COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. ' " Onr Constitution Board It ever I Our glorious Union lioia It dear ' Our Starry Flag forsake It never I Tho proud, Oautatslan onr only peer! . j i EDITED BY LEVI t,. TATE, PROPRIETOR LUU V ODUrtU i - Saturday Morning Jan. 27, '00. ' Democratic State Convention. , Tho Domocratio State Convention 1 lor tho nomination ol a candidato for , flntrprniir nf l'Minnvlpnin will inrrl in the hall of tho House of Representatives, j nt llarrUburg on Monday tho fifth day j Of Alarch, 1800, at J 0 Clock r. SI. u f " " w . a vi. - wr.iu.iiMi . , . . . , v ... i no ueauquartors 01 tins ommiuco aro Ill L1IU U UlllUU I UllU VJllIU I1UUU13 IU AAUIiia- tno Lremocraiio uiuu uooms in narris- I 1 V H A A I f I 1 lilt IfAAMB in burg, which tro open day and cvoumg.- j Or arc 75 votes in favor of bis pon, wo know, has bucn a poworful ; anqby, Necholls, l'ryor and Sttocmnkor j ny to lis even lower ratei on wcstwnnl Diraocrats visiting this city aro invited to - . . . . i m9nnn. Tt hna l,Mn fait in tho nolitical ! ' ! bound fro.ghtlrom Philadelphia are ad- call ' ,' , , . a. , r -a Bv order of tbo Dem. 8 ato Committee j w. v. . WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Chairman, Ben L. Fosteu, Sco'y. llarrisburg, Jan. 9, 1800. Notice. TIib ncmorralie Stnnillne Coiniiiittoo rf Cidumbla ro'inty. is hereby notified to meet in my office, In lllonnitburg ill Shlvn's building, on Alonday tno otn day February. K-Cii. 'it 1 o'clock 1". SI., for tho purposo nr nnnr.intlnz Bcnnlorlat nnd llenreacntativc'i Confer- es, to meet aluiliar one' of this Ili.tnct, tonppoint Delecatei totuo coming uemocratic uouvenuon E.n. IKUI.nil. (.'halrman, Si L A CK ! E5 IaA.UK J ! B LACK 1 1 ! ULYSUS MERCUR, VOTES FOIt NEGRO SUFFRAGE ! Thursday oflastweok was a dark day al Washington. The Hump House passed tbo bill striking the word "WHITE" out of all laws in tbo District of Columbia prescribing tbo qualifications of electors, by n voto of yeas 1 10 nays 5-1. ULYSUS MERCUR, of this 13th District, proved untrue to his race AND HIS CONSTITUENCY, HY VOTING IN favor or negro SUFFRAGE. ''Shame whec is thy blush ?'' Will tho Smut Machino defend him ? Shoddy has become proverbial and no torious for tbo most reckless squandering of tho peoples' money. In every instance in which tho taxpayer could bo fleeced for the benefit of a "Loyalist," iho occasion was improved. New laws, new ofEo:s, new schemes for plundor seem to occupy the spare moments of "Loyal Lobbyists;" and certainly it must be confessed that in tho peculiar calling mentioned, and in tho turning of it to account in a "loyal" way Vital piety" "shoddy" is a grand success. In the view of our present legislators, man U an animal who pays taxes ; and it i3 their buisnees to create new methods to Buqm der them. Thus $13,013,99 haro been appro priated to the Oracgavillc School ! 1 And the Slickers aro going to the Leg islature to ask an appropriation of hard earnotl taxes, lor tlio current year, or 0303,750,00 1 ! Every one of those children could bavo boon as well sohoolod in Ids mo a district, wi bout a singlo dollar of addition to the appropriation for "Common School pur poses." Has there ever been a groater ouUago, or a more Eublima humbug ! And this thing is to rontinuo, Bays Mr. Bur rowes in bis report, till 1881. School these children by all means, but school them witli tho other children in ther prop er districts, whero thoy belong. at. - The New York Weekly Magazine. This new and popular magazine has taken a groat start in tho popular favor. Tho number for January 13th contains tho first chapters of a new popular talc, entitled "How I Mado a fortune in Wall Street and How 1 Got Married," written by a gentleman of long experience in tbo ins and outs of that celebrated locality Tho great charm of this story is that it is a collection of facts with only a chango of names and it promises a great deal of in formation that will bo of thrilling interest to tho general reader and of particular importance to every ono who wifhes (o know how fortune aro mado and lost in New York. This Magazino has forty eight handsomo pages and contains a great variety of popular talcs, domcstio stories, pithy essays and sketches of travel and is remarkably cheap . ' More Valuable than Treasury Notes. IIow that old oynio, Sam Johiv son would have rovelled", through Web iter's massivo Unabrigcd I IIow ho would ' have gloatod ovor its magnificont letter press and its illustrations beautiful as now Notes and much more, valuable to tho Stu dent. Tho mcrriams bavo incurred a fabulous expense in having tho wbolo work rewritten, resot, recast, and republished. It is not a rnero revision but a reconstruc tion. To insuro cxcallonco in typography I it comes from the Rivcrsido Pross, which I is all that need bo said about its mcckani-1 oal execution. It is a marvelous speoimcn , of learning labor research and tasto It is -f . ; hy far the greatest lilvary xcoritoj m age. Baltimore Ammean. US? I'll swim to tho other side said Cessna and Fornoy when thrown over- board, NIGGER VOTING. Our amiablo and hoavy friontl Oapt. ( ( Whilmoyor, who tnado himself fanioua be-hvr iuru iuu iuiu cicuuuu iu uppuuin iic(;ro BufTrage, Is in distrc.s of mind, at tho voto in donnrcis. nlvinir to all tho "D-trW in 1 r,n ffC?f p3,,mM; tho Uistr.ct of Columbia tho ballot. It nias.uuug. .uy niuw u. mo.u wuuui-n, v j.ijf nuium uiu""iv i if Congress would only mako an A. Bi 0. Qualification, thai lb., coold gain for tho u '1 1 ' v""rf B - ballot to tho black. But concross did not 1 fl tll0m nnor liamllo ,0 hdd an bv I - , 'cm " " '9,? " e T 8,"?0V T-p f' Md tb VOl w"T,.qU ' " . .... I WCglVOUlO vote UOIOW. It Will BO , . . I 1 1 TT T V . 1 1 I mi n .P. . 1 ' SCOUIUM lVJ.Ei-,lUJtVj3 namo eiamt3 in fam of m q m DigtrIct culorsQ that voto ? Arc thcy . nf fnrin ..,,. ,,;, ,t, . . Qf th(j Digtrict n ,Ml thoir most , . .. . diatlncUy cxprcssca wish? Is Ihn maiori-l : uocro suffraae to outwoich in the Kumo I Congress 7000 against it I i , . . . ,, i -iy oiua linlfiltr Ihn nnmi . . . . mgrcs3 7uuu against it ( l Wo civc bolow tho names of tho Pcnn-j sylvania Congressmen in lists as thcy vo- tod upon the bill to enforce negro suffrage in the District of Columbia, so that our cotcmporaries may givo "honor to whom honor is duo," and hold up to popular ex- ccrajjion tlioso recreant men wuo voted to prsotituto tho ballot-box to tho ucgro lev cl for tho base purposes of scouring parti san supremacy : The Roll of Honor All Demo crats!. 1st Dist. Samuel J. Randall ; Oth Dist. B, M. Boyer ; 8th Dist S. E. Ancona ; 10th Dist. Meyer Strouse ; 1 lth Dist PniLir Johnson ; 12th Dist. A. J. Glossdrenner j 21st Dist J. L. Dawson. The Black List All Shoddies, 2d. Charles O'Ncil ; Philadelphia; 3d. Leonard Meyers ; Philadelphia ; lth- William 1). Kelly ; Philadelphia; 5th, M. Russel Thayer ; Phija. ; 7th. John M. lirooma.ll ; Chester, Delaware ,- Oth. Tliadeus Stevens ,- Lancaster ; 13tb. Ulysses Mercur : Bradford, Wy oming, Sullivan, Montour, Columbia ; 14th. George F. Miller ; Northumber land, Dauphin, Union, Snyder, Juniata ; 17th. Abram A. Jlatker ; Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Mifflin ; 18th. Stephen F. Wilson; Centro Ly coming, Clinton, Potter, Tioga ; 10th. Glenni W. Schofteld ; Eric, War- rcn, M'Kean,Forcst, Elk Jcflorson,Clcar- field, Cameron ; 22d. James K. Moorhiad ; Allegheny ; 23d. Thomas Williams ; Allegheny, Lawrence, Armstrong ; , . ) 21th. George V. Laivrenec, Grconc,Law-1 rencc, Beaver, Washington. Tho "Republican" member from the 20th District Crawford, Mercer, Venan- j go and Claiion Cliarlce V. Culvciu's not recorded as voting. Will our Democratic cotcmporaries ex amine this list, and hold the (mis) repre sentatives of their various districts to a strict account before their constituents 1 Notice of Magazines. Oun Younq Folks . Tll . , t An Illustrated i magazine, lor uoys ana uirls, puuiisuea by Tioknor iS Fields, Boston, is an ex cellent Monthly, at 82 00 a year. This work has now entered upon its second year. An entertaining household Com panion. Few York Weekly Magazine, by 0. H. Bailey & Co, New York, at H 00 per annum. A now and beautiful publication ! asmng tor puniic lavor. wo notice tins work elaewhoro to-day. 11 Every Saturday," another weekly , in pamphlet form, by Tioknor t Fields, Bos ton. It is both noat and interesting. Price S5 00 per year. , 7hc Lady's Frtend, by Deacon it Pe terson, Philadelphia, in its third volume and woll known in literary circles. 82 00 per year. It is what its titlo indicates. The Atlantic Monthly, Tioknor ' & Fields, Boston. 81 00 a year. This is ono of tho most ably conducted moga-i zinC3 of tho ago and stands high in litera ay annals. Beadle's Monthly, a now candidato for popular favor, printed in New York. 83 per year. A handsome monthly Maga zine, illustrated with numerous engravings and enriched by tho choicest literary gems of prose and poetry. Rail Road Meeting At a meeting of tho citizens of Millvillo and vicinity ,for tho purposo of looking after their interests it regard to a rail road ; the following resolutions woro adopted : Whereas, Tho Atlantio and Great Wostern Rail Boad Company aro looking for a through routo from tho Great West to tho Eastern cities, and, Whereas, Wo believe tho rout by way of Littlo Fishiugcrcek is worthy of atten tion, it is thcrctoro licsolvcd, To call. a general meeting of all persons interested to bo hold at Mill villo, on Saturday Feb. ad, 1800, at 2 o'clock P. 31., to take euch action as said meoliug may direct. A. P. HELLER, .Vrest, E. EVES, See. Jan. 87,00. Pi3?-7 Tn nlinillnnp.R In flm rasnlnilnn nf ftMT " " - - ----' .. w. 0a!)(rcsaou t10 ,ubjBct tiJC prcsidont states that tho iohsou Jeffaraon Davis has i not jSooOfaai Jofu'sTs to buldoaurl In Virginia, Row do tho radicals iiko this. Hon. C. R. Buckalow. Tho following appears in tho lato num- nf tho Krio Observer : ilfWfl WO P IJOmnorntm iiOOrOPOniilUVO in the United State Senate Iroin Ponn- Mr van a l o wcrounticr tlio impression that ono was elected Pcv.ral years ago. lut ..Ar .. n. .it.n., .t proMecHnBs uf Uongro aariDR the pros- . uiu uuu nisi susbiqi!., wo nru mruuu, iu uiu conclusion that tlioro must liavo bcrn a Ufk. In our mind apon tho subject !- ----- . i - .- W'.H e t' . -.1. i 7, L . " t t ... . V 1 . . : ... " i .Y.t J .i'i!. and hercbv in- 'onounb rPUoTnilUt l -rh on the mat- i ?"0?rU t0 B,vo 119 u.llUk 1,81,1 on 11,0 ,nat , A... ,.. i .., 1 ,... 1 , " " .7 , ' V: wun wno i uiu iwprcscuiuiivu ui mu .wu- . ... . . . .. . ... ........... . . II.. I ..... ... II... . j . a II I mwiauv uiiuuiisvivimn 111 iuu uuu.iu ui lhc U)itn s,atC3 Uq u ,)ot a ,ml.novn an 5J,0 ma nor ono Ul0 intDrntfl nflns nmulitiicnts or hi nartv ni3 ,poeou oan bo no poaibo avail in the "situation" existing at Washington, but weapon. It has been lelt in tlio political ' fiOr i ...1 lon.r. . : il, :ll. oii"'B'' ""u iau" u" "- enco hi3 written views have in every con- jsultation or Democrats j in ever growing j Democratic majorities in his glorious old j county j (let Erio do so likewise j) and Hio j position his luminous, yet nnobtrusivo ability has given him on tuo committees 111 I . UU !n Jil.l, lf.u r.n-n rnnFfMnnh 1 1 nil a UWUJI 111 IllilbU 11U ...l.J . u .. is meagre. Wait a bit, oh I fiicnd by the border of tho big water, or Buokalow's "opportunity," and you and all the world will get "a littlo light on tho matter.'' Patriot y Union. Interesting Information. UN ITED ST AT I JSG 0 V E UN MEN T EXECUTIVE. President Andrew Johnson, of Tcnr.cmec, Dalary. 25,000 a year , Vic President, Pro. Twin Lafayette b I outer, or Connecticut , Halary, ,il,O0U a year. ' CABINET OrnCr.n3-SALARinS, 83 003, R,ife..i.,rv nf Sitri,. Win II Scwnrd. of New York Ki'crutarv of tho Troasun 1 1st tils M'CuIIoul'Ii. of Indiana. Secretary of War Edwin M Stanton or Pennsylva nia. Secretary of ihi Navy Gideon Welles, of Counccli ciit. Secretary of Iho Interior Jas Harlan of Iowa. Post Jlnstcr tli'ticrol Win Dciiuitoil ofOhio. Attorney Cuneral James Speed of Kentucky. JUnlClAUY. Chiff JuslicJ Jii.SOO-A'-jociatei 30,01)0. Chief Justice S P Chose nf Ohio, Associates Justices Ha inuel Xi'lxon ol New York. ' Robert C Crier of lVnna Junius M Wayne of (.a " Vacancy " Nathan Clifford of Maine " Jlavid Davis of Illinois .. i N H fiwnyno of Ohio " ' rmiiiiel V' .Miller of Iowa. " " Stephen J J'lrlil. of Cal, Pupreinc Court meets Itt Monday of December. In Washington City C. POPULATION OP UNITED STATUS, 12CJ, Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware l'londa Ceorla Illinois Indiana Ion a Kansa. Kenluck" I.otii-iana Malii'i WI.Ml 4M,l-iO Now Jmscy New York North Carolina Or.'itnii. Ohln l'"iiuyl vnuiu Itiind'i Island L-omli Carolina T'-nnniseo 072,01-. 3,S-i0.7:i. a:a.!w t tl'M.liM I 2 ,Tl'.l,.'ilI , I'iO.M ll.'.'.'ld UO.l-.'i 1.0.i,.-2rl) I.TIU.Odl i.r.o.i. r,T-J,i"i3 Mr,i;(lii l,153,bJl ;c-',i)ii' b'.'S,27l) o-r.oip aid,i,'Jiii An-u I l.m r.pji Tunas 1,04 sir. ais.ij's,o,:ns 77.".Sr'l :h,'2;7 1 n:i7 a'.i3!! KI.SIO 4U.-.'7:l Vnriiinnt Virsinl.i Wi-conin Colorado Tar'y Dakota Tcr'y Nnb-aska Ter'y N' ad i Ter'y Now Mnsico do Utah Tor'; Wn.liinnton do Ills! Columbia i!0,9.-.7,17I 4ij.li7H &..iS:i,7C'll 14, Hid Maryland M.ifsiichusetts 1,'Jai.t'Ui'i jiiiiiisau :-iu in Miiinenon Ui.o.'l .Missis. hint Vll.MU Missouri J.If.'OlJ N llanipshiro SiO.UTJ Tutal liltes. Total free colored, Total slaves Total Indians 75oJ ! Aggrecali: Population Sl,113,'J2l statu rovprnmen r. Oovcraor A C Cu-lin Centre tounly Snc'yof Coin Eli r'nf-r Unin'i couuiy Depcc'y ofConi-S 11 Tlioncn Del co Aud't Oun John P Ilartr.iul't Hunt co Mir Oi'ii Jacob M Campbell Cambria CO Attorney lien Wm M M"ri.dith I'hila A MIHlini lieu .V 1. liu-'.iui miiiiuru m Mate 7'rasurnr--W II Kemblo Phil s J'JjjJ; , ! H honl Sup't It O L'oluirn. Ilnidford to ivy .'ui. t-.v.nnui-i p u.ifs Crawford co .Stale Liu.iri.iii Wicli I'oruey llamsbiir mo SUI'ltr.ME COURT OP PIlNNrfYLVAXIA. Salaries $ Chief Justice Ocorfo W Woodward of I.uzerno Associate .luslices Jaiuns Thoni'on ofLrie William Hiri'ii? of llerks . John M need of I'hila .. llauicl Almiow of ih-aviir. ill.. .... l.M lt c,.B.l,..a l,,), 1 I fl 11 t 11, IIIU tnu.t iiie on. ....... ... , . llrst Monday of January i iu llarrisburtr, the 4th Mondav of Annl : atiuuliury on Iho tlurd Mo-iday In , andn, niuu o the tnird Monday m ; ,,01.UIjATOINor phnnhylvama isy cou.tic3 ! ifo. ''niu ai'.nai bivi4i 37'ii, :io!i! ji'JU 7o,.'i'uii Ittth 't'.'-ff Ma.i'.'j ii''i? 1 sy.'.'iio sx'77'r; p'.7 iilou sson vj'.vm J',":' i'ilu i,d,''M) ..pyij is Adams Allegheny Ann. Iron;; , llnaver llvilforJ Perks lilnir llfadford Pucks duller Cambria Carbon Centre Chester CI .arlield Clinton Columbia Crnwford Cumberland Dauphin Dclrwatu Elk Erla Payetto Purest l'raukiin l'ulinu (1 reeno lluminsingdon Indiana Juii'ursoii Juniata 23,00C, Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon l.chlgh - L'lzernu l.yruuil nt- McKenu llerier Milllill llonroo .Mont;oniory Montour Northainpt nn NorthuuilierlanJ ' :W,7'.7 C'l.OH i;o,7:ii '.U.lJit S7,ti'J K7.ll lYJAU :!j,.V.I 2U.15.. SLOW '.7.0'Jl, 7476 24,!i tf.7.Vil Perry t'lilladiilphia 1'U.O Potter !L'3,U0S -li.T.M Schuylkill 41) O'J." ff'nyder 6' riullhau 'Sus'iuelianna, I'ioii.t Union, Venango Warren Wnklilnston Wayne Wettniorelnnd Wvoiniuj Yoilt dii.iso ao 3U7 .