u;rw-tWmKsxiiw Dr. Valbotl's Pills. I j 4 :r i.u'.i- c,.n.-entrnte,t Extracts from , ROOTS AND HERBS rra'.'l mmllclnsi vMtte. prepared tJm ,hn ' i nr. "Option of Iho celcfctMril Dr. Talbnll, , 1 i. 1 mi wiili foinrkliI stieceis for twenty An lui iiiliii.' remedy In nil DH3CASE Of1 TIIK I.lVHtt, ! ytnrs or any ileranj ttiorit of ilin DIGESTIVE ORGANS. ! . I..-; cti'o Diarrhooa, Dypeiiiii Sorof- tst T! n . . 1 -! . u.i"ijr,niiiousncB3(jjivpr joiiiiiuinr. , r, known V)t. Mtt nny of these rill : "t i Is . ii l the f.itmul.x rrom wiudi your run nrc , it i. !. pr:,ctl, fur over 12 yenr I they have the i ,, i . i mo. iiilio Liver rtnil Digestive Oripitis of i ' In the work', nnd nro tlio most peifrit I i in. v I'lth has. ever yit hcoii mnrlo by anybody. ; 1 .in, - i and plensnnt tn like, but pnustftil to ! i !i. ir pettMrntliifj prnpirtcs stlmnlnto the H ' nciiv i.- nf the bolv, remove titn ohstrictliinii of ' ... iify tlio liloo.l. titiil oTpoll illnu. Hieyi r r' '.'i' i' lout humors which breed nnd crow .11 - ' i i .lain slavish or disordered orgnns Into, , i ,i irtliin.nml Impait n healthy tiiu with ,i in txlialo system. N l only mi llicy euro .. i,, v complaints or evert bouy, nut also mr hi , ;tu I nngern tUKcimnti.nnil bcm fiirnly vnn . i ee from any rlsknr hnriti. No person who u ii (t theso Pills wlllcverbo wilt.o-.it thorn." ' i ti .f plus blood ami ftnovo nil Imputltlcs. f i.i... stci, hence ar apotiilvo euro for 1 .' U R'?S, HEADACHE, 1ILES,MER- i UiUAL DISEASES AND HER- , EDIT All Y HUMORS. 5 .... or atlultfa ono Pill In Ok innrnin; f irclilW dmuiuia' r bjenri, half n Till. 1 t-y Trice One Dollar per Box. Tradoj turplied, or sent by Mail, pott paid, to un ,nvt of tlio United Statrg orOaiindas i ca receipt of prico. None Genuine with- i t tlio facsimile ngiutu.ro ot V . iiott T,alb,tt, M. D. V. MOTT TALROTT & Co., No. 62 Fulton St,, Nct7 York. May C7. 1315 -ly A t CV!IJ C2olhin rr EuJmpoi'Him THIS WAY, GENTLEMEN, I irm of Eyuls & Bar tin an T ATE arrival of Fall & Winter Cloth- iLi ins at Iho old stind of A. J. EVANS, on Alain Fiipct.yiloonistmr;. tlio bc-it and latetth'tylsa and r.isliionii. CLOTHES, CAUSA.UEIiS, 5-c, tj-i r.vciytlilns In tlio Gontlomms. Ui of Clotliln;.. l'avinj In our employ tho wcltknown and cxporionc cilOilt r, Mr. C. 1.. UwciunB,; formerly of H.-islon. J pcrf.'t fit in sunrntccl, and loonier. Alo I-arjo at sortinnnt of llcaily ma.lu GOATS PANTS, VESTS, &c, &o. Also- naaaiortnunt cl IJ00T3, tho cheapejt in tho marlitt. Also a splendid aesorlmcnt of Clothes, and Cassaraers, for a!o or to'fflikrtu order EVANS & IIAUTMAN. nioosisbnr?. Oct, 1 1, 13HJ. GLAD NEWS ron -run UNVouTUiSAxn. USED WITHOUT DETEC1T0N. Thoy do not Interfere with uuiincej pursuits, and are tpetdy in adki'i. KO CII.TOCC OF BIET 13 t.T.OCSS P.Y. BELL'S SPECIFIC FILLS aro warranli'd In alfV-je?. ron Tiir. spnr.ov and pcn.iw.'E?JT ruun or Pemlnnl Wealtnesn, Urethral nnd Vujinnl nichari!i"i, Olcct, Sexual Diseases. UinmUiiniu, ImpPtpncu, (Sen Hal niwl .Nervous Dcliili'.y and diseases of Iho Dlnddcr and Kidneys'. Thev aro adapted frr male or female, old or young nnd nr'a tlio only rolir.blo knoH tor the cure of nil dis tases arising from YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. Tn nil Bcxnal nisense, aa (lnnorrh"a, ftrlctun, Gl i, and in all L'rin.i y and Kidney complaint. Ihey cr.uilie a rh.-.rm, Hili'l'ia oxiiericni.ed hy taLini! a finile hoi ; and fioi.i four to tlx boea generally cllVet PoK in hexes rnntaimn;: Co pilM, pne ine tiniiar, , er jc b.'xea, Tivc Uollr.it. ; nNo. in iJrje buvus, con. i laming four rf the small prico Th'ee I'ollar. Pii t; t'iriulara to i!i'i lli'ii-cii ohlv, font free o:i r,-"'cipt 'f difrtod enveMne nnd ta'np. . J. yon m-ei; th t. e 1'illr, cut out thi advPr tf :c.H5iit tor refurence. ami If you cannot procurn Ihem 1 of y.vir ..'r'n'lbt, do not uj itupntod on hy any other ( r"tji ilv b it enrlose the money in a Ictfr t'j tho pro prict.r. j Br. J. BYEAN, Consulting Physiciin, J IIO.T' 4i2 I'luad'.viiy, N". . I Who will tikn nil ritk if properly din cf-d : and on will r ci ivc them pott paid, securely scaled from ob orvilion. by return mail. 1 S .l.i l!V llllUlifJISTB Or.SEUALl.Y. I DEMA3 BAUKnS it CO.. New Yoait. I Wlio'osalo Agents. Ju'y li. I3C3. Insurance Company, wiLKcs-nxanc. rcxA. ( 1PIT.IL ASI) SiliiPlsGi:, a s r. t a . T'o'l: not cnllo.1 ia, l .'li r"C ivaMe, 530,001) M.CWI ii5.oa R.O'ld II, 10 V K.5-20 Pondn Temporary nnd call loans IC rh'p. Vy01nin5.Ilan!; Slock, M hares 1'irit Nationnl Hank nt IVIIks-llarr?, "O fh r s P. rond Xnlional Unnkat Wilkes. IJarro, 4'i flinren IVIIkcs-llnrro Urid".j Stock, I. -31 Krt te, .iiidmii nt-, . Due Irom Apmits nnd oihor3, Cull in hand mid n Bank fl.llOO 7,lD 2.JSI 1.319 10'J 7,4 U I, bit R. M HfH.rA'RCi;, J IV P.l.K ilAUU. e Ull'LI. U'AllllAJIS, 1 'i ri.i 1 d(ii:ka.ni;i:, r n i.'.f 011. I. . n. snor.MAKr.Pv, II. M.IIOYT, O. .'UM.I.Vtt, V:i. S. ItlW, CilAUf.U-' A MIVER, t!.i:tvr.T riERcn, l HAIilllNi:. O. 7,1 COLUIMIAUK, rresiieit. 1,. 0. &I10EMAKCU. Vies IVen'i. B C CMITII. E-CKiTAav. i:iiCH . Ajnt, Marrh S3, 13 ' innljiir;, Pa. Third Ed'tion, Jlpj Ttioiiscm-l, 100 pa ges , doh covets, BYROBT. E. HELL, M. D., A caution addressed to youili the married nnd thoso CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. S' i by irir.il, pit pnld, on recipt of TUN CCNTS. A i-arrfiTi rTiinal ol thii snnll bosk has been n BOON TO THE AFFLICTED I si 1 Itss t'V'J thoiiFonds from :i lifi.- rf misery and an UNTIMELY GltAVE. It tr 'la on tho evil or Youthful Indiscretion, Self. - Peminal IVeatiiess, Jhiii-sinus. "ictnal 1)1. r t s (ji-ini il liebilily. Loss ol" Power, .Wrvnu-nei, Ir r- ii-.t' Ilreay, liiipotonce, &c. to, winch unlit th ?ul. r r from liilfillin: tho oBiHiJiriaxs or .varrmor, AJ.'rcsl, JDn. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician Bex :070. 412 Broadway, N. Y. Juiyr, lc;3. 'ipf " Original ami Genuine Amlrosin S it r nsr j-l by .'. Allen Itsevcs an I ia li oosi h r -ii at and preservativo I'inv in nc. It top t'i - 'f- .Irn; dot. causes it tojrow thick and long i. " v 1 1' ii irnia iiiruinj prp matnreiy fri v. it i . ii i '.ndruir, clesnses, bmitihcs and renders t . "'n. flossy and curly. Iluyit.try it ami bo i n-.i- i, iion't no put c.n With n npuriouj Rrtlele. A'ki ri fv i.' A'nhrofcls and tuko ro other, ('or -ie i y Ln.'ii.ii nn.i ueniers in fancy lioniis exiry r.r?' . I'.ice 73 en's per boitl6"(il,00 per dnzi'ii. AdJrct-, HIJbVES' AJ1KHOSIA Dfcl'OT. J rultr.ii Siroct. New York t ily. Ort.7 uei)'j bio. . M.-j sTllOLASHIPFoirs.ljTE. r.lnrhanptln Crilfn-!. n's " Philadelphia. Bratton,UryantcCo.. " On t ill y ISulnnss Collfg?, Th-Foferlps, nrainninounts nfai.lond $iW and art n s t c ih, by the Htiident on entriiigsitlUT ofihf n - "re. Youn-iucndeslrlimtoobtaiiinfliiuh odt ii'-it njqenliun, will here find scood poul Ion by np,'rins;iit tlio olBci' of I lie nv, lli:flS COI.U.MIIIA DIl.MOnitA l' BLANKS I BLANKS! , description for s&tc at thii offieo l cv iuiiniuia.ujiui.j.'imsfas jiii.u "HELMBOLD'S FLUID LXTIMCT ttVCIW FLUID EXTRACT "BUCHU, A poiltlvc ami FptrlBo EemeiJy for dlie of tho Illn.ldcr, l;ii1ncr. Ornvet nn.l Dropstcul fxsflllns, YhU Modlctno loctCMoi tl:o powers of digestion, said ctcftMUnjlort'c:iti tnt-5 liialthy cotton, tiyxfblcii trio wMerynrcalMreova r.cro.iilon?, trail nil turaattml en lMjensentr) nro roiiocod, ns w ill as palu and lnllftOiffl.UoBi r.ad Ii sent for mn. i oaicn tad C.iV.iUon, HELMQOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, 1 iorntalfliwsnrlJiriK noni i:xr,vmct, iiaaito oi juiwipiv. Uob, Uarly Iiiiihciotlon. uttonde.l wltli His followlmj tpnplcrrui la.llspoil'.lnii to Lictlloa, I.oj ol .'.oniory, UTonk Korvs, Koiror of Dlno.we, filmnci of Vltlon, Bet UanOi, Drynojs of tlraRUln, lwi t rowor, , PlClcnlty of r'ctaloe, TremWlnBi Vi'nkornlntws, rntn In tlio llaelr, rt.l'lilTis of tho Do.ly, . KrnpiioMOf tUol'aco, UVlTcnal Ldstllude, riiUilCoanlcnan;o, HiMo.yrflHocu.lf nlloTBilto noon (uhloh ttl, Modi- cIeo Invariably rcnovosl, mob follovr 1'ATflTY, EMLKPT1R TITS, &c ! one of which tho patlost may cxplrQy Who can sy they aro tot Irequcntly followcl by Uiojo "illrcfttt ilto ewes," ISflAUlTY AND COKSUJiniOj;? Jinny nro nware cf tho causa of thr Ir nufftrlnp.bnt nono will confess. Tho records of thi lns.ino nbyttuns and tho melancholy deaths by consumption boar nniplo n Itnoss to the truth of the asucrtlo.i. Tho Constitution, oncn alfecto.l by organic weakness, tciulro. tbonl.lof icodlclno to:icnglhuQ audtnvljoruto (lie nyttei.i, i blc llfXMHOI.IJ'S KSTIUCT OF EUCI1U tavarlally docd. A trial vill convince tho most tccptUnl, Inntny affccllons pc5n.hr to l'cmalos. tbo Cxrnicr fiforV l unoiinnlo.I by any other remedy, and for Ml complaints lnildont to tho ex, or In tho DKCI.tXE Olt CnAXOK OP LIKE, tV Bkb Brmnous Anovc. cr Ifo ruinlly should to without It. TaSono Ealjici.Iirercnry.o.' unpleasant modlclao fer aaplensant anil danscrouj dlseaso. liELMbuiiij'ii i-jXVuACT BUCiiu C-iraa Secret Disease1! taalUhcli'Rlaei'i llltlo tnponso, llttloorno change of a'.kt, no Inconvenience, end NO nsroSUKU. "USE EXTRACT BUCHU Terall ntrectlor.j anil .lUe: sri of t(.co or'jnn, whether i:SISTIN". IM SIAI.E OK I'K.MAU' 5'rotn tvblf vcr eauso originating, and c j rnaltc r hot? long stao'llEs tbonsojcf thoso orjrr-cs leijtilio tho aUcta I u!u:otl3. HELMBCLD'S EXTRACT SUCHU Is tho Groat Diuretic. And It U certain to have tho dcflred effect Is c'.l dlteiiei for which I. Is rccor.iouuo-.l. S&OOU! SI.OOS! BLOOB! EEelm.'bolcl'w rdcrz,? coxcextsatzb coarousD FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Forrnrlfylns tho Blood, rcrcnvlng nil chronic constltn. tlonal fileoasca arising from an hnpi.ro st.tc of tho Uloo J. end tho only roll iblo and effectual known remedy for tha euro of Sevofila, Scal.l llo-d, Salt Fhonr:, Tains nr.d Evrclilnni ofllio Hjt;c3, t'lcciatlors o." tho Throat and Log?, r.loichea, rimnlca en iho r.icc, Tetter, Erysipelas, ami all scaly Kiupilonj of tho SL-10, yp'r a rev ef tho rrcrst disorders that nailctrnr.cUlnil arlte from tho corruption that accuir.ulctea In I'aaElood. Of all tho dis coveries that havn fccea mado to purEOltont.tioco can dual in ciloct IlcLanoLU'o Coicocm Tl3Tr.vc cr Bi' 0irinii-.. Iteliansesaad rcnovatcj the Blood, Inetllls tto visor of health Into tho system, nnd purges ont tho tiuinora Trti'cli ma'JO d!:nav. It etlinnlatcs the healthy foactlcns of tho body, anil ctpels tho dlf orders that grow trdraaSliia the blood. Cjc!i a remedy thai could Po rdlcd on has lone; teen roi'it fo-, and now, for M.o flrot Urac tho putl'.c ha"0 oaa on wlileh they can depend. Our tp3CClicre(loc4inotadniUofccrtlilcale8lohoivttiielfecu, but tho trial of j alnglo bottlo will hv,-tothoplcl: thUlt haa Its lrtu5 B'irrasii'.r.s naylMnp; they have ever tatea. 7vo t tble;poontf ul o 1 1 h c TZxt rte 1. of Carsn parilla added Ion plat of vrat3.-;3eOitnlto tho Lisbon Diet Drlal:, and ono bottle la fully equal 10 a gallon of tho Eyrup of Erjiv pcrllla, cr thi decoction as usually niado, " H33LTiI30LXi'S EOS3 WASH, Ari excellent Lotion for diseases arlslne from habits of dissipation, wed In connection with tho Extracts Uuchn nnd Saisaparllla, In such dl.cas"j c rceomnjcndciL El ! denco of tho uioi.1 responsible end rellihloelmractcriTlU accompany the lucdjolncr. Also o.vp'jclt directions for US3, tcitU hvnilrtilt t'uffifindti living v ltncstes, and up. wards of 30,000 unsolicited ccrtlflcntt-s and rccoromenda tory letters, many of '.vhl.'h nro from the hlshcstcoarccs, Ircludlns cnlacnt ITiyslclans.ClorsyneniJiatosmen.ic. TUorroprletorhas never roortcil to thtlriuUleatlunin tho newspapers , bo does not do this from the f.iet that Ms nrtlcles rank EsntaLdardrrepsratton, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. Tho Sclcnco of Jlcdlclno.llko tho Doric Column, should stand simple, pure, mrjcstlc, Imlng Tact for Its baU, Induction for Its pillar, and Truth alons for Its Capital. Uy Extract Earsaparllla Is n Hlood Purlncr j my Estrsct Bochu Is a Diuretic, nnd will act as each in all coiO, Both aro prepared on pn-ily nclcnllflo prlntlples-n rccuo and aro tha most uetlvo measures of cither that can bo niado, A roa.ly and conclusive tost will be n com. parison of thslr properties with those stt forth In tho fol lowlse works: Eco Dispense tory of the United States. Eeo ProfaMor Sawfu' valc&blo worla on tho Practlcs ofThyslc. Ceo romarkB mds by tho celcbratod, Er, rnrvsic, n.llc. Eco romarkB mr.de hy Dr. ErnnAW ircDowur.!, r. cele brated Thyslclai end Member cf tho Koul Collejo of Sursoons, Ireland, and published in tha TransnstlQus of the King nnd Quocn's Joarr.'J. Eeo iledlcp-Chlrorslcal Ecvlew, ublUl.o.l by Jizsi'x Tcllow of tho Eoyal Collogo of Suresons, eco most of the lato stands? d works on Medicine. EOLD TIT ALL DRUGGISTS EVEnTTOKnU. Address letters for Information, In confidence, to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. PEIWOIPAL DEPOTS Holmbold'a Drup; nnd Ohoraionl Wnrohouao, Ho. 501 BROADWAY, UEV7 YORK, ana Ltelmbold'H Modicnt Oopot, Vi, 101 SOUTH TENTH f)T PHILADniiPIIIA,' BEWARE OF CU t JXTKIJFKTTS. ASK POIt ilBIiMnOIjIJ'ai FLUID EXTRAflT SARSAPARILLA fk 1 T 1 MEXiCO! MEXiUOl! 30,000,000 LOAN or tiik Republic of Mexico. Twenty-year Column llonds In Sums of 830, 8100 ttiOOaud 81,00. I NT Eh EST SEVHN I'EU CENT., VAVAUM-: IN TIIK CITY Of NEW YORK. 1'iiiiciplo ami Interest P.iynblo in Gor.n 10,000,000 to bo Sold at SIXTY on the DOLLAIi in U H. Currency, tlum j lcldlnj nn inli ret of rwrlvo IVr Cenl . In mij.t', orSev ihoimi Per Cent, ill OUU. P.nN'l'Y, at tlio pres.'tu rate of premium oil sold. Tin; t'litsrvEMi's! vi nr.tisr ai.uhahv imiovi Di.i). The Most DESIUADIiE l.N VESTMENT ever OFFEHED. Immenie tracts ofMii lng tint Aejlenltiirrtl Lands; Si.My piricnt cf I'.iit Diii n, Impflfls, and Tato, In Iho Mato. otTlimtiullpas nu.l Pan liule l'otos' i 011 1 the l'llshlc.1 I'aith nf (he -aid Sates n 11 1 lho 3i neral tli.v.iriiinont arc all l'lcdged lor tin!' redcmplioii of thesa llunds and payin out oflnlerett. Tho Socurity is Amplo. 310 lu U. 5. C'ctcy will buy ! "per.ct gold bond of. SM SOI) " " " " 8100 1100 " " " " " fe'i)00 S(!00 " ' " " 81,000 "l.tt every Lover of lli'piib'lcan lntiliitloni Uuy at least one uoxn. Clrcul.ir" lotwarile.l niid iibfrri,)ii..ns received by JO'lIN' IV, C&llMllS ,t CO. nnd J. N- TirFT, l'iuan. iftl Acent ; flhe P.epubllc of.Mixiro, ;,i llro.i.lnny N. V, S-'iibjIirlplions nln uceivi d by Hinks und llankcis generally thrius'iout tin Ifn-tn 1 yutm . Nov. '.'j, l-t3vrin. READING HAIL ItOaD. Wintei Arrangement. NoYEMIlKIl 1 8150. re at U.-l'llllJ. I'.l! Tiuril; Jjino From Tlio North Norlh Wi"-! for riillnlel.ii,i, Xeiv York, .lllnill.'. rillll'lTI.I, AslMU'lll. Lebanon, .!! k'lllnWII. U lal.'ll. &!'. Trams le.ive llarrishnrir for Nnw York, a lollows : At il mi. ;, v., and '.'.Uj A. Al.: nnd 1 l"i and 0.U0 I' M.. iirriiim; .it Now Yurh lit 6, PI mid luoil A. M and .1 10 au-l I II !.i P.. It. ciiiiino llnir iv i III fduular Trains mi I he IVmi- Ivnni.i Kiiil Kii.i.J. ; Ilei.jiiiii,' I'.ir.. niionijiaiiy InatbolS.oi) u'l.l Ii.U.i A. M 'i'lui.u. witliuut cli.iuse, l.cive ll.nri'biiri; lor iU'illmc. 1'olirville. lainaipia, MmerMvill.', Ahl.inil, I in" llr.r.e. Allenlni. n, 'nnd I'Jiila.l, l.dii.ial i ;U A M. anil 1 1.1 and U nil 1' M, strii pin at Luli.iu.m and ill I H'.iy l.iliuiis ; llu P.O) P.M. Trent i.iakiui u'o ilo.ie I'lmneciiuua for I'oitsvillo nor rhil.idelphla l'nr I'ull-vil!.', Hcmylliill Have n and Auburn, via scliuv l!nl .nnl riuiiuli,inn.i Hail Ito.id, eje (larti-ipu? ni 4 ii I I' M. UtluriniiK ; 1,1'iivn un-Vork nt DI.O A. M. 1200 noon nn.i c HO 1'. M. ; I'liilalMihii nl i IHM. SI. nml J Ilii I". SI ; l'uttsvillr at ti .0 A. SI. und 2 13 V SI ; A shlniiil U 00 and II -13 A '!. and 1 13 l M. Tama jua at 7 M A. SI, and 1 40 I'. SI, l.'-an) I'ninville for Auriihhiirg. via Schuylkill nnd .ii..ie!uiin i ll.nl Ileal, alii 13 A. SI. Heading Arc'immo.l.ati'oi Train : I.e.-ives Heading at G 'M A. SI., returning from Hiil;id.-I.n,i nt l.:i.) I'. M. Coliiuihiuli.nl UliiiI rr.iinj leave It Millm at 0 10' A. SI. nnd 0 13 I'. for Cphr.ili. I.UIz, I.,iiio;iler, Co I tl 1 1 1 b i ,i . .c. On tiiiii.l:i)9 i Lrnre . w Vnrk at 6 00 P SI, Pliila duliihri ;) 13 1' M. I'oll-villn A M, 'i'am.-i'iuaa I 0 A II, liarrii.b.ir,.' !) O.i A I and ll".idini at 1.0U A SI lor lliirri.burg. and lu 5.' A. SI. for .v Vnrk, Cniiuniraiion. Sill'.-. io. S.'nKou, rte ui'd md Even, sion Ticket 'o and Irum all point, at re.lui'i d Itatsi liaijaie thccKed throush ; eO poiitiiiii alloivvti e.n h Passeiio'tr. A. H ol.l.B, OCCUAI. ; UeRMN fK.N DC IT, Heading, Pa. Nov. 17, 13 ,.. Tobacco AN')) At Slroup's Old SUin l, ua Main Strccl ''jniie untlcrsisnrd Invinw opeml tlio Stori" Jj lormetly oceiipied by I) n id 'troop, a a Uro.'ery. nnd I'uriii'lu'.l i nulla 1 1 1 r;; ' - und varied asuurtui'.'nt id exrelleut TOHA.0C0 AND CIGA1IS. inot respectfully invite the patrona;.! of ths eill a us nf ili'iom Irirsntn I vicinity. Me is prepared lo ell nt wholesale and retail, upon lh' mo.t reiisoii-ilde term. SIerclrmt. Iloi.'l ke. p"r, and (.'rocerymen. would do well lo aivo him a e ill. ii All kinds nf ( hewin? nnd Siiiosing Tobacco, in larCM nu,t umill ipiautieg, coiistantly on Ii.ni.l ;i ii f r sale ii. ii. iiusisiicrtc-rm filoi'.n.'buri:, ?cpt. 51, lSM-iimo-i S. II, DE WOLF, iwiAixn s RciuJyOliidc Clothing No 202 North Second St., Ono door nhovo Ilaco St., PHILADELPHIA. Igy Clothing made to order at the short- t'st. notiuo. May THE 7. in3.- Cm PRIVATE .UEIHnL iiivis(:i:. (Eselubivil). for Lidius,) An itialuablc trealifo of 100 pages, by S3C p'ibllblicil for tlo l)"niMlt ol' the so. On ipcr'jpt of Ti;V or.Wfi, it will J! miU Vnh paitl. in u M'ulcil ciivclniio, lu all who upply fur it- BK. .U. ESKYASI, BSoX 007, 4liUronihvay, ?i. V. July 13, 1:03. 1 t m eric Opposite old Independence Hall, I'llSLADELPlia. S. M. UEULINGS, Proprietor. Wsi. May '.'7, II. Hi.ui.inq3, ( hrk. eli3. l.'m 3ELL ct ALLADACII, Proprittan. cou.s't'.u or , TUUl D STt' I'EiXESYr. KAN! A A V. I WASHINOTOn. D. 0: Ea&lc iiotel. THEitndersijjiu'd having opened a pul lie -hull se, in Itr.liriliiirf, Columbia Count keown ns the sfe EAGLE HOTEL, Announces to his friends and the public penerally, lli.it ho will Im hnppy at lilt times to iiiluiinlster to 1 ineir rnii'iiiiiumeui. rusinni sou.'itoii L ive him a 1 cull nud you ,vill nut regiet It. f WILLIAM EDGAR. , nohoburs, July 8, ffi3. WSI. (J. HARRIS, E. II, IT. ALE, k E, 11, IIUIILEV WM. G. IIARGIS Si CO. No ISORonih Hccond Fl bilow Ciiestnut, I'Jilla, 'iJ anufnotiircrs of Vnrnislios anil Dry- J.Ya inrj japans nn.l iteaier in willto l.ond, Zinc, (ills, Pulty, oakum, Painter's Colors and Tools, Hum. inir and Lubiirniinn Coal Oils, llsiizius, Nnplln, t.r.. It- In.iurenii nts to dmlprs, ! S.pt 93 If H I r. I trar..muf.iWJiu Great Excitement IN LigM Htrm AT ENT'S STORE Oil Account of llic Now Arrival of Winter Goods, J' AS just rcoi'ivcil Iioin the custom ' r.'iiiri . nJ I now oni'iilns at tlio old tnul n iplrn.lld ni"ilnicut of Cnn.lstlnij of rvery thlnir jnicrnlly hept in n conntiy store, uhlih HI l '"" ( hcapn' ttuii the Ghtapwl, Call nnd fco nnd jii'tc for yourselves, ills Mrickcnnsintsof I .miles Dress (loo.l cholceststylcs uinllati'Ktr.ililuns . Calico, I MiiUiiu, Ginghams, Elauncld, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING-. Cassiiincros, Satinets, . 1 Coltonadcs, Konlucliy Jeans, 'IM,,.,1 .(-n -1 ill Ulllli S.V 11 Quccnswaro, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugf) Oil?, Paints, kc BOOTS, SHOES, HATS & OAT'S, Tliep.ilionaj!.! of old friends, and the public gencm ly, ii inspectfully no'lrilcd. , Tho hlshca market prlca paid for country pr.vluco PETER EN t . I.lcht Plrert, Oct. 7. IWj. Fiirify itie Bfood. THE ClillATEST SIEDI MM'. 01' THE AGE A sure antidote fur sickness, nnd a refuge from Sorrow, Iain and Disease. 0 ryan's Life Pi lis, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. Thry are admitted to bo tin Best Family Medicine lor general uc. Purifyln,' tho filood nnd tleasning the system from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills lo reeulate the Slnnm.'h, Liver and L'iliary Pecrr lions which m the.luel rrnise nf ncrv.iii-iic.n, (iicl.li- , liens, lliiiiin-3. ol 'iJiiilil, lleuduclio, Mck Stomach und other Kindled coiuiilaiiup. Hundreds of Ci'rtificate cm he Shown Tl.cy have been used bv thousand with success, jji?. van's Life Pills Aro adtipled for all Ages Si Constitution? They nro competed of the nrtivc prmriplca of Ilerbj nnd boots culled Irom our ll.ldi. nod forest. They aie mild but certain in their pieiali,u --ptotlnnni! nrilher crumps, irripiuir p.tins or Hikness. Tloy m.i) oo tak. n by nil u'jes, nexes or condition ivithuiit fear. Bryaut'f L'fo Pills, Cure ITandacliP. Bryant's Life Pills, Curn Siek S.iiniaoh. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Giddiui!9. Brvaut'u Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A Bos of Bryan's Lite I'u.ls will eost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They III ntcomnllfli faithfully all lint Is represented. '1 Ley are elesantlj put up bv Hie proprietor, ubo n.i. Ihe inveiilor ol liilV.W'O PCI.SlO.ViiJ WAl'Mlri a iiiedKiue long and luvurtibly known to tho A uieiican Nation, If ou ivi'h tnbuy illlVAN'S EII'E PILES nnd n.n. not ijet tli.-ni of jour ilnii'i;ist, dont tiikc all) oili'r, but bend Tuenly l'im i i-im Inuletter tathe prnprie. tor, and you will get tlieui by retuin ,if ui.ill, post, paid AiMrcsj mi. J. BK'YAN, Box 5070, 412 Broolway, N. Y. f?o:.n nv Dat'r.oisr Oinmhiiv. EMIlAS. IIAIIMIS At Co., ,. . tvhoies.ile Aurnm. July 13, Is'lw. I'.biuaiy I), IfOa.-y I805. Philaiii'ljiliia & Eiie 5 A X m h O .A K I885. i:7il . I , J?"?rV?J i.Jw-Tw--7St-.w? .-.vi hc-.i-'Zi i-v.;-"'.v-i.vl am This (!i out lino traverses the Nnithern nnd oitli ,Vit ruuntics i.f ronnsjlvania to tho cliy of Eric, on Lake Eric. It lias been leased by iho Pennsylvania Hailrcad Company, and is upcr.il .1 by them. atMii or I'lhscsctu iriish ai m)P.tiu-mi;i;bhnd. LEA IE 1.ASTWAUS). Enc SlailTrnin. . .1 -in p. y. Erm Epii!is Train, . 3 30 A SI I Iiinr.i Espn-ks Train, 1 1 '.'3 1' 11 Eliiura SlailTiiiln, 10 S3 A SI LEWH WESTWAI5D. - Erie SItill Train, 3 13 A SI Erin Express I ruin, 5 10 P SI Elniira E.vproi-a Train 3 DO A SI Eliuiru Stall Train, 4 115 P SI I'jssengi'rs Cars run thrniigh on tho Eno Stajl nnd Express Trains wiilion; cmmi both wnys hitMirvcn I'liilailtlplnn and Erie NEW YIIIIK CONNECTION l.envo New York nlO.OO P. M.nrrivn nt EiieH. .17 A. SI Leavo Erin at I. S3 I'. M urnv" .it V'nv Vnrk I, 13 i' SI. No'li.iue of Curs heli!"ii Erie nad New York. Elegant flfrpiiifj Car' on nil Might Trani3 I'or itifortn ilioii reperilni; P.-ms-njer huines, np plyattlin Our. Mill and Xl.-ir'iet Ht.i. Philailalpliiii . And for l'teilil husiueu,,! the (.'.impaiiy' Arenta. 8. II. KiURbion. Jr . C.'r.llhli and Slarket fit,,, l'hil'.a J. IV. Itovnolds. Erin, William liio.Mi, Aaepi . c it: R nallliimre. II. II, lloiislou, Oeu'l. rreij-ht Astt , I'hiladelphla, II. W. I!i Inner. Oeti'l.Tuk. t Act. Philadelphia, A. I.. TVl.Elt, Oeu'l. Sup t. Williatuspurt. Ortober', In';."). NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions! T UST reroived nt Ittioyon'H Provision! Tr f l o IE, a arae afnrtmer.i of OP.nci RUM a vii i-iiovf lovH.co iii,8 01 an ihe iit'co.irieofiifi, bouiilit for Culi wiimi will he sold lo deiv imiiiieiiiinii "i: lie Kaepers anil 1 ounlrv .MerrhanU. wnut.i ,:,.h,.ii in c.'i'i iinu ei.-iniin.. r-i.e-K mi, I I'ihvuioih, helors pur- t-Vu'?u';r- ')'" u,:k "ia '-" M fiAI-,ol all crinles, XIOLASSES and SVilLT't) ; irom 1 to nmee'. puce to tile best erades. 1 1 uiaiu tvurouuu oujku, oi ill! nufilitlO.?, Navy, Plu.', Twist, Fino-cut Chcwiiiff Si tjiiioiun" lobaco, Young Hyson, Im. pcrial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas, Cheese. Crackers, Fiuo Salt, Wooden & Willow Ware, .Malolics, and Cigar. Canned Fruit of all hinds. C ii K lf K t! T 1 ( IV 0 CU H Ei B , DIME!) rillJIT. Nn. 1 t 2 TISII by tho lltwrol, ono lialf or one fotirlli or nuo lighih birrel. lieirini;, Coal Oil, . , isc, nil of nhicli will bo soli at the loive.i innrki tprme. Illnnuishiirj, Oct- ill, 1803, Ulov!isei;l Waisleil. Tlio iindorsioncd, will pay tho highest market priics for CI OVERS EEO, dellveted at Kupor r, XTON ft HARM AN. llupsil Per, 9.1, UlUI,. 3ni BARGAINS ! B A K GAINS! IE YOU WANT TO RUY Fall and Winter 00 TO ( rrasy's Store, in 'Light Street, Pa Who Af all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing j Sugars, Molnssos, Syrups, cortccs, Tens, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hnnis, Lnrd, Tobacco, spars, Hats, ljoot", Caps, Shoes, Dnig-f, uils, Pninti", ivc., ko. In addition tn our lame slock of Dry Hoods, we have 1 n I nge nn.l full arsortment of lie.nly .Made Clolhlns lot Men nnd llo wear which W " ire determined lo . ie!l i heaper Hi in can he bought eltoii here. Cull and i si'u. and Jndse for yourselvo V.'T" They nlo keep n fine nornnc lit of I)P.I.'I1' and i ' SII'.llll'IN'l'.. lo supply lliu nbieiicu of a n 3"lar Unm etorr. in Llsht Stroi t, which will ha curelul'y com. pounded nnd sullnbly directed for tho accum In mil of j tnuir cuiinmers H. W. CREASY Si Co. t Ight Street, ov. I. 1S0J. Lackawanna & IHoomsburg knilioail. J.iAl ttif iSS e! W fBBSS75 CSSrS S-ri TJ- VTS) SK Vrv- TWO DAILY TIU INS. "a OV AMI) AtTI.lt SION'DAV. JUM1 IEH,, IPn.1. I'Aslsr.Mllllt TIIAINS U'11,1. ItU.V AS I'OL I.OWB: l.ll.wn N'ortTllU'AItl), Leave M'rihiiniberlaud, liaiivlllc, SOU A. SI. 3 01 P. SI, (-.10 3 40 O.'.'J O.Si n .13 o.e.i 10 V3 7.30 11.10 H.I3 l'J.15 V. M. 11.13 1.50 I0.V3 5 .VI fi.30 ' II W A It I) ti oo a si 4 .o r. si 7.00 s no S.Xi 7 JO 0. 05 H.W1 OBfl H..'li 10 III) 0.15 10 40 looo 1. -.OP.SI. I. -3 u o.i M,:i5 3.1'J 3 00 lini'.'rt, l:lo.imliurg lb rivlrk, " Hhlrkwhinny . " hlnaliin, Airit e at r'l raiitini, " New York. " rhiladelihia, LEAVE HO l.envo t'.ralitnn, " , Kiuuston " l.emirk, It oouislmrg " Unpen, " llnnville, Airive lit .V.irt'iuuibeil.ind, " llarrirbur, " Wnshinlon, " Philadelphia, Tha sli.ulcit .and most dirett roiitn to the wct:iii I Ihe ml reeinii I If) 'I'rni ii j uf tnc PhihuU'lphln nud Erie Hnilro.id leave Xuiihiimbeil.ainl every ninriiiii fur Erie, nrrlv. I its there thv nfieniuoii nl tho same day In conned w nh trains for llullalo Lletelaud, Chicuso, ilh nil j ii ins iii, uno rnniieiiiii ni -ury wini an trains onlhu Oil CreeK Itnilroitd. New ami eleiianl Meepmc cars atrompany the nlrht trains eacli uuy between .Vnrtliiiinbcrtand and Haiti mine, and Northumberland nnd I'hila.lelphht. II. A. ro.T)A, !5iipt. Kingston, Jine 17. ISD3. baker & Coiifeclioiies' rV fill uudesijned has nlway on liand nnd for sale. I FUCcLi IJHI.iMl, CAKES, I'lllrf and 1 iFrench and Domtstic Confec- j lions in Rto-.t and plen.lid variety; N'ut I'rults.and every; tiling iisiinlly loin. I in a tuti la coufeclionirj "lore. I'u would mil especial attention tn In newly ru. cejvcd slock of , PICKLED FliUllANTI) .TELLIES. ' B. II. Sl'OUNE.t 1 liliinintbUr;, April 22, rr.S. -I Siove&Ti.iwarc Jsshop 'THE nnilorsionnd informs the pn'iliein 2 general that he has opsued a NEW TIN SHOP In the bullilinr; f ir oerly ocenpled hy I'. S. Stnyor, ojn' .lour h 'Inw Ihe Cotuuitji i Democrat Ollice. ou Slaiil ):licit I.Iooiu.Imiii'. v lo ro ha w-ill uniKu nil siuils Tin-Ware nod tiep-iiriu, in food style und or. moder at.: tern.. ProVEH of oil bind and qualities fur sale or fur nished lo order. CSjf Country prndtieo taken and public eu"toni respectful I v eoliciitcd. "JACOB METZ.Jr. lllnomsLurir, April '10. 1S'13 ly DEALER IN E.NC1MSII, Swisi AND AsinmcAN 5?? S3 US j JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Sec. ' GI8 Murlet Srcct, corner of Decatur,' i Philadelphia. Healer in American, Eiifluh und Phiss Watches, j making a ipeciautv of th celelnaied AunirAs W.vun, whirh he would reiomuieiiil lu nil wantln; a I goo I lime keep .r, n.,u will ho mid nt the. I. men Pr s an, I ale Ihe clienpsst and best for the puce, .'.larili I, I-'a. ly. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned repeeiruly inlurins his eld friend nnd nn-lomcM. thin he has purchased his hroihors nterusl in the abovu .'tahlii.hiueut,nndih.! cnurern w ils hereailer bo cuii'liRted hv hiiusell'exi lu.ivelv. ' A -".! ji.wi rL-tuie. i n-ati niters inr H.ale, tlin lnr? ( 3w!3 '"t and mn,t evi.n-.ive a- urlni.nl of l'ANUV CTcjiS h'l't) V Eri ever inlro lui ed into thi inurkei. 'CVl Ml Slliek r.llil.-,.- ,0' n ,r,, , ,. .. , he b' :-t Cnokiii" nnd pallor oioioe in the market, tojiutii er iiilli f-'loie 1'ixtiiri of every .k.ciiptimi, Oven und l!o. ctntos, Ka.lialor, Cyliudar tflovos, t3at Iron Air. Tiehl st.ivcs, l.'aiiiien Stoves, He ie, lovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand und inaiiufailurei! lo order. Ml kinds nf repniriiie done, us usual, on hhort imti."-, Tlie putronasu of old friends and new iiisituuer re Speitflllly blilil lled. A. SI IllII'EltT. . llloouishuri;, Nnveniher 3d fill - tr. The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBUP.G. The unilcrosneil bavins taken the. well. known I'nrks Hotel, rosprrtu illy utinoiincas to Ins Iriends and lh public fenerally, that he is p.ep ureil to accommndato nil who may favor him Willi lliclr cutom, toetiiire set i.ilantnu. Ilo is provided Willi mnplo fc'tablmz and provinder foi the iiicointuodatioii of i'ra vellers, Teamsters, Drown-, ice., 011 moilerali) terms. lO I'ltblicciisloni is solici led. CEO. W. AIAUCER. nioomshurir. April 8. In 5. COLUMBIA 1 rr -iusjiraficc 'coin nn II V : . z ' COLUJJB11, LilN CASTER Co., Pa.! Cash Capital & Assets, $500,000. (CIIAKTEII PEHPETWAL ) Directors S, O Blaymakor, John W. Sleacy Samuel Bhocli, Win, Pali 1,11, Until. T. Ilyon, SI. S. Slnnnan, N. .McDonald, H. I'. Eheriein, Edinond tierniL' John l'endrlrh. Amos S. Oreen, CIeo. Vouns Jr., II, C, .Munch, ASIOH H (irtEEN, Prcs t. rrn votive , M' '"l'-'". Tnasunr. (11.0 OIIMJ, Jr.. Secrel.iiy. " l,u"r" Property nt ns rcninnal.lo rules as will bo cniiusleiillo tlin Company nnd thnso insured. L. II. CONOVER, Agent, Beach Haven, Pa. Juno to, tew. ' WRAPPING AND MINING PA ,,.,1'HI. .Having thorouahly overhauled my Pa per SIills at Still drove, near llloonuburi: Cnliimlila County, '.i l niti now prepared to till all orders for Wrappiui', Dry Ulaninc and Water fr'uiT Paper, on short unticu und fair price. I have opened a ware, house in Wllkon-llarro, and appointed Joseph llrown rt tho Arm ol llrown, Cray li Co., my iiacnt to dispoin of my paper in Luicrnc County. THO.MAS TRKVOfl, Cloounhiitg. Scpl. Ill, IPCS y j ' IJ'lin linderslened lias removed his lint nr.d CapPtnri 1 t tip to I'.vnns' old stand, uheto in nd.litlonto a ! superior nssortment of I SPRING AND SUMMER B Hats and dips i 0OSFU0TIONAIUBS, CIIAUKERS, ! MolasscS) SiiKar, 1 ColToo, Teas, Ttilnicno Siiuff, Cipars. Spices Drird Fruit, Biiltor, Coal Oil, Drujjti, Parlor nnd llnntl Lamps, Books. VJ riling Paper & Ink. Itarthcare und Cvdnrwaic, iW.'ci Knives ) Combi) iJ'C, ivc , iJ'C , Together Willi n aticly of ntlicles eenernlly kept 111 a Stor.'. Ali-o-A fine lot of md?, sionni;i;(w nnd Limsu in nhlrh he Invites the At eiillon of Chooinnkers .nut inn public. Iilnrintl'iirg, Shy 1.1. lLtW John k ciu'to:;, IMPOUTANl' TO LADIES. Oarvcy's FcmaSc Pills, the nifi'l liif.illilile an.l popular remedy over Inownfnr all dieiies ofth.i feinalc sex They have been i,V"rl in many thousand rase m i I Ii tinlalliu surecsH and may bo relied on In ever, rnvu fur nhicli lliey are re commended, and p.uiieiil itly in all cue nriri'ii from Obstriution, or htnnpagc r. JSuluts. no iiiiiUi r from wh.il caiKc It aiiiew. Thev are cific tual lu rettoilne to heiilih ail itho ate miHWIh," from tVi iikiics nud I) bility, l.'lerlue l).cli.tr,'es, Stt ous- ness lie , Ac, nud 111 -y ACT LIKE A OIJAltM! in n rr li iitlivtil i Ef nnd ii'.torlu; the syMcm. 'I li'i'is.-i, of l ull, t wiiw .i. mil', red li.r env nn I irie.l various i ih r reuiedies in Vw i n.i.' n r.niowal t f their Ilea III in.) -Irenjiili u lic.ll v In l.. 'Ifieary of 1 Dli IIAKVEY'S F ALE PILLS. . 'Ih'i are perfectly Ii irinless on Ilia ryslem, ui.iy lu taken .it any tun" w i t 11 peifei.t suli H ; but d'lvliifi till rnrly stnu'oif I'regnaney they -lioiild net b tal.en. or n uiN arritue may Ii lakeu, or u I'li.i'in ri.igo uny 1 bo th" reiuli They never r.iusi nny snK.i.'w p.aiii ordi'-iiesH E.uh box coniaius si -,l ,,i.w. 1Vi.."i.: Ilol' u. DlJ. HARVEY'S G JL DEN PILL;; A leiiie.ly fnr special rnses, fniir i'i cr"cs .ti '0,er Ihall Iho iihove ; Pi leu I'lvu Dull.lrs per 'i.,.x. A piivate Circular lo I tulle uitli line nnal.'tiili.il eii3r.ivlnH, sent Ires on receipt of dirrtte.l oiivciup and Mump. Ity Cut thi notio.. out if ou desirs nr. Iltiue. s PUN, nnd II ).'u iiiuiiiit tirociiri; them nl vm r l'r,i:: Xi-t, do not lake, any ollur, far woiim .p.. ileri nhn , nro tiiiprincii'lc d.ivill reeounin'iiil mlier i'uu iii I'll t. Ihey can make a hiripir prolil mi -hut tuc,..e the j mi'iiey nud cnd diici 1 to 1)11. ,1. BUYW, co.vyci.TiN'i; Pin eu I JSo. 'MU JSiua ltcuy Acw l or: who will lake all risk if propuilv send the I'llls, secured lio.u i,u, ! nii.il l'it I'.-.i.l. dir-rtu.l, an.HHi.lt rv li. hi, by riinin si i. ii ii v iiKitcoisT:-. i!i::;i.nA'.i.Y. HEMAS IIAIIVES . I'll , 'iuv Voitt. , , , liul.'HilJ Afc.M July 13, 18'13. i n nan .in Hi OF Fiitl and Whii- MilU rjilIE Mibs'-riher Ins j.!l r'luried rro"i i' Ci.iis, X w nh nitoiher lar!L nud sele.-t u!".orieM t of F.ll.L A LSD IVSli:,' aoons . i pmcli.iM-il ni riiilaiHitliin. nt t.f- In.r.'rl tisvrv wfiirli thry arc ilt trrmiticit in f II ni an imnic? tiu ti r.m as can be procured eUewhcro in I'.l'M.iiHbiHX sioi'u eiini)rie L.wii'.v inn..? oonna, ofchiiir.'i t lev t, id litest f.'wi'!,"'. imr atiiiDs, .i.vn ai.(KAi.n:' t. numiiu: twiii.." i;:inii. cr.iijin iwirl. mn.i.i.w ir.mit iro.y, .'.:u. M.OVS sm,i.y i.17'i .y LVI'a. icr., ,yr., Jj-t., I In short 'Verilhinj;iiu.illy kepi in fouiitry i-;-i , to whir li he invite the pul lie rjenerally. i lie iiivui'Mpriru piitu lor ountry pr'ai'irr". . ii. m:ili:e. j. v. ncr. WHOLESALE AND RE AIL , ' pilll un.lerslf.! ! v'ouhl mfi.'i" I'lelrfneml, nod (he ' i J. pnblir s?ni rjlly..hai They Have ftl-eti Hie tin'i.l f.r mi'rly mvupi. 'I by 0' 0. X-iiiip-'iiluii It. in Hi" l,irtre?e J II iil.iiii'.', on T mi ir !,!,. '..liOi.;, bin", wli'ere ii j ha. . Ju.t ret eivcii a lull supp'y ..! j BjirECS'K, iv-lt scaEse, rP;.;:i?t, ! S:tasi5H, &e. Which will he rold on luuOeiale t.riu fur rex.iv 'day. , Aim, NOTIONS generally , of con variety, sormn.1 j size. Physicians' presrriplloes rarefmly coinpnuudul, at nil lime arid m bhart n- I'.r.i. L' Coiifeitiuiieiy vf ihu he.t eleitoi,3. t'.n.l 'o.la Water m sn ahon L" A share cf the puulic metmn ix respectfully so icilud, 11V ni li SiU Eft Olooinshiirs, April II, lt-C3 i-'gasisiij WA61S1 PAmu JUST received n new aortiiiiiu ol't-ocd ttlus of c' WALL PAPER I v i ' i r ; 1 1 1 vis x. . ii , iilLIJlU'l.lU Ut-'ll" DERING AND t.'Ell.INC PAPE . and a (.enerul vaneiy uf mule, in! 1.1 in, .. i,i,h will be fi.iiiul on lln: rilt';r Cnfii; iaiii.cni.ii,. y , n.i of l.ut.'s lira,, ,-iure. lu the ltup. it i.i.i, 'a. where. Ml persons 111.111111 unoih 111 In. Hue will Im rnumpn to in person 111 all limei. ' Bsd2f Papur llaugiap; fxcuu'u t lo onkr and best stylo, at iiiort, notico. E J. THORNTON. Illooinslinr!, April ii s,3 ly National Foiiwidry. m.OO.MSUCKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. rj HE ubcrihi-r proprietor of the above named r ,r"J.lv,! e.tiil'.isliinent, is no.v prepared torcceito' All Kinds of ItJacliinciy, 1 r Collcrir... l,ntt Eumaies, Maliminrv Encincs, .Mills TIII'ESIIIMJ JIAl.'lll't:s.&b . M, ; lie is ulsn prepared to make, Hiove-., nil h.'.js and ' puileiiis. p'ow-irous, and everything usually made 111 . hist-clnss i-'ouitilries His exijiisiM' lacilnles and practical workmen, war ' limn lilni hi recivius the l.ugou conliacls on the, ni"! re ison.ahle leriu. ca'Jthi',ir!""Uf 'R' tllU'" in t-xc!,'"le! ff ' fl? Thi esialdishuiont is loea.od near the l.nrknw.-.n. 11.1 , lllooniaburs Itailroa.l Depot. 1 , I'ETEIl I1II.LJIVEU. Ulaninsbilii', Sept. I", rC3 i JOHN C. YE AC ER, l siANt r.i c rutiEu &. wiioi esai.i: dealer i.v !.HATti, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, DONNE I S AND ARTIFICIAL FLO WE R S, No. ','.07 North Third Street. Phila'd. Nov '.'0. ISf.V BJEENTSyTB-IV. II 0 W E R, SURGrON DBNTIST, II. c. . in rn - ' ui.i.v oners his profess ?AtO Innnl wervleen fr. tl, l.l,ns - yTwvSJ .- ...v.u , ,.,..--, ,,,,,, jviuii-i S??5?) "' l'l""'nuur and vicinity, lie in prepared in nllend tn all ihn nenn. op.iralious in tlio lino of In profession, end is piovldid unhl'ie late.t impiovi.d I'OKGKMIA TEV.Tlt; wliirS will luiiiserli'd on fold, plaliua, tilveraml rubbir b," .1 to loowi II as tho natinul teeth. SII ter.il plate nn.l blnvk teeth inanufaclure.l nr nil 0 oretions on tei Hi. raiefully and properly niten.led 10. Itcsu'eiico nu.l olIUou few doors above the Court II. iiise, same side. Illiioqifburg. JuneO i-:nn PHOTOGRAPHER, Skylight Picture Gallurv. IN THE EXCHANOE ULOCK, BLOOiMSBURO.PA rtputnsci " iff.J j USSR "w ,7"' f' In naont nr iim .m. n h and blood of Cattle. Sivlnc, or tthc'cp, In pr mctlnij dlfjcstlon.tlcans. Inn tli system nml Iran. sr,'r."i the purlOi'.l nn Imal fl'ii.l In neh, fat, milk, butter amlMrceifh md oOni'llshlnj health and vljor, A) t)t:VO"i3 MOtlllE t,. Mt'l.t: t'OWDLU Is ths only mrdicliics Icsnlly nil ii in r ranee, imp' 1. Huitzer'nii l nu.l Hand, ntld ilulv n.t. " rriik. m-iteii ny ineir rnun LLENT0N' Iioniiri'd wllliprlzoiiieil- Rt nn 1 Invented by nuvr.y. i miessor oi ine nn' nerial Co', t ffe tor iirir-nnii , '"'"' " ,.,m. ., tificltitL'i'l.y I , tl. IIIKNr.it. Or of '.. and A. Alk. town. Lelilsh County, l'eun)lviiiila. AIHIUears of til" Mnuinrlt. Illoo , t.Ktigf and ll.w rls. sneeillly nud cilnlniy riired. Ileallhy stuck Mill be broualit into lln v.ry hnslust sl'ilo "t perlVfllou, nn, I onb or iwn tal.l''poi.nfiil a n eel; Is nl cri-nt vitlnu tn hard V. I'thinc hrrsi". bres.lln" to'k nnd roln, ft, saved tliolirniids ol valuable- horns from cool ic.li,i, eirecluallv oven o.n.i nil th" 'I' inelnn WtHch tisunllr prevent tho espelllnt' of worms, i rn pleasant to tnkr., iind nlo nil"' of the mo't nsrerabi.) piimnllves for (llllilren, Hocotilldent l tile Inventor of tlm suercsi nl his lahnrimix slliilles, in 111.) p.illml'ltal compon tlon of this prrp.untlou, lh.it no lutnlshe i verv m.l iiale.l phyOclnii, v.ltli n written proscription, as a new i rn lu nalerin iiicdiM. ,.,,, Till liNIN 'V'ftVAWll. Ihk punier fir t':o mit'o .xierinlnnllori rf all Vermin',, will never chane.i llh njs and ilmntc, and nvicii pici'nralde to the old Pliesphntous I'mtu. nhlfh li.ird. ens III a "'t1 U-ik , inakln? I' "o.'lhlcss, lor direr linns ninl panuiiiii'ii see t.ix un ill mils In III" boxe. I'"" One huudr.id and ihldy.fVf n prcinluiui li.ava bo. n niuirded lo these celijir:.l"d preparations, up Orlo'ierSlP. Inf. I. , . , , . IluiAt,.'. Itnvt.i nr' the v.holesnle Aucr.ti In Mill's. U'UUi.lCSALE i'y iilU'Jll.. For ca!i; bj W Erasmii-, solo Arjont fo i.'loniiifliur!' fhari'lex, r..;-.v, list. I, II. & .'. .-line, o.ker. Ruck ,lni . M.utei L ilro. x, ill, lilt. ' t I'rcslnn, Hf.hisbiirir. ncivuri . yioni. Urnnrjevliiii. ' linn. I. rstn.lt. Iiliuiraiburif. I . I'owler, Epv. (,'rea'V fc Oo . i.i'ht 3tr"f t I mw ,V Spnnjler. I.nnr tll,l;c. 1 lloHimiti, ,'v: oen r.nd Silllor, llcrwlrk. II II I'ii.i ler ,' l'mi'leisi Hie. Ms? Alt orders l'nr Coluinld i County will be addressed to W.. EI! ASM US. V.'li' I.'wftla A"vni, "lonmeliiira 0. (J.'UtiSNiSU. ' I ! -f irn -'v W Noi. !), 11,1,. ) ?, i7 C n .1 1 1 if Stro siIlAlt IIHOAOIVAV, Mi'.vV i'llllv HIT V Tlin. .Ii..!-,la!ili4r,l ''! fm v. It re"it of I hi tins I-.. Ciiiunnuiiiy has been r.'C''iili r-'imeu, ui.ii,'o"i nl.'te ill eier)liiiu tlirl can mlal-t r I . tn .-o,toiu i ll. patroui Lndluii mi I familiu aro specially ai'" iir-i lulu nroinli d f. r, ll'i. ftntrnlli locit'.'d lu t!: li'i-looss px:t oi !ii;i ni"' is c .iitl.'uoiis I" ma principal line . I rle.iinli".iti c i . uunit.it if ferries, c. n- ti.bl i -in.'.j .i,i.tn a wiiii n'l U:e luv ir.es r. Hi., season, iiio i ii'i o.l i" tnal "! any itlt.-r iioiel in In C.'t..TH. An. i lo s't .I'ti '.) , ,.iTMt fr upward ol t .'!"lj- ... &y Do n .1 .' -I. ere , i i a r 'a. !: nun, and o hers t, ho uiny !. Hi- Vx'i'. r i lint I i- r- .1. i) i. ', icni:sr:::i. I'ropiieK r. Tito.'. i. wr.Tiii it r;.!! K"li. 13. L-.i - WW 'lW-ixiCrti.'a3 . "i i o . t it i i Iri !!! ifttrn" iy. re.p,.- 'is' v I , irr '.'fill An vimi ''u' v .f r-i. lae Trivi llinii i-rniy.tn-t .i h .uin j in Ii iwj'itt ;H'.f.ircl fr a ' ir Oft. r. "I e .;a., i'm i '. y nlii h mi ;.up in i a v n'.i't . , rii.ivr-i 'i MiRer a:i'! l.ii:(l. je, if-l; p I c-iinO'ilalilv I -IM.' I I" llllsl url (1.1 th' ("VP'81 Kail Pin i II ..I , '. I i II the T iilns. It mil h" tin . ti to 1. r.iiiini. diia . i"'. or r to t!i-lr jail-lwriiun. il , ,nli-it t ,. , . n ,i 11. lilt ,., i-Acr ;-5('E:."r . t 'o:t fill. V I'). 1 1 'I u yT H 1 H t i.i a J 2j I y ;t L j an. 'L't i ,'. rnti-'--;-',iii r c.r pr.i 1 I ilU'-l 1-e.r'e .;.!:iu.'. - . 11 - 'if ; lit W O.I p-inin n.fv One; , ,, u,,, ,(, tn.l respcrbiniy toiirii nruursiar TINir-iC, 11 HP A 'It: Nr.'. AND 111 ULATI Nt? PIANO FORTES AND MELODllOM-J The Mibceiiber also tiiu iii'u.'if.o'lur '.r's Agent fur C'j4.t'iit.1 SsnV, I13.I1 ton iJro'a, L!n.!e ri.iii & Sun's, Willi, 0:1 tjrirj'niiry , Edward D uottifh t IV, McDonald OoN An) I aih.irt V Ne..ir,..i' . Mid t I, ni-r. j !i';e!ocieoua aii(t Hunnoniumsl, Ana L. L' Ctuar!'. I'tprCIIflti'M iili .. JA.V. 1..; M. Wll.S AIjD. l.lrr.r.is'aiiH', May SO, I1i3.- Ij W S t'ORl'l Si CHEAP GOOD.-'. K a.W3S STit) f,mA, PROS'STS.' ' -t ii 1 HE ii'idoifiiiiitd. Iiaviii" in'tun t'm Mn'i' lately ,,p,, . I ,x',e K. Eyef, on Mil fore. 1. above Ii 1 1 r-.t.e.-i 1.1 1 lo.vii,-!. irv and ttc.s.a n iiii 11. i.i van ly of 1 I.eipe. 111111, nil. .ruts hie friends and hi puu ic ;"i. eiallv. ill ,t I e will b.. Iin,pv 1., receive u siiiiip of l!j I pulilic il 1.14:1?.,, 1111 I ttu.ti thii h,i au rendei cu-v hi .ali.feii ,1 ,y .oiling tlieai l.'l I, 'n . iiii:j 1 ( 1 on fair irrins and nl laltal.inorr puros. His nock r.uibitts, in pail, .f , DIIV LlMlVi. OllOCi:itir.H. I'lHil, 1 QLUL'SSWAKn. wooiiErtwAiin, eooia. Miors. , , , HArW. I 'AIM nnJ epclillv Tilh x spl'f.nid variety rf LADIE.S DRKts.S (itiUDS, VWV .il.TCt.l S uhich he i.: bell 11 cneap is ihu ilo np .5i, ff r ,1. , lend; pay. tLfloiiniry pio nun, joucr.lly taken in errhan of. nooiH, . , , . NDREW TEI1WILLIEI t! Uloo 11 ,1) ir;. Jan 7, Hdi-y. SiT.-lT -.!..; HILTON7 WO'3ri:fff7. f Oii nnd iw Slarket Slrett, Piulad, Iplna. rixms nut, 1 isiociteil the ie,y rnilio .,f businsx L and is near lln, rem., nn.l,. l.... ..e n.,...w ;i huh m.ilie It pailieularij de.irable lo p. r,nn vinint 1 1i1l1.1t. Iplna on business or iileasuio ; nnd Iho Sluna'.vr h.'pe by ,n,e per,fMi., i. i , 1,, u,j wanuol'liu his sueis 10 imike il a romli.rti'ble hmne fo, ranch at wiiii their patrmiiigi'. .1. t.f HAitt S'roii'r, Slav 21, I Cl.-W r i. 'I'll 13 Proprietor of 1 his well-unov.'u and coiitrally loco i led Hons..', tho ExriKMii: Hon 1., Minute on Slai, hlreet, 111 liloflinsliurir, iiuiit.nliaiily 'pnonto tho Coin 111 Inn County Court IIouii,reHprcif..liy In'forin his frien.lu and the public in general, that Ins House, is now 111 or dor for lb. rer.epliou audeuteiiiiinmenl of travelers H hu may let I dispo.'.'d to fiver it with iheir custom. Ilo has spared no ekpeiisp in prepaunx Hie Euiusni'. lar ihu cut. tlaiinn.iit of Ins kuisU, iinilnr slnll ihera In any. thuiK Hauling (on t;s paitl to uilnihter to th.ur pcit-ona! cuuu'cut. Hi liouso la spaciuus and onjoyi, an ctccllcu l bu. tn. r-s l"ritinp. U 7- omuiiiu-tii run nt all times between iho Ex iv Hotel and tho vmious Kail It.n.l Depot, by which nag pl'-rs will in: pi f.-i i3 in 1 y conveyed to ami from lbs is h pci tivc t"tallciis ni duo ci ni.- to incc-l tho Cars. WM. It. KOUNS. MAY 1, I F on. W7"I11SKERS1 WHISKERS! Do ymi I t want ivnitKer or .xiousineiie iiur Orecl.in C.unpnund will fiirru ihem to urnw on the sniiii.llii.it fico or chin, nr li.tr. on b ild iiiinh. in fix Weeks, I'rlce, 81 00, Hent by mail anywhere, roel seu'cd, on rcctipt of prico. Addiess, WAKNEIt U CO., tlm 133, Rrooklyn, N. V. I'ubruary IS, lebS-y. Sialioiacry and Blanl; JSSooli'H Supplied to doalerB and cash buyers at low whole. ale rstss. W a. PEHItY. rn I 'fCi frCS Ws m. Ilh and Itu'ie ft. . Phi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers