Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 20, 1866, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Jan. 20, 'CG.
Mif Representative JAconv, Ins our
thanks for tbo Daily Lei-islatlvo Record
. -vvuiuuiiw,
SJ" Senator Mo.TOOMici.Y,of tbla Dis
trict, has our thanks for tho lteport of the
Auditor General of Pennsylvania.
HOT Wo should uot forgctto"call alien
lion, again tbii week, to our largo list of
important New Advertisements.
m- Fishy! Tho loloollon "of Simon
Cameron to prrsido over tbo lata FUby
Convention ! rxccllcni. Nothinr- eoul.l
bavo bren moro apprortrie'le,
BST Rev. J. W. ISteinmmz, by Di
vine Permission, will preach on to-mor
row (Sunday) evening in tho Rlootnsburg
German Reformed Church EdiGoo
COT Mr. ithoads has just had ltij eco.
ond trial at Suohury for tho murder of
Mrs. Chamberlain. At tho first trial he
was convicted, At this trial bo was cleared
ond discharged,
, Wo had a fine snow on last Tues
day morning avcriog about fix inches in
depth, and is bcinc well imnroved hi.
thoso who havo the con venienco for Slfin I. . '
ini'0 th tuD ' th e'De'8 of tl10 m"ry
, i
frsD" Mr. Jos. I'. Uonncr's house in Cen
tro towmhip, this county, was entered on
Saturday last, by two theives, in tho ab
tonco of Mr. fe Mrs. 0 , and clothing and
other property were taken away.
Car Tho iutfcstowii Dfait, jy fECK
HEHT &, Nemiitt, ha hcen much enlarg
ed and greatly improvud. It is a bqauti
ful democratic newspaper. Wo wish it
1 r
Removal -fJa'.i. 0. II Hubc iavAY, has
removed his Law Orlictioto Mr, PiirMuTri
building, on Main Street, firtt door bulow
the Court Home. It is :i very eligible lo.
cation and easy of across for his numerous
clients. Seo his Card in another column.
tittiECTOlis -Tho Dinvillii National
Uauk on Tin usday last, elected tho fol
lowing Hoard ofDiroolors :
Edward II. Baldy, Geo. A. Frick, Peter
Daldy Wm.II. Magill, G.M.Sboup. J. C.
llhodes,John Sharpie's
Dmr.cTons, Tho Firtt National B nk
of Danville, on Tuesday la. t. elco'iod tho
tollowiog Hoard of Directors :
I'hos. Heaver, Chas. Fonsttmaker, Oco
i- Ucisinger, Win. Hancock Win. T
Ramsey, A.
G. VtK .Samiu! York
Merc New t. noils. U.iti. I'kteu Est
& b'o.N9, of Liglu Stiettj lia-.o ju.'t r(-
ceived another su ply of Wiri'cr Gno ls. '
i Ins is the fifth of that Hou-eilii-scason,
and the) aro gnini,' tiTlikocke
nnd Huttcr. These gctttli-nio.'i know the
secret ofselling Goods they Auvr.ivriSB
An ImpoK'tiU Jnsl'ttutio'i. Mussr.
Thos, J. Harton and -Solomon Smith ,hivo
erected a spacious building and opened a
new Smith Shop, in Willow Grove, and
arc doing a fino bu-ino"'. They arc botii
good workinrn and industrials young me
thaDica. May they succeed.
MirrnoR oe FasJmo'.v. Mrs. Demor
fcst's (New Votk) Mirror of Fashion, is
dno of the most bcautifi.l and artistic pub-1
lications of the day. Ludios who wish to'
keep in sight of tho Styles ol dres", find it
nonnqeLn tr r.m i;,ilf . I. !rr ..... 1. 1 n
..w-j-.j, w vu un .iim iiiuiiiu.v nJitui.i
as it OOIltattlS al! that is nOW atld clccant.1
o f
id tho world of fashion Tho January
number before us is a perfect gr tu. Price
83.00 per anuuril;
PicTUttES. If you want a good pic
ture go to Rosenstock's old Stand, iu the
Exchango Hlock, whom you will always
be suited. Our reader's atteution is invi
ted to Iho fino-toncd aud lifo-likc pictures
taken by Mr. Rrandau, who is decidedly
the best artist in this vicinity, nis facili
ties arc such zi giro complete satisfaction
to all his patrons. C.dl and neo the speo
iinonsl Good likenesses guaranteed in all
kinds of weather. Prices moderate. Sro
o,trd in this issue.
Sale of Valuable Propotij. Maj Vt.
B. Koo.ns, Itai eold tho Rloomsburg Ex
dllatlrfo Hotb! end Furniture, for about
$15, 000, to JOd.vF. CASLOW, Esq,, of!
' ' ' ' '
Wilton, junj, lvoons lias oecn a most po-
lito and geotlomanly Landlord made a j
modcrato fortune out of fho Exchango
property and his retirement will bo re
grotted by his numerous friends and tho :
jiublio generally. Mr. Callow, takes pos
session next April, and wo hopo will Cud
Ibis investment a source of profit, and met
with rqual success as a Hotel Keeper.
Chance op Puopkrty. Our towns
man, M,E. Jaok3on, Efq., purchased a
few dajB since of Messrs. Bowman and
Owen, tho comer property occupied by
them as a etoro room nnd dwolling includ
ing tbo row of small ofiioes on Front St.,
for tbo sum of S10.000. Ho dosignes mov
ing tho row of offices eo as to front on
Market Stroot, and erect in their stead an
immenBo brick building for public and pri
vate purposes, Ho also ooutcmplatcs coo
verting tbo uppor room into a suitablo
Town nail. Wo wish tho enter ptiso euo
n, Btneick Gajtttr,
Hveiy young lady ami gentleman In tin United
Stales can hear soniclhhii? very much' imh.i. a
IT ,1 . '! .Tl," ''""V"8 fca" nf ben'! umtxtsn
,,,,, i.easo unurcn tuclr abixllnnl
'() rvnnt i
631 Hrnndwa'y, New Ynik.
Jan, 0. lffiO -ly B.M r.
THE Mason fcllarnlltl Cabinet Oman.. r,i T7.
' fcrcnt styles, adapted to aicrcd and aocnlnr music for
cucn. i itTV-o.Ni: riOLI) or.HILVEIt
MUDAKfl, or otlmr first p'rcmlimts, awarded theni.'
II uitratcil Catalogue free, Addre s, MASON U
HAMLIN, llosiox, or MASON IISOTIICIta. Nstv
Jan.O, ie6fl.-Bep, 0, "05. Iy.-8.M,P.
sumption-1 j anxious lomako known to Ills fellow,
suffer? Iha means of euro 1
To all who desire It, huwlll send a copy of the pro- 1
crl.l!Oivisci!.rr(M, b Cliame. wllli tho dlrecllons lor
ttritinrtnt r.n.1 .1.. .... 1
""""B mo snuio, wiiicli they mil rtiii! n
sure cure for, Consumption, Akttuuy, IIronchItis,Colds
couj hs. tic. Tim oni object of the advertiser in
sending the rresc.lptlon Is tnbonefltlhaallllcted. and'
.pre,,! nrorniatlonwhlchhoconrelve.loDolnvaluablq
and ha hones cvetVsunororw, II 1.1 .: . v"1"""",
wlll cost them nothing, mid mny nrovo n biG,,,n
rartlcj wishing tho prescription, will please address
t Mlllanubnrg, Kings County,
Jan.O, 1SCC. ly, s.. p.
To Die in a Bad Cause
as those who fall In thn rebel ranks undoubtedly do
IsfoolUU. Ilmon Iho oihrr hand '.
I lining - f i 1 r,
-.v...,B .u. u ui. waufo
1" l!' Ve wl' aro w1"" ""''-'prudent """s'i to remedy
ui neivcis 01 nature iviini
I f n I .a-.' A linnnu ' . ... ......
. ,..,,.1,1 S3 ,llll IJVIJ,
am 'doing every day, In every City In Ilic Union, is
eminently praiseworthy. Tina peaceful revo lutlun (i
going on throughout the ttlmia land, ami thus beauty
anil harmony supplant hqmclln era anil incongruity
.Manufactured byjj Crist adorn, fin 0 Astor House, New
York, Sold by Druggists, Applied by n, I II ilr Drm-
Jan 0,
nowledct! oltn Saves Lift).
,. living btlng) has In Ins yslem
When the.o arc wlihlu th. ir nsturc'l limits, our
l ialtli , gnu ut when they aro in excoss, palm,
folds, rheumatism, gum .lol.lliiy, co'llveno ss, dinf
rhao, dysentary. ery.ip. lis, tec, tea., ntillct us. tVhat
wo have to do to reenter nur health is to tako out
from tho thu Circulation the excess of iin.
puiltie.. Tills done, II.mIUi f.ill ws of necessity,
IIUA.MIKin'll'H 'II,I.S ,aro tho only mnl'kino llm
cun"dothis wllh entires ifcty to all the organs tftho
Hundreds of Thousand, nre oiv living who have
adopted llroinlrclh' s Pills as their only mined)' for pa-
' " "i ui.riy iu nny yi'ars, ami wlioj e nvcrag,)
i.i'i wns e nvcrag,!
always' cured the .-
,.e tr i i...
Health Is excdlent. They Invi
Kenes, niiiii niK i:y using these Innocent and In
f.illibl,) rills,
i'rinclpnl offl ce, l!rnndrelli nuildlng, ew York.
Deafness, Blindness 5t Catarrh,
Treated Willi the iitmn-t snrre. by )r J. HAATH
Oculifct and Ami. I, (foro,..ry of l,e),lei,,,
.No. 5I!I PlNi: s.r. et. I'hilaililplila. Tetliinonlals from
tbo most reliable Miurees hi tint City ami eouiilry can
ho seen at his nllice. Thu faculty are invited
1, aeemupaiiy Iheir he has no suerct in his
praetice. All Tll'IOIAI, HYfcrt inserted without pain
No .harge made for examination.
July la, iMW.-l-.'in
ffN roils ready to bo nailed down,' adapt-
Bed for houses, Fai lories mid Hull, lings of all kinds
rniiftruitcd or Materials 'hat have stuud the lest of
fiOei'ii yeais. nnd lunniil'iclured .1,1 an entirely ili tr.-r-
i,t and belt! r plan than any oilier composition rnof'
lig in use. Mu-.tre.l by put-nt. Very durable and at
I tw price. Circulars and samples sent free by null,
liij.Miv aoorixn m.
.No. ;:i Jiuidc I ane, New York.
Sept- 30 lfC3-l y
linn, ia op aim DfMni lur -?)X- ttn :-With your
p.-r. 1. 1. .inn. I iti.h to say to the readers of your paper
that 1 will send, ly ri turn mail, to all ttho wish it,
(free) a I'.ecelpt, ttuli full dirictimis for making and
using a simple VetHal.le Ualm, II, at mil iireclually
remove, in t, 11 days, Pimples. I'.lotihes, Tan, Freckles,
nnd all Iiupnritles oftlie il,in, lentil, g tho sauin soft,
ct-iar, smnntli ami beautif jl ,
I will a'so mail free tn th e havlu,' U.ild Ilea ds, or
H.ire I'-icua, diretliins and iiifnriiution
,ll , n ilile them to st irl a full growth of l,tiiri.,ii.
Hair, Whiskers, or a M,,,i,t.i.:he, i.i llian thirty
days. .
All sppliratl.ins answer,' I by rttiirn mail without
eJiargi. Uespeclfully yours,
THUS 1'. CI1AP.M.W, Chemist.
I'M Kroadnay, Nctt-York.
Oct. II. Iffti.-nmos
for 1!,,.' I.i-l ho ji',-118 I have t,-e I 1,1 my lam ly
Dr. T.d'ia's celebrated Veuill.i.i lliuiinent, and in
every instance lut e found it fully onunl to hi, r,:coi.
mendalion.i. I bate f uud it In give nlmnst in. tan
taiirnus icliefia rase s of ,.,.ih irhe. crouo. b.limi.
tone, sore inioal, ,a,u 1,1 lhe ih.,t and hacK. uud
,l"""1',,is"1' "''d ' iheerfully recommend lis to
etery one allliitul with
... ...ill, ;,, , ,,r .1.. ..
.iu uunte namcj .11.
IliRTtoan. Cosv. Oct. Kill Ir'Cl.
Price III ft 8)1 cents, Mold by a'l
ilrufcisli. r-l ..New V"ik-
.'').' v. nr.' I'nif; !
A gentleman who sun", red for years from Nrrvniis
Del.illly.Preinaturv Decay.and all the e fl-tts nfyouth
ful Indiscretion, ttill, for tho sake of sutPring hu
manity, send free, to all tt ho need it, tho recipe and
dircrtions for making the simple remedy hy which la
wns cured, riull'jrers wl shlng to profll by tho adver
tiser's experience, can d" so by addrasiin;
No in.t'llambcrs t, New York,
Jan.C, 1FG0. ly.-ri..M I'.
still retains ils prerodonco and great popularity,
and itfler iindergnlug gradual iuiprnvemenls for a pe
riod pf thirty years, is iintv prnno iu .c,l hy the musiral
world lo he unsurpassed an 1 even unequalled in rich
ness, volume and purity of tone, durability nud cheap
ness. Our scale, trench action, harp pedal, iron
frame, over strung bass, seven oc tnvn rosewood pi.
.incisive arc selling thenper l.y from 311U) 10 8.'U0
'"'"" -ame .le and llnl.h are sold by any oihe,
first-class makers in the country. Dialers and all in
want or good pianos are invited to send for our De
scriptive Catalogue, tthiih ti, mains photographs of
our dill'ercni styles, together Vih prices No one
should pup base u , 1,11,11 wilhout seeing Ibis Cata
logue. Medisl alu'ori without number, bavu been
awardod tu the (irot'esteen Piano, and tho Celebrated
World's rair, though put in rompttition Willi others
from 11II parts o f'Kuru pe and the U S. it took the
highest aw. ud.
U.labiished 1M3 Grovcstecn Co,
July 23, lOCJ-y. II, II, a . k Co.
-v T n ' n I m, : I. :., i n n.n, 1
ij j 1 la iiuivu ivwu tv I'li'-wm
J.t inlcrcsted, llial 1110
'ariiicrshln hereloforc ex
isllug, under llm llrm or liunyau It Unite,
vtisia, was this day ditsoltvd by inulual cmisent
Catawlss.i, Jan, t liCfl,-3w, l 00,"
Skylight Picture Gallery
in Tin: nxciiANon iiuock,
September 5, lP05-y,
CSHVcrsced Wauled.
Tho undersigned, will pay tho highest
market prices for CLOVKItSnnD, delivered ot Ilupei'
Rupert. Hr 5J, l?M.-S,
In the Common Pkas of Columbia County.
Sarah II. Uamsay, And now, lo win
by her next friend, ( Dec. .1th, 1 805 .an
John bharplcsj ai subpujua in
VI. Dienm I, n I
lOeorffn W; Ramsay. J been returned mid
... rjMM.Mcm ot nnvina i crn loumi it, n.n i
' UlHin limtlm, r,f II. .!... M 1 ...,. ... '". '.'"'V.
, v; ' -''-'--.i ....m, umrnry lor I. lhe I-
'rn 1. "m"1 " "PnM lt'M"n,.,.,t In ,,
' hi , , ,,,h? ? ".I11"".9 A u'tvtn M"mo!.ii shonl'l t
, be ileucod In tliu abnviMlalpd cimu rHiiruable tuiht'
uh!kTim.'mmn Vk"' "" ym K''"'"
SAMUni. SNYDIll!. eh,..r
tllnonuliurtf, Ore,
!U. Iflild. tc,
rV? iindcrsiRnnd, oiler to sell at ml
rlv?l',X?U,Me I'OUSG, LOT AVI lilio.
r.1'V,Y.'il'1,N,,i ",,UJ'e " t i C'rner t,f Aluln inn
Market 6treet..,l r,,y,k.,nwn , il.a'vi'llild ,0 e y ;
ltl. a (taiid for Canal lMi.lno.-h..,n liiiff
gm.,1 Hieds, mid also a 5id Coal nhiirf.
a,& Un,a,,.iiTs,a0',nL''U' A'",y 10 iba .""""lr
3S2. 0 w MnVBMNO.
