. lueJxwlllW.JIJlltl,CT. , , , t a .n..,.i . , 'JHf 11" H IIIH I AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, ED1T0K. "TO HOLD AND THIM THE TOH0H OF TIIUTII AND WAVE IT 01511 THE DARKENED HA11TII." TERMS: 52 50 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 19. NO, 40. .EJLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, lSGG. VOLUME 2a 1 7 1 ffl I I feAIiTIMOKF, LOCK HOSPITAL Daltimorci Md. KSTAHIilSIIED as a UEFUGE FKOM QUACKERY". Tc 0wy V((.i? uifrc u Cure can be ob lai'icil. Ur. Johnson has di'cotcrcd llio most fVrtnin, Bpcr-ily, ami nnlv llfl'prWal tlrnipily In llio Vnrli! for Wcn'knr.. rf tliu I'.arknr limb", Sirlclnrcs AfT'-rllon' of the Klili ryK nml Ulmlilrr, liivnlnnlary DisrlinrSt'. I niprtriii . flfiicral 111 lilllly, Ncrmin ii'M. I'VM" I'"1'1' 1-niicur.r. I, or,' Splrili, rnnfnunn nf Mp.u. I'alpU ill"" nf th" III ail.Titnliliiy, 'I rpinlillmr, Uhntii'O nt Siiihlor iiililliip. I'Im ii.i-nf llm Hp nl Thrnit, Nn..', ir t'nwi In- tho, n Terril.l.; lUinnlcra .riling finn Hi.lit.try Habit nf Vniilh-i-rrrfl unci f .'1 1 tri ry practice, inuro fulal In thrlr victims than the Ktitf (if f t 'run M th- Mnilw-M if I'll (, bllshtlm; (i.'lr 1 1 1 f t litiltinnl lioprs t r anllci.atiiti9, reituVrlng r.a map, &. , luipo-n.ihlp. YoUNO MEN t:no4i'itlv. wlii linv.- h. cnnip llti- liHim nf Polilary VIcp, tint I'lf'it Mill ilPclrnitni' liahit wltirli nunii ally ri i'S to an imliinply i tut p llinin-aiii'ii nf Jming Mini of Ui ii nt ..tjlti-.i tali i In anil biilliant intt licit, whii inii!lit ntlii-ttvlM- l.avi- pi.trantt'il IMf-niti; Suit, n'oii w.ln 'Iip tlinndi r; if otn.piMir.-, nr wali.-.t In co ttar) the litini; lyu.iiii.ynill nli lull confiilrncp. MAUUAIG H. Virri- I r'u-, nr yoiitij nn n n nttrpln:ii1? par rina. It i 'm itii f j"1 ul tti .tkm-.., , igaiilc ilo Klity it- t in in- . "I"'1 ' I'v i u l. nr. uiui ii nr. h lintMi ii ii'uti r tli" r:',- if l)r J. tnay tt lii't-iiwv pi n'tit in In- iinii'T a ynitlpin in, and. foiitl.ii-iitiy ui) upnii hi rhtll a' u ph) It i nt' (littiAXlO i:KNI..-rt I in uvi l.itp'J i' itP'l '"il full ii!Pr rpjinitil. '1 lin ' ii-tti i-i'i; ail iti ui w ii 1 1 i i '! t.'f f life iai 1'iahT ifil in.iiri.isii liiini!iililc-i ilii' ii'iialiy pali hv ill I'll. iin "i l.iit'i'Mi r iiihiiIli in i' Yi.iins per i. it nn' avt in roiiiinlt i cofip 'mm tint bi'lng nwar" 'f 'In-ilrpulful cnii-i" i i'i'"n tl'.it m ly piiiip. N'nw , tt tin tlu t mull Miami tin.' mhJPi't tt ill pri tt ml In lanv that 1 1 pnwi r ni (in i m -'II' n i I" t iinniT hy iltiiin- tnlniu 'ni" Iminip'f li..i.iil Hun hy th'1 pru ,1.1,1 ( in i, i.'i; it' pnvi-il " Hp pi inrp in lii.il tp "ll'm'rimr t Ii n.n-t imni" nml .ptriitiivi nyuip limn Imllt tm.lv -in I mini 'I"""' H'" p'S'tPinho iiiiii.'H ill ransi 'I. th' pli-li'iil nml nipnt.il timi-llmm ivi'a kph."I , i ii4 i'f I'f r r.'nti v p i"ittpr, fun nii Irri. lantlin. l)v.i -fi'ii. 1' ilintailnn nf til Hp hi. In'.ns l,un. t u iim:il I" n Iny, a Wu.irig nl Hi I Ci'Ujh. I'liti'iinililli 'i, In ray nn l lln.illi nil. ioiiv.'To.Vi f,ti iii'n r f 111" ! 01 i'lii'SP"'!'. Iionilint, I'l i. In. it'' I " il "II ' '' f Hi'' I ' PlilillPl'l I nil. SPk til I III1 I iiii. il -t !".. ami Hi.' vi' iil'-r inn ( Ii"p HI" lias tii...ii -p. i.l in l c Ilnipiiai of l.nmtnn, Turin, I'lnla id 'pli, i .in'i upttiii n. has I'tlWlt'il wiiiiip nl Hip liinit a.t in iifiiiiir i It it vi I pv i r kiinivn , ni.iny trnn ..'liii riii.'iiii! In tin- ln-.nl an 1 11 ri tttnn niKPi fl, ,i in rvnn , h"lni! alarni 'il at wl 'i-ii tiiiili 1, ,iif ii ith tii-1 1" m liliilinii.'. niipnili il nnip I a ii!i i. r. in, in nt nf mini, mi" i.ir-il tiainiui ul. Il . T sr. r.Writ l .All ViTlri:- I'r J a.,,:ri'"p u'l llmur-nn li.it jurpil llinn. ;il.. i-i niipiiipi r li.ilil!ii"ln: unit i -J tt . It.ihlli, nimli I'i'ii hi't'i hii'iy iiii'l ininil. null unit tin in I'm ii'inr, i iii''i-. ilm'.t- i i.'ty. nr mari niiip. In .. "hi.' nf in 1 1 -mi nn Li- ii ly p.'V. eli rrn .il' p i l'i' illy m.'il'tt nl until. i . i I'liknim nl Hi . I.;,, k hint I. n I'l iiid in ilif II-.i'1. limitnM nl ',i, i. ,r nt Mi a, r '"".I i. Piiipil.itmn "1 'h.' Ui".tt luppp-ia, Ni'tv't'ti liiatiihilitv, Il T.'iiipiii"iit r.r Hip Hi -int. I inf'l 'in. lipinirnl tiiilnty. ini.i t i - , In t, in ll't Plf Ctf nil III mill I r in U it:, i . "I l.n- i f n"1 1 lip, i tit l nl "-pit it', lit ll I'V'Ip Sm l l y NOTI0E. Specific performance Folate nj Jm'jih Hmjhitr$t(lic'd, Columbia Cmtn'y, .S'.V: ( )''! roiiimniincalili r.f 1'rnti.j U-mit tV-u I.. i. j iiln.t, ulnw "f .tl,l ilfi-n.mq,!. Wary Inter marirlpil v. ith O.r. i I Urn' -t. fiM.111, littr. tnarrliMl Mill. (iPnrca Htrldnr. IM.ti Infrmnrrln I ttllli CytiiK II ApiilPiiian, lii ttttli-iil lliiyliiirn, must h th ll.-.yhii.t, -mil llenajali lluyliur.t, tun pri-n iitn. Iili'tni- cif Hi )jt nanipil In Iiik nnkiimvii In vnnr netl tinner i liclrs nml li-gitl rpirut;i:tiitvcs t( H.'lil Joitph UayiiiM'rl, r tirii lltii. jnn atnl (.'.ich nf yn;i an- liPr-'iiy riteilfiti.t cniiiiinnili-il tnh,- mi.l nppp.ir i-i vntr prnnpr Poriniil nt Jt Urplnim1 Cnntt to bj Imtili-n nl Ulnmn.l.iira, m nn I fnr ealil i.nnnty mi thu llrsi Jlniiilny nf lVlirn try nMt, Hi ii nml llipru tirmiKwur th i Inlinr t-piitlim nl mi uni ttlui)lir ki It hi" ("rlli th it tin.- Paul Jnspfli liny. Iiiiift, ilii-it j, li-.l nf, e i tat n real ctat( In Uraiiup tivn in tnliitiihli l.ininty, an t,-r i ,vm, j.n.,r . ittinti-r I y arilrlc-nf iiBriciiiPiitlii urttini;, ilitn.l Uppti-inbrr Mh. lii.ij, tn si ll ami rnnvcy tli.- mum- tn tlw il,l VVil liain jiihiiyli-r. his heirn nr nlii. Ami i ,m,v (aiin- uli) tlu ai i t.'inirt 1-I111II m,t ilicru'llm njiL-i'lfii liprliiriii.iiirp nf iln- al,l i'nii.nn.1 .icrnrilimi tn Uio linn Inlpiitaml nip.inini; thpri-uf an.l th it n Mm vi-yn-ic- In in.niiiiti.ler t-1 1 1 ili rrp- in Iho afnn mi I William Sclliljlci, uf llm n.ii,l prrniip In fill- miiinl -, , , SAMl'lil. M.SY1IUI1 Sm-rl.T tilniiiiiiburst, Ih'C.Jl, lOi.i.-tP. ' NOTICE. Sptcifi- fjiY.(t'cc Ucpr-j ShrUhs P,,-. t J w I'VE BESN THINKING . t'vo hreii thinlilii?, rvc bcpn thlnltln:, What n r,,iro.n world won thlt. MM ink t-tln 1 th 'Ir n-.vn b nlnr-s m vs. An,l mlml tli'lr tiPi-lihotS lm. Tor Inmnco yn t ntt.l I my frlernl, Ara sailly pmrti! to talk Of iniitcrii that concern u net, Ami othom' folllej moc't, I'vj liecn thlnkin;. If tv'd Iioin To nt)ml our own nff.ilrsi Thit pntilbly our itflghbori mlsht t-'oiiirivo tn manat!i( their. HVvu fault 4 ennuglt nt lininu r mcml- It wiiuM nceui airan j-, If It wcra not, Pln'Pnll m-m!ln tir- lire the r-i. ' h ! v.-rnlfi tbntvc hlil tharlty, I'i'rcvpry man nnrl woman, I'orvlvpitn.s l tlio mark of tho.i Who.ino.v tu"rrri human." 7i.-n Id ni banish Joali)'jy- l.il'i lift our fa Ip.i hn tip r. Aivl at nt- ji.iirni-)- ili-vn II f.-'s ro.ii), Iln i;on,l 1. 1 niio allf'thPr. ' Muscular Christianity. k oeoD nonT nr mttior cctvcLt. To in'1 now-mown bay U very swt'cl antl nicr. Tlio brilliant Georpjo Arnold plnns about it in beautiful vcrec tlown in Jersey every eummcr, anil so does tlio In the autumn of 1957 I ppout a few court of Lillci for vagrancy vlioa carocr hrilliiiut Aldncb. at Portsmouth, N. II days in a country pironaga, and on the , of criino is ono of tbo moat extraordinary An Adventurous Careei. t young man has just bccn senteucctl to I imprieontucnt for sis months by the police mtirh nlnaiiin nf I -li-isi In. . A it - ri-in tn I' itlil-l. I.nv nf s!'l IHI I-. I Illll'liiy.'vC f i' . - 1 1 inn liici-' dnM ir -in . it ,ini -,iim ir -in i. - '-i'l J--- if Ii, ir P'rli n i- In .-liti. I"iua ihi il i in. ..I. , vi:..r. Ii . iiinnu ll'i-iik p.ili-. m M't' linn en ariuitti. ti.um. 1 -1m1 ' u t jipi'.'.i 1 -it "it ti' (i'- t-'iita- 1111 I -J in, I "lie nf fnm" niptnM. V.il NC -VHN ulin' ,e lifn ii' i'i mi"'".(, ' y a p.-t.-.in pracliri-.in ihilPPl 1 1 h."! al'tii.-. .1 liilniiV-i i-n"y l.-nru-l inm ,v,l r.i 'iiii.mii. nr ..t -"h-i i'.iIipi'.I'iU nf ttbiili art MJhllV I II PV II ttll-IIIUl.mil. m i 11 n it Cllli'.l n-ii ,, m 11 arri.'.-i' 1 1 p-m-Hil- a" I '-H" bmii, inm I nnit h t 1 1' . " It. 1 -1 .i ' i'l 1 1 ni.ii'", i-i' plf l. Ii il 11 Jill l!l"tl a minis "I""' ' 1,1 I1' "f "'If iv in ,'ii''p nl In- tir i-U. Mi'.nl ' h.t miat.niNl Irom Hli iimp'.t- ami ('."."iiM'i.l- ni lit.-, liy tin) our , 111 1- f 1.11 1 .tinj !..-ni lMiit!i urn-.tiir ami In- nniir inr i'i!t- u -i crn I1..1 it. riiuli i' rutin niiial. htf-uv ii n-i I1I111 (Jofini.fii'i ''iili!ij, .' 1 . 'I In- t'.iiiiiiiiiinvpath -il'tVniiiyltanii, to i".l 3. i ) I,, f j!n Hi. vtiimv nf vi.ltl lli-tiry .'-inlili, tlcc'tl 1 y Jl.irit.ir.-t. Ivti-,iiiatrii., uth ivtur l.u'2 Willrini HiiiiHi, Jnli-i tV. ,iii, Ki,,., In.ty, tttilnw, t'.lla I'.l-itah- th !?iiitlli rs.-ttl mimir cliihl nf .Wary Ann, inm il-'Ct-nm-.l, lat. ly I- ipimarr'n-il Willi tVilli.iiu A-h. illinm Sinitf) . nl- nf c tin, 1 .1 , Ifnnniy, a.nl Mitn-r 11 1'iiitili, will.. r--ni r. li-ni t ii'i'.nin.n, am! Hi; II riiHi-ii, 11 -Irs i.l' Haiti Hi ury rtii.tlh. .I'-rM ; iln-cii 1. yj 1 ni I p.n li n "n.i art ln-r- by cito.l ami r n 11 . 111 ,i 11 -1 - it p. i ,i inr mii m ip. in h,. a nj nppi-ar i'i )niir pmpi-r ppr-nn-. at an rirpH,n,s- (... ri t In linl li-i at HI 1 itliiirL-, In 111 tor an I I (.'iuiii,i uii Hin lirsl Mnn.lai nf ri-,ir.i,'., 1 .1 it. fi--:i .1 i l ili'. ri-tn utmui-r iho I ill nr H'tiiniii in tli'llmn Ir'niilh, I1.M i tttor nf paiil lli'iiry Miilih, in C11.1 il, spitni? I'irtlitliat tin--ii I iln i'l-iIpiiI 1I11-1I m j.-.i-.i in' c--ii 1111 r--nl e.ini.', In I'oiitnii, tiiwitrhip, .ii 1 11 1 1 1 mil.' ail .i-.-'.-il -.villi Tlmia n II. t'niuli t-y ai r-- im-m 11 i-.rlli.i, t. .1 llm ti. c , li 11, 1 1 i-i II an.i rmiv. y I'l.'lm.i m in,- .tlti 'I ln'i.ir.t II .-until. Ins Iipiiu , 1 .m.-h'.-'-h. Ann 1,1 utiniv i-.ni',! i- In 1,1 mi I Cum ;m n-,t ,1 1 rr.-i'lho -pi-u.i' ipri' Tiii.tii". ' nf tlu ..ml rmitrirt, in-.-i-iiinin-j In Hip tr 1 tut in an; m u'iIiil' i!h.ic-ui', anil that .tpiiiivpvanic- Ii in iiln un lur w.tl.l ili-rro,- by your p. ml in nn In ni-ir .n.i TJinmaj II b mill, nf tli in. 1 priniii,i In n ninipli-, t-.n.L '1. 6.fivii;:!i, ohcrtir. ni'ioia.hur-;, Drr CM, .1 Ic NOTICE IN 1'AUlTlVoN I's'itle 11 Jt.stp'i ir, 7 uis', fire d. - O IVi l--n. niiiiw nf ('((p iJi-ii 1 tli iv. 1 :ti nn ir in t i ttttii IiiimiI lirwi.l Hu-iiii. inli 11:1 i-ilwitli n", riiriihtr. IIiIpIi iit- riniirrn'ii uhlil ir" 11 Appl 1 1...1H II. . 1 mil. V.-M. iln ih .I'ni I.pii.iJiIi i-Nin-- i.i-.liU-iit! ji miktiiniii wiin ar-in-li ir -iml Ip;..) ritpi-p-piita litvciit rat 1 J isppli llnvli'irit. ilcct-' .1. 't'nt.e Ah i 1 Tnal an lii'i it will h' 11 -t 1 at tin 1 't divi llh - ( llnil.t- nf llif. -in, I Jiif.ri-11 IllM'l- -'l 1,1 I r IlllfP t-ttVII- -liiii I iilnnil.t 1 ('iiuntv. I'i n-i l aula -ni 111 (,r"i..i-". 1 11 .Iniina . tli -Hth ilny, of J in. .try 1.-1.11. nt id nYii''"-. 1. 1 f 'hi.i i'a, fi-r 1 In- pnrpni-. "t" iii'ikln-; put 111 tun 1 nt In" ri-iii i'1-t 11 - (rill'--ui iii-c - li-.-'. tn ami aiiiniii; 1 I-i - lit irn Hint Ipu.i r,.nrt ipiUntivi-. U ill --am.-citi I hr ili-nii tt iilmut pn j'liln 11 tip -ilnu thP w I nit- iii-rw in rn . lip- unit appr.ii-.t tip- .uni- ai-pnriilti t.i a iv ; nt wlitrh I. urn aim pl.n., yi.iar r-'pnri-il tn ,i. pit 1 if n.i .in. 1 1 pi (i r Aricmus Ward us a Farmer. An Arlcu'itj al Coiaty Association in vittd Arieniuj Ward to address lhen on th-. .c:aoion "i t'10'r nrst annual fair Ho wroio to thu President of tbo iccirtv as follows : N:v Yum:, Juno, 12, '05 And yet I doubt if either of theso nion Sunday morning, at breakfast, tbo pas know the price cf a' ton of hay to-day. tor's wife received received a letter, which Hutthonfw mown hay is really a fine her tittering told us must bo a titbit.- thin-;. It i.? gnod for raau and boast. 'Ha, undo' siid she, 'hero arc clerical do- 'Wo hired four honest farmers to assist itig-) exactly to your tasto,' Tho writer, a ua, and-I led thorn gaily to tho meadows, lady in a distant country, narrated that for robbery at Uar-lo-duc. ' llo tvas only I Wat piti-f to mow mysall'. there had laloly come into tho next parish ' eight days in tha housa of correction in I can (h-i sturdy peasants round onoo a now vicar a very (ino younn maD who I that (own when ho escaped. Ilo was cap- ere I dipped my (lathing foytho into the at school bad no superior, either in Orek I tured ami ngtin committed but ho. shortly over developed before a court of justice. Permit was b'jrti in Paris twenty four years siuoo and at tho ago of 1-1 ho com mitted hoiuioidi', At eighteen ho was sentenced to impriHoumont lor fivo years or in boxing, and who at tho Uuivurtity won honors for his classics and silver cups for his boatin";. Ho" was beginning iu DciSU Silt : T bava tho honor lo at: knowledge tliu rcctipt of your letter f J0'"' 'ohii yo aro young.'" tall grorn gris'. "Aro you ready t ' said E. Perkins. ,lI am horo," 'Then foller us," I followed thsni, a long neclectcd, vioious and brutal pco Followed ttit'in rather to clo.'uly, cvi- pic. lit had a plan and a will, but tunny deiitly, for a whilo haired old man, who worthy folk were fearing (hat his zeal was inimcdi itely followed Air. Perkins, called without knowledge or wisdom upon m to ha't. Then, in a low, firm On of his first measures was to open a voice, hj ?jid to his sou, who wa-i just Uchool iu a rcnioto part of llio parish, anil (bond el mo, ''Jobu, change places with get the room licensed for a wei k-day ms. lhj;ittil lout; to live ant how. preaching. 15ut all tho drunkards rose Yondur borrjing ground will soon have against such unheard of proceedings thee old bouea, and it's no mailer whctli- They would run after him, cursing, hoot Of I'i-.! c.iti'itd ttcro with ono leg olf and iug, ant: duchargiii"; volleys of sods and ter liloaa-ibos in tho oilier, or not. Hut oilier missiles. 1' lulling remonstrance in vain, he adopted another course on the after esoaped ascoond time. After his fifth -scapo from priecn iu Franco ho was sentenced to twenty years .MAiuii.u;.:, WAMUEI. SNN OKU, itenf. I li- riff--- (fit fl't-r-niilnii; IPf. '.'.I. IM.'i-tC 1 f- iSMl'i i! i 1W"; 3 ' J fci i-' s. jiti-, ovii i -a t 4 Ct r. fir-1 i'i 't 1 -"IP I n.in I an.l hi-.H' nn' Ih.- moil nrpj .niv n .iili'llp-I - inmliiili- ci.llllliliint Ii.iii!Ipmi In ... . .i .. ,,i....,i ii,,.-.;, it , i, .ii'ii-v llinmi'li litu l)Pcnmi- ntt-.irv p.i.-iiiiintj-- ; Hi-' prn-p.'t In. niy li'. 'tins m ,n,. . ti,. nl ijii nn;' ill nl.iwit.l Willi ilP-p-ilr ,, ii l. t v. ith Iln- in. Inm -wily r' " "'"t HI" ''l' I, I up ft -1 nmlii-r n mill-, i.lltilitpil "I'h nnr oii'ii. 0. ,7 Hoxik i )!( in'; bluet, I , fl '.i:..l i 'p S' i":' f"1"1 t,rl11 'l""1'' n fl'"' ilonr r. m th- i-iini r. I'.ul ni t In nUsciti.- ti.i.n-J ait'l limn l' ; , N'i. Iiti.-ri riir. ii-'I mil'-" lioitpii l an.l on laiinii a l imp tn lio n 'I "'1 Ih" n ply. Iiroim tt!,,, .1. I .lat.- r.ci- ami mlpmlmn ... a.lvcilija. Ill"llt ll'',! 1 1111 HPI t'.nn Tlw li-.Tltir-3 lliplniini li ins in hi nffica. U,djnc:ur.ni ui H.C Pro,s, r.,, m,iv fliousaiHts ctiP.I al ttiii p.tiMititiiicnl Tit.' manj "',, ,i ,,. i,Uni'-roiH lui- -imiIiiii thu lal li. tJ ,,.,. iiv Ur. John. IB r :.' li ul i ll 1 P III an.i iml" - -jiirur.t fciirrflcil "in'i in. witun-rml n in-- r. p. , aopraioit ajdlu .itla-r .'i.,. I" Ii -1 :., ',iainJin?a-i ami aiiain h fnm III.' r'tl'1"1; J,,"-J .j .,,!--, id a sit 1:1-ji-ntluniaii nl diarai'lir ami ''.t lh ' CR'iil au.iraiiiy tn tin.' alllictfl. ( iSV.t.i Disuses SpiuHlj i uiC'i, Aprti lofj.-iy SPLENDID IUKGAINS I A : tjuf of ilm'r Moti'y's Worth. W- FOHbYTH &. CO. 25 ,,,111 Mm Ptri pl.N.V !U" 13 " ' " Btrccl). (ill-T fur ..il.'th - I'- win,- imiiiiiueciit 1 ,?l ui tinvinu '!i"if,. .lntity, Vx. 7-men Akvnei.i: o.t: n-ti.r.Aii 1 j "Ami nnl in In- l"ii'l I'nr nil ynu know what yru lira t" set KO fJnl.l & Silver Watrh.-t.froat C-:5 r,0 toSIM CO "!;ut.a.lip.-Cnl,nVatrhn. (,,i;a',lniniil)..tinmi.l ll.i...Pl ,An W..lin.-J-vlr-. SOOIuJ-WtMh. .i.l fuiu, r-ni-i - ,,., .,.,,, I UJ in CCCoiuli n,i. llojuin Hni'N Slcnt- trn-lCiP I tiil.lri'ii' l.i"ip . I. ! . I . . . i:te oiii itisr., in wnioii you luvita jiic to djliver an nddiess befuru yr.ur esccllent agrietilturnl f-ocicty. I iVol fiaitortil , and I think I will oomo. Ptrhupp, meanwhile, .t brief hiitory cf my ssperiecoa ps an agriculturist will bo aeoifj'tablo ; and as that biUory, no doubt) contains suggestion') of value to (hi onttre agricultural community, 1 have concluded to write yci IIuoulIi tho prof's. I bare becti au honobt old farmer for some four ; e.ir i. 'ly farm ii in tiio interior of Main.'. llittortiiiintoly my I.imh aro eleven milt. froiii the railioad. Eleven miles i.j n ine a din:nc9 to nnul in.ttieiic (luatiiitic-. uf wheat, euru, rye ami o.itSjhut as I haven't any lo haul, I do not, niter all, i-i-far much on (hat account. My fat in h more especially a grar.- farm. My ntighbors told me to at fiitt, and, ha au evidence that they tveio siiicert! iu that fl ' -.. ,.lu' iv,. ir, ,.11 !,.,.M- t" in """" jL r-ruii ml mil r p'7-.nmi intcri-'t. .1 niihac- KlC IllOUICIlt.I Mt'lit ''It during.'' nil... nl un- iit"'ilii ili-n tli-iiM ami iiiinnr.. lh.il til-- .... . T . imlinvnii: tiluiiiiiMrai an.l du in i.m .ir in h.ivi! I UOsU COWa ate HOW qillt0 1.it. ItOjIl lipi-n ill -.1 in Hi iinr "I" Hi" It. cistor i-f tii)iiiiiiia cn -. i . i c fc . i i j t a'i v ,111..- prps..,,iu.i f..r . - u.il r ..... li --i ami u.lnw.im.'.: prl'lo II) thCaO COWS, III fact, Hlld Hill gi.ld 1 ,n Hi,, if plnn'-n'oi t t If ll lil in .1" -n li-ir.!. in til' ,.r.i-s I'.r.n imp.ii .-,l'..r.'i.aiil. u i t .1 .iv. th Iln oi ru. Imil unu il gfajf i-inn. 1 "!1 ' ,liy' , Two jears t-go I tried sheep rairinj. I Kiret ami i.uriiil i eeoui t of tiftirej-' . . , . rr , . , ... nrow... H.l.ti'r of Jn, l.inlit- nf Multiu tiiHiirlnp 1 bought fifty lambs and tlirUCll them lo a o.i my broad ayd biaut.lul acrci. It 'iHii pli.'.'inut on bright uiortiiiigs to sttoil k-iturely out un ihi larm in my dieisit g gown, with a cigar in my tnoutli .ii.d up.'.ca iicjo innocent liule ;:niK ;ir. ihcj iKiiiccd 'iily o'er tits liiDjide. Wat-'h ing their Siue. c.iper reminded mo of cipcr miiii.irinoM m J..m.. Aii-iu.i! ..i ai . . ... lowiiuiip. i d .uoo auj jt oceune,i 0 ruo I should havi? ilr-ii'.!. ! fl Jei'Otiir of ll'i'li'l (!iil'i-PV. tiiltni.i-h-tralrlt t f Willi nn (iillatpy. Into . I ll ml", k iw a, I IM. ... ... 7 Ai'tount of V till ti K I' '"il' nlii'rgtT, n.lm'r in . r.ii.l.llu l.nn.-. iilH r' r. Iw "'' il' .ivrr Iw p, il.-.'il. (3 A (i-cutlt nf UiliiJin Ii el Iter ud ininl.tr itnr nf A bruhciu Vullurr, l-Mu nf .Mnrii.nii livp i.pi'M. !) Aecnut.t of Ikni C IIls, adie r of I'rnjni I'lU'ilii.ni. liit" of 5tu,' ul ..it t p, ilic'il.ini il.- nl I'.p.iHy, JO Final coconut of I'eter lint. admY, nf .'.'"ill Mi 'r. lat. i:f i-pnll t p. .1. c .!. II Filth at'flouet nf I't'li r hut onu ol tho Cn'MllnH cf .V.ai'l.iw .Mci'mip l li.lo nf?rnlt ' V'-i 'pift d final aconunt qf Keitbco r,,!uinji r, ailin'rol I'.lpr Mnu.i't laic ul l.nm.i iwp ''iV First account ot Thomas ' (Jrcvoling, ailtn'ii-i I'.rl'irra Un.vln.4 l.ite of Semi tw p. 'I'd! . JOIINU UtiE.E, Utsier, i; o inieliur. Jan, 0, 1 1 ti. The old man changes places with hi Wednesday evening iu the week before I son. a smile of calm resignation lit up his hurd tho story. Making u stand iu the ;in!k'd face, as he shid, ''Now, sir, I am ready," "What mean you, old man ?'' said I "I me.iti that if you continue to bran'- isb that blado ai you have brau'ish it, somo of us will get hurt." earnest tho work of an evangelist nicong i hard labor, anil embarked for Oayonnc st the beginning of the year 1801. Fivecoti victs ccaped from O.tyenuo last year and Pcrnet was their leader. Ilo nostrum tho eommand of the frail boat in wbioh they linked-their lives. Thoy had just quitted llio land when they were perceived end fired on by the guard on shore but eaetip ed without it.jury, After tossing about for U days and nights neurly starved to duath they reached a Brinish settlement. The inhabitants mistaking them for ship wrecked seamen treated them kindly. They remained tome months in the set tlement, when Pei net and and ono of his comrades, tired of their nionotonoui lifo, embarked for SpMn, vhfrefliey commiled middle of tho road at the ootranen lo tiie hamlet, just as the florin arose, and look ing the feavagch in the face, lie addressed them tliu, in a firm, quiet voice, wh'ch commanded their attention : 'My good fellows, I have borne thi-i pa- d.-c-.l :.' Account ol I lio uas Ujt'l-'ti, C'uinli- nn of la.aii Cli vr-r i i rlnl,,' nf N'ath in Olivi r lat of liriicuu nn I t 'I'i'-'- :i Account ot .1 jImi iMalfller, (in rdl a iVfl1. ii r 11' I'--1 niiii-r il.il . ( In-1 II- ill r. late lit Wnl't.i tn p. U'-C'.l. 1 Aucou'ii .'I llmiij H.'liirg head, ml- mniKir.itor "I I', li'" I'- I'njhtirrt Inn- of ('nun ii il tw p in'.! .. Ai'oount nf .Jnliii ."ml A S Aiim ad. ThcrJ-.va.-i aomo reason mingled with liontly tor some lime, but now I must put this white haired old neasant's remark. a ptP 10 i I'') (1 l )"r "vv Xt in trim t li'ti T li ml twici .,,o.v. way. Choose your best man and we'll ino- vff U one son's W-., and bii father fiSlu !t out- lf 1 bLiU' Jou " G'7C UP-' was rcrluiM uaiur-iilv alarmed. Tny ,oolu'a ut 1,iul uubelitvingly ; but I wvnt and sit down under u (roe. "I lllro"D'3r hu al1,Iul1 : I . -w- never kuow'd a literary man in niv life," L nm m earnest senil your m iu.' I ovcrhe-ird tho old man sty, 'thai know- l lie rulliuns put llieu- liea.ls togetuer cd an- tliiu.'."' arul tuen a hurley giant tteppeu loitli antl Mr Perkins was not as valuable tome mnde a fllrloui tlash at Ijii rovcrend dial ibis ca-ou a. I had fancied ho miaht be. lcngcr, who quietly parried llio uuilliui Evei-3 al'ie.noon he disappeared from the Mow, and played with them for a few n-ld regularly, aud ren.,iined about two seconds. But then a list was planted in hMirs. llo v.id it wai beadaeho. He in the pcasast's elicit, and ho lay tit full hrrited fiout bis mmher. Um mother wrs 'eugui on iln ground. Quietly gaibering 0,'teu tir-en that way, and sulVered a good himself up, however, ho jkulkod away and deal. joined hn companions. At tho end of two hours Mr, Perkins 'Now send your next best, and I'll go would rappcar with his bead nenlly doue through tho lot of you.' up in a wet lag, and say "ho felt better." Again their heads drow together, and 0'jo afternoon it mi happmed that I anoti er drew down his jacket, going to soon followed the invalid to the hou-p. work however with a more c.iunous encr- and as I ti. are.l th'i porch I board a female voice i-iKrjjGtic.uiy ob-tr.-e, 'You p It was tbj voice ol tho Iim mI "til, and she added, "I'll holler for M:. Drown." i, . . -i .... ,.t. . .i v. iJia ;ii ouee a sioiituuucr siieienvu 'linn on ibo road. 'Your ne:;t I' Once moro a conglomera o of den?e luii.K) i; ii-iitipr-, , , inu'jiu;,,ll i'piii, Silvtrtann ar.l I'.'iriU C,rd JMQisjor J'liinutri 'Join, 1600. I i ioiii-Miirrm i' simu llnr ii.nMck-L'liaii I) Kotvler llriaruii pl!-J.ie' h JlioUller- Win I.auion la-avur llaim l li. nrh irt Itpiilnn I. J Alln-rin xiiiij very lineeaneg when they gri w up lo bo "muttous " iV.y gentle shepherd, .Mr. Eli Pcrkin?, said, 'U'e mint have somo shepherd dog.i. I had no very precise idea aa to what ftbephf rd dogs were, but I assumed rather a profound lotk and said : "Wo tuii't Eli. I spoke to you abtut this some time ugo.'' I wioie to my old friend, Dr. Dexter II Follttt, of Doiion, for twu shepherd dogs, Ilo kiutlly forsooii lar more iinporlant bu-sini'-ii to t.ccommodatc ice, and the dogs cimo forthwith. They were splendid orca uiiei iuull colored, ha?.';l eyes, long-tail ed and thurply-jawcd. We led them proudly to the fields. 1 Turn them iu, Eli," said I. Eli tu'.-.-0'i thim in They went in nt once, and killed tweu- 'Oh, no, N.iney," I Intud the invalid, pat'js was lormed, E. Poikins toot'hii.-Klv 'ay : ".Mr. Drown I5M , thee td k him.' Dill ojrd ibe knows I love you. Mr. Drown approves hero akanco and shook his hen1. (if it." 'Thee, Jim.' A tbake of tha huad Thi was pleasant for Mr. Urown. from Jim alto. 1 peered 'cautiously through tbo kitchen 'Hick, 'he'll teck the p ir-nu V A flbak 'Na I': 111 Ciuwi-.a -Jacob lliiiiiiiininr i,ml,, ;n nhnnt for minutes cri-Llc-Bamitci C!ii, ainuiai i.nan. juuii ; j v j .- -- To't'llipr-ivnii liiiiun "; ,V fji,t Thlni. inm. it. ii .1. emirii. i. km " , ,.,, Iili-i. lar mi I Kuii'D ilrnP" CaVcri. T...1 ami Tnble fpnui"- i" ',',, Till IV Of SlIVO '. 't urn - i-'iri-eni.. W'lii'U iipy..Ai.i.i i.ivo- Warp .t.,.br.ic.i: (inblci-. t'upi, i.cri. i ."-p. . .,. m.u,ukt an lb .' ' 'ul."'. ' '. i.; . V,f all tha vari- m.i.t i...tiinni.uii. ii- " ,,, ;...,,,, ami iiiUpd .... j miu 1, j :irt niu i i t nt- - i . . it. ri'il ; nn l mi m , ,V't' O'll.l. l'. ami tako 1 1.) ai ,1 ufi-'l'Ml V.llU"'- Cortiffioates an.l I'l-omuims. cam niinipy ' nrlinpil im"" .. ... i ' liitpv.r.''iri-t. I'lmni'" ,''' "'V' kcil. -Ml arliclci. i!.ind n-iit 1 iv mail, iiiri-fiiiiy inc (-. ' , , .,, , not ,ifaunrv raiib" !"''","' I'l I "M' "V "n la .' Zra."oir. " our V.t ,. -."B ,MAfett'nnt.'.l ovprywhorp. HrmJ M cent- (or CVitlllcate nml Circular- "-fjvni & CO.. 31 nml 11 Miu rlreet, .N'uw Vork Knv. I, 'C3-3.il. 8IUU M.I A"' MTaKll 'HEA'V I' I" o'llll I A Prima orliolo just recchod at tho rifliinitcri" J lilUlll"ll rr.iiiklin-Jnuppli Uidlcr Uri-fiiwniiil-lliiliarJ llitcl)nn il.-iuln. k J.un.-i llojt. Ilmlfu.i olrloii l.iiciiit-tViii linuuiiuii. A..i)bprry rinyiler, JoaaJ i'i ti.-riniii .... , lit I'li tK.nit -Utia. tlri-iMcli'ii .Muiliniin J"-pli 0 atiillli Jiitkrou-John Ucnli.r ItiinriiilicrceK Henry ll.minau u..,.f, - ln.-nli Tr-rw illunf tiii:..riMfJocp!i O lld. Win ntflPrniat Trava se Jurors Jut Ftb. 7 am, IbGU. Illoom-A II I'.npfrt lli-avpr-llt-nry llimlf rtll-'r , cll-,, r,.. llri,irtrcl -Jamh L'rc,iy, Davni fihafiir. r.cubcn M.lii'i . Ni.lli.ili Mar.U.. . . . t;i iitoti-.'il.iit lit oiipy i nn ' ' ' " I'nnwis.a-Jainli Kn-ish, Imulol lli'lwig tnuyiuliaiit Mt-phttn 'I Imiiw. l'lslnu. un k -ll mil Mcilri'li; , , l raiiklin Miuci. timvcr. J-tcnli l.oromait liru iiwiiml-fli-n W l-'ll, Jm ri Kltiio lli-iuloilt-i'hniiiili lli-me, Hush Mcltrlilo Jacliniii-Jnll'l Vnrk. , , I uciin-lli tiry l ink, fier.i llowcr. l-lmt llrlwi.' Ainllin-Jin nb Nu- .llnlllillir- I. van ili-n.,.. I,,!,. Or.iniin-Abtahaui Uuioman, -incn-in mint. SpyUvr nin,,ii(, ivtnttir.trrn I'ino jaenn v.iiPiiii'i.111", . ..it..., I ...,li ll.'im-k lliiiirini'ii-w j'".'- r ,i., biisatlnaf-Aniln-w .aiili.iclt, llimry I llf " Sc." 1 1 ill 1 1 u. T M a 1 1 in a.. . John Krciikt. Uanlel I. r.terhart January B. ISM Notice. rjMio Lime Dooks ol Eli Crevtling, and iwo In the linntl.orthn itmlcr.iuue.l for eolltciloii- I l5h.t I J"" ""n VJ and a half. My friends had made a tlicbt mistake in tho bned of ihese dogs. These dogs were not partial to the fhcop. Eli Perkins was nstoniuhed, and ob ccrved I "Wall, did you ever I" 1 certainly never had. Them wore pools of blood on the green sward, and fragments of wool and raw lambs chops lay around in confused heaps The dogs would have been aeut to Das- ton that tiiglu had thoy not ruthor sudden y died that afienioon of a throat distem per. It wasn't a swelling of the throat H wasn't diptheria. It was a violcut open in" of the throat, extending from ear to car. Thin oloBed their lifo stories. I bus ended their interesting talcs. I failed B3 a raiser of lambs. As shecputs, I was not n success. Last summer, Mr. Perkins said, "I think we'd belter cut somo grass this soa son sir." V!'. oil. .Amu mill j ll c t 111 cv.i.u -... blinds, and however unnatural it may ap- move decided, and still, near, ibo lies of Eli Perkins and my Uee the hung fu.t I hired girl wore very neat together. Sho And now t ho first one who was v iiiquih id, "You shan't do so," and ho do socU. ed stood forward, and, like a btavo man She also said she would get light up and callud out ; go away, and, as evidence that sire was ' L hay, part-on, y re a rare joung un thoroughly in earnest about it.iba remain yo ar. I'.-c tell th''o what, we re going to cd where hhe was hoar you prey eh." And ihey all followed They aro married now, and Perkins is him along tha little r-treet .-.aid the writer troubled no more willi tho headache. an.l heaid the wind quietly, adding, il re- This year we aro planting corn. Mr mains to hu htcn what will beumuu of the Perkins writes mo that "on account of uo light. What did criue of it ? I heurd a kare krows being put up krows cum and long timo al'ierwuid that fromih.it day igged fu't crop up bui scon c,ot nolber tho men doffed their hats ami woman curt- Old Dijbeo who was afraid you cut sied and the children looked awe-atru-ken his sons legs eff fes ju belter go and when they met or passed him that tlw hour stand up in field yourself with drcssin homes were uearlv all shut' up aud that a uown on & guosses krows wiil keep away, great moral and religious iiilorni.tlion wa Ibis made boys in tbo stor larf. No moro in progrc-s. Thai gentleman lud pre lerday from. Yours respectful viously been tbo instrument ol like chan Ei.l Perkins. ncs iu enuallv demoralizi-d naribo, "bis letter " I may add that a few years biek bo has My fcieud, Mr. 1). T. T. Moore, of the deemed the finest olergjmni iu ih- church Rural iYcu' Yorker, thinks if I "keep on" to go out as a bishop to a menu of great I will get iu the poor bouse in about two years If veu think tho honcf-t old farmer of Darclay County want me 1 will eouio. truly lours, (.'iiaik.cs F. Drown. persoual danger in a heathen country. Mane hi x rr V.xamiwr, A DEAUTiruti SiMiMTUDC,-God knows what keys in the human tool to touch, in order to draw out its sweete t and mort purfrct harmonies. Thov m ty ho the mi nor .'trains of Kadiioss and sorrow ; ihey may bo the loftjt r note- of joy and glad- nets j God kilo... i vhein (ho melodic, ot our nature are, ii.I what dii-eiplintt will call them forth . d.mowiih plnintilf j-ouoh must walk in tbo lowly vales of life's wc-try way, others in loltier hymns t-hall sing of nothing bat joy, as they tread the moun tain tops of lifo ; but they all unite with out n discord or a jar, us the lucondiug nnihem of a loving and believing heart tiuds itri way into tho chorus of tho re deemed iu heaven Neouo AntsToi-iiAuv- A e.iso ol no gro Stuuntan Va., ree.eutly. Ono of the Northern "sohool-marms," who is thcro employed in teaobihg tho "freedmen," told a sprightly i.e'r'o girl that he "mutt not call the woman with whom she lived mNtrcss that she was as Hood as anybody," Pretty oon tho girl asked hor teacher what bnisness sho followed beforo com-inn- South to leaoh ".Sho was a bounet maker," was tbo replv. "We'i' ' said tha girl gatheriug up ber books and niakin'' for the door, 'I'm not going to 'soe.iato wid you any longor robbery ami supplied themselves with' considerable sum of money and a quan tity of good weariug apparel. Pursued by tbo police they took refuge in Coisica where Ihey piuscd themselves for mcr- hants having money in their pockets, and being respectably clad they acquired some Iriends and led far a time a jovial, life. I'bcir cash was soon expended but Pernor, tothing abashed announced that he had on a pocket hook containing 100.000 francs in haul: notes .tod valuable sccuri lies and had it proclaimed by the public crier through tho streets of .'.j-icaio effcr- ing a large roward of teu tliousaud franos for its recovery. The stratagem succeed ed for their adtpiainuucos taking com passion on the pre teiidud Spaniard.,placed their purse at their dispose! of which they avaden themselves sparingly. They wero ihottly afterwards accused of a robbery of plate at the hotel when thoy lodpod and lied, Thoy next appeared in Italy, where I'ornct passed for au engineer and his companion acted tho part cf Secretary. L'hey wero dctectad but again oscaped. The month of march last found Pernct in London but Dritish did not agree with him, and bo embarked for France, und arrived at Doulogne on tho 15th of that month, lie was then completely destitute but bo made tho acquintaueo of a oharitable per.-ou in the coach between Doulogne aud I.illo who afforded him nonic assistance and would have procured him employ ment but bo declined tho offer. He was arresi ted at Lille as a vagrant and f-entcnocd to six months impiiionment then to bi sent to Cayenue. An Inconvenient Habit. Somebody tells the following littlo jtory, but neglects to mention whether Ibo suffer or was a Federal or Confederate officer, The alfair ooeured on tho occasion of a gtand review in Charleston. The com manding General bad engaged a finolook iug charger, that had been doiug duty in the bread carti The (roops were formed iu line to be reviewed, and as the band struck up the General and staff came gal lopiug down iu front at a good round pace, when just as he was pasting tbo oen're of the line some fellow iu the ranks, knowing tbo chareteiities of tbo animal, sang out ''broad." Tho old horso tiuo to his habit when hearing the word, came to a 'halt," and as a matter of oourso,pilcbiig his rider over his head, ami lauding him spread-eaglo fashion on tho grass Discipline could not stand it ; there was a roav of laughter from ono oud of the lino to the other, including teveral bun dred spectaton. I think I never saw so mad a man in my lifo. He jumped up A Recruit from the Grave. "Tho followiug btrango circutnstanen umong tho most remarkable that occurcd during tbo war, U vouched by ibo Colo nol Ellis, lato cf tbo 1st Missiouri oalvnry and oan bo at'eitod by tiio partial, con cerned : A for? dayi after a fiercely contested battlo in tbo south c,Jparty of soldiers be longing to (bo 1st Missiouri took a jart over tho baltlo field and came up to a spot where tho rebel dead were buiied. In ono plaoo tho hair of a man' head was seen slicking out of tlio ground like a tuft of gra3s aud niar by a hand was seen pro truding upwards which evidently belonged to tho corpso tlint owned tha head of hair. .One of tho cavalrymen remarked to his companions in a spirit of thougbtlids livity. "See, thtre'i n dead reb reaching oat for somotliing, let's see what ho want? I ' In thosaino spirit of wanton miachief, al most recklessness tho cavalrymen took bold of the mans hand and hauled the body out of tho grave tho loose' dirt falling back into tho (hallow bole. Scon after tho man b;gan in stir and manifest signs of life to the utter astonishment and hor ror of the rcssurrcetionists. The man wai taken by his resouors to their tent and was rubbed down, washed off and in a few days beoamo as "good ae now." He Baid that in the battle he was stun d by tho passngo of a shell wbioh knocked him senseless. Ho was picked up among tlw dead and buried like tho rest. Not a serateb was found on his body. ilo said that ho bad joined the rcbol army and fought (he Federals long and well, but as this was his second appearance on earth he would join the Federals and fight for them. lie accordingly enlisted in tho 1st Missouri, did n good dual of tongh uarching jind hnrd figbsing and last Sep tombsr was mustered out of tho eervico and paid of at Denton barracks. St. Louis Xews. wa I .... I 1 1 l- f... .n.m.i.l. I. nir in tin. Inw.l fif ' awuill, llu iu, a .c.l ...umun u w " " .i ....:ri. ,.,m .i, i:r f rveiil.lt US ll liu tiui't'i mau iiiw w every man on tha ground. Tie stormed aud raved , offered untold wealth for the name of the man who did tbo misohitf. but I doubt il bo over knew. I uevjr see a Gcnoral and staff galloping down the line that I don't think of tho seena aud and the way ibat high functionary "want to grass,' .T, I. I.. .1 I. . t.k'Q I S-af tTUy is lovu nise a uuem tuutj Beeauso it often lies hidden under the breast. ,tj.i KEE There is many nn unfortunate one you say I iB ekil to my mistress, and j whoso hart like a sunbeam nlways ap dba don't 'sochta wid bonnet mukots '" , pn lfvuiit-jt m iu bickicg ssund?' A Kiss that Didn't Pay. Tbo Toledo Record gols off a good ono in regard to a citizen of Iowa, whose wife, iu his absence, bail been kiesed by a dro ver, while giving him a glass of water. When bo heaid of the outrage bo started at onco in pursuit, found the drover alter a hard day's rido, and accused him of tha theft. The drover cdohted tho truth of tho soft impeachment, said he had been somo time from home, was sorely tempted anil iu an unguardetl moment of frenzy pur- 1 oi nod the kiss but that be bad not dam aged tho women in tlio smallest pin'olc was vtry sorry thought it wsi no matter to make n great ado about, and begged to bo eacuscd. The husband finally ccueluded that thu as the right view cf the matter, and agreed to settle it upon tho receipt of Dva dollars for his day's lide. Th'n bdng saJ- sfaclory, tho drover handed over a tcn- dollav bill, and received fivo dollars hi ohangj. Datwhcn the aggrieved Dene . diet returned home mid consulted his De tector, ho fouDd the bill a coantcrf.it. Ua iouudhc bad suffered tlio indignity of hav ing his wife kissed by a "nasty drover," passed one day iu tha saddle, eu.1 lo-it fivo dollars, and concluded it didn't pjy. Fairly Dkaten. Wc know a yonug man who is remarkably quick in rcpartco. A short timo since bo waj listening to a tremendous' elory about fishing. 'Tho narrator stated that he had a hook m.ido that wo'tghed three hundred pounds, at tached it tobawaer.thrco hundred yards in length, and baited it with a whole beef. Taking this hook tn his right hand, bit threw it cttt in the lako. 'And what do you think I caught !' 'Can't say. What !' cried r. number oageily. "A fish that weighed three hundred tons!" 'Pshaw !" said cur young gontlcman "you arc behind tbo ago. Why, when I dished there I bailed my hooks xcith such fish as you caught. A Yot'Nfi minister in a highly claborato sermon which ho preached said seueral times: Meomcntotors do not agree with mo bore." Next morning a poor woman came to fee him wtlh something in her apron. Sho said her husband had hoard bis sermon and thought ii was a very fino and a9 bo bad said "tho commau taton did nat agroo with him,'1 ho had ont some of tho best kidneys. Stockings lean do without as loog as ' woar fashionable dresses," said a vilhgr bello somewhat straightened in ber finin cial resuiiroea ; "but a bosom pin and ki.' Moves 1 mutt hive." 3j rim.ion smru-in""- , m-vov. pr. . In SH ttT I "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers