COLUMBIA DiiflOUUTj.T f Saturday M,niB, Dec.lO, '00. JCTo AnvEUTlBiiitQ Persons wishing day, Chtistinas, December 125th 1300. advcrtiscniont inserted must band thorn Also n mtit-iiml Dnnnnrt tn tt.n nB1,n hi early oil Thutsday nioruinn to ituuro Ihoir insrrtion for that wot-lc. it.t: - -r i B6l, Omittuj. Mnny nrtiolcs, for wont of spare. r-v. cjt,.ii "'7'""7i mWi it ? Subscribers for tho "Nob Motin- .! u s., .I. . rx it tnin Uooii, in the vicinity of Orancovi o, will fi...! it., i- ,ir,s . i m i i.i win nun tueir copim in the handi ol Jas. 1J. Harmon, Efr... for dl4irlb,.il. fiST Christmas is closo nt hand. Hooks vury suitablo for prcsontn,' Aesop's Fables , i Arabian Night, Goxo'a Christian Uallnds Courso of True Lovo, Prcd's Poems Aso &o. aro for salo at tho Heoorder's Office. ' VST A largo amount of miscellaneous business was transacted during our last court. Tho i coords show an unusual nuin-1 bcr ofapplioatiom for divorce, and many of them for causes Ions oxcusablo than do- licrtion. ri-v. PM"tiCm 7- i i Csj Ool. l'roi20 ollurs lor salo choap, ' a lino copy of Dr. Worcester s Quarto I Dictionary, with many hundred illtistra tious, prii.tea ou tho very best paper, and with beautiful typo. NLivYiur's Address The Carrier of the Coi.d.miua Dcmocuat, wishes us to advertise its numerous patrons, that ho will wait upon them, early ou Now Year's Morn with his usual Annual Address ,aud bespeak for him a favorable reception. g . tffi- The CoiiUMMA Democrat, will not bo iisucd ou tho 30th of December We all feel like enjoying a biief respite from labor, and wo know of no timo, for that purpose, more befitting than tho Iloli- daja. TLc number fortba Now Year, will be dated January (iih, 1800. - 4S - I'ouiul. Mr Jocni Ditnsrir, wo aro pleaded to learn, has found his ftolen Horse, Harness and Duggy. Tho thief had tied tho horse to a tree on the Uroad Mountain, and abandoned tho propety on the approach cf t oroo wood-choppers. Luckily for our friend .Mr. ioisch. - - CSf Wa arc reqjijstol to say , lint tho Meihoditt Episcopal Church cdifico at Light Strict, has been Frecsoncd, ro pniotcd and will bo opened for Divine Ser vice, on Sunday, the 2-Uli cf Djcoyibor .1 t.r -.!.! c i.i. uay uciorc umunas. oovcrai OlergjmSIlj from a dit.ta'neo will bo nrcsont on that I ..!, riii, m. .. . I 1' i,-ui.t...j a... ...'i- t-d to aiteijd. J" The remains ol Lieut. Isaiah B. llomsoN', youne&t fou of Wm, Uobison, were biouglif to Moonis-bnrgm hut Mot day. Licit. K. was killed over a year i-inc, in (.'corgia, and tiij roronins have only now In on ri covered, and restored to bis fiiend here for interment They were re -eomniitti d to the grave by the Honor.) of War, on Wednesday, iu lio-.euiout ! Vj euittary of IJlontusbarg. 'I li j Editor of the I!r Doun.'es in h s u-ual bomba'tiio style, that ho ha ol t lined a ''('otccr I'ms.'' Had our Dciii sciMtic Irieuda given us51,0U0) as tho lift ubiicatia did Dr. John, wo could and wtu'd l.iugtgo, have also obtained a Power Pre. 8, and more, we would not have used thiir paper and press as he did to abuse bis benefactors. Hut "some Pork wdl boil that way." Public Sale of Valuable Property Jon.'; G. Quick, Esq., Administrator of Ella., Diiuorich, will tcil at Public Sale, at the lato residecco of tho decedent, in Montour township, thi3 county, on Tuesday tho 10th of December, a very large and valuable assortment of person al piopeny, Mis. Elea.vou Kkeleii, of Orango town ship, in this county , off'. rs to sell, at Pub. lie Sale, on Saturday, the 30th of Di com ber, a valuable Faim and Plantation whichshould command tho attention of cap italists. JDS'- Messrs. M. k T. 13. Coi.e, Execu" tors of II o Estate of Wm. Cole, Esq. de- coaecd, vt ill sell at Public Site, several tracts of valuable Real Eitate, upon Thursday, the 18th day of January, 1800, ESP" Samuel Snydeii, High Sheriff oi Columbia county, left Rloomsburg, on Wednesday morning last, having in charge a eonviot named 7iomas blodd, sentenced at our lata Court to ono year and ten cal- Cndcr niontha hard labor aild solitary .... oouliiieuient in the Laatern Penitentiary, ,., , . for stealing or hiring and running away uu..,fa .. with a horSO atld bllL'CV.iast AucilSt, DO - ' " longing to tur. uco. iusoytici:, oi jJioomD burg. . - - Wanted, Information is wanted of tbo whereabouts of Samukl P. Saieky, who left Rloonif. I ;.lirg, in tho Cars, on tho evening of tllO L'2d of November, 1805, to go to Phila- Jelphia, lo purchase a stock of Pools and aad delnhia, lo nurcli Shoo3, llo lias not been liearu ol sineo ho left Rloomsburg. Mr. S. was about 27 Vears Of 0"0. 5 feet 0 indies high, li'll J ..'.'. t.i.' u.. ;.,m..1nln, . l.l.iH nwn. rlnrlc lmir. Willi V J UI'U I Ul j isii- J ---- - - 1 - iiKiVnr; -iiiil tn nn t ,'i Mi fi . find bv ocounn ilsnn fti,mnl.,.r. Hn.l latelv returned fromscrvioo in iho Union Army His wife and fun ilv will pay a liberal reward for information of his wheroabouts, ! whether livinu or dead. MRS. MARY S. S AVERY. Bloomtburg, Deo. 0, 16(15- CcsT Editors grnerally will grcaly oblipo a disconsolato wife mid ohiltlrcuby uotieini; tho above in thou respective jour-naif. wiiiiiufti'imCTnmB Mifllinvillc Festival. Thcro will bo a grand Festival, at Miff- linvillo, Columbia county, Pa., for tbo JLL i ,, nf aunn .l.. i.n ii, vtsm:...:ti . -t.t- fg "f same day, by the M.fll.nvillo cboirf vocal nnd instrumental music, oontiftinu f u nuuibor of grand Choruses, an thema, o, so "umbor of QuartotH, Trios, and un,.d ., ,, . . n, , .. i Duetts oy tbo Amateur Glee Club o Miff ,. ... , ,. linvillo. Jn connection with wh oh w ' , . , .. , , , , ials b l'orfor'cJ a 'minberof male quar- tetta, from the classical collections of 1 1 ;i n - dal nud Mendelsohn, by Messrs. Hess, Swank &. Co. 5?" T. Ilaskins DuPuy Esq, has been appninitd General Manager of tho Cata wisia Rnilroad, which has been leased by "10 Atlantic and Great Western Railroad. Tbii gentleman's judicious msnngotncii during tho long period ho has boon Prcsi- dcut 0f (ha Citawissa Company, proves tuat no better appointmont could have been made than tbo above. Tha Catawis- aa rout" w'" liantla of tho Atlau- , f. ' , p . . ,. , , ,. ' . portnnt lin): to the connection about to be made to t-liortcn tbo routu botwecn New York and tho West. Radical Union sentiments w era well i expressed a lew days ao by Senator Pomorov. of Knnsas. in .i minonli, atthocourtl.ou.oof Hureau county linois. Said ho . "I would rattier help tear down the Capitol than to allow the Southern States to eomo back into the Uoiou without lottiuL' tho iiplto votol" 11 , . 1 .1 ,i . 1 11 I JiUt, ICaritlg IIOWIl tllO UapitOl WOulU not bo much after tearing up tho Constitution. Five hundred head of gorfrnmcnt cattle wore sold at Allvzaudiia Wednes day Good beeves brought from three to four cent a pound. WHEAT, p"r tm-li. I. ' 3D 1 111 1'1'Elt. It V IV. " " 1 .'.) I C(S roiiv, -1 i' i i'ATnr..-, . iiLi'icwin: 1 u!) iiinr.i) Ai'i'LEr", I'l.t'l'lt ier bid. 13 00 IIAM.S ci.i)Vi:a-i.i:ii, .-. i I haiov, . .1.1 '.'1 1 oil 3 oa . 30 11 I'l.A.x yi;i,o . 3 01 11 AV hy tin. ton 18 (ill UUUKWIILAT riuilr. 5 M CHICKEN'S), per pair, id MAliRIED. " ' Iu Illooiuslmrs.ini tho 3,1 insl.liy the ltuv. J.W. Lrach er, Vr.A. VV. ('. KLLl.LIl, 1 f Ilrlarcrcck, 11 nil alius aiAUV IIEI'.IIIN'U, of ()rau,'.'villo, Col., r0. l'l, In l.cru ick, "il llie.M ili..t . by tliu II iv. a, P. I.'rnstli. waitf, Vr.W.M. II. ItUCII, late Uruuimer in tho flih I I'a. Erst., mi J aii-n AMELIA I). S3WAXIC, all of r.eiuii.1:. On th-1 H. .t. .nt Mr. nucichorn ,,y i;' v A- "iimr, Mr. n.MANijur, n.anilTnii.l Aim n.MALl.N'i: IlltElBCI.nid, nil of . -;, i-i, s:,i,t t, rdmbMco. In Mill cuani. Wvmnini! co.. on thu S?tli of Xnv ly ttio Il.v J. Knmtdy, Ui:o. I. WALLER and Lout s. ai. rt.itaiA.v. At the s.iin" time ami '.uc, by llio same, L'lIAd. U. IILItRUi! ana LAL'KA U. 1 Lit MAN". DIED. In ISnuniMiurK, of miLiiuiplinn, on Hi.Nilay last, I til'Eri.Ei:, wile of Sam let Btetler, r.jroil 0 iiioullii. and .1 ihy.i. 111 11.1111 me on tnc 1111 111st., JUILV SElIIEItT, a Vwfran of llio Hah ltenenu I!l t , ngeil abuut II jn. (.,,(J ." Iu Jeiir fli.irii, Lycomiui! CO., N'ov.3;th 13C5, Col' E, iid.I 71 years. IKON ( ITY COMM. COLLEGE. AM) N'ATIor. AL TEl.Ellll U'H INSTITUTE, T W. Jis riN.i, ) J. .', 6iin, A, JI l'nuciplaf. Ai lx. i.ovi LtV, ) I"irst ('.lilt's.' Uuildiii;: Corner IV nn and Ht, CI lir.Sts. , H. i. .a I " " udil I'Vllmvi,' liuililiii!;, sih Ht , Thud " " Nus. 3o and 3i St. i.'lair Street, JitmvAH ro' Tilt: wkh: isoimi Dlc. 0, ISCj, J T I'atloii. Ilurthlowu l rawf'irtl Co I'.i. J S Vanvoohm. Mum .ij'I.i City, IV.uh. Co I'.i J II Henry. Il.uutmiu, Crawford Co I'.i J Itt-'ilt-'r Il.traionsb ir'4, Crawlurd Co l'l W aiaiisnun, Jaui.'.-i.iwii, lein rcn i'a1 J rl .Mullen Dun louse linr Allojjluiiy Co i'aj ri H (ilai.s, Iti iniii;'tiiu .' " A 1) Honk, IIook iMons'iurs, Liwrance, ro Pa T J Old, i!in khorn, Col eo I'.t I) II I'alliuiin, .N 01 tli Jiiiksoii, Mahoning Co O A ri Kin?. L'niiv, I'ol en O X I'liriiun, ("iiMoi'tlie. li isscoO i) iti w'liiiviv i n , ji trco o W .1 iLliuoro. Vilkin.bura. Allegheny co l',i '1' V I liii.T.iii'iiiuiii. " ' ' J 11 Lot hurt, .'.baron, .Merrercii Pa 'i llCr.iy, Yo'imjftuii, iMalionhi!; coO 1 A . ill. is til.i i p u slid rir 1'U'iiti co I'a I' O I'owell Elii'iuliurr. Canibra eo i'a E It Clint., Mjin lie.ter Allogheiiyco I'a !' c'siiib r. Alb ,'liei.v city, I'a 1' 11 '1 uli E. 1 ai riiilil i;,, (-o 0 J I! lioniii lly. Weley, Veil ingo Co ti IV CMiields, KeHt lud eo I'a J N I',, i s, A. la, to I'a J W sluiv, uil City, Veuagu co Ta' l'or term and Inforuiatiuu concerning theCnlloga. Alldreaa, J:n:iins, Smm St I.'du i.i.v; Ujc. 10, ISCj, I'lttsburt'. ADMINISTKATOU'S NOTICE. EUalc ff Elhis Dktledch, do: it, J KI'TISHS of Adiiiiriistraiinii on the fi J Eslnio ot Lum DicT'ii'iin u. late nf Mimtoir I towiislnp. I'oliiuilna eon my, tleci used, have been ginu led by Hie I'.eilisler of Coliiluln l county to the llll.l.'r- i ufni" ii"e..iiunt am reqinT-1 tu pr.'.nt ih.mii. ui' oiit tli'l.iy, and all pereuu iiid.bud to ni.iku furlhwilh. JOHN G. QUICK, Adminisliutar. Djc 3, 1SC.1.--CW $j w EXliCUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob H't'imfr, deceased, W vUeva Tcstainontary on the estate of ' Jacob Weiincr, lato of t'lshmscretk lowinhip. Columbia county dece ied, hive bemi gmntuil b) thn , ll'L-iter of Wills fcr.. in the undernaued ri'xliliu; in 1 persona iiavius ai-ainsi the estate of the decLiient. nrc r- d lo present theiil tota-i iiveeutur witiiom ,i '!.,. uiduiipinunaindeut' ,u ,,,, '' i 1 mil l ni iWl.'.r.l, V.rmitnr. "v - 1 nov.-j. km.--.5 For Sale, , A Farm at Fnvatc Sale. npko undersigned offers to Fell ut private sale, a I'AltM AMI . M'A I'l'iN. nw ii , coutaiiuiii; , Suventy-Thrco Acres of Land, When-ou is erccmu u Buou I FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, , alarun I'lmuo llaukllnni, and suitable out-building I, llinr Willi aeOO.l '"S11"" LARGE ORCHARD, &o. ' . r further of the subscriber, at n.,i.i,.,,.t iiiil uu itio man. ruad. J. II. STECRER. Nov, lrl, lSftj-3ino S3 PHOTOGRAPHE , Skylight Piotiu-o Gallery. IX Till EXCIIANUI' 11LOCK, RLOOMSRURG, PA. !f.i.ii,ltri Ift5 )' y - cwn LOOK HERE rpUM Very Mattering Sitnpnrt, hereto I forf given t the Intr llrm i.f IAMI;3 H. Jit. NIXCH tt in imliicpa Ilia uinluf r lapcd tu inter up on the tiimlnCFfl of M E It V 11 A N DIKING I'1""' "'"",'PM ,,nt ;ioy iiimi, Tim credit ,y,wm bee. .n inj,.,, iM., ;.;. -."nic'rc JAXli ft) W. illcftBiV.'M 1 111) I thercluro j-; THE MOST COMPLETE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF 11W fiOOBS , Ever offered in this County j consist- ii)g of every variety and quality of btanlo and Qrocorlos, Quoousware, Hard ware, and all sorts of nrtiolcs kept in a country Storu ; in Im koM . toariii Wm AS3J, or in exohango for lA'h'Jk ilCtWUS' Oft.JIOSStTtiii ' nn i , i i . v- -", , iuu wiioio ousiucsi to tie coiioucieu ou ttin 'jstQiii nf pny m you g.i ; ttinl nt cluaiior ratus niiy nlhi-r liouri! ltr Call mill J11J30 for youraclvci. J. S. MoNINClI. Nnv. 11, 130.1. mV CLOTH JNfi 2 FRESH A llll IV A L OP Fa!! and Winter ll-llfW1 tSM'ltlWl -I'OIl- EVERY BODY- III! ii'id.'rsliriK'il, crati'ful for p.Tt i.ilrniins, ti'spec ' 3 lull) infiirius IiImiiiiiui r nml Hi.