Jan 0, IS00-
NOTIfMI tv nirnnnp
, , 1 ' JJ IN DI T 01lCI '
ln "iC Common Picas oj Columbia County.
Susan Sailor, 1 And DOW. to wit
by her tllitt friend Deo 4tll 180,". n
-., . 1 ",uu ! wl 100.1, an
utiaries lfiisinr. 1 s hi si,!,...,,, i. h.
. j f - ' ' ' J wuuVJUI.ik I II 1 1
I vorco, havuiir ticcn
fcdward bailor. J returned dtitl respond.
ent not having been found In tbo County! upon mo
Honor IVtcr 8, lllshel, Attorney for l.ib.ilan.. t'.'url
erniit n Ituln upon Kcspnnilciii to show causa nliy a
I iv.irce a vivcutoMAiniMOMt ,hrail, ,,nt I,.. .lurree'I In
tho above sliited case, returnable to the said Court of
'"'""""i I'leas, on Mmiilnv. r.'liru.iry uih, A. I). lSGU
nio.unsburg. Jan. 0. '''' SNVlJ1:"' sllc"tr-
AllMIVIO'l'li xw, '.'K
"""""" o n j num.
EitileoJ John Cosner, ii&:'l,
Jntiro is licreliy given, tliat Letters of
Adm I n I . trail, n n. . i, ..inm ..r iVu ,:' ! ,.
ot I ino tomislup,'nibla euimiy dee'd, luve bin
granlBfl by t , lt.-g,lor or c.m,, ,ty t ,heu,. .
.i-rlgno.l iall person, having claim. ,,11,
Mali, t the estate nf Hi,. ,ni, ,ieCe t it ;i, ' r" Vi le c.l
in present Ihoiu , . tl,,, Adu.lnlsiralor , ils ,11 ce I
f"ss:;"M:.,;tS:Mj nl",er
January C.-Ow S3, t.
Administrator'a Notice.
Estate of Vincent Ricnut, deed.
ETI'EtS oftnlhiitiistration on tho ps. !
ttltc of VI. .rent i. lit, ii.'. IJ. hi . ,
l,, u ?m'.,;k ,.w,, t-"lul"1'"' eo , dec'u.hav.. ueeu ,
granted l.y lliu ; Krister of Columbia rounty, ... in,, I
un.ler.lgne.l'nllpor'.i.ns hating claims against tin. I
eUte of ilia .l.ce. el't jira ri'.iifsled to pr.s ut them '
,o llio u,lerli!l,e,l, reaidlugin i, township, will,. '
nut delay, and all p.rsons indebted to make payment
ji. noivi:u
Jnn. C IFfJO, Cv. S3 on.
Ke'ft-isiter's Notice
Tn ernn- ,
j 0 'CL. IS hereby gtven lo all legnf
-i-" creditors dnd other p-rfnm interested loth
late of the respective decedents itild j. ih.,1 thJ
loiiowing uiMiuistralion and tin ir, Ian accounts e
been Hied In (hu aK oftho H,.gtur uf Coluil.,i c.l..
and wlllbf '.presenicl for cuiUlrulatlun ami i,t lowitiiuo
iu the Ori'h m's Coiiit, In be held In i;li'niii-biira uA.
couiilyalorcsaid, on Wednesday, III.. TIM of I'eb If.ij
at a u'clotH. in lhe aftoriiouu o! said day.
1 Fir6t anil nartinl iiccount nf ("Jonr
1, . . ,1 f j n j. u. .
,n,r.,;ni3,iiiii;,,aiaiui .iiiiniu township
-J account; ot luomns Uden, Cuaidi.
an of lasac Oliver minor child ofjintllarl Oliver late of
Oreenwnoil twp. dee'd,
:. Account of John Mastoller, Giinnli-
nn of Peter Mett..f. minor clllld of .lJcfincl Heller. ,n0
of.Mill'iu twp, dec .1,
4 Account of Henry Holling-head. ad-
inluislrnlor or Hr fieo II llayhufst laio ofCntatt issa
lit . dee d,
5 Account of John snd A 8 AU.-'i It--
mluislralors of James Allen late of .M.idisuu tntrn.liin
dee'd, '
(1 Account of Ilarrirt Gillaov. Dilmi.i.
istratrix of William
....... r.r H',,1 . L. . ..
i.iiiiispy, into 01 iielilloi k tttp,
7 Account of Willinn K LongfiihiTtr'T,
adm'r nf l'rauklln Lougcnberg.-r, lato of llcav r ttt 11.
dee'd, 1
8 Aoi'ogot.iif William H Wollivpr ad-
nnui.irainr 01 Abrnhani Wclliver. late of ,M idion
0 A.'coant of flenrv C Hess, adm'r f
llenjamin I'etermdn.
sale of Ite.lllv,
1... .J.. ..i.. 7. . . . . ' ' .
late pf tfuailoar Hip, dec'.l.ou
10 Final aeeount of I'cler lint,
of Alem .Mnrr, late of cii'it twp, det'it.
11 i'tltli ai'couiit. of Peter hut one cf
the Cxe.iitiirs Kf .Matthew AlcDo-Xell u.'
ttvp, dec d,
l'J Firt and final aconuiit of, Heitlien
I'uhnngtr, adm'r of Ptter .M, .user late of i.ociisl Itvo
ilcc'.l, '
Ut Fin-t account of Thotnas Crovolinir,
adm'r of Ucterca Cn-t oliiu lam of Scull lit p . dee'd
JOHN ij RliEZE, Register,
Rlomniburg, Jan, C, IrkJi',
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Abraham 7 roxct, deceased.
etlert of admini-tratinn de bonis nhn,
l tttiliihe will annexed, on lhe eainie of Ahr.-,ii.i.
Trnxel, lata ..n.mist tttp, dee'd, liavo Jieeli gruui-d
by the lleglut r of Columbia cn in the underslsned ;
all perso, is having claims a'.-aiii. ttho cslato of the do
cedent are requested lo present then, to th.; utnlersliiii.
ed. wilhout delay, and all persons Indebted to n,,iku
payment furthit ,11,.
..,. . JACOI1 YUACCIt, .,
Dec. 2:1, lSM.-liw, S3
Estate of Wdlard C. Gre-ne, dee'd.
ITIin uni,er''igneil. Auditor annointeil hv llm Or.
j JL phau's Couil of Columbia couniy, to ilitril,,te the
fund in the bands of Lewis C. Creenu, adiniaistralnr
I 01 n iiiaru 1. i.iecue, iiec'd, to and among llin credi
Oiricc I 'of f lb" said dei eased, nccordiu 11 to the rates and
' , proportions allotted by law, win attend nt his otii'o i
I llloouisbllru' . oil Monday, lhe '.'id duyof January ncu,
I hi in o'clock A M , or soi, I day fur Ilia pu roose of mak
ing distributions All persons hatnlg c'rllms of do
mauds against the c stato of lhe decedent, aro notified
11, pieseni lueui in 1110, Auditor on that day, or to
debarred from coming in for a si, dm ofltio Itli'U.
, Audi' or,
nionnisbdrg, Di'c. 53 105 Iw$! JO.
Notice of Confirmation.
rjniIE liillowlnjr appr.iisbinnnts of real
1 and peisoml property set apart to Widows of
Decsdeois have been filed iu the Office of thu Rcgisier
01 1 i, luifia ti'uiuy. iiiiikt 1,10 ,111 es 01 l ourt.aud
' will b" presented, ('it nbsnlina cniillrmallou to thu Or
phans' Court to Lo held in lllooiosburg. 111 an.l for said
louniy. on WIInNI'.SD Y, TIICTih DAY 111' PCII
Kl.'AltY, A D Idiili, at 'J o'clock in tho nrtcruoou of said
dav; uules exiepilnus In racli couflimatious aro pre
viously filed, of which all persons Interested in Said
j estates ttill take I'olico.
I 1 Willow of Jacob Hoats, lateofHea-
1 ver township dee'd
j 2 Widow of Dp. James A Wilson, fate
I of Herttick Uorough. dee'd
I li Widow of Michael Fry, lato of Miff
lin ttt p. dee'd
4 Widow of William M Itobertsjlaio ol
I Jackson township ilcc',1
I 5 Widow ol Gordon It Goff, late of
' lllnnni lownthi dee'd
' 0 Willow ot William Gilliijipy, latu of
Hemlock town, hip dee'd.
I 7 Widow ol Viilentin Wlntuuigbti late
' of llomlock twil.dcfd.
j 8 Willow ol Elias Dictterich, late of
' Molitottr township, d.'censed,
, . jOiin a i'nnnzu, licgutcr.
r.eglsier's unino
Mnomtbtirc, Jan li, nil.
A jaSJiVjTBij I Agents wuutcl
for sfi entirely ncv iHliln, lutt fit. Ad-
dressO.T UAIIHY.City Uulldliig, lledtotd. .Maine,
j Dec. 23, leM.-ly
For Sale.
ARovolvcr, Colt's Patent, in excellent
order, for salo at thl Oca.
A cood RIFLE, for salo cheap at this
good line' piece, and will be sold cheap,
UCC. 10, 1900.
Of svtry description, for sale at Mi is ofh'co
Instate of Cam nit Fcttstcrmnclicr, tlccl.
'I Miniinrlefslitniid Auditor appointed by tho Orphans'
i T. 'Infinity. In ninkn ditlrlbiillnna
or tne i mini in ti,e ini.d. ..r u. r rr.or. n!i i.V,V .
Velter. I.tetiilnrj it I otifn.l tVtiHrrmarliiT, dft'd,
aiiioni llm sLVoial P..r. oflha , .,ei , u,,' r,cr' hy law, will ntle,i, nt I.I . oinoe In lllmnn.
burs, on 'riinra, nr. t in M.I, . r i...... ... ...... ' .
! Ill ii'eliwk, A, M.of r-alilday. for llm n,im.i of ,n't
.pn,n. p., tu snii unv. rnr hn m
ill lh I l.f rlhnlln.. It) ........ ' I. ' '"
--;"'..-".. itimim, uavms claims or ,10,
"'n'',!l'n,n't ' '' r'M' ilen-lfnl. are nntlHe.
" l:"T;"1 '""'" Aii.llt..r on thai Hay, or be da.
from cimitna It n sliarn nniio futi.l.
I ,, lK,,,N Mi 1-'KK!5H, dudilor.
Illoonisburg, Doe. t:t, isdj-l'wsi 30.
Isaiah John,
) VdII It loniErpinat,
Kb. 0, Dec T, J80C.
hntpuci Ji JJirmer. ) Tin monoy raised nn
the nbnyn wilt having been ruled Into Coat I, , on inn.
tlon of Jidin (l,rri',r.n, th i;,t oppnlnt M. (j. Jark.
son, Atnlitor to .llstrlbitn llm lund tiiand amonj. tho
lien creditors entitled therein arrnr.llni In laiv . Tim
will attend nt thn nfllco of llnlicrl I'. Chirk, i In Ilium. Mhurg, in. tqmiii ic.'ii ..
.u ,,, , iiirrnnon oi sain ntiy, tor the purpnsn
of peifiirnilnil llin duties nf his nnpolntinri.t i all
i.ui...ii iia.iuij minis upnii sniii mini, are her l.y no.
J n"'1 ",,l"lred t make their claims bi'for.i sal.i
.,, .,,, . uu lorcver oenarreii irom coming In on
suld fund,
M. H JACKSON, Auditor,
nioomrliurg Dec. lCJ. iVjj 5o,
Auditor'o Notice.
Estate of Russtl White, deceased,
THE undersigned, Auditor appointed
by tin Orphans' Court of Cnlun.liln cmmly, tn i.flho land In (lia haiiils of Hamuel
Neyhard administrator of ll.ifsel Wliltn, deceased. to
and among tl.u cr.' nf I lie said ilec. nseil, iircor.l
Ing tntho rat and prnpnrilniis al.owc.l l.y law, will
attend at his .nil.,, in i.loom.burir, .in M.lur.hiy thu
'.'Jill .hy nf .lauunry noxt, m la o'clock A. M.of said
day, for tho purpose o making thn ill.tril.ulloi.. All
p.'ru.ns, haviiiK claims or .h.ii.atnls nsnlust llm .'statu
of the deci'ilriit me unt.ll.'il to preunt Mi. 'in to lliu
Auditor, on Unit il.iv, or In bo debarred fiom coming
In rid il shatc or the run I.
C. (J. BARKf.EV,
r.loomsburg, nec.S.l, iS'j3, iwl
Estate of John lie'iler, dccemc'.
rp!fl undersigned. Auditor appointed by the Orphan.
I I'ourt of Columbia rn.intv. to ... ,ke .ll,iril,,,i,,, ne
the fii'i.l lii.tha hands of Itoliert I-
' lark, l x.'eut.',r of
jonn nean r, dee d
heirs i nt . I led In !,
lo an d among tho realtors am!
IH SIIII,.-. 1.1 llinnr.lnr nbll.hl ...n.l I.t.
i."i ', aiieuu at ins oiil, e, in iiiooinsburg, on
Wednesday, tin Sliii ,ny of January next, at In
U'clor-k A. ,11. of sal, I day, for llm purpose nf making
the distribution. Ail persons having claims or de
mands agiliutt the estate or the decedent, nre nol, lied
to present them lo thn Auditor on that dav, or be de
barred from coming in for a share- of tho fund.
W. WIRT, Awtvor.
Blonnnbnrg Dec 2.1, IttoJ. -Iiisj 3d.
A!iEiia!iti:itoi-'w Notice.
Estate of llobeit. J. Lyons, deCd,
j T ottors of Administration on Iho estate
i nf Ilobett J. Lyons late of Pine town-hip,
i Clumhiii county, dne.ised, have heeu granted by
thu Itxgister if Collin. Ida tn. Ill lhe uilderslriled - all
persons Hating ilaini agniust tlln i-tillc of iiin dele,
.lent an re,csled In present illoill l..r settle oieot ttU-l
tim e In, 1,1, 1, 'il id III' ,'li,- mil mail,, mai.i,li,itc
payment t II1,: ailiuiuli-lralor
JOHN r rO'lLEK, Arfm'r.
Ucc. 2J. IcM-Hiv 9:1.
Auditor's Notjce.
Ei'aie uf Jaroh Mid deccabit,
plIK liodorsipipil Auditor, appointed
. i'.v .1." "r,.'i,tii . -ii r- 01 1. It, il'II '1, 1 coixxy 10
Ititke .ll.tritiution orihebalan...- 111 ,he hands of John
rfi.iilh. mi.' flhe I' of Jacob .Mills, late id
Madison tnwoship C luinbin neintv, deceased, anion
the legntio of te tutor, will nil, 11, 1 at hl oillre lit
lllonintbiirg In said rounty, mi tfATUIliiA V, the Sltfi
I).V, UI-' JAN'UAUY, in o't I... 1, 1.1 said day,
to mako Iho ilihtribiiliiiu ; h 'n and tvliuio all persons
inleresleil ttill IHteiid if Ihey see prnper, 'r be llell ir
red I', inn coming iu for a share n f the fund.
Dec 2:1, ISiW-lw $.'.. Auditor:
Estate of Christian Alnjl'.ci, dee'd.
ryft Cenrga Jlufley. of Cnluuibla Couniy, Thomas ,
I M'ttiley. of Three llivcrs ; Ka laiiia.'iu County, ;
Ml. hlgnu, ('ha, ten MslIIev. an, I John .Muilley. ofCal.
I101111 t'o.lul y. Mi.liizui 1 Keliicea 1 1 .1 ' 1-11 I.i 1 1 1 . .f
I. in,,-. In. 10 township, al, , 1, lour County, Ponu-t Ivauia.
iiinl Mary rspoiii'iihrai'. ihililre.u no, I It gal rep're.eni.i
litis of l.'hrislian Mutdst, Into, ofi.'eulre lottihlp,
t'ol.i ihbla roomy, I'enn.) Iv aiu.i and Catharine, wn.
ott of 4,1, 1 1 derea-ed ' -
Vnn are herein r.led to lie unit n.innrir l,u,'.n dm
7 "7. -..'i! 1 r. i.V.JT.1:' '.:,. V.Vi' n1;.!'..!1:''!
""''-""" , .,.,
"I'M. in, ,1 a.ii tin re 10 aiiii.t or ri fu e lo take me ,
real e.tale of tli j said 1 hrjsli u .Mulllev. djc ar. il.sit- '
.ii: 111 nn: 9 in. i in iMt.iintia. ill 11..' apir,lleil
valuati),, pel upoilbt- an l,i,e-t ,lu,y nwarde.i by the
said l.'niirt. and lelurhed !:y ilia SherifT, to September '.
Term, A. 1) Itl'S, or l,ut laa-evihy tile same should '
lint l,j .mi I !
Wiiuess, the Hon. William dwell. President of our I
said Courl al lllooul-lurg., December H'e nth, H05.
Vlnlc, 0. .Z.
Ul'ioidfburi, I'eE 2.1 IKia.liv.
Notice in Partition.
Es'ate oj filarial t l Salmon dcc'saH'l,
Ci Pi.ebe W. S.-ltntoo. Jo-nnK
Halmnn. .lo(nti '. Harriet and Cimella. ,
rliildren of John Salmon, deceased, of .Mailui
County, Ohio ; I II ., of Joseph Sal, no, ,, dee'd, 1
of HIioniN ; Abram rialioou. of New Jersey ; James I
rah, ion. White ll iveu l.iuernn County ; Clark .-al-mop,
of itra.lfnrd County. I'eiin'a ; pheb'i r-'aliunn, nf J
l.yenunua rounty, Wneeler Salmon, of .MnMtoiiri'o . 1
CI, za Ann .-hellhaincr, Charlo'iu Scon, of Columbia ,
Couniy. Ullla Ann fouler. Clias Sulmon rliildren and
Crund children ot Isaith Milmou, , I, ceased ; James
Willi in 1. John Sir.ili Ann I'llni on, Phehe Jones, und
.Mtirgaret, iinmi: of husbtiid ,11, known, . hitdreu ofj
Ceorgo Salmon, deceased, liesideucii of all the rhil
ilruu inikiiotvii Heirs uud legal representatives of
.Margaret Salmon, lata ol'd.oti township, Columbia
rou my, il.'ceased, ;
You are hereby cited to he an.l appear bi'Tere lhe '.
Judges, ol our Orphans' I'ourt tote Held al lllo ois
burg, in said County, o'i the flr.t .Monday in I'ebru-1
ary next, then and th-re to accept or retuse'ln tiku I
the real eriate of tho said Margaret Sal, 00,1, dee'd : i
situate iu the sanl county of Ciiluaihla, at the apprais
ed t ahull, ,11 pi, I upon 11 l.y nn Ini'ie-t, duly ,t,ir,leu
hy the -aid Cou rl. and renin, ei. by the HIhthI'i,, Sep. '
lember Term, A. D. Ir'to tr sliutv c.usa tthy ihusaioo .
should Unl be sold, ;
W jtuers, the Hon, William I.' I" ell. President of cur
said Courl -il llloouh'iig, Decendjer lull leilo
JlltfSi:,:. COLU.MAN, Cttr.n.O. C.
I'li'UmsbUrg, 23, lcul.-?w.
; Notice in Partition.
I Estue of John Sanhey, tteteasei.
, 'I'O M.iry A.Sankey. ulJniv ;J.irr,h Sankey.
I .1 H.inkev, J1.H11 S.i, key. C) rus ikey, Jiii
fa "id. I
oies .V . '
r-aukey, AlatV uu i.ilermarned wltll Arou WUlf, ,
Ly.Ha, I Hlerm itr.ed tyilli James u. t rll2 Polly, now
d, cease. I- fo, ni'-rly Int' rti-arried with John tleiard,
leiivins i-,ie r'utaiiuiili and .M.irv Catharine, minors,
i.iij h,iS;ii.g in. guardian. Ilet.ey, iuteruiarrtcil ttlih
Jacob MteeleJ. It, h-LCi, now ileeeased, fonu'etly in-1
teriuarrii'd t. ill. Jamas lll,.,,eue, leavii'g (ssdo 0,1.1
1I11I1I, name and age unkuutt u Heirs and legal repru-.ciiiatitt-s
of the said John Saiikey,decea.eil :
That an In'ie.t tt ill h i held on lhe real estate U' the
said J, ,l,,i r-ankcy. lying In r,i,bu County, In the
township nf Scott and Mount Pleasant 0,1 TUESDAY
January 3d, IfcGfc. al the lw,e,,l James W, Sankov.ln
In ;ht slr'-et, nf nine o'clock, in the forenoinaud tn
euuiiuao until el! the rial estate of lhe deceased is np
I, raise,, , lor lhe purpo.u of making partition ,f tile
real estate of the said deceased It, au-1 among his Hills
and leiral re,(reseululite-. if tho same can be done
ttitlioiil ,riiud,.' 11. or uiuiliug II, e ithids; oiherwlso
to value uud npprn.u thu same according to law ; at
iibith lime aud pluto you ,e re'iuiredti. attend ifynu
think propu'.
SAMUUI. SNYDClt. r-herift"
Sherlir s Odice, lllnnmsburg. I
Dec. S'I lull. 5 i
Eii ii. ij Ti.oi. l' .
NO !
U . , "iv d
iller Tciiiii. t.ta ni, ,,i -1 rl t rt
Tllniuas Ulai'Miouse In I'-1,1' pine ,.wu.ii. Co
Inn, I, U tbuiitv, dec a havo b. ,-u guinind l,y tlln
Kctl.ltr i.t Will' (..'., lu (hi end. I.lgi ed. I10II1 resid
lug HI snld lo ii.lii. all ,elsnu ilalins
ngiiSii.l llloisluterd life deruileiit are re,piest.-.l to
present tlleiu to the Hxeculnr's f'lthniH delay, aud all
persons liidtbted to niuke Iu; I i',,ril,u uu.
Jllll V OOllDNCIt ,
Dec S, lcl',5-ew S3 executor's ,
aIjditr'sotTuI'J ' ;
Maria Fuller, et. al. ") .cvaii Facias No. j
vs. ( ay, Ijco 1 1805.'
Samuel Is. Heltlo and j Tho money raised '
Mary II Hetlle. J on tho above writ, I
having been ruled iutu Pmirt. oil uiofioii of John O,
I'r. i'e, Ih. Court appoint JI. tl. Jacksdn, Auditor, to
di, tub, ue the fund 10 uud among llm lieu creditors en
tilled tin rule utconll ig tu law . Thn Audit,, r will ut
I, nd ut the ollico of lloberl F, Clark, Hn,. ill III, man
burg, 011 I'liday, January v.i,l(i IrWi, ut ten u'cluck in
thu fure 110011 of said day lor Iho purpose of performing
t Uu duties of his ftppnintiutml ; and all ptrsuus having '
any claims iipuu said fund me hereby untitled nnd re
'u red tu mu'u Hi, ir claims beforo said Auditor, or be-
inri't e ui-uaiien i.u.i, oiiiiuoa 10 oil sai iui.ii.
M. E. .lACKSONt.-yiiiifo-
Maenislnir; Ds,' '.1, 1KA -ItiSiJO
'PTIW t4mt?KTT v nt.'nrrnn at
Will Cure your Cough
cb'.vlrouND Bviiup of tvri.iV ciiKitrtr & Nra
i:ka bmakc itocff't
Will Cure the Diseases of tho
xm&qaw Ann tr k a s-5
Such as Cold's, Coughs. Croup, Asthma;
Dronchilfc, Catarrh, Soro Thfoilt,
Htiarsencis, WhoopiDg
Cough, &oi
itstitnclj uso will provont
And even where , Ills' fearful disease Is fully .level.
oped H will allord more idler lli.m
nny oilier inoili.
. cine.
. I. Laurence (lots, cji-Kpen'itcr of tfi'e I'etifsylvnnla
llnuso of Itenresentiilivec. nv .ei'lils I.
! dy is now extensively uscd.niid Is of the highest value I
,, u,,,,,m,;, n.ucivt .piaiiucs Having been
leittd by ,hnuands wltli tho most gratifying results.
11 Is cnreliilly ami skillfully prepared from Wild
Cherry llaik and f encka Snaic Ituo, t;y Di. I.evl Ober
holtier, n phynleinn nf Ihocnliville, Pa,
and Is sold by nearly all druggists dtld cilUr.tty store
keepers." I). P.Crosl.y, cX'Postmastcr und ex-llurgcsS of Potts.
town, ccrtilles as follows s
.... , . PoTTsrowK. IPdu.Jan. 3,
This rertlrtes that I have used the I'hoo.lx Pectoral
In mr family, and I recommend it to lhe nubile n. i,..
very best remedy for Couth ond Colds thai I h.ivo linn nf,,,,, r,,ll,l... ..... ...l.. ,
cold, aicompanled wllh a Croupy bad, Indeed, '
, that It could n it talk and breatha. Having lictfrd so
I niiii li said about the I hnenlx I .,lnn,,...l a
Ibi.llle of it. The first doso relievos tho dlll'cully of
lire.ilhlng, and heforu the child had lakeii onclourth
of the l.ottio it was entirely well. Ee rv rainlly sho'd
have it in their house. 1), P. I'ttUdllY.
I J. Ci Hmitli. druggist, of N'ew Hone, llucks county.
Pa, 111 writing tu Or. Ol.eiholtJer. says: "A few
I iiaya -Inco I luiuuht two deien of your valuable tough
remedy to try, and find It very good, and as it 19 near
ly all gouo I would like you tn send ns a gross of it.
"Vour inedlclnes gives belter sallstHcllon than any
. other I have in the sl ire. I am agent lor some of thu
most popular cough piipatatlons, but yotlrs seems to
be doing lhe most good.
I'JIU following Is nn n timet ft tetter ivn... III.....
llllis, merchnnt, near I'oit-towh, P.t 1 "i have tried
thu I'lncnix I'eduial, and I'm, I II to t'e best cough
meiliiine extnnt, It meets wtlh a ready sale than
any nlhcr that 1 have ever had In my strife."
'lhe proprietor uf this niediciiio has so r'lutli confi
dence 111 it. turalivo potters Irom iho testimony of
thousands ttho have u,'d it, that the money will be,
1'aiu Mack to my purchaser ttho is not satlsliud with
ts .'tll'llS. ,
It is n pleasant to tako that children cry for II.
Price I lllltTY-riVC l.'CM'rf j l,aige Uoltle. O.S'II
It I-intended for only one class. of diseases, nau'e
ly, those of tlio Throat ami Lungs
l&' Prepared only by
I Pha-nlxville, Pii.
' Sold by nil Druggists nnd Storekeepers,
Xnrll, Sixth direct, Philadelphia, and
I'. 0. Vr, U.iJ 4: l'o No. 115 1'rnnklin Street, New
, York. Cenerai Wholesale Agents.
' Sold bt j:. P I.1JTZ and liYIIll ;, Druf.
' ylsls, lllooui.burg, and by nearly every druggist and
touuiry slnrekee.ur In Columbia county.
I N It. J t your neorest druggist or storekeeper does
hot keen this medicine do 1,01 1 -t him putyo'i oh" Willi
I son, other medicine, but scud al once to out: of l!:e
' ngeuts tor It
January, 'JO, IclM Iim
New Grocery Sore.
I'uhncrlij EiasHtas'o'd Sitind) on Main
Afreet, lslobmzburQ.
THE undersigned has jii&t received n
good stock of
of all kfn'.ls, ,1ei' Heavy
. HALF km mp BOOTS
the best In the market s n Cood Assortment ol Ladies
und Childrens' Shues of all Kinds.
A Frosli Lot of GrocerieH.
of all kiln's, surh as
"I'obacoo. Si pars, Caudio.,
Razens, Lard,
t 4 c,
iV.C., C, CVS
, ,
Will bo received nfjd for which highest
intnket price will hupatd.
Together wllh a iireat tnrieiy of notions and
las ton niimefdlis th ii e.i'lc'n. . ,
17 II liter, I'.ggs, .Met jud produce generally takes'
1 1 exchange fur goods, ,
tlENRi GIGriH.
II.001,,. burg, ISdS.
Hotsb ai Cattle PowflBrg.
This nreraratlon.
I long and favorably
known, will thor
oughly rciuvlgorata
oroacnuoirn ana
lpw-splrlted horses,
by btrcngthenlng
and cleansing the
stomach and Intes
tines. It is a suro pre
vcntlve of all dis
eases Incident tn
this animal, such as LC.VO FEVER, 0 LANDERS,
VnilS.FOL'.N'Dtll I.03S OF APl'K
E.VLT.OY, .c. Its
use Improves tbo
wind, incrca-es
the nppetlte-'glves
A smooth andx
gloisy ckta and -
transforms thed
miserable skeleton Into a fine-looking and spirited
To kceners of Cows this nreriarallon Is Invnln.iMfv
It Increases the quantity and Improves tho quality
c-i 1110 lniiK. uiias
toi necn proven ny ac
tual experiment to
Increase the quan,
tity of milk anJ
cream twenty per
cent, and make lha
butter firm and
tweet In fattening;
cattle, It gives thera
an annetlte, loosens
. their hide, and
makes theni thrlva
Ouch faster.
In all diieas'es cf Swine, euch ri Cougbi, Ulcers It)
lbs Lungs, Liver,
t.c, this arllclo
acts as a specific,
lly putting fiom t
one-half a paper 1
to a paper in rt
barrel of swill the
nhovo diseases
trill bj eradicated
or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain
preventive and euro for the Hog Cholera.
Price 25 Ceats per Paper, or 5 Papers tor tl.
8. u.. FOUTZ BRO
tvnoLnsAin nnra An siF.ninE DEroT,
No. 116 Franklin. St., Baltimore Md.
For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through
out the United States.
IGr' 1'or .alu at 1110 Drug toro of
Uloomsbdrg ra.
niooiusburg, Jan. 0, IdOd. IJino, ,
HT ho Lime Hooks ol Eli Creveling, nnd
.1 thoso of ('reveling & Fuusey, of Lima Illdge,
(,rn 111 Iho hands of lh undersigned for collection
1 hose interested will pleas., lake indite.
JOMIU'll MI.I.f.Y, J, P.
Light Slreet, Jan 0, lSdil-lmo Hi ;
.fi, Al.llUMS ti ALniJM PIOTUUES, -selling at
.iy tow pure. p,r asn tv, 1, I'limii
tlsf.ti i. IA . W ro lla.e I'bils
aAjtr. .via ir..--js
Fills & Salve.
,,.lheso Life. giving remedies are now
for the lrst
time, given publicly tnlha world, Tor over a
practlco ItVo
T i,n,inr
ln(redlentl In
Life-giving Pills.
tiavn icen tfsei! wllh tho greatest sutccts, Their nils,
slnn Is nol only to prevent disease, but to cure . They
search luttllo various maladies by which lhe patient
Is suirerlng, and re iuvlgorates the railing system.
1 o the aged and Inflrma few dos's of these valuable
riiit4 will prove to bo
1'or in every cao they add nawllfo nnd vitality, and
retore lhe waning energies to their piistine slate. T"
tho young and mldille agcd they will prove must In
yal able, asn ready, sperlflc. and stetllng incdiclno
Here Is a dream realixed, that Poncc-.l n-Leon sought
pr threo hundred years ugo. and never found. He
looked lor a fountain that would restore thu old to
vigor and mako youth ever
An Internal .Spring,
It was left for this day and hour to realize the dream,
and show In one glorioasfact, tint magic thai made
These Famous Remedies,
Cannot slay the flight of year., but they can forca
bark, and hold al.Kif. disease that n.lght triumph over
lhe aged and II,. young. It nona hesitate then, but
selxo lhe f.irorabl,- opportunity that oirers. Wben
taken as proscribed
For Bilious Disorders
N'oihlng iau baiiiora productive of cure than theso
Pills. Their nl.not .rlr lt,n,i.n.n I r. I..,., a,... .
and tbeiisual roajoinit.ints t.f II, Is mo st distressing
disease arc removed. These remedies are made from
lhe purcii
They will not harm lin toost delicate fernafs, n'rd'
can be wllh good rfTirt la prescriiied doses to
ho youngest bubo.
For Cutaneous Disorders
And all eruptions or the skin, the SAI.VL! Is most
invaluable, it dors net heal externally alone, but
peuetrali's tt III, the ust searching effects to the very
root of the evil I
Invariably ouro tho following Diseases :
llntvel Complaints,
Chest Diseases,
Dla, linen,
; ,. - , Debljlty.
! cntale t.'unplalnts f.reririd Ague.
Headache. "
Inward W'eaknes 0,
Liver Complaint,
Lowness ofsplr'ls
Salt llheum
, lu Disaases.
O" .VOTICn N'ooh giii'llne without the, engraved
trade mark around each tint or box, signed by lilt. J.
JlAI3GIi:i 4:1 Fulton St., New York, to counterfeit
w hich Is leluuy. . ,
" V3 fold by all resfieelablo Dealers in .Medicines
111 roughout Iho United Htates and Caaadas at -1 cts.
per box or iot.
Dec. U, Icki.'i-ly,
"look iiere-
rpilE Very Flattering Support hereto
3 fore given to the late firm of I AMES H. JIC.
N'l.VCII & CO., induces the undersigned to enter up
on thu bu-iness of
upon n somewhat new plan. The credit system Pas
been nn, injury to both buyer and seller, anil therefore
propnnis tu npen nu tho 13th dav of th! mtnth of
November. ICe.'i, in
a0 s, m 1
11W L&'i
Ever offered in this County ; consist
ing of every variety and quality of ctaplo
Grocerifee, Queenswaire,' Hard
and all sorts of articles kept in a cotlntry
cium , 11, uu Hun,
or in exchange for
Thi) w liolo hUsiueSH to he cotidnntmt nn
tho "ystem of pay as you go ; and at cheaper rates
tl. nn any other Iioumi'
ID" Call uud Judge for yourselves.
J. S. MoNINCli.
N'ov II, lel',5.
. J. CviN. A. IIaktmsn
CloUiing Emporium!
Firm of Evuus & Ilart'man
r ATE arrival of Fnl tt Winter Cloth
lJ tng.ntlhoold stind of A. J. EVANS, on .Main
Siitel, illoomsbarg. the best and latestt-tyles and
Evcijthingin tho Cenilcmnlu. llae of Ci'oiiiin.
I lav mi In our rmpluy lha tt ell known and cxpericuc
ed t'uiter, lr. C. f IlticiisiiD.jformerly of Easton.
perfel fit is gua'nleed, and toorder. Also Large as
sorlmeui of Heady 11, ado
COATS, i'ANTS, VESTS, &c, &c.
Also-anaisOrtinenl nf I100T3, th'e cheapest in the
Alio a splendid assortment nf
Clothes and Caasamers,
for sale or to Ptalteto rr der
Illunm'.burg. Oct.H, ISO.
For Sale.
A Farm at, Private Said.
'T'ho uiidt'rsitipd otrera to sell nt private
i, sale, 11FAP.M AMI PI.N'i'ATlON, sl'uato In
Hemlock towilshiji, Coliluibid cnu'nty. Pa'., about two
miles west of lluek Horn, near thu Jersey town road,
Seventy-Three Acres of Land,
Wh-renn is erected a good
a largo rraine Dank Ilarn, and suit able t ut-Luildirg
together with a good
For further pnriiqiilars, einjuire oflh'o subscriber, nt
1!,, lit,, 11.' Mill, 011 the mall, road.
Nov. Ih, ISM-Siuo $3
Estate of Joseph Hayhurst, dee'd.
irO l'eiilna, widow of decedent, JIary, Intermarried
X with Hand Urobst, Susan, Intermarried ill, Geo.
Ktriclier; Ellen, Intermarried "III, Cyrus II, Apple,,, an;
llezaienl, l!li.abeth, and llenajah, ttho.o residence Is
unknown ttllo an the loirs and legal representa
tives of said Jose ph llayhurrt, dece'd,
Tahc Notice.
That an Iniuesf will bo held at tlio lata duelling
house of the said Jormi IUviiukst, in Oinuge town
ship, Columbia County, Pruii.yltauia.oii the premises
on Monday, the '."Jih day, of January InOii. al lu o'clock:
A M, of II, at day, for 1,10 purpose of making partition
of the real estsle or lhe said deceased lo unit among
the Ik'irs and legal trpreseiilalives, if lhe same can
be dono without prtjudice to or spoiling the whole 1
hertviseto value and appraise the same according M
law , at which time and place you art rcquirid to at
tend if you think prnper,
FhtH IT'S Offlcs, Rlnom.butr, 1
list. V3 JMJ ir, i
br. mrnm PILLS
Secretary Stanton lias diroeted tho with
drawal of tbo war depafltnont advertising
from tho Intelligencer and Comliluticnnl
Union newspapers of Washington,
Tho French pcoplo and government
carnoslly desiro a rostorailon of trado with
tbo United States as it.existed iifcro Iho
A epcoial despatch to the New York
7'ribiitie asserts that the French Emperor
will withdraw his forces frofft Moaico.
Valuable JRcal Estate.
TN pursuanco of an order of tho Or-
D nll.n.l A...t s r'! 1... 1
ju, pooii i.uuitm umiHuia couniy, on
1 Thursday the it of Ftbruary, 180(1,
at 10 o'clock P. M., Uobcrt T, Clark. A,l,n il.trrtlnr nf
I H',"J '' 1 owler.late nrScoit township, lu snld county,
I dee'd, willetpose (nsalo, by public vendue, on lha
ptemlses, a certaltf plete or
"ii1,"1 Allt'nshl of Scoc., bounded on tt'lo roflN
. by tlfo b'JIIlIc load, on tho south by th Canal, on thi
j east by on alley, and nn the wsst by lauds of E't
traveling. Containing about TWO ACR-Eft, whreon
1 uro erected a two story
Frame levelling; EHoitso,
Ham sud other out-biillding.
The undivided one thl.d part of a certain Wharf lot.
situate In Scott infr , on the Canal, bounded by land,
or John Tfemblj.cnntalnlni about oi.a fourth of an
The ii'idlvldp.lonc third part of SIX LIMESTONE
LOTH situate In the saiue town. hip bounded by
lands or Aaron lloon, Jesse W Merrel and John Trciu'
blcy, containing in thuwli.ila about
&ix Acres,
AL?0, the undivided cm, third part of n certain
lot situate In the- snuia township, bounded on th
north hy lot or Mrs. Hurling. line, on the west hs
lands of Aaron Dooue, on tho south by lot hrretoforo
nun, mill wn ij.oeasi l.y . pontic ro.l.l, containing .10011.
one fourth of an Acre, on t'hlch' Is eroded a story and
, t)vclling Hoiise;
Lato tb'e Estate of said derated,
Clo'iDiiburg, Jan. li, IfOU ts
Specific performance Estate of JnsrpK
Ilaytmrst, dee'd,
Columbia County, SS:
, .Tlie Coufmou'wehllh of Pennsylvania tnr'
J L. S. j nlna, tt Idoiv ofsafd deceased. JIary inter
' --v ' marrried.nltli David lirolot, t?usin, Inter
married with (JeolCe Btricher. Ellui intermarried
with Cyrus II. Applcmr'n, lleialeal llayhurrt. Cilia
beth llayhursi, aiid,llenajah llayburst, napresntreV.
idence of the last uaiiltd being iiiilt'uown tu your pell
tloncr i heirs and legul representatives uf said Joscpll
Orteting, you nnd each nf you are horeby ciledand
comuiandc.l to be and appear fn your proper personsat
at Orphans' Courl to bo holden ot llloomsburg, iu ana
for said County on Hie first .Monday of February next;
then and there to answer the hill or petition ot Wi.
Iiam Schuyler setting forth that the said Josef.h Hay
hurst, died seized of certain real estalo iu Orange twp,
in Columbia Codniy, and agreed with your petitioner
ly article of agreement id writing, dated Ki-ptembrr
(-th, lW.i. to Bell nnd convey iho same to the said Wil
I, am Schuyler, his heirs or assigns. And lo show
cause why the saidCourt shall not decree the spcrlUa
performance of the said contract according to the trues
intent and meaning thereof nnd that n ronveynncu be
ni.ido under said decree to lhe aforesaid William'
Schuyler, of iho .aid premises in lee simple.
SAMUEL S.N'YDClt. Slicrift
llloomsburg, Dec.!?, jew tc.
Specific performance Henry SmitJi's Es:
Columbia Gniiitij, SS s
I T"T (TI";,C"lmllnneatlioriVnns;lvanla, to Ell.
! L. H. j b. Ih, widow of saiJ Henry Smith, dee'd :
v .Margaret, Intermarried wllh Peter Lull,
William, Sit.ith, Jom W. Sinilli, Eliia Doly, widow,
Ella Llir.abetli Smith. Nettie minor child of Mary Ann,
now deieased, lately Intermarried .with' William Ali,
W illiam riinilb , all of Colunibi i Coiinl)', and ".liner II
Smith, whose present resld. nro is uukndwn. ami
rimmaj II, Smith, heirs of said Henry ttiiillh, dee'd ;
(ireetmg, youtjiid cdcli n." yoli ara hereby cited and
commanded na before you ittcre. lo bo and al.pcjr In
yourproper persons at r,,i Urphins' Courtto bv hold en
ut llloomsburg, in nod lor said OnuNty on the first
Monday of February, next, tli-'ii and ihcre in answer
lln, hill or petition of Wi liam Smith, Executor of said
Henry Smllh, decearVU, selling lorth that the said da
cedent died seized of certain real estutc, in llcnton,
township, li) said County, and agreed wltli Tlininar,
II. Sinilli, by airecinnni in writing, dated Dec.
1.1), to sell tin I convey thn land lo the said Thomas
II. Mniili, his heirs or nssigus.
And to slin.v cause n h, tho aid Court .hall not de
cree the StICCific ncrfurmaur,, nf llin fl.d rmilmj. .i.
cording to tho true Intent and meaning thereof, an 4
that aconVey.ulce be made under said decrcu by your
petitioner td ttlis aforesaid Thomas II. Sanlh, of th.
.aid premises iu leo simple.
SA.MUr.LSNYDEll. Sberift
llloomsburg, Dec. 23, IS' 5 -ic.
Agents Wanted.
To sell prl'.i C'rliflsitea
Ladies Jewelry, Illamnn I Bings. Pfns, iic.
For anya-ticle drawn, netnil Price from 510 to 9?ltf
All Goods Wurrantetl Genuine,
Price of Ccrlltjratca S3 rent, each Liberal Preral
utlis aud Cnmmision bilotted to agents.
Tor Circulars and Terms address,
.Messrs. II AYWA11D tc CO
Jan 13, 'G0-3in H-tJ Itroadway, New Yerlr,
5dtO afiifia fiiASl! WK
X s-r w Vtvant agenls everywhere to srll our
Iwi-rovedS-'O Setting Ma.l.iues. Threu new kinds
Under and upper feed. Warranter! live years Abovo
salarv or laige toinmissions paid The oily midlines
sold in United State, lor less than -Jul. which arenf.
Uj ticenstd by llotce. Il'tetlrftf H ison. IVruirr Haktr,
Singer S; Co., and llachttder. jilt other cheap mnchiii's
are tiifnngtmente and the sr.'rr or Tiser are habli ti
arret' fine, and vnpritonmrat. Cirruturs free. Addiess
or call upon Sliatv Sc Cl.rh, lljddeford, .Maine, or at
Nn. 313 llroadtiny, New York ; No, 2311 C.trler Mreet,
Philadelphia. Pa No, M Lombard' Block, Chicago,
DI. ; No. ITU West I'uurlh Street. Cln.mnati, Olnu : 01
No. 8 Spauldlhg'? Exchange, Dnff.ilu, ti. f .
Dec. 2.1, Hlili. istt ly
WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of CIooras
burg, and vicinity, that he continue,, the. nraclisg of
. l'jcmv: .i.vti mummy.
And sniicitu n share of public patronage.
Orrna, .111 .Main Street, llr.l hou.e below ths Oous
ouse, llloninsbiirg,
February .1. Ira, tr
Eitalc of Junes lialston, deceased.
TO Matilda Kalston, Willamlna, ntdow of Itnbarl
Half ton, nnd James, DouaM C, Eltira and Chirlrs.
' minor rliildren of Robert Ital.l .deceased, residing
I iu the County nf Dauphin, Jnliu lliil.tnn, residing iu
, Schuylkill County, William lialston, residing iu lira.
, zil, South America, Josiali Kalston, nl Columbia cull,
I ly. Agues iutcrninrrird with Marshal t-'ilvcrthnrii, re
siding in Ilreckinridce. 1,'olorado 'territory. tusan In
termarried with Miles C. Ablet, .Martha Intermarried
with tieorgo llidlein.111, and Elizabeth a daughter of
James llnl.tnn, Junior, ileceatud, who has for her
, guardian It I . Il.irti.iuri, Heirs ami legal represenla-
I lives nf James Kalslou, lute of llloom township, Co
I luml.ia t'oduly, deceas'ed.
You aro henby cited to ha and appear before lh
Judgus of our Orphans' Curt, lo bu held in lllnoni..
j burg, in raid county, 011 the llrst .Monday in February
' next, then and tbcru to accept or refuse to take th.
real estuto 01 thu said James Kalston, deceased, sil.
, u.ito in the said enmity of Columbia, al the apprais.,1
. value put upon it by un l,iuil duly awarded by 111
' Court, and returnedby the rWivrirT, in September torut
1 A. D. IcW, or show iauc why the .nine should not
oe soiu.
Witness, tho lion, William Ulivell, President of Mit
said Codrt, al llloomsburg, December 0, IfiW
CVcio;, O. C.
nioomsbur, Dec. IJ, ISW.-Stv,
Clocks! Cloctts
THE undersigned rcnectfullv
the public generally, that he has opened a
in th" room under the Office nf tho Columbia Demo
crat, 111 llloomshurg, where ho has Just received
large aud select assortment of
including 3,1 and 8 day Clocks, of every Slyle, wbl;i,
he offers for s ilo on moderate term.
Vj- Itrpiiring Hloiks .Ion', u, nr-l.r Tlnnfmal
distance repaired launeout. v
C" All work virs'iivi 1 vJ'tiuM.
v-'il MM 11 I. MW
nn 1 m