Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 03, 1866, Image 2

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    o .
1 1
r - - r r
All for the Negro.
Mr. Stivins has givi'ii iii'lioo of a bill to
" Our Con-.tltatlon guard It ever I
Our glorloua Unionhold It dear !
Our marry ringfotiako It never I
The proud Oaucaitlan onr only peer!
jjj BJOW IMrr ii i - --
Saturday Morning:, Feb. 3, '66.
Democratic State Convention.
A Wonder.
The telegraph brinca us the gr.'itifjini
intellit-cnoe that CJcnornf Hugh Mcr- givo every emancipated noe,ro a ho.iiestuad
oer, who was recently tried at Savannah, tuner troui tno eoniisoaieti csiuics 01
before a military commission, lias actually Southern rebel,, or from In lids inthu South
been acquitted, and that tho findiut? of tho owned by the government
Court has been approved at WnshipBion. Tho Committee on I'roodmon intond to
Surely this astounding event ia the liar introduco ti bill establishing universal ruf
binger of bettor days, rage throughout tho lJuilod Slati a.
Ooncral Mercer was tried upon tho1 The Hump Congress baa not discovered
obargo of having murdered tc veil Federal that there are any sdiito men in tho Uui
soldiers. Tho facts as elicited upon tho ted Stales yet. Perhaps hoiiio of tli em
trial show that theso men had been oap- j will ascertain tint fact at tho next fall
turedby tho Confederates ; that whilst election.'.
prisoners of war thov enlisted in tho Con-: Twelve millions of dnll-.ns is nuked for
Tho Demooratio Stato Convention , f0aerato army ; that aflor wards upon tho i tho negro boarding house, geuorally tcrni
for tho nomination ol a oandidato for approach of Sherman's army, thoy,'ed the lWlmon's bureau. But those
Governor of Pennsylvania, will meet in through foar of tho oonscquescca of being saiuo Republicans ihink it will cost too
the hall of tho Houso of Uoprcscntativcs,! r00llt,iami DV him . nttomnted to desert to 1 much to im iw of ISOl nnd
. rr I .. . . i 1 . .. . . M' I ' r 1 J
at uarrisnurg, on nionuay, tno uitn uay
of March, 1800, at 3 o'clock V, M.
Tho headquarters of this Commillcoro
in tho Dcmooratio Club Rooms in Harris
burg, which are opon day and evening.
Dsmocrats visiting this city aro invited to
bim ; that they woro taken in tho act ;
tried, oonviotcd of dcsorlion, and thot.
Then was no evidence produocd on tho
trial even tending to oonncct General Mer
cer with tho trial or cxeoution of these
men ; but knowing that he was very ob
noxious to the Mr. Stanton because he hd
'Oti equal bounties with thoso of a later
Tho Railroad Squabble.
I'Ik t.rciiuii tiur v si intuitu of mi intcr-
iipting railroad cuiilliei have lately oaused
r-o niuoli iIit!ii-,Mon in public, una prtvato, N( ) Al i i lYI-r KV,
hut wo muku no exou-o lur adverting to UV.uu i li mvj lxu n
tho subject cspeoi'lly as tt Involves inter-
ests.ol unusual mnguiiiidu, mid must lor '
muutlis to couio eclipse even tho reoou- ., - .cirri
trietion issue iu this fcction of country. CHANGE OL1 15 A o 111
I Tho Atlantic and Circuit Western Railroad
' Oompdiiy, by tho purchase of boiiio i nil
roi d oliarteis unit by leatcs nnu ircaiics
with other railway companies, has acquir
od tho riuht to opt.ii a hue
tho wholo extent of this Si
Delaware river to Ohio, Against llio
completion of iIi'h a great hubbub has been
rai.-til and the courts and tho legislature
aro invoked to arrest tho movement. On
tho one hand it is contended that the Stato
Government U interested in preventing
tho consumma'ion of tho project as tho
commonwealth holds ten millions ol i'oI
Cleaning Coutt. Uouse
Amount paid lundr"" pcrnn
Count; Umldings
Amount pnlil for rcpnlia nt Court lloua
mid Jnll during Hie yenr
Uuinuitustoiieis y lutk
Amount pal J ( 0 fruit Clerk (101) 00
It . ,1 1 r llcllcnry Uominlnloncr I7IM
TJ Vnntl.-rallca " SJSOt
' Alien Mnnn " I'll"
John I' I'owtcr " ISWI
i Commksioiur' Atturnii
! Amount pnl'IW Win Attorney
CoiniwniU'tallh ctsls
' Amount !'( inlry perron
Uissiici, duwnmj
Cl 00
771 01
una. una iipriiur. . . i
"i"r . "mrr mi a... t,i it it i.iuio
ol roaUtlHougl. W OCCII V I Miction Expenses
1I1IIU imiu IUU Ml A
Aniouul pul J for 'in lut election
121 '20
377 ill
Ben. L. Foster, Seo'y.
ilarrisburg, Jan, 0, 1800
&2F Tho infernal scoundrels who now
di pgracc 'he national floor of Congress
such as Sumuer and Stevens k Co., do
a rvo the overrating condemnation of all
Bv order of tho Dem. Stato Committco. 1 . . ,4 i.:. ... .1 mu" outMJB 1,10 ","a110 as lum- Uount
WILLIAM A. WALLACE. 1 a r ur.. u.., I lbo sUrs on -V01" fli4 " who are
Dcssea to appear against him, and believ
ing that theso would not bo wanting, wo
wcro certain that tho General would bo
convicted, and either sent to the Dry Tor-
cmocratle .Slamline Committee of Columbia I . e . .,,, ,..,. i,
ia hereby notlllc.f to men in my ollicc. In lugas for life, or bung. lllO OUrt, llOW
urg. In Shlvo'a building, on Monday the 5th I . !, !,,, nr i.
rebruary. ISt.O. hi 1 o'clock r. M..rrtlio purposa vt -wuia i u.u ".rv.v v. , i -r.,. rinit,,.l it.,,n
ppclntlng Senatorial anj Heprcsentatives Confer- .ij-n, ,n,1 ,nnrftl,n .yfT.r iml llio I Scruu,i t0 luo people Ot tlieso UUItOtl itatCs
to meet Similar one: of mi. nutnet. toappoint, tclligcnt ana honorablo olliecrs, ana tUel .Teffl!ori D-ivis in lb."
cateatotUu comtiitf Oemocralle Stato Convention. ,.inl, un UnBn trm nHnAnl.t.A. , to Uay 10 havo JCttLrson U.IVIS 1U lllC
Committee of Columbia
working tho hardest to have ihcm rubbod
out, the pcoilc of tho South or this com
puny of law breakers and Constitution
tjueirers who now dicgr'ica tho namu of
Atuciioa, in this di'uuion Congress. It
would bo as ortdilnblu aud no more dan-
II II IKIWiUR. , trial to uavu uucu lairij uuuuuutcu
a,n!l;nj Wo coDgratulato the country upon lbo
Bear Him in Mind , auspicious event.
We desire tho frco white votora of this
district to bear in mind, that MEUOUR, ! ,n GotOSS
., . . t upon thestrine; of negro military
IKaiv i-nnPScnlnliiM in I 'nllnPACa TfrttftH in "
.". jr " ' u in the camo of tho Union, but none of
favor of torcmg cecroBulfrage on the pec- , .'
plcofthc Disuict of Columbia, sgain8ttHem will de8ociid to particular, Pray,
their esprcned will. Remenbcr him next !-whal vo the 'pet lambs
...... . , . , j-j.,. rendered 7 We kno7 that thoy proveuted
fall at the polls, if ho daro bo & candtda'o i , , . tl. , , , , . ,
r .the capturo of luehmond by their coward-
14 ' ico in tho Petersburg raino affair. We know
cahiiiet, tlmn it ii la liavu Tliad Sleveiis-
and Churloy Sumner tlio ruling t-pirits in
this miserablo Uuinp Congress at Wabh
iugton. CSf What b:ia bocoino of all thu
blowing mIioii, tho "old dug," on tho part
of the Abolitiuui-ts ? Not a sylablo in its
praise do wo hear of laio. Wliat can bo
the matter ! Oh 1 yes, the ''old flag'' has
too many etars lo suit tho pre:cut views
U'ilil tut fox Scalps
Amount potd sundry po'vnm
Co-il k. Wuod fur Coutt Mouse k. JaH
Catarrh Snuff
l hl Pniifrii.p llinr.iuslily proved ItHf to l. Ilio
beit artklo kiinivn for urlii llio Caiahhii, Cut nit
tub II kb ntt lliAnAtiiK. It Iihk been foun,! ,,,, -
i icon client lonuily In many Cnce, of yr(, :ye,, i)ICA,.
IID9M m. ha, been r-inoveil by It. n,l IIkarinJ I n, ortc,,
lu iui rently linprnvcil by It. u,e
74 80 11 l,"8r",,1',,,!!l;1 'lyri-rnUly. and
"vi:-i im.mi'.iiiati: itni.icK
1 nj i'i'1."r ilH '"'"7. "'I'M d by lilMnir-cf lb,
,1;'VJ' Hh,"e'J"nl",", " "" '" di lliiblful an I
InvlRo Uln. K oiH-n. au.l p,,,,,., , nli.trur Hon,,
M 1,0 'l.elp. UnVrA tud. 8,Vl'!' " '"'MUy "t"1' " io
More than Thirty YcaiB'
(ifrtiiloand uto of Hit. AUnsiun. ('...., ,
W.ft IIradauir airr. Im pr..v.,l it, ,
me roiiiinoii iii.cii-ci. i.l i inii. amlm ii. ':
' Incidental Erpensi s,
Ami paid fomliillonaryfor co.itt
17 I'll H AIM KLWULL has purchased' Jnsurncc.
I t$. HuiKon's t'rovl.lnn Htoror llli Block li largo l', Incoming In iranco Cu
lurs of Ponosvlvaiiia Railroad bond?, u- and ho iconnantWrceiving , Jnquisls.
suoil in payment tor the eauuli', etc., ouu
tli it I'hilndulpliia is iutcrepted, aud sbo
owus live millions of dollar of iho stock
of the company. On the other hand it is
urged that it is dclrimciitui to the interests
of tho stale to allow ono gigi'ntio corpora-,
tion to ovcrndo all others in!
wealth, and prevent the contruction ol'l
works which woulu atvclope tho resources
Jccsl) Supplies !
Family Grocer ies,
lleio they arc of the ohoicssts kinds !
of regions now neglected ; and that l'hila Sugars
.!!! I... I ".....I I... .1.- I!..- I'.i
Anit pold Jineph Lilly. In'iuo t
oil body tt W Keener. in M
lo John Hunk I'.rq un linily of It Mill li M
ilo II I. Kreaa M l exuiuin.itlon of or M Cluiilea at iiMpiist 10 10
lit J tt i:viin M I) viniiilnatloit of
I boily nrw ateor at ni'iuen nm
Pit cip'lund Intercut on Loan,
Anil n:ilil IVniicli Hvnna Inlciot for
IM14 on bond ngainit Ciiunty fu IX)
do paid 1'ruiicla Kvimii bond KIHU (III
ilo l'ranci Bvnin Intire.t 00
fir naid Frank llaition, buiinly u mi
II limn rt.....l...f.....
' II la rccoiniiieiKleil by ninnyof tho ben iiliv.rilrt,
mill l u-eil will, great -ucccm mid oatiir tV'i, Vt,!,
KiaU tbo Uert ncates or Wholesale Drue
aisls iti 16)64 h
The umlcrtlgiied, liiviiis fo- many yP.f, ,....
-tunlnteil (Till. Dr. M.iM.rufC, (.A,Vnl '
ai un t-MJU'. uinl told it III our ulmlemitu Irude cli...., "
frtlly ilatc. wo iMllcru Ii to b . i q. ,, In I' vurv r
M rit In the roe iiiiiiu-iiilatl e.veii o T It fur tho ciir'i
..fColattbal Aire,tou. m.d Hut It I. ,1,, , . ,CU, '
bimLlhflklo IIP i.ivnl i'tr knnun r... . . '
. wl ul .-m,,,,,,,,,
illaiiiM l'dik,'. .vclr Yoik
70 .M
10 32
eases of the Head.
Iurr kfrtty.,
dclphia will bu benefited by tho now line
under tho treaty matlo between the direc
tors of tho Ailaiilio aud great Wesirrn
and tho I'liiladelphia and Heading JUil
ruad Companies, the freight arrangement!)
being much mori! favorable to bur than
timet: now in loice on thu Pennsylvania
On the mrffco of things tho Penuyl
vania Railroad, built, oduiped and owned
by I'liiladelphia would seem to bo entitled
to her support and sympathy, notwith
standing any arrangements apptrrntly
favorable to Fhitadclphia made by cor
poratiou6 who.o main purpose is to bear
tribute io New York. Wo c!o not d.s
guise from our-e'vt'3 that such is leally
the character of thu Atlantic and gieat
Western Itailroad CompaHy Yit when
wo know as we all do, tliut the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company is nut now man
aged in the iuterest ol' Philadelphia, as it
should be, that, iu fact, it U governed by
ftecil, AU'tin Si Co
lirown, l.nwuou Co "
17 Pft Iti ed, l.'utl.r i ..
Belli VV 1'iml,.. ..
WllMin. I'llltb.lll( Hi (n.
, Meii.baiVi IMiumiili !k ('.,
ii ii nay. ruriiiiiiii, .Mo.
('annul Fruit,
CofcctionarieB General y,
f)ri. d fruit i
Wo'idcn SV'iro.
b'Mi, :
Ac, 4o
Como .iml see, I proibi-e salisfaotion, i
both as to quality of goods and prices. '
ninoin.burg. Tub 3, IrCO-tf
Jurors' Wages end Milengc.
1 1 'JO (0
A r. tt. lis .in, i.
Sti pben 1'aul a Co
'.rui I Minor ( C.i
.M'licffiiii . llnbbiui
A 1. tfiovill il.'u .i
,1? ard, t l.isu t Co 11
lliuh fc dale. i
m,,';.,'"""u'1"- T,,n.
Ailittinitratur's Police.
Jlstttic of' Henri II. F Uz, (he'd.
del tin ' I) I'ursil
, ......... ...V. .., II... i ...... k
Amt iiAld Jurors nt Iho evenl coil t
.Mcticiil Sir vices,
Aint paid J It llvnun M 1) attend-
.iiico on piiaoiieii
do F C llarrltoii
Anil paid J H Sander!- for puoll-lp
in? netice of nppeiilr
il.i W II Ja-iihy fur printing nulled
do I' John hi ini n b'lxk
Anil p.ild VV II Jacol.y
ilo J rinmlrr.
do t. I. Tate
.tint tui.l OH lViiili-uiliir hit nop-
poit ol convitlH
do iiild l'.i fute l.iiualie llospit ,1
I r support i f I.' Suit,
Paid Jcsjc Coleman I'riUlionut.ity
' JStiigr.,
AMilnaid 1) A ll-ckl v I' M
I fry(l( Dum-l-' $.
ntniiel Rlniby
IXll 07
Bi -van's ruliiKnic Whim.
li H) 1 , ES-'1!"! orieio.,1 .Vcdlinpptibllil,e, In ,,
J ill llrla,tlcle .,r ,, kind ever introduce,! ,, .', '
gnu "f "'"""I'siu , WAni, in this or tiny oil, ,
eou roiintiy ; ill utli.-r t'lilimi ilc W.if t iiro ro iilterf",,.
'I (HI
5 mi
i un
'.'til od
lii III)
III" .'it)
lej ,
of the Abolitionists ! It has a s'ar for
r-., t- t si rt iTint lliou worn trpnr. !n linlirtnv (rim in Lnn... s! ...... f- T...I.
'.'in . ni,'u i,i r rGirinn I. .innn. . - c - . tit i uuu uu i u.i nn, lui cvci mi i . .. .. , . ... ..... .. . . ..
" - .-- . . .. , . ! . ' an Ht) ortll eoilllietltion tor till! throUjII , - "enry n. t m, iie oi i i.tnnjcrei k i,.n.iilp Anthony Weill I lie. link
Son. i Camp When tho ban mg ilh mi; Was per- eru Slate. Thu "u I flnrr" rrcoirn 7ea tin. I . , . . x' v i t .1 r . e.,iniil-i.i county, ilm-aaoil, hive been granted ty d iinnol llriii-li r d
T. 111 1 . p p . P,,.. , , , 1 "u ' " S rcoojjDiz.s me trade between w i ork and thu Wot, ! ,i. iieSitor i.fOiiuiui.ia co. 1,1 the undersigned .,11 3,,.uy
It if) said that ho declared to an emi- formed in front of Kiehmpnd, and that, , .-'outliero tutcs a. in the Union, while ! thu nn-utnent umiuat tho main line lo-e i."-'11""" ,uvi" "."!"" "'''"t. e-ii.f tn dec.-. 1 ' ,K.
. , . , , , . ' 1 . - 0 . . 1 fin are re.p ixeu 10 preseiu ineui i.r si'K p ueni au,l (luti.i.ii Trinim ilnnio,.
nl Knnn np. I ,nl i. ntinniml i( Ih 9 limn nVipn llw Incf Cpptinl'' IinH ,,r(n,1 I ,i. A ...:.!...!. .. J....1 .L...I ... I. ,.f .... ( I I ;. 1, ..,.'. I, ......... a ,,.l 1.......1 '..... i,.i 1: .1.1 lllll' I I ril Hip UrllllKO
11 nu
.i ii'i
:m nil
vi: (,11
0:1 iu
oent Senator, that he oppoeed,at this timo, when the last "rebel" had departed, they Abolitiouiats declare th Jt thoy are out ot , ninth of its force, Hitherto the pre-s ami , tim-.' indciued m
additional amtndracnts to tho Constitution were aiarohed in tho back way to mako a ' iho Union. That's what's tho matter. 'puu,' uieD of ljC c''i' ''avo kept silence . ,"y"";"y" K' '""
as calculated to lessen Iho reverence of little capital for them. We know that, ' Hurrah for the old tin !''
on tho subfect, and tho impunity thus j1-
lowed to the derelict corporation bus been I
SaT There is reaioii to believe th'-t tin-1 vcry niuuu abuseu, so mat tlicre is fcarec-
IVb. 3. I-Y.i
I I I p.. . p .1..,
' Republicans in the Senate will givo the j ' , P i 3"
-! 1 Iculs ol llio urcut ci v uliosu muii'.e nil a
n j (
, tv , ..rr i.:n . ' ... ( . ,.t n n t,i.r j.,,.in,i'
cr negroes, and plundermi- n auinoiuies put me ureaiii oi niu into tne i !,,,, c, ., ,,.c-,j ,.e bu,. cr.,ted
2 the defenseless men. wo- " " " lu ' V aUDl" '' i'cniiiyam-x narroim y tue.r prompt , iVcim;.,,,;,,!;,;
,, r , i mev are ucniuuinir io eeo wnai eni'Ci its "uu uuu,i; ruu'tn niuu vi uvu nuuniu m uiceueui nr.- r 'r iin-ium
of the Fouth. e Know, ' b , 1 ,ii.lrs I ?i,if-or Thorn a- a 'eur'rss man "' """f fl, la'v " persons
... . I nncanno will (iiiv.1 iirmn llir.ip r.npl., -,J .IIDIIJrs, 1OlllO'Or I IIOUI ,", 11 l(.ur ( US III Jll , . .. ,.lir,.,v , ,
i:.r.v arm
ll.t ...l.ln ..ill tl,..I.A 1...... ..It..,.. ,
ilniniislr.itor t .
J.ICOIl II. rtllTZ. AdmV. ' "-'
Gu51 I Anil p-i id J G I rei r.e reron vih
- -- i reasurers li'in is & si. cup,
Athninstrtor a Notice. j Ihwrnie Sta ;.-.
E.lttlte 0' John lf IICSS, lltc'll. Ami p.iid I' John fnr nainp.
ttrr-i of Adniinistrntion on the e.-tntef S'cfiff,
town-hip, t'o. Ami paid fl rfnyder boinlm;
by the Keyii pri-nners
00 rouv.ytnt; 1 ' ,nir-lil .(t i
eslafe of 1 he i; 1,1 IMV-iitpnti try
1 1)1 ii-ider- 1 do couve, vvi Iho, Mu,i, 1,, I;
IM ill
.Ml Oil
fib 3 'SCfi-fiw S3
indi b ed to
I'll i:fl.
over it, and not risk to much to gain so phia in the view of ihe laols ol the ease,
littlf. but tho darkies mill tl.iok their that he is the (irM of our public men to do
of the Finances of the
$Y,'. 7ft I
the people for that great charter of our since then, when they have not beon en-
freedom ; but, if any amendmont should gaged in mutinies and in killing their offi
bo mado it ought to bo that qaaliQed vo- cers, they havo been stirring up insurrec
Urs shall be tho basis of representation, tion among oth
and all taxable property tho basis of taxa and raurdorin
tion. Eaoh Slate to determino absolutely men and children
tbe qualitieation ot ita voters in regard to also, that tboy arc now robbiug and mur-J r b , jt - b0!tJly Coltl tliu v liolo Crutli ei this ugly'
eolnr. The President cxnresied himself .lorimr from Texas over iho M,.i0-.n bor. I tl,ilt' Ukea ,n U0"Di;B"0D with the improb- ' , - , , , t , !
emphatically against tho agitation of the dor, under the flag of tho Uuited State?, ! ability ol' ila cvor rcceivil,g t,lu sanction 1 ttv mr.afn in th- Hoard ol Trade rooms, I q A 'Mt O .If VT
nnwMnn of Bwro snffracro in Iho causes them to .(fleet and it is ratlu r disereiliiable to l'hiladil-' O I ii i VjlU 1 J JL
1 --o-- a- -- - ' j i j
of Columbia as a measuro ill-timed and result. If these and hundreds of kindred
calculated to engender enmity and strife, ''services" entitlo tbem to sutTrago and
This statement, which is apparently au- political rights, then wo must confess that
th'cnlicatcd, of courso, is of rito higti'eft humbuggery and crime have at last arriv
importance. ' cd at a premium.
JO? Until tho abhorred 6ystem of dos- aaj- Beadle's Dime Semes, is in every
potio forco, introduced by tho party in way unique. The idea indicated geniu',
power, ia overthrown, tho opprossed mil- and tho execution great business tact and
lions of the old world may just as well turn judgement. Just think of a tct of bool.
their longing eyes towards Russia or Aus- containing on average ono hundred pa-
tria as to tho United States. This ooun- ges, printed on good paper, with clear
try used to bo called the refuge for tho op- typo, and tastefully got up, at ten cents a
pressed of every dime. Good God ! what volume. Lives of Boone, Wayuo, Crock
is it now ! Ono half hold down at the ' ctt) paui Jones, Teoumsch and -many nth
mercy of tho bayonets of tho other half, 1 ers. In tho main well written, and free
and tho victorious section gnashing its from improper allusions. Novel", Dia-
teeth with doepotia vengeance, and threat- logues, Song-books, Cook-book, Lcttei-
ening, shouting, and blaspheming liko writers, too cents a copy. And what
devils! It needs a man with faith like ' think you of Robinson Crusoe piinted in
mountains to beliovo that thia is really iarg0 Octavo, double columus with nu-
Amcrica !-tho frco, happy America ! moroas illustrations for ten cents ? Tho
tho land ol Washington and liberty 1 Alas ! Year Book and Almanac for 18(50, is dc-
whatis it noffbut tho land of negroes and cidedly the besfthing of its class that wo
their white allien ? America no more, but havo Mon No 118j William Street, New
& new Africa I York.
C During Mr. Lincoln's occupanoy 1 Tnc Old Guard for Femiuary.-TLc
of the White Homo, Concrees made sev- February number of this magsz'nc is be
en appropriations, amounting in all to iff- lore us. It tins a Eteel plato portrait ot tbo following preamble and resSluiion was tnat many oivtiie ifanuig uuu Mirewnt-t
tntu thousand dollars, to repair and fur- Gen. Stonewall Jackson and a .ketch.- unanimouy adopted : , I'Jif . mo.chanU and public men of
nish tho executive mansion. And now The leading article is on the late "Lord vVnERKAS( lB?ho ,fovitum:L. of Q.dJf'X
Thad. Stevens introduocs a resolution that ra.n-eraton and his policy." Tbe foo- John II. Randall, a memlur of the ; are earnestly denrous oi thu new project.
S30 000 are wanted immediately to put ture of this uumbor, however, aro iho j BloooiiburL-cil Sjuato, lus been taken That It will be buccofeful ia now assured
tho furniture, &c, of the Mansion in dc- first choptera of an original and thrilling: "T15?, bjf tbo haml dcatb i , bt-yond the .hadow af a doubt, and all the
xt r. , romanefl of thn war bv louthiiin author ! ., , . . .... clamor raised nguinst it H idle and fnvo-
cent repair. Now ono of two conol.usioni romance ot tno ny .outntiu autuor, JtlS0ivcd That in ,,)Q dcath of Joas h exneudi-
is inevitable. Mr. Lincoln's family illus- CDtl"etl "Bertha Seely, the h. rANDall the member of this as.oci- iur'of larcc amounts of raoncv for oormpt
tratcd loo literally tho oay tog about nogs vt ' V-"JU iUU,.H l.iu uhu.i navu -unmuun u giu.u io, uuu uuu pUlp0!,ea and accomplish nothing.
in a parlor or thero waa somo tromend- otber rloles raaJ be mentioned, "Keviowi wa oacy sympathuo with his Iriends and ' Now, let us asli, why should u.
JJ 01.
13 .Wi
Sui v yur,
Aoil pnul SiiUiitino NY, li.iril mh
vuying iiiHi'.il4; LiiiiI
heep Jawiige.
Ami ii.l niiiilry i-rvirii, l' i :
lllliuiil lilll 1151111,
I.'.....,.. ............. u .,.. ........ . I 4 'nuniir t, i niii.ii
Iriends are in eainrsi. aud continue to , . ... ... r . . ... ir vuiuinuui,
pnjiidiced in livor of the eompauy, and
crowd the Senate gallery, wai liug anxious- f yruit ,,,-0 than we can express, the ne- ! Y?rom the Ut d..y of Jan. A I)., ISO.')
ly for tho bill to pass. ceMy which compel, us leluetantly to ! l" ''1V ."1a""a. "
J ' r i it , The Aoilil"! j L'liTtcil to si itlc ami a IJ'Ht Un- iiubl i-
"""" say thus iiiuch. But we perceive a Mud- !, ift,its ui'oiuiNbi.i umihiv. rT4i.-ctiuii) lion i,i,,i.
llEMARKAIlLG OCCUUIIENCE. O'lllkc til ;r.i ...inmiit tn tnniiiil-ii-rnrp -i onnriniii mil,. ' to riort li ) liv rxaiiiiiui-.l thu nam.! lioni th
. , . ,eu ancmpi to mttllttiatiuri. a spuuou. puo i ,lrsI .';ly of J.-m A U.. to Mm- tir-i rt.iy ..( J in A
a iWan s :toinac'i. 1 he Nowville Star of lia cr.iuiou m favor of thu comnnnv and . I), i-ou. mtii n.--.m-i tinuv lay ii.-rom iu- 1 1 ..-r ii-
.i j. ti -i i.r ... ,t . .i I I ... . i. I J-til4ci ufih" Cull. ti'o onion I'h-a. ul mi.i runny tin-
thevullnj says that William Halion, a we are then tore induced to speak out. i ,n;,rthi- fi.-iu-iiichi nmi repuri ur. .-..i.- t.nhHV'i -o
i t.i i Di) ivc lllonfori' tlllllli that we hhoulll ofllio --A' t of (iiloral Ah.i-mlil) ul Ihir l.'.iiiiii.oii-1
young man rcstduig iu bhippr-nsburg, ono wc, uu.ii.iori, uiiuk iiiai wi n.iouiu ,,,.,..,.,, f,.i, ,i nr .,.ni. a. D , k-:n."
. i , . , .ii- ; set our laced against tUO I'eiiri-y Ivaiil.l I) mi,I, MlIII'.NUV. Trcasnrtr ol Col iniui.i conn-
" liailruad Compi.iy g.neral ! No ! bv no
18 inchs long an l moc titan liulf an inch means. Let iho directors of tho eompauy
thick ! He swallowed it while dringing change their policy aud do as much for
from a pool in Idaho, about four months Philadelphia as Balt'mnru and Ohio Kail-
,. , .., 0..rr..i . . i ' road Comiiauv has dune and is iloiu for
ago, aud lias sultered great distress in is , . ' , . . ,. , . ".. .
, . ... . , Baltimore and it ehall have our heuitie-t
stomach ever sinei complaining espocial- 6IIpporti Practically tho compmy ha,
ly of a sen-atiou of coldness He return- abaudousd the ii.terc-itf of the city of New
cd to hU homo in Shipponsburg, expecting York, and iho eiiy nued not bo complaic-
?oon to die- After undergoing an unsuc- ed of if she should abandon the cjinpauy
.a.f,i ,. , i, . " ... and look out for hcrsi If, a-t hho is now
oessiul trealmeut b a great mauy met hoal . . . , ,, Pll .,
, . trying to do in llus nntturof tin-new rail
men, be stated his ca,c to a pby-ioian iu r0(llJ, Kor it vm.t ))e Uitpi-il understood
Philadelphia, who prescribed an emetic, thai wlnln thf I'ennrj ivarna Comp my a-
whieh wa3 tiken,with thu above re-ult. It i-uuiea to irpri i 1. 1 tin- e ly, s la I'liil.-ul. 1
came nvar stranL-liiiB him. aud bi-foro he 1; tl:"f,' lt'i"oad Cui.pany, k
a a i ...,.
cor oral. on uwiiuiy iooio man n.o nun
miles ol railroad, vitally coiu-erui-d in! iio To ah f J l're
... i- iii.. i ! ilo 'I o H'fi il.ij i, aus
the nt-w hue, and has by treaty tecurml j,, Ttll,i, r .mKi
' I'liiladelphia trade a hue Ol its own on
Hf Html
Uri-ir. rrk
nitrrr k
J.u k-ini
l.ncilhl ,
Mt i'linail-.
was relieved, ho was black in the tace.
Tribute of Respect.
ty. In nrcoitnt iih n.iul lonniy
186 5- iJr. To ntiiou'.l oiilataiiilln,' f r
IMj.'i 441-,
'lo ini'L in haiul. ofTf-at.
ur r an vir la.t Au.litnr n-poii
'J O t).ll. Oil 1- 11 ll'll lUM'SSIIll'lll
Mjy To r.uh of Jrpse Culrman
l'rolh'y Jnr) f'-ns ami tini-1
lo To ci-li i-( J.'o ob II,, ill. r.
laml ro,:i:roii'i
To casli of Jon:ili Ciger,
laiiil ro.l.'Oiuu 1
May Ti oai-h of in l.alutn. I.m l
J ii in': To of John Kraiii.lao I
,,i ICU5
To amount of county til at-
Sl'Hl.i'li I' T IHO
.-'i-p, I o ci-li nf ler J.icoby for llri-
arcrii'k tup. ki'i pini; i; Snli I'iOOo
do l o r.i-lt ol rf.iniu'.'l Kclchiior.
lor Itri.ircri-k ip kuepiu u
s'uii-iiU. 'li
Michat't lirobft.
latnt reilt-ciuu
Tip S'uvis
Aiii'I pii.l .Mthe uvli il r.niili
j 'lux's tie funded.
Ao.t io ro.iO. .thiol an. I pii r lax ru-
I'oii'li'il tn th-h vi ral iiivi iiptiitH
si od
3 Ul
t .'li
I r)
o 75
101 fi)
Wli-ih-iinrti-f iirth r- UihmI for llm
v.'iir I -t.1
J3 1,0. OmliK ain't ul nhi-fii ilaioat's i.r-
ili'r. i"r in - iiui,' .--I'.ir f, o
ilo tim-. r "l"on,l... tn iu.i I. -In ,.. ai.iu;
ilo biirroiM'it iiii'im- ii ii .1 iiiuii."t
mi sanio 1 1 -rr no
do .Militia rxptMia.-i I'Jto
Ailual ixp -ti, lit, fn- I'm tin- H'.'i jili.,)- -.'a
f IVo tin- ililil-r'il!ii,'il An, In. ir- nf i'mIhiuIo i I'-miiti',
lii'ins! illll i i li i ti d In ii'ljiirl n ol llli' lli .in i, mt- ul
Ilo- Tp'sun rir .io, I ' ut i h ir e r . ,l r.ri tly ih., M
in, I nt tht-oilii, ol Un- riiiiinili.iiint-rii in I ...iii l.,i r-r .
aoil raiflnll) fl.inilni'il Ihr .irriuint aii'l i ii-h -i tit
11133 IH the naiii'j truni Hi,- tlr-t iluv ,l J i iil.irv V O l-i.." lo
Tin- neiiu lui- can he kiimvn i, 11 mu-,., .
I lui; tl.iiopcil on ...uh IVufi-r. " '
, T.'i'ne ',iW,s li ivn la-i.-u lh,- niihlle f"r iicirlv
I I hiity War, noil 111- ii mo fulu am nol, nut only
in Aio,.-ric.i h,il In lur. iio ..-oniitri -i, fully atUMt th-ir
o, I IntriiKir. w -r'h. TI j.licil prop irtijar,! i,i,ei'ior
loaiiyoilK-riirliiln oir.-ro.l forth, earn of IMtluionnrr
or nir-illoin, n ii, I tho ( i.nititv il i -, j ,
,- - ""uuiu inai oi uu lili iy l ui
iuiilaii0iin ailvoilii-il.
Krjaii's I'nliniinlc U'.
.or- I'mitli-. l.-i.l.lj.Sori. Throjit, HiurM-Ho- A.llnn.i
i iilarrh, llrmn IiiOk. Iiilllcult llri iilliios, r-n liinj i f
3llii S3 ltl;.il I'ii iii in in,, lau-.t In-ipii-nt fi,iii,i ,ti,n, ,
.ill -llsi'u.i'ii ol Un- lima.. ,Ni,i ,j all, inline ti nip ,
.ilea rril-'i. hut i ii irnn!n ,upi,i aM,i lufiim. ruil. M1 ,,,
.p'.' II, narranti-il In civu Mili.l.,aliui in i n-ry nBt.iiic-
'l lii').doii I iiaiisiali-liko alci hniiu ioiiiu.,iiii,lii, aiid
un iiii-nioai iiiopv.iip. nr.- roinliliii'il in ,i lino .0
j .i.'r.-i'.ihli! iiinl p,;a-.uii tn ti, t,,.i that a.iy i-lni.t
mil n-jilily tiko th 'iii Unoilii.L- Hl.i;n.i,a aTir.l
To ocalint. mi,l I'ulilic Hpi-aki-ri., Hi i U af rn ai.,
P' i-uiiarly uilu ilih-j iln-y uillm nil,-iy ri-mnva tin
inii.l n-vi ro. iica. inn n -iii-s ; and 111 ir n-nl ir
.i, for a leu u ill, nt nil tl.ui a. iner- ,a Hi 11 . i .
rani II xilol'lyofui- tuur, ;rni It iinprnviii" ji ,
romp i ami . l. iirii.-. . n,r iihiih ,nir,i,i.- tn y
.i.i' r. pularly u,i.,l hy nun) proh-i il vi'.ilit(
'I li vur (ii.'.it ro'i-liiiiy i f th v iliinOl.i reiii-ily In.
in ii i d ooiri,Mp,., p, r.,i, ,,,,,, ,-f,,,, .
iinii-. Ilii li ,.l. ;i,, ,,n i, t.i , vl,,.cti,llH ,' ,,
pur. li.iM-r. and Injur.! lla- iliuntti-r of tin- 'ii.ini i
Ilii'il.l-ltlO. th. ,.r. --IlliV ,-- j. ,,a, ,.
H..f r. mid nl-ii,,li.urii- ill.- I.i.- Mniilr ,. ,.,,,
nil,- i l 111,- l-r . ir. -JIJ.I M.)i:",i , VVP,,.,
p. i. li.iiiiii.ii',. ii iihnl, i, lomimv, tin,.,,,!,,,,
V " wuli to Hi. fi.l .imi.t il ti I.,.,"
Kl tV" ' w '"'u I')- ail Urnij-
Jiia MOrt f a-do l'r.rl.-tr. i.' .-t . . y
r.-ti, a, - ly.
TIIK M.tilT KNUUall ltlJli..
I'.torK."-! i.n uv itnAi. i.i:rn:its .wi:t.
8'K .lA.MKti (.'L UK Iv'S '
Ccleb-ated Female Pills.
I'-rfitridtnw a'ripiiiM'J sir , Clarke. .M l riiy.
iil,i i J.iiittonliniiOjj iv the titirtn.
Tim. i in. i n oi,.. m.'i i iu.' ii iitit.iiiiiig i i thi- curo.r
nit Un, fi- pniiif.ii : i . I ,:aui-i ,oii ,ii ,i-,H inhiihihn
tl'lll.lll' I'lfll.'t.l i I I, cl. i ,, ,.f.,,. ,,,.
. i - h and r,'oi..v, i .ill t.htrni linn,, f. . in w l.ati i,r au..
..'in a Kpi-.'O, nu) a - r Hi-.l on
- (J MA.'i It LA DIE l
II I- .-llli lll.Ml.,' ,.ill d, Il li .1 sh.,,1 i, ,., I),,,,,
mm llli- in, it l Ii ly pi no i v iih ri i'Iii ir.ty.
Cull Imiiu.'.- urn'.- uui. i, . r, i.- i;y i .niiuiil
turnip ul I.. .t iirii.'iin t,, pii i i-iii t-jjniiiU'ii-,
I AI 'I It in.
'Af.f ';', (,!. not b'tilim h I l.nt.. ,;.., it,.
I llihr l ltttl.l: Mii.S-I lit, ul Vttsniai u, c. iliru u,c" inn
In h'lvg vii .lllfurrmgl, bin ul anij uilu r time tliey nit tale .
i l.l-i) ' i lll'il Hi,- I.i,,.. h.-.ilili n, il. I
f.i.l,', Hilh lh -mliii-M in.,. .,r ..I, uu. ilih i f
. T.'."il,lil no ll!-. i li- I'l.n nr.- tuny Hit- Hlllll III I. In, Il.i
j in tin: hour ol I Ml. -od III' .,m; if..,p.t iv. and
. i i-v, r fat i i! - o i- and r-'Kul ilnr I f-uppnn o I 11.1
I l Innn h.i . . r ill l-n Sn liillillinl tin. f. .,,..t
.'1 1 1 n; ' i a.. I ik,- lh in . uh p ii cl s.iliii ny y, i i m , r f 1 1 1 i
. i,.t:l o els. ill t ti.i-j j i,.- f. h ly i. Uu .. a ikh r
i I'.. I n;- K, tiu'.iliir.
ll I3.',.'i In all ili.u . I Ni'in iih and Spinal "iti'.rli..nti I'.nn.
i.i Hi. I!.,i k .'Hid I. nub., -.i t n-- mi .lislii i ui t iiu.l'al
I p I ll'iii .1 I In- II1..11, 1 1 t .-1 J d Mia V lulu., thi..,
I I-II ,u ill . if 1 1 1 run- vihi u ..II nth r hum 11. li.m- ii
I il , .1 1! 11 .1 pi mi 1I11I ruil, d I i,,I.ii 1
I I 'ii . 1 u I ii.ui'i 1 .ii.ti.ii 1. y ur .iiijthiiiij hu.tlul to thu
r.,ii til. ui,, 11
I'uil d ri 1 11 in Un- p.iiiipbt. 1 ur.iiiuil caili uickngp.
0 hit h h"lilil li. 1 nn 111 ill pit m-i 1 I .i.i. iiituaaisTs.
rink- (J- 111 lur Uu I nucd .-latud aud lln'i.h
J ill ,M, i.-ns. i7 i.'.iiilaiid Si , Now Vnrk.
X. II - $1 10 .lode thru.- c or port t.iuip. n-
1 l,"ii'd to any iiuilMi i..',l Aj.'iu. mil uu.uri-a lii.ttl.',
i-..iitiiiiiiic .50 I'iiU. bi.r iiiall, ncurcly rniab d
3ii1 PI
PO ail
To D)
j: 00
ii no
i 1 no
.'In on
km ;..
if ir)
in u i
ir. .1,1
31 Ul
a- 1,11
3 ml
1 1 tin
!'J DO
i.irii iii:.viiu-
At the meeting ot' the Uloonisburi? Lo
cal Senato on Friday evening of last week corporation offers. iMoreover we know
I I,.. -I-.. I. lit I lln.n,.
fur better to mm than Iho i'l-niii-ylvania ; ,i0 Tucirimt' Jooa Cuk-man,
jury iii. .111 1 ii'ii.!.
do Tuculi of J J I'rci'Z-!, .lim.
I'.n.l asi'8'i3 for spring
military iiihi's-nient. Ini.i
To ca-ii of military fund u:
J sriaudi'm 11, , tii's of
W II Jacoby noticnii
1- J uh 11 blnak ho.ik
I'ai i mic0 f ir ni-cjiiiiiit
1.1' 11. m tax lor.j
To cali of -uud. y pirnoiiH to.
ili-mtio'i moiuy
To cash ciiwIvi-J fur miliary
ia Btealicg by somebody. Tho appropri- of I'fesident Johnson's position ;" "Pen
ion now domanded will mako o?te hun-, Wctures of Puritanism, chapter 11. ," and
rlTr,nhm,sr,nrl rlnllart PTnnnilr.,1 ho 1m T?n. eevoral pieces of pootry. Tho Editor"a
publican party in Gvo years, to keep the ' Tabl is aUo ful1 and P'quant as usual.
furnituro of the Whito IIouso in repair. ' VaD Evric.IIorton k Co., publihcrp, New
This ia moro than tho Democratic party ! York- SiDg,Q "pio3) 25 cents ; S3 00
expended for tha same purpose e'idco tho , Per aniu1.
. : ..... 1 -"'
building 01 tuc w hits Uouso. is this tear-. ggy a sub-committe of tho Ileooslruo-
relatives in their hereavrmeni.
and Frightful Steamboat Explosion-
Eighty laves Kcported to be
Lost j
Cincinnati, Jan. HO. The steamer '
Missouri exploded her boilers this moru-
uot Phil
adelphia havo more than one lino to the
West? New York has ihrec. Had it not
been for tho sharp management of th) di
rector., of the I'i-iids Ivania Itailrond
Company , Philadelphia would alto havo
had ; but by t.ujinj; the Kno road, and
ing at 2 o'clock, at the mouth of Green
river, lite wreck Honied down
r mile and a half above Evans
13 M
1 uu
1:1 in
10 13
2 (W
5 UJ
15) 6)
1-7 ej
S3 1 n
thi- trrit day ol i. mu ir . II th In-in ail i.h.ui i iti.ui
Hi t as 1.1-t Inrlh iu llio f-iri'-."iiii'; t.iii-ii fit, .ri I th il 1 i'Vh . 3, 'i.b - ly
in. uuu u uai.iin-i-uui' i.oiuinio i l nunl) ul 11111 iiiiii
dri'd and la phty lour lin' an' -niv uu' r.-ni-..
(SJMiil)f II. inirl .Mr II n n , Tr n-nr. r 1,1 . 1 1
Coiioiy (iivi-n uuili-r our ii.nrd-, llm third uay nf
18 e Jnmivy, IdW.
IIAVII'.I.SVYOHil 1'i.iiiit v
1 I. U. ItlTCliT, 1 Au nior.,
We, Iho uiidAr.itMii-i i o,iiiiii!.i,uii'r. f 1 nlit ..lo.i
County, tin n rlify lh it lo- f.ip-iriou-r i. a r- rrm I et..l-
iiii-iil of Ihc accuutH i,f ,.n I rouuiy f.irth- A Hi
IclJ. Witil-'i'. our h.i.t I . Jan i iry llilnl A II 11 ,li .
TIIDri. J. VAM)i:i(SI.Ci:.
Alti-H-K, C. I' It U If.
Ui'li ili'i Al. t II l ti K (; : S 1
I'lindri-ilii nmi thou. amir a illy i,n- pn-m nun I"
hIi. ii, li liny Mould (iii- tin- lirial 1'ri'iirh lliin dy, '
1)11 JL'A.V li:i.AMAIiltL-rf
i t'Iebrali il Spi v.Jic B'i.!v,
Finaiitcs of ( duinbiu Coiiui
Uatanre dun from cidlrrtor.
Dc-diiLt i'Xoiii riitioiii and,iii
Pal duo To ffiiHi 'I rrasun r
Oy amount o'llitvi lio? far IfloS
nmi previous yiam
- r.xuni-raii run uU'cii collertor.
' Cuiiiiuirtioii nll'i'il colb-ilors
anil county orders redecai"d
" Treariirfr't ciuimmi'm o.i
Sl'.-IU.SOnt 1 pi-t c.-nt
' nuioiiui paid lato Troaiurer
tux on nu.itaudi ip li iml i
Calance in linn Ja of Tr.'.u'ircr
Ifiio U
IHIj'.l Ul
3147 il
3111 3.1
3111 l.-
m-i 47
437 0)
'J-l 01
e 111750 Cl
DAN I I'.I. MclIKSrtV.Trcajiiror of Columhii county
The officers aud crew numbered obout one
.., ,Cbnmbersburg and Connellsville, the
svillo, lui iav(J a6SUIa.j ,uo atiiiuilo of monopolists,
ful wasto of tho people's money to bo rsck- ,inn fifteen nre maturing an mnanJ.nent ' 1 ,t,n,i rr.rl ,.,. vt.i i Sljil11 ll)0 Krcat eoinmoowealth of Peun-
nro vc ii ti ri ti the Reading corporation from
n j - . , . . , I r .- I '-.' ir.i. aicui. in i , irt-a.
,p, , ,, , , , , , uiiuiuui; u iiiiuul'u luuig vu mu n va. -u ill ntl'OUIll will tux oil
The wreck floated down anil sum k ti. .i" ,t . .t i m.,;ii ,i... i nn
I Toiinioun'. outatandin; nmi ui.
I colh'iti-il for leM and prcvi
mi. year,
. . . . . ' nil illll il L nur I ii il.i .1. n,r
onCU amOnK tllO necessities Ot Wat ( IJUt nmnowcr n,r nonrrrr.a tn mol-n nil tlin nlno. rov-b nrilu lnum norsium were snoml 7 ,ou . U,S.1"'"""' " "'V.. Kl.i. I nndtturi. report Jan 4. i-os
- . . r " -i o w.v- j --j- ...,. ,
let u not bo etippcst-dto intimate thatth.s tion3 law3 of all the States and to assume including the wounded.
vast outlay has not been necessary ; for ; direct control of every individual in tho Evansviu-E, Ind , J,n 30.-The steam-
wo oonceivo it very po.iblo that tho vol- ,anu. The net amendment will proba- j IhuK, t opZt? Kott'
gur, m-orcu, uuu gc.a.ij, uu y cumpauy by uo to continue the present members of i 00's Baw-mill, near the mouth of Green
wuicu surrounoeu ruo jaio iur. ijincoin rjon
umouiit aii-.i!d for Iriij.
would spoil any houso so far as to render
it uniDhabitablo by a gentleman.
lgress for life and to insure tho sue river. The oxplosiou was distinctly heard
cession lo thoir hi
-It .1.:. 1 T-i ri-i .
i irs or assigns. This ! u" UVCI ""3 u'lJ "" a. iicwuurg. nu
would be moro opecifio iban tho tcorcs now "BB,!r ?l wa.s uu,,r "l0.'ss"u" "
r Im limn nr Mm nvr.1ni.inil ntirl ron tl.Mu-
before lbo Uuinp intended to insure tho oido aud took off the survivors. Tho Die-
refused to entertain a resolution declaring ssion in .uerely to members of utor touched at Newburg, and took on
. tho shoddy party instead of to the mcu- board Drs. W. ana It Slaughter, but loft
no list of tho lost or saved, aud but few
'particulars. Tho wrcok is in possession
Tbo IIouso on Monday morning
ttmt .Tr.fTr.r-nn T)n-,i9 .linnl.1 br nnnndilu I ouuuuy laity iusn.i;u
end if found guilty, he should bo prompt
t&S Tho papor'dealord and envelopo of the J-'vansville and Cairo Packet Com-
ly ezecuted. Theso altemps by inoxpe-! manufacturers of New York had a meet- P.1117, ,. 1 learn ,bit "'er0 wero uut fivo or
rionced membera to mako a little capital I ing on Monday, and adopted a rcmon- b.x on noa.u, nut mnt t . ore were
, . , . . , . , . , . r . . , many gentlemen. luo nafo and sotno of
lui r.L,ri& uviiDuiupviuii uj luiiwuuuiiJ fj'
tound'mg resolutions for the trial and exe
cution of Davis, have only tho effect of dis
gusting sensible men of all parties, as
known by the aotion of tho majority, as
iboye slated.
tuur A negro equalitist, talking of pa
triotism, is liko a crow decked in Ihofcath
tri of an cr-glu.
fltraneu againsr, 1110 passage ot tno ameuu- Ul0 ,ools wero brought to this city this
rnent to tho postal law authorizing tho aalo morning, but iho cabin register has nut
of stamped envelopes at the prica of thoj been found, llio port list Miows the ot'
6tamps upon them.
ficcr and crew numbered about ouo hun
dred men.
' D2P Sixty-nine mombors of tho United
States IIouso of Representatives havo pre
pared speeches on tho reconstruction ques
tion, all of whioh will bo delivered in rotation.
JKJT It is dated that Secretary Seward
whilo at St. Thomas, had an interviow
with Santa Anna, and assured the lattor
that Maximillinn's empire would not bo
tolerated by tho United State?.
Kxoiii ratloiiii a lowed col
h.'Uuri conimi'.iou nlloivmt do
am t id tlii!i"p duiuago or
drr rudfu-tiied
r.inl iiiit'i.Bur. for a8ieii8ltg
do,' t ix fur lst;S
Truaioiri'r'd coiuinii.iort on
1'i'i -.'3 at S pw cent
610 00
41 M
47 eo
037 -25
Dcitui't nrdt-ra i.iri'd'!.in,-d fir
and priiiuuii year.
Dtduit urdem unrodouinud f ir
I .-Hi
Dcilurt hulauc. iln.i I) Savniin on
bridec contrai't iu iti-ntnii
Dt'diiit bnlaiicn duo W A Kilo,
bridi. contract in c'Ufarloaf
Calince in favor ofcoiinty
Statement of Dog
Hal iloc from i olli-rtorH
OcdiiLt . voii'ra-.iii!i und
Ueduit nrdi rs unr-.-ili-i-ninl
fur ISfil and provioits yi-ari
Orders unrcdcuincd for liG4
llalancp Iu favor nf .aid fond
Con, ii 1 1 k r l c n .' th ' lllliro, i
l.lnoiiu'iurl!. Jan. a eC0 !
I'cb. 3, -lO.-liiv
I oiuini.iiiotii'ri .if rri'parrd by (7 ,n m ii.rk a. IIi-i-.i r, No '.Ml It-m I..mii
L'.iaiiubia i nu niy b.ird. I'.tri.. ltiuii thi! pifrcripti-m of Or. Juan fiiia-
in.irii', i ini'l I'm i-U'inn nt tin Oo-pital do V'rd ial
Larilmini-'ri-ii l.ilr tli y Hn'il.i nod iiii.m:.ii
rcllif, and. n. a -lion tnue, l,o lu'ly ri-.t-iroil to llttllh
and Strcvglk ll i. iibi d in llio pi.ii tic,, of luany mu.
in lit 1 ifiii pii) mi laus. u nn uiiiln.-nr mcci'si. .111,1 hib.
120" I'" ly r' cou ub-d an the mily i,,,iuii.. ,,n I pcafi' Hrm
?III7-21 iy fundi p. r-noa .nil' riuj Ir.'io (i.-n.-rtil or f. in. l
art nl liibllliy liM di r.iiii-iuii'uu id I In, N.'tvoUH I'. ri'
Vi'l.iiuh'd). p,'riu.iiiinliu,a ur Si-oiinal I uiinMun-. a
JI I. II c.i Wi akm-i nririiiK Iruiu m-au.iI l.x Ciiitk) . i'liy.icai
I'rohtr Hinii. N'rvu.i.nn.i., Vi,ilt fpiin- tl.iinniu. nf
8li)fi3 f pintH. iHi.itii-iH of Vi-ion. lljtlcricr, l'miii in llm
, a ml I. Iml, s. Impiiti'iiry, tzu
''U t3 Noliii(;u.ti;i-can i-uiivy an iic"untu Idi-a of Uu- im-
tui-ili.Hi. and alnio.i iiiir.i,.olou. iliaiif-ii it otc.uionii ti
734 tin ' Ilii- ili-biu ta led mid nhalli-rid y .ic-iu. In fact, il hhIh
u nrl v;il lc-,1 as au uiif.iiilii- turo ol iho' s aiiuui
tiailSi) glairi 00 iiituiii'iiLii.
ruflW no ni ri'. hat mi! The Ureal Wrench Ilimclit : it
877 ri) il (llVtt n inn-ulii ro all oihi-r full, nod ulihoiiijii
8-10 00
Aunnort's anu Clcrri.
Ain't paid auditor! and clerk 49 00
W Wirt audi tin:; PrntliouoUry
and lli'snter, uccouut IS 03
llitnir nf o rtiilritorl piimnnnv ? Sli.lll Pilil
adelpuia sec her own capitol used to help , Qjf
tuc traile ot iNew i ork and yet uo alraid ny iniiouutoutiitandinB and un
to raise her voice aijniust it, or her hand
to prevent it 1 This is the ease as it stands.
The Heading llailroatl Company wants a ,
weslern connection, and the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company bars the w.iy aud siijh, '
'Nn ; you ill nil form no connection unle.s
with us.'' As to whether the li-giblature
i-hall luud itself to this sort of polioy, it is 1
now a matter of uo consequence, t-iuce the
decision of the iSupremc Court iu tlw
Pittsburg and (Jonnellsvillo it-iilroad caso
ir.,in n ....... a ii..,. n,i..t, :.,.,.. i.,wi
cucviuiiii Jl iiioiiiiiiui mu, uiiauiiirui ijwvij cSUS.lOitS V V
of tho dnngcrous weapons it ha? been Amount paid amenor for .prmi
handling f.o i-t'cklca-ly- Wo beliove it is a,";"""u!l!,"I,1r. . ,,.,,,
.1 i ii . . ,i . .i i ii IlltlUOU it KOAll VIUWS
to tho public lutrrcsts that there should AI10UU, M 611n,lr IlfHOIlt
be fair play all around tho board j and in nuiuiii; contraui's.
this view we only hope that (air play will yJ." io
prevail. UCIIUUIltOWii lelegrnpt, W A KruhridsuiiiSusurioar 7WU0
Ouml Sava;u btiilju in llciiton 110000
Another" Fnght A .un.onpa-!"
Disaster 130 Lives Lost. ih.amc uuniin
, T .... r . ,ii Ain't paid for blank bok for 1'roiltono-
Mr.5irillS,Jan. .IU. It is reported horo tary u iti-iUtr oiiirc,
that the sieniner Miami blew up and was Constnoles' lleturhs
burned on Mouday last, six miles abovo AroinBihe,y'"reve'"1 e"""xM''
tho moulh of tho Aikansas river, and that Court Crier
(IHO humlrsd aild ttilty lilfS WCrO lott. Amount llmct Cofrunin
1053 OS
Tut Money iu thy tutso '."
Road to Wealth ! !
aro Mnntod lo caut.ui cvi-ry Citv. Villa?.-. It.niitut,
Worlirlinp! I' ldory llirnujliult I.I i entire nor Id
for tho sa'.o of our
' WATtJiiL1.". jijiv k.i hy. .qi.vr.r.AV un:, .miicai,
; uo.i:s, and oi iimi autici.ks
llni-rgctlc prr.inis nf-iiii, IiuMt. and I'.iir bu"no3
"053 Oi tart' can clear over g-M p.-r wi-i-k in the country, and a
much larger amount lil.llnckly nellled localitii'H I
j IVo Capital BSciiuii ct! ! !
Satnpli-j of nur Articles. In tho amount of 1. will bit
i-iit by mail fur ni.pection, and if not perfectly atit
; factory no i lmrce !
rt nn Send Jour mldreta. if yon arc of an iudiiilrioiis turn
OJ uo nfiniuil mill In quert of i.iuuediatu enltli II
in reel to
I'AliKIN'SOV 4. CO , iMroaTERr,
'jOd Uroailuay, Ne Vutk
Jan 51, ISiiil. Im
'GE0H fiEfi" R Al DAD "
Skylight Picture Gallery.
a poiiiiilul ri-meily. mui'illm nollllui.- Iinrlfol to Uu
uio.t drlii ato ciii5tiliilii,ii
I'jll'nllli Is. rillit..lniti!! full li.-liliriil.'im .m.l iliri li,,i,
.... lor iuiii;. io Ciij-lirh. 'n n.'li. Hp,ihi.h and Ci-rio.iu. a,"
iiuiipaiiy coll box, and i.l.o m ot Ireo lu any iiddnc
8CliJtii Hheu r. "Pifhli'd.
.... . 1'ric- Uui- D.iliar per box jsn hoxi-n for Five. Dullara.
Hi ilii '-iJ '.n -""Id by all l)rot'j;in ihrDushoiil the world i or i.i
"'' ' be sent by inail. .icurily sealed Iroui all ob.ervatiun,
euo..o ''y ii'clohiiii; pceilii-d price to nuy nutlinriJUid nti'iiL.
?ni)ju BKIfMlK Of(JUU.lf.liff.lT.1.Xl IMlT.M10.VS.
I'rnprii torn in lu.ivn Ai nln fur Ano'iiia, 06C'Wi O
MOSI.S S; CO , -J7 t.'ourlli ml St Neiv York.
Auluoriieil Agmita lor UlooiiuburK.
Daiiv'lle, If. L1YCOVK:
n lif.O -ly.
C09 C3
173 01
1022 00
59 10
l.VJ '.'5
50 50
"IHemlirr i, IPl'J- y,
A New Gallery in
B 1 Q M M. 8 Sl If (1 .
B II M undersigned takes plcisure in uu-
JA HHiiurlng Hint tie hun openi-d u Gallery iu llm
bra' llouiii oyer ll.iriiniin a rlorj, llloom'huri,'. I'a fur
I'll toiirnpliic and Kindred Art. Ilo it ir'pared lo
tako I icture. of all kind.
HnviiiK i'rocureil tlm aorvli'M of nu rt pirimica-l Ar
list from New Vorli, hi, j. prepaicd to do all Hindi of
future tn h i iijj .
Cull ami ex b.Tnre goinc eltculicro
I lootmbui?. Jan 27, T,ii- If
whieh arc ironed.
Tj" Uiiiu ro at iho Odko if
simon- c. sinvn-
Uuoni.burr. Ts.
nlooinsbnr, Jan. 27, 'CO. St.
AM, pcrfonii indebted in tho un Honk
acc.oittit, N'otn or oiiieiwLe, nto requctiiil to call
and ti ttle tlm tmiin nn or before tint 1,1 of M.ncll null.
rliu.e rieyltrti ng tin. notice nil I porittvi ly bo uaueu
L AI.IIO.Ma Ic AM1U.M riCTUr.i:s,-.cllit,(, ol ''l' l-y mctr .inly authonrrrt to :"' ?; . . ,
low prir.-i (ur emu w. li. IT.liKY. ,. ,ir
Mart It I. IPA3.
ri. W enr k Hue I lull.