ini-iiiit 11 nf which t' mo lic adorned hi-rrli.i.tlaii ,.,of.-..i.,.i t,v nn l t,l .l, n i,.- Ii , , ,i.. I of tlii (iiMpi tol' her Lonl amt itutluumcr. Deijtli had r.u iiTfifh Ot li'T, at elm w iu:i'iy and waiting to ut'lYome ilit? great Humniuti, nml uilh hr Lamp trmi'Ml anil (nuiiitit i,Iic jciyfully 1 nlo tlift wuriA adji'U nml r.vntly uep.irtvd to lo furcvur wHIitdtj Jonl. Hlio leac a devo'ed lninliainl and seven ulllicli'd clul .ren ",,"""',r" ll,,c !;'" "f """ 'ff ""' ed niiiih ;r ; but they do not mourn as Hiiim' who have no hope, fur liu ir ti'iii.oral loss Is her tlernal gain. Her Sav lour called her hou..-.-- 'rrom aiivurse (il istm an t jr.itlt'Tin storm), Her I ivo'iro I eoul ilj luru, AnJ uitHynn hriiit iC'Mt forim, Shi Ii ven tu die n't mtttt'." o WHEAT, pit bushel i U YE. COItV, , S no . l no 1 (HI 11 till Ii I'll I'.OfiS POTATOES, . nitiEi) AiTi.i:.-', II .MjJ IIAI'OV, It by lb ton. l.l.i M 1 1 (HI , :i no . HI ItL'UKWIli: T, l'l,ii; iii'r I'M. ri.oviia-'i.i'.i). fl.AX f-EEII '.' in III 1)11 1 IIUCICW HEAT t'lour. 5 uu CIIICKEVH, per pair. S'J Philadelphia feouh and gha in ma hket tH W EFkl.Y Hill rilE "Ut.MtH.RAT' Wht'at Flour per barrel. Extra , , do do do Family. do llvn... Wheat, White, per bushel do Itt'il. il do Amber do , Kye, tin Corn Yellow, do do Wlnte' do Oats lluikwheat Mcnl ..91 . .'J..'n . to sin to 'J to 2 M to J.-.'.l to i,oii 1,01 ,3 HI SO .5 pr 100 lbs. RECEIPTS FOR JANUARY. TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. :o: The following payments havo been mado to tho Columbia Democrat offico, during the month of January, 1800 : Eit of Enicttorich SI7 Oo Dr Up Do finph 5 00 3 CO S Ol) 1 so s r,o 2 00 1 30 I'O 1 so S Oo 1700 io oo 5S oo 30 00 3 00 s so 5 00 1 11 lo 00 'J so Si 50 1 WI John M ll.irlnu I no iron t'lty Pollego 5 50 llr Leu OberholtJer ii no Ellas lingua '1 y liiiani ini'tlli'M 4 oo linn J McUcynolds i oo John Ki-ller Win Krickbaum (ico Kreslur Levi lieislillno Allen Man Esq (Jen W IVvelwj .3 II 1 urinaii Sn Win lleers Est of Thos Wildner 3 oO John M llarton Col John O Freeze S '.'5 John 0 Yoacr k. Co L'raBtus Bliuman -J 5o S M I'ettensill i. Co John M Uatton 'J So J P Ilinsmoru M t) .Michael Urcunan C do James llryau M II j ii uunyau i oo ti a n l Antnuny liirnm ness x jo joiiii uon Thomas Wenncr 1 e7 J Ii Urusler Est John Hill 3 3o Mil Lie Wolf llanlel Hngcnbucu V! So Jones Webster Ceo W Keller 4 oo B.M Hiiclnu-s Esi Hnaw i: Clark Si oo Jer Hagi-m ucll Ever It Moyer -o Oo Noah ('rites William Hill 3 - John II lU'iiry Mrs Anna Miller S So Est of lleniy H Fritz Eliasllicks ii So Eatof Jacob llycr Joshua llartzcl I! So I'.. I of John Evans 3 00 S SO J SO s so S! 00 SO 00 I 00 25 00 Samuel Neyhard ts'l i! So (ieo 1' Klndf Uapi i u una t) 13 it dinner LO I, &II It It Co Est of J 1' Alnstellcr Oideon Sleeker 1 oo Nathan Case 3 00 UN Bavuje S 75 EW Wells M I) Agents Wanted. To sell prize Certificates Ladies Jewelry, liinnond Riii'i. I'ius, itc., ONLY S5 EACH,' pornny article drawn. Retail 1'rico Iroin 810 to ?1W All Goods Warranted Genuine, Prico of Certificates S73 cents each Liberal Preial mm and Commission allowed to agents. HAMt'J.E CCRTIFIUATCS SENT FRED. For Circulars and Terms address. Messrs. IIAVWAItl i CO Jm 13, 'C0-3iu 'W Uioadftay, New Yeik. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE Mason tcllamlln Oablntt Orans, forly ,hf. Cerent Myln, nilaptoJ to sacred anrl secular music, fur $?0toSr,00 each. HPTY-ONE OOLt) or BILVEIl MEflALH, or other flrat premium, awarded Uior.i. Illnatr.ite.1 Catalogues free, Address, MABON U HAMLIN, Kostox, or MASON 11110TIIE.13, New Jnn.0, 18Ce.-Scp.!, 'CS. ly. S.M.P. SW3WJKSH UW WSltrsi, tlVyrLm My .I",1 R"ml,,mn In tho United Hiaien can hear something very mueli in tlmlr adran. lago by tolurn mall (frco of rhargP.) byadd OMlnit the ml'n .",f,1' VJ". "avA"F f '-rt-olng hum iVi6. tin "''"eo by t notlclntt tlila eanl. All.otliire wlll.pltMo addieta llielr otinllonl icrvant. Jan.C.Wa-ly.8M P BJi """"Way' Nbw V"tk' 'vim Confession?" and Esporionco of AM III v ViiVrVJJS' bc"ciu n"'1 CAUTION TO f. iV,,.U "fieri, ivliu tinier from Nervnua Dclilllty, Pri m.ituio Deen of Mnnliood. fcc, supply lug nl the nimu time Tin Mmm or Pr.i.r-CfRic. My oiio who hat Hired lilnnoi riift-T imJurgcliig couildo r. nliin 'inarkcry. Ily rnrlojii a poiipalil ai!dreiud en Ihi uut'liu I"8 ,ff ' fcf cll,,"!!' "jo had of NATIIANIIM. MAYFAIIt. V.., rob. 3, IttO-lr "". Klna.CN.Y. iJiO Co-,.f.Mi-TVTiit.i.Tho iimler.lsncd having been ' J rn.l.irn.l ... I.n l , J. reiiorcil to Ilea i In a lew wcL'kn hv it vnrv aim plo remedy, nltiir having millcred yean, with a sevi-ro lung nffWtion, and that druad ilisuimc, U.m-umptnu-. amluua to make .known tu Iilsfolluw sull'ererslho means nfciiro To nil who dealru il, he will fend a copy of the pm scrlptwujispd.f free n Charge, w Ith tho dlreitions (or preparing nnd iitlng the name, which they will dud n suae cons for Coiuumptloii, Anhmy, llronchUin.Colds Uougln. etc. Tho onl) nlilect of the advertiser In and pro ul luformntlnnnlilcli hu ennceivos to b Ininluablc and he hop.', every miirerer will try hid remedy, as It will cost them nothing, ami may proven blessing. Parlies wishing the prenrlpllon, will pli'nsc nil dun Itav. llllWAKI) A. WU.BON, Williamsburg. Kinga County, Jan. G, IBM. ly. 9. II. P. . New. York. Deafness, Blindness 6l Catarrh', Treated with Ilm utmn.t snrcesa by Dr. J. ISJAACi) Ornllst noil Aurlst, (forniorly of l.cydcn,, No. Sill PI M2 Street. I'lnlnili Iphlii. Tc.liinonlals from Ihn iimst reliable snureei In the Cllv nnd country can he seen nt his nlllco. Tlio faculty arc invited ncro.n ,Jy hl?VkMll.ns . h" h,.; oSecre n l,T,. Airi'ii'ii.i t i'if i.j . liV.t 'iTi"0'1, AiirinciAi. EYcm No charge mnilu for examination. July i. imj. um """ ""uu. pain If It If nit ).' rrtfnti A geni'eman who sunWnd for years from Nervon, Debllity.Prematur. Ilecay.and all the cnects of youth fill indiscretion, will, for the sako of suffering hie nil,m,)r tni freoi to all who need il, tho recipe and Jlrcttions for making too si in pi.: remedy by which lie was cured. SuiforoM wl thing to profit by the ndver. user's ctpericiicc, cm iluau by ndilreinj John u. onncN, No nrnam'jers t, New York, Jan.fl, lfCO.-ly. S.M.P. DR, TOniAS' VBNP.TIAN MNIMP.NT cures Choi era, when li-et taken, in a few hoars ; Dysentery in half an hour ; Toothache in flvo minutes. Ilis per feclly innocent to take Internally, and is recommended by llio most eminent Phtslcinns in the United Stated. Price 4o an d to cts. TnxAWANiu, Pa., Aug. C, IS5!. t)r 3. I. Tobias, New York : Dear Sir-I have used yuur Venetian I.iniinent Willi great suicess. boih as tin internal us well as an external medlcino. In cases of llitiiMis Celicnnd L'h.iler.i .Morhu. I regard it as a sov ereign remedy. Your Venetian Horse I.iuinient stands uuiivnlled as a hnrio mcdiuuc amongst Curriers nnd budtinuu until 1 5 canal. Wl. I. i:Vld. Sup't North llrnnch Cannt. Sold by nil Driiggl sts. Ullice, No. i Corllandt St, New Vntk. 1'eb III, 'f.Q. lm The Greatect Victory Yel colors struck in five minutes. Tho above heading of a recent bulletin from tli si at of war is in all respect opplkablu to Ihu resulta uf CllltlrfTAIIOItO'S II A III DYi: when brought i i-icontuct with hair i f any obnox ious tint. Five iniauies removes tin undesirable col. or. replacing it with llie rulicst black or brow u. No slain Is left on thn n-alji, no iljinagn ilouu to Ihe h ir by tills line emnllient vigetuble ilyo. Manufactured by J.CIIItldTAUOitO. No U Aslor Home, New York. Pold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. IV b. 10. 'ot. 1 in Al.l.fOCK'ri POKOUrt I'l.XriTllIW -Tln-s,. plasters huo tho compiictiii'n of Kid leatln'r and the lloxibility ; or..llkllInvI, ,hcy hava cllrmI VIlrico. vci,ls Z'i utemal aneurisms, for all nflVilmii of ihu chikt, , ight about tho diapiiratu or upper portion of tim bun si", in col. Is and toughs, fur Injuries ol the b, irk fur all elrains or bntis.s. for it weak back fur nervous pains of the buwclt, ami olhr urrvous uUVcIioh Mill ir.UHps fur keart allVtli.iiis -in all theau cases they 1'avt; lo '"' "a,;l1 10 Ih' t,,,,"' r," 'PI'reci lied. m- 1 1 lli:VI"KssO"S I.I'.I'TEK. l'ar'n il!'.-, Lo iibiaiia, JlnrchP, li-50 Ur T. At.i.oi K,-- Sir I huve been iilTeiiug under invert- .ilirck uf ncurnleie riiseao ol iuv bowels fur I years, with hj pc-ttrophy uf the heart, ami have tried evoiyiiiing hiiowii mini- iiruitico ui iiieiiiciuu Iroinllie very best l. ll's : but truth prompts lue to say that yuur pl.utiTs hive ciri'ii in.- uinn- ppriiianent relief lliaii auyiliing else 1 li.ivt used, .mil 1 believe willpru Uuct a porli'il i uro. The ciiunter-lrrmint crfett of vour nlasters is nru. ilitml iu such a inilil and way tli-v so invlgo invlgo- m lideully i.ilu tut- t-ircuiruioii ruuuii nit; poris in u null I npplu d, ainl c.X'Tl iiiiiilt nil iiitv .tils ilHfaes tteaui'il.ilui' intlii o, I place tiiuiu euiilideully ui .in. ocjuoi rvtry ii.istcr O'HC in llsi-. Vouis. very tr t'y. 1. V. IIENDEUSON, M, n. 1'eb. lo, 'Cii. 1 in . he GrovBlecn Piani Forte till retains its pr- oil-uc: and kp-.U popularity. nnd nfiur uinh ruin- griilu tl improvou'iits f..r a pe riod pi thirty, is now pronoun ed by the musirnl world lo"! an I r on uiii-ipijlleil in rich ness, viiliimi) nml purity of torn-, durability and chi'.tp ucss. Our new scilo, Eri'iirh action, harp pedal, iron fi.ime, over strung bats, seven ctt.ivo rosewood pi linos we nre m-IIni'- iln-api-r uy from SIOU to .?:0(l than Ihu tame st le and lini h are nld by any oilmr firt-cl.isa inakera in tin- cnunlry. II. .tiers and nil In waul of tend piiilios .nc inviled to sen. I for our lie teriptivo Oulalocuc, whiih coiiinins photograph nf our dill'ureul il leu, Ini lher Willi price No tine iliiiulil puri hate a wllliuui n . iur ihii i uin logue Medasl almusi wi thoiil number, have been awurdod to the (!rovi't.'en 1'1-ino, and llio Celebrated Wt rla's . uir. thouub put in tuuipctitiou with others irniii all parts o n.urupe mid thu U tf.. it took H-.e hiehuhtaaiil. . Ei-ubiislied 161. Grovestocn l.'o., l.i'.l IIROAI1W Y, NEW YORK. II. a & Co. ftW SKJB7 FOB The Groat Invention of tho Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J..W nitADI.EVS cw Patent IIUI'I.EX EM.El'TIO (or double) Sl'Kl.NO fKlltl'. THIS INVENTION consists of Duplex tortwoU;'- Iiptic Pure ll lined tHrcl tStirins. fir r amen 1 Kjhlly and I irmly tojiclln'r, eilsn to edpi-, niaklnil the Touches!, mokt ricxiblc, Elaslic nml durable Spring ever used. They stldnni bi-inl or break, like llie Hiii;lo Mprines nml cniike'iueutly preserve their perfect and lit-aiiliful sli.ipo mure than twice as lone as any Single Spring Skill that ever Has or Can be made, THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort nnd lleamre to any Lady wearius the Duplex Elliptic skirt . win or experienced parueuiariy iu an crowiieii As semblies, Operas, Carriages, Cars. Chilrth 1'ews, Arm Chairs, for I'roinenado and House Dress, as the fkirt can bu folded in uso lo occupy a mull place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Idusliu Diess, A Lady having Enjoyed the I'ieaiurc.'Conifort ami (Jriat Convenience uf wealing Ilia Implex Elliptic fuel Spnng r-kirt fur a single day will Never after wards willingly dispense with their use. I'or Chil dren. Misses and Voting Ladiis they are superior to ull others. THE HOOPS aro covered with 2 ply double twisted thicad and will wear tw ice us long as the Single jurn covering which u u.edou all Siuglu tecl Hoop Skirls The Unco bottom rods on every Mint are also Double Steel, nnd twice or double covered to prevent Ihe cov ering from wearing nil' the rods when drugging down stairs, sumo steps etc . He which thev uro constant ly subject when in use. I All aro fliado of Ihu new and elegant Corded Tapes. : aud are the best ipialiiv iu every part, giving to the I wearer tho moat graceful and perlccl shape, possible, and nru unquestionably tho lightest, must desirnblc, comfortable and economical Hkiit over made, WEST'S HltAIILEY 4c CAKY, I'ltOI'ltlETOItS of , tho Invention, and r-'OLEl M ANHrAOTl'KElIri, 07 , CIIAMUEitS, and 7U ii tl ItEADE b'lltlSETS, Ncw i Yoik, 1'Olt SALE ill nil first-class States in Una City, and throughout llio United States uiidUaauada, Havana du Cuba, Mexieo, South America, and thu West Indies. ' jy Inquiro lor thu Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring fkirl. I Jan.SIO, IMW, 3m, A 4:0, DLA.NKS 1 BLANKS! 1 Of oyery dceoTiption, for eale at this office THE . SYRUP tfl a i'noTi:uri:u sot.uri on op mil i'rouxi(lc ol Hi'ou, a now discovery in mcdioino which STIUKCU AT TIIK HOOT Of DISBASli, DY supplying the lllood with It, vital nimuri.., on rilla is tho sceret of tho wonderful suceeai o f this ( remedy In curlag Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplaint, Dropsy, Chronlo Diarrheal, Hulls, Nervous Affections, Chills and 1'evors, Humors, Loss of Consti tutional vigor, Discacos of tho Kidneys & llladdor, Fcuialo . Complaints, nnd nil illtcate orlglmtlngin n BAD STATU OF TUB BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low statu of tho ii i , .. system llt'lllff Iron Alfl...i ... - .. . . v. ruiiMV'ui i v riirri'iimiiiiirvif nmr. i'iL,nii'ViV'i'!i'iil''v'''.'ill,'ns ",,e"gtli. vleur and ,J" J 'ntc All part, of t he .v.trm. iin.l l.nll,ll..fl mic an narti of t in .u.imh ..n.i mi an llto.v l.'iivsTl i'ir i' ' 1 " "n.iing I'romtlio Vfiiernblo Archdeacon BCOPT, II. II. . nwiUM. Canada Jlarch 'JI, IfM, .1 oi. "I am en Invetcrato Dyspeptic of more I than 2J years' Handing." I, "I have o wonderfully bencnitcd In lliu : tbreo short wenks ilnrlm? tvi.i.i, i i.n.. i .,. . .! . rurlun d trup, 1 tan seare'ely persuadu myselfof Inn rpfilllti 'nnti n ...I... I...... ........... . ' , -'r,w ii" I.HI... it iiiu ,t,c llsiotl- ishMl ill tin) changfl. I am widely known, and can but recommend in other that whlih has done so much lor mo " I A CAHi: Ol' BT yui:h STANDINH CUltni).' l-oiii INSI.I1V JIJWKTP, No. IS Awin Pliico. lln-ton. -I iinvj niiuuri'ii, aim sumeiniiMs sfvcrcly for 27 years, from dyspeptic, I coinmeneeil taklnit tho Po. ruvlan tyrup,nnd rouiid liiimedlalu bonellt from ll I l the course of three or Tour wei-k I was entirely relieved from my sitirerlngs. and have enjoyed iiniif tt.rrtiiitntl tin tltl nuns .In... ll " ""ul'", iswmiis fVI IlllWUt AN nJIINP.NT D1V1NH OP R03TON. SAYS I hac been using the Peruvian Symp for souiu ..iu , ii lii.u. iu.j new vigor, tiuoyaucy oi spir ils, lanstlclty of .Muicle." Ihousandt fate ottn changed 6y Ike Mt o(A(j remedy lUUl.jMriwtrrjjrr..,. .!nv. h.attLj ann hnpnp men and icemen : and Inratldt cannot reasons j, l , ,. ,, A pamphlet ofJi paacs. routtiln itiu eeitlficatcK of eurej and rccoininciidailnns from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will bv sent fr,x to any ailiiresn, O See that oath bottle has Penevix timer blown in the glass. FOB. SALE BY J. T. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 3d Doy Ht. Now York. HOLD UY ALL, DltUGGlSTB. All Medlral .Men ngreo that IODINi; Is the nnST ltUMUDV forScrol'iila ami all kindred diseases ever discovered. The dilllculty has boon tu obtain a Peni: Solution of it. !!?, Dil. AekIcvm' Doriinc Watcv. Is a Pure flnlutinn of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL VllNT I I Containing a full drain to each ounce of water. A 1) f..l .!!... A i 1 uiusi, i.uv.uriUI UilllZlUC! ilEUUl anil llcstorativo llcstorative. , It has cured and will cure tCP,orui.A in all its man. fold forms. ut.cup.s, cwcr.r.y. HYPiin.if!. salt i;hi:um ; and it boon used with lutomstilng success in ci n's nf Klieumntlaiii, !lysp"iinr Consumption, Femalo Complaints, Heart, I.iveraud Kidney Dlseises, (to Cirtulars will bo sent reiE to any ono sentling their mlilresi. Price ul.f 0 n bottle, or 0 for Trcparcd by Dr. II. ANUUIIH, Physician At. Chemist, i'or yle by J. J'. DINtJMOllli. 30 Doy St. New Y. And by all Druggists, WISTAR'S BALSAM , lif si I Ii I! It It Y Si UAS DEEN USED Vim NEARLY HALb' A CUNTUKY, with llie mobt ait'ii.i-hing uccens in curing Conglid, Cold", Hour.-etieM, Sore Tliroat, liifliwiizi, Whoiipini; cough, Croup, Liver complaint, Bronchitn,Difn cully of Breatliiog, Astbmu, - nnd every affec tion of THE THROAT, LUNGS CUES'. aTS j O OoBBaaEtiBdMBQ il 9 which carries oll'moro virljm-thiii any other diseare, and uhiih,b.illl s the skill nf tho Physician to a greater e.teiu than nnv i lli.'r in ilady, otieu YIELDS TO Til H REMEDY I I when all others prove inetrectoal. I AS A MEDIO I ME, ! Rapid in Rclii'f, fooiliitis :ii MU' ct, sif.i in Iti Opor atiuit, IT IS UNtSUlU'ASSED ! vlnN; its a pn'pur.ttriti, fruo (Yum iiuki.i h nr'Mliti.'iits poUun-, or iiihut.iIu , uniting skill, fCii-rne. jiimI nii-it rut K'lo'Vti tlji- ; is vultMiiln hi Hi1' vi'Si-ialtlu Ulii;(iotii for this ilrws .l tii.- v-f , it i Incomparable t j .itiitik citiiilfil, inciii, and rocoivuii tli-i gun oral fou- ItllCliCi (1 lilt! MllillC, , HKVMOUlt TIlATCnKU, M. D., ' nf lli-ruisiL '. V . witn uri fnHiw - "Wi!! Ait'- IUla,m u VVn.u onbKHY stvo- iinivt:r:tl fnl i-ftu lion. It sji't'iu- to ctim ui micli hy 111 11 aii'l i h-muitig I lie !uhk, ami allu inn' ir nlJi lion, tnu rt'iiinv mg ttiu r;ui(.'. iiisk-ful uf tlryini; up iho ro.i-jH ami I t ax my Um can?: liclmM. I cuiunlcr Mm Hi,na a (v tl as any, if ixt thu l-usl, Cuuyli tuc. tilw- uli I whirl. 1 am ac'iuaintt'tl." I lcv. Jacoh SKfHLr.n, of Ilauovcr, Pa. ! Vv known ami much rPtfperUil anions thr ri.' ' p opulatinii in tins . onniry, inukfsi tin) lulluwiny si.ile I ni'-iii lor the bi iu tit uf lli- ntilii it'., 1 IlKiiSins Mnvms mitieil 111 my family impi,.'- tiiut lifiit'litu ('runt llu u u( uur hluahlc prfp'ira j tinu Wistaii'h l),.dM or Wilu CiitRav it allwriU mo phsisure lu reronniu'iid it lo ttiu public, E-tmit! emlit nrs as' nno of my ilitnylitura efciiinl to li'j in a tk I chut'. aui liltlu fiwpejj tif iitr rfcuvury wero oitK'riain j nt 1 then prottitL'J a buttlu of your ic?Uen? I) lU.iui, atul hcfiin; thu hml laken ihu wluile of tlic coiiuntmtf j tlii. Iiouiu tlmrc wuk u Hri'Ht impruvenmnt in Iht I ht-allli J luw, in m nnlividunl uat itnailu fru'picul use ot your v-miauic uicuuinc. una nav always Petrit buiiuatlL-d by it. JCOB PKCIII.13R. I'rice One Dollar a liottlc. FOR KALE 11Y J. I1. niSMOUE,:iODeyririet. New York BETH W, FUWI.E, U SON, i'roprietors, Ilos l on, A h U BY ALL UHUUOISTS, GRACE'S Celebrated Salve CURES CUTri, IIUnNS, SCAEDtl. Graoe's Celebrated Salve cures wounds, uiiuises, bpr, Grace'n Celebrated Salvo CIJIIE3 IIOII.9, ULCEUS, CANCEKH. Graco'a Ctleltrated falvo CURES PAI.T RHEUM, EKYSlrEI.AS. Graeo's Celebrated Salvo CUltEd CHAFi'Ell HANDS. CHILBLAINS, Grace's Coli'bratod Salvo HEAI.a OLD 80KE3, i'KErill WOUNDS, 4c. II is prompt iu action, removua pain at once, and re ducen Iho most sncllings and matloiis, as it by magic-thus ullordiuig relief and a complete cure. (July'JS auntB a hn I (eut by ina il for 35 cents,) For Sale by J. P. niVSMOUB no lley fitreet, Vcw Yoik 3. W. TOWEE h