jtuuimJttwrTnwima-.iut3iti-nj' , i.ii a hiuuhmjhmi wv..uijtjriaMgtHsiswewr.iiaiw ''HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 1WCI1U." HBIiMBOIiB'B FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A positive ami Fprclfio r.cmedy for dlieaica of ths llladder, Kidneys, flrnvel nnd Drnptlent Swellings, Thlt Medlclno IncreA'M the poersof digestion, and ixeltci tbo absorbents Into healthy action, by v. hlc!u the wntcryorcalcaroous depositions, nnl all nmntnral en largcments, are tcdoceo'.oa well an pain and Inflammation, Mil Is good, for men, women end ehlldtcD, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Tor weakness arising from r.xccsscs, rtabtts of Dissipa tion, Early Indlscictlon. attended with tho following Symptoms t Indisposition to Exertion, Lets ef Power, Difficulty or Breathing, Trembling, v7c,kofulncss, relnlatboDaelr, Hashing of tho Doily, Eruptions of tho race, Loss of .Memory, Weak Nerves, florrorcf Disease, Dimness of Vision, Ilot Hand, Dryness of tbo Skin, Universal I.osiltudo, Pallid Countenance, These symptoms, If allowed to coon (which IhUlIodl. tine Invariably removes, soon follow FATUITY, EPILEPTIC T1T9, &e., Ja eno of which tbo patient may expire Who tan ray tbeyarenot frequently followed by tocn "direful dls esses," issAsiTr asd consumption? Many aro aw ero of tho caose of tht tr r.nfrorln-;,trat none will confess. Tbo records or tbo lns.uto asylums and Ilia melancholy deaths ty consumption bear ample witness to ths trnth of the assertion, Tho Constitution, onco nITectcd by organic, weakness, reqolrcs tbo old of medicine tnetrcngtbon and tux Igor.it o the system, which UELMDOLD'S EXTRACT OF 11UCIIIT tsTtrlably does. A. trial will convlnco tho most sceptical. Tumiey atTeetlons peculiar to Females, tho Kxttuct tlcctte Is tmcqualod tly any tlbcr remedy, and for all eoraplalats Incident to tbo sex, or In tho DECLINE OB CILVOC OP LIFE, E2T See SYMPTOMa adots. Car JMo I'omily should lo without it Talcer.o Ealjata, Mercury, or nnplcasant medlclno for Aapleasant and dangcrons diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHB Cures Secret Slneascs In all their atages Utile expense, lltllo or no change of dJl, co lacsnTcnlcnco, and NO EXPOSURE, USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all affections and diseases of there organs, whether EXISTING IJf MALE OR TEMALE, from whatever cause originating, and co matter bow long standing. Diseases of tbeso organs require tho aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKU 13 tho Great Diuretic. And It is certain to havo tbo dostred effect In all diseases ifcr which It Is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BZ.OOB! 3E-Iclmlold.'s siohlt coirccsTiuTBD.cosn'ocin) FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Tor purifying tho Blood, remorlnp; all chronic constitu tional dlseaiea ctlslng from an lrnporo etnto of tho Blood, and tho only reliable end effectual known remedy for tho cure of Scrofula, Scald Ilcad, Bait Dacum, raln3 and Swellings of the Bones, Clccratlors of tho Throat and Legs. Blotches, IHmplcs cn tho Faco, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions uf tbo Skin, Area BgAtrrigrrys the coairs.rcsio?;. NOT A VIZVi ef tho worst dlsordere that oCIct mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates In the l"ooJ. Of all tho dis coveries that barn been izado to purjoltont, cono can canal In cHect IlELunotD's Coarocsu Extiuct OFfiiB fi?Ar.iijJ. Itc'.csnecaand rcuoTatcs tho Blood, Instills tbo vigor cf health Into tbo system, and purgca out tbo humors wblch mako dlscaco. It etlonlatcs the hcal'.by fanctlcus of the body, nnd cxpcldtbe disorders that grow and rankle In tho blood, fiuc'a a remedy that could be relied on has long bocn sought for, end now, for tho first tlmo the public bavo one on wblch they can depend. Our rpacchcredoe3 not admit of certificates toebnwltscffccts, bat the trial of a single bottle will thaw to tho eleb: that It has Ita virtues surpassing anything tbey havo over taken. Two tableipoociful of the Extract of Sarsaparllla added to a pint of wafer la equal to tho Llsboi Diet Drlnlr, and ono bottle Is folly equal to a gallon of tho Eyrep of arsa parllls, or thi dccocUon as usually made. HELMBOLD'S K03B "WASH, An excellent Lctloa for diseases arlslnc from bat lie of dissipation, cscd In connection with tho Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparllla, In such diseases as recommended. El denco of the most responsible and rcllablo character will accompany the lsedlclnce. Also explicit directions for ,016, if HA Attitdrsdj o thcuaandi living witnesses, and up wards of 80,000 unsolicited certificates and recommenda tory letters, many of wblch are from tho highest sources, including eminent rhyslclans.CIergymen, Statesmen, tc. The Proprietor b,as never resorted to their publication In the newspapers s ho docc not do this from the fact that his articles ranlc aa Standard reparations, and do cot need to be propped np by certificates. The Eclccce of Medicine, like the Doric Column, should ttini simple, pure, majestic, bavins Fact for Its basis, Induction tor Its pillar, and Trnth along for Its CaplUl. Jly Extract Sarsaparllla Is a Blood Purifier i aj Extract Bucbu Is a Diuretic, and will act as such In all csccs. Both aro prepared on purely scientific, principles In vacuo and ars tho most active measures of either that can bo made, A ready and conclusive test will be a com. parlscm of tbclr properties with those ect forth la tbo fol lowing works) See Dispensatory cf tbo United States. See rrcfcsior Diwcxs' valuable works on tba rrtstleo of Physic. Ece remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Pirrsic, ridla. Eee remarks made by Dr. Efitbaiu JIcDowint, a cele brated Pbyitclan and Member of tho lioyal Collcgo of Cargeons, Ireland, and published In tba Transactions ot the King and Queen's Jonrsal. Eee Medleo-Cblrurglcal rtevlew, published by Bias's TiiTxns, Tellow of the Eoyal College of Snrgsons. tffl most of the late standard works on Medlclae. eoL xvr ail DnrjaoisTS every wueiib.,, Address letters for Information, In confidence, to H. T. IIELMDOLD, Chomiat. PEIKOIPAL DEP0XS Helmbold's Drug and Chomtoal Warehouse, Ho. 031 BE0ADWAY, HEW YOUK, and HolmboM'a Modlcal Depot, He. 104 SOUTH TENTHBT., PHILADELPHIA. BEWAltE OF COUNTEItFEITS. ASK POK HELMDOIiD'HI TAKE NO OTHER I FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA IlILLA E o eaJLeeJl TO THE 71 u tt rm r hitt in r r TIIE subscriber, 20 ycara a practical Plann Forte Maniifnrtnrcr. of New York Clie. fJins permni rntly locnteil In Hill scctluti, nnd wonl. respectfully solicit unlets for ; TUNING, REPAIRING, AND REG I ULATTNG PIANO FORTES ! AND MELODEONS. I The subscriber i9 also tbo manufaclur icr's Agent for 1 Oliickerirjg k Son's, Hazleton Bro'a, i Liwloinnn & Son's, I William D. riradbtiry'c, , Edward Rloomfild'3, McDonald k Co's PIANO FORTES, Ami Cathart Ac Nccdhatu's, and Pnlouliel'e I Mclotlcons and Harmoniums, ( And I.. II. Stuart's Pipe CHURCH ORGANS, james McDonald. ilioemsliurg, May St), 18re,-y ,NEW SKIRT FOR 0G5-G. ! Tbo Great luvontion of tbo Ago in ; , HOOP SKIRTS ; J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DU-' plex elliptic (or double spring skirt i ' HPl-is Invention conaisls o Duplex (or JL twol Elliptic Tiire Refined Steel Springs, Insonl-' oinly Ilrnldeii llslitly nnd llrin'y together, vilgo tundce iii'ikuiK llio toiiglieel, most lUxlbln, clastlcand 'Intnl. to Siirme over d. 'l'lisy ti'lil.im lind or break, like i llif Qinslo t3ptliics, nnd cnnocluently prnsi'rvc their perfect nnd bcniitldil shape innro than twlei; as lone as any Single rtptlug Skitt that ever lias or can bo made. - The wonderful flexibility and great romfort nnd pleasure to any I.ady wearing tho Utiplnx Elliptic ekltt will bu experiencud pntticulnrly In all crowded Assemblies. Operas. Uarraigc, llailroad t ars. rhurcli Tows. Arm Chairs, for rrnnitlia.ln and Uousu Ureas, ag '. the built can be folilud when In iso to orcupy a snnll pHco ns easily and convciiienlly as n silk or muslin Urea. , A l.ady having enjoyed tho ploasure, comfort and crcat convenience of wearing thu liiplox lllllnllc Steel Spring Skirt for n stngli. ilny will never uliei wards willingly dispense with their Use. I'or chlMrenl Misses and Voung Ladles they a;o auncrinr to al , others. 'the lioopt ore covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear Uvlcu as Inns ns the sljiulo vara rovorma which is used un n sinulL- Steel llunn Mn.u . The three iiotlom rods on every Hklrt are also double steel, nnd tw ice nr double covered to prevent Ironi , wearing oir tho rods wlion dragging down stairs, stonn steps, &c which they arc constantly subject to when in uo ' All uroinado of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, nnd nre the best quality in every p.m. ghiuj to tho wearer tho most gracctul and perfect shape possible, and nro iin iueHiiuuably tho lightest, must desirable, comfortable nnd economical Skirt ever mada. I WILTS' IIHAUI.IIY & -JAKY, Proprietor! nf tin In i ventlon, nnd Sole Manufacturers, 'J7 Chambers, nnd"3 ,' & HI Iteailo Streets. New York. I r.irSa'e in nrst cl.tm Stores in this Cltv, nnd thro'. rut tbo United Mate and Cineda, Havana do Cuba, 1 Mexico, South America and the Wet Indies. Sj" Inquire lor the Duolex l.'lliuiie. rr ,lnnhl,0 Spring Skirt, j Aug it), ltM-Hmo. A. tc C. HIE PKIVATE DIEUH'AL ADVISER, (Exclusively for Ladies,) An invaluable treatise of 100 pages, by EE is mm tfAirvxY's published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt of TEV OCXTS, It will be sent postpaid, in n scnled envelope, to all who apply for it. Address Ilt. J. ISRYA1Y, Box 3079, H2Droadway, N. V. July 13, 1305. COLUM B I A Insurance Company, COLUMBIl, L-4N CASTER Co., Pa. Cash Capital &. Assct3. $500,000. iCIIAlVmi I'UItPCTUAI..) Directors S. C Slaymakor, John W. Steaey Samuel Shocti, Win, I'atiun, Hobl. T, I!j on, ,M. s. Sniiman, N. .McDonald, S. F. Ebnricln, John Pendrirh. Amos rj, Creeti. (leo Young, Jr., 11. Ci Mimcii, i-Uiuouit Snoring. AMOS S crtCEV. Pres t. M. S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. flEO Y011VO. Jr.. Pecrelaiy. IE?" Wll insure property nt as reafniKildo rate, ai will be ooiM.leiitto ti.! Company ami those iiieured. Ji. II. OONOVEK, Agent, Beach Haven, Pa. June 10, 15i5.3. memm Insurance Company, WII.KCS-UAKRC. IT.N.N'A. CAPITAL AND sijirTus, - - $150, A s s 1: T s . Stock not called m, .... Hills receivable, ssn.nou -10,111111 0."., I).)'! II. S.S-SU liontl Temporary ami call loans, .... IIU shares Wjoming Hank Stork, 5f! shares Pirst National llanK 1,1 Wilks.)arre 111 shares Serond Nalim.al tiaukat ttilkes.llarre Hi shares llkcs-liarro Uridgu Stock, Real Lbtate, . . ) JudgmeiiK, Duelrom Agintsand nt'iers, Cash in hand and in Itank Sffl2JEC'iTEKS. Clioii b.I-o S.blJU 7,1 '1 1 1 sjso 1,3I! 1(1.' 7,411 1 ,fc 1 O. M. IIOLLENIIACK, JOHN UllICIIAKO. H MIJi:i. WA1IIIAMS. IMIARI.LH DOItllANUU, It II. I.Al.OU. I. . D.SHOGtlAICER., II. M. IHIYT, O. ;olmnb, Wh. S. Iio.is CIlAllLUJ A MINP.il, SIEWAUT I'lEUCn, u ., i .M HARUINIi. M MOI,I.UHAI!K. PrssUtiit. I. ii. bllOiiJlAKEU.'Yice Pres'f. It. C. SMITH, SlCRATAUY, r. IinOWN, Ajrnt, . ' iiib'burg, 1'a, .March 5.7, 13 American Hotel, ESTM 5J f STR E ET, Opposite old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA. S. M. IIEULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. II. Heulinos, ClerA: May 27, 1U5. 