Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 20, 1866, Image 2

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Onr Constitution gnard It yt !
Our glorious Unionheld It Uaar'l
Oar Surry Dag fonakt It never I
The proud 0ncln -our only pnl
Saturday Morning, Jan. 20, '66.
Another Special Notice.
To Distant Subscribers We addross
tbis notico, to our non-faying distant sub
icribcn not to those who r ay and havo
our .hearty thanks and sinccroly .truit
they will givo ii their early and prompt
Gentlemen, no bavo gent tho Dkm
rciUT, to many of you for several yean,
on tho faith of your heretofore good namo
and repeated proraisos to pay, as honest
men should. Wa hare, also, sent you
your bills and regr.t to say, that many
of you havo totally failed to respond.
Again, tto will aak you to pay up, liko
Itonett men, and if you do not want the
paper, wo. will cheerfully relievo you of it
in the future.
Wo shall Hak out bills to next March,
the end of tho 10th year sinec wo assumod
charge of tho Democrat, Our subscribers
will greatly oblige us by paying to that
timo. Wo intend then to make important
improvements upon tho paper, and will
only send to thoso who pay in advance.
Democratic State Convention.
Tho Demooratio Stato Convention
(or iho nomination of a candidate for
Governor of Pennsylvania, will meet in
tho ball of tho House of Representatives,
ot Harrisburg, on Monday, tho fifth day
of March, 1800, at 3 o'clock p. M.
Tho headquarters of this Committco arc
in the Democratic Club Rooms in Harris
burg, which are open" day and evening.
Democrats visiting this city are invited to
By order of tho Dcm. Stato Committco.
Ben. L. Foster, Seo'y
Harrisbnr, Jan. 0.
The Democratic Standing Committee of Columbia
vmly, ii hereby notified to meet in my office, in
lltoomsburg in Shlve'a building, on Monday the 5th
jin y February. lbOC, M o'clock P, M.. for the purpose
i f aont intliin Senatorial and Ueprescntatlvei Confer
ees, to incet similar ones of tills District, to appoint
Julcgatci to mo coming ucinocratic state convention
UR. ikcler.
Hon. Edoau Cowan, U. S, Sen
ator of Pennsylvania, will accept our
thanks for a copy of tbo ,Messago3 and
Documents for 180J-65.
Mr. Cowan is an able Senator, attentive
end independent. His reply to the speech
cf tho fanatic Sumner, docs him lasting
honor and rcfleots credit ,upon the noble
people whom he so truthfully represents.
Higher honors await Senator Cowan.
.C The Democratic Almanao, for 1800,
published by Van Evrio, Horton & Co ,
New York, has been receivod at this of
fice. It is a very ncai book, in good form,
comprising 82 pages. This work is com
piled with much caro and ability, and is
intended as a valuablo compendium of
useful, h'utorioal, stati&eal and political
information 'indispensably necessary for
a Demooratio Pocket companion. Price,
53 cts.
War-LrAJi T. SnUMAN, Esq , of
Mainville.has been appointed by the Com
missioners, Mercantile Appraiser cf Co
Umbia County, for 1800.
A good appointment. Esq. Shuman is
a sound Domoorat and most excellent
business-man. Tho compliment is mer
ited and higher honors await him.
BST Col. Jons Y. BcchteTj, has sold
Iho American Hotel, in Allenlown, toCoL'
T. II. Goon, and has located in Look Ha-'
ven, Clinton county. Mr. Beohtel is an '
YA1lAnf mntl nnrl nlnrAtta Ton t f!.nl (
.W. niri. not fin. u. -
may keep up tho American," to tho
standard it has justly attained, under tho
supervision of Mr. Bechtel, but ho will bo
i if u i u .. ,
fortunate indeed, if he should .mprovo its'
tylo or inorcato its patronage.
Terriblo Accident and Remark
able Escape.
Martin Elms Cox, son of tho Widow
Viva. Cox, of Bloomsburg, on Saturday
last, whiltt driving his Oro Wagon, load
ed with 4,200 lbs. of Iron Ore, in Mon
tour township, this county, was thrown
under tbo wagon and tho cntiro ono-side
load passed over his breast. Tho boy was
badly injured, and it is wonderful, that ho
was not instantly killed Wo are happy
to learn that ho is rapidly recovering.
Another Accident On Saturday last,a
Miss Papixer, of Milton, whilst sojourn
ing at the liouso of her relativo,IIumphrcy
Parker, in Greenwood township, this coun
ty, was accidentally shot in tbo abdomen,
by a Revolver, in the hands of a very lit
tle boy, aa she sat by him on lho Sofa.
Tho load did not pass through her. Miss
ParLor was attended by our cxoelient
friend and fellowtownsman, P. C, Harri
son, 51. D , and is doing as woll as could
be rzprcteil under the circumstances.
When will pooplo bo admonished of the
nrccssity of keeping Cro-arms out of the
bands of children T Whon will they loam
prudonco. Let this ltd affair eerre n
another useful warning.
Tho Onsc of Jefferson Davis. 1
On Wednesday, tbc Proaldont. in com-
plimo with a Senato resolution, transmit-'
tod to tbat bodi o mefsap;o, including a re-1
port of tho Scorctary of War, and an optn
ion of the Attorney Oenoral, setting forth
the chargr upon wmoh Jefferson Davis
hi confined and tho reason why ho has not! courts of Iho United States havo been ro-
I'hean brouirlit lortntii. Mr. Htsntnn rli!r.fli Ulnrril. nntl.nfTmn.' rn.nalnVilialintl nml
oonfines himself to a recital of the facts of
tho case, while Mr. Speed dwells princl-
pally upon his conception of tho law and .
the Constitution, as applicable to thoso
facts, rho public will bo surprised to doe
that tho Seoretary still adheres to tho stalo
pretensoof the aoousation against Mr. Da-
vis, of "inoitinjr tho assassination of Mr.
Lincoln, and with tho murder of Union
prisoners of war by starvation and other
barbarous ond .cruel treatment toward ,
them." Tho samo charge of complicity 1
in the murder of tho lato President ia ro-
taiocd against the Hon. Clement C. Clay.
In the case of tho Hon. D. L. Yulce, the
attempt is made to enhance his responsi
bility by laying stress upon tho circum
stance that at tho outbreak of hostilities
he was "holding a scat in tbo United States
Sonato ;" whilo tho Hon. S. 11. Mallory
is threatened with tho penalties of piracy
in addition to those of treason.
It is simply an outrage against public
sentiment and an insult to tho intelligence
and sense of justice of tho people to per
sist in holding Mr. Davis or his companion
in captivity, accountablo for tho assassina
tion of Mr. Lincoln, Tho administration
is perfectly well aware that it can faston
upon them no culpability in tbat respoct.
Had thcro been any foundation for the
charge, or had Mr. Stanton really believ
ed them goilty,thoy would havo been bro't
to trial beforo the Military Commission
that convicted P.iyno and his associates.
No purpose except that of vindioiivcne3S
can bo served by keeping two suoh men of
high character under tho imputation of an
infamous crime. It is unworthy of tho
power and dignity of tbis Government to
employ so contemptible a device to debase
a fallen enemy. The accusation has long
sinco been dismissed from tho popular mind
as frivolous and unfounded ; and the War
Department renders itself ridiculous in
foroing it again upon the public attention.
Mr. Attorney General Speed, in his re-
pott, has tho good sense to ignoro tho
charge of complicity in tbo assassination
of Mr. Lincoln, and alludes to thoso in
custody as prisoners of war liablo to be
prosecuted for.bigh treason. But, wo do
not understand what tho Attorney Gen
eral means in saying that : "Though ac
tive hostilities havo ceased, a stato of war
still exists over the territory in rebellion!'
What territory is in rebellion within this
Republic, and what evidences arc there
anywhoro in tho land that a stato of war
exists t It is true that the Radicals in Con
gress aro in conflict with tho Prcsidcnt,and
with equity, expediency and tho interests
of the country. But that is not war in its
military senso ; and our communities that
, , - ., . ,
have been for somo months concratulatinK1
themselves upon tho return of peace, will
, ... f i
be surprised and grieved to learn from an
official, who ought to be high logal author-
ty, that their country is till convulsed
with tho throes of actual strifo.
Under ordinary circumstances it would
scarcely havo been neocssary for Mr. Speed I
to assert that, "trials for hL ir.u Ln.
not bo had before a military tribunal."
Or. "that the civil courts hav nlonn-wJ
' O " M I
isdiction of that crime." But in viow of
tho precedents of usurpations of arbitrarvl
power and military rule, it is, perhaps '
e , . r i l . . .' F
safer to be fortified by tho opinion of tho
Attorney General. Tho burden of Mr. 1
Speed's report goes to show that no trials i
for treason caniie properly held "before'
the political power of tho Government has '
proclaimed tbat tho rtbtllion has been sup
pressed." What is meant hero by "tho no
litical cower of tho Govcrnmnnt ?' Tb 1
tho Radical Congiess that political power,
and must tho proclamation enianato from
tho faction of Sumner and Stevens ! Mr.
SPced seems t0 ,mP ns m"o!
for ho
saya that tho rebellion has not been sup.
P", that "a state of war still exists "
' 7 v " , "'"" .UBlcc" luu
Government aDd tho people in tho States
. ...... . . v. L ",eB
and districts in rebellion have not yet been
fully restored.'. So, too, say tho Radi
cals in Congress. Now, let us mark what
the Federal Executive has said. On tho
nineteenth ultimo, President Johnson sent
a message to tho Senato of tho United
States commencing thus : 'In reply to
tne resolution aaoptea by the Senate on'anaureat Ye8tern Railroad aro prose-
Iho twelfth, I havo tho honor to stato that
tbo rebellion waged by a portion of tho;
peoplo against the proporly constituted 1
authorities of the Government of tbo Uni
ted States HAS been suppressed,1' Is
not the President, in Mr. Speed's opinion,
tho proper "political powor" to issue pro
clamations ? The Attorney General has
doubtless aright to his opinion; but, ho
has not tho right to ignoro faots that aro
upon tho record, and that it is his official
duty to know. Tbo peoplo look to their
Chief JIagistrato for offioial jnitruotion as
to tho condition of tbo oountry ; and be
has officially proolaimed that peace reigns
and the rebellion is suppressed, Mr. Speed
admits thafwhen tho courts aro open.and
... . r i. i . . ,
uii iuw uuu uo puaociuuy auiuiuisicreu
and onforced in thoso States whoso people
rebelled against tho Government ; when
thus peace shall havo oome in foot and in
law, tbo poreous now held in military out
tody as prisoners of war shoidd be trans
ferred into the custody of the civil author.
itics of the proper districts, to bo tried for
tiich crimes nut. mlsilomcanors as mav he
alleged against them." That titno has
como. Tho President has declared thai
"tho United States aro in possession of
crcry State in which tho insurrection ex
isted, and that as far as could bo dono the
Btcps taken to put into effcotivo oporation
tho revenuo laws of tho country." Ho
has declared that Iho Southern States
."havo reorganized their rospectivo Stato
! governments, and aro yielding obedienco
I to tho laws and Government of tho United
States, with tnoro willingness and greater
' promptness than under tliu circumstances
'could reasonably have been anticipated."
Transfer, thon. tbo prisoners ot war to
tho civil authorities, and let tho land bo rid
of this phantom of war that disturbs the
oalin runlity of poacc.
William Lloyd Garrison Retires.
William Lloyd Garrison has reiircd
from tho Boston Liberator. Ho makes
his etit with tbo air of a man who had
completed a great and glorious work. He
hails tbo North and tho South, and the
Kust and tho West. Ho bails tho causo
of Pcaoe, of Liberty and of Righteous
ness. Ho hails the present, with its trans
cendent claims, its new duties, its imper
ative obligations and its sublimo opportu
nities, lie hails tho future with its preg
nant hopes; its glorious promises, illimita--
blo powers of expansion and development.
He hails tho ransomed millions, all na
tions, triocs and kindreds, the nngels in
glory, and "God Almighty." And then
ho stops hailing.
Mr. Garrison could not do othorwieu
than make a flourish at his exit, Liko a
skillful actor he did his best to bring down
tho bouse as tho curtain falls to slow mu
sic. Ho has had iho senso to retire on
the day of his culmination : to exhibit a
stylo of wisdom whioh is rather after the
manner of tho ohildrcn of this than of the
other world. IIo gave evidence of this
species of sagacity several months rgo,
when ho quarreled with tbc American
Anti-slavery Sooiety, and retired from the
office ot its President, with several uncom
plimentary kicks at Mr. Wendell Phillips,
who wis elceted his successor. Mr. Gar
rison saw that it would bo wise to disband
tho sooiety and clear away all tho (ma
chinery beforo tho day of reaction should
arrive. Not being ablo to carry his point,
ho has concluded to take caro of himself:
to pocket his gains, and prepare, while it
can be dono gracefully, to slip into obscur
ity, lie has wit enough to know that bo
has been tho causo cf unnumbered evils
and incalculable misery to his country ,
aud to suspect that tho time will arrive
when tho peoplo will sec it as plainly as
be does himself. Probably ibe next thing
we shall hear of Mr. Garrison is that lit
has put tbo ocean between us and himself.
Johnson vs Lincolnism.
In thu message of President Lincoln to
tho extra session of 1801. in
... . . ' '
. , ... , , . ,
Union ho said that no one of them had ever
been a Stato out of the Union, and ho ad
ded :
"Tho Union is older than any of the
States, and, in fact, it oreatcd them a
Tt " .i .l -m , . ,. .
Uf0D 1,18 lho Black RepaMioaift threw
im limit, xnt-, m rl I t HT
7 T T , "uu ,
Aodrew JohDsoa clei5ti;i1
r uujauyua , nuvr
tho same
party upon tho samo ticket
upon which
Mr L'no'-'1" w' s "-cleelod.says ;
, ,tU V,ery conoemetit when we
"sumed a pi aeo amonz the powers of the
carth ,he Deolara.iot, of Independence
was adopted by States ; so also wcro the
Artiolca of Couftdoration ; and when the
V00. ol a United Suits ordained and
' ? , V"" "JA'
it vitality In tho oreut too of anv a.nond-
o -
moot to the Consiitution tbo proportion of
Congress needs tho confirmation of Stains.
unnout oiatos ono branch of tho legisla
tive government would bo wanting. And
if we look beyond tho letter of tho Consti
tution to tho charaoter of our country, its
capacity for comprehending within its
jurisdiction a vast continental empire is
duo to tho syf tern of States "
President Johnson is right Mr. Lin
coln didn't know any better. (Banner of
Judoe Barrett Honorko. Hon. G.
R Barrott, President Judge of the Wayne
county Judicial District, h is been elected
President of the Atlantio and Groat Wcs.
tern Rail Road. The Oil City RtgUter
of the 7th inst., says : "Tho Atlantio
outing tho work in tho central portion ol
Pennsylvania, with their characteristic
vigor. Hon. G. R. Barrett, of Clearfield,
was unanimously elected President, and
Sir Morton Peto, Vice President. It is
not genarally known that the orcdit for
tho conception and execution of a short
line from tho West to New York, through
Pennsylvania, is mainly duo to Jndgo Bar
rett, who for several yoars has been un-
' woaricd in his exertions to effect it, Sir
j Slorton Peto introduced hira to his friends
1 at the Delmonioo banquet as 'tho brains
of tho enterprise' A corp3 of engineers
ara locating tho route as fait as poisihlo."
L loro f a " irou6no we
South to collect funds for tho rolief of
ml . .. I.... .1
b'tcnowail Jackson's widow
- -It is statrd that Iho Senate election
uoiu .ulnae w. u report auverwiy to .nr.
The eleotion CommitUo havo decided
lo give Mr. Ooffroth his seat daring tho
contest with Mr. Konnt.
More Government Bonds.
'lit! Jeffrrsjnian a iyn what docs this
movement mean 1 Is it not that thu whole
publio debt of the United Sulci whether
greenback compound interest noto, Gcrlitl
cato of iudebtoducss or any kind of oc'ut
ing Bond is to bo merged in this now is
suo unil made payable untaxed to tho noxt
generation ! That is our construction of
it and wo submit to (he judgement of any
Bonerblo man whether it bo not a second
viow of tho matter'.
Behold then tho lamentable results of this
war of tho Abolitionists, tho Philanthro
pists, tho fanatics and the Praachors 11
Th e labor of tho country is to bo weighed
down for moro than a generation with a
hugo puhlio debts untaxable and over rid
ing all efforts of tho States to mako It con
tribute along with other property its
proper sharo of tho burthen. The good
book says that tho hoi rower is a slavn to
ibo lender. Assuredly such a pnblio dobt
thus exempted will maku farmers aud
laborers th-) baarors of burthen. It will
build up Now England, and wuigh down
every othor section. Tho Puritan and hi
abottors mtde this war and sneaked out
of tbo fight. Now he is to rovel in ex
emption protection and profit, for his own
misdeeds. Tho common sence of tho
peoplo of that fanatic and,, parson-cursed
land, and tho regard which men everywhere
I have for equal ridhts must como inplav
and uetcrmtuato our elections ucrcaltor,
Lank at tho groat West now that gran
ary, of tho Republic, that universal store-
bouse for want Corn is thoro selling at
ten cents a bullish It takes thrco bu-hels
to get ono to tho homo market of Now
England. It takes one hundrod buehels
to buy otc pair of boots. As n natural
rosu't Preo Trade Clubs aro forming rap
idly in the West, and New York eity i
in tho movement' Publio debt, tariff and
the ut'gro aro involved in tho result. The
farmers of ihe greaLvallov of iho AIisi-i-ppi
vallry liavn no idea of bring the pack
bow of a favored visits, Tim will d :t v
equal law- or lo k out lor lie pndtipk
ot Mission breulciiijj out uguin with ten
fold force. And when iho Wast secede,
what fectiou will wh'p them back into the
plunderers and fanatics Uuion ?
tgg- John W. Forney, tho Immaculaft
Conception of modern loyalty has started
a Sunday paper in Philadelphia to the
great horror of tho loyal clergy- H also
advocates tho running of Street cars on
Sanday. This they'd stand no longer, and
they accordingly commenced ti war on
Pt.John tho Disoiplo of Abraham the linal
Savior of all tho world and tho rent of
mankind. They have now boon ficbtinij
over tho matter in tho newspapers (or some
tunc, tno burnt ay paper goes on and a bill
has been introduced in tho legislature to
legaiizo iho running of street cars on Sun
day. As a general rule from tho earliest
hi-tory of iho present timo the clergy have
been tbo uniform opponents of improve
ments that would tend to enlighten tbc
peoplo anil promoto tbo comfort and -roi-perity
of the masse.". But in war they
Imvo always stootl first as tho promoters
and abhetters of discord, strife and blond
shed, Compiro the action of these same
Philadelphia clergy nion now, to their ao
non now, io ne.r ao-
and you will observe ;
nd is fullv verified by
Hon uuring tha War, an
that what wo have said is fully verified by
indisputable faots. Srlinsgrove 'Hints.
, Election or Ofi-icers. An election'
of offioers of the First National Bink of
Berwick, to serve for the ensuing year.was
held at their offioa on Tuesday last, which i
resulted a, follows : I
-i .,,,,. , i
President M. W. Jackson. i
Cashier-B. R Davis. I
Ti;rr.i,.T.,cn n,, T v T...1,.
son, W. II. Woodin.A. Milier.S. B. Bow
man, Frank Evans and William Laraon.
The olecifon of Mr. Davis at Cashier, to
Ell tho vaoanoy occasioned bytheresig-l
nation of M. E. Jackson, Esq., ia certain-1
, . i ,. , .
ly a very high comment to our young
townsman. Mr. Davis entorod the Bank ,
as Teller, at the cstablishinetit of that in
stitution, and, although comparatively a
young man, 1m sueoeeded, by oorrcct
business habits, honesty and probity of f
ouaraeter, in esuuiistimg tor uunselt a
reputation which has culminated in his
unanimous eleotion to the responsible po
sition of Cashier of tho First National
Bank of Berwick. The resignation ol Mr.
Jacksou, was accepted at his urgent re
quest, on account ol a proas of legal busi
ness. The Stookholdors, however, were
not disposed to lo-o his valuablo tcrviccs
entirely, and be was therefore ohosen as
one ot the Board of Directors.
licnoicli Gazttle,
Gruatest Addition to Ppilolooy in
Half a Century. Tho most important
contribution to Philology, during the year
1801, was tho publication of the illustrated
edition of Webster's Qunrto Unabridged
Dictionary. 'J his work, whirh had long
been in preparation, and ou tho revision of
v h'eh year of libor had been bestowed
hy eiuiiidit e.-hoiur- wai. in ma y
respect), ino greatest niiiiitiou to too (.IjiI
ology of the p neurit "go whioh hai ap
peared ivilhin half a cmturi,
. Appleton's Cyclopaedia for 1804.
Accident. A painful nooident hap
pened our townsman, Mr. S. B, Bowman,
on Wednesday afternoon, by falling upon
tho ico, whilo skating on tho canal, which
caused a temporary derangemont. We
aro happy to state, however, that at pres
ent writing, (Thursday morning) ho is
"all right again. Berwick Gazette,
Murder In Schuylkill County.
Pottsville. Pa, Jan, 11. llonry II.
Dunno, coal operator and superintondant
of tho New York & Schuylkill Coal Com
pany was nrulally murdered hy threo men
last night about icven o'olock, while on
his way homo to Poltsville. The murder
was committed on tho publio highway,
about two miles Irom Pottsville. No ar
rests havo yet been made.
ftiL. Saveral "loyal ' generals are try
ing their best lo get tho Government into
ft 6aarl wilb Maximilian and Napoleon
down by the Rio Grande, by opening rc- oflioes in Texas and raising troops
Brick Pomoroy.
Pomeroy Ins prepared tho following
attido for his villificrs to publish, Their
numerous arliolcs of published abuso of
hira often ucml forco in many essentials.
'Vtn UnnilKlinAII nrAQQ Will finil It VArt
' ' J
convenient, no says :
"This wretch Pomeroy
M. M. Pome-
rov Mark Murderous Potnerv. soulless
wictch and liciiilisli gliotil who cons tho
. . . . . i I
La Cvogje Democrat (Daily 510 N cck-,
ly n per year in advance,) is tho dole.? " u ,Ui.UJ u. 183 Vi
Jr. ' . ?, . .. , ., y . iBoiiiillc8,Back-nav.PonsioU3.iVo..collcotcd.
gain to holl who drovo thn nation to tears
by instigating a braver and bettor man
than himself to murder our 'dear good
President should bo shot by angels
hung by dovils :1ns oyes pluokod out by
licuds bis liver made into cod liver oil
by ghouls his heart roasted by Indians
his legs stewid up and strained through
raw hemp his bend shaved and given
the dovil lor a bcctlo head his back
dri led full of holes and molten potash
run thoioiu his bead scalded by tho hot nf anrrnecfnl A hnlif innisla nil ml n hen
lamented Lincoln was slain-hls overcoat
made into iron, heated red-hot and "p-
ped arOUUtl him, Willie iCCwatcr tricIUi'd
down his back bone. And .Iter ho Is dead
onus msni res. orovost marsnais, auoii
Itttnnitts, any other damnable plagues
thould tciej him, uoar turn toward tbc
blue doino till bo could litar Lincoln sing
ing 'Tramp Tramp Tramp,' when, by
a sptciul order of Divine ProvideUoc, all
tho clouds should bo steel pointed, and ho
should bo rolled aud tossed by an out
raged people till there was not enough
lelt of tho ingrate, traitor, fiend, hyena,
villaii, uturdcier, secessionist, i$'c., to be
worth sending to the hell ho merits,
"Oh for a candle-mould to squirt hot
tallow on him !
"Oh for a thunderbolt, freih forged by
Jovi: himself, to hurl into bit bread-basket
"Oh for a pair of vipers to mako into
arrow.-, to shoot pumpkin-seed sidowiso
into the ens-. V
Something liko tho abovo would suit us
perhaps a little moro, sovcro on aotno
points-, but nftct that stylo
W II RAT, P'-r iMiflic!. 1 (M
isvi:. l no
CtlllN, ' " PO
ut;cnwm:.T, i wi
I'l.OUlt pr hl.l. 12 00
l'l.uvnaHRini, r, w dcnn a ni
imti:i appmw,
1 (ii)
3 Hit
. till
- IS
II AY hy Hie ton.
in no
CIIICKCNa, per pair. SO
Wheat flour per barrel. Ultra ,
,....5 40
.... 2,10
to $10
to a
IV'liilc, per Umbel.
to 2,6(1
to S.2.1
to l,H'i
Corn Yi-llow,
.In Whit.;'
5 pr 109 lli.
Dm k h-at Meal
On the 14th inst,, by tho Uev. William
J. Eyer, Mr. Tobias llnrlingpr, and Miss
Margaret Bodine, both of Catawissa, Pa.
At tho residence of tho bride's rnnthar,
0Q SaturiI.iy Deceu)bcr 23, 1803, by Kev.
j. y NeW( R lL' 0 ljcr
,i m-' (-.. . rn., P.,..
II. Jk, .um UU11U JLItJlUIjUl iUll&lllU'
By Rov. E. A. Sharrelz, December 2&,
1605, Mr. John .0. Perrin. of Danville,
ai,tl Mi,a Jtn,, M- Pegg, of Jerssytown.
1,1 l"om,bnrg on tho 4th inst., by Hcv.
3- lX D.i",m' Mr- 'I'bomas Moi.sch to Miss
earah u. L-iwrenco, all of Catawissa.
r. ,. ,., .....
. D lho l0"1 '"'J,' samB' ? ! a""
o'Nawnz. oi uiooinsuorg, 10 .uiss ao
, lena Jucoby, of Mount Pleasant.
In Bloomeburg, ou Monday, January
l0. 18Ub- "l ,he "Mtlcnoo of lho Editor
of this journal, after a brief illness, of in-
Jn nf th'fl ,u M ' D
Handoll. in the 33d vear of hU nrrf..
' J " B-'
Mr, Kandoll, was a native of New
York,: and late a Soldier in tho Union
Army. Ho had served two terms in tho
w:ir 6D,l was twice honorably di.ohargcd.
Deceased was .a young man of mind and
cduoatinn brave, honorable and patriotic,
A stranger among strangers, he died sur
rounded by anxioui friends and had a rc
spcctablo iucrmont,
Rev. John W. Lescher, performed
tho funeral services, and attended by a
tespectable number of our young Soldiers
and sympathizing citizons, his mortal re
mains were on Wednesday morning dc
poeitod in their last resting place, in the
Presbyterian burying-grouud :
How ilccp llie bravo who ink to rct,
With all th.'lr cuuntij 'i ul.lies blot."
On the 11th iiiit.,Christiau,son of Hiram
Ash, of Bjiuou township, Col. eo., aged
about 12 years.
Au intert'siiug and very dear little boy
thu pridu ot his parents and tbo light of
their homo has been catherod to the man
! t,n, of glory und is foruver ot rost
In Berwick, on Tuesday, January 9th,
1600, Mr. Peter Suit, aged about 75
Ou iho 1st inst., in Contralia Columbia
county, John P. Olover, oced about 30
On tho 3rd inst., in Centralia, Columbia
county, Joseph rtcol, about 10 years.
A 1.1. pcMonn Indebted to the uuderalsned.on llnnk
S nceniint. Nolo or (HUctwI.e, are requeued to call
anil (elite thu a., inn nn or before the lit of Match neit.
Those iio-lcciini; this liniice will positively bo waited
upon by an ollicer duly authorized lo culled.
Jan, ?o, iero,-
Estate of John F. Masltllcr, dee'd.
rETTnilS of Vdinlniiirallon on thn UrtaloofJohn
j V. .MaitelkT, lain of Maditxu tuwnthin Columhl..
county, ileci'iiiii't, li.ivu brcn granted by tho Iltfijtir of
i.oiu.i.ui.. ci ui.iy iu me uiiurrmi'iieu ; nil periona Imv
ing claii.w iijalim the e.tate of thn decedent ore re
quieted In pr.'ieut tin m lo the uinlerljiH'd,reiiiliuj
in raid town, hip, niihiut delay, iiiul all pcnoiitin
dtbted lo uiake irnyn ent forlhwilh.
Jan. 20, lE60.-tlS3
A Prime sriiole just received ti tbo
Provision etore-iO)b, !k-.S0.
T I.. Htiwov.
Dec. le, Mi.
Another Barber Shop.
Shoo In the tnrner.of tho Frara tiitlMlnf. flfnt ilnor
on eo'ncr of Court llouio Alloy, oppoalto totlio til-
XOr Hhavlng, Mnlr-Cutilng,
Bhnmpnolng, &e,, eie
B. 0. C0M.1NG8,
cuied in we taicsi styic.
Slnnruihnrgi Jan. to,, leCrJ.
h rt-. rA h an. 1 n .. 4
n m m i rf v A II. A
Fprclnl attention pnl.1 to mattrm nrlilrg under tlio In
terrni llcvcnue l.nw.
!D" OI'FICR Tint iloor below the Court llouc,
ni,ooisnutto, ra.
Jan. SO, iSfiG,
mew mim for mfi
The Great tnvcniion of tho Ago ;n
J..W. BRADI,EV3 New Patent nUPMIX EI.I.UPT10
(nriloul,lc) BI'UtNIl UK HIT.
Tlllfl INVENTION coniiita of Ilimlei CnnuM.-'
.VCinU W
'the rilugtc Springs, anil cnnie'i.iieiitly prexcrra tlielr
i J," Stf.a sSK Ttafil'S? .r.T'iS
. nmue.
I'lIC wonderful flcxlbilliv mid
plcamrc toany l.ady wearliu tlio U.iplct nillpile Skirt
win no uicrienre.i pariieuiariy Iti all crowded A-
femuiiei, upera, uarrlaRcs, Kailroad Cars, Church
l'vwi., Arm Chain, for l'rotiienndn nml linu.n ,..
a tho t?klit can lie folded when in me to occupy n
miall (!lce an cafily and conveniently as a Silk or
jtiusiiu i.rBi,
A l.adv havini! fcnlnved tli Plen.nrn. nnn,r
Orcal Convenience of wearing tliu liuplct ntltp.ic
ciliii i-iriuu oM.iiorn tiugiH uay wm Nsvcr afHT
wnr.ti willingly dupcn.e with their ue. Chll.
ilri'll. MUses und Vimui! Ladies llirv
Jill OlilHfjt, r
I III Hoars uroenvpforf with U ply tlonMo twistml
rovcrinj,' which im uhuiI on all HInfflu Steel lln.m Hkirls.
'I I.H l....(lir ...... . '.. . .
- -, ",'U" "i-ry i-Kiri arn aiso iMiiin.o
Hteel, and twice or dimblii covered t pr.ivtnt tlm cuv
cring frum uriug ml' the rods wlien dragging .town
r-talrs, t.,uo mens cir . , u niri, ii,n
ly subject whi'ii in inc.
All are iniidn oftho now niM elegant Corded Tapes,
nnd are Uii; Im.t qimliiv in very purl, giving m the
wearer lli ii.ii-t graceful and perfect sliaiio, po.sll.fn.
nnd nr.-uiiqiif.ilo.mldy the lightest, ninit dc?ir?r,
cn;,.',l.'.,Lli1.y'!..'!.,,;,c"l"ll,l,:u, Skirt Bier,
WLSl-rfl IIAULIIV te UAKV. I'ROl'llllroiN nf
I'm . Jl'.V.V.'.",""' 'W.BI MANIJFACI'UHIIlt-, HT
I.IIA.MUUUr), and TO f I RllAlli: mtih.i'i-.
v.i- " "
i. ,i ii Vi o . 1 ""V" "I'lniiua, Havana .in
Cuba, AlcJie.i, Boutli America, mid tin-
Sjirlii" Bkirl mlPlcx BUIptle (or dojlde
Jau, it), tollii, 3ni, A fe 0,
"Put Money iu Ihy Purso !"
Road to Wealth ! !
5 OOO aotive;an hbmable
v "Agent., Jlnle or l'male, aii.lofutl g-s
arc wanted to canvass evi-rv I'ltv, VMI.hz", ll.iml.'t.
vi.rsi. .i.iii .-.j ...ruugnu it ,ic culir i worl I
iur in.: in our
;iiff.JKWfti.iiY,.Ji.Vi:h-.VAiii:. Mr-icM.
UXCfl. AMIUMd tfh'd Crllre AUTICI.CS "
I.nergctlc nrrsons rf enod loihli. h.,...,... i
tai l, run cleor over S-'fl per we. k in the country, end i
much larger amount iu.thlckly .ettled localities t
IVo I'niiilul ECcquii-cd ! !
Samples of our Articles, 0 tlie ninoiiut i.f S'l. will be
suit by mall for nirpcctinii, and if nut perfectly satis.
lull" J no I.I.L'U 1
Send Jour nddri'rs, if you are of an liiduslri.ius tun. .
of mind and in uct uf i.iiiia'dlalu ei.tlli : I
Direct to I
PARKINSON'': CO., I:ii-ortmi,
'."j Itr.ndw.rt-, New Vork
Jan 15Cf..-lm
WJ li
mcTOA'SJ 3000
Get Tho Best
Webster's Unabiitled
tSsl ,7S fiM ff. ISK? 79 Tr
M t5 ?Zs IU Kir ,m 'Sr. ,
! OS M m m 6'JLB0 'Jm jSt, S
i i u i . r,'.
inornugnly Kevnsetl and muoh Knlarcpd,
ii VI." It innn WTVW Lvni) ivnwn
U hit J000 I'INh I' NCiRA INGS,
is a VtL-Mnn rNDF.rcxinu: urQi'isirr roo
n m . . .
iVery XeUCnerS DeSK
Giving 1 111 pntlant aid In every branch laui'lit in our
sihoi) U, und of cotihtant uie an I convenieni'u in
It contains 10.0U0 WOIIOS and M KANINOd not found
in oilier Dictionaries.
The rossessloo of anv nth"r Enalinh Dictionary, or
any previous ndltirn or t.VIs, rannot compensate for
the want of this very full and complete one. In its
present petfeited state ft uiiisl long remain i lie
And once posses e.l, remain of constant ami .il.i.Jin
value "
What book, besides the nible, to indispensable n3 n 1
good Oi. tionary I i
Containing one-fifth or one-fourtli mne rrtntierthan
any former editions. I
r'rum new electrotype plates and the Klterside pp . I
in o.vt: vol. or iaio koy ai, uahto p.yiKi. I
Get the Latest." " Get the Best." Get
Webs'er. j
rubli.hc.1 by O. c Mlltr.IVM,
, Fprmsfield, Jin,.
Jon. 20, Wi.-Sin,
The New York Times.
Knlargcraenl of Hie Daily, Scml-Wcek-ly,
aud H'eclily Tinits,
The TiTW YOIIK Tllll'.rl has been enlarged In Die
sir..- ot the LONDON TI V
I.'atli number contains kioht pages of mis columns
eacli-or Hl'TVMX loliiiim in nil-making it the
I ni lie i newspaper in Ihc United BUtes,
The ivillcoulnin regularly :
Kull Congressional Reports.
Heports of tlie Legislature,
Aless ages and 1'ubllc Ducuments.
Itcpnrts of Courts and I'ublio Meetings,
-Luropean News In riill.
Foreign and Domestic Correspondence.
News from all parts of the World.
Political nml Ceucral Editorials.
Literary News
. Selections and Miscellany
Everything possible will be dono tn make the TI.MC3
the most vuluable and interesting
in the United States. Its price will remain imchmg
ed, in spile ofthe fact that its size and contents have
b.en increased one-fourth.
Tho following aro tlie prices of of the several edi
tions .payable in all cases in advance ;
The DAILY TIMES, per annum, lu
Thu DAILY TlMUtUMnnday Edition Included) SI'J
Tne BliMI-'VLKKLv TIMU3, oneyear, :i
Tho WEEKLY TIMES, one year, gj
These prices aro Invariable, Club rates are discon
tinued. We have do travelling agents, In
Checks or ro.t-olHco Money Orders if possible.
Times Olhee, New York.
Jan. CO, '0(1.
O j' E P RIO E
604 Market Street,
(Above Sixth.)
At JOVES' Crescent Ono Price Clothing Store, the
lowest silling price is uiarkod in plain figures on each
amuc, unit never vnrieu. au uay unite, whether
Judge or not Tho stock is gotten up In n superior man
ne r, cipru'sly for retail sales. Those winning a good
tubttaiitlat and fashionable article, should not till to
go to
JONES', 60 Market Sir tit,
One Price -Vtoro.
Mir . iHU -iy
Estate of Thomas Vildoncr tec'c
Totters of Administration dc (ionic non.
'nl by Mm lloBl.ier or Columbia Munty to the tinilet!
..r. "l. HVII1UII
htvlng clnliii. i,gllnit, of ilia .Icccdoi't nr.
lntvi..l.IH II
rcq.iy.iu. i.. vrcti nt tlicnt to t iciinilcriltneit, win..
?,u.i with nn'1 1,ct,on" MMt,i ,0 t'y'
A.lin'r, ill honli no.
Jim 13, IS.1A. Cw'1
Applications for License
TVTOTOE h herebv nlvon. ilmt t.n r,.i
L, ? i?'v!.nK """"''l P'Monc'd havi mnde nnnl Ifatlt.A
iVtholVolhiuintarynf eo.mlv. rV,VP 'rf,....?
I.lrenicii, lobCRriint.l at thu 1'cbrunryTcrtn or coiitil
, I'ktaujnv HtsiioN, lectV-
I,'1,e,. Townjiiim
J ihn t.aott. OreenwooL
Michael Uiii ly. Conynjluiw.
Hiram 8metlier, !0-, Ui rwirtc.
Illoomtbnrf, Jan 1.1, leflil-ltt I'ruth i.i.nary
Established in 18.12.
A kood.ClitMp, anil very Valuable Paper
foriivery Man, Woman, anil t'lilidi
In City. Viltaec, and Country I
The Am. Agriculturist
ton tiis
Farm, Garden, and Household,
Including n Hprclnl Interesting and Instructive T)
piiitment for Clllt.l)ti;,V and YOUTH.
The Agricultural Is a Inrgn periodical of3p,igf,
well printed, and fitted Willi plain, prartlcnl, relialdi
original matter, including hundreds nf hi-aiiilfiil unj
lnstriirtlve I'.siiihhkii. In every volunm.
It contains lyirh month a Calendar of Operations to
he performed oil tlio I'.irm, In the Orchard and Oar
den, In and nrnuml thn Duelling, etc.
Tliu tholiMiniis uf hints and sugge.ti.ins clven In
every volume uro prepared by practical intelligent
working men, who kimw what ihoy wrlto about.
The Household Drnartnient Is valuable to every
Housekeeper, iiffurding very many useful hints and
directions calculated to lighten aud facilitate in donr
Tho Department for Children and Youth Is prcpar
n with siieclal caru. tn furnish not onlv
but uliio to Inculcate knowledge ami sound mural prin
ciple., Circulation Terms. The elrciilotlnn nf the Amerl
can Agrl.'.iitturi.l (''Mli'ia to Kki.iud) . .olnrijo tliat it
ran be fiiruishrd at the low price of SI 50 a year ;
four copies, fur 81 i ten copies, for 9H; twenty or
mure, SI each; siuglo numbers, 13 cunts cacti.
ti.7 Try its ear.
tIl Nr;U JIJDD ti CO, Proprietors,
II I'ark Kuw, ew-V.uK City.
I in n. I'Bi
o aslttosi.t lilc 'fi'ui oi'n'.
O P IN 1. 10 U T S TH EE T.
i T1IR unilcr.i.f n'd ri'sprctfu'ly ii-Torm
the public iu general, that In l.a npeu.l a u.n
xaiioring tistablishmen
1 I..
llj In . iiy.
, ii nunn-iu vi. rtMiiiiv. nnrri
.. I Ul.. tlr1... In.,..l... i
. pri'h rr.l !f xicut( nil klriifn of T.i Inrm f
hi! luli'ln M)lii, with itfMputi It .nut on uuuUtr.Mn turuit.
. in tic uiaiiKiiiii iur n ni irt ui pifiir pfitfnmx'f
I.I ht Ptreet, Dee.. 3. IMS.
The Barber SShop.
I TIIK nn,1or',i!-"1Ml respenlfnlly inform
Hie cilir.'.ns nf i luomburg U...I the public gener-
' nllv. I.H lilts .11.... led .1
Klw Barber Shop
i (iui" ' ' ""criiii wiPiP' im in prcpari'ti m uii i.fiii
Hlt'i hia ami fjihioii.tblc ll.tir t'liumy, s alt caro an i
1" (.!vc Iiim a call nnl o I7l? niilp.
l)A IU It. WlliTK.
ttlnnm.hurg, Jan II, li.i.1
I Co url Proclum uii on .
1 1 Mlllltr.AH. the Hos., I'rrsidPiit
V Jmlgi- i.filiL- Court uf Oyer nml Terminer ami (leu
ral J -i ll I), livery. Court uf Uiurler t-e-.Mi.n .if th"
t'' and Curl ..f f 'niuiiiuu Pleas and Orphan's Court,
in the Judicial Distrkt, ri.uipns. .1 o the c. untie
nf I'nhruililii.B'.illi van and Wy.Hiii u-r, and tin- Hun. John
MM!.') n.d.l.A. tteplieii llald)'.Aes.i.'iateJllil.'.'snf Colli. n
bin co.n.lj.l.ine issued l heir pri n pt. Iieurinzdate tin- 13,
oi .,i ly in in year nl our l."f.l oil.! tl.oiiuiH eight
' tiiindreil nod vixty- the ,-ir.l tA n.e .1 i r.-.'l.-O fur li.d.'ing
Court of O). r an.' T.rmiuer iiikI C.-iicr'iil Jail d. liwr)',
Cet.eriil Quarter Hessiuu of tlio 1'euie, Common I'l.-.s
und Orphan's Court, in I ; I . ui ).u rr, in tli.i count) of
' l.idui.iuln, nn Hi.' I'r-t .Moi'day, .Kfngtli. Slli dayj of
' r b. next, In roiitluii.: one tieetc.
None... is hereby given, to lire Coroner, the JuMices
1 nf the r.'nce nud CoustuUjes of tliu mi id I'oiinty of Col
iimbta flint tie, bo fhin mid ftiere iu ttieir proper yer-
i tit Hi .rrfock in tliu fiUeiiii.'ii lifsnid .1 ;i v with their, rti'piMlii'iis and other remeinbranii! to do
I ,ll" ' l app..ri.nn to I.- done.
I And tho.,; Unit nr hiiind b iccognltt.iice, lo pro.erul.
iiaiiiu.l tho prisoners that iir r nriv be iu tin- J.iil of
(Mid count) ol Columbia lo be fheu und there In prose
eute them t sn-.iti he jus-., j.iiorsnre re.piei.-,i to 1,1
! lumctual In theii iittei.diii-e. ngr.-eah forMir muire..
1 S) 1 t1 nt ItlnomcJiUrg, Ki IHtU.l.iy i.nirr.
' f. l tlie er oi'onr l.or.i one (Wiiis-ind eii'ht
( Vhiinilie und m.Uv-live. .ii;M ro the ei"lm
m..Mi yenr of llie Inilupei'den-ei-f -lie tinrted -Mates
I of Auiericii. i Con sii'k-hh tvifM-. ai.iii.
SA.MUl'.l. SMVIII.R, .Sheriff,
liluome turg, ar. C, lSuf..
Lisl ol'laues for Feb. Term SS06
1 Cuchaol Morgan ..y her next fr?cd Vm II llosj.
land vs Kithnrd Morgxr
S Hlephen llahty vs Lattanljia William.port ,5'
Erie li 3 C. W
a Wm I, l.ance vs llarinan Creveling.
I Win I. Lame is i Ims Cr.-tt'liiig ei,i
,'i i:lij;ill .Mc.Murliie Endorsee of Anon Wolfvs Chris'
llun Wolf
n Jacob Harris vs Peter ufoli,
T llus-el P Stoker, vs v tn Ikeler.
f Jacob llopl.r vs William rit-uba.h nod Christlna-
ll.l Ills Hit.-,
0 J.ic h fhuuian vs Cal.m j.s Itailroad Company.
IU Hugh AlcUe) nolds vs t'elLr Olidiant.
II A.luin Di. lerirli vs .1. remiali Ji.coOy
I.' Abraham Mailman vs Silas I) E.lgar
i:t Benjamin Wertiuan vs M A WillUms
llOeo A Herring vs Peter .Miller
li KdwsM ilriluer vs thu Lurust M Itall Uoad U Iron
Co A W Ilea & S 1'itti rmaii
16 I luuibi-ilju for lluusu o Uocle nberg vs. 0
1 John lliutcrlitrr vs John Jam-sou
IS II 1' lleigeard vs Ceo Putt. roii. 1 1 al.
I'J Aaron llloom vs lleulren Srth r
SU Jr.iinlhiin Woll Indorsee of Ceddis Msrsh Ci
vs Ctorge II 'nas
SI Joiioiliuii Wolf ree of Ot'ddis .Marsh A-Ce
vs lit nrge II Kreas,
ii .Mathias Tronsue vs the To.vnship nf Stort
i!3 Jacob Keinley vsCnltiiwissi It It Cu '
;t Jliiiin, Kaignel it Covs l.ttVi Kntz
Si AnM Uiirbara Deighiiiiller, vs Henry Dcighmiflaf'
U William Limun vs i'et.-r lliiyuian
i!7 Win I.imon vs John Y.iupeli
Vo A.lministraliurs Of Joseph Paitnn. dee'd-vs Wm"
L Lance. I'au.t U. Samuel K lhlllippl ' Joir
tiu Kreck own, r or reputed owner
31 Jncubfliuinaii vs John II lluntsihger
tiJ Alirnhaiii II Snlsher vs Samuel lliiuby
J:i J Al 1 reck & Covs tliht.u. Diivvilt
III Itoburt Uorrell vs Tvvp of Conyngham
03 Eli Jones vs Allies C Abbott & Iticliard n Mensgli
auvv illlam Eyer vs Peter d llarber
Oieeiuv mid Tow niliiji vs rauiuc! Ilogait
37 rijlvester J faux v luiae Whitu
3w fiylie.icr J l-'am vs Isaac Whitu
3'J Chuitiau t'huapp vs rJcUuol Directors ef nic-ms
1 o iiFhip
4(1 Wright Hughes vs Pcler Miller
41 Luvvis XI Ureen vs luaac WhiM
J'J.Mary IliJieen vs Isaac White
43 Anurew Bnyder is John fc'heatler.
, JEstSE COI.EM AN , Pioth'y.
Prothonotary's Olhce, (
llluoiu. burg, Jau ii, 'tiu-
Grand Jurois jor February Tarn, 18G0.
Ploom Mortis O Slein
llor Uerwlck Chas i) fowler
llriarcreek-Jacoh Alastellcr. Win I.nmnii
Heaver Daniel UeHihart
llenton E J Albertsou
C.itavvissa-Jacuh Drumheller
I'ishiugcrcek-'j.imuel chive. Malblas KIIds. Joksl
J llutiliisnn
Franklin Joseph Wilier
(Jreenwood Itichard Kitchen
Hemlock James Itoat, Hudson Glitoit
Locust Win Uooduiaii, Amyberry boy.ler, Jtoe
Mt Pleusant-Elias Dreiblebls
.Madison Joseph C iVliiith
J.tckson- John Kcitter
Koaringcreek Henry Hoflman
Bcoit Jacob Terwiliiger
fcugarloaf-Joseph O lle.s, Wm n reterman
Traverse Jurors Jor Feb, Term, 1800.
II loom A M Rupert
Heaver Henry lliiidertr
ilriarcrcekJacob Creasy, David Shaffer, Reuben
-Miller. Nathan .Marts
Eenton-r-tolt K Colluy, 1 ho II Colo, Jolin. Divls
Catawissa Jacob Krcigh, Daniel llelwij
Conynigliam-titephen Thomas
nihiiiicrcck-Hugli McUride
rroiiklin -Moses llower, Jacob Loremau
lireenvvood-Cen W Un, Jos d Kline
llenilock-Nehmiali Hcese, Hugh D MellilJi
Jackson Jvihn Yoiks
Leeiiit-lleiiry I'ink. Oera llower. EH llcltviir
MIMIIn-Jacnh Nuss
Montour- Evan Weillvcr
Oraugo-Abrahani Coleman, Michael Vance, John
I'inu-Jacob Chnmberltn, Vtlenline Wintersteen
Koarlngcreck-llenjainln llauck
Bugarlonf-Andrew Laubach, Henry C lists
tkoit-l'hilipTllsitmn, John Krassler. Uanlsl L
Jsnusiy A, IBM