Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 23, 1865, Image 3

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I) f fl
Saturday Morning, Doc.23 'GG
- --, ' u'
t .itO- i B rofer Willi' profound sntiaf no -
tion to our largo list of important now
advertisements in tbb "Columbia Domo -
-' 1- ...
rMr.O. II, Bvuutv, of Montour MH!a
Monday J.,,, 8lnuglt0rC(1 fivo " ,
uu .uontiay mat, s auflhtore J flvn .,,1on,1!.i
largo hoj, one of whin-h wni,,t,r.,i r.r.i n...
" -.--v. M mat
Have purchased the Uottlo Mill and Jur.jwil wo feel quite auro.tbnt the announo-jMr.
unco property iu Light Street. Price ! wont of tho fact of UU return hore, will
tkS- TllJJ PlllriOMATIICAN BoUr.TY, 0'
How Oolutnbua, Pa , will nivo an Exhibi.
t on for tho !..,niritr t :i ,
nK I .,. , ' y' I
. .
ttJ iMr. L, C. Moyer, haa erected a ,
lane Chrlmas Tree, in his Store window.
Ho La3 a fine variety of Christmas Gifts,
vniiuren, now s your chaneo.
fctf Wowibh ouTfTiends and patrons a :
Merry Christmas and Happy Naw
?T?" "f.!t,rk; . Ur n0Xt idJUJ i
1 1 tu" nu J unuy'
fnrni tlmii- fl...,!., .1 ...ii. ..
...csus.n. w.ju. a. oroasy1inuiact'l"aili;i30iUlcrs"ulJ)sfouuu ,rzjr: rrfiT'nyrmKf
have purclwued Mr. Uattlo's Store House' inlbo Ccmetry at this without any ( ''slj, I'T IV H t)
property in Light Street. Friee ,-175. ' ormment or mark whatever, to show that 1 lkU insAil A ua ' tiVwlW
. r 7 r'"7!" '' it contaius.the remains of individuals, es-! tmi i77uimri
Cy Mrs. & Mr. Stohuor, wish to in- i. r ..... ' I DR. M A(ifi UN.'
m it ii - I . I. r . il. . . ,l. ti..i i; J . TJ - - - n . 1
,, , - - piuuu, uiaiiWu ar0 lad t0 iuarn that our military
they have an osee lent assotlment of Can . friunda habvc uot fo otlon tho bravo dJ,
dies, Confictionar as nniWMi.tmn.'iv..., ...... .v . .1
... . . . uj i
to v.liici, tlicy invito general attention.
1'oniT.AiT of Cen. Ldc Wo ac
Lnowledgo tho receipt 0f a bonutifullv on-
graved steei-nlato Porf.rair nf a..,, t" t.. i
T "" "uuuii " - I
ii. Leo, publihhod bv A. 7! V.,iin, nf.uvijniug preceding INoW lears, the pro- i
... ., ,' ,. J r JllCT, 01, ' ... , . , ,
Philadelphia. coeds of which ate to Lo appropriated to
. n --.-. i wards tno'.oning tho lot in which our sol-
Cnr.isT.MAS will be ,,, nodiora arc buried. A collection of musical !
1UU" 'J' ' aulJ our "op has narv TuHeu !
i-uu l """, uon.v i.iti:ai.Kii, came
to ou r rccpui', just in time, for last Than; ).
giving. Who will now emulate f i 1,1,.
VZT 7 he llnw 7u)vst h tho title of u
now and tie-it weekly paper just ic(lUed
fiom the 0.1 K-gionof Vmungo county,
ia., n;, fa u. I'ago, E-q. It i3 chit fly
dovototl to tho Od iutcru t, and aipcais'oan afford to be without it. It is a com-
i a. her neutral in politics. Prieo $y per ;
iiiiimiii iu advance.
tew The LlUlc 1', will enter un
...j its in'W volume on tha first of January.
L'.cry parent should pet it for thjir little
. ,. , .. ',, '
o;,oi. Puhlulnd by Uraoo Grccnwcod, 1
. , . . 1
a i.u..uuiiuiia, a- uu I'OliM per year.
I 3" ( li ir.h Uc Ucati'i.i, Tho nQW..
1-. P I'd,,. , r !.. t t' j . !
incteil I.,!,lkH- ul thu iU. l'j. society, lU'u' 1
Uiu rv-iiiJciiuu of Jlr. Andiow Ile.-.s, c.
t; ;t.luaf lowij.-liip. Columbia CO., will
Lo Oclio itt d lo the wortliiji of Alejijjht"
on New Year'-s Dm, Minis-.era
abroad vv i ! I b preteiit on that or-.
'M.i. a ..o pa; lio'ia) ceidially invited
c-'-.r TU dtnmnV.wn 't rph, pub i
IM-.-dut f:erman:own, Phiiailclphit co.,
bv . 'Kj; Philip It. Fr.-as, after some year.1
f absence, bjrain aoaeam among our Ex- i
cl:a,'..s. 'J'ho Telegraph is emphatically j
... f. :.,ilv uuVM.!pcr. It U oontlueted with '
, ability and gentility and contains
well i!ii.'-tedv:iss';i'tmont of rich inform a
icj as fhoultl adorn tho columns of a
goc-J nid :reat public Journal.
tiu" On Tuesdiy, the Olh of Decern
b. :, 1JU5, on motion of Col Freeze, Gi:o.
D. Haughavout, Esq., of Kuhuylliill co.
was admitted to practice at the B..r of the
o voral Courts in Columbia county.
On motion cf Ii. F. Olark. K?q., M. M
L i r.i.u, E q., of Ct'Btralia, in this coun
ty vis adiuittid to pi actio as an attorney
in the several Couiis of Columbia eouLty
On motion of It F. Clark, Eq., A. P
riN'M:v, E-q., of Ashland, was? admit
ted to practice as an Attorney in. the
btverul Couru of Columbia county.
tyJ" Ti uallc ahead .' Dr. John is get
ting hi niridf into auother tight place, or
ugly fixation. Ilu is, iu the teeth of the
Hcrljitura declur-tion to the contrary uot
iths.tauding, triog to 1 serve livo muslcrb,-
viz : Jolmson and Mjrcur, whilat their
eour..e ol policy wis iu direct opposition to
i-ucli other. We fear that Mr, Dunn, in
attempting to ride two horsei, will fall
between them and break his neck. Look
out, Thomas 1
. ' .S
Z-J" We are in rccipt of un exchange
with that great paper, entiled tho ".
Crosic Danucraty' published at La Crosio,
Witconiin, by Col. .M. M. Pombkoy. It
is such a paper as only a bravo and b;ld
mrui (laic publish, and just such an one as
every living ilciaocrut in tho country
bhould liberally patronize Col. PoMt
HOY, is a terror to evil-doers and a per
fect adopt iu the butiness of thinning po
litical hkunks?sind cxccotiatiug loyal
thieves and icoundrcls.
Mil. CitAMIiUlt's Giieat Suumo.n.
Wo pulIUh on tho ltrot pago of tho Col
unibia Domociat, this week, tho great
Sermon dolived by tho Kev. John Cham
bers, of tho Indepoudont Presbyterian
ni i. iii.n... i.. i. i :.. i.,. rpt.-..i. .
JllUii;ii ut x uiiuuinpuia, ou taae j. uu 111.3 -
. . , t. , r-, r lt I
giving day. It id tho Gosi'EL of tho Eiblc '
nud tho Dcmoerat-y. It will, every word
UUU UWUlUUUU, lUUl'b Ik liuuitv luceuuau ,
,. , . ,
lbo heart of beans of every Christian who
luus 'he I'M", th' I mun aiid the Coustttu-
, of Dn."jsi,Y.-J . J." Ely, M.
D,, forraorly Professor in tho Nashvlllo
(ic,in"8CC) Modloal College, who has
( mot Willi Biioh siganl guoofss in tho treat'
' mcnt of the various diaoaeoa of tho Lungs,
Liver. Spino ami Kltlimv. r,,i (n fi
!bout every other ill that flcali la heir to,
UM ralurnud to spoilt! a ainglo wcok neain
!.. Til I . .
! , , 7 S' ,VT U
SruUutou, nt tho Exchange
Hotel. Tho
Sroat euoeoss that has attonded all his Pa
tiouts hero, whom ho treated about a
month ago, is life highest recommendation,
insuro tho prompted early visitation of i
all tho alUiulod who dwiro a speedy euro. I
' J
rJr,"0ntnU, . PrS0Dts,.iD
hloomsburg, of lbo highest respectability
.uuui8, ui wio u.gticst respectability
"ho can bear willing testimony as to tho :
entire restoration ol their health under tho I
troatiucnt of Dr. Ely. Thu U'ilken-barre '
Journals and others where he has been
'practicing, also, bear tho highest to.ti- i
mony of his groat success iu. cuiing. tho
mSt iUtrlatU anJ ,,opo,OM U0S f tlU'
Wo ouy aay; B"0 "'m a aU.
Mu-ioa CoNOKux.-It is probably a
tourca of roeret lo fverv ono fmuilliar uitl,
wiio Miarca witu ttiem tno etnie ot uattiu
aml feu oro tUa viotol.y was W0Ut TL t j
the public may express their gratitude to
the fallen, a Grand Musical Concert h to bo '
Ltvcu in tho Lutheran Cliurch, on Friday I
appropriated 10- '
,.,t,.. .,i .
now I'Cicg drcurcu mm a ncu ireai
will he the public.
' Of coirs,i) overybody will attend.
titled his "Administration ou tlio eve of
.t. It: ... ' :. f.. ...I.. I... ii T.'
lUu i.juu.i.uu, oaiuj, uiMiv ,
at jiubl shcrj pritca. It is conclusive and
auanawcrablo uu evry point it touches. (
plete defence of tho lat') Prt'Mdunt's policy ,
iuu ujuuiiusuiipuu tui in ui iuu m uiu I w- -
anu a moit uami'.iii esnonuion o uoi- t'tm . Ti" , a
OBaLdu..ofth.,Do.ition.ifror bilious Disorders
. . n ,i
Mr. liuCIIANACf dlsJCUi-aC-H tUO ridO 01 tllO
. , , . n . .1, i. J
the Charleston Convention, lhu Peace,
n .!
Vitirii;3. liiu j ruii-iniu uuiu nuni..,. .
., , , . c t.i i.- n .iir
tiio i;omnaro.:uru 01 i-Miii ouiuiur, uvuu1.11 ;
Soott, tho Monroo Doulrino, and many iu-1'i' trir.i ! 3
Cl'ltiua. tOpl'.S. '
Tt in iir..i-,Mtlon:ilil7 tin) booh of the sea-
son and ifiil be nioi: r;.-ner ally lead than
any one publi-hed for many years-, .
CSJr Aii article from ihe i'alrht fy Un-
ieii iu another part oi'mir paper, gives a ,
, very graphic account or tne cieing!, oi tno
I Concros now in session. They ere "all
for lht nir' lLo 8Wcct pul;nt?tl 'gl5er-'
To sll0W tho 'd'011'9 P'0!11'1- PlaBL' ya
8,101,1,1 road lbo ""''KvruW '. Slavery"
:,U1 "';(;',o(:3 illld NS Sl-'vcry" for
SiUu hJ ('q1- T:'l"y 30i;i ;l1 atld
political , is not by auy means eonsequeut
upon freedom, as tho uuoliiionifts to stien
uously insist, iieau ap tno quesuou.
t A person who liu been keeping
count yay.i that no lus-i than forl'j ameud-,
meutd to the Federal Constitution have
already been proposad in Congress by the
lludical DirtinionUls. Tlicy are deter
wiuud ul nil huiards to get riil pi'-c. -meal
of that 'covenant with death aad
compel with hell.''
l' A deranged woman who siys her
uame is hlieatior Ililbuiu tho wife o.
Abraham Hi, burn, ot Piooituburg, but
has boon identified as a sup,iaed resi
dent of waverly cuna to the residence of
Gen. Pattoniu Towando ou the 13th, and
lus evidently strayed from home. She is
ao inagiucativc ia conversation
that nothing reliablo can be elic'.ed
from her in regard to her residenuo or pan
history. We hupu this uotioo may reach
bir friouds that she uiayjbo restored to
their charge. iJrwhrU Arg.tb,
ES2- Many of lhu Southern Congress
men have left Washington for their homes,
and other n are about to folio iy.
lT It is believed that Congress will
authorise tho issue of an additional one
hundred miilious of national currency .
It is stated that Napoleon has written to
Secretary Seward, ashing tbe'rccogniliou
oi Maximilian's empire as the dcfaclo gov
eminent of Mexico,
In Ploomsbur.?, Pa. on tho 121st of Dec.,
1SU5, by the Kev. J. W. Loachor, Mr.
Harrison Mover, ot Fairfield, Lyoomiiig
Co. Pa., and Mas Maggie Uellef. ot 'Jr
ango, Pa.
I InBloorasburf; on tho 14th., by ltev. J.
It. Dimiu, Mr1 John L. Crawford to Mhs
Mary M. Yohe u.l of Light Street Pa.
I At Town Hill, on thu 17th' ins, by ltov.
i E. Wadsworth, .Mr. Wm. II. Harrison to
Tift-!. A,ln(iro,- ll ,-,f II nntiii.rlnn l.ti-
MlSS Ada UrOV, all Ol UtllltlUJton -Ul-
zemo oo
In Djuvillo, Nov, 20 1805 by tho ltov.
Georgo W. Scott, .Mr. George Groul to
Aii Anmo iKnm. liat 1 ot JJ oinsoiirs.
. c
I In lli.i 1 ?ih inul l,t, 1m ltov. W .1
un me i nu, inst. uy uio jvcv. o.
IVll lUt. Ulli i3tilU 11U1J IU lUIDu lyuilliuea
- a ... . . - 1
illf both 01 DailVlile, la.
n l . . -IO., ,o'-x
U J-oesuay evemug, ueo, j-iu ioo",
( ,, y v h. yt uutter. Mr. E. li,
L iu. aud M s uu Utflla Small, all of
In Doavsr Valley, Columbia county, at
tho reiidcnco of his son, Charles F. Mann,
Ejq, on Sunday, tho 10th of Docombor,
lBOS, William Manu, Esq., aged 8-1 joaru
7 months and 7 days.
In the same placo, on tho lUtii of Nov
ember, 180G,Frazor, youngest sou of Ohas.
F, Mann, Esq. aged Hi years and 0
In Light Street, Columbia county, on
tho 2'Jth of November, Mia. Catharine
Ilamblin, iu tho 8-lth year of hor age.
in JJlooinilitirg, on Hunday Dight lajt,
Charles llughca.agod about 00 year.-!
At Victoria. Tixas. on tho 2tt f n-
lber, 1805, Jlobert J. Lyon, ofl'mci
toWDsI"Pi Columbia county, aged about
.15 vcors
Mr. Lyon, was drafted in tho last draft
Ho died of Typhoid Fever. Ho was a
n0 tied of Tvnhoi.l
verv catiiuablo man. and hi-, offlnnr. ro,i
,ual w3 good soldior and had tha
C3,(!?m of ms cmi, Company. Ho was tho
Z Couutv Oonlion
WIIIJAT, per bushel. U IS
cons, a
lirrKWIIIlAT, 1 tin
I'l.OIJI! per hbl. 13 nil
ni'.ini) AlTLCd,
r.Acov, .
I mi
3 mi
. an
K'j..S'iWl :
HAY liy tho Ion.
Id mi
iiLLim iu,, i i inur. 5 50
CIIICKCVa, pur pair. .50
rjlP.oflR f) (EXTl
JflMS & Y
ies ,.,f. f,m, .,, PS nr0 ll0W. r..r ti,- tir
lllir.. uivi'n niihli rlt' fn Ihn ivnrll. l'nf nvrr :i nl1:lrtir
jf cmtiufy "f fnvau pmcticu tim lngrcdiunu in
fi" jj,-, rtjvivr S-iTJ" T S'
Imvc Ihcii im-il Willi tho strati'iit nirrr
sum m nut nr tu pi. v.-nt nihcuso, imi
nMrrli i titih.j ),ti"iii. nml.i.ii. s n wh
j vuii.riia. nnu ru inv,;'irutcs tin- u
, mil in ciiru . rin'y
.. I. Hi ..... ...
li vull.rlia. unit ru uivis'irutca th" lnli"S -y-ii' i'i
viu. win prove in no
I'"r "Y- ' o m y n.i.i nw nr., ami vimiity. nmi
lhu .,, i., iu, ,r priimu t.ii.-. r
i l.ii, )i)iiii no I iiiluilji..:i:fi'il lln-y will prov.1 moit in
'.il d lit'1, .i u ri'ii I v. i p. 1 1 lit, it n ,1 ft. rlii3 lueilicic
I IIltl i)i a i'r.'..ui 't...i&L.i, that i'o.ii.. Id l.n.n himiii
(tir tliU'O liuni.K'il ..;t, xiffu . 1. 1 nutcr roiiinl. 11c
luohen lor a loitm.uri in;u v.ouia ru&oro mu ciu 10
vljor ami make yo'iih ever
A 11 !r0 Ji(.xj'iin!i asJsiO'
,t ,y alll hour In renli.B tho ilniim
h1ioh 111 tnc B'"ua.r.ia. ihu mubic ihat made
"'fge Yl 11101IS PlClliedic:
Cannot -Hy lhu ili.'lit of yenri, but thiy cjo foru:
l u k, .in.l In, hi ill I. .ll. ta, . i,.iulil !n,iui,ill ',l 1 1
ill" aii i! .mil ilii yoiii.",. 1.' t nuno li'-bil " . Uii'n. Imt
w uie tai-nriiiii.; ..pportiinity that
d. i..i. .-.inn
XuUiinjr nut I'O iiiom proiliativu ttC t.ur tli.i
rh"ir al.n-t ni:i;!ir mil it'll.-.! U tV Il.u
Mil th.'se
rj lu'V" )'l in I limn uu noitfi in u.-aio umii.i.i!, anu
yuna 1 tr it n pi,;-,cril)jil iloic to
llt jUun;i.eHiiiu.
For Cutaneous Disorders
Ami nil . iujiioaii i,l llu .Ma. th.' SAI.VB ia ino-t
i,u.,iaii,i, . Il I, , tun IhmI vi-an.ill y alone, lull
l "" " "' Oie m'l tu Hid wi.
luut of ill j evil !
5 0
Dhi MmivMh lit
Itivai the Ivlbwjao. Di3cas,o3
i...,i compiainni,
L'oii -hf.
iai linen,
fuvetunj ,1f,ic,
rcinnla (.'umplalnU
Jnnaul tveakncmi.
l.iver Uumphii'it.
i.utviieu uriSpirils
hiiign vrin. '
Ha. i liheiii.i
iuit Diiaaet
'fy N'OTICD -Voanciiiliiii, ivlilitim tin, . ,ir..uu.i
ir.iu,' mi irK ii, ...inn uiu n pot or no, sign ',1 hy HI!
MAiiQI 1,1., -i.i ,'ulioii Ut., ow VorK, tu couiuci
by im J. I
,, '
at io cis 1
iii:ii is 1 ion
l!-- Hohl hy all r.-rpoiinlilo Mualfra 111
iii,,,oin io.! uinitro siatcs anil uaiuu. -ut ia cm oo or p. .
fee. U, 1 Jj-ly.
rpHE Very Flattering Sitjipar fc b,-roto
S fore given u tlio late linn of lAMia a, .11
N1NCII (t CO , induces tno uuder-igeed to enter un
on ll.ii business of 1
upon neoinewhat new plan. Tho credit ststcinlir.,
k.a a.i iojii!) to both buyer ami m-IIoi, smf incrcfju
(iropoai s to o'K'ii on thu l Jth iluy of Uiu month of
Nu uti iirur, li 5, in
.ffS SS J5v. W era1 iJ .
j siittj ii k-.ii V7 tksj his ii Uli
'r? t. V 'tf-J S ''.. "6.
JLM .J'J wm A V L
Ever offered in this ' County ; cousit-
in.; of every variety and quality of staplo
mmv( mom
Grocorio?, Quoonswarc, Hard
ware, ami all sorts of articles kept iu a country
filon ; to be sold
umiY? 3ilSS3s
or Ln exchange for (
Tho whole business to be conducted na
th.i 'yst.'in of p iy as you gu , and ut ihcnpir rates
than any other house ,
IVCiill and ju.igg ler yourselves.
J. S. MeNlNOII. '
Xov II, VS.
New Barber &iiop.
rjPHK nudersif-ned respectfully informs
ally. Hut lie hug npunul a
New Barbeu Shop,
to Court House Alley uud ueM door to the oilko of tha
Culii.nioa, wheru ho is pr. paied lo do neat
S:i iiing and I'atluuiiablu Hair CiHtnu. with care r.u.1
0Vl: a t,m am s00 lht!
nioomsburg, O1 l-ei.
TS. .... mi,. f1A i
IlCUl) 11 Iliac KODO .
I , , . , 1. 1 Tf, "
I Hw,. v. vwuw, ,.w. . ., ...
,,1U 0,0,.nlri. , n,,,,,,,,.,, lm.ay lomUlu
lioini ui uie xinit-f ikc,i ill , ill IX, IS..I t'li III) ev, II
i.n (III. ,.!' V ... I I....I I I I
uiu pone Tlingeniliuiau whumadi llu, rirhuiige
know n and il Hi. u.n i. un returned lie will be tent
,.,, tU-nvmi u, u.imuei il. Hugh.-, in
i . .m o..r. or ti.u ..u,i..,uer m catawissa, ami nu
U ;t.ul . t a a
Great Excitement
On Account ulU:e flow Arrival of
Fall and Winter Goods
HAS just received from tho eastern
Cilli s . n.l Ij now opening ut Hi j old Bt.iii'l a
FT'1 ' "did a. "tli.init of
Consisting of avi'ry tltln srnerntly Kept in a country
Hure, which w ill Im i lil
( ,lnr "IC C,IC"
-'''11 an'1 "-'n ""'U'lrfgc rw yourAives.
"Jif'S-VlSIS!?'"0' '"' "iteiet.iym
, Muslins,
Kentucky Jeans,
Thread, kc.
2 y Medicines,
'I'lm pntronftro of ol.l frn'MlB, anJ the puhlic ui'iieta
ly, In ii-,,'Urnlh- jo'icil'id.
Tho liis!iet market price paiil r.irroiintry proilucu
Light Street, Oct. 7. Itt)3.
E. ft H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
llaauitctateu of PLotoeiaphic Hatorlalj,
501 JSKOAD'tVAV, H. Y.
tinKMtl'ti luuur tut.n mnin.'Mt t I'lIoroURAlillO
IhHtAI.H, ' t ' i irifts fnr I'.e folio wliii;, U.t
Dtcrcojcopcd andlUccecscopls Vicwj.
Cf tiiu. wif lini u'i iwr'nieiit, liizluJIstt
VIEV3 01' mil YAP.,
OlU'nt 1 Bt.Tr.-ttt pi,.,, n I' m !l B toifajJole Mine uteTiatv ot'nifii.r.M UKiaff cobras?
BallKaa, Eutoh Oap,
Yorktown, rontooa'i rains.
Oottysbr.rsh, Hanover Junction.
I' Oalia, Lookont Moautain,
tiavato ntauon, ca:cnaaiirainy,
Peep Bottom,
Fort Morfrati,
Cha) loston,
City Point,
EoIIo Plain,
Etrnwberry Phins,
o. cic.
un I I i ...I.. it. d. ft......
Am. tlcan nn.l Kf,rlr'n CM. ,
r,..Ac, Al.i, It. t.Uuttf Sl,t... ,r., lirr.illlofriilvii'9
sl.l'..liH will U tv ,,v nllivu wu reit.
Photog-raphio Albums.
r wprat'iu frpl t. , tl ..j lilt tlio L'utl. 1 Slnli,
i,t wo ina-'ulTvlurii liii,ii,.. imntl'l.i n, ,:r'tt nrltv, r.Lic
n.'iii .t.,, f iiSj.c.'.u,J',, ,,, M,UlvlnTl(i,im.
I U .,, f licii . j)..,ilr i , 1 ..,-jl ft,I a-.r.tll'v to uuy wll,r.
nil. . .. . a l, 1 HK):, . roM;,, .rle
, , ST fan .11.111. UH MAOE rj iiCHE". SJ
iao Trsaa will find our Albans taoraoat
Saloiblo tl.oy can bay.
caiv, riiuioGit.riis.
Ojr Ci!altn r'..iMi',u' , ,c, Kik Tii.u'.kd l'T..rml
IBM.....,' . H)ii,l"--i .... , .., .. illvU.ii.jij.jrtcfCai
..iil Ann ii, aiii. A.' , .ir ,i'.t
lmi MJalsut 'V 1 1, u ("..I. fi'P,r.l.,n.eiJ.
I" l'Hi( " .'.r . , ..-, l ,, hit-,
sn u .'. "t ;Nnv 'Mccr , U- I n.,
. Aul.t. l.Shi-,.'., ; rrnuiluont Wtujaa,
.1,1-",, C j!-s of W'crVj f Ait,
lnttii.!lr; r.rr lu ,.i ..r n, i.,t r.ltlrl.l Knnotnn,
I .'unw;., blktK,. ,tr. 0.1,1 ,,m t v Suairv
An irJ.r or Cue fi Ur-. f.,u our Caulj2.,-. 1H U
HiUI c,l Kh.t .! gl fc.,.1 ..l ty pu , iKvQ
Mlt. "ra-rt , t t! ....)r.,,.,..rv')...UC.II ll.talllria.
I.U..I l,rl". I.., l.u .f IUb i.t -u-l villi, I i.',rcrj"r!
li i')lc.4 wi -iucllv wo, wtL-l I.J to
On 7, l-i'.l, 7.
Lsaf Tobacco for Oale !
''"jTHE underaignid, residing in Light
li. ,!. ei, c oni ii.uia t uiiiy, t'.i.
i,Ucrs for r-ale
1,000 lbs, of Li'tf Tobieco,
It wan railed y, ar before I.' t aud i.i iu cxccllinl con
Uitlou. to,
U;t Mi. el, D C. tl, VJ- jt ,1 CI,
THE nntler.ignsd. n.pectfully informs
th p li I ,t iu general, th it nu lui'opeuud a now
AuuuriitB jvoitiuusuraeiu, saa
iii I i;l,t.-'ireei, C'.laml.n county, whors hois fc'J
;ir.,, .....i loex.eufall Lull, of Tail.iii.r in .Jilt
the laleu t lo, w nil and ou ,.i retu teTrntT
tv ,,t . . , .... - .. . . . ..
1 ailoring ijlab!is3limcnt,
U ill oj t.i.uii.iail fr. a all. ire of n i'iiic lutron.iae
I. iillt Street, ilec. D. ttlo.
! IT!lv'lur? f
mala t luo old
1 ul .-ettl.i.g wit
ITaviug Sold out UI.V Store, I hereby
JjL '-'e n 'to m all indebted to i ie mat i will ru-
H m.i for thirty d.ivs for toe nurnoso
ill. Ihiiii. I uiut h'uo all inv ii'itiaiid.
g r.tai oiniis net tea up.
J. j. m;owi:G.
I'dooi'iburg, Dee. 1), '.10 - it
fSlie partueihip heretoforo existinj; be-
1' tween Saaiuil l". .it, ryauii Aium Kr.iiu tinder
' tl,.- tino .J'Savi ry A; Kraiu. his bien lilsoh'ell. Tim
iiinl. rtiui"'.! will bu loin, I at the old Maud e. lure all
iiidebl a tu the late f.iai are n ;i.a.'J to n..i..e pj)-
i AMOS KliU.M.
I Ilei,mbur2. II'''- '." -t
Exchange Hotels
Public kjuarc, VU re, J'om'it
("HUE undprsigucd, having purchased tlio
' the iibovo pruiicrty end propo.u to relit r.nd make
it.ulr.i Iiou i
No pniiH will bo .pared in any of its departments
In render sati.fiicuou to .ill guests.
Tile laid,. .Illd III.' lau w.ll ul A..) s be Mipplie.l with tlio
b' .1 the uiiukel utlurds. (iuoil ktahimg fur liorut,uuit
ntluilivu u.lirs Also, Lively ultULliua.
The cmhittuM is cliijibly slluntuil nu tho I'ubiic
Si ,i: uu. and ha. lucrum,.' peculiar uiivaiiliigc to per
soiih utuui.ii.ig court or iluiug business in iho nuhli,
i.iiitcs. Charges uiu.lorato
If. 1) Wiiencvur you coiuo to town, plottso call.
II. SHIMEll Ai CO., l'rop'rs.
IlecemterS. ! 3 -ly
EsUle hJ Tha. Ulackhovse, dte'd.
V titers Ti'Dtameniary on tho citato o
Tliomns dlacklioiibe. late f l'i,,i t.xviMliin, Co
luuit-iu cuutiiv, 'ti'iji1 i-t j, imvo lr. 'ii erunt' il by liiu
;t lit mci j , i & .. tu in ruiKTMt;i ',,, uuii, I'Litli.
in ut tiiij ltu ttlui, ull (N.fiiDittj lia v inu (.l.tiuiv
ii;;;if.nt iIim Oblutu of thu liimtli nt ur rcjucrU-d to
lr,. a"J
TIIOJ. tH'ACIvllUU.5!:.
Dec J, lCOS-Bw
nnn'i'itn n A nrr a r nnnt.v
Ai'.l H vront laiicty of fancy goods and Jewelry.
Tlieo (iouds are uuuiburud Iroui n lie lo twetily thou-
Kind, and uv.'iny IhousMil notices, mo uiiuilioriid
from one to tw.uiyihou.and audput in.., s-uleden-
tpomlinn vtuh ome article of aood. Any piir...n
tenuii, lout) leiiisi,,, ail on eomreil ,uinvra)ll w ill
rei'iivo two ofllieia li. lues Willi lam pliutograplis
o' iM'is. w in, u in, tojiui. so iui, iivu piiuiogr.ipii s .inn
tm unticus foi one dollar, Ihe utlra nliolograiih and
two notict'h iru-10 uiu agent, tiio atncie ,, g.
two llotici'h free lo Iho agent. The urllcie n guoas
inrrc .luuunu w u.i uie tuiouer on uiu iicure, no i
t,r ,iwtn . vaim-. wm he suit ou m,. rueipioi'
1 w o
.).,..,w. ,,,., h"' ii h luviii'i, iu ilil,e
u, .. I... . r. I ... .1 I ..I,. I V, .. ,11 . . H , !.
n. n I tinny c io-1,, iu ml color, u I'hoijprapli,
nil. Kc-
li.'i'us. I-uuiii- or 1 am , aou two oo'i,
dive u . uuu tiiai uiu wo i. ii o,v you n in send again.
Adorer. ul Ordira
1 I' i I' IM !' I'll .
When nature or timo lm .planted fin tho li.linnii
head tirh roiorn at rcliel njalnit every idea of cmno
linee, replace thnm with tho.o slorlom and cxqunita
black and brawn llngoi i verywhrro deemed the
Slanrlartla of Mtciuty
wlilchftro produced In live minutes, without Injuring
the (Wires i ; slaluliiK the sculp, by
f.Ohristadoro'n Hiitr Dvo.
...... . - . . ..
..niuc,re uy j, .iirisiauoro, ivo.i. .Into r Home
..e,i i o n, duiii uy uruggui, nppno.i uy all Hair
Dec, t), '.13 tin
lilt. TOIHA?
A ruf for l'nliu in I.iin'ii nil I luck, eoro thrnat,
rrnnp, rlii'iimalnni, colic, &c. A paired family tiimti
clue, (mil never fall. Head I TtuuJ !l llgad I I I
I.IVOXI A, IVAYNnOo. Jtieh , Juno Id, '59.
i j li I,. .,..l.r el... t . . .
ai)i;nruauut ri , r.iiw Yor.
Iler. II, 'tij I in
AM.cocK'd l-oitoiT.-TT mm - i ug ?T i
nid Iho other "lay, you have no in-od In nJvi rilno
your i ioj I'mjU.j, r ttory tno cold rxrlaiid
caukca n dozen toba sold, and a i!h,. ii sclli a urosi,,
and to on. You n III in l be aliln tu impply the demand
eoou. Hut wo mn juppiy n tlioiifanil yard n day.
. AtTucTiuN nf tiii: arisi: cuitr.u.
llotlford, Conn., Nov. II , 1101.
SInr, Thos. Allfuck & Uol'lon-n uenil. Willi iIIh
patch. twulvo iIo.cii AlkutliV 1'orwH I'lasL ra. Our
Jailv experience conlirui." Iluir try niperlor ixecl
lenco. At ihii inoiiiint of writlne.. a man uppl), for
no", who, hy entanglement in thu uli-ift m n hiniTy.linil
bMliliti lec broken, tplnu seven ly Injureil utl wan
nearly n year entirely lie.liilcn Tim lulu re
lief ver) noun b thu application of a planter to Ills
.piim llu was soon euahleil t .wo,k,iinJ now In: la
bom .u wi ll in ni r. He would ihecrfully pay Sjior
a similar PliiFirr n iln-y cmilil not bo bad ut a low'er
rate. lam utp.-ih,il tnat .utRoi uu no not malic Una
ufthi'Ke perforal".! nhuter--, to tho delusion of all
plli.Mii. u:ii, ir ll.-iluiliiy iinj ailveivi'iteeH are greatly
in aJame r,f all other pl.i,ii r with which I am no
ipia ihlcil, Inlo the . tloiiitions pciulnir lo tliiiiu
ri inlcrej Ihetii greatly Kiiuerior to ell ..tliurn for onli
iiury Htrslcal iibcii. Unowiuj the I'l.iHlen to liu tine
tul. 1 have no iiruplei, that my n-nlihieim thoulilbo
kV,;11L J' w JOIINSOX. .M I).
liliicipal Acency, llran ilrelli lluusu, Nun York.
Huhl hy ll Dealers in Jludtciiicj,
ilec. U, ISIio-liuo
Special Notice,
'(.Ileal oaks iioui .litll, acorns grow." Tin woist
tltec.iei's known to ill, tm , ivi rao, rprlnj fromcaudon
eo small in to aim l defy ilet'.-c Im. Tho voluui.ij of
sciontilii: loru that till llu lalilua an I of tho
I'li'ilical fraternity n.ily to pruvo an I eiatioralu
Hi 'u facU.
Tiuii yo'ir,i"lv.' wlilin yoa miy. I'iiu until
out pliupla until,, skin I., a tell-talo and of
iiisj.uc. It m iy fid,: an Juio .may frum thj .urfaru
of tho, but It will reach tlu vltaN, parhapa, at
last, and iluaih hjlho r 'mitt .tu I ii i il il no. l if-i ji'j
liiliode, Iiy.poptiattid Diarrhea I'lllj eurj wnern all
oilier, fail. U'liil i for llanu. rlcilde. Uliilhhlae. Cnti
ana all ahr iionj of tu i jiO.i. 1 1 ,, i h Jilvu u in
i'nlli'ile. Sold by J. Mallei, 11 rultoia rftroot, Ilmv
lo.k, and all I)rua','lt3,at Jj cent per bo .
Doe, '.I, 'Da -It
1'tUl'Olt OK TltK. DuMOClUT IlKlP. Silt !- Willi your
peunisslon, I wMi to eay to the re nh rs uf your paper
that t will tinil, iy return, to all who It.
(I'reu) a lieceipt, inlh full dirtrtions for making and
using a simplo Vejii table will rlleriunlly
remove, in t, n .lays. I'iinpleu, Itlotchcs, Tan, Frfcl.las,
and all linpjrlllea of lhu Kkin, leaving tho name suft,
clear, ftnooih unit beaatifal.
I will uljo tii-iit freo to those'hivlu Ual.t llcadd, or
U.iro r.ue, ? impli ilifectiiiH an I information tint
will eu ilile ihem to stirt a lull growth of i.iiiuri.iui
Hair, IVhlikerJ, or a Moust iiho, iu Icis than thirty
All ainuero I by iclurn mail ivilhoul
chargo. liespectfiilly yours.
TIIOH. V. L'llAf.MAW.Chfnibt.
, . . rai Urca.Hiay, IJc.i-Vork.
Oct. II, lf(ij.-:imoa
r7"0 L'oN-L'jii'i'ATiiM.-Thu unduriign, d l.aviiii; been
JL r.'Storo.l to liealth ifi a few weeks oy n very mui
, plo ii i.u'dy, alter h-niag sutl'erud Ecveral yearj witha
I !,cteru lun,' alieciioa, an I that iheal dieoitac, Cou
oiirupti i.i-ie aii.ioU8 to make known lo his fellow
, fcull'ercf tlu inuans of ciru
To ill who tk'Mro it, ho will rend a copy of tlio pic
I scripttun Uaea.ffreo ol riiargcj v.itn tlio iIlreilli.iiF nr
preparing and usii.g llu Mine, wlilcli they will llml a
, tciM ifua for ('onaiii.iptinu, Aftliuiy, llroiiiliitl.'ulils
Coughs etc. 'Jim mil) object of the udvcrtHcr In
sending the i-rntinption h lo beurili th? nlilicted, ami
.pre ul iiil'uniiiitiuu which Ie' couccivcviooo iblo
and lie liop. i, e.viy Milli.i'er will try ItU reiuu.!)', as it
will coHtt'iciu lU'ihiug, i.ti'l may ptovo a btjn.n,,
rallies wislilug the prcdciil.tioo.will please addaas
ltev. liDU'AUII A. WII.SUI,
Willlantinr;. Kings County.
Ort. It, l'a.5. :tmo, New-York.
'piJE ftlar'on (c ITamliii' Cabinet Or-
gaus. fully iliflereut .tyles, adapted t raciud and
secular mii.e. ii ,u to iJ.iOu ritcli. TIltliTV-I'lVn
l.'lll.ll ,.l SI.A tttl MI'.tlAI.S or ,.,l,,.r ltr.-t ,.rn,l,,,.
, . . .... . ... ...
' masun & iiamlp
'... Vn,k
; g,.., ,.' ,tMv
1 ' J '
u,aiiieo ineiii. ji.iisuuieo laia.ogue iree, .vu'iies,
I.V. llo.-lon, orMACO.N' DKOTHltP.S
rphc Grovestcon Piano Forle
K tiill nt iini in pi
"" mice ami gieat popularity.
nidi rgning gradual improvements lor i. pi-
,ly years, is now prouo in .oil by the miieii nl
and r.lVr itudi
rioii pi tin
woild io In. iiusuria-M .l an I even unc'iiar,c,! in rl.h
i volume and pu.ity oftoue, durab.lityaud cheap-
lien. Our new scale, l.rencll anion, harp pedal, iron
fr.iiuu, over-slrung bas. seven citavu los-cwood pi- 1
anus wo are selling cheaper ny from $101) to g.'OO '
than Hie sum." .lite and nro sold hy any uilur '
ilr.l-class makers in the touiitiy. IK-alois and all iu
wunt ol good pianos nr-invile.l to send for nil r Ho -
serlptlvo Catalogue, which cnutains pliotographs of
out iliii'urilit styles, together .it!l iiricos ?o ono
elioiiiil put. haru a piano withaut seeing lids lata
lognu. I.tedi!,! n I inn., 1 wiiiiuut number, have b.i u
awaulod tu t uu i.'rovorle, ,i i'r.uo, and tho Celebrated
WorH's i air, though put in ii.uipetitiou Willi Minn
iViiiii all parts ol Uurujn und lhu IJ. U. it look the
high -ri .mn.ii.
U.tubuilud I&Ju Grovcslccu Co ,
4,11 LinoAD.V.tY, NUW VOUl'..
July Sa, lr.a-i. il. it. a . ai Co. j
FT tV rolU icadv to be nailcil tlovvn, adant-
-'e.I for Iii'Uses, l'aiturl.'H and I'.mlilings of all kinds (
coilrtriuted cf .Materials 'hat h.i,,; a.-oi Iho lest of
fifteen yoaib. and in uiul'iitured on an entirely .li.l'er-
cntniid beltu plan than any oilier cuinpo.ition inof -
ilginiuo. Secured bv patent Vny durable and nt
low pi ice. Ciiculars and himplaj sent freo by iu til,
UllADY ItOOt'lNt. Co.
No. .:: Maidi t ane, New Yolk.
Bcpf 3iJ IMh',-1 y.
Deafness, Dllndne3s &. Catarrh,
Treated with ii.o utin.,.tu.ces by iir. j. tsAAt'd
Otuli. iiiid Aurirt, (fon.i.rly ut l.iyil.n, Holland.
No. 3111 I'MU f in, I. I'liii.-ielpnia. 'i'l-rtiiuuiiiels from
the most led .11,, - in tin city und inmmy ran
Nu charge luado lor eaminaliun. 1
July 13, Icua. IJi.i
pU.OviO Wutclirt-, (Ih.ilti., I.orkftii, III npw. UrucoKte,
Sets ol J.-Wclrv. Unlil l ens, S',. i:c.
Tohedi.posoduf at.lN't: HULLAUeaeh witlmiH re.
gard in value, not to be paid fur until you know what
von are to ruceit u.
Kill !,',. d Hunting Ca.u Wutelios rlilvcr tV.ili,iL.s
I'ach 9.1O to $IM
I'lICo .l to au
to 3a
,,. K
Hi, dull Cold IV. is uud Silvsr Cue
10,1 ct. us l .tdlis' Jeweliy, (iiFsurti'il) e.u Ii 1110
And a l.ii; - i..orluieit ol Juv. ny oi every ,1a
s ri tun loi I ... 1 1 . s' nud g, uu' wear, t.iryiuii in al
in from 9-1 to .Ci each, Th . on tho-l of dt, posing of
lliese goods ut I Lie Oollnr each as tollows.
CKUTlI'lt ATi:rf uanuiig nu AUTICI.U and its
pi n e in: plin d III hC A ' LI) l.Wlll.Ol'l.S and W, II
inued onu of wbiih will lie .-etit bv Midi to any ad-
,ti,.-s imi r c ipi oi rin - inn i crtmcatu 'i, c -nt.
I ive for 31 '1 11
uu ,ii,i i. ii .nir oo niy. ii. uisra witu riar'm
ais (rce.
nirr Z , ' . ' w"";l'l" liar Ir-.l". JhiWr-n'H J,oofl . ,o,,lc W.e
Uuliicoy, bora IhrMI, it . niiiinen red to midl, mid nn.l lllinre. Soil Ilii.ic. rt-nrf I'me. Wutcli Knyr.AIrt, ,-t
waM t-iisoiu llinuhin.ii.ild not wallow, ntnl counhcil v'1,i' lv "f fi'v' Warn, luntiracliiK (luliluK, Cupi,
TuyuS 1;,",l,",r"' ,i,a;'" i,i,rutt ! " ";! '&7kifznxS!t .
rurclu nno week. 1 llrmly bollevo that but for the ' must la.hion;.l,li; nyl. . Uertilluil-H of ill tie- varl
l.lliiliiciit !io would have but lu r lif,) iH nrllcli nr.. foil iu '.iIli1 cnv. loiii a un.l mis, I,
J II IIM'IAV : thiu uiviii all a fair eh inru, anil vent liy null, n, or
nri..,i ,,i .,.,. a, i, """". I ill tul i mill on iho m.lpt of lb.) ciillli.nlf It Is at
I rlo-HUt ot) rctiH, Sold by ull drtiSi! ts. Oinco I mur o.ill.oi m ejiuluvi.' Dill. I. Alt I ink ,i. ..
j 1, un it a. i
t - v
All Suro of ihoir Money's Worth.
,10 nnd 11 Ann gireet, , Y. (lata 4.' ntnl 41 XfiM
Stmt), oflur for alstlmfottotvltij ninsnllltrril
j.iii oi
Wnfdtrs, Cliafus, Jcnolry, lie
n gii Aitttonr. noi.t.Aitiii
And net tu Un paid for till you know wliM
yonaic tu 3d.
310 Otild & Silver W.ilcli,ftoni S15 00 109130 Co
m l,a,l0.' Hidd IVflt.hoJ,
.'I5.H0 each.
Sim Luills' fadelile Bilvor watehoi, . 1S.00 each.
5,000 Wei, Ncik .f!unrd Clialuf, 85 OU tu IS.ih) cath.
tl.lrUilOolil Hand llrariil.'t. 3u. to IDOO each,
(i.iKHI I'liiin.l.'iiaJoil, Weil.llng riag, 'i M to j.OU each,
0, uio c nin.Mni i I'lninoiiui ins aim
ltlni. 3e.llo il no each
tU.IIUO !,"t- l. iJIgs' Jivolry, 5 00 lo 13 OOeocb
1. KHIII f J..I I t..... dlln... fn,,.l...l
Holder, ' lOOtu 5 00 each.
lOOOOOol,! I'l.l,.. R,lv,.r r.nmai ml
rennla. I Ou to 0 06 one h.
Tolulll. ivwlth Itl'ihan 8li lee. IIafoiiI Olude flerve
itli-ii. Hold i uiinl,. Iluckl-., nronchee O..I.I Thlni.
Il.llivii iv. I I U III .
llilc iiaiu.i.lin it, oritot ; or any other ailiile in our
ll-t lit' :.,I.ll
Covtiffloatcs ana Prom i urns.
Pliiglo Ccrlificnte, !0 conn j nv." Ci illiliiitc, $1 ;
i levpii, S! ; iwnty.flvu with promiuni or Cold IVn,
43,"'i; liny Willi premi'im of (iolil I'encll nud l'eu.SIU,
,i, u iiiinureit wiui preuiium or rsnvr which, sw, IW'o
hunilred with premium ofGold Watch, S'.'J. Certim
i ale money enclosed with order. I'.very letter, ftoui
whatever sotinu, promptly iiuiivoru.l.
(Iuod m nt by mail, curiruliy packed, All nrlirles
nut b.itiifaclory cm bo leturuud nud ueliangud,orth
money rcfnndeil If wihed. Thou saints of ilollnr.'
worth of Walchol sold tu utir customers during the
p.ut year.
AG L'N'TB wanted i veryw hero. Bend SIS cents for
Cetlillcatu and Citcular. Address,
W roilSYTII tt CO..
, . S3 and 41 Ann Htieet, New Vorls.
Nur. 4, 'Iw-a.ii. SIU U .11. 1' Agts.
A.J. IIv.nj
Clothing Emporium
Firm of Evucs & Hart man
" ATE arrival of Fall fe Winter Cloth-
fi at tho old st mil of A. J. UVANfl. on Main
Mie. I, llloonijburg lhu boit and latest utiles and
nvci)lliiug in tho (Iciitleinans. lino of Clothing .
Having In our employ Uie iv, II kiuvvnand ejperieue
c.l Cutter, Mr. C. 1.. Itricii.Mii,, tormeny of Iliitou. J
perfet lit is iruarnleeil.and toorder. Ainu Larrfo a
eortmeut ofiieaily uiaJo
COATti, PANTS, VESTS, tc, ko.
Also-anassortment ol I'.OOri), tho clioapost in tho
Also a splendid nstortaient of
Clothes and Cassamers,
for jlo or lu iiuUotu tifilci
Illoom-iburg. Oct.l 1, lsi,.,.
THE undersigned rosnctfully informs
tlio public generally, that lie lu opened ii
lu the room under thu Ofllro of tlio (loluinbia Ileiuo-
i, in Ulooinsburg, where ho lias Just received u
iargu uuu select njsonmcui oi
iniludiug :t,l and H day Clocks, ofevcry rtyle, wfclcS
h i otl'i rs for lly on mod, 'rate teniH.
V.. ' lt-'P itiinrr Clocks iloue to order. Thosofiom u
dtance r. paired inuuoilialely.
1T- All work warranted. Call and examine
oa.7, let'.-,
Third Edition, Jlfty Thousand, 100 pa
ges , cluth covets,
IiT KOJJT. E.11ELL, M. D.,
A camimi addressed to youth, the married and tboso
Sent by mail, p. t paid, on nceipt of 'JT.N' CnNTd.
A ciirclui usnl ol Ibis small hwk has been .1
and has wv""1 thoiiMinds I' a life if misery and a
It treats 1,11 tir evili ot' Vouthfiil Ii,,liscrellon, Self
A buco, :?tmu..ll Weakness, nioissjoiis, re.unl Ills
oae. Ceuil'il In l.ility, Loss of I'ower, Xcrvo.uness
I'r, niaiine I) rav. Imootenre. ip. -tr . whi.l, o-irn
the iiid'erer I mill luliltilng tho
UiiUU.iruJAS .VMUiLltl E.
'Du. J lilt Y AN, Consulting Physioiac
.1070. -M2 Broadway, N. Y.
July 13, Irua,
i H7Cll'l.n re-oei ICnlii infirm Ihe cllicna ori!loon!.
y ln,, ,,, ei.,,i,. ii. o l.. ,i... ..t... 1. .i r
I MKI'H.'IA'i: -.AY) Xl'llttKlir, '
I .Miti oiim a rtirire oi puiiiii pniiona'9ru.
Onu . .n Main Klieet, llrst hoit.o bcluw tlio Cour
oust-, llloo niAbiir.
rvi.iuiuv :i, 1-5.; - tr
!. AfVfjA YE Alt made by anv ono
,. ) ; ' Wlt(l 3 tJgu ,,, No- t.
r,,.nri, necessary .''"he i'retiileuls. Ca.hi' r-, and
I'reMiriT-i of 3 '.lank imlor.i iho circular, tfout freu
. Vvoorhlsfiim-Il'Oi"! Vor" int. Attl"iul" l'unt" To1
, 4i, Idil.f :!m'.
V)Vi!WV'Tr:R A iPjTWfrt (CjfSrftu
' -ij
AVil'S JliiJ.i
ri'MMnii variccv or
, W atches, Jewelry &e.
At CO NaB.iu Street.
We now' i (!', r a (.plenilid variety of tho ihoirm anp
be.,t uu ti rui4 til-it miirt suit and will .uit eve
ry bony ; nu I if our dealing are nut j". ,. mi l honect
ilu not nalroni.,) u ; and ifoui Hoods a. i o.,i ..s run.
i reteiiied, I'.tienN musi ni, wewici. niiKV xu Tut
TwOlltV lliOUSaild aniclea of CQllda fti'f
of Balo t Uv0 illlars! eaeh COnsi.ltillf' of
i r ... , . "
L iAw Uo 'LUD I'.Oi b, DIAMOND
HOLD WATCII!J. elLVi:it WATCIILci, jfiivir Ware
Estats nEliiis Dieturich, itc't.
if J' of Administration on the
I Z , i.,.. f ,,.. i,f. ,.,
(SM?, ,J 1 ,,,v . ' a.'l liav , l,J
.'".W1 .' V Kr,'1"'
, aor'lslln'n1'; he'' ain"!'
1 !.' 'V ok .' .'"?.'." 1 ..'V. , '? J. ,n,vill'llll'. With
out tl' luy, mU ull jit -.uui Jiiilt bicil tu .puymcia
Doc. 1, JSC5.-liw 81 oo
w- .. ,n . , e
I j tC1;ti Stamontltry OU lllO OStatO of
' Jama Wenm r, Into of Clung, uxk Mun.lnp
Columbia county deceased, have boon aranteil I, the
i lU'ii-1" "f Will, j., .. i Hi.' under. igned rcdnig in
i ran. luiviiroii', un .eii.,'ii. ii.i.iiik ei.ii.iis ar'.,iiidl Ult
, i-alit luwiiiuip, all peisuiis u.uiug ctni.tis arMiiii,i tin
I ,'siatu of the ilciu it n t , -nu ii'.ucsled to nresoiit then
in i uu i, Auditor .;ii"iu u . i.iy, anu an p. i. jus inaiut
cd to make ti.i.u. at forthwith
GEO. M. HOWELL, Ezuutor.
NOV " l"-1". 1 ...fa.
liohse arid Lot for Sa8e
A valuahlo Lot. situate on Third Sireot.
i Ju , ,u
, ' w ni r 'on I i, , i i
in eld'Ht-nt
ii,,r i ni II h' Il II 1.1 li I'
Mi a . Ill'-'
is Oil re-
vr v
N. II, Oor. Tenth and Oheilnut Strocts.
The tnoft eoniplcto and tborouehly appointed Duel
licjjor l.' full. l n,u coumry.
rim only on i id u.e ray n, j l.,,il.u
'"rt'rt nd the only onu In me United Htatee author
' . "jr0"f,'r, Ufftim of Al.rlt Dlaploinau nwardct
j ""'I""'''" I" bc Comiiieiclnt Oour0 under Itecoi'
purine fl., l,u auihnrllv ,,r iw
ton.liirti.d I v (outtemeii ot liberal cdncnllon and
ticn ve k eri. mco In btixinoes. and nirordlni! uno.
Iiiallrtl,. ,p, ,fnr tin, ihatouirli thcorciical and
niui.tlcal ofynuni men lur tho varioue du
1 ,,c" u"'' r'1'!;!")''"' "t of liiii-lnifi! iir,
" ''""" !
' erljinnl anil'Tie'ei'i'im ll'uf ii'J .,
I .1, ut in the f o r I u t 1 i n .C X ' '5, . . 1 ' . "'i
n'raJki.'? "fur"." n""":'1 ' VuMffl 'by he
propricior of tl, I. la.iuiiii, . P,. ,.-i.. c. i.,:
andleii'nn'; .h''iri'V' 'abor oftho student
lookkoecing,Commereial Arithuiotio,Pou
uiilnship, Uusinofo Correipondenoe.
Lommorcial Law, Lfclures on
Dustiness Affairs, Commer
cial Customs, Forms,
and Acfual Busi
ncfi Prooticp.
Jtlgthraandae llinfot Mctl,rnntct, 'AoPCfftori.. Or
amntil lcmmtl.tll. iht .in o; Jittetln
Cvtiatirftit Mvmy, nnniautinff. 3r.
iry4'. .nelgatfon ai.U
Tho arMti-iiiieiin for I'di-eraphlug nro far more ,t.
unto -,f any tl, lug f tho kind ever ofi. rod tu Thu nuh
. 'W1' 1 ilu Lino H conucctod with thu
liutltn i.,.i vyitn tw.nly tirancli oineee in various
it which Uiu student, of !,j, Ii,8timtl ,,i ar pcr
nitlod to praclic. N , regular ofllc.e practice Mil ba
Had iu i.nv other hcIiooI of iu.trucllmi In lhu country,
without wliuh no one can ofctaiu a position as a piae
ilral operator. ouni! nun nr cautioned against the
deceptive representations i,( Uiou who, without any
(Hell facilities, pretend lo teach Telegraphing.
Thin Institution is now enlnei,,., it,,, ....
!o0.'v.',.,JV,',"cl"'J1V';l., "r"" aiy Commercial school ia
U....U. wvur uy iiiiiinroc studoiits wero in nttcn.
iliuice iho llrsl year, and over seven hundred ilurina
Uiu i oast venr. 1 no bo.t class of stiulentj may inva-
tialllV bU foillld l.'r,,. nil -1..
..a ...auetuiiuus inu ut.i
This Institution it located in thu most central pail
or tho city, and itsac nmuiodalious, Tor uitunt, ole
gnnco und conniilcncc, am unsurpassed All thu
room havobion nttoil up in Uu very hct slylu with
lll'dlVKsS 0iTICtl3 Ult COUNTING UOUfllSfl.
AND A Rbllt'LAIt
HANK Oi' lfLl'iijiJ ! AND ldiiUJJ,
supplied with finely enirravcl lithiigrapblc notoe Used
as a circulating medium In the Ocnaitluent of Actual
who desiro tho very host facilities fur n
Practical Edac.tson far Uaslnrss,
wo guuraii loo u courso of instruction no where else
i-'lJ-ille.!, whi'o Iho reputation und Etanding uf the
Institution muring bullion men maku its endoree
no'iit Lie bi ft passpait to success and advauccinent.
All conieiapl ,,ug entering any C, piuicri ial College,
nro Invited to send for .111 ILLUSl'llATEO
containing couipl. to interior viuwa of Uiu College,
and full particulars of thu cout.o of Instructiou.
tui aid, Ul.
5'. SE,Ui,;iI.
Bsjccial Toaihor nnd Supl. of Odice H isiness,
IV ov. -1, UU5 IS m,
For Sale,
A Farm at Private Sale,
'ipiio undewigned offers to toll at privaSo
9 s,ite, .1 l'AHM AND l'LANTATIil.V, .ituntn in
lleinlock tow 11. hip, Coliim'aia comity, l'a., about two
miles wert of thick Horn, near tho Jsrjoytowu roaJ,
.eveuty-Tliree Aorea cf Land,
Whereon is erected a good
alartjo lrawo Hank Uarii.autl suitable cut-builJinc
touthur uith ayoovl
Tor further particulars, cmiuiro of iho subacribsr, tt
ItobbiuJ Mill, on the main road.
Nov. 1H, I ,ni-3ino (Ju
Skylight I'iofiu-e Gallery.
Ceptcisbcr 5, liva-y.
Winter Arrangement.
Novemkeu tJ7, 1805.
Oreat Trunk Lino From Tho North
Ji and Noith-Wet lor IMill idclphla, New Yolk,
U.adiug, l'uiisville, Tamaij'a.i. Ashland, Lebanon, A.
I' mown, Kv.i 01, tic.
Trains, leave Harrnburg for Now Vnrk, as follows
Ai a 00,7, -'.', nud h.iii V .M., and 11., mm j.uo P V.
ariivi.ii! at New Vorl: at S.ltl and In no A. M. and 3 10
unit in .10 I'. M. connecting witu niula, Trains 011 tin,
!' i,ii-lv.nii . llml 1.,...,: : Sh.pi.ig i;,i,. n,,, omiiany
uig the .!...(, au.l 0.0., A. .M Trillin, without rliaiige
l.uiv,,iiig lr It. .tiling, l'ult-iili...T,iiiiaqim.
Miu.-r." ill , Aclil.iud, i ni fiio-e, Al iitown, anil
l'liilab lphiaat ", a.', A ,M. ami 1 -la anu U no 1' M, stop
ping nt l.ul..iio aud all W. y ttarioiib ; Uio U.OJ V M
'i'riui miking no close conn, cliom for roll tulle not
riiiludelphiu. Fur t'ottsiillo, Se.iuylkill llaveu and
Auburn, via Hiliutlkill and .-lasiiiihanua ltail Kuad.
Ii ao liariia.iurg a. l'. j.
Ileluiiiing ;i,iavn N.-iv-Vork" at 0 1.0 A. 51. 13 (la
noon and bIW f. .M. , l'lulauelpliM nt g no A. M a'n.1
a ill I'. .M 1 i'ottsvillu ac a .VJ A. .M. and 2 IS r il ;
A.hland 0 tu 1111J li h .1 "I. audi ia t'. Jl. Tamanua
at 7 as A. , and 1 -lu I' fj. '
l.eavo rutuvillu lor A.irnrliurg, via Uchuylkill aud
iusiiiieh.iniia U.ul lload.aif, .15 A. ,M,
Jie11.ll.1g A. cumiuoi.aiion 'J'rai.i Leaves Reading at
0 M A, .11 , i.'tuiuii.g from I'hiladtlplua at mil'. M
Clu i'bnt Hail lload Ti.uus leave Iloading ut ti IU A
M.c.udi; 15 1'. .11. for Lplnata, Litij, Lancaster, Co-
lllUIUI.i. (.r.
ill, buu.layi; Lenvo Ni w York at S.( 1' M, 1'hlla
ilcliihia j 15 ! .M. i'ottsvillu tun A M, Tani.niuablM) A
ii, ll.iiri-bu.g U.", 1I.M1111.I Itn.uling at A M fer
Hiiirisbuig, un. I 10 oj A. M. for Naw-York,
Coi.nuu alioii, .Mil.'ao. Scisun, Sahool cud Excur
sion Tirkets'ii go,: fr,.t.i 1 II peuit., al redit.-i d Haus,
Laagago chcclejil ttiruiigh , ell pounds allow jil ia:l,
i'as.uiigcr. O. A. Nli.OLLb,
. . ClK'Kll..'Sl'l'ini.NII1.1JJI,C
r.iading, l'a. No. S7, liOO,
f ' i f a V VOl It B5 Ca
At aimiji's Old SUid, on Sluin Street
rfl"ho uudiTssierni'd havine opeud tho Storo
J fornieily l,y Havni stroup, as a (Jroccry, furnirhi .l r. 11., ., . i- uud vailed nssoiliucut
oi uAiill. nt
must r. ri. ittully invito, lhu palruuage of lhu lilt
tn of lll.'o u loirgail.l vicinity.
lie is preputed lo sell nt w uuicjale and retail, upon
1I1 111.1 leajouulilo terms.
II. nli.iiiu. llo;,l keepers, uud tlrocerymcn, vruulcl
do well to eivu Iiiui a cull. .
ir.y- All Kinds of I In wing find Binckinf '1 f.liarco.
in largo uud miall qumitlee, constantly on hand ansl
fur .ale.
Uouiisl'iirg, 3J, Ic61-0in(
New Goodi
"JTbo subseribcr has moved to the sooond
Q Doors Uilivv Ilarliuuii'e, end Just leceivoJ n
new stuck of
Zepbyra, Cotton and Woolon Y'orns,
Corseis, Laoes, EmbroidorietJ, Mub
lini, Ej-editme, Dret9 Trim
mings, vVO., &o.,
whuli all aro invited to evil and oianune.
Ocmbur 7. 1-t j
Scliuol Pookn, Ilytnn llo.k", Uibleri,
duudny ti, no d 1" "ka and n vn'n iy of ether Hooks,
ei'iuk', At. mi 1 n. kr. .11 "mora,,'-mil it ks, uml Dia
u t " In a KtanK Deeds and .Mori Mg. s. mid an as-
t ,1)1 in ol 1 .iin r unu Liu, 'Ik1!. . to 1
' " '
l ,
I'!" N' vv
tcott 1 lonr b I'vv
1 1 1
e iu,i.g
1 lion
JAPiri; Jj K1STLEK. . . a .,
iiawnsi l) . I i l IV ''a
lion iho cits ul I'Lilad'j