-.,'ji.i 3'J,'J05j Ml ,PJI J.PJl 'JL'Jlbl Si.lOo ai,o;7 ld,'.'7l JU.tWi Total, XXXIXTil CONGRESS. Met December -illi. lrOJ i Expire. March lth, 1507, SENATORS PROM PENNSYLVANIA. Editar Cowan. R. Charles R lluckulew, D. MUMUEIW I'ROM PENNSYLVANIA. I S J ltandall D 'JChas O'Neill 11 a Leonard Mera P. IWiu D Kelly It S M R Thayer It U II IM lloyer D 7 J M nroinall II H H E AncoiiaD II Thad ptovLiis it 10 Myer i-trou.u II 11 Philip Johnson D U Chan Dcuiiir-oii D El Ulj i.cs Mercer P. I I Lieo P Miller it IS A J (ilussbrnner D III W il Koonu. it 17 A A Paiker It liiri !' Wilson it i'J (i W ri. iiolio d R ill Chns V Culver II 'Jl J l.Daw.oii 11 tii J K Morchead R UJTIma Williams K ': (j V Lawrence R. "Contested. THE POPULATION OP TIIECLORE. There arc ou Iho Gluhc about 1,'JsS millions nf souls, of winch '.ion million are nf tlir Caucasian race. ZVl inilliuHs ore of Iho Mongol race. I '.iu millions are of I lie Ethiopian race, i'i. miliums aro of tho Malay race, 1 million arc ot the ludo Ameiiiau race. r" General Frank Blair, on tho Od, beforo leaving St. Louis for Cincinnati, entered bis action in tho Circuit Court;P"lc learns with ''rogrct that somo against Messrs. ltidgely aud Thompson CIO ono fl,.r,ir,rf.u 'Pin. fl.nilnmAii I 1U 1 1 ) 11 Itlll I, I.J. J U MVU.IblUVII who nro mado defendants in this suit wero On3cotion in the sixth ward, aud refused to allow General Blair to voto . in - loss he would tako tho oath prescribed by the Constitution. Hegro Suffrage Bill. Mr. LANDON uITorcd tlio following proamblo and rosolntlons. tho i win ..M.Hv.,KM.b eoloroa oituons ot the .strict ol u. urn- , U1" """.r u Kress recicving tho earnest support of our Roimb ican members; tborcloro bo ' .. . ,, lUprcstnlutiv, s pJ Jnxn ffi.'SSn of" .) ...... f ii : n- Jl ("!' ll''5 IV NIJ7IHIHW Ul- hat wo annrovo auu I . i our moinliors in thei, M.nnort of .hi, measuR- nn'l our ' and hereby ctructe J to -nlc for tho same. llesolvcd That the Govcnor bo requested 1- forward each of our members oud Sen- - Congress a copy of this preamble nU(i ro30lut on. .... .! ... 1 Tlio proamblo and resolutions passed on second reading by tho strict party voto. The following ia tho voto on tho firat resolution. Yeas Messrs. Uingham, Iirowo, Con - ! ..(jll ChomnnevB, .Dunlap. Graham i Haines, Tlogo, Landon, Lowry, M.Uon - Nays Messrs. Hoardslce, Gtatz, .Tames .. . . 11 I. II 1 H'.ll Latts. Montrromorv. ltandall and Wallace o Messrs. 1I0USEII0LDF.11 and KIDG WAY KepublioaiH declined to voto on tho question. Execution of Mrs. Grinder. PlTTisuur.d, Jan. 10. Mrs. Mirlha ".nnilor W. IS 1111111! .11 IIIC'.'IJ Itllilllti'S ntiii one o'eloi'k, lo-duy in tho southern jail yard of tin-court houo and was vMtnessctl by about ono hundred persons. The only person prc-ant wno scemeu to no not in thi- least iift'ectod wa3 the murderess hoi- self. At ono o'clock Skorlff f;tcwart pro ceeded to tho cell of tbo doomed woman and on ontcring, Mrs. Grinder remarked "Aro you cominc for me?" Tho shor- iff replied, "Yes, Mrs. Grinder.' She calmly nnd said, "jly baviour is coming lor mo. ilie Miorilt then pin ioned Iicr arms and tho funeral proeossioii moved slowly down r-tairs. Mrs. Grinder was drcscd iu a brown alpaca dresi irimmoil arouud the neck and down the front with whits lace, light ly made kid slippers and whito stockings. olio took a scat proviilcd lor nor on tuo se.all'old and remained entirely unmoved whil'i a prayer was being offered iu her bcha'f. ller features woro a pleasant smile from tho time she left her coll until tho fatal white cap was drawn over her face, Not a mu'clo quivered not an ex pression of tbo eountenanco escaped bur that could by any possibility bo construed into cither remorse or fear ol death men tal agitation or any kindred emotion Tlioro was nothing like a forced detennin. ation to appear calm and composed ; it was evidently natural and entirely unaff ected while words were being ppoken to hor by the sheriff her spiritual advisor and others ou tho HcaiTuM oven while the noose was being adjured eho bestowed ou 1SI t I . f oacu a remariraoiy graceiui inonnatiou ol tho hoad coupled with a aweet Miide. in answer 'j tlio qucstiou wuetner Flic desired to say auyihing or liavo nnyt hing said for her she replied in a mild aud cheerful tone her loco still beaming with smiles thrtt she wifhed nothing more but before the cap was drawn down ovur her face she sjalncod ploasnntly around at the spectators and then cast her expressive oiuc eyca u)yarn. Tho fatal moment arrived and still th culprit stood iikc a Htatute. Tito staging was ulsared when Sheriff Stewart toueh- cd with his fuot the spring which!- p.inoo ' c upright or support ot tlio Urop, ami "i.'uo : the next instant Mrs, Grinder was suipou j i' i tied in the air struggling convulsively with Li'ujideath. Owing to the whether tlu nooe J,m ! did not work as "monthly as it otuenvUe would have done, and tho neck was not brokeu by the fall. She strus-j-lcd violent ly lor several minutes aud tit one timo her right hand caug'it hold of tho platform whrc it fitted to tho drop in epasmodic efforts to relieve herself. N.U long before the execution Mrs. Grinder made the following confession , which was oiven to the mrmbcra of . . i- .... t , r . r my departure in a few hours from earth 1 want to say that L iie.knowieuga my llal t'10 oa50 ? r3' Oaruthers, and also in the case of Miss Buchanan, but I a innocent of all other charges mado gainst mo in the pipers for piisoning ieoi!o. Jiut bad as 1 have been, I foul that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven mo and through hi'i mercy J ho; c i ll:id in eiitraecf Hito Heaven, L d'.e without all.v 'lari' h' to a.iy one f-irtji v:ng all as 1 hopo to ho fui given. Mr. .Stewart has hecti vert kind to me doing all In his power to make mo com. foriable, and 1 piay that ho may bo as-ms- "''' 111 's '""'y ! ''0 rt'wardt'd for his kintlnes. Mr. White has also been very 'IU au 'lcat1' 1110 w''b renpeot always, May God bo good to him. If I had been faithful to my church duiies it wou'd hnvo jBCD l-'n"'!rent Wllb n, )0,v' Ll1 1 il,u thankful that Cod is so good a to rolum . to mo now that I do try to como back to ihim, Her (Signed) Martha N Grinder mark. Witnesses, A. C. Holmes, II, Sinsa- bangle j Ci?- Wo neglected immediately upon tho heels of tho telegraphic announooment fo congratulato our pcop'c upon tho f.-ict that tho military districts of Western Maryland Vcnnsylvania, Delaware, East ern Shoro aud Western Virginia have bceu discontipuL'd. Hurrah ! Good bye, Mr. Military Satraps; tho Stato of Penn sylvania is no more a "depaitmcut," and tho citizens no longer need the ewect nr-1 hitrary will of youiselves and your 'divino' ; master, Stanlnu to keep thoin in ignoblo j huujcclion, Way wo never look upon your like again. C(3 The Montrosa (Pounsylvania) lie- ! Kepablioan members of Congress aro op. nnqnil In nfitnldifililiiir pnlnrnil cnlTi'nf.r, In w-mq w . w ' ' " fl ' ' the Distiiet of Columbia." II tho editor ! bo grtutly dotirov to tho dulights of 1 political and bocial homogen ty, why "on t no go to nan tuo paradise ot uul- I fees ? No ono will say to him Day. Tho Proposed Railroad Collec tion with the West. A mooting of tlio Corn Exchange As- ' pcifillo wns licltl tliia morning, Mr. Geo, i t nJ,w ' ' J-'i ' " . , , ... the importance of increased facilities for n0,i ninn,nn;iinn ,,m, n,n wn.i.l submitted the following resolutions, which were ntioniru . . . .. ... iicsnivca. i uat wo navo rcau wiiu greai .. .. .. . ....... i natisiactioii no nontraoi laiciv umcreu mi" Between too riiuaticipiiia nnu neauuig Hailroad Company mid iho Atlantic ami .Great Western Hallway Company, by which tho advantages of tho conduction of jhU great lino to the West arc to be c cured to tho Uity of IM.i atlelplna !. That vfo eomidcr tho coutraet as ono j ; of the most important ever mailofortho interests of Philadelphia. I hat tho short-, j cr dintaneiJ and that provision in the con-, ! tract which securoi at all times a? low a ' raU per ton per mile to nnd from 1 hlla- 1 dclpl.ia as to aud troin iNow loru, wiiu ltho right to the Heading Hailroad Ucmpa . vantages wliieb, if properly appreciated i I .. I I..I . I... I . ! and used, cannot (ait at last to secure to t . ,, I'i nur City llio nommcrciai pusuion 10 which . . . . , . . t SllO IS ClltltlCll IIUU lor WlllCU BUC lias CO loll"' hlru-'s'i'd. sU-amurs bet worn iho city of- Philadelphia and England, eontrolod by tbo eo.npanie. no, .In. i lilrn'ulj r,iim.clii.f tin. nilv nf ,, .. '? ... - ... i , L'L-li adolntiUl Willi lUO West, liy il lOlllil i uii uiiuipuiii wiiu iuu tri-ni, iv .1 ioiiiii : iu.arly sixty miles thorter than ihnttn iho ' city or New York, i3 the best .security i'ic 1 city ol Philadelphia nan have that eho will receive iicr stiaro ot tlio lorcigu commerce of iho country, nnd that it is tbo duty of tho citizens ot Philadelphia, and Pennsyl- vania, at oueo to take lnonnires to raiso Iho one-half of tho sum neco-sarv to build J , alltl cqttlp JU0II HUB 01 HCaillOrs. to rt5 lO : ,Ceure the benefit of that provision of tho contract lv which tho Atlantic and Groat Western ll iilway Company and the l'hil- adclphia aud Beading .Railroad Company aro to niovide t iu other half 1. That the thanks of this Association are hereby tendered to tho Managers of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company lor the broad aud comprehensive policy adopted liy them in securing to Philadelphia and Pennsylvania the ad- vttitngiis resulting from the expenditure ol" tno ureal capital oi mo Atlantic ann urent Wcitern Railway Compunv in the devel opment of tho vat .igricultural aud min eral resources of this State. 5. That wo locomnieud the hearty co operation of the merchants ol this city in aid of this great enterprise. fl. That a comtcitteu of threoJio ap pointed on behalf of this Aociation to confer with the Philadelphia aud Reading Itiilroad Company and the Atlantic aud Great Western .Railway Company upon all matters concerning the interest.-, of the city of Philadelphia. 7, Thai then,' resolutions ho published iu all tho daily newpiper. of the city nf f uilailelphia, and a copy thereol luriiisu ed the Presidents of the Philadelphia and Blading and tho Atlantic and Great We;.t em Coinpaitit'K, PuiladelI'IIIA, Jan. JO, 1800. ! ... Every one to his Cii'iicr. Fars worth of III i u lit fivid in Congrss the other day : 'He was freo to admit t lint he wnu, prefer a a?at here by tbo side of a Fred. Douglas Ihan beside Fernando Wood lor iutaneu (Laughter) ! No doubt of it ''I'irds of a feather flock together.'1 No doubt Fernando Wood would be sntif'Gcd with tho an aug'iiicot. WHEAT, pi r bu-hel. 2 Ou I! VII. " " I en ('(.HIV, " " H) liri'ICVVllEAT, 1 in I'Llirit per hbl, J'J O'J PLOVIlK-sr.LII, ll (0 CLAN SP.r.l) i 111 IIIM'KWIILAT Flour. S 00 PI'TTl'lL . l-.(i(l.-i I'OTATOI'.-'. -DltiLI) APPLE-, IIAM9 IIACON, HAY by ihn ton. . 4.7 ",1 I I'll a on . ai . is II! I'll CIIH'KEXS', r pair. S) riHLADELrillA TLOUR AND Gi'.AIN MAIiEET CORnt'lTLP WtFKIV I1U 'HIE "liEKIil f.AT " Wheat Pliiurpcr barrel. Elra , .. iln do do l'amily... do Ryu Wheat, WI11I0, per bu.liol ilj lied. .1 da Amber do ltye, du t'orii Yellow. do do VV hit';' do Onls llutky.hnnt Meal .. Sil .. t.:,n .. CCM . .3 90 ...iJ.IO ...1,01 to $10 to tl to 2,f,0 to ' to ,0i 5 rr 103 lbs. MAHKIED. Oil January 1 lth, at tho house ot the Widow b 1. 111 JJeuton townshin. v K il-r J. Simon, Mr. Miner 11. Smith, and Mi"s M'ny Ann, daughter of Banj. Mc Mcnry ot (i.-. - nwn-d twp. Col. co. On the 19ih in-.!., byllev, A. Ilartuian, nt lei resideno in Bloom-buru, Sir. .M ir tin Kline, (.ml Slisi Anna Whitenight, both of Montour twp Columbia co. Ou 'J'uctday January 2d 1600 at the houe of Jacob Good by Mr. J. II liar man Mr. B'nj, T. Peternvin. to Bliss Mo lia Collcy tho former of Sugarloaf town hhip and the latter of Bnitou township Columbia county. PI IOTOGR A" PliS Y A New Gallery in S Ii 0 9 M i B rH I'd -l 'tIIE uudyrignt.d lakes ploasuro in an- JL ii"iiiii in;.' Hkii lie bus opnnnd it Callnry in tho lars; lioom ovor lliirliu, in' Smrrf, lil'inniilnirj, I'a. nr I'lioloitraphii' uuil Kindred Art. He is prepared to take I uiuri' nf alt kinds. Ilaviui; I'rocornil the services of an cipnrioncnil Ar list 1 1 inn Ni York, lie is piepared to do all kinds cl' l'jcllllt- Liking. Call and .co before t'oln? clcwhcro. a a. itiiaii'aiiJAO. I looiHBbut?. Jan 57, '00-tf Administrator's Notice. Estate of Charles Eisscnaut, deecased. otters of administration on tho Estuto J of Charles I'.issnnli.irl, lato of Cnltuvlasa twn.. (he'll, liavo b'en uranted by the lleyl.icr of Columbia io.. In Iln: iiuderslKiied. All persons havtnii claims ajaln.t Iho estato nfllio du cedent are requested lopresunt them In the lliuluri,ir'li. ed, without delay, nnd all per.ous indebted to make payment forthuilU. JACOU YEAnnR..7Jm'i-. Jni.87, ISOfi-Cw, 93 NOTICE. ALL permits indebted to tlln il!idorsinnd,oii Hook aci.iniii, Nots or otherwise, are rcpiuum! tnciill nnd sellln the sumo on or before Iho lt of Mairli licit. Tho.e iii'tltciuij; llus nuil.'o will potitliuly bu wailed upon by an olfiur duly amhoiund to rutlnct H .ME.SDKS'li ALL Jan 30. 1'fO THE eEIIWIiiS SYRUP is a rnoTutTiii) hui.utidn or Tllti Profoxiilo oi Ivon, a now discovery in tncdioino which ki'iiikub at Tin: hoot or nisnAsi:, nv iiiu i in nion'i mini ii. vitm. riuxcirLK. on iippiiiii - MVH t.t...T.IIIIIV. tmih is mo (octet r th- wonderful nieces, o f thH rntiinflt in r.iirlni. . , ' ; . . . -. f.. ...!- 1 ! fl I !... TV -p , 'm. ..t,., . n ' ... , U ' ' Chronic I)iarrlicoi lliiils, Nervous Aiteotions, Cliills and Fcvor?, Humors, Los of Consti tulional vigor,J)iceaies of iho Kidneys & Itladdcr, Feinalo Complain ts, ciul nil ilHeagdii nrlgluntliigln n HAD STATU OK THE JJLOOD or iicconipnnleil by DiMllly nr 11 low nt.ito or tho fVilniit Holy rrno ftnn. Al;nta ,,, any rhr.n. I. on-rgi,. hiff tij.-cta nr." not l.dl.w.;,! by cormspo tj ,....- linii. but uri' permiiiinnl, It fiisln Htmiijtli, nnd ;;r. iuon 7WI -n: ox.''1""" "" ,il'""if rriTCrr. in n-.i- lyiL JLbll il U o 1'rouillit) V"tinralile Archdnncm WijOl'T, I). I. IU.mum I'anitila l'at, March !!L lM. in nivuiiii.iiu ii, bjiu iuc in more i"rtr" J t;".V."1, 1 i'uvi nv 1 11 11 1 r 1 1 1 y li-'iirutlfiu III llld ' mn-o auori ecK unruly which I Jiave used tho I'i- rilvinn H l Mill. Ih'tl I ..nil .......if .,f ,hnrI.,v. V-opU who l.aV ktii.tvi. ...7 are i.hfd lit llio ihnug.'. I am widely known ,.nd cin I'Ut mi ini'iid in ntlmrs that whkli has dono so inucn tor in., - A L-ASi: vu staniiimi cumin, 1 5 nnr, Irmii dyspeplin, I cniuninnced laLiiiir Ihn IV- run in rjrup, mid fmind iinniediiilo b'liient l'ro,-i It in tisniourseo In Ihn ioure oflhu'H r four wnnk. I wt cntlrrlv ,. J-VtiVcir,iil Ai 1 1 1 o C i 'ico"-" " 1,11 ", bASa "J"i'u'1 ""ll" 1 an emivent divint tip nosmx, pavs: .,'' ''"V: ?,1?,,,,.''l"f, i'i',', v!J:'lL'"L' VT la -in m r Mniic r, ., ,k t, SVffitriK crrturf., i, ,,r,nf. ...'ify'. ' """ ; avj imaiiti, cau tean- ' ' 't'atr ff fftvt H o trial. A iMinphlnt uf&l pn.'es cnntnllium cerliflcat- ..r S.. "ei.t nu.: munj address. iVegiu.;. 1 " 1 1'OR SALE BY J- r- nmsiMoitc. Priirritor, :i n.-v hi. New Ymk POI.D tlV ALL DKUIKllS'IrJ. g g' WJ& tlftih'WPTT'W A 5?vL M.M.lSJ MJS All Jli'diral Men acieo that lOlUNT, i, ili HllST RLSll'.IIV fur Hi-rniiil.i and all kindred diciii evnr iliscovnred. Tin- iiiilieulty has ImiMi In ol.l.un a 1'ntp Homitio.s of it, JiS. ES. sEiricrs' Uvilhwi Wlnlvr I'i i'uru Ciiliitbni of Iudini-, WITHOUT A SOL Vi:T M Coniaiiilni n l ull (L iin to each uiiuri- of w atir. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. Inns eured and win rtire PCllfU'L'LA In all iisuiani. fold fnriii.. I' rivnaii, tvt"in i.ts. salt Riir.iwi ; mid il Itae b 'i ii ii-od ii ith iirtln.ii-.hni; hiincHs hi i i f.'sofl'.hi iiilsm, llvspnp iaf Cinsiiiiijifioii, ro.oal.i Cniupl.nnls, lli-.irl, Liver .Aid Kidney lllu'lsn.s A,- ( in ol irs w ill Im sent rri-t to ,iuv nnv routine th.dr liildr.'. Pinv 31.1 (. a biiitm, or 0 for 1.'! (M Prepirnd by J Jr. II. ANIll'li.S, Physician JkCli'iniit. j nr r.n" uy J. P. DL NdMORE . 30 Doy St. Niv Y And l nil Ullgr'i(t9. WIS" "Aft'S BALSAM or WILD C HE IUU HAS KEEN USED FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with I'll mi'nt iistoi.i.hin? Miccess in riiriiig Coughs, Ooidi4, Ilo'jr.ieiietis, 6urc Ttinat, Itifhiotiz i, Whonfing eoiij'h, Croup, L vor eoaiplaiut, lJrorj.'hitis, L'ifli cuity of Breaihitiir. Asthmu, and every aflVc lion of TlIF Tint OAT, LlWUSfy CUES7. Willi ll rarri. s olTiunrn icliint anv rlhnr iL.i nso nnd M'hii li b.ild .. the rkiil i,l 1 in- l liynri in. to n greatet eti nt (li.iu ,ir,' oiln r uii.l.nh i.iien ii.i.ns'i'ij'iiii- pc.mliiv i ' M'iinn all 1, Mm is 1' im 11 null. AS A ME DIG 1 2TB. i 1 t 5 Rapid in Relief, fODl'iim,' in I II' c'., f.i fi ill Its Oper- .'""ii ' iS 'ASS 1 1 w liila as .1 pripaintiuii, t'r . fi 0111 noimu. ,u..Sred.,.n,,ls n p. nrd poi-ons r mineral : iinlnni' 'kill ei cm hihihi'-iii ; c'liiiiiiuiit; mi in ii i.. v.uiii'tiu in uiu ogi lable kiiuinun this class 'ao , it is tt a itcomnaraui nndU entitl-d, mnriis. and Mceives the ton. navmt m n,u punue Mil ilULli J1IAJU1IJSU, iU, 1J,, j inuili iariiir uiuuuiii iu.lhirkly n ill, d Imaiiu-s 1 nf IL N. V.. v. rltex as fi.llmvs :- ftojo f';lsn'1 SS flu'S i's.i? ' 1 "WibiAii.-I.W..M of VwLDi.mi.nuv (.ivesnuii.' , " "Ji'l Cl" . . hat i: fa. Inn. Iim'iiii. tu inn .11 nui.'h by lui,si'iiin j Fainplns of our Aiticles. Id lb.' nmount nf k I. will In mi'l IniiMii': ihn hints, and nllayiiiL' ' rii .. inn thus' tynl by mail for lu.j.ocl.u.i, and if nut porlU Uy rennn inz Ihe cuitie, iustna.l uf drjun' up 111.' l oush , l'.n tory liu i h.irijii ' mil I ua mi; llio (aubo ii.'hin I, 1 . oudider the IbjUnm 1 S'-'nd your a.ldros, if you am i.fnn inilustriniis I urn as go il us liny, if not tho bc-.l, Couli'in,' 1 r'f mi nil mid ,u .'le.-i of iuuuedlale vvenlih ! ! whi'.Jl J am ue'iii.iiiited." j Dire.lto -,, T c! 1 ir n I I'AllKI NflON'A: CO , lttenr.Tin., llev. Jacod deciiler, ol Hanover, Pa, j .ivjiirua-iu)...,.., York Well known ami luurh respectoil union: ilm fleriiian JstiW. l'CH. La opulatiii.i in tins ronutry, iiiak.a the tolluwing tut. ! ' 7Tr. : lu.utiortimbiiiintotthciitdi.tid, ADAlliilSTHATOIfS NOTICE. Ll-u; nn-. lluviuif Kuliund 111 my family iuipiir- . , t.iil binniits thu iipu of your vuluubln prepam 1 If&latCOi Jakll J-. Juuit, ILl', t!cc it. linn WioiAii's 1111. ist or Wild Ciiuniiv-it nlt'o-ilsmo I r tt'i'imi j . . v 1. ii .1 ., .... . , , ,,i, us,ir,. 1,1 ii m 1 h, m. (-.,,,, i.,t 1 S ''..r ' 'lmini.'rutioii oi) tii E-tale 01 Jiihii yeiiri ii;'o nun ui my oaucnier. eiio.neii 111 no 111 n I- iim aii iliiliu tiuims ot linr ri'Liiveiv wi n- iinmrtuin- i d I then proriired u bottlu of )our e.i. 1 1 lid HuUuiu, nnd bnlure sin; had taken tho whole of llm liuuuiwui' Uiu botllu tlmrn wus a prent improvement in Iicr Lealih. 1 lime, in my individual m-.j ,iudu fri'ipu nt use oi your v ..liuble mcdiomo, mid liavo always baeit benefitted by it. JlCOll PECIiLER, Trice One JJollu.r a Iloltlc. l'OR KALE 1IY J. P. I)INSMOlti:,:.0 Dey !-ircit, New York tr.TH W, I'oWl.r., & bU.,l'ropriutar, lias ton, AM; by all urccrusTS. GRACE'S Celebrated Salve CURCS CUTH, IIURN3, SUALllH. Grace's Colobratcd Walvo OLT.ES WOUNDS, IIIU'ISEa, SPRAINS, Gr nce's Celebrated fJalvo CUREsI IIOILM, ULCERH, CANCERi. Graoo's Celebrated i alvo f'UIIES HALT RIll'.UM, ERYSH'ELAS, Grace's Celebrated Salvo CURES CHAPPED IIAN'DJ. UIIILULAI.Vl'. Grace's Celebrated Salvo lll'AI.8 OLD KOlll'.d, I'RP.SII WOUNDS, Le. It i s prompt in aclion, removes pain at once, nnd re duel's the mo. t nngrv-Ionkin; u'ellinus und lulhim million,., ns if by m.ifiir-Win oirurdimo rilicf and a coinpli'tn euro. Only 2 i eeiils a Imx I (Sent by ma il for15 cents.) For Sale by J. P. DIN'SMORE llG Hoy Slroei, Now York ii!. W- l'OWLIi St HU.V, I'ropricto's, Huston, and hy all DrugEi'ts. fiioeers, anil foisntry (tores January 27 isou - jy Sew BKiRT fob mi i 'I'lio Oroal Invention of Ibo Age in HOOP SKIRTS. .,v nnAin,t;vM vcW poinri tf 1't.rx r,M.r.tTitJ t"r fl'lilNO Mlilin. li.TiMP,. iVrr.MT!'iV fnl' "f " upl ("r lo) r.' ' l Ml ,1 ,r,"7.' ' Urn l,1cl I mi ll)' nnil irmly li,.t.r, ,.,P to (dsn, innMn. """"" '''"Ktrinilhl... Mln.tlc nml Ultra h' H iiftTL""." 1 rh,,y 'Mom Imiid or limnk, llko iitich nun i.nnn iri . nit. n.r.., ... i . .MIV Pllllln H . i mo'i''. '11 1 II .vntn1f..r .1 . . . . riv.. ...A "r..""'. t"'-". c:"ii"ri nmi rlen.iim tinny l,,,dy wnring tlio ll.iplox I'.lllptlc Hmrt w' '; ii'riniic..i, iMttifinnriy m mi wwiim. ,Vi. fiMiiMirt., Opi'rii., L'arriai'p. Kn1lrM.I tir.. I'liurrli i nw, .rm i.iiniri.. Tor I'riinii'iniln iiiul ltii.iB.j llr. .. n. t bo fklit inn hq toldjd u hniilu n..; ti Wf,LVa ;nin pl'iro a cmlly and eoHVunli-ully n.nHiiK nr Jliulln llte.i, A l.ailv h.iviiiir llnlnvf.l Hi-. I'liiiiri. .'rnmr. I i (Irmit roiivniil'Mipn i,f urarini; llio IMiplcx l;iltn.,t flunl Hprlntj Skirl for ii iiiKi,i ,lav Will N-vor iild r- unr.'s ivllllnaly ilLpoii." vit!i lli"lr u-u. It t'lill. urnn. .iiifjnn mi, i vuimti i,ailie lliuy .ir. rnnerlor u nil .il Ii" r . Tllll IKiOI'S are rnvrrtl Willi ply 'fni'i In lui.lril tlnend nnil will wrnt Irtire ns bma a. t In- sl iifiln jnril rnvcrliitc which is iicodmi nil rllnlo tu:l llnnu Skirts j no iinuo imtioiii rod. on uvnry rkirt nrj ul.u Ib.ubia ptcol, iiml twice or ibmbln rnveroil to prcvi nt the env I J f, Ji'f' , ZlM ,T K.' wl. "n'dw , nalr. t i" ' , , "ic Vwhlcli t r-y Jy FM."it 1...,, ' . ' 1 iii-iian'iiif down no tu'lslunt. , nV.-r?rj:'i-r-r.A nnd urn thn I,,.,! nimlliv la evurv nart. iivnii 1o thi , wenmrt he inn.i r .1 and nr- union. iu. ,, hY .'''I .V",' r . ' , ' "'" "' j eonilorl iblu itud ncnnouiical Mklrt cnr mad,'. WI'ST'H IIKAI)l,i;v tt CAIiV, I'ltCll'li I UTOtttJ of 1 : ""n rl 'i.i.' ni.,L,rACI ru'.Krt, U7 I : """. ' & h ttUai.u 1,1111,1; in. Now- . 1 ,m Ri.ri in nil nrftt.r..itc rtoi.- in this Hiy. nn.l I tlirrnliliillil I ln I 'i, H. .1 Urn.... ,,ili.. . it.... . . i'H.i. M..1..,:B.MVtVi AmlcW. I L-" l";Uiiu lr tlu lUii;i Elilplm (nr double) rpring Bkilt. Jan, lf-a,!.. -liti, A & C, Get Tho "Best Afrbst'T's Unabridged NCW il.l.r.'TltATI'.D l.lil I'ios. Thorriuglily Revised and ruiiu'i l'lnlurged, OVER 3000 FIVE t'X'niAVINGS, is a wiat..MGM rsiifi-i'.-N-imi.H uiri.,1-; r.ia Every Toucher's Desk fllvin? Im aid In eimy brunch taui'hl in nor rihi'i Is, i nd iif riiiiflant usn nn I cuinniu' n. in EVERY nTEt.LIOENT FAMILY. II ronniii. l'l.O id WOUD.'I and ,M EA'.'lMid'unt found In other Ilici.iiiiiarli'M. 'Ph.! pouFC.iii'i i,f nnv otln-r ll'itli.h Dlitinnnrv. nr nuy iirovious i-iliiiini ofthU, rininni .ino,..'nsain" Ihn wain nf lhi viy full nnd i nirib-tn mi". In iu piiM'at petfi'itml,. it must Inns iinmiu Iho' i:m;lh-ii iiU'thi.s'arv. And one po.ns cd, rninni i of cmslani and nhldlm Mllll" d " Win, bunk, bn.nlns tint llibln, e Indisnnnsnbii! as a t;nud ID tinnarv ' I'lMiiiiiMinir oiie fifth or o'ln-fiiurth umre luallnrthiu an, f rionr i diiioas l'mm in w fli i trnlypii p'alno nod lh" lllvi r.i.'n Pp , IV tl.N'H V 'L. HP IdlOll'iv AL UL'AllTO PACCS. " Gel the Lulrsr." "Grtthts lies' ' (1,1 " Git tliu Heat," Wrls'rr. Publi.hi d byll &. r M 'ivivt. ruitfll -1,1. ,;, J ui. w. 'di-Sui rl he New York Times r.Bia'fTfmtHl if'lUcnJ7lly, mi-rt'srtL-i Ijf, .'tiid ii,'Kiy 'tuni.s, 'hie la Ho lev riii;.i"iJFT' i:v7 spapp.r in run UN1TI.D 8TA I F.S, HipN'PAV VnnUTIxTiy bus f;nn rnlaiL-ili, il.f. s,i ol . In- LONIiiiNTlV I . I ach numli'T niiiinltif t mr pn;... of tirni i"h,nin en-li-..r IHTYpIX minnm in i,li -mm ill' ii tin la e..i iii'Wpii.i.r in Hi, t mi,, r iiiu, Tlu 'I IMEh will r. niiiiii ri''j . P'iIi r.iilTrpsfi.ii.iil ep'-its. K -pi.tu of Uiu l fMii'iin.'i.'t ami I'ubUc iMrMimnnt-, l, port of I' iii.t. ,iii :'i('i,c .rs.'L-f . ri Lump, an X.'iv. 1.1 l-'nu I on'lfii and DoiunstieCnrre-ipiiud. no f.i s Iroiil nil parts uflhn it.'rld. I' mi ...ipriit I ncr.iry Nei, s fc,ilp.-, it.ti i. find V.mMIf.iiv r.rerjtliinr po sibl? will !. uuiie t., make the llWl.n Ihn mint vuluuulK anil nit, to , ti.n FAMILV SEWS PAP Kit in th I'nll.-.l '"i.-it .. In pfr,- ill t mu iIh iin. h in ed. Ill spll.i "I II, t ,rt t., ,, a,r., nn I conlelit.l, ivn ll I'll illnriMS"! nilu fimrlll Tlief.illi,iiir.' nrn Hi prieiw i.f of ilia -. .-ral e,!l -tiom ,pii)i,blo in nil can-!, in ndvuiiee ; Tim Ii Vll.V 1 1 M CJt, p'r'uun'iun, P ' 0 I lr DAILY 1 tills. tr"i,ii,;iv I'. lition incluij,n J 1 lie hLMI-U'UKKLV T1MI.H. on i y,..,r, .-.'1 ll..i WEEKLY 'PI UUrf;oin! year. ' T iee prices are iiiviirl.iM,.. Club ri rn d 1 c ii n tinned. We navu no triivclliiifi ne. mi t;, Chec'.;. or I'utt i.llleff.Mmiuy Or.lms il p.issibln. mlt 10 .lU.HCEg, H. I B'.7MO:,'3 S: CO Tllll"! OIIH", , i n. Jan. 50, 'Crt. Vut Mocoy in thy rursc '." Road to .Wealth ! ! IX f))0 AC I'lW. Am D BEi.IABLW '-'v-' " Attfiiis. Male or IVuialn, uiidiif.ill aj'-s nrn wiiri'tii i ,,i.i.,ii i',ry i'i , lliinl.M Wnrk.hii .1 id I n-i.ny tlit.i.isiio it t.i,, c inn .v,.r I I i''r in.' ha',' ut o-ir 1 A'ic'i!."'. j;p.vr. 1 y, Fii.vr.R-w mc-icu, llUXErl, ..Llltnii and (Jl'IILR AliTICLLS j I'.nnrjtetic pu-.ins ofood hi.blt. and t'.,ir buoniss a I . .Mn-lcller, lata ot Madis. n tmwi-uin ' olii.nbn county, iieiriisu l, huvo been grunted by ihe :i-t' ml tldUlllbl t l liulilv lu Ilm ltlld..-rfii.i..l : ..II ... . .nn. h.i iii ( liiinis uaiii.l the ditto ifth,' iif, .1 iu .;, n -MUthted to pri ( nt Hum lo tho nndcr-mii-d, n mi!i.( in said township, witbout delay, and all p. mini in debted tu make uju.eiit iorthwith. EVAN (!. JONES, Adui'r. Jan. so, if oo.-cn 83 A DM IKISTIS A'J'O R'S N OT ICE . Estate of Thomas Wildcncr, Jcv'd. 12 otters of Administration dc bonis no , X-.- "'I ,:ie E.tai ofThoa Wiidoner, hie of Pishing- creel, iwp. Cull inbi.t i Itci'a.n.t, h ie tn.-i'u t; tnil by tlln Rnip.lel n t'nliiuibi.l louulvto thu uudur Hidied, letiduiL' ill lleniuii township, All pnr.ons huiini; claims aaalint the cn.itn of tliu ileeedent am r. que.lo.l to prenHt Iheui lu Ih. unui rniiueil. with out dnlfiy, and all pertuns ludebfd to uiaku p.iyii.eui fotlhwilli. WM. SMITH, Jail 13, lard Cw 1 Adui'r. Jc una Anolher Barber Shop. SQ55JD33 Saj'iaHSSf, Foprietor. Rtioj, In tho corner of tho frame buildin,', first door mi cotm r I'f.Coiirt llodko Allay, opposiiu I u tlio l.i (hiiugc, Iff flinvlnu. !lalr.Culliiir. Gli.tiiinooing, &.e., cxe ruled in Hie kun lyle. e. c, coLLiNca. .'IliiouHluii'i', Jan. 20, ISOU. : SLEDS! SLEJJB ! I FOUR SLIiUS FOR which arc ironed. saleTwo of tj" Eiliu. re at Ihs Office cf SIMON C 8IIIVB l)lnnnibur r. llloonulmtj, Jon. !7 tf .:t,