! 111 IHH nil i,n . COLUMBIA LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. 19 NO, 50. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL Baltimore iVId. ESTABLISHED as a REFUGE FROM QUACKERY. The Only Place inhere a Cure can be ob tained. Dr. Johnson has discovered llio most "v,. "? nni1 -""'1' 'nctlnnl Itrmcrty In tho Afferllomuf thr kldm-)' n n.t lilniluYr, Iiivolniitnry IHrlinr!;.-9, lmpotcnc) , flrnr-rnl Ilrbllltv. .Xenon.. iic, iijjpi'iini, I.tnijiinr. I.ow Spirits, Confusion of ....,,,.,,,.,, ni i trnri, Tumulty, -j rem im, 1) iiiiinss .il Slum or (ii,I.Iii,o-. IHrtimeof lhll! .i.l fhrnnt. Nihp, or linivi'U-ihntc Tcrrlblo IHsordprs tins tiR from miliary Habits of Viiulli-srrril mid military prankon nirr- filial in tlirlr viiilnn than lliu .'hi'?, ::!o1;;;r,!::te.i!:,:r'"H ?w niarrl.n'n. A r . V"' "ii"u..., r.(,in8 YOUNG MEN IWtljilly, whu havo lirconin tlm vlilhns of SVilit-ry vice, thai ilrrnillul ninl tlncirurilv i.ni.n ui.iPilnn., tlly u i-i pM t i.ii untimely crave Hit tinantlaol iniii2 ",' Hio wo-l txallnd IiiIpiiIi nnilVrilllarit inlUlcrt, wlm might rilinrwlsc- haf; uilmnuil libelling tcii. . ",, ' """"" ,B iio'iocuce, or uakeu in ce liac' tlio lit ins lyio, may rail uilh full confl deuce. MAltRATG 10. Mnrrlil ricrrona, or JmiriiJ mmi nntPtnplntlns mar riiie. Ii'i'n; wiirr of ihncal weakness, uruitnii killty, (li Tin mill, , iK'i'tlil) rtir.il. Mi: i;i ii'ar l.iimn, uttuVr ifio rate of llr J, may n liti'niHiy fi.n .I'if in his liniinr as n itehllciii.in, ami tmilidcntly n I) trp.iri liln kil tti ;, phygicuii' OUUAX10 11 IlAKNIlfy I to rn-illitclj t' ircd and full k-or rilorcil. 7 tin ilMtri'iviV ntrrrtlnii nliicli leudets life win vnhlu ninl inarii ii;i- iiiriiiMmlili' it tin) pi-naliy ,al, l tint i linii i.t itnitljiir itxtuliioiirri Yniiiii; pr-r-runs arp ton apt in tmiiinll rtrtw i frnm lint lii'lua nuaro rf tli' iiriMill'iil mm "pn nre,, tha m.iy nuim. r.'mi . who that uiuli-ri-tninl tin- suiij..u will prrii ml to tony Hi it; the power of pun're i.tl n l In.t ooimt In ilmsn t'-il llni! n.tn iiuriip"r lmbits than hy the put rtPlit I'l'II b in; ili.pnvi'il n: tfii- plinllre ol In i,. t".v i liiprlu tin' mi,. I s.TiniM nn,I in .trniilvu i.)inp. hnin of hnt'i I.., ly anil miuil aripi!. Tin' Kvmi'iu ln roiiHH ilcmi'Ml, thii iilijfiral ntnl iiipnt.il 'lum timin .'i-nrf nf'l, tiii' nf i'ri'i'rfatiti' pnir, crtniM Irr. taliility, Dy.p -pna. Pilpitatlnn nf th- Heart, Iiimiii- Itnn, t.'onMiiniiiiual Hi Inlny, u Willing ol I hu Kiatuu i.'ou(h, l.'ntirimiptldii, lliiay nn.l Dentil. in:, jon.wro.v, Mpif'.pr 0' lli lUynl Cnll'-sij ol Si-rc(!tn, l.nmlnii, Uratle'V' !rmi nf Ihcinu-t mniiii-ut ColU.i-u in tint t i.iti.J t .i.i"., i.nil th.. fri'.ilfr part nf ulinai: llfc has bi'i'ii .ptiit in t i' honpilals ni l.uniluti, 1'uriH, I'liil.t oi iln . ..nil v'fuw hi'ri', li.i". ciiVi ti'.l miiiiu ol thn iimrt r ii i'i liins r trii th it wi'ru I'tfr knnrt u ; many turn t: ii t. r.ii tii'.'i in th.. Ii,.;i,l nn.l i i rs tilnii iu i..p f i' t. tv ni .n lii-iii't ahirni :tl nt 5iiil.lr.il t..mu,i I.'.. i i.'i mi:i I'r.'ipu-ii l,l!i.!:iii', :it I I'll .). .1 s..i,n. 1. 1. . u nn. ii .(i nni' nt of i.ii.i.l, irc luicil iuiu. m lAt"- I'AiiTii.ri.Ait :;inicu- !r S. i!'ri"-i'U r.ll thori'wlio havt injiir.'il t h-iti-"lvi'n l inipfpfr iinlulLi-n'-u anil .nlitarv l.uhii, nil. i I. r'l'll I'l.l'd lmiy no, I I. Il'd. IIHliUlll;"lil 'in ,i i'Ft r I'i'. nH-8, ftinij . i. i ii ty, or tnai n.if. 1 ti' y ai i tmii.t of tht ni I .in. I nirl ii.clit'lly ifi'.rt pr'n'ii' -il h i nriy IiwIjHj ol out!i, vi..' U riiktuKii . f tin' ii irit an .1 I.i hIik, I'm ni. in ihu lluul, Ilium, m ..f ritit, l.ois of r.fti rul.ir 'nwiii, I'l'IpMatinti ol the II'. ut Mj "P'-pi't. r.'i'rvniu In liability, l Tauiti no nt of tin' Mr;.'-in i I'llin tin'is, (iu.iiil II hihty, .-'yin,! I l.-l 1 '.f 'nil' inn i tin i. ,Cc. Sirs i r.t.v -1 h f. .irlul I'tP rlt on tlw inln.l nro mnrli tn t, ' ur, -i. Ii'il. J.o. of mi iiiit, rnnlittiwii . f I i' ,i , ',io:i rf t.;ifitii, I!v il I'ni-Iioi ii'th, Avit-n-u in "'. i t," ri 'I ! i' r"st, I o i; of hn ituili, 'J'imu.i'.) ips n nf ii, .tin pio Inc-'il. I i,n.ifi:ii)i rf purMiiM nf all aRps ran tintv Jui!e,t' klun Ihtf p:ii. nf tli.ir ilprlinln; li.i.illli, lualiiB ill' il iiinr. h muiiiii' w ak i,tli'. iurvi4 .tml en armti'il, hul.H' n 'HClil.ir .ippr ,ir,i,i(". iiliuul ilia el'E, conh rni-l i .j touia of L'tinsa inptiuii. YUl'iNt! A5EN t. :. .jrr' llirrnful' Uv ft i iHain pmctrrf.iii ifj.l iti wli.-ii uI.mic. n lnitfitt'rf'i'K ittlv IciriMl iri'M e il n n!t''ii'i' i'3. or nt eham, i !) rt-i nf wlm li nr1 iiit'liily I. u f 'M v ji mi. I, if not run .1 r ii i -rs urn ri.'rfc i iiiihi uv 'Htrujs IjuIIi mm. I ami ; V y. !imi ' . ;ily intutrMliitti'lj , i V lint n 'itv via it ii j mil u iii'iii. th" linp of our rnmi ; iy. 1 1. ;.n uf hit ir i.m. tli 'ul.t Inj cn.'itrh.''l fioin aU it. (M-fU jiimI citj.ii, innt ol lil't Iy the udie- i j . .it f t' if r- i ititu lioin ili' patli nf ituturo. ft it l iu j rtulj; an. in a c-iMiu t-i net l::ilit. Put Ii n mods must, t:f'i! . t.-l.' Wi.ltl'l MAURI AGE, rrn-rl tint n uminil iiiiivl an, I lioily an) tlic mnt iutpi sai) ri'',uit iu t ptuiniitu (ontiuliiiil happiutM lin rlccil, uitlionl iIil'mi Hie Journey thtnugli lifo hpcnm.-is a u, .ij pil;riinnsp ; Urn ptotpi'it hourly ilarN. lis tn trip ii.'w, 111,1 linn,) lii'LiiIll1 t. rtl.lilntVL'it With lii".p.llr i hi., I nili ' v. r.'rl'iP imilaiii holly ri llntlon that Hi- hap pinc.u of iinnlln r ii'ioiiip9 Militi'il il!l our own, (H'r.r 7 South hiakikk Slrcit, I tfl-lmnil hi.)'- if iin fi om ll.iltiuinro rlrppt, a fp'v iloorn nun lli coiner, l'jil nul to obnervi: iiaiuo ami mini Soi. No liltPi9 rpp.plvpil ttnb pnclp.ii'i run! run limine a -in. op to In; inn il on the ri ply. Irrsnnt tvritimt tiioiti.l -tale nili' ririi n'tul portion of mlvertit-c. uo'iil ili'iLnlniiH vni,liinis V ho Iloi tor'x lliplniun hangn in his office. Emln'scment of the Press. Thr piny lii'nunniij ntri-il nt tliU PstnlilMiiin'nt V. ilhtn Iip I it twenty year', ami tint (iiuini'roiis nil yur'niit Mirit n' oper'ttinnii pi'ilnrmpil, liy I r. ijoliin tniiilni'!5i.il bv tint repniiers of Tin Sun mill many utltiT iatur-, not'ics o wliiuli han' appparcit rijani ixi Ljnin lr lino lliu pnlilit, lipnidet his t-laniliuc in f. i IIl'iii.iii or iharaeU'r .mil rerponibiliiy. in ft mill cunt u.'iraiily tn tlm ulllieteil. ULin Dhcdxcs SpeirUly Cured. April 2.', IP'S.-!' Sl'Li:.DlD BARGAINS I All taf o( llioir Money's Worth. Vt". FORSYTH II CO.. XS nil 41 Ann Fired, N. V. (IHo M ami 4t N.utiu Hlreel). iff r for i.ip the follnivins inagiiiticnt l.iat uf Ualdirr., Chains, JcwrJry, F:". 17- nu'ii aiiiu'm: o.vr. iiou.Aiila Ami lint to Iin .Oil 1. r.'lll you know wli.it ) jii mi to git. t50 C.nUU Silver tniJS,froin loSI.'O 00 .'Oil l.tnliiia' (lotil WntcliM, H.1.PH each. 5'JU l.inlipn' r.CeiiU' HilM.r w.-.trlif , 1S.IKI each. e.ilUU N .k U (iuaril Cli.iinl', $J 00 lo l.'i.im emli. (i.tiutllliilil llatnl llraieli'N. 1)11 ' to IIHI'I eael.. O.liuo I'lam.i'li is.-il, UVililin? nnsi - 50 to uUO caili. i,0d;i i 1 j I ii ii i.i Uiauiuinl 1'ins an J Union, nonio I". Ollearli, 1 ..i III) fi'i"l,'iillea' Jewelry, 5 00 lo 1.1 lit) eat II. lutiiuililil i'.'iia, filver .Muuntcil 1 1 i.lili.T 1 CO to .1 0(1 eatli. iriuooc.ilil I'' ni'. Hllv.u Cascj anil I'miiN. 4 0) In CCCcacli T.vri'tlii riwllli IllMion SIIJm. llosoni ritmli r-'li evn llultun linlil remiN, IliiiklK. Ilroniliea Co.l Tlilui lile, l.ui i!iop. I'hililnnN l.oopa AiKiniic I'i n. nnJ llliij., Heal 1111134, - trf I'mn W.itcli Kek, ll.n.i varn tv of Silve- Ware, t Inbrauii; (iobkl, Cups, C'a.iori. 7'i'.'i.aiiil T.ihio FP'i' in. fccfioiu 4-5 I053P, '111 uriii Iph in llim tlotk am nt Urn neale.t nil tnostlmhiouLblu tyiet.. l-'prlilliat of nil the vari ous arliriris are pin in t.eah il titVLloiipi itml inlxoil, t Ii il i elviiig all a fair cliaiicn, ami ent liy mail, a or . reU ; uml on thn reeelpl of thu certificate, it in nt jour optnin to KPintUVIl 1)1)1. h.Mt ami lake tin- ar licle iium til in it, nrnoti or any oilier atlali' in our lid of i anal wilii". Covtifilc-'itos and Tromiums. Pitiili'f'prtlfiratp, M eeiiU i ftvo Certiflcatps, 81 ck'v 'it. J , nveiiiy-fivp Willi premium nf linlil Pen 03. Vj ; l.iiy with pH minm ol Unlil I'i neil ami I'eii, 15 10; urn linn in I with premium nfrtilu r WjIiIi. 5.'H: tvvn liunar' I tli pn loiuni nfliniil Wulcli, S-0 t ertilli 1 110 neon v 1 in I.k.'iI With "r I -r. llt. ry letter, Irom w.Mti'V r 1 -iin , promptly iini i-reii lio... em ny 111.11I, careljliy pickeil. All nrtlcle not M ti.f.iil.iri cm U re iira il nuJ ecluii3i 'l.orlln money reiuu l. ,1 ir nWieil. Tin u.niil ol ilullar. ivorlh or aitii.il olil to our lUftuintrs iliirmu Hi" ' "AoVi.Vi'ri w.tiitnil oerywIiVi. PenJ 2j ci hu for Ctrtmcowaua C.rnilar. Ml;Un..m u (;0 30 an.l 41 Ann rMroet, 4Sv York. Nor. 4, '0.1-31,1. 9111 rt .M. I'. Abu. PO0KKT)lAIBS.PnOTOGItAPII AI.IIH.1IrJ to AI.UU.1I rtCl't'KKS, -feljl"2 t viy low prices for eaih. W, O. l'LHk Kr1i.INiai fk W ee. fcKaie 'htts J!!!SeU C0LUMBIA 7 T3 Ness mm N. E. Cor. Tenth ami Chotiuit Streets; PHILADELFHIA. . y railmiie, , ,h co,,m,erc!;i ,-ourso SetW ,... ., - rein ny atllllnrlty of lllV. ainlle.ln,lvnta-ieSfor. " o, " I u CU c-fi an,'l -inr iral ,..,lc.',llo,i nfyonns l.ie.i lor l o a lou u ti.'f. a 11 lemp m- nu f l),1,,.M nre nnoui no by a pyftcmor C'OMIIIMH. Ai.TCAJ, r.UeiN'll.-S TUAIXINT. 2 S",,;,,,l'"'lire.inli,cntly prnrllc.il. p. vinir IIip ii- protirleioV of tM:'rJ f, ' ' '. '.'"A .. use ,.,,, , 0. ,,air . r,,lna lalVoAif ho .tu I , or'ineVue';lar'n;;;nrr0 "( TFIK C()MMl;UCAL COURSE Ji.Miir.Acns J5 'olk(iopii)r.',CotiHiiciclal AriihiiiuticPon- uiaiisUip, JJumiics Unrruipomloiiee, Uouiiiicrciiil l.iiw, heclures on Rusiuoi'3 Affair, Gotunjer cial Ou-toniH, Forms, iifjil Actual tiusi . dpx J-'riclicp. srnciAi. n:tAciii:rf. Jl'.gl'na and the 1ilal, Malkmalic; rhowtaphy. Or namniMI 'cnpen,,;,. the virr o tjttitni2 trjidf. Mtrigatljii and Tr'ignnitipir. TLi.wiPArnrxn. I Till1 nrrilPC llinntu for '1 1 lem-nnl,!,, -. -.1 vanee ,.f .inyilii,,,. ., , M, f;tr,., , b lie. A reeiil ir 'Pel., r ,1,1, i.i, ., lllKllllllli.il wi'll twenly l.iaucll nlliue- in v.irluud ' .' , , ' 1 "' IIUDIIO liiMiliUHi is traiw.lcleil, .mil in winch t!n ii.ii,.i.iM ,,i ii,,d 1,.. n iiillle.l In praeliie. ,Nn reaular nliic.l pmctlco' r.m bo naii 111 not nth, r m Inml n iiKlnn tinn in tlm country. inn nit won n 1,,, 1, in.- can nlitaiu a pi.sitioii na a piac ne.n nper.itur. Y011112 men nr.' cautinticil miaiiiki lliu ot'repltvu ri'i'mi'lit'ili.'liN 1.1' thr..,. u'h ,t tui Ii faciliii. 3, pie-.tml lo I. arli 7Vlejr.iphiiij. l'A7'ltOA(!i:. This liiMituUoit ill IlilVV ,'lii nl'lllfr ftln l.n.l ,.ql.n. Irnnaai in r hvt,neil iipnn tiny t'ouiiiiurriai ihoot in 1 ,10 ,'iii''. ,,vi r uv. nut nre, tl.n i-nl. v,.n, In t,tt,.n. the II ht yi ar, ninl over nrfili liumlreil iIiiiIiil' n -In, be fi.11 nil Inre. .111, 1 ail ii. .-i.,,, ..ii,,,, J.lHt year. 'I he b-l eta-4 nf tnilpnia i,nt ,i.. rl lit.. J.Ot'A'l'loK A xii AC'C'OJIMODATION'S. 'I Ilia lllbtlttlljot! i Ifirnti'il ill the litrt.t epitltnl n.trl nf tlie ii!) foil Ha ...' null. ,,,, lull. HIS. fur eMplit. ele- 1,1. en nun rn.,1 !,, nee, are iinxitrpa'oil All tin) 1 "ii i have 'mi 11 lit led up ju me very upt t-lylo Willi 1:1 jsimiss oj rircst mi cuL'.vnw not;si;t. :'ui.i:r.i:Ai'ii oi'i'ici:, statiu.naiiy bTouu. AMI A l'.HUl. Ml in xi; or ijiii'n.iiT .n issin:, t,up.iliil with linely ent'i-aieil lit lingr.t phic notP(i tncil . . ..,,,..h ..t.iMiiu ,11 uiu ... j, 11 ihil'ui in ,ciuai liune,... Sc'i'XGi MEW wlm tli-sirn tho ery b'fl f.iriitli- for a Prsc.k'.il f:!nf.il:f!i! for IlKfinrss, w.' L'uiiiiin h p a rniiri.1' of in-iructinti no wh"re else 'in n wilt',, inn ri'p'ilitii'ii ami Hatnlini; of ihe iivlitiiiKiu mnonc Ini-iit. t. m ..1 mike it em'orwp- luinit the bert p.ii.i,porl In '-in 1 ami ailvaiicemi.tii, A I font in i.l.i ; 1 ri L- 1 .t,'i 1 11 ..i.i CiiiiiiiPicinl Colli':!!'. nr ini ii. ii m teinl lor an ll.l.l'.STHATUI) CllM ULAR AND CATALOGUE C'litaittm; rnni.l lo irin-f..f ovs jf the C'ollcgn, nii'lfull p.irlirulflrt of tlu courfu of intruciioii ttifliU, .'.c. I. nifiBA.-iKS, A. M., I'rMsiucnL sEW.rii. rperinl Temher anil Supt. of OClco Mutinoa. Nov. 4, lrli5--lrl.l. mmtm fllSUi 1. any, wii.KUf-iiAi.'iu:. rrjNNA APIT M. ATA) St'n.Mit'S, $150, ASS ll'l'rf. Slft'l: not ralleil in, iills reci Iv.il.t , ... t.W.MM 40 noil '.'.j.liilll li.UIIII 1.,1-n U, f.S -! liollila, 'I'l'inpni arv euil eall loni, Hlil pit. Ilea V, onil'lj tt.llik Stock, ;.ii niarea 1 ni ,. no hi, 11 lianK i,t ;vill:.!arre, ,1 uiill 70 iharea Seioml uiinnal l.'mil, nt tVilltes-llarre. 7.im I PI Miaren t lilies. 11 irre lliiiliio Sloe1!, . . " J-11 Ileal IM.it... .... ,;i, Jitilenient., . .... juj line troin Atp-nti anil others, . . 7,411 t;,n,li in liau.l ami in 1. ink 1,12 li. M. IIOl.T.llNIIAl IC, JDIIV HDIL'II AKIt. r .MI 111. U'AIHIAMS. I'llAKI.kS IHlllKAM.i:, n it. 1. i on. I. . I). Sllul'.MAKUK. II. .11. lllll 'j', l. III.I.IVll, Vm. S. litj.s.i, I h.uu: A IllXIlIt, s: i:v.ur riniici c. :i i")i.i.i;Mt.i K. rrtnijtni. .'i iiahhim;. I.. II. sllUi;IAKi;i:. Vice I'm'l. it, C. .s.iirrn, sttiutiiiY. r. mtowx, A-cnt. Jlarih "1, 1 . i..tliui,', Ta. Third fitlttion, Jlfly Thousand 100 ja tcs , cloth covers. 1!Y ROUT. H HELL, M. D., A cnutimi kIiIii-hmM t youth, tli c tn.irrici! riii those CONTILMI'LATING MAISRTAGE. Sent liy mail, pout naltl, on r r. i.t o" TI. PUXTrt. AfuH'ft'i prniK.nl uf thin tiitall k Iin Ii.'cn ;i , BOON TO TIIK AFFLICTED! nuj lias aavei' IliouF.niila fimu a lifit of misery anil an UNTIMELY GRAVE. It treats on Mm ei ila of Yonthliil Imli. notion, .Self Abut.!'. rieiiiiti.il W'eakneM., Hiui.fciuiia. Sexual Dik e.n.ea, (leiinat Intnlily, l.naa of I'niver, Xervoinneaa. I'rcuialnre Kern) , lin".li nie, In:. He. winch unlit Hie millerer rnmi lulliliiiii! Ihn Liiuu.iriuM or ju.iiuti.iai:, Ailurinn, .1. BlU'AN, CoiisultiDg PhyMeian Bus 50;!). 442 Bioiiilway, N. Y. July li, Iflii. Exchange B'olel Public Square, Wilkes-D nre, Pain'a HpllE untlcvs'iKn''L Living piu'ehat-ctl tho ths nbov c properly ami ptopoo to relit ami inako it a fir.i-i lint I No puma will be i.iteil in any of iU department, to remler .ttiln tnni to .ill tueais . The labia ami III.-Imr will iilwnya In- nipplleJ with the ln.t thu i.iaikt t aiiurua. tinou iuuiiiik inr iioiia,auu ntioiil;e mlk'ij AIo, l.ivery ulUilie.l. 'I'll" CM'h.inco H eligibly lluate, mt tlia i'ulilic g'lu ire. ninl h.ia lliereiuru pei uli.ir niliautacea tn pir aoni uilitmiiii; roiitl i r lining liiuiiam m I lie publir i.lhiLa. t'liarjiea iuu.ler.ate II -WlienoM-r you loin'.' id town, please call. II. hsllIMEi: .1- CO., l'rop'ra. DereinlnrJ..I -ly PHOTOGRAPHER, Skylight Picture Gallery. IN Till: liXCIIANtiiJ I1LOCK. BL00MSBUBG, PA. r?i-tfmiti r, if-y. AJBLOOMSBURG GENERAL . ADVERTISER, "TO HOLD AND TRIM THIi TOROK OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'Htt Select f)3oetrn. Little Thiugs. Often, little thin? wc hear, Often, little thing- wo tco, Waken thouglita Unit long mVo ilcpl Deep down incur memory. SlMiisdj- sllsliliho cltiuinalancf.. Thai Ii.u foicototurii thn mind tlackwanl on tho path ofycar., To tho loyeil (cciicsf.tr behind t 'l is the perfume ofn flower, Or a aualnt, nlil f.iliioneil luuoi Or a ons biro 'mill Iho leave. Unjlnit in tho sunny Juno. vl'ta tlioei i'iiiiii! Mar, iuiili,i.. In the gluoutiuc, rllver Bright ; Or a coM ami purple cloml Wanliis in tho Western light. Tin the rustling of a dres, Or a certain touu ofvolee, That ran make Hie pulse, throb, That can bid tho heart rejniee. Ah, my heart But not of Joy Must alone thy History tell, Sorrow, liamo and bitter lean l.tltld thin;, recall a. well. A Hattui' iu Search of Fur. On one ooension ,i hatter namml Wal tur Dihhle called to huy some fur3 of ti?. For i-ertaiu reasons I was anxiom to nlav a jolco upon hitn. 1 told him several kinds of furs, inoluuiug 'beaver' and 'co ney.' He wanted some -Russia.' 1 told him wo had iiimc, htu Mr?. Wheeler, whuro I boarded, had soveral hundred pounds, 'What on earth h a woman doing with Russia V ho said. I could not answer.hut assured him that l hero were one hiindnjd and thirty pounds of old Rustia and ono hutidred r.nd Gfty pounds of yoiiup Russia iu Mra. Vr'heeler's house, and uader her charge, but whothoi it 1789 for calf I could not say. OjT ho stn-tccl, ith a view to make tho purchase. Ho knocked at the door. Mrs, Whcclor asked him to walk in and he seal ad. She, the older, mndu her appearance. '1 want to get jour Ru?sin,' said the hatter. Mrs, Whcplor r.ktd him to walk in and bo sealed. She, of course, supposed ho had eocie after her daughter Rusliiti. 'What do you Vant of Rushia !' risked tlm old ladj . 'To make hats,' was tho reply. 'To trim hats, I mppoje you mean !' ic-spnnde-1 Mrs. Wheeler. 'No ; for the outside of hatr,' replied the hatter. 'Well, I don't know much about hat?, but I will call my daughter,' said the old lady. Pasaing into thu other room, whero Ru shia the younger was at work, she in form ed her that u man wanted her to make hats. 'Oh, he means sister Mary, probably. I suppose he ivanis some ladies' hats ' Was Rushia's reply, as she passed into the par lor. 'I suppose you wUh to see my sister Mary; she u our milliner,' suiil tho young er Rushia. 'I wish to see whoever owns the prop erty.' Sister Mary wai tent for, and soon made her appearance. As soon as he was introduced, the latter informed Iter that he wished to buy Ruirda. 'Buy Rui-hia !' eielaimed Mary, iu sur prise. '1 don't understand you.' 'Your uamo is Miss Wheuler, I believe?' said tho latter, who ivad annoyed at the difficulty hu met with in being understood. . 'It ii, sir,' 'Ah, very well. In thcio old and young Russia iu tho house i" I believe there is,' said Mary surprised at the familiar niauner iu which he spoko of her mother and sUtor, both of whom were present. 'What is tho price old Russia per pound V I believe, sir that old Rushia in not for sale,' replied Mary, indignantly. 'Well, what do you ask for young Rus sia !' pursued the hatter. 'Sir !' said Ru.hia tho younger, spring ing to her fett, 'do you come hero to in mlt defenceless females 1 If you do we will soon call our hrothei, who is in the garden, and he will punish you as yon de servo.' 'Ladies !' exclaimed tho hatter, Iu as tonishment, 'what ou earth have I dono to oll'end you ? I came here to buy tome Rus sia. I was told you had old aud young Russia in tho house. Indeed thii young lady just slated such to bo the fact, but she eays tho old Russia is not for salo. Now, if I can buy tho young Russia, I watit lo do so ; but il I it cau't bo. dono, pleaso say so, and I will trouble you no further.' 'Mother, open tho door,and let tho gen tleman pass out; he is undoubtedly oran',' snW Miss Mary. COUNTY, PBNN, iijiJujigT!aCTajjnijju,ijii.rj'iyjj 'By thundor I I beliovo I shall bo, if I remain hero long,' osolaimed tho hatter, considerably excited. I wonder if folks never do business in theso parts, that you think a mau is eraay if ho attempts such a tuiDg V 'Business, poor man V Baid Mary sooth ingly, approaching the door. 'I am not a poor man, mt'dam,' ronlicd the halter. 'My name is Waltor.Dibblo. I carry on hutting extensively in Danbury. I came to Grassy Plains to buy fur, aud I have purchased somo "boavor' aud 'coney,' and now it seotna I am to bo oallcd 'craoy' and a 'poor man,' because I want to buy a little 'Russia' to make up an assortment.' Tho ladien began to open their eyes a little. They saw that Mr. Dibble was quitu in earnest, and his explanation throw con niderablo light on tho subject- 'Who sent you hero ?' aaked tistor Ma- ry- 'Tho clsrk at the storo opposite.' 'Hu ija wicked young fellow for mak ing this trouble,' said tho old lady. Ho, has been doing this for n joke,' sho con tinued. 'A jyke l' exclaimed Dibblo in surprise. 'Ilavo you got any Russia, then V 'My naioo is Jcinsha, and so is my daughter's,' said Mrs. Wheelor, 'and that, I suppose, is what ho meant by telling you about old and young Rushia.' Mr, Dibblo bolted through tho door without a word of explanation, and made dirootly for our storo. You young scamp !' caid he, as ho oh tercd 'what do you mean by sending mo over there to buy Russia V 'I did not send you over there to buy RusMii. I buppotcd you wero either a bachulor or a widower, aud wanted, to marry Uiuhia,' I repeated with a eoiious uoiintcuauec. 'You lie, you dog, and you know il,' replied he. 'But never mind, I'll pay you ofi for this, somo day,' And taking his furs ho departed. A Fancy Sketch. As there is a chance of tha District of Columbia being turned into Dahomey and of the Ebony class beinj; metarjorphojed into voters, it will do no harm to draw a fancy sketch of a seouo at the polls. Wo will therefore suppose the polls open and a voter presents himself nod hands in h's ticket. Officer 'Wbat'e your name ? Voter Cuffcy. Officer But your sur-nams Voter Masa ncber called aio sir. Offiecr Woll, your bopthmal name. Voter Oh, gorry, neber was baptised iu dis lifetime. Officer Well, your Christian name ? Voter No, Oris was do olo Massa's name- OUioor Well, aro there any others named Cuffey iu your Ward T Voter Oh, Gjr-a-mighty yes, yah, yah, dero am six Cufleys in ooo house. Officer Well, whioh Cuffjy are you ! Voter Why, I am die identical Cdiu-y what am standin' hero. Offiecr But how do you know yourself from tho other O uffcya ? Vnter Why, db Cufiay am n gemniin, do odder Culi'ey3 uro all coimii'iii folks. Officer But which of the CufTes aro you on this list of voter Voter Cau't read 'ui 'glyphies. Officer Well, where do you live ? Voter Dowu st the hotel. Officer Well, does any other Cuflfry live thero ? Voter Gorry yef, dero cm four or six can't count which. Officer Well, what's your wife' us no ? Voter Lor-o-Ma!scy, hain't got no tife. Officer Well, aro tho other Cuircyh married ? Voter Neber seed 'cm marriod. Doy hub ouo woman betwixt cm nil. - Officer Well, what ego aro you ? Voter Dat qusstion is too mijticatcd for dig child. Officer Well, are jou twenty-one 7 Voter Neber counted more dau two and had two oouut 'cm ono at at a time. Officer Did you ever pay a las I Voter Yc3, Matsa hof-ent iuo for tacks ouce but ho paid for dat paper heself. Officor What claim havo you for ask ing n voto hero 7 Votot l's a loyal contraban Amerioan citizen of African descant, Ex. t'Jr 'There is u diviuity that shapes our ends,' as a pig remarked when con templating tho kink in his tail. tSf What inufcical instrument doea a glasa of old ryo icsemblo t The mellow horn. THE DARKENED EAKTIT." SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1866. "GaltovB Twaddle" Under the abovoj beading tho N. Y, Vest administers tho following well de- served rohukc to our colcmpornriej of tho Pittsburgh press : Tho woman named Grindor, who vrn3 hanged on Friday at Pittsburgh, was the most vulgar of assassins ; so ignorant that sho could not writo her own unmo ; a mur derer not to revenge a wrong, cot to gain wealth, hut for a mero fiondish lust fordo, stroying lifu. Yet even this disgusting creature, about whoso history and crime3 there i'j no woro romance than thero ia about a hyena gorged with tho putrid car oassos of a battle-field, has not escaped an ovation' at tho hands of tho Jenkinses of the press. Theso porfons attended her 'last mo ments' with as much intorcst, and dojoribo them as pathetically, na though sho had been the victim instsad of the murderer. They write about hor 'pleasant (.milir the plca3nnt smile of :. poisoner ; about tho 'remarkably graceful inclination of tho head, coupled with another sweet smile;' hor 'mild cheerful tono j' tho 'pleasant glance of her expressive blue oyes' all this on tho gallows just as though this abominable and accuised wretch, who had but a day before confessed to the most hateful aud unprovoked murder3,had been an innocent maityr oondomacd by unjust laws. Nor does Jcnkinseurrcndor his subject lo the undertaker without a final struggle. The drop did uot put a stop to liiodolight ful labor ; when tho body wos cut down Jenkins appears to have rushed up lo the gallows to linger it lo paw il rather with disgusting plcasuro ; and, thus wrought to a frceh freszy, hu buists out with redoubled fervor : 'The cap was removed, and, to tho as tonishment of every person who saw it, the face wore exactly the tame placid, choeiful, MuiliDg expression which charac terised it ou the scaffold, during the '.rial, and on all other occasions. Tho face look ed as thohgh the might bo in a sweet sleep. There was no discoloration or disfigure ment, pave a m irl: around the left side of the neck ; the eyes wero closed, but when the lids wore pulled back, they still looked bright and animated. Tims ended the career of a womau who was fully tho peer, not tho inferior in crime, of tho world-rr-uowried Lunrezia Borgia. Hid nhe been a tilled lady, like her predecesjor, or oven walked in superior society. Ler name would yet figute in plays and romances.' And then Jenkins maunders on through yet other paragraphs about tho 'weeklies' pjentleness and childlike cheerfaluess' cf Ihia monstrou-i crc.ilur?, who had what he would probably call 'an unfcrtciiato habit of adiuinisU'rimr aijonic to her friend.1-'.' if she had only poisoned Jenkins ! A Warmso ,to Youxg Mex. Tho Jackson Michigan Ciliz-n tells a story of a young man in lhat city who had been in the Inljit cif visiting tho rciddonco ofn ivid owird lady who had a daughter "pnssing fair.'' The youn man was assidt-.ous in hi- cli-iiiion3, and wa a i:oa;tatit UMlor. This notice awoke in tho young lady's heart the 'lender passion, nod in her dreams she iimigiucd that shshad ix-como the wife of her Ailotd. Matters kept ou the Mine old way. Tha young man cou tinned his marked attentions and the people began to whimper among (hem seve,i;"A match, Mire!" while know ing ones, with a solemn to?s of the head, would remark, ''what did 1 tell you ?" Tho young mnii went out to his Hupposed charmer'H house thu other oveuibg, for tho purposo of tnkiug tea. During the meal the mother o! tho yoiiup lady ask ed : "Whcu aio you nud to be mar- ri.'d I" Tho young man leaned bad: in the chair and colly remarked, that ho had no idea of marrying anybody, aud that bo and the daughter wero only friends. Uo said he supposed sho understood ic so all the time. Tho young lady said cot a word but rose up and Mczud tho teapot, which was filled with hot tea, nu4 threw its boiling contents into his face, scalding him Feveroly and loaviug an ugly mark fcke then furiously ordered him out of her sight. "Hell hath no fury like u woman ecQrncd," j3 an old Haying, anu"tliis young man cau attest to its truth. ni A pbyaioion, who .is a truly pi ous mau, was speaking in a prayer meet tog laloly of tho duty of imposing tho idea of salvation upon thojc near doath, and of a physician's opportunities in this way, and mado uso of tho following lan guage : 'For my own part, 1 am never eulloil lo soo a patient without feeling de lighted to loam that he U ptcpared to die.' "Our Mutual Friend "Money. Loyal Dcffinitlonrj. Tho publishers of Webster's Dictionary has bcon adding new words to tho Webster text, aud gives in its how ono the follow ifC.' 'Copperhead a northoru sympathise with southern rebellion.' Presuming lhat no ono will question onr right to bo called a copperhead, inasmuch as there is not a loyal paper in tho country but has so termed us, albeit no sympa thiser with a southern rebellion, wo ac cept tho definition of the Now England sligrnatiscr of honest men who (has define words will accept our ahalogy and defini tion of a few words. 'LoYAirv' a cloak worn by thieves, oowards and robbers to oonccnl their plun der. StinJUOATioN'. tho net or art of rob bing innocent women and children. TitorniEJ?. Piaacfl, ci!ver war?, silk dresses, laces, picturas,and ether valuables stolen by 'loyal' men from defenceless pej- eoos iu tiic south. Relioio;; A pasiion for blood. Samitauv Faiks I)onc7ocnt junk chops from which 'loyal' men and women sloal a livisg. RKco.vsrnucrro.N'ier. A person" who kills his nsighbor for tho purpoce of tor.r- ing down his nicejhouso to make for him self a b'irn. Fukudmak.' A half, Gtarved Ulan and brother, driven from a coinfortabla homo to subsist by beggisg or to dio of disease and starvation. Sin ateoy Tho art of getting to the rear with a drovo of mules, aud what cot ton might have been found at tho front. Economy Going abroad ou pleasure excursions at government expense. Good Iimes Enormous debts and op pressive taxation. Statesmanship Tuc art of telling a good story. A it my CnAPitAi:: A fifth rath preach er who would deeort his church,- to follow a fife. . On tho whole Wo rather liko lliu mak ing of Dictionaries and shall contiauo i: after a while. La Crosse Dcmocrut. Tun JIo.NEr Moon. Why is tho first month after niarriago oallcd tho "honey moon 1" Doubtless on acoountof tho er;ect lunaiy which controls tho heads of tho parties during that brief and delightful period. What a pity that thoy should ever get quite rational again ! That senti mentality should give place to sentiment, prnticiont to sense lovo yiold to logic, and fiction to fact, till tho happy pair aro re duced from tho Edea of r'omanco lo the Sahara of reality from lloaven to oatth and perhaps a peg lower I Strange 83 it may seem, thero have been couples who havo qunirelcd iu the first month of matrimony, and havo got back lo Ihoir astonished parents beforo the good mother had fairly got done weeping, (and rejoicing too) at her daughter's departure. Their "honey moon" soured at tho fall Of hor thorn and become a moon of vinegar instead, A bad omen that ! Thero was much sense and propriety in the tsr.t which tho ancient clergymen choso for a wod diDg torinon. It was taken from the Paalm3 of David, and read thu3 : ''And iui. uieru ua pence, wuuo toe mcou ctjaur cth." A Beauth-uIi Idea. Among tho Al lc'ghanies thero i3 a spring oo small that a single ox could drain it dry on u sunmer'.s day. It steals itj unobtrusive way a'nong tho hills till it spreads out into tho beauti ful Ohio. Theneo it ttretehes away a thousand miles, loaving on its banks more than a hundred villiagcs and cities, and many thousand cultivated farmstead bear ing on its busom mora than a thousand steamboat. Then joining tho Mississippi, it stretches away somo twelvo hundred miles or moro, until it falls into tho great emblem of eternity. Jt is ono of the great tributaries of tho ocean, which, obedient only to God, shall roll aud roar till tho angel, with one foot, on the sea and the other on land, shall lift up hU hand lo, hoaven and swear lhat timo shall be no loDgor. It is u rivulet, an ocecn, bound leis and fathomless as eternity. Cay A few days ago u young Fcbool :nistre:s was takiug-down tho names and ages of her .Miholats at the commencement of tho term. Sho asked a littlo whitehead ed boy : 'Bob, how old arc you 7' 'My uamo ain't Bub, it's John.' 'Woll,' said tho schoolmissresB, what is thorctt of your uamo 7' 'Why, that'll all tho name I'vo got jist John.' 'Well, what is your lather's namu 7' 'You needn't put pap'j name down, he uiu't comiu' to school any ; lio's too bii to go tu school.' 'Well, bow old aro you J' 4 n'm't old at all; I'm younK " TERMS : 2 50 IN ADVANCE. VOLUME 29. The Fruits of JcftFousv. Tho Secretary to tho Mayorality, Cap tain W. B, Olivier, as is his usual cus tom, yosterday sr.cruin oponod bis offioo in lliy City Buildings ot an oarly hour, aud soon n'fter ho was called upon by a saddle-colored individual whoso name is Joseph Mario, who appeared to bo undor r great elate oxoitement. Ills first ex clamation, addressed to tho Oapt. was : 'Qivo tno a warrant, sir 1' 'State your enso,' said tho Secretary, in liia usual mild way, 'and if I think it demands a warrant, you shall havo it. 'Well, yon see, Capt. somo toti months ego, I marriod the daughter of William Bcokloy, whoso color is perhapd a ehado lighter thoa mine, and wo lived happily together for the spaco of eight months and three week?, when sho boro mo a child. 'All rright,' responded the Seorotary. 'No I' replied Josonh, 'it is not all right ; it nnaalural, and I conoludcd to divide tho hcusoholk with my wife in other 7ordc, I loft her, end took ray de parture from tho city.' Ho then wont on to stato that aftor n couple of weeks Lo rcflooted upon whathu bad done, and finding that ho had dono wrong, bo repented and addressed a noto to his wife, asking that bo might return, and ba forgiven. Sho ropliod that ho might come back. IIo accordingly mado his appearance Tuesday night last, when he was met by her lather and brothor,who administered to him a sevens beating,, which was plainly visiblo upon his faco and head, which was of a variegated color. The warrant was i3u.od, tho parties wero. arrcctod, and yesterday morning tho Bock leys were boforo tho Polico Court on tho charge, Tho Judge, after hearing th. evidence, dismissed them, ho doubt con sidering that Joseph. Marin got no ruor, than his deserts. Cincinnati Inquirer. A Shout Love Story. Iioro ;s story by ono Morgan, a sea captain, con cornbg the choice of a husband at sea. Single ladie3 often cross the water un der tho special care of tho captain of the ship, Md if a lovo affair occurs among tha passengers, the captain is usually tho con Cdoiii of ono or both parties. A very fatcinating young lady had been placed. usdt,r Moigan's care, cud three young gantlcmoa fell desperately in lovo with her. They were all equally agreeable and tho young lady waj purzlcd which to eaeourago. Sho asked tho csptain'ri ad viw. 'Coma on deck,' ho caid, 'tha fint day it in all perfectly calm, this gentle men, of course, will ba nctir yon. I wilL be lowered down, aud ycu jump overboard and r,ec which of tho gentlemen will jump tftor yonl I will take caro of you.' A calm eocu came, tho eeptain'a eng ges'.ions wero followed, and two of tho lovers -amp-jd after tho lady in an in Munt. But botweon ihem the yourig la dy could cot decide, cu exactly bad been: their devotion. Sho again consulted thee captain. 'Tako (he man that didn't jump. ha'a tho most een'-iblo follow, and vritl raako tho best husband. ' ES-Arlemua Ward in describing hii journey from California says "Tho dri ver with whom I saccutsidc informed tan as wo elowly rolled down tho fearfel mountain road which looks down on oithca eiJo info an appalling ravine, that ha ban met accident in his timo and cost tbe California Stage Company a great deal ofl mcaoy, 'because,' said he, 'juries ia ogia us on principle, end every man who suosf us is ture to recover. But it will never be is p agin, not with vie, you bet !' 'How is that, I said, It was frightfully dark.. It was snowing withal, and.jnotwithstand tun tho brakes ccro kept hard down, tho. coach slewed wildly, often touching the,, brink of tho hlaok precipice. 'How j that 7 I raid. 'Why, you see,' ho replied P that corpotcs never euo for damages, but maimed people do. And ths next time I have an overturn, I shall go round und kcofully csamino tho passengers. Them as is dead, I shall let alone ; bat them as is mutilhlcd, I shall finMi with tho king bolt I Dead folks don't sue. Thoy ain't on it.' Thus, with anocdofc, did ihbj. driver cheer me up.' Cq5 Mrs, Partington bays that Ike having becomo enamollcd of sirou cf Bos-, ton, has led her to tho menial ter. JJo didn't appear tho luast bit decomposed. On tho back of his wedding cards vit little cubebs with wing;'. ES- 'A man wuo'll maliciously 6Ct firp to u barn,' caid M. Slow, 'and burn up twenty cows, ought tc be kicked to death by n jackaes, and I'd Uko lo do it !' 8 Never turn n blessing round to e whether there U durk ido to k. -