Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 09, 1865, Image 1
. . . inKrimavu .fwi.wtJragre-T--- , , , " " mjCTCTmmcg r.. AMj) BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L.'TATR. Tivnirnp. . . "" " - .... ; . ; "TO HOLD AND TKIM THE TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER TUB DARKENED E EARTH." TERMS: $2 50 IN ADVANCE, VOL. 19. NO, 41. THE 1'HOENIX PECTORAL "Will Ohio Your Coiish THE PHOENIX PECTORAL; on. compound syrup or wild cur.iinv u ,s-ra- ilKA BNAKIJ I'.UUT. Will Cure Uic Diseases of iho Kit ft AW AK9 fcflfHKS, Such us Colds, Oou"li. Crcup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Citurrh. Soro, ll'iaricne.9, Whooping Cough, &c Its timely uso will prevent PULMONARY CON'SI.'MP I ION, Ami cvpii wh- r- Him f nflul .tl-crj-J it Cully ,1, v-. upi-,1 it will ml.r.l imu,; i. Ilpf than any olhOr ri.-,li. ' I'.iw;riMi-..)!. ."-S--ppnkrr of tin l'.-iin.-,-tvni.i,1 Iloii.oM IliTrp-t'iit iilvi.',!, mya : "Tlilj concli row.- dy In now .!. ikivi ly i ! n.,, u ;h, l.ish(.i v,ii tulh.. pnt.iutunlty , In Piirutlv,; i uiliu.w Ii.ivIii? ., t"iU-il by II -.ami-, with ih iir,i yriitlfyin:,' result-). rt LAf'l" y, , U"lllll IT' pare-1 from U 11,1 Uit-rrv ll.irk ami i-dirk i rtiM.. I'.,,i l,y Dr. 1,,-vl utier Nnlu-r, a ri.tit..tno ihyiirtmi nf 1'tn.fiil tv i lie, I'.t . iiml m . I.I t.y n.Mily all ilrugn-n mill country tlnr.'! liti'-pi-rs. ' II. 1 I'm-hy, px-IVdinnslcr an.l cx-1 uwossnr Poll-,, town, ci'Miilusaslulhirtrt : ' ' PiltTTOWK, I'l'.l .Inn. a, Tills pi-rnin'i I !,.,l tli I'lini'iut I',. In 1.1; Inini.y. anil I n-.-i ,111,1, . it In tw public in th, pry tip-t rui,.ily li.r fonali (ii (,! m .ntl evirtr' "1. (inj n my , i i I . I r . 1 1 xm v nil a i'.i I, hi .jp.'li.;,-. wlili a I'rniiiiy Coiipli .o li.i.l.hnli ,-.!, tluat it rmil i ii .t i-iik i.ii,: lnvutl;,.. Ilnttnj luar i "'" ini'l "I" t l h. i I 'nw I'.itmnl. 1 nroi nt..i n tl.lll.l LI1 II. 'III,. Ill ft ...... r,li,.V. lr illl!M..,l. .,( bri-.ijni.i j. .hi I ii. fun. Hip diil.l hail lkpii ,ni..ri'i rtS f1' ' ' it ' i.tinly ui.ll. i:v. rv ni'iiitv l..', lin. . ill Hi if lni:i.. o, p. I'Ro.S'tV J J5. - .11.11. ilnijisi.t, nT Vm- n.,., umkii county, r.i lu ,iu,i.. t.i i.r (iiii :.t. . : -A p 'i "I ii. I I. Mil i tun ii ;-. n -t nir v I'.iint ! t- . i nii'.l ." tr.- .u,. tii,. I a ,y iim.,miii as ii in Ii. ,i'r. ly -.A - . 1 1 'j i '. i ,lil lti.i. jmii in b.-iia ia0 a riMa nt it. '"' ' 'iM""" Cum hvttiT fi-ilNrnilliiii tint. fly p'.'i. rlli.i li 111.: hi I ,i:n -jpiiI f,ir aiMf nf Hi,. iw.L.t i..i.i-,r cnujli iiKtiarMimm, Lilt J'o'irs rein, to i in- i.iiii, ,i in; ii an .-Mrnrt rrotiia pti r from lllrun I !li, ii. nli nt rn.l.ii.uii, I'm : "I havu trip.l th.- II.,, u i, i'i,l ii toiiu Uiq lfi rmiiili ..wi: UK "II.JII. nni n In rthu I h-ivi- ,-vi-r Inn In t,,y ti,ri ." in--- i- in,: in,, 11 lli-i M 1 1 1 a l.ltlm ri-,t,.v ... .. lli..,i I In. ,miii..t ir 1. 1' till' nii-,li -in., ii i . ,i,i nun I, rnnfl. ih-iii p in it- i iii.iiim- ..r imiii thu ti-ftiiniui" i f tii.-i...i.i In iihn h.iv n, -.1 ii, tint lliu niiin-y will" hu 1 ii.. . in i to n.y ,ii.i!ia,i r wlu U nut natibii,-1 ivuii t i tl It i -.. ! . w it tn I-:,-, that cl.ililri-H cry for it f I lllti'i 'i -i'l li I.II.N 1 ; t,a,Su Ihiuli'i U.VO Iii'l.l.Ali It i-im- nil-il f.,r nnly onp cLifii of ilUuasaa, name I) . llin-i- oi i In- 'I t-. r u .ma I.uiijsi u,? I'li-ji.iri-a 'uilj hi- JliU U iii-.JUIOliTKER, M, ,D . riiiitniwiiitf, r.t. fJ- hi l-v fll Ilnif'-IM mi 'I :,r. k -i-.-r. J ,llVsru.. lllll.l.llVV.W & I (IH'IIIIV, Xn "a N'.. i Hi iili : ,i, it, ,i i flu-. an I r. i . wui. i ti fc i ,, , ,.. ii.-, rr-ii.kiiti piri!i.t, r.i-.v link (I. li -al lif.'pr, a ,j -I'-, .i-Hi lii II . I U 1 '. a n -I 11 Y ML I0T.I1 "lir,.,. ,-si., I. . u1 -ii, -, i iii i.rariy I'l-.-ry i -f", it'i -tin ' . ,i r in l i-li-mh: i ii.''. anll v i.i arly i-,-, ry ilr.ijfti! ami li-ll in. ii". r -t iIiiimiiI nr sinril:iip r,!i,.. if t ,- t'. i- i, i-iiii in Jti nni i i linn piitymi . .1' u'n'i Hilll ntlll r lll'-illl lliu, lul ncinl at one j to . ii, hi." nt- i -r it ( J ii - -.'I Im S -I'.-n itk'ADIKQ RAIL liQ.-.D." " Summer Arrangement. Jur.y '-20, I?G-j rrnt Tmnk Line Fioru Ths Xorlh fi nn.l N.irth-Wi: t for 11 1 1 1 !.-1 .t 1 1, Now York, ll,'a-lin-. Pnlti ,11 , ,i h ,iu,n, .Mi,.,,!,,-, u,,.,i., jr.. 'JV.'.n P I. nv ilnrril.tiri lor 71 : V"rK, im lolhu-j ; At :i u.i i.l J,5 A. ii. mi I Mil' M nrri ui-i ut Niw 1 ..rk i.t ,u i.o . M . an I an J tl..'U I'. Jl. I ah iv i ii-, t with nl i.j'-ir Tr.ilas on Hi 1'i-mi. it)li'.iin.i II. nl lloail, anil t'h ,-plntt t'ar-i rri-nmii my II. :i i ii .i-i,i p.i.l A. M Trui.H. .-. ithi.-ii cliiint . I. .no i..r ll-ailin", rnttiuli", 'I'.i na jii,i, Mnnn-Mil- .-hl.nil. I ti Urovi-. Al'i ntnu.i, nn.l I'll., , . j. p'n.i ,ii ' I.", A II an I f Jj I' .M, ,i ,( jnii' i.t lit !i.!nu in I t i in- t .il Mali, in i only . W.ii 'I i.ii,,-, ,.i,,,f n,;( at'al! I'olii-... ,-it ' i; A V i,-nl '' ' it. I ur-iii- ; l--iv.i Ni-v oi!i i-t !l A ,M 1 J nil n -i an I k r , plnl,,.! .,., , m f .in . m ,,,( :i. in I' M i ..ti-iill.. .-,t ;.,.-, .m .-, , i ... (. . uil l.iinl .,t I. ,iu m ii.i.i i-. :tti I,,,,,,,, T,-,.i,,,,;-,,i ,a a;,-, , ,l iiml -.'.i.i I' ,M an.l Itctilms at I w, nu,l JU.ij A .M, 1 :t-'an,i i, a, I' ,M, lli-ailinv A.v'jiiiiiinil.nipii 'i'raln ; t paves Rpatlin; a t"l I .M i - I iri.i-j iVnin t hil.'iin I l-lllll ill .1.11,1 I' ft!, .'i,lnuil,i,i Hull lii-nil 'rriiiin li ii-.. II nilltl" nt fill!) p-il in..,-, A Al 1.I1UU.J.U' .11, lor l,'i-lir:itii. Li'lix, .;- U'liliit tit:. ilirth.n.t-i.n ; l.oav.i Vnv Vorli lit f.dij V At. I'ltiln dilrlua :t l" I' .11. l',,M-illn 7HJ A AT, Ttmi.ii.i 7 ' u A II. II irn-i, irn ii A.Uaml KL-inliua ntl.iu A AI l'r It.irriLh'ii'L'. t'i..,,iiM Mih-v.'-i. i ,-iio". P.-'ionl an,l Mini Ti.-k, is ' ami I'r.ini a, I ;,, nut-., ut riduiM i llnii. Ii'-.'ji.'p ih'.-ck.-ii ihtoiiilt j sU ioiiiiin ulloiv.l i-acll r.i. n:;i r. (!, A, f,'l'.OM,ft, P.-'io,. anil Hun.,,,, flt-'VPtt 1 t. fWl'UL IIHIL UI.-. MX K' I'-i. Tii'y 10, W5. ""GLAD'NEWiS" run Tiir. ur.TORTfs.u'n. USED V.'ITHOUT DETE'MTON. Thi'i a., i'.-n iiiK-rli ic w ilh huiu.9.i ptiriuiu, an.t ar-rpii-Uy in .11 tioii. no iii.wor. or dii;t id Nncnasw. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS nro wairnnipil In all cas'ii, mu Tut: m'i:i:iiy ai pkum ani-'nt rrnn or Wi i,!' i , t'rtthral an, I Vnsiual I'l-charwa, III.', t. W ' i,.,aa- , l!, Imp- li.-uci. (Ion unl mi, i N mm In-Ulily una ilim-u.- j of liio I'.l.idili-r lllnl iMiln, -i. 'Iht-yii c nliptPil fnr ilialn or f -nialt', '11 or you-i? ana in - tin only tvlh.Mu fur tlio cur" of nil (ha-tddn-j in in fr.n.i Y 0 UT! I eVb 1 K DISC R ETION. In all t'.-voal liiaips, ni (Jonorrlian, Irtctitri, Oh-t't. an,' in nil t'rln-i y ami Ki.lhpy c.iiuplnnit i, thoy nPllik.'u harm. lit-ln I is i-aih ii, lucil hy t ikiinj a iiiiL'l,- box una ftoni fair to m.y ho.tcs t'L'!"-'rsny i ir.'i'l at i-f.-. holit in hiiM-f ror.i.iiinnj f'l pl, prlco Ono I', nr m h.'ii-.i, Civ Dollar I ulo. In l irtfo l."I"s, ton. tai iiuj I, nr of tin' inii.ill i liro Th'i-o liollnrn, I'nv.iip I'iritiiiirt, to lli iiiii'iH ii om.y, i-sut freo on rrci ipt of iiirc-i l.-a i-tiv.-lopp ami t iiup. I! - If "U tiiL-il tin-tin l'illi, nit out this aih-Pr tl- in.-iit nr rcf -ii'iicl-, una ifv.t.i r iuiiot pr".n.-.' Iliom nf i ,.ur ,liUL'Ui..t. ilo not j,j tiupua, ,1 on hy any Mil. 7 r.-i'imly, hut i-tiiliig iho iiiuttoy Iti a Iclti-r to tiia prJ priiiur. Dr. J. DYHANs CWultinz Phyilchu, Hot Alif. r.rnnilwny, N V, Im will tnfci nil riiU if prnpirly itirPtii-a : ami yon will r. i-, ii-'.lii-ui ....t (.in,!, tuvuMly bf.iU'il Iroi-iah ocrv.Uion. l.y ritiirn mail. 01.11 BV IIIiljUtltSTS cr.XIIUAW.V. liU.MAaiiAliNi:--! &ro. Km- Vomr. Whu'uiiilu Ai;cht, July 13, ISM. 3$m?d EMPLSi, 0 02 MARKET STRE ET, PHILADELPHIA, IMIvrtTl'.R "P Ctcri:iaii, Fi-osih :td fEeig'iijh Toys, aud Fancy Goods, Pipes, (janes, China Wares, &c. Heptcmli-.'r'J, IpW. Flaxoced Wanted. ClASn will bo paid lor any quantity of FI,.X3Ui:i at RUN VON S STORE, niojo-ifii'irv, Si-pt in. it'iJ 1JALTXMOIIE LOCK HOSPITAL I Uallimoro, MA. ESTABLISHED ai a REFUGE KR03I WUAOKKRY. The Only I'uce tehoea Ctoc can lie ui- Hr. Johnson has t1i.cnvareil tho mnt wp,HiVr,b??v'-r' .':"'LQ?,,- .V'1'?1"3! ."""ly in um . ; ; v: '?f?..rr. "' ftnttiiwi n, M. V .. ' W I ,, l,,U HP.-l.l l.n .... .... .1... .... ........i. ,.r liiiirtll iop TcrriMu !llior,lnr nrl.lns rrotn Polltnry l-.t cf Vi.tVili-.orr, " , ,1 VOUiNCJ MEN i:pi!Clplly,ulii; liavo hrcono i;,,. vlrtlmi r,f (tnli.1rv lu-, tliot i!n Html ntl ,l,.irmtu,i linbit winch nntni: ally jiviipintoan 'iinliin iy,, i ,0 - IHUIt of tll,. IIIO-l CMllMi IlllPl.M 1111,1 ll,.,t lulill",,' who mlalit rtliu,ni., htiv,. cntrnnreil Iht.nlii" Stfti. ti'i" with "In! llniiiih.M i'l- cloiiuciipo, pr uak.-if m ic. Bliuytlio llvln lr.., ti,..y(all nlllt full coitliiluue. 3IAUU AIGH. Martlpil t'To!i9, or mpn rnulpmnintln in.if rl iif-... Kills aro of ,1,; -u-i.l wuknoss ursamt dl hlllly, llLlorilllttP , pi'L IJ in..,., " ll.j wh. iii.oi s Ii I iii ri i-l t' uuil.-r ill parp cf )r t nnv I!, IrtTl n" l-n!,'l', '" h"""r ,l erliUi-ni.111. a! 5 coniiatiilly ruly ujn'ii I I ,.! ,;, ;, i.hjsUi.ui- oiio.wic wnAK:,-i:sri IniriPilinti l) 1,'iiip,! ,ni, full irr ri;tr,tp,!, 'Mm itiitrvs'l'ij; arrurtioii wl.ii-l, niuJri llfo tui Ptnblj anil imirrlnav iniiioailii, h Ihi' n.ialu- nni. by Hi i vlitlnn of iiiiiuopor IihIiiIsi.iicm Vi.iiiu sunn nri-ton i,t tn ioiiiiiiU i'Mipi-s f,oi not 1,,'ni" owtire pf ih.' ilri'iilful ruin, iu. in,., dun lmv o,,s(. Now, 'Vim that iihilprftiiiiil th,. niiij,,ct will ,"ri IpiiiI tn tuny that thu pnwir t..' pner, mi' n Is to-i (.nnur hy tlnuf t.illi'i: into lni r.'"T Inhiu Hinii hy the im, ilctil ' lii-ili. h-iti(t a. ,,iv. tl nt tho i",iurc- ol In-ill. ti-y ni.itlni. th; nioM p, il-. i-, an, ili.irnclUu fyuip. IimihhI ha'.'i Infy au-l minil uriso. 'J ln Hyti-m hi-roin-rt I, tl.- .l,y-ii J nn.l t.i, nial fuiirli..: v.-i -iit'-tu-il, l.i'-j c,r I'rm ri-dl-v.1 puu-.-r. Kcrvu'tn Irn. tnl.ilitv, !,,., ((,,. P il;.-t.ili ,n of th II -.irt, Iiiaik. -i ! fti.tii.-.l l iVling.itth,. I'rai.n Luiiih, Cuimia jiti.-ii, II. cay an 1 Oc.iUi, IJit. .tUii Vil'tl.V, Mpnli-r nf tho p.. yal Coll .?, o yurif-om,!, tlrai'n ilo from on ,.f Hip in.t ( -i-i ..,t (,ll,-. ., , n,,, t.'nlli'il H ifn, .iii-l dm i-rcnt -r part nf wli.x,- llf,- rn h-rii t pi-til in t i' hi.ipinli nf (,..ii Inn, fails, 1 1, tin. itelnhlii, mill .-ln-rt ln-ii-, l,f o iP-tl't nn,n el tin- nn,ri Ill I, I. ,1,'lt tfrtn, Iron . .. ""' "'"' r'i'si'isi in hip In ,ul ana ti.ra wli-n I'uh-in P" '' ' rvou-nn-.a, hi-lnj i-lnriu" I at (nni !, n simi-hI, ha-hl'iiliipqa v. it!i fri-ii-nt l-limliiiij, nino lilin'fl ivilll u-raiu- 1U ill 01 lllln.l. W.-ro nir.-il tnin, ,i,. atcly TA!C: l'A1Tla;r,,!i TJOTiCH. Vi. 1. atlilri r"s all tlioji- who liavu ininrPil t;itn. biIvp I'.f ini,M.ii. r ln-1-ili.i nra niul -iii.irv liahita, n. Mi nun l-,,li hoily u nl miml, niinitiiiff'thciti i-itlii-i buiin.", Hmly, b',,,1;', or m.-irriti m, I h, in nru 8 mi-; of th n I nml tii'-tnnvlxl'v p'tct rrrnlu i-.l hy r -ily hubltf of j until, via .- Il , iiknci nt tin' llatk .m l I, unl -,, i'i.Iih i.i tho lliiaa, lli.iiin-.--i ol SMht, ,Dif nf M.t nt!..r rawm, I'lilpiiatlnti of 'In-lli.-nt, Nurnniii Irr.ilnhilit.v, Ih-r.insi-nini.t pf lln lliy-i. in i- I'uni.iioiM, i, Ucbllily, Siiop- I0l,l ,if t.'illl.-'ll,liti,.ll, Alnarit.iA I In- fuarl'nl h'.-ct on i!ip mltnl nrp much to h'j ilruail.-a. Lnits of nip-oorv. Conlnsioii of lai-jn, llnpii'-iiinii . . I" t-jij . 1 1 h , llnl i-'o'i.-oiliii. Avi'rtPti In Sti'l'-iy, p,-lf.nimru-t, l.ov s o,' Sj ituil-.Tininliiv.&o .110 TOIilt! , f ll.p PVl s p.-o.I.i I. Thn,ii.!,i'ifi . 'f"jn Tr'., i a t.t' .11 api ran nn'V jmlcp wli.ii ih.- i..i is.. i.f iluir ill .In? i.ii-nith. t,?i ijtsu: hum iliill'iiar app-urn v,;;or, u r.l I .' -,, -. n ,l , ,, rv, M 1. ,- ahimt 111.- i)u, oUjjh 1 1 .-t. Ml. . ! .,.,,..111 ... .... ,1,111. yODNt; .MEN who l.-iv." irl'iivi' th'-m i c.'t. in pr.-irtli.p.ln iltiti(itl lu v. In u ,ioao. ii 'i.ilni fit"i i.-ntly I, -irn -il evil coin, nni .113, or at icht,..' Hi,- i-tP-i-n of ivhit-h nr.i uiShlly I It , vi ii wh -it ir' ii, and, if nn. ruri-il rf u-ili-ra i' .ifrins j l,ii.i,'-nlil.i an.l il.-Htfny-i l.ot'i mill I iitnl liuily, ill. mill ipply iinr.i"ili i" ly, Itn i a pity mat n young lonu, tlio hepa of o-tr cnu i rv, l!i , of hia p.-.rviu i, fliuul.l h t i..ll' ll'-, from nil i.n,.-pi-ct niitl c,iyit,tnU of 1J Iv the ion-.;. 'Pi'Mio of ,h . i.ttinti irmu ihi' patli , f n iuutj. n-'it in tlnltf hi;, in ac- i-i-iin nr. t !iai.;i. t'urli prutms i-jut, tiif',,c Lui.t. i.i.h.iin MA RBI AO E, rPU". t n -i ':a.I milt I ana I.p.I)' nr.- 'Il-- mo't n--p-i. ary r ,'i--it.--, t i pr i i-i i-.iimui.ial ha;.iii,--4 In-i:ui-,t, wi.l-.r.t ihvsj) tl;-- -our., y Itiri.iiu lil'i uponi? uwe-ry pi'-.'i 11,11.5,1 ; tin priifut-t ho irly Juik. '11 to ihi' viviw, th 1, 1, nl l.rim, ,-, sh- .tow -1 with -pair an I I'.lli-.l j t it Ih" ini-l.i. itliolly r il- tlmi Hint th i Ujp. nntrn-s of .mntliur l),',:.;,uT3 hlighu-il wi'.li our own, Ojjh?, 7 Soitih Frederkk Street, I ifi-tinnil sii'p g"i.s fr' nt Italtlinoro utrrt't, a f,iv i!no.- 1 i,,:i iho rorin.r. i'nil 11 u tlu ntiftrvt iijiua an.l uuni '"T- No ip't-rn repivpa i-nk'-D potpai.i mi l con ! :;!,i?oia''L1!,:a;,.ipn iiii tit ilorcriliio ( .'in,l .iu Thu Cnclir'ti Ulplumo hoiigi in I. i j onUe. Eiuloi ncuur.l of tie Ptcss, Thi many tlio' ciir.-J at tl'.U piUMI .linicnt . ivilhiii tlio l.i.i itvc.ily v. nr-, nn.l tlio ,ii-liu-.'roo iui- i .tortiL.t K.irti,-..! i-.-t- ..t'oiH nrrfoi-,,,.1. hv nr. Johti otti.'r pupor-. m-tlr. ol wfcidi hu, .. appi-aro.l nijai.i i nun ii'-ini n mm hip pimin, b.-fi.o.i in-' .initiiini: in Kiiutiuoni, oi uharat-t'r nn.l ruspuuiiuiiiiy. i a nutii- cicnt euaratily to tlm miluicd. iN.W'i I)h?iscs iijKuttlj L ured. April Si, 1.-' iy D U P D G RA FF'S 5iVE AK! EAR l i'JJii! ARY, (0,1 Use S-pi'ir', Tlirco l!"-r from Fto.l.-'a lluti'l WILKS33AHRE, PA. '"SIII?. INSTUTfON U now opnned and .J furiii.licl in i!..' i io-t 1'i.tty njlo. rn'CPplh'ti, I'Vlval.'itntl Opp.'tii"f lio it ,-i ar'' 1-i-l'i , ronv. ini-iit in I im-II mt'iptp I. 'ihn rii.'.'i-al .ipiirtiii-iit cululit.-i thu ttui-Ht i oll.'iUmi o . list, uu.'uii in tl u rouiiirv, .ni l 1,'hk in., I i.-ulLu will i-.ialilu In in lo tui'i t nay un I nil i iiior'.-. nili-rf in prai-ti-n- II.-will op- ra'o nil tin' vnri'"i i 'iiiih'-i' IH.l'.'DM'.-'ri, I'aiarait, Ui-pIiioii ol thit Pupil. Crtw I'V"", Clnsiir" nf th T'-at P.nt4, In-ri-mti'ii if Hi" U 'U'lK. ri-'ryitiiiiii, &c, -c. Ami will ireiit u'i I'-1 "f oi' (.!. i, l.y.1 liiun.ili-a tip.-iui'tiPii of tho l' .1 i.t-.i. it" .1 r- 'i.ii. il,, i.-i .li-- 't ci if tlm llys to-p.olu-r v.iiu n l th,' .iiiuam s to whii-li tlm Uya U nth- lir. M'NESR -. I'.I trnt nlll'i" i'l) -a--fi fotiintoti to tin- oiran. lnsi-liarj,- ironi tin- I nr. Noi.p In Hi" I nr ratarrli, uilht'oliy oi hi atiuij intnl Ilo ifung i-von wlii'ru Iho Driitn i ili-i.irwt-a. WUI iii-n-rt tin Kitilii-inl win oiuwi riim ii.-b: ly nil thi pnrp-.i" a ofih.- natural. IHfUAsr.riiil' TIIU -lllliiivr. Ml ili-ni com-iii-.o i.i lliu Th"onl nml iN'n.o will h, tr, Pt".l lil.M'.liAI. HUlliiKRY.-ll.' will opi riU" upon flub fiot, lllir Up. I'l 'it IMI il,-, I'uii.or-., ( iim.'-r-, I'.iil ir. sr.-1 'iVniili, .r. l-larilc op, rntiom 1 Iii-i'ihi! w-w tJ- -T into aoforiiinil i-nru. mid (letK-i'il bui'4'ry W'li-'t v-'r f it i , i; prp-.'nt. II MIMA ;or Itl'l'l t'ltl).)- Up will pi-rfrrni "I.ahliM opt ration lor il'" i 'iluul ;,-i..'. pi' t ) iur .'f ll.-i-ui.i. il,,. if tiii'iu.- --Hoiial ly a p.-n, " l c r'. tin I if ui mi wuh I. iilu or no pain, Out own my ItuuUr'-'l oipratol upoitin lluH'in tli'Tu liai bocn tin t'liituri-f. it Imvins wt tbo pi'rl' itappriihuliotiol' all wiioli.u" iluuii)tuil to it AllTIt li-'Ali l. l;- Will I'.y. 3 cW- II. l' tlli'in th" inr.iion an I ,'i,rPH ion of tlio Iialurnl. Thi'V nr.. iiiit'ilril Willi tho i,'.. ipiin, llf'.-liil'.ltiiutl).', (l'ili.A -lliHlrouliluintiio ilivi-anf in rfi'tiiy euri'il. Tltoso lUlTiKiaj fiuia it mil du writ1 In full. , , I)r I'p ifi n.-afT vislti '.Vllkon-Ilarro with s view of hilthlini! up u I'srinnnciit lu-tltuti) for trunlui' iit "f thuUyp. Iluraii.l (Ji-nirulHurt'ury. Tho t-s pur lino "f than u 'iuur!,-r of a n- iitury in tl'i-plttil nmt ftoncr ul prai-tii''i ho," , will boa Milliclpnt gtiarantO" I" tln-ifo w ho in'iy o.- ili.liuaud to cuiploy him, 2Itll. II. C. II 0 W E R, &UROEON LBNTIST. i sls:s r.i-firr.iTrui.i.v oiipri his orofinj lfQ5&B3K lonal orvli f lotli, Iniliei. ami gvi.tli'. tlJtWSySji men of hl ioiii.ljur; an, I vicinity. Il is i.Ii.iJ" tr, part-1 in mi. ml to all lliu larioiu op 'ration in tin- Inn! of Iiih ami m pruviilud wilhl' ! I.ii, 1 iinpr.jv. il I'O.i.'KA.'l.V Tl'.F.l'll ; I. lurh It - rt' .i on ;!il. plmiii i, mi i r ami rujh-r on, o liiiio'io ,1 ui th, ti.mii al ti-i ili i, ral plat i auj lll'lli t" ill in-IHUai-tur , ,n-- t-tl oj cr iii'ih en ti-cth. t-irifuily ana proprrly mi mn-a in. iti'.lit' nru ami i.lliru a lew tloon ahuvo tlio (.mitt II iiup, emiti i'l'i IHjotnihurp JunoO ., i.i twin ii iii itcr. IQviilnatnri.,. limiPtr,,.!). v,r,Kn llihll ly. N ,.",'. ! sjk pl.i, l..i..jitor, ,,,w fplrld, c in?, .in, of n,. I'al.,li,.l,, f,,- I !, a 1 1 , Yi ii 1 1 il Uy, TnnW nl;! IHllllinM Wi it or nt.Mli , l,i.. ,J.'..e ! "., '".V COLUMBIA' (in December. T.'m ilrlftliHe.Ion.N nru iliflta-i I; Iroir, ThP IiIViuoiiis illu of col.l ami fen r. Thd wi, win, I iiiintriitt tlio f,i,ltni( yrar, Ami winter threaten) near, Oil, love, our iky It ovorfait, Our mvprt hopes f,il hoforJ tlu lil.nt, 'i'.'io futttri! ilarltuin, illmnli I vant. An.l iifi- ii waning fait. Vtt niti'lilita brlghltH after rain, 'J'lieilarliiiPK cntne, ami jljh ngiln, Snuilace follow? hltirr pam,, As seasons v.-.-i.-c anil watts. 1 iicti rlap my ban I with clotrr hold Trilii liParLnm nrv r tini-oneoletl Tln;y t--ar not,', nun lntiil, nr co,. AnJ smlh' ut frowinj ol.l I THfJ KROKEH ENGAGEMENT JlV AM I r.t K 1T.TTIT Kd ! CAr.riin, "no, even abuil," can I pare from my paerlcsa ros-e. No doubt, il seems selfish to 'uocp them ell. v.-hen j..i.t . .oUL-n a slngio one. H have been very land to me, darliuir, aiaeo , i ' w V J""- nnil ai't.milKii ,.i.i.. 1.,. . r , iiiiiuv uuiik ntnji3 oi smi(r ing. luo roso-trce shall bo your?, when my nights havj become davs in tliat other land Since little Eva was in, praltin of your two lovers, I tnvo had a story to tell you ; if you havo Icisurs to remain. I think I feel strong enough to rclato it norf. liaise my head a little, plcaso ; that will do nicely thank vou. It will be twelve year.: 'o-morrow.sinco my twentieth birthday, Your mother was ono day pi.'t o;ghtcon, but wc always cel ebrated the festivals together. Up oil this oocasaou undo give in a r;rand party. 1 drojssd early, for my betrothed, Lawrcneo Elicore, iiad promiseil to co'mo before the company arrived, and bring me flowers. I anticipated sowiolhing beautiful, for his fjtit wa-i e::iju site, ilo mmt, bringing a bouquet of iialf-opened roje-buds and b!uo violets ; besides llii.', a brauelt from n ro-o tree, hi'irini; tbreo fragrant white bud.-i, j'M ready to expand into full flower. The Luda bo in.n'htcd upon twiii'my with with hia own hands ansorjy my braids and lingleU, whiob ho a 'complisbod with won derful fkill, making tlio reen leaves and 'now; buds gleam biyjp- and there among my dark curia in a way tint won prai.'o ar.d a l.)iu"uiou ftoni ail. "My taslu" wa cornmcr.di.-d and nain, an l I lano-'-,. ed Iho complimocts o3' u ba3t I onuld; lor to no ono, not fvcu your niotb.r, It id I told tho scarst of my ongig:nint. Law rence ts a c!5rk,industriou3 and roonom-ical- S'.iil, he di'cniod it not prudent to marry in lesi tbaa two year.0, and I iuaitt- I od that if tre ?.iited so 'one, the eojrjge- iae'' should ift le p'-tb!'!'. My only rao Uvo was to avoid the comment and diu- cijiffoQ:' ot ccquaiDtauctj. Our put ty pa?s:d plcaaautly ) the ro ' ft.A.,i,n-..nt. .....!.. 1 -vei tiling, ivfro ndir.ilfl'nlti til" eninnniv rnm it, (inn "crc auK""IJie i co.npany were in Uno " "-""fa '"""" """ '- " o (inn: lintir m nnv liiii Amnriif tlif irtioviq tt 1 Dy iUL' vwonS lut- gocsis wao Mr. nueton, just rctumea trom a hfgthencd tour ia L!cuth Ameiieti. J'javiy tn tlio cvemug lie waa introuuccd to me, and cu'crlaiuul mo greatly with accounts of wild adventures and descrip tions of tropical f concry. Several times, during the evening, we wore thrown fogeih - cr, and t!:r.t tuutlo Eometlimg winch tfllb j blossom. Hu placed it upon tho tablo say n maiden when she lias won a new admit- ing : er, told mo thatLwis Ilueton would pur-! -'My fiiond, Liwrenco Elmoro, cut -silo tho acquaintance. Months of gayety ' ti,m eff, aud Etarttd upon a long journey followed, and people began to notice the willi tbcni iu Um hnaJ I" attention Mr. Hucton paid mo Lawrenco j .-Q, pity m2 I" I cried, and fell ronse wit.i sildom presout j bnoks and study oe-; CB3 ut,on the floor. When consciousness cupicd his tmic,sa?o when ho spent a quiet rcltunc.l, ho holding mo against bis evening with mo. Thao evenings becamo hf,art . but with such a desolato, broken-le-3 frequent, for I went out constantly.- I Loaned look in his face, that I was fain to Thcro- waa a now charm in tho devotion , (urn awty ray pytv. of tho wealthiest, best educated man of tho cpay you '? data," said ho, "pity met set. Ititvv-r Mopped to think whither I ; I havo lost my best loved friend, and my was drifting. Ono day, some air. months J beloved wife. Lawronuo did not willingly afier our parly, a beautiful bouquet was j betray your fault, it was only in thu de sent rao, with a note. I had not seen my , lirium of his djing moments, that I learn- betroilnu lor two weeks, and said to my- eel!, he lias i-cni this to Bay ho is coming to-night. I opened and read : "(JriAUA : Wi'h tho flowers, accept tho devotion of one who would bo tnoro than your friend. Lewis" Tho paper fall from my . tartlet! liugers, and for Iho first time in months I was obliged to think. Stooping lo raiso tho note, I brushed cgaint Iho rose, which, with infiuito caro and patience, I had tear - ed from tho branch worn upon my birth- night. The genllo toueh of tho leaves up - ou my chock smote nio like a blow. All tho day was xpentin thought. Law - rence, I argued, docs not really lovo me, or scarcely seen him for two months, and ho is becoming so quiet and traded COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, DBOBMBBR 9, 1885. I that hu visin are not as ploasnot as former , ly. Why should tay youth utiil beauty ho j wailed in p'.utiuiug littlo cootiomies aa a clerk's wift!, whon as Mrs. Hucton, every wish would bo gratified 1 At evening hav ing stifled loro an tl conscience, I drc3sed to meet Mr. Hucton. lie came told mo how I had grown into his nffectious, and ufrercd heart and hand for my aci-orlanco. I did not then asot-pt hia proposal, thoiich I t gavo him rra-on to expect, my answer wotini ua ta7oralilo, il my relatives were pleased. Deroro Meeping, I wrolo to Lnvrence, saying tig gently as possilic, that 1 could not happily tharo his l it j that, hroiht up in luxury, though having no fortune of ot' my own, -I couid not cheering hbnr,a Ioiiht, to make hi a:i-try Fufiice for ui i thotcforn I asked freedom from my en gigcniont. Three days later a reply camo, in tho following words : ''Ur.Ait,v : My best Lolovcd you are fieo. I have no,hiu;r of yours to return, savo a bit of bluo ribbon that nnca tied Uourcmh, I retain that. Lawue.vci:." I fBt, iustinotivcly.tliat my frocdom had boon Furo!jiodiit tho pvieo of mortal an K guish to another, and would gladly have undone my work. Shutting myself from every ujo, tlu. day, I did not we?p, but j suffered uono tho les? that tears wrri' de nied mi'. Tho evening brought Mr. Hue ton, and with the hearty approval ol mv unele and aunt, I wat aAtn uetrnthed' Lewis uracil ait early day for the marriage, but aunt insisted that four months was the least possible time in which my ouiQt could bo prepared. Tlu next thieo mouth.-, we p .-ssod in a whirl of s-lk, laecs and mtisl iii', which wc'iried me. Mr. Ifueion oltcn remarked mys-ilont waysaad thoubt fill look.?, wliio'i ho attributed to shyness and cvcr-cxeriion. With his grand faith in mo ho never imagined my lovo was half vanity. At length, but eight days wcra to rsa.-M beforo our marriage- Thi rose tree was full of opening buds, and I anticipated wearing them at my bridal. Two bud-, wero hall-opened, and I brought the plant down, to show Lewis, when hu came in to "pen.l tho evening'. "Do you ktiow, darling' said ho, ''that the charming taste with which the rofes wore twined in jour, the first time of oji- nt?etiD, wjs what attaoted mo (0 ;,vu ?' I bent over the tree to hido my glowiug faco. Ho continued. "Bjt I have nut told jou I can re main no longer this evening, having prom i.tcd lo pond tho night with a sick friend.' By tha way, ho is passionately fond of lloweia give mo tlio.-o two, for they will fado before tho iluy and othertJ will coins cut.'' I. cut the flowers and he left me. The day following, a messenger brought a re que.fl from Lawrence Elaioro, that I would j lend him for ons day, my roo tree ; be was ill, had beard of its wondrous beauty. anil KneV liow J. Uatt loarcit It. 1 Could ' ...! .. , , but send tt, with i! very caution for its sale- ty. of calling that evening Mr. ; Uimmx wrotts, saying he was sta)ingvith a cting f.-iond. The thought thi.t this friend wa,3 my diicardcd lover did not oiosa my mind, Tho uezt moruing Mr. Hucton bronght , the roie-treo shorn of ovcry bud aud d wufll um caused UU illness and doath." (iemly placiug mo upon the ofa, ho jbft tho bouto. j Tlio wedding icvitatiot3 had not been j out and wore now delayed by u y j smuon jnCSf prom a s0ivai)'t j; l.arU(lJ ' wheu Lawrence's futiurul would take place, nnU, lu rpitu of rcinonstraiico, uttcniled, dressed plainly and wearing a hoavy vail , to avoid recognition. Ilo was 'buried iu , Greenwood, and, alono iu tho carriage ; which my uuolo sent, I wotit to tho grave, ; Mr. Htietou stood by my tide, as iho lust 1 solemn words woro said, though I fancied ' ho did not recognuo me.until, as wo turn- cd away, ho offered his arm, conducted rao lo tho carriage, and loft mo without ono , word. May my darlintr Carrio never know t uch aijony of remorse as I suffered that day and for many years, feeling that I had murdered tho man I loved, and de stroyed tho happiness of ono bo worthy of respect and affection as Mr. Ilueton. At evening a packago containing tho notei 1 had written him and try tuiuailuro, was handed mo by a scrvaat. I looked in vain for ono writton word of his. Ilo was too noblo lo add ono reproach to thoo ho know I suffered, yet too truthful to at tempt a palliation of my fault. It then beoamo necessary to (ell my unolu that iharo would be no marriage, and that the fault of the broken engagement was mine; yet i oould not bring hia contempt upon me by telling him all, I havo 1 elated this to you, Can ia, una warning. Your af feotion? are given to ono man, do not trifle with tho holisst feclinga of another. Sometime?, when I am gone, and you come to Greenwood, bring a roic for Law rence Elmore. CtncKr.x in" his Hat. A country friend sends uu the following : 'Nat, a fiiend of our, is very poor, rather light fingered, and, it is said, not so bright as bis parcuts could wish 'Tho other day, while passing a neigh bor, Nat saw a brood of chickens, and immediately eaubt a fino ono to carry borne. Ilo had not gono far, however, before ho saw thj owner coming up the road, and not knowing what to do with the chicken to conceal it at lant succeeded in crowding it into his hat which he again placed upon his head. But thu chicken having a longing for liberty ,and beiug al so pressed for air, managed to thrust his head through an oponirg in Nat'a old straw hat. Nat wa3 presently accosted with "What have you got in your hat ? "Nothing but my head,' i-aid Nat. 'But 1 sue a chicken bead ftiakiog through the lop of it, Nat.' "Nat, taking off his hat and looking af it in feigned adtouNhmen''' cxolahnad : "Wal, how d'ye s'poso that ciitter come in Micro. I swaru ! he must have crawled up my Irowsers leg!" Ho to Maiuiy a Brjr.LU. In Canada a rii-h old widower is said to havo practis ed an ingenious tchctne to gain tho baud of the belle of tbo village. lie hired an old gipsy lo tell the young lady's fortune, aod instituted her to itato that a wealthy old widower ("iviu' a description of hi- personal apptarauee and dress.) would pay her a vi-it and offer himself and that she W-'ttld accept and bo left a wealthy young widow beforo the close of tho year. Her nest huibimd would ba a young man she liked at present. Tho gipsy did her duty, the old man ptcsented himself and tho marriage followed. Ha is likely to live many years, and tlio village belle may be a grandmother before s'uo becomes a wid ow. Tns Pu.s'uri'Ai. Man. Mr. Uissir was a very punctual ntau in all his bu.-i ness transaetious through life. Ho amass cd a largo fortune by untiring industry and punctuality, nnd at the advanced ago of ninety years was resting quietly on his bed, aud calmly waiting to bo called away Ho had deliberately made almost every arrangement for his decease and burial, Hu pttl.-o grew Muter, aud thu light ot life seemed just flickering to its sockets when one of Ids sons observed .- 'Father, yon will probably livo but a day or two; is it not well for you to name jour bearers V "To bo fare, my son,'' said tho ding man. "It is well thought of, and I will do it now." Ho gavo the narriea of six, the usml number, and then sank back I'shaustcd ou his pillow. A gleam of thought passed over his withered features liko a ray of light, and ho ralicd oneo moro. "My son read iho list. Is the tiamo of Mr. Iliggina there-!" "It is, father.'' 'Thcn6triko it oil'" said ho omphati eally, '-for ho was never punctual was never anywhere in season, and ho might hinder the prooessiou a wholo hour." t3 Wnv was th'-ro a financial panio in Egypt in thu duys of Pharaoh f Br oauso the mother of Moses went to tho batik aud inado a despoait. After that Pharaoh's daughter went aud drow a largo draft. Tito Bible ihen aays thoro wero rutins on that bank. fc-PitE.vncu sajs ."It is not enough that you aro paised by the good ; you 1 hvo failod somewhere in your duty it vou nro not cured hy tho J ' Old Hickory An Interesting Historical Reminiscence. All Americans are'ratniliar With Ibis soubriquet of General .Andrew Jackoii ; yet very few know how it was oartied by the old hero. I happen to bo ablo to in form your readers. In 1830 I wat intimately acquainted with Qui. John Allen, United States agent of tho Chickasaw Indiaurctiilirig in I'ou tatoe ; aud with his brother, Capt. Wm. Allen, then a merchant in that town. I learned from Oapt. Wm. Alien that his father wa9 a near neighbor nnd devoted friend of Gen. Jackscut, aud that bo and his brother John served as soldiers in his escort, in nil his campaign', nnd cttupctl at the same firo, and mossed with him duriug tho Creek wir. They wero ccr taiuly graat favorites with lilm ; and ho rewarded them for their friendship by giv ing them lucrative appointments iu tho Chickasaw nation whilo hu was president. In eonviTbatiou with Captain Allen about General Jackson, on one occasion, I asked him iiow ho acquired the name of '-Old Hickory I" I g.vo hia reply, as 1 can rc ti.em'jer, in his uwu words : ''During tno campaign which included the buttle of Eumckfaw Creek, the army Was moving rapidly to aurptisu tho Indi ans, and wo wero without tctlts. In the month of March, a cold equiuootiai gale fell on u, tniugled with sleU, which lus ted teveral dayi. The general was ex-po--ed lo tho weather, aud was Suffering se verely with a bad cold aud sore throat. At night wo bivouacked iu a muddy hot tout, vhilo it wa pouring do,7n rain, which froza as it fell. Mv brother John i fihdnig that ho was unwell, became un I easy about butt, though ho did not com plain, aud laid down upou tho blnuket by the eaiip fire witli his soidicrs. Seeing bun wet to tho skin, stretched iu tho mud and water iu his suffering oondniou, wo determined to try and niako him more comfortable. "Wo cut down a ttout hickory tree, in which the tap was rising, and pealed the bark Irom it iu large flakes; cut two forks and a polo, laid down a floor of bark and dead leaves, and roofed it, and closed ono side, cr rather ono end of the struc ture, aganiat the wiud with bark, and left the other opcu. Wu then dried our blan kets, and made him a pallet iu tbo tent wo had constructed. Wo woke up the old general and with some difficulty per suaded him to crawl in. With his saddle j lor n l''l'" wiapped in our dry blankets, auJ ut 10 'I'0 fe, ho slept snugly and soundly nil night, well eased in hick ory baik. 'Tho nest morning nit old man from tho neighborhood camp camo with whis. key wuh which, alter imbibing quito free ly himself, be g ire us all -a treat' as far as the liquor would go. Ho seemed lobe a kind-hearud. joial and patriotic old fclluw ; a sort of 'privileged character' in this county. While siag'iring about among the o'imp-ltres, full of iun and whiskey, ho blundered upon our little bark tent, which immediately arrt.'itud hia .lUeiition. After eyeing it far a moment ho exclaimed : 'What ?ort cf an outlati dish Indian tisin is this V aud gave it a kick, which tun bled down the queer look ing structure, and completely b'ui"d tlio old hero in bark. As he struggled out of iho mini, and looking fiercely for the author of tho iiHschicf, the old toper recognized him and exclaimed : 'Hello Old Hickory ! cuiuo out of our bark uSd jcin us iu a drink.' "Thoro was something so ludiorouj iu the wholo scene, that respect for hi. pres ence aud rank could not restrain our mer rimout. lie very good hutuorcdly joiued us in laughing at tho mishap. As ho roco up. and shook tho bail: from him, wo all gavo him a viva 'Hurrah for Did Hick ory.' This was tho first timo ho over hoard these words, which were afterwards shouted by the millions of hi?' country nun wlicuever he appemcd among thorn." I will only add that dpt. Win. Ailcn, of Davidttun County, Teun., who died in Pontotoc iu 1837, was distinguished for eourairo, integrity and strict veracity; and the above may bo rcgaided as a true ac ooupI of tbo origin of iho nicknaiuo of Gcu. Andrew Jackson. Major General lMtncr has been in dicted li tiio grand j try in Louisville for eutieing slaves from Kentucky, Tho Tammany Detuticrats have nom inated John '1'. Hoffman for Mayor of New York. General Canby has restored tho Me thodist Episcopal churches of New Orleans to their congregations. 1 -l'erai i hoiua.i Has reetnded the NaellTill l.oneral ThoiuaH bos reeindeil the VOLUME 2d. Soliloquy of a Loafer. Let's see, where am I! This ia ooal I'm lyiri on. Was coming up slrcet mot a wheelbarrow-was drutik.comin' t'ohthor way tho wheelbarrow fell over me, or I orsr tho wheelbarrow, and one of us fell into the cellar don't know whir-h now guess it must ha' been mo. I'm anica youcg- man ; yos I am tight I tore I diuuk ! Well, I can't help il tain t my fault ? No. Is it my wife's fault I Well, it ain't. Is it the whcclbni row's fault! No. It's whisky's !ault, Who is whisky t Has ho a large family ? All poor. I reek on. I think I won't own him auy morc I'll cut hi3 acquaiutanec. I've had that notion for about ten years, and alway hato to do it for fear of hurling his feeling. I'll do it now. I thiulc liquor is injuria' mo its upoiling my temper. Sometimes I got mad when I'm drunk and abuso Bot3 and thu boys ; it used to be Lizzio and tho children that soruo timo ago. I'd come liomo o' cveniu's, an' she put her arms around tno neck an' kiss me, an' call mo her dear William. When I comes homo now, sho takes tbo pipoout of her mouth an' her hair out'of hor epee, au' says somethin' like : "Bill, you drunken brute, shut tho dodr after you ; we're cold enough, haviu' no firo, 'thout letting tho snow blow in that way." Yes, she's Bets, an' I'm. Bill, now, I ain't ti good Bill, nuthcr; think I'm a counterfeit; won't pass a tavern without goin' in an' gcttiu' drunk. Don't know what bank I'm on. Last Saturday I was on the river bank drunk, I Etay out pretty late; no sometimes I'm out all night ; fact is, I'm out pretty much all over out of friends, out of pooket, out at iho elbows and knees, and always out rageously dirty so Bets says ; but then she's no judge, for sho'3 never elcan her self. I wonder why sho doacn't wear good clothes ; maybe she hasn't got 'cm ; whoso fault's that t isn't mine must bo whis ky's. Sometimes I'm in, 'however; I'm intoxi cated now, -and in somebody's coal collar. There's ono principle I've got I won't get in deb: : I nover could do it. There, one of my coat tails is gone got tore off, I-expeet, when I fell in hero. I'll havo to gel a now suit soou. A fellow told mo 'tother day that I'd make a good sigu for a paper mill, If ho wasn't so big Id kick him. I've had this shirt on for nine days aud I'm afraid it won't coaio off without tearing. People ought to respect mo moro'n Ihoy do, for I'm in holey orders. 1 ain't a dandy, though my clothes aro pretty near Greaaeian style. I guess I toro this window fhutter in my pants lother night, when I sat down on the wax Ben, Rugg's shop; I'll have to got it mend ed, or I'll eateh cold. I ain't very btout. As tlio boys say.T'm as fat as a match and as healthy as tbo small pox. My be.-t hat is standing guard for a window pane that went ont t'other morning at tho invitation of a brick- at. It's getting cold down here ; wonder if 1 ain't ablo to climb. If I had a drink I could think better. Let's see ; I ain't got throe ceuts ; if I was iu a ttvern I oould sponge ono. Whenever any body treats nnd eas, 'come feilars,' I ul wat thiol: my name's 'Whirs,' and I'vo got too good maunon to refuse. Well, I must leave ibis, or they'll arrest me for an attempt at burglary. I ain't come to thai yet.- Anyhow, it was thu wheelbarrow that did tbo harm not tno. There 1ms been a confl.ct of author ity at Mobile, growing out ot the arre.-tof T. C. Dexter, a Troatury citton tigont, by order of the General Wood, and the re fus il of the latter lo obey a writ of katieax corpus for the appearance of I)t-xtor, issu ed by Judgo Busteed of tbo U. H. District Court. Au nttaebment for contempt hai been issued agaiint General Wood- Tbo Gernnn witness Beaumu, who figured in tho Wirr.e trial, has b .en dis missed from the Interior Lcparttni'nt. It is said he was a deserter. His real nama is Felix Oessel. Thomas J. L'arvfir, a dufauliing Treas ury ugeut at Mobile, has been senteucod by a court mania! to a lino of :t.(100, arid a year's imprisonment with hard labor. Among tho visitors to tho Whiio Uotiio on Saturday was a lady who inter, ceded forihi pardon of tho raider, Harry Ciltnor. Thadeus Stovcru, who had been in Washington for some days, i uiutinted in denunciations of tho President's policy. John P. Reed, Jr., on trial ot B?d ford, Pa,, chaigcd with the murd.rof Provost Marshal Jacob Orouso has boea acquitcd. Frauds, amounting to over Si, 000,000 have boon discovered iu tho Quartermas ter' Department at L-'uisville, Ivy. tfA Cuban name I dost- Garcia Ohio, proprietor of iv thcaro iu Havana, was ' nurdcroil nnd robbed of 810,000 in Cert ' niurucuu nmt routc;t ot uiu.ouo in (Jen ! 4 mU'