COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. " Onr Constitution Eniirrl ll evert Our glorious Unionhold tt dear I Our Surry riig forsako It novcrl The proud Caucasslan our only peer I EDITED BY LEVI L.TATB, PltOFIUnTOn. BLOOMSBURG : Saturday Morning, Jan. 13, '66. Another Special Notice. Tii Distant Subscribers Wo addrosu this notioo, to our non-paying distant sub scribersnot loth oso who VAY and havo our .hearty thanka and sincoroly .trust thoy will givo it their early and .prompt attention. Gentlemen, wo havo sent tho Dem ocrat, to many of you for several ycar, on tho faith of your horotoforo good nntno and repeated promises to pay, as honost men should. We havo, also, Ecnt you your bills and regr t to say, that many of you havo totally failed to respond. Again, wo will ask you to pay up, liko !.... 4 :r..... .1. . .. I1UIIUSI, llll.ll, uuu II )uu iiu uoi want 1110 paper, wo will cheerfully relievo you of it in the future We shall make out bills to next March, tho end of tho 10th year since wo assumed charge of tho Democrat. Our subscribers will greatly obiigo us by paying to that timo. Wc intond then to make important improvements upon the paper, and will only send to tboso who pay in advance. Democratic State Convention. Tho Demooratio Stato Convention (or tho nomination of a candidato for Governor of Pennsylvania, will meet in tbo hall of tho IIouso of Representatives, at Harriabnrg, on Monday, the fifth day of March, 180G, at 3 o'clock p. m. Tho headquarters of this Committco aro in tho Democratio Club Itooms in Harris- burg, which are open day and evening. Dcmoerats visiting this city aro invited to call. By ordor of the Dcra. State Committee. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Chairman. Ben. L. Foster, Scc'y Uarrisburg, Jan. 1), 1800.- Bloomsburg and Cambra Mail for tho Union, and it is our consistent re Route, jgard for tho groat charter of tho republic Mr. W. F. Piattj has becomo tho Pro- whioh oau3CJ U3 to opposo ovcry move. pnetorof tho Mail ltouto (whioh runs tri-'monfcj op9n arj(l bold or in3idios and basa, w.jry uoiwouu loomsourg unu wm- ora. air. I'., is a very pleasant anu ac commodating young man, keeps excollcnt Coaches and Horses, and will sparo north er pains or expense to accommodate tho travelling publio. He v has also reduced j tho faro on his Route and should bo liber-, ally patronized. j body of usurpers, , Congress. This body of styled the "Rump Congress'' ously legislating for tho negro. Nino out oi every ten acis proposca-anu itiey an pass muster, are exclusively for tho ' "colored cuss of Africa." It is no part of their business to aid tho suffering poor its entire time, thus far, taken up with tho white men and women of tho country. 'Freedmen." Congress has given them Tom Williams, a-fanatio from Pitls- buroaus, tohool?, bounties, lund, pensions, burg, last week, offered a Resolution, de- farming implements, and is now trying claring that it was the sensooi tha House, hard to givo them tho ballot and the right "that troops should not be withdrawn to conirol the white man. One thing has from the late seceded States, until tho ' been forgotten, which must be done beforo two Houses of Congross shall havo as- the thing is compIcte-CoDgrcss must make oortaincd and declared their presence an appiopriation to buy a lot of baby jum there to bo no longer necessary." This pors for tho littlo nigs. Wo bclieyo this resolution passed tho II. orR. by a vote AVOuld be a saving to Iho "Ilureau." Do of 0-1 to 37." Wo had supposed that tho ie0uietbing for tho Frcedmen." If some President of tho Unitod States, who is tho thing be not done for tho whito raau prot-Cammandor-in-Chiof of the Army and ty soon, the negroes will havo it all, and Navy, had tho right to recall the troops, there will be nothing left for him. at pleasuro, but radical abolitionism, has insulted his authority and apit ia his faoo ' Where the Money Comes FnoM. by usurping that prerogative; ' j Sometimes Democrats wonder whero tho Uully Brooks Sumner, offered a resolu-i money comes from, which tho Republicans lion, to prevent kidnappiDg Froodmen in 1 nso in such profusion to carry elections tho South, and admitted that it was and eorrupt the ballot box. If wo over dono by federal (yankoe) ofiieors. had any doubt on tho subject, that has Mr. Davis (Ky ) had'no doubt tho Yan- been removed lately. The third annual kees wcro endeavoring to reopen the slavo report of tho Philadelphia 'Union Loaguo' trade. Ilo know thoy would do so, if they ! 'how that in 18G5, tho income wa 134,- thought they could make money out of it. j He was in favor of tho resolution, Tho resolution was ndop'tcd. Taxes'. c . r, , Secretary McCul ooh says wo can nover . . . . - . , cxpeot to seo prices go down aga n to tho ,, - . . ... mi . , old point, booauso of tho taxes, Tho and- tii . ... , , lord charges tho axes ,n h.a rent, tho luauuiaiiuuui iu iuu pneu ui ma articles , tho merchant upon his goods and thus tho poor mon in (ho end pay tho taxes. And thus has it ovcrbcon in tho way of taxation, tho great burden falling upon tho men of toil, and yet beoauso a tax col lector never visits thu poor man's cottage. there are those who claim that ho pays no taxes, when in reality, the poor being in tho great majority, thoy pay moro taxes in the aggregato than thoso whom tho world calls rioh. They pay duties on tho im ported goods thoy consumo on tho do meatio goods thoy purchaio thoy pay tho premium unwise laws givo to tho rioh manufacturer, and in almost every con ceivable form thoy are taxod to pay tho National and Stato debt, while tho bond holder, who gets more than lawful interest, is exempt from National and State taxa tion on his wealth inveatod in Government securities. The Chicago llepublican, having proved a great failure, its editor, 0. A. Dana, is in Washington applying for tho New York Colleclorship. Taxation. I Whilo England Is removing lior laxa-( lion whioh sho is taking off tho burdons irora tiio laboring o'asscs wo aro greatly ' Increasing ours. Tho wholo oxpoiises ol tho English Government aro 81150,000,-j Sonata, and Mr. llammcrslcy, of Phlla 000 a yoar, and of that one-balf goes to dolpbia, clerk. Mr. Kelly, of Washington, pay tho interest on tho national debt. J was elected upoaker of tho llouso,and Mr. Tb oxpenscs of tho Unitod States Gov Jlonodlot Ohiof Olcrk. A inessago was crninouts, Fedoral and Stato, will bo at road from tho Govarnor, after organizing, least Hvo hundred millions of dollars a ' whioh is nothing more than an opolo-gy yoar, including tho interest on our debt, for his abscnoo, aa follows : in oinor wonts, ureal untain, witn tier lumjfinu uiuuaiuiu uiiiuuus m la.Miuiu property has a much oheaper government than tho United States, with its twolvo thousand millions of taxable property ,, , .... H . Tho latter pays one third uioro taxation than tho former on one-third tho means. Tho United States, under tho llopublican narttr disnnnnntinn. nrn nun Hm mnat I abominably taxed communities on tho face of tho globe. Tho most iron despotism existing nas never wrung suoh tabuloos amounta from tho hoards of tho laboring rl AftQflrt lltia Qn.nnltntl thnt ntwl imtaf narental CWnment." Tho out hiui. , . , , neBs our legislators havo to do now is to provide for tho negroes at tho exponso of the whites, and othcrwiso exert all tbeir ingenuity to incroaso tho taxation, which . i.i i .i goos to supply tho capacious maws o( tho 1 J 1 bond anstooraoy and tho Government contractors. Congress. Tho right of tho two Houses of Con gress to judgo of tho qualifications of members is a very different thing from . . i . i t that assumption of power advocated by ,r r r , , , . f Messrs. Sumner, Slovens, ct al.. by which iney proposu 10 uisirancuiso oiaces. xi an improper person bo sent to roprcsont a Stato or a district, they may with propriu ty send him back, but they cannot find a word in the Constitution which gives them authority to say to a State, "you havo been a sinner, and cannot have any roprc- sentation here." If the States of the J jsoath aro in tho Union their representa tives havo a right to bo iu Congress, and if they aro' not, tho stars which represent them on the flag should bo stricken out, unless wo intend tnat tho "star-spangled banner' bhall be, as some of tho radical faotionisls havo called it, la flaunting Ho." We havo not chanced in our love WW0U aims at its destruction. 1 A Good Joke. The best joke of tho season was latoly pofpotrated in Baltimore by the Friend, At a lar6 and respectable moeting of this denomination a petition was prepared to bo prescntod lo Congrcss,asking that body to uo something tor tUo D rccumcn, it tuts wa3 donQ in :ronv , m03t y.v thc R,sa. I rf j , , . . . ' ' enn on n huf '60mcthiLg for the Frcedmcn OU1UULU1LLT ilJl L UiZ A' TUt'll III Ull i ni'll. we would uld ask, baa anything been dono for i, ,n fll,,6ent "h'to women many oi whom hold their up: mcotinj- to-morrow (Tues , ., , n t. l i i , uy ouuoatiou, intelligence and rehncnient, dav.) when it is hoped tome proress will lute men Congress has had almost j hayo a , lo niado jn tw irapnrUnt buiaiie's that is tho white OIJ.tM, of which they expended, (carry ing tho elcolion last fall) 891,978,38,lcav ing a balance on hand of S13,7G5, 50. looming Governor's e oction, to br bo 1 , ., , votors, or any other purposo that raav j . , ,,' m ,, v ,. y J givo them success at tho pol s. With tboso . ,,, .. . t , " i fact3 hoforo their eyes Democrats cannot ' ,00 H& A Washington special says tho President will tend in a message on the assembling on Congress, in reply to a res olutiori of tho IIouso, stating why Jeff. Davis has not beon tried, In tubstanoe it will bo tho samo as contained in his first messago Ho elaborates upon the matter somewhat, by showing that ho al ways opposed his trial by military oommis sion, and gives his roasons therefor. As soon as tho necessary legislation is com pleted by Congress, for tho holding of United states Court in Hichmond.tho trial will bo immediately prooocdctl with. Tho Prosidont ia anxious for tho decision in tho case, as any membors of Congross can bo. SSy An important lottor from tha Treas urer of tho United States, in relation to tho undivided profits of national banks, is published. Ilo decides that theso surplus es must pay duty as deposits, and favors a provision exampting from duty or tax sur-j plus funds of banks, to tho extent of 20. per ccut. of their oapiial, j Meeting of tho Legislature. Tho two Houses of tho Lonislaturo of Pennsylvania convonod at Uarrisburg on Monday of last week. Mr. Fleming, of JJaunhiu, was ro-oluclcd sneaker of tho Gentlemen t Tho toils and anxiety of iuo ins; lour years navo irom timo to time, brought on thu sovero attaoks of disoasc. i 'I0m tho tnost scvoro of these I am slow- ? "WB recovery. i nutl 'hat to givo my constitution an opporfuui- ty to coiuue struggle It is absoluloly J necessary that I thoulu make a short soa 'yg and sojourn in a milder climate, 1 Under tho pressure of this nocossilv I ' j i, ?0ilj!,ld of((J,lba: II l' m hoP ' wcoouto you on your arrival at tho seatof government, but if it should bo found in- 1 iltspansablo that my visit to Cuba should bo prolonged to tho latter end of Februarv. mmB rvo lo Ibv before you tuo cause oi my abscnoo at the oommonco- mcnt of vour session. In this oaso I (eel sure that you will adopt mob courso as oliall consist with your wisdom, and with lb affuctionato consideration which I havo i always received at vour hands. It would, , ., J . , ! , ' IiOWCVur. not hannrnn inn rn fnrnnl ili.if tl,n iS8lll!3 0f life aro in tho hands ol that One above all and that many have death wait ing for them on the foreign shoro to which jthoy bavu been sent in search of health. I Should such bo my fate, I shall draw j my last breath wilh a seiiao of tho deepest . grotituda to tho pcoplo of the Common. wealth and their lloprcsentatives. for tho Li.-p-f..! ,i .,1 clicertul, manly ami unfailing support which they havo given during tho last four years 10 mo general oauso ot tue right anil to rue m my cilorts to maiutaiu it and with a prayer of thankfulness to Al mighty God, that ho strengthened till tho end of the cruel rebellion, and thought me worthy to he permitted to continue that timo as Chief Magistrate of tho paoplu of Pennsylvania, and to havo ray name con- cc!ed iu ,hat relation with suoh a people uuring gucn a timo, ought to oo enough to till tho highest measuro of any man s am bitiou. Andrew O. Cuiitin. Executive Chamber, Nov. 27, 05. Aftor the reading of tho messago tho Houso adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M.. on Wednesday next. As tho Abolitionists are in thrr mijority in both;branches of tho Legislature, it is not probable that Democrats will bo held responsible for any of tho doings of thoso bodies, and the many schemes of plunder and speoial legislation whioh aro expected to bo brought before our representatives this winter will have to be laid to tho door of the dominat parly. Wo shall endeavor ' , , , .i-ii i to keep our readers posted in all matters of interest acted upon. j "" ! Women Voting. Mi.'S Lucv Stono and other Mrono- min.l ed women aro petitioning the Lunatics of " O Cougross to give (hem iho right to vole Th0J say thoy rcpre3Cnt Fjftcon miom ... ... . . or and ignorant raco of negroes, Sure Enough ! Would it not be better for Tbad Stevens to get a whito mistress and devoto his attention in part to Miss Lucy Ftono and tho white folks ? An Inquiry Answered. Mr. Editor ,- Pleaso tell mo how many j blates seceded from the federal Union and joinod tho Confedcrato States, their names, and tho datCB of their separation from the Federal compact. A SUBSCRIBER. Thero wero eleven States whioh eecod ed, as follows : South Carolina, December, 1800. Mississippi, January, 1801, Florida, January, 1801. Georgia, January, 1801. Louisiana, January, 1801. Alabama, January, 1801. Ttfxas, March, 1801. Virginia, April, I8fil. North Carolina, April, 1801. Tennessee, May, 1801. Arkansas, May, 1801. of' ES?" Bradley, tho mulatto ex-lawyer the Boston bar, who was ooudemncd l..l.. 1... ...til OI...I . I i.v-.j u iiiiiuuijr tuun at unauesion, S. C. to 000 Year's irnnrisnnmnnr !n PnJ ' O. U 10 000 year S impriSOUmont in Lort Pu ask , for noitino the slaves lo raise i.ivi.3 to raise, in iniurreotton and toko possession of , tauus anu proporty, lias been released on parole bv order of IlossStaninn. Aiilmii..!. thousands of whito men havo suffered:7""" " .'. uoioraao , .. , . . " ' 1 aguimt the recognition of that State, on months and years in prison for no offense account of i.jutue to tlair race the whatever, unable to oatoh iho ear ;ir the) newly Jornttd Constitution " That i3 ihey CVO of the SocrptAro nf Wnr nr T.i- inn 1 aro not allowed to Villi!. U'Wn il. i i-nn. means to excite his sympathies iu their behalf, not a siuslo twist of wool in any part of tho Union can be put in jeopardy without his notioo and tho interposition of his succoring offices. That shows tho ad vantago of being orthodozioally colored. Hard to FiND.It is hard to find an eulogist for tho lato President Lincoln. Mr. Stanton and Mr. Holt havo both re fused to deliver tho address commcmora. tivo of his lifo, eorvioce and doath before tho two houses of Congross on tho 23d of lobruary next. Whether they oan't do julioo to tho eubjeot, or tho subject will not do justioo to them, is left to oonjeeture. Is it possible that thoso two worthies, bo soon aftor their lato master is dead, re fuso to do rovoronco to his memory What baso in l'ngratitudo toward tho doad Prosidont. If wo wo wero allowod to sug gost, wo could namo a proper eulogist for Mr. Lincoln. For inslauco, "Brick" Pomroy, Tcrrlblo Murder. A most fiondlth tnurdur was onmmitod in Gormantown, Philadelphia, Saturday morning exceeding in atrocity any which havo preceded it lor a long timo. Tho ! victim was a womou of suoh advanced ... ... . nua as to ha ina.intitiln ol mukinir roiainnrn 0110 Who had lived to thu nlloln.l nnrln.l : period of thrccicoro and ten and wbo3c nrav hairs and feobloness ought to. hava saved hor from violonoo o( any kind, Sho was' a maiden lady namod Mary Watt who . oocunicu a-iwo-aiui-a-na t-storicil stono cottage with n roughcast front on tho low . . . . cr sido of Queen Stroot bstwecu German town avenue and Greou street. Thoro sho had lived In quiet and repose for many yca9, and thcio hoped to die, as in tho courso of uaturo sho soon would havo done. But littlo was known of her oir cumstanocs though she was believed to bo welt off and as is often the ease, stories wore in circulation to tho cll'oot that sho had speoio about tho house. At ono timo Miss Watt had livinc with hor a wftlowml sister, and after her death sho for several years lived alone. Robbers, however getting at ono time mto tho homu sho be came frightened and mado arrangements to havo a sleeping compniou and for a year or two sho has had as aueh a Miss Kliizabcth Lippincott, also of advanced ago. This lady did no inoro than sloop at tho houso, leaving it early overy morn ing. Tcsterday sho left it at a vrry early hour about half past six o'clock and at seven o'clock Miss Watt was discovered to have bfion murdered. There can bo little doubt but that tho murder was com mitted by cue who hail a full kaowlcdgo of the mode of life of Miss Walt, and who had waited a short distnnce from thu house for the departure of Miss Lippincott. Tho murder was discovered through the son of Mr. Smith Hughe?, whoso place of buisness is a short dunoe off. The boy wont to the cottago on an errand and not boing able lo get in by the usual way, Ins returned to his resilience and communica ted tho fact to his mothur. Shu went to tho cottajju and liuiliiii! the door look ed looked through the window and seeing Mis.-) Wult Iini; on the fbor supposed her to bo sick. Mr llughus then sum moned and Ilo entered by iho back door which was ajar. An soon as he reached the prostrato form of Miss Watt ho was hori fiod to difoover that f ho ha I been murder ed. Iler throat was cut from car to ear and thoro was a bruise over the right eye, evidontly caused by a blow that must have stuued her. Tho policed at once commenced a ihor ough search of tho prcmisos but no trace of tho murderers could ho found. Mayor MoMichacl has offurod a reward of fivo hundred dollar for tho arrest aod conviction of tho murder the highrst amount ho is permitted io offer tinder tbo ortlin-ani-o giving him that authority. No doubt the citizens ol Gcrmantown will increase the reward. Prom Washington. Radicals in the ascendant. Washington Jan. 8. The house . AbmM u, 0 a,u aT "Ous0 (0 (lay seemed to bo comp ote y in posession ofhe Ka(! mcmh. Tom Williams of Pitt-burg got iu a resolution against withdrawing tho troops from tho rebel , States until Congress were faiitfied of the reconstruction noliov Lis tlmn ten Un Fli.c,!u' fj,"owod tllu loa(I f ,Il"yulu"l 111 lAinillii liliiuiriMnla in nnU il , ,. ! UECONSTIIUCTIO.V. . - w ... u, .! uvnikuitivb it a u iu I he rccou.-truciiDti conuuiitcc beforo ibem. At present all is conieetuie as to what will be the result ; but 1 notioo that there is a lar belter feeling ;ciior.illy upon the subject than was evinced at any time prior to the Christinas a- journnicnt. It ii reported thrt congress will order nil inftnirv intn tlm Inrr n'nr in. Alvnn- i,;f l,5n n.,i t.-i .... v...v. . v wbjt,t,i ukiuj fcv i.iuuv w.iiiiu. uut, of ihcm. It Was full V (leeidud to tlav hv tho Committee appointed for thu purpose; to! I o ir ... n, i r. ... tbo oration upon our late President. j 1 llG Sicil'DCl MlO. TUB NEW MODI! 01? nEl'ltnSEKTATIO.V. !m,, , . , ., T), . r m - , i I ' I 'HI'j nnticrsioiit'd rrspectfull v informs Mr. lilaino ol Maine, produced some, J tho citizens of i loom.imrg nr.) tho puuiiCScncr facta and figures that somewhat demoral nl'y. "' i "poncu izod tho3o who aro hopiii'' for tho pas-1 Mf!W SAIif?!? SnAn .( n,,l.,,I .Tl,.f!...:,..I.J UUW U. M.4 uuivunuii-m V IUU WUUOLlllUIUIl making voters a basis of representation arid not population. lie showed that it gavo tho proponderanco ol power to the West wcro votora are in larger proportion than anywhere cUo. LATE ELECTIONS I.N THE UISTIIICT. Tho Prcbideut pro. tim. laid bcfoie the Senate a Coiiiuiunication from tho Mayor 01 H asUlIlglon transmitting tllO result of the late elections in tho city on tho subject of negro suffrage. Ordered to lie on tho table, "MnllPRTV 'P'rl.lnw'. n,nn..t!n... f J " t"-.v'.ii-' tllC boiiaio braiioll of the ltllinp C())gr0S3 dJv0t040 lhrl a f mouVtvhat :ilt i-. i t .1 I u ?at-'7 ltial " "Sut jj0 mistaken by old fashioned peoolo lor brazened effortery. J-o nrsc was a oaso ol negro "modes- . "Mr. humner preecntcd a 'note it ''d that tbo white population of Col- ii. .J ,'T .V l,IU "vr" VK tuo uarKio "protest' is lullv protest ' is fully apparent Stop that Stato at onco from cominc into mo union until mo'o jorii-six nogrcos shall have adopted a Constitution .' "Mr. Morgan offered a memorial from tho Now York Uuion Loagua Club, asking that Mrs, Lincoln be paid the full presi dential salary for four yoars.'' It was stated, a lew day ttgO, by a "loyal" journal that tha advocates of that measure hold olaiuis againEt tho Lincoln estate. A year or two ago it waastalod that heavy presidential billc for rjueensware, &o , wero owing in Now York. Will not tho 25, 000, already donated roaoh tho claims held by tho Club membership ? ''Mr. Trumbull ofibrod a bill to enlargo tho powers of tho freedmon's Bureau." This is about as oool as tho memorial of tho Baltimore Quakers asking Congress "to do loincthiog for tho froedinon.'' Patriot Union, J6SyQov. Ourtin will not return homo until tho middle or end of February", De layed letters from Jiim so announce liMlBiKtSTr Wlir.AT, per bunhcl. 3 CO nvi:. 1 oo CORN. " CO lU'l'KWIIHAT, 1 00 noTrnrt.. . . 4.1 i:o(ia 25 I'OTATOP.S. 1 00 nniim Arrixd, a oa hams . -20 iiauon, ... is HAY l.y Itin Ion. 10 00 UlllCKUNa, per pair. CO c' i&vKnn, " ra .'"ti.r.W;.". i .... nui.!iiiiAi i lour, u w nilLADnLPIIIA" TLOUn AtJDdliAtNMAKKET coantcTKn wtrnLY rem rim "dsmociut." F,,V.r pcr doa,relrimny.......'!an ityo....! V.'.'.'.'.'.'.riso "'VJ"1' Wu2f: pe do,,hel V"V".b.'io to $10 In U to 3.C0 tu 3,3.1 B,.U to 1,00 o Amiier m I...- ilu . ..1,01 Corn yellow, ilo (In Wlilt'i' ili Oat ilu Iluckwliont Mont FO SO ,5 pr 100 Ilu, MARRIED. In Danville, on tho SOth of Deo. 1800, by tho ltov. 1). M. Honkol, Mr. Uco. M. heagle, and Miss Hobeoca J, Whitcnight, both ol Columbia county. At Kinntown Station, on tho 2Cth of Di'o. bv llev. J. S Hennincer, Mr. Unh- rnim ' Kramer, of Oatawis.-ia, and Miss ' J,no Iteinbnld, daughter of Daniol ltcin- bold, Esq., of tho former place. On Sunday, the 3l8t day of Deoombor, 1805, by Montgomery Colo, Esn.. Mr. I Parvin E. Klino, of Fishingorcok, and MissiMinm b. Lintler, of Benton, Colum bia county. On Thursday evening, Dec, 28th, 1805, at tho residence of Nicholas Snybert, in Salem township, Luzerne county, by Rev. P. W Mclliok. Mr. haao Londerbaoli,.of Berwick, and Miss Kate Fowler, of Hri arorcck township, Col, oo. On the !28th of Dcocmber, 1605, by Rev. JamoJ -S. Ferguson, Mr. John T. Brink and Miss Mary E. Lulz, both of Sugarloa'f township, Col. co. On tho 25th ult , at tho residence of tho bride, by Rev. R. K.-UMNon, Mr. Smith W. Kimble of Williamsport, and Miss BjcL MoIIenry of Still Water, Col. oo. On Thursday, tho 4th iiist. at the resi dence of tho bride,by thu samo, Mr. John Furbor of Bloom township, ami Miss Em ma Djitriokof Morgautowu DIED. In Espy town, on Thursday ol last week, Nathan Case, aged about 57 your. On the 1st inst.,iii Nosoapcck township, Elias Miller, aged '21 yean, !i mouths and 27 diys. In Liyht Street, on tho !1J jnsr. Mrs. Sarah liliziboth, wife of Mr, Mason John son, agod about 25 years. NctwSDucHiscmcnt A I )M IN ISTRATO It'S NOTICE . I'ht'Ue of Tnniav IVilJwr, da d. ctlcrs of Administration de bonis non. JLJ i t'i! lMat'i of Tluu ViMiii,t. I.iti. of 1'ifliinR. rrock tVi. rnlumliia cn. ilcroiifeil, havo Ijcch Kruii te.l liy tliu l.i'gisler ol Cnlinnlii i cvnity tn tha innler- simiud, if-IiUns In lli'iilon tnnntlnp, All pi-rjona liuvini; olnims ;igiiiiit llio Cftito il Ui ilecoilcnt aro rr"ui-tlal tu prt'si iit llicm to llirumlerslijni'.l. niti. imt ilnUy, ami all pursous Jinli'bltil lo inuku i.nymcnt forlliwiili. WM. SMITH, Ailm'r. de bonh non. Jan IXJoCtj. Cw SI Applications for License, 7J O'l'CE is hereby L'ivon, that the fol- X lowing naiiieil iii'rhOiiM have mailt.- application iu tho rrollionotury gf C'oluiulii i county, rnr i',v rim l.lcunsef,, toui! grant",! at Ilu ftbruiry I'urni of Court, riz: Al'l'i.lUANTS POIt 'I'AVF.HV l.UJUN'rf:',. rEllllllARV.S.'SJloS, lOlil) N.IMM. Ton-iinii-i J lim l.BTou. OrOMiwoo,!. JliJniil Scully, Co iynh ini . Ilirain Binvllivr', p,, , ,cr.vl." JlJir-r. I.'DI.IIM V, iilo.uiigl.nri;, Jnu 1:1,1801-118 rrntlioiiotiry Agents Wanted. lo eillprir.n Ccrlillcatcs for IriiTlM.rri I Whmf. i.tni.,.nic 'aa on.' viiii vyji " 'Jjj-Jisa Ladles Joivulry, lllaiiuu I ltingj. Pin , St, ONLV &i KACU. rorany article lra n. Itrtnil I'nco Irom 3:0 to ,i'0. All G'oo'ls Wnn anted Genuine, "5? f 111 ce,".s cl Liberal 1'reinl. i uioa nun lyoioiiiiMiiou aiiniiQii to aijiitn. , sa.mi'lu ciiaTinuA'ri.s"ar:xr rni:n. rorClrciilnia nml Terun uiMronH. Jim n, '00--3m .Messrs IIAIUVAIU) ,t I'O SM UroailiTiiy, Srw Verk. ' " " .M. KJHUl In Court 1 tuiei Alley nml ncit door to tho onko of tint (.oliiiiiln.i, when hn 19 picparo.l to ila mat dcVpal'dr'' ml''! ":''r C"1,l" 'H' care and ID" iivc him a call anil seo tlm stiles, DAVID It. WHITE. Moomslnirg, Jan I.I, IdtIO, Established in 18 13.1 A Unotljlltcip, ami very Valuable Tajier for Lvt-ry Mm, Wnmail, .lllil Cbilil, ' CJty, Villajc, ana Country : TPEii A tyi A trxAow i i i it; Uij AlU' 1C"tUl Ibl OR TUB Farm, Garden, and Housoho'd, ..' . .. u , inciucin a spccjoi lutercitins 1,11,1 Inntrnctiva Ha partmont for CIIII.DUIi.V and YOUTH. Tio AKriailliirl-tisnlarso periodical ofSlpagcf. oii i nted, hu iiiimI w.ii. pia.n. practical, Jii.Ti.m l'r'aiui luatier, inclining hundreds i beantiiui and 'VoSoS 11" 0'lr The n.ousanin or ihuu ami fii;KoMnii!i tivcn in ...lui.iu uic iiiipariu oy piacuiai intelligent workinir mini, who tuow what they write about. I'lio lliiiiiehuld I)rprtnicnt u valuabln to every IIoikii. keeper, nll'ordins very many luefiil Iiinf- , a'l work calt"'0""1 u"i!l'ter. and facililato in door The Uepaiiment Tor Children and Youth ia n repar ed ulih special care, to not only aimiioincnt. $Mt Circulation Term.. rim ri.nlmin.w,r n, i can Akii -uliuri-t (-o una to 100.100) j so larfo that it can b furniflicd at llio low prlcu of 31 50 a year : four toiiics, for 5 j tun copien. for 8Ui twenty or eJch ; "",a "'tibcr, 13 cuiiti each. uj jij 11 j jear. OllAXCn JUDU ti CO, l'roprletord, Jan 13. ISCd 11 Park How. New-York Cily. H'nsh. 011:1 bio Tailoring. NEW SHOP Jn'H'gHT STREET. TITR iiniTrrelfnnrl rnar,niir..ll.. : e tho public in general, that 'ho hasopened a now Tailoring Jblstabliohment, vi 11 Light Siren, Columbia county, wliers ho Is ftrV lircpurc.1 tnexecuto all kinds of Tailorm In -ll'T, 't1"w "Vie. with despatch and on tenu7 Will bo tha nkfull for nharo of public patrouao , c A. J. NEW11AUD. I.lf lit Slrcct, Dec. 3, 16C3. PHOTOGRAPHER, Skyliglit Piodu-G Gallory. IN TUB KXCJIANdi: I1LOCK. 13LOOMS13URG,lA. Bej.leml.crS. eci-y, BLANKS I BLANKS! ! Of every dtjcrijilton, for ku!s at this oflioo iL.iiJtiai)iyjiii I1W STOEI 1 i B H M V O M IV THE FIJEJL n I rPHE undersigned having taken tho 1 commoilloiu Sloro Homo nml Staml uf l. V Hughe, In llrnlon, Unliimblii connty, li. reipotllully Inrorm liln frlinilmiiiil the niibllo In g.-nnrAl, Hint li o lina rcplrnltlicil it Willi tho l.irgos t nml mutt ncuacnn hU ntiortmcnt of FALL & WISTBR GOODS 9 Lately Introduced Into llilfl section of country, nml which ha Ift scl'limnt such low price, nonroonly equal led hy Iho Immcnslly of Ills daily sales, III. Block consists In part ur choice CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VEST1NGS, &o. Hats and Caps, With tha usual variety of Dross Goods, Prints, Muslin", Domcstio Goods, Grooerios, Notions and S!l03!SlEIS!8!Pfl!ia IDS AIso-- eoois siloes Of all patterns, material, styleand price, for Ladies, Misses Children, Gontleman, Miners, and Bo) s This stork w.H bought in llio Halerii Market iu lnrR. tha I.OWIISI' I'lUUltKt), and Mill be sold accordingly. A Iso, E5:ady-ni:ile ot!iuy, FOR Mli. AND HOYS. The altcnllon of tha public 11 rixp ictf illy luvtu to tho Advantages offered at this Es- tabliflhment I Tho highest prices paid for AND fft 1T1 It I r.M S? tT V rr rr 11 m m m m U W u u IU U IT Ui 'J IU U tu lib T JOHN J. nenton,, Idtlil 3 inn.. MclILiMtV, . , ; Court I'roclamatwiu T7III:RI:AS, tlm llnv. Vttii.uMi:i.wtit,. President VV India of tho Court of Over ami Terminer and den- ernl Jail IMivery, t.'eurt d Uuarler Sensinn-i of tbo ' t'enro ami uourt nt l ommnu 1' ami (lrrhan's Court, tn 1110 vuin Jiiniciai District, composed id the counties I nf Columbia, Sullivan nnd Wtnimiiir. ami 1 1 1 . - lion. John 1 .ll'lteynnldsic Stephen ll.ildy.Ani iateJudjesof Coluin-1 bia county, have itmed th.-i r pri ci pt. bcariiiC'latu llio 111, ' day of M ly in Hm year i.four Lord one tliouniud eifht . huudreil and sixty- live and tn moilircrled for hidulnga j Court nf Oyer am' Terminer and (li ni riil Jail delivery, I Oener'il (luartir .Sessions of the lViice, Ciuiiniou I'lejs and Orphan's Court, In lllonm-unrK, In tin ruuuly nf 1.1'iumnia. on uie iiri iioiiaiiy, kn nig thu .ilu il.i) ; ol 1'i b. ae.t, la iiuitiiiuo one week. i Nntiiu l hereby tr'ivcn.lo thn Cnin'irr. the JunicesJ t.f Hid I'eaee and Constables of the r.ii.l rouniy ufCnl. I iimbia that they be thru ami tin n- in their proper cr- r.- nrii, impin-itions nml ..tiler reimiiibraueu to iio those thiUMH Inch lo their olheesupperlaln to In .loiie. And tlst.-tu lint are bnui y leiot-nuance, to pioseruti. ngaiii.t tbo prisoners bo in thu Jail of Jn. . .1 . , i h 11 1 ' 1 "'rL' !r"".U' lunciuai 111 men aitciiii.iucu, nsri i to tln ir untie.- Dali-dat ItliHHilaburL-. the i;lli due 1,1'ller. iu the year el' our l.or.l one ihuusaud eichl hundred ami t i Mi tivn, and in tin- iulitv- ninth year of U11 lndepiiiJeuce of tho LFnilod stales of America. ( Coo saw: in i'ommunw i-ALrn. ) HA.MUlii. a.NYDUK, Sihiriir. lllonirihburg, Jan. 0, lb'Cll. List f( auses for Ftb. Tf rm I6CG. I llachael .llorgan iy her next fiied laud vs Uiibnrd Morgan Wm II llong. 2 Stephen llulny vs (.aitav. is a Willi imspott lino 11 St Co & 3 Wm I, l.unen vs llnrmau Creveliug, I Win 1, l.jucu vs I bos C'relellnu el ,11 S Clijah McMuiuli: Uuuorseu of Aaron U'elf vsChiU tl.ui Woir. IJ Jacob llarils vs Peter 'acoby. 7 Uus-el I" fctoker, vs ui lkeler. 8 Jacob llnpltr vs William Slatibaili and C In IsIliii 11 a bis w He, - !i Jac b .Shutnnn vs ( nlauiss llailroad Company, l'J Hugh Mtlle) nobis s IVIi r Uliphaut 11 Allans llieteiirh v. Iireuuah J cu'iy 12 Abraham liartman vs nUt II Caver 13 lienjauiiii Werlmau vs .11 A Wi li.uus It (Jeo A Herring vs Peter Mill, r IS 1 ilu an! Uc iliicr vs thu Locust SI Hail In 11 Co A W Ilea & S 1' ruiau 10 I haniberlin for ILc use ol llockcuberg vstilas D Cigar 17 John lliuterliter vs John Jameson IS II 1' lieigeard vs Ccn I'iitli r-n, it al, 19 Aaron lllooi.i vs Iteubeu Hitler 2U Joiiothnii Wolf lnderstc of (ieddis Marsh &. Co vs Oioigo II l'reas " 21 Jonothau Wolf indo seo of Geddis Mur.h it Co vs Ceorgu 11 l ieas, 22 iMathlas Truusuu vs Iho T'o.vnshlp of Scott 2.1 Jacob lleiuley vs Catlnwiss.i It K Co 21 Uiiiiii, ilniguil tt Cn is I. en Kill. 25 Anna barLiir.i ll. ighuiiller, vs Henry Ueighiuiller 20 William Laiuoii vs ivti-r llayman 27 Win 1auioii vs 'John Yanpell 2d AUiiiluiblialiurs of Joseph Paxlon, dee'd vs Wm L l.anco. 29 Moses l'aut &. Samuel IC 1 lilllihpi vs Joseph SO 1 icck on r or reputed on nor 31 Juiub t-huuiun vs John ll lluulihgcr 3J Abraham 11 Snishcr vs Saiuuel ltimby :i:i J ,M I reilt JiUovs Clihtuu Dewilt 31 Hubert llorrell is Twp ot Conyngham a UI) Jones vs .Miles O Abbott c Itichard 11 Meirigh .bill il I la 111 Uyer vs Peter H Harbor Ureenwooil Townhii vs r-ainue! Uogait J7 r-jlvetler J r'uux vs l.nae Wbitu .1 Sjlicsier J I'anx vs Isaac Whltu 3J Christian !' hnapp is School Uireilors cf Dloom 'Joushii 10 Wright lluglies vs Peter Miller 11 l.eis Cllreeu vs Isaac Whim 4i.Mary U ilieen vs Isaac IVhito 43 Andrew Bnyder vs Jolin Sheatler. 1. .1 . . ,.'";eSi;.ot.l!.MAN Pioth'y. Prothonotary's Oilicu, Dlooiiiiburg, Jan 0, 'Co. 1 Grand Jurors Jor J'ebruarij 'lam, 16(50. Hloom Morris C Sloan lior Ilerwlck-Cluis D I'owlcr llriarcreck Jacob Modeller. Win I.ainon Heaver Daniel llearhart llentou i; j Alberlson , l.'atauis.a-Jjcob Druiuiiellcr J lluu'l" sornCk-SamllC' fclllVl'' Ma,lllaa Kllnc Jullu franklin Josoph Uidlcr Ureenwood llithard Kitchen Hemlock James lloat, ilud.on Cirton ruetriiiaiTWm liooi""a"' -"ayuiy Bnyder, Jonas Mt Pleasant lllias Droiblebis Madison-Joseph C Winitli Jackson- John Kcsiler llooniigcreek Henry Uoffiuan Scoit Jacob Tcrwilliger fcugarlouf-Josepli o lless, Wm U rctcrniau Traverse Jurors Jor Feb, Term, 1800, Jlloom A JI llupert lleavcr-llenry IllnderliUr m MiarCwCi?.k"'J!?"1' Creasy, David SlialTer, r.ouben Miller, Nathan Mart llcnton-Htott 1J Collcy, i ,0s 11 Colo, John Davis Cntawissa-Jacob Krcigli, Daniel llclwi tonyiugliaiii-Sleplieu Thomas, lisli nicrtek-llugli Mcllrido J rankliii Mosos llowcr, Jacob Lorcinan .reeuwood-Uco W Ult, Jos S Kllnu Ileiulock-Neliininh lleoso, Hugh 1) Mcllrido Jncksou-Joliii Yorks Mrfillnljffiu'i's"- eura,l0W"' '" Montour-llvon Welliver 8iiydUe"rS,)-AI"al""" Uoloma"' M,e"' Voncc, Johu Koaringcreok-llciijainin llauck n Hs.".tll!mi7.A"n f?w I-BUbacIi. Henry C IUsi KvcriutT 1 , T,,a,,nia" Jo"' Ktiilcr, Daniel I. JanuuryO ldOO PUBLIC SALE OP Valuable Keal Estate. IN pursuanco of an ordrr of tho Or phaii.' Oouil of Coliiinhla enmity, on Thursday the lit of February, 1800, nt 10 c!nrk V. M., Holier! Clrtrk, Ad'ml llitrolor of f.Ua' n. 1 owler. Into or Bcolt township, in said cniiiily, ilec'il, llloM'"" tnsalo, by public vendue, on tin premises, n certain piece or LOl Ol' GROUiVD Sltuatri In the towns hip of ricot'.lioumleil on tho north oy .in. pi.uiic (u.iii, in inn fouiii uy me uanai , on thu I cast by an alley, and on tho wr?t by lands ef ;n CrcvcllnB I'oiilalnllig about TWO AUK IIS, whereon I aro erected n two story I'lanic S)wcMinf? ISoiho, ! Hani and other out hultillngs ALSO, I Tho undivided rino thl il part of a ccrlaln wharf lot, situate in Bcntl twp , on tha, hounded ty land! , of John Trcniblj, cnntalnltij about ona foutlli of on 1 Aero, I ALSO, Tho undivided nno Ihlrd part of Hl.X I.IMI'.STONn LOTS, slluatu III Hit! tamo tnwnrlilp bounded If lands of Aaron llonu. Joso W Mcrrel ami John Troiu blcy, containing In thowliotu nhout ix Acres. Al. SO, the undivided nno third partof n ccrtnlil tot situate In Iho samn township, bounded on thu north hy lot uf Mrs. llurllngauiPi on llio west by lands m Aaron lloouc, on llio south by lot herctoforn sold and no the cast by n public road, containing about nno fourth uf uu Acru.ou which Is eluded a story and n half Dwelling House, l.ato Iho L'elato of said licensed, JESSE COLEMAN, Clirk. nio'iniibnrir, Jan. 0, 1800-ts NOTICE, Specific performance IZstato of Joseph Haijhurstt dte'd, Columbia County, SSi . .Tlw Coiiimonwcalth nf Pennsylvania to To. J I.. B. nlna, idow nf said deceasu.l. Mary inter v inarirlod with David, Susan, Inter married with (looro Strlcher. Illlui Intermarried with Cyrus II ApplHiuan, liezaleal lloyhurst, dir.. belli ll.iylrint, and llennjah llayhurst, the pros.'nt rc-j. idenre nf the last named lie in 3 unknown to your pell tinner ; lairs and legal representatives r.f said Joseph llnjrhur-t. (.rtftino, you nnd each nf you aro hereby cttedand commanded tnbo and appear In your proper persunint nt Orphans' Court to bu liolden at llloniiiluirg, ,1, and for said Comity rm tho II rat Monday of t'ubrinry noil, Hi 11 and Hut. tnuniwcr the In II or petitioH o H'll lum t uliiiyl. r sitilm: Inrtli that the s.ii.i Juj.'rli ll;.v- 1 liuii-t, dii'd si i.en of u'ltuin ri'al ostalu In 1 Irani. ! tw,i. 1 111 L'nluuibi.i 1 111 nl an 1 iur, .'d Willi your p-liliuu r ,iyar.irl. id r. j; 1 tn -1 1 1 i riUu. dati'.l i ptemli. r ! Mb. I'.i.l, In sell nml c nvi')' Urn Mini.' tu thi nald Uil haul i-lIiuj lor. hi beirb nr ashluiM. And li. slituv iiiudo uh) tlw sain Co irl t-hiill not dicniMthu iip.Mifi' piTlorm inco of tho said nm ract urcoriliui to the trim luti-uluiiil iuimiiiu? tui'ri'Ol and In it u i-uuv. y.inen b iiiaitu on ler taitl dicico tn the nfori said William ailiiivtcr. uf thu said piemlsi's in lo.- siuijde SA.MUIll. H.NVUUK. tflierilf, llloomsburil. Di'C.C), lrtj. tc. NO ITCH. Specific pe formuncc Henry Smiths '. talc. Columbia County, SS : l j 'I he Comninnwonth of rennjlvanl-i, to llllr.. j I.. M j belli, widow nf said Henry inlth, dee'd ; - .Marjrarit Interniurried with I'i ter l.utr, Willi 1111 rS.oiili, John W. Hnilih. Id17.11 Uotv, widow, Klla I'.l'zabitli Plinth. Nettie minor child of.Mnry Ann, now iIi-ciiiso I. Int. ly Intermarried with William ,Uh. William Smith . al. of Cnlinnld . 1,'iiiinly, and .Miner It Smilli, whine present resi l.-nc- is uiiMiown, and I homas II. rimith, heirs of 3.11. 1 ll.nry rfinilh, dcc'.l tlrei iiiik, y.j.i ind each of imi nr linn by cited an i couiuiaiMli'il m lieforu you wero tu bn and appear 111 your piopcr I" r..uns nt an Orphans' C'ourltu bu lioldrn '.'! lll'"i"biiy. in and lor uai.l l.'qm.ry 011 Hie first aionuay "I l eiiruary next, lli-n ami tln-rn ti).inse I Henrj Mniiii, dicensed, soitiii)! I01II1 that tbo said ,W i eilunt died seinud of certain ruil ulale, iu ileiiton ! town-hip, in s iid l.'ounty and nrcul with Tliniuu tht, l.lldr l...litl, lV..I,n. W...III, I-.... ... 11. Hiiiiin, oy aree lit iu wriliuj, dated nth l). r, , ti""!JZZVXA ''" ",a r""""" 1 A,V."" I,",w. '-'""!. hy tli.i said Court .hall not de- . lIrr, l'eie pi'rnirm.iucu of the said i-onlrait, a- riiKliug to thu Ir 1J intunt au l 111. ,1111111; thcieol. ana that 111 nit vey.ince In 111 iile under said decree by your luliliiiiii rtotiie ulnrrsai.l Tlioiuas II rfmith, of thu Mini pieioisuH iiiilo simple. f.iAlur.I, f.YI)i:il, Sheriir. lUeoinsburg, Dec. 211, 1"5 -tc. NOTICE IN DIVOKCE. In Iho Common I leas i f Columbia Countit . Surah II. Kamsay, And now, tn wit : by her nest friend, Due, -lib, I8(i.',an . , .., . . "OIlU Cliarplc'J.S, , ( aliai subj tuna ia I uivorc, it a v 1 n g 1 urorgo . u.imsay. J boon returned nml 1 liehponilcnl not having I ecu found in the t ounty upon moiioii (beit 1'. Cb.rk, Attorney for l.ibelt. , unt, Con t tiant a Itule upon Itesromlent to ,liu v ' ''n'" " "ione a visiui.ii ma-ihiho.nii sluaild not he ileen e.l in the above elated rnso returnable to tlm said Couit of I oiniuu.i I'lua ,011 . omiay. I'ebruary 'ilh, A. il. Iclu. SA.MI.'IK, SXYIinit, Shenir. Illoomsburg, Dec 2.1. Idiii.. Ic, UOUSE, LOT AXD GROCERY STAND L OR SALE. 3hl nlllll'fuii.llnit nlV.ii. tn Cf.1l at r,i. vaio M.iln. ii lalu.ib'u IIOI'SI!. LOT Ax'licnn II. I. hi AMI, situate on the e, nu-r of Mmn ami .Maikel Striets, l.sly, know 11 nsllie Millard property. It in a Uniiii lor t'amil l,uiine,s-tin re being gi ml .beds, and a Iso a good t 'oal u harf. Terms iil he n nuinable, Apply 10 llio .subscriber al l.onur l.iuiu iliJij 0 W CltCVUI.lM!. Jan 0, IfSO -lit??: NOTICE IN UI VOUCH. In the Common Picas nj Columbia County. Su-1111 .Sailor, 1 And now, to wit : by her u xt frieud Deo. -1th, ISOfl, an Charlcn Foster, j- alias subjiujiia in Di vs. I vorou, having heen Edward Sailor. J returned and respond ent not liaviuir been found iu tho County ; upon inn liounf ivter S. Huhtl, Allorneylor l.ibcllmi , Court crania llule upon llehpondent to show cuuso why a Dunne ,1 1 imi i.iima ihimo.mi should unl bo decreed in tlm above muled mse. returnable to tho snid Couit of Coiuiuou Pleas, on .Monday, I'ebr.i iry 5th. A. 1). lc('(i, , . SA.MUW. hNYDUIl, SbcrilT. 1! nnnnl urg, Jan. fl, IfSIO. tc ADM IN IS I'UATOlfS NOTICE. Est ite oj John Cospcr, dee'd. IV "tifo is hereby given, that Letters of J 1 Adiniiiltlratini on llio estate of John t'o'per, lata ol line township, Columbia county dcc'.l , havo been granted by tho Register of Columbia t ity. tolheiiu ilersigneil j nil persons having claims or demand again t Iho estate of the said iiecedcut aro requested tri present tbeui 1 1 tho Administrator nt his olhco in ll uoiusbutg. without deliy, and all persuna indebted to makepayment forthwith. , ,., C. II. UUOl'UWAY. January 0, lt?fi0.-0w S3, Adsi'r. Adminiatrator'3 Notice. Estate of Vincent llichutt, dee d, ETTEUS ofadministratinn on tho cs- tatc of Vincent Hicbnri. u iih ii ill .i.,.,..i lato ofl'uhingcreek twp, Columbia co , dec'd.hsvo nccn grained by lim Register of Columbia county, lo tho undersigned ; all per.uns having cluims uguinst tlm estate ul llio decudent aro requested to pres. nt Ibem to tho underi.isne.1, residing in suid township, with out delay, uud all parsons indebted lo uiaku payment forthwith. ' , lt. cno.M. UOWF.LL. Jan. 0, lHjfJ.-fiw. 33 00. Adm'r. DISSOLUTION. IVJC'I'ICE id hetoby givt-n to all persons JL i iulcrested, tliat tin- Partnership heretofore ex . isllng, under tho lirm of lluiiyau tt IIoo, inCa(a Hisst, was litis day dissolvud by mutual consent , , - J, D ItUNYAN. Cittwlisi, Jan, I 1SC0, 3w. SI 00, Notice. rp ho Limo Hooks ol Eli Orcvcding, and JL tboso of (.'reveling Si l'ausey. o( Limo Ridge, iiro In tho liands of tin uudersignod fur collecilon 11)086 interested will pleaso take noilco. , . , , josprii i.iLLuy. i. p. Light fclrcct, Jan 0, lSO'i-lmo Si & IT T IB Kl E V A IT " lla W .i llounties,Back-pay,l'oniiiou8)&o.,collected. fc'iiicial atlcntion paid tn matters aritipgundcrtho In. terral llevenuo Laws Ol'FlUC I'ourlh door below American Hotel, ' . ULOOMdnUHO, Pa. Oct, 28, 180.5, Clovcrsutu! Wanted. Tho uudcrsijried, will pay tho highest rket pritesfor CLOVtnSEIlD, delivered at Huplil market blatiou. rXTOV It HARM AN Sin, Riirctt. Der, V3, S(53,