COLUMBIA DBMOCRAT.! wdoy Morning, Jan. 13, 'GG. 1ST Whkat la Boiling nt $2 00 per fcuslicl, at tho Light Street and Espy town Mills. ' nor Wit. 1 Mwjjh, Esq. .has onlafgcd, Tcnewod, aud much improved tho "Record of tho Times'" C Mr. Dunn speaks of us aa loosing r i'flflnsos.,,--TliU oan novor bappon to our Mr. Dunn It onntbo did. SSr Ifon. Wm, II. Jacohy, oar Mcm icr nt Ilarrisburg, wo obsorvo, is on tho following Committee?, viz : Pensions and Gratuities, Account, Eleolion Districts, and Federal Relations. COT WnilMri . wn, nn Wednesday last ro-eloetod Staso Trcasur cr. Tho volo stood, Kimblo 80, and J. Monroo Kroitcr (democrat) A'i. C- The Luzerne Union, contains. tho opinion ot Jmigo Oonyngham, on tho i con- ic-hcu oucriit's election1. EXTonTio.v.-Tho Dutchors of Bloom, burg, continue "to tell beef at 25 cents per lb. Farmers, ohargo thorn well for your cattle. They lack conscience EOT- Wm. Hunoiasq., has been np. pointed pJSt Master at Tuukhannook. IIo Bucccodo.l, rarefy, in rooting out tho late incumbent, Mr. Miller. Hut Jiilly is loyal and loyalty pays and rami ho rowarded. - - - Oor,o Snap, Our citizens arc taking advantage of the lato cold snap, anil nn busily uugngLMl in tilling their ice bount with excellent ico drawn from Fishing orek. This is "all right." Freparo for thevaiibg ico cream season. nfiT Tho follriwiig appointments wcro mado l;y the OommiaMonors of Columbia county, foi the preient year Attorney iy Wirt, Esq. Fruit. Kicru Koboit O Murders. The new year has opened with a startling lisfof inunkrs. Hy nows paper accounts somo thirty -five wcro com. mittod on Christmas day. In 1305 there wcro GSU murders committed in tho Uui tod States, and only 08 executions, fcS" Moth St intoit an I Holi.dcolino to pronoun an oulegy.ot: the life and char actcr of iho lito President. Thoy havn't time. If Lincoln wa still living and had tnc ol power and rronago they not only have tinm but they would lei for tho opportunity to dj .-o. Would quar ts c Pacxi Washing Machine Mr. J. u. imuy, ot Iomnsburp, Ins obiainel the Iliyht of Columbia cinuy, (nr a new Washing M.ieliiiio, c:i) IoI tin: 11 ll'is'er., Farmer." My U now manti,rirtiiriui tlicc Machines and will supply ihosa who de pirc one, t''nh r with a Pitrnt Clothe? ltinger. We have seen it work and flud it n groat labor saving onccrn, as it will waBh aud ring in about one hour, a wash ing which would rcqniro the toil of any woman a full day's hard I.iimr. ear Hon an Editorial II- L, Pira i-KMUcn, , aftet servitude of twenty years, has retired from tho ilinton Democrat., John IJ. Ohtii, E-q , n hia successor Tho Clinton Democrat, has always been a most faithful and independent Democratic Sentinel, and wo wish the rt tiring and continuing Editors, long lifo, peace and prosperity. Moasrs. Isaao V. C.uu'DBi.r,, & Co.. havo disposed of tho Fort ll'aync Times and Sentinel, to Messrs, Zimmerman & Drown, The new Arm will contintio it publication under tho title ol tho Fort Wayno Democrat. Mr. Campbell wa raised in Catawissa, and learned the pro fession of Printer in tho ofiioo of tho Co lumbia Democrat. IIo is an encrgctio buoitiass man, an ablo Editor and scund Democrat. Shad o.nve.vtion. The citizens of this place nut on Friday oveuing lait, at the Academy, and appointed Capt. C. D. Drockway, and Dr. John, as Dolegatca to the Shad Convention, at Ilarrisburg, whiob wa3 ' held on tho lOtb, inst. Wo hopo that tho time may s-peedily arrive when the old Siiquohanua may bo Hood ed with thiHO lUli a in the days of yore. The Convention was unusually lar'c and vory respectable I.v Town. Our young friend, Captain 0, B. Drockway, of Dloomsburg, is in town, stopping at Bolton'n Hotel. Our readers will remember tho eloquent and ublo speech which tho Ciptaiu in ado at titc ob Moutituiu tueotin'', on tho 30th of Augu3t, 1905, whioh was recoived with great commendation throughout thoCcm- monwoalth. Patriot ij- Union. Lutheran Church Festival. Tho "Musioal concert" in tho Lutheran Church, on Friday night.tho 20th of Dec, was a oomplcto success. Tho Committee of Arrangements 'ol, Wellington II EntjOapt. Michaol Whitmoycr,and Capt. Chatlea D. Drockway worked cuorgeil oally and thoy havo tho gratification of realizing their most sauguiuo expectations Thu fuiida rcal'zcd wcro appropriated for tho bcucfit of tho deceased Soldiers and enclosing tho Soldier's burying ground iii tnc Koscmont Ucmctaty, JS57Tho lawyor's motto bo brief. Tho doctor's motto bo pationt. Tho potter's motto bo waro, Tho typo-neUcra motto bo oouipoaod. MutiDKii near AsitnAND. On Christ mas day, a quarrel occurred In a public houso nt Locust Dalo. near tliU Hum,,,,,, between two young mou namod Thomas Wr rath ond Albert Pita. It appears that uruiiui eua tenecu ntz tti fir. it. r iv declined doing bo, and started to go homo, when Griffith oamo behind him and struck him on tho head with a pieeo of wood, which crushed his skull, i'itz was prop erly attended to by Drs. Wobor nud IIa. lenback. Oonslablo Jesso 0. Tnto, of Ashland, arrested Griffith on same day. Esquiro Qenscl bound tho prisoner over to appear at court in tho sum of two thou sand dollars. Muj. Ellis, tho Di strict Atlornoy ordered him rearrested and convoyed to tho county jail, to await Pita's injuries. Pilz died on Monday, (New Year's.) Both Griffith and Pilz resided in Locust Dalo, and both aro un der twenty years of ago, Ashland Advocate. tST The "loyal Peunsiylvanians" of Washington Oity those patriotio fellows who "dark it" for tho Government for tho matter of a thousand dollars or so a year, aud who come homo every fall on railroad half faro to vote sboddj pp and th c white working pooplo down held a nice ling at tho Capital on lftst Friday night and resolved "that tho elective fran chise should bo conferred by Congrefs upon mi iuj .u uiiizuuh oi mo lJismcc wiliiout distinction of color." CO? Gen. Sciiuiiz has published a re port of tho results of his observations on his lato Southern tour. It is just euch a report as might havo been espectod. IIo, of course, thinks that military rule should not bo suspended in tho South, and that tho negroes should bo allowed to voto. Su" A Connecticut man is said to bo pushing a patent through at Washington j lor a machine that will niilkocoffco berries out ol flour. This fullow wants to cheat tho public in cn(fce while tho firm of Sum. nor, Stevens, & Co. nro trying so humbug the country with CnJ'; ! , ' EST Tho Mrs. Ilaviland, who murder-1 od her threo children at Dattlo Creek, Michigan, lately in order to bo ablo to travel uneneumb.'red with a profosror of, spiritualism, named Bake r, has confessed ' her crime. She says she left a cruol and drunken husband and oamo to Dattlo Creek whero she was kindly treated by Dakcr. iH'aring that tho children might no taken y tllO IlllSHanU or tOllllW til lltS tOOt'tOp? sho OOllcludtid to Fend tlieill to tho epirit land which film nccortliniilv accomplished hv mlinrs nrsnn n ih.Sr ...Ir.h ,r nnrt j Q ...v.. .w , cream of tartar, bhc and Dakrr and several deluded fumalos, all of whom had been occupying a don tocother are hold for trial, SccuiUiV 13 millD. Attilla died in 133. and was buried in the midst of a vast pla:u, in a coffin, Iho first covering of which was of gold, the second of silver, and the third of iron. Along with tho body wcro buried all the spoih of lifa ene mies, harness enriched with gold and prccinus stones rich stup1', and tho most valuallo niticlus taken frmu tho palace? oi th- kinj;i tvhioh In had pillaged ; and lhat the place of his interment, miglit not he khowu, thu Huns put. lo death, without exception, all tlioe who bad ass'sted in hw lunernl Tito U ot its had previously dou the same for Alaiii1, who died in tho year 'lit), at Ccsoiizt, a city of Calabria Thr.r turned for some dnya tho course of the river V.i onto, and having caused a trenuh lo bo dug iii its former channel, where the stream was usually most rapid, they buried tho king thcro, along with im mense treasures. Thoy put to death nil thojo who h id nvisiud m digging tho grave, and restored iho t-traam to its for mer bed. SPECIAL NOTICES. iS Trit A,R Qfi. 5? 5f Kvi:ry ynuii' lady und geiitleman In the United States can soiiietliiuj very much to their advan tage by re urn ii-il I (I'reu ofcharge.) byaddrestin the undersigned, Tlio-iu having foafu of being 11111111? cd wilt oblige hy twt nut icing tills lard. All ethers will pluaiu aJlrej, th'ir n'li liont so rvant , TllOi.C CHAPMAN'. b',11 tiru.tdway, Xew York. Jan, (I IPCfi !y H M 1. THE Mason Jc Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif ftrent stylus, adapted to h icrod .111 1 secular music, for s-o in 3' un i.uh. rit'TV-oxi: gold or.t?u,vi:it Ml'.l) M.:l, or olh'r llrt premium, awarded lliein. Il'ustrated (V.-ilnituis liee, Addru , JIAsjOS' (1 IIAMI.IX, Uostu.n, or Jl-lbON lll'.inTlUUS, New Yonn. Jnn.O, lt'0,Sep. 9, Cij. Xy.-S.V, '10 CoMii.Miir.Tivi.s -Tliu undursi'niil having been X rc.luretl to litaltti in a !v ttuuks by a vory sim ple remedy, alter liavin,' suU'clcd sevi'ral years, with. 1 njveru lung uiUclion, and that dread disease, Cun-sumpliuu-is autiuiu tu euuwn to his fellow sutferers the means nf curu To all who desire il, he will send a copy of tho pre scriptio.iaused.ffrcu ol Miainc, ttith the directions (or preparing and lliu sume, which they will flu. I aj sunt ecu u Vr Cousuuiplioii, Astliuiy, llrnuchitis.Colds I Coughs de. The mil) object of the advertiser In I sen. Hiiij (he prcsciiptinu U to benulit the nllliclcd, and ' spru id information whicli he conceives tube iutuluablo and he h.-pes every sutUrcr will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a lesMnr. Parties vtislilnc thepresiiiptioii.will please address Ucv. llinVAItl) A. WII.SOX, Willlauisbnrs. Kiu;s County. Jan.O, HliS. ly. I. Xew-Yorlt. To Die in a Bad Cause ns those who fall in tlinribcl ranks undnubtedly do, is fooli.h, 1'ut on thu other hand Dicing for a Good Causo as Hi )e who nre wise nii.l'pru-Jcntc nough to remedy the defects of luturo witlii ClUSl'ADUKoa I1AIK DYU, nro doing every day, in every City in Iho Union, is eminently praiseworthy. This peaceful revo lutiou is going on throujlitiut the wlmlo land, and thus beauty and haimony supplant homeliness and inionpruity .Manufactured byjJ Crist ndorn, No 0 Astur House, Sew York, Sold by Druggists, Appllod by all Itiir Uui sers Jan 0, ltd Imn iiowleilgu often Saves Life, Every living being his iu his system IMP UIUTJES. When the-o are witlii it their natural limits, our health is gnu ut when they are in excess, pains, colds, rheumatism, gout, debility, cojiivenf. ss, diar rhao, dyscntary. erysipelas, ice, &e.. nillict us. What wo havo to do to recover our health is to tako out from tho llowclsnnd the Circulation llio excess of Im purities. Tills done, Health fill jws of necessity. llltANDIIETIl'd t'll.I.H uro tho only medicine that ran do this with eutlro safely to all the organs cftho "'Hundreds of Thousands aro ow living who havo adepted llremlrclirs fills as their only teuiedy fur pe riods of from thirty to filly years, and whoso nvcrago licnllli Is excellent. Thoyliavn nlwuys ciretl th cm selves, when lick, by lulnj these Innocent and In la 1 1 1 1. 1 J fills. Principal ulii cc. Urandrclli Uuildiiii,', N'vtv VurK. Jllllll, leOll-IIIIU r i 'iio Grovcntcon Piano Porto "in rcrains in prrrnrtonco nn.i great popularity, and after undergoing gradual Improvements for a po tloil pf Ihlrly year, Is now pronoun -oil ty I lie, intitlral world to bo unsurpassed nn I even iinc-piatM In rich ness, volume ami purity of tone, durahlltly nnd cheap lien. Our new scale, llrcnch action, horppodnl, Iron frame, over-strung bii, seven octavo rosownod p. nnos wo ore telling cheaper hy from 8100 to 15:110 than Iho amo ii)8 M, ilnlih aro ol.t by any Mhor nr.t-cla.s makers In tho rountry, lltnlors ami nil In want of good pianos are Invlloil to tend fur our Do. serlpilvo Catalogue, which contains photographs of onr.lifloront stylos, logclhor Willi prices No one should purihaso n piano without scelmr this Vain. logua. Medisl atwot without number. Invn I... aiinrdoj to tho (lrov-tefii Pl-ino, ami Iho Celebrated Worlds fair, though put In rnnipclltlon with others iroin all p.iru ol l.uro pu ami llio U H. It look the hiatV'tanald. Ustabliihul mi Orovealecit Co , 4IIU I1H0ADW AY, NIJW YOIIK. July t). M-y, II, II. 8,&Co. rfJ1 M Sf-I ft N rolls ready to bo'nailct ilpwn, ntlnpt .'il filf tin, .ana 1 Mn n . 1 .. .. II.. tl f .It 1.1.' . for Iipuc,1 Parlor!- and llulldlngs of .ill kinds constructed of Materials hat h.ivo flood Ihu test if fifteen years, nnd mwnifucturo.l on an entirely dlilVr cnt and belter plan lhaii any oilier j.itlou rnof lis In use. Secured by patent. Very duralda and at tow price. Circulars and samples sent free by mill, KEAIIV UUOriNO Co. ?u. "3 Mnldo l.ane, New Yoilc. Bcpt'M.iefij-l y Koitor or tiik triocIUT-l)KAfi (Sift Willi your permission, t vllitu say to llio rcidcrrf of your piper that I will send, by return mall, to nil who wish It, (free) a llccelpt, Willi full directions Tor luaklus and lulngn slmplo Vegelaldo llalm, tliat will tir.:cluallv remove, in tin d.iyn, rimplcs, lllolches, Tan, freckles, and all Impurities of Um skill, leaving thu sane son, clear, smooth ami . twill aleo mall froo to those having Hal. I Ilea ds, or Uaro, simrlo dlrcctllns nil I liifnnnatlmi that will enable iliem to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a .M"iistiehu, In lets than thirty claj t. All applications answerod by 'return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, TIIOS. l'.,UIIAl'MAN, Chemist. Oct. It. K,,U"dy.-V'k. llll TCIIHAK' VENHTIAN LINIMENT, XToniiTE3ri.Mo.vv I rnta is TDcuani'v that . iur um i.ui un years i nave use I In my Mumy i iwii. ceicuraie.i Venetian r.liilnicnt, and In every Instance have found it fully CqU.,i l0 lU rccom nieiidailons. I linve fuund it to givo nlmot inaau tanenus relief in cases of tu.thacho, crouii. luliou. colie. sure throat, pa iho i licet nnd back, und rheum etiain, mid 1 cheerfully recommend Its trial 'in every ut.c afflicted with any ol' Iho above named dlj eases, ' J. II, IVAItNCIt, IHRTronn, Conx. Oct. 17th Idol. Price -W & EOconts, Sold by uM druggists, office iiiCiirtlandt , New Vtk Jan. li, 'CO I in EURO IIS OF YOUTH, genilenian who sulT-re 1 fur v..,. r,.... ...... . liillty,Proinatur l) all thn ellects ol youth '", i'nll'cretioii, will, f,)r the sake of sutl'rijig ha- 'I''1""'' 8(!'"1 rren ,0 a""l, ,,t,5lli'' thu redpo and l,lrc'" ''8 Iho simple remedy, by ,M,i,; 15 Wa-I CllrO.I. Sllltirirrf tl'l ul.lnr. I.. .....1. I ...i nas curu.i. sjuiurers wl b i ne to nn.i i I.v il.n .i,i,...r. lisci'a experience, can d rso by addressin,' JOHN' II. OlIOEX", i, , No I-1 Chambers ;t, XuW-Vork, Jan.C, lfGii, y. rf.ji.l'. Kcsistcr's Noli f.lC wo. Vj"0 I'lOE is hereby given to all legatees', L( crt'dUora ant' utlr r persons interested In the es tales of Ihu respective decedents un.l minors, that Ihu t.illOH init Administration -ind Cu in Ian accounts havo been tiled Iu the olk" '"I'lli'i llesist.-r.or Coluiniiia cn nu. I ii ill Un prcs.into.l tor eoutiriuatio.i nn.i nllownuc) iu tho Orphan's Ceu, t.tu bo held iu lllnoiii-bur in llio county Mercsnid. no, Un-Tth of l-'eb Iclo at 2 o'cliicK, in thu nlX.-rno iii u said d 1)'. 1 First and partial iiccouut of George Itrown, adm'r ufJentt limit n late of AlliUm towtisliin dee'd ' 'I Account of TliO'tias Ogden, Ci'uardi- nn of laiac Oliver minor UilM of Xaih.111 Oliver l.itu of Cri-euvtiiod uvu, dee'd, I Annn.,. r.l r . ii ,, ,- i ACCOIint Ot .lOlin lUaSttellCl', Cillirill- an of I'eti-r Metier, minor chil . nf Mkln-I liuller, Lite ol .iliilliu livp, dee'd, 4 AccouiH of Henry Holling-hcftd, ad- miiiistr.itur of Or Ceo II llaylmtst lain of Cal.iwisa.i twp tlei.'tl, . " Account of John and A S Allmi ad- niinistraiors or Jamej Allen lain of .Madison townsliiu dee'd, s 1 ' li Account of flarrict Gillaspy. adinlj- iftratrli of William Cilla-py, lato of llen.lock two, tlec'il, r' 7 Aooount of Willi am Iv Ijonf'iibercrr, n.lm'r of frauklln Longenbergi r, lato of licavurtwu, dec d, 8 Account of Willium of Abiaham Wellivt twp .dee'd, D Wullivi-r ad- -r. lata of Mriili.i 0 Acoount of Henry C Iless, adm'r nt lle.iijauiin l'eleruia:i. late of j-ugatliiaf t-.t ,,, dee'd, oil sale of llt alty, 10 i iiial account of Peter Ent, of Alem Marr, lalo ol'Eiott two. dee'd. ndiu'r, 11 bilth account of l'wer'Knt ono of Iho Cuculors ol' Matthew .McDutvcll of Stott twp, dee'd, Vi Fust and. final acoount ot Hcuhen 1'ahringt.r, adm'r of t'etcr .Mouser lato of I.ucust wn dcc'tl. 1.1 First account of Thomas Orevo ling, adm'r of ilebecci Creveliug lato of Scott twp , dt-e'd . JOHN G FREEZE, Rfi Oloom.burg, Jan, li, IHuli, Adroinistrator'a Notice. Estate of Abraham Troxel, deceased, otlen of adminintration de bonis non, J wtihlho will nnneicd. on the est.iie of Abraham Trmcl. lato i,f Locust twp, i.'er.'d, havo been i:rmited by I lie llegisler of Ciilunihla en.. In the undersU'iieil ; all persons havine. claims ngain.t the i-siato of the .Iu cedent nru reuuesled to iresent Ihi-ui lo Hid undersigu ed, without delay, and nil pt r.ons indebted tu make payment lurthwith. JACOII YKAGEtt, Adm'r. Iloc.S.':!, IStlj.-Cw, S3 , TTTtTin". nifi, Estate of Willard C, Greene, dee'd. rpiIIJ iiiit'ersigned , Auditor appointed by tho Or J. phnu's Court of Coluiniiia 1,. unity, to distribute llio fund in thu hands of l.owls C. (.recite, udmintHtralnr of Willard C. (iieene, ilee'tl. to and am.-iirf thn credi tors 1 f Ihu said deceased, according lo tho rates nnd proportions allow oil by law, ill attend nt his mil u 10 llloomsbure. on Monday. Ihu 'il I day uf January next, ut lu n'cltiik A. il ,i.f sanl day for thu purpnseof unk ing distributions All pi-rnuns hut 111K claims ur de mands against the est ito of the decedent, aro untitled to present lhuiii to Ih.i Auditor oil that day, or to bo debarred frum coining 111 lurnsharo ofiliufitnd, BROCK WAY, Auditor. IH).! -lw.?J 51. ninoui.burg, Dec. it WIDO W S' A P l H A ISE MEXTS. Notice of Confirmatioa. npIIE following nppraisenionts of roal anil persoiril properly set apart to Widows cf llecuili nis have bin ilh-d in ihe IHIIlo of the lltginler ol'C dunilii.i rouniy. under I'm lliilt-s of conn, and will bu prosenti tl fur oIhoIuIi- rnnliriuatioii to too Or phans Court to h helil in llliitiinsbtiig. in and fur said i-ouniy, on WHli.N'IWn W. Till! 7th l)AV ul' l'cil IllIAItV, A II IrJOt'i, nt Ju'clock in the orn ruouii of snid day i unless ti eptloiis l-i caitt loiillrmalious are .ro t luusly liled, of ithich alt persons littereslud iu saltl estales will lake nuticu. 1 Widow of Jacob lloats, laleol'Bca- vcr township ikc'd li Widow of Df, James A Wilson, lain of r.entick lioruugli. dee'd !J Widow of Michael Fry, lato of Miff lin lp. 'lee'd -t Widow of William M Hobrrt-.lutj oi Jackson towu.liip dee'd 5 Widow ol Gordon -II Goff, Ut,! ol Mourn towushil dee'd 0 Widow of William Gillaspy, laic of Hemlock town.hip- dne'd. 7 Widow of Valentin Whitenight, late nf ll.imliicll Hi ll, tlec'il, 6 Widow ol Elias Dicttcrich, Into of Montour tuwnshipiil.'ceascd. , JOll.V C'l KUl.U, Uegisler. Itegiiler's Olllco j I'.lomusburg. Juti d. 'i-O. ( (20. illOiVTBa I Agents wanted for sir tAirctn ncu ctuitet, Just out A'l T CAItHY City lluildlui, lie dfold. Maine rtlCMS O inc. ii'J. tna. -iy AUDITOH'S NOTIOH, Estate of Conrad Vrnttcrmrhcr, dccl, 'IMinuniler.ljnud Andllor npp.iluled h tho Orphans' .1 ( nun . r (un,tiln county li mnke illilrltiiillons of the iniid in th.. h in I. of il. c rnrtnar. and l.owls better, nitiits i f iloiirnt r.-n.lermachi r. do d, nmoni Ilin sevufal h . in iirihn il r.-.ent In th" cider pitab'l.lieil by Uvv, will atti-ml a III. iiitlif In Ulmuns l.iirir. on I'hnrsilny. the Wch il.iy r-f January neM, at III n'clusk. A. M. of said day, for iho purpose of mak ing irte ilMrllMilln,,. All persons linvliu rialms or do inaints neiliift thu e.tatii ul lha deci-dcnt. are nollded to present them In Did Auditor on thai day. nr be de barred from roinln In for a share, nftho mud. JOHN G. I'lttiKKti, Auditor. Illoonislmrg. Dee. S3, 19W-Iiy$j 30,. AUDlTOll'SNOTIOE, Isaiah John, 1 I'nvliiioni Jhpmns No. 0, Dec. T, 18(35. 1 Samuel D Dinner. ) Thi iiionoy raised on L lit in- iiiiov-ih u ivingo. en riiieu tnioi.ourt, on mo. ' lion of John l, Freer..!, thu Court nppolnt M, I! Jaik sou, .iii.ljtor tn disiribulo thu fund to and among tho I Ih u rre.lllurs i nlltlod theri lo iieeorillng to In iv . Th., 1 nuiiiior win alien. I HI Hie olnce or Hubert I . Clurk. ' l.... In lllnoni.biirg, on I'rlday. January W ill injiI, at lunclock mine lurenoon 01 said ili-y, for Hie purpose u. .ui,.,riiniii in.- mines ni nis niipniniinont I nun nil I persons having (Ulnis upon said fund, are hereby no- . Illicit mid required to make their ilalms boloro said Aitiiiinr, or bu rorever debarred Iroui fouilug In on said fund, M. E. JACKSON, Auditor. Illnomsliurg Dec. S3, ItW, iw$'i 30, Auditor's Notice. EUntc of Runstl While, deceased. rJPIlE uiuld signed, Auditor appointed M by th i Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to niaku ilistrlbiitieu ofthotiindin the hands of Hamuli I ii-)liaril n.luilniitrnlor of liiinel While, deceased. icH ami i) moiia the cn-dlturs of llio said, accord- I lug to Hie rales and i.rcporllons nlionc.l by law. will ntlend at his iillicu, in lllonuisburg. on Pnlurilay the 8lh day of January next, nt 10 o'clock A. M.ut said il.iy, for Hit' purpose of making Ihu distribution. All person., hat ing clalink in- against the cslalo of the decedent nre linlilk-il lo present th-.-ui tu tho Auditor. im Hint day, c r to bo duluirred from Coming in lur a .hate oi the lun J. C. G. DARK LEY, ltttj'or. rdnouisburg, Dec, 51, Hlj.-iwJJ AUDITOlt'S NOTICH. Kilatc of John Hcdcr, deceased. 'M!r. under.lgncd, Auditor appointed by the (Jr.han i I Court of l.'oiumhi.i enunly, to nnl;.' dlJlributlon of ll.n I, s . t. .... I - ft I h i, i i. ; . V'?..." '.' '!, ha mis of Robert 1M lark, l-x.-eutor of . ire., mr, an.i PC..,V',,,..II,'', V"1 .n r' Ihe order e-iahllshed by law, will attend n his offi.e, In lllonuisburg Ive.liii ,lnv. lb., oiti, ,t.v ,t l-,,.., ..,, ,,,..i in u'clneu A. .11. ol sal aWuem t ho Ul-triliut iio. A te-r.on. having , -la ins tor niands iigaint thn estate of Ihu decedent, nro notified In present tlieui to the Auditor on that day, nr be i!c barred trom coining In for a share of the fund. U WIRT, Audi-or. Bloom.tiiirg Dec 2:1, KJM.-Is) 50. Aiiis:ExCi-a tor's Rioticu. Estate of Robot, J. Lyons, dccd, J" ettcr. of Administration on tho estate ef lloait J. Lyons I.He nf Pino town. hip, Colmribia rnunly. il reared, Invu been granted hy tin: llugl.tur t f Coluiiibia cu. lo t Ii " uuderslgiicd nil purruns Having chlm. ngaiu.t th i t-rlate of tho dice iltMit era requestiid to present Ilium fjr'settle ment mi I th.i-i- indebted in tli.- osiato will maku imiiiadlatu paynieiit to the administrator. JOHN I' I'OWLEII, Adm'r. ll.-c. 2.1. J,1j-Pw fj. Auditor's Notice. Est ale of Jacob Mili, deceased. I ll.-C. 2.1. 1SVJ-I W 5J. fjpiIK undersigned Auditor, appointed i by thu orphans court, or Coiuuiiiii inuiityto tiiftributloii ii the b il.'iut'e in the h.mds of John H.i.iih. ii Ilh.- Cj'.ultrs of Jacob Mills, lute ..r '" loivn-hlp C. Imiiliio cnuniv. deceased, uuiniu Tn- I. il. es nf tt-tamr, will iiilend at hi- iu .... ... p.....,, "ii r.i . ultl.ll t, lllu liA'i, ot JAM'AUV, l-ni;. nt 111 .'licit of said d.ii. tu tntitio the ditdi ibuiiuu ; wli.-u .111 d u ln-ie nil pers.iu s mteresieil will aiteiiil if th.-y s.-u i-rt'iter, l,r be debiir red ftum eomnii; iu tor n share nt lb.- 1 HOliKKT V. CLAWK, Il.rc OT, liW-liv Auditor. NOTICE IN PARTITION, Estate of tluw'mn ISlaJjlcy, dee'd. rpo Ci-oreo .tluldey, of 1'i.liiuibia County, Thomas 1 Iullllv. of'Tlireii llivir. : Ka lanu..m (.'nntiiv. .Mi. hicnn, I'harlee M.iilev. uii'l .luliu Almlley. of ' Iiiiuii I'.Miiily. ,l , H I la-.'i.-iit,ii-ii . rf; 1 .1 1 11 1-i-t 1 ,.1 1' luMusliip, Montour County. IVnns) Ivania, and .Mnry fpiinen'i.-iMe, Inldreii ami leunl rcpruseul i tu eg of Ciiri-llau U ifllay, lute ofi'iniro luivusliip, i 1 ul-i 111I1I.1 ('entity, I'euii-ylvnui'i and t'.tlli.irine, md- , otv nf sllld deeea-ed : 1 iei nre in-riiiy eiu.i 10 ue nun nppcnr neiore llio 1 Juil,' s nf our Orphans' I'omi. lull, held tit lilnnnis . our., in i.ii.i 1 oiiniy. on iii, ti'si, ,110111'ay iu t eliruury it t, th. -u un I Hit re 10 nt 1 1 nr nfu-c tutnki-tu.-r-- il esirtti- of thu sai.l 1.111 ipii.-u .Mufdey, il.tceused.sil- 1 i .uu in Ihu s.ud eiijuty uf i.'olumbia. lit the apprui.eil v.iluati in put upon hy an liiipiutt dmy nuurdi'd by the sai I Conn, nnd relurned by the flieritT. to Sepiiinber . Ti rni, A. II ldlfl, or fhoiv luiisouhy the sniiio should II" Bills' Witness, thu lion. William I'livrll, l'rusident nf our 1 raid Court at Uluom'-liur,, licciuiber the, leb'5. JESSE COLEMAN. I Cnc, 0. 7. ! Illoiuu.diurr;, Dec 21, ll-M, .'nv. Notice in Partition. Es'ae of Margaret Salmon 'ceased. rpo Ph -lie W. S-iluion. Joseph, Hnrrit t .inl Camilla, t iiililrnti fit Iiitin ii'iii(iii iltirt,itt?Lil. of M urn u (Viuiiiy, Olun ; Ufiinli II o,; of Jofpti Sal tuiin.dt i J. f lllitinis ; Abram fiilmoit, of Nw J'Ta' ; Junifs r.iliiioii, Wliiln Uuvon. l,iu';rno (,'uunly ;Cl.irk.-ftl iiio-i, i.f liraiflwr I t'rt'uitv, 1'Lim'a ; Iu nlnmn, tit' i I jrumni" liMtitt, Wnrrlt-r Siliinni. c-CMout jut Co., Ann lu'lllianiur, I'luirlnriu t'.-nii, of Columbia t I'nimty, i::i7.u Ann Vn Kr, 1! i.l S,tiiinii clulilrcu ,tml Crjtitt ilnlijrc.i t' If.ii ill '-fliuoii, dcfc;i.-fit ; J-iiiio, j v itlnui. Johii, P irah Ami 'iuioii, l'lich-J Jim.u., ami M.trgjrfl, name ol' lniib.itit nn knuvsn, i lillilron of I tlwtpa Jfutmni., tin rnaCiI. UcaiiIciich of all tlicdnl- ' tlrtMi unknown llcira .ind rrir(1ru(.?(jvt' of1 M.irv:in't f'.iliiuin, Uila of rfcoit townstiip, Cohimbi.i J count) , tltCCt''t, j Von up' Itch-liy cittl to ho ami appear befarv iIhj Ju.L'1'.t 1 1 our (riii.iW r to bo nt-lil at IIIri.nt S l.urt'i i'l m"i! County, n lliu llret .Monday in tYbm- i ur ii'-M, a 1-1 lit ih i .1, 4'c(t or it luti In I Urn ' t ito oi th.) n.uil .Margaret b.iliuun, tit 'i ; ; Miu.ite in tli" -aut tonnty nf Columbia, at th n ji pri s - , ctl alu.ttiin i'tt nputi lttiy an linfiort , duly .iwaril'n j liy tli Miiil(Ci,u ii, .liij it'iiiiuu-u Ly lie Sltuntrtri ri.-j-ifuihar 'lVii'i, A. I), isijj tr blu'w cuse why ;hei?simi fh'Miut in.l. So snhl, t Witiiffs, Uu lion, Willinm JIlwcll, l'rsilcnt of our tuhl i'oiHt nt tllutui-b-M,'( Ui'combtir 'Jth Jrti.'J. J JJIftrft; C. COl.K.) AN. Cllk:. o. c. I'ltuiiiibbur?. I, IsijS. ! Notice in X'artition. EbUitc of John Sundry, decease t. i' IJ Mary A.Sankey, wijuw ; Jacob Saukey, ?.iutuel I riiuKey, juuu tsat.KO), cyrus ajiiKi-y, jnnie- I i-.mkey. .Mary "lin iiiturui.iri iinl with Auron Wolf,. l.ydia, 1 Kt'-rm irr ud with June. u. I ritx i't.tly. notv 1 il. eeiuetl. forue-rly Internum d Willi Jehu Iteir'ard, ( luaviiu is.ue tsusanu,.li aud M.irv C.ithaiiue, miiiitis, j mil huvinj no giiiirdiau. lietsty, interinarried ttilli. Jaeob Htte'ley, lle;i.'i-e.i,.utiiv iii formerly in-I- rmarried u ltd Jamas Itlakeuer, lent nig issue one iluld, uaiuj itiitl .ifts iiuknuwu lleiis anil nr;al tcpro- t setitatives -if the mi. I John uukity,ilcu.vcd : , TAKH M)'l U'C , That nu I ii-lit-s t will b-i hi I.I on the re.ilcrutc o'lhe said Juliii t-'.inkt v, lying iu uluiubu Coiiuiy. In tlio , tun nship nf Bcntt ami ri.-.isiiit uu TUC311AV'. 1 Jiiiiiiary IIO. Ibtjtt, at thu huubuof Janus V, .inl;sy,lu ' l.ight In-nt. al nine u'lluek. in t'.m fnreiiuou and to et-utiuuo until ul! the r.-.'il estuti- of thu dcn-u.cil isnp lir..iseit . fer Ihe purpuvu ul making puitiiiiui uf the 1 real estate oftliu s.inl deceased tn aii-Iamuiig his llurs in. .1 lt-:al tepreui'iiutives, if tlio same can bu duuo illioui preludii o to or spmliug tint wh-.H j utherwisu tn talue und apprilno Uu t.ui.u ncenrdiug to law ; ul ii huh lime nud plaeo yuu me ri'quired tu attend ifyuti tliniK ptupo:, ! BAMUIII, B.'VUi:it, Pherill' I gheri'.rs Ollice, llloomsbur,'. ) ; lkc.S.1. leM.-aw j I EXECUTOHS iNOTIUE. Estute ej Thos. Slavkhause, died. T cttcrs Testaini nlary on thu estato o 5 . Thomas Statkhnufc. lulu of I'inn town.hip, Co lunibi'i (uuniv . deceased, have bouu flamed by the Uegi.ttr 1. 1 Will' tin.' uiiilersiguutl. both reriil- iug Hi said tutt nrliip, all persons hating claims ngasnsl Ihu i.talii ot Ijje ileci-uint nro rutue.lL-d In present liiemtii Ihu Kiceulor's iMtlmul delay, uud ull persons iudibled to iluKu payment furlhwith. JOHN (ilillll.'.lllt Tnc;. KTACKiiousn, Dee ?, Is65-Gw ii littculor's AlJDITUltS NO TICE. trut Fuller, et. al. I.cvui i Facias No. i au, f 'I'hn vs. l)CO T, 1805, O .1 I II ill. ., ,1 Tlio monoy ruUutl .UUJUUl I , . 1JUIL1U ,Ut. I Mary li Ikltlc. J on the above writ, liuvllin' ueeii riiieu minimal, on motion olJ.iHiili, I'rec.e, Uu Court appoint M. II. Jackson, Aulilor. lu diatiibule the fun I tn aud uniting Ihe Ijoti creditors co tilled therein aecordl iii in l.iw . Tho Auditor will at tend at thu olllco of lioberl I-', Clark, Hi , iu lllootns buru. on I'llday. Junuary .'III leut), ut ten o'clock in Ihu lureuooii of said day, for thu purpose nf perfurmliiK tin. Julius of hu uppuiiiiuivnl i und nil pi rsuiu having any claims upon sun! fund nru hereby nntillcd nud re. ou'ri'd tu maku tin. ir claims liefurH s id Auditor, or he uii.vel dibarrcd fioui co.uiui; in un butd fniid. M, E .)AUKSON,.Jii lUconuburs lie 'iX I ij5. -JJ 3(1 New Grocery Sore, MOKE FltESU U00D3. (Formerly J'utumas' old Sand) on Mam Street, Bloomsburg, THE undersigned has just recoived a good stock of FA 1,1, AND WINTtilt DI! V GOOUS, of nil kinds, Mci'1 Heavy GALF mX) KIP BOOTS Iho best in the market I a Oood Assortment ot I.mtlca and Chlldrciis' rlhoes of nil kinds. A Fresh Lot of Grocerios. , - of nil kinds, such as Molasses, I Teas', I Ilico, I bish, Sugars, UoOco, Hpiccs, 1 ball, u Hats and Cai's, Tobacco, Segars, Candief, Uazons, Jiard, tc.', tc, iO. V w ilT' W!i . tn ,, i-i.. 2;,i it .Bt Si1 BSJ 4 .f?"J m ." Will bo received nnd hir which liichcst ; inarkot price will be paid. J7HE1) AND PKOVISIONS. 'I'ogellicr Willi n great nrlety ofnollonsiuid elrelo ! in. too numerous to iiic.iUon, U.T'll.ittcr, l!ggs, .Muat und produse generally Inker 1 1 1'Tcliaiiuo fur uoods. HENRY G10KR. lllooMi-liurg, Dfc.J.l, ISO.". Executor's Sale. 'Valuable ileal (Estate WILL be espocd to I'ublio Sale, at tho lato dwelling hnu.o of Wm.Colo. deceased, in llenluu townthin, Columbia co, mi 'Ihursday the Blh vf January, 1800, nt III o'cloi.k In the forenoon of said dny, tho follow ing descrilied real c.tate, viz : A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, CJIH.11U III lr IH'-II IUWIIPIIII1, l.Ullllllill.l I'll,, nUIUHJiriK lands ..flhe heirs of John uauliacli on Iho rust, nnd ,,,, bcK.ngin,' in the nilate of the said Wm. i- on toe north, s.uilh. nnd west, contalninc Ten Acres moru or less, w hereon is erected a largu und uvmt mm, CuntalHing threo pair of Stones, a Saw .Mill, Dwelling llousu und Stable. ALSO, a certain Plantation aud Tract of I, mill, mt'i'ile iii M.-ntnn twp nfore-aid, adjoining lanes of llciijaiiiln hrluk on 1 1 1 uorlh. thuliclrs of Jim l.uubarh on ilia rust, rtjhiiigrreek on the west, and thu .Mill liact i ( tlencribeit on tlm south, toulaiu ingUVi:XT VACUUS, mtta or less, wlicteoii aro erected u two Story Stone Dwelling House, A Largo FrainoHnnk Uirn. and out- Iiimisoh. ul.outFilty Aero it impmicd laud. ALSO, a cert Jit) tract ol hud sittiato in llenlnn twp.. atoresaid. und on tin wcstsi.lo Mf I'ish lncrecii, ailjoiuiuv laud of llenjauilu ttrink on the n. Hill, ndjoiuiug tin manor tr.irl un Iho south. Samuu flartmau mi. I oilier, on thu uctl und 1 irliiiiKcrtLh un , lM cist, CUIII.IIIIHIH Eigiity Acres ni'iro or less, lib. nit twenty neie cleared an I 'the bat ........ I....I...I l.i.i.l :lli..r,-i4 mi tile nreitiK... m l.mrl.-. smith thop. i ALSO, one other Irart of land si;uatu -, sojailniifiwii., in said county, adjoining lands of j,u i:u Un the north, Jacob Klniblu mid Hauiuel ,.s on tlm south and west, and utlur lands ol Win ,.,.i ,,,, ,n. i-,,i.t:i i n i nr I T.JIl Acres, 1 ion re or less. aHiut a 1 ucres nnproveii inno, 1110 tesi . duo tin. lur j tlu-ru 1110 on the premises n two stot) I tr.tuie dv.'elliiii; luiu. a Ir 11110 barn, tint building;, "aJ A GOOD ORCUAllD. T.Oli - I'ru.n nf WnnillAtul. lilllnln I ilJJOtl, " - - w- ' ' 1 j in SuLMiloaf Itvp., aforesaid, adjolnine; lu.u's of .llont.- Hiuiu.ry CoH aim 1 i-uuiet -rtte Hi" east, Almas Cole on the nortli. 0.1 ihe suuih Hw.irtwtiut. uu the noil by other hy lauds of John minis 01 un uccc dint, containing about KLi.HTr ACHES, Thu nl.uee lauds to bo sold pursuant 11 the directions. contained iu the last will and leslauienl of William Cole, ileceasfil. I iiii.liti.uis and ttmii (..aiewin bo 11 10 le kniiMii 1 n day uf sale, hy Mn.wrnoMuiiY coi.n, THOMAS II t'OMI. CtvLUiuits or W:i. CotK.crc'n ll:uton twp, Dee. 1(1, 'Oj ts FOUTZ ' s f1 111 TI1I3 preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly rtiuvigorato broken down and low spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing tho etomach and Intes tines. It Is a suro pre ventive of all dis eases incident to I this animal, such aa LUXO FCVIilt, GLAMJtRS, YBLI.OW VA. 11.11. Al I,?. W-? cot e; us, inn- tv,v7Mt TKMi'int. vi:- vkks, rorxnKii i.os.s or aitk- TlTi: AX1) VITAL u.Nnnov.ic. in usu improves llio win it, increases the appetite -Klvts mlscrablu skeleton Into n fine-looking and spiiltcJ horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation Is Invaluable It lu.TiaseJ tho ituantity and Improves the quality V V of the milk. It has been proven Ly no- Y't-r '""ir1 i .n.1 1., m t'Jal experiment to l-S&SWSW.'-; ."'.Viil increa.o tno quan JtfMm&&!$m My of milk' and Nj A -ThetSiXi Rn.-t. In fittenlns cattle. It iiives them un appetite, loosens their hide, and much faster. In all diseases of Striae, bucii 3 Cough3, Ulcers la the I.unes, I.lvcr, &c., this article nets ns a specific. Ily putiinit frum one-half a pais-r to a paper lu n barrel cf swill tho nbovo diseases will be eradicated ISP"! as .C-J or entirely prevented. If given In time, n certain preventive and euro for tho Hon Cholera. Prico 25 Cont3 por Paper, or 5 Papers for CI. PRErAllED BY s. -A.. iroTJ'.r:; &z uro., AT THEIR WHOLES tlE Dlilll AXD JIF.Uiri.VE DErOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Tor Sale hy nruBslsts and Storekeepers through out tho United States, ffy" 1'ur sale at the Unig fture of EYE a ( MOVER, llloomsbiirK Pa- llloomshura. Jan K. ttM l-.'nio . Cil pi'Ai WE want naeuts ev. ryttliore to sell our I Mi-not EP S'J'I r1""!"!! Mui hines. Thrcu new Minis t'loiler uud upper feed. Warr niton live years Abnvo hil-irvorlaiiiJri.iiiiiiissitiip.ini Tim om.v imihintij sipil In United (ttal' S lur less than Sill, which ntt'fttl la liunictl b.j Hove. H'mrr.y H ison. One.r Jf HaUr, siHirtr A- Co "'"i Bactlder. .ill other cheap machines nru tnfnttitimruu and tin- or nre urn iH to crrtaf it, t' itapruMmtnt. Cirtul.irsire. Atlilrues or e.ill iiiiuii Sli.iw U, lllil.lefurd, .llaino, or lit No 'CM llinailwiiy, New Vrk 1 No. '-'Jii Caller Htruel l'lula lell'hi-i. I'a '. N. H l-'iuiluril's lllock. Cliicat'u, III N'o ITu West foil nh Street. Cincinnati, Ohio ; or No Vfitauldlue'' tlxdiiiiije, lliiil'alu, N. Y. Hoc. iiJ. 18U5.-ls ly NOTICE, Meeting of Ihu flock IIP, Annual Meeting of Ihu fine ' " I hucRawnuiia & tiiuom.iiurs h-ui ""'',' ,V ,. 1 V' will bo lu'll nt lie ulliffl nf Jiimes Anhibai. Lsq., in Biran'on, u'l Monday. Ihe ells da)' of Jiininry InUI ho. tweeiitlie hours uf It A. M. uid I f- M al w tilth llino iinelerluui will .ij huld for the President and ttvclv0 llirtclurstu bertu tlu onsuing '','"', IJt JOHN l". I.IiJliI.t ccc-y, Dcafness, Blhulnesa &. Catarrh, Treiiled with the utmost .arrets by Dr. J. ISAACB Ocull.l uud Auiist. (fnimutly of l.ejduu,, Kt,. Sill I'lMI Btroet, Philadelphia. Testimonials troiii" Ihu most reliable sources in Ihe City nnd country can be seen ut Ins iiibce Tli" un dieal Im-ulty uru Invited ii ue upaiiy I'm. paui'iii- j he ha- no crrt in his practice. Ali'l'lH' I Al. '.'M iimtiH-it ivuhoul psiu No rlnirgo mad. for cuuiliiatl"u. July li lv'O - Km An 5?ss. .-SB aT B TIliljllillrOFTIll! WORLD m DR,. MAGGIES t 2 Iheso Life, giving remedies jira now, fof the first tlino. given publicly tnlho world. Tor over a quarter ufa century of prlvuto practice tho -.Ingredients' Irt Iheso Life-giving Pills, liavebeeu Used wllh tho greatest success. Their mis sion is not only to prevent disease, but to euro , They senrrh tut the various maladies b which iho patient is sull'erliig, nnd re Invigorates tho railing system. 'I o the aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable I'IM.rt will pruvo to In! A VJiltY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, for In every cam they add new life nnd vitality, nnd re.toro Hi o waning energies to their pristine statu. l'u Hie young und middle-aged they will provo most In vnl able, nsa ready, speiiflc. nnd sterling Inedlcliio Here Is n dp urn nnlUed, that I'oncp-de r.eou sought fur three huudr.-d yinrs ngo, and never found. IIo looked lor n fountain that would restore Iho old to vigor and make youth ever An Eternal Spring, It was left for this day and hour to rc-allao the dream, nnd show in ono glorious fact, llio magic that ii.falr. These 1-Y.mous Remedies, I'aimn! siny tho lllglit of year, but they can forcu bark, mid hold nl.iof. disensothat n.lght triumph over thn ngi-il mid the young. Let none hesitate then, but ih.- favornM.! opportunity that oirrs. When tnkoii us prescribed iFor Bilious Disorders Nothing can bo more productive of euro than Iheso Pill.. Their almost magic Inllucnco Is fektatHiic" ; und th'-iMual ronsomitnnls of this mo st dislressing ill.ensc aro removed. These remedies arc made Ironl IhJ putest VEUETABI-E GUM POUNDS. They ii itl not harm Iho most (telltale female, and can bn given Willi good iir.'ct in prescribed to lie oui.gcs babe. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruption of the skin, the BAI.VII is most invaluable, it dos not henl o xlejnally alone, but penetrates i Ilh the ost searchl ug ell'ecls to the very root of tho evil I Invariably euro tho following Diseasos : Asthma Itowel Cotnplainis. Cooiilii, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costivencss, ' Dyspepsia, Diaihnea, Drop.y, Iicbllily. Fcinalo Complaints feverand Ague, DiMilachti, tmli;'ction, liitluenza, Intl.iininatlnn, Inward Weakness, I. Ivor Complaint, l.otvncss ofsplrils Kiiiaworui. illii'Uiuati.n', jail lthcuni Mralds Sain Disaascs. S7 flOTICC N'onorjcii line without the engraved trado mark .iru'ind eucli pot or but, signed by lilt. J. M CGIKI,. 13 I'ulluti bl New York, to cannier folt vtliicli is felony. Dv" Hold lt'all respect able Ui.ilers In Medicines th rout-bout Hie Uiutcil ttlitcs and Canada at -Jo els. per box or pot. Dec. V, ldii.;-ly. LOOK HERE" rpilh A ory blattering Support hereto 5 foro (tlvnn t the late lirm of IAMIIS H. "jlc NIN'CIl li CO .induced the uudcr.igi'cii to enter up oil thu business or ' MERCHANDIZING onon nsoinotthal new- titan. Tho credit system Ins bien nil injury tu both liujcr nnd sellei Hid thcrefuro ITE.jre8i'i;fl proposes to open on the 1.1th day .Noteinlier, lw.l, iu of tho month of THE MOST COA1PLETE AND ELEGANT STOCK OP 1I1J 60098 Ever offered in this 'County ; consist ing of every variety and quality ol staplo ana Grocories, Quesnswaro, Hard ware, and nil torts of articled kepi iu a country -niuru , iu uu sum or in L'xohango for Tlio ubole business to bo coiuluoled on the -ysteiu of pay ns you go ; and at cheaper rales than tiny other house iCr Call ami Judgu for yourselves. J. S. MoNINCII. Nov II, lBO.1. A.J. IIvins A. II MCI (UN Clothing Emporium! 'J HIS WAY, GENTLEMEN', Firm of Evuls & Hurt in au I ATE arrival of Fall I i tui.' nt Ihe old still I of A. & Winter Cloth- J. nVAiVct, on .Main .Siiect, Illooin.burt' tlio best un.l latesti-'ttles and I HSl'li'llS. CLOTHES, CASisAMEllS, fyc, (J-, llvi J'lliins in thu Geullcmaiis Hue of Clothing -I la villi! inoiiruiiiplny tho well known and experiene til i inter, Mr. C. I.. l!ur-iian,4furuierly of Ilaslou. perfit lit is s!,iiid toordur. Also Larrto as .ortmeut of Heady male COATS, PAN TS, VESTS, kc, ito. Also-unaesoilment o( UOOTS, tha cheapen tu Ihu iniirket. , Also a splendid ns-ortmciit of Clothes and Cassamers, for -ale or lo make to order EVANS & 11AUTMAN. Illoomsbiirg. bet. 1 1, lsul. For Sale, A Farm at Private Sale. rr,be uniler.iiirnud offers to sell tit privatu I'AItM AM) IM.WTATIOX. ,iu,.ito in lleinlotk ton n.llip. Columbia ciniuly, Pa., about two a ne ii.. A ii... ,i... ..r-. ... ...In I.UI.I. ,I1.U, .lit. . fj U.I (WltU, coiiluiuing Seven ly-Thrco Acres of Land, Whereon is erected .1 good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, alnrso 1'rniuc Unuk l!."iiii,ruii suit rlht r Lt-!.biiii p LAUGE OllClIAIU), &o. Yot futtli'ir patticuUr, eniuiro otihQ pulm'riber, ul , liuDUius ajiM, on ma muir ru.ii. J. II. BTEOKBtt. Nov. Id, lr5053iiio 83 NOTICE IN PARTITION- Aidfc oj Jcseph Hayhurst, dee'd. rpo I'enina, widow of decedent, Maty, intermarried L witii Hand ilrobst, Sitsuu, inleimarriid u ith (Jet.. . rilrlrlur; Clleu, intermarried with Cyrus il ippicman; lltz t'eitl, Hiizabelh, and llemijah. hu-e resideucii is tiuknoitn-who nr i Ihu hi irs and represettlu litcof said Joseph llayliur.t.decu'd, Talc AoiLe, That an Inquest will b he'd at the Into dwelling house of Ihe said II wm'liir, in Or.iugn town, ship. Columbia Count). I't iin-yitania.on Ihe premises nn Monday, tho liuih, ol January IrOii. ut lu n'clocx A M. of ihat day, fur the purpose of making paitiliou nf thu real est ito of Ihe said ikrousud to nnd uniting the Heirs and icgut representatives, if tlio same can be dono without prejudice to or spoiling the whole I lierwjsnto veluu und upnral.o the saulo according to law : ut whiih tlmo nud pluco you urt rt'iuired toat Und if j on ihluk proper. SAMUEL SNYDKtt, Sheriff: III n 11 it Hit. Illtiiuiislurg I U-r.'.J, lebj-le J nobbory of Adams' BxprcsB. New IIavk.v, Jod. 7. Tho nmouot ftolcn from tho iron oar of Adam'u Ex press Company, on tho Hoslon mail train, on.Qaturday nlfjht, as nfcar ai oan bo os ccrtaiucd at present; u about fifty thou sand dollars. Tho car was probably cn trred whilo at tho depdt in Now York. Thoy left eighty thousand dollar in greenbacks ond sixty thousand dollars in Qovcrritnont notCR oh tho floor of tho car, Tho officials of tho company nro fnvoftt galintho matter. Tho robbery was not discovered till tho train arrived in this city. Tho agent of tho Express Company f upposo tho loss lo bo not less than $500, 000, in monoy and liondc. Great Excitement I ItSf lAgM Street I AT ENT?S STORE! On Account or the Now Arrival or Ml and "Winter Goods HAS just rcccivcil from tho oaatorn Cities' end Is now opening at Ills old stand a splendid assortment of GOOBS Consisting of every thing generally kept in a csnntry store, wilful will bo sold ' ( hcapcr than the Cheapest, Call and sco nnd Judgo for yourselves. Ills stnckcnnsistsof Ladles Dress Goods cholecitstTlul and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassiniorcsj Satinets, . Cottonatlcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. m. 9 Quecnswaro, Ccdanvarc, Hardware, Mcdicinus, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ka BOOTS, SHOES. HATS & OAVS.&o, The patronage of old friends, and the public genera ly, is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country produce PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 7, leBS. New Goods t rS"Mio subscriber has rnoVetl to tba sccotrd 1 Doors below Itartinan's. and Just received a new stock of Zephyra, Cotton nnd Woolen Yarns Corsets, Laces, Embroideries, Mus lins, Edgedings, Dress Trioi raihgs, &o., &c, which nil arc invited to call and examine. A. I). UTDD. October 7, 180j Sclmol Books, Ilyinh Hooks, liiblei Sunday School l'noks nad a variety of olhir Hooks, lllanks Aetount llnoks, .llcmoraiidum Hocks, nnd Die rids for 1-tV., Deeds nud .llurtgagus, und an a a sortnicnt of Paper and I'.nvelopes, &e., tf., to b found at tin- New Hcok sjiurc, E'cutid Uuur bslo w Ilarlmnu's Store, llloailiibutg. a. li. wcni:, nloonislurg, Oct. 7. 1FM. FRESH A R II VA I. OP Fall and Winter EVERY BOOT Till! iltulerslgned. crateful for past patrnnagp, tespec fully iuformshlscutumers aint the publicencrally that Ue has just received Irom tho llastem cities, the largest and most select stock uf M .it st 4 I it 1' . sr?--.p,t .tvj jfa. .txyu. st.r v?t mi That has yet been opened in lllnomsliurir, Ii whicli lw Invites the attention of his fiicuds, nud assures tht-ai that lliey nio oitered lor sale at great bargains. 111m j Block u lutgj assortment uf I CUNTI.CMIIN'B IVn Altl.N'O Al'I'Alint.. UoiKistinu tu t'AMiiojtei.K IIrcss Cutis, of ote.ry 4m I criplion j Pants, Ve.l , s-hirts, Cravats stocks, Cotlo i. iianiiKcrcuieis, uioves, i-uspeuuers, lie. C.old Watches ami Jewelry. of i-vury tit- scr I pi I on . line and clleap. N. II. Keiiieiiibcr toicenUrg'x Cheap F.inpoi iuw. call anil see. ,No chargo for uinming (louds. DAVIU UJWl'.NIIKnn, IllooUbburs Nov, 16, li-O.i. tJune 1859 NOTICE TN PARTITION. Estate of Junes-Rahlon, deeeaiid. rpo .Matilda llalsiun. tVillamlna, tvl.lotv of Itobor t . X Ualstuu, nn.i Jams.Il.iu;ilti C, l.lvlru un.l Charles, minor rluldien of Hubert Italotmi deceased, residing i iu the County of Dauphin. John nal.ton, residing in Schuylkill County, William Italston, rcsidiiurin lira .il, Boulli AuierKii, Jt.slali H"Is1.hi, ol Cultiinlua couu- . ly, Agnes intermarrii tl with Marshal Sllvcrinnrii, ro siding in Hretkiiiriilge, Culorado 'I er ntory. Busan in l termarriud with Miies C. Abbot, Maitba inlerinarrietl With lieorge Jlidlotii in, and hlluabeth u daughter of James jiaiston, junior, ilereasoti, who lias tor ner ouarJiau 11 r. "VcJini'J . 1 "I'-'J V i ounroiiert llnrtnian. heirs and leiral renrcsenta- s ltalslou, lato uf Llooui loivushii., Cu- decvabe.l. nro herebv cited to bu and annaar h.-foro tho , Ju.leus of Our Orphans Onrt, to bo Held in llloonis buri.', in said uolinty, on ihullrtt Mtiiid.iY In Kebruary I next, then nud thero tu accept or rcfusu to tnko thu real estatu of the said James llalstou, tlecouseJ, sit uato in thn said couiitv of Culuiutiia, nt Ihu appraised value put upon it by uu lii'iu i.t duly awarded hy tho 1 Court, nnd returned b) Ihu fhnrilf, to Hi-ptoiiiber term A, I), leoo, or bliow cau.o why the same should not bo sold, I Witness, Ihe Hon, William Ulwell. I'resideut of our , said Court, ut tlluomsbur, Dujemher II. IMsi J ESSE COLEMAN, Cleik, O. C. Illoom.bnrg, Dee 'ij. IrT'i.-Sw. Tobacco AND C!Igt Store. At Stroitp's Old Stand, on Main Street npiio mulersigiii'J having oponil tlio Stora JJ forinnrly nceupled by I)avid'itimin, as a (.'rocery. and furni.hed i'. w nil it largo uud varied ussoitnient ol t-iccllent . TOBACCO AND CIGARS. most respectfully invites tho patronage of tin citi zens of Ulooiiijburgund vtcliiliy. He is ptcparcd to sell at whuietalo and retail, upon Iho mu.t reu.ouable terms. Merrhants, Hotel keepers, u'ul Crierymcn, would do well In five hint a call. It!-AU kinds of Chewing and rtuioMng T'obarcn, in larne vnl suiall luaulics, luu.ianlly on hand oiU lor ale. II II IICMinr.KGKU, pi osiitiuf r,s-ri rc ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers