Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 06, 1866, Image 2

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" Onr Constitution guard It ever I
Onr clorlona Union hold It dear I
Onr Statrr flag fotiake it nerer!
Tiro prc-a4 CancajiUnour onljr peer I
Saturday Morning,
IL ml.' ill
Jan. 6, '6G.
Another Spocial Notice.
To Distant Subscriber, Wo nddross
this nolieo, to our non paying distant tub
boribcu not lotlicse olio pay and havo
our ,hearty thanka-and sincerely trust
tltej willgivo it their early and prompt
GcntlcnoD, wc h&vo oont tlio DnM'
lcrat, to many of you for several yo'arj,
on the faith of jour heretofore! gomi namo
and repsatod promises to pay, a honost
men should. Ma liavo, also, sent you
your uma riiii regr io Bay, mat many
of you have totally failed to respond.
Again, wo trill nsk you to pay up, liko
honest nca, and if you do not want tho
paper, we will cheerfully relievo yoa of it
iu tho future.
We Ehall make out bills to nest Maroh,
the end of the lOih year mqcc we assumed
charge of tho Democrat, Our subscriber
Kill greatly oblige U3 by paying to that
time. Ve intend then to make important
improvements upon the paper, and will
only eond to thojo who I'AY in advance.
Lo ! the poor Negro I
Tho negro worshippero about Washing
ton City, recently ordered and held a Spc
cial Election thero for tho purpose of giy
ing their colorod brother the right to vote
universal suffrage''' It resulted,
Against negro suffrage 7,000. For it
U5 votes !
An Election, for a similar purpose, was
lait week hold in Georgotown, Va. It To
talled even moro gloriously for tho causs
of tho white-men in the Di.tvict of Colum
bia. It was some 700 ogainst, and 1 vote
for, iWgi o Suffrage !
Alas ! for Mcisra. Duud, S.cvcns.Suni
ncr and the balance of our countries ene
mies. AlaJ ! for tbe poor Negro !
Cr Gen. O. Iloward, commissioner of
Frecdmen, &c, &c, in lib Ileport to the
Seeretary of War, says, the total number
of rations issued during tho month of Sep
temberwaa 1,400,043, of which 370,513
wetito refugees, and 1,030,100 to frecd
men (hzy niggers.) And tho fstimates
for tho neti year, commencing January
18GG, call for an appropriation of Si I,
745,050. Almost twelve millions of dol
lar: to be taken from the toil and earnings
of tho poor whito men of tho north, to
keep Howard, and a lot of lazy niggers
from starving. And that in addition to
the ever recurring calls for old olothes,
money, and all sorts of contributions (or
similar purposes, of which every newspa
per you pick up is full.
Timo wa3 when these now freedmen, in
n different and moro fitting condition,kcpt
themselves. But twelve millions of dol
lars of tasea arc now required.
irr Daniel McIIenrv, Esq,, having
tetved out his term of two years, honest-1
Jy, promptly and efficiently, has retired
from tho effice of Treasurer of Columbia
county. Mr. AJcHe?m with many others
of our Deniosratio Citizens, was arrested
in ISC!, by tbo Lincoln blood-honndofluCL
consigned to Fort Milllin. Thank God,
tho unrighteous and cowardly persecution
of thenn poor pitiful lories, has fallen
harmless, excepting the great sufferings
nnd heavy losses to which ho was sub
jected, at his feet, and to-day his name is j
honored and respected by all hone3tpeo-
nle. whilst those of his sncakin? enemies
nm rnni llw AptrcnAinn in llm lnw.-st rinntha ''
oi political damnation.
.IS" Dr. John continues hu bombastto oatamo crow. Ho was nomina'ed by the
boast of hia own popularity (?) and the in-: Democracy without opposition and trium
fkftnee (I) of his paper, known as tho 1 phantly elected. Moris. Mr. Stiles filed
Smut Machine. This is modest in ihc 'his offioial Bond, in tho sum of 8155,000,
faco of 'tho fact, that two-thirds of the ' exclusively of Fort Mifilin subjects, head
Bopirbliean party, in this locality, repu- cd by that veterau patriot John Bamz.
dialed both Win and his paper, and bold
(ham in sunrcmo contcmDt. 'But this is in
perfect accord with tbe candor, tho hones-1
ty, and" tho consistency of Mr. nomas
jjunn :
The Ladies' Repdsitohy, of Cincin
nati, Ohio, lias been received for January,
18G6. It (a one of tho best Religious and
Literary Magazines of tho ago. Orna
mented with fine engravings and enriched
with numerous oxcellent literary and re
ligious productions from the pen of ablo
and celebrated Divines. Wo always wcl
coroo tho Itopository. Prioa 3 50 per
The Luzerne SheriJ'aUy.-3iign ConyDg
ham, last week decided tho contested
Sheriff oaso in Luzorflo County. Joseph
E. VaNLEer, tho demooratio incumbent,
ho decided was legally clcoted, and Sam
Haul, tho shoddyite, was left out in tho
cold, A just decision.
Union, Tho Voluuteor and Donioorat,
at Carlisle, havo been united. Messrs.
Carnmau, of tbo Domocrat,rclircs. Messrs.
Buattox k, aro iho continuing
Kditors, Success must attend to sensible
a tiiavemiJt,
General Grant on tho Condition
of tho South.
General Grant's report on tho temper of
tho Southern poople is equally orcditable
to his candor aad his intelligence. No
doubt, at the various stages of his progress,
tho was besot by tho cm!ssrica of tho
i rccdman's Uuroau, but'his keon sagacity
was nut deceived by their inierostod repre
sentations : nor does any apprehension of
tho vengeance cf the Radical faction to
strain him from a frank and fearless avow
al of tho results of his observation. Ho
ells the truth with tho simplicity and
courage of a soldier , and with tho devo
lion of a patriot, ho urges on Government
tho policy essential to tho welfare of the
couutry. And, thus by tlio testimony of
tho foremost man in tho nation, aro the
Southom peoplo aquitlod of those oalunv
nice which luvo been lavished upon ihcm
oy tho minions of tho Republican party.
No matter what the conduct of that unfor
tunato community, tbey havo been unable
to avert Buspioion and accusation. If they
ovinced somewhat of their anoicut feeling,
they woro reproaohed withTa' rconsataiit
and rebellious spirit. If they hetrayed
absolute submission to the exactions of
Federal authority, they were sutpected of
injincority ; and tho very evidence of
their subordination was provertcd into
proofof sinister design so resolved wa.-
ths Kadioal party to perpetuate' their ex
elusion from the Uuiou,and so unsrrupluous
in the means employed for that nefarious
purposo. Tho effect of this systematic
and persistent misropresntation was such
that wo -question if any authority loss de
cisive than tho deliberalo assurance of the
Commander-in-Chief would havo availed
to correct the aberration or publio opinion.
That General Grant's report will suffice
to satisfy all honest peoplo of.tho patriot! o
fooling of tho South, we cannot entertain
a moments doubt. In vain will Mr. Sum
ner opposo to this luminous statement tho
partial representations of Carl Sobuliz.
Tho testimony of the good oitizon and
great soldier will outweigh, in the judg
ment of tho American poople, tho elabo
rate fictions of an adventurer employed in
tho interest of a desperato faction. Antic
ipating this happy result from General
Grant's report, how signal is tho se'rvicu
he has rendered tho Republic by its timo
ly publication. The renown ho has won
as a leader of arrfiics will "palo its inef
fectual fire" Lesido the light of that glory
which ho lias achieved in the interest of
poaco. lie had already overcomo tho phy-'
sical resistance of rebellion tho only task"1
usually assigned to the warrior; and now I
he consummates his work by the far more
splendid csploit of the statesman and tho
patriot, in breaking down tho barriers ol
sectional prejudice and reuniting the na
tion in tho bonds of fraternal confidence !
and regard. '
More of tlva Horse Thieves. hit. La.
tayette Creasy, of Centro township,1
this county, had his' Horse, Sleigh aud 1
Harness stolen fionv his 13am on the Sat
urday night before Christmas. Tbo thieves 1
had stolon another Sloigh, Harness ,Hobc3, '
and Blankets from other parties in the'
neighborhood, and on passing the resi-!
denoo of Mr. Henry DeLong, with the
other Sloigh attached behind the one in
which they wero riding, and doubtless
tccring for another Horse, they were
overhauled by the owners of tho last nam-
jiujui.jr, i uj ga,g ilium uuuau, vuuil
tho thieves upjet and broke Mr. Oreasy's
Sleigh. They took to tho wood:) and
mado their escape and tbo horse ran
around by Light Street, and relumed
horns to Jlr Crcasy's Barn, before he was
n.l .,,rl., ru,n .. ll.... l.., l I
EG?" JonN J. Stilks, Efq. has entered
upon tho functions of his office, as Treas
urer of Columbia County. Ho is a good i
democrat, a worthy citizen, and wi.l make
an excellent officer. Mr., like Ex-
Mcllenry, was arrested by the
abolition Lineolupoops, imprisoned, and
persecuted. Ho also triumphed over thu
tSf The Auditors and Commissioners
wer0 ,iu "saloa tho Pa8t wcek aild "do
r , ,
It sneaks
for tho financial management of tho
affairs of Columbia County. Democrats
always niako honest officors aud fully meet
the expectation of their constituents.
- ,
The Ameiiioan AaniouLTUiusr, com
mencoa tho twenty-fifch volumo, with the
Now Year, under favorablo auspices and
evinoing groat prosperity. Wo always
read tho Agriculturist, wilh interest and
to great satisfaction, and aro freotOjSay
that wo regard it as the best papor of tho
Kind published on this Continent. It is
published by OrangoJudd & Co., 41
Park Row, Now York, at 81 50 per year
in advance
The American FAitMErt, a monthly
journal of Agrioulture and. Horticulture,
published for 51 per year, by John Tun
neh, Esq., at Itocheslor, N. Y., is the
tillo of a now and very cxoollcnt 152 mo,,
just reooived at this offico. Who havo po
rused its pages with interest and to much
satisfaction. Eyory Farmer and Gardner
should havo a copy of this beautiful littlo
Ben Dcast Bottled Butler.
At last this croat Amorioati thief and
plundering murderor has resigned and is
no tuoro un officer of tho army ho dicgru-
ecd. Grant has bottled him up forever j
aud in a few words proved tho truth of
our olt expressed opinion ol tnia natural
thief.coward aud military ais. What bo 1
will do now im mora limn wn l'nmv.
Most likely go to shop lifting, grave rob-
bing or insulting women. At hoart n
irauor oy lnsuuoi a iniui ny cuucauon
a robbor Banjauiin F Jjutkr lias won a
UUI1IU IU1 IUIUUI) jYUUillliy llllll IIIUUIIipv'll'Il
oy tecoud lo none in tlm world, Ho was
one of tbo peculiar tools of Lincoln and
tho republican party, and had bceu a
nightmare ou tho American peoplo for iho
past five years. An original sicessiunist
ho never had a patrotio motive iu his heart,
llo never deserved a position in tho army
ho never forght a battle be never won
a violorj ho never lost an opportunity
to steal from and plunder tho defvneulcss
ho never made tho Union llnr other
than a signal to mark the 'dcpo.'itory of
stolcn'goodsj and should have been dis
missed (hu army Inn pinnc.
Tbo greativt curse a mother could put
upon a child Woti'il Im lo ui-li it the heart
aud altnbut-a of ljjri. Until r, whoso hon
has at lust Mink in the deepu't infamy , and
whosn t toruity we trut will ho spent in
the home c his cmjAytr. Thief robber
abolition patriot miiit.iry plunderer, wo
man nisuller, grave yard rrbher, soldier
murderer, egotistical ass, pet of rcpubli
ciniaii), child of the devil, cook ejoil abor
llim of buniaiiity, bottled bragadocia,
playid out politician, dinhouored general
and traitorous olz:nfiicici:ll
Thus one by one of the political gener
al and causes of our nutioual trouble
ouo by one the cotton thieving, plundering
seundrels who havo strutted their brief
hour uu thu bloody stage drop into infamy
hero as wn trust Ihey will into lieu here
after. IJoitled Ulumlcrer, big Heihel
Hutcher, Bigoted linaag idocia, lien Ui-ast
Butler, fwcwell !Lu Ciosse Dcindaat.
JK2f" Mr. Miles' relchmtcd performing
borso ''Minnehaha" died wh'le perform
ing at the Fiont Street Theatre, Balti
more. J lit: rowder came loo late. Wo
rofer to Fuutss's IInr.o and Cattle Pow
ders. Mr. Miles was clearly oiilpablc in
failing to send for this soveroigu remedy
for horse diicascj at an earlier moment;
for, it wo arc to behevo the concurcnt
testimony of thousands of pcutlemen of
veracity, those Powders, if given iu time',
would havo aved hi life. But it's bis
own loss.
Thrr'o celebrated Powdors aro for sale
at Eyer's & Moycrs Drui Store in Bloom
sburg Decision of Judge Busteed.
MoNTOOMEUY, Ala., Dee , 20, '05.
At length the decision of Judge Bus
teed has been made, and he decides us un
constitutional the "act of Congrcs-s rcquir
ing attorneys who practice in tho Courts
of tho United States to lake tho tct oath.''
Will done for Busteed.
Sentence of Yonng Ketchum.
Kdwahd B IvErcnuM, the Defaltor and
Forger, ol Xcw York, was lust week ten
tenccd by llecorder HoiFiuan, to the State
Prison lor I'd u r years and ix mouths.
CaAxaG ob NAMB.-That popular long
established hotel known for forty years as
the Buobkr Iloiiic, changed its name oo
Monday and will bo hereafter known as
Bolton's Hotel.
Mr. G. W. Hunter, tho ever obliging
and gentlemanly clerk, will enntinuo at
bis old post, ready to receive all guests
with as cordial a smilo as ever.
5?" If Bully Brooks hadn't cracked
Charley Sumner's toonoe with a cane, and
if rebel raiders hadn't burned Tlinddy
Stcvciig' furnace, it might have bcon that
a smaller amount of halo a ainst the bouth-
crn peoplo would now Bra tho brains of
that loyal p:ir.
- - -
tQy A colony of fifty families of Maine
Yatilioes are preparing to depart in Jul)
next for f'aleiilitio, where they havo bought
land. They will s-etilo near J.ilfi. We
shall Lave to pitv tltir future neighbors
tbo Turks', Bedouin-, Tartars aud the
PhilistillOJ, if any nf.tlio laitur yet exist
Eisr Or. Jui-eph
practiein' phtriuian
V.'ltrri, late a
(ironklwi wlf
Wii t ioil and uniivtcte'l in tlio Court of
Sessions of that cut . tun days ago, fur
riipeououe of lii paiienth, Mim Lucy S.
Junes, waj ve-teruay Mentuneeil to ten
years imprisonment nt Sing Sing.
Fall in Puioeb, Tho prices of many
tbingi havo been on the downward slide of
late, Cotton goods declined within tho
last two weeks very materially. Tho best
uiuslim retailed in Philadelphia last week
at H5 to -10 cents per yurd. Combination
and monopoly tho heavy dealers,
aro prominent sources of thu lung confin
ed high prices of theso articles. There, is
no good reaion why oottou goods should
continue to be as high as when tho r w
material was selling at three limes its
present price. Many perooi arc predict
ing a still greater fall iu tho price of these
goods, as well as of provisions uud other
things at an early day. Let tlutn fall.
The peoplo havo suffered from extortions
long enough. It id high timo that thoy
should have relief,
The Cattle Pi.aciue. The UtC3tnews
from England reprosoiin this mysterious
disnaso us increasing in a terrible ratio
aud it is now believed by loarued men,
who havo mado it a study, that tho disease
is communioatod from animal to animal by
members of tho human family.
BST Hon. John D. Stiles, M. 0 of
Allentuwu, has purchased a Farm of Air.
Shelbart, (or tho consideration of 88,200,
jjgy Hon. IIenuy Winter Davis
died in Baltimore on tho 30th ult., of
ii ii
t3l John 0. Ureckinridiro, General
McCausland and nrry Gilmoro aro in
The Martin Haboao Corpun Case.
General Hooker' mililnty education
has evidently taught him that it is wine to
abandon ati untenable position, lor wo co
ihat ho has, to some rxtetit, reoeded from
his antagonism with tho civil authority,
and, on ycsteiuay morning, oticyeu tue
writ of habeas corpus in tho uafool Robert!
Miirlin. anil nroduccd luo til soticr 111 J
j court. Judge Leonard deserves r.rodil for
I his firmness in maintaining tbo dignity of
I mo ucnen anu mo supremacy oi mu mws.
Tlio example sliould not bo lost upon oilier
II1II1IIIUI .1 l juauvu. i uu juuiui-i; unu
but to iueist upon tho rxercisu
lorciso ol tnoir le-
ittiiintiln fiinntian.4 and thero will !oou bo
nato fujieiK
, . ., e ....
an ouu to tnu
oi iiiiniury fio Lr.
N. 1', Ihiili) Hews
A New Vol it me
PllllENOLOOlCAL JoUnN.M. OOllilllolieetl its
43d Vol. with the present January N umbos
-whloh cotiliiins llufus Uhoatc, John
Marshall, bir MJthcw Hale, John Urilit,
Flat-headed Indians, eto-, with P..tra,t.
Thu Two Palb.-t b Portraila. Character
in Shaking Hands, iltuiimled. Iullueneu
.i' i i .... !..!.. I ,,.1
oi i.iiuu uu ".
Fore-soeing and lor -knowing. Ghfsis
aim i riiiueia iidhus jiiiii nati. vices
i ,. i .. it i i ti... f., KugMictriug iih a pursuit
Nuw York City, with oucriucd view
Advice to a Student. The Wolf and tho
Lamb, The Lion and tbo Mouse The
A-,3 aud his driver. The Dog iu the Man
ger, etc. with upwards iifHu illustrations
A Pictnral double Number, 20 cent", or a
year for S'J Address Mt'BMS, Fowler &
Wells, 3slJ Bioadway, N. Y.
WIIUAT, t.i-r biiHhel. 2 10
it v i i 23
I.UIt.V, " Kt
lllJCKWMIIAT. 1 (ill
I'l.Ol'l! per bbl. li no
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in no ;
C'lllCKC.Vri, per linlr. 30
iiav oy in.: ton
(OKKCCTED WHttLY I lilt 'lilt: 'UCnOCRAT.'
Wheat J'lmir p r barrel, I'.ttrn , ..
ilu do do I'miiily..
do Uyo.
Wheat, White per bujhcl
ilo Itnl, do
do Amber do
U f, do
Com Vrltoxs'. du
do Willi i" dn
OatH do
UuckHliHnt Meal
. uao
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.i.oi lui.iuii
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Hu. i
, - - - - - wl
1800 by I
At this placo on Jan. 3d,
llav I). J Waller, G. A. Potter to Mis
Kalo J. Ohl, botfi ol Bloouisburg, Pa
On tho 25:h ult., at tho M E. J'arson
ago in Iler.Tick, by Kev. M K Cioath-
ttaite, Adam A. Schuyler of Orangeviik'
and Carrie E. eldest daughter of the olli
ciating Minister.
At tbo rctideneo of the Br'de's fatlur
on l)cc. 19, Sylvester A. Uortright and
Miss Maggie Edwards, all of Salem twp
Lczarnu County.
By thb fame ou D.c. 2lat at the roi-
deuce of ilie bi ide s f ithcr Abner vj'elsh 1
and Mi-s L. Gussio O.veu all of Herniek.1
By the same, on Dec. 25 li at th? n-si- I
denoe of the brido.'u 'father, K .bnft Watt,
of Wilkesbarro, to Miss K ite Boivinau, ol '
MiAlinvillo. ' j
By tho tame, on Dec. 25 Wm, II. 1
Reynolds and Miss Mahala Bristol all of
Blootnsburg. j
Jjy tlic sano anu at the same place, on
Dec. yisl, Charli-s J. Mack and Mi:B L'l
zio Soott all of Union town-hip, L'Zitti'
By tbo tamo al the same plaoo, on the
1st inst , Jesse W. Welsh, of Luzerne
county, and Sarah Hulnagle, of Nuscorro
towfashiy, Luzerne county.
On the 20th or Dec. by tbo Rev. J. It .
Dimm, at bis lesideucu, Mr. Williamson :
P. Whito to Miss Ikokio A. Crcveling, j
all of Light Street, Pa. ,
At Town Hill ou the 28th inst., by Bev. !
E. Wadswortli Mr. James Tnbbs, to Mios I
Lctitioa Tubbs, both of Fairnmunt.
By tho samo, at the reidenoa of the
bride's father, on Christina, II It Punier,
E.q. f-tudent-at-law, of BlonniMturg to,
iuius tuini. i. uiui:ii. ui iiutv uo u in 111 s . i
At tho rHdjnee of tlio bride, on .lan'y.
Ipt by llev,l) S Tritnkenmiller Mr .fohn
Burliniramo to Mi"sValoi Funntn, a'l of
Lime Bidgp. P.i.
T Ml . ., r. t. .
Ill wrnngl'Vlllii, Oil tllO.llSltllt liy tlw
Itev Nathntnel Riiear. Luf.itetto Mooin ol
r, i . .., , x
Greenwood, tn ilpah Lance, or Uentori
On I.inunry 1st 1800 by tho (tan.e.Ahra-
. II , f, , . ,,, . . ,, .
nam 11. Alfl olnm, Ol JJentOll, to A'luir.l
W. Bltori. of Ki-hinci-rcck Pn
.t . it inn, oi ii limp n.i K lit.
Jjy the .nneJan, 2d WormaiiiMolIeu
rv, of Greenwood, to ltebecoa I Loni, ofj
t'l liinorirnel;.
In Uarrisburi; ou Thur'nlav tlm UlsH
in-t.Jiy llm Itev Samuel S. Mitchcl', Mr
Jinuert. u urtnr, oi itiooinitiuro;, in aiub
Ilaunnh Jane Carroll, of Carbon County,
In thi3 place, on Thcuidny evening tlio
201b ult , by the Itev If. E Wilson. Mr.
Uer.j F. Sharpies and Miss Sophia Hart
man, all of this plaoa.
On th" Mth ult, by Rev. N. Spear,
Mittbins Krcamer. of Fi-ltinporeek town
ship, anil Mii Lonia Alberiinn of (Jreen
wood town hip all of flnltiulh enmitv,
B- tbo sun'', on the 21 -f "tint , ,nbn S.
Pattorson. of Greenwood tn MtR Maty E.
D'ltline of Ml Pleacriiil.
At Oranrrflvillii ou tbi 17'h in-t., by
thn Rev.-Mr. Day, Mr Frank P. Mebnln
to Miss Ella A. Wolf both of U-onms-burg.
! 1 .11 1 . rt Tit l
On tho 24th ol Deo. 1800, iu Groeu
wood towuship, .Mrs, Elias Witts, aged
15 years.
Iu Watsobtown, Northumberland Oo. on
the 28th of Decouibcr, Gcorgo D., con of
Jiiioou Everett, agea 0 your and 27 days.
On faun'day, tbo 10th ult. ut Aledo,
ft r rt v,i .... . '
mercer uo. ill., jJantel Mo liwon, aged
77 years.
Mr. MoEwon came to Greenwood town
Bhip.Oolunibia County, Pa., -10 years ago;
whoro ho resided until about 8 years since,
when ho removed to Alodo, with his fami
ly, except two daughters who aru raiding
:n it.:.. i ;..:! rr i
iuiuib uun ujuiuiu-; oouuiy. no uas yet
rouiain ntr in Qreenwood towushin n broil,.
or nn,i , r,:....,io ..,.1 ' i.
w'10 w'" U1UC'' reBrel u'8 BUl(lon demise.
"' w.... M,..,,jr loutiwo Ul.u 11U,,IHU,UI1UUM
On hnday Droombor 20th, 1805, Mrs.
Christiaua, telict of Andrew Iklor, Sen.
cged 02 years.
fSho was the mother of six oliildrentand
has living tweuly.sevon ifrand-chtldrcn.and
fifty li vine: ttrcat-ifrand ohililri'U.1
w " M .1
pw ttivtt A T IVTVf HPT? A T
U MDiii. JJjuluU01vil.l
Tho following payments havo boon inado
m mo ukbhiuhi whiuhwutouuiiuij
tho mouth of December, 18bo i
Miwkl, M. tl. S Oil fl Hnyiler. Slii-r ir 2n nil
OUU HOV liruc,lin"inui
SWI l'fcil"tirk Kcliner nOU
1 tin Hon v"i .McllirtrM 3.10
2 5il I'liiH A Knurr , SjIM
UAO IrmirilyD.Colli'SO i"l
(ITS M Old fcJolui HcU JM
5H0 MnotiCr"Villng SM 1
S io J I' HMinmil B 0
1 II I IM if I' .Mrllil.lo 3 .il
1 7.. i:torJn Meiiiido "io
U Jill Uaue. Winner rir 4 5l)
7 110 Wm Oin in V! HO
13(10 IMnf A Tmxwoll .1 ml
4 flu J J llrmvrr U1 23 :.()
2 3D l.w. SliyrllT 230
4 HI) J oii.j Iliill7.i l 2 III
I HO Win .iileliittil .'i.IO
'.' 73 II (1 Putter t ik)
7 3d H W Duller I 01
5 HO J IlffiiUlli !M
lb Oo Iti'iilii ii lluiinrt 1 on
: UU Julin llri-l-rli J DO
200 Hiiniiicl Wliltmlra
1 Ml Jacob l milch 2 3U
2 An Alirum Coli'inim .1 fl'l
11 i'l Him, li I. i:Iij)Iii 2 ill
70 (ii.'u Vuliru li (XI
in io )' W I'ilier anil
111 ill) I K million 1 SO
j ,-wim
J;,,, j Vn"
1 reran
i Krr-nlcr '
; nf l'nli;r Hose
I'lilucas Hml li
I A Hewitt l.'l
Ko.ivcll tJiiiltli
; l apt Jill lover
t.iiurii Ait
ti K AUieitunn
' ft,"",'
Juim ! Fiittler Ei
n!rn Hii Usi
John j tii-
Aymii.i Jtv.-ntt
jifil a1 rt'iViVim"
I ' 1 Cnaiiur
j ,7,iV,.erjr 5(1 John M tl.nlon ll
aimiim.i :nu Wnmiiicr (Hemlock) ion
I) .Ml J.inii't II rat '
T .M aiiltun
no T ronlk 2. vi
li,,,,,, , 11 llnm
2 tit Mr J J Illy i:i.'iO
31 W Whlli'iiiclit 2 (hi damuel W Nolton and
liuniliii,! 2.iO lluih S r.iirinan 23
John V lli'i-cr 2 30 Abm.ii 1,'uiier 2 00
Josopli llreifh 2 3 I Jucnb Idler 9 30
Aliditnv Chllinall E1 230 VVualili'gliin l'arr 1 IM
Julin I. Kltitu 3 HO IVter CniviillnB 2jll
Win Cer 2 00 J.iinnf V Krclcr Ul1
I'&J Ultra 10WI No.ih .Mau.rr 3 (it
Win M llm 2 Wi ll-.nry l.nx.iriM 2 no
Abraham Cnlp I DO Cut J O rWu IW
IV. I I I.
11 liliUU.
r3 ho Lime B.Hik ol Ell Crevtling.
1 Ihrsr olTrovt'lioj; riiitmun. (f l.imo t
liro hi the Ii.iihN .,1 tin: iinderli!iio.t for cullucnou
Thusi, intvreiileil tt 111 pleaai' lukr notice
JOSl Pll LILLUV, J. 1'.
i.lchl btreel, Jan U, lel'.i. I mo $J
O'l'ICK is heieby giien to all ppriotii
1 1 Hileri-rii d, that lite r.ittnriship lirtLtoforo cr
illni:, 'Hitler Hit- firm of liur) 411 llntt -. in l ata.
tiii,a, us thia day lllvolved by mutual consent
Cannvifwi,, i, i'Ui,-:i,r i no,
isui iui; i uivuucjg.
the Common I Icm 'J'O.lumb'v.i County
&ftxi Sailor, ") And now. to wit :
uyuiT nrsinien.i ; co. itn, ltjoo, :m
Cbailcs Foster, alias fuhpeuna iu D -
vs. I vorce, having hvcu
Edward Sailor. J returned and respond-
. rut not hat inn hfun found in the ('oitiilv; upon mo.
lion of 1'iter a UMirl, Altornryl'or l.ibrlinn . Court n Itule upon iteinndcnl (o hIiuiv nuiito why a
I Uivorri' a t im t'l.o m a i til mom i ffiitxilil nut lie ilrrrrrd in
A llm aliote Hinted can1, rrturuablo to lit aiil I'ouit of
.umiiion l'leas, un tlinil.iy, l''ihru try 3lh, I), trod,
SA3ll!i;i, E?N VlJlUt, slmjlir.
Uloouinburj7. II. IHid. tc
'J'lm iinik'rM,i'cd, olW" to sn! I t ftri
8 tnlo i..ile. n, o HOL'Hn, I OT AVIiCllU.
rl'.nv Kl'AMi, on tin- c rner of Slain uni
.Market flan,, I i-1 . v . known at iho tiillard property
It i a Hood ,iai,l nr I .iMal lni.iiicf8-Uotu li'ilig
i;,.oil tin dp. and ato ,i loio1 Coal wharf
Trriiia tt til be ri nauh.thlu, Apply to thu rubucrib'T
ol Lower l.iiuu llidgo
a w ntuvELivj.
Jail 0, leti(i3taS2
EUHcoJ Juhn Cosper, Occl,
olioc is hereby eiven. that Lei tcr.t ol
Aduiini-trati, u on lliertlnteof Jjbu Co-orr. lai
, ol I'llio lm llfllip, CiIuii.Iii.-i rtiiinl,' iki.'.l , line brcn
rallied by III.: Ili'i'iilcT r Colinnbi.l r.iunty. lulhumi
I ilerritlncd lull n.rt uih havniK ilaiim or d nol,.
' agani t the rutnte oi'llo .iid iireedrnt nro r 'pie. led
f t preto'iil Ilium 1 1 :l,u Adiiutiislrator at liij oihc: in
, IIiooiiisIiui;. wilh.iitt ik'liy, und all .'rs"iu loiubled
lu make pa) uietit loilhwilli.
1 0. II. UltOUKW Y.
1 January (i, It-llO.-ruv SI, Adm'r.
I Admiuiatratpr'a Notice.
1 EsUdc of Via'.C'it Ixichuil, dec (I,
LETJ'EKd of administration on tho es
talo of Vincent llicharl, w llu the w ill iiiiiteird
1 l.uu ofl'lkliinairri k Iwp, Coluinln.i co . der'.l.h ivr u.-n
; L'rauli'il hy ihu llfji ntt' r ol Coluinbi.t luutity, to Im
i iiudoriuud j ,il pon,iiij having claims 111:111 ii-l llu
, eM.ilt- of Iho ilerr.lrnt urn rr'tMetteil to prr- nt th. m
1 to th! uii.liTHiit.-d rridin iu K.iid tow n-hip. t till
I out delay, und all p.r.jiii lodubiud lo luuku ,,ay. ueiit
I fjrtliwilli.
! OUO..M. llOWDl.t,,
I Jan. 0, IrCj, fiw. gi 00. Adiu'r,
Vallliiblc RCtlS EstiltC
N pursuai'PG of un otdi r of
the 0.-
1 ph
I lulls' Coult of I ol.nohia county, oil
'I hum lm ike l 'l of Fcjfitun, I SOU,
I al '0 nVlork P ,M . Rob. rl T. Clark. Ailnii liklralor of
r,ia I". IWlur Into nl Scoll tnwo.hip. in i-aid cnimlv,
"'I1""- 'y
pilbiiv tuiidue, on the
pieiiiihuii, u c'-riaiii piucu or
fn innu vn
1 . , , ,
I" In lliu i.iwo.lilp of drot-.l.oiind.'il ou thr nortll
l,y ihu publir road, ou Ui" ..mill by lb,. C.toal , on Un-
! iHby.iiiinlliy.aud o,i Um w,.t by biu.U ef i;ii
r.rvelii.u (.otiiiiiiiiiiK about 'J'tVO AUIti:.-5, whereun
uro i rected a two ioiy
frYaitSJc t Wt'-Iitt!a House
i llarn mid other uut.buil.liiiBii
1 lie iindii idc.i one Hit d part or a certain ulutflut,
xlluali' in ricoii tu p , on llii boiind.'d l,y lainN
of John Treuibl.i, tonuiiiiuj uOjUI one ti uilh of an
li' iiudlvidrdono third pan of SIX I.IMIlHTOVi:
I.IJ'I'd hillllltu III Ihu tlllur ll.Ullflllp boil ink d b)
liiiidn nf Aaron liono, IV .Mi rrel und John Trent'
hley.cuiiuiuiu iu Ihii vhuli about
ix Acres,
At. Hit, tlm undivided one third part of a rcil'iin
lot tiluati iu iho name louin!iii, hounded on Ihu
li, by o of Mr.. Ilurliutf line, ou ihu tte.t bv
laioln of Aaron llonuo, on tin huutti by lot hiretifon:
old utol on th..rti.t b iipublie, coulaiuiii ibout
on. li ui rill of an Acre, on nhich Is tiictud a niury und
a lialf
Dwelling House,
l.atu the ITlulo o'.iiJ deea.rd
Illo iui.liuri,', Jjii (i, leUU 1
V VV, Jt.NKIN, )
J. C, f-MtTit A, M., Tiinciplaj.
First Collego llulldinif. Corner lVim and St. L'lair,6U.,
r,i-i,.uu - ,uii I t'HOWH OUIIUHl, OKI rl.,
Third ' " u. ill and 'i3 St. Clair Street,
.HR1VALH rol HIC WtllC ENOINO llEC. 10, 16G5,
A J I'ower. llrooklield. Trumbull Co., O.
J It l.onj; 1'ui.ImihIi I'.i.
1' liluiiley r'uirktry Allucheuy Cu Ta
(' II Ariu.trniii; Lililun Jull'Co O
W II Wimvell Udiiiboro Erin Co I'a
A J Hopper llerrlotuvillo AMeKlieuy f'o I'a
II llrownfield lliioulovn Kiyellu Cu l'a
1 Nelton .Moon Allegheny Cu I'a
II Harper 'J'areniuni " '
J il Carter Allay II. Intonl Co O
1 lMsur f Ii n uu n v i JIm JeirCoO
J W Hell Valley (JrovuOhio Co 'ei Va
J ' Wi'hii Julintlown (,'a'nbrla Co I'a
W crurlhr. Cluy.ville OuerU'ey Co O
W Aauu tieitlckley Allegheny Co l'a
Tor Utiiij nnd Information concerning the College,
. JtsiuNa, i.nnu U t ';
Jan, ii, 1800. 1'illsbuig.
mv, n ftinWInW
iu tlVhJyy ,
' A Tf i? (Tl hi m (7? V A ir1 ,. n a mt
OU U U Vi dj UJ U UJk U U3 US IJ b
Special attention paid tn mallera arliii'g undertllo lu.
luirui iieveuue l.awt.
rj OlTICC Kourlh door below American Hotel,
, t ilLOOMSIlUltO, I'a.
Oct 23, i8M.
Of every description, for sale at tuis offioo
b h ar w o
HMIE uodrrsignod having taken tho
I coiiiinntliniH Htoro tlomn mnl Htnml (if l. W.
II nith-n . In HiMitun, t'nliitnbU eonnty, I'll. rupi-cUully
iiifnnin liUfrl'-inlnnnil f It u iiulilic In ccnurnl, li 0
hua icili'iillii'il it ultlt lliu Itirucat mi.l nuiat tcusuiin
lili niiutlmciit uf
Lately Intioitnced Into thi aertion of cuunlry. lin.l
wlilch Im U Ki'l limot nucli low prlci'i.naro oalyc'inil
lodl.y Iho ImniMi-ily of lil dally ale.
Ills Stock cmslsti In pail orcnoicti
Hats and Caps,
With Iho usual randy of
Drets Goods,
Domestic Goodf,
Notions and
siiissiii2SS3asa3 moi
boots mv SHOES
Of all paitcrim,, m)lo and price, for
Gwat cman,
und B ' a
Tlil joit1! waliouphl in th- i'.iMlirn Mirkri lb
lari;.' quantity .tl the I.HWI'SI' FIUUIIIIS, .tint Mill
bo uld uccurdlugly. A Uo,
flScady-iis'.tilu iUtllu )g.
Tlw allcnliou of ill., piblic M
to Iho
r.'.p.flf ,'y nit-. I
Advantages offered at this Eb
tabliahraent !
TJis Itld'heal prirospaol (or
1 m m h a
(DM If flair 5 Bi D iD u
'i'. '.fl
J UN J McllEMiY.
Ileiiton. Jan, fi. Jn-.ti .'t niOfi v
Hqtsb aM Cattle Mm.
Thlj jireparalion,
Inn,- 4iml favorably
Viiuiwi. will thor
oupbly rtlnviKorato
broken-down ami
bm-fcoiritcl iuir't-.
by HrrliKtbcnlliK
nnd cleansinr; tbo
rtomach aud iuka-
It li a sure prr
tinlltc of all ills
vnci incid, nt lo
this animal, such as LU.VG FEVER, ULANIJEItS,
Ti:it, ii i:a v ks,
oiiL'iurs, ins
Ti..iri:i!. n:.
vims, Eoi'vnr.i:
i.uss or Ai'i'i:
Tin: a mi vi r a i,
EST.ItliY, f.c. IM
uo Unprote tbo
wind, incrcuM-i
tli lipprtitu- KllCf
a a moot n amt
kIojiv f kin ami
tranfori:i!i t h o
lalserablo fkelcton Into n flue luoklng and (pltltid
To keener? of Cuusthlj nrroar.' ; nuluslln
It iiicreaj'.s the iuanllly uiA iiaprous the iiuality
r,i u.e mill:, it l.:,1
been .rovrli b,, m-
r.' " 1 i .... m. -t r'11 Ai-riiui'o,
ltS-r-y.l5l H ..r and make llu-
Wf mrS& butter dim and
Vtf ,-5r?CA"). "t- In fait-nniK
3!?t, '""I- In laib-nini;
ffrT?! lPjeauU it Klin. tin-in
iitv'iZ:'Pf Ji nn "l ltlilr. Imom'iii
&&&&&iZi J tl";!r !'. 1,1 ' '. V ,!
laUca tl.CLl ll.lllo
much faster.
In all dU:aC5 of Snlui, tueh an Cuubt, Vlcri in
the Lungs, Lit it,
Itc, tliU article JA-SSSSr-actsai
fprrillc. ykMf-'My.
urrelornnilltbo - . tSwt? j
Hill bo eradicated --SiZZS?Zhj?jr:
nt entirely previoiltd. If itlven In time, a certain
provantlvi.' anil euro for tin, llotf Cholera.
Price 85 Coats per Papi-". or 0 Tapers for SI,
rnEf.t'i-D ui"
s. a. xoijir- urto.,
No. 110 Franklin St., Baltimore, Jffd.
I'or Halo by DruKgisls und StoriUiepcm ttuougli
out the United States,
E7 l"'ur sale at tho Orug Storo of
liloouinburg Pa
niooiusbiirg. Jan. 6, lfcGQ. 12ino.
IN pnrsiiiuicu of an ordor of the Orphans
Court of Columbia county, uu '
Saturday, January 1-Jth, 180(1.
At It) oVInrk A. ,11 , Samiiul I Krllrr, Ailniinlnrntor,
oi John llrliiibrurk, lulu of Locust toivnahip, in natd
county, ilec'd, will i tposo lo ulo, by public vendue,
011 Iho Mieiuirieg u ccrlaiu
Tract of Land,
wlioltieI,lfi ,wu "''J0'"'1 y'ltces, containing in the
Seveuly-sovcn Acres,
about FiUy Hve wliorenf ia cleared land, tho balauin
ttrl'-tiuibrrt'd with che.uut uud oilier Irorn, and
nhurron aro rrtcted ugood HW'm,l.lN(i llOUSIl.llaru
and oui.lmldiiig coiui'iuoncua of water, Iruit, &c.
bituate In Locu.t towiiiiliip, mljoiniug lamia uf Jacob
hniliuer. landa of (ieoruu Ittiou. lamia
Keller, and land, of Michael Slum, lal.i Ilia i.liuo of
iu'u iieceiineu, auuaiii ill uiu lotviithip orLocutt. una
county afoieaid.
inooiii(burL'. Dec. '.'3 IGiU.
1E7" Alleudaiao will bw given and condition made
kuuwn by
8A.11UUL L, KULLUIt, Adiu'r.
Dec, 23, lia.
Clovci'Mcetl WantLMl.
Tho undersigned, will pay the liiKhest
SlaUoi'i l"U" fU' CL0Vt;U!jl:i:i'. leliveredalllupert
KP.. .r. 83. I80a,-J,AXmVt,,AInUN-
Fashionable Taitoriiiy.
new shop jn'TTgiit street.
THE unaeriigned, rospeotfully informs
Iho public iu general, that )io haaoponcd a uuw
lauorm-r Jistablishment,
in Light Siretl, Culumbia county, whom hu i.
iiri'pi rod loi'xeculitull kiuda of Tail. ... !..
w n"'!, ,J'l.,w'""leP'ttcll and on ntedafut , tcTiuT
Will bo ttiaukfull for a,tluro of public pairona-o
it tt
, , r A. J. NEWHARD.
I Ithti5ltffl Pet. 9, tc6J.
Court Proclamation,
WIIEIlnAB. thn William EnvetL, rrcnlilcni
i i ' 1 .1 !f ",e Co,,;,t of ict O"'1 Terminer n"r uln.
f-rnl Jnll Delivery, Omul of Uuattcr He.Mnn" I -,l '
I'cnco nm Cniirt of Common I'leim nml Orplinn'i fWi
Hit ha 20th Jijilltlal Dlttrlct, c.,.,mo,c,l oV I," roVimVc':
jf Cnlnm . n.Siilllvtiii n.lVyi.iniiir, and tho lion J, in,
M''ol in.
bin cnunty.lmve iliaiicl their precepl. henrliiRilnlo II e A
lay ol May ,1" ll'i yoor or mil L,ur,l ouo thSu,,,,, j "l.A
hiiiiilreil and aixty. live ami In mo directed for h,,l,ll ,i
outt of Oyer nm! Terinlnej and (leneral Jnll Klivcfy.
Uoncrnl annttei'Sini.loiu nf tho l'eiicc, Cnmiiion villi
and OrpUiiu's Conrl, in llluoiiibl.uri!, in Urn tt.lmtv nl"
C.dniiibl.i. on tho (Irnt Monday, buniijtlia Silt day for
lVh. next, t conllnuo onn week. " 1
Notno in hereby sIvmi.Iu llm (,'oronor, Iho Jn.iifo.
nf tho I'i nrc) nml UoiKtablim of tho unlit county or I'ni
nmbin Unit they bo thru and thero In ilulr iiri'iier vlr.
aiiiu nt 10 o'clock in thu fomiocu nduut ,iUy , i J.-i.
nionlK, liiininitliMU nml nlhcr reinciubriimo to dn
thno lltlniia whiclitn lliulr olhcei iijiiulnln In bo done
lijinliltt tho iirinoucra Hint am or niuy ho in ting ju
i.tid county oft'olninbni In bi- llien and llu ro to iiroc-
...... ...... ..... .......... -ii,.iiiin, inirniictitii
emu inetii n
LUIiclnal in
eiito thetii us -linll be just, Juiora aru reiieicil to ha
puuciitat iu mail niiciionuce. nnrr"ntity to tin Ir nollce,,
...(..-..ii, ,ii,ut9,.itr, iou riu nay l.f IVc.
Ill tlio year rfuur t.or.l urn. tliousnud eluht
hundred and sl-ty-llvr, and In llu; tinlity
ir oftlii) llideiiendeiirr of Ihu I nlin.l
of America. ( (luu ntvu uiK Comuoih 1
SA.MU111, K.W11L1:, Shcriir,
llloMiii-liiHS, Jan. tl, lf.u'J.
List of I'ansrs for ll. Term iSCO
I'll jnll Mc.Murtiiu EtiOoreo of Aaron Wolf vi L'bil.
li.HI Wolf.
'I J.u oU Harris va I'elrr Jacoby,
:l Hun-el I Sluker, va Win IIi.jIit
4 lluuli McUi'yiuiliN vn IVlir Dllphant
5 Jacob lloiiltr v William aiaiibuli and tliiliiljn.
II. i bin nil.',
C Abraham lluitman ti Hll.i tl IMcnr
7 IMtiard tklluer vllu Locust M Itall Itoad JL Iron
Co A W lieu . fl I'tttfrmaik
8 t hauihirllii for ILc uiu uf llockenberg t f liji i
ti Jac tn' al'itvliia H.iilr .ad Ciuipiuy,
lit II 1' llilieard tn Hen ul.
II lieu A llerrlno t I'eter .Mill, r
I'J Aaron llluom va Iteubeii Silkr
III Julin Hinlerliter va John Jamuunn
II Ad.. in v. .lerentiah'i
IJ Jacob HiMiit-)' t a 1,'ull.iu isa It Ii Co
ID Hi. nj.iiMiil Wettiunu va.M A William.
17 Jonoih.iu Wolf ludelaeu uf Uuddl Mtruli 4c C J
v h lieoii-o II Tread
Id Stephen llaldy va Cllattla-a IVillianupoti
Lriii tl tt Co r " &
19 M illil.n Tr.m aa va the Tu.vmdilp of Srott
'.'it lliiuu. ll.lUio l li Covh I. en K.llz
'Jl Win I, Lauco va Hnrinau Crevolinc.
J IVni I. Lance tn ho, Crevuliu elai
SJJ llacliael Mnriiau ..y her tieil filed Win II lloig.
I. mil Vi llich.ird .Morgan
21 AniiH llariiura lb leliiiiiller, va Hear) lli'ighinlllcr
ij A.ilinillilluU. Ia of Ji.KCpIl I'lUltil, dee'd va kiu
I, l.atiiu.
-!('. William Lanioii vi lVlrr II. if man
i Win I. union va John Vanpili
Ud .Mi. sen fail, I .Samuil K tlullippi v Jjteph
I'li'ckuitti r or reputed imuer
'.'.I Jaiob .human taJobn II lliHH"ili,'"r
Ml Miraliam II Siti.hur va Sdinuel llimby
..I J tl I. tk & I'll t H l.lihtoii lli-Hlll
.' I.oi, ,1 (lorie.l h'IVi nt Cou niiliaiii
:u i. i J .nr- . ii j .; An. i ut sc Id a ii I II M n i
.-I ii i nam L.,j l'i 1,-r oariff
il, ,1 tt I M i Tl. IIJhl t li.ti'l-,' In.j t t
:i" . lv.'t, r J I'n.n t Ir..,.,, (V luu'
Ut ,l,.:.lur J l''uUX V Isaac II tit. :
.... i n ihli.ui t'kuapp v School u.riilor of ,11..
'I ml hi-li M.
i.H V tight lloahi id IVIi'i Miller
It i.i'hk C llrei'li va Uaic W'lln., '
Ii .Mary lltiiuell Vi lnac t tilt.;
JI..-SL ..OI.IillA!, r,.,i, f
I'rolhotiol.iry'a Olhcc.
ill-ombarg. o, 'do t
(Sr :" Jiuats jor J-dnuuij Una, liUJ.
l'l. '"tn Morria Sinn
II". il.'iwii.H-i Ion I) t'oivlerj
liioirriei'k .l.iroi. M,,iii'li.r. ., in : niuO'i
i .' I lii nih ill
I vi lou I' J AIll'Tt-oil
( al ntipM -J,ic..b ILiiiutiftlrr
I'lrliiimi rr, k Hon.. I .-hit',., .M .1 111 i.i .1
J 'll.lllll.OII
I r., ..Klin Jo.i-ph tlidb r
ii,,-, miihi.l- lliih.irt I'llrh'Mt
it, o.lo.l; J i. u, k Uo., I ll,iu-iM n
I.oi u-t Wot ti'uoiiiii in. .a.o rij .3..tlr, Joan
I'.'ii r inn
tit i'lran inl -It'lta In ibl.-b t
,:i i .-. i . i , li c .mnli
.1 , k.on John Ku.ili r
If ,.Tiiiiirr' k Hi nrv Id ll'uian
tt J I, I , r iiiiv.t
r Hum loi'-joi'pl, i 11,-m t Win II I nti-miii
1 1 ii vine J urijiX jut
C.-IX If 0,1
A M I'lmrrl
I.i a r 11,'iiiy llool.'rlil
; tlu.iri rei k Jae.-b rua-.) i.i Wn.r r, l! in.,or
.no,,' , .,aui io ,iaiiA
i l'l Molt lilol,..,' 'I !.. II folo J.ili'illnu
el itvn ii Ji, . i). Kn itb, li nn, I f i. I t ij
I i r-i , ,i c 1 i.i ,i i . r-1 , j , ii .. ii IImimh
I'l.tuii tr. rk - liuijli Mri ri'tu
' taauKliu'M t ,-r, J . I, .oreiiiau
, (.ti.uuood li.-i, VV Ult. Jim S Klin..
, II, i, Ho, k- Si II. a c, Hugh I) .ffcli'inia
Jat k-ou-J. hu ill 1.1
I I u. u.l-lli im l ink, l.'rr.rllo'.vi r. ! Iiaa II, Imj
j .t. nil ji - jrt ,.i. ru4
oi.t in- (.tun i iliver
, Ai.i.tliaui toteinau, .Miiiutrl Vniur, t , t,r
, Si ..or
i, I n -Jarol. I hMiihi'ilin. Val.'iitinu Wiiilrr.tirii
, U.'iiriui-r.'L'k -ii.'itj.t.oiii il,i.ii.k rii l.aiib.u'h. II. nry I H-a
. S. mi-I'hilip j' liaili.iau, Jtlin , i-.iiil I,
l;., mart
I Juouait 0.
j NoflCli.
Fjitrifir jinfnnntn cr Eia'c ij J iilt
Inttjhitn , ' 'fit
C'"itmbta O-itn'tj, VS's
Tilt' I 'oi!;n
utrtfl.ltil r
, un.) Iv'.iuia t I'
. -1 '
mo.,, v oi k it I d
itji.r rt.-tl v iih li I. id
.- is. -.1 tlm v i ,t ,
.r i --.isiu i i
I'. I, u I'll-M ill irrio
n , r i d will, li S.ridi 'r
i miiii i yrii II Ap ui -.oat.
OH I II.IVII I .1 I. ,
, b ui ilii'iivi, and II, ii.d'ib Havo iri tor or - , i mr oi Hp. I i.i nani'M Ir in ,itiku,ii-o to ,,ur p,
iinin r ; lo ir ami I. r pren.-i-t mv,., uf -,n I Jo- .
li.i.Minr I.
i,r. , ling, j i. an I ll of t. nr 0 rrbv fiinlv
ri.uiiuaiiilril it, nr ami ,ipp, ar i, ir piop -r p i,.,u
111 ('Itilllio.' I'tilirt l'l h ''.l at 111 o.ihI. iri; i.i .i
f. t :.1 i:.,ui,y 'ol III.' ll, 1 11. m i. iv o! r' i, lu, i) ii .
lb ii ami Hot. to uiisurr tin' lull or hIitimi, v
ll.m . 1 llil) 1,-r "I ll nil lorlll III it III" sai l Uii
Iiui. I .llt'il s, ll. ', ., rritaiii ir, i i. at laiii-.i. I
ti. t'.ttntiibta i n.iuiy, un 1 iisTo.',! who , ur p. ,u, -.
I , ,ir,n Ir o ..u'ri'o.i tin itritln.' ilit--! al,
-l,i s.V.I, In il an, I ciiv, ill - ..uu,' (i, tuv i.,i'l t
I .-rlnl) rtt. In. iu'it. 'or U4s, in,, tiil lo .a 1
' v by ll.. ai i Court .h.ill ool i!,,ii"in, p i
,.. rl.iiiauio ui llir s.tnl (i.a r.u 1 .,i liu. l , i (i
n 1,'ulaioi mo iiuim llii-r. ol an.l 111 t. a r.iuv ).t,i- n
..iiar oil ier nml ibeier to Up- al.n.'. ii I Wi. i.i
Lillj)lrl, of ll.o taid prt li.iftt h Itl li',' llnplr
1 eAMLl'.l. NVl'Li. nn. un'
IM'i.inif l-urg ll'T '?!. ,Hi,,.i..
yrirffi p'fi.c. :; .V. r.j ' u'!i:
l f title,
, 'J Jo milt '.; nth, ,V.V
I I - "T ' 1 lr I 'oi'll'lpu Traill of i" (,'
t jmiit, i,io ,.f .Bid ii, , A,,, i, i,
,"'"' Jln"''''irt ljl"tni.',rili't tvlili I'm,
i. r a
i. 1
i .ii
"" i-timu. J..ti'i tt , rn,,ii i.i ,, ,. ,
i' ?"'b.lli cm, Hi Nuiiu minor cliit.l oi Mm y .
!v'T1,',c,'"''l 1:" '' '"l-miirrl-l ll'i Will,.,m .,.
tlilllaui tiniib, nil of Coliimliii rouiiij, nml Miner il.
Mil.',-, "H-.3U MIL'.roi ri'illili'ncf1 18 ItllKlloWll, nn,.
Iliomas II. Siuiih, hc)r ol aiid lluiry Snnih din .
I.'rertmi. yoaaltd earli of you art lierrby cited an I
comniaudeil u. before you Here, to b and npprar nt
yourproprr prr.uu ut an Orphani' Court to b nol.lcn
al lllooui.buri.', iu and or vaid I'ouuty on tlw fr-t
llouJa) ul ' I'ebruary nutt, lliiu and IIicih to ausvter
llio bill or prlilioiiuf Wnlium Suiltli, Htrculor or nnd
Henry smith, ilei'i ni.,'d, t iting forth that tlm .aid ib
cetltnil dud nueu of rrrluiii real elalu. to lleino'i
loo inliii, in Hi uuty uud agreed with Tiimui.
II. Siuilli, by ngreemrnt in ttriliiiv. dalrd llth ll' .
leUl, to null and coiiv.-y ihu land lu the .aid Tlmiuai
H.Muilli, Im heir or usmgnx.
And to lunv iaii,t u by llm .aid f 'onrt hall not d"
cruu lliu Hpu ifii: ierl'ormaiieo of llio said roiurait, a.
f oriling to thu lrio ini.oit and m. aniug tliiieol', and
thai ai-onvuyaneo Im initio under sanl drcreu hy yuur
pttilioueriotliu aforesaid Thomas If Smith, of tho
.aid premise in feu eituple,
Srttiur.i. sNYnnu, siisritr.
L.oomsburg, Dec. i3, leva -ic.
In the Common Ileus of Columbia County.
Sarah K. Hamsay, ") And now, to wit.
by her next friend, j Dee. 4th, ImG5 an
John yiiarploss, J-alias subpirua m
vi. Divore, having
Georgo W. llanisay. j been returned and
Iteiipondoiit not liaving loeu fouiul in tho futility ,
upon moiitm of liobert 1', Clark, Allutncy for Libro
uitt, Court grimt it Itulo upon llcapontlenl to fhuiv
uuiiio why a Uivorio a tiNcui.n ati'itiMOMi nhuuld nut
bo decretid lit llio abovo Hinted cae. rJIUIuublu loili"
jiinl l.ouit of l.'ouiiuon rieai, on '.outlay. I'cbrujiy
2th, A. D, Icdli. . '
SAMIIUL S.N'VIUlli. Sheriir.
Illooinatitirg, Ore. SJ. JdoO. tc,
New Goods
rjPbo subscriber has moved to tho second
I Doora below Hartinmi'j, and jmi lecclved a
now aluck of
Zephyrs, Cotton and Woolen Yarns,
Corsets, Laocs, Embroideries, Mus
lins, Edgediogs, Dress Trim
mings, tS:u., Sea,,
which all are invited lo c.all and u. amine,
October 7. im A. I). WEflfl.
School Honks, Hymn Uook'i, Uiblci,
Sumluy School llooki and it variety uf oih r Hook. -lilauk
Account lli.ok. Memyraliduin lljcka, and UU
ritia lor Jroj, lllank Det'da und .Morigageii, and an
Jtorlineul of I'uprr uud Lnvrlupen, f.e,, fcr , to b
IpundultliH o,v lirulc Sloro, Scund Door blow
llurlaiau'j Sturu, illuuui.burg.
A. 0. WEBU,
Blccmiturg, Oc' 7, lets,