AGRICULTURAL. TUB FARMER'S WINTER . Farmers, gcnorally, regard ihcir win tor months as lost time because- thoy nro ublo to perform 10 liitlo productivo labor. They can neither plow nor sow, or plant, nor cultivate their crona, nor reap their harvetta -but their labor, nowiwluys, j when there id no tuorc forest! to destroy cosnitii mainly in feeding out to their stock a portion of the inducts of thoir futnincr's labor, and in cutting and preparing fuel for tho family. But tlioso who know how to niako the tnoit of timo and opportunity will tnako tho winter'sleUuro aa profitablo as tho summer's toil. Without rcfcroiico to tho valuable men tal improvements which the farmar may make through the lung winter evenings he may bo improvo tbn soason of leisure as to add greatly to the productiveness of hit farm. lis can make his plana for tho futura determine what crops ho will cultivate and what fields arc in best con dition for growing tho different crops consult his neighbors tho best agricultual journals and all eouroe3 of information and, if possible, make improvements in his method) of oulturo his jslem of farm ing. Ho may roriew hii past labors and see if ho has not been raising same crops that did not pay. Wo havo no doubt that most fanners arc raking eomo crops, from year to year that do not pay tho cost of production in blissful igooranco of the fact for tho reason that they do not keep ac counts with their crops and bring thorn to a rcconing. Thoy continue to grow cer tain crops because they always havo grown them and their fathers did before them ir!ilinitr 1nmi'inr irlirrlirtr t!nu nrt a CAtirsm . ... . . . i . Price One Dollar per Box. Trade of profit or Io to them. Any merchant ' lietl) or suut by t pai(1) t0 or manufacturer who should do buisincas jany part of the United States or Canada on such a looso system would soon Cud his Ion receipt of price. None Genuine with effects in the hands of tho Sheriff, and lout tho foesimilo signature of V. Mott himself carneetly Eeolang employment. It is selilorr-that tvo farmers eveu in tho sarao neighborhood can pursue the same system of cropping with profit owing to a difference in soils One may havo a moist heary soil on which oats, barloy, grass anil similar crops will flourish, and tho other a light, dry oil better adapted to potatoes Indian corn, &o. Farmers chould s.udy their soils carefully and as certain what crops they aro best adapted to. Now is the timo to do it when work is not crowding when every days labor is uut requiring the undivided attention leaving no timo for retrospective or pros pective thought. The farmer who improves tho winter's leisuro in gathering information in think ing, planing, and resolving, will in his prosperous career leave far beiiind him who neglect to improve hi3 mind and who never looks uhcad. SELECTION OF TILDES. The soil being of the proper texture aud underdrained tho nezt etcp is the selection cf trees for planting. Ntver allow tuy falso notions of econo my to tempt you to plant a poor, sickly, stuned tree becauso you cau buy it for lit tle money. It will provo a dear bargain iu the end. Sjlcot strong, hand.omo four year old trees whatever the liret cost. Now is the huitablo timo when prevent ed from tilling tho ground to lay jour pians lor an oicnaru, uotcrmiuo iuo num-; r"r anu variety ot trees you will plant and by corresponding with different relia ble nursery-men ascertain whero you can obtain tho beat trees at rcatonablu rates. If possible visit the nurseries and select and matk tho trees for yourself and then when tho time for transplanting arrives, attend personally to tho digging and pack ing ot your own trees. TItEES w It ABB ITS. Mix a littlo muff or pulverizeo tobacco with common toft soap and rub your trees with it as high as a ribbit can reach and tkoy aro sals. The washing of tho soap to the roots of the trees, is highly beneficial to them and will pay for tho application alone. Tho BJap will destroy the insects on tho bark of the tree, and give tho bark a glossy up pearanoc. Tho liver or flesh of an ani mal rubbed on tho bark of a tree will also avc it from destruction by rabbits. Now is tho timo to n,ako tho application. Best Varieties of Fowls, Tho Scottish Farmer gives tho following esti mates as to tho valuo of several varieties of fowls : For ohioken for the labia Nothing like tho Dorkings. Fot size of fgg Gothing equal to the Spauinh ; but they do not lay very regularly. For uumbor of eggs Nothing liko the UaDjburghsjbut tho size of tho egg is small compared to the Spanish. Tho Hamburghs lay about eleven months in tho year and never set, For eggs during tho hard frost and snow There aro nothing liko Urahmas. Hard weather does not setra to affect them, and they nlwuyfl look well and "auoy.liko," let the oold be ever so severe, BLANKS I BLANKS! I Of every description, for sale at this offica NEW GLOTIHNG FRESH ARRIVAL ov Fall and Winter i WL,sHI!IWS'li! EVERYjB OBY Tliri iinilf tlsned, grntcful for past patronage, rcspoe fully litfurms lila ciistumcrs mid the public RPtierally that lin lian just received from tlio Eastern citlca( tlio largest and most select stock or That tiaii yet be n opened m tlltininiburg, tn whlcu ha Invito tin- attention of his friends, nud nn.urcs them that they nru ollernd for snlo nt anal bargains. 11U Stuck cjinpriscs n large assortment of I MUXTI.UMKN'a WEAItlNO ArrAttEti. Consisting ot l' lituss Coats, of mcty il'ra criptionj Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, lllovcs, fusitcudcrs, tec, I Gold Watohca ami Jewelry. orcvoryiioscriptiim, iniu nnu citcnp. N. II, Kelutmhr-r " Lovtnhtrg' $ Cheap ynpoiluw.'J call and sec. No cliargo for cxuniliijt floods, DAVID LUVVilNDUItOi Bloom sours N'ur, 13, 130.3. (Jnnu Id ",'J Dr. Talbott's Fills. (ANTI-I)YSPETIC) Composed of lilghly Concentrated Extracts from HOOTS AND HERBS Of tho greatest medicinal valuo, prepared from thri prescription of tho celebrated Dr. Tnlbott, . il used by him with remarkable success for twenty cars, Au infallible remedy In alt DldEASEd oi- the liver, or any deranjcnicnt of THE DIGESTIVE OllGANS.,- Thcy euro Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Scrof ula, Jaundice, lliliousness, Liver Complaint. Tlio well-known Dr. Molt sajs of theo I'ills : "t hue used tho fnrinilt.t from which your I'llis nrd made. In my timet Ira for over 11 learn ; they havo the finest effect upon tho I. Ivor and DigO"tlvu Organs of ritiymeillciuo In the world, nnd nro tlio most perfect l'urgalivo whldi liascvi'ryot been inn do by ah) body. They aro eafo nnd pleasant tu take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating prop -rt es Mliuulatu the vl- I tal activities or the body, remove the-obstructions of I its orgitns, purify the blood, and expell disease. 'I hey purge out the foul humor which breed nnd grow dif ' temper, sluggish or disordered organs Into , their natural action, and Impart a healthy tnuo with strength to tho wliolu system. ,V it only do they rum tho every day complaint of everybody, hut u!in lor ( midablo and daii(eruii disease, and beitig purely veg. etablo aro lieu from any risk or harm No (ii rsnu who I lias once used theso l'ilts will ever be will, out them." ! They create puro blond nud remove all impurities iioui iuo system, uence uruupn.imc euro tor FEVEKS. HEADACHE. PIL USSIER CUltlAL DISEASES AND HER EDITARY HUMOUS. DOSn for adults, onel'illln tho morning j fjrchil dred under U)curs, half a I'ill. Talbott, M. D. V. MOTT TALBOTT & Co., No. G2 Fulton St,, New York. May 27. 8Go.-ly GLAD NEWS TOR THE UNl'OHTUNATC, USED WITHOUT DETEHTON. Thoy do not Interfere with business pursuits, and aro speedy iu actlou. NO CIIAXGT. Or D1CT IS NCCCS3AUY. DELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS nro warranted in all cases, roit Tim si'iinov and run.MAKrNT runn or Beuiinal Weakness, Urethral mid Vaiual Di.Lh.irites, (licet. Sexual Dincasev, Uininisiinus, luip'Ur ,icj, Gen ital nMl iNervous llebilily und discancB of tho liladder und Kidneys. They am adapted for male or female, old or ynting and are tint only rcliLblo knowu for the euro of all ills, cusesntisiu; from YOUTHFUL INDISCEETTON. In nil Sexual Diseases, in rjonorrhe.a, trictiiM, Cl"et, and in nil Uriir, y and ICiduey (oiujiliiiuts, they ' net iiko n inarm, lionet is ex iierienicu ny taitins a I unjslo bos ; and front four to six boxes generally effect 1 a cure. I Sold in boxes containing CO pills, prico O1111 Dollar, or six bcixes, livu Uollars ; also. 111 large boxes, con. laluing fuur of tho small price. Three lluliars. Private Circulars to (leutleii'eii only, sent free on receipt of direited envelope and stamp. If you need tho tlio Pills, cut out this adver themeut for reference, cud if you cannot procure tlicin of vnur ilruttsl&t. do not be iuipoiieil on by any other remedy, but euclose the money in a letter to the pro prietor. Dr. J. BYRAN, Consulting Physician, llox 5U7'.i. Ml Itroadwny, X. V. Who will tnko nil risk if properly directed ; and ou will receive tlii'in poyt p.ud, securely scaled from ob bervuliou. by return mail. &UL.DUV DllLUiilSTS UnS'LU'.AIJ.V. DEMASU.UtNEd fiCO.. New Yobk. Wholetalo Aijei'.ts. July 13, ISCj. Insurance (Company, wiucns-iiAnnr,. punna. DUCTAL A"D St'.'lI'Lli'S, $150,. ASSHTS, Flock not called in, ..... Pills receivable, ..... If, Hi SO Monti-, Temporary and call loans 10:i shires Wyoming Hank Ftotk, S'AOOO HMMU O.lJill) .1-11 Si idiaros I irH rutinual II.1I1K nt Wilks-Ilarre. 3.iu0 l) shares Boioud Nnlional i:niikul V ilkes-llarrc, 7,isu 40 shares H Ilkes-Unrro Uridyo Slock, . 5.WI Ileal Il-tatc, l.oi'.i Judgments, Iu.' Hue iroin Agents and others, 7,411 Cash in hand und in Hank l,bl.' EEESJUCTlE4. 0. M. HOf.t.l'.NISACK, joiin uuiciiAiii). I. . I). SIIOUM AKUH.I II. SI. ilOVT. O. .OI,l. IX,!, Wm.S KtMs!, t liAltl.i:; A MIXER, SA.MUUI. WADIIAMS. l.'IIAUI.I.rf DUUl'iANLT, 1: i). 1, (;oi:. stKWAr.T fiuncn, .11 H.M.IlIM,. (i. M IIOLI.HVIIALK. PrinJnt. L. 1). tillOE.11AIIElt, Vice Prcj'f. 11. C. S.MITII, Seuuiarv. , f. UltUWN, A-cnt, March 23, 13 1,. . uikburg, l'a. Third Edition, Jlfty Thousand, 100 pa ges , cloth covets, BYROBT. E HELL, M. D., A caution addressed to jouih, the married nnd those CONTEMPLATING JI A1U1IAG E. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of Ti; CENTS. A carelui perusal of Ibis small buck lias been a BOON TO TUB AFFLICTED ! nnd has saved thousands from n life of mjserj and an UNTIMELY (JltAVE. It treats on the evils of Youthful LiJi.cretlou, Sclf Abusn, Hemiual Weakness, Lmiu.hhu. fixiijil eases, Oeiutal Dcbillly, Loss of I'unur. Xcrvounii sj I'riinuluro Decay, liiii.i.tencu, tc. lie., which unlit me suuerer iroiu niiiiinns tno ouua.rrwMs w Mjwni.iai:, Address, M)n. J. BRi'AN, Consulting Physician Box 5070. 412 Broadway, N. Y. July 13, 1 ti!3, TERM HAHfil. rg"Mio -Original and Genuine Ambrosia i is prepared by J, Ames Uehes nud is t. 0 nest hair drcssiiii! nnd prm'rvauvn mm in use. It stop tho uair failiu;' nut, causes iltogrnw thick ami luiit! und preveutsit from turiiiiij preiiiutnri ly trey. It eradicates daudrulf, clonuses, beaulilies nud renders Iho hair son, ulossy und curly, liny 11. try it nud bo convinced. Don't bo put olVtvith a vpurious article. Uk fur llccve" Ambrosia and take un oiher. Tor salu by Drueui.u nnd dealers in 1'aney Couds every where. I'rico 7J cents per bottle -Sil.OU per dozen, Address, UEBVEri' AMIIIIOrJIA UEl'OT. ti'J F11II011 rtreot, Now York City, Oct. 7, ISoO-K mu.-a, SCIIOLASWI'S FOIt SALE. ninsli.uuptiii 11 Crittondeii'ii Philadelphia, titration, llrynnt tc Co.. " ' UuakerCity liulums Colleys, TliciMrcrin, aro In amounts nf $12 and 5.11) and nr is so much cash, bv the ftudeut nn ciitrins either nfiho abovo Colleges, tiouns men dcsirini' tooblaiit a finish cdCollccliuo Education, .will here find a Esod fuecula Ion by applying at tin omcaofthe y ,a Nov IIIBM COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT 530,000,000 LOAN or the Republic of Mexico. Twcnly-ycar Coupon llotuls iu Suras j . of m, S100 $500 anil SI ,00. INTEREST SEVEN FEU OENT., PAYABLE IN THE CITY Ob1 NEW YORK. Principlo and Interest Payable in Gor,u. 10,000,000 to bo Sold at SIXTY on tho DOLLAR in U. B, Citrreiipy, thiif Jieldlng nn interest cfTwclvo lVr Cent. In 01,1. orHoventem t'er (Jent. In CUIl Ul'.NCy, at ll:o present rato of premium on gold. run viiAit'a lvnitiOT Ai.ntiADV rnovi nnu. The Most DESIRABLE INVESTMENT ever OF FEU ED, lnimefisa tracts ofSliemg anil Agilc'ilturnl Lands J Hllty per cent. t,f I'm! Duct. Imposts, and Tuxes, In the Motes of Thinaullpns and San l,ul I'cdoai j an the Plighted l'alth ofilia -nlJ States u ill the iltncrnl Uuvertitnetit arc nil Pledged for the redeiiipllon of tlicso lionds nud payment of interest, ' Tho sSocurity ia Amplo. $10 in U. 3. Cetey will buy per.ct gold bond of $5u 00 " " " " 5100 1 8300 " " " " scooi sooo it u " " 51,000' Let eery Lover of Republican' Institutions Uuy tit least one iioxn. Circulars forwarded and'sub-criiitlous received by JOHN W.COULIKS fcCO. and J. TIr'FT, I'inau. lal Agent 1 1 the H?pub11c of Mexico, ft liioadivay. .V. Y, C7" Subsbrlptlom aU) leceivi'd by ranks un.t B.mkeis gem rally Ihr turnout llu Lfii.tcl Sntes. .Nov. SJ, lj-l.w. HEADING HAIL HO.xD. Winter AiTaugcment. KoVKMIiKIt Vi7, 1 8lii5. rcat Trunk Lint' From Tho Nat ih i and North-West for i'hll idclphla. Now Yoilt llcadilii', I' T.iiuaipja, Aslilaml, Lebanon, Ah jeniouii, liisinii, ice. Triiius 1,-nvo llarriiburir for N'ew Vm'.i. as tnllmvs : At 11011,7, -.1 nuttH.Uj A. .tl., .11, d I 13 nn.i 0.00 ,p M.. arriviu; 1.1 Ni w Vml. at 5.4'i and lou'J A. ,M nnJ J and III :ij I'. .11. 1'iiiiuertliiit with similar 'l'rains on ''" lVuu)Uniin Hail Hou-t ; tM- eplii.r Cars ae('iiii,ian-111-Hi'.-3.HJ and H.U5 A. M 'I'r'iliiK. w ilhoiit 111,111311, I. invi' llarrmbur? lor Ueadiuz, I'utt-tillc, Taaiaqua, Miiiir.iv!ll', Ashland, I'lin- (;iic, Alleiitiiwn, ami I'lul.Mj, Iphm at 7 A M. and 1 4.1 and '' 1.0 I1 11, step pin,' e.t l,ili,iiioii .111,1 all Way I'lulhilm ; ihu ii.ll.i I', n. I'ltiiu Making 1111 iloS'1 t.oiiiiuCtiiiiin tor I'jilsvillo nor rinlaili'lpliia Fur I'otlsvtlli'. Mc.iuylklll Ilavmi and Auburn, via ri h.i) Iknl and tiiu'iutfliauua Halt Uoud, lea i,' iljrn-iUii; a. l.UD 1". ,M, UUnriini'; ; l. iivo N'ew-Viirk at 0M) A. M. IJ.Oi) ilium aii-l r 11 1 l. .M. ; I'ii 1 1 u .1 " 1 (, li i .1 at t Oil A. AI. nud S Sil P. M ; l'ultsvillu at U :i) A. M. and 2 1.1 I' M ; AMilaiid 0 01) an 1 11 (1,1 M. and I IS P. M. Tamanua at 1 ll A. .M, nml 1 4,1 I' M. I a nvii Putt - ill.; tor Aiuiljiirs, tia Sclrjylkilt and Susqui'haiiu.i llail, nt 0 4-3 A. M, II, e.iliuir, Aeeomiiiodatiou Truin : Leaves lt''adiu at 0 20 A, ,M returning from I'lnl tdLlphi.i at I.3J P. .11. Colinnbu Kail lload Triiius leaMi lleudin; at d I'J A. M. and II 15 1'. .VI. for Uplirata. Llli., Lancaster, Co lumbia, 11a Siiudavs ; l.eavo Nnv Yotk nt fc.Wi P .11, I'hila deli!iu a 13 1- M, l'ultsvillu t U'J A Jl, TatiiniunHlil A .11, llarris'juii! II U3 A Maud Keadini: at l.UD A .11 fur llnm,', and 10 5. A. II. lor Sow Vork. Cuiit.iiu'atiou, Mileage, c.lo!l, e.iool ar,d Ilicur. sfoii 'i'lekets (i and from cl! point-,, at reidie- ,1 l!ut-s. lsasga'e lliroujli ; ell pouuus alluw.d -ach Passenger. U. A., GrMini. tNua.r, Keadini;, Pa. Muv. 27, liii-j. Tobacco ANU IgUft" At Slroup'3 Old Stand, on Main Street nPhc undersigned having opend tho Store J formerly occupied by David rUmup, in a Crocery, nnd furnn-hcd is v.tllia larnu and varied assortineal ol excellent TU15ACCO AND CIGxVRS. most ri'spectfully invites tho patronage of tho citi zens of Clnoui-lnirguud vicinity. lie is prepared tn sell at wholesale and retail, upon the nio'i reasonable terms. 1'erchantn, Hotel ko-pcr., and Croccrymcn, would do uetl to Kive Iti 111 11 call. "f All kinds of I hewing anil Smoking Tobacco, in larjto and small iuautiej, constantly on baud aiU for sale, II. II. HUNSCnttGES. Lloonsburj, Sept. 23, 1203 Cmoj S. U. BE WOLF, DC A LEU IN Se'ady-Madc Clothing No 202 North Second at., Gnu 1001 aloi'c Huco t., PIIILADEI.I'lIIA. tS Clothing made to order at the short ivt tiotiee- Hay 17, Iff. fin I''K 315:U1'AL .Il'-TIMUI, (Exohiaivcly for LidicH,) An invaluable Irratho of IGupjggs, by published for the bene.1t of the sex. On receipt of 'I I!X OI'.M'l'r5, it will be sent post paid, in u sealed envelope, tu all who apply fur it- Address mi. 3. BRYAH, Bos 570, 44.'IlrouJway, N. Y. July 15, MRS. n 7 il at iu- n Oppo.'jite old ItulepeiKloace Hail, I'liSaUEL-'itll. S. M. I1F.ULINGS, Ptopnctor. Wji. II. IlEUi.iNas, lltrk. JIay'J7. lriii. Uut BELL &, ALL A BACH, I'ropnaors. COtl.S'CIl OE THIRD S'ly PENEHYI.VANJA A V WASHINGTON. 0. Oi Eagle iiO(e3. rPIIE nnderMpnud having ppened n iul I Mr liouso, ill Kohtsburg, Columbia Count keown us tho EAGLE IIOTKL, Announces to lus friends nud llu imblle, renerally, that ho will be happy nt til times tu ndiiiiuitter to their entertainment, i.'nsluu sullcltcd. Civv Mm a call aud you will not rejn 1 it. W1LLIA.M EDGAR. Iloliribuifc', JulyS, leUj. WM. G. IlAlWli. II, n. I'EALU, & E. 11. HUllLEY WJI. G. UAltGIS Si CO. No 130 South grcond St.. below Chestnut, I'hlla, Manufacturers of Varnishes and Dry tnR Japans nnd dealers in Whlto Lend, Inc. Oil 1, Putty, oakum, Painter's Colors and 'Inols. Hum. ins and LubttcnlingCnal Oils, Dentins, Naptbi, 1st . cy Inuucenittits to diiUrf. Kfs. M, llW-ly, Great Excitement IN AT ENT'S STORE ? Oa Account of (lie Now Arrival of iFall and Winter Goods 'TAS iust rooeivcil from tho eastern i!iiio 1 ml Is now onenlna at tint old stand n splcudlil assoitmaut of IIW -fiOODS; Consisting of every tlilnsgencrally kept in n conntry store. WHICH WIUJ'i' s1 ' ( limptr than the Cheapest, Call nnd no .mdjudgo for j ourselves, 1 Ills strltkconslstsiiri.adlesiiress uoous enoicesmyiei , nml Intent faliluiis Calicos, Muslina, Ginghamn, Flannels, fi...i. Bhawlu, Hoslorr, Silica, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Oiiiwimvrosj Saticct.?, Cottonailes, Kentucky Joana, Thread.. pco. Qucouswarc, CeJai'vare, Ilanlwarc, Muilioinss, Dnic.-, 1 Oil, Paints, HOOTS. SHOES. HATS ft VAV The pntroiian f IV. IS IHrflH'f ti'ullv s ild friends , nnd tho public g Und. 'i'lie hluhe,t MatnU i.r it-e ru t furi " inliy pro iuoo I'KTLil liN I'. I.Iilht fln et, Oct. 7. !'C5. IV the ii 1.00(1. TUB OltCATEST MUDt'JlXK UP Till! AOC A suro oatidotc for slcXncs', and a refugs frora faorrcvv, lain aud Dincaac. Bkyan's Life Fills. :ntiiiei-y vegetable. They are adiBllted lo be tho 7ft a IT-? '; PS, 5 A I ,v r' Best amity IrJicascnie I ,, , ., ,,, , i .i..iiii. 1 lor general use. i iirnjiiy 11m ..i.,uu ai.,- - - mi: aMcui in,,.- JBryan's Life Pills - to ri'S'.ilate the tilima,,!i, Liver and L'iliar peers tmns w lil. n 1 lh- hi. 1 0 ins,- of inrviu-in'ss . Clddi-i,e-H, Jiiinuv. iii'riiel.l, ll-adaehe, iek Stomach und other Ki.nlri'1 cuuiplaiuis. Iluudrcib ol' ijeititic.ito can be Shown. ' They have beau used bv thcuaunds with success, " &-bILLS Aro adapted for all Ages k Constitutions, Thry aro composed of the arlivp principles of IIerli3 and Hoot, culled from ourlii Id.-i and fmosts. They are unlit but lertaiuin their opt-raliuu -prodnrniR 111 itlier ernuips. Knpius I r.ius or s,icknes-i. 'l'ti"y may bo taken b nil ages, sexes or condition without tear. Bryant's L"fo Pills, Cure Headache. Bryanl'ii Life Pills, Cure ,Siek S.oinaeh, Bryaut'a Life Pills, Curo Giddiucsa. Bryant's Life Pilli, Purify tho Blood. A Bos of Bryan's Life Pills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They w 111 arcompluh faithfully r.ll tint Is reprenetited. 1 hey nru eleynnily put up by the propnMor, who' wiK the in vi ulor ot llliYAM'S PUi-.U! IC U'Al Eltd 11 inedicii.e lung and favorably l.noivn lo ihu American 1 Nation. ; It yomvMi tobuy lHlYAN'jl LII'E PIl.l.Mnnd can- not set t!u in nf ymir ,liup;itti ilout take nuy other, but mmiiI Tuenty l-'iv,- ''1.111s in n Inter to Ihu pruprie- ! tor, and you Mill jet them hy reliim of mall, poit paid. Address DR. J. B1J .VAN, Box .ip-O, .IJiJ IiroaHwiiy, N. Y. Soi.n nv Ilnuooisrs Cu.vunALiv. E1IIIAS. l.'Ai.VES d CU., .V. V. Win. I.-, ile Ajcnls. July ij, IcGa. Ti-briiar,' 11, toj.y !8C3. I'liilatit'iiiliia t Evlb This great line truveisis tin: Jiutthern ami North. ,vt eounties of I'eunsj Iv auiu to tho city of Err.-, 1111 Luke Ln. It Ins b-'en li-aseil bv tin i'l-nns) I vnnia Ilailroad Company, nnd is i-peruli-d by them. 11UL Or IHSSCNOKit 'inlNS AT NOill 111! M UCKLANH. LK HE .dvriVAj-.i). Una Mall Train. 5 d() 1'. ?d. 3 SO A M 1 1 j:. 1' tt llriy ii.itrtjs Train, I I 111 11.1 ixprfas i Mill, Lliiura .unit iiuiii, if) m . .M IsKiYB H'USTH'Attl). P.rlo Mail Train. n 15 , M Ene Cvj-nts r iiit. '- ) 1' .11 Elmlr.i l'.Viress Tram a 1!U A Al Eiiiiir., Mail 'I ruin, .j x, p i rafs-iif-rs 1'iirij tun tlirnuitli nn lh lino Mail nml Txpnss Tuiias wilhnu. nu.sui t.utii ,vh ii'.twectl I'hilaje pliianud En- i. vi vrmtt ! iNVEcrii'.-j l.c.iv" N, iv Y nli nt 1 .1 I'. M ..rn . u.n t 1 1. i la u at 1. ,3 I', -1 u'riv 1 at N- v r't I 1 1 1' V,. X., 1 11 iiu wi 1 ir t, ti,'.-.,i t.i-,. , A Y-ill i.l. g.. 111 .-1, ("ii- i'- on nil Xchi ir.nii. J . 1 lii ,rin 1'. .' i'- iet tiatf 1 .. - ii-- 1 i-,,'3 r ji ,,. i.t Hi.- .r ,1'iiu.i 1 M ft t -1- i'.n.ti l;,u,i. Ai... f r I , i -i.i 1 .-I'. - -.' ii--. ' f. -( u v' -1.,-iu -ct 1. Kiia-; 1 .'1 ir t J111 and Mar-l'-it.,. I'hil'a .1 v it 1 1.11 ,e r.ri,-. M llll ml ' 11 ..I V l'. li U , !!ili.wi.i.;. II. II n-iiii.tiiu. ti e'l. I'nmi.t ,i, t . t,.l,u, tl. W. Cvv T'iier. 11 ui'I.Tii-k, I i'1'il.m. Iiihn, A. I. T LLil. ' " I- S 'P't Willi ;.U(;.url. lirtob r 1, Ic.'. KBW STOCK OF G roccriea & Provisions T CST reroived at K'unyo i'n Provision t.t HTCIII!. 11 large n,crlui' nt ofiillD'l.ltlE? AN'I) I'llOVI- Ui'i'.i'ouSIsIiiik 01 nil (he 11 ir-suri sl lu'.i l-i-iielu fur I'.i.h nnd Mill be , 1,1 t i imiy I'uu.petiiuiii. Until Eai-pi 1 iiiul i.uuiitry v,,.ri li.ihl., uuln iiu i II tne.1,1 1. 11 I ex iiiiiue 'l"i.,l mid 1'rovi.luus hefuru iur i-h.i-ini elsiwhe.n, Aiiuiiyst th" ktork i.iav h' foiiud 1-Ti.All-, ol nil iiia-Jis. 11111 ASm.'.S und eViiUl'ti from tau luuctt pucij tu the putt jjraJi.j, Giuiu iV Ground CulTee, of all 'lualilif?, Navy, Piug, Tri,t, Kino-cut Oliutviug fi tiiiioluuo TohBoo, Young Ilysuu, I hi, uuiif.ovvi.i'i' nml GuIodj Tens C'lMn- Crai''iiio isalt.Woi'iliii c'i Willow Ware, .Maiciicd, and Ciyara. C'Wiud Fruit of all hinds, D G H? li V T I i W A tS fl E3 , IIRlEf) ntflT. No. 1 It S I'lSil by tho liair.I, ono half or one I'nurth or one i-ightk bitrel. Ilsrrii X. dial Oil, fci-, 4tv., all of which will be sold tit the ioivi'kl market pri ie. till islmrtt. Oct- 41. lrli.1. iverfeeeiJ WasitctJ. Tho uudor&ijfued, will pay tho highest market prices for CLOVEH2ECI), delivered at llupert fc'tatiun. I'AXTO.N it 11 A 11 V) A K, Euptrl.Der, M, I5M.-Jtn, BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO RUY Fail nnd Winter V GO TO Creasy '3 Store, in l.iglit Street, Pa W10 Keep all Kin-h of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SII VW1V? ' !!",.-, .1 r .S L (V Jl..AVA V "UiULXAKj v " Sugars, MolaH0s, Svrupn, eoffoofl, 'Teas, Fish, Suit, Dacon, Hhius, Lard, Tobacco, Epars, Hats, 15oot-, (.'apn, Shods, Dmgfl, Oila, Paint, lVe.j ko. In ndditlnn to our lare stnrli ofHry Oom1, w 1 have n l.uce .Hid full assoitiuenl nt liendy Miwle Clolhinj! in, Vui nml (toi h wenr whlrh we ire d' lerliiiiled to sell ilu-apor than can bo hnuslitclsew hero. Call and,. foryo.irsohe- . I ic- iney also neepn line .iMOrune in ri imin.-nnii I'V 111 SHli'lCIXI!4. t" Bttphly the ali.enee of 11 r"ir dar Urn? Htore ill I.iaht sircel, wlilch will bo liu'IiiI1..' nw p, Hindu, I nml suitably directed far tho nct'oi.w ' '.on of their cusioiiurs. If. W. OKIiASY, &Co. Lljht Street, No. 4, IMS. l.ii lijnt.iuuit t UloonisDiirK Hnilrond. . a m m. m wm I r 1 WO DAILY TUMNS. -g AMI Al'Pill VOMIAV. JClr, i'!lh, lfM, PASaUNtlllli TK Vlv-i WILL kC.V AiS I'CL LOWS. t.r.AV Njr.i'invAi'.n, Leave N-ini "Imberlaad, ."U.IA.iM. iUnr.M. I ' rn.nil!-, t Id 5 4 ) U 2J t..ii ' i--.mi-bur $ . 0 .1.1 11 'J i llerrtnk . Mi", T.W ; " Srlu.ksbiuny. I. .In f I.I ' l.tttitti 12.13 P. It. P.1.5 Artivc M t crui.ton, I..V) Id 21 f,rw York 5.11 l'hil.idrlphln t,.o J I, I. ,1 V ti BOUT II W A 11 1), Liuve r?ti,u,tii, - . Ili.OA.M 4 ?il I'. .1! " . Kliiaslon . ' 7.o:i S at) " J lletrticlt, . h.X 73U " li ounnbiirs ti 0.1 c.'.'O " llupert, - - U 23 B,:i.i " Hiliville, - - I!) on P.I3 Arntu ntXiiiC.iiiulierlniid, I mil Men ' ll-irrWiurjr, I.2HP..M. 1.25 " M a.lliatrlmi, P 0.1 M.IM ' l'lulaili'iphl.i, . 5 JJ S.tid The s!ioitvt nn.l most direct route to the west and lh; ml 1, CIOII I ,'" Trams nf tne Philadelphln nml Erie Rjllriad leave Noiihuiiibi'il ind every luoruiue, fur Erie, nrrlv me there 11.. aft, riioou ut Iho sani'1 ilay tu e.ian..rt "I'h Hams for llutl'ilu Clevrl'iud. Chlrao, with nil i w,u ai1 ir""" New nn I i-l.-yant sli-eiune; ears neeompany the nitht trains leh tv, ly lutween ortliiinib"i land and Haiti- ,,,,, u, Wotth'iniliurlaud and I'lnl.i. elplna, II. A. i'ur.DA, Siipt. K!titoii, Ji ic 17, li 3. ilaji'er & Coirfcctioijcr 'I'ill! tindoiftieii In.' 1 nn h 1 urn, ah. nnv.iya on l,anl and for eal C'.Mli', ''H;d "nd French and Dou. alio oaiac- iu ?te't and spk-ndM vati. ty : 'uis. Prlti cv"' thiiiK Ukiially in 111. 1 in a Ihf't rl-,i, coit.n li.i. 'r. t ' l'e would ir.ll i-i-pi-tlal ati intioii tn Ins new 7" ' cw.i.d sliiil: of PICKLLID FIIUIT AND ,1 ELL I Ed B. 11. 8T0!r.N'F.U illnoi.iOiUrg. April 'JJ. lk(!.1. Stove 'SITE iiuiU r.'iencd informs the public in i i'.'.ueral. that he I1.13 opiu'il u NEW '1 IN SLIOP in tho hullilin? fir ueily oceupieil Jiy I'. H. Moyer, on' iliior le ti'iv th, Ciiluiubi.i IiL-uiurrat Oiiieo. ,m Haiti t3tn-it ldiioai.,ii'irj. u ti, r he will make alt kiiuU 1 Tiu-Waiu and ilepmriuu, in g'cd utyle and on mu.ler ate terms. BTOVES of all kinds and iualitics for st'e or fur nish' d to order. Say Country protluoo taken and public cu ,10m refjiectfdlly rolieitrd. JACOIJ MKTZ.Or. tllooni.l,uri;, April iO. lira. ly JACOB L A J) 0 M U DEALEK IN English, Svass and Amreican 9f. flf .( M J EW'ELUY, SILYEll WAUH, &o. I 016 Muriel St i eel, ctnier of' JJicalutl Pwil.ATlHil'UIA. ' Healer iu American, Enilirlt and BhIss Watihus, mailing a plll.l ny of th- ii-l.-brafd Am.k.i ti W vi't-ii, which he woulil ri-eiuiui tul to nil uuntiug i b'ouI lime keeper, nnu will lie r il l at the lm,t prii'i'i- and an tlia i.uenpest und best f r Ihi , Manh I. li-iia.- iy. 1 TTN'WAllK t; sTi'YW SlIOl'. 'J'lli; uiiderM'tiii-l ri-p. ilfully inf.uins hl old frlenl X mid eii.'tumer,,. Cift hu h'n purcli.Ked hi. hrnihers nit r, st in the nli'ive ttihi'hi!i uLau-ltho co:ici:rii vvils hereafter Iu i-mulucii-.l by him -ell', .vdiiMvely, He has just receive I aud olli rs I ir Hide, the lurij ,5tt ot und h.Oiit exti nive itSMirti.ieut of i'A.X'CY jKA'l 8 TO V EB iver introduced into this market. V liis stock coiiM.its nf ii complete, ai-siirtiueiit n he best Ciio I: I ML' ilnd pnrlnr stoves in tin- market, t-.j, th or Willi rSli'Ve l'iuuii.v nf nvnrj descripliuu. Oven ami Pox Siovi'S, EitUiutiiis, Cyliiidar Moves, Cast Iron Air liehl ri.ivi s, (.'allium rituvis, he. ttr. i-luvopipn nml I'ntwi'.t, rmi.taiitly mi tian-t un t manufai lnr d urd-ir. ll ki-i,,p -it r,-iuiiiii done, a. usual, on thnn .iti. iH'i'ii'i ni "iu meti'ij aim ni- eu--niiii"is re- ,11 ill, t.ilnll ,t. A. M ISCl'tUlT. ttiii.i..i-.iniiit N'.tv-'.iibi'r 3d li- - If LOC vTEI) IN' EAST liLOO MS3JUP.G. Tin ii'.'l'iinnidhuviimtaki u tin vvcll knnivu I'orks Iioui. n p,-(iil,l! iiii'i.ui'ii s l" Ins lri' ii'!i and III-, p iWie. lii'n-'r.ill), tli.,i !i. i. p,'iuu "l tn lU'coiumnduio all h-i uiaj lavur him ulili tit. r c-i.-tmii, to entire sat I..I n ti in Hi- is provided with tunpls r-rihlin and provinder for the ... ui.iiiiic,liilii-ii uf Tr-t VLllers, Tcnunlors, Drn vcr.e., ti ,i umaeral terms. L Public tustoui i s'-Mn ted. GEO W. MAUGER. lUimm.burir. April f. 1 i-fl, COLUrviBIA Insurance Jonijinny, CUl.UuBU, L-iMMSTEH Co., Pa. Cuali Capital &. Assets, $500,000. (CII.MU'EII rEIll'ETUAL) Director.? : H. C Rlsymaker, John XV. rituacy, S-iiuui-l Mi, mi, Win I'aliiiu, i.obl T. Ilynu, M. i-. Hiiuu.iiii, N. .Mi Donald, a. r r.ti.'rn iu. Julm I'endrlrh, Amos H. Creen. (Jen VnUlU Jr., II. C Miuiih, Euiiiuiid fiieriim. AMU.-' H (1I:ei',.x' I'res t. M, -. HIIUMA.N, Tn-asurcr. OCO YOI.'KO. Jr.. Becretaty. ir" XVU insure property M ns teasnuablo rates as will b; ciiusisitnittu inn i.'oin.iany nml ilisu insured. L. II. CONOVER, Agent, Di;ach Haven. Pa. June 10, 1803. JltAPI'lNG AND MINING PA- I I I'Elt. Il.innui thnroiisiily nvrr.iaiileil my Ha per Mills at Mil! (ir, ive, near lihiouirburi; Coliiiubia Cniiuly, l'a.. 1 inn now prepared tu till nil orders for XVrappiui!, Ilry III islini; uuu XVuti-r 1'ruof Fuper, mi short iiuliei' und fair prico. 1 have upi-ned a vvnru, liouxe in U'llke luue, iiu.l appiiinli-il Jn.vili llrnwn nl the firm n tirouti. Ii ray it Cu my ncul tu dispose of my poper in Luternc County THOMAS TRENCH. tlloorntburg Bspt Id, ices mux ox's Cheap Grocery Store. .'ILtiO njwis, caps Ami suaosis, frill! undersigned lin removed Mi lint nnd CapPloro J ill. In Kvnns' old stand, w litre In ndilllinii lo n superior ussortuient of SPUING AND SUMMER m Hats and Caps jpff 0ONFEGTI0NA1MES, U11A0KERS, Molasses, BtiRar, CoiTec, Tcaa, Tiitmcco SnufF, Cigars, Bpiocs, Drieil Fruit, Duller, Coal Oil, Dru.-ts, I,, - , ,r . Parlor ana Hand Lamns. Books, "WritmK Panor & Ink Hardware and Ccdnrwarc, rncktl Knives ) Comb',) tj-c, J-c, )-c, Tojetiier with n 11tlcty of nrlleles p.encrally kept In a BlXf o-A Puo lot of ICIIW. SI0r.0i;r.03 and Lininos to Willi h ho Invites tho at cnllon of ShnoninUcrs und (ho r"U't' JOIIM IS. GIUTOM. IllocrasliUrB, Stay . ICKi IMl'OUTANT TO LADIES. liarvcy's Female Pills; the mn.t Infallible and popular remedy ever known for ill,.- oltho I. male s,-x 'Jh-v have i., in many thousand eases with iinf.illlnir success nud imiy bo relied on in eirj raim for whleh llr y arc ru- toaimendcd, and pittioularly In all cases uti.liis from Obstruction, or UtopnaSC 0 NutUIC, no i.mU.r (mm what cause It rl-es. They nre elf.c, ,110 j ,e,trnj to henlih nil who nro suif.'rini front W'l Hkiies nnd IMillity, L'lunno Ulscharites, Nervous ltvsj- rice. , .c, mid Ihey AC L' LIKE A Oil ARM I in tn-ngtifitii!! nml ri'it'irlug tin- rrtnm. Thoiisinili K Hi h wno mvn piiiIWi'il I'nr y anil tried vario'H 'Ii r runic Iwb in v.ri. dwo n rnj;il of Uicir li'jnitli i mi'itulh wholly toiu. Hlit'acy iff .UH UAKVEY'M F En.1 ALE PILLS. 'I l,i.;' nro perfectly liirmless o-t tho sj item, may be taken et any tiuu' with p, tfrt rafi't) ; but during tho inrly sI.ji of Pri itnnui'y 111")' .liunld not Iu taken, or n u, i" uril.ii. m ly h tali n, or a in i slii r ria-l nny be th I 'snlt. Tli,y nuvi r eaitu nny slckm ss pun or I'l-trcss. Each but contains rlrty pil.s, Price wue i l')nC. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, ; A teniedy fur rpecinl cnrs, fuur decrees stron,'f r ' than the above ; Prim t'ivo liullars ier Imx. A private Cirt lo I ai.irs Willi lino en;r.Hins, sent Irus on receipt of dlriiti'iliiivv'op-j an d staniti. O" Cut tliN iiotic out If yon desire Dr. Ilitrvy's PilU, and il you iiiunct prucuri' them of jmirlira?-Ci-l, iiu lint tike any oilier, f'r suine dealers vvh., uio uupriuilpled w ill ri-couiinend oilier I'ein'd i I'll",, they ran niako a larircr pioiit on but ciicImsd the money and tend dllcct to DR. J. BRYAN, consulti.xc; pii piciav, No. ttroa-lwiiy, A'ew i'oik. who will nke r 1 1 rlr't irpropeiiv i'irerl",, nnd will send the Pills, secured I111..1 i.l.s.rvation, ly return mail, rod 1' aci.n iiv niu'cmsTD niirfr.r.Ai.i.Y. HEM Ad ll.MtM;-! ft fll , New Vent, .... VI l.-iltiile Akcuii. July 15. 18C5. FJlESll .ill RIVAL o? Fail and Winirr A T Miller's fcHorc mi's ! FALL AND WIN! EH GOODS' vviii itrciinsetl nt I'liiladrlphlR, at the lowr-t fijnr'. end lii h they nru d' termitied to sell on n ' luoiler.ilu u rms js 1 an In , uisculiert in iiiuuinsur;. ins 8l,-.!i iomiri-e" ;yt4' iia.i-s noon. 'if choicest tye and .iipt fa-liiirt. I'HV mintiS, .1.VJJ ( 'ItliCK'IIKf, Jl i lilt IV 'ItK il Kl..Y .TltX. run in '-i(f:. noi.U iy IliCi'V. A-'''' l"'11' V f7'5 t- t'hy v 6.I-.I ''ff. In short eve'rvthlt..- I'' j!'0""" ' to whirl! ha mute Hie .'"'Uf KC u r.illy. The liishestprur. pail, -r i.Mnlry pro.lacr. j, il. SllbliV.W. ldooatsli'ir,'. .S''ir.2.). lk15. 1. v. 1 lilt. N E w Drug S'J' O II i. WHOLESALE AND 11 ETA I L CSIin n;utir tcin'it cnill iiMrU' llirir fririn'w iiUi! ht L piliJic pfitfM tlii-y Ii.ivc, .1 t'ic at .'ill f.-r nterty m ti;iin, ly t; u. .M, (I ; -titi fit, iu 111 IjS Ii ihjc niultimu, mi M 1 1 11 Mrc-t, in hlui'.iialjur. wiur Iw !..! just roctuvei. a lull tuppiy nf B5i?Sr;9 riarsncssac, S'aSaaSs, Mil', Which will h pih mi nioilfrutu lenin for rfnt!y p. At'io, NUTIOXtf gi, nf cvry nritty, "iuriau.1 i'hypii'b!! prrr riniiona cnmfally conipnnn at nil tui'i'-j rnil nit short r. Lr" rt'i,t't'tt:'n:iy cf tlic Uv sclnctloiirit a 1 f'o-ln Witt'T in s'is-mi i v.vr.u .w tun i.n. r.looiiisburz. April 11. It;2 JUrfT receded a unv asioitiueui ol'gooJ ' ftjlOS If WALL PAPER, INCLUDING DOP. - llli'IVl! IVT) (' !' I I NT. P.VPI.', JJliUXU .V Ll'i liUXV I j,l IVi. and 11 pi ni ral vari'-ty of ciafnaftu Ins lnn-, ilurh will lin f.uiiid on il,e I llt.-iT I'i.iii ill i.i,in.-,.i,,ie y , al nf Lal'.'s nr. ii; tftnre, in tae liapert I'lhuk, wl: ia ml p'-cMius ivi.hini! ouds tu his llii.' will bu .itl-m.l-il tu ill pi-ri-ou ut nil limes. Cia? P'ifH'r Uangioij o::ccuiol 10 order aniljjcst ttyic, at thou notice. i: J. TllOHXTON. Illoinisburt', April J3 I.m;., ly r'aiiojiaJ Foundry. I5l,OOM3!5UlG,OOLUMDIA CO., PA. rj II I! subscriber, proprietor of tho nbnvn named c. .1 tensive eial'Ubiiuii'iit, is now prepared turcccivu j. .crs lor AH Kinds of rfLichiKiry, , i Cullerie. I' rurnae.'s. Htatiouarv Eiisincs, Mills ! Tlll'llr-'IIINO MACHINES. .V.C.. itC. I llo is alo rropit'ed to mal.u tfiuves, all slzoi and piitierns, p'ow-lrous, and ctcrytlunj usually made in flt st. class I'ouu'lrir-s. His eUeusiie i-uiliiir? ami prailirnl workmen, war- him in roc. mug Uio l.irj;okt contracts on tho iu i-t reasonable terms, djtlr.iin of all kiudi will be lakon in cxclimo for ca-itiiv'n. KJ This establi-hineut Is loca.ed near tho Lackawan na A Idouiiisburs Uuilruad Depot. ; I'ETCr. r.II.LMYEIS. tllaomsbiiri;, Sept. 12, IM3. JOHN C. YE AG Ell, MAJJI I'ACTUKEltii WHOLESALE DEALEil LV ftlLlTrj, CAPS, STIIAW GOODS, DONNE I S AND AHTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 2.r)7 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov ill. Iff!.' E$ niN'jTES'i'KjY. II. C. II 0 W E 11, SUHGEON DPJJTIST, in M-i.i 1 1 ui.i.v oners ins protess DSl ioiial services to Iho ladies ami itentle- men nf lil.inm.biiri; nud vicinity, Un is X.a.1 iirenared toiiliemlto all tlin various up 'rati, ins ju the line of Ins profession, nnd i provided Willi l ie lalet iiiinroved l"JHCr.UII. TKI.TII: whirh I w-ll luiim-rled mi Kohl, plutina, silver and lubber biuo ( I in iiio-tii, ii 49 inn ii.uuiui tceiii- -Vil li r il plute nud bl, ik teeth inanufiirturcd nn nil -0 i-ri lii ns nu tci.tli, urc fully nnd properly allended to, iti .ideuco nnd a lew doors above llic Court ! II iu -a, same side. i I lll-in.iisburc, JunoU IFGtl 6E0K6E C BBAMDAU PHOTOGRAPHER, Skylight Picture Gallery. IN THE EXCIIANOn II LOCK, BLOOM SP.URG, PA. f cptsmbif t, IN5-jr MMiuMmm.nmjmit.vHA',M!tiOKruai-j!j a p.cliih Cnttlo ftowdor 1 a tvarrantctl i0 be the tufist ,fhuff.. in iTji.-ni ,,r ion nom. nrli and blood of Cnltlo, twine, or ."licep, n i,tv tnttlng iligcstloii.elenns. InJ Hi" y -.ti-ui nnd Iran, sfer.iig llici purllled nn. Hold In II, -U, fat, milk, bulter nml rlrnKplH nml vslabllsliing hcultli nud vigor, Itt'YOVfl IIORRI) ft .Ml'l.i: l' Is ths only medicines legally nitnnfnil In I'riiiinn !... sr-l' mini, "Hiuerinnd nnd CHPMii' lioiianu, mm iiuly nd. il mltteil bV their l'nri. Al I FM-rnViUX linuiircil wlthnrlinined. 1 nnd Invented by Vr. Duvoy. I'mlener of the Int. Ser'lnl TVlleVo or Aorle ulluro nt lMrls, nnd now man. EfacWedlTt''ll'"NI;,l'l'r'nf a"'1 A- Alle,!' town l,e liilli County. I'ennsylvanl.i. 10 ...,.iV.. ...A .,f ihn (.mmacli. I nod, I.nnjs nnd Uiw. i. .ni'odlv and ccna 1 y inreu. h'iuuij ,r mi f TL?.' l i.r. i biehe.t nun r oerfection. 1. . ...iiiv nnd certainly cured. Ilenlll.y stnek will K'i anlV" IM !."tses: n Mo. I. ,.ud"coM; nnd" saved I o tsaniUM vulunldo horse' from conta6lou disease", ns well nt tlio nnrn-yard nr. In lin nrmy. iliseases, ns . ... ...(,,, ( 0Nri:UTlld ..tTertMnllvuvcrroiiio nil the ob'laclet lilrh ii.iinllr prevent tho VtpLlll'uj of worms. pleaeant to lako. rL'.V' i', T X mmt nsrernblo pnriallves for iblldreti. tloconll lent l IUO linonm 111 i n o I II I a horinus studies, III the palholosicnl eoiupos llo ,,f t , ,,r 'p,nnlion,llial ho furelshej every clad uated phy'lllau, with n written ptrsulptlon.ns a n,w 1 ra In maleri.i tut ilira. .... ,,, , ,, tu 11 union nu.M'ii. hat, vim am ant nx. TIlllMINATOIt, is n powder for tlio suro ixleinilnatioii f f nil ermlns, will never chnnjo Willi mro nnd illuiale, mi l inucli preferable tothu old riiPFplioloiiH Paste, whleh hard, ens 111 a sVort tliue, maliim? It worthless. I'nr iliroo thins nnd paitlrul.iM see tho small lull In the botes. I "no huniireil nuu tuiiiysevi ii prumiMius nav been nwnrtletl to mesu ev-iuuriuvu iiv,ai.i.iuMs, tJ 'Jftnucr e;i. l-fil. ...i,,,!,.,,,!., a,. i ri.ii1. I UoYai, & I ovsn. nro tho wliolesnle 1 A Bent, Inrhll a. JIO JAuoA ulU y Jtlllll: T, 1 . tvr lj.ini. tnU A.fant fo ,1'OrpalflOy tV . lirasmu. , tuig ! 10 iiiooni.iuurg Ul.n.t.l..u. l-iitSWltRL L. II. u J. rihoeui iker. nuei Ilonv . Muster fc Urn., lllllvllle. IJ. I'ri slnti, lirdirslitiri. ftewarl & Moan, tlraiiROVllI. I It-inl.Ti-lii.t I. Illoomebitri'. C. l'mvler, E-pv. Creasy fc Co., I.ijtht Street. I nw it fpanpl-r, Lime llowinnn, & tin on nnd Miller, n-rfrle. tl.II. EoHler, l'oulersvllle. K&y All onlrrH lor Columbia Coant will be addressed to IF. EH ASM US, V.'holesalo A;nt, lllonmrbnra C. G. 111KNEU. Pee ! fS-Crni N01. !), 1 1 , I U 17 .'-'t'f- NEW YOliK CIT V r,E.ll IlllD.MlWAY, n,,. i.til.cataMMfd md fav rlls r I "f t'lf llu-l 11- .s Cnuiniunity lias been rc n'ly n iiti' d. nel 11 n id -le lu ever thine, that can o.ini-iti r In Hi" ,-iiihi "t o i patious l.ii.lii-s und families are speu.illy i-i"' iar 1 1. 1 1 y iiriivldi'd fur. ' It I. ti ntrnlly h eated in the lui-iness part nf tii'.l and 11 contiguous t" Hie prinelp il Unas sleamOniu . tais, imiuibiiHsci f -rri.'s, ''-tc. .... 1 1 lie table is nmplv siippin d with all tin I ixun nt j tli season, and u 1 puil to Hint ot any uliior l.uul ill hs . run uti- . I .Imtilii afcomuinJations are oaere,! fur upwi. . et I - . C "rj -i)" ni.t l-elien. iiiniiers nark'iien, nnd others fto . M.-.v sav "the Wc-l'iin 111 H i iJ mu ll. I). WINCHESTER, Prcpnttir. TIIO.l, l. IVINCUEsiTElt. I cb. 15.1-1.'. 1 f 'lr J' "'m ' 1." -f'" - "1 n 1 1 i i J hi. r.i t , . I l.f IIT'lr-rpiriiPil. rrtnifiiil for ria't 4t. j re-.prrlfnllv illf rint tho Truvilli'.c I u' H,1 1 rally. 1 1. h li-injiist picsrid Iriuti Nuer or, in. I r ii'-u inn new. in auri Phoonhc Company Coach, ly whi'h in- -ins he is n nv e-nhi.-I t.j r, nvi-v Is jniijer-i and I'.i.'f 15c, sifelv nn I r"!uf,,rtel.h l,tr IIIoiimslMiri; 1111" the sei-rai lt.ul l(.ia,i llepi.t.. 1 tlii Tintns. It w ill bo lin p'uay 1 1 nrriiiiuii,ilstii h-1 cu.tomer to sati.ij, It 11. II. .j.icits I' 111 li s p:i!rniini.e lJ' I AUE t'5 tT.VT:'. JACOS L fil.1 T 1. nioo:ns:mr;, Jmurr 7, IPC. TO 'J III- r2"iir: tn fi!n r, " cnr-i n nrnrti, t ! i. .. . rnt l.-inilf iruu-r. of Vmt f.i.y l.i. !,.". p run rntu :,,;iti,d in tan section, and ngu . ri'pi.rt.ruliy s"ln it orders f"r Tl'NiriG, nPAUMiVO, KKO- I'LATl.NfJ ITANO F'ORTHS A XI. MULODEOX-S IIU I X no luos-ciiucf is aifO i !.o iwariuf sctnr er t A?":! '. f Chii'i.e'if! ti Sou', Lir.i.'e.nan f; Son".', Wiiiia-n 15. l.'radli(irj'f Edward H oimfi- IPs, M 'iouald ti Uo's A PIANO F'O HTEi And Carharl .V .X.-eiihamV. nod P.-luubi-t's if.clodeo:i3 and Kai-moiilunis, Audi,. V S'.uari's Pif Clil'I'.CIl OKRAX-t. james Mcdonald. Elorinis'jure;, MsyS'J. 1-I5- ly NEW STOP.E A CHEAP GOtH)S. frgMIE nr.rJc.:-yiiod, having mlcm Ho 1, flnrn lately nii-.niie.l i,y j.-,,,,, . K. ;yi.r, ,, .,,, ' Flrei t. nbme r 1 1 .-,ne t. in l.luai.l.iir.-. :.ii,l .iruifj it w ilh i very v arii ti uf j I!i.ii i tfully ml'.iriiK his frli-uds mill yub it g'n t crally, that le vi ill h. haip tn ri i ivo ;t i.!i ,t; nt ih i public putriuia",", iiii-l tiui-is thai Im i an rend, r jeucr nl Ealitiaiii hi by m-.'Iiii; tl.em lh- hesi iuulr.y 1 1 ' on fair terms nml at satisfactory prices. His stork, in pari, vf ! DIIV en U), i cnui'i.wiufj, nsii, I uuEEXcvv-xr.r.. xvoooEstvAan, I EOOiH, iSIKinft. ! . UAT3. oar and ciprrlallv with a splenunl vnriety uf LA DIE d Dltl'.S.-i GOODS, ' I K4AXT .lUTlCl.r.S J-e , S, c. which ho niEsjll tu cheap us Uu iheap-jit, for r slu r I rcitdy pity, , tLountry produce, (jencr illy taken in cirhaii, ( t ' gOOlli. ANW1EW TEHWILLICI H. . filoo.n-ibiir;,.Jin. 7. I.'31-y. 'rAT; SJION EiOTOj. t'Oil and r,ui .Market Street, I'liiladelphia, THIS Hotel iilurated u the very icntie "f buslnnts nnd is near the rci-peuacle iilaces nf nmuseiii'nt wh eh make it parlirulnrl) di siralile tu permuis vumn 1 hiladi-lphia on business or pli asuru ; nud thn"Mairii: hopi s by ilo.-e personal ntteulio.i tu the waiiisntlii: Ins quests tu miik'j it n loiulurlalile Immo fur tajcli aj ii V vvua tt.eir pntron i J. i.a ll.iU.N f'rop'r. May23. I CJ.-J? r, I'll a'linPrnpriiturof thi well-known and cciitiully locj ted Iluiise, tho lin ihmie IIoill. situate nu Mill, tilrcct, iu llloum4liuri.', liiiiiiedi.ilely .tptmsitu the Ciduoi biu Cminty Cuurt lloiue.respecllully infurms his friend a nml tlio public iu "eiieral, that his lluuse is now in or tier lor Ihu reception iiiiili'iiterlaiumeut of travelers who may tool dii.po... to favor il with tlu-u rusiom. llo Ins spared uooipiuso ju prepamu,' Ihu Eii iiamik, for tho cutertainmi'iit of lii s fin-sis, ueitlier shall Hiiro be any thine; wauling (mi his pari) to minister tu Iheir personal comfort. His house is spacious nud enjoys an uiccllen bu.ini ss location. lfy Oumibusi'ii run nt r.ll times between the Ex -tv Hotel nu,! tint various Hail Ituad Ilepots, by whirh in; dura will bo pleasantly lonveyi d lo nud frnmtho l tpectivo btallons in duu timo to meet the Cars. WM. 11. KOONS. MAV 1, leCO. WHISKERS 1 WllISKEUS! Do you want XVIil.kers nr Moustnehes I Our flreciait Conipniind will forro them tu trim- on tho smoothest face nr rliiu, or limr, on bald heads, ill fix Weeks Price, SI im. tii-nlby mail anywhere, cosel ccacd, on mcji.t nf price. Address, . I WAKNEIt k CO.. Uox 113, Uroolilyn, X. V. j rchrunry li, Iru3.y. SlritioHOs'y attel EJIanl: CDooEi'w I Qup)licd to dealers aud cabh huyers at lJ low wholcinli rat', W a, TECHY, 4th nnd Ran St , miU Harm 4, ISM