Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 09, 1865, Image 3

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Saturday Mornhig, Doc. 9,
vcrtisomorils In.artml m,... u,J .
ailvcrtisomonts inserted must hand thorn
1M nnrltf nti 'l'l, ...!,. - ' t
their insertion for that week.
Bay "GiiAV-DEAnD," "may appear" in"
the next issue of tbo "Columbiu Demo
crat. -
dipt. Michael OnovEU, of Mnin
township, has purchased tlio Esnv IIoi.l.
in Espytown, this county,for about SGUOO. 1
COT John J. Siiles, Esq., Trcasmcr
elect o( Columbia County, has filed his
official Bond, and will OFSumo tlio duties
of office upon the first of next January.
ter Point was sold the past week, in
JiiOOIIIBburL', for M eta. nnr nnmut l.i.
w, i i '""I'
WI10IO lion.
tf Mr. JoBUl'II ljlinrs'ir nt f1n(ni. :a.
- .!.! . . . "
a. tuiuauiii, mis CDUIUV. Had n Imriin
lupy and harnefs btolfii from his baru i
on tho ubjbt of last Sunday.
Why don't tho "J)r." roviow tho
"Nob Mountain Book" which ho sayB ho
Lad to pay SI 50 to got ? llo promijcd
C 'J'hc Ilorse-'J'hicves, with which
our country is largely cursed, aro ucw
doing a largo business . Every week some
body is rotibed. May they bo speedily
anubk:l and punished.
fisi?" Tim Smut Iluciine published a
few weeks ajjo' a pyramid of States cairid
ly their pijrty recently. Mr. Dunn didn't
ou forget to add JAMAICA ?
. -i - -- -
Cttf- Wo have added a very larj;o uum-
ber of new subscriber?, ibe past week, to
tho libt of t!l COLUMUIA lljSMOt'UAT.
Also, acknowlodgo very libi'ral p-u'ytcl'nts
from our patrons. W'o gratelully ajipre
vciat3 tho kindnnss of our frifiids.
6-Tho A-iiii.ANi) Am-or.YTi:, i now
the titles of tin- paper, published by Alum
15, Tati', in Ashland, .Schuylkill county,
having had tbcwoid AbhhtnJ substituted
iu'tead of' Constitutional " Quite an im-
iroouieut. It is a live Dcmocratio paper
und is well sustained
C6SGapt. Thomas OiiAi.rANT, EJiior
of the Danville IatdUgrnrcrwa last week
jiiosmted ly his fi llow citizens, at the
Fireman's Fair, with an elegant Cane.
The Capta'n lieiily ineiiH thid proud tcs
timoniil. Sue h;s Card in another column
ol luii Dcmocint.
Ui)i,ti).v FusjE.S'i'd. Wc arc pleaded
o c t'.l atieuti jii i ) tho iidvoit'ncmoul of
tbu u'nt l-iatnlmthn hjJamio-t
Co, SI and Libuitv Street. New
Voik '
i'!i'j-;i "tiitlemai! stand No. for
their repent ibilhY and doalitii;;, and will,
no di.t.b', ;jivu satitfacti r.) to all contrib
utors Giout induocmcnt aro off r cd to
m;eiits. K'.ad the advuitiscmeuts
Lr2f" T!i at 'Jh v.s
wh ie!i we Ut week
on Mo idiiy. It iviu
iving Tuikcij, for
ailn'il:sed, airivcd
indeed a line fat
cirn- k' l low I, i ucu
as a good Democrat
nloue I'.oalJ jnepare, nnd an ample
least for liic "E.litois' largu family and
aceomanying r.-sponsibili ios.'" Mr. J.vo
KiiEsi.Uit and his aceo.ip!islied Lidy, of
Seott township, wero tlio ginerom donors,
to houi we tender our grateful acknowl
udi;mciit.') t"f their oonsid urate gencroi-ity,
iind iah them and theirs, long-lilo and
the couiiuucd enjoyment of tho abundance
of this world's good things.
of o t
Cd?" M. M. TitAUcii, E-i , entered
upon the duties af Iii3 office this week, as
tho District Attorney for Columbia coun
ty. E. II. Little, E-q., having filled
the office for the past two terms, of three
years each, to general satisfaction, retires
Irom the position to devote his attention
tuoro exclusively to the practice of the
civil profession. Il' Mr T. makes us ef
ficient a prosecuiiug officer as did Mr. L.,
tho em's of public juttieo will be duly
hubstrved .
Caud or Thanks. Tlio undersigned
respectfully tcndeis his sincere thanks to
Jits ncrsonal friends, tho Ladies, Firemen,
Workiflgmcn and other eitizous of Dan
ville, tho beautiful tcB'.iinouuil they
presented tc him r.t the late Fircmun'h
After ihs lotj period of defamation,
misreprcscntatiou aud abuse that has pur
mod him. it is particularly gratify iug to
him to kuow that he yet retains tho con
fidence and rcipect of so largo, respecta-
mo anu inuueuiiiii a iioiuuu yi uu iuuiv
Danville. Dec. 1, ItSGO.
lulormatiou is wanted of tho whereabouts
ho left Bloomsburc. Mr. S. was about 27
years of ago, 5 feet 0 inches high, light
loinplcxion; bluo eyes, dark hair, with'
whiskers and moustacho, and by occupa
tion a Shoemaker. Had lately returned
from torvico in tho Union Army.
Ilia wifo aud fan ilv will pay a liberal
.. .1 -.. :. f l,la ivIinrnntinuM.
unuiu jui luieuiiiiueucii ..w.v-mv-.-,
WHCtllCr llVlUC orucail.
1VI1XJ MlV O CxtriTTiV
lUlta, IUA1U O. OJ.iei,
Blnnntstiiirrr Deo. U 1805-
JJlOOniSUUrg, WtO. U, tcoo
fiy Ediiora irencrallv will urcatly
. 7. .. . . . J , . V
of Samuel F. Saveuy, who left Blooms.' , s., (i0i1..ra thconsistii).' of !
btirff, iu tho Cars, on tho ovcuing of tho .,T,.,-t, ,,T mvo nratmn)1 Hmgie
r i- t loer i. .,7, TiaUO, iu li 14J1JI O, iillliuuiti' eleven, H ;
Uild of Novomber, 1800, lo go to 1'hila- ( x Xi " ,,,,, ,,y ,t3,:s;ntty
delphta, to purctiasc a stoei: 01 uoou . ana , sn.vitu wathilb. s,.v., w., ZXTu
Shoes. IIo has not been heard of since, ""''',. , ,r,c, cue m0y .
ouho a tli5coii601ato wilo nmi otiiiurfin uy
noticing the above in their redpectivo jour-
'U?,T1 0 r?llo.v 'n6 PaymcnlB Iibto bcou tnado
to tno uuiimutu Democrat office, during
11.1 vij tit kj Aiuvuuiuuri xouu
J 8 M'Nlneh tin
Ilamillon I'lshor
810 oo lion Jno Mcltcytioljj SSil'
Obi) DllWnmcr
i.zrn M Lyons
Wm J Kreniner
(Ml llntklcy
U II H.itnn, Km
Esther Stoker
1 oo Win Waguor
2 oo J M llarion
Hon finl nfU Derringer
In oil Jim Mlrlincl
Too ('linn Mklinel
Son J M flaiisoioortM II
1 So
I So
'J oo
a so
a j.i i
Hat nil) Horborgrr
rs ainrv rinir
Joseph Washington
110 0,'n 1 J II rfn irimi
jonn i.onper
I'JSo JiiinhUeiiintt
'J So 1 J i:i v M I)
a. In A IV I'ry
fin Moses Schllrhcr
1 no J J ?C,
nso iirr rn-niiut
IIOII Him... 1,1,,...., ,
inane f Ktinn
li! So
a .'hi
ii 00
S oo
1 oo
a no
3 So
a no
a is
1 So
I no
Cll.i llngart
Jncoli lluinboy Bt
jnuu I'liicuin
Uuakcr Clti CIIcm Ar,,... i,,i .. k ""r'""l,,u"
fi ! i .'i in ' on '"'"Knoir
L , ' f:"1 " "" A J Alberts..,!
Daniel Snyder Hs-t I ; j John iirei.ri,
Wv8l&u'kaai9$Z V I'J'iLL'L" v'eaUe)
a oo
II oo
I So
a oo
I 23
7 oo
H no
a So
h oo
a no
a so
a so
a 75
a oo
a no
4 Til
..' il1.0' I'ocl"1 V 1 'J" Itnrlnnn
'J So Col On Agr Society
" .In Sberiti,4 j..,..i.,.
J li llurtt
Wll llclwig
,' Clias 1' Kln
'.'So II U Albert
1 no Col J J 1'tojze
1 .'.o Dr J J lily
'-! oo J.icoli Hess
mi) liov WtlWrich
.'I So Wmltnuu
i!5o Hliorlir K djij-.lor
'.' To I M Elans
I So IS J Mcllcury,
a M Aiiron Ik's, (Mllllln)
it oo Jns Kotfor
57 Win John
i JnoLiimrus
i ' nowrr
Inline llliodr a
Win llnacnliiicli
Win l tolc
Hamilton I'islicr
Harris llnilinnii
llanli'l (iijutr
UanU'l Milkr
2 So U Oakford ii Soih
lo oo
K7 Wc llnnk our ciintnincrs. for rcnsimubln nnv.
nieiilj. ilnrlng tho inoiilli if Xmiinljcr. Tliciu U an
other ilns ofpers on lo Hliom v miit e iy n frw
uoriln, In illllcront IniiguaRc, and thoy nrc tlioso who
liao long iiL'Slcilcil an J elill neglect to pay tlio 1'rin.
tor. Many of those pen on llvr out of tho Siiitc,nn.l
know that thoy havu h nil our paper and Ink-Mnstv
and tvuoii-for many imib. hitiiolt
lah, and nlthmi gh wu have tent I In in Hair Lllls time
and agnln, they refuno to pay a-id treat our appeals
with ills refpett. Wc ngnin send those UilinipienU
bills, dp tu next .Uircli-Uiifu of l'.Mh oi.-und In
form them that, If furilmr in'gloilod, wo will nop tho
paper on tliuii, and piojuuto Ihiir umn.ntj to n
speidy cuneclio i.
r w. ,iMii.M, i
J. t'l, A, M , l'rluciplas.
Al.t. tlnVLKV', )
Tirsl College Iluildinn', Corner I'enu nnd St, Cl iir,t-ls.,
C"li l ' " o i' J 1'. Iluwn' lliill.lio, ,illi m ,
Third " .Nils. X and CUir dlieet,
aurivam ro me wetic txni.ia Utt. 1;GS,
J A llnwitl, I.luloii, Jell'. Co Ullio
M (i '1 rout Halib.uli Uiul lil.ur Co I'.l
C A WinUu'orili. Cuyalio,'! falls ti.inimit Co 0 .
C U U ooJ Kill ut IUKIi lit Co In, I
W II Ciunhart, (iroenvill'., .Mercer cn Pa
J A Unyi-el, IWlUliur. lltujka co ;Vt,.t V.l
J Kennedy, 1 1 1 1 sbu ru'l, I'.l
A z.ill, at I rani lnulle Clark co .M
I, A Coiirad, llriitMiin'li,nu. Aiieghen) Co Pa
VV A Peine. 'l'eiutM ruucvMtle "
1 (Hliuti, N 11 iliuni jion, f,.i reucu in Pa
II l.' J '. j 1 T. n 1 1 . r ,-iil. iml, AMialand co u
A i CrlL''s, iv.inil.ill, CravMoril Co I'.l
A J Uaiiir.iv, .. W iinihiizioii i.aivreiico Co Pa
V ll (iri-cu j.evM-U.lig liiiliiit Co I'.l
Ollowar.l ' '
C W .laikey, l'r:i:ikllii, Venaii;o to Pa
P 1' SlaL) ,.,l.'i.i, iile, L'r.i.Mui.i Co P.i
J Wllrull, VullliKbluAII. Alaliuaiug Co I)
J .M iiiit. All.-tneoy Cuy l'a
1, .M jateiibou. Vi-rtalka, ii.ukc Co t)
C l' IIjouuii. lliie.uiiau, Alleluuy Ca Pa
J liiUinau. rili.iruu. .iierter CuPa
1) ii Criiuei, 1'illf, Pike Co 111
C I. Hewar, Coal mall' U,uu Co Pa
J CiaiK jr.
IV ,Muv!imu. fcti uUenvillo, Jell' Co O
It II i'k'i.iinn, tiuweiiaville, i.'iu.uUilJ Cn IV
V I. Il itilun ' .
II li llo.ip, ,ew Creiiada, 1'ultuii Co l'a
I, W llriiili.ii-1, tVellerni'.irg, comersut Co, Pa
IV i' IJ.iiu
Por terms and inforui:.tiun concerning tho College,
AudtCea,, jJ.miiu !. CuUVi
Dei. II, 1-CS. PitUbuig.
A Lj M I N 1 3 Til ATO U ' ,SN 0 T ICE .
L'stulc if EUas Di'Mcric'h, dcti'd.
f El'TEHd of Administration on the
J of Class Dili iciiick latu nf Jloninur
lowimhip. i.'oliiuiliia i uu my, ilecenwd, have lieu man.
led hy Hie I'.i -ji-ler of Coluiu'n.i i.niiu v to Hi., under.
Mi!Ui:d , all p r.-oiu li im; claiiun. agaili-l iliu exlalu
of Hi.' d cdciii are re'l'ii'-l.' I lo prc-M ol Hi' in lo Hie
umlersiMii d. km, ling in III,: taid ii'inhip, wnh
ont ih'la,', and all pemoiia ludeliUil to make payment
Dec S, I -lij 0v S I 00
Eitttte vf Jacob Wcnntr, dtccaiccl,
p" ettors Testamentary on the estate of
Jamil Weiiner, l.uo of I'ishingcri'i k lownehlp,
Coluud'ia couiiiy ih .1. int'd, have i'oH granted liy Ilia
IU,-il,'r of Wills to the uiiderstgned rcidin; in
tnid township, all perMius Inning il linn a.'alnal th"
estate of tin ilei'edi lit, are re'pieMed to present iliein
lu the lhi'cutor Willi. iut dela, and all pernoua iiidcbi
ed to make paiueut lurthwilh,
GEO. AI. HOWELL, EucuUr. lMi."(.-liw.$a.
A. ll-HU.M.'.N
Clothing Emporium!
Finn of Evurs & Unit in an
ATE arrival of Fall it AVinter Cloth.
tug ntlliBOId tlui.l n( A. J. EV on llnin
lieil, niuuiu J,irg the best and latest Stylia and
Eieijlhing in Ilia
(jfiilktiMtia lUu of Clttihing..
Ua nijr in iMiipl") ttiu well knosvii himI I'xpnriouc
cd t utt r, U. V. 1$ lUitiMiui. iMtuiurly of K.tftuii, t
mtIVi fit is (futirtufi-d, niul loorJor. h:irrc as
btirtiiicnt ot Jluatly in; iu
Alsn-nu Ubsortmcnt ot PUOI'S, llio cheapest m the
A Una epleiidid assortment of
Clothct3 and
for alu or to make to order
lllomnsburg., IboS.
" "OG-Take-1 500-Ntict47 0.
M'l.l.MJ.D vaiuuiv or
WVltchCS,, JeWCll'V &C
, , w , Rtr.i
I Wu now filer a fplindid variLiy of Ihc rlinifotl nn'l
! bel goons, on ti.rnn lint mueUuil and will uit e.
: , and il oar dealings an) not lair and honest
do nui iMironue us , and if our goods are out us
'I Ilk
resented, i.Liiti.s mt.M asu iitwiLi. ntliap oi
uo.MiAi ,
Ami a great variety of fancy gnods and Juwelry.
These Uoodi are tiuinberecl from o lie tu twenty thou,
sand, und Irteuty ili.iusauil iiuiices, nro nuuibcred
I rum one lo twenty inoiisaud.uud put into .ealcd en
iclupts and ihurouglil)' mixed, each number corre
sponding Willi some urtielc- of goods. Any person
sending thirty cents fur an oil eulored photograph will
teici.u two of thc'b.i notices with each photographs where tin ugeiil n-ids, live pliotcigraplis und
ten iiuilc ct lor one ciollar, tho extra photograph und
iw notices free lo Ihu uiiiiil. 'inutulielo nl goucU
ru,.,oll(ll, ,ho nuiuli.T ua the uellre, no mat- i
ler what Its valne, will bu tent on the receipt ol iwo
Dollars. Iflho gonJs whim recived do not give sal-
UC on, return then, and we will refiinJ the money.
ri'iid ilmiy ceiitslorun oil colored i'liotprupli, Itt-
i,g,os, Couflc or rancy, and two notice..
oivo usuuuirial and wo know yuuwill icndasam.
Address all orders
i Twrinlu lliotitnnd nrlieles of foods aro
nmsiud New voik
Nui . a m H tt Itjvu
Fall and Winter
Crcasj's Store, in Mghi sired. Pa.
Who Keen all KinJs of
i rv
Angara, Molasses,
oyrups, coffees,
Teas, Fish,
Sait, Bacon,
Hams, Lard,
Tobacco, sgars,'
Hats, Boot",
Uaps, Shoos,
Drug, Oils,
Taints, &c, iVc.
,, i L!" "r1 our Urfa s,l,ck "f "'y wo havir
, , j .f" 1 assortiiient of Iteady Mmlo Clothing
' , ', " )wear which we i,c deterinincd l".
sell cheaper th in can liu lionu it elsewhere, Call and
Mrnji?iv'iyj,lJ0 kt';Vl fl,ni) """"one nt of imuci--nnd
ior MMV!, ,,,.,,1,' ll0,'"'""-'""-n regular Drug
Store ii l.lahl Mrcet, wliirh will ho nirciiil'v com.
'their ,l!?o'lneSr,il'., M J,r,C,L''1 fr '"U I'"'"'"'' f
ti H. W. CHFASY, &Co.
t-lglil Street, Nov. 4, ISM. '
. 1
Oor. Jcnth and Chcitnut Streets:
The tnnit rnmpl. t,. and ilioroughly appointed llusi
sior romuierii il Colleixe in the inuutry,
me oniy on,, in u,u uty possessing a l,eg,latlvo
I nailer, and ilnnmly one in the United ."latei aullior-
P1''1 "' (' of.M, i lliaplomai awarded
to gradual, s in Hie Commercial CourfO under its cor
porate teal by authority of law.
Condiiiteil by genu, .men ,,f liberal education nnd
PMi imve "xpeiience ill business, nnd affording line.
"luallei! ndviiiilacenfor the tliomngh theoretloal nnd
piailical cdiicaliou ofjoiiug men lor the vannus itu
ta'fl and employments of biiiinesi life. I
by a s ytteiu ol
original and pre-eminently practical, giving the stu
di in in the shorten time a romp litu lesighi m tlio
(clenco ol'a, iiiiiuls, arrange,) and oiil,llli,.,l i. il,,.
proprietor uf this iHsiiiiition rxilunvely for Ins own
me. saving one- half the ordinary labor of Ihu student
and giving iiiiu a complete knowledge of th j prattico
ut Ike best ai enuulanti.
EM lilt ACES
Bookkeoping,Comuicrcial Arithmctic,PeD
juanship, Business Correrpondcnce,
Commercial Law, Lectures on
Business Affairs, Commer
cial Customs, Forms,
and Actual Busi
ness Practice.
Algebra auJ the llijthrr .Mathemullti, I'iovnrraph'l, Or
nZMcr.tal Vnmmi,.iji. the .in u, Jlttcctiiij
Ccunl'rfru .ljiie, '.ngi'icclMj. bar.
nijuip. A'ai igatun and
Tel ii hi nt; .
Thn arrangein.'iits fnr 'Ii legrnphing arc far Iniro ad
vance of. my thing ol the kind ever ull.'rud to the pub
lie. A regular Tele rnpli Line ii connerled Willi the
lnslilutioii wi'li Iweiiiy lirnuili oiuees in larjnus
parti id'th'' n . w here public iiuiiies n transacted,
and in which the students of this Institution are p"r
nnued to practice. No regular nllice practice lau be
hid in am other schoil of luhlructiun in tiin country,
w itli at w Inch tin one can obtain a position as a pr-ie operator. Young iiieu are c intioiied against the
dereptu-e lepresentalions ol' iho-ie who, without any
suih l'aulilies, preiend to teach Telegraphing.
Tills 1 it slit ut tori i now I'lijnyiug tlr largest patrnii
troii'ig" evi r nelson cd upon any Coiumerrial hchool in
tOc Mate, ilpr fiv. huu 're.' iu lean were in aiteii.
dance the It st j ar, and over seven haudred during
the pail jrnr. 'I'll. liu.i class of students tiny Inva
riably be found here, and all its associations are lirst
das. i.
'I'lilt ImtituiMjii is Incited in the most central part
of Ilia city, and its ac o.nuiodatinui, for extant, ele
ganie an.i ion, nicnie, me unsurpassed All Ihu
rooms have been lilted up in the very best style wilh
iiusin'Ebs oi'ncEs u:t cou.Tixtiiousiia.
ll.VXK 01' DCPUdlP AM) laI.'E,
siipp!i"d with llnely engraved liih'igrapliic notes used
as a i irculatiug inediiim nitlie Inpaitiueut of Actual
who tlcirL- thu vory hi facil'tio for a
Practical Kriucution for ttcslnc-ss,
wc fii'ir-tu tf,i a i ur" f in.s'ructinn no uIht- else
i ti'tl , wli i 1 1; tli- r i-ul-ilnr'i ii it tt -tiiitln: nf ilie
institution tun my liU'inti-h nuiu inaKc 1 1 tutJorho
uit'iit Ii st Tif5bi"it ii hiicci ami niivanct'jiiL'iit.
All LOiitLMnjiliitit) i itinnjj an (Vnntiitrcial Coltcgj,
aro m it'l lo otu fur an 1 LLCSTKATED
cnniaiaing com;ilete lulcrinr views of the College,
and lull pailiculars of the course of instruction
terms, itc.
T. C SEl!fiI,
hpcrial Teacher and Supt. of OPlco liusiness,
iw.4, lrij-ldui.
All Euro of their Money's Worth,
3'.i ainMl Ann Street, N. V. (lale 4J niU 11 Nassau
Street), otl'er ful hi 'j Ilia following inagiiiliceut
List of
U'alclics, ChaSiii, .TewcJry, Ec.
03" EC'I AlilTCLi: ONE DOLL.MI I jr
And not lo bo paid fur till yuukuow what
) oil nro to git.
QjO Gold d Hiiier Watehos.from SISOO to?ISQ 00
VOl) Ladles' Cold Watches, n.i.UO each.
SOD !.. idles' it Cents' Silver watches. 15.011 each,
3,000 Vest, Nmk A-tiuard Cliainf, i3 00 lo IS.utl each.
b ooul'.uld Hand llrareleis. a ll i tn 111 il'l uacli.
! I'l.tmi) Plain. Ch iseil, Wedding rings U 50 to S.00 each.
j 5,000 t'uufuriiia Diamond Pius and
! liiiigs, II Do to il 00 each.
10,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry. S 00 to 15 OOeaili.
, 10011') (iuld Pens, Silver Mounted
i Holders. , -lOOto 5 00 each.
I 10 HUU Cold pens, Silver Cases and
I Pencils. -1 01) lu li 00 each.
' Togelhurw nil Kiliboii Sh ies, llosoiu Studs Sleeve
llntlcus. Culd Pencils, Duckies, liruoches Gold Tliiui.
h! s. Eur drups. t'luldreii's Loops Vusnniu i'liis
un.l lliiiga. l-o il Kings, f-'r irt'Pms, Watch Keys, Also a
i vnri h cu' SiUe' Waii embracing tioblets. Cups,
Cat' or Tea and T'alilc spnoii, A.c.(Vum s'i tuSSi'.
T h arli. les in this stuck are of the neatest au
inosi fashion. .hlc t)lu. Curtilieaies of a. I lie. vari
ous articles aiM put in sealed ctivilopes and mixed,
llius going nil a lair chance, aiul eui l.y mail, as "r-
tli red , and on Ilie lu-eipt ot Ihu cerlllie-alo ll is at
our oplion to send UN'E Dill, LAU and take thu ar
. tn I - Hauled in it, or not , or any other uitule in our
list ol'e'iual uluu.
Certifllcatos and Promiums.
Ceilillcate. 45 cents : llvo Certillcatus, SI :
euu-live h uu p rem i tun o tmld Poll,
with premium of Gold Pencil and Pun, 10;
Willi premium oi mivur i .iilii, o-u, nvo
i preiuiuui of Culd Wuich. S'.O Cerlilli
iiclosed Willi order. Every letter, from
whatever source, promptly auscviircd.
Goods sent by mail, carefully tucked. All articles
not tati.faclory caubd returned and exchanged, or Hie I
money refuudecl if wished. Tlinusandt of clullnrs'
worth of Walehol told to our lustumers during thu
pa. I year.
AGENTS wanted everywhere. Si'inl "3 cents for
Ccrtilicale and Circular. Address,
W PoitSYTH t CO.,
33 and 41 Ann Street, New York.
Nov. 4, CS3m. SIOS M.P Agts.
WM. (i, li AlIO IS, E, II. PEALE, li E, 11. IllillLEY.
WM. G. 1IA11GIS it GO.
No 130 South Second St., below Chestnut, I'Hila,
Manufacturers of Varnishes aud Dry
ing Japan, and dealers in Wlutu Lead Zinc.
Oils. I'uit) oakum Pnini. r's t olurs and 'luols, Hum
ing and LubiicaiiiM I oal Oils Ikiuinu, Naptha i-c
C7" Indue ciuciiti to Ucah rt.
Sipl W I63- ly
business mm
Watches and Jewel 17.
$1,000,000 Worth
AT ONE DOLIiAlt E A 0 II 1 1
Wllhout regard to value ! ! N0t to paid for until
)cu know what you nro to r.celvu III
11 Y A. 11. tl 0 U'llN ,5. CO.,
(Agcntj for tho Manufacturers )
No. UO Bcckman Street, New York.
Ilend llio fniViHlnif 1.1,1 of AitVrlej to ho sold OMi liOI.LAIl EACH :
tan Cold Wiitfhm. various ete rami
WW Indie. Cold Wntihei, ' .. A, '
rmo n, ... w.... 1...- ' .
rVni. i ,,; a . . ,,n n 'in-iuuii
l.tiiiii tlegnntsllvcrplaled castor slan.U ai) in toa.ioo
l?rl,." '"' UnkoHakV IS iki to on
y' .V" IViSl-uoin, H OH to I.-, w
M.liiK) (liihlrls, cnaraved, 4 0(1 to h no
.l,W pairs ofTaliloHpoonf, 5 (hi to H on
.I.JtW pairs nfPalt Hpnnns, 3 lid lo Alio
I.Siki inajiiliicent Napkin lllnirs, 1 uu to iiS.i Ur.., (.tsinrt.
eil colors ) j oo to & do
a.MO setUiiflnillesjcwrlry, iin'lion IvorySuoto boo
S,oUII liolil l.iickels.tnuriit ed hmka.niili-n
lu.uou l.aillns' Hack Coinhs, rich and
tmi'iuc palters, SlklloaJOO
Soil to 1.1 no 1
s no to uu oo '
son toau u,i ;
i-.i-u i.iii nics, i, oui.. jet, nun
fi.W'O latest ny Vest ti Neck Chains,
S.SOKienls' California lliaiiiond Pi in,
l.llllll Clllforni l llliliuotid Cur llrom
suo to jo uo
a.liOO .Mlnl.iiuru cud Enninclecl lluvolv
, ' in. 5 00 to 18 00
a.OiiO t'ulilorui i D amoiicl & Enameled
dent's Hcarf Plus. .100 told 00
a.nnu .Masonic and Emblem Pins, a 00 to 1U00
a.SuOCold Hand llracclcts, engraved
iind plain, a 00 to 20 00
.i,'"iii Jet uini -nosaic liroocnes aotltoIOOU
a.tiuo Cameo lliuoches, rich patterns,
very lasly, 5H0tn20M
a.OOO tural Ear Drops. 4 00 tu C 00
," '.a nes inaieiaiuoi'nains mid
lliiard Chiius, 8 00 to 15 00
(I.liCU.Iienis' Plus a splendid nss'inoiit a 10 to 10 uu '
Lujunciiiniro eiecvo Millions, entirely
ncW'Btyle. 3 00 to 111 110
1,000 Muds ami Slecvo lluttons, lu
setts, very rich 3 BO to 10 00
S.PuO rlceiu l.niiinu, plain, enumeled
, n nnd cngraied, aoiltn 8 UO
lll.t'QO plain and handsomely engrnvrd
IlliiSt, S SO to ID iki
P.ObO liickeii, doable can1 .richly oligravnd a tin to 10 1,0
ij.ucii si us ol i-aiiies Jewelry, new and
l.llest styles OOOlolStlO
jXOO handsome ileal llings, 3 00 to r, ml
8,00(1 si tis ol lie uum, 3 Su to CUil
1.01.0 Cole' Pens .goldex'tiou lioldors, 13 mi tu J OJ
".01.0 teisjet Cold I'elis Ear lunpi, I) (into loud
a.ouoi.'iilu Tiilinldes, i'eiiHU, tic. lO'ltci lino
1ii,IiiiO ijol I pens iili ludsomn silver rases, S 00 to b oo
1.'W0 Ebony llilders, Sou to Uo
The method nf iIIsho'Iiil. ot Hit,,. ni,,ls it nc'i'
1KM, LAIt tn-li is as f.dl.r.vs- ' '
CeriifK'atus. uiimliig earn arti'de and its value, nri
l'laeecl in s, aled out e'opes and will lulled. Due of
tliesecuvclupej s ill be sunt by mail to any addres
on ri c'cipl ol'gj edits.
O.i Hie rec-i ipi ol the Certificate you will sec it hat
J'ou am going in hai e. th, a It is t ynar option to
send the cloiiar and take the atllc le or nut. Purchas
ers may thus obtiin alicil.l Watch, Diamond lilug, or
any set ol Jewelry on our list lor Cue Dollar, nnd in
no ease i an they g ilcs. l m One Dollar's worth, as
lh"re are no blanks. The pru e of I'eitificates is as
follows .-One for g."i cents; fue for 1 ; eleven for $1,
thirty for v j ; sjuy.flvc for 'Pen Dollars ; one hundred
for SU,
The distribution Is rnmlucted fairly, and all an
i"tiai chance of obtaining the valuahlo by pur
chasing ilia Ccrliilcalcs. We guarauteu entire satis
faction in all cases
Agents wanted to whom we ntfer sp?eial terms and
premiums. Head ii cents for one Certidcate and oar
circular with teims Aildress.
A. H. UOWEX & CO .
P. O. Uox 1JTU, Xew York.
Oct. 1.5. ISM.
Dr. T aibott's Pills.
Composed of highly Concentrated Extracts from
Of the croatet-t inciliciiinl valuo, prt'.troil from Ihc piv-i ripuuii ul ihu ti'li ur.ittil Dr. Talbutt.
'it u-ri'd by linn u illi reinnr Kntili uccea for Iwuuty
card. An infallible fin 'ily in all
disl;a;ji:s or run uvi;it,
or any ilcraiisomciit of
They cure Dinrrhoea, DypopliaJ Scrof
ula, .InuiHlico,llilicu8!ic83,iiver Coin plaint.
Th Uull-known Dr. MiU tnxy nf these I'ilU "I
havo u-uil tlio fnniuil i from wliidt ytnir I'jlts are
maih'. in in v nr.Ktit't! lor nvtr I- 'ar: tlnjv liavvthu
' fiin tt olVTi Mnn th'j I.ivcr aiul Digestive Organs of
ii v nit'cli l i nf in lliu w hrlil. ami nr.; tin- most ti.'rlVt
l'itri;:ilivo whuh liHfiryut buuii uiaJo by anj hmly.
Thi'y ar' tut'' mu 'i'as.ini to Ilk-:, hut ltouufii! t
i nk. Their puiif iratui prop -rt I'd tiniulaiu thy vi
tal ailivitu'tt nf the both. ri'inoti tho obstructions ot
ilri nryuin, purity tliu blnoil, anl t'.n'U iliccasu. 'J Injy
pnro tho iVuLImiHur. nhuli brot-il aiir! irrow tlt.t
tt miter, htimulatu elniiiuli nr t'ii'orih'r'i oiatis into
tlit'ir n.ittirai at lion, aiul Imp irt a healthy iriij with
ftreiiiith to the v hoU U'io. N 't only Uo tln'y mrc
thu cciy tlay cohipl.tintrt of e fr boiiy, but ;l.-o tor
i.ii.lnHc anil il,int'rons li vi-uch. and bjius purely
I't.tblu att fiur lioai any ri-K or li.trtu So wrtri ho
has miimj u m il ihfsu I j 1 1 will r it bt- witlvi it liifiu."
'J'lo-y c r .it1 pun Linml and rtiiiut,' atl liiipuriiitM
from the tysttm, h-nu- are 4 pnuiri' ruru ftr
I)i irJE- I'or adults, one Pill in the morning ; f ir chil
clred under ojiars, lull' a Pill.
Zf" Price One Dollar per Bos. Trade
supplied, or sent by 31 oil, pott paid, lo
any part of the United States orCanadas
on receipt of price. None Genuine with
out tho fartimilo signature of Y. Mott
Talbott, M. D.
No. G2 Fulton St,, New Yoik.
May 37. WIS .-ly
MS North Si'cnnd St., rnr. of Quarry,
An assortment of Watchos, Jewelry, Silver and
riatcd Ware constantly on hand.
!T3" Uepairilig of Walihes and Jewelry prompilv at
tended lo.
January -1, IrtiS. ly.
New Goods
ho subscriber lias moved to the second
Doors below's, nnd just leeched a
v fctock uf .
Zephyrs, Cotton and Woolen Yarns, 1
Coiels, Laces, Etubroidcrit'S, Mus- j
lins, liiugeuiiigfi, j;ress 1 rim
mings, kc, ka.,
which all are invited lo tall aud examine.
Oitober 7, 1-LV)
Seliool Book'", llyinn Books, Bibles,
Sunday School Hunks and avaiietyot nth, r (tucks,
lll.inks Account Hooks, Memorandum llm ks. and Dia
nes for ioS, lll.iuk Deeds and Siniigag, s, mid an as.
sortiuent of Paper and Envelopis. .S-i-., &-i., lo be
I, .mid al Hie New lie ok Store, Scoiid Door below
llariiuairs Sloie. Illuouisbuig.
A. D. v Elill.
l',lociinsliurg, Oct. 7, IcoS.
fii n Bs y .ia 8i I T
Ucluriictl Soldiers and AU Ollters.
g-. . 0 , - . j ' . ....
tiCft oatC 0 .ICWUlll ami SUCeiWarC.
The Arraudalc Great Gift Distribution.
Our Agent- on inaling from Five to Thirty Dollars
per sin j . lend wc till, u -cd uioie. Lain invoices from
Europ.i have swelled our stock lu over One .Million
Dollars. A spli iiilid utsortuant ol Watches, llings,
Ladies' aii'l li.iullcmnuii's Jewelry "full kinds, of Ilia
most fnrliiunabli pallerus, selling at a I each. Send
'JS ccnlsfor a cerlilicntu and you will see what vuur
lire entitled lo ; or 31 lor li'io certificates, nr ?S fir
lliirty, or send a 3 evui stamp fur our terms in Ageuis
w liich aro of ihu most liberal kind. Now is yuur
tune I
No In Hioadway, Now York,
Nov. I, leTS-.?ll 3iu it S, S.
New Harbor Shop. ;
THE nndorsiaiied respectfully informs
thn tit liens of III. ... in. burg ai.U tho public gener
ally, that iiu lias opened a
New JUuheu Shop,
In Court House Alley and next door to the nllico of tlio
Columbia Democrat, where he is prepared to du neat
Shaking ami fashionable Hair Culling, with care ami
L Cue him a call and s e the stiles, '
l'luom.biirg, Oct. lrtiS.
L AI.IIIj.MU A. AI.IIU1 ritrcUES, - silling at
vmy low priciit fur ta. tl
G 11 E
.nun I. Ives,
cK cSs Kaie I'hiU,
. Great Exxitemcnt
On Account ofllie Now Arrival of
Fall and Winter Goods
HAS just received from tho oastern
fillet mil l now opening lit the old stand a
ri'tviiiill! aBSUrilllUlll Ol
I1W 600BS,
t'oiislsllng of every thing generally kept in a country
store, which will lio sold '
( hcapcr than the Cheapest,
Call ntiil seo nnd Judge for yourselves.
Ills stnckcnusirtsof l,.idict Dress Cuodt clloiccststylci
and latest fashions
i ' ..
Kontucky Joans,
Thread, &o.
The patronage of old friends, nnd tlio public genera
ly, is respectfully so'i'itcd.
The highest market price paid for country produce
Light Street. Oct.", IcOS.
E. ti H, T. AKTIIOHV & CO.,
llanutictnroioof PhotograpMo HatorialJ,
501 BROADWAY, 11. Y.
InnJlllt.n lion in, In l..lnn, rt I'llcnuURAritIC 1A.
TI(IAI.S, ns.r. LK.cil.uarlsri for Die f..llowin, slL:
Btcroo3Copo3 and Stereoscopic Viows,
Of tlic. wn hnrs nt, lu,iin. ...ortinunt, InclmUnff
OV.K'noil .1 Kcst .i.ciiib and fonnlns n cmd( t.tfl
rnoToiiRAi'iiio itu-rosY octiiborkat umo.v co.tTtri
Bull Kun,
Dutch Gao.
Fair Oaks,
Bavajjo Station,
Hoop Bottom,
Fort Morgan,
l'outoon Trains.
Hanovor Junction.
lookout Mountain,
City Point.
i otcrsburglt,
Bollo Plain,
Btrawbcrry Plains,
etc. KC.
Amsrlran .nil rorclpo ClUsi and .1, 0-flnri, llalun
ry.Af..&c Alio. UcoWliiff Sleeve. r..r or erltaie
tihlblilD Ottr0iul'.UU..(,utuiui, uiacuon t.lil
tf blame. '
Photographic Albums.
V wrro tlie frrl tj lntre,lttc t!is,a Irn th. Ifntl. I SUtM
as l .c maiinfailiir. Im-iu,,.,, o.uiM'Usi In ktshI vnrislr, riuiif
lilt In f tljo from S" sonu u. j:u. Our AI HUMS li Ive lb. r.r
Istloiior ls.niiaii.erlvr 111 r-,itv or..l ,ltiri,Mlu lo uayolLcr.
ihiy Kill lwml,j niml, FIII.k,on r,'Wlta'i,lsi
t37"l'IXE AI.UCMS, MAPI; TO oiios.a.53
Tho Xrado will find our Albania tfio most
Baloablo thoy can buy.
CAIU) l'llOIllOKAI'llS.
. Oir Cslalcijnis Sims mlir.'s. n,r I'm Tierscvn JIT.rsrt
.utjsiti (t, wl.i !i B.I.1I, uhtius ctiiiluuslly bliitf ciajdlcf LjJ.
n.nt At.,lAiis, Ac , i, ,iit
leu Mnj osna. I " hW it 65,1 s',
WOllriK " 5'.....O.ri'.li',r, IS.. l),ln,s
SI3C',lmci -.5I,si, liji,.ra, Iss Auia.-rs,
4JArllbU- IV5 Mnfc , 1 1 1'rcitillJt-it Wfowa.
.1,ij r.Vf-i.i rf Wirlii nt Art,
IrcIiHIhk mi ,.r ll,o iaii c1e.raterl Knjr.stnpa,
ralnUm,-., hlatjs,. As. Calalrnja. wilt cn rac.lcl ef Ma.i.n.
Ar, crjur I.r Ou. p.ain I'Irlii,, fron uur OauUno, will b
ftls.1 en rs-l.l ef H b-i, iut I by Lull, vb.K.
I'lioU'irraebttr. sad o.Lsii ,.r,lr,ii C U t , will iVjiuj
..nll t-vsnlytire r csli . 1 IL. nt. am with Uislr orJ,
liu rU.a lu. J ukUly cm vur gocJa ccuot 1U1 u sultl
Oct ;
Gold I8G5, 1066, 1867,
1 to 75,000
f f
$2 ! ! !
Two Doiiars
f t
lVXaiiufactux'crs' 'Agents!!
One of our GOLD or SILVER Watch
es, or Silver Tea Sets for S'-J,
as below ttalcd.
One of our tea srts or one placa of our Col I or Bil-vcr-ware
is worili u bushel ol tho cheap dollar Jcweily
Wo have; adoplcd the following mode of
ES i s i r i h n t i o ta ,
by salo ofTJ.OO'J nrticles of lalucl
The articles of oo,l arc intmhennl from mio tit, lo
75.UDO 1 iiA con.ifitmi: nl I'l.ino, Melo. Icons, ihM
I aiul Silver WaUhfH. Scu'inj: M iLhincji.Tea anil T.1M0
I fcriM, iSnliil it Tea and T:iIlo t'poon nthl lrk.
tit,, ni.M iiiiu in" iivi ,-i.tuu uiiitirg ui iiKimnitj
Jtwuly, Work aiul Trtilci (.'asu-i. IMi otir r-'ij ' )i AIIjuihs
Ojh-nl.iou SilvtT WatUier.mid fatiov nrtic'eu in prrai
dri,ty. 7j nut) noiiti iitiiubun it trout out 1 1 7 .1,(HHl
nro pn.ileil and put into ' aled ciivclopetf ami vvi
inixi'd, uinl oucof thuo ii taken out and P;nt to the
purun auntliny lo us j ceiitd to cntr x pniieo of pot
age, tt.rreiponitei)cc, tic. and tho artirlu (f pnoiU
rr. bpouilini: wilh ihu nainher fii thu u-iiicu will ho
sent to the Jiuliler U U10 t?.,ut' iinnit'iiialoly it h do
sires to porch
iioihu arli'lu,, on thu recti nt nf two
iuittiiic" : If thu imuilKT 0:1 tho notice
hotild bu .VJt). a nil a riui.a. or Diamond
b:t or Watch should he iiitiiili"rel 5HU it u ill ho to
ou tor and bo uu tor uvxry uitiulv m our lutuf
;5.UUU artnlfn.
Cj -"Wut rt-'ci vinif an article, if It ine not plea-fi
yi.i.ot (-in rctur:i 11, arid )our njoney SilAJ.L Hi.
Twinij fivu r- nl in it el ho edit to pay expenses of
past.iv'i't t'(rrtriifiiuliiii'.-. 1 te,. on ouo muii'O
Uuiui uiher, Dial hal-ver arinle citrroi-pnndiUilh
the ii'iinner oa our nonce, jm ciu hao it hy .1 111
Two I). Il.tra tur H, w IicHkt il h, ivurth 8KH) or 5-ui.,
And it 1 t"r our luleieel to deal ( urly. und tend oil
our linu aiticleb, u it fe'ivo c'MfKicutt.' lu Uu public,
and thereby inc reuse our cateti,
Try Our New Mode ! !
I'pou receipt of Jj cenls, which pays for correspon
dent o, postage, fcr , w.' li,l one notice,
t I'l'iui receipt 01 31 whim pays lur correspoiide-nee,
' postage. Ac wr send si e nonces.
I 'pun Kempt o .v"i. which pays for correspondence,
pnstage, .c., wo si.'Hii 40 iiolieos, an I a lino present
nlueil aliuless than SI5, a, a tamiilu nl'our goods.
,. ceu ...1...I. ...... i-..s ls
posiig'.ile . wo will send 150 nonces, ail, I
SILVEIt IV VI'CII, by icturn mall
A CENTS WANTED. Send for our circular I
Agents allowed a large cash commission,
by which they can make weekly.
Address plainly,
ltliED k BltOTHEIi,
Salesroom. 1'ox. 51 S-i,
31 Liberty ,'t. New York,
tut II, I-05.-3m.
r i sSTi ao
Stroll's Old Stand, on Main Sticct
npbo undersigned having opend tho Store
tj forineily nceiipled by David Slump, as a Drocery.
unit furnislied il Willi u laife uiiel atied iissortuieut
of excel lent
most respectfully invites thu patronage of tho all
iens of Uliiiiin-liiirganil vicinity.
Ho is prepared to sell al whulcsalo and retail, upon
the most reasonable term..
Merchants, Hotel keepers, and Croccrymcn, would
do well to give him a c ;li
t;3' AH kinds ! Lhewiug a d Smokiuj I'd,,;. . o
in Iniec and mull '(Ujiiuvs. loiijiaiuiy uu li.iuJ au4
lot tali.
BlonniDurs f'U ti l:6i-Cmot
When nature or tlmo lias planted on the Ii iman
lid such colors ns rebel against over ilea of come
lines, rrphcu them with thoo glorltius omt cxiultito
black and tirenrn tlnget cverywliero decmod Hie
Standards of Dcauly
which arc prnduced in five minutes, wllhout Injuring
iiioiibrts or staining thu scalp, by
Olirittadoro's Hair Dyo.
Miinufaclurod by J, Chrlstadoro, Xo. (1 Aslo r House
Xaw Vo k, PoIJ by druggist, Applied by all llnlr !
Dec, p.'fsJ.
A curs for Pains in Llmtit and hack, tore throat.
croup, rheumatism, colic, ke. A pstfect fun I ly iimJI
tlncntij never falfs. Head I Itend II Koad I I I
LIVONIA, WAVXCt'n. Mich , Juno 111, '.VI,
This is to ccrllfy that my wlf was taken w ill.
Uulncoy, rioro Throat , It commenced to swell, nnd
was so soro that she could not swtillow, ami coughed
violently. I used your Liniment, and inado ti tierfurt
cure In nno week. I firmly believe that but fr il,
Liniment the would have lost hor life
i. II IIAIll.AX,
Price 40 &,8d cents, Hold by all ilrugglstt. Olllcn
SBCortlaudt St , New Yoik.
Dec 0, 'OS -I in
A Ll, COCK '3 roltOUS "pLASTEUB-a" 7migci7l
said Ilie oilier day, jou havo no ncol to ndverllsu
your Porous Piasters, for eiury ono told certainly
causes a dozen lo bj sold, and a dozen sells a gross.
iind su on. You will not lie able to eunnlv the demand
soon, Put wo inn supply n thousand yard n dav.
Hortford, Conn., Nov. 11 , UCI.
Messrs, Thos. Allcock & Co Please send, wilh dis
patch, twelve Allcock's Porous Plasters. Our
dally experience confirms their very superior excel
lence. man icppli.-i for
on-, who, by entanglement lu tho shaft mnchlnc ry.liad
both his legs brokiu, spine severely injured nril was
nearly a enr entirely helpless. 'J ills in in found re
lief i ery soon by the uppli, , ill, m of u luster to hit
spine lie was sonn en.ili..d , iwork.ninl now hi In
Imrs as Well as eter. lie would i liectriilly pay ijjfor
u single r Plaster if they cnuM not bo had at a lower
rato. I am surprised that inrgeeiis no not malic use
of ilieso peifurated plasters, 10 the vxilusinii of all
others, es their llexililhly und sdeslicncss are greatly
in advance of all other plasters with which I nin lie
ciliaihti il: liile Ilie in rloruiious oeentins in ih,
renusres iiiiiu greniiy superl, r t" nil i-Hicrii for nidi
nary surgical uses. Knowing tlio Piasters to bo use
ful. 1 hate nu scruples thalniy sentiments chnuldbu
"I""'"- J v, junao., M l). Agency, Erandrclh Home, Xew York
Hold by nil Dealers in .Medicines,
Dec. Ii, i'l'S-Jino,
Special Notice. "
' Creat oaks from ,lmh acorns grow." Tho worst known rolhe liiiiiis.ii race spring from causes
so t nail as lo aim-lit defy delcctl 111 Thu volumes of
scieiilillc lore that fill thi tables and shelves cf the
medical fr.ilnrinty o.ily gj to prove and elaborate
these fact).
Thsn g lard yolirsolv 1.1 while you m ly. Th 1 smill.
est piuiplu ouilie skin is alell-tile an I indicator of
disease. It liny fada and die away from tin siitl'.ici
of jhe bo ly, but it will reach tin vll'ils, 'perhaps, at
last, and de ith b 1 th i remit an I li lal e,n. M 1 i ;l's
liilious, Dyspeptic. a. id JlMrrhea Pills cura where nil
others lail. While fur Hums, Scalds, Clulbl mis. Cuts
and all ubr.csinus ufilu skin. ,1 igiel's riitvc is in
fallible. Sold by J. Maggiel. II ltlloju direct, New
Vork, and HI Druggiits, at cenls per box.
Dec, 'OS -It
Em 1 on 01 rni: DiMocrur-nbeu Sin:-With your
permission, I wishto say to Ihc readers of jour paper
that I will send, ly return mail, lu all who wish it.
(free) a llccelpt, Willi full diricliuns for making und
using a simplu Virctnlilu Halm, that will cllcclunlly
reuunu, in ten days. Pimples, Itlotches, Tan, Freckles,
nnd all Impurities ofllu hkin, leaving thu sauiu soft,
clear, sinootlt and bjuutifjl.
I w ill also in ill free to those having llaM Heads, or
Pare 1'accs, siuipio dircctiins mid intoriuattnn that
will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant
II air, Whiskirs.or 11,ielio, in less than thirty
All applications answered by return mail without
charge. Respectfully yours,
T1IOS, P. CHAPMAN', Chemist.
til llroadwny, New .York.
Oct. 14, lcKS. 3ui03.
"JTO CriNst'MrrATit . The undersigned having been
J. reslorcd luhe-allli in a few weeks by a very siui
pie remedy, alter having sutl'ered several years, with a
severn lung nH'citiou, and that dread disease, Consumption-is
anxious to make krown tu his fellow
eullererslhe means of cure
To all who desire il, lie will send a copy of the pro
scription used free ul Charge. with the directions lor
preparing and using the same, which they will Bird a
sunt it-iiL for Consumption, Asllimy, Urotii hilis.Colds
Coughs etc. Thu only object of Hie advertiser lu
si tiding the I'tesciiption is tn benefit the nillictcd, and
spre id ini'urinioii which ho conceives lo he invaluable
r.n.l lie hp s Cicry sutiorcr wilt try Ins remedy, us it
will cusi llie'in nothing, and may pun e u I'lesslng.
Pal lies w i siting tlie prescri 't ion .will please address
Williamsburg. Kings County,
Oct. 1 1, 1,-iiS. Ilmos J New-York.
rfpilB Mason et Hamlin Oabinct Or-
Ji guns, loitydiilereiit ftjles, .adapted to sncted an I
secular music, for $-0 to S'iOO each. TlllllTY-l'lVE
COLD nr SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums
nw arded llicin. llljstratcd Catalngiiu frcu. "Address,
MASON ii HAMLIN. Uoiton, or MASON llllOTIlEItS,
New York.
Sept. '.i, l'-i'sl y
TPho Grovestcen Piano Forte,
P. Hill retains its precodenco and great popularity,
and afier iiiulergoiug gradual inipiovciitentd for a po- ,
riod pf thirty years, Is now picnouiiicd by the music al I
world to be inisurpassud an I even unequalled in rich ,
liuss, volume and purity nf tone, durability and cheap- j
ness. Our new scale-, Ereucli action, harp pedal, iion
frame, oier stntng has3, seven octavo rosewood pi- i
amis we are telling chenper ny from $100 to S'.'O'I '
than the same sly le and finish nro sold by any other
first class makers tu the country. Dealers aud all in
want ol good pianos are uu unci to soul for our De-I
seriptive Catalogue, which contains phutngrnphs of
ourdtllerenl styles, together with prices No oua
should purl lmu a pnnn without seeing tins Cata
logue. Medisl almost without number, have been
uwardud tu the Grovi'siecii PI mo, and the Celebrated i
Wcrlrl's t air, though put ill loinpelillon wilh others'
from nil parts of Europe and the U.S.. il took the
highest awa d.
Established lt-35 Grovcrotcen Co ,
July SJ. IrJOS . II. II. k Co.
fN rolls ready to be nailed down, adapt
ed for Houses, l'ai'lonis and lluililiiigs i f .ill kinds
coiisliuiied of Malerl'ils 'hathaio stoud Hie test of
llftociiyeais, and m.inur.icturc.l oti nn entirely dillur
ciil and belter plan lli'iu any otlmr composition ru'if
n g in ue. Sec iired by pal"nt. Very ilurablo a nd al
low price. Circulars and samples soul free by in ill,
HEADY r,OOl'lNll Co.
No.';73 M niilc I nnc, New Yoik.
Sept' 30 li-OS-l y.
Deafnces, Blindness & Catarrh,',
Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurist, ll.iriue.rly nf Leydcn,,
No. S1U PINE Sire, t, Philadelphia, 'Pcsliuioiiials from ,
Ihu must reliable soui;es in the cuy and cuuntiy e-nii I
l,e seeiiut his oiliee. The no' eli c'ul fue'iiliy are iniitecl
tr ai coiiipauy tln ir patient. u he has on secicl in lus
liraettce. AltTIPlcl L EVE inserted itithout Jiutil i
No charge' made for exaniliiallon. 1
July 15, IMO. lJm l
. , j
WAT 'C IVE & & jrx.WE5t.E3fo I
s .L'SELft'sUiEs mm
100,000 Watches, Chains, Lockeis, llings. HraccLls,
Sets ul Jowelry, Cold Pi ns, A:c.
To be disposed cf at ONE DOLLAU cue h w ithnui re
gard lo value, not to bo paid fur until you kuuw what
j mi aro to receive,
lull Cold Hunting Cast Watches tacli $50 tn SPU
ouo Silver Watches tacit 4Wlo 33
lO.WnO Cold Pens and Bilvsr Caso eaeli 5 In S
III.U, in Se-ltJ Ladies' Jeweliy, (.assorted) each 3 10
And n large nstiutuiviil of Jewelry nf every tlu
sctiiitioti tur la.lie s' nnd feiUs' wear, varying In val
ue I'luui J3 tu e"j earn. Tlie iiicIIkhI uf disposing of
tlle.e gooels al cue inuiar c-iicii us lonows.
CEKT1P 1CATES iiani'ng an AUTICLE and its
luiee are pi.ued in SEALED ENVELOPES and well
miked one ol w hlrli w ill bu soul by Mail lo any ad
dress on receipt ef Price, One Ccrtilicalo es lent..
I'i., fui $1 There are no IILANKS, You must gl
Ho M l L ol v.iiii cue leey. Cue ilait w .ih paitieu
iais 1 1 Adeliti.
;') tlOeidwy New Yolk
N-jv II I 1 uiu
From Now York l ho Mayoral
ty ElecMoil.
Nr.w Yonic, Deo, C Tho city doc
tion to-day passed off quietly, and no rows
or murders nro yet reported, Tho full
vote for mayor i'j as follows ;
Hoffman ("Tammany Doniocrat) 32,055
Roberta (llepu lican) 31,421
Hcckcr (Citizens' Association and
Mozart Democrat) jo ,jo()
(unther (M'Kcon Democrat) 0,001
Eoffinan'a majority,
1 ,031
Latlics vuticy Furs 1 1
I'nrf. .Unmiihctory
No 718 Aich Strut, ubovs
7th, Philadelphia.
1 n' w iii store nf my rvn Int.
porlatlou nnd .Matiuia, lure, one uf
ilie largest atHi moil bcautifdl .el...
Hons of
r.i n rvi r.:
V I? Ullii So
w zfi 'n i
for Clilldrt'tfs Wear, in the City. Also, allno assort.
Incut of Cent's l ur Oloves and I ullars,
lam enabled to dispose of mv goods at very rsssuni
blu prices, un.l I would therefore solicit n call from
my t'rleii.tii In Coluniliia county, nnd ticinity
Cj' Hemeinbcr the name, iiu.ubur nnd street,
7IP Arch StTcet, above "Hi, south sid. rhiladelphln
ITT" I have no pnrtmr nor eouiicitloii with any
oilier store In Philadelphia.
Sept, 30, 1S05-4 inos.
nTlocIiis ! sUloclis 1 1 Clocks ! ! !
THE undersigned ro'icc'fullv infortn
thu public generally thai he has opened n
in the room under Ihc Olfice of thn Columbia Demo
crat, in llloomsburg, where ho has just receivtd t
large and select tissorliiieut of
Including 30 and f clay Clnrks, of every .stjla, rrhltk
lie otrer far sale on inoderil ' te-rnis.
lIC" llep ilrinr Clocks clone to order. Tlioso frm
distance repaired innneili ittly
iiy All work warranted. I all nil I examine
Oct Tr I SOS
Kccvos" Ambrosia
The Original and Genuine Ambrosia
is prepared by J. Ai.ikn Iils-ves r.nd It ti o oest
lialr dressing ami pr,.fervatie now in use. It stops
tho i, air falling out, causes il togrow till, k and long
and prevents it from turning prematurely grey. It
crnJuHles dai.drair, cleanses, be, unifies and ri nders
the li ur soil, Klossy nnd curly, huy it. try It and bt
convinced. Hou'i lie put otf Willi a spurious article.
Ask for lleev s' Amluosla und liiko no other. Tor
sale by Druggists and dealers in Paiiry doods every
where. Price 75 cents per liotllc -$0.00 per dozen.
Aildress, Itl'.liVES' A.MIIltc isiA DbPOT
lij Pulton Street, New York City.
Oct 7. lrCi-IL'ino.-S. II. S3.
1BG5. PHILADEIil'lllA 1865,
Hiamit'acttirci'rj of
North East Coruer Fourth and Market
Streets, Philadelphia.
X. I). Always In Stoic, a 'arge Stork or
t, . ,0 . LINEN and OIL SHADES.
Sept, Id, iei.5 -3 inos,
Third Edition, Jlfly Thousand, 100 pa
ges , cloth coveis,
BY 110BT. E.BELL, M. I).,
A caution addressed to youth, the uiarned and thoscr
Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt n "PCN CENTS
A carelm perusal ol tliis small book lias been n
and has sased thousands from a life of miscrj and his
It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self
Abuse, Seminal Weakness, Emissions. -Vtunl Dis
cuses, Cenitnl lieiulily. Loss of Power, N'erv.iusness,
Premature l)ua, Impotence, ,tc. Sic, which unfit
the sufferer troui he
iiULia.rrw.Ys oy .v.iitnuni:.
;i)n. J. BPa'AN, OonsuUing 1'hysiciaD
Bas SOrO. 4-12 Broadway, N. Y.
July IS, 1.-0J,
VVTOULD resper.tfulh inform Hie c ill.-n, ofl'dooms
V liurg.ancl iieiiiily.tliaihe coniinueslli.' nracliso of
.vi:utci.vr. .i.vj)
And solicits. i -h.iie oi iiuiitic iiutronaa,..
Ornct- on Main i-trecl, lirsl liouse below Hie tour
ou.u. Woo nislitirg.
I'ebruary 3, lf5J tf
Q") 000 YliAltTiatlTliT'airrom.
V-i VV,V,with Slj-flinci I Tool., No ,.j.,e
rieiire tieie-ary- The, Presidents, Ca.-hi,'ri,, and
'l'rensua '.-s el ; lli'i'k indorse ihu circul.u Siulfreu
with samples. Auddeess iha Am...tiia.i Si 'i.cil Tool
Wo'.ik. t-j uuuR, hi, Yeii.iont.
Oil. ill. l.-'sj, :i;n.
A Farm at Private Sale.
''S'Mio undersigned offers to soli at private
. sale, a PAlt.M AND PL STATION, ii'uate m
Humloel, township. Culu iiilu. i mum, p,i., abuui two
null s west of Uuck Horn, near ihu Jcrscyluwn ruaJ,
ScvoDty-Tlircc Acres of I,and,
Whereon is erected a gooel
a large lvalue Haul Pant, and siulable out-builuii'i
together with a good
Tor fuilhnr pailiculars, etiquiie of the sub.crilior, al
Holbius' Mill, uu ilie main road.
Nov. If, Hf.5-3uio ?3
Notice and Caution.
''JPIig uridei'sigiied having purchased, at
.U, Klieiurs Sale, on .MuiiJy, the I till ol Novem
her, I'1'!), us thn properly of Jacob llaup. ,n' i i,cciga
tw p., Columbia eo. uu)'. thu lollowing ilesinl.-il per
sonal piopull), i u
one Cow. two joung Cattle t.ireu tiv.liura
Wagon, one SI. d, one set of lani".-, mie PI m and
Harrow, eon biibhets of Com, men- ur ..s., nflv
bush' Is o Hals, Hi bushels ,, n, . ,t; i.ah. Is of
Wheat one Ion ef Hay, 10 lui.hc i . o I . 1 Pan
n ing .Mill with 5 acres f IVIe m an I S m i"h f Hyu ,
the ground, including his boils, iiol.l and kiuli, n fur
nit uru geui rally nil of win. h li, ha. I c it in uu: Hand,
ol th,1 said JaciihUa'ip, daring ins pleasure, und hero
ley publicly eauiieiu all p. is"iis against tueddliug, or
in anywise iiiierieiine uu aim. ir ncrii.
Orangevilla, N'fv. II, l-53-3iv
Agents Wanted
For our ucw Work,
(Special War Correspondent i.l the N. V. Ilcaiald.j
Tho most thrilling intercst'uiu, and ev
ening book uf Aim) rl,. ci.iIili' iter published,
iibouti'line in person-it adkCt'ires. dei-dc of nublu dar
lug, anecdotes, louciiiug inci'ieiits, mg, mug strata
ueuis. Hie in cumii and bivoue. en
.luiu ansuiliiug
ill interest an.i replete w ith useful lufi rmatiuii than
any oilier work, ever ei pubiisuuei
To prospective toitlers upeti thu rlc Ii and ferule
lands of tiler soulli, n.iw opuu t,i,urlhcru enterprise, it
is especially invaluable, giving til l, reliuuli, and
practical intormation relative to plantation manngu
mciil and ...H i. i ciilliire.. luilispousibiu lo the tuerc.s
of tin, Nurliieiii eimgraiit.
lLltulie d and disabled oihee'rt and tol'lier. and
cu, igi lie y,,uug luuii in waul it a pmtiiab.o tuipl.i,
ins-it t will liu I lilts a rare chuci lo make money. Uu
halo Agents clearing 4)J0U per inulith, whiin wu will
prove to any doubling applicant ', for proof of tho
above send for circulars aud sen our terms.
Address, , JONl.s lilluS ii CO ,
N E comer Sixth and Minor iMi, 1'UU's. l'a,
Not. I, l?"o
Flaxseed. Wanted.
C.ASH will bo paid Id any , j ntity of
111. i. jLED u,
Ul-oui burg Sep