lOLiiuiiiA mmni Saturday Morning, Does; 'Ofi. raTo AmBttiJ8ijin-.lcttoinwllilnK ,,lvcrt .enci, , , inserted .nut hand Ihcm - t4r Cominu.-TIio jolly Christmas tunes. . w r,-x k-, .it... . 1 . , . . si... u 1 . .. ' . .. sue- oiucr day but it was 011 y iuvoii- c. lly juvon- t. 0 Rarllv, Eiq., lias resumed bis mmilinh A. ..!...... TV,-... e. , ------ ..uidiuub JJUUU. U 11JU Star, J&T- Wanted. A turkey for Thnnlia- JMV1I1L' llnv. on Jinit 'I'lnn-o.!.... A iving tiny, on next Thursday " iiu.j.wi preferred. A hen not refused. Cfly IIOU. CllAltLLS It. llUCKAi.EV.'. if. Ill 1 .... i , " lu ft JJlooinsburc on Thursday last, for ixr-.i,!.,....... it n l ,. lei Washington,.). 0., to assume his scat on next Monday, at the meeting of Congress, in the Senate of die United Status 1 -p. J JS-aT The Hog motialiiy is quite prcva- ' lontin tins Kcctio... They usually dio ' tarly in the morning, without previous ill- uesi. JLJiscaJc sore throat. Dr. John only sjicak.i of Democrats ris 'OwwAr," Tho miserable .kunk. Wc- have told him hcretoforo and nr:in ' rtitcrato tlio Tact tint "tliij i. oi.l,. .. rti eraiOlUC Uct, tliat tills IS Simply a .,;!. .i.,. n . . ii , .uv. ....u.u jji.l-u in w u in dk rata uy a Uiicii- 11(11 it. rfV" niinrifr SiMii,, . mi ,, I'ldn. up to iicxt JIarc ll -close , of I'.uh nl. and in Z4 oUerilt oAMUEIi h.SYDER, Will sell form tl,m thM. irfl, i.,.n,i ,v i . ...ii' .. . . . . n(puuj;o oui-cry, on iMonday next, nt our Court Ilosse, in Hloomshur";, an uuu- mally laro mnubcr of Tracts or Land, at Sheriff's halt's. v.n ... v . . ii T iNOr IN X'ASlllO.V Umtn In SOIIIO por- -.iniia ii f nn i- f-'f'ilo ii !t fnal.i,.. .,1 U . .10113 01 OU1 . t.llC ll IS MsfllOUablO (O pif- Pt'Ilt tho niilltcr with -l lin-'tcv I'.ir Tli-.t.l-c 1 rtui tni. jiuuiLr mill .1 nil A! y lor 111 inks- , tivinc. IJead lllO follmvinn "i' 'kl"", "lG lOtll'wlllg . .wr. ami turs. clsou liarnOelilif Ibis i " place, have our -.hanks for a larcj luikfV jTO'ctited to us lor the coming 'I'lriuks ;ivino; day." Jfneij Shore llcrubl. ''Georgi! 15. Weaver, crri., of this place, will plcao accept our thanks lor a lint- Jut il vcni-ou.' Jilfiltf II uldimun. j t&T 'I'hi! Pic Juhn t to pili'i'th ; a reliable and candid .loiirnal. Why does! Ii" not inform his readers, that there it ' now a blojdy Ni gro Insurrection prevail-1 i''g in Jamacia, and otiiers are hourly ex P'Ced in many portions of the South. And this i-u'l tho scjutneo of his party j iiicdling with thu uepr.i and endeavoring 1 to make him hclicve that hu is bettor than i the whitf-man Say Tho Lv-.d Sarnie has proved a I ilcrlilfil Al (!io 1-itf .in.. .(in,, .i U(.( lUtll MICi Ci1. At IUC 1.151 nieCIllll' a i"iiiil)er of LailiiM were prmt.t, iii? ' "ic to the di-cui-ions hS compelling Sen- .tors to rof.nin fV.i.n iii,r,r.',n' hnicnr.-u... r i n - 't'ln lr nlsil Tirnco nl.l.i rrl-i.s- ,,, . . , ... ... iiuhi i ne citizens win suppo. 1 him, .1 . c- . .1 , , v ii a'lfai, j.iiri arj jui iii y in una pari, ui I'm Sfite. Tlicj take too liitle iutoicH in such niitt'cr-i. At the Iat uircting And-- Johnson's V' K'oranou policy was indor nid hy a T:s o'u'io'i olT.nd atnl pas.-cd l)y 1 lie Demo crats, tho lti'puhlicau nicmhers rcfui-iiig ti vote for or dt-bato it. JtiST" Si'aiiji: Local items are as scarce as hen teeth. We our Iricmh in the ! coiiuiy send us nn account of all niatttn ( of interest tratupiring in their neighbor- hood, 'J'hi'3 would bo thauklully received Give us tin: ijist of the mattor if noibi".;j clso, and wo will put it in proper shape for . iiubiieation . tti. 'i'i.- I .,... .,c n,l ' Cl iiio 'iut;u tu uuj uii' J0liaV'sp,cn,t, is at Eyer & Mover's iiri.r, -,.,.1 (i,,:.i ts,n. ;.. ,i t,s Drug and Lbcinical bioro, in the Ls- change Uioek I'hcy have j.M received ' large and varied asi-ortmcut, of all things required on such occasions, and invito their friendi and customers to call and ex amino lor themselves. Wc take pleasure ia saving, that Mr, L. C. Muveu, a mem ber of thi' firm and ihc sales-man of tho house, will always be found both pleasant uud accommodating. &2T Cns. M. V.VNnnitsMCB, Esq., write us an interesting letter from llli- a nois, which wo publiah elsewhere in the ' 1 'Columbia Democrat." Mr. V. learned the Art and iMyslery of Printing in this 1 v i ,-. ...i...,ii. .. I,, il.rt tflica, and alter giaduatmg became the li'.l.i- f ll.,. 1. '..ofii-ii '.. rnnir,' " nl ul l tillttll VI tilt. rr.-.i...- ,,, ,, si I I . lhreo Hives, and is now pere- gnnating in the Ureut Wist. He is tlici r 'i'i.., T y,i.- i; ,.,, ' oIl ol J-hos. J. .inucr-iici, s ..-q., our worth v President of tho Poard of County . ii-i . i.' .i I Coinmitsioncrj, and like Ins Father, is aj ,.,,,,,1 Jmnnat'ii infi.t i"w nnt nan-' , ....., - u - , tleiuan, A young man of high promise. : " .r ""T I Uou.nty Tasks. An nnprci.ion pro- ' , , 7ailsin souio localities that tnses lo pay. lo;al bounties must be paid by solders a3 well in thoso who Mnycd at homo. Dm j the facta in tho oao aro as follows i Py i i i i ifiiii ... I. l.-.l .l i lie laws oi icoo nu ouu iviio :.'a hcrvcu inn Peuua, regiment 12 months as n . . . , ,. iion-comniissioucil orucer or private, and . , . nil-.' rCCClVCll an nnnoi "Uiu uiaciiaigu, la requir- cd to pay any tax for bounty purposes' Alnmnwr. tbn law of lSOfi I'VPiniiU nil ..... , . Ilon-COmmUi'lOnCU Ofliccrs mill privates ..... s ,.i honorab y dhc harncd, and a so the prop- nuuuiam; ui tisiv.. ... ; . .. Arty of soldiers' willows, miuor children of , J . , (ICCeaJCtl SOIllierS.tVO , ironi VayiUCllt Ol nouniy las oi an ximiH ; ttnu uu euiuistn dischargcil by reason of wouuds rectived in battlo, or disability iueurcd in acdvo service, lire cyompt I'orui payment of pr capita or bounty-tax, bo th -ir tim - of icrvice long or blunt. i. ...... . i 1 1 i . i i .. . .i .ii... . RECEIPTS FOR NOVKMUKIl, , to Titn COLUMBIA DEMO CHAT. Tho following j.-iytSiTw, boon inadn to tho (M,Uiu l)n noc o .1 2 ,A,iJ,swJ!!ji,;",,,,oM,B9S , K&, Jr' 1 (t iintkioy Him i:ti,rtnicrriimor si 1 ' 1 1 I.iit.rt . J,, m, Jim Mi, hwl s (! 1 ..'.r'.v; r... . v.wn" .... 1 i'1 "r 1 "lirlHKor Son Mr Mnry (.'nil' "fin i,h Wn' lit"" u i iiri.-niaii j V""" ""!" r iv.m .niii'lillcimill n ,, .v"wVin'i!iiii ' V"mir imi.ic bmiiiii a an j .1 1 iv ji 11 3.J.1 A W ! in., an .tiiiii w. Lilt !.. 11 i ! lilln llnearl 1 1111 .1 I niii.. p.. m '.. Jni vli llmiihciy Br :i Jin 1 ir 1' lb-lm t Ran jiiiim i uicmii llinini llliienbciiilcr Inn So Junes, Urn A. ( ii I n ' "'""''' "'in" -mini i.ri.'nicr 1 on 'J linn Ktimr ll Tll.iyer .11 II i .ii s.irni i a Knurr S nn ' J. " .Mc.Mlitli Bgi linn A J Alle'rlson pnintlel Ftetler nn Mm,!,,,,,,,,... K'll,. 1! ''''r .S,",',';r vii i! Ji,h" "r-iiiiii 1 so II. Mi(.,,iiimi H5o J llfJiukcr :io,i ' ?cll",V' '1'li'f l.otilst U no Lvuns'fc I , Jno ltvcln.i.1 ,, CiIUoAb '. V'"' u.'in KimriirM? u ii iti iu i us.1 it it Aiin llnrliiuu no Auf Hndety rnyucr i rlsttll V'"1' l' 1 '.'J ? 013 h Oil i! Sn f oo Boo S .in B .V) 1 on l ol J J I'm. 'Sn ,'t.lo l)r J J Kly 1! m J.iuol) Ill-it !.' ill l!uv W (iiioi'rich Iliii UiiiIIdii;. SSi Slisrin a rfny.Ier i j i i:niis 1 Ii J .MclkMirv, a ai AnriMi lion '(MIMin) 'J.'ni Jan KolftT 57S Wni J (.1 1 ll Sin U OakfucJ ti Som Applcnian i-nnri'Soa Win lliiitihucll n."m.Vn' Ti.hor nnr.!.T;?,,.a,, ..".tmnVr' 4 til lu no n-.a II'- .1 t. uy i.uuiiin; our eiifiomer'i lor ri'ni"nim'j;i; pay. menu, iiiiniig tlio iiionlh of nvcmlicr. Tlieto it ii""f pern in whom we mint ety n fi-w l, ''!f "Ki. s.'!u I t. Many f u,.,. . ,,, m, t rii, btnt,.n,i M"m 111:11 ""f I'avo ll ml imr p,t(r nini luk-Mnstv , a,, lA1),m.for uny n;u;oar m,sn 0Nfc . ;7 J "-. ......... ..m.- '" umniisii unvo icm them ilicir Liill-t. lime ...... m i.i.i. iiic rcniM io ray ami iroat our nppc.ila ...... .1. Ulll fll-IIU incso (i. llll')UCll9 - " " ' liipir nn tin in, muI pnxctulo their accounts tun i (ii ily coilictloi, ADMIN ISTll ATOII'S NOTICE . thW. nf HUns Dicltaich, dec it. r t-y ivmili ....... j-. iji'.hi oi nii!iiitjis,rraiiun on tlia A J IMato of Cms l'iuiErrK,l,il f Moiilour township, I ulmn'ila rn i lity, ilcccii-iiil, liavi' hceu Kiau- ltd t.y tlu lloui.l. r or Coluiul.i i .-.ninty to tha iiii'kr. "S""1 ""j" huliu tlulun nu.iin.t th-'i ,,!' (hi: duu .tunl aro r;T"-l"l l .riMnt ihrm 10 lln iiml-Miancd. n-hiilliif In th n.i.l lo't imlnp, v.lili. nnt .1,1 ly, and all pci sous In.lJ.lid to m iUo JpVy.iiint JOHN G. QUICK, Admiitisinitor, Dec 2, i;:fo.-fiw$ioo The Globe-: THE OiTlCtAl. IALM:Jt 01' COXOIICSS J lor I he Ji' 6'. Session TIiiiti,-Kinth .on- Tub Daily G1.0111: and Tnr, Co.s'auns- BIONAI.'.l! AND Al'PllSDIX will ho tiuhluhcd ttn n 11 tj the nest cot-siou of Con- .resa, to convene in this criy ou thu fust , Monday of next Drccn.bcr. j The Daily (ilobe will cont'iin a full re 1 port 0!' the dct'i tos in 1 1 0 1 1 1 hranclics of Congtci's ; al.o, the iiimv.4 of tho day, to 1 i'thei' with Mich cdiioiial articles as may I lio nigpcsti'il by pa?aing event. i lie uniij'rcp.-'Kinai 0:011c and Appen dix will contain a ivnort of all tlm ili'lirtli.s . c .1 -ii 1 1 ' of lr Pfj-IOIl. rnvl-tcl llV tlm sunn ;cr.. 1 (he Mes-a :i s ol thu President of the Uni ted Ktati- 1I10 llrports ol the Heads of " u .''V""". pdrunem-, me j.uns p.l I ('(1 I'lirlllt: lite tCJ'-'Otl, and eon I nils indexes 1 'in nil 'il.r-v ivi'l l.n .irintod t"itl. nn-c I '--j .... (........ ....1. "t type tlirou"li(iiit, m ulc expressly fur Uiu i ... .7 ,t ..11 lit . 1 jmi jmai , . u u uuuuiu i ' "I s 111:1 1, ij'ti.riii loriil. evil lot t COIltd lllll" sivtopn 'ova pa j('S , tint Kill J aUO'ilt D,l)Ull pi'irCS lor till' v ' Thj G.n'frri'ssional G!obo and Appen j (lis P 151 ll'.e thr0U(!li the mails ol the , . 1 c Unili'i; falilis, Under a Jlint resolution of Cnnitnus 111. soil llic (1 n nf itiist I sV'. UOngli3 I ''"tU till. it. ll 01 .tUUst, 13.)-, but I he Dulv (jlobo is .-un ji'ct to thu , usii'.l nowsnawr no-ta'-e " , ' ' ' , '.' ' . . I In CODSrnncnCC Of lllU irVClt IllCrcaO 111 ';ost ul lal'or 'crhU xa l,r.a priciora arc cmpi-dli'd to ir.crearo the ?ub bcril)lion 1)li(.0) ilnl an!Jounco ll0 ,'u;ov,.. as tlmir lowest T J3 II M S : n r m t-. .. en t i I1 or one copy of I lie Daily Glouo duv- iu.' the festiou G10 00. or "no col'y ''''10 Congressional Globe and Ann endis durii'i; tho .-ejsiou em rw. " , t-ni mi, Sub.-c, ip. ii.ns for The Consressional Globe and Appi'tiui?: must bo for l ie en- ti,., iv.ii. f!, ,r i. ' ukl, 0'm. 0l. rarc uJnh, :lt lleJra!;. r-. .1 01 .-4 a lnOUtH. . ',t .i.i'inea Rl.tif n.iltl llin c M ,sn e. tt.-iti ... ui.iu ..u llldviip.ivil , inonpy ha been recived. fta?" No club rates. P. Jt. J. Ill YES. Washington ('ity, Nov 18, '05. A.J, I.rtxs A. IIaiitman 1 ViOt ll i Hg Eii.pOl'i Ulll I ' jVf O I ICE is hereby given to all legatees, Jl, cretlidim .in I nth.-r porsuns inleretted in llie es 'I'lim WW f! !'. VTT.I'1 M 1' V tans nl the rtiipeititu dec. ilciili an. I iinmrs. thai Hie 1110 " -1A ) "--M-Ji-'."ii i 1 fiiii'm ni" A.ln.iiii.iratinn nmi (lu ir. inn nccoiiiits have heeu filed lu the nllre of Hie It.'jii.i.'r nf I 'nluiiili l.i Co.. 1 i-- it n it . ,i rift 01 iiiVtU'R Cv inrillElU , " iiii.ii. i.i tv : ATE arrival of Fall & Winter Cloth- J aiinoii'u sun. oi . j. ;. wn, on tan ,7,.,, iiii,a...-iir me btst and ute-iji a mi II'-IIIIH. i T n '"; A' Q f u'f.i vo;h' r. r. . VJ.UXUi.tJ, vy.llJvl.lll.iU'-', ll i;., (I'I .., ,y Ull. ,..,,. aP, nerienc ed i nn r, Mr I' I. Ituwiiiio, furnierly ot Uastoii. i , rru (U j. t.Urnued,aiid ALKi-iarguai- ""il'"-'l u '"a'lu COATS PNTS VIsSTS ike .to u'Uji i -um o, mjc., tve, to. Alo-nnnforiuieni ni iiwuiis, m3 cuoapetj in tuo n3IK,;Il AUon splendid cs-ortmeut of Ololhes and Cassamci's, , for sain or to makotn order EVANS it IIAUTMAN ninoimbure. OtUi, itrs. Aii'CI.iS WilHtCu For our new Work, , -, ino,.mv pirrn CA.Wl' FIRE and CO L ION HELD IIV TIIOMA8 V K.VOS. (Spcla war Corre,p.indeiil ofthc .".'. Y. llearalJ.) Tlm most llnilliiiL' intereslinr? and ex. .iiln- honk of Army eA.ierianeo ever I'Ublnll'id abuuu l'ugin I'erioiialalveinrin, d. odo ot nould dar- Int. iiiioi"Iic. Inni'lnn luiihni-, Ingeuius ftraln- giini. Inn Iu caiup ami biy me. Uc. Jluio iibfortiuig m interest ami repi.i.i t.nh u, fui luwrmatiuii than nnv (.lur work ever yet puhliilio I t.. prn.pociiv .eit" is up. n um rich and feniie Iinds of thr. M.iiih. n .w opciitoNorlhcrii enlerprn.1, it u "Pwiallv ii.yalu,., gning in i, re la.iiu nnu . . - .. meiil and inttoii luliure. ludi.puu.ibu tn the suceis of (hi) Norll)ornilui!r.iIit. llelnruiil iiud disabled nilie -rs and snhlior'i and i em rgetlc young men in want ..r profilahlo tinploy' ul Will An I Una - chaiie.i In inaku nioiiey. IVo I h ite Ai;i i.i. i leurlna 9'.'OD por inuiiih, whun w Willi p nn" in mi;, il' iibiiiia it I'jil i 1 for pioni of thi ' 1 1 fir . ir. nlars nod . our terms ' . , iJ'iv. ,i num ,v i, '. ( .nine, riub mnl MiuurM. I'liil... I'. , ...I BARGAINS I BARGAINS! II' YOl; WANT TO HllV Fall and Wintci Tl GO TO Ci pnsy's Store, in Light street, Ia. Who ICetp all Kinds of OALIUO, MUShlNa, SlhKS, GINGHAM, 1'LANNEIiS, OAItl'ETS, HOSlMtY SlIAWIiS. Ready-made (Nothing Sugars, Molasses, .Syrups, coficcs, Teas, Fish, Bait, llacon, Itann, Lard, j-onaceo, cpars, lints, l?oot-, Caps, Shoes, IJrug Oils, Taints, f;e., &c. In nili'itlnn Inoilrl.lrrn tlnrk nriuu ra.l. .... i. ...... III f a liujti. .mil lull aisorlinrnt orUunily Sl.uln ' Ololli'ln '"1,'r" ""J" nr v, iimch no irn iicieriinKi'il to linmlll I Isiuvhrrc Cnll nn.l ynursf'lvt' MKmcif:!.':,,i:; te.: 5:!.V2 ""l","??."?!1 f l"rL, " 1 i.unt fUrt t. which will ,L. tirrliiPy rom. I-;; ami ,UMy Ulrcclo.l for tho namnoj.ulo,, of , ,, ciuiomors. j y nniCAQy c. n UsM g,r(!cti Noy i WiHiz Mm N. 13. Cor. Tenth and Cheatcul .Streets; rillLAIiELl'M JA. Th.. ...a.. i . T." .. The mnt fmijpl. i.. nn.l ilinr-uelily appointP,! liusi- nwor i.niiiincrci ll C.ill in I h" imintiy. fi.,.,.' A. "' ' "y Lci'i'lTlv.! r' " V " I' "IJ' !',' 1 10 "i"""',1 Ma 7.(1 tnuiiil 1 r IH'ar.i nl Mi rl luaplimius av.Krd.d t.. (rrii.ln.-.l.-i. in lln- C.Hiimcrcnl Couri-a un.hir ilscoi- 1''!.,',,;o1' a,lll';rll' "' 'iiv,' ,., " i J - "f Id'Ta Clucatinn ami 'l'lll C I'SIM ri-nri) in l,ll'lll'-. mid li .in inr nim. I m'n.'iVc f"r "Ii""i0 lh' oreilr.,1 und ima and i .V'l".'' '"'" i; V' 1 The diftiil,(H,u Is cninlurfd fairly, and all an '' 1 "'AM1LI. t.0MI,lM,l) dniiieo nloataiiiiiii'lliu valuas!.. pri.M hy pur uy ,i i-j.i iii ' ,.,,.,, ,ntfv.s..s 1 ih.isiiij His i.'ortiilcaU'. U'a guarauicu uutiru ati. IUA1MM. rii'li.,1 lu 111 c.lltj f. i',, ,t1,,.,',.,iVn,'.,!".l",'r"y lic,jl,' K' "I '- Ag.ts waiitcd io whom wo adV spor-iol term, ami n li'iic or iiccoimts, nrranjp.l no, mil, huh,.f t.v t n, .. i.i - ..i.. lln,,,., iln ,' II... 1 t(..,l - I r I .... ... ...... . ... ..i n . . i.t.i ii.r in-nwn ii-.'. p.ivini,' onchnll tin- ordinary l.ihnr f tlm (luilinit . I and tlvinj' him a umiplctu r.uow lodge of tin pr.ullcu I v( thu hri ncci'iinlaius. ! THE COMMERCIAL COUL1SE KMIlltACKS Jjookkerpins, Commercial Arithmetic, Peu- mansLip, JJusincs Corierpondence, Uoniincrcial I. aw, Jj-.ciuies on J5u-ine's Affairs, Commer cial Customs, I'orim, and Actual Husi ttoss Practice. sci'.'.'i.w. ii:t,x(jiii: 'V''" "' . r .Vcihrnnl'm, I'itroe'aftt, Of. )iii.i!'"i( re twtal.11,. tlie .irt o Drtutiu Coltnl-tftil M,.,i !,, ,, .k,,. tajni?t A.i ipatun and T;u;i;k.i;. Th.; nr r.niE-m--ii 'I riinliiitir n rn far pmrc nil- 1 ..'1..L-". niiy iiiiMi-hi inu 1.111,1 .j. er oii-reii 10 in" pun ,.A r.'sular r I" rip., l.!u" is cunecti-il w'nh in" " '." ' "l .,'.ri,n.' " .""ICI ? '" pans ui me ci y. win-ri' panne lMHin"s Is,ict.;,, "' """" '"" ii'i.ifts m iiu 1 ni ii n are p.-r- mi'.K'd 10 iiiaiti,,,., -j r. !iil-ir idlic" piiiitu-u i.iu be 11 in in ,i-n ounr kciiooi in instruct inn 111 t in rnuntrj. ........ .... ..,i.-...n 1 .sitnni n- n pric 1 11, il op ml , Voaimuieii lire caution iihiiiukI tin " ''I'liva reprejeni iiiiuu l llnss whn. wnliuut any ...hi... i.rLiui.i 10 1' .icii luiejjriip'iinj. tim.. M-titutimi i'nn,v inoj's i'" Mrsestp-uron- lr"";"-'" r le lsn.ted npim any (Joumn'rei-il i liu"l lu O'e Male. Over live liini'lru. htu.leiit. tteiu in d.un-e the ll. st ....-ir, ami over -even hiindri;,l durlus Hie pa-,1 ).-ar Th" iw't clai-s of stu huts 1.1 ly inv.i- r.i.ty he finiiid here, ami all us assncialions urn lirt '"' axd al-comjiodatiovs. 'I his Institution is loitil 11 i'i" mast cnlriil par! nfiliu cut , nn.l itsaa-omuiodiiioni. for etteiit. il. - (..nn..