HON, rmpricin s.lloston, and by all DmiSln,, (iroriis, aud Coanlry sloies. Jtnuoiy lebo I). on, mmm Catarrh 'Siinfffl This PnufT has thoroughly proved Itself to ha tho best article known for c uring tho Catarro, Cold in 11m lltApnnd MtAiucnr. It has been found an ccllcnl icmcily In many cawi of Bore IJycs, DAr Ntss has been removed bv It. nml ii.aimmii im. nhn been grtatly nrfproved by its use. ii is iragrnni nnu ngrceanty. and OIVU3 IMMC01ATU KHMBF Tolhsj doll heavy pains caused by dlsi-ases of tha Head. I ho sousailon nler using it aro delightful and niviKUTuiiiig, it opens nnu purges out nil obstructions, strengthens the glands, ami gives a healthy action to the patts nirectcd. e more man Thirty Years' Ofrlalonnd use of Dr. MAtisiiAl.b'a Catarrh and IlKAnAt'nc tHvn, has tiroved its gr,at valuo for all thocoiiinion diseases oft he Head, and at this moment ll stands higher than ever before. Ills recommended bv manvnfthu beat iilivtlM.n. aad I a used wllh crent success nnd nnti.rnfiinn .... rvwhero. Kuad tho Certificates of Wholesale Dro" cists in 1851. ' The undersigned, bavins lor manv heen nr. lualnted wllh Dr. .Miiim's Catarrh and HrAD' Ainr. siiir, nnd sold It in our wholesale irado cheer fully stale, wo believe il lo bu eouil. in everv m. kpect, to the recommendations glvon of ll for tho euro of Catarrhal Airectloiis, nnd tint il is ilecidedly tho beat arltclo we have ever known for all common ills casus uf llio Head. IUirr& Perry, Huston, Itued, Austin A. Co llrnwn, I.niiisnn fc Co " Iteeil. t'ull.i-La " ) llarnes Pntk, tc New Voik i n & I) amis, Stephen Paul & Co " Israel Minor At Co ' MKcssnnfc P.obblns A I.Scovlll & Co ' M IVnrd. Cluso U Co " rtelh W i'oivle, " Wilson, ralrbank ei Co. Ilenshnw, IMm.inds ft. Co Ii 11 llny.Pottland, Mc. uusli & Oale, Por Salo bj all Druggists, Try It. tu, U lew IJ. HliLIEF IN TEN luNDl'ES. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers. K5" The original Medicine establlrhed In 1837, and firstaillclu of the kind ever introduced under tha nanm of "Pdlmonio Wafers." In this or any other country i nil other Pulmonic Wafers aro counterfeits. Thoginulno can be known by tho name UP.YAN be ing stamped on each Wafer, Tliesa Wafers havo been before the public for nearly Thirty Years, nnd llio Immense sale utta.ned.nol only In America but in foreign countries, fully attest tholr intrinsic wrl!i. Tho medical propurties are superior luan ...iici in, iciu uiiutuu iur ins curu oi i uimniiary or llriiuchial all'ecllons, and tha .piautitv contained In enih box Is nearly double that of tho ma'ay worthless imitations ndvertised. Ilryau's Pulmonic Wafers euro Coughs, Colds, Sorn Throat. Hoarseness. Asthma. I atarth, iironchilis, Dillkult Uronlhing. folttlng of: laood rains In the Chest. Incipient Consumption nnd allrfiseases of tho lungs. Noloilyaflbrdlngteinporaiy relief, but etrectlng a rapid and la.ting cure and nru warranted to give satisfaction in every Instance. They donet nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medical propc.tlcs aro combined in a form so ngrecauie ami pic.Kaui to too la.te, that any child will readily take them. One dose will always afford HEIilEF IN 'J'EN MINUTES. To Vocalists ami Public Hpcnkcra, the Wafers aro peculiarly nluablu ; they wi II in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; nnd their regular use for a Tew days will, at all times, Increase the pow er and llexlbllity of tho voice, greally Improving its one. compass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by many professional vocalists The vcrv great rciebritv of tins i.mrdu l. j Ini iii'ed unprincipled pcrons to preparo bjso Imlta- in'ii., ..iiuii iimiiiiuiiii me just rxpcciations oi tne purehaser, and injure the character of llie genuiuu uiedii'ine. See that the word "IUIYAN," is stamped on each Wafer, nnd also observe llio fac similu ol llio signa ture oftho Proprietor, "JOIl MUrii:s"uu each wrap per, to lountcfeil which Is foroery. lO omniling parties will bo dealt with to the full extent of the law. uryax s roijioMC Waeks aro for tale by all Drug- K.sis. Jill MOSES So o Pronr etnp.27 Crlliii,tl St . V v eb. 3, leim-iy. THE liREAT KNULISII KENEDY. PROTUOTKD UV 110 VA I. LETTEI19 PATENT. sut jameYclarke's Celebi'ated Female Pills, rrtpartdfrom a prescription cf Sir J, CtarU. V. D. Phy ticiart iUtraorditinoy to ihe utcix. 1 Tins invaluable mcplrino U unfailing in tin; f'lrenf nil tlman painful and ilaneerout discat,e to wtiitli llio fuinalt: constitution uulijuct. It nimli'ratca alius. twit ami rumuvesalluUstructlons, from whatever causa ami a speedy cure may bo relied on 'JO MARRIED LADIES, ' it isfarticularly suited. It will, in n short time, bring 011 llie montiiiy permit Willi regularity. Each bottle, price Uno Dollar, bears the novcrniiicnt Stamp of Uleat llritaiu, to prevent couutcifeits, , CAUTION', I 7Virto Pils fhouJJ vol bctclicn by rcnalct during the VlltST TIIUF.V. JIIU.Vrilf.vf l'regiiancy, as lAcy nrssurs lobring on .Visenrttogc, but at avyotha time then atesnfe , Eveiy women knows lint the bloom of health iiiut f.nle, Willi the thelitest irregularity or obstruttinn of Ibo menses. These t'iils ure truly the woman's friend in the hour of trial, slid the only sure, po.sitivo and never failing euro and rcculator nf aiiip ro-slmi of na. Into Iroin whatever cause So mild Inat the feeblest ran tike tlnuii with perfect security, vet snonwi rfu liu their uJi'Us, that tney may be h.ifely i.ilted, a never Idilins Ileciilator. lit it 1 1 cases of .Nervous and Ppinal Allectinns. Tains' i.. ni. .....I l 1 1. . i. a i, , ...... .i It. ,11,- ,...n ...... '. . . "".'I" in, I lyilt WCI .lUlltl ,t pilatuin of the Heart, lljtlirica. and Wlutis, these . ' t'llis will elf tt a cure when nil other means have fail- !' i ed ; and although u powerful remedy, do not coHtaln ! . iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to llie constitution i I'ull directions in the pamphlet around each pacltaje. which mouiu oe careiiiny iirescrveu. sou) or ail Diiuanisrs. Solefieiieral Agtnl Iur the United Elates and llrillhh Dominions, JUII MOiJI'.ri, 97 Portland Hi., New York. N. 11 1 I'll .uiilli Ihrto ct-ul "hostage btamps oil i hired tn any .iutliorl.ed Aeut. will ensure a bottle, coiitaiiiin; ill Tills, by leturu mail, Mxiircly scaled fiom all observ.itiou t'eb :i, 'on. ly. jji'ii iiKAjrii jrisi-;.j i . U HMAitli! STKIr.UTa. LIFE HEALTH dTUKNCTH. Iluniireds and thousand annually die prematurely. when, if they uoul.l give llie Ureal 1'ieiich Remedy, i Dlt. JL AN DEI.A.MAlllil;') Ct'-lcbi-att'cS Spci'iiac S'jils, j I'repsicil by GnASttniR IIupost, No. -I I Hue Emu- I tiar.l. 1'. ins. fiom the preMription of Dr. Jnau licla uiarre. Chief I'liyiciaii of llie i!ii N'ord , l.ariti u.iere a fair ihiy ivoula liud iiuioeiliaio relief. iihiI, in a shori nine, h- lolly rctdnrtd tu Itiaitk. 1 and Mrcngth It is used in tli.j practice of muiiy enu nt nt En i Ii ph iri,ins. i ith iiniiuriu'rUcieK- mill luli. , ly rei oiiimitlnleil as the only positive and ieeljle 1 iyforull persons s'liliiring from lieiiernl or rienual j Dcbitiiy, all tie r.iiigeiiiciiitt ot tho Nervous t'orcrs Mel imlioly, 'periiiutorriioe.t or Seinlnal l.minsitiiiM.nli WeaknebH arising from se.ual Ex-Energy, I'liysicai 1'roi.iralioii, Nt-i i o'ines, Weak 111110,1 .u ness of s-pirits, Dimness of Vimui, llHerics, Pains in Ihu Eack 11 ml liluibs, Iiu'iioteiity, &.c , No I iiigit.t"ji e 111 convey .111 ueipiato idea of the im mediate nnd 11I1110, 1 miriii'iibiiis ih.iiige it ncinMous 10 the ileliiiiuted and shattered sytiuiu. in tact, 11 i-Umix iiiirivnlleil as an iinlailiog cuic ol the malailies abovo 1 luenlioned. Hiilfur no in 're, bat ihu 7'le fJrral h'eench lltmtdy , it will riled n cure whero all oiliers fail, and although .1 povvwrlul remedy, romuths nutUiug hiulful lo the most di'licale couslituliou. I'.iiiiphtcls, ruiitaiuiog full paiticulars and ilirectioas fur using, in Eoglili, l-'reucli. and German, nc cempitiiy 1-11 h box, and also seal tree to auj address when rfiiic Med. ' 1 Price due Dollar per box ; Six boxes for 1'ivo Dollars. Sold by 11 1 1 llnvgists lluoii'jliout llio world ; or vnl be Mii by mail, si eurely beated Iroui nil olcrvution, by Im losing spt-ciHetl price to any autltorieed ugeiUs. UKHUKK VOl.Vli:itFi:iV& .1.Vl HIITjITW.W. Proprietiirs n. lueivj Agents for America, VSCAH CI ,MU!sb!, .y CO.. i7 Ctiiirlti.ini St. New York, Authuiued Agents for llloomsburg. KYEIlllrMOrKR, Dauv'lle, II. .Jl'C'OLVr. I'eb. 3. Iti'iO. ly. O i fN rolls ready to bo nailed down, adapt-, ed for liouses.S I'artori"! and lluildings of all kinds constructed uf Materials that havo stood the lest of fifteen yeius, and iiiauiil'icliired on an entirely diner- ' cut ami belter plan than any other composition rnof- i iigiuiisu. Si cured by patent. Very durable and at law price. Circulars ami samples sent frco by mall, ' READY ROOFING Co. No. ill Maide Lane, New York. Bcpf D0,ieci-1 y j NOTICE- 1 A LL persons indebted to thu undersUned.nn Rook 1 account. Note or otherwise, aro repie-tod to call and settle the samu 011 ur before thu 1st of March next. Those neglecting this notice will positively be waited 1 upon by an othcer duly authorised to collect I E. MENDENIIALI.. Jan.OT, jero,- H li asJiOn;if)Ie Tuiloi'ii?. j NEtF SHOP m'JGHT STREET. . THE unaerfiejiied, respectfully informs I tho public in general, that lie has opened a new Tailoring Establishment, n Light atreet, Columbia county, whers lu is pictured loexecuteull kinds of Tailoring In he lalels st)lu, tvith duspatch and ou medoiale It r ins Will be ihankfull fur atliare of public patronage A. J. NEWIIARD. Llht Street, Dec. 3, ISO, imw stoes as b v o m IN TIIK 'T'lIK iinderslRiiod having taken the "J'"" unucrsiRiieu naving laHOn me 1 commodious Storn Ilou.e nnd Ptand of f.. W. Hughes. In llentnn, Columbia connlv. Pa. lesnctllullv Informs his friends nnd the public In general, that h o has replenished It with the largest nnd moil scnionn Ida assortment of ALL & V Lately introduced Into this settlon of country, and which In! Is selling nl audi low prices as are only equal led by the Immensity of his daily sales, Ilis Stuck consists In part or choieo CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES, VE STINGS, &o. Hats and Caps, With tho usual variety of Dress Goods, Prints, Muslin?, Dooicatic Goods, Groceries, Notions and aaoBBBiKigisipnEi mmm. Also BOOTS &m SHOES Of all patterns, material, style,' and price, for Ladies, Misses, Children, Gsntleman, Minors, and Boys. This stock was bought In tho Eastern Market In large quantity, nl the UlWCaT FlOUKCa, and will bo sold accordingly. Also, Steady-made Cotliing:, FOR MEN AND BOYS. The attention of the public is rcspectfatly Invited to the Advantages offered at this Es tablishment ! Tho hichest prices paid for ELd san e a AND tft (Ti m mi r? v? m r? m m m it rs ej U U ilJ U Ul U IT Ui D UJ lil i ll a I JOHN J. MoHENllY. j Denton, Jan. C, 1800 3 mos. Nciv Grocery Sore. MOHE FRESH GOODS. (Formtrlij Etasmas' old Siand) on Main Street, Bloomsburg. THE untlurbigncd has just received a guod slock of FALL AM) H'IKTKK DHY GOODS, nf all kinds, JIcu' Heavy CALF AND UVP tho best in the market; a Good Assortment ol Ladle and Children' f hoes of all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Groceries. of all kinds, such as Moliisscs, I Teas, I Rice, I Kish, Sugars, Coffoo, Spices, ' Salt, Mats and Caps, Tobaccu, Scgars, Can(lio., Razcns, Lard, .STsy'W ,JJ?1F 5' ri; Lsl J 9- 1 ?, VJAI JJJ i Bl Will bo rectived and for wLicli highest market price will be paid FEED AND PROVISIONS. TonethiT wllh a great nriety of iiotionsaud elretu ins, too numerous to mention. &7 Hotter, Efjs, Meiitand produt'B generally taker in oxchanjte for ijuoilt, HENRY G1GI3R. llloo'ii-burg, Dtc.Cl ISb:,. I POUTS'S CELEnr.AUD Hqtsb mi Cattle Powflers. This preraratien. long and, favorably known, will thor oughly relnvigorato, broken down anil low-spirited horses, by strengthening ahtl cieaniilni; tho stomach and intes tines. It is a suro pre r ventlvc of all dis eases incident ta this animal, such as LUSG FEVE11, GLANDERS, v K 1, Ii O W WA TER. II EAVES, COUGHS, D18 TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OP APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, Le. Its use Improves tho wind, Increases tho appetite-gives a smontit anit clossy skin and transforms t h oJ Miserable tlttlcton Into a Cnedooklng nnd spirited To keepers of Cows this Preparation is Invaluable It Increases the quantity and Improves the quality 01 me nunc, una been proven by ao tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, nnd make tha butter Arm nnd sweet. In fattening; cattle, it gives tbcm on appetite, loosens 3 ineir 111 tie, anq t.Elakes then, thrlva much faster. In all diseases of Swine, euch u Coughs, Clccri la the Lungs, Liver, he, this article acts as a sneclbc. by f.uuing frcd r one-half a paper 10 rt pap-r in a barrel of swill tho above diseases will lie eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a cerUtii preventive and euro for tho Hog Cholera. fries 25 Cents por Paper, or 6 Papers far CI. S. A.,FOUTZ vSc BRO., at TnEin WIIfllKSUF. Dill (1 AND MEllinXE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, MJ. I'or Sale by DruKjiits and Storekeepers through cut tha United States. T,V For salu at lliu Drug Storo of EYER ,y MOVER, Rlooiiitburg Pa. Rlonrushiirg, Jan. fi, lCil. 12mo. Notice. fllio Lime Rooks ol Eli Ore otinc, nnd .1 those of Cicvelin: are in I lie lianas nt ine -rttuoy, of Lime itidia on Jci.iL'ne.l fur c.littilon Thost. inUicjtoJ - tll olehsotake notice. I JOHEril ULI.EY, J. r. Jan imo Lldut, XT f. Art 91 io, uriHiW; AetiL POSTSCRIPT! Democratic Triumph. LANCASTER ELECTION. Lancaster, Feb, (). Georgo Sander son, tho Democratic oandldats for Mayor was olccicd to-day, over John 3. Livings ton, shoddy, by 170 majority, LOOK JUERE. rnilB Vory Flattering 8upport hurota I foro given to the late Arm of lAMns S .Mr. NlHCll k CO..Inducos tho iindersl5re.l o .,J. on tho business of ' At E 11 Gil Ah D IZ IN Q upon a snuicwliat new titan. Tho credit been an Injury to both buyer and seller, and therefor JAmiS S. ITIcIVlilfCU proposes to open on tho 13tlt dav of tho month of November, 18U3, In THE MOST COMPLETE AND ELEGANT STOOIC OF "t&rf iis"tt Ever offered in this,;Oouiity ; consist ing of crcry variety and quality of staplo and - FAGY GOODS, Groceries, Quoensware, Hard ware, and all sort9 of articlos kept in a countTV Storo ! to-be sold ' . (gmEAp (?ta mm, or in exchange for Tho whole busiucss to bo conducted on yi!t2m.,or p.a5r " jrou aai l cheapes rates than any other lionso. - 07 Call and Judge for yourselves. J. S. MoNINOH. , Nov 11, 1303, WEW SLOTHING 2 FRESH ARRIVAL OF Pall and Winter every'body VIIE lindersls'ned, grateful for past ratronanc, rcspeo 1 roily Infnrinshlscustiimers and the publlcirenerally thnt he liasjust received from tho Eastern cities. th largest and most select stock of FASH AHS WXE'&& That haaycl been opened In Bloomsburs;, to whlcif ho Invites the atlcntioii of his friends, and assures them that they are oll'ered for sale at great bargains. ID blocs, comprises n large assortment of OENTI.EMEN S WEARING APPAUEL. Consisting ol Fashion Jtnt.R Dress Coats, of every des crlption; I'auta, Vests, Uhlrts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Husiieuders, itc. Gold Watolics and Jewolry, of every ilfscrlptiun, line and cheap. N. II. Iteiiieinbcr Lotecnbcrg'i Cheap Emporium'! call and see. No charge lor exaiuing Goods. . UAVID LOWENDEIIO. Dloomsburg Nov, 18, ldGJ. (Juno 1S59 iuArtatn 14" Get The Best Webster's Unabridged NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION. Thoroughly Revised and mnoh Enlarged,. OVER 3000 FINE ENGRAVINGS, IS A WELL-KlOlt. rNDSSVCIf SIDLE REQUISITE TOO Every Teacher's Desk Giving important uld.ln every Ifrnnch laiieht incur Scheie Is, and of constant use an I convenience in KVERY INTEI.L10ENT TAMIttY. ll contains lll.tlo.l WOllllS aud .MEANINGS not found' in other Dielionaries. The pnsfconou of nnv other Enslish Dii tionnry, or any previous edition ol'tlns, cannot enmpensate for tho want of this very full and complete one. Ill ilai present perfected must long remain tha 11 EST ENGLISH DICTIONARY, And once posses ed, remain of coHstanl and abiding .value bonk, besides the Rible. so Inillnnensnlile n. Rootl Dictionary I i.'nniaiiiiiiK nne fifihor one-fourth inoro matter than any former editions, i'rtini new eleitrotypc plan a and tlie P.iverside Prcss IN ONE VOL. OP lSluKOYAI, UIJARIC) PAGES, " Gel the Latest." "Gathe Jiest.'' Gel'. Webster. Published by G, t. C. MERIUAM, ... . SprinfOeld, Mass, Jim 91. tk ttui. A Farm at Private Sale, "'ho ui dersioned ofliers to Fell at privates- sale, a FAI1M AM IM. tfj-i fi'litv lleitilocU tiiuiisliM, (Toliimbi i county, I'a.. nlio it twok miles wet of lluck llorii, near the Jersevtonu roai.. coutaiiiiug tJeventy-Three Acrts of Land, Whereon is erected u good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, ble out-luildrrg? alarto P'.unc llauk llarn.and suila together with 11 good LARGE ORCHARD, &o. Tor furiher parliculurs, enqulro of the subscriber, 1 Itnbbius' Mill, on the mair, road. .J. II. STEOKER. Nov. IH, 13M-3mo S3 ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'I'IOK. " Eslatcof John F. Maste'Jcr, rfee'd I Sv Vitl'L U,"',M';'l'? th- Estate ef jubn IJ I . Ma-teller, latu of Madlsi,,, totvnshio ('nlii,,,i,u county. ilecen.. havo be,m J 'J' r "L1' "'. "' ' . coluiab,.. county to the unded Ta I perBim. hf lug claims against the estate ni the Uc4cdc,t s,I! r MUtsted to present lb, m tu Dm, fide?", Id re, dl in said township, without a,,i,v 'f, '',, . iT.1 dtbted to make .a n.eiit fcthw'th retnolmu. liVAN 0. JONES, Jan IM.tFBti-gw AdmW' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTION Estate of Thomas Wihhner, die'd. 3 etiera ol Administration te bonis non. U i on tho Ejtalo of Thou Wililmier, late of I'Uliine cr.'tk twp, I'oliiiubu co. il"ceii.od, have been aran. .e. by Ilm lleeislei ; of Coliinibi.t i,iiitt.iu tho u.l..r. signed, rc.iilihg In Ucntoii timiuliip. .Ml n,.,(i14 li.tviug claims against Ihe estate 0f tho decodoiil are reiiueste.l to piesnit llitin to th.-unilersigiied. with out delay, and all persons indtbied to make payment WM. SMITH, Adm'r. it loin's aim. Jail 1.1, 18r.G.--0v S' Administrator's Notice. Estate of Charles Eissenhart, deceased. I T ctte 1 J off 1 (U't'd, hai ctter of ndiniiiitratinn on tho ERtste ift inrtes l.llseniiatt, late of (,'atanissa tw., havo been granted by the Iteglsie r ofColumbU Co.. to Ilm undersigned. All persons having claims ntalnst tha estate ofthe de ' cedeui nro rt tjuusted to present tlcm t ,la uu.ioisicn, ed, witlioul delay, and all per.ous indebted to niaka payniviil toithwim. 1 , . JACOU YEAUr.ll,vlifi'r. Uloverseetl WnuU'd. The undcrsiuticd, will piy thu liiclic rrlaiket prices for CLOVEBSEED, dtllverodut lluper Elation. PAVrO.N At IMKMstK. Bupstt. D- W. If.- I". " . 4 m