COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. " i 'or Constitution unard It ovorl cur glorious Unkn hold It deaf I Cur Starry riag forsake It never I The proud Oaucasslan our only poor! EDIXCD BY LHVl I.. TATE, TKOPRIETOH. BLOO MSB U RGtM Saturday Morning, Dec. 23, '05. Democracy a sentiment not to be appalled, corrupt eit or compromised It knows no baseness, if cowers to no danger, it oppresses no weakness. Destructive only of despotism it is tho solo conservator of liberty, labor un.l property. It la tho sentiment of freedom, of pial lights, of co.ual obtignllonsilio law of nature ervntllnn the law of the land Aim, Another Special Notice. To Distant Subscribers, We addre&s this notico, to our non-paying dlstautiub- tcribeis not to those who pay and have our Jhctirty thanks and sincerely trust they will glvo it their tarty and rowyji attcnUon. Gentlemen, wo have sent tho Dem tciiAT, to many of you for tovcral years, on thu faith of your horotofore good namo bnd repeated promises to pay, a3 honost men should. Wo havo, also, scut you your bills and rcgr.t to say, that many of you have totally failed to respond. .Again, wo will ask you to pay up, liko honest ncn, and if you do not want tho paper, wo will cheerfully relievo you of it in tho future. Wo shall make out bills to nest March, the end of tho 10th year since wo assumed charge of tho Democrat. Our subscribers will fjroatly obiigo U9 by paying to that tinio. Wo intend then to make inqiortanl imjjrovements upon the paper, and will only send to thoso who pay in advance. Mercur vs. Johnson. Tho member ofOongross from thi Dis trict has taken occasion early to show his colors. He voted in tho Ilouso for tho Stoioas Kesolution which antagonized the j President's policy upon tho restoration of( tho Union, and which was loo strong for even tho stomach of a Republican Senate. Tho ltosolution was cut up in the Souato and returnod to Stavens, Mercur k Co., ohorn of most of its repulsive features for their reconsideration. This bold, bad and infamous Kesolution provided that a joint Committee of the two Houses should be . chosen to whom should bo referred all ere- j dcntials of members from tho Southern , States, presented in either House, without' debate ; aud that until thc Committee should report on the eubjeot of thc slutus I of those States and Congress should act ' finally upon their Report, no Senator or Representative should bo admitted to a seat in either House from thoso States. Hero was a gug-law upou dobato, a sur render by oach House of its Constitution al power and duty to judgo of the qualifi cations of its own members, and a tying up of each House from the performanoo of any public duty upon the subjcct of ro-; storing the Union until tho Stevens and fUrcur Committee should bo ploaeod to' permit their action. And then this Rcso-' lution was pushed through tho Ilouso in ' hot haste and without discussion under tho Bpur of tho previous question, before tho President's message could bo reooivod or : read. Thcsa conspirators against tho ' peace and welfare of tho country, desired to forcstal the President and lio up tho hands of Congrcssbefore his recommen-1 dations as to public policy and his infor mation to them'upon tho State of tho country could bo received. In this un holy work instigated and managed by Mr. Stevens, tho enemy and personal defamer of tho President, the member of Congress from this District was a willing instrument and oo-worker. Ho thu begins his oa reer in Congress as tho aesistant of tho won't and most daugerous mon who there congregate; ho puts himself in opposi tion to tho President of thc United States, nnd contemns tho sentiments and disre Efuda tho wishes of tho pcoplo of this dis trict, They desiro poa-c, restoration and renewed prosperity, and aro prepared to support tho President in all patriotic ef forts to savo the country from further pgitation and place its prosperity upon a fcecuro foundation. Not so, howover, thinks and feels Mr. Congressman Mer cur, He is for moro agitation, moro dis cord. IIo nseumes, very promptly, upon his first entrance into Congress, the posi tion of an agitator and onemy of tho President, and gives a swift and willing voto for a resolution which a Republican Sou ate wns compelled to rcpudiato as im pudent and infamous. On Tuesday, Dec, 12th, Mercur votrd in a meagre minority against admitting tho members from Tcnncsseo to tho j-rivilegos of tho floor of tho House, pend ing tho examination of their claims to Best?. Tho voto stood, yeas 132, nays 85 1 Ha refuses a uiual courtesy to the mctnbcrfl from tho President's own State, oveu when ho is obliged in so doing to voto in a minority of ono to four in a strong Republican Ijouso I Mr. Lincoln's memory is to bo perpetuutedby naming ono of tho Westorn Territories after him. Blacli licpubUcim Exchange, JMr. Linooln's memory" will be ''per psluated" by tho ruin our country and thu niurdsr of million of hor bravo young mn, without disgracing any oca of tho V'"stora Territories," by naming them sfte the "OH Johcr." Tho President's Spocial Message TO t lif snnntn. ' . ...... . . i ino lawa, nnu to vuiuioatoour Jtw-pnplican institutions agalns tho troachury and fanaticism of tho faction that havo been striving to Bu,ain their waning power b, j vjuBuuiuiij . tiuuiuuvu ui luinrtuuuouai discord. Wo could not boliovo that Mr. Johnson hirusolf a Southerner Democrat, a man of tho people, a citizen who owed his diseuthralmonl from poverty and ob scurity, tho ennobling influences of republi canism, would oonnivo with fanatical con spirators that woro aiming to legislato uay iuu attnumos ot our political sys- At last tho hopo is realized. Tho promiso u fulfilled. Thc lixcculivo voico proclaims to tho Radical intriguers, thus far shall ye go and no further. Perhaps it was politic on the part of Mr. Johnson to permit the Congressional disunioniets to go as (ar aa ihoy did, that thoir plans might b revealed , their madness rnade ap parent, and the full measure of tho guilt ..... oi uieir revolutionary purposo exhibited to the popular comprehension. And when we have asked, in view of ilia boldness and desperation of tho demagogues who wero seeking tho very life of republicanism, "when check tho conspiracy!" pcrhaps his wa3 tho dcepor wisdom that answorod : "Let It bud, liipcn, tl.tunt i' tho day, anJ bu;M to fruit ; ' The Dead Sca' fruit uf ashes I Aches that I will scatter to the winds." Wo publish to day a tpccial message of tho President to thc Senato in which ho distinctly repudiates the doctrine of hold. iDg thc South in territorial euhjoction as conquered provinoes,and throws tho weigh of his Executive Jnflucnco in favor of tho immediate political rehabilitation of the Southern States. If tho incendiary dis union spcecn of lur. t-tcvons 011 Monday have precipitated ibis aotion on tho part of Mr. Johnson, it is a just retribution'upou tho party that havo obeyeu tho evil coun sels of liio Pennsylvania demagogues' Out of his own mouth has comq condem nation, and tho fabrio of anarchy and dis union that ho picturod is overturned by tho breath of his own frenzy. The hours of tho supremacy of tho extremities in Congress are numborcd, and over tho de liberations of tho Select Committee of Fif teen will preside tho spirit of the Exceu tivo. policy, whoso controling influence they cannot overcome, if they have tho te merity to combat it. The oonduct of General Grant in urging on the President a policy of immediate reconttructioa, cominonds him tothorat itudo and admiration of tho people. He has helped to .achieve a victory in tho benefieenco of whose results ho will find the record of a purer fame than that which attaches. to his military career. Nov, in deed, is ho fighting thy battle for the Union, and tho laural that he will win in that conflict ho can wear in tho South, as iu m ixnnu, wuu cno nssuranoc, every whoro, of-tho tribute of popular respect. Now that Mr.Johnson has declared open war against tho Kadioal programme, we hopo that ho will push hostilities with all the energy and decUion of his charac ter. Ho will havo to encounter a bitter and active opposition. No effort will bo spared to thwart annoy and weaken his Administration. Mr. Sumner's prompt and vindictive attack when tho mcssago was road in tho Souato exhibits tho nature of tho atagonism that he must confronted is the preludo of tho gathoriug storm. Popular ceuliment will support tho Presi dent, and all tho moro earnestly if ho meets tho issue -unflinohingy and approvos himself equal to tho emcrgenoy. Tho Radicals lmvc had just ropo enough to hang thcmsolvcs with, and Mr. Stevens has ajusfed the nooso himself and kicked away tho prop. A brief struggle, a spasm or bo, the convulsion of thc dying agony, and Radicalism will havo coased to exist to disturb tho harmonies of republican ism, flcquicscat in pace, I 1 , . . m - 11 . Death of Gov. Corwin. Thomas Corwin, Ex-Minister to Moxico, Ex-Govcrnor of Ohio, and formerly Sena- tor of tho United States, died on Monday last in Washington. IIo was, a fow even ings ago, engaged in an abolition caroutal, in that city, when ho was instantly struck down by a paralises affection, This is tho samo Tom Corwin, who opposed his country during tho Mexican war, and do clarcd in tho United States Sonate, that if ho wero a Mexican, ho ''would welcome the American soldiers toith bloody hands ti hospitable graves J" JDf The Scientific American, publish ed by Munn & Co., 07 Park Row, New York, at S3 per year, or 81 50 for six mouths, will commeuco a new volumo up on tho first of next January. Tho Scieu ti Go American ia tho best paper iu tho Ilnltnd Htntiij. fnr MV.n i . iu,vUlu4U and Slanufacturers. It is alno adaptod to the interct3 of bus.nees men, Farmers rw flo..l. t,' i i.i i uu uumiivn, juvcivuuuy auuutu uuyo a . . . ..... . copy ot tUis old established and popu ar T", c , ,.1 Journal. Send ou your names for tho new yoar. J r ..i - , Ooscrtcrs from rogiiuonts etill u rcrvieo aro to bo dishonorably dismissed, Boractiinea witu misgiving ortoncr with i;utlcr has been busily engaged over sineo o.eoteu rt ,..h. hopefulness wo have waited for tho hour the publication of General Grant's offtcial ftJV when Andrew Johnson would confront and rCport in firing tolcgrama at thu Lieuttn- day) Schnnck, of Ohio, introduced a joint bafllo iho disunion intrigues of tho Radicals ant Genoral. Scarcoly a day pauses tli-1 resolution to amend tho Uoastitution no as with tho omphalic cscerciso of his author- a dispatch is'inot sent from Washington to apportion Representatives according to ity as President of tho United States". Our throughout tho country announcing that " number of yotcri of oh State. Slo appoalsto him have been frequent .nd (.,GoMr.l BnUor I. engd in preparing S ZettcZSZ oarnost to stand by tho Oonstitution aud a reply to General Grant," or that "Gen-( uaturo of which Wo havo not yet asccr- Beast Butler. Tlin lufn Mitnr (lolli.rril Itntiiivmin If - oral liullcr has a rod in picklo for tho Leiutonant Gonoral," or something of tho kind calculated to striko terror into the heart of his iUub.rious foe. Wo believe mat an eriual amount of b ustor was al-. ways exhibited by tho ''bottled up" hero beforo ho went out to meet the enemy at a distance; and wo havo no doubt that ho will damago the Ijoiulonatit Genoral about as much as his powder boat injured Fort Fisher. In tho meanliuio wo beg to' call - attontion to tho following endorsement by thc yirginia LcgIsiaturo rt.hioh pcrhaps might bo incorporated in Grant's forth coming "reply" i In tho House of Delegates Mr. Hirsh' of Norfolk county, oirered the following WiiBUEAS, It is ourroutly reporlod, aod gencrably believed that the celebrated Jludibrastic General li. F. Duller is about to take charge of this Military Depart ment with powers extraordinary ; there fore, Resolved, That whatever money may remain in tho Statu Treasury ho immedi ately divided among tho 'widows aud or phans of tho deceased soldircs and couriors bo do.iputuhcd to tho various counties, requesting tho peoplo to sccrcto or bury their plate. Govonor turtin. On iho 2Sth ult.,Govonor Curtin, his) wilb and several personal friend left llar risburg for New York, whence they will sail for thc hland of Cuba. Er,i Slu-eu Seorotarry of the Commonwealth will con duct the. usual business of tho Executive Department in the absence of the Gover nor with tho exception of making appoint ments to office and granting pardon?. The Philaaolphia I'rcss states .that President Johnson ha3 placo d tho Rovcnuo Cutter M'Cullocii, at the disposal of Curtin and his party. A voago to Cuba is delight 1 and tho pleasure is increased whou tho expense is bnrnc by thc public. Tlie Negro Rump Congress. Tho self-styled Republicans of tho Sen ate and House had no sooucr cot into iheir seats on Monday afternoon thau they com menced to vomit forth bills lor the boucht r . -...l .!.:.. oiiuuiiBgiuM a..u -g...uri u.o wuho rucu ; and a restoration ol tho Union In the Srtiintn W:w1f . nf t linn, nrpypnfml n h,ll ia i ..... r..utUiw ,v aiiotv overy maio wuo uas rosiitoa six months in tbo District of Columbia to vote. Thoro aro thousands of ignorant, lazy, erimo-laden negroes, who, within loss than a year havo taken up a ''resitlenco' in huts and tubterranean holes around Wash iegton city, and those arc tho creatures who are to control the District in future, under Wade's bill. Sumner, of Massachu setts, also introduced a bill to give tho ne groes of the Dissriol of Columbia thc right of suffrage, tho provisions of which wo have not yet seen. In thc Ilouso Kollcy, of Philadelphia, gavo notice of a bill to strike the word "whito" out of all election laws of the District of Columbia, With suoh a start i'u niggcristn; during tho first half day of its cxiaienco, can tho .'59th Con gress be called anything else than tho No to Rump ! ia it entitled to any other term ? Rut tho foregoing is not all. Sumner introduced a bill making grand juries to consist of one-half negroes iu seotioua where only one sixth of the population arc negroes, and tho 3am proportion on petit juries, when a negro inflicts injury on a whito of a white injures a nenro. This, t will bo seen gives thc negroes tho cutiro control over the whiter in courts, and makes Jive sixths ol the population bub servient, in person and property, to nu ig noraut, prejudiced and degraded minority. Ho also introduced a bill prescribing an oath to bo taken by tho Southern people They are to swear agiiust State Rights in overy lonu and lor tho indissoluble unity of tbo Ropu'olic; to vote and use their iu llueiioo for sustaining tho national credit; to resist any attempt to repudiate or post pone thc payment of tho tihoddy thiovea' debt; and that thoy "will always discoun tenance and resist any laws making am distinction of cob' or race," Could a peo ple bo reduoded by necessity to a d cepcr depth ol sliamo than is implied in this ou t ragcous oath ? Tho arm that penned it should have been palsied, and the tonguu that nave it ulteranoj should havo been struck with eternal silence. The fourth effort of Sumner, wa3 a bill to enforce thc anti-slavery ainondracnt, by iuiposiug heavy liucs and long imprison ment upon thoso who might attempt to control tho dear ncgro3. Then ho intro duced a rc3oluiion declaratory of the auti slavery negro amendment, which wo have not seen, but of course, it isv typical of its authot in misconstruction and wroug Then ho introduced re-ablutions dolarato ry oT the duty of Congress which are, pro suinably, of liko oharaoter, as they relato to "loyal citizens ' (negroes). Then he offered a joint resolution to amend tho Constitution so as lo make voters instoad ) of population tho basis of representation in 1 Uongress, tins 13 to provent tho South ern btatos lrom enumerating tho blacks as population, and to force negro suffrage upon thorn. Followiug Sumner, Wilson, of Massachusetts, introduced a bill to ! maintain thc freedom of tho "ogroos. Iu i tho Ilouso, Ortb; of Indiana, also with j "negro on the brain," gavo notice of a hill to amend the Constitution so as to appor tiou representatives according to tho num ber of votes in uaoh district. 'PI,,,. ,ill 1... a,,..., .!..,! I'hna lt WI1I LO SGill short period of loss than ono afternoon! two auu .v mil uu auvu v.iot uunue IUU raids were made upon fx Const,tutm tirrfnrnnnxilini).'! lirrn nflirril tit mnht un " Vrv nr ttfl wnrirsilif lli'trrnflo nr Iht. IY..-tlnt 'Ff7, ,. ",'" t"' "J -'- i Columbia; and qutlo a number of other bin3 and reaoluti0t3 ,rcro imroduoed to put the blacks up and tho whites down. Vo 7e DOt at a11 allut,oa 10 '"P Olcsnl and hiah-haudod disunion moasurea adopt- cd by tho jclf-styled Ilepublicaus, of both branohoa to disfranchise tho whites of tho Souih bv koepiDlI out their rcyularly and ,m...i ii.. i ..... (tamed. Thua wo havo had m tho spaoo , of nuo dy nnJ. ? bftlf nnd, "Porato. propos.t.ons botli branohce o t iiThc chart of Government bo uioro clearly 1 ----- - m shown than in this hasto and ansiety to tinkor and destroy it? But What ctSO could becxpcctcd of these demagogues who nroached and praoticcd disunion beforo Southern secesMon was thought of or con; tcmplaled ! In theso aots wo sec to what a deplora ble condition tho American Congross onco dignified and patriotichas dsgeno ratod. View it in its most favorable as pcot and still it is nothing moro than a Negro Convention, avowedly dclcrmiuod to dostroy tho Constitution, to enslave aud degrade tho whites and to thrust auao tagonistio and most degraded raco into po litical auproinacy. Have the people uf tho North, whom these fanatical demagogues misrepresent, no word of warning or eon denmnathm 1 Do iho peoplo intend to al low them to go on, breeding distention, hato, and destruction, until a despotic monarchy shall be founded upon thc ruins of tho Republic 1 Ate our'peopio ulready subjects) icstcad of citizens, that thoy bow their neeks ami close their mouths f Tltcy mutt speak and act, and that speedily, or tho Old Oonstitution will bo destroyed not a vcsligo of, it will remain and tho masses of whito men will bo controlled by nrgro votes held in tho lcush of devolish demagogues anil tyrants. . - --, ocjnorn nPlir T 0 ! rl n -,i f on IVr rnmliMon of the Southern LOnCl.lOJ OI IllC oOUmtlll Diaiea-nu uuiui um iiiu.ii iu u Condition to Resume Their Place in the Union. Washington, Dirj. ii). l'o tho Senate of iho United States: In reply to the re solution adopted by thc Senato on tho 12th, I havo tho honor to btato that tho Rebel lion waged by a portion of tho people against iho properly constituted authori-1 ties of the Govurumeut of tho United States has been surprcsaud; that tho Uni- , ted States aro in possession of every Statol in which the im-urrcction existed, aud that, -as far as oould be done, the Courts of the Uuitcd Slates havo bcou restored, post offices re-established, and stops taken to put into effective operaiiou tho rt-vunuj laws of the oountry. . As tho re.-ult of tho measures in-titutod by tbo Exccutivo with the viow ofiuduo- ,..,...,: Dt ,hu functions of the gj comprehended in the inquiry of ihe .. . . . wn,n . (.1,,, nuoii n in North IJainlitia. South Carolina, lieorgia, Alabama, Mis- SlaSippl, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Ten nessce, havo reorganized thoir respective Slate Governments, and are yielding obe dience to tlie laws and Goveruneut ofthu United States with more wiUingueba and greater promptitude than undoi the cir cumstances could reasonably havo been anticipated. The proposed amendment U tho Oonstitution, providing fur tho aboli tion of slavery forever within tho limits of thc country, has boou ratified by each one of thoso Slates, with the exception uf Mississippi, from which no official in for in utiju has been received, and iu nearly all of thorn moatures have been adopted, or are now pending to confer upon freedtnon tho privileges which are essential to their com fort, protection and security. In Florida and Texas tho peoplo arc making comaiandablo progcuan in restor ing their State Governusont, aud no doubt is entertained that they will, at an early period, bo in a condition to resume ail ol their practical relations with the Federal Government. In that portion of the Union lately in rebellion the atpect oi affairs id more promising than iu view of nil the circum-tanees could well havo been cxpectad. Tho peoplo throughout tho entire South ovinoo a luudabla desire to renew ihwir allwgianco to the Government, and to repair the devastations of war by a prompt aud cheerlul return to peaceful pursuits. An abiding faith is entertained that thoir actious will oouform to their professions, and that iu acknowledging tho supremacy of tbo Constitution aud the laws of the United States their loyalty will bo unre servedly given to tho Government whoso leniouoy thoy cannot fail to appreciate, and whose fostering caro will soon restore them to a condition of prosperity. It is truo that iu Bomo of the States tbo demor alizing effects of war aro to bo seen ia oc casional disorders; but these arc local in character, not freqnout in ocourroncc, and are rapidly disappearing as tho authority ot oivil government is extended uud sus tained. Perplexing questions wero naturally to be expected fiom tho great and sudden change in tho relations between the. two races, but systems urc gradually dovel op ing themselves under whioh tho frccdman will rcoeive tho proteoliou to which ho is justly entitled, and by means of his labor make himself n useful aud independent member of thc cowumuiiy iu which hu has his home. From all tho information iu my pos session, aud from that which I have recent ly derived from thc most reliable authority, I am induced to chorish tho belief that sectional anamosity is surely and rapidly murgiug itself into a spirit of nationality, and mat representation, connected witn a propuiy ajuitod systom of taxation, wiil result in a harmonious restoration of tho relations of the States to tho national Union. Tho report of Carl Schurz is herewith transmitted, us requested by tho Senate, No ropoits from tho Hon. John Covodo havo been received by tho President 'iho attention of tho Senato is invited' to thc aceompauying report of Lioulonant General Grant, who recently mudo a tour uf inspection through several of tho States wbo,o inhabitcnU participated in thc lie- . ' DOlllOU, (oicncit) . ' ANDREW JOHNSON. WA6III.NaT0N,DKD. 18, 1805. K'3 Tho President's mcssago excited great interest in Canada. Tho Canadian journals oontidvr it an ablo-Etato paper, and, on tho whole, ocifij in toqa "M HI his-ittti iJClU llUUCt U3CUUU15 Administrator's Notice. Estate of Abraham 'I'roxel, deceased. Loiter of administration de bonis noil, Willi the will anncxeit, nit the cstato of Abraham l ll'Tf I, 1:110 .1 Itmuil I. , ic u, uvrii KIIU1' " by llio ltrglslrr of Culuiulilaco., In tliu undersigned j nil persons having tinims against ins I'staio i mono- ro.1i.nt nrn riinili'.liid III utCSUIlt tilt III tn tin! tllldorsllill. cil, wllliont delay, and all persons Indebted ID Inaku payment lorlnwiui. JACOU YI.Adl'.lt, Advx'r. Doe. 23, ISCS.-Gw, 83 Administrator's ftolicu. Estate of Robe? t. J. Lyons, cec'i. nitnrs of Administration on tho estate j tr Unbelt J. Lyons Into of t'lus township, Columbia county, .lin-ascd, have bunt gruhleu uy ii.., linii.tfir urOolumbiu en. to thu tinilnrslEiiisa all i? ' ?" " 1 Y.'.''f!. !;' ! !'.' . jr" '.''."f.M',?. la n . i . t u i ihuo indebted to the ustatu will make immedlat , payment to the aJminiMnr. roWU,Ui AJm.ri Dec S3, lEtii-Cn- 53. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Jacob Mills, deceased. nPHE undersigned Auditor, appointed B by tho flrph.ini'' l-'niirt of Unltluilili county In iniike distribution of tho balance In Urn hand of John Hinlth, nuo i f thu llJcciltors or Jacob -Mlll-t, late or Madison tnwnnblp C'oluniblo county, decerned, uuiuiii! tho leznUcs of teitator. will iiltund Ml hi ollico In lllitniniburg in county, on HATU'IUIAY, llin 2?th DAY. OP JANUARY, I Mir,, at 10 o'clock' of enld day, tomako thu distribution j when nnd whmo.nll permmB Interested will intend if liiuy eu proper, or bo debar red fiom coming In for n share ofthu fund. Dec 2.1, I3C5 lwr S3 50 Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Wdlard C. Ciccnc, dccl.' HP 111', unOi-rslsncil. Auditor aii,niintod by Iho Or L plian's Cuuit of Coluinlil.i r only, la distribute llio fund in IhobHml" of f.ewN ' llrocno, admluislr.ilnr of IVIII.ird ti. (lioone, decM, lo and amuiiir tliu credi tor rf Ihe snld decerned i.cordiii! to Ihe rates un.l proportions allowed by law. will .itleudnt hisolliro iu lllooiosbilri!. on Muinliiy, We S2d day of Janiiury next, at Iu o'clock A M , of said n.iv for thu purposouf itiuk ins ilistrlbutioin All person hai ins chiliiu or do uunils usainst the lute uf Ihe decedent, are iiotluud to piesi-nt thuni to thu Auditor mi that day, or to bo debarred from coiuins in fornshuro i.flholund. V. ii. UROCKWAV, Auditor., iX 1K15 lwS sn. Auditor'o Notice. Estate of Enssil White, deceased. HPHE undersigned, Auditor nppointrd g lV , OrphauV Court of Columbia' county, to Neyhard. ridoiinistr.itor of llussol U'lnlu, deceased. to i.lriliiillnn of I in fund ill the (litlldH of pauiliel and ainonsthu tredllurs of llio said dcrcaicd. accord- in' tn tlie rtitei and iitn iid at his ollico, Iu hlouiusbiiri.', on J.iy iho vriih day of January noxt. at 10 o'clock A. M.ot said day, for tlie purpose of making tin- oistriluiiiiin. All pi-rsnus, haviiii; claims or dcui.iu.N u'.iiust the (-statu of Hie Ueci-di ut uio iiolilicd to preSLiit tlriin lo the Auiiilor. 011 that due, or to bo ikbarrod fiom coming 10 tor a share of the fund. C. Ci. DA UK LEY, Auditor. riluoinsburK, Uec'iJ, IdOS. 1 w 2 50 rouorllons oliuwru ov law. w 111 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Healer, dcicascl. pill', uudi-rsiziii'd. Auditor appointed by tl.o (Irphaiw Court ol ii" fund iu 1 lii- ijiiinibla eouuty, lo nriko dislributioii of hands of Kohefi I'.tlirk, lAi-r.ulor of Juhn Healer, dee'd, to an ii among the rreditnrd .tu.l hers out. Hod to the name, in iheordrr established by law, will aitcnd lit his ol'ire, iu Itlnomsliurg, on WrdneMluy, iho Cllli day uf J.uiii.ify ii'wt, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, for the purpion! of making tint distribution. Ail person having cIjiois jor ,l iiniiiiWni;aini,l the ostato ol tlo- dcci-ili-ul. aro notified to piokt-ol tiieiu lo ihe Atiditnr ou day, nr be du barred lrom coiuins in fur a sharu uf Ibo fund. VV. WIRT, Auditor. Ulourusliiir Doc 23, Id.')j. UZ2 50. AUDITOR'S iNOTlUE. flstalc of Com ad Fantcnnnc her, ace (t. riMtn (ttnH'rii2Uiit! Auditor appointed Ij th Orphani t Cotiri nrCitliimliia county, to maku tliftnijuiiuiiv of tho fiiiitl in the li nnU uf 1! 1. Por'ncr. anil l.orv ij Vttur. i:rnilor- tif Cuiirail I'cnti'riiuiclirr , iUtM, unions tliu iMM'crdl iicirs ul'iliu (ItM-eil'-iit in tlie nrrirr ('Kl.ib'Uhod by law, will uttnn at Inn ntlicu in IHhoiim hum, nn Tiiurrt lay, t li V5li tlay uf January nrt, at 10 o tlo.k, A M. ui' j:i J r day, fur Hit purpfbit nfuMk lliy Illi! (I Mil Itltlt Kill. All pCM SOU A lia IU4 rUl'JU UT ill.' maittU aanittt tin: i-atatu of tli.) ileci-di'tit. ar-; uutiQp' lo prub.Mil llu'iu tu tlu- Aiii!it.r 011 thai day, tn !ju tic li.iiiud from coiuins in for a liart of ilu fnti.!, JOHN (i. KlllOEZK, Judder. IUoanit.buri,', Dec. -J.l, leiiu livJ-J 3d. AUDITOR'S NOTiCU. Isaiah John, vs. ) Venditioni Exp maty VNo. 0, Dec. T, 1805. S;unucl B Dicmur, 5 Tin inonuv raised 011 tlio abovo writ Ii.iWuxIjchii rult'd into Court, on mo tion of John (1. Vrvt no. tin: Cutirt appoint M. I.. Jiirl; pun. Auditor to iliiiiritiutM tho fund to uud a in nr.? M,u lion crrditurd enmlcd tlicrclo :ii.nrdi:i! to la' . Tlni Auditor will .".it. nd at iho oilier ft Kobi rt t. Hark. Wt'i.. in Uloouisbui j, on LViday Janiuiy i'Oiii l-Mt at 10 o'clock iu tih' toronoo'i nf 'itd dt:y. for lilt? purpupn of potforuiiu dutiui nf u appoinltucut ; .nul all porhoiis luvinj; (Uirna upou uid fund, aro Iwroliy no tided and to make their daiaiti hi-iuiu nai l Auditor, or ho forever do barred from cummz ill ou tmd fund, M. K. .IVCIvSON, Auditor. r.luoinsbura Doc, S3, t5Cj.lw33 30. AUDITOR'S NOTICE." Maria Fuller, ct. al. ") Levari Facias No. vs. j 33, Dec T, 1605. Samuel Ij. Boltlo and f Tho money raised Mary H. Uutile. J on tho above writ, lia in;; been ruled into Court, on motion of Joint ;. I'ri-ezw, the L'ourt appoint .M. II. Jackson, Au litor, to dintrilmle the fuinl.lo uud among tli... hen creditors on tilled Uu retu accord). i; lu law . The Auditor will at li'iid at thu ollico of Hubert 1' . Clark, IU . in illoouii. hurt;, on l'tiii.iy. January -.'Sth l.-0(i, at fn u'rlork iu the fureuoon of s-ud day, for tliu purpose of perfurmiu thu duties of Ins appoiutnwiit ; anil nil pi-rsous iiaviu any claims uimui s.itd fund uru hereby uulihid and re ipi red to iiiuko tlii-ir claims bt-foro said Auditor, or bo t lurovi't' debarred from cumin; in ou said fund, SI. JO. JACKSON, Auditor. nioomsburf,'. nee, S3, lillj. lwi'J SU. NOTICE IN PAllTIl'ION. Estate of Joseph ILiyhurst, dee'd, 'T"0 lVniiia, widow of decedent, Mary, intermarried I with li.ivid, B.isau, intermarried w all lieu, Btriclier; nilcu, intermarried with I'yrus II Applum.iu; ii. 7..1I1T1I, r.lizihetli, and Ileu.ij.ili, whose roJideiir.i is uiikuowu-w'ho ar Ihe In Irs uiul legal repreteutU' lives uf Mild Joseph llayhui.t, decu' i. Take iSa'.hc. That an Impicst will ho Ii 1 1 at (ho late dw-ellii'g huiuu of ihe .aid Joji.i'11 llAitioasr, iu Oraiu town, .hip. Uiiliiiubia t'liuiily, I'eiiiuylv-.'inia.on tliu preuiihe.! oil .MTiinlay, Ihe 'J'.llh day, of January iKd, at 1.1 o'cluck A M. of that day, fur the purpose of unkiue. pi.uition of thu real estate of thc said deceased ti uud uiuupe; i tin- llcir. and leai rtpre.eutatives, if tiiu same can be done without prrjudiee lu or c i.uiliiif; thu whulo -I oiherw'isu lo value and uppraiso thu same accoriliu to law-; ai which nine ami piaeo you an repiireit to at tend if you .htiik proper. SAMUEL SNYDJill, Sheriff", Sltenff's Ollite, llluumsbur;,', ) Dec, S3, teAj-te. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Estate oj James Ralston, deceased. TO Matilda UaUloti, Williimiiia. widuw ofltobeit llnlMon, nnd Jaiiies.Dou.ilil C Klviru and Cli'Jrlej. luiiii.r . iiildri-u of Kubeil Uiil.lou, deceased. residniL' in tlie Count) uf Uaupluu. Juiiu llul.luu, resuliii; ill bil.ii)lklll L'utiiity, William ilalstuu, residing iu lira, zil, tioutli Aiiicrn-a. Jo.-i.itl KaUtoil. ol tJolumbia coun ty, Auues iiiteriuntrii'd with .Mur.lial .-ilvcrlltum, re- i ,,j,ng ,u "i""; iireikmriUjo, coiurailo I er iitury, ausaii tu d Willi H ilcs C. Abbot, .Mill Ilia Intel married with (,'i'iiree liulleman. uud lllialieth a duuehlur nf James Ualhlou, Junior, deteiibeil, who has lor her duariliau ti 1 llurtiuan, lu'ir and leijal reprusenta- I lives of Jnmi's llalsluu, lute uf Uluom tuwuship, Co- I lumbia County, deceased. I Vuu uru lierehy tiled lu bo and anneur befuru the Judges of iuu Urph.ius' Court, tu be held iu jlluuius- I bur;', in said county, oil Ihetir.t Muuilay in r eurilary 1 next, then uud tlieru to .accept or refuse to lake llio real estate ofthu said James llaisluti, deceased, .it uatuiu thu said coiiuiy uf Columbia, m tiiu appraised ( value put upon it by uu lii'iuu.t duly awutded by thu Cuitrt, uud leturnud by Un- t'lieriil', to tiepluuiber lerm A.I). Isoj, or show cauiu why Ihe same should nut uu SOIll, VWliim, the lion, Williaiulllwell. I'lo.ldenlofcur JESSE OOLEMAN, Chile, 0. V. Uloouisburg, Dec. !J, lii:3.-Sw. DlovcrseniS Wanted. Tho uudcrsined, will pay the highest market prkesfor C1.0V'U1W1:UU, ilelivorcd at Utipeit rJiution, 1-AXT0.N& IIAUMAN. lluperl. Oer. S3, lSf3.-3in, A JtlOiVTII l-Ageuts wanted fur Ii tHtlri'i new armlet. i'jil utt out Ad- ic-su i ii ii. l.t fly uuiMlll" Ui. .iiC iv Mil Mams NOTICE IN PARTITION, ii'strifc of Christian MttJJlcy, dee'd, fTU) 1 M (Irorao Mulllev. of (,'olumbln Couniy, 'I Mlrlilcan.Uh.-irlca MmhVy. nnd John Mullley, of C'al- .Mulni'V. of'lliri n llivcn ! Ka aiunr.oii (.ouiitv. noun. iouuiy niiruicnui i.rnerca imieiiiiut n, li i I.liiioilom. toMiisliln. Alontoiir Countv. IVnnsylvnnla, ninl Maty poneiibeiitc, children nnd It-pal repreii-ut.i-live of Christian altifilcv. Into ofCeiitro Innnslilp, l oimniiia i.ouniy, reninyivania, aim u.uuariue, win. , You nm hereby cited to bo and iipnenr before tlm Judaea or imr Orphans' Court, to lio hold at llloomi ' buri!, in .aid Count)-, on Ih.-llrsl. Monday in rohruary, .1 .. , ... ,n ...i. r.f.,.., l.t InL-., ILi mv of snld iIiTi-oted : Hol. I n n nil to mi m rent I'slutu of tbo nnld ( liiit-.Mii Mullley. dJcealed,;!!- unio in me ..nil n.iiiiiy in uoiumui.i, ni uio npprainrii , unuiihv un liopn-st duly nwanleil by tho I iiii.i ,. I .1 l.J il,i nh.., nr. In 14,'nliiiiitiiir Ti rni, A. li. 1,-h.a, or lll)W causuwhy llio samu ahould not hu so. I WllnoKi, tho lion, William lllwtll, I'resiJent of our eald Court at Uloomsburit,, Uccuinhor the, IsUj, JESSE COLEMAN, Clcik, 0. 7. Illontnsburtt, Dec. 23, IfCO, 3w. Notice in Partition. Estate oj Margaret Sttlmon deceased. ritu I'lieboW. Salmon, Joseuli, Harriet nnd Cumella. JL children of John t'tilniou, dt'ceiiHCd, of Matloill County, Ohio Isaiah uf Jodiph H.iliuoii,,lor.'d, I of Illinois i Abrani t'jliuon, of Nuw Jermy i Jniiies ili, mo. Wlill.! Ilav-cn. l.mscrnu Colintv I Clark tfal- I toon, of llradfiird County. 1'enu'a I l'liuho Salmon, of i Ill-torn ui Cnuntv. U Heeler na iuun. ol .M ontmlr Co.. i:il?.a Ann rJhellhuuirr, Cliallntto riaitt, of Columbia County, Hll.a Ann l'uiler,ldias ti.ilniun i ion children and Lcensed i James, hebu Jones, uud (Ir.ind childicn of Isaiah f.ilinoii, ilccenked W lllin in. J nil ii . H-i r.ill Ami Clintiiu. t'liebu Ji Marxartt, name uf hutbanil unknown, ehlldreu of (uorje kialmou, di-iensed. Uoildeiicu of nil tho chil dren unknown liclrs uud Icjal rcpreseutatlves of Jlatuaict a.iluion, township, Columbia county, deceased, You nru hereby citad to bn mid appear before tho Judges ol our Orphans' Couit tube held at ninoins , burs, in said l-'uiiuty, un llio llrst AUimlay in I'ebru-i nry next, then and thciu to ncui pt or. rclusu to tako I Ihe real estau of llio said Margaret Salmmi, iIuc'J ; I ullnutu in thu bald luuiiIv uf Columbia, at llio atipraiH' ed inlualiou put Iii'pio.t , duly awurded oy iuu saw uouri, aim rtiunicu uy iuu niKrut iu sjui.- lember Term, A. 1). lf!U3, cr ihow CiUau why thu sumo hould Hot ,u sold. Witness, tho II. ui, William Clivi.ll, t'resldcnt of our said Court at lllooinsburs, lieceiiiber Uth. l:b.. JI-.HSU C. COLUMAN, ClckjC.O. C. Utuomburs, 23, Irua. jw. , Notice in Partition, Est', to of John Sanlcy, deceased. 'TO Alary A tiankoy, widow ; Jacob Sankey, Samuel s. yankov. Joliu tfu.key, Cyrus .nikey, James IV. Uaiikoy, .Mary "tin iiiii-iui.iriiiMl Willi Aaron IVolf, I,ydia, I HliTi.i.itr ed Willi Jauii'a li. 1'ritz Polly, now deecased. t'oriii- rly l;il. nn.irriuil with John Itoiard, luaviu issue iriisauri.ili un.l Marv Catharine, minors, and h.uinnu suutillau. li.Mtcy, intermarried with Jacib rStveeley, Itebjcea. now thcea.ieil, foriourly III. li i in. in led with lllakeui-y, lus Issue onu i.'uld, naiiii. nnd ao unknow u ileiis aud legal reprc sentatives of the siid John tfaukcy, ikcta-ed : TAKl! not iui:. un Iii'i ie.t w ill lie lu.ld oil thu ett.ito n' the I r-'H'i J'uiii ".iiiKvi . lyinu III i oiiuuuia i.ouiuy. 10 iuu i township of rSr.ull unit .Mount I'li amnl un TU1.SUAY. J..o i irv .10. o.,., iim-iiwniii jiiiimii.oii.w-j.ii ( .,... ..v., u.i.m.j ..... cnnl niuo u ii It I al! tin: Urituti: nf (hu lieu-amil in nu pritiEt'il ; tot i lie jjitrpoae of iii.ikiuji puililion llio r-:ll .,ftt .. uil.l ,'..-.. .1 ..,..... hii ll.ll-J anil ivsal ic;jruju.ilalto.i. if lliu Kirm- can bo ilone wuiumii irrnunro n i.r v pumii iuu wiii.u ; ui.n-i . it-u tu vali.c uiul ji,r'tlflo tin- sjuu ncxnrititi:; it law(; al uiiiLfi tihtu uiut jilucu uu ale K'juirtil Ut .ill c Mil it'yuu think nrunct-. trln-r I IT rt Oli'n rj, ninouia'jurgi ) Specific 2e forr,uiitcc Henry Smiths Ei talc. Columbia VnuJlllJ, SS : i ) - hi-Cuini ,wo.itli of 1'fnini.ylvaiil.i, to i;ii7.- I., a. jhelh, widow of raid Henry .'ninth, drc'.l i .Marrin-t inti-noarrn d with IN-Iit I, hi., Willi no l3in illi. John W. .iiuili. cl .a liniv. wi.low, l'lla''lh Moilli r,'. in.- minor child r.Mary Aon, now die,-ai.i, liiel, .o.erui.irried iih Willi. tm, Willi. u. i Smitli , nil ul ('nliiiiilii i IJiiuu , nod Miner It. tiiuith, whuho present ii-bidi-uco is uiiKiiown, and '1 hiini'is II, tio-iili, lu-iri ut siil Henry Siniih, dce'd ; Creeling, oti .did f.ieh of i,u are loin by citod and coiom.i:iUi:d as beluro y.ui wero. lo be uiul appear hi yourpriiper pur.uns at ..u ..rpliaus' Courtto bo h',1.1 i-u ul Illooiuil.iir4, in and lor t.nd Coiiiuy ou the hrsi .Muuilay of 1'tbriiaiy unit, th'-n and lli'tre toau.-Ai.-r the i'lll tr petition uf Wi lillo tmlli, V.k. color uf Y.l.d Henry rmilli, dici'.-tsi-il, silting loith liio Mild de ccilioil di, I iu-151', 1 ut' f.-it, un r, ul eM.iii1, iu ll.-iit'iu Iiiiviisuip, iu s.ii.t I'ouiiiy uiul aitreeii .ivitli Too. on II. Siniiii, Oj ,i;-i.:..iiif in in wrilin', dated lith II. r , IcUl, to roll a.i.l i-ouii y the laud to the i.iid Tluuo.n It. Sun ih, ins hen 1. 1 r .ttisie.ii . Ami to liuv cuUJ'i ii by in. .iid Court shall not de cree Iho .,in .lie p..n o.i.a.iM' i,f tun k. ml cxiitrait, .ir eoruiii; to ilu ir i nili'iit mil nn-iriiii,. iiicreuf, au.1 thai a t ,ir. i a nrt b in. tiiu tinilr r Bind d.-i- no- by voir p. liiioui r to lli j, ,i ti I TI.ji.iis II 0 mill, o f llie b.ll.1 i.TLniues 1.1 fwu dimple. .-.iMIjr.l. C?.'V!)U:t, S!ierl,r. ni.iioiiabiiri;, liee -:t, lJ j - to NO TIOU. Specific p(?fcnnui,cc JiUaie vj Jw)h iluylwrsU dte'd, Columbia Gntvyy .SV: ("as . The Couui iiifiith nf r.jiiijiviini'i tolM j I, ih ii in t, mi Iihv f ii I d'.i: aHOtl, vlary iutr ' --v'- niariritd .vitiiUivid Hub, t, Hit in, tutor ii.attit'il with Cuop'o '.ulIi't- tl h u uttfrniartiod niliitynift It Appli'in iu, ii.'..j'i"il li-iyhai Jl, KlisSi hvlti llaylnutt, anl Ih a;tJi llali.irht, tu pro -4- ia rc id i me (l tln hint uamuii lifiut; uuKimu u tu )i.ur poll tiuuer i Iiir.s aud Icl'jI rojirtHonUiiVod nf aid Josej'li Uarhtir t. Grti ray. oti aud t-ai h nf j ou ,tij Ju-nJiy utjiland commauiltd tuho in Joui prupcr pecduma; at Urphaud (stiUrt tu be lioldi'ii ,ii liluihnairy, in iim for b;n J County mi tho HrsiMuu lay uf lMinnry noxt, th m and tlioro tn nnsw or Urn bill or puni-m ut Wil luui fcr.liuylcr fill in;: turiti tint tin bii I ioa 'pn Hay hurtt, mod ecliU'd roat uatute hi iJr.uij;; t.vp iu Coluinbiu nay, aud aunvd with your potitiiiiu'r t y artiolo uf asrenutnt iu w 111I1114, datod gplomhor Mh, lr5J lo &ell auu cuavey ih. tamo to t!w it.ud Wil liaui ccliuyh r. hi.t ht'ir or imijiis. Aud to bhuw tatit-u why thu aid Court '(', I out iKcru.Mho perilic porluruiauco of tho taid i ;ii'r.icl riccrdi;u to tho true intfiit and 1 1 1 0 a 1 1 1 1 1 yr ilieroof and that a cuavoy.ii(.o Ijj made in uk'.1 tdni di crco tu (ho alureuaid VVilliaiU tfLhtijIer, of thu caid pit nn:s in f 0 ! siwplo s A tiS U li U. -Slien ir. itlouiuiiburK. Doc.'Jt, J u. tc. NOTICE IN IHVOIJ'JE. lathe Common leas rf Coluinbiu Coany Sarah K. llamsay, And now, tn wit: by her next friend, Deo. lib, 1605, an John Sharplcas, aliai subptcna-iu vs. Oivure, h a v i n g George W. llambaj. J been returned mid liespoiiileut not havinu' I ,-eii foitnil in ihe "utility i upon iiioiiou of Koberi 1", Ol.uli, Attorney I'm unt, Con t raiit a llulo up.iu Uespon.ii.iit to show cause wliy a iJivotro MNeuLo mai-iumumi should not be decreed in Hie abuvo ., late.I case, relurnabl lo llie .aid Court of .-'oiuiuoa 1'leas, un .iiuiuiay. I'ebruary ultl, ,1. IJ. ICOlj. SAMUI'.I. a.N'VIJUlt, Shcrlir. niooinsburt', Dee, i!2. Uud, tc, OF VALUAIU.0 HEAL ESTATE I X pnrsuciici' of an order of the Orphans' Court of Coliiinliia county, ou Saturday, January llilh, 1800. At 10 iiVlock A. .M ...tiiiuel I Keller, AdiiiitiiJtialoi, ui Jidiu tleiniliruck, latu of I.iu list luwii.Iup, iu said county, decM, w ill . Jpojo to salu, by public vendue, on the premi.i s, a cerium Tract of Land, eo.i.pii.ins two adjoining pieces, coritaliilit; iu lbs wltulo Seventy-pe von Aorca, about r'ltty five when of is ilearid land, the biitauu' wel'-limb.-reil with chosuut anil other trues, and wiieruou aio elected uood lIVVnt.l.lN.i HOI'dCliaru and oiit'huildiUKs. coiiv" iiieni.-s uf water, fruii, Uc.,-lu J.uitisi t'tw iisbip .i.ljuiuiiij laads ofJ.-iib Kusluier, lauds ut ileoiao Kiiup, lauds of Hamui i l(. Keller, and laiui. of .Mkli.icl Mine, law llie estate of sa'd deLLascd, silualo 111 tile towit.h.p ot l.ocu.l, uud comity afuietatd JKdriC COLUMAN, Cltil!. Illooiiiiburi;, Uec 23 ir-j. iTJ Attetidaiieu will bj tiven and cotiditions tnado known by aAMIIKL, L, KUI.LUli, Adtii'r. Dec. V:i, liOJ -ts l sOO a853fi Yj33AEt! WE tiiJ-"-' waul ajeiils cveiywhere lo sell our 3 JO Bowing Mm bines. Thrco new kinds Cii.ur ami upper lecii. warranluu livu years Abovo salary or largo coioiiiissious paid. '1'liu only midline j told in t'nii id Slates for less than 3iU, wlnth ar.'sf l,j liamal l'j llou-e. IVhulerti IIV.di, Oriietr Jj- Inker, iingcr Co., aad llacitldtr. .Ill other cheap uucliiues are inj'nntmel and the -idler or ii.rr aro liable to arria' fine, anil tutttsoiiiiunt. Circular'jrcc. Address ur call upuii bhaJ & Clark, Uiddcford, Maine, or nt No. njj liioadnuy, New Vork ; No, XM Caller btreo, l'iiiiadelphia. I'.i ; No. 1 1 Lombard's Muck. Chicago, III, , No. I7U West l'uutlh Street. Cinriiinali, Ulllo j or Nn. 8 lriaillililie's Uxchaiiiic, IliiU'alo, N. V. 11 IU05. isw l NOTICE, rplir. Annual Meeting of thu r-toik lioldera of Thu j ,i,ckawatin.i & lil.wiu.lmri: atl Koa.l Coiupany, will ho held ntthu ollico uf James Atchibal. L.s-., lu Kcrau'.ou, un Monday, llio ah day or Jauu .ry. Ibjd, bo. twVeiilhu tioursof 11 A. M. and 1 1'. M. ut uliii.ll lluio kiu'leclion will bo hold for tho ProsiduH and iwclvo u"lor"oru'veU"",,,iU'j'CiiNMi.Bi,rv a,cy 4V j i, t- e J.1 I'U New Grocery Sore MORI FRESH GOODS. M. . . , . JuiUSman Old OiatKJ Oil Mailt rirrTf lllnrtji'mfitit ti ,r.tln airiu, iiwmnsuma (Street. liloomsbuiLi. HPI1E undurfiigned hns just tecoived a ti'AI.I. ArVl) lVlXTL-H ll!!V f'nlllo or nil kinds, Jtnu' Heavy TJ1H fc ,( Mill !t73!H 'nJS3-tr W-Lr A-I.J.D V )D ftS . I In, I...., lit I In I. I,.?..' ' . ft of nil LI...I. ,, uud ChlldrVns" xiwt of ull Kln.U." S"mt:''t ,"' . tti,,i, t ... - , jti. X' I USll -JjOI Ol (JrOCCriOS. nfill Mi,,' of nil hinds, K.jtli ns Molasses, Tons, I Rico, I Fis!, Coffee, Spices, Salt, Sugars, Tobacoo, Srgars, Candic.", Kazons, L ianl Will bo rcorived nnd fur wlilnh l,ilm.i niarltet prioo will bo paid. i,,,t,,. . ... . . I L ELI) AND .PRO VISIONS. ,a.:!,;u;,:elousn,ormV,X!;',y ," 0"-"" ..auuh!;ns7oody.U " tt'"' ",0,l"" ..i-llT taken . , n , HENRY GIGER. Illootii-burg, Dcc.SJ. IfllJ, Fair an .3 festival!" ' i - - . -u &.i.i. win oe a i air nun celt vil helil fu i?io ir i 1 Oram a.iluon, lately oct-upied by II. c. CI ii.tnnln two doors west of thu Aioeiiean lluuse, .Main Hticct, uiuomsuurj, bcgiiiutng at 12 o'ciocic, M. on Oiristman. nnd lontinuu till tvmiiu . mid to continue every evs Oysters uud other Itcircsu iiinjl ilurini; thu week. Tho proceeds to ha appropriated for Iho benefit or tan Lutheran liurrh. lufiits up stairs. . ,V ,r Nl:V. KVl 8".N'Nmiwill at,iho Horve.l Ul hair pant i l M for which lickeis can bo ubUluod durlns tho coniiu'.a"r.j m t,iu Pair, Uloouisburg, !Ke."3. licj it Executor's Sale. iMnable ileal Estate ILL bp csposrd to Publio Sdn, ai thu Into dwellini! hnuso of Win. CI.. . hi i-.titou towiisliip, Columbia eo, 0:1 Tlntrtrlitii the Uth of Junua?if 16G0, - - , at IUo'ciiKk iiillit. n-irpminn of oaitl day, llio fullow my i.ust-i ittuti rcai Laiitiu, via . j A OliUFAlN TJ'ACT OF LAND. HitiiaU' iu ti. nton toushi,. Oulunibi.i co.. adjuluinj land- ot Win h its ofjuhu i.a.iliaili ou the eat, unj olhi r lao.l- bi h ii5iii' ... tlu et.ilu of iho said VV'm. ClllO Oil the llOllll, Milllll. .Mill HI'ht. c, 1 1 1 1 .-, 1 1 1 1 1 1 g T,,j Acres inoru or less, u hi-rcuu 1,1 01..1I o a larou an. I V Mill t.'onl.ii ' ( li 1 .( pair of L'touoH II ,.iic .mil Malite h Siiw .Mill, Dwellm ALSO, a eerlniu I'lantntiou und Tract uf I.aml, in Mi'iitmi twp,, afuii'salil, aiijnnun" laui's if il. iij 11. 1111 ILiun i.,i t,j north, the hens .1 Ju I. . 'I. Ir, n il ol, III.' i'.,P ri.,lllli);rr,. 4 ,,u Hi,, West, all, i the .Mill Inn I l Ih.k-ik.irili.'d ou llu- smith, i.uiiaiu iuu SUV I. NT .l.l.Lf, un iv- or lets, ivheri-u,i nru erLtad a two tiuiy Stoiio Dwelling Kctiso, A L irie Frniuoit mk 15 irn. and out- lioui -. aioiut 1'ilty Aer,.s u inipn.vcd l.m I. A1jS', a ccrt.iiu tmnt ol land tituntn in lli'iitou tnp.. afoto.iiil un.l mi the wc.tsi.lo of l'i ih in'ri'rk, n.ljui'iiii e land of l!i rj.iiuia llnuk .initio north, ailjoiiiiii; thu m.tuiu ti.ul ou Ho- soiith. .-t.tiiiiui il.'iiliii.iu ami oilier, ou Iho v,eel mid 1 iflitoire, k ou thu tnl, loiiliiuinj ghty Acrca, .A inuru or U'Pti, aii ml iw uiity a., oh (.h-ar.'d nu ( uiiri' tiinliL-r lai.d ; tliric it- .,. Uu; .,i.tin s-k-.nitli i-Ii'ip. AliM), ouo other tract of I ami ri' l p., in -ald rnnniy, nil' imIi-s J.-Ihi C.jI.j uit thr lunlli, J.i.'titi Kuuli'i .tn ! n bi.n k 1 Ol' t lllldt Oil I tilt MJ-tlll .illll WUA. 1 otd ottur t ui a it t'uk: on tau caat uataini 120 icroc, iimio nr Ioeh, about ro ( m r ii-ipruv d hunt. itin i. n tiuo liuiLor ; tlieri ate uu tho n iu. ,t ,,ri tra uio dt.oltiiisj hounc, a ir.iiu : baiu, in.), mi;, a nd A GOOD OH Oil A 111). ALSO, a Tract ol' WocdUmU fittiatt t M ui Ml'lSj i .llJU'i I hi d. -e in Hnyailuaf twp., af'ir'"ut i, a 'jnj uu I Suint.ry Cuo and t iphiiii'ru'h, un th i uio on tlu uarili, on in t miuUi by I.. Hnartwuut, u'i tlie wi-si: olhvr landn i.tiu, cuiititiuing a!juut EIUIITV ACHES,. Thu above lands to bo mlJ piir- uant lit I.r li ui. ouiit.iiu..'il in llie l,i-l will aim li .l.m. ol ul 1 i'ii.. I.'uiu, ,l.-.i'L,is,.,i. IJ.iuilitiuiis and ti'iiu . ul...i.uiii u u..du known uidJ ol t..ilu. by All I.N TilOtlUllV com:, Tllu.UA.s II i dm;. UXCcUIOUS ll 1. I. tutU 11 '11 Ili'nton tvp, Ut c. l;i, 'w -is Fcwm iov teals. f"'lie undersigned olfon: to oil 1 u Fub'nc JL Sale, ou llio premises, on' buturday, Sutii of Uciembcr, A Farm and l'b.inaiion, i.iiuate' in tun ii.l.ip.jCidumbia cuiimy, I'.i , .u.tji ti.,i.n miles lrom (Iruiijjtville anion l alio hall iml from Ituhr.huri;, cout.ui.i.i IOG Acres, about e'M) aerosol which m iltiuid ml th ba aui'e in linibri. Tlicrc lire erLclud u e s.,i I premises a lurtfo new Frame Elout33 ; ilium, a nnnt lloue, a tu-w 1 rrxitic ll.iiik llarn Wajjuii tihiul and oilier out build. mjs, with a jjo.U APPLE 01,'CllAlll), an 1 pl-nty of 1'e.idi uud Chen Tre.'S. Also, ti taimg Orchaid of lio a! Apple and I'encli Trees, of siiyeais ;;row tli. 'i are two good ?piii.'sj ami Meadow on salu pri uiisfs Sale tucommeiicent 1.) o'elnrk, A JI. of s-ti.t daj , n lieu one titteiiJuucu will lu jjtv n uud t. r,u made know n by ELUANOll KLCELEU. Uec in, 'd.-i-in CLOTH MS FRESH AR 11 IV A L OF Fall and Winter ill ft99S3S? -roil- J III! uud. rfisui'd, grateful for pant patroii.tre, rmpeo 3 fully informs lilsciti,tiimers and the puhlieiti-iierully lu, unjust lec.ivid lrom tliu Ua.luiu cults, U.I largest and must i, stock .if That lots yet been opi-ued ill liloumshurK, tn whlrli ho iuvili-ti tho utteiitiou of his Irieiiils, and U'SUtes llu io thev aio ulli.rul fur sale al jr. ul bawains.. Ills diotk komprines n largu astoiliiieui uf UnNTI.llMUN'd V.'llAIUNi; APPAUUI.. c.iMiniiie ui i-'AsutoNiBiE Dttuns Coais, of overy l'0 rriplmu; i'ants, V. sis, riliuts, Ciuv.its ,itocks, Colli. II llaiidkerclii.-fs, Cloves. Huspetiders, Ice. (Jold Wutolica and Jcwolry. of every, line nnd ito.ip. N, Ii. -Kuiuember " Ijiiccnltrg'i ilhcuf Kmpjiiam.', call und see. No cliargo fur eianiiui! Oouds. daviu i.uvi:Niii:ao, liloo.ti.iiuig Kov, IH, Jstii, (June InS'J ) Triumph in Art. Just issucd-a finely Euyraved Portrait of GEN. ROliEJl'l E. LEE, l3i.g of ciigrnviug, H1J by H inchts ; painted on heavy plalo paper of tlie finest nuallly lUby id iiiehus siril ablu for fi'iinlui: or thu purtlolm of thu luuiii.iiciir , eiigr.tvuil on eloel by A. It. Waller, Philadelphia, al lor tho nrljjiuul phulujjtupli from life, uud published by O, Uohu, roiiiteeiitli street, llicliu ond. Vu. Ail ijfs pruof si, BO. sun by null lu any address uu re ceipt of piica. Canvassers supplied at low ral.-s. Address, A. II. WAl.TWl. c37 North Mil !5la I, l'hiludelphia. Ilco IG, 1 Gj. DhANKS I " ULANKb! I Of evey description, for sale at tula olfico 8IMIMfL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers