MiOfj':iM'TOywiwaTO.imijMwiiwyiWjyjjuijwwiviiMw n .r l, . u h u n I u PROTECTION FOIt TREES AND PLANTS. Fruit ami ornameutal trees planted this fall, aw bcncfi.cd by a mound of earth a (out high, thrown up around tlio trunk, Let this o.rth bo brought to the treo from another quirtor, not taken off from tho ex tremities of tho roots,and so exposing thorn ai ia too often dono. Suoh a mound vrill keep ihs troc3 steady itirainst tho wind and protect tho trunks from the inroads of mice Ounlng as these vermin arc, the; don't know enough to ascend a bank of fresh earth in esarch of green fodder, For poar trees, suljcet as they aro to , frozen aap blight, wo would suggest tho additional defenoo of a light board set up ngainst tha iouth sido of tho trunks. A hay-band, wound on loosely, answers a good purpose. Dwarf pears need spcoial oaro ta wiuter, if tho ground continues bare. Their roots need a covering 01 rnanuro or a monad of earth. As to tho oherry trees, do tho best you can, and even then expect some infury and loss in tho northern States. For tho splitting o'thj trunk, so common, tho pro tection rcccoinmcndsd for the poar treo is worthy of trial. Grapo vines not perfectly hardy should bo laid on tho ground and fastened there, and and then covered with litter or a few inohes of soil. Po of tender roses and thrubs ; they may bo bundled ap in straw or covered with matting or evergreen boughs, but they aro rrencrally safa if bent to tho ground and covered with a little earth. , " American Asricultu it IN-AND-IN BREEDING, There is probably no greater folly that tho common stock raisor can lo guilty of than breeding from animah oloso akin. Tho results aro in almost all casc3 unfor tunate, and tend to tho degradation of his stock. This ij true of horses and neat cat tle e&pccially, of sbcep csientially, of swino In a les3 degreo, but still noticeable ; and in tho caso ot fowh and pigeons, tho evil results sro moro quickly seen than in any other classes, perhaps, In-and-in breed-' ing, where most carefully conducted, ha3 produced very favorable results ; but thij was under tha direction of men who gavo the'r lives, with severe, assiduous study of animate and their pointstheir difference:! of constitution and temperament, of form, size, &o. ; and who wero also possessed of an intuition-as to which animals would cross well'. In those herd.?, too, where in-and-in breeding h':s been successfully practiced, it rau'.t bo remembered that the relative number of males and femalr3 npproaehed much nearer a natural stan dard than is ever profitable in economic stock raising. If any ono wishes to see bow quickly ho can run down a 6upeiior flock or herd, let him undertako to imi tato Dakcwell on a email ;ca!c. A met ican A grit uttut hi. HOG COLERA. Tha Petersburg InUUigencer says tho following recipe, now for tho Grst tims made public, may bo replied upon as a specific for the tog colors'. It has been fully tried and tested, on tho hogs of a gtntleman of Amherst, Va. Tho remedy was given in all tho varied stages' of the disease, and uniformly cured in every case. REOirE Reat up an ounce of ssafroti da and add, say, to ono ounce of whiskey or other kinds of spirit?, and give the hog two tabic. poonsful. It produces an imme diate relief, and speedy and permanent cure. Tho effect which thia drench had on the hogs spoken of was to cau.o them to vomit tho most digusting and loath somo mass of matter concoivablo from tho stomach, when a moderato reaction took placo, and tho hogj wero soon ontirely cured'. To WAU'm Ul' OOLD IJEUl'STEAICS. Put a Cno minced onion in a stewpan, add half a dozen cloves and as many pepper oorns.pour on a coffee-cup of boiling water and add three tablespoons butler. Lot it simmer ten minutes. Then cut up the meat in pieces au inch square, and let it in this gravy about fivo mintc?. Three largo tomatoes atewed with tho onion im proves this. CSJ Jones, whilo lately engaged in splitting wood, struch a falso blew, caus ing tho slick to fly up. It struck him on tho jaw and kuccked out a front tooth. ''Ah," Eaid Rill, meeting him soon after, "you havo had u dental oprrslinn per formed, I see." "Yes," replied the suf feror, "ttZ-idcntal." ..UabIc3 rcsemblo whoat in many rc- ., r.': . .., , r i I iieui. i'lrjwy, ueimer aro goou lorrnucn till they arriyo at maturity j secondly, both nre bred in tho houto, and aro also the Jloiver of tho family 5 thirdly, both havo to be cradled; fourthly, both aro gon erally well thrashed beforo they r.ro done with. Veaij Foroemknt Bails. Chop cold veal fiue, add one-quarter as muoh salt pork chopped also, Season with salt, pep per, and sweet herbs- Make into bulls and fry brown. Plain Stkamtd PuDDisn.Ono quart buttermilk, ono hoaping teaspoon soUn, a little salt, flour to tuako a stiff batter "itoam ono hour ami a htilf. Liquid sauoo. "HELMBOLD'S FI.UJI) L'XTMCT UUCIW;" c3 st vvv V v w rvs v st r rv a st r vv w ALUJUJ li A A UAu k I3UUWU, ApoemTO(inafr10onemcdyforillcascsoftli3 ftladdcr, Kidneys, Gravel unit llroftlcnl Fwcllliir;., Thll Mcdlclno Increases tho pOTcraef digestion, and excllci tha tibtoroctiU Into Lcnlihy action, by whirl, tho watftyorcalcarcou" ArpAtltloM, nod exit nnnalnral en larcomctits aro reduced, at well ns pain noil Inflamtnalloa, end Is good lor men. women end children. HELMBOLD'S EkTRACT BUCIIU, for wcaknesi BtWna from Excmsm, Itablts of Plslp.i Uon, tnty Indiscretion. tttcniloJ vttU tha following Indbroelllon to Kxertlon, Loss of Jltrcorf, WcalcJJcrTC, Horror of Dlscaii, Elmncjiof MUon, ITot Haul.', Drynw cf tho Skin, Losjef roTrcr, Ulfflcullyor DrcatUnj, TrcmWlng, VdUcfulnosj, Tain In tho Cacfe, llashlDSof thonody, Trnpllonj of tho race, l TnlTtrsai Lotnltudp, laind Connl entnee, ThCkOeyraptoins.lf allotvcdto goon (which thli Moil- clso InvailaMy rctnocs), soon follow rATOtiY, EriLnrnc ms, &e., Jaona of which tha patient may cxt'lrc. Who can tij they aro tot freqamtly followed by thoco "direful dis eases," IXSAXITY AND C0S3UMPTI0:;? Many are aware cf tlu caueo of t!.f Ir tnrrcrlog.but nono wlllcon.Vke. The iceord3 0f tho Inuno cajlamsnn.ltho tnolancholy dca'.hj by conaurnptlon bear amnio wltuctJ to tlio truth of the asscrtlo. Iha Cotistltntlon, onco affected by orsnnta reakness, f oiuIrM the nld'of medlclna to trcnn'tben and lavlsorot J th6 system, rldch IIKIIDOI.D'S LZTILVCT OP UCClllf tnvarta'j)7 dot;. A trial nlll convlnco do most tccpttwl. In many effeetlona peculiar to Feaalo.tha EmtAtrr Dvcnu Is sn.'icalcd by any other remedy, and for all complaints Incident to tho eel, or In tha ' DECLISK OU CnANOK OP LIFE,-A' t3Bna 6i:tt'iosis aeott. (3" No jFamlly BUoulcl'itio, without It. Tahoto ralsarj.Morcnry.or nDplcasant modlclno for nnplcasant and rfunQeroas lUscascs. iISLIIBLiLD3 EXTRACT BUCIIU .IJfD D SO EE7A8!r Curca Secret DIaoaoe.i In oil their sUecj llillo cipsusc, lltllo or no chanso of diet, uq Inconvenience, and t'O EXVOZVTX, USE HELMBOLD'S V TRACT BU C-H U rorall (iCcctloni and dlscasea of tho organs, whether esisttcq 1:1 maltj on temalu, From whatever cause orlslna'.tne, and no matter hoir long cundlai;. DIsoajca of thesa organs rcQulra the aid ol a dl arctic. HELPIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 13 tho Croat Diuretic. And It Is certain to Lire tho desired effect In alt disease! fit which It !i rccamrucndcd. S" nz.ooDj'aLooDT slcosi S-ilcliiibolcF.sj inairiT coxcxsiE.iTrD coirrocso FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Torpnrlfylng tho Blood, rcmovlns all chronla conatittt tlonal dlccaecs arising ft cm an Impnro tstato of tha l;!ood, and the only relltblo and olectoal fcnamj remedy for tha euro of Eciofu'.a, EcalJ Head, Salt Khcnm, Taint nnd Ewelllsg3 cf tho Eontj, Xilccratlccs of tha Throat and Less, Welches, rimp'ej on'llo race, Tetter, Eryl;.oli3, and all scaly Eruptions of tha bklo, BS.lTJXIl'n."0 XHK COZVIZE&IOX. ko-JXfev- of tho worst disorders lha tSUct mankind arlce from tho corrnptton that accumulates In tholdood. Of nil tho dis coveries that havo cca mado to rurgoUont.ncno can CQual In effect Hr.r.Mcor.D'3 Co:coraD Esteaot or Sir. eAriEit.r,A. It cleanses and rcnoratcj tho Blood, Instlllj tho vigor of health Into tto rys tern, nnd purges out tho huraoru which tnaSo dlecaae. It ctlmulatC3 tha healthy functions of tho body, and cspcU tho disorders Uiat grow and lanlila In tho LlooJ. Such a remedy that could ha relied on has long been fought for, and now, for tho first tlrno tho public havo ono on which they can deptud. Our tpace hero docs not admit of ccrtiflcalca tothow lta effects, but tho trial of a slcclo botllo will thjv.- to tho (lclr that It has Its virtues surpa&iins anj thing they havo ever tatcn. Two tablcspocusful cf the Extract cf Earenpcrllln added to a pint of jvalcr Is equal to tho Llsboa Met Drink, and ono bottla Is fully equal to a gallon of tho Eyrup of Ear:a partus, or th: dccoctlcn as sually made. 'HELMBOLD'S KOSE WASH, Aa excellent Lotion for diseases nrkles frocihahlli of dissipation, uied la counsellor with tho Extracts Euchu and Earsnparllla, In Bach dlscasci ns rcconmjndod, Evt decco of lbs most responsible and rcUablo character will accompany tha mcdlclaes. Also explicit directions for use, tca hunirul) of tko'isantls living srllncseco, and up. wards of 80,000 unsolicited certificates aadiccommeada tcry lotters.many of which aro from tho highest tourcc3, includlns eminent rhyslcIr.ns.Clargymcn, Statesmen, tc. Tho rrcprlstcr has never resorted to their publication It tha neweyepcrj; to docs not do this from thefact that hla articles ranlcaa Standard Ireparatlous, and da not need to be propped np by certificates. Tho Bclcnco of Medlclnc.llko tha Dcrlo Column, t-hould etinl simple, pnre, majectlo, having Tact for Us bash, Induction for JU pillar, and Truth alono for Its Capital. My Extract Earsaparlllatj a Eloodrnrlflsrtrayrslract Eacha I a Diuretic, tnd will cet c inch In all caaos. Both aro prepared on purely Bclcnttao prlnclplaa-f; racwo-end era tha tnoit actlvo raeasnrca of either that can bo nade. A ready and coaclatlvo tett will ba a com. parlson of their properties with those tet forth In tto fol lowlns vroi Sat Eco Dlrpentator? of tho United Etatc. Eeo rrofcswr DavcrES' valaatla worka on tho I"ractIco of rbyslt. Eco rcraavkamado by Iho celebrated Dr.ruratc, rhlla. - Ceo remark3 mado by Dr. Ernraia JIcDoivei-l, a cele brated rhyslclan end Member cf tho Koyal Collccoof' Eoracons, Ireland, tnd pntlltbcd In thi Transactions of the Elaj and Qtccn'a Joarml. Eco Jlcdleo-Cblrarslcal rtcvIST?, pnbll.hed by nnrj'-r Tiuvzns, rellow of tho Iloyal Colloeo of BnrEeonj, J3M nst ef tha lato itandard worha on Medicine. B0I.D ItV ALT, DnUOQISTS r-VEHTnTfEnn. Addreu letter for information, In confidence, to j If, 0.'. HELMEOLD, Clicmlst. rEIUOIPAIt DEPOT?- i Helm'bdM'a Drug anil Chomical WnroUouso, Uq. 691 UF.0ADY7AY, NEW Y0H1C, aui ; HolmboUl'ii IiloiUonl Depot, 1 Ko, 101 SOUTH TENTHJjT., PJIIIiADELPnrA,' DEWAltn OFCOUNTrjtFTJITS. - A8K VOIt UEIilIllOIiD'ul i FLUID EXTIUOT SARSAPA RILLA I E to mm . MUSICAL PUBLIC fjPIIK subscriber, 20 cars a practical' i. ....... 7 : ' 1 u 14 WirZtieltu oml ,V0JI TIlNfMI UUP MltlVfT- AMn Ill-TJ. ULATINC5 PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONd. Tho subscriber is also tho manufactur er's Agent for . Ohickcring & Son's, Hazlcton Hro'a, Lindc.nan & Son's, William H. Uradbury'.v Edward Rloomfitld's, McDonald Sc Co's t , PIANO FORTES) And C.irliait & N'ocilliamV, unit Mi.iibcl's Mclodeons and Ilannoniwmg, And 1 1. U. filiiatf MiitUltURCll OUn.N!. jam Eb .McDonald. litooiiiKljiiij, Jtny20, l3'5,-ly NEW S K I a T FOR. Tho Great Invention of tho Sko in HOOF SKIitTb W. DltADLEY'S Now Patent, Dlf- rLCX LLI.Il' TIC (orilouHu Ul'RIN'U aiilltT ' i rahis invention roti9isU o( Dunlt-x (or Jt.twoJ r.lllptle I'uro ttefiiip.1 etui fpingi, inganl-j ou jly lirnlilo.i tilitly mid rtrm'y toiclhcr, edgo to eilxaj makinir tlu tuiuln'it, most d..niili, cl.l.t I c ait.t ilurabla4 L'irlni( ovcrtiii'd, Tiny t -lil.im l,t-nl or break, ,llkn" the Sinjla fprinci, an I eoiKequuntly preserve tlirTr n ru-ci ami ui.-uuu:ui wnaii i ninro limn twieo us long in any sJinglo Sprlnj Skirt th.it ever hii or cuii ha nia-l.-. M Tlu wouio-ful lloxlblllty and sreat comfott and', iiunurj 10 any i.auy wourms lira- Duplex l.lllhlio tklrt will bo uxporienold particularly in all crowded Assonilillcf. Operas. Ctrhil;(ci'l'allrou.l t am. cliurrli Paw. Arm Cliafp,, rr tVinlTTia. a uu.l (lousj Pre. H the Skirt ran bo roliluil wln n in 'Uii to urcupy a tun, I placo as onrlly and coiivvnu-ntly as a, tillc ur niiistlii tfri'S.'. j A I.ady havlnif cnjoycl I In pleanure, nunfnrt and grcut cimvi'iiliiiica or weuring ilia tuplix lllllptle titel Sprlntt SKlrt for .i siiijU day will never nlie. walds -1 1 1 Ins lv dl.-pciM Willi tholr ui for ilillilreul Misses and ioulig Lailiis tiny n:e supitiiir to il oiln-rit. Tlia Ilonps aro covcrr-J with J ply double tuimcd thre-ul and w'lll wear twicu un Ioim ad 1 ho Mliglo y:i ru rnvi-rmi; wliich la tisi'd mi a "iiiulo Htei I iluop kirtH, rJ tie ttircc outturn rriilM on cvi rv Skirt nrii a!m il,.nhl Steel, a. id tw ico or double rni-rad to preveiit from wearing olftlie rods when drajilliiir doivn stairs, etono .It-pa, 4.C., wlikli IhryiirJCuiinaiil'yBUl'JcLt tow lien ''n'- Uo n-o aidonginl. for tills Wnlcli in tlio t' . In nra Htuto. mi I iiom are L't,nuiinj wklcli do not boar our All aro ma la of tli.i'ncw and elegant Corded 'f.-ipon, I 'i'r'ido .Mark. I', rsnm urdrliii iVatchus. 0. O I) will and nre tha host quiilny in every p-irl, git ing to tho , Pl--'o remit ftl p-r cent oftli.i anio int with thjlr cr wearer tin inott i!r,.ctlul an I p. ifert slupo posllile, , der. Order, for any kind i.r watchoj promptly u.id mid urn iniTiiistl ui.ilily tha liuhtent, i rift desirable, falthfally fullillcd. Addrrta, eoniloitalileand econnaiicalf kirtev rnitde. . . AUL'ANA V A ICII CO., Vi;drfl'IIItAl)I.i;Yii.;AUY, froprUtiiMof Hum C2 Fulton St., Mew ork Cily, Importers t Ocitera vein on, au.i coiu .ti.iiiiiiiieiurois, y, tn-uaucrs, anu JJ ti fl lleaae s-treela. ,Vi t.' ink. rorS.iV in hrt Stores in till. Cfi. nn,l ihr.'. oiitthu tnlteil stJten mid fanvdn, llaaua do Cuba, Mexico, Huiilh America and thi; W'ett Indies. SO" Inquiro lor tlia Uiitdex Ullipllc fur double) Sirliu Skirt. Au 19, lbl!J-3ino. A. & C. TUB PIUVATE "jiEBirAlT" AUVISliii, (Escluibivt'lji for Lidies,) An Invaluable treatise of 100 pages, by publinlied for the benefit of the sex. On rec Ipt nf 1 13. V OfM'3, it will be scut postpaid, in a sealed envelope, to all who apply for it. Address ' 1S&. 3. JBiS'SfAW, Bos 3079, J1211roadway, N. V. Jaly'13, IJCI. COLUMBIA Ins?iraCG Company, COLUMBIA, LlNU-rlSTEIl Co., Pa. Cash Capital & Ajisct3 0500,000. iCIIAllTEil I'l.Urm'UAL) Directors : Ji h: V, sitency, Wui, l'-.tion, M. !'. H'lin.ian, ii. P. Uborli.lu, Ediuund .-'neiili R. C 3l,-4i-ran!(er, Snu'KlMioeli, lioLt. ?. Ityon, K. .McDonald, John rjcndrlrli, Amos ii. Creen, (Jen. Yo'in.' Jr., II. U Minich, A. Mo.-" ii !RCI3N. rres't. M. SI1U.MAN, Trcasuicr. fiCO YOllN-fl, Jr., E.'craaiy. IC7" Wll Insuro property nt as rcafonabla rates as will bo cmniatuiillu tin- Cninpjny and thuso insured. L. II. COA'OVIU?, Agent, Ddacli Haven, Pa. L Juno ID, I6I.J. momm Insurance Com pan j" U'ir.KC3-BA(lKt3. 1'C.NNA. CAPITA! AXD &VII'LL'!a, - $550, A 8 3 II T H . flock not calk' 1 tn, Hills receivable, ..... U. f. 5 -'JO Jhirldx Teniporar.v ami call Ioiim. .... 103 slurei 1V liming tl.ink Ptm fc, 51 klian-B I'irst iilinu,il il.uiK i.t Wilkn.liaVrc S3i,r,oo lO.OIIU svoau ll.Unli ,i-u .1.1:011 tu ni.ires n. ciiiiii .Miiuuni rnnxni v illics Uarro, 7,uin 4il slmn-. U lll.i-j.li.irra b'ridgu stock, . . yiiii Ileal Il.-l.Ue. j JlllilCllt, 'jo.; Duo (ruin Agents and others, . 7411 Cash in hand mnl in Hank, .... i tli C. M. HOI.t.r.NIllCK, John nr.iciiAiiu. SI.MUUI, U'ADIIAMH. CIIAtll.hH I10UIIANC13, H. I). l.ct)U. sruivAKT 1'inp.ci:. L. n. siioiiMAUiin, II. M IIIJYT, . -HI.I IN'H, U'M.rt.ltOSB, t ll.Mtl.l3-i A MIN13R, li Jl UAMILVC. G.m IIOl.LilVii.M K, President. n. C. SMITH, riicRMinv. i-. I.UOUW, A.-nt, March 21, Id u . , iiitbur.', Pa. A im c r i c.a n Ilotel, Opposite old Independence Hall, P!!2L.I)&I.PU1. S. SI. HEULtN'n3, Proprietor. Wm. II. HuDj.isa3, tin;, May 27, lo5-12.n ' alll'i undcrsipncd havint; opened :i pul, L lie liousn, iii Kr.hrtburif, Columbia Count keen n ua tho EAGLE HOTEL,' Annnimoe. tn hia mend and tln publle psnerally, that ho will In happy nt r 1 1 times to nilnilnltter to their entertainment. Cuit'im nollcited. CIVJ lim .1 call and you will not rejrui it. , WILLIAM EDGAR, llohnburs, July 8, Xi&. I'URS. FURS. Wholesale and Hdail, FUltS. 6H.IRI...S OAKFOiU) & S0.s, V It 1 I, A IJ 13 1, f II I A . HjVo now opened thiir larso aiirl'rplendld stock of .COW.AIti?. aiui'iM, i;i,ovr.s, Ann tinriPA Alto the flneit assortment oflMTCY I'Ull KOilllrf, I CAM, .MUl'l'l.lllIti, mid (ILOVIlf, over beforo nlliircd , by Iheiu all of which a-o warranted to buns repre sent! d, Shipping Furs UougUt. J Oct. 31 , lS0.1,-:iini air 3JAiBflLosss aifKfl7 BELL ALLABAOH, Proprietors. conxnrt op TIlKD Sly J'ENESYI.VANIA A V WASHIHOTOI, P. Ol A. 15. DAVIS & CO., JP(llbAJDELPIUJf Manufacturers of Bail Goad Track, liny Coal and Catllc tk.21 i PLATF0R5I AND COUNTER OP ' EVERY DESROIPTJIOfa. - J65T EVIUIY SCALE fl'arranlcd. Orders promptly filled, apply to n. ii. ea'ton, Solo Agent, Berwiek, J. K, JSIWK, Ulooinsburrf, Pa. July 16C5. Cma. Arcana Watch. Au Elegant NuVclly in W.ifclies. ho case, (f this wntih are n now invention enni niwi'd of several f'itijrenl ui't.ils cunililned. rolled todtlier ami plaiiisneil, urodiKliii' an ctntt imltntliin rf 18 curat iti.fd, C'lUed AuciNir T.'iey aro as beau, tiful mild cidil and are iill.irded at niie-cieluli tlio cost. Tim tn.e. aro lieautlifiiily dcvlsncd nnd ate en- pravod In Ilia exact stylo oftlin celebrated (Kdd Hunt Inir I.evcrs. mid en ex.iet mi liiillnllim of gold ,-n to ilely detection. Tho inovutneiits aro manufactured by tho w.'ll kniiwii t-t. Jiinlier VVutciriViiiipany r 111- niponnd nro uprlily llnl-l having etu'rave I p.tl- IlI, fiinry c.irv.id brlilgiis. adjusting itgul.ilur, lino ill aland kclitwiliaiiil!.. I'll. watches urn nil Iliintlii2 Cacs and of tlirc, Piziv, tin! sinalK'.t bi'lmr llr Lailiea A cam of ix ' will bo sent by .Mall or llxpri'si. for SIM. A slncM one sent i'l a li.inilsiniio turn fur S'i". They will rcniily sell Tor tliroc tiuie.tlieir nut. vn ulo Im- ' porta very superior rliiNie,! ami eh uant wr.iih which we can sell lor 33J each or 3I.H per case of nl x ! I '1'Iieao nraiilsu liuiuiiK' rasi s an.l f.ir I.niiloa and i "' " an-i.i:- vcijr .i.jsti ,jih..m. Oct riiircci-sors to (llrnril V. Dovanali & Co. ltfO.j-Uiuo.-rf II L'. Purify the BIgocJ. Ttin gucatest MnmciNu or TIII3 Acn A sure antldf le frr slclines", and a rul'iige fiom Sorrow, Iain and Disease. Buyan's Life Pills. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They aro admitted to be tho feest Family Mcdicinoj (or general ute. I'urifylii tha r.lond and clcasninj the system from all unpiiriiy Bryan's Life PilSs to resulale the Stnnia.'li, I.lver and L'lllar'y Hcr? Hons which I. tlmlilr unite of ncrvoiMiem, tlid.ll i ess, niin'icri rfilieht. Ileadacho. 2-ick tnin.ich uml other Kindred complaints. Hundreds of Certificate can be Shown. They have boon used by thousands Willi success, i Bryants Life Pills Arc adopted for all Ages & Constitutions, j - ' 1 Thry.iro composed nf tho active principle s nf Herbs and L'nnts culled from our llilds anil forests. They are mild but cm tain in their operation- pruJiiriii; neither cramp?, griping pains nr McMioss. Tin y in.iybu taken by ull ages, seics or condition without fear. Bryant's L'fo Pills, Cure Ileidaolic. Hrynnl's Life Pills, Cure Sick Soiuaoh. Uryant'a Life Pills, Cure Giddinc3s. j Uryant's Life Pills, Purify tho Blood. i i A Box of Hbyan's Lire ?it,t.s will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. ! They will accoinjilith faithfully all that in represented. They are i leznuily put up by the prnpriunr, who! w.xv tin- inventor or littVAN'tl PULMONIC VAl'i:ilri n lucditiiiu long mid favorably l.iiuwii to tha Aiuericiu Xiiiiun. If ion wlkh lolmy nUYA'-5 T. I r 13 PII.I.S and ci.n- ' na ci t tlrm nf yuur Urussiit, clout take uny nth r. but tend Twenty ITiu 'tut In n letter I itli iiruprie. tor, and joii will itit iheui by return of tn.it I . iiot paid, Address "DR. J. BI1YAN, Box 5070, 4 iJ Broadway, N. Y. Pntb nv DituncHT. OENtnu.i.v. EMDAa. l!At!.M3d&CO N. V. Wholesale Ajenn. July 1J, leiid. February II, ICii.j.-y 1865. riiilariciiihi.i & liiio ISG5. ir& h ia O A 23 This ereat lino traverse, the Kimheru and ortl",. I ivesl counties of Pennsylvania lo tlio city of line, mi l.tk.i ilrie. It Iria ben leased bv tho Pennsvlvaul.-i r.ailri..-i.l Company, nnd is i poratud by ilioni. ti.mu or I'ASiENotn -j.niiia ai- KonniaMncRLMD. LKA1E LASTtViMtD. Una MkUTmIii. .1 ,jo p. si, 1-rju Dpre(i Train, ' ,1 S'l A M I. lniira i:nro.3 Train, H '.'" I' M 13lu.lr.-i MullTriiin, ' 10 Jj A JI liEWB WESTWA1U). Ilrio .trail Traill, 3 r A M Ihiu 1 3 x v r.1 f s Ir iin. -j t , p j llliuir.-i i:pres 'I'ram 5 3U A M UliuiM Mail Trni.i, 1 ;!.5 1' M PiiHcnjora Cars run llirniic,h nu the lino, Mail ami Lires 1'raina wilhniit ciuniix buth ways between Philadelphia me I ! MI3W Ytllti; (.MMXI3IJTIPX. I.cavo New Yoilc ntfi.Od I'.M.arrivn nt llriii."!. 37 A. M- I.D.ivo llriu at I.S.1 1 M. arrivu at Nu'V Vnrk I. Ij l' J), No Ch.inirn of Cars brtwe.-n llrie uHd New Vurk. I'.le-T.iiit fleepim- Lir nu all Nipht Truiun l'nr iiil'nri.i.itmn reiectini; I'asieiiii-r liiii,i'a, ni ply nt lim Cur. SOIIi .ind .Mirket Sis. I'luladelplii , -In J for rreilit butiiueii. of tho Company'. Aj-'eiiU, B. II, Kingston, Jr., I'nr.lllih ami Market ?i l'lnl'j J. IV. Uejunlilj, llrln, IVilliaiu Hrnwn, Airciit V. C. It: II,, Ualllmon'. II. II. llniKtou, llen'l. I'relitlit Ajt . t'lilluil.-tphi-i, II. IV. tiivlimer. fluii'l. Ticket .let. 1'hll.idelphin, A. I,. TV I. lilt, llen'l. Sup't. IVilliauupuit, NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions JUST repcivod at Runyan'n Provision t-TOItll. II lfirrt ..inrlm.nl t.f CI ! nrl. 1 1 J IVII I 10VI.-'lur,''',e.niii,i. nl nil the ni cejs.irii.s nf life I !'," ''n.ii-iuiil will bo sold to defy coiupuiiiiuii. I lloiel Kseiu-rii and I'mimrv Merrhanti, wniild du well to cud and exaunno ginck and I'rnvi ,101m hefora pur ch.iniiiz eltew lieru. Auion!t the stuck may be fmind I hl'OAIt.-, 0 1 ull grai'ts, IXiLAKtUlil and UVItUI'S ! rrom tae lowest piicu to tho be.t Sradis. i Grain ifj Ground Ooirco. of all nualitios. Navy, Plug, Twist, Finc-cut Chcwinc &' Qmnl'l,, . 'M-l V rr I perial, Gunpowder itnd Oolon; Tens. Cliccso.Crat! l;or3,Fino Salt.Wooilcn & Willow Waro, iMatclioa, nnd Cigars. fanned Fruit of all hinds. C N I? 23 1! T I I A ES II B3 S , pilir.tl ritCIT. No, I & 5 flail by tlio llair-l, ono half nr cue fourth or ono clchth b rril. Ilcrrirs, J-niiKlil. (i',iic., all of which will bj sold at tho low CM niaikil prl 'o, I'I inir,U' f 31, i-.;j. UOCKKT DIARIUS.PIIOTOGRAPII i AIAIUMS c AI.tlUM I'lCri'ltllS, -telling at vsry low prttet far ratn w. o. piinitv. .V .'I J Js Youi: THIS PLAGE. SB OiSD ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. ! MA9 ntarsed and sroally Improved hl Ptore Itoera ami ftnrkril It with u l.irso nnd superior Stuck of I1AI.1, and WIVTllll nf)(;l)S, wlmli will bo mid as I low as lit uny other establishment In the tnuutry. tdicos at 10, 10, sit) ttnd SI5 cents. j Muslins, hharked and Vrown at SJ5, 28, ' up to -18 centi. ' ttlinsr! riuiit).-) of Ivery fltadi',nnly nndprld'i a full Hue nf Dniau&ln; Oonds, .I, ! I'lii'i ks. trine.. Tlck-.l.liiueii ami t'nlton liiblo Diaper, Uinsliatn, Nankeeiu, ft.a , lie, A rjuodrupply nr l.ndlci, Mines and Gaiters New Hlnck nf lints and Cup., Ill 1 .1.. ....I i- ... r f . until iiiiiiui iiiiti v millet) t ill in tsj a splendid article juit opened and for laic, 1 A fresh supply of 'Groceries and Spices, I n new lot nf I CED-.H1 jSN'J) WILLOW WvlRE. ' MACKIlllAI, by tlio tuarler, half and wlinio barrel I N'os. I and 'J, medium ami I.ilje. ,lno, a largo and eplcmlid nssnrtincnt of I new designs. Also, a now bit nfTUUNKS ,inj 0!l Cloth Sulctcts. Ilnvlne bnuclil tl.ese roods before the litn rUn. t am prepared to sell low.clieap as the cheapen for tasli or country produre. Wll BTMDY TO rLIJABU. I!Inombilri Jan. 7, ltoJ. , J nrt.'-:u"iiiin .t- ninnnirlmrir ll.ii'..,,i i UtOOIIlSOUrg KaiitO.'Kl ' trli vff if ??1 Xhl fKl raBs21?ijS: CfPBSW'T; ( tlSl WWiS W.?SSi i7 f rvrv- 'I'U'O DAIT.V Til tIVS! mrv, I I U UAlljl iliAliMb. lg r:J AM) AI'TUl MONIIAY. JUM1 ISlh. I CM, IX.J i'AjjdllN'lJillt TRAINU U'lfil, HUN AS 1'CIi I.OW'3: i.iiav r. NoitTinvAnn, iVonvn iiiiiuiuiieriniiu Keep HMD A.M. S UT P.M. t.M S 40 'J.'.'J II.S.l 0 .1.5 (i'.M it) 'J., 7.:m 1 i. hi p:i.i mip.M. 9.U l.-3u in.s.j 5.5D , U.Ult I' II IV A 111). IK'U A ,M ISO I'.M 7.01 .IM.) fl.rti 7 no ti.p.; fv:o 1125 8.:i.i IIIO'I " (1.1.5 10. Ill JOB') I. '.M I'.JI. 1.21 II. 01 I il, III .5.1.) SOI li.iutille, iiuptrt, liluoiu.biirj lb i w iik, " f'hli kliiiiuy, " Klnjluii, Arrive at Hrraiilnii, " Ni iv York. " l'hilaji.lphri. I. i; A V U SO ferallti'll, . I.CBVO " KillSlOll ' " llirwiik, ' II oouipljurg " llupert, Ilaiivill.', Arrive ut Nnrt'iumborland, " llnriisl'iir',-. " tYHhiiiytun, " 1'tiiladelplil.i, I Tho slinrle.t nud must dlrcet ro'Jto to lha wustau 1 tlio nil ; ei"ioti I i1 'i'rnlns nf trio Plillndi-lplila and llri"- lluilr iad leave Nirtliuiiilifilnnil every iiiiirnlni; l r llrlc, nriiv ins tlier-i tlu nficrnoim if tin tauiu diiy tn conn-, t Willi tinins I'or lluli'nl.V Clcelaiiil, Clilc,i!i, with nil pnints weft, and coiincrlinir ut Curry with ail train im the Oil Creek U.ulrnad. .ew ami oleaaut .-leepin? cars accompany the nlf lit triins ouch way hi tw-i n Northumberland mid Haiti more, nnd .Noithumbcrluml ninl i'lillailelnhli. II. A. Ku.NIM, Sunt. I'.iiiE3ton, Juie 17. IS'.'j. Bake1' & Coiifcclioncr TI1I3 tindcdziiPd h.n always on Inn I and fur kale, I'lll d i lllll.Ail, tlAhll, rin.-j r.mt French and Domtstic Confec tions in umit and tplenuld varb ty ; Xnts. I'riiili.niid every IIiiiic iim illy to mil in u 1'nat ela cimf-etionery tnr.'. Ho would i, ill eipetial alteiitioii t.i his new ly re ceived situ k nf PlCKLliD FRUIT M Ido.ii'i.liiirs, April -2, AND JELLIES. It. SL'OH JJ.t Stove &'J C Shop'; 'TIIK underfipned informs the public S Koncral. Hint he b.is up.-neil a NEW TIN SLUM' In I ho liuildiii)! fir uerly uc upied by I. H. Mnvar, nir tlnnr li.dnw the rnliiniM i lleuioi.ri.t Oliien, n'.i .Main t'lieit. I'lnniiitlnirir, wh. ru Im will hi iliu nil tiniln. Tin- .Ve.ro uinl Hep jiriug, in i.t In a.i I nn tuu.ljr at terms. I PTOVI3H nf nil llmh and ! iiisti i d to order. qualities fur sa'e rr fur. Country proJuof takoit and public custom rciprcti'ullv polioited. "JACOB JIETZ Jr. filtionisLiti tj; April 4-'. ly NEW SADDLE BY AN'O I In mess honl I "'" t w.r, t, , - , . - e ptlh untlrrsifiiud, re spcetfcl.y informs it Tim riti.eus nl' I.inl.t Street, an I tho rcnernm ii ldie. Hint In- Iiiir npLiicd'u m.tv ihnp Ut ll;i niaiiii- pu 1. fa tut ii' i r ii'l hinds i.f GADDLERV AND IIAI1NE8 , , i'i i;iu inn Biur.j uniieii ru i.eu .iiriniweji, cnu iieit nnr in i.ui n Mure, in i.igiu riireet, wv-rfi no wilj iiriiiiil'atturu HAOULIIrf, liltlUl.Iltf, IIAU&'tJA3 &i , to or. I r an I mi iun.li rate term. U.T Itejiaiil.ii; of all iii,!,.'?, executed on il:c:t CO' ic and In (,'nod a ylo. (.'uiiitry iuiiiIiico iiKcit in eAriiangu for vorU.nnd public custom iiiviled. ELLIS L. FlU'iS i l.ijht !5treo:, Juno II, Im'j , A ll 1 i A I. S h.iit-mi. l JJj'jjlJ.l'j ii. Km ENtir.ISII, SwISI AND A.MC11I0A.V JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &u. 018 Market Street, corner cf Decatur, P'-llLADELl'IIIA. neiilcriilAnieric.nl, Hmjlii.il mil Suiis Wolcliei, m-iklii a speciality if th" ceb lirateil A-iirii-a-i U'.viui, which liu wniilil ret nmiiieml in ad waiiliiiL' u cainl tin,.- keeper, mo will be t"i at i lov.ett lineus and are Iho cheapost and bjst fur llie pilce, .Marili 4, lMi.. ly, TIN WAHR & STOVE SHOP. TUII2 llDt'tTs! JllL'tl Jl and cin-tumers, that he lias punli-ised his brothers iii'-n-Hl in ,nu liuuve eM.llutfcllllli-llltilltil 11IU c nnceril w 113 Iierealier he CKiiiluited l.v himself cvriiihivelv. lie has Jitt received 11.11I oilers for salo, Ihn Inrs iLfcl i'l and mnt rxti-nsivu as.iirimei.l uf r riUV .ri s i v nr, liver 1 nnn ueei inm nu uinrut His rtiick cnnist8 uf a rnnt;iletti asnrliui-nt ol he liel t'ni.iiimr and pnrlur Mnvo in tho miirket. lu-eih. er with Stiivn I'ittiftcH nf i very dm criptltin, Oven and Hot tftows, Kndintors, Cjliiular Btnu,Cai Iron Air. T1.I1I st"es. Cuiinon ftnv 's, &c. Sir. f.uvepipn uml Tinware coiiManlly "il hiilnUaiid manufactured in order, All Kinds of repairing done, as utii.il, im blmrt i"iici, Th" patrmir.ia of old friends and new cunuiiu'rs re speitfiilly inliiiti-,1. A.Jl KCl'llitT, Itlnnmsliur;, November ad le'". tf, The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BL00MSI1UEG. The itJerfi;nedhaviiH! taken tlio will. known t'oik lintel, rcppnu illy miueuncjs in lm fnenls and tho pulillc seiierully, Unit II" is prepared tn aciuiuiiiojaut all who may favor him willflluir custom, to cniiro tat. Ikfll tillll. Ho is provided with ample Biablitu and prnvlnder fur tlio acc'iiiiiiiiidatinn nf Travellers, Tcamstcrt, Urn vers. &e.,' on moderate terms. . ICP" Public custom Is tiilii ited, HJ50. W. MAUCiER, llloonitbiirtr, April 8, 1K.1. s. II. DU WOLF, ncAi.nn t.v Rcady-Made Clothing No 202 North Second ofc., Ono door abovo ISaco St., PHILADELPHIA, edy nothing made lo order at tho short fit. notion. 10 heap Giro eery Store. 1 .dL.SO ,HATS, A)Ptt Am SSMMJSJ, Mltll nndersljtncilliaii removed Ills llntni.d fapflori J ui lo llv uii-' old stand, wluro in aJditiuit lo a stipsiior ilssnrtment nf j SPUING AND SU MM 12 II m Hats and Caps Pf i CONFECTION A IMBS, OllAOKEUS, I Molftfiscs, Sunar, j CoiToo, Teas, I Tobacco Sutiff, Cigars. Spicca, Drird Fruit, Dutter, Coal Oil, Drug.', Parlor and Hand .Lamps, Books, Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware (inn LCunncarc, AW), VOntOS, ll'C, 11'C, i)'C , Toijethcr with a vatltty of article, ficnerally kept in a Ali-'n-A flnololnfUtlH.Mrtimi COilnml f.ijumstn which ho invites tho at iiiition of rjhoeinal.i rs mid tho t",1,,lc JOHN k. chiton. Iltocnisbiirs, Slay 13, IfCI ;.V':?0"!fi7i,-f3 t.'.Ve in N'l-i , , i , j ..',.s ""wim rfiliri i,!i,leiM,rm-.i , arsf .uteasivety en-;r.l in t J. Vu.ietlnKiiif Htiinin, ninl keepscinsia.itly nn hand ml fur sale at his Wnrorooins, n lar.'o nei rtineiil of FINISHED j) COFFINS, " lly whirh ho Is en.ilile.l ,i inl orders nn preeiitntii:i Aim- Keens a uuod Uorfp ..ml Hearse, and will at nl , limes be ready to intend 1'nncrcM. ' til.MO.V a. HIIIVI3. j nionmsLi'r;, Janunri"3, IS5B IMl'OUTANT 10 LADIES. Siarvcy's Fonmto Pills the iiinvt Inf.illl'ul.' and pnpular remedy ever kiinwnfnr all ili'e.iMj. i.t'iliu ti iii'ihi si x They have In en used in in.iiiy Iho'M.iit'l i aiii-fi Willi uiil'.ii.iii!; s'l'-ei tfs uu.l limy lie reliiil mi In evi-rj rio fur wim li Hi y ,ire ie iiuiim.'iided, and p.irtieiilaily i.i .ill ci-us .ui-lm I'rm.i Otistna lion, or Hoppuse nf Nature. no maiti r I'rum w hat cause it aii'e-i. Tlry -ire elT c tii.il in n.(tr,rlni Oi Ii -ulih a I w tin .ire .uil'rliiK lemi Ue. h.wti a. i, I II. Inllty, Ijteriuc DuvlLirju. Si.i ous uess i.e , fcc, and Ui-y ACT I.IKE A Oil All MI in htrcMi't'iuiiin .ind r'ttnrinr: l!m nyfrtPitt 'i'lintijini.U ct l;u!h wiii w- tiil.'fi l fi'ryrnr-i nnd r 1 tl vnrin-iK illi. r ri'iiifitifx in v une a n-nrvv-tl f tlivir lica Hi Hhl i-lrf'iiiiih u licilly to i uk Mt.-icy U DR. HAIiVKVl'S Fhu.'ALE PILLS. 'liny nro p'TffLtly Inniilrn o.t Hid eyiciii. mny Im i I ttlu ii ut any liutt with pi'ifWt bafi 1 ; hut it'irln ttiu cittJ st.ii.i.H of rn'j.'ir.ity Hi -y h-uiltl nut l 1 laliv-i, i or a iiih iiriJi;' hi.iy ii ink mi. or a niii.iarn.istj m,y Iw tli'Mi'Mitl. Tlh-y ntrvcr ntis anv it'jn-i pun , or i -in if. l..n li contains iy jnl.. l'rifO Oils . llotlnr. j i)H. HAUVKVW GOLD UN PILLS, A iriiu-ry "f'tr jrfri:i1 rnyc, futir tlfffff Pi hlronyur j tliun tlu j Ii.h'o ; I'ric Tivu Dullary mi . j V iriva;: Lire nhir lo ui!k-h willt Unu unitiiiiii-.M rnvM.ivin !-, s'.'Ht fr3 un rcc4-i;t e) ilirtttci emu. "pa j anl ft.-imj). t.'iit.lltls notir1 nit If roil l-ife Dr. llrV'' t, rvnt il you i annot pinc'tr1 Hi ti of yntirthm tio nut ta'tn ii-iy nCi'jr. t'f If.ilcrs w Im !i ru nupi nit ij-li'tl v nl r t'oinnti'iul t ih r i'-in'lo I'H'-t, thi y tan niaiiii :i l.tm-r profit on b.it t .iclnju tliu iiKUt-y a.xl rcn.l iliucl to DR. J fUKsUl.TlX BRYAN, t'lnsiciAv, Ko. ! I'J Ihoalwi.y, Acic Vurh. " who will tu ko nil tie!: if prnpeily dirertud, and will Hi-mi Hie Pill., sci ured lrn.il nlis. rv itioii, lly r' turn mail i'n-t !'..id. , fiLl.lJ ItV DlttjlllllrJTrf tll3.vnt.il. I.Y. UI3I Ad II.lP.M3d : fi . X, V'.i::r, l lii.Icsale Afent., July I.3. IHi'.-,, New JDuuc I WHOLESALE AND IlHTAlrJ ryii K iiiiilersiii.-il w-niild Inform ilielr I'm ii.Ih .mil Hn- .5 luiblle ciier.-illy ' ut Hilj- liae mken in iuii, fnr mer'y iiLeiiii,. I liy ti. n. .11. Il.r.'c nine '.i. i j Hi.i Ilx r li.i .- mef'y i.ceiipi,. I !, li. . Al. II.,, ,. II. Jit ll,., l3xr!l....aeJ , lluililiiiL', nil .M.iin .In el, in llloiiiiislijiri', where hu luiii junreemen n full .uppiy or , "A.-r,,,-., .n. j!?-;..,..- HJ.i J-)..' Il!3 Al "aX, l?Kt -tiSCliSl'.S, IS .1U3N fJUSS, WMeh will bo s-uhl no mnileiati- lerui. for remly pay. 1 Al-o, Mil KINri gem r.nly, ol every variety, sortaud i fcri'. rli'-lclnnt- prejrrlplloi'n carefully compounded, at ull Oliien uml nil uhort ll.ilice. .- l.'.mieitimii ly -jf the best teleiiion.., uuJ s-'oda ll'.'itor in cacnll. U A shaiii of the public citeloiu U respettf-illy o- tiled, i;vi:it & sioviiit. ' Ctoonisbitrz, April II. IFI S 1)3 i received a OCW asiorttncnt ofnood tylisof VALL PAVER, INCLUDING BOR-i DERINO AND LMJH.INli PAPEU, ; and a cener-il aiii ly nf iiinr ,-ri.i I i.i Im line, whirh willbn I'i.iiiiiI nn lln I'lll.ir l-'.tliiil iniiin'illain v , al ' of LuW'i lii.i? riinr. Li inn liiijieit lilncl;, whuro all i piihi'iii wi.hin-j sn.nU in his lino will be atteuj.'d to in person at all times. CtA Papi'r Uangiiio; rsccu'o 1 lo order and Lost stjlc, nt tliort noticp. I' J. THORNTON. lilooiiiabilrg. April 2) IM -ly rr4Z ZZZ't a LtiiLaoiifta uMiiniisi'v. J l. OOiMSIUJKG, COLUMBIA C pa. J " " muscrltier. jimprictnr nf the nbrtv" nauieil c '"-i.s- , hihilimiiiiciii, is llui ( nu.v prepaied to receivo u .ers lor All liiiti's of rrL'ifliiiirrv, l Co!leii ;s, l!,i,t riirn-iees, stm tins.iri' Ihiainus, .Hills Tlll'llaillVl WACIIIM.H. i; . t.f. lie is iilfn pi parvtl tu iu.i,i! si,ivi, u si.e. mnl pnlli'iiir, p'uw-irniis, ami cviryilinig iisanlly n.aje hi liil-eliiss I'ruiuilries His eu.-iniv" r.n iliiici nnd prnrtir.il workmen, war js.itt Jilm in rcc.ivins the larjjist contracts tin the 111 ift re isoiiubl.i terns, ICT-iiraiitof nil hinds will bo liiken in exclnnup for ca-tliv-. " - U' This o.tnblblinipnt It Inra.ed near tho l.aikawau. na , llliioiii.burj liailru.nl IJcpni. , , , l'CTiiu iiu.uiynii. llUomtbiir,', rlept, I J, s(i.1, Hi tH Es it Y n X '1' ro,t Relumed Soldiers ami All Others. AGENTS WANTED. Great Sale of Jcwilnj and Sdveticare. Tho Arnmdulo Great Gift Distribution. Our Agents aro m.-tkin' fm Hvo tu Thiity Dollars r,'L-"y,in" 1 "'" "I1 "J"'! iiinrn. l.alo invuici-s rnun l.uropj havo swclb-,1 ,iur unci; in over Ono .Milium lluiliirs. A siileiiitiil assorii.ii-nt n Wnti-hes, Itmcs. i.-lllle. lllll L'ailtldliitn.t.'a lai,-i.l r.r .. I I I.I...I. ..t'ti.. i i i l'"'""'ibl IMllerus, selling at fjl riirh. rlninl I -1 cents for a cirliileatu nnd you will hn-i what vour nrneiiiiileil to; or ii for n'vo ccrlhlcaies, or S3 for I '"'"y- "r mnd n II cent stamp fur inir term, tn Abciu h j 'jwji nre of tho most liberal kind . Now ii you r AP.nANnAl.T3 fi CO. ,. , , No. 107 Hroaitway, N.iv I'ork, Nov. I, lge.-j 3m n, H. .Tniivr n vw inun 1 'WA.A, s. I Jt.lUtJIi. MANl IMCTUllIlll ic VVIIOUIrUl.i: II3AI,1'.R IN CAPS, STRAW GOODS, DONNETS AND ARTIFIOIAL FLOWERS. No 3-)7 North Thil Sd-'r-l pi.iL.M I The H.:h.sli Cnttlc Vowtlov I o wnrrnntctl to S bn ili m(,t iV:','l,.rf lom. nm nft.i i,tnn I n: cunr, Hwlim, r.r .up, , (lf milliU -lir hIioii.i; ,, lr3 lb 'J't"iiiai,, I,,,,. i-r.i lii.i punil .,1 n.i. Ml a i . ... mh v . v...: ",r . '- "" 1 11.L.1- rj i u i munif ii n i nrii, imi.i. als, and Invented by 'r, Iluvoy. I'mfessornf tho Im neriivl Colleue lor Anrlcnlliiro at I Mils, nud now wi.in'. SfaeliiredbyO . IIIIIMIII, l)r ,f Z. and A, Allen' town. I.i bl.flt l!nmity. l'etm.ylvaiil i. All dlu.ie. of tin it.MH icii, lllnol, l.iinjs anil II iw. els, speedily anil certainly nired. Healthy dock w il, b.) brnuslit lilt" tlio very lilabest Hatn nl' perfect ion. dn.i nnn iff two tnbleiiO"nOil a week, Uiirnrriiivn.il' 'to hard wnrklnsliorscii, breedlpK ftm k and colt., in,, i il.m..nhil, fil tmlitnliln linrses frmil iln, ,t..i. i disease-,, a, jyVn "J 1 1 vT.V M f C V' li.L"L W V J -tr. u.. .-,., -M,ie nil tbn (.li.tlleles wllkll llsiinllf prevent the cupelling if worms, are i plrnrant to tike, ,i,n ,n i.r I be. miKt HCreiniile lmntni vis r,.Y (lillilttn, Ha cniili.lent i Ihn lnvelilor of the suicesi nl his lalinrlmis stmllcs. In iU" liiillHilujJicnl eiuiiio tlon nf thin prep.itation.tliut ho fnrblshc every nia.l Hilled pliylrlan, with a written rcseill.tlnn,ns a new i in In iii.ik tin mcilic.i, , Tilt! UMU.N KU.M'II. HAT, VltT, AN'I) A N'T tX. i i'llllMI.VATOH, ts'n powder for tlio mire, extermination rf (dl Vermins, will m ver iliaiino Willi lino mid diui'it', mil uncS prifi ruble totliu idd l'lit'H'lui f:l -I 1'ii.tn, whirh Ii.h.i. ins ill a nVotl time, iiiiiklntr It wn.-llili.'hS. I'ur direr 1 lions and particulars see tin! m.ill bills In th bites, I Of "mi bnmlred nn I Ihlrly-s-'ven premiums h,ivi be, ii nw anleil lo those cclibrated prepnraliuus, up to Oituber W, lt"t. , , , , . ' l!uv.ir.& r.oYtn, nra tlio wludesalo A;ents InDitra. ! ir'uoiAiSALu nur.-iu.. 1 For sale by W. ErassntH, solo Agent ft liloonisburg. Miirdr, Catawlssa. 1.. II. & J. f'hoeiiriker. IlucX Horn. Mater it Urn.. Millvllte. 1 I', rri.inii, llcliriliurir. fiewnit It Slnau, Oran;etiIle. Hendcridiotl, llluiiiuebur,'. C. I'owler, I3iy. Crenv fc Co., I. Ifibt Street. I. nil' Ar -4rnni.lMr. I.lltn Klilei. i lliiwmnii, fi Owen ami .'Miller, llcrnlctt. O.lt. l oivler, riiwlursvlllr. Hat All orders for Columbia Countf vrill bo addressed to tr. ERASMUS, Wholesale AL'unt, ll!ooiiibure. (J. (J. ltlUNKH. Nnvember ID, IFCI" 12m. ; Nos. 1), II, El, to, 1" Couitl.nidt St-cct ' NP.All imOAlUVAY, M'AV YOltK TTV Till-, uld cstnlillilisd nud favorite ru.ort nf Um Un, liens (niiiiiiunil.v ban been rerenily relllled. ami lm on I j l.'te in ver)thiiu that cm miiii-t- r In the comiuiti ., ' !is ii;iriiu Lii Ilea and I'.imilli'ii aruepeduily umi tJN I'ulh pri'vldpil fnr. , It i - 1 1 in rally located In 111" Im imv part nf the -.( and is c 'iitliiuim tn the principal ll.iu i.f tteuniMi.n ' earn, niiinibiMnen ferriei. A'. j i in-1 ible li iiuipl) fiipi'in d w i tit all Um limine, c , tie.' season, Hid is cpi.il let mat ol any otln r Hotel ia h, cn.nitry. Amplu accomuiodaliuiis arc uliered for iiiiward el I 0 ' t'ue-t. 1 ny- Do nut lieevi. I'lim m mi liiimn, and u'lier. w lie, ma tny "lim umiern uui"i uiuu. I) I). U'l VCIILJi'Illl, i'rneint. i. TIKl.-l. I). WlXCIIUd'i'lllt. I'.b. 1.1, 1M k ill BiilB mm t Pus Tlio unilerM'rncd, grateful for pnst (lit- r.inain. rrs.p.-t t t'n t ly inf nil. Hie Trnv llni-,' I'n'-'li c in r.iMy.tli.a In. I, adjust precured rrmu 'ew I i.rk .1 new, bi.niliul nnd raiiir,i. Phoenix Cttmpany CoacJt, l.J- wfii-Ii t,iralti ite i. n -v i-1 i'il" I ti co. iv y I i' eii!;er and llimcieo, saiMy and ei.iiil'iniiihlv I -nv . I lni.ml"t Jtinl l1L. s, v t..l ll.lll Iin.nl t i 1 1 , ,. llio T inin.. It w ill be hi. .imly tn urmt . i, , I -i-Lniief. to Hair k,i;,-; ,:1. II j jnliiiis i K i ,i ,. ptti ri-u.i. CAE 13 "li CUNT?. , j wirJ r, mi, r n. l'ooiiml,:ir, January T, in .5, New Grocer y b'r;r c, MORI- FRliSH tJOODS. 1 Vorincrlij Eirismai' u!d Sa-i) o.t Ah-n Srcrt, JUooifibt.'iii!. rp!lE utllIcrigIR'll h.is jut rf.ee ivtd s. fi C"n I sti'cK nf FALL of all Kin , Men j 11,-aiy - 1 ,, ' , f s i j vH u i l,ll t,..l III I Im ,.. rlr,,f , .,!,.,., .... ... .. ami (.'liil.'rina' Miuuj of nil hintli.. A Presli Lot of Grocerios-, ot !. k j in 's, nih as AJol.tasca, Sugars, Pons, Rice, I 1- -s.il. Uolfuo, J Sjiirof, 1 Suit, Ha-i ' Aft ATS AND UAJ'S ,,, ... i i 1 obneco, Si car?, Cnndief Razcn-. Lar.l ! i, , ' ' ' j tVif., An FEED AMD l'ROVISI NS. liV'i'l'ier Willi a great wiri. ty of uotMii. and tlfeiu. lai.ji.o iiiiiiicrnus tn iiiiu'lon, a 7" II liter, lli'i's, .Mo t and nrodiue rcnera'ly ny.c i i I'xchaiii'e lor suodt. HENRI' GlGEil. I ll'dijiii-biirg, I) c. Id, IH'll i N1CW STORE & Oil EAP GOOI)S. 'QM K S.iLES Art!) SM.IL!, VllDl 1 1 S ''H'lIK umlor.-iiiiio(l, havinr; lal.-nn tl.d K Mnio lati ly ii-eupiml by Junius IC. llyer. 'in Main Hreit. r.lnn-o I run tfi.-ei t, la l.loomsburi;, ami .totk-'d il Willi uveiy v urji ly nf HOT teiijllis S'DDDS I!e,llr'(tflllv illt'uiiii. I.I frli'li l nil. I Ii.. ui,l, it.-i. cr.illy, Unit he will !i h-i.n- in r ive .1 .m a. "f tnr rn'die p.itr i'", ami liu-u tli.n ,,. ,0 r, ,,.r v.,r al taii.l.uliuii hy M-liii- mum u,,. UM ,,,,iiny , ou f iir tcrmrf amt al B:m-i,uiirv r-iir.ca. Mil n0(k iniiIslj j) ru,t lllf V !( Ill J ' t3i;uci:itic.-!. nnn, auiir.r.'.siv ir.n. M'uuiir.MV.iitn, iioo rri.y lions. IIATri, IM ? nil ci-pcriiiiy Willi a SlUenillil variety op L AIM Ed DRKSd UUODS, F.IWV .IhTJCLFS ,'C , .ye., whirh ha wil! tell l.s cheap as l he i licnpent, fnr r li' ready pay, iiy-Coiintry prnihn u. generally tiken in oichani..' fi Itoiiils, INDItlJIV TKIllVtl.I.lor. Illov mbnrj, Jin. T, HJt-y. STATJiK SJ'ION KIO.TKfft, lOilniid CiOJ .Market Strict, Phil upliia, rpillS ll.itel is Ineated jn the vi'rj' iriitro nf ImsiniMf X find isuear llie ri-'peit i' iu places nf iimui.. in whirh iii.il,,! ii pm Untidily d -ir.ihle tn persuns viiiuns I hil.iilelphia on Imsiuess nr pleasure ; nud iliu .11 n i jer lii'in s by rln-o persumil intention In Iliu warn ul lilt hisauests tu iiinku II n coiiifiirlable liniiiu fut nmcli as .. - .... with tluilr pairuniijii'. .J. Re UA1 tiA i'rop'r. May 2.1. 13C1.-JJ r J. 7t 1 mmm wmi aMIlll'roprittnroflhn wi Ibknown nnd cenirally mrt teit llniue, tint i:.. ii vniy. Ilnini., ituali nu Mai. Hlli'et, in lilunliii.itir.', Immeili.ilely ;innsiti' the 1'iiluel bin County t'uurl House, ruset tlally I'iil'nrnih Ins Irieiidl nud the liublic ni t"in-i.l, i li:il lii ilnuse is iiikv ii dor nr (he reci'p'inn uiidi'iitiirtaiiimi'iit ol ir iveb rt 'Um in;.)' feel dispuseil Hi fuvor it Willi lln-ir i iisKuii. lie Ims rpari'd no rxiensi In prepatini! thn kiiiiiM.c. lm Um I'liteitaiiiiiient nl hi . liuesls, liel'lier skill llier-i be any tluiiL' wantihs! Inn his parti in minister tu their persmnl cniiifnrt. His huiiso In pp.tciius uml enjoys an excellcnl business lorntiun, ITT" OiiiniliiiKeit run at all tiius between thn P.t i Hotel nnd the tnriuus Hail lto.nl llepnls, by whleh iiaj clcra Will bo pliiiisdiitly conveyed tn nud frmil tho r epectivu rilatlens in due time tn meet the Cars. W.U. IL KOONS. JtAV 1, IfCO. WHISKERS I WHISKERS! loy n want Whhkers nr .Moiisl uilies t Our Crem n Coinpnuiid will fori o them to cnnv nu tho tiun.ulii il l.co or CKIil, ur luiir, on liuni lieailt, In tlx Weeks. -I'rico, 81 lm. Hent by mail niiwhere, closel) imiJ on receilit of price. Address, IVAIIMI'II 1. I'll II.. 1.3 IT.1.1... m w -- uv, iiiunnijin ... ,.-u.i-y W.atioMOi-y ami k5lar-!f IIook' Quppliod to dealers nud cash luyeid at yJ low wBoiosaia rati, IV f! pp.miv 1 jf r V, mi mi, .i.inuiisiiiiig health Xk&W&M7 W'1'1' i'ovi)i:ii is iim , e4v V ''r'.nid mil VCJIiRNriLJ'llECeji '"" " "i ami miiy llr-