Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 27, 1866, Image 1

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VOL. 19. lSrO. 48.
Baltimore, Md.
The Only Place trhnv a Cure can be ob
tained. Dr. .Tolinson lias discovered tlio most
Cftlnln, Cpcoily, titul only Eirectual Remedy in Ilia
Wntlit for WiiiI.iip.. of the llnrk nr l.linb.. Strictures
Aflerlinns uf the Kidneys nnd P.Iadilcr, Inwduntiiry
HUtliarvtn. Impnicncj , Heiietnl Diblllty, Nervous,
lies. liyjifi'Hi:i, Lnncunr. Low Spirits, Confusion of
Mens, I'nlpiiiitlnii of tbu Itentt, Timidity, Trembling,
Iiinmcss of Difjlit or lllildliiesr, IHsense nr tliu
Throat. Nose, nr llnwet.-thuH! Terrllilo Disorder,
lirl.lus Irnni Bulltiiry Habits of Ytmlli ni crLt nnd
lolltnry practices inure fatal tu their victims tlinn Iho
tons of r-yrens l. i h Mnilneri of I'liops, lillplithn
their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rinderli';j
marriage fcc, Impossible.
Hupftlnlly, wlin linvu become the virtiins of Solitary
Vice, that ilrnidful nii.l destructive habit which mum
Klly fviii to nti liniliui ly tirnvc iIihimiihIs of join?
Hi' 11 oftlm tno-l exalted t.ilci In nud brilliant mtelleit,
Kim might ntliem Iff have utruncu.l ll-lttiiiii Sen-liti-H
With Hip. lllutltloril uf tlni;llf mi', or Mused lu ic
tlacy Vlio II ing lyre may call Willi full cunlidcncc.
Mnril'd person., or youn nirn cant-mptMIng mif
'.IhS'!. bi'ini,' nw "f f phii-lcM neiikutii, organic du
tlllty, detorinitl .1 ! nly cur., I.
Me who iirf hi. on It under Iho carp of t)r J. may
ri lipiu'isly c'lii'nl" in lai ho'inr at h l- ntlctnau, uuJ
confidently rely 'H'"'1 Ills is kill in a .liyaici
ltd liiPiHatPl) fond mid fiill ii."r resinr,-,!.
'i liia dutrt'iii'i!! niTertwn uliirti lendeis lira mil
ptahlo mill uiiirrl isu- impossible -is Hi s penalty pal,
ty lh! litinmif impi.iper in.lulp.-ntoM Vouim ppr
sons lite ton apt lu inmlnil eA'essi 4 from not litllig
r,ware. of the iliendtul cotisi queuees that nny ensue.
I, 'ow, w hit that iindert.itil the mhj. t will pre tend lu Hint tin: power r.f prm r- nii u is ln-t oouor by
those fullitii! into improper I1.1t.1w Hum by the prti
dent t lit sidss b iiitf di prived u' Iho pli nmirc ol li ul
(py cifiipiini;. tlio lun.t bcrnnH and dratrni'lito pymp
inns ol bulli boily n:id iiiind arifu. 'i'li'i tytPiii b''.
fomeii dcraniloil, tins it.y.lral Hid luoiil il l'tint'li'itu
wi-aKtni il, l.o'B of IViti iituo powrr, .N-rnii8 Irri
lnbilit. t k s ;' f. .-1 .1 . I'.ilpliiition of tin Heart. Inrii,'-
Hon, l-'n ititutioi.l li. bility, a;- (J ihe 1'rdiiio
Coug'ii, C'niisuuiptl'Hii llctay an I Ii.mIIi
Honibrr of tlio Unjnl t'r.lli,y nl L!ur?poni, I.pinlon,
llrr.ii'.i.ilt' from mi . f tin' mot i mltieiit I'o'.l '"ps in thu
Liiliod rtiU'j.niul lii'i (iroali r p.irt of uliusu III" lia
bPi'it pLl:t in I i' li j, i h of l.otidtin, I'.uiK, riiit.i
di'lpln.i. and flH.'Whcn', i.ah oif.Ticd onojjil tbp juort
nf ti'in IiIhk cur . that v.oiu iM r ki.o.vii ; many trou
Ll 'dv. im ruiuiiii: in Hip In ii.l and iim whou iiIcpi
Kreal 10 rviiiiti .n. b.-iiic al.iiui"d a: finliun e.iundi
I ufhruliioin uitti frciiii nt blit'.iiinr. Titti'iitlfd nme
II. 01 it u ttb diruonoii lit of mm. I. tture cored iiiimL'iit
Dr. J. nilori'cos all thurt' v.'liu Iiup nijurod thPin
.olvtR by t.ittir ;i r iinluiueut'' mid Military li.-.tu'i.,
r.'IMCh I'iin tutn iiii.I Iiiind, llllliltln HlPl.l tor
tithcr btiMiiPn1. tlnl; . p tuty or iiiiiim.u'c
1 li"i.u uro rtimlP ut l.i'P.l.l nil I lii-'liuit tl'd'y rllL'ftq'i'd by "ly iLiidt of Joiitli, ir.: ti'pakiMiiir.f
llio jui k aim I.iiiiIm. fains In iliu, liiiiini'-s of
i'it;lil, 1.' ot M'-iu'iir f'nAiii I'lilpiialinii of tb.
iu".irt luMpopfi.!, Niri.i'K lrr.;fibilil , ll raoj'i t
cf tile Iiiin-nni- I'iiii, tioiii. Ci'iiut..l llpbilily. jiop
tioiis id '.'in i:o;.li "i r.
NU si it '.V 1 It t. ..rfnl 'Xr on 'b- mind ar' nn.cti
tt. If dr( adfil. I.o- h ,.f 1 ,piin'r. I .utntlM of 1 Imk.
lisp ihm hi of .'pints !.il I'i.'Iki.'ii, Avir ion t.i
Hui,t. l.lJ.U,;.t, l.n,: of .-.J ltud ',Tlll.idliy,.Vc
arr '.-i...- i.f tb-' ,- i h pm Hfd.
'I ih.i i if piimi.n of u'l wi can now Jiiilr
flip.: i" tbi' i'n,' of ili, ir ili I'lini.'i li.-il'li, (mini; "n i!
vi.'oi, b i iiii'in n :tk. pal I, in rvniH i ml in aci..ti d
li.ivmi! a fiiuidur nppi aiaiii'- about the cyiv, c mtb
ti.d t ii. plum' of 'I'linnnptiun.
tsfii t.ivc lilnr.'i' tb' i'.ip".ei by a r.-t.iiiKprOfl'pp.lP
.,i.... t tn ii o, n it i. ii, . a titiLit frpir.Piiiiv U'ari, ! irnni
p il i, rn iiimoiin. nr ,il ipli'i.i', tlio . il i u nt v (lit Ii an'
i.ul.tlv I, .1 mo b n nb 1 1'. n:i I. if not cnri'd r'-n
il,ir loairiii".- iiiioifilib'.aiiU bolb liuiiii mid
body. b.nii.l apply imm 'diatoly.
'. Ii it a pit ibi't a Miuni; iiitin. Hip hep" of nttr ro'ii
ry, tin' pri lu of lu i in nt. l:."il.i lu mulelii'd fiom
all pro'pi cib and I'lijoyiriPiitii of lib1, by thu rnn-i-ein
iiri. of d.ulaiins iri'iu tin I'fitii of nainro. Mid in
tutt in.' in n n i mm Miril bal 11. r-ucli tuiml.
ktfuic cu'.l.' inpljlltl
MA 11 III A tiE,
rrH-rt tint n nii-.d mind and liodv r.rp tin mnt iioc-
inri r 'iimitc- t ' i"'i loiunibiiil li.ipiii.i'mi In-
cli'Kl, uitlMjiii tbi'ii.' il ojouriify tlirinigli lifo boronipi
Mi rv piH'rin.aji; : ibf propiit lioiuly daiknis to
ihn viw, ti.' inn'iil bi-Piii-ii'i tln.lonii.l Mlth duspair
rod Hili'il ui'li tb no ImiUinllri Ib'Ptlon Hip Inp
I'liuta of niHilliiT b niiii'j blliililuil null "i r ins u.
0(fi:r, 7 South I ictladi Stra'
I tri-timo! u'l' g ii.i' from Il.iltlninri' r-trpi.1, a fev iloorn
1 1 i.i Um l.ul not tu dLiservo name and Hum
'V" No b'l.'rj rfolvi"! nnlmi mid con
tainiiiB ii -tamp tu bn o."d on thu li p7, I irsons
wrim.i; Kin-Hid rtato ico and fcndpurtiuii of advciliac
innnt dpiciil.ini,' i-.miii Moil i
J'bii Donor's Diplonio Iianp in lii'
.Eiuljrscmenl of the I'rcsr,.
flip imn thujuanil" rliP.l at tills ki Ir.bllnlnnpr.t
ii in ibo'l'i-t iiM'iny year', and iliti.'iimiiurmia mi-
? i l i liv ilic rt'ioiipr of 'j'h : ta in and many
Xr I . PV n 'li os ... WI,U!. l...,o app-arod again
! I '. , i. .-ore tin' l.itl.lic, bi'fidi'a III" i-tanilms a
gpntlmni" o. J,..;'' t.'r at.d ,.oU.ibiliiy. U a .ulH.
ciunl guaranty to tin; all'.icted.
&Vvt.'i Diseases .Speedily CmrJ.
Apitl 2-', lr.5. 1
wmm mm.
K. Oor. Tenth r.ntl Ohcstnut .Streets;
Tlie nnut complete ami tlioronclily nppointnil Ilusl
iipor l.'oinmi'rclal CoIIpko in I hi country.
Tim only nno in thu city pnii.liijr n I.r(j lutnllvo
J natter, nml tlio only cmo in iho l'i,lt"il stnton niitlmr
lul In confer Dpcrui orMirlt. IMaploinas nnnrdi'd
to erailniiteii In the fJoniniprclal Courti! under iu cor
porate, real by nutliorlty of law
CoinliictPil by ci'iillrmi ti nf libi'ral nlucnllnn nml
i JlciKivo expcrlPiirn in luialnrM, nml nir,irilliiB line
qiialloil iidv.inliiu'i'iifiir tlin thnrniBii thPurrllul nml
piaillcal ilucallon ofyniiuit men lor Hie various du
Ilea nml rniplnvim nl of biMlnmi llfp.
I'llllimV AM) PIlAU'llUI! UOMllISIIH
by a tyni'inof
onslnal nml pif'Unlni'iit'y clvini! tho etu
ib'iit in the hlinili'ft time, a iniiip Itti: ii'ilubi intn Hie
nli nee of ni l on nti, arranged mid piilillnlmd by Hm
piopriidor uflhl' Intlltiillnii riilu-lvely fur Ills own
use. savins onio half tlie ordiiiary labor of Iho ft'iilint
mid cl vi iif liim a eomplete kiiuwledgn of tin practice
Uf Hio beet nirinilili.nli,.
lJjoUksoping,Coiiimcrfial Arillimetie,Pcn
in.tinliip. Business Udrrorpondenoo,
Commercial Law, Loclures ou
Business Allaird, Ooimncr
oial I'ustoiiis, Forma,
and Actiinl Busi-
post I'riotice,
bpi:i.'iai, iiUAxuiinji.
.Hcthra cnl tht IlizhiT Mathrmatir), rhotwgropk'j. Or
namtntit Venma'tship. the .-Jrr o. Diluting
Uvuntirftit Jljuey, llitginceting. inr
frying, AiunfliJl cad
The ftrrancfni-iit! for 'I i Iccrapbins are far mire ad.
vinco of an) tlit nr. of the kind cvit ol!' red tu Hi" pub
lie. A r. 'l'"li' ruph I. Imp is rnuu "eled Willi tlio
1 ii s-tit lit jcjti wi'h t-nly blanch i.iiins in varimu
pjrti ol tin: r I j-. w hern piiblie biiKin, I' tr.iii-.irti'd,
nml in vi lil t li the .lu lexis of this .trii per
mitted lo prni-lire. No r" idlliv iir.uiioe ran bi
bid in nil v oil) 'r nthiiol of iiiMrieii'in in t'n: cnuiitry.
wilhotiL uliii li no one can obtain a urn as a pr.ic
In tt operat'ir. Yo iiiir iiilmi arc c uitioued iiirni'ift the
i!ei"ptive ri pre." illations of thai . who, wiilu jt any
hJch f icililit's, pretu'id In ti uch 'relegrapliius.
Thii litititutloit Js uo'V pnjoylni; tin larsPstpHrrm
tron.tan i:vi r beliioiWil upon any L' sellout in
tt'. li-it,-. Over 1H - Iiiiu.lrei students vv rein nit'-ii.
d iit.-e tbe li t year, and ovr si'ieu hundred uiniiii'
Hi" pa,t 'i'ne bot clasi. of students may Inva
li.ilil,' be found here, ami all iu nc euciattona aro lirnt
'I'lim I'lbtituiion is lin-iitod in Hi" nnm part
of tlr cil) . and it nei iiininoil.iHous. fur extout. ele
tunc" and convenience, urn tin-iirpu-nd All the
rooiin hue been lilted up in tho M'ry nesl ilyle null
iuini:s- oitii'Us on cor. vri M! iiuurfun.
Tui.r.cut urnt-'i:, stxtioxaiiv stokb.
AMI A nKlllLlK
ham: or dui'osit axd ih.ji'i:,
sttppli' d with finely engraved lillioj-raphlc note? used
an u iirr'ilati.ij; urjdium intlio U i p.irlnic-ut uf Actual
i.usi'.i.'-ih. -OE;xc3 JgBjf
r.ho ilt-HTtf ihf very b'tl I'lfit-tios for a
FractkiiS Kcitiftiliun Tor Ht:slrss,
pn.u-ti I 't 'i c-nrs' of int'ructioti n whi-r'1 cNfe
i i ill nln''! 1 1 1 Li r'-i'Ututioii nihl hi itidms rf llic
Ni-ltU'ii'.it niiiou luimsa unn nmku iU rmforse
rt i't ll'i l-put i-afcprl to fiitt.(,p8 uuJ ailvanct-iupnt.
Ailrtju; jup-Hlii cili'ri'U ii'iy (Viiiiin'rnul CuUi-'j,
ct - i-iu Ut b'uiitl for an I I,IL b I'llA rKU
cm. tti ro'ii.,1 le vievvri of the Collese,
,i"..l in. I p.ulir,uljrs of the ciurrc of initrmtion
ti'llUS. c.
I'n eidiiil'..
I Tcaiher nml Burt, cf Ofilca Busincfs,
Nov !, l-ilc-iu.
lno.riOJ Wati-hpf.Ch.iini, f.ork.'li, P.ini. llraceleta,
Mlu of Jewelry. Hold I'ellj, ii: ic.
Tn b ili' no5"d of nt ON'll DOM, Ml p'irli withoiit re
f.ird to idlue. out tn be paid fur until mi know what
yen are to i c lie.
I n.i (,,.ui Hunt t nil Cist U'aP-hes cacli 0 '0 to SI J'
Slit) t-ilver iV niches each SJim as
111 11.1,1 Itu'.l Pens and Hilvsr (J. 133 i eicll 5 tn i-
lii.tiunr-'ii Utilieii' Jeuvliy. tasnrted) cacli U id
And a 'l.irn" iisortinjit of Jewelry nl everv do
crrit.iiiiti fur l.i.'n s' and ireiiiii' weir. vail'niB in val
ue Iroui a, 1 tu (US eiieli. Tlio on tho.l of di-pim of
ii.,. j., .m 1 nl line no I.'lr e.n-li nH In Itmv
i.'i;ifril irATIlfl nam.iiii' an AUTH'l.r. nml its
once are p ar 'd in SIl.M.lll) HV VT.l.tH'I'.S and will
iiuxed one of lili h will li.i runt by Mail tunny nu
dress ou iec ipt of Price. One 'ertille .to -u i-oiittf.
I'lvefiirl '1 hern lire no III, mi mii.-l (rel
the VAI.I. Ilcf your nii ney. Circulur uitli partiiU'
I.iim I rep. Addri'fS.
A j. ii.iuri ii k i.u.
E'.'J Pro.idway New York.
Nov 11. Htli-Dmo
Select Ipoetrn.
Truth mid Falsehood.
On the pace Hint Ii Immortal,
We tho brilliant irntnlra co ;
"Vo thall hiinw tha truth my people,
And Its iiilzkt shall make you free,"
Tor tho triilh, then, let tu battle,
Whatsoever fate bctldc i
I.niif; the lioant lliat up nre freenifn,
Wo have mndo and publlslicd wldo.
tic who has tho Truth ntid Uocps it,
Keep, not what to him ketones,
Hut perform, a nctlon,
That Ilia fellow mortal wron;t.
Ho who i-eeka tho truth and tremblea,
At the ilanjers lio must brave.
Is not fit In be a freemen i
Ho. at bert, 1. but a slave;
He who knows tlio Tritli nn,l places
Ita liich prompings under ban,
I.oud may boast of u!i that's manly,
Hut can never be a .Man,
rrictul, thin simple lay wlin rcadeat,
He not Ihou like rllher them
Hut give utuiiyt freedom,
And the tide i: raises item.
Hold In speech nnd bold in anion.
Ho rorever I Time will lest,
Of tlie free smiled and tin sl-ivl.Ii,
Which fulillls life's mission b 'it.
Ho thou like tlio nnbla Ancient
Fcorn tho throats tint bids Hico fear ;
Fpeak ! no u alter w hat betides Iheo ;
let thrm strike, but make them hear I
Co thou liks tlio flrit Apnatlo
He thou like h.'rnlc Paul ;
If a fren thought seek, expression,
Spoakitbuldlyl Speak It all.
I'ace thine enemies, ncctsirs ;
l-coin thu prifnn rack or rod ;
And II thou truth to utter,
r-peak I and Ii ave the rest to f! oil.
Horracc Greelcy'a Ride to lla-cei'ville,
A Bull ou Ice.
All Surf of their Monoy' Worth.
Vi and 41 Ann Ftiei t, K. Y. UaU 12 and 41 Nairn
Strcetl. oirer fur f..l.-the fulluwiuz iiiasnlticeul
List of
Wtticius, Chiiiiss .YfWi'Uy, j:c.
i: eii a:vi u:ui: oxi: doi.i.aii i .ta
And tiLt tu b" p.ii.l furtill youlmuw what
yi.uaro to net.
5'J Culd i. Silver Waldli,f(OJl elSCO lo8150 CO
Z-ui) I.adi-s- Onli! Wi'lrliei. XiM each.
b' ii l.n'li',' t i: -nl.' tiilvet watch... J.i.lid iiirli
C.ouy V. st. :.' I. a. H lur.i tlliuiuf, .j.10 In IS "J nth.
cut) ! I Pan. I Hr n eiets. :t il ' lii in U I eai li.
C oJ.i I', mi I h i"' i'. Wi'JdiiiK rincs '.' 50 tn 0 tM each.
S.Udd r.uif'irni.t Uuiiiuitu ruis uuu
lO.MIu - I- I. i.Iip' Jmvelrj'
I'JOU.) fi'iid Pens, Silver Muitnted
IDCOOanld Pons, Hilver Cue. and ,,,,,,
IV'iieiU. " each.
Torellier Willi Ui'.bon SilUf. Hosoni ennls He eve
Pulloiis (Snld I'uieils, llurklcs, HronUies Ould II; in
lies. i:r driios. Cliil'lren's Loops nouic tins
and ISIii'.Si'il Itiniis.pc.irri'ins, U .itch lvny., Also
1,1V Of fcllVI." 11 lire liiuiui." "."-V',,,
H 11,1 1 Iltllt: jpOOIIs. CwC. IIUiii ,
. b urn nt lie neateil an
.,ii ideates of all llii varl-
llleil lllVtl0P 9 uuu llllAe.i,
d sent i;v lll.lli. .is "i -
C. & II. T. AKTKOUY & CO.,
llans.'.eturcis of I'totograpMc MatsrlalJi
601 BHOAUVv'AY, E. Y.
Is.ltlll.stooiir innln lniln-i uf 1 IIOTOKIUHIIG lti
ILI IAI. v r.fs.l-(i.srur t.T Vr l"llowlli. 111.1
CtcreOf coroi and literooscopic viowa.
0 lliti ss iiiiiiiii-i.' h.irti. . ,1, tucla.linjc
fWiti'oM it fil f M-' " Bn'' f,rlu "1 onipt.t
Miofuoilll ino i"m ".'"
3 fill tu i'i 03 eicll
!) 00 tu lu UOtuch
4CUIO 5 00 cnl:
J'lt ,ltll. l.-s .
kllOst f.lktlillll.'.be t
ous artii lea nr pin m -
ilma clviui: nil a l.iii iii.iuc". ... .,1,1, ,,,i it is ut
di red ; mid 011 Hi" "''V1 .l"ul ' take the f
lift of e'l'iul V.1U1
Cortiffi-Mtos and Promiums.
tii yen, ; : , .... . ivn.Stil:
.1;., -I CIIV'T 11,,',,,. w--'t
if.l'.ld Watrli, l ertil.i
,1, der. livery letter, Iroui
,iiUv aiisivereii.
Ball Run,
Eavajo Statloa,
Ilocu Sottoa,
Tovt Uorgaa,
B3.75: fttiy wi n lr
nil" ItllU'il ' 11 I'll I't 'I'1
illliulr, i W. ill 11 1 I 1 11 HI
rate uiul.e. 1 1 ' I 11 t'1
yrliat-'ver "or1 I"" 1
i-.'!; i'.? I .mt i'h an ''ii il . or Iliu
I III llliM ' ' ' - 1. l
"AitV'SuM wn..,.l .eriwlierf. Bend 23 edit, for
Ccrliflcniu nnd Liri ulur
Kur. 4, 'C3'3ui. 3'"''1 M
''1J"-'.-.,,'I!avTII & CO..
M nnd 41 Ann Strict, New Vuik.
Lot HJ'or Saic.
A N elloiblo buiiamg lot, with an eawot-
Aki.1 11AUN fth.,.on. r.aa . centra 1 toc.uJ i
1 i.nitf rn
Dutcii Oap,
Hanovor Junction.
lookout Mouctaia,
City Point.
EcUo Vlaiu,
6trav7berry Flalnrf
Ar-f rit.n m.t Foi'im "t'i U Undirsw, Hn SUI M
n if. 4e. AU11, lumliliii: Sun ft r pablli o, J-rlvftt.
,,n moo Our cj,ltei ui in .en u, .ay wJi.i pu r.tHvi
l"!U"" Photograiihio Albums
VT surslHi Urt la lnlroilii'l lliflo Inls lh UulWt StlUl
nl si I111.IHUM I'.J" Ull.1'','.;,l1a,",., ':"'?"
In, Ii. I , ti .ul -'I . ..'. 10 ". - At If1 MJ linvs id. nyf
uiloni'l LliiiursTii-rlnls'iily nij djl".n.. I" ) odi.r.
Ib.y will iw. si,t ty iiis.l. 1 at K., mi ri-l "I 1
rVrt.ii: ALiii'M. Mine in 8in iK3
The 1'raila will find our Albuuj tuo biom
caw riiotoar.i'ii.-.
i,U jr'siOiirlpfWoii.PlArt,
!r;'a,vj"? VitoM. i'uiuii,iiuieii'''c';1',"''s'M &
A?.' ,,!.f l''. .it IM.I t'y mi", , ,
rJl'' S,.".iii.a.Vl.iw li..tJ.i; ." P. will iliu.
Y Kt.p. "J .t j tu,w.,unlwll.ill.,lrpr4r.
"ur Vl. id i J i'l a " " " '
Oct 7, 15C3.-7.
A ? IT Hi S3 -i-A
Jan. 20, iBtiu.
: T . ,rmi Tino'nnnu Alll
ltoji Au'rr.sius Waud's New Volume.
Wltcti Mr. Grcely was in California,
ovations awaited I11111 at every town. IIu
liatl written powerful Iratlers iu tin Tri
bune in favor of tlie Pacifisli tilroiitlvbieh
all greatly endeared him tt) tho citizeus of
the Golden Hate. And therefore they
made much of him when he went to sec
At one town tho euthusiastie populaeo
tore his eelt-brated white coat to pieces,
and earned the pieces home to remumber
him by.
The citizens of Placarvillc prepared to
etc the great journalist, and au extra re
lay ol horses, waa chartered uf the Cali
fornia Stage Company to carry him from
Folsom 10 Flacervillc distance, forty
iiiilcs. Tho extra was in some way delay
ed, and did not leave Folsom until lai in
the afternoon. Mr, Grcely was to be fe
tid nt 7 o'clock that I'veninj; by the oiti
ana of l'laeerville, and it was altogether
necessary that he should be there by that
hour. So the Stage Company said to Hen
ry Monk, tho driver of the cstra, 'Henry,
this great man must be there by 7 to
night.' And lleury anjwered, 'Tho great
man shall be there.'
The roati3 were in an awful stale, and
during tho first few miles out ofFiilbom
slow progtcas was made.
'Sir,' said Mr. Grcely, 'arc you aware
that I must bo at l'lacorvillc at 7 o'clock
to-night V
'I've got my ordora 1' laconically re
turned Henry Monk.
Still the coach dragged (.lowly forward.
'Sir,' eaid Mr. Grcely, 'this is not n
trifling matter. I must be there at 7.
Again catno .tho answer, 'I vo got my
orders I'
But tho ppeed jvas not increased, and
Mr. Grcely chafed away another hour,
when, aa he was again about to remon
strate with tha driver, tho horses mdtlenly
started into a furious ruu, and all torl3 of
encouragiug yells filled tho air from the
throat nf Henry Monk,
1'hat ii right, niv goodl felow !' cried
Mr. Grcely. 'I'll givo you ten dollars
when wo get to l'lacervillo. Now wo are
jjoitig !'
They wcro indeed, and ot a terrible
Crack, crack I went tho whip, and
agaiu 't'int voio rplit the air. 'Oil up !
Ill yi 1 G'lotig 1 Yip - jip 1'
And on the) tore, over btonc and ruts,
up hill and dowu, at a rate of i-pecd never
before aehived by ttage horses.
Mr. Grcely, who had boiii bounoing
from ono end of the coach tn thu other
liko an Indian-rubber ball, managed to get
his head out of the wiudow.when ho said :
'Do tiii't on't on't you u u think
we o c u bhall got then by seven if
wo do on't on't go so fast V
'I've got my order 1' That wasallllcn
ry Monk said, And on toro the coaoh.
It was becoming fcriou. Already the
journalist was estrcmely we from tho ter
rible jolting, and again hia 'head might
havo been ecou at the window.
Sir,' ho said, 'I don't care oare air,
if wo don't gctthcro at seven I'
'I havo got my orders !' .Fresh horsee,
Forward again, faster than bcforeJ Over
rocks and olutnps, over ono of which tho
coaoh narrowly oscaped turning a summer-set.
'Seo hero 1' shrieked Mr. Greeley, 'I
don't caro if no don't get thcro at all.'
'I've got my ordors 1 I work lor iho
Californy Stago Company, I do. That'o
wot I work for. Thoy Baid, 'git this man
through by soring. An' this man's goin
through. You hot 1 Gerlong I Whooep I'
Another frightful jolt, and Mr. Gree
ley's bald head suddenly found its way
through tho roof of tha coach, amidst the
crash of small timbers and tho ripping of
strong canvass.
'Stop, you maniao !' ho roared.
Agaiu amwered Henry Monk ;
'I'vo got my orders ! Keep your seat
Horace !
At mud Spring, a village a few milea
from Placervillc, thoy met a largo delega
tion of tho citizens of l'lacervillo, who
had como out to meet tho celebrated edi
tor, and escort him to town. Thoro waa
a military company, a brass band, and a
sis-borso wagou-load of beautiful damsels
in milk-white dresses, rtpresenting all the
States iu tho Union. It was nearly dark
now, but the delegation were amply pro
vided with torches, aud bonfires bla::d
all along the roijj to IMacerviilo.
Tlio citizons met (he coach in tho out
skirts of Mud Springs, and Mr. Monk
reined iu his foam-covered steeds.
'I Mr. Gjcelcy on board?' asked the
chairman of tho committee.
iJletvas afciu miles buck !' said Mr.
Monk : 'yes," ho added, after looking down
through tlie hole which the fuarful jolting
had made in tho coach roof 'yes, I can
seo him I He is there '1
'Mr. Cicely,' eaid the chairman of tho
committee, presenting himself at the win
dow of the coach, 'Mr. Greeley, sir 1 We
are come to most cordially welcome you,
sir! why, God bless me, sir, you aro
bleeding at the nose !'
'I've got my orders V crird Mr Monk
'My order is as follers : 'Git him there by
saving I' It wants a quarter to teving.
Stand out of the way 1'
'But, .sir,' exclaimed tho committeeman,
rotzmg tho oiJ-U'auor by tuo reins. Vur.
Monk, wo are come to escort him into
town! Look at the procession, air, and
the bras', band, and the pcoplo, and tho
young women, sir 1'
orders !' screamed Mr
Monk. '.My orders don't say nothin'
about no brass band and young women.
My orders cay, 'Git him there by soving 1
Let go them lines ! Clear the way there !
Vlioo-ep I Keep youk seat, Horace !
and the coach dashed wildly through the
procesjioti , upsetting a portion of tlio bras
band, and violently grazing Iho wagon
which contained tho beautiful woman in
Years honco gray-haired men, who were
little boys in this procession, will toll their
grand children how this ttago tore throug
Mud Springs, and how Horace Grcclay a
bald head ever and auon showed itsslf.
liko a wild apparition, sbovo tho ooach
Mr. Monk was on time, Thcro io i
tradition that Mr. Greeley was very in
dignact for awhilo ; then he laughed, and
finally presented Mr. Monk with a bran
new suit of clothes,
Mr. Monk himself i3 still in tho employ
of tho California Stago Company, end is
rather feud of relating a story that baa
mado him famous all over tbcPaoiGc coast
But be says ho yields lo no man in hia ad
miration for Iloraco Greeley.
Discoun.vuiNct Ginr,Diii:N. It ia some
whfi'o related that a poor soldier having
had his fikull fiaciureU, waa toll! by tue
doctor that bis brains were visible. "Do
writo and tell father ol it,' said ho, 'Tor
ho eaid I had no brains," How many fa
thers and mothers tell their children this,
a ml how often does fuch a remark con
tribute not a little to prevent any develop
ment of tho brain i A urowu person tells
a chi.d ho is biainless, fuolUh or a block
head, orthatho is deficient in somo men
ial or moral faculty, and iu uina ca'-cs out
of ton the rtateuiout is believed ; tho
thought that it may bo partially so, acts
liko an incubu-s to repress uio couiiuouco
aud energies ol that cliiltl. NeKunwa
boy who, nt Iho age of ten years, had be
coino depresshd with fault-finding andre-
pioor, uot iluly mingieu witn encouraging
words. Tho world appeared dark aiound
him. ho had been so often told of his faults
and deficiencies. A single word of prai-o
and appreciation, carelcirlv1 dropped in
hia heating, changed bis wholo course of
thought. Wo havo often heard htm say,
that word naved mo." Tho moment he
could do well ho resolved thao ho would ;
and ho has done woll. Parents, thoso aro
important considerations.
J&U When is a blaok dog not a blaok
dog ? Whon it'ii a groyhountl.
About 0 o'olock yesterday morning, a
largo bull which had becotno separated
from ft herd on tho other side of tho river,
stepped forth on the ico and mado for tho
City of St. Loui3,walking straightforward
with a dignified mien, nud a look general
ly very muoh liko that of a Mum'tdian
lion. His neck wa about a yard wido and
a foot iu thicknosj, and tho firmness with
which ho tread tho brittle highway on
which. ho had embarked cloarly indicated
to tho beholder that ho was n bull with a
will. At the same timo that tho bull set
out for this eido of tho river, a serious
looking thick set gentleman, from Illinois,
set out from this side for tho Illinois shore,
lie saw tho bull approaching at a short
distance and liked his looks, thought he
was r. bull that bohaved himself ou the
ico, moloiting uo one, and showing by the
sober expression of hia countonaiieo that
ho had scuso and pluck. Ho calculated
that tho animal would turn aside a little
when thoy met, but on approaching very
closely ho found that tho monster was low
criujr his horrid head for an nttack.
Btiiof thick-set and short-leggcd,ho was
not naturally a good runner, but tho flam
ing wrath ho saw in the bull's eye, tho up
lifting of hia long, etraight tail, and the
shaking of his terriblo neck, sickened his
heart and ha turned to llco. As tho bull
turned to give obaso, tho perilous situation
cf the fugitivo produced a feeling of in
tense anxiety aud cncitctncnt on tho part
of spectatora at a safe distance The wild
beast was upon him in r second, and the
manner in which ho was lifted from his
hctls and hurled aloft soma ten feet into
tho' air, presented itacll'as a ludicrous and
amusiug spectaolu to tho crowd, thouijh
tho unfortunate victim , no doubt, had his
eyes cloaotl, and was uttering a prayer for
hia own salvation while undergoing the
lofty tumbling. Taking tho seat of the
man's nantaloona touarely brtwecn his
horns, tho mad animal tossed him helpless
ly high over head, to the distance, a sta
ted by some, of throe or lour times tho
man's perpendicular Light, Alighting in
about the 3arao posture in which ho went
up, ho Bat for a while a picture ofut'.or
:may. lie foou rccovorcd his wits , how-
cvor, and, strnngoly enough, was found to
bo only slightly bruised.
Tho bull rushed madly on, and present
ly encountered another man, whoso name,
we aro informed, is J. E. Miller, who re
ceived serioua injuries. Instead of run
ning, he tried to tako the bull by the horns
and give battle. One of tho horns of the
infuriated beast was thrust directly into his
eye, tearing it from its socket. Tha ani
mal finally reached the levee, and instead
of being shot waa drivon out Elm street,
and thenco out Clark avonuo to somo stock
yaid. Miller wa3 picked up in a partially
iDfensibla condition, and waa taken to a
loom on the levco, where ho waa attended
by Dr. Vanzadcr. St. Louis IlepuMkan.
A Goon Irtrsn Anecdote. Some
years niuce, when tho beautiful paintiug
of Adam and Evo waa exhibited in Ireland,
it bocarae tho chief topic cf conversation
Finally a poor, ragged, illiterate peasant
as he entered tho room to seo his first pa
trons, waa struck with so much 'astonish
ment that he remained speechless for iome
moments. IIo stood liko a statue, as
though his feet wore incorporated with
tho oaken floor of tho room. At laet.
with an effort, he turned to on aoquain
tacce and said :
Barney, I'll nivcr say another word
agi.i Adam in all my lifo, for if I had
been in iho garden, I would havo ate ova
ry apple in it for tho sake of such a lovo
ly creatures Eve.'
It is needless to add that this waa re
ceived with roara of lauhtcr.
An Outcast Keoeivcd Tho End
of a Guilty Love.
Somo months nijo a train on tho Michi
gan Central brought to this city from Do-
troit, among its swarm of passengers, a
very beautiful .girl of soma sovontocn sum
mers and an invalid ex-officcr of high rouk
who, after dining at ono of our hotels,
sought a quiet rcsidenco, and found it be
fore night, in a retired litelo coltago iu Iho
southern part of this city. Thoy lived to
gether as man and wifo for forcn weeks,
io perfect harmony and quiet, but about
tho first of November tho gentleman left
for the East and died thcro, tho lady re
maining at her former boatding-place.
Thio cs-oflicer waa a married man high
ly connected in an Eastern city, not vory
far from Now York, and tho lady waa tho
daughter of a wcaltbly merchant in tho
"City of Brotherly Iiovo." Tho cx-mili-tnry
gentleman had been separated from
his wifo these five years. Ho had been
very wcaltbly ,and it U said that tho lady's
extravagance, ns well as a largo loan to a
prominent banking houso in New York,
whose frauds recently startled the business
community when tho foots in their failure
came to light, had also cripplod him.
Both were pooplu of force of character,
and together they fled hero as abovo rela
ted. BtiD0a required the ex-major's
presenco cast for a few djiys, and a fort
night nftor ho left died nt his own resi
dence. Left alone, without means, and igno
rant of her lover's death until tho begin
ning of this month, lbs forlorn girl sought
work. 'She could not write to hor father,
who engrossed in husihcss,had yet alwsya
had a kind word for her. Sho could not
gttiding3 of one who, though weak, had
neve: been mean enough to doceivo her as
to hi3 bcin already bound.
Tho uews of his death came-atlast. l!cr
money was gono. Tho world was a blank.
Sbo could never love aain. December
seemed November, and raiuy day or sun
shiuo waa as ouo to her. Sho waa duunod
for board monoy, Sho waa boautiful,
proud, passionate nnd heart-broken, and
entered one of thoso gilded den of splendid
ain that open thoir yawing doora to girls
liko her.
Meanwnilo hor hoart-broken father only
learned the truth from a letter written to
him by tho Major tho day before ho died.
Tho merchant shut his ledger, and hurried
to this city, hut so select waa tho aristo
cratic abode of glittering shame into which
the fallen ouo's beauty and misfortune led
her, that it was nearly a week before the
wretched parent met hia child.
The intcrviow took plseo on Monday
evening last,and it must have been a scene
to uiako tho angels weep. For tho honor
of the merchant and tho bo it said,
ho had no rcproachoa ; he took her homo
with him under the kindly cover of the
night, and before these printed linca will
metjbo eyes tho girl is safe from harm, in
a secluded village. lie will o with her
abroad. She is restlcsa and feverish, and
her heart longs for rest.
Chicago roil,
Fact and Philanthropy.
Fact Tho freodinen wont work oven to
oupply tho most pressing necessity.
Philonthorpy Thon give oaoh of thom
a forty-acre farm.
Fact Thoy baog about tho towns la
beg and steal.
Phil. Thon amend tho Jaws so ng j
allow them to sit on juries and toslify io
tho courts.
Fact They aro naked and homclest
and unlets relieved will Btarvo to death.
Phil Then establish schools for their
education and churches for their conver
sion. Fact Thoy Lava neither foresight nor
economy and aro at onco bolpless and
PhiliThen odliterafo in your society
all distiudtions on account of oolor.
Fact They destroy their children and
aro themsohos infected with loathsotno
Phil. No higher proof could bo given
of tho unity of tho human raco or of tho
higher moral cndowment;r-of tho African.
Givo them an abundaneo of biblos, tract
snd testaments.
Fact Tho women prostitute thomsolvc
and the men aid them in tho traffic and
divico with them the proceeds,
Phil. This proves their eminent fitnew
for the holy ctato of matrimony, which
with tho aid of divine Proviccnco wo havo
introduced among them.
Fact Thoy arc universally unfaithful
in tho marriage relation.
Phil. 3'hia only shows Low lik thr
aro to ourselves.
A Woiitern correspondent says : In
a district in the far West wo had a gen-
tl em a n teacher who thought it advisable
to givo some lessons in politeness. Among
other things ho told tho hoys in address
ing a gentleman they should alwayj say
"Sir." and gave them czaraples, and
made quite a lesson of it. One boy was
particularly delighted, and took ocoasion
speak to his teacher oftou, to show ho
profited by hia teachings. Whon ho went
home to dioo, his father said j "Tom,
havo somo meal ?" "Yes, sir, I thank
you." Tho noxt thing tho child knew,
his father's hand oamo whaok on his car
and his father' voico thundered forth :
'I'll toaoh you lo sass your dad I'' Tom
gave up being polite.
A Faiihek returning honio in hia wag
on, after doltvering u load of corn, is a
moro cortain sign of national prosperity,
than a nobleman riding in his obariot to
,bo opera,
ESy Not long sinoa a lady entered a
telegr iph offico and said sho had a moi
sage to send to Wheeling In a few :nin
utes tho noto was depoaited in a dumb
waiter, and ascended in a mysterious man
ner through the ceiling .
'Dooa that go to Wheeling V csltod the
old I adj.
'Yes, ma'am,' answorcd tho clerk.
'I nevor was there,' continued sb,
'hut it hardly seoma possible that tho
town li;s in th?.t direction. When shall I
gat an answer I'
'lean hardly tell ma'am; it may be
two hours.'
The old lady went away, and returnsd
in exactly two hours. Just as sho entered
tho office tha dam-waiter camo down
through tho ceiling.
'Thero ia tho answer, ma'tn,' said tho
The old lady took tho yellotv envelops
in her hands with a emile of gratification
and astonishment.
'Now, that beats all '. exclaimed she
'BIcjs my heart I all tho way from Wheel
injj, and the wofor fiill wot. That's an
awful looking box, but it can travel like
i i m cs- . . i
That's a Good 'U;. Somo ono waa
telliuc Sam about tho lunpjovity of tho mud
tin lie. 'Yes,' said Sam, 'I know all
about that, for once I found a venerable
old fellow in a meadow, who was so old
that ho could scarcely wigglo hia tail, and
on his back was carvod (tolerablo plain
cotisidoriuc all thincs) tbeso words : 'Par
adise, yoar 1, Adam.'
"BiLii Anv'' (a reb. on Union princi
ples) writes from his homo in Georgia to
the Metropolitan Record;
''For tworcomentua and iuspirin weeks
tho Lcgislaturo have been in solemn ecc
sion, ono of whom I am proud to bo
which. For several days wo wore engag
ed na skouta makin a sorter rckonysano
to see whether Gcorgy wero n Stato or 5
Injun terrytory w hcthtr vro wero in tho
old Un-ion or out of it whethe'r mo and
my folks and yon and your folks wero
somebody or nobody, and lastly but by no
means leastly, whether our poor innocent
children horn durin tho war wcro all ille
gal and had to bo born over again or not,
Thia last pint aro muoh unsettled, but our
women aro advised to be kalm ood sc
reen. "My frionda oar aim has honestly been
to git you all back into the folda of tho
gloryous old Un-ion. Like tho prodygal
son wo had nuthin to livo on and feelin
lonesome and hungry havo been bowin
and scrapin and makin apologya for fivo
or uz months. Wo havo boon neon
standin clur off for weeks and workr-, tut
dura tho oaf do they kill fur ua. They
know wo'vo cot nothin for thoy eat up
our substance, nud aa for puttin riDgj on
ourfiogera wo cotildcnt ezpekt it until
thoy bring me back tho jewelry thoy car
ried away. I canuot say in the laiigwidgo
of the poet that our labor has been a labor
of love for we've had monstrous poor en-
couragmcnt to bo there ; but wo had all
set our heads toward tho stars aud si tines
and wc jintly determined that, come wool
como wo, bink or swim survivo or perish
thunder or litenin ; we'd slip back or snosk
back or git buck somehow or tomchow
else, or we'd stay out forever and ever
amen aud bo hanged to em, to called, I
CST A Governess advertising for a sit
uation, says sho "ii porfeck mistress of
bar own tongue
i-y Though the provorb saya you can
not maku an auger hola with a gimlet, ;ct
a small man may mako a great Lore.
65" A valuable but aged dog, in Sac-
franciscc, hns been provided with a costly
set of false- teeth by hia doling owners
firo company.
KS- A Boston young gentloinan adver
tises for tho acquaintance of a Protestant
young lady who is willing to learn music,
with a view to matrimony.
lS-$ A hccr-eeUor wroto over the door,
'Bear sold hero.' Tom Hood, who saw
it said it was spelt right, becauio tho fluid
iu sold waa hia owu 'bruin.
gy- Fortuno knocks once ct leait, it
. i n i - .i
every man a itoor. it mo over ;
at ours, it waa when wo wero out.
CS?- An old batotielor saya that tlie.
proper nauio for martiagobla young ladies
is 'waiting maids.'
CSJ In the siuner's lifo tho rotes per
ish, and tho thorns aro left , in tho good
man's tho thorns dio and rosea livo,
Tho Montana Ptwsays tht Blackfoot
Indians broke their treaty two days aftsr
it was mndo, oud began to plunder tod
kill tho vrhito rettbir''
Hnouiiburii.i" olfateJfor t0"
vv i..,ta -.lrl'0
I HIR . '