-piililn ?ini.rally JI1.1I In' lia. i-t ri'ri ivea inuii tlu E.nlern titles, Km I rc.t uml mum rulrrt Hlmk of , Y. Atttit. iW13 'WHf ' 'I'll. 11 lin. ...I l,i 1. 11 mif.lii.,1 lit l'.l,,ii,,icl,,,r., tn .., I .., . I.b liiMi'Mth.' .iHi'iitinn of liis friends, and .isnurca llieiu tlmv uri' nib roil for alo at uro-it baiiiaius. His htuiL c.iinpi ios 11 lariiu aiituit'iit nt (il.NTL!'.ME'ri WEAKIM! Al'I'AI'.EL. CiiiKi-tui'; 111 f.-uuiN vol 1: l)iuCoiy, ol ovory des riiptnin; imiti, V. Stints, 1'iaviH itncki, Cultuli iiuiidkcrcliii,f, (,'Uives, tiusin'iiilors, ice. tidid Watches and Jewelry; of every di'scrlptim, (in.' and eii'Mp. N'. Il. lteini'iiilu.r " Lvtrcnlter's Cheap r.mporiumS call and fee. N'n charge fur ct.nniiii! Condi.. uaviii LowE.vnnrtu, llioniifhjrs N'ov, Irt, (June li-j'J ) FIIES1I J1RR1VAL or 'Fail a nd Win tor Miller's Store mim nuhrilier Unt iut relumed from Ilia Cities Jl w Mth cnothi'r hir'e mid select asoninel of FALL AND WINtEtt GOODS purchased at I'liil.iilelplila, at tho Imrctt lisuro, and w hit !l thoy ale di teruillu'tl Hi sell nil as luoui-rau tr-rui as can b prorured elsewhere in llloouisburg. tli stork iiiniprl-es i.jiuu:v DHKf-ss noons, of elude, nt rtlei:nnd latrit fae'iioTi. DUY Ghl. iXI) tlliUCKlllKS, II illlHV ItIK liLrr.l..Y-ir.iHi:, cr.i'jiit ir.iiu:. luii.i.nw ir.ME IltO.. .V.lll. .'lOV Sf SJiOI.8 1I.1TS if V.IVS Zt , ifc. tfc, In ..hurt oiorjihiniii-inlly kept In rouutry Stores tnwhi'h ho muio the pulille generally. '1 he IlLjhestprue ii.iut lor ouuiry prodm e. S. 11. MILLEIv. I!l ci.iriislm rt. Nov. 3.5, Ic'03. V5TILL be enpo'ed t sale, by P ' Voodoo, i,t i!ii- Iloti-I of ihe uiidcr-igticd. Plll.lie in the village n -ii-i.ivire, 1,0111. nuia coiuu. ou Fi'luy'l Dai of Dtamber, ISO.1, The lolluwiiig deserili id valuabln personal property, luutely ; TWO MATCH GIi AY HORSES, New top Ijugy, 1 fancy fet Uuggy liar uess, I single set Uuggy Harness, 1 double ant Trm'k Ilamess, ono Spring Wagon, 1 Sleigh, Two cxira double-bar-- rel Shot Ciuu-t and 1 Smoth-bore Rifle. ONE COOKING STOVE j Ono Par-Room Stove, and one Parlor fitovo, - Four Fat Hogs, Two Inrso Meat Stands, a lot of Lard C lis, and a lot of five and ten gallon Kegs. EIGHT REDS AND REDDING, New Carpet, one extension Table, other T.iMi'S, Stands and lulu, tw o doen Chairs, one Desk, FOUR CLOCKS, n lot of Dishes, several Looking-glasses, tngi-ther Willi Ins eulire slnrk uf houi held and kikhcu furniture, too iiuinnruii'. to iiit-ntinu. iralu In ct.iuiuenei! at IU A ai.. of raid day, when aii iidauce will be glvtii and londiliuns iiiatle known by JOHN A. SnilMAN. .Mninvill'j, Nov. 'Uj-t-t J. IC . llyer. Aucti'JiitK'r or VaSuabie Heal Estate. rMio undorsiancd, "ill offer for salo, by l'ublir Yeuduo, uu the premises, on MONDY, THE ld l'H OF DEC. I The following djscribud Valuable Ileal r.nlatu, ton Mttilij uf A Farm and Plantation, Situate iii I'lthiiijereek township Culmnuie rouuty ,'u., ciiuliiiuiiij .il.uiit K. fi 4 f 1 (T V7& ! O j) il EXi Elli 3 ' . .ii,.,,., n. I....I .l I'.rtu Aetna nrullicllil improved nun in a Ingii tiatu ot cultivation, the bal niiL.- is t 1 Uiubi-r la. i I 2 EiASBi iVESAME fiSWfS I and a hank r.min, with all the re-iuiaiu oat-b liUiujs, are erected upon ! lld premis.-a. TWO GOOD ORCHARDS, . nxp( ,,,,, ,u,Ill(,w ., jiltin; alll U-L,t r never liilm. water, near .lei dwelling-. Also.,, Soed fCi' & , m&&$m w uh a tiinerior tile for the crei tiuu of a Hrul Mill, locale, I aloiij- llio iiiiuii ltoa I and l-'l.binjcri.ok. isaid property will be divided inM FOUR FARMS, or sold together as may licit suit the parch iaor. trJ- fala lo coumii'iicu at 10 u'clock. A. 51., on said day, when atloiuluiico will be aneit and made known by ESTHER STOKER. Nov. IS. lcXS-ts. WRAPPING AND MINING PA- I'l'lt Olivine thnrouchlv nvrrhaiiled my I'a ..r .Mil u a t .1 1 1 1 1 G roi e . nea r 111 n oin a b ii r J CoHuubi.t or - s , Z W-.ter 'roof ra er, fleeL 1 have . i.ened il vVa a.r.iupi oin l.'d'j 'ouiilv. I'a.. 1 inn now- Wrnniunu. Hry lll iitin tlior l iioliiu and lair nri i,. in IV ilk Haire. and almoin led Joseph u ihe Iii in ol llrown.aruy At u., my agent loditpotu ol.ny wenn t.ur.crne M0MA8 Tfu.Nt,, ' Bloomiburg Sept. 10 Iff s - igitii''U''atr 0 11 E A T BALM op "Watches and Jewelry. $1,000,000 Worth To m: ntsi'osci) op AT ON E D 0 Ti r. A 11 E A 0 II 1 1 Without regard l vnltio 1 1 Not to hi paid for until jeu hiiu.v wuui you nre to rvctnu 1 1 I -fl. II HQ II' UN CO., (Atcnls fnt tko MAnufaciircr ) No, 3li Uetkuian Street, Now York. E7 llonJ llio r.II'iwln I . i t nf ArtlrlP to bo ol,l oMi dui.lmi LAuii 1 lCndolit IIiiiiIIiik Cnru W.iltlicr, inch .JIM O'l 10(1 llnlil Wnlrlivii. vnrlina sivlca 7.1 (ill Sun Lrulli H11I1I Wntlhci, ,1(1,-111 &10 fiU.r ondi on to 4ii no l.tli.ri r.ti-ifaiit silVf-r i1rilfrt cnlor nliiii.ta Sll Ml In '.Ml Ml ,'t'H,Ju K'Si,0 IU' '"". V,',!V'.f " r"fk". i.i iu to li.. nil H OH tr 1.1 IK) 8 00 til 1.1 III) ".I.IIU (l..,lit. ciiBnui.l. 40IIII1 K ill) :i,lnM.lllr..,rr.Hil.; .4n.,n, SIMM NIHI :i..'linH,lM nrsiilt Hii.riim, 3 Ml In .1 ou .1.51111 .iikhi UIium, ' UJ tn 0 .W B,ouu.iilr m' I'. Unr Urni9, (nnsnrl. I'd cnlnri. ) 5 01 In 8 nil n.auo f ! of Iri.ll.'n J.nv t-lry , Im'tinn lvnry 50!Jlu SOI) S.OOO (inia I. "i Ii' nn nun, I,uili Ii Mr,-, in rl t-t. 1 in I tut Ion 1 mlli' wnttli 10 00 , lU.ooli l. iilin' ll.iiR c.jiiiUm, rich una mil vii' iiaiti re. SOilloMOU I.I'ja Hell llurkle. Unlil. Jot, mid Vtilrarlti!, .100 to 1.5(10 f. oiii) laiiKt lvli! Vctt It NVrk I'liulna, .1 on tn '.'11 nil ,1 .Vll C ull' L.lllfniul i Dl.iniuiiil 1'Iik. ' Ami tu '.'il oil 4""lLiilir.riil,iln.inion.l liar liru.. Souluiuuu a.omlliiii.tiiw una lliiitniulea llovolv iim I'lun. suutoiuoa S.UiiO 1 ulilnriil 1 II iiinniiit ti Enameled (Ii'iit's tk'iirl l i 11 - uim to in no 3 00 to In 01) '.'.n) MiiKonir ,111a Emlilem 1'im, S.uUUllnlil II11111I llrucc lota, cugrnvul nml pi.ilu, 3,0110 Jet nml .Mo.nic Ilrivicho 3, CO J C.niieo llrouchci, riih p.mcnu, rry t.isly, 3.01)0 ( or il Ear Drnpa. '.',100 La Hi's' I hnlLliiiuoOhaiiu nnd liiiard Chain, r, 0011 1 i "lit I'lim 11 upli-nilld ni'nient a O'JUHulitiiire tfkeve nuttuuj, unllruly ni'w mvli', LliOl Mii,H and tUeiro llultnns. in i ll. ry rich S.OuO r'lfi vit in, plain, uuuniuL'd and i iicriivi'il, 10. coa ul, nn mi, I ii.iiidsointly ciizraviil a 00 to 20 00 a on to 10 ou SUUtilSOUO 1 ua tu c ou BOO tu 1J0I) '.' IU lu 10 iu 3 00 to 10 OU 3 on to 10 00 s 00 to a on llinsi, 3 .10 tn 100:1 f .(Hill liiekLi-.aimlile tnre.rlclily rntrari'il 3uil to IU 00 lS.noii , - of Jewelry, new and l.iliMt t)le rt no to 13 0 ) .1.1'Ui) lunafMUPSenl HIliiM, MODti) H 00 '.'.Oiiii iif llimihii StuiH, .".11 I.i OHO I 11, 11 c.1.4 I...,,. ....I.J 'linn I, ,,I,Im.. I ". ... a 11,1 3 01,11 ?i in.t Onia Tvn fc Ear Drop J, 0 j tu 1000 3 OUIKiuhi Tliliulili,'VnnU, d imtn lino lu,n,iu ui.a ikmh Ji h uiilsu.n,' ilur cart, .1 no in n Iii,i.,l " " Illinuy Ikl tin, 3 00 to li no 11" 'I'll.' incllind of iIIkiiixIiiu of tlrj-.o CoJiia at OIJE 1 J 1 1 1 . 1 . A : t ...i , H I. a l'iiil,i4 i.'t riilk' iti i. ii.iiului; . iicli nitl In and IU value, an' in . au'il 1 iiM'.npLS i,na will nnxi'd. Om of tin tf uiivil.i,i..ri ill liu 'jut by mall to any n.Ulre'i ou reci itt nl 3.1 t .int.. ii 1 iii. rri:.'ipt 01 1110 1 riiu&ita you win ni'i- unit '"'' Jtu t"H-u Ui II ive, tlii 11 il u at jmir nplinii tu sonil llii! 0011 ir .mil take tho nrln to or not. I'iiiiIia- I ers may tii.H olii Ou u (ioWl W.iluh, ill.iinoii I liliu, or liny sit ol Ji'iielrv ou our I ss t roriino Hollar, an. I in uotji'c.iu tli v tli.'.j th.inDiii) Dollar', w'ortli, iih ili'To are no Hunk. The piice of Ortiflf ates m a? iliillmv f :- ( ini lor 3.i cents; llw for l 1 1 levi n fur SI, thirty for ii; Mily live fur Ten Dollars: ulie hamlreii for 1.1, dlttiiliulinii Is iniidiicteil fairly, and all an er, tli, nice ol olil.illiin; llio vuluniilo iri."s by pur. j 1 ha. in!; lh 1 Ceri incite. W'n irautu.i entire satu Idl'llOll 1,1 a I , .Mi- . i Aiii'tils w am j I 1 ) who. 11 vu atf ir fpeeial t"rni and prei.iluiiH. riv'inl -.3 CLiits lur one L'Tiinciiu anil our uruiliir wua teui.s rtiiiiinsn. A. II. llUiVl.N'&CO. T, t). llos I-ie, New Vork. Oct. Ii ln5 Dr. TAlbott's Fills. (AN'M-OYtfrnrK?) C'orJpos!il nf hulily Ci, -J Hst rails fmm HOOTS AND. HEUHS Of the sriati'it i.iodieiunl value, prepare-l from the riiilnal piu'crlpilnu of llln ran lirnli il Dr. Talliolt u iifi-u nj uim witn reieiuaaiiie toiccies tor twttii) CJ"'' ' "J:r "' " uirii;.i:s ur Tin: uvnit, or tiny tic r. 11511110 nt u( THE DIGESTIVE OUGANS. 'J'hry euro Dinrt I.or'a, Dyspciai Scrof iila, J:.unilicc,.iIiouDt'ssLivfr (Joinplait,!. Th: wi'll-l nuwii Dr Alotl ay nf tin"' 1'ilU "I hue H-tf'l tiii' f.iri.ntl'i ifitu whidi ''ir IMu nri inmlt'. in i.iy fur n.r i jimtp, llny liiv-tli fiiifl ti' ' 'I'm. 1 llii- id' i lhut--tiv(j Cr 1111 liny iii"!t. In. in l!i wnrii', Mtil itri tin n.oH fu-rltMl I'nraath ( li.irvr yit nimlo Uy anj ..fitly. TJii y .ir' -ut" j tin I 0'ijt-t.iL in t.iUo. I nt ii.)VcUnl tu niru'. 'PlH-ir i"iit tiutiiM prnpjtt hi siiinMhil.' tin' vi tulu 11 ifrf ot' thn In. t lemnvti t In n!j-tiiuniH ot it k nru.ui?. p-irM'y tli ; iii.l vn 11 iiijf:i3u. 'I li ' iiiiririi out tlif Itnil liniu'ir i whit h bp aii-l critw l 1 tfiiiiH'r. stiiiUtJiitu riluaulM.r Ci?onltTfl oryaittf Into tlifir ii'iliiMi ;irii'tti, ami imiivi a ncauiiy unu wmi ctrfimili I 1 llln ht)l'' ftrm. S 't mly ilo uy t up' tin 1 wry tl.iy 1 niMl.iii.ts cf pv ryfin.ty, t.uL iln lor ihnitiblu ii ltd tlaiitTu'if lis.'fi'-r s,i.ii'l iit'in:' ruit'lj vi'L'- t t.tlilti hit fit u irm:i any ri-k r luirm Xo htpihi ho U.iH "nee tmi'ii tn-'.-i riiij v nu'Vi nu w iir.'i.u ni"in. Tliey iri'UK' (uiro idnntt uml rciwu'u till iiiijiiiriUc.t fri.ia il;.' jiyti' in. h iaj ary ii nntitiv: euro lir KEVE -:S. HlCADAOllE. PILES.MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EDITARY HUMORS. DOE-I'or adult... one IMl in the uinrning ; fir clul dred umkr .- ji ara, lulf a Till. C f Price One Dollar per Roj:. 'i'rado -upplii'd, or .eut by Mail, post paid, to any put, of tliu United Slates or Caiiadas 011 reeoipt of price. None Genuine with out tbo I'ar.-iiuito ti.-iiature of V. Mott Taibott, M. 1) V. MOTT TALROTY &, Co., Nn 02 1miIu.ii St,, New York Miy 37. HI1.1 -ly Ts a ac "k7"st a ufferT" '' W 'UK?- W Vi, V 7" f, i 1' No. 110 North Si'eond St., cor. of Quarry P 11 I L A D E L P II I An assoitiacnl of Watches. Jewelry, Hilvcr and riatea W.iro constantly on hand. Hi- Ilt pairil!0' ot Watched and Jewelry promptly at tendi d to. January I, Ici.j. ly. New Good: f '!Pho ,ttb-eriber has moved to tho second Hours below I I.i rt iiiaii' d . and jusl received a new slock ol Zeplnrs, d'ttoii and Woolen Yarns, CorecH, I.aees, Euibroiueriea, jMtis lin", Edgtdiiig-i, Drees Trim nii iijis, &o . &c., which all aro united to call an 1 examine. A. I), WKUll. SollD.ll 15)i)l:i, Ilyillll Ronk-I, Rlbles, Sunday rii hunl II inka and n vari. ly of other Hooky, illiiiks A iron nt Hooks, lie iuu ran -I ii in IIolIis, mul Hia lies lor l-i'j, lilanl; Dee Is and Mnri-jajes, and an us-urtuit-ul of Paper and Ciivilipes, iv-., tel., to bo luund ut Ihe Ni-w llcok rilore, rcoud Door below tlnrtinaii's Rluru, liloaaiibnt;'. A, D, wniui, ninoinsl ur, Oct. 7, lt-'u.j. E tT?LL aa lis ci Y M 5i N T " I'olt Ri ltinuil rfiil'.iters atitl All Others. AGENTS WANTED. Great Stde of Jcynlnj and Sdvencare. The Arrandalo Great Gift Distribution. Oar A'-'ents aro making from I'ivu tn Thlity Dollars per t!ii H-id v.u till n -ed inoi t Lam invoices Irui.i i:uropj hii.-u swi lied our tioeli in over nun Million Dullnrs. A splendid assortment ol Uutches, Itiuss, Lailn-t' and iliitl'tuni'ii's Jewelry of all l.imN, ol'llie mott liiKhloiintila i uterus, selliui; at ,-$1 Liich. Men, I 33 cents for a ci rtilUul'i au.l yuu will tuu what vour nrt-entitled In; in , si lor HVo ceitilicaie., or $3 for thirty, or si. li I u U tent tlainp fur nur li-rins tu A'.'ents w huh arc ufihu mud liberal kind. Nuiv is you. lime I AlinXDAI.i: k CO. Xo. H'i7 lliniiitwiy, X.rv Yoik. N'ov. 4, UI3-SU 3m II. E, S. New Barber Shop. , llTI, , i ,r ,i e ifMlE nndci$l.'ll((l respectfully IlilorniS ll the i-ituens ur eioomruurs am tno public gener ally, lhat he has ..p.-nt-d a TUy-V EAROEli SlIOP J-1"'' JAiliUVi. UllUt , ... .., ,i. , ., o ,Cou'1 1 PU' Al "y " '" "?l ,l0"' l ," ?Pe , f '" i u ''nlun'ln.i Huuoi rat, where he i. prepared lu du nea ' "vim: uud I'a.luunable Hair Cuiiiuu, with uro and . . . U" dive liini a cull and seo the .tiles. JOSEPH WASHINGTON. I'lt-umtums, Oft Ifti Excitement IN -4 A 9 AT ENT'S STORE! On Account of llic New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods , . , , , . T J AS just reoeivoil from tbo cnslorn 1 1 C'lllcs tint if now npunlng at llio old etniul a Milcmllil arsurlinout of , , 'fVfTlTtT O A ATfcO 10 M 1 Af Vr. 8? VyiWi,s tft w rA m ffl Yf A ii it . , ,.1..-- ..... ' "'Uliiins in cvi'M ii"' Kgiuuruii i.cj.1 111 ncnnuiry "etc, W llltll Will l,U ."in ( ItCvpCt tlKlH tflC Uimpcst. . , , , , L'nll nml eo iiml juilgo for yourselves. h atccKcniialatauf LuJIi'S Dress (luoiI cholcoitilylot uml Lttf.t latliloin . I joft. "'") xuixsuim, Ginghams, Plauucls, Carpets, ShawW, Hosiery, Kilka, READY MADE CLOTHING. CaH.imorca, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeaus, Thread, &o. Queenswiiro, Cedarwarc, Ilardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paiuts, &o 1500TS, SHOES. HATS '& OAI'S.&o The pntrounie of ohl frlrinN, and the public genera, ly. i iepiTtfully moiciteil, Thu hL'liest niurkil pi u.e paid foreountiy pruducii PETE 11 ENT. Light Stri'ct. Oct. 7, lr(S3. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Uannfucturcis of Photographic Tdatcriala, WHULL.ll. All ktT.lL, 601 BPwOADWAY, N. Y. In I I'llon loo.r muln Us.n.. i-l I HilllHIRAI'IIK. TLIU M.S. wnri. bi.l i niuc lur the li.lluwins. via. Stereoscope:) and Stereoscopic Views. 01 tbcii i I n tin onii uii,h iuw,riii,riil, IncluJuiK VIEVS OF THE WAB, Oltn'.nr I at ureal .n, titut r,rni,nn rr,mr.l.t. riioToniiAi'iuo iimuttv urTiiKiiitKAT c.Miis coMtnr Eull Euu, Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Traia3. Gottysburgh, Hauovcr Junction. Fair Oaks, Icokeat 7Jountain, f.ava?e 3tation, Cliickahnminy, FredericlisbarBb, City Voint, 1'niriax, Nr.ilivillo, r.ichiaond, PctorsburgU, Jleop Bottom, Sollo Plain, Monitors, Chattanoo;a, Fort Morgan, Atlanta, Charlostcc, Mobile, Florida, Strawberry Plains, &c. .'c. American nn,l Forelirn eUlen mul Lnml,cii4., Gnp., StAta ry, Ai-., Ac A1m, Ktoohuii; Mere.,.,im, f,. j.ulillc or r-rltful ,l,llioi-B UarCftUU-fuenlll leteut lot,iiy tullr..bii! I b.tuis rhotofyrapliic Albumn, V were the hrt.1 ti tiitrHlu(.n IhfM Intnlhi UutUl St.lM 4 v,e iuniiiif,irtnr liniiifnuu .luimtllV in vrmil rie.r, raur lit In l-riif fmiii ii m in o ir A I hL''.l liir r-i j till n nf I rliitf m t iljr in I -rutr mul tn ny othjr. Ilii'j will Ut viit t)v nml I, I KKtoit ictplpt nt I'rlet) S-n.sE liium- ivna tu oiiiK:t..j Tlia 'Xiado will And our Albums tao cioat Bfilcable thoy can bay. Cilt.') l'llOroUKAlMlS. (lar C'lofU rjiiw ttmltitt'-m ni'f KlTt TllHtaD dlrTrrrmt r.iiirti 0" h a'l Hi-'" it fttituml v liin ui.i4J cf ain r'iirl,a'i,Vi , ut n MltJ-litlll. 1 ' ' l.!Ul fllrj OStHlrtamei, liKi 1ji X " " ,,,ltr 1 ' ' ,r't 1-" In vine, 21. Col "int., 15 Nitty Uilimr, AatU ra, 4J ArtuU- 1. rV'i.'''. S" I'ruTinuent Wctntb. fi.iit'ii tuiilii oi w iirkt ul Art, JrtU rproUa.i'ai vt lit inott cekbratM, ruinthip., Mnie. tie. Cul ') bii rs.i t ol Suimix An nr ir tor Ono V'ttn I'iIju ftoti m r CiiLiloinir). wlil t f.llel - ii t-it cf tli". au.l nt by m-sil, knr. fhtiti CLiLrim aal uibort iifilcra if eondi C. ii 1). 1 ta rtm't tWftil) h VifitLl. of IL i.-iLnt with llnir viAir, ta i lit IT.Cll 4Uj lUl.Utjf ,t VU gOvlJ) CM3vt till W MtU Oct ; i,-iii,- Gold 1865, 13GG, 1867, Silver. i to T I f r I t i 9 , v 'o y ; ; A.r e e veS . Two Dollars ! ! Manufacturers' .Agento!! OUR NEW MODE. Ono of our GOLD or SILVER Watch es, or Silver Tea Sets (or as helow staled. One of nur tea st-ts or one plaro of our Col I or Sil- I ver-waro is worth n liu.hel ol'ihii cheap dollar Jewerly i We have adopted the following mo le of 153 i s i v i h is 5 i o ei , by tale cf 73,000 articles of value I OUR NEW" MODE ! ! The articles of Roods are numbered from olio up to 73(10111 :i7..'ni(l eon.ltliiiK of I'niiiiK, Slelodeons, Hnld and r'llver Watches, few ins Jlachiiies.Tt-a and Tablo ?lJ71: TJZti Jiwel), Wmk and Toilei l'n.' l'holoar.i'll Albums Dpenfaectfilver U'atiher.and f.inev artiees iu van -ty. 73 HO.) nolhes iiumh.-reij fruoi one to 7.;, Great are iiri.ii.-u aoo o.. iiiw .riimti to c.uowa u,... - ... ... k mi Veil , and otic uf i lit 6e is taken out ami sent to tliu i our diltercnl stjles, loaelhcr Willi prices. .No one person sendinn to us 33 cents toenver npi use of iutt- I btiiu!.l uiri liaso u pi.-iun wnho'i. seeluir this Cafi aje, corre.poudenee He., au.l the ariitle of I r.ledisl alniu.t witlmal number, have been oi rr spoiiilini! Willi lliu number on the noiice will be ' tent to th-' holder orihot.imo immediately (if ho de- award.d lu thu (Iruvetteen I'lmo, Uu Celebiated tires to purchase the atln-b'.) on thn reniiit oftwn i World's air, lltuiijih put iu luinpeliliou with ushers t'oV'.M'be.llfoV " l"C 'J' " 73UJU arti-les. l'.ill ItltOADWW, T.LW OHIv. !L?- "Alter recflvinit nil arlii.l.-,ir It docs not pie July 3.1, lf-3-) . II. II. a. i Co. yo,i nu can rctur.i il, and jour inoii. y CHIALL Ill, llll l'l. l.M.ll." Twenty live rents must be jent to pay expenses of'e. eorrespuiideiire. etc. ou one iu lue llell.elulier, lll.ll till never illltlie col re-ioio.i no , Au.lilis for our luteri-.tto deal fairly, ami send uui j our line aitules, u it give- i-ualUuliLu U the public, and llieicby increases oir tales, Try Our New Mode ! ! l'pnn rereipt of 33 tcnis, which pavs for cnrretpuii deuce, ti'-laee, A:e . we t' ml nne notiee. I pun rcuipl nfjl win. ii pays lor corrcsponilruti', pott i'o, eVe ,we, ild ti . ll-itle s. Cpoii Itcicipt of li. who Ii ia)sfor corresp.iiidence, pntl.-i2o. Ate., wo si-nil 4(1 nutii-iis, uu I u line present vului il ntn i less than $13, ua sainplu of our gumls. Upon ieceiit ofijls. winch nays lor lorrespun.leiien, liottiL' .He we will tend 130 notices, uud aul.ll) rjlLYHIt IV VTC1I, hy return null- AOUXTd WANl'HD. Sciid for our circular I Agents allowed a large cash commission, by which ihey can uiako $"20 weekly. Address plainly, HEED k 1JROTHEU, Palesrnoui. H"X. SI S'. ai Liberty t. New York. (Jet. il, lS05.-3ui. Tobacco AVI) ' 11 At UT. XO 8e JO i ' At Stroup a Old Stand, on Main Sited fjllio undersigned liavinir opend tbo Store ti r,irin.-rly uieiipi-u u iniiucer, ,iil furnished n with a large uud varied us.i'rimenl - otescLiicui . . . TOiiACCO AND CIGARS. .nostre.pectl'ully.HV.te.llie patronagt. of the j,i ua of llioom burgiind vicinlly . H" prepared lo .Ul at whule.ale nnd mail, upon re'a.onable tern, M1(.,,a, Uuwl keep, c , clv0 ,, r!, iti" All kinds of I hew era, nml (Iroccrymcn, would ilt liiwins and Hiuokinc Tobarro, in lame nml small luuiitie., coiidaiitly uu hand tiij II U, IIUSii!l)I.RUKC riioniburs fei'i 15. 16 emnj SPECIAL N0TICE3. KEUEL C0LO11N DESTKOYED H When nature or timA linn planted on ths hatnan lifK'l iifli folorn an tflicl njalnm ovory Uca of conic. Unci, roplar.r thrni with tlioc glortoui nml otqiiiilta black and brown tlngcn everywhere deeiued tiio Stanifarila of Bcautii which are prn.liieed in f,vc mlnulet, wlilioul Injuring theniiicii or ntnining tliu trnlp, by Ohristadoro's Hair Dyo. aiBniifnctumd by J, ClirUt.nlorn, Kn.O Attar If oiiao NewYnk, Sold by ttrucelat. ApplicJ by till Hair Drcfrrj. Dec, II, 'Co lltl lilt TOIIIAS' VENETIAN LINIMEN I', A cure for I'nini in Lluilm mid back, Hire throat, croup, ihemiutuni, colic, Ate. A perfect family inndi. cine, and never fall.. Itcml I Head 1 1 lioad 1 I I LIVONIA, WAYXECo, , June 1(1, 'S3. 1'l,l la ... nd.,. ... ,. , f. ,t, ... I . t. I to certify that my wife was taken with (luiiicuy, fore Threat , il commenced tu an ell, nnd i wan nrnore that lio could not w nllow, mid couched violently. I u.ed Ji.ur L.nlnient. nnd made u perfect cure In mm week, I llrnily believe that but for tho Llnlincnt alio would have lott her Ufa J. II HAKLAX, Prlco 40 & Ml cents, Hold by all drusslatt. Ulllce SijCorll.iutlt HI , N'ew York, Dec. (I, 'tu-lm ALLcciciCd I'oitourt i'i.ari:iiM-A iiruintiit auld the other day, you havu uu ncud tn ndverliin 1 ' your i 10 s f'tiWt, in. tiory lo.s f'tistau, in. nory cue told crtaliily cnuaea u dozen tu bj Bold, nnd 11 do.en .elU n Rrnu nnd o ou. You will in t lie oMq In tupply the demand soon, Hut we inn supply a lli oiiniiid yard n diy. A r i'Lctiun up tiii: himni; luiilu. ' llnttford, Conn., Nov. II , 1SCI. .Mcitiri. Thus. Allcock At Co I'len'e .end with din puuh. tweive iloi-u Alltnck'-i t'orotia I'lacteri. Our lally experience rniitlrui" their viry superior exeel lence. Allhisiuiiini-iitfivritiiiii.u man ii,illes fur oil who, by cntu-uHeuicMil in tlni nhufi ui-ii hiuery.nad f.ntli Ills lefii bn-ki-n, ttpitie severi l injureil and wus nearly n year entirely In Iplen Tins found r. -lief very noon b Ihe npplieaUntt of a lanter lu bis spine lit' ivai Hooii en ililed i work, iintl nou-li' la bors n well as ever, lie would ibiirfully pay for n gliicln r I'l.uter if Ihey rould not he had ul n lower rate. 1 .uu -uiprisi-il Urn MirRueus on not lunhe use ofihesi pi if .rntt'il plnsti i. In Hie oxilusion tf all iitliers. ih Jo ir II -ililltly and sdesiveut-s urn greatly in advaiire of all ohn r pla-lt ri w-ith whli-Ii I iuu .ie una ilm il. w bile Hie n rfiHations peialtar In Hi rt-iidiici iliem greatly sup-rli r tn .ill utii-Ts lr irill mi ry u-es. Kuuw iu Hie t'l.isier-i to hi use. I'ul. I have no scruples Hint my s, iiiitnents thouldbc known. J. W, JOIIV's-uX. .M I). I'rineijial Accncy, I'.ran tlteth Iluuse, Xtw Vork. Sold by nil Dealers in .MedKiu.ii, Dee. 'J. ItWi-iiuu Special Notice. 'fJreat n.iks I'roui .HUM acorns fjroiv." The worst diseases known Itillu h-iuiiu r.'teo spring from e luse sn sin ill as to .iliun-t defy dt'lee'lnn Tli ! volumes of scientilie Iota that (ill the tables an. I shslv's of tliu fraternity only M lu provo and el lii orate Hi .in full. Tli-ii j' ynurs'lvs while yui miy. Tin sin ill ct pl.uple uu (he skin u a CjIM.iIo uu I iulicilor of ili-i-ie. It may 1'iilJ an I dia away from His suificj of tha b ),iy, nut il will reath tin vitiU, perliapi, at l ist, mi l doit!) be tli i r i.ult an i llml I'liw. ,M i niul's llilioi, Dyspeptic -uid Diarrhea l'lIU ourj wlur.) all i.llura fall. While fur liiirus, tiealds, Cmlbliliii. Cuts a 1 1 all abia-iioud of lit ; s tin. .M ijisl' s dilva n in l.illilne. Sold be J. ALu,'iel,41 rultoin Strict, IIuiv York, an 1 all l)ru,' 33 cents par 1ji. Die. il, 'lu-it Ct'lini'. cr alia IIumochat DfAit Sin: With your pLrnilou, I wi-hto say to the readers nf your paper that I w i,l tend, by return in ill, to ell who wirh it, (free) a Iti i eipt, w till full directum." for niakiutf and u-iua a simple Veiitiible Llalni, that will tll'ectually remove, lu ten days. Pimples. Illotihes, Tan, freckles, and all linpuritie of'the Skin, leaving the b.uie suit, clear smuoili ami beautif it. I will uImi mail free tu Hone having (laid llends, or II. ire t'aees, sinipl'i din ciims mid lul'oruiatinn that I will enalile them to stirla full growth of LuMiriau. II air, IVbikers. ur a Muiistaehe, in lo.s than thirty ila-. All applicallous auswrod by return mail without charge. ltespectl'ully yours, TilUrf. 1'. CIIAPMAX, Chemist. tl llroadway, New -York. Oct. 1 1, ltd.;. 3mo, eVO CnstMiTAaivi:s. The tindersii;ui d having been 1 reiunetl tnheiilth iu a tew weeks by n very Uto I pia it ineily, alter having sutfered several yars with a snieie Iiiiii; ad'eclion, and thai dread disease, Con sumption-is au.ious to make known to his fellow- J ill n'..,iir4 I lo. lilfi.llIM or.'ll ro. I Tn iill who de-ire it, h-i will send a copy of the pre scription Hied lice ol Charge, with tho ilirci tious lor prt-piiriii:; and usiiii lliu same, w hieh liny will find a r., i I .... ,..i...... n.,..l,.n. I'nM, L. tlc. .jha ,, uly,.ct ,-;,,,,' , , iendiiii Ihe presciiption is In btinelil the nlllict.-d, and iiilorniuliitiiuhkh ha couci'ivuntnliu invaUiable ... 1 I... t. ... .,.ir,.r .fill fv1 la t It mul no ii'i" ei i j cnHiriLi "in nj "'o i";i" W ,-ost them nothiiis, and may proie.n I'lcs-lng. l'artica wishing the piesi-iipliun.w ill please address Ilcv. HUIVAUD A. WlLt-OX, Willliiiusbnrg. K'n.psCuunty, Oct. 14, 1F05. Snini J Xew-York. THE Mason & Ilainliti Cabinet Or Ji gaiie, forty tlill'eri lit styles, adapted to t.acrctl nnd ! secular music, tor 5-10 t S'lU each. THIllTY.1'1 VE , GiLI)irr!II.Vi:it MHUALrJ, or other tlrt premiums I nwurded llieiu. Illustrated Cal.iloue free,' Addicts, ' MASON A- HAMLIX.Uoaton, orilASOS lIltOTllURS, New York. riept.'.), Itl',3 y. SllC GrOVCSteen PianO FOl'lC ' Abuse, Wenknets. lluilsslons. fexual DIs i t,l reiams its pre.odenee , ,rea. popularity. ' "fJ'V.V. and afier uudcrsoiuj gradual iniproieinents lor a pe- nod pi' ilnily years, is now pronoun ed by Hie musical world tn be unsurinssed au l oven uiietpmlled in rleh- ness, volume and purity of lone, durability and cheap- ' ' scale, l.rencliaciiou, narp peua., iro , frame, uver-striing bass, seven ottain rosewood pi. . 0 llru fCHie cheaper by froni SUM to 5J " ' '" " " b' T' flrtl-clatt nriki rs iu the country. Dialers and nil in waul nf cuod pianos uiu invited to seua for our Ha - ,rl,1hu ontaliwue, whiih contains plioiosuphs of ! ed for Ileuses, laitori. s and niiililln.'s i.rall kinds ', coustrutted cf .Materials Unit havu tloo.I Hie tost uf lifieen yeats, and in.iuuiaciured mi nu entirely (Infer- ent and beiti r plan linn any oilier compilation riiot il s lu uto. Secured by patent. Very durable u ml at lnw price. Circulars au.l sauiplcs sent treu by null, Itr.ADY llOOl'INfi Co. Xo.'7a .M aide Lane, Xew Yotk. Sepe 3d ISl'.'.-l y. Dcafnefis, Blindnesfs &, Catarrh, Trentutl witli the ulino.t surcets by Hr J. l-AACrf Oculist ami Auri.t. (foruiurly of t..- H. n. Il.ll.ti.d, . o,i Hill' ...m,) I'l,,l,l..ll,l., Too Irin.1 ,t, .' ,.,.',..,. .ii,ri., iii iln- I'm- an I L-ujiitiv can bo teen at Ins ollice. The m-dir il fneu'ty nr.- uiviied ti ncrnmpany their p.iiieiits.ns he lia- no toi-ru 10 his nraeuce. AHT1I"ICIAL LY I- r inserted without pain Xn flriru'e in-ntu for t Aumiu.'itiun. July la, 1,-13. I3iu H cca.iKciEs mm 2. JEWELRY AT LOW PRICES! IOU.0U0 Walrhes, Chaiiia, I.ockrli, Uinyu. llracclcts, l-'iltul Jew elrv. Cold I'ena, &i A:c. r,, 1,0,1, .nosed of nt UNU DOLLAIt earh without re. card to vain-, nut lo be paid fur until yuu knuwwbal joii are 111 rectiiMi. r lliu Hold Hunting Case Watches racli S -n t 81 3iiil rill v.- r Wutclius each S.'lto lO.Ouil Huld 1'eiis au.l Silvsr ''use earh o to lo.uot) riitta Ladle.' Jewelry (.asaorted) each a IU And ll large usturliueui ol jewelry in every no. scriplion for ladii s' and geiitf' wear, .afyiug in val lie Inilll Sj ltu e ll. Tile Ultlllii.1 of UlipUilllgOf tin te gnuds nt one Dollar each us Inllows : I'l'lt l'll'H'AI Hr minims uu AUTIi'Lll nml Its,. ,.... .oai!..,i in tiLAI.LD LSVLl.Ol'Lri and will iuied one ol'whnh will be sent by Mail lo iiny i-H dress ou receipt el' I'rice. One Certillcato 'li cruls. 1'iveforiSI '1 hero lire no IILANKH, on iniiit gul Hie A I.Li 1. oi nur 1I0..1V j. uiiiuiais win. jmii.wu lars Trect Address, la' A. J. IIAltrLK & CO. 3.0 llresdwny New York Sir 11. Iffu 3mo SPLENDID BARGAINS I All Buro of ihoir Monoy'u Worth, W. FORSYTH 5t CO. 30 mid 41 Ann Hlrccl, X, Y. (Into 41 and 41 Nauiu tflteel), offer for ante the followlns inngiilileent J.ial of tl'nlclifs, Chains, .Kiwolry, 12 o C3- IJ tCII AU11CI.K O.VlSsrJLI.AIll J& And not to br. paid for till you know what you aro lo gel. SAO OoldA Silver Watchci.from $1100 tntlSO OU each. Lfidl".' Hold Wntfhe, 3J 00 ench, Jin I, mile, ' hd'iitu' Silver watchm. 1 .1.00 each, 5.(100 Vent, N'eck 'i (lunr.l Chainf, $J 09 to 13, ni) ench, ll.ilinl Hold Hand llr.icelete. :i n In HI III) each, (i.noa I'inin Chafil. Wedilln; iluirj 3 20 to i Oil each. 5,U,J) 1'nliroriila Ulaiiioud I'm. and llln;... a Oil lo r. 00 each. 10.000 im Lidlcii' Jewelry. 3M tu 13 00 each. lUMUUoi.l I'eii., Silver .Mounted Holder, -100 to 5 00 each. lOOMHuld l'ena, Silver Cant, and rcntilii. IDDIo (100 each. Togcthrriwilh Itllibo'i Hlitlei. liojoni Hlu.l. Sleera ' "" " 11 ..vlll 1 Ulltll-, IHI K 1 1 H, llTl.tir.ll' I UOl inilll .,,,, l;r llrn,, Uu,,rP. L,,. , n,c .., an I Hluga, Heal lllii!, ec.uf I'm.. Watch Koyi, Alton Viirlelv nf Hilve- War nbracliij tlobb li, CuU, 1' 'il', WXZftfZ tX na tnost faililonUilf iitjlcn. (Vrtilleateri of nil lliu varl- lies Hills 1IV1112 all a fair chauu-. nnd .ent bv mall, ss nr. dtrcdj anil ou Hie riceipt of the crrtilkatij II Is at your option tn send UN'li DDI.I, lt and take the ar tirle iiiiui(d iu it. or not i or any oilier article in our ll.t of final value. CerMRlcato3 and 1'rGtniums. Hiiielo Certillcatc, S.5 cents: five Ccttlilcslo. SI I ..Imiim CI',.n,iltl, a.,.. i. .IK... i.r ...... a-i--. . tn,1 ', ,, ,!i,i i.,.,,,,, .i i... .,: one uuiiareu wnn prcmiuiiioi nnver vv.ucn, s.'ili two hundred with pieuiiuni ol'lioltl Walrh, 61. Certllfi caie uioiiuy eiiLlosed with order, livery Mlcr, from whatever stirii. promptly nusivereil. OnoJs tent by mail, e.irefuliy packed. All nrllcle. not salivfutor) can be return-jil and i'Xcli!i.i2tid,nrlho lin-i.i ri-fiiiidnl If wlhed. Thnusniids nf dollars' worth of U'alcliol sold tu our cuiloiuers durin; tho past year. AO i:Tri waiitt.,1 everywhere. Send 113 cent, for Certilicate und Circular. AtMress, W I'tlllflVTIl .t CO., 3land 41 Ann Mteit, New York. Niiv. 4, 'Gj-Siii. 5iU 8 M.l' Axis. A.J. I'.VOS A. H.MMAR Cloihing Eaiporiutn ! THIS WAY, GENTLEMEN, Finn of Ev,u:s & ilartman I' ATE arrival of Fall & Winter Cloth- I J tint nt tho old st-in.l oIA. J. r.VWrl. nn Main Htitet, liloomtbuiK the best and lateslSlyles and i-'usbit'iis. CLOTHES, CASbAMKUS, .yc, ij-i . ' ,!vciy thing In the (.ontl-m.inn IUe of Clothings Hnvma in our cinpl'ty the wt-ll ami rx,trricut il cuifr, Mr. l1. Ii RtucitAKu, fiiriii rly ot Cidtun. i p rf i ill Jti Kitiiniii'cd.and luur-tcr. hargu at surliiiLiit vt heady ma-lo COATS, PANTS, VEJTS, itc, &o. Alsn-niiassortiuenl ol IIOOTd, the cheapest in tha ninikct. ANo a splendid assortment of Clothes aud Caasamers, fcr sale or tu make to crdcr. EVANS & I1ARTMAN. Hlnotniuurg. Oct.H, 15M. Cliicli ! .ocks ! l clocks 1 ! t THE utidersigiipd raeotfully informs the public generally that he hasupciicd n CLUCK o 7W HLISIWEy T, iu Ihf room miller Hie Oflleo of the Columbia Homo- j r it, iu lllooiii-burg. where he has Just received a largo anil seieri assortmeiii oi . NEW CLOCKS, h.clmtinjf 3ii auj 0 tiny f'lm:k, of ivry btyle "hUfc lit- far mIl on iiio'lVrati; terms. fj" Ktp unmf InckH iluim to order. Thoitt from o tlutuiicu ri'uiru.l inuuuiliutuly. b'JT" AiUvurk u arranluil, ('nil and examine WILLIAM UOtl.M M. OU. 7, VdOS Reeves' Ambrosia 1865. PHILADELPHIA 18G5. WALL PAPERS, liowct.i, &. nouuiii:, ftS.imiiUt'.iut'Ui-M if . I'Al'Llt HANGINGS and wkdow siiAnr.s, North East Corner Fourth ami Markol Streels, Pnil.ADLLrillA. X. B. Alwa. in litore, a 'arte alock or I.I.VCN' and OIL rJHADBa. Sept, 10, liljj-3 rana. Third Edition, fftj Tlioummd, 100 pa ges , cloth covets, RY HURT. F. HELL, M. 1)., A caution addross'jd to youili, the married nnd thoia CONTEMPLATING- MARRIAG E. Sunt by innil, pest paid, ou rcciMpt np THN A cati'tui pfnuril uf thi-i din nil Um mn licfn u ROON TO 'I' II 10 AFFLICTED 1 nnd lias naved ilmuaudn fiom a life of anbury and aa UNTIMELY GRAVE. It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self- .,, iaixcx, t from tulflliiiii! tho OliUG.ll OA 4 OF MRHtAnE, Address, , J. RR VAN, Consulting Phy SlCiarj j, 5()g 44 jr0iUj wav X. y. ,,,- -spti vcty iii !l " y W : P. C. HARRISON , M. D. i ' 1 TT70IJLI) rcspcctfullv inform the citizens of Fdnoma. V burtt.-tnd vjrlnitv . ihat he coiitinuesthe practise of .u.7 jcv.w: Mw: siritnr.uv. And solicits a th ire of public patronajre. Otnt r, ou Mam street, first house beloir the Cour oust', illuoin.-.iiiiri;. I'ebruarj :t, lt-53 If C?.") A)0 YEAR made by any ono O Vhki, jj.z f,i,.,u, Tool'. No expe- r7rnco necets.iry The Prt-tiiluits, Caslui-rs. (iiiil Treiisu.iers of a liana iiulii,-.u lliu circular. Sent freo I with samples. An lilees tho American Stencil Tool I Woork Hpniisfleld, Vermont. ' ort 31, l.-ii.s, S'li. 96-Take-1500-Kotice170. i J J LUJilif. EI'LENBID VintETV Or FANCY fioODiS, UOI.D AND SILVER WAttB. Watches, Jewelry &c. At 09 Na-8'U Strcot. We now i lf, r a tpl -n lid iniicly nf the choiccil anp ho, i i.,,o,l. on ti nu- Hut mutt sun and will suit ev. ry body ; anil if o n -li-llio-:-; not lair and honest. ilii nut i.alr'.i'is us ; aiol il'u ir jouds sr.- net as rep- resented, nticus iuum snu vl will KEre.M. loo THU .mosuat. i COX H IHO S3. Twenty thousand articles of goods are lor sale at two dollars e.ieh oouiinting of PIANOS, PIANOS, MKLODLONS, DIAMOND JEWELUY, HOLD W Vl'CHI'S. SU.Vi:U WATC'IILS. HiHer Warn PHOTOGRAPH A LUU MS, Ami a er ni variety of fancy gniida and Jewelry. 'in,.. to iioudsnrw numliercd from one to twenty thou. taiul, and twenty ilii.u.iiid iiotnei, are numbered ! frutll oua to twenty thousand and put into seuled in- . vcioin anil inorouyuiy i.nxeu, . acu imiuucr corro - 3 , k.ltmu,j wilhtoinu urliile of goods Any person J.i , , c,.,,,. i,,r an oil culured liUulo'r.ieli will H i r,.ctlVL. iH f tli au iiuuees wnlii-acli pliotoraph. inaknij. wh' ru u'l agent senis. live piiuioruius nun leu iioiii-.-s lor uiio dollar, tliu ciirn pliotojraph and IWU liuticvs free to Hie IlKlllt. The nrlli-le nf good, corresponding Willi the uuiuio-r ou the neiire. nn inul Icr what its value, w ill lis sunt uu lite receipt of Two Hoi ais. It'lli i gn.'ls when receivwd du not jive tat. , ' I " i !tfs.cliuu, return tneu. unu wo win renins mo u.un.y, ri. nu Unity cents fur an uil colored I'huijpiaph, U- iious, Comic or i auc), ami iwoiionces. (Jive us one trial uud we know yuu will send a;nu. Addrea. oil uruer. . , KENNEDY & 00., Ilnz aio-i. Nsw York., ov ta S lnio K Davia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers