COLUMBIA MOM. Saturday Morning, Jan. 27, 'GG. arToAnvr.nTi8BnB-lorfonawlbinR advertisements inserted must hand lllL'IU in early on Thutsday morning to iusuro their insertion lor thai wcclt, Cur Tug Editor, of this Journal, lias gone to tho Eastern Cities. EST Friendly visit -tho lady who vis itod but twice a year and stayed eix months each. Cf Down in tho mouth tho "Niger beads, " ainoo tho rcrcnt olcctionfl, in Washington and Georgetown. JX3T Dr. .ti!rJv)nd L,rY, arc Rojonrn ing in Wilkes Barrc doing a largo busi ness, nud trill again toon visit Blooins tu'g. rjgjT" A protracted meeting js now in progress in (ho Euptbt Church of this place. So fir ihoy havo met wilh good success. fiCff- "The flazleton Sentinel,'1 is a new paper published in Ilafcloton, Luzerno no., by John II. Gtokcs, Ejq It, read? well and makes a very good appearand. Suc cess to the Sentinel. &8F Mil, liiiANDAi;, Photograher, in tho 3solianje IMoek, i mnstrr of his Art. Picture taken by him arc perfect gom, nud compare favorably with the produc tions of tlw best city artists. Mr. li, in, we are informed, doinj; an extensive busi 1103. " Tlx- f.r lumps Ihtel, 1 in Wilke-barro, Jfppt. by MiB-ra, yhnnpf &, Sti'vens, is an uzi'ollout House, fivnrjbody almost pa troniz" it rud oro BaiifDcdi Our friend caiiiiol do bi tter, on visa ng U ilkes-barre, ihan to cs'l ntiho "Exchange.'' Dissolved Tho bloody pirincrship that hai f::itcd betwrc'i Stanton, Holt k Uaki-r, at Wc-liiuu'toii, for the past four jrciP, wit." partly dissolved on the 11th iiic!., by tin1 Prudent mustering l.tker out ol tile ccuccru. A u,ofl Wo havo inlorumtioa from Watbington, to the tfi'iet that ftccrotary itHiitc-n j like bis dog Huker, is 10 be mus tered out ot the scrvieo by tho order of tho rtciiOcnt, and that tho war portfolio ha3 Vnn cfiVrrd to General James 5. Stead man, now comiiiiiiidur t .Mneon licorgia .--- -- fieiy-Mfij. 1", 0. Ki-iLuoriijkecp a No. KiMauiMit under the Exchange Ilotil, in Wilkvfbnrre. Our youug friftid ii a Co lumbia county Democrat, und will always lu on band to r '.teivo hij old frtfii It an d nrw ci,s'oturt G've h!ni a call. Z-y We ve;e Miim-vriiitt disappointed this week in g' ttiug paper on which to prita thu Columbia Democrat. Cnpt Ubulf.iiit at'coni.nodiiU'd in with mo'! of 1 lie prc-i-tit i--su a tiortiou of which, we much regret to find when foo late, is too umall for our form. Wo. hope to be ail liht next week. IIson Hlwts Although tits numbor of bonsca in town increases a if by tnagio, we bear of pei.ion daily urt-king "rooms to lut ;" and fabulou piioes are piid for ront of dwelling". No safer or belter paying' of money could bo mado than to lots in IJ.oomsbnrg, and erect buildings thereon. C:.or.P at i.Asr Tho "fiiendly rcla tioLs" csbting for tie past scvon years, between Ib'nry E. Johnson, H.-q , cf llal- timore, and .Vbs II drri'.t Lane nieoo of JOx-l'restdent Dacl'.ar.aa were br'uirht to u c!oii? on Tiiur.-dsy Uk, nt Whoatland, by a tor. triage ceremony being repeated to ttitiu. whereupon both said yes; and in thin way -vttlcd the matter do doubt to tLo rut'nc putif fiction cf the parties concerned. MoviN'O.-We are plcaed to .-00 that the cit s;-n of Washington, have, nearly uuani inou'ly called upon President Johnson, to remove the Post Master, Assessor and other oUico holders in that city, who f 0 recently took tuoh an hctivo part t.'ain"t the white pocplo in favor of the ni'gro, in tcft.iouco to bjael; EinTragp, c;3" A Wa'hingtoii dispatch of a day ur two ng.i, eoutaincd tbi; plensaut tin noupemcnt (to ncivpapcr moti) tlmt tho Commissiotior ot Internal Kevctiuo bad do- rided thai ptiblisln'is of uewspupcrs whoic! lcceipU tbertl'rom o.cosd S10UU per an mini, should be licensed as manufacturers,' and Fueh ltoen-;o will cover all sales oi their tnsr.uluctufos at cr from tho place of publication, ai.d aUo the printing and eale cf bill I.ra'l", circulars, .v SoMETUi.'ia New. We call ntfention to tbo ad vt rtlMot of tho Paplcx ElHplic or tloublo spring skirt. 'I hough a recent invention it has become popular and is rapidly obtaining tho preference over other hinds iu use. The rods in it are composed caob of two dclioatc and well tempered steel spring which are ingeni ously braided together edge to cdrji'ilc-wcr rods heavier and having a double covering peculiarly of construetiou m ikes this skirt very ttroDg and tturablo and also pxcopiI. ingly flexible that it rapidly adapts itself to t ho form ol tuo wearer nun attowsoi lu.u ""-''V' iintr amount Ot UOUUlllip ailtl CrUSIIW!,' without initirv to its Bhape. Thesu skirts nro unqucbtiooably the lightest most de dirablo eomfortabln and economical ever, Tlinan nrp nil vnntnuiis wbioll ia tlioa who have cxporioncsd the ilisoomfoil ....1 ! a f aillP,!.. t.irlllirj Kill I1UII lUVUUTUIIIl'VV w. w.jj.- .j-....,. duly appreciate. linn.. . jiiu'j.Luj CO? A Washington correspondent Bays lliat aolerk in tho Quiulcnnntlor Gene ral's ofllco romarkod ilio other day that Iio was not cxnotlv In favor nf ,mnu- J'0"' in 1,10 ra9 of "1Ji11" Sumnor, but In ann 1.1... ....... . .. I I iu c, ,, tn,ul lo ln!j lOUIT home." On bearing of it, tho Scrotary or War immediately disohargod liim. So, it scorns, that Slnnton, when ho goes to hoaven, don't want to find Sumnor there. Well, wo can't help agreeing with Ihu ''Uos"in that nnyliow. Wo call the attention of our read ers to Ilonipplcad's Ihotogrophio Card, published in to-dny's pnper. Our road era desiring good Pictures, will do well by calling on Mr. II , at his room in Hart man's Store, opposite the Post Office !&r The Shoddy Stato Contral Com mit'eo met in Ilarrisbtinr vcatcrdav nnd " ' resolved to hold tho Shoddy Slate Cvention i on tho 7th of March. SPECIAL NOTICES. Hv-rry yniing Imly nmt grntlimaii In tlio Unllcil States r.iii.liciir aometliliig vfry nmcli tn tholr mlvan. tiigo liy romrii mall (frfo nf rliararr-.) hyniLlrrnalnj! tt1 imiliTHlgiifil, Tliuuo Imvins rca-i of being IminlniL'". oil will otilljf hy nut noticing thin cnril. All others will plcma oJiroaJ tlinlr olipitloni an rvant . TllO-'.f CIIAl'MAS. Kll Uronitiray, New Vntk. Jan, fl. IPflfl -ly S.M p. THE Mnaon it lloinlln Cblntt Orcaiia, forty dif ferent atyl.ia, artnntoi! to ni ri-il ntul aoenlar for j a0 to 8'00 racli. I'lI'TV-OVB UOI.K or PII.V ot: Mni)AI,,or nllii-r firat preinlnin, awnnlml tlirin. Illualrateil Ka'iilnguin frre, Adilroa, M.SU it. II A MUX, Dnrrox, or JIABOX llttOTllIIRS, Nsw York. Jan. 0. ll A) - Si'p 0. 'C.5. 1 j'. B.V.P. ! q-t) CoNM'Mi.ruiVEa -Thi- ttniliri(HPit linvlng bppn X ri'at'in il iiili. uiili In u (,. ,,.C'k by n very sim ple ri'ini'ily, nii-r li-ivltiu aiitrn-il aeveral year-i itlta bcveni I (i us mr.-ciloit, an. I that ilr:ul ituun-i!. dm. DUinpliiiii - la niixlmia tn ma'io knnwn to his fellow- ailtl'; t"ratha iih'hiu of euro To nil who ill-lire It, In will .icn'l a ropy of the pro criptinn.uacil.ffrpui m ( linrcf. Itb tlio illri itlona lot preparing an.t u-tlng ilm aiiine, w hiili tin y will rtml a avna irnu for Cnnsunipilun, A. tinny, llronrliiii,Cilil Cmiglia etc. Tlio inl) nlijpct of tlio advertiser 1" ' i nilinit tlioprescijplion Ik to benefil llie nfflicte.l, nml pro ni information wliirli Iio rniireivea to !m iiivnltialilo niiJ lie linpp I'Vory Kinr. rur will try Ills rcmi'ily, as It i Hill coat ihom iiutliinj, nnJ may proo a lieslinr. r.irtltM withlnit tlieprpaiription.will plpase iul,rps ' ltuv. i:tiVAi:n a. wiiaux, Williniiubiirg K iiiSj. CAiinty., lMit.-ly. p. New-Yurk. To Die in a Bad Cause na tliojrj Mho tall in llie rebel rjn';i undoubtedly do. Iliiton the other hmd Dictiin; for u Onod Causo n lb i.e ivlioare wlai ai'dtprudiinto nough to remedy the defecta of nature Willi' CBISTADUIl'VH IIAIIl IlVIl, are (!. ingrvory day, in e ery City in the Union, ia niniin ntly pra'apwortliy. T'iih ppaceful r-vo union ia , filing mi lliniunlM'l! tint wlioln land nmi Hula bntiy and haiiiiiiny a'ip,ilatit homolin rs and Incongruity .Manufactured byjl Criala loro. Mo (1 Astor IIou.e,!Vevv York, Isold by Drujsistn, Applied by all Hair llraH aers JanU". I'Cd-lmo i7"novledp;i! olioli Save-i Ltl'o, gluing bmg has lt Ina ajrtein ,'cr y IMP URJTE8. It'Inn tliP'-o nro wiibln tli ir natural limit, our health U good but wlnui tttey aro in u.xcei"., paina, roldt, rhentiiatism.niit ibbility, ro-litouim-t, iliar rb.'ie, dyai'iitary. cryalpolaa. &c , &e.. afflict . What we have to do to recover our health it to t.iko oat from the Unwi lann.l the ('in-ill tlin'i the i'.ii',.', of lui. poritipa, 'I'hiadoiiR, lloaltli fjll of nee"Hsity, I'.ltAMiliiri'U'S I'll l.S nrethonnly mmliiino mn i'f, thu ith entire i it.ty to all lliu orf.ins iftbo o ly. llun.lreila of T'iousand nr now living who hive adopted ttriiin i r--l Ii ' s Pill-, a., ilulr only leuu-dy for pn rioili of from ihirly to (lily y- ar, an I whuo nvurti health ia pnl lent. Th-yhivi alwayi cured tlietn ai'lvea, xUn n nek by lining tlieso I mm or tin nri.t In. fallibli I'itla. Piiui i,i il olll re, P.rnudrclli lluildinj, ow York. JanO, 1.HA.-H",, Deafness, Blindness d-i Catarrh, Treated wilii the utniiit auereaa by llr J. rAACr1 Diuli-t and Anriat (fi.rini.rly nf l-eyd'-ii, lii.llni.d, No. alt) PI M: Hiri.' i. Iphia. Ti-liiuoiii ili frmo the mnt reliabl.' n,ur''.' in tile City nud conatiy i.tu b'- aiii'iiM hia nllire. 'I'll-- ini diral f.n-iilty nro riviied t ei'i-i'iiiplinv llii'lr pallolila.aM ho Ii.ik no ar-Tel lu Ilia priu tic,-. Ail'i'll'Il.'IAi. . I in.urtud williuiil puiu No i h irg ' lii.ido fur exuniiiiatiuii. July la. lend. I-Jiii Roofing, rr . - 1 1 i . , : t . .1 .1 . .1 . Ji roi: rctuy n v puiru uowu. unnpi. i-d fur 1 nu-ii-a, I'm tori- h i,."il lluibiiii-. nf dll liiuda rniiMriirted of Slnteriala Mi-it baVJ tnod th tot of fiftaen yeala. and iiiiiiiiif.icturu l mi nu entirjiy difl'-r-'ent uud In-lttr plan liny oilier eoinpnaitinit rnnf iigi'iiiao. F.'rured by pu-iit. Very iliirabl" and at Ijw price. C'lrt'ular' and H.iuiplea joitt froe by mail, iihahv noonxo c. n. .a Miiido l.anc, New York. Sept- 30 105-1 y lilt. 'PUMA' VENETIAN LINIMENT. M-OIIRTCSTIMOVV I THIS IS TO CllUTH't' Hint for the latt hvo yoars Iiiatutud in my Ur. Tnbiii'a celebrated V' tn-tbin Liniment, and in rtery l utanrr natu iminu it tuny equal to tii- r. roiu- ineitdatioiis. I havu fnuuil it lo givu nlinnat IiipIi.ii- tail' o'la relief in cane a o ti.ntltarhc, cioup, hilimis coin', ami! throat. I'ain in tho ihett and buvK. und rh-'iin b titni, and I cheerfully recouumuid it trial to i t ry out; aflllctud with nnj cf t Iio above naiaud die c-iifea, J. II VVAK.VCn, Ilim-man, ("oxs- Oct. 17th 1801. Pricetufe 80c.-i.ti, Pold by nU ilru;;lst5. Offleu, SoCnrllandt St . Natv York Jan. o, Dti -tin mUQUS OF YOUTH. A seni'oiiian who aair.-rml for year frohi Norvons Debility, Prematuru I)"eay,nud all the ell icla of youth tut itiiliierelinn. will, for the saUd of miflWiili bit- i "';'''" (',t"-,,n 0,1 " it. 11.0 ..-.ii.o ou-t uaarurel. H nr-run ivi tiling to profit by lliu iidver. b ttpcrRuco, can d bo by ,i.iireanw JOHN' ii.ouims, Vo 1.1 Clianibors - t , Now Vo rki Jon. C. IPCO, Iy.-a..M.P. , 7Yccn Pianj J ,tlll r(.taills iu precduuee .m,i groat i Foi'le pnptiliifity, and nfler uiidervniiig iinproveiiionta for a pe riod pi thirty yean, i now proiiomuoil by tlio muairul ttorld la ho iinsnrpaiai'l an 1 oven uneiuulled in rlelu nets, voluinu uud purity of tone, durability nnd I'hrap neta. uur new acnle, llruiicliaclion, harp podul, iron Iraiun, ovcr-triinu bar, eeveii octavo pi inula wo are telling cheaper by from $1UU In S'.'UO than the caiiir tt U' and oro aold by any uiller flrnt'Claaa uiakera in tho country. Iliiiluis and all in it ant of liood pianoi urn invited to ten.l for our He Hcnptivu C'jtnlogite, Mliirlt routain i.!'n'ograph of our ditl'eri-nt titylea, toijetliur With plin' .u imo aliotild ptinhjo a piano without r-eolug thla t ain logue. Medgal alinnn ui tliotil nu inti'.r, havo buuii iitvnrdod to thu firototeuit Pi inn. and tho Colubraied I Worln'ainir, thuugh piilinioiiipelitioii with oilier ,-roinallpartol lluropo unit Ihu U Si. it toul. the ll"tei.itaiii. I i;tablilled 1(133 Urovostrcil l-'o., I'W IIItOADWAV. NUW yollK. July eti. leHW-. II. II. . & t'o. C2QOA W-6-''51 ! Agents W ' '''f."'l '. "''! i""' wanted iul out. Ad- l diino 1 . t.Atita lite .'3 I.-J iy City JIuMrtlii If lledfotd .Mtitiin MOT10K IN DIVOHri 7i the Common Picas cf Columbia County. Hwrnh II. Knmiay, And now, to wit 1 '7 '1(!r t friend, I Deo. -ith, 18(ir.,an John Sharplesa, j.aiai suhpietia in . Divore, h a v i n g urorgo W. Tiatnsay. J been returned and ,u.t.?.n." ""'Iwviiilicpt! foun.l In tho Cmmly on ino lort ont.,1,.,1 I'. i;inrk. Altrnry for LlbHI- li . ( mot (irnnt h ltillo 1imii IlPupamiPiit to almw 'i' hy ij Dl vorr c a vim cm mithimo Plionl.l l i",!"'1'!1 In llionlirnBdnlrd tft.o roliitnaliln tnthe ill!, A I) ?nfl '"lmi"1 ''"'"I on "omlny. lVbtnary , ! ' BAMHI'.li 8SVI), Ohentr. lllonmtiuts, !)!. 23. liif.0.-lc, f?ov HOUSE, LOT AND QllOOEIlY STAND 1011 S ALE. rK',hp nndprsigned, offers to Fell at t.ri. ,S, vntf 'nlc r. VnlimMe IIDt'SB, LOT AMI) R 110- III F l AMI. fcll.i it mi lk .-.t.n. TI I 1 Jliirk' l HtrjTK, l.fpy. kiimvn na ilm Milinnf pruiiirty. I it In a itochI itniiil lor l.nnnl liurlni'-tlinra lioliic gim.l Kluili., iiml olm ii juri'l t;onl H inrf. JiTMiK win In. rcii-oniitilu, Anntv In tlw tniifctllicr nt l.uwor I.Inii: It id go AjntUPM-auw. O W fUUVISMNO. NOTICE IN D1V0IICM. ... I common runs nj u-lumbiu County cu'an nanor. 1 Ami now. to w t by her next Mend Deo. !tlt, 1(J5, an Glmrlod Foster, alits subprcua in Di- vs. vorco, having been r.dward Sailor. J roturni'd and renpond- ' fin I'M Imvinj tiMfii fomi.l In ilm Conntyi upon mn. linn nf IVIit (t. ttlalii'l, Attnnn v Inr LiVll im, I'nnrt urn nt n ttulanpnn Rp-pntnlnnl t alimv riiilaiMhy a Dlviircn A UMiiioMUMMnMi alimitil nut bo ilfcrwilln tlin nlmve alntod cni'. ri liinmlplu tn llin anlil I'.mrt nt i.oiiiiMuu i ieai, mi Jiii nny, f.'hfnrv ,iih. A. II. IHU), 1 . . S.Ml'i:i, s'VVUEl!, Wictlff. Ilffif iinptiu ra-, J.un. fl, l-'utl. ic ADMINISTIlATOlt'S NOTIOK. nU'ilc oj John Cojn:, rtcc'th otice is boie'iy given, that. Latter of "iiminiMr-iTlt il nt, hip ptfll.-mi J. m i' 1,,. "f Pine Inn uniip, Ci.luniliiii uniniii .luc'il.lmvo been trmt'ii by (lip It, itiai.T ol i'ni!iniii.i r.ninty, IoIIhmih. iler-Uneil j nil prra nia Ii.imii claim, or upiiiiiiiiN nzuill-t Die palate ii'ti.. ..ii.l ,:,., Irnl nrp n.n i..,i: .1 t i pruai iii tliom 1 1 ilio Ailm I ulai ratnr ill hi oillc- In li.oiiiiinlnii!!. without ibliy, and all porjmn indebted to iiiuki.poynii.iit iorllmith. , . , C. D. IIUOCK'.VAV. January fl, lfi,ii,i,,- jn, Adm'r. 1 'Administrator's Notice. Eiloti of Vifi'jrnt tticbarl, ilcc'd. T I'Vl'Tl'vIlS olat'mitiiKt. :lion on the es. Jl tnte of Viiii vnt Rivliurt. .ti.-h tlm will uniicToil, lt" I'l'I'i-liiiiscrPi l. l p, t 1 1 1 1 1 , i 1 1 en , d 'c'.l.lmvH ii h n BMiii.ifl by thu Ifiui.'. r in" t'. lunibi i louniy, to ttic iiml'TsUneil ; nli porina li.iviin claim? iignitiat III" i.l'c Ol' Uk ill 0 in .ii- renii'j'-li il lo pri iwtt tlii'iti lu tit' tnii'i j 4)Kti il. jr.. 9 1 1 x ii t4 in .ii 1 i-.iMii.lili. tv 1 1 ll nflt ! Ii , atitt ul pirjtis niilclH' ti l j liilku Ui.J'iMi'Hl ; (ill t IllU 1 I It I oco.m. ttowr.u,, Jan. fi, lfflO.-ntv. T O l. Adm'r, Anclitor's Notice - i Estate o Ritsscl If'hite i deceased, j pilK nnderRignp'l, Amlitor njipotntrd ' i 8. by th i Ilrplijin' Court of C'duii.lii.i i i.miy. In ' make dutribotion nf the lituil in the luu.M ol Htiito.- ' Kfj baid ml tin ii ii tr it' r 1 1 lliij. -I U lulu. i!"i.'p.n,..d,io i uud nmoiiii tlio rri'ilili'ii of i ho aaid iU'ei-ii-.i-il. n. i or-t-I tin In tile rot'-- and pii-pnrliiin.-. al'divon Ir. I.iw. v. ill attend at hii nPii-e, in I'ln-imvOari!, nil r.itnr.i ,y Ui C'.ib day nf Januan m-xt. nl I'l , eloi.k A. M ni mill ' o.iy, fur thu piupiiM- oi'iiul, nu tb'.. . i-ti limiii'ti . I ( p rsnua, tia nig cl-ii !na urn.' ... m attain-.) tne .".lat - I in ui'- otci-iii'iu nr.! inuillPO in prriuiu in -in in in i Aii, lit,, r . i ll that d.iv. n to bo i!il..irr. fiom coininif - in lor a (hare ui thu lun.l. U. U. BAHKLEY, An titor Floanikhur:'. n-e.i. l.-tdS to 2 Jhlatc of Rolurt J, Lyons, dre'd. " eltni"' of Altninitrntion on the eo'tto S i,r Itul.eit J. Lyoiia lam of Pi'io Mtviiship, foliuubiu county, di-iv.iai'd, li.ivo bm u gianind by llie Itegiater i: dilti-blH en. to tin- lltliiei!-lifl..d all persons ttavitn: i-l.ii.u-i ..i: iin,t llo',- of tit" dei-.'. dent are re'ptealed to proactit iliont fir a.-ttle itii-nt ami tlinn indi'l.t-d in the pii-ni will iiLi'io iiiiui! di.ito paymeiit to i tic .tduiini,drntt'r JOHN' r rotvu:rt.Adni'r, Uee. a:t, ifii.'i (w s Auditor's Hotice. Estate if Jocoh M'.lh dfvtnse-l. '"IIIE untli' Auditor.' ftpjiointetl X bv tit" Orphan' fiur. nf Cnlit-niiii ronulv to iiiiiIm' oi -tribmion nt Hi - in the liniuld ot Jni.n Smith. ,.T,e f th" ll..itil'rs of Jacob VmMi, late of aiaiiiann li'i nalup lu.iiliin run ii lv . di've.i-i':ii, ninotit tho b-cat-ea nf ll.tmr. H ill I'liulid al 'il nllle.- nt I'.lnntn-burg in e.iid i 'iiinty, ml ff'.'ViVil.i.i V, lll ,'i I1AV. Hi' J VL'.VUV. Irnti. at III oVInek of : aid d.' i tn make the dinttihiiiitm . hen and whine nil piiraou j iiit.rrorl. ,. will u'li ml if lin y t u proper, "r bo debar red fiom luiuiug in Ini a vb.irui.l 111,- t-iu.;. KolJKUT F. CLAKK, Dee C3, i.o Auditor. NOTICE IN PAllTfTiONt Jlsttrtc of Christian itj$lcji crcV, TO t.'eur.'o Mtitllf-v. nt Coliimttiii (Niui.ty, Thnuia I Mulil y, of 'I lire Kivt ra ; luilmmi'Mi Coauiv. MH imuii. i iiar it4 .i.hiiifv. nun .tuiiti oiiinit'y, nj i nj. huiiu fount v, MMiJiMii ; Kflit'cci lln.'t nlm-h, f LiiihuiMif ti.wjtf Itip, .M'mtuur '-'i-ut'ty, 1"' 'hijW uii.i, irul .Mi.ry Spt-:uni i lit hire u ntul Ifd n jr. t-m.i-vi v k til I'll rial in ii MuMlt'V, tutc oi'L'ttiiti' touji.vlup, Coin inl'ia t;onuty, IVun jyl v ani-t uinl CVtliai iu', wid, ii o( ;utl lu'vrtfft, : Vuu .ti'i li' ri' y tHcii tn Lo mit up; l'pfnru thu Jiii1Sb nl' our urpliiniM i t.iirt, to 1m m I.l hi I'iicmim hurt,', lu tunl CiHiMy, iu)i 'llii Mm avirt l' '.rti.irv ltst. Ilitin i.ti t Hit re UiMicwpt r r'W'.i tu tuk' Ihu r- .il Lt.Hi' of Hit' lit hriMi oi A1"'..! v. -f.i'-t t.t 'I -.t. ii.Kti i Ui" am. I i titmtv o(' t i I hiiIimi. .it ih ; !j,iu . u n"V i ;init in nu (it .-l i,t, i: I by i t.ii'( t'ourl, ai.i m mru-'ii iy Ihc s-li-'nu, lit (n ihii.T 'tvrni. A. 1- or biuitv j;aiiM' Uy ttio snuu: tdinuhl Kiif, itm 1 1on. Willi am UUv.'ii, rr.iKMl.'rit of our enid Cuurt ai Ulouuiaburg,, Di tftuU c t! uili, t?UJ. .JKtiSK CUJ.f.MAN, Cle.k, 0. 7. niooniabiirB, Pec CT, 1r'nS, S v. IQoUgc in ParUtion, Estate of ISlarqartl Salmon kceased. rrto Pin-be VV. Joaeph. II irrl.d in I fanwlla, ! X tliililren ol Jnbii riuloiiiu, dienii'pl. nf laricii t'nuniy, Ohio ; laiiali II. oa of Jnaepn r'at mou.d e'd, ' of llliuiiit- i Abr no Kaluioii, of New J.-r.' ; Jauie r-aluiun, Wbit" 11 if ii, LiiKeriiu ihi.iniy i I' M'l 1 nio'i. nt Itrutlinr I t'.niuiy. pi iiu'a : pb, !u ial', of Lycuiiiuir Coiiutv. Wiie ler M.iiumn, of M.iii!"iir'o . Uh i Aim r-li 'llhuim r. t l.u 1 1 rb.-oit, of L'oluiublii , I'.'M'iiy. 1-liKa Win r'"Ub'r,t:iia Saliiinii i lnliiri'i. and ' tii in. i iliiiili'-n nl laaiiu Miliumi, di ri a-it ; Jumei, Wlliiali'. Jnbn , Harub Ami (.'tint on, rio-ho Jnue... .i.l.' .M.,r; ,ir i. n.ii.i,- nt hut-band iinkluii.'ii, i hililr'-u of 11,-ute leuliuna, d.-i-.-uaed, IteHidouou nt nil l,ie cull- i ilri-ii null now n Heir and l.-unl repr"!Ututivea ui Martiarei tsaiiimn, lato of tJemi i.,'wulnp, Cniaiubin cuil.iiy, deei.:i!.,'d. 1 Vuu are pel' by citi-d to lit uud nppi ar befnre llr-! JililSc. ol our Drpliun-.' Court lob" held al Ilm 'iu--burg, in Held t'ouuH, on lu.' li.-: ..l. ii jnv m I'tbiu- ury m M. th"ii and i!0,t to au . pt or i- iui- in i,ih- ; Hi i real oi.t. it, i nf tin' t-.nd .Mai:'ui,-t Salinuu. n l'u ;' hi lb" rani e-niitty id i .M,iitii.i, til lie nppi na id taiuati'iu put upo.i iibv an l.tipi.-,-. , dnl,.! by th-' -aid t.'ou it. and ritiiiu,-.. b) lii- iJlt rul'tn b,-p-t"iui, -r '1 i-im, A. li. looj, or rh-jtv u-uij vt by tin -.ami' sh. ill ,1 lint ie ai.ld. Witne-a, ilii. Hon. VVillnui i;i--.ll, Prt-j.liit bt our taid Court ul Ui'ioiu-diiiig, tieueiiilu-r 'Jiil. Jiod JhrtSli C, l.'OUu.MAN, L'l-iau. O. C. Kloulllaburt!, Icroj. StV. Notice in Partition, Est'tte of Juhn Sankey, decease 4. rpti .Mnrv A. eaiikey, tvidnw ; Jucnn H.iukey, S.tuidel 1 Sankey, J'diii -a,.kuy. t'yruk Sunk. :. , Jaiuoa t . Paukcy, .Muv ' nipiiuarriinl u ith Inrou U'nlf. J.ydm. I .iti nil in - -I ti ith Jauiu 11 I'lili P- lly, nun d.'iuaauil. I'm no il Pit ! iiiuminl ivitn Ji'll i H-ifc nr.: ii-aviug laaiii- Jua.iiiii.ili ana Mart t', ouiinri.. and hating no -jourdi.ui. U' Iny. iiilerioarrieii itn.i Jacnb Mte(-lt- . Itch i'( .1, ilm. ileii-tsed. lut.u.-il in t rmuriieil u uh J.uniis lllui.eiioi Ii-., v i u.' -i-' ihild, iiaiuu an. I nga iiukiont u -ili lia au-i I n il pr -U lltativoa of the .1.1 Juliu ,ink". del . .1 . TAKE N'ultl E That on Imtueat ill bu held on the r e-itnta n' the aunl JnliU rankey, iyitiu 10 I'.'iuuitii'i i ouiii. in He luw lllllip nf Sent uud .loil-lt PL aa.illt nil Tl li.-t.l V Jniiiiur) lid, leiitt, al the hnu.unl Jani'-a tV. d-inkcy in Light rlr1'. t. at iuni- n'tluclt. iu th- Ji.r, un m and In coiitiiiue liuiil till lliu rLfjl oatuln o til'- lUei aae.l it. up-praiai-it : fer tin- purpoau ol inakiuit paititimi of til1' real i-atuio ul the auid iliicoukoU lo and aoioiig Ilia Hi ir and I' l-al r.'.'iri i.uiiiuiiioB. if the aiuu mil bu riuini without piejudit ii to or apuiling tbo wliolii : mlii-rni" tn vain and uppr uu tho iaiiio iiciari.llig ' Un i ul winch 1 1 me uud pliti'i) )uu nro ru-ju ircil tu utimu) il'yuit Hunk prope.-. SAMUEL BXV1ICI!, fcliorifr Bhtirlif Ultlre, lllooiunburg. I Dec. Iibj. So A YHAU mado by nuy out APil Willi lIS dlenul Toola Nuniiio- lietice neceaaory. Tlio Pti'iidtint, Caililcrs. nud 'I'rvaaiirera nt a naiiHa in nrio Ilia circular, ouui ireo ti Ith sjtupli . Adilreta thd Aiuvtirau dentil Tool IVoik. 1 1, Viiuiont. ' in Ui l-o. Jiu Court Proclamation ttrili:lll:.P. tli.i ll,.v. Wh.iiam l.i.wu.t, Proaiibnt in in- nrthp I ii itl ui liv. r nml 'I',.........- n...l ,1. ,. ernl Jail li"i-iv, I ..mi i.i Itu irii r rt"-inin of the Pe'ier nil'l I' mrl if I'.i.Mii'nil I'). , mil llrlih.tira I'nn.l. In the I'll II J'liU' liil IHhIiiiI, cpiiii opi',1 of tlin rnufllli' iifliiinlilii.Mnllli mi iiii.i vV).,iiiin, nml tin. Hmi. John It' vnnl'1-.i rit-nli 'I' ii.u . ., ,i .1,1 w.nrrninm. bii county, Inv. iS!.-i. ' 11i--ir r--c ' pt, lii iiinttrtiitP tin-13, iiny ui .'ini in in :,t '.I .inr l.or-1 oiu llmnaanj I'ialu llUll lri'd nil' ltli- II VP and In Hip din HpiI r,,r ImMI-a n Cimrt nf l -r am1 Terminer iiinllji ni Jail di livery, UPio rni niinii. r ?i'aoi m 1 1 1 I'. in p, Coiumoii Plcta n.l f iri.l.n n. I '....-I 1.. 1,1.. I " - . ....... ,.. ..i'iiir'i..if, ,, mi- ruiiilir 1,1 I Ct.liiiiihln. on tlirtir-t Monrliiy, 0uin- tlio tli day; of . i,x, n i inn.- i,ii ivit'n. ntirii la hereby given, to tlin Coroner, tlin Jiutlrei f,f Ilm lPf,lP 11 Mil I'r.l.afnl.lna ..f fllu ..IJ hll'nl. iinibln that they l.p then nml th-r in llielr proper hit. ! anna nt III n VIorK in tlio fori'mii-n ofanlil da) with llielr i retorrta, Inqnlaltlona nml oilier rtmeinbrniun to do llilnm which In tlielrome..npprtnliilo be dono. I rtml tlnne limt are hinind by leiiignlaancn, to proreiuta nu.iiii-i i iil 1'riai.iii'ra in.ii urn or liny on in m jrh nt aid iniitit) nl L'.iliiuibiii lu be then and thero to inoao. , i nil- ne ii na ai nii w juat. Juiora nr requeated tnM piinrtuni in men niif iiiiiuieo, aere'-tiMy loin.;ir tiniKoa. S ) tinted ),. H, Jin the y v-w ) iiiiii(ir"'il natiiint illooniBbiirg, tliu SHtli day if Deo. f. ar rf our l.nril ono tllouannd i llil I no i MXtv-llvi'. ,Mid in tho nl liU- ti'iitli ypnr of the liidi ppiiib nopnf tlm t'nitul MMea oi .ineocn. ( tJi'i, no i' iiik I ctiiai i it ... ) MAMURt., Biicriir. nioomabilrg, Jan. 0, Iwn. Hcistcr's Notices. TVTO 1'IOE !h hereby given to nil legttt X.T iredii -r and other pnraona inlere ted intli em, tii P,.. tnira i.l the leapeitlvo ilop'olenlii and minor, iliul too fo'M'Mu't A'.ii.tiii -trntion and iJtiiriiin lu-eouni, irivj In i"l HI 'I I I 111.! nlki' rf tho Heal'ter of I'r.lil'illil.ll."., nud pi - - nt .! fi-r eonflrinallon nn.i nll.i'VMH.:'i in tne Orplt.iu'-. I'mi.t. t i b' luld ill lllooiii'lMiru, In tlio, on lin adny, tint 7th of IVb. lct.U ,it -2 o'clock, lu tlm nft -rnooii ol (Alii day, 1 Pirt ntiii nnrlial m count of George Drown, (dui'r of John Rrownlntn of .Mlit'lii ttnviuhip den'd Acoonat of Thoiias Oilen, (itintdi- nil of Inane Oliver minor child nf N'ntll.m Oliver IntJ nf nreeltwnod twp, decd .$ AOCOUUt 01 JODD iMatOUCi, tiliarru-i in iifPi-t. r lletler. minor chlU of Michael llcllor. la'.o iifMlKlin Inp, ti,'i,',, A Account of ITonry irnilittghrfitl, arl tiiinialrnlor 6f 11 (feo 11 llnIiurt Inio nf Unlaw last tp ll.'ll'll, " Account if John fnd A S Allen sd mlnlatrnloM of Jainoa Allen lato of Madiaon towiiahip derM, tl jleconnt of ITairift V-rlmiii- latrattlx ot William Ollluepy, lato of lltmloi k tivp, dtxM. . 7 Aeeount of Willim K Loiter nherger, ndiu'r of Franlillii l.ongetibprgi-r, lato of lleavur twp, dec d, ' 8 Aeeount of William B Wellivof ad- nilut'trniof ot A brnlinri Welllver. lato of Mndiron t p . i.i'r'.i, 'J Arfloitnt of Hi-nr j C-lIo,,a) rtilm'r of Rcnjunni Pi'ti-rui.iii. lute of HitMib'uf tw p, ilve'dion ante of lleuliy, 10 Final "cantit of Peter Rut, adin'r, of Alem Marr, lair ofjicoit twp, rtorM, 11 iuni accoiiut nf 1 'titer Jhnt ono ol ( hu !(f'-r.Hi'r of . ... A'attlltfW Mcllunull l-le iif! I twp, der'd I 12 i''ir.-t and fulfil neonunt of Koahen , I l'alirlngi-r, Kdm'r nf Petur Mntlsor lata of Loeuat Itvp nr.- ii. a. !J Fir-' neonunt of Thonirts (Irovolin;, i 'I of tl' bi rrn (.'rnvclllitt lata of t?.;.itl twp . ileo'd . HI ilm tm it' in fen LVpyoiin? tatuof ti.-,,itt twp JOHN G KBtVH, Rristcr, llloonitfcurg. Jan. b. IS'.n, Unmd Jurors for J'd.ruarij 'lam, 1800, r.lnotn Mnrrla I' t-in ilm ... nUi-u- I'hua II I'.nvlor i" K .1 r Win i nmoa I., .Ml ! v, irli i '. J Ali. r;--i i i J n In i i. .. k- r .i.iiu, I i P. it, 1 at i'.i- i J i.. n In i i.nei'pr t i.-l.l I.,-.. . k-r.i.iiii, I i liivi-, Mulhiaa ttllno. John IIHIVIII-n'! l'r.iukll:. -Jnjeph tln'I'T 111 Uttn.ol- UlUI u-l lv n-ll-ll 1 tl.'ininek Jaim - Ilnat li,id--nn flirlon I.iiut- Win (i.iodmjii. i.aybc-iry Siiydor, Juoas rpitermaii !li Pl".n.iot--t;iias lli-eiblebii , M.'iilia.lll - Jnn pt (' ..limit J.llK-nn- J.ibii tii:st.-r Itnaniit'eii.-k -llenrv llnffuun feott Jji-nh Tori, liltper Migarloiif Ju. ph U lloaa. Win 11 rowrmtn Traverse Jurors Jur Feb. Term, I SOU. Itloom- A M phpert Hunter -Henry llniderNt.-r liriarere' It J ie..ii i.'reaay, Ilaviil Hhnff.r, Koubeii Milter, Xt'biil tiar!. Ib-iitnii- St oil i: I'.dipy. T hoi n ide. John Dvi I nt.iuH'i--Jutiib Kri'ijth. i.anicl 111-lttlg 1'unyiiiebaiit -ti.-p!ii-n i immaa l'lsbiti.eri.i k lltteh Meliri le I'raiiMin i'.inte llntti-r. Jacob l.oretnan u-i nit m d - tieo V lilt, Jn rt Itlinn lieiiiliK-lx-i-bmiah Uee.-e, Hugh 11 .Mclltidj Jill k-OIII -.bdlll t ,, l4 la'uat llourv link, ticra llo'.vcr. Lliaa llclivij .tllldll! - J.lfnb ii a , Sint t inr- l.-aii Wi'iiit-i r Oiaiiso-Abraliain foioinan, Michael Vance, Jcfi n But d, r . Pin.' -Jacob :ii - niberliii, Vuleiitino Wintertlecn Knurinirravk-It- iijauuu limick ritM.iiin-.l An.'revt I.aitl.aeli ll.-ury O Ilvas I 8ontiPhilip T Ilartmaii, John Kroatlcr. Daniel U ! Evvrliart lunuury fi. lodil j IM oi raises for Fell, Term HMO- ! I Hat I' lei Vturiiun oy her next fri-M Wni 11 Iloag-l.i.-.l t- lliilMi I 3 fit. ph. 'i ((..ley v i.attauiiia IVilli.imstiort & , li - it H Co a Win L I. "ton t ". tlannan l.'revellni. I 4 Yn i. Ui-iiov I ll'"-t-'n-vel.inj i .'i, n Miiilrie l-iiidoriioo of Aaron H'olf vs Chrif tl.ltl IV. II. ' fi Jamli llarriH v P"'ter ,'ucohy. 7 linn el P r-l.-k.-r, t' ".I'm IK-ler. I r jai ob llopl r V illiuni luubiiri and Cliriutlan. na 'ui , ii . ' '. Ji'i- I. e-hu.i -in va i 'atnwiai Railroad Conipauy. ID li ilt-li ... K Va i Ll i. r Llllpu ml Jl AOulil lilt Ii IK il t'-. .li I'i'ilil'lli J. in'iy I l-J n.irtui'iii ts rJi'.i-. I) Ib-ijitr ! i.i il.njiiii'in IV -iiurin v -M V William) I I t.- .i A l-ni'ig vs P"ti r dill.-r 1 '. 1 dt, .in It, H i, r t " tli l.u. i.jt M Kail Itoa.l k Irnu t-'n A I.' I., i a: ! i'i il riiian )) I ! i ii'i. ilm for IL-uo of llockenberg Vtirilail) li Ji'liu Uioterllter VB Jnhn Jatncumi . I J I P IMltiMl-i! t lleo Pi.ibr-oii.ii ul. iu Aaron i!ioiiiivv Ituubi ii miiir SU'Jo.ii'ii'.ui Wmt Indiraeo of G'oddia Slnrali it On t a ti- nmo il 1 rtn 1 51 Joiioibau Wolf Indo'feo of Ueddi M.irall c Cu j V tieiirgn il t'roaa, ."3 M ithltiH Trousiio va tho Toivnsliipof Scott J.) Jac"b l'.'inil.'y Uuttawii4 tl lll'o '.'I llilno. liiiifiin l U Co v I.ovi Itm. MS Anna Haitiuia Drigliiuillur, v lUnry Uuigliniillerg 'in W.ltiani I .a i" "ii v P.-ii-r lluyuiau il iu i.iuinn v John aiiHuli Jd Adiiii'il'-rati"rB of Ju.i pu PifXton. doe'd v Win 1. I .tine. SIMw. I'.nt-l &, Jr.iiiiu.-I K lhillippi v Joseph ;uj -reck ttu r or teputi-u imuer ,',l J.'Cnll -.llllliuil V Jnlltl it '.lllllli-lhiti r :,j .'lbrul.a.i II .sikIi.'i t,. H.m. i.-l Itiiiiby J ,'d 1 1. tli a. iJiitf .lilituii Hi ttill :i Jto.ii rt Uurn ll t '1 iv i ..I O-iviigh-'n jt. t'Al tt tin.. I .Vblintl 6 Uiunird H Jltnaglt .1 , iHni.ii l!.-r v P' lur .t liuroer Uretiitvued 'i'ntt iiilnp tal-uiuutr liogait .IJ rvlvtt-r J t'anx v J,i4: Whitd ; eivlic.-ler J l'an t. Jajii-; VVuitu .sli u i-ti.iu I'Knupp v school UireUora of Uionin Tot. a tin it 10 IVii.abt llniihe V Poter iilller li i-i-uij V (.r oil v Uoae IV Into I'J .tjari, I. l,re, ll V laOUe IV llllo -I.l All. In tt i-ntMcr V Jnlill rllnuilur. Jl.rJ wOUUMAN rioth y. Pr'-tbi'iint-'it)' O.'.c--. 111' iiiui-b'tM, Jail ti, Ui. I Apniiofitioiis for Lioonse. "V O'l'OB i lurebv gitcn, that the I'c!- S. l-'tim named porauiloa hai e iludo appl icilloii In tb" Pini..n ,iitty nf r..lut,i:.i i ent. lie, for Tavent I,.ien.i-. to bo granted at tlw t'ebi uai y Ti-rm of Court, ti . APPLICANT Toil TAVDKV MCCVjlK. J'tiimtnv St.ii, l-Cfi , N.tME. Town,iiim J ihu I.'-ei'iti. Oii'i-Mtvootl. Ml. III!. I ScuUy, Couyilgllalil . ilint'ii Cun i iter ii, Po . iiir.tii'k. itV,y. CUI.EM , lllnoi.'s'mr. J.m 13, uai -4t I'rnih i . h iry The Barber Hho. r III! tlOi'l'l'- tin i ilm ii, nf '.I in -bur? i .'I III imblli: s--n -r- Shop all... 'I i' ll !r. "p u a i III ' n III ill line t ! 'itl ' nlil.i 111 I 1 i'ii. ' .,' tt .1 Hint ma ami fahion.ibl iiup.-ili'li- ii X' bi"r t the i th' " . f th i .- I- pit p .ii ,1 in tin in at Hair l uitiue,, tt itli caru bun titvo him a rail and aeu ill.- alilea J Ai ll) it. WHITE. ninomaburK. Jan 13, lend. EXKCUTOK'S NOTIClsi Estute if Tws, Stackttaust, dto'd. I cltrrs Tciaiiieniary on tbo estate o i , 'riiotuaa ataikiiouae. lato of I'lun laivnalllp, L'u luaibU coiiutv, deceased, havo been uriiiilud by tho Ileal trr ol Will k. tu the iini!i'ri(!ued, both reaid inil Itl aald liitviialnp, nil ptrautia iLavlliR cluilin oaaul tlio vatate of tlio dercili nt nro lunu.-.ti diu prettut tlioiiilo tlio Uu'cntnr'd wilbout delay, nnd all perio'i iniltl'lid to malto nayMent foitliwith. JlillV OUIIIlNCK TIIUM UTArKIIOlE. i,. 5. I'fS (it ti, Fxtrutoi THE PHOENIX PKOTOHAL Will Cure your Cough Till' PIIOIiNIX PEOTOltALj on, t'OMTOMSD SVP.t'P OP WILH CIICItllY U XCfl- l;K A HN'AKI! ItOOT. tiro, n . - , Will UltfU the JJllpaioe Of tllO .- - r is, jr. jj jl. M Tl. & II Til I 75- "' A H M KUj Sue 1 aS fJoldB. C Otto hn. fJrniin. Aallmin ,. .. , ' . , JJronchtik C'atairh, Soro Thioat. lIonrnenMB, Whooping Coygh, ire. It timely use will prevent PULMONARY OONSUMPJ ION. And even where thla fearful dlaoaao la fully devol. oped it will afford mora leller than any other inedi. lino. J. LftWrenep rtnlx. pT.Hop.n1ri.a nf tho Ppni,avl..m,in lloiiaeof hipr.'it-iitutivi', niya : "-1 rough renm- ily It nuw i xt' ti, lv 'y !,nd la of ibe lilgbeat tnliin tn Hip rmniiMiilly, it-. Miralivn qimlillea having been teat' d by ilmii-anda Mtli the i-mat (irntlfjiiig reaulta. ! It !! ear. Iull and aklllfuly prep ired from Wild t'Ui'riy li nk ind "iieka iinaie Ilm 1 bj Dr. I,ei Obor ' hnltler. n reputablu phyiielnn of Plioeniivilie, Pa., nnd 1 anld by nearly all dmgslat, and com.lry aloru-kei-pira." II. P. Uroaby, ex-Poatmattiir unj cxdlilrgcasof l'oll. 1 town, cviilfli's na followa : Pomrows, lPftVJan. 3, Till'' retllflea that I linvo ihpiI llic Plioi nlt I'eetoral I In my family, and I recommiiid It to tho public na tho , very beat remedy lor I'uiiah und I'olda Hint 1 have avor Ilixi. I'no or iny children waa taken Kitii a. talk nnd luvattif. Dmliia heart! no iniirh aaid nboiit the I'hnnilx Pectoral. I nrorur'.il a i hntiln .f It. The llrat doan ruiiovea the dillicnliy of i of the lintue it a entirely well. P.ierv family WinM nne ii hi iin-ir iiuiiBii. ii. i i;kii?i: , J, (', H'lntti. dr.iKglst, of N'aiv Hope, lluckH tounty, P.i. in lMiliu rii in-, (dmrliolizor, anya .- "A feiv iinyi nil. I l.iiiubi two n.r.Bll cfyoiir viilitatilo rniish r. ii, to try, nmi Und it v. ry good, and aa it la near- y'',11' ' "mid like y.,u in a. n.l men groaaoflt. . 'i ii,... iii.'i'. r aau-iiiciiou man nuv . other I liav-1.1 tit 'lore, I urn nip-in tor anmu nf im moat fiupuiar u"i"'i pikparniioiia, bm jonrs toniit to bll .lif im 111'' I'lni uno I. The fnliMtl.iK h ,m pirnct from a letter from Itlrnm I'.llia, un ri near I olt'totvii, I'a : "1 hate tried the ri.ieiii:. pei tninl, nnd Dud il to be the buat ri.uah nieiln no-1 t.nii. Il mi l l ilh a mure ri uilj aale than an.' o.ii. r that I have i-ter hH'l In my ttore,'- I be j.roptiiilor nf l iia looillellln ll la an niurh rnnli. ilelieo ill Us l or itive pi. Her- Ironl Ilm t 'ktinimiy of tliniie md t. ho Ii, ive ti.. -d it, that the iiiom v ttill bo Piu f.ii.ii tn jny putrluar bull nut litiiiiad with ta oll'-cli Ills aonleajunt to tnke tint rbildren crv for it I'ri.p I lllltl'V-l-'IVLi t.llX I'M i l,arKo liuiili.j OMI Llril.l.Att II i' nil-nded for only one claaa i-f illieaaea, iiamo. ly, tho-.- nf tho Thrnit and l.unga flj Pri parud only by J.MVI OiJlSlUIOl-TZfiK, M, D I'i.icnlxvilio, p.i. Sold by all flmsalft" and Plnrekeenerj. JUIINPTUN, ittn.l.invAv. t riiwnr.v. v. oi N'ot'lh UUi Siruot, I'liiladelpliia, and r, 0. V, 1-11,1.9 ( n No. lis franklin Ptroct, N'atv Vnrli. Opiictai Wlui ' .d') Ait.-ni-. Hold hi K. P'IV. nnd IJVCU ic MOVPil, llrug. yifta. I'doninaliiira, and by lo-arly pvi-rv driittQUl ami con ill i y ptnrek cper m inlumhli eniiniv. .v II.-It y.ei, n. er :at liruiigiator atorpkepperdoPS not!., i J 1 1 ini'iliritii' do noi I i lino put you olt' will 'niu-oi hi r incilKiie. but a. ml nl unci! to one of tho agpriia t it J.iiitt ii , A I.-J i I'm New Grocery Nore MOKH I'llKSII tiOODS. (Formerly .' wm' old ISiand) on Hlu,:n html, JJlnimsourg. jpllE tindorfigiiod has just received a 1 A Rood atock uf ! AM) U'lSTJiR BY GOOUS, j i f all ki.idi, .Men' Heavy ! ?alp am IW BOOTS Itio lics-t in ttw ni..rk t : n Omul ,An--oum',nt ol l.:iilnja ami L'llil(!run, hlinisn uf .ill l ini!-.. i A FreslA Lot, of Grocovios. I nf nil kiil'ls, sin.ll us Molusse Toai Kioo, Spices, 1-isb, Salt, Uofloo, Hats and Oafs Tobacco, Sngar.s, Oandier, ltazens, Lard, Will bo rcci-ivt'd nnd lor which higho,t inarkot p'ice will Iio paid. l-TRD AM") PlOVISKNS. i a t-rti intn.r""- i 0.7 11 IV r, I'cj- .i:tl j.roiltioc giTtTiMy trtker IIENllY GIGER. HlO'ttifhurt'. P1' FOOTZ'S CELEBRATED Hotsg il Gffl Pontes. Knonn. ill thur ii'iir'ilv rL'5nigorut' VroLi n-tl-tw n und lo. niritcd horjogt ly btr nF;thcitnt; mid rleaf-Ing tho njuiacU tir.U inteii tinoa. It 13 a yure prc ventive cf all (Un- ' ic-wjifi. raw n-fa inL-iuont to this animal, audi iu LVVO TEVnt, OLAXUERS, V h I. -Ml tt, WA- ff i li:. i: i: a v i:. CO l'(. Itri, in.-.-TK.TPl'.K, in VKIt.S. I d ix in-it l.O.-t-t UK Al'PK Tin: AMIMTAI, ENLltilV.M'. lu uk iinprov,--,- tlio Wind, ittereai-. s tbo appetite .piles a amootli and, (84 nloaay fi,iu and -s trail-forms l ) laiseinblu tue! liore. To lieepor of Cow tlili ineparatlon ii invaluable-. It lucruam-s tho iaantityana iiiiprotei tlm iniality lithe mux. itlrti lueii pr.. .ri liy ac tual txpi-rinient to IricreafQ tb'.' rpian tity ol milk und cream tivt-nty per cent, and make tbo butter firm and SKiet. Iu fattening cattle, Hnivr Un m no appetite, lo-i3ena tlnii- bide, and uaUa tUm thnvo rauoh fa't'ir. In all disas'.i of Swine ueh as Couglm, Ulcers In the J.tinrrf, Liter, ,(C tin? at ti, lo nftt-i at a Fike.t'r. Uy iHit'ini; treui one ball a p i,u.r tn a I'-ijur in it barr-Iof-ui!! tho .k . , .( . , , I.,..'. Ml-. . .- - B -rf-, will hjiiadle.itod et or I'utii'. ly nr. uuIihI. If iiiten In time, a certain prei entne .u,,l care far lie: itirf fh'ileia. Irtco 25 Cenu per Paper, or 5 Papers for SI. rREFAKED 13V . uV. TPOXJTV; c I5T0., AT THEIR wiitursAii: nraii axm .mkdiuxi; nrrnT, No. 116 Pranklin 8t Baltimore, Mil. Tor Sale by Itrniatj and Storekeepers through, nut thu I'ulted Stauj. I .,i .i.i at .,i i-.iia .-tore of EVEfl () MOVER, llloQittabiiru Ta. tiloonnli'im. Jan. (1, Icbil. l-Jmo . Notice. Who It'imo Hooka 0! Eli Orovoling, and tlm.(( nl Crevclinj b. rauaey, ft? Minn Itiilgi', air III tlm liumla (ii'tho uiidenmiiud for t'ollucilou Tlliito Inl'-reiitud will pUaae take notice. J03LPII J.lI.Lr.V, J. P, Llijlit Etreet. JaiKi, ISCb-Juio $) ' HLA.NKS! BLANKS' 1 Of every dcboription, for .ale at tijis office ive, ate.) o 1. ."'JJf Thl p-eparatinn, tffSjwwtfTSC. iC.'0 Ion-.- and f.itoi.ildy ff ... . 69 .-tun Into a fine looking and spirited 31 ff DR. MAGGIEL' 1 & Saly 9 llieao Life, elvlnj reined na nro nuw, for the flmt time, Riven piiblli ly t,iln World. for over n quarter of ii rontury nf private rraUieo tho injrcdloiila In thoao Life-giving Fills, Lavoliern itapil with tlio Kfcnteat mcreaa. Their ml alon la not only to prevent rineiiae, but to euro. They ennli intthe nrloiis mnlndlea by wbiihthe putielit " mioniig. iinn r llnlioriilea ino ihiiiiir ay, lain. '1 n Iho uncd and Infirm a few doaJil of tbeaa v.ilnubla "'i'" wm Pmvo to bo A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, , l'or in evory ea-o thoy ndd now llfo nud vitality, and I ic-tore the waning eiiereiea to their pitatlue alaln. 't'n the yniiiiK and iiiiilnl'.- ngeii lin y will proto limit in- nl nbli , na n ap-i id-. iiml aterllng modielne I Her.' la a ilreatu (inlli.i-.i, that Ponce-do l.enn aoiiibt for three hundred eara ago, and nevor follnd. Iio j looked lor a fiiiintiiu would tealora tho old to Vlffornnu mnko votit i nvmr An Eternal Spring, , It wn left for thla dny and hour ti realize tlio dreniri, ' and ahou in gloriona fail. Ilia Magic that mado llfnir. I hose Fcimous RcniedieK. (Iniinn. atay th ftiiiht of )enr, but Ihcy ran fores hai k.nud hold nl inf. dlaenap tlint loiebt triiluiph oer I In. iig''il mid Hie yrfdng. I,' t inino In aitain Ihuii, but ai'ir.o th'. favoriibl : opportunity that oll'iira. VVhen taken i :ia preiertbi'd , S.?or Biiious Disorders! Xn'l.inif mn ln muff pr'iilurilve nf pure that, tliimu I'M In. THcir nliiMint nnmlf! iritlufiidfl U fa tl tt ni : I iliKeati nrt-ronioved. Tlie3 rutntjdiea nr hikJo froiii tin i,nro, t VUGETADliK COMPOUNDS. ""hevuill not linria tin-nmat dtllcntn feniaV, and ran bppmni uilli good i in liruacribcil duca to be ullligerl babe. For Cutaneous Dioordera And all eruption" of tho akin, the S M.VU ii moat Invaluable. It dnf-i not cxteiiially alone, but n.-ii'-lralea wil i in., oal aenreni ii elleeta lo tie verv root ofllluuvil ! Invariably euro tLo following Diseases : Aattiuia liowcl Cnniplninla, Coujiha, v Culja, Uneit Uiapaaea, C'oativenoss, Dypep!la, lilaihoen, Utt'iny. 1'etiiale CahipUtOU Kvcraml Aijiia, lloitilurlie, Imligcatlnit,, Ilittammallon Inward Wcnknoai. I.lvcr Compl-il'it, l.'jwneaa ol'Hpirita , liiiiatvnriii. ltlieumalianl, Salt Itbi'ttin Scald" UkIii Dlaaafoa. I flT NOT1CC-Koei.ndlno tvltliutt tho ciifrnvod i trade mark arniind curli pot or box, sijned bv lilt, J . ! M.MIOII.I., H.l Fulton St.. New York, lo lour.terltlt wliidi ia teloiiy. tl J r-'olil liy nil ri-rpectnbtc Uealcrs In Medicines til runabout tho United rilrdes and Caksiltia- lit '.'5 ita. per box or pot, -Ilec. 11, IHH.-.-1V. LOOK HERE' npiTE Very l'latteriiifj; Support !iorrj?oli H i, re piven l llie Lit" nriu ol lAJIlis B. Mt. NIXOH tt i-'D . lu luu-ii tb.! tiuil.'r'igroil to outer tin on the Im-diir-n nf ii e ii an ANni 1 i-g npnn a S'liueitltnt net,- plan, 'i'li-1 r.iilit avtem ha been un injury to both bujir lellei.und therefore v ( y. propnai a In op -n ml thu ''All dav of tho motitli nf rtovuint'i-r. lf-o, in 1 i rpiri.t Ti.nicti criMiiT P'i'ij a vrt Lllll .'a o a vv.ill. Ul. I ... ELEGANT STOCK OP Ever offered in thi-3 ICountv ; consist ing of every varii'ty and quality of staplo ana GOODS, Grocorio.?, Quoonsvare, Hard ware, and all corts of articles kept in a country -Store ; lob" sold or in tsobuujco for Tho hole busiuesi to be conducted an tin, .- ii.-m ul pay in you so ,- and at cheaper ratoa lllail ii ny ntbt r ilollai. i.y t ail and judjjo foryouraelvca. J. 8. MoNINCH. ,.v 11, 105. . j. A. IlKrMN Clothing Emporium ! 'JI1I3 WAY, GENTLEMEN, Finn of Evmjs & Jlarlinan ATE arrival of Tall & WJntcr Cloth! j tu,' at tho old ht Hid of A. J. r.VASS. on Main Stie.'t. Illoolii-loirj Ihu beat ami latest St iea ajid a ajid I aallinila, CLOTHES, CASSAJUERS, $ , ,J-, r.v. ij thin;; iu tin O. nlk'iiliina. Mho of Clothlu;.. Hati-in iu our einnl'v the well Known and exponents ".! ' ait. r, V.i, (". L. Itnr!i.aii.,i'iitiii,.ily 01 lMnl. t i rfel III i-i I'liariiteed, and tuoriior, un -.'rlo.eitl ol Ucil maun CUJAT8, PANTS, VESTS, fie, As. .Mun-iuinuortiii' nt o( I100T3, tho clioapett in thu mail, tt, Alio a rploudid .neorliucgt of Clothes and CassarnerS) Tor alu or to make tu or Jer. E VANS & 1IARTJIAN. Illnonitbiirg. fVt.H, For Sale. j jl.Farxn at Private Sale, ''r'be uodi'r-,irnril offer? to aoll at nrivate ' i aale, n I'AltM AV) Pl.ANTATICIV. il'.uato in i iiilii'k low n-lllp, I'oluiilblH enillitv, P,i iibnut two 1 null u isi uf iiuek Horn, near too Jer.ejtOrtii road,, Cnlltallilllif ' hcvonty-Tbreo Acres of Land, i Win rcmi ia ericted a gnnil ' FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a lariio l'-aiin- llunU liaiu. and auita blc 1 ut-biillilii'E luaetiicr with aa"oJ LAUUE OR0IIAHD, ko. Tor further partnulara, ei'.quiro nf tlm rubicrlbor, st Itubbit.i.' lill. mi thu uiuii, , J. If. STEOKEIl, . Nov. Id, laaj-'Juio 8'l NOTICE IK PAHTITIOJf Estate of Joseph HayhiiTst-, dtc'tf. rpO Pelilou, widuw of dccoilelit, Mary, nit' riiiarned I. with Iiavid llrohal, Huaail, liilerniarried it uh tlo. Hiriih. r: Lll' i'.iaieruiarrled ttiih cvru- U Appl eman; lli'.-..ii-iil, Uii.'.ibcth, uud Itciiujah. ttlm-. re.ldelicu ia unknown who ar ' the h'-ir ami lejj.ii repfcbenta livej nf aaid Jgae pli lluyllur.t. dt-ce'd, i 2tnf Notice. That an Inqueat will b held at the lata dwelling Iinuau uf ibv aid Jo.nrii H tvnuR-i , lit uruuje t.nt n. tlup. Cnliiiubli Cutiutt. I'eiin-i tho prun.iaua Ml Monday, tin ."Jilt .lay. uf January iNio, at Id o'l-lucj A M. of ihaii:a,. fur the purpoae of inukiii purtitibii -nf tho real i fei'ii" of llie aald decuaied to and among Ine lluira mid I'liU' representative, if Ihu aaiuo ran lit done ttitll'int piijililleu to uf apoiUiig lliu tt holu l lurui.- t" t. lii'' and iipprai.,1 the aaiuoaeenrdiniitu law ; at tth.eli time uii.i jilaoo yon ar, H'l'jlred tuat tend ifyim iliiuk proper. I , SAWUEI. SNYl)EH,Sf?; ' f lirnfl tilbro, Itbunthui, I Dar .'3 If.'j tr. 1 IE i, mmm rim PUBLIC SALE OP Valuable Heal Estate. TN pursnanco of an order of tho Or- JL phatia- Court of Columbia co-mly, fin Thursday the tt of February, 180(1, nt 10 n'etork P. M , llohert V. Clark, Atltnl ilttrnlnr of Hllna 1!. Ton er, late ul ft ntt loivnthlp, In aald county, ilec'd, Will otpnac to aale, hy public vendue, on Hit preiniaea, a certain piece or LO'I OF GROUND Piumtn In thu townahlp of rtrol'.hotindnl on tht" north by the public mm), on the aouth by tlin l,'.in.l, on tlm onat by nn alloy, and on the Wfat hy Inula of Jill (..'reviling Cimiiiining about TWO AOnBrf, ttharoi ara arreted a two atoty Ji.'s asnt! EiVoUius: EHoitso, Hum and other oupbuilrfinga ALSO, Tho undlvldiid onelhl.d part of a ecttaln trlnrf lot, alluatc In Brrtl t p , on tbo L'annl, hoituilad by Unda ni Juhn T rombtj, lonliilntii-j abo'lt one fourth of an Aeia, ALSO. Ttidllndlvltiadnnii third part of SIX MMKBTUNR LOTS, allu.He in thu aaitin tonmlilp bontide.l hy land of Aaron Itoon, Jraio W Murrel and John Treio bley, containing in uiutvholo aliuut ! Kiix Acres, AI.PO, tho undlvldeil ono ililrd part of a c-tnln lot aliuata In the aanie lowiiahip, bounded on thi north hy lot of MrJ, Ilurliogaini., on Ihr woat by Intida of Aaron tlouin', en the ouih hy lot hrretufura aold and on the rait by a public road, containing ibnut nne fourth of an Aero, on which la erected a atorr iitid n half Dwelling House, lAla the Uatalo i f anbl dernaa.1. JliSKE COLEMAN, Clerk. Illooonhtlrg, Jan. tl, lPfltl--t NOT1012, Specific performance Estate of Jnsqih Hayhurst, dic'd. Columbia County, SS: . .The Coniraoiiit'ealth of Penitylvnnia tni'. J I.. H. I iiina, tt tilow of a.jl I ileceaaed. ttary ini, i ' man rled with llavid llrm,t, s-'iiaau im r. toarrlod ttlth Ueori-t! tlrichr. Klltn Intertnarria 1 ttilh (.yma H Applcni.i.i, 11, galeal llayhurat, H'it b'jili llayli-iitt, auJ Ikiiajah liatharat, im- pres.nt r lilenrc of llie l.m naioe't Ii.'Iok iiiikiintvii to ynur p' u tiou-r I h"ira and legal reprcautitativeaof aald Jo a llayhur-t. (Jrtetlnf, ynu and each of yon are hereby ritcdn-' t roiuiiiaiided lobe uud appear In your proper pcramia t at Orph:i"a' Court t,i ba lioljeu nt 11 loom -bit re, in n -for aald O .uiity nn tun flret Monday of P bruary ii"t I. tit mi and ihorj to nniwer tho loll or petition n Wii lum ec)iuyli.r ri uiug lortti that the .u,i Jo -ph llav Imrat, dud eied of i.eitjin rt-al eeiete Intir.ioe- lit - in t.'oliiinbla County, an I agie ;. wilh yur petition, r l y arutlt nl aari'i-ini'liliii writlnir. dnte.l -j....i,..l, . f th, lti'.t. to ael! .inn ronvay the i-nuie to the aanl Wii nam Brnuyn r. nil in-irj or aaaig.m. Ami ju alio--.-cnuau why tha aaiuC'uurl ahall not dtcroo the aperillj potlorinance of thu said ruiiiracl arc'irillng to the trui inteutniid inoaaiiii; thereof und tiiat a eutivetaiir." In nnd under aald decree to the nforeaaid Willi na cKlKiylar, of the raid pit-miar in leu almple. m HAJIUEL SNVIJUii. Hbcriu-. Ulnomibtirg. Dec. 33. laud. to. NOTICE. specific ptrformunce-Ihnrij Smith's Es. tate. Columbia County, SS . I, ( '''he Cniiiuioinveoth nfPennajttnnl.i, tn i:il-.. ) 1 S. jlaih, widow of unid llnnry Suilih. ilec'd t,."" 21ur"",1; ll"".i:irri...l with tvtor bunt, U illiani Snnlli, John W. Sinnh. Illiza Doty, ttulnw, timith. Nettiu minor child of Slaty Ann, now di tenro I, latyly liitprninrrled with William A h Willi, un Smilli , ul', of Cnliitubii Uounty, ami Aimer ll rimltli, Whose pr"cnt rcaiilenci) ia unkitowii. and l'lioui.ii. II, Smith, li-ira of said Ifenry Hiuith, dec'ii : Oreounr. y-o'iuii'l each nf you an, hereby cited and imiiiii.uiiiMi a-, u'lort- j i ii wcro, in i,o and appear in jour propi r pifoua at Mi Orphan'' Court tu he hold en in. luouuianur-i. in una lur aai.i i.'ounty mi the hial Monday ot I'c'irunry nuxi. thoii and there toansiter the lull or petition orWi.lialu Slollh, Uxi-rtllnr of a ml Henri biuliii, ilcc-naed, 90ttlu forili lliui lie aald on cetleiii dli-d eli I nf certain reul citato, in lii'iii.ui. toHin-hip, in ;..,id County, and agreed tilth Tlio Mai II. Bniitli, by ai'reiiiii'iit in writing, dated mil li.x , lt-00, t, .. il and ront-i-y i h laud in tho raid Thomas Il.k--iiiitn, bi h'-ii-t or iiaaiyiw. And to Miotv tau-4" why lb,-) an'd Court .hall not . In. cri.- the spi eido performai.c; l ibe .iid caiirart. ,tr rording to tlu tn; intent and uieauliig UiLieof, nti.l lint .icoiii-iaucL' b'.. t.riilo under caul decree bt ynur p.titioii'-rtotiiu nforeaaid 'ITioiii.u II Suiilh, nf tlm aid pmmiac-in uc umplc. l!t.oom.-ibur5. He", a, K ,o -Ic. Agents Wanted. To acll prUe CVitilleate SXI -ZslZjIW lZ , i.auiea Jov.elry, IJiaiuuu l Ilium, Plua. ,'ic . ONLY EACH, Tor any r.rticle drawn. I'.ctail Prico Jrom $10 to All Goods Wan anted Genuine. Price of Cirtillintea 1Z cent,, earh Liberal Proral. unib uud C'oiiiiina-'joti allot, ml to at'ents. sAMPi.ti ci;,rnncATi.s) wcn't nmn. l'or Circular and Terms addres". .Ilesara. IIIVWAUn U CO Jan lit, '. 0 .Im -J'J liroadway, e...,rls. want nyenta cveryivuer tn ae our I mi'Boied r'rtvin; Mnrbinefl. 'Jhreo ti-tv rlmla Under 1.111I upper f . i d. Warranted live y. u . .bove aalarv oi lain.-coniiiiiaii'n-iiud Tho om.t ..inhiuej old lu L'nt'.inl .-tutea lur lesa ihan QiU, tt h'eh are ful ly Utmnil ll Horc, H7(,rfr.v .Illicit, (hi: r .V Jlattr, btagtr Jj- Co., and Jlachc'Jir. .'J.7 oilier Ii a nun n , . are mjrtiii'imtaiJ and the s.-hVi- or. n-c km; ItaU to arret' Ji.r, und uiifnoni,init. 1'iriiilnr- 'ic. rtnilr' n or (all upon Sliatv it Ciuk, liiddtfonl tl.ilue. i,r at No f!j:i Uioudnay. Autv Vorli ; No, 230 I'arler dire t Phila Iclphi i. Pa l.ombard'a I Inrk. I Inc.iBii, HI. ; No. l.u IVi .t Fourlli Htreet. Ciiirininiii, Ohio ; or No. ii 8paul.lti(i' I'.xchanae, UiitlUlo, N. V. Uec. !i.l, JBu3. ijt ly v7c. riAiuTiToN7jiri. W01''" i,r"-pecll''illv iiit'nrin theritlsena ontloo'tn. T burg,ati I icinit.t. Hint he coiitiniiciithti piariiiii uf . .,J(.(t J.t .11 BUM. f,itl , And .tolii-its a h'laie of public potrutinai-. (lit li p., no Main Htn.ei, brsl huiiao below th. Cnur otlae, llloo uitshilr. Pnbfiiiiry S, Ir3,",-tf NOTICE in PAirrmoN. Estate ol James Ralston, decease I. rpOMatlliln nnlton, Willamlna. widow nra.bert ' .uuimuii, nun j.imea.unnu.i v uiviru nun i n-irl-a. i"i""r i iiiiur.'ii ui i.noeri n n.-i'iu. o-ce:ieu. ( -1 ! i ii 2 III Ilia I'olllllV 01 ll.lthibill. J.l'in Ital.ton. n-al ltn,. in ! Seiiuylkill Ciiun.'y, IVllliain ttalrtutl, recidln.' in li 4 ' xil, motitli Aiiiciu-u, Jo.iah ItaUtoii. ot t.'utuuitn.i -!, n ; ty Ajii" inti.ruurrii.d ttith Mur-Iiai ?llv. rtii'in.. re 1 "liliilB in llrickiiiri lB.o, Cnluru'to 'I or rnory. 10 ! teriuarried ttnli. MiinB C. Abb.'t, Manila Ini-1 i.i..r 1 ttlih UeiirSe Uidleiiinu, unit Llixabetti a ilann'ii' i f 1 Jlllliea Hjli-t ill, Jumiir. Ik'i j.Iau,I, who It.n. ..i n r I guardian ll I1', Il.1rl111.111, h;r. .mil Im-al repre- in ,. j tltte nl J.11111., U llvtoll, lato of I, loom tovviiilu; , i , I lumbia County, dec-'aaed. 1 Vuu a:o li;r-by cited 10 bo nnj appear hefnri- the I Jungea of our Orphana' i'.mrt, t i bo del I iu li,:.-.n.- bur.', iu .-iid iu inty, 011 the flrat Aloudav in IVnnury next, thep and thereto accept or refue tn tal,.. me j real eaiato nf tho aaldJume. Italatou, deceaae 1. cit- uatu in tbo nun county of Columbia, at thu appn.iai J ! Vftliit. 111. 1 .,,.n,t 11 l.u ,n I .,i,w, .1,.1 .........I.. 1 1.., .1,.. , - p- "r --j i-- .hp ; touri, iniu returned ny ino rtieriii, to H ipiunib 1 i- nu A. P. Itib5, or thow rauo tthy inu aaiuo ati.i.i.a n t I bo aold. 1 Witueaa, thu Hon William Eltvell, President said Court, at llloouiaburc, liecemb.'r !L l-r-j Jti.S8E 0OLE31AN, I Utile. O. C. ninnrnabarf, Pce.W. Sw. WIDOYS' APPR U-'EMEN (8. Notioe of Confirmatioa. 'jHE following appraiieoionts of rr-jl I at'd peraoiial pmp.-rty ael apart to U - . r Pi'r.odouia huvo liLea I'll", I 111 tho O.tieo ol tht lt.Bi-i r of C dumbl l ronnty, iiiuler tho Uu'ua of I' will bo preaeiii' .l ,T i.:i-,,int,.- cniitlriuaiion to im ut plutn,' Court to be b' ld in ldnnin6l,urg.ln and Inr - n I nmnty, on W.:.iM.itWAV, TilB 7th DAV ul' 1 ..: -lUIAltY, A Illnu", at So'ctork in tho anornomi nf -a-1 dav i uub - -v. . iitiuiin in ca-h loiitituiiitiotts ur- p-, vlmul) die.', ut tt Inch nil pereoua InUroato.l i'i.,il catati t ii III take iii-tici.'. 1 Widow of Jacob IloaU, UterfU'i- vir tjivin-lup d'.e'd 2 Widow of Dr. James A Wilson, lata of btrttick Hurouifh. ilee'.l WidoiT of Wiobael Fry, lato of Miff. liil in p, dee'd 4 Widow of William M Ilobert,hte ol jacaaou tuttiiauip uuo a 5 Yidow ot Uordon II Goff, lato of Illooui towualiir' duc'J Q Widow ot William Gillaspy, I He of Iluitllock lOWD.hlll. dee'd. 7 Widow ol Ynlotitin of Ilonilnik twi). dee'd. Whitctiigbt, luio 8 Widow ot Klias Dictterieh, htt? of Montour tuwtidhip, d ceased. joits a-rmjiv.u. iiifinnr nejiiter'a Olliee j r.lantiMhurg, Jan , UU. i HUCKMWAT FLOUR I I A Prima rtiole jut ri'ooivcJ t.: rtUVIllon 0f J-30lb, tal!-JfO. t, KL'XVnv riar, I". IMS. tha