12m lagle Iio(c I '"r'HE undersigned havini; opened a nu B. lie house, in itnhrsburg, Columbia Count ; keown as tho EAGLE nOTEL, I Announces tn his fr em!, nml tlm t,t,iin m,nn.tt, that ho will be happy ot ell times to udiuinutcr lo their enterlaiiii t. Custom sollcitod. Cive him a call and you will not regret it. WILLIAM EDGAIt. , July 8, ldM. Itoliribur; FUltS. FOBS. Wholesale and Retail. PUBS. CHARLES OAKFOKI) & S0.S, PHILADELPHIA. Havo now opened their largo and splendiJ stock of LADIES' TUtt CAPS. COLLARS, .MUFFS. CUFFS. I CLOVES, Also the finest assortmsnt of FAFCYPmMtcinEs' ' CAPS, MUFFLERS, nnd GLOVES, over before 1 ullercd by them nil of which n-c warranted to be at renro-1 tented, ' 1 Shipping Furs Bounbt. Oct. 21, 3m. air iki(Ble3 iaifm BELL dc ALLABACH, Proprietors, CORNER OP THIRD ST A- PENESYLVAN1A A V 1 ryiiyiA A V WASHINGTON, P. 0, A. JB. DAVIS & CO., PUlhADELP III A, Manufacturers of Rail Boad Track, Hay Coal and Cattle SMI IS ftSS rJ. A A AJ: O 3B 9 PLATFORM AND COUNTER OP EVERY DESELCIPTION I Bar EVERY SCALE Warranted. Orders promptly Oiled, apply to 11. II. EATON, Sole Agont, Berwick, J. K, EYEH, Bloomsburg, Pa. July 22, 1805. Omo. Arcana Watch. Ah Elegant Novelty in Watches. The ense. of tin. watrli are n new invention com posed nf several dillUtent metals combined, rolled together and plaiusncil. producing: nn exact imitation of Id carat gold, called Auuini. They aro ns beau tiful as "olid gold, nnd nru nflnrded al one.ciBhth the cost. The (.lues aro heaitttlfully designed nnd nre. en graved in the exact stylo nf the relebrated (.old Hunt Ing Levers, mid so exact nn imitation of gold ni to itely detection, 'i'hu movement, nro maiiuraiturcd by the welt known yt. JluiLer Watch Cuniji.iny i V Eu rope nnd are superbly iluMnd. having engraved pal lets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting legul.iiur, lino di nl an.l rkcl.tnu hainls. ' t'iusfi ntehM iir.i nil Hunting Ca.cs nnd of three Si7e, me sinaiivi neing tor l.nillus . case or six will be sent by .Mall or CxnrcsK lor l,'.'5. , siiioln 0I" clt hauil.oiuo rao for $11. They will I reaillly sell for three time, their cost. n also I us l'"tt a very superior (lulhed and riegn ilegaiit watcli hicli we can stlffor SiU each or SI.j3 per case ofn x i uese nru aisn nuuiinu case, anil lor j.noies ami Cents. Wo a-c solo agents fur llii Yatcli In thu II.. State, and none nre genuine which do not bear our Trade Mark. Persons ordering Watches. 0. O 11. will please remit 2j per cent nf tho amount with their or der. Orders for nay kind of watches promptly and faithfully fulfilled. Address. A lit 'A V A WATCH CO., No 62 Pulton St., New York fity, Importers tt Dealers in Wutcl.cs of every description. Successors to llirar.l W. Devauah A: Co. Oct 7, lfG:,-(3mo H 11 9, Purify the IS food. TUP. GREATEST MEDICINE Or Tlin AGE A sure antidote for sickness, nnd n refugu from Sorrow, Pain and Disease. Bryan's Life Fills. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They arc admitted to be the Best Family Medicine (or General use, rurifyinj ths Rlooil and cleasning the system from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills to regulate tho StomaOh, Liver and Plliary Secre tions which is the chief eausc- nf ucrvou'ucss. fiiddi ness, DiumOM of Sifbl, Headache, cick Stomaih and other Kindred complaints. Hundreds of Certificate can bo Sbown, They have been used bv thousands wilh success, Bryan's Life Fills Aro adapted for all Ages & Constitutions, They are eompo.ed of the art ive principles of Herbs mm minis cniieii ironi nnr nt ius ami lorcsts. i hey nru llllhl hut certain in fheir nner;,tmtt urn, !.,.,.', in Hlior crauips, griping pains or sickness. They may be taken by nil nge, sexes or condition without fear. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Ileadaohc. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Sick Syomaob. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Giddiness. Bryant's Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A Box of Bryan's Lirn I'im.s will cost ' BUT TWENTY" FIVE CENTS. They willaccompllthfaithrully nil that I. represented, i 'I bey r.re legantly put up by the proprietor, win! wav the inventor of lll.'YAN'S PULMONIC WAPERS 1 a inutiriuc long and favorably known to the American 1 Nation. j II jnii wish to buy BRYAN'S l.IPE PILLS and can not gel them of our ilniggist, clout take any oth-r, but hmiiI Twenty Pivu l ent, in n letter lotlio prnprie- ' tor. una you will gel them by return nf mall, pot- D1J. J. BUYAM. Box 5079, 412 Proolway, N. Y. Sot.n nv Dnuooi.'M fitNFitiLi.v. EMIIAB. IIAItNi:d li CO., N. Y. Whole.nle Aent. July 15, icoj. February 11, Ifdj.-y 1805. Philadelphia & Erie ISCj. Tills great lino traverses tho Northern ami North, west counties of Pennsylvania to thu city of Erie, on Lako Eric. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operate,! by them. ' TIMB Of VASbKSOLtl TRAIN. AT NoaTIlUMDeP.HSD. LEAIE LASTiVAltD. Eno Mail Train. Eno Express Train, l.lmira Exprcrs Train, ElmiruMallTruin, 5 40 P. M. 3 DU A M II 25 P M 10 25 A JI LEW,: WESTWAUD. Erie Mail Train, 3 5 A jj P.rto Dvi-rr'n iritiu, 40 i ji Elmira express Train 5 ;lu A ElmiuMail Train, 4 115 P ,M Passtiigers rars run through on the Erie Mail and i:,X!',ri'," '"i", without ciianos both ways between l'liiluJeiphia ami Erie ' NEW YOIIIC CONNECTION. Leave New York atn.WI P. M. arrive at Erle3. 37 A. M. Ltave l.nual 1.55 f.M ariivu at Vow Vorkl, 15 I' M No l.li ,n;e nl Cars between Erie and New York ' Elegant fleeping Car nn all Night Trams ,,ii"f,',"f'!'"':,V','.',' ri",l!er-,ti",l! ''us-enaer b less, np ply ntthe Cor. duth nod .Market St.. I'lnUdelpliin . And for 1 reight business of the Company's Agents. ? I; K, "Ssl"".Jf;,. Cor. 13th and .Market Sis., PbiPu J. IV. Ru) nobis. Erie. William Drown, Agent N. C. R: It., Baltimore II. II. Houston, Oeii'l. Freiglit Agt . 1'liil.idelplila. a' V .eeVy,,"!!l'r;. "';!'''''" ket Agt Philadelphia, A. L T , LEU. Gcn'l. Sup't. Williamspurt. October 7, leo5. NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions JUST received at Runyon's Provision ....r.TV.'A'J.'j'1 ,ars,u n'ortinent of GROCLUIEd ANI) 'ltOyir.ONS.coiisisling nl all lite necessaries Pflilo boug it for C.i.h-iind will bo told lo defy competition. Ilote Kocpers ami Country Merchants, would do well to all and examine Stork and Provisions befure pur L.'A'i'r. 'st'vlu-rc-. Amongst the stock 111.1J be found St 'GARS, of till grades, MOLASSES uud SYUL'l'S from the luwvst price to tho beit grudes. Grain et Ground Coffee, of all qualities, Navy, Plug, Twist, Finccut Otic-wing k Smoking Tobaco, Young Hyson, Im perial, Gunpowder and Oolong Tetis,Clicese.Orat:kcrs,Fino Salt.Woodcn k Willow Waro, iMatchcs, and Cigar?, Canned Fruit of all hinds. JV P IJ C T 101VAR1I3S, . DRIED FRUIT. No, 1 & S FISH by the llair.l, ono , half nr one futirth or one. cil'MIi b.rrei. nUr.i. Coal Oil, fcr sc all of which will be sold al thu lone. I marketpriiie. Dloomsburg.Ocf SI, 1803, POOKKT DIARIES,PnOTOaRAPH J aluUMS tc ALDU,M riCTIlRr.S, -selling at ttlY low prices for etsh. W. O. PERRY. Atertti , Itww, , W cn. At Half UrillM BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IE YOU WANT TO BUY Fall and Winter i GO TO Crensy's Slnrn, in Mghl Street, Pa. IPto 7tVf) all KinJs of OALIUO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Bgars, Hats, Boot", "Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &e., &c, In addition to our large stork or Dry Goods, we have a laigc ami full assortment nfltondy Made Clothing lot Aieii ami llo)s wear which ve ire dotcnuiui'd to sell rheaper thin inn he bought elsewhere. Call and sen. ami Jtidgu for yourselves 0.7" They also keep n Mne ns.nrtinent of Dai)'!'8 and MI1D1CI VIIH, to supply the absence, nf u regelar Hrug t3tnro In Light Street, which will bo carcl'ul'y com pounded nnd suitably directed fur the accomodation uf their customers. II. W. GREASY, &Co. Light Street, Nov. 4, letlj. Lnclinanita & Blooinsburg Caitroat!. ! $&!MMB.&B.W& MEM ! TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a rX AND AI'TCR .MONDAY. JUN 11 ICtli, tfrij, KJ l'ABbUNUIiit T11AIKS IVILI, KU. AS I I5L, LOWS: LllAVn N O It T II W .1 U I), Leave Norlliiimbcrland, f.00 A.M. S 00 P. M. Danville, . e.40 S 4(1 " Ilupert, - P.iJ 11.21 llloomburg 0 .15 11.20 Berwick, . 10.2.1 7.M " SiiKkshiuny, "1I.IU H.l.t " Kiilgto 12.1,5 P. M. MS Arrive nt Scinisto t.0u 10. " New Vii'k 5 51) I'liiladelplila U.ao LEAVE SOUTHWARD, Leave Scranton, . UOOAM -IMP. M " Kingston .W) 5.W) " Iterwick, - . 1.3.5 7.3(1. " ll'oonisburg J.oJ S,M " Rupert, . 0'lT, l-Az " Danville, . . 111.00 0.1.1 Arrive at Northumberland, 11140 Jtitfl " llnrrlkburg. ,!!UP.M. 1.2? " Wniliingtnn, 9t),i JO.tJ.j " Philadelphia, 5.10 5 00 The shortest and most direct route to the wchtand the nil ri'einn I tft Trains of tho Philadelphia nnd Erie llailroad leave rt.iriniiuiuoiinnu every morning for Etie, nrriv me mere iiiv imeruoou ci tnc same tiny to with trains fur ilnll'alo CleVLlainl. Clilcneo. conuurt Willi all points west, nml counerliiig at Corry wilh all trains un the Oil Creek Railroad. Now ami elegant Mceping ears accompany tho night trains each way between Northumberland and Haiti more, and Northumberland nnd Philadelphia. II. A. PON DA, Supt. Kingston, June 17. 1SG5. Baker & Confectioner THE undesigned has alway. on band nnd for sale, PRES. I DREAD, (JAKES, PIES and French and Domestic Confec , tiona in grctt and splendid variety j Nuts. l'ruit.,and every thing usually fojiid in a first class confectionery store. Ho would tall especial attention to Ills newly re ceived stock of PICKLED LTIUIT AND JELLIES. B. II. STOIIN'EJl I!loomhurg, April 22, IcWi. Stove & Tin ware IS hop f gIIE UDdersirrncd informs the public in general, thai lie has opened a NEW TIN SHOP In the building f irnerly occupied by P. S. Moyer, on" door below the Columbia Demotral Oillcu, nil Main Strict lllonnitburg. where lie will make all kinds i Tin-Ware and Repairing, in good .tylo and on moder ate terms. STOVES nf all kinds and nlslied lo order. qualities for n'o or fur- JSfiJ" Country produce taken and public cu'totn rc.-pectfully solicited. JACOB METZ, Jr. IHoom.biirg. April 2!). 1FH5.--Iy NEW .SADDLE UY AND Ha rness Shop I ; HP II E undersigned, respectfully informs ' f The citizens of Light Street, ani the genornin Public, that lie li-ia nnl lied :t ln.lv kIh.ii roe th iii.-iin,. I fneutrc of all kinds of j SADDLE MY AND HAIINES , In the nlll Store llouso officii McDowell, nnd next eoor to Ent's Store, in Light Street, wilt re ho will manufacture SADDLES, ISRIIJLES, HAttNESS i , 10 nra 'r nun on moderate terms. CS" Repairing uf nil kinds, executed on ifcortr.o'jc and in good a ylo. Country produce 'aken in cxrhange for worltiand public custom invited. 1 ELLIS L. FIIP.AS, Light Street, June 3, lfiu JACOB LAD0MUS DEALER IN ' Enolish, Stvisi and American JEWELRY, SILVER, WARE, kc. 018 Market Street corner of Decatur ,: Philadelphia, Dealer in American, EnglUh nnd Swiss Watches, ' making n speciality nf t Ii celebrated Amfiiic.n wAiiii, which no woutu reeomuienil to all wantin goon tuna Keeper, ami wi prices and nre the tlieapcst uWott1 ainreil -i, lnuo. ly, TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. ! THE undcrslgiicd respectfully turnrins his old friend and customer, that lie lias purchased lii ariitlmrs merest in thu above establishment, ainllhu cniicvru wils llereatter be conducted by himself exelu.lvcly. ue nas jiisi received auu oners lor sale, the larg est and most extensive assortment of FANCY STOVES ever introduced into this market. His stock COIlsUls uf n roninlele tl.hOrl III,.,,, nl he best Cooking nnd parlor stoves in thu market, togeth er wilhStovo Fixtures nf every description, Oven nml llox Stoves, Radiators, Cyliudur Stoves, Cat Iron Air Tight btoves, Cannon rttmes, fcc. &c. Stovopiiiti and Tinware con.tnntly 011 hand ami manufactured to order. All kinds of reooiriiiL' done, n, 11. tint. ,w, ..in,., n.,,:,. 1 I The patronage of old friends and new cnsloniers'rc. ' sp-iiinii)' nuieiieti. ,. m l.ut'ERP. Illoouisburg. November 3d Jft 0. tf. 1 JircV)iks Hotel. I LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. 1 he uniler'igned having taken the well-known Turks Hotel, ri-epectu illy niinoiincus tu In. Iricuda ami tho public generally, thai lit) is p,epnred tn acinuiniodatu un nuu may lavor nun Willi uiiir custom, 10 entire sal I isfaitloll. no ia proviticu wnn nmpia etabling unit provindcr for Hie nreouiiiiodatloii of Travellers, Tcauuiers, Dro vers, Ike, tin moderate terms. ID" Publiccuslmn issoiintcd, GEO. W. MAUGER. Bloomsburg, April 8, IbM. F II Tim ISA 11c Tbo Original anil Genuine Ambrosia is prepared by J, Alien Rtxvtt nnd is t.o nest hair dressing mid prcservativo now in use, It Hop, the oiiir failing out, causes it in grow thick and long , ami prevents it Irmn turning prematurely grey, It I eradicates daudrulf, cleanses, beautifies uud renders thu hair soft, elos.v nml enrlv. Ilnvil.lrv It n.i t.. convinced. Don't bo put off with a spurious article. Ask for Hceves' Ambrosia and taku nn other. For ralo by Druggi.ts and dealers in Fancy Goods every. where-. Price 73 cents per bottle -5l,00 per doioi, Address, REEVES' AMflROSIA DEPOT ti'J Fnllou Stiect, New York City I Ort 7 t6M-IJmo.-H.il ft 1 1 nwojss SlLSO IB ATS. CAIfB A IV IP SlIOISS, rpllll t-nderslgnedhas removed his Hat nnd Cap Store ' J up lo livens' edd stand, white In addition to n superior uasortincnt nf SPRING AND SUMMER 11a (s and Caps ps CONFECTION A HIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, BiiRnr, ColTeo. Tcna, ! WnUnnnn KtttlfT. I. V I , V. V, W . . . CiRitrs, Spices, Dried Fruit, Bultcr, J Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books. V3 ritinc; Paper & Ink. Hardware (tnd Cedarwarc, Pocket Knives ) Combs, iJ'C, iJ'C, cj-c, ' Together with n vntlcly of nrtlclcs generally kept In n I b,Aris'o-A Pne lutoiICin,MOI10iT.O.-tand I.istin.tn wlildiheliivltesthcuteution of Shoemakers and the i VuhUtt JOHV K CIUTOV. nioomsiittrr, iv in. icm . ' v." v rX it V v rn.: rift. HV miiriiiil,.,.imu.....( erfeA.lvet' pnri't-df 111 t 1 -- UwiirlMttir llimincii. and keepscotiatantly on hand I lid for sale at his wnrnrooms, a large ussuriuiem i-i ; FINISHED COFFINS, ny niucn lie is eiianien lit on tiruers on iiri-sen-""-" Ai.so-Keeps a good Horse ..nd Ilearsu, and will at limes be ready to attend Punercls. SIMON C. SII1VE. lllooinsburi, January 29. IE50 IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Harvey's Female Pills the innt infallible and popular remedy ever k'nownfor all disease, ot tbo female m-x They have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing success mid may hit relied on in every ease for w hich they aro re L."iiimciidcd, and particularly in all cases arising from Ob;' ruction, or Stoppage of Nature, iv,. "I what cause it nrlc. They are elfee- ! tu.il in restoring ' ' i 1 1 1 all w ho are suileriug from I Weakness mid Inb,, "' Uterine Discharges, Nervous ness, dec., S.C., nml they , ntl ACT I.IKE A OHAltM! in strengthening and restoring the 'J'1''"!. Thousands of ladies who .lave suirered foryears '",.t,r.i''i l;,rl""., other remedies in v n. uwifn renewal i uc" il0nit" nnd strength wholly to ic tlieacy of DIt. HARVEY'S F hi ALE Ji-MLJ'S. 'I hey aro perfectly h irmlcs on tlie .ysleni. m.1) taken al any tlmu u ith peifeit salety ; bill during tlu early stagu.nf Pregnuiiry they s-lnsislil nut be taken, or a .lils.arriage may Iu taken, or a misturiUgc may oe iiiucv.uii. incy never cause any sickne.i. pant or distress. Each box contains hixty pil.t. Price One dinar. DIt. IIAltVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, A remedy for sneel,,! r.-,...c. ft,,,, ,T than the above ; Prire Five Dollars tier box A private Circular to i uiliej uli tine atiatomiial I cngiavings, sonlfrtis on receipt of directed euvelooe anil .tauiii IC" Cut this notice out if you desire Dr. Ilnrvey's Pills, niidilyoii launot procuru them of you r Drug gist, do jiot i.iko any oilier, for some dealers w lin are unprineiided w ill recommend othur l'em"lu Ill's, they can ma.io n larger prolil on but enelosc the money and send iliicn to DIt. J. BItYAN, CONSUL'I'INC PIIYPICIAV. iVo. -112 Bioa'lwuij) A'ew l or:. who will take all risk if propel ly directed, and will send the Pill., secured lio.n oliserv ition, by rctu-u mail, Post 1'r.id. SCLH It V DRL'IKIISTS OENERAI.LY. DEM AS BARNES ic CO., rw- Vnnit, ... t hole-bale Agents. July 15, ISC3. J. V. tVtK. L N. MOVE New Drug Store. WHOLESALE AND BETA1L rplir, itnderslgneil wuuld Inforu' their friends nnd the i JL puiine generally, that they Havo taken the stand for merly occupied by (ion. Al. Ilueeiibiich, iu the Exchange lliiilding, mi Minn street, in llloom-burc, where he has reieiieo II nut Sllil,y ui Dvu' M,IiIi,lcs'aI'aiuH ils Vt'hirh will be sol.l on nunlerate terius'for ready pay. .Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortand I'hy.icians pre.eriptloiia carefully compounded, at' all times 11ml 011 bIioii notice. t"' ' Cnntei tmneiy -;f 1 lie best selections, and Soda VI ater in -easoii. , Lr" A share of the public custom is respectfully so-1 icited. EYEH & MOYER. nioomslmrg, April 11. Ififi5. ! fi-'ftfiiSfifi WAfl.Bi VAVtilt JUST received a now assortment ofuood etjlcsof 0 i WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOR ! DER1NU AND CEILING PAPEH, and a general variety of material in Ills line, which w ill be found on the PIRSP Fi.OOli immediate y eat of Luu'a nru,' S10M, in tin: Rupert lilock, where all pt rsoos wihing goods in his hue will bo attended to in person at all times. Hsa" Paper Hanging execulod to order j and best stylo, at kiiort notice. E J. THORNTON. Rloomsburg, Aptil 2') lfH3 ly National Foundry. - "0"S;miG . COLUMBIA CO., PA I ri HE sub. criber, proprietor of tho above named e I J leitsivu estabilshiiieut, is noiv preiiarcd to recen trarcd lorecenu is lers ior All Kinds of illacliliiciy, r Collerio., Itlast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, Mills THRESHING MACHINES, &fc . &C. He is also prepared tu make Stove., all sues and pnticiiis, p'ow -irons, ami eierylluug usually made in ,, , , 'una. , uiiniiries. His extensive isriljtic. and practical workmen, war- .train of all kinds will be taken in exchan,, for n ni. e.ianii.iioie'ni is inei.eu near the l,ackaw.in na.S llloom.burg Railroad Depot. , , PETER UII.I.MYEIt. lllsom.biirg, Sept. 12, 1603. JOHN C. YEAGER. MANI FACTUP.ER li WHOLESALE DEALER IN - XAIAJl 1, VZU cm) 1 ui rfrTu iirvxTMit en . x.. uuuuol "'O iJJ ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. No. 257 Nortb Tbird Street, Pltila'tl. Nov , InOS ii B3 N T BSTR Y. II. C. II O W E R. SURGEON DENTIST, 111 Sl'Cl-n uLLY offers his profess ionul services to tho ladies and gentle, men of I'd loinsburg ami vicinity. Hois nri-iiarcd in atteuJ it, nil the operations in the line ol his profession. and isnrovided wit i the latest Improved VOHCf.lJllM Tf.f.TIii whirh will lie inserted on gold, platina, silver and rubber brio tolookwill as the uatuial teeth. Mineral plato and bl.'Lk teclli manufactured arr all oi'crntli'iis on teeth, carefully and properly attended to. It.'siilenco and ollitu u few doors above tho Court House, sumo side, llloft'iisburg, JunuO 1SA3 Pin vHrfrl WnntnI l XUXBCeCl WantCU. "1ASIT will lin nnlrl Inr nn., n..nn!i e I if'1,1 Pa,U ,0r nny quantity of VFI.AXSELD RUNYON'S STORE. Finmihar(. Iserit rl,w t ! V;r raw f s'1 fa I'M?? KfS I loruc i.eiiigii Cattle Ponder 1 8 warranted to J. be the most power. In noent nr tlm i,.m. nrli mid blood of Cauls, I Ktvini,. fir Uh.n.. 1.. .... I ... ,.,,.,,,,1, IJfn. mtllug dlgestloii.rlenns. Ing the system and Iran, sfifliitf tnn imrin.'d nil I mil II is i 1 1 In Deb, rat, milk, butter nnditrengtli nnd establishing Health ami vigor. iiHvnva tinnsr. fa Ml'MiroWDIIll Is the nnty ino'iiciiios legally pan nted In I'rniire, ling' land, fwltserlnitd nml Holland, nml duly ml. mltted by their Courts, Ll.r?MTnVltlPM Honored with prim meii. nls, nnd Invenleu by V,r, Duvov. rrofessor of the lin- pet al uowege ior icrirtiiiurr "" urncluredby C. tl. IliltNr.U, Dr of .. and A Allen- town, Lehigh thotnly, Pennsylvania. 1 All diseases of thu i-Monndi. Itloo I, Lungs and How. rl, speedily nnd tcrtalnly cured. Healthy .tnck will be brought Into the very highest stain nf perfection, , nnd turn or two tablniponnlul a week, Is nfgrenl vnluo to hard w nrklng horses, breeding stni k and colls, and snred thousands d valuable horses front contagious dl.eases. ns well at the nnrn-yard a. In the nrmy. , Tin" i.cninii WtUlM CONPIIUTIONS 1 efTectuallV nverroino nil tlm obslacles which usually prevent t tic expelling of worms, are pleasant to take. L.i.i..nn. ,.r the innt iicreenblo purgatives for children, So confident I thu Inu-ulor of thu success nt hi. Inborloii" studies, In the pathological compo.l tlon oftliinprepatntinn.thnt nefurufshes every grnd ; tinted phylclau, with a written prescription, as a new i ra iu materia tucdlca. ,,, .,. THIS UNION 11UAI' I. HAT, MICH AM) ANT LX. I. a powder for the sure extermination nf nil ennln., i will never ( hnngo Willi use and tllmato, and muck nreferabliitothoold I'lio-pbotmi. Pa.to, which hard en. In n skort time, making H wo;thles.. tor dtrec- , lions and particulars see the sin .11 bills in tho boxes. I XT' Onn liundred nnd thirty-seven premiums liavo been awarded to these celebrated preparations, up to i iwr.j vLium-r -.'. . i nt. it,- ItoVAt. & I ovsn. are in "By; ,," IWjhUALh i)' HU Mill.. Eor sale by W. Erasuiu, solo Agont fo Bloomsburp. Sharpies., Catawlssa. L. II, c J. Shoemaker, Ruck Horn Master k llro.. lllllvillc. IJ. Preston, linhrsbttrg. Htcwarl & Sloan, Oraiigcvlllis. Ileiidershotl, liloonikbiirg, C, Fowler, Epv. Crensv k Co., Light Street. I.nw t Spangler, Lime Rldie, llowinan, k Owen and Miller, Berwick. C.ll. Punier, PnnlersvlHe. All orders for Columbia County will bo addressed lo TIr. ERASMUS, Wholesale Ag.nt, ll!onmburg. C. G. 111HNEK. November 10, ISfit 11m. I v a ii I'l if 17 Couttlandt Street -P n P.lin MllVAV NP.W VOI11C CITY 1 MAR BROAIiVt A , M.n ukvi,iiy ' This nld-e.tnbliheil and favorite re. ort of the It it e V ,tess ('oininuulty ha. been recently retltled, and iai.mil I pit. 'c in eer)llnue that can minister to the comforts n I Its pi'tt'ons Ladies and families are specially ai"l turo fully inovlded for. i j 1 1 ci nf rally located In the bii'incs. part nf theci ' and is contiguous to the principal lines of steamboau i cars, numibiissc. ferries, ice. I '( he table is amply supplied with all the luxuries c ' the-oa.ou.iiudiseq.ial to that ofnny oilier hotel in hi country iirrnininoilations are onercd for upward ol I.M ee,ii.' . t?" Do not l.c..'"vi-' iiinner. nacs men. nnooinerj win may say "the W-.tMlntl HsII TIIOS. D. WINCHESTl.'" Feb. 15.1C02. j . Me undersigned, grateful for pa?t pit. , , r.mage, rspertfitlly inf rm the Travelling Pub'ia I getiernlly.ihat lie lia.Just procured froin,Vew ork, a ' I new, b"am!rul and rapanou. Phfcniv Cnmrmttv flnneh i.y whin, ,e an. lie is now emptied t.i convey I'n. ' ! '".'ers .and lh,Bg,,tc. ..ifely and e,f,fiblv leuvee.t tlie 'I '. "III-. II w ill be Ills study to ai'dimmr.djt,- lr t cii5loim,r' to tliclr stili.-1'arliou. Ho scluits tbr pitbli c patroiuit;. I liS I' AUl '15 CENTS. JAroa I, fiiiiT v. U'oonnbiirg, January in-; ftew Grocery tiara. ! t MOKE FRESH (;OODS. (Formula Enismot' old Swid) r,: Maiv blicd, Jlfijunnii wlh tiiitivmmied li "S jij'it reeeivrd o cooii htock of I-ALL A A I) VLTK mY f,0fl!), nf all knots, Mei' lleavr '?. "' ,'." ' !-','r ' ' ; ' i''rtWt nt Lai,.f. and Childreii' i-lie oi all Itnul. I A Fresh Lot of Groceriot?, of at kin 's, iiii ns Aiol;is-in., Teas, I ?jcr lisli, MJi:tiis. Coil'ee, j Spices, ILiTS AND CAVS Tobacco, S.pars, Candier, itazt'D, Laid, etc., itc., te FEED AND PROVISIONS. ,a,r,ne':!::,s;h;ry',l'''"iiu'a"'1'' I . exhaugUorgds!0 V""U" EenCr""y ,"lk" HENRY GIGEU. I! onm-burg, D 'C. 10. ifni NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. "QiMv SALES AM) SMALL PROFITS.' I'S t h undeisif-ned, havinc iaL-i?n tho . '., t ,-,,. nixu iimi hy James K. Ever 1Uic'vervar,;l;,,, on Main and slocked al satisfaction by selling them l, 1,0,1 au ility i-f MEKCHAWmaE, on fair terms and at idturacinrvprlrea. DR,YYo.Ds':'',,', ,a,t",f CROCERIES, PISH, QUEENSWARE. wooDExwArtn. HOOPS, SHOES, and especially with a splennid variety orAI3' CAPS LADIES DRESrf GOODS. ro'adyar"180" " "S "4. for c,..l , goofs':'OU""'J' Prn,IUC,: ZWMy taken in exchanco f. r Rlooiuiburg, Jan. 7. imi-v"' TEBWILLIortt. TiTa', 8J,10N flKOTiEfl,. J "uc ..inrsei fctrect, Plilla,irtnhla. T'HIS l..r J, lorntH.l f t,,P Vprv ,.,. , ,' , JPZ'i his eueets in ot ti .i ' "V'. " l" wains ot his ...v st u "iniurdiuir noiiio ior ' with thvlri).itruii.rrt much as J UAlKiV I'lOIl May 23, 1SC4 -IS re. - ted House, the Exc.UNoe " U , YiZ s tn m htreet. n D tinnti .iir,. ,. .'.. 1 '.'lu."M..'VuL bin County four ion,, " ZZL ? ""e"1t" 3'"c!!'.u..'l,":'',: 8'i. hu hub i, ,!' r "V f .d dUpoVed to favoVil mth'K c.,o "'"n. 7,1! sparetl noexnen.o in ore,..,,,,,, .i...,..'. ". ',,H " ciit.riaiiiineiitofhisgue.ts, neither shall hero' le a ,v thing wanting (on his part) to i iui.te ,0 Z ,,e?8o comfort. His house is spac oui ad ivi aniseed business lot ntioo ' exceiicui nnnS,,''.'l,',,l'',S''"r'',',;,al',ilHe'''!tweeiilhc Et .it 1 ?.' ',' ''"" il Itoad Depots, by which nig MAY , IfC0. WM K0UNS 'lilKERSI WHISKERb! Do ytm TT want Whiskers or .Moustache's I Our Grecian ;.e'e"1n?"'i' W,.'',Urf"0 ""!",." F'" ttrt ---- - . v-.stst vi iitiii, un imiilj iiruui, l ii tiT Week a - Pri.e'.SI UU Sent by mail nn where, closelj ,ci e7 on receipt of prire, Address, ' ' Bfl' JVbruae':U;U0X l33- ,,rook'' V' Slaiionoi y and ESIanU ISook wuppiieu to dealer and eas-h buyers at low wtioletAle ratit , t vy. c.rEUBY 4th and t"i. rhtlj Hsrs 4, ISM fir It.1 H f Al S , I TnE TllOENIX PECTORAL Will Cure Your Cough THE PIIOKNIX PECTORAL ; ort. compound svtiur or wild ciinnnv a ncs- KKA PNAHil HOOT, Will Cure the Diseased of llio wjmoji Ann ansjf, Such as Colds, Cougbs. Croup, Asthmn, BroncbitN, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Iltiarfcness, Whooping Cough, &c. Itsliiiicly uso will prevont PULMONAUY CONSUMP'i ION, And even where till, fearful disease is fully devcN oped it will atl'ord more itllef than any ether inedl. rloe. I. Lawrence Oct., ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania, llousoof Repre.entatlves, says "This mneh reme ily i. now- extensively u"c,l,iiinl Is nf the hiuhist vnluo to tho couiiniitilty, Its rurutlve tiialltles having been tcited by thou.ainls Willi the mo.t gratlling results. It Is careiully ami skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Hark and M neka Snae Root by Dr. Levi Ober holder, n reputubii! ph)lrian of l'hneulx illc, I'a. nnd is sold by neatly all ilruggl.ts and country store.. keepers," D, P. Crosby, ex-Posltnaster and cxdlurgcss of Tom. town, certifies ns follows Pottstowm. IPCVJnn. a. lnisreriiu This rertllles that I havu used the Phoenix tectorsl ' In my family very best ren iiy-noo i iet,tiiiint-iiii -ii it, me jmiiiiic ns nn reineilv tor Cuush and Colds that I havo ever tried. Ono of my children was tukiu with rold, accompanied with n Croupy Cougb,.n bad, indeed. that It could n it talk nnd breathe, Having heard so , miirli snitl nboiit the I hoetiix I'utornl, 1 procured a. bottle nf it. The first ilo.n relieve, the dllllrully of i breathing, nnd befuro the ( hlld had ta.ten oue-fnurlh nf the bottle it wns entirely well Evervfuuilly .lio'd ! hnve It III their house. D. 1'. CHOSIIY. J. Cl Smith, drugsl.t. of New Hope, Rucks louiuj-, I Pa , In writing to IJr Obethult7er, say.: "A few I days mneo I bought two dnienof your v ilunblu cough ' remedy to try, nnd find It very good, nml as it Is near i ly all gonn I would like yim to send me n gross nf it. I "Your metllciues gives better satif.ii lion tli.tti any other 1 have its the More, i am agent ur sumo of tho ' most popular cough piupariitluns, but yours sueim to bo doing the uio.l cnud. i Tlm follovviut! is nil extract from a letter from llirnm Ellis, merchant, near I'niMown, I'a : "I havo triotl 1 Hie I'hnjnlx l'eiloral, and fliol il to be the best couch meiliiiiio extant, It met is w ttl) u more rcinly sale tlun ony oilier that I have evi t hail in my lore." Thu proprietor of ihi. meiliciiie h. i. so much coufi deuce in it curative powers Ironi the testimony of 1 thousands who have ti-.'il H, lint tho money will bo I'aiii Hack to my putchaser who is not sitisllo.i wilh is efforts. . . It is opiea.ant intake that children cry for It. Price I llllt l'Y-PI VII TEN I S ; l.aigo Boitlcs ONH DOLLAR It is Intended for only one enss of diseases, nam ly, thoe of tbo Throil mid Lungs is- Prepareii oi)ly by LEVI OUhUIIOLTZER, M. D , Pbumivville, Pa. Sold by all Drnesltt.an 1 Stnrekeet.ers. JOIINSTOS, HDLl.tlVVAY, LOWDEN, No. 21 North Sixth Street, I'hilad-Ipln.i, ami P. O. WELI S Ii Co., No. 1 1.1 Franklin Street, New vnji.'ijeuerni Wholesale Aeenls. ' Sold bv P LC'iV. and DYER ,tf MOVER. Drug pl.ts, lllniuu.h'irg, nnd by nearly every drug;ist and country storekeei-er ru Columbi i county. .V. II. 11 you' neere.t ilruggi.tor storekeeprrdoss not Jeon tiiis inedirine tin not i t him pot you nit wifi soup other niedicine. but eend unci lo one of the egouis for it June "JI. In 5 C-.i GLAD NEWS FOR TIIE UNFOKTt.'N.VPn. ''HOLT DKTE'MTON USED W'i Ith bu.ineis pursuits, vij if. Thry do not Interfere . speedy (a action. NO CHANCE OF DIET li VEcrS3RY. DEI.TS SPECIFIC PH Iju i are warranted In all rae, rop. the si'r.rov and pei:manp.nt rrnn r.r Seminal Weakness, Urethral and Vit.'inal lll-chngej, t.leet, Sexual Diai-s, Emeii. Imp-teue". Con I'al nn.i Nervou. Debility nnu disejem of the lllailder and Kidneys. 'I hey are- adapted for nnlo or fepiele. ol, or vnun 1 nnd art; the only teliLblt Hiiowm tor the inreofull dij ; ease. nrisin: from YOUTH FU li INDIPCPiKTlON. In nil Sexual Di.ea.ev at C.nporrhe,. Stridor' Olt el, anil in all t'rina y nml i;,,ln..y cmpiantt. iliey 1 aitllko a I'll.-irm Kt lit I la emerienietl by t.irilu , single box j and fnun four to U luxes (jen'-ra ly eiT,-n , hi urn. 1 Sold in boxes containing ii ,,,1;,, ,rr,- re Dnllxr or six bv'Xes. Pitc Dollars ; nls,,. in lare s.tire., con . laming four ot Ibe ki,ll prn-u Th'e- I i-llan. I Private Ciirui.irs I" tli 1. 'len t 11 0.11T, rent free 0- receipt of tlirerted eiiveimi" r (H stamp ir' If jou neeil the- th'e Ph.. t tit out tbij ?' , ti-enietit for reference, ami it'yn.i rh'iui.t procure tln ol your !.'iuggit tin not ii" iinpnM.,1 on b any oihar , lemeilj, but em lo.e fie m me, m a letter I" Iuj pr pri. tor. ,Dr. J. BYRAN, Con uUinp Plivaieian I llox 5U7J 412 'llrunJwsy, N Y V lin will take all nsk if propeily iiirerti ti , and yen .in ucnt iiieio ini i;iiii, securely S'.-ali-ti Iroiu uV servuliou, by retiiiu mall. SOLI) I'.Y DRUCIJISTS GENERALLY DEMASUARNP.S ii CO., Set Your , , , .,. IMio'eiale Agents July 15, lar; DO! U P D E GRAFF 'S ES'E A XI) EAR .AFDiiiAKY, (On the Spiare, Three Honrs from Steele's Hotel WILKESBARRE, PA. 'PHI? INSTUTION is now opened au.l i fill iiificl in Hie most cOhtly style. Reception. Privateand Operating lloonis are largo, convenient and well adaolett. Tbo Siireleal 11 0:1 1 lini-ot eonlniiia lh. I fine-t collection ot iiistiiu)nu in ibi. country, and thu bn larulties will eiiahlc him In meet any and all einergencn s in practice He will operate' upon all the various forms of Ill.IVDNESS, Cataract. Oielunn of tlie Pupil. Cross Eyes, Closure, of the Tear iTucta, In version of the Eyili.ls, IVrjgimn. kc. s.c. And nnl tieal all foruiB of .-ores. Eye (,'riiiiuleil Lid'. Opaceties of the Cornea, ii'-.d Scrotulo.ia iIimmm's of the Lye to gether with ail the diseases to which tin Ee is sub ject. DEU'NESS Will treat all the disease, common tn tlie mgaii. Disclnrges from the bar, Noises In thu Uf Catarrh, difficulty ol hearing.toial Do .Iness even whets thu Drum is dctruwd. Will m.crt 1111 nitiru-Inl urn aiisweilHL nearly all the puipo.es ofehe natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT. AH diseases orx moi, to the Throat anil Vn,o w ill b.- treated GEVEltALSI.'R(ii:RV..(; uill operate upon CluS feet. Hair Lip. Cleft Pallaie, Tumors, Caucers, Cnlsr gd 'Pencils, tc. I'laslic operations by healths new flefh into deformed parts, and Ueneial Suigory of whatever character it may present. HERNIA (nr RlIl'TUItt:.)- He will perform "LnblUi operation for the radical (complete) euro of Henna, litis is unquestionably a perfect cure, nnd is none mill little or 110 pain. Out oi'many liut.druil operated upuutti lloston there has been no luiiures. tt having met the pcift it approbation of all whohave submitted mil ' ARTIFIOAL EYES. WI II Insert arlillcial Eyes giv ing them thi motion nnd expression of the natural. They are insorlrd with the least n.iin. HEMORRHOIDS, (Piles,) Tin. troublesome disease ia readily cured. Those suffering from it will do well to call. Dr Up DeGratl'vlsits Wilkes Ilarro withaviowof building up a permanent In.iitutv for tho treatment of the Eye, Earand General Surgery. The experience of more than a quarter ofa century in llosniiul anil gener ,i'!,r!",!.n,? '" 'l fcU'"ne' 8 j al prat tire, im hope, will be, 1 sufficient guarantee to Agents Wanted For our new Work, CAMP FIR K and CO TTOX F1EL D. ItV THOMAS W KVOX, (Special War Corrc.pondenl orthe N. Y. flearald.) Tbo most llirilling interesting and ex.- citing book nf Army experience ever published, abounding in Per.onai fa lve.uV demc r ,o rO "V.'!' '""!',',si ,,,lc,Ut,i, ''IK'"""' 1 " rrVi; wi.i, ,&,To" iilSS i any either work ever yet iiubli.hoii , lol,r"P""vo settlers upen the rich nnd ferlilf I :""'" oCt"?, !"IW l'u" 1" Northern uuterpriM'. it invnluablo. gU,g full, rell.ii.lu and rueiiwi iiiiorinatiou reiattvu to planlalion ninuiige ment nnd cotton culture, iudispousibli) tu thi succuss ol llio Northern emigrant. Relnriied and disabled olllcers nnd soldier', nnd eii'irgetic young ineti in want ofa prntllablo empln,- melll Will find llli. n l.'ire rlir.ne,, It, ,,,-iLm h,m.i lvv liavo Agenls clearing 5-UJ psr inoitlh, which wo will prove to any doubting applicant i for proof of thi ubuve send for circulars and see nur terms. Address, t JONI.S I1RUS. A: CO-, N.E. corner Sixth and .Minor ls , Phil's, Pa, Not, Id.lJilS. WM. G. llrtRGIS, C, II. IT..W.E, ; E. U. HUI1LUY. WM. G. IIARGIS k CO. No 130 South Second St., below Chestnut, Thlla, anufaoturors of Varnishes anil Dry. Ill ing Jupans nnd dealers in Whitu Lend, 7,ln, uni, i iaiy, omuui, rainter's Colors and Tools. Hum I in? and Lubtlrating Coil Oils, lltniint, Vaptlia, tc K7" Indiiermcnts lotleslsr. ' f-pt S1 !M-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers