AGRICULTURAL. Munagcmcnt of Gardons in No vember. B? proper management in gardens this fall, a great deal of labor may bo avoided noxt epringaud summer. Many pooplo un derstand tbo eminent importanco of doing nil that cen bo performed in their gardens In lato nututnn, just beforo tbo ground freezes. Tliii is more particularly truo of those caadens wlurc tha soil is what ti termed a "heavy soil." Wo Will mention , briefly certain things which, if attended to beforo winter, will greatly inprovo the productiveness of a garden noxt season, for raising silhcr frtrit or vegetables. The first requisite in rendering a garden productive is, through drainage. What ever tho soil may bo, if there is an excess of water, manure applied in groat abun dance and tho most through cultivation cannot secure abundant crops. Strawberry beds cannot yield half a erop of fruit, when the ground is at all inclined to be wet, it will bo cold until the hot wcathor has dried up tho superabundant moisture, and then tho ground will bako and appear more like barren earth than liko fertile soil. Another thing to be attended to is, to collect every weed beforo the seeds have fallen to tho ground' This may bo done imiaedintelv after a shower. Instead of throwing such things in tho highway, put thorn in a close heap near ono comer of the garden, where they will all decay, next season making fino mould which may bo spread on thoso portions of tho garden that appear hard and lumpy. This man ner of disposing of weeds, tho seeds of which have matured, will bo found pref feriblo to putting them in a compost heap, os the soeds will all gcrminata next sea son, and dio, giving littlo or no trouble , whereas in a compost heap thcr is seldom the propor amount of moisture, and the right degroc of hoot, at the sanio time, to causo germination. Another thing to bo performed in a gar den, where soil is not of a very light, mujky, or sandy character, is through plowiog or spading. Whore there is room for a team tbo plough should be ad-' justed to oat narrow and deap furrows in order to effect tho most thorough pulveri zation. If tho ground is spaded, it is bet ter to cut thin oaursesj driving the spado deep, than to take what is termed a "wide through," which will not .pulverize tbo heavy soil so completely 33 if the spi de wero not to cut to wide. If the ground is not sufficcntly fertilo let a drcJSing of manuio be tpaded or ploughed in. When coarse stable or barnyard manure U used, it i better to pick it to t mall pieces with forks, and cover it with more or less earth than to allow it to remain on tho surface during the winter. Spayin in Horses-Blood Spavin j Tho hock is plentifully furnished with ' mucous bug', to lubricato (make sl(.pery) the diffreut portions of this complicated joint, Some of these :irc louud nn the io side of the joint. From ovcr-cxcriiou of the joint they become iuGamud aud con siderably enlarged They are wind galls of the hook. The Ciili-rutuncous vein passes over the iuside of tlio hock, and over fctiuie of these enlnrgi'd bag", and is couiprtsscd between ihe skin and enlarg ed ba", and consequently tbo passago of the bfood through it is partially stopped. Tho blood, however, continues to t e re-, turned from tho leg and foot, and being 1 thus arrested in its course, u portion of tho vein below tho impediment and between it and the next valve is distended, and causes the soft tumor on the inside of tho hook called blood spavin. Bone npavin , a still j Ttioic formidable disease, ranks under tbo ) name of spavin, and is an niTectiou of the ( bone of the bock. It is not unusual to Bo whole 'aamj ofhorscF, and that all the year arouud, with tho outer hell of the hind foot considerably raised abovo the other. Tins unequal bearing, or distribu tion of the weight, cannot fail of being in- j juri us. It will plaeo an unequal strain on the ligaments of the joints, and partic-1 ularly nf the hook joint, aod increaso tho ; tendf noy to f-pavin. The weight and con- oussion which are thus thrown on the in ner splint bone produce, in the firet place, inflaination of the cartilaginous substance which unites it to tho shank bone. Tho consequence of thie is that tho cartilage is disturbed and bono deposited ; tho union between tho splint bono and the shank be comes bony instead of cartilaginous ; the degreoof clastic action he'.vreen them N destroyed, and there is formed a fpliiit of the bind leg. This is uniformly on tho imidcof the hind leg, bcc.-iutc tho great er weight and concussion uro thrown on tbo iunsr splint bone. As in the forlcg, tho disposition to form bonny waiter hav ing commenced, and the causo which pro duced in continuing to act, bono contin ues to be deposited, end it appears genor allv in the foira of 0 tumor, where tho head of tho splint bono is united with the ehank, and in front of that union. This is called bono spavin. I have hero given the seat and cause of blood and bono fpav In. Although it is tho prevailing opinion of some horso owners that neither the ringbone or cpavin can be cured, and many a bono ownner has sacriCccd his horse or oolt for merely nothing, on ao oouut of ringbone or spavin, I will say to all that ringbone spavin can bo permonen. t'y cured, wiihoul leaving a blemish or mark, by uting the Datura Salvo. I have cured old nnd recent spavin by u.-iug ihe above salve, and I will insure a perfect cure, 111 all cases, 10 all wlio mny una it for the euro of rioglnne, fpavin, &i- J U. I.ONGAKER, V, S, Limerio!: Scjuae V O., I'a. "HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT RUCJW." ' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, i A poilltre nd Bpoelua Itemed? for dlsetiei of tko ftlnddrr, Kidneys, Gravel nnd Dropsical tmclllnis, This Medicine Increases the powers of digestion, rod eicllcs tbo abtorbents Into healthy action, by vtlcu tho I water yot calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en. largemcnts arc- rcdnecd, as well a pain and Inflammation, and Is cool for xatn, women and children, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, . Tor westness arllng from Excctzci, JIabtta of Dlstlpfr 1 tlnn. Tr!r Indiscretion, attended with the folloirlnfi Grmptomsi Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Toirer, Difficulty of Vrtalhlss, Trembllns, Wakefulness, ralnlnlhoBaek, Flashing of tho Body, Eruptions of tho Face, Loss of Memory, Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision, not IInds, Dryness of the SUn, Universal Lassitude. Pallid Countenance, These symptoms, If allowed to goon (which this Meal tlno Invariably removes), eoon follow FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, &C, facte of which tho pa.' nt may cxplro. Who can say Iboy jre not frequently followed by those "direful dis eases," INSANITr AND CONSUMPTION? Many arc aware of tho canse of thtlr sultcrlng,bat nono will confess, Tho records of tho Ins.ine asylums and tho melancholy deaths by.consumptlon bear ample- witness to tho truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected by organic weakness, Acquires the aid of rncdlclno toslrcngthcn and Invlgorata tho system, which IinLMnOLD'SXXTEACT OP F-UG1IIT Invariably docs. A trial will convlnco tbo most sceptical. In many atfeetlcns recnllar to Females, the Ernurrr fJccnc Is uncacnleil by any other remedy, and for all complaints Incident to tho sex, or In the DECLINE on CHANGE OF LITE, CBBeis Btmvtosis adot. P7 No Family should bo without It. Take no Tlatsatn, Morcury. or neplcas&nt medicine for Osplcasant and dengcroas diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Secret Dlsoascn In all tbdr otages Httlo expense, littlo or no cbanga of did , no Inconvenience, and NO EXPOSURE. USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all affections and diseases of these organs, whether r..UBITNa IN MALE Olt TEMALE, Trom TvliatcvrrcauseorlglDating.andcomattcrhowlong standing Diseases of theso organs rcijulro tho aid ot a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And it Is certain to bavo tho desired cHect In all dlseact s tot which It Is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Helnibold's HIOBLT COKCEXTBATin COMTOrjTO FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Forpnrlfylne the Blood, removing all chronic cotetltu tlonal diseases arising from an itnpuro state of tho lllood, and tho only reliable and effectual known remedy for tho euro of Scrofula, fcald Head, Salt Rheum, 1'uIqb aud Bivclltnga of tho Boocs, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Foco, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the Elcln, XXD UEAXTTIPVISO TBI! COaiM.ESIOS'. HOT A FEW of tho worst disorders that nQkt mankind arise from tho corruption that accumulates In tho Blood. Of all tho dis coveries that bavo occn undo to purge It out, nono can equal In cflect UrLxroLD'a Cojipovsd EztaACT or Sir. riTAi'.iLLA. It cleanses and renovates the I'.lood.Instllh tho vigor of health Into tbo cystcm.ond purges out the buinora which taako disease. It cumulates the healthy fanctlcns of tho body, cud expels the dlsor Jere tbet crow esd ranilc In the blood. Each a remedy that could bo relied on has long been sought for, end noir, for tho first llaio tho public havo ono on which tbey can depend. Our epacahecodoeanot admit of certificates to ihon Its effects, but tho trial of a slnglo bottle will ehsw to tho sick that It has Its virtues surpassing an) thing they ha c over taken. Two tablespoonsful of the Extract of Earsaparllla added to a pint of water Is equal to tho I.lsboi Diet Drink, and one bottle Is folly equal to a gallon of the-Syrup of Sarea psrllla, or tho decoction as usually made. HELMBOIVD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits ot dissipation, used In connection with the Extracts Encbu and Earsaparllla, In such diseases os recommended. Evi dence of tho most responsible and rcliablo character will accompany tho medicines. Also explicit directions for use, tcllft Auriilrcilj of Ihomanda living witnesses, and up wards of 89,000 unsolicited certificates and iccommcnda tory lettcrs.many of which aro from tho highest sources, Including eminent rhy6lclaiiB, Clergymen, Statesmen, c. The Proprietor ties never resorted to their publication In the newspapers j be does not do this from the fact that his articles rani: as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped np by certificates. The Science ot Medicine, lito tho Doric Column, should etand draple, pnrc, majestic, having Tact for Its basis, Isdnctlon for Its pillar, and Truth alono for its Capital. My Extract Gartaparl'.la is a Elood rnrlder rny Extract Bachu Ic a Diuretic, andwlll act cs ruch In til caecs. Both aro prepared on purely scientific prlnclples-fn raeiro nnd aro tho most active measures of cither that can bo made. A ready and concluclvo test will be a com. xrarlson of their properties with thoto set forth In tbo fol lowing worts 1 See Dlrpcnsatory cf tho United States. Leo Professor Dnwrss' valuable works on tbo Tractteo of Physic. Bco remarks mado by the celebrated Dr. Partic, Phlla. Bco remark's made by Dr. Ernn.UH McDowell, a cele brated Thyslclan and Member of tho Royal Collerjoef Burgeons, Ireland, and published In the Transactions ct the King end Queen's Journal. Bco Mcdlco-Cblrnrfjlcal r.evlew, published by Rum's Tbatees, rcllow of tho Eoyal College of Bnrgeons. Gea most of tho lato standard works on Medicine. BOLD BT ALL PRUOGISTS ETETtr WHKP.C. Address letters for Information, In confidence, to n. T. IIELMBOLD, Chomist. PRINOIPAIi DEPOTS Xlelmbold's Drug and Ohomjcal Varoliouso, Ho. B91 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, and Holmbold'a Modicnl Depot, Ho, 1M SOUTH TEKTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, 13EWA1VTC OF COUNTlltFlClTS. AOtt B-UU II ti Ji 10. U O Jj JJ'HJ TAKE NO OT1IBIII PLDID ICXTRAOT SARSArAlUf.LA E TO THE i MUSICALJPUBLIC rPIIE Bubsorlber, 20 years a practical Ji Piano Forte Manufacturer, of Now York CltV. hni nirnm.irnllv located In this section, and waul , respectfully solicit orders for , TUNING, REPAIRING, AND REG ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONd. Tho snbsoriber is also tho manufactur er's Agent for Ohickcring & Son's, Ilazlcton Uro's, Lindoman & Son's, William R. Ilradbury's, Edward Rloomficld's, McDonald & Go's . PIANO FORTES, And carhatt & Nccdhnm'H, nnd rclonbct a Mclotlcons and Harmoniums, And (,. U. Smart's Pipe CHURCH OROANH. jam lis McDonald. Woomibiirg, Mny 20. lSli.-ly NEW SKIRT FOR 065-6. Tho Great Invention of tho Ago in HOOP SKIRTS J. W. HRADLEY'S New Patent DU PLEX ELLIPTIC (or double SPRINfJ SKIRT rphis Invention consists of Duplex (or I two) Elliptic Pure Ilcflncd Steel Springs, Ingeni ously llraldcrt lightly and llrni'y together, odgo to edge making Ihu toughest, luoit fUxitilc, rlasticaud durable Spring ever used, Tlisy seldom bend or break, like the Single Springs, and connequetitly preserve their perfect nnd beautiful hape more than twice na long as any Slnglo Spring Skirt Hint ever' lias or can bo tnudc, The wonderful flexibility and great comfort nnd nlcasure in any Lady wearing tho Dunlex Elllntic , Skirt will bo cxpcriencod particularly in nil crowded I l...n,l.lln. Hua... f'n-.I..A. tlntlv.ll ......... li.r.iuuiii;.. u'iu.l wuiiuik.i ...... iu.u u,n, IHUILH Tews. Ann Chairs, for I'rotuclia lo and House Dress, as tha Skirt con he folded when In use to occupy n small ii.ii.Tlii us piace as easily unu conveniently na a siik or uress. A I.ady having enjoved tho pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Diplcx Elliptic rioter oltei- steel spring skirt lor u smgij nny win . r...... ..i ...i.i. ...... ...I,., i Missca and Young Ladles they ate superior to all others. I The Honns are covered with B nlv doub e tw ted threhd and will wear twice a- long us llio single yarn ' foverme which U ucd on n slneleHtcel Hoop hkuu The three oottom rods on every Skirt ore nlso double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent from wearing off the rods w hen (trapping down stairs, stone steps, &c which they urc constantly subject to when in use All are made of the new nnd elegant Corded Tapes, and ore the best quality in every part, giving In the wearer the most graceful ami perfect shape possible, and urc iiuiurstiunably tbo lightest, most desirable, comfortable a ml economical Mkirt over made, WCSTa" URADLI1V fc OAKY, Proprietors of the In vcntlnn, and dole .Manufacturers, n7 Chambers, t, n J 7 J k hi Ilcudc gtrccttt. New York. For Sa'c in tirst-clam Stores In this City, nnd thro' out tin; United State and Cani.da, Havana do Cuba, Jleilco. South America and tho Wet Indies. Tj Inquire lor the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. Aug ID. lt!CS-3mo. A. U C. TUE PRIVATE M KNlfA L A U VISO , (Exclusively for Ladies,) An invaluable treatise of 100 pages, by published fur the benefit of the sex. On receipt nf TUN' OCKTS, it will he sent postpaid, in n sealed envelope, to nil who apply for It. Address ml. J. JBKYAIV, Box 3070, 4-UBroadway, N, Y. July IS, 1?M. COLUM BIA Insurance Company, COLUMBIA, L4NCMSTEIi Co., Pa. Cash Capital & Assets $500,000. ICIMRIXR PEIU'liTUAL) Directors : S. C Slavmnkcr, John IV. Sleacy, John Fendrirh. S.imuel Mincn, Win. ration, Amos S. Gp-en. iiobt. T. Iljon, M. . Smiman, Oeo Young Jr.. N. .McDonald, S. K llbi'r'ein. 11. U Munch, Kdinond Spcnog. rtaios s oiti:i:. rrjs t. M. r1. SIIUMAN, Treasurer. OEO YOUNG, Jr., Sern-taiy (C-' WH insure property at us renponnblc rate as will bo consistcutto tlui tomp.'iny mid ttiose injured. Ji. II. CONUViiU, Agent, Beach Haven, Pa. June 10, 1803. momm Insurance Company, WII.KCS-llAntlC, I'DNXA. CAPITAL AXI) SlirruFs, - - $150, ASSETS. Ptocl! not called in, ..... 530,000 liills receivable, ..... 4d'ouu U. F. 5 'JO UnmK S!5,outl Temporary nnd call loans fiiujo )l)3 slinres W.vomiug Hank Stork, . OJsti 5 idiares I'irtt National Hank M U'ilks-IIarre, 5 (itl0 711 shares Second National Unnknt Wilkes-llarre, 7,11111 40 harcs Wllkes-llurre Uridgc Stock, . . 25-0 Keal Eilale, j.siu Judgments, . - in; Due (roiu Agents and others, - . 7,114 Cash in hand and in Hank ,y4 BlKfiCTOKS. O. M. HOLLENIIACK, JOll.V ltl'.IUIIAHI). SAJIUHI. WAIIIIAU8. CIIAUI.IIS DOIIKANCE, r. i). icon. I. . I). SHOEMAKER.. II. M. HOVT, O. JULI.I.VS, vm. s. noss, CIMUI.r.4 A MINER, SI'EWAKT l'lEttCE, ,11 IIAI.11IM.. G.M HOLI.r.MIAtJK. rretidmt. J,. II. BtlUUMAKEK, V lt Vrti'l. R. C. SMITH, SscruTARY. I". III10WN, Agent, March 25, 13 1. . , iiuourg, Pa, American Hotel, CUUSTNIJr STREET, Opposite old Independence Hall, IMIILADKLI'IIIA. S. M. I1EULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. 1 Heulinqs, Clerk. May .,, icoo. Eagle Hotel, T e EOKHauig, IIK unUcrBigrjcd liaving openutl -a pul lie house, it. Rohrsburg, Columbia Count kcown as the KAGIiB nOTRL,' Announces to his friends and th niblic genernlly, lint he w ill be happy at all times tn administer to their fiitcrtainment. Custom solicited. Civii I1 lit u call and you will not regret it. WILLIAM EDGAR. Rohrrbiirg, July 8, 1SG5. runs. runs. Wholesale and Retail. I'll IIS. CIUItliES OAKFOKI) & S0S, PHILADELPHIA. Ilavo now opened their largo and splciidid slock of LADIES' FUR CAPS, COLLARS. MUFFS, CUFFS, CLOVES, , AND' HOOPS, Also tho finest assortment of l'AFCY I CR ROUES, OA PS. MUFFI.Ilim. and CLOVES, over beforo odercd by them all of which a'u warranted to be as repre sented, Shipping Furs Bought. Oct. 21. lrC3,-3ui BELL &. ALLAH AOH, Proprietors. CORNER OP THinn VTA.PPAWVTVAKIA AV limit) &1 cy l 11, 1 A1JA A V WASUINtlTON, D, Oi A. JB. DAVIS & CO., .VUILA DELPHI .?, Manufacturers of Rail Boad Track, Hay Coal and Cattle PLATFORM AND COUNTER OF EVERY DESRCIPTION. J5ST EVERY SCALE Warranted. Orders promptly Dllcd, apply to R. II. EATON, Solo Agont, Berwick, J. K. EYER, Moomalmrg, Pa. July 22, 1805. Ohio. Arcana Watch, An Elegant Novelty in Watches. The ease of tins watch are a new invention 10m poscd of several tllrtorent metals combined, rolled together and plontsncd, producing nn exact Imitation of 18 enrat gold, called ArteAiu. Tliey aro as beau tiful as solid gold, and me nllorded ul one-eighth the tost. The caes are bcauttifully designed and are en graved in the exact style of the celebrated Uold Hunt ! I8 Levers, mid so exact nn imitation of gold as to dely detection. 'J'he inovcmeiits iiru maniifucturcil by the well known ot. Jiinnur vntcii company i r kii rooe ami arc suncrhly linlslied, liaving cmrruved ual I fancy carved bridges, adjusting iigul.ttor,.liiie dl . ai aii'i skoivio i iiiiiiqfl. nie watches nr all Hunting Cases nnd of three, the Miialltst being fur Ladies A casa of six t " "r i.i"irai. n amKie one sent in a liandsomc cao for SEL They will readily sell for three times their rout. Vo also Im port a very superior finished and elegant watch which we ran sell for 330 each or $I5'J pur caso of si x These arc also hunting cases and for Ladies and Cents. We a-e sole agents for thin U'atch in tho IL. filate nnd none are genuine which do not boar our Trade Mark. Persons ordering Watched. C. O. II ill ploasc remit 25 per cent of the amount with their or der Orders for any kind of watches promptly and faithfully fulfilled. Addrrss, AllCANA WATCH CO., No C2 En I ton St., New York (My. Importers & Healers in Watches ot'every description. Successors to Olrnr.l W. Devauah i.Co. Oct 7, 1605 litno. S II S. Purify the lilootl. TUI! GREATEST .MEOWING Or THE AGE A sure antidote for Ickncss, and a refuge from Sorrow, Fain and Disease. Bryan's Life Pills, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They arc admitted to be tho . Best Family Medicine lor general use, I'urifyin.' the I'.lood and clcasnmg the ystein from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills to regulate tho PtomaOh, Liver and FJIInry Sorre- . iIoiik which in the rhii'f rause of neroiiiies, tSiddi- I nese. Dimness ofSight, Headache, sick Plomach and other Kindred romplaints. ; Hiintlreila of CertiGcate can he Showu. 1 They have been used by thousands with success, I Bryan's Life Pills Are a'laptod for nil Ages it Constitutions, Thrynre rniutiofnl of the act ive prmctpli-s of Herbs and I- ooti tolled Ironi our 11 Ids and forests. Thi'y arc mild but cert 1 1 in '.heir 011 prnJui in'g nt'ith"r crnmpK, griping pains or sukiicss. They mat be taken by all ages, scic9 or condition without fcar. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Headache. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Sick Somaob. Bryant's Life Pills, Ctiro OiddineBs. Bryant's Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A linx of Bryan's Lire I'ills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They w lllnccompllrli f.iithfully nil that Is represented. ! I hey nre elegantly put up by tho proprietor, wan tho inventur of IIIIYA.VS PULMONIC WA '&B a medicine long and favorably known to Hie A me V.ttnn if you wish to buy IIRYAN'S LII'E PI 1. 1,8 nnd chn not get them of your druggist, dout take any other, but eond Twenty Five ri'im In nliMtc-r I'ltlia proprie tor, and you u ill get tliciu by return of mall, post paid Address DR. J. BRYAN, Box 5070, 442 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by DnuaoisTs Ockfrallv. EM OAS. IIACNT.d tc CO., N. V. Whuliis.ile Agents. July 1J, lcG5. Ptbni.iry H, ISW-.-y ISG5. Philadelphia & Erie 1865. Thin Croat line traverses tlio Northern nnd North. west counties of Pcnnsylaiiia to tha city of Erie, on It has been leased by the 1't'nnsvlvania Railroad Company, and Is operated by them. TIME or rASsEMIEK TRAINS AT NORTHUMBERLAND. LK,UH EASTWARD. Erie Mail Train. Erie Expreis Train, l.liuira Express Train, Elinir i .Miiil'Prain, .1 10 P. M. 3 30 A M II Si P M 10 S3 A M m:ye westwaud. Eric Mall Train, 3 15 A M Erie Exfress I rain, 2 it) 1' y Elmira Eiprcss Train i5 :io A M Klniiru Mail Train, 4 33 P M Posscngers Cars run through on the Ei le Mail nnd Espreks Trains withou! ciiasus both wajs between Philadelphia mid Erie NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York atll.OU P. M. arrive m Erie3. 37 A. M Leave Erie at I.S3 P.M. arrivu at Now York I. IS I' M. No Ch inge nf Cars between E'lo nnd New York. Elegant Sleeping Curs on nil Night Trains I'or information resnoctlne PaHni-npr-r liiiNinf ply nt the (.'or. .tilth and .Market Su. Philadelphia . ap And lor 1 reighl businessof tlio Company' .tgcnts. H. II. Kingbton, Jr., Cur.l3l!i and Market St Plnl'a J. IV. Re) nnlds, Erin, William llrown, Agent N. C. R: R llaltiinnre. II. II. Houston, (leii'l. Freight Agt , I'hiladelpliia, II, W. Cwinner, lloii'l.Ticket Agt. Philadelphia, A. !,. TYLIlit, Cen'l. Bup't WiUiamsport. October 7, ICUi. NEW STOCK OP Groceries & Provisions JUST rcpcivod at Hunyou's Provision STORE, n large nssnrlno-nl of CIIOCI.llIEi AND I'llOVIi-IONJ.consisliog in all I In- nucessaiiis nflifu bought for Ct.h-iiiid will in- to defy comuetltiou. Hotel Kaeprs and I'limiir- n-,cli,int, would du well in can unu einuiinu Slum ami I' before pur chanine elsewhere. Aniing- i tint stock may be found tU'OAUS.ol all grudes. Mm. ASSES and SYRUP.! from tlie lowest price to tin I. ,i grades. Gram & Ground Coif.;., of nil qualities, Navy, Plug, Twin, Fiiie-cut Chewinr? & rt i . ... ' a Dinohiur. lonaoo, loung llyson.lni porial, G-unpowtler and Oolong Teas, Cliccse.Orat' Iters, Fino Salt.Woodcn & Willow Waro, Matclica, and Cigars Canned Fruit of all hinds. tf l n IV Bi 1,: 'ii' d a r. . nr d -a? a DRIED ritUIT. No, 1 tc 2 I'IS'1 by the llair.l, ore half or one fourth or one ii;Mh burel. Ilerriig, Cualtlil. iir , tic., all nf which will be sold at lire lour. I innikrt prino, I I hurt, th I' SI. ISilS. PULK 'I'DlAKIKS PHOTOGRAPH -JL ai.iums- aliium picpiuius, -niine at :ry low prices for cash. W. U. PERRY, fisteo 4. 9 c &;ie I'ltlia, Keep Youii Eye ON THIS PLACE. SE ONE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. 3 X KEOWSE HAS enlarged and greatly Improved his Storo Itoom and stocked it with n large and superior Stock of IIAI.t, and WlNTCIl 0001)8, which will be sold as low as ul any other establishment in the country. iilicos at 10, 18, SO ami 25 cents. Muslins, IJltnrhcd and Vrown at 25, 28, up to 48 cents. nnE?rl noon of every shade, quality anil price j a full lino nf Doinestii: Hoods, rt i t'heiks, r-'trlpe. 'I Icks.Linnen and Cotton Table Diaper, Oliigliiims, N'aiiki'rns, Ac . &.c. A good supply nf l.mlii'n flh 'i s and (.altera Ncwaloikiif Hats au.l Caps, All Html lii.unnii iiinl t tili.itit! ( nrpets. a splendid ankle Ju-t opened and for talc. A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot of CED.1E ND WILLOW WATW. MACItr.ltAI. by the quarter, half and whole barrel Nos. 1 and 2, medium ami large. A I no, a large and splendid assortment nf new designs. Also, a new lot of TRUNKS and Oil Cloth Sateids. Having bought these goods before the late rise, I am prepared In sell low, cheap as tho cheapest for cash or country produce-. WH STUDY TO FLKAEC. nioomsbtirg, Jan. T, SUS. Lackawanna & Bloorasburg Railroad, CS TWO DAILY TItAINS. "a ON AND A ITER .MON'llAY. JUNG 12th. 1PCJ, TAfiaENOER TRAINS WILL RUN AS TCL LOWS LEAVE NORTHWARD, Leave Northumberland e.tIO A, .M. soor.M. 5 40 OSS 0.2d 7,30 8.15 11.15 10.25 5.50 " Danville, ' Rupert, liloumsburi; ' llcrwick, " Hhlrkshinny, 11 Kington, Arrive nt Scrunton, " New Vork, e.4l) 0 n 0 '.15 10.2j 11.10 12,15 P. , iM. 1.5U 41 I'hiladelpliia, 0.30 10 P. M S.30 7 30 B,2) 8.3a 0.15 10 60 1.2.1 10,35 5.00 , i.a V 1. Leave Scrautnu, SOUTH V A Rl), ti UU A .M 7.00 B.3.7 0 05 11 25 10 Ml 10 4(1 1.20 P.M. l.l).- 5.40 " KillL'slilU . ' llerwlck, Ittoomsburc " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, " Hnrrisburg, " Waduucton, rniiaiii'ipiua The khortest nnd most direct route to the west and the oil region I Vt Trains of the Philadelphia and Eri- Railroad leave Norlhumliciland every morning for Erie, nrriv me there the afternoon of the sam day to connect with trains for llufl.iln Cleveland, Chicago, Willi all 1 points west, anil tonnerling at Corry with all trains on the Oil Creek New nnd clegnul Meeping ears arrompany the night trains MCh way between Northumberland nnd Haiti mure, and Northumberland nnd Philadelphia. 11. A, l'ONDA, Supt. Kingston, Juio 17. 1805. liaker & Confectioner THE undi'slgned has nlwuy on hand nnd for sale, PRCS. I lllll. All, CAKES, 1'IIIS nnd French and Domestic Confec tions in gic.t nnd splendid variety; Nuts rruiti.und every thing tisinll) ti mil in it Hist class ctmlettionrry lore. Me would nil especial attention to Ins newly re ceived stock of PICKLED FRUIT AND .TELLIES. I 13. II. STOlINEIt Eloumfhurg, April "1, It'l .!. jSlove&Tinware Shop IPIIE uiitlcrfipncd informs the public in I I general that lie has opened a 1 NEW TIN SHOP In Ihe building f ir nerly occupied by P. S. Mojrr, on" door b ilnw lh Columbia Demorrat Ofhcc, on Main , rMrtct lllnnuifhurg. where lie will make all kinds i , 'J in-Ware and Repairing, in good tylj and ou moder Iate terms. STOVI1S of all kinds and qualities for sa'r or fur nished to order. CCouiilry produce taken nnd public custom respectfully eoliciii'd. JACOB METZ.Jr. f.loomburg, April 50. 1SU.5. ly NEW SADDLE ISY AND Hnnicss Shop I ! ' rPHK iiiulersienod. respretfullf informs ' I The rllizcns of Light Street, an 1 t'.e (inerous P'l LI ic. Ilint h1 han op lied u new shop for Hit Ktaniii faun re of all kind, of SADDLERY AND IIM,.': In the nti) Store Home of Ceo McDiUv dl, r.rrl no I'oor M Ent s Hlon-. in I.Llit Stri-i t, w'i'rro li'j will inautil.irtiire -S, 1)111,1'.-; Illtl UI.I.S, IIAUNE-J.S ti , to ord t mid on moderate ternm. Mir Repairing of all kinds, executed on ri.ortr.Cie and in good s ) Ic. Country produce nken in eirbangc for trcrit.nml public custom invited. ELLIS L. FRIIAS. Li.'ht Street, June 3, lci'.o JA COB LA DQMUS, DEALER IN English, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &o. 018 Marht Street, corner of Dcculurr Philadelphia. ! I' r in American, English and Swiss Watches, making a speciality of lit-, celebrated Am t kio an Watch, which lie would reiumintuil tu all wanting a , good time keeper, and will he sold nt the lowest prices I'.inl aro t lie cheapcsl and best for the puce, March 4, Ieb5.-ly. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. TMIE undersigned respectfully Informs hi old friend and cutoiuers. that hu Iras purchased his brothers ntercst in tho above establishment, nnillhi' tonccru wils licrealtrr lie conducted by himself exclusively. tic nas juet reci'ivi'ii a'.ni oners lor sae, trie arg. est nudum.! exleusivc a-Mirlinent of FANCY B'l'd V '. ever iiitrn, nc, .nli. ,nn,l.,.t - . - -.-- His slock of a comolete '..sortment nt he best Cooking and parlor stoves in the luarki t, toL'eth or with Stove 1 ixturon of over; .ii utription, Oti-n and linx Stoves, Radiators, (') Sloios, Cat Iron Air Tight stoves. Cannon Stoves, &c. etc. Stovepipe and Tiuwuru constantly on hand and maiiulactured to order. All kinds of repairing ilnnr, a usual, on short nulice. 'I'ln; patronage of old friends mid new riisimuurs re- spectliiliy solicited. A. M ItUPEIl'P Uloonmmirg. Ni. vc Hd IF' 0. If. The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST I3LOOMSBUP.G. The undersigned having taken the well-known Forks Hotel, re'pectu illy announces lu his friend a and Ihe public generally, that lie is prepared to accommodato all who may favor him with their cuilom, to entire sat Isfai lion. He is provided witli nmplt BtaWling and prnyirtder f"? tho accommodation of Travellers, Teamsters, Dro vers, tic, nn moderate terms, Hy Public custom is solicited, OEO. W. MAUGEll. Uloomsburg. April 8. 1 SCI. S. II. DE WOLF, DEALER IN Ready-Made CloUiing No 202 North Second St., Ono door above Race St., PHILADELPHIA. Cr Clothing made to order ut Ibc abort ret notice. Ms) st, isei.-cu Ghcap Grocery Store. JlLSO BBATSs CAPS AIVJI SBIOES, rpllE undersigned lia removed Ms lint ami Lap store , i up to llyana' old stand, wluro In addition to a1 superior assortment of 1 SPRING AND SUMMER Hats and Caps pir CONFECTION A HIES, UIIACKEU3, Molasses, Sugar, Coffeo, Teas, Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, Bpiccs, Dried Fruit, Uutter, flnol nit. TlriiiTa. wh. v... fa-, Parlor and HanA Lamps, 1 1 . t . - n O.Tl iJOOKB, W U1UIJ JTUpUL- C AUK. I Hardware and Lcdaricarc, 1 Fncket Knives. Combs. Tojethcr with a variety of article.-! scnerally kept In a BXAio-A fine tut of KtD?,MOnOt:KOr1 unit Ltmnosto which he invites the at ention of Blioemaketii nnd tho public, JOHN K.C1UTO.V. Rloomsburi, May 13. 1CC5 rrllEtind"rsli,rr(,aric encnatvely enfir.c.1 11; t J. Undertaking lluiintti, and keeps cunatalilly 011 hand nd for anient his Warcrooms, a larje nssorlmcnl uf( FINISHED cra (JOliTINS, Ily which ho l enabled to i or.lcrs on presentation Also Keeps a cood Morc Knd Hearse, and will at al times bo ready tu attend Fuitercls. rJI.MON C. SII1VB. nioonisbi'rc, January 29, IS59 IMl'OUTANT TO LADiEii. flarvcy's Feniale Puis r,,. 1 , , 1 , r the most infallible and popular remedy ever Known for all lil-vnsce of the fcmile fix They have brcn iisi-d 111 ninny thousuiid ,.-.3.. . Ill, tmljiling succcts nod in..y is relied on in eery cue for wlilcli tlo-y uro re i cuuiiiended, nnd p irtieiil.irly in all casf arising from Obstruction, or Stoppage oj Nature. in mailer friiiu what rausi-it uiKCs. They nre etT.ic . tuul in restoring to In ulih nil w ho are sulfuring from 1 Wiiikiiess and Dtbilily, Ulcriue Discharges, Ncrt ous ' iicss &c lic and they , ACT LIKE A C11A11M ! ! in strengthening and irstnriog the system. '1 hoocaiidi ' nf Indies who .vivo sulf'-red for years unit tried wriout otliur rruieilii-ii in v -i owe a renewal tf tlieir hua ill nnd Mri'iigth hully to ; ,. Iia-ucy of UK HAItVICl "8 KiWALE PILLS. lnrinl'88 nn Hie rvstcm, may lm '1 lu v arc nerfjrllv taken ut any time in-i f.-rt'cti : hut during th early status of Prepniincy tlity .lioitid no b. taken, or n mis urriuge m.iy lu taken, or a uiMcnrrUgc liny be tloi rchult. Tli'y iitivnr c.uiao any nickin--, pain ordistiets. Each box contains mly pil.s. I'lift Out Dollar. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, A ifincily fur ppctiul ra'.ffi, fyur tlf'prfp fctrongcr . tti:in ttn: iitnivn ; Trirc 1'ive JJulLtrs put imx ' A privntu Circular to ntlica vnh lint unnlomit'.i. rngrrn hit", suiil fr' uit rt'ci ijii of tilr't, I tt LtivcUp' a nit ftinni. j iIT Oil this uotic? fiit if yon Dr. Ilftr(v I'ilU, nnil il you liiiiiinl (i h nrr ttfiu yurl)- , fi-t, tlt not fiKc ;iny otliur, fr omt lKmIi ra !'' ; ire imiirinriMled vtlh rt'C'iininiMtil ctli-'r FcMtflu I'll n, thfj tnu nt.ikf n larcr piutil vi lut citrlo tlio mjiu'V itml rtml dm-tl to , Dlt. ,7. BUY M, CoNrSLl.TINC PIIr!t'IAS. ', No. 4-12 liroalicuy, New York j who will tak r all rink if propoil directed, and will hctid thr I'ilU, MTiip'd li ii-ti iibserv itiun, by irturn mail Post I'.id. i si I, li ii v nitt'ccisTP r.KNi i; IIEMA-1 HARVEti li en . Nw Viuiir, I t'l li'dci jlu Agents. ' July lo. 1st:,, j. r. ivcr.. l n. Movr. INew Drug St out. WHOLESALE AND 11ETAIL TUP. iiiulcrsleiM d would inform their friends and tln public gcncrully.that they have taken tho ataud fnr merly occupied by Ceo. .M, llagi-nbuch, iu Ilic Exdiauge lluililin:, on Main utreet in llloonisburi', nheru he liar just rcii'iveil a full supply of j Whii h will ho suld on niodi-rato U-ruii for re-i !; p.y, ! Also, NOTIONS generally, of every vuriot", sort s.-iid t siio. Physicians' prc-crrlor. carefully enrnfmunded, nt all Iitoi and on nhort n.itlcc. C" Confectiouciy of the best selections, and Hoda it aier in seanon Ls A share of the nubile custom is rmiici ifnlli' to. icited. EYER ii MOVER. (lloonishiirg, April II, IKS Fit ESS M WALL &MBi2IK TU3T received a new asiortuicnl of good U Biyica ui WALL PAPER, INCLUDING DOR- 1 DE1UNG AND CEILING PAPER, and a general tariety of material in Ills line, which will bo found on the FIRST I'l.OOIli cili.ite y oast 1 of I.M7.'i llr.ig Sluu, in too Rupert lllock, win re ol) persons wishing goods in In line will be attend-d to in pirson ut all times, CSV Paper Hanging cxecutol to order and best fityle, at ?liort notice. i E J. THORNTON. I Illoomsburg, April 2J Irili.'i. ly Exchange Hotel, ; Public Sijuare, WMcs.JS are, l'tnn'a. I mun ..... . 'B'ltE. Untiersicnftl, ll'.IVIIIL' nU.'CuaSPil lliri ' stock of tln well known Hotel, (formerly kent L.,n,iii,,,.n.r n v ... iL ,,Z ?l , ' ,c. .I!;).,L"',J,. Jple. respecllully so. i "V "'" " "' ," I'uuuc r. i a u i,ii i.rt . r,i In nni- rf 1). ila.n....i. .-- a ,,., II, l ,j ,, fjiivrig. The liildo and the bar will uluavs he supplied Willi the best the maiket uflordi (iond nabliug for horsci.ond utteniivo osllera Also, Livery ultaihed. The cschange in clligibly situated on the Public B'liurv, and has Ihcrci'orc peculiar advantages in per soiis attending court or doing bnnincm iu tho puldic olhces. Chatgej moderate , N. II Whenever you come to town, please call, P. 0. & W. ECKROTIT t iiKrj-narri.'. July 13, leoi. National Foundry. RI.OOAISUU KG, COLUMBIA CO., I'A. rl HE subscriber, proprietor nflhu above named rv- iJ'vc cstiihimhiiieut, inioiv prepared lorcceitu All Kinds of Machinery, r Collcrie;, lllast Furiiures, Ftallouary Engines, Mills TIIJ'UrllUNC. MACHINES, A:t!., AC. lie is also prepared tu make Stoves, all sues and piitlcriiF, p'oH-iroin, and everything usually mado in lut-class Foundries Ills oxl.'ii.i' e Inilliiics and ,r,-.cllcal workmen, war Jauit Mm in recuwng thu largut cviiim-ls on Hie in i.t reasonable ti mi,, ICr-Urainof all kinds will ho taken in eiclianvc for castings. " u? .T'" oslabliiihnient is loca.eil near tho Lackawan na r, lllooinsburB Ruilroud Depot. . , PETER EIl.LJiyElt. lllBointburg, Bcpt. 18, IS03. JOHN 0. YE ACER, MAN l FACTUUER t WIIOl.ErJALE DKAI.liR IN HATS, CAPS, STltAW GOODS, UONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No, 257 North Third Street, Philrvd Nv N, 1502 Cutllc jVowdci s warranted to be the most nmvix. neh and blood of Caltla, Bwlne, or Sheep. In p, nirt ng dlgcstlon.cleins Inj the system an, I ttaa. sl' the purifli'd nn Imal lluld In flesh, M, milk, butler nnd strength nnd establishing hoalfii and vigor. nuvoY'd iiotian r Ml'LCPOtVimt Istlm only ini'dirlnea legally iiniciucii in 1 ranee, 1:115 ami.,l nn,t Holland, and duly ml' 7" TTPm ""ii'-o ny uioir tiiuria. It-Lr-MTOVft1 Honored wltlinrlie mod. nts, nnd Invented by Mr. Duvoy, Trofessor if the lui' nerlalColliso for Anrlculliifo at Inrls, and now mail' ', rnTtutcdhyC.tLlllKNnit.llr'of Z. and Allen town. I.ehlnh County, rctinsvlvatila. , ,0..,.,i.;. rn,i. (Jinniicfi. lllood. Lungs and 11m-. ,,,.1-1,-.. o 7. S';ilSl.l.e;,,hK ."Sf PV? """.;' " .....1 1 1 ah 1 , 1. :,.:...m E.uir. ni fO'Cllnn. . ........ .nl. In. i.nntiriil .1 urrk. I ftritnl t. !-iJ m , ;r - .. ;y jf tk ,,,! colts anr) thousands ol valuable horses from rontaglouc- mscase., n, woiim the Min-wrf etTrcluallVoverrnnie nil the iditaclc wlitch L'suall prevent tho cxprlllni! of worms, aro pleasant So KMlaNoono of the most neri'inMo piiriratlvcs f,,i tlillilrcn. Bitronfliletit 1'lhn fr.vcntnr of thu rticcerc ol his laborious otinlron, In tho ptitholoaical rmnposl .. r.i.t ..tlAii tlmt lie furtiiihrs (erv eiml ' tinted phylclnii, Willi a written prescrlplloi n luic ' in t r i n niedica, .,,,, ..,, THE UNION ROACH, RAT. MICI. iMl AM I.... I TERMINTOIt, 1 Is n powder for tho sure extermination of nil eruilns, 1 will Merer change wlih 1110 and illmate, nnd much 1 preferable to tha old l'lisphiirous I'.islo, which haid ms in 11 short lime, nmkliiu It worthless. Tor direc 1 linns and pnrtlculiirg sue tho small hills In the hojes. i W7 One hundred nnd Ihlily-scvcn preiulnms have I been awarded to these celebrated preparations, up li I October 21. ICC4. .,,., I Rott. ti Rotin, nre tho wholesale Agents In I lul'eu For sale by W. Erasmuj, foIo A gout fa lilonmsburr;. fc'harplcs", Calatvlssa. I. . II, tt J. ,'hocm.iker, rluca Unia . Master : liro.. Millvllle. C, Preston. Holirsbuig. Stewart tt Sloan, OrnngevHIa. Ilcitdi'rshotl, llluonisburif. C. fowler, Epy. Crcav i- Co., Light direct Law &. Spancler, l.nne Ridge,, k Owen i,nd Miller, llernlsft. II. ll. Punier, Eon Icrsvillr. OGfir All orders lor ColumLU County trill be aildrossed to IK. ERASMUS, Wholesale Agunt, ll'.oniinburg. 0. U. I11UNUK. November 19, IM4 15in. 'Nos. 0, II, 13, 15, 17 Oouitlnutlt Slip NEAR 11ROADWAY, NEW YORK CIT 1 This old-established and favorite ro-ort of tbo II u ' I'.cn ('oinuiunity has been recently relltled, aud is rc j ldcte hrevrrytuius llial 1 nn luinist'-r 10 tin- "oinlurtr I.iulles and families are spcciiii.y arl iui 1 1 lis puiri'.t fully provided for. It is icntrally located in the bu-iiiesn part nf tho, and is contiguous to tlie principal lines of etcauibi. cars, ouinibussus ferrlep, c. j cars, on ii,e!. table Is innply miiiiicu Willi an 1110 nuurlrr aaou,aud is cpial to that of any other liotfl ia 1 iklttittV. i Ample accommodations are ottered for upward oi I " , K , riVbo not believe .unners.iiacktuen. and olhers ni, I "jf .. Vrturn llon-l is full." LI- ! " II II VV'I VI Ml l.-l I I). Ii. WlNCIIErirEll, Pronrlct. THOU. H. WINCH ESTER. Ib. I j. 1SW. EVf OMNIBUS - ' y ' -L -6 KJ 'I'lin untler.sijjned, prainful for past int. rinage, rrprrtfully Inf nos the Travelling I'ii'.IM gi'iK'r.illv.ihut h- lia"Jui procured from New utk.a new, b ,-uiil'ul and c.ip.i 'imu X5lioeni:: Cr-inpany Coacli, by w hi' h h . n -v ,-r-i'j'-! t, ri'ivev lit r" and Ir.iuir Cf-, .ii lv oud rniiifoiiabl v ti-ttti-.- i loniiiid.urg nni tlio ri vcr.n l!.-iil II.'iol. t i i the Trains, It u ill Ijp Iim rluily to nriouiuii d.M Ii i nitoiiirr to ili,.r ton. I',n lion. Ho lolitits t o pu'.li a p,., .' " PAKE 3S CENTS. J V'OP. 1. WH I'i'i i.iooni.h'iri;, January T. iKfj, New Grocery Ht,r e MOUK EKHSII iJOODS. 'ormerlij Ri mints oil Sanri) on !lon Str-rt, Rinumshm rpilE iiiirli isigiud h ib just rci'tiivi! ti t g""d ,!,,. , f "t ui hiinM Di'ii li'-nvy : CALF ' Hi-- In-, I in lh and C.,jidren' K1'P SOOTS i nihi-i . a I. ..ul -..lrtuK-nl m I.--hi. " of all kimU. A Fresh Lot of Groceries, of nil kiii''s, null at Molasses, I Teas, I Rjc,., I 1- -;b, Sugars, Coffue, J Spices, 1 Salt, Hats and OArs Tobacco, Sizars, Cnndier, Rnzens, Lttnl, etc.. Sic, itc FEED AND PROVISIONS. J T.m,' W"h " ?" 01 ' f '''''y "f 'lot,,.,!, and . ireie in too iMinicrou. nu-.i ion i .ha,,gcK!', J1U1 '"odut" "'uly , , HENRY GIG EH. nj.bjrjl)e. 10, IBG4 NEW STORE k OIJEAp'bdoDS." ''Ql'f' K SALES AMI SMALL TROTH S.' .'THE undcTfirincd, hnving tnlcen Ilia H Store lately occupied by James K. Eter. mi Mai if Strett, nliove Iron Street, in Ulooui. burg, and stiwke.1 , it Willi every variety of I Ileipectfully iiil'.irnis IiIk frlainN and lie pub ir inn oral y, that Imuill h liappy to roccie u share of Urn public patronage, mid truti Ihat lie nn renter g.iac.--I ul satlsfacti iu by selling ilium Mm besi quality i f i"?aBiKCJU4IVBSBIJ, on fair terms and at satisf.iriorv prieos. His stock consists, m part, of DRV KOOIM, tillUC'Eltll'S, FISH, UL'EENStVARE, j WOO I) EH IV ARK, UOUI'8, SIIOKfT. II ATS, II A PA and especially wilh a splenaid variety of LiALUUS UJll'iHd GOODS. M wr .ihTici.r.s ,c sc.. II. n-.:.nll nn Pl..nn .. 11... It. ..?'. r which he wii! icady pay. sell as rhcap us Ihe cheapest, for r sh r (TV-Country produce. Ecnornlly taken In eirhan- n fi r goods. , , . ANDREW TElUVlLLIfJI'B. (llooinburu, Jan 7, 1805-y. STATES UNION MOT 151,7"" fOd and BOo .Market Street, Phi'iuVcV.ihia, rpillfl Hotel is located in tho very rentro of l.nniiw." J nnd ii-n-ar tho respettacli, pl.icen of uniu -iu mr which milk.- it particularly il slraide to perioin v,nio? Jliiludelphu on butiuetii or peni.uro j and the Manage! hnpen liy , lute personal attention to the wannothiir hi guf,ti, to Iiiako II a comfortahlo home fo( linali as ''i with their patmungc. J. Dc Ul I'rop'r. Mav 81. lafil -If 10. f&immm wsrni aHE Proprietor of Hits well-known mid contrnlly Inrv . tod House, thu Esiiuniik HuTtL, situato mi Mill. Street, in Illoomsburg, immediately ?ooosite the Coluiiv bin County Court lloUbi-.toioicctl'iilly informs his friend,? and the public in geiiorul, tliul lilt ilnuse ih now in a.' der fur tho reception iiudeniortiiiuinent of travelers who may feol disposed to favoi it with thejr custom, He ha spared no expense in prcpaung the Exciunug, for tin eiitrrlainmeut nf his guests, neither shall tin-re bo any thing wanting (on Ins part) to mlni-ter t llieir personal comfort- His house is spacious ami enjoys an excellent bilsiues? iiieation, Sy Onmihuen run ulnll tiniei, between the F.J lv Hotel and lha various linl Rouu Depots, by winch if elers will ho pleasantly conteyed to and fioiutiio i f I'Cdive St. tlons in due time to . :si t thu Care. WM. li. KOONS. MAY I, 1560. 11, Til AYE ti I D TI AViNf cbniipcil his rcsideii.o fiotn lontrosc, te WEdT PlTTflTOX. I.uieriio countv. would say The I.cIilgU Ami BzBUmmW) WW to his pations nnd all willing his professional servi ce, th 't tliey can ndrlri-i-n liioim Ihe last named UJ All calls iu tho iiiinliy of the P.ailrnari. rttea. ded to with piomplnccs. April 8, leos. sJl.U SALT 11 SALT 11 rpilE t-ubacriber on'ors for fnln nt whole- " rilu and retail. S.ilt by Hie Parrel . Ill llHMVi Rupsrl Ta IW tni"