- .11111 1 ,,iiv inein e, mil uou rinbeil ,.11 IIIL run Ills tint-.1 hee'i ti I If.! mi it. I .... -n rt I, ,.. hl . Im 1 III mjtsit:.-is orru'iis on cjuvrivri iiui:hi:h. Ti'.i.i:ciiiAni t,i'n..'i:, Hr. .,,,.,... ATlO.S'AilV Sl'ullll, tn II SK 01' Ulll'Orfli' AM) li-HL'l!, riipplled Willi lliiely .nraved lilli"?r ii.hir noles used as a 1 1 rruuuug medi urn I ii the iiin.irlniJiit or Attual lu-mes. I. SI 1Sj- 1 1 t il tf ELi L M " di t-i.'.' the terj li.'ht l'icilllii'3 fur a rraniciii niincaiion lor bninrgs, we e arao i .e a cuurMi ..I in-'cuiiinn no w ii.r.- (Ise i .(I., i ii ,i, t, ni ui' repui.iiio.i mid kl.iiiilinx nl th.' ".,"fr,';S.,l.,.u Z" am coui,-m.i.-.iiui." -uunu? .my cm nuai r.di , """'" " ".".UBriiATiii) GIUCULAU AND CATALOGUE ..- HII.-.I..I n-a i,i uiu iiiii-i-, and lull of the course of luslfuitiu.i lurlUS, i.C. Ii. FAHIBAMvS, A. Ttl , rrcsitlt nt. T. c. si: men, f-pecial Tr.ulicr nn l Dupt. of Oilice llusiiicss, N ov. i. I;.,.'. -1 - in. Se'istcr's Notices, fJ mid HI he present 'd I r cuntli iiiatinn an I alluwaue.! "iXU"'i 1 ,b' ','! ,! l;",r,-' i ouuly ul'retai I. n i tVfiliusiliit. the Ith of J)jc. l;i.-. ui - "Vi hk, hi the un riiinm.ii .u.i day. 1. Account of lloury Di'iclnniller, ono of Hie A liiiiulitrat'iri with the will nnii'..l o Henry I), ichuiilljr, Lite of 11 mlout tvvp., il"e d y. i'li'ni aecoiim oi i nonni urnvotiii", . .-n.i. ,.r j.-.i ?, ... iv-..u.. v r i ,,6 ,.u i .iv.n. ... j. . i,;i, i. , a .nt o J(jhn M 0tlB1Ilbor. nn. Admrof n..h 8. ito.h.j,, of uioi.ii town. sS't; "ec d. 1. Account of Abraham Witncr ailmi'. ' of J..eph Wituir, lata ofnoarmgreei. tttp.. deed. i hirst and linal iieoonnt ot . I .unns Van i ,,,., Tl,)m(S JIalh,r A,lllr of Jrul,;i u. V;in iioru iaie m i.r finv.iii.i t p. nee u (i Account of Samuel Creasy, Exccu tar ' fl'i ler I'.i krote. lain ui .Miiilin ttvn.. dee'd. 7. Account of Jacob Pealer, adiiir. of l.ius i'i alei , lalu in 1 l-lnngcree 1. twp, dei. 'i, 8. Fir ft account nt David, Abiam and John Van Horn, of Cuiiieli'is V in liurii, lio of lliiidock tt. p. dec t 0, Second and final account of Philip .iiinur. A.imr. oi iiauti aniiiiian. lata ul .11.1111 town ahip, deo'il. !() Account of Peter Yocuin, Execulor cf Ilohorl Taylor late of Locust twp. dee'd , , ... . ...ft in 11 11. I'M ill account Ol Joseph Corrcll, Cu irdian of Auin. Whlteaijht minor child of (inorjj tvillieiii;;ii, tiec u. Vi, First and final account of George ' r.vnlis Admr. of rfllaa MeMiihaet Into of I'.ri ircreek twp,, d. rii. . , li!. Filial llCOOUlll ol .Tallica S, M'Nificll mid Sarah Jauo ningles, Admr., of Ashut (iiiuln. late , nf.Mam twp., tli e'll. i . Acfmint of David Lrn 'mil Solo. ll- 1t,co"ut 01 rQ0 , "ul ,0 0 mon N' t liiird. Admrs. t f David Leu, Idle of t'eiilro iwp.coiiiiui.iuci. iiecM, 15 AUCOUIU OI .lOllll Nevliai'd and I Adam llont, AdiufsolT..i..jan.iii Uvan., lata cforangu '' . ' . f v i'i; AVI,,,- f J I) . ACi'niint Ol .lOMall IvltnO, AUllir, Ot lliljah Kline oflleiiloii. two . iJct'.l, n Tsil.'V'l.' P,l.i, ilUillN li . P li 1'n'si ti, UCgHtOr. i.y. W. I, IHuJ, . , . , ,.,,, ,.T PLANKS! DLA-NKs:: , ,r , - . (....., .,,.. ulTniii Ul Ctl J UtECripHull, lor bdl' dl line 011100 0 Jl 12 A T I V WalclK'S jmkI Jnwclry, $1,000,000 Worth' TO HI! liljil'03RD ov AT ONK 1)0 rih All I3A01I11 Wltliout rrrnnl ln nl.. H Nnt to li pnlJ fnr until jl u know tltot u nro to ricslvn 1 1 1 ; Y A. It. Ii () WHN'b CO,, (Afcnti for Ho Jlantifiictiirou) No, HO licebiian Stroet, Now York. 0,7" Head llio folWlii!! T.litVf'Afiielei to lie' noli! f ir O.m: Iiol.I.Mt uauii : ICO (Inl.I lliinlliif t'nc U'nlchof, lnuilolil Wultlin. vnrlo'u atyloa Vi'U l.nillrn UoM VVktilid, WIHIIvi'f VntHi. ' i ench $ie.5ui '"' pa? m e'" " to -in oi ps? m& l.liuii Cli'gmit ullverphloil rntor m.itnla i.uuii j run tc i nKe l.l'WI MttHOf" TeaKhii.ilii B fiW) fPttmif " I'nrkii ' B nil n. i.'. nn S.cii'Mli'iiUU, cnirrnveil, lOiiio iW) n.lHio iinlr r Tnlil- V)irniM. .'. ii'l t.) ! on n.Kj pnim ofB.iit i.irit awn,, Q 4..VJU nmmilnmit Nupklu i: ,. 4 IW to 0 5t) 8'(,"Ui',l'crolnfi!') '"''inl ''" (a"'"i, M p 3,3roull.',ri.'iu,tclowclr. ' Ivnry's'ooto Vim B,5U0(iolil I.iickaKii-ngrnvi K,vulc1i inrn, prnrri lillllnlllin 'i.'i.k walCIl 1(1 00 10,000 l,.nllr' llni k ('(mil , ii. a .mil nnl'iui' pnlti'ri". 4.400 licit lliitkloj. (lolJ. Ut, and Villcnnltu, COOn Inti it ftylo Vct fc N'crk tlli.ilris, ." (,'iiiN' ( .illfmiil.'i Illn'iiOii,! rius, iOOtoBiO') , loo to is no 3 0(1 In 8U UO i (l(l lii Bii nil , i ii' ii iiiiMrnri ninmnmi i;nr uroi, J vii to I D UO a.WO Mlnlnliiro it nil Kmiineled Utivolv Ins I'iiip. SCO In 19 00 5.CII3 (.'alifurnii D.mnond ti Cinniclcd llutirn fcirf 1'i ii '' .'.no tn 1( no '.'.ono .Mn"iilc mid : : 1 1 li 1 in fill", 3 00 to 10 00 sj.duu Hold mini nraouictj. cnsrsvcn and plain. 3.010 Jrt and .Mosaic Uronchci B,uuJ''Jniiii'o llrooclicx, ni.Ii p.itteruii M'ry tantVi 3,000 Conil Cur l)rip. B.i'OU I .ii lies' clintilalnoOliaini nnJ (luiird Clnliii, (3 000 (ioiitg' I'inji.a eplcndidaifl'mtinl 3 no tn 20 00 3 0') to 10 00 s mi to oo 4 00 tn C 00 8 00 to 1500 y ui to io in lOUUKolll.iiru tflcevs Iliiumn, uniireiy tiowilili;, 4.0(10 Mi.,1, mi.l HKcto ll.Uto.u. In a oo to io no 3 00 to 11) 00 BOO to CO') . J:n in in on Hints, vl rv rich i.OuO flcrMi i.iiuoiis, plain, enameled mid ciicriiviMl, 10,00!) plum uud hniidiinnicly cngrarcd i: i urn. S.IVni In., In rnic.ticlil V cncr.nve.l onto III no 15,000 n its nl' Lailli's JtM-lr. new and liil.-st slylrn (.0(1 in I JOO 5 TOO Ii uiilsiiiiwsi'al Muss. 3 0(110 fill) Sf.Oilil h, lis nl'litmoni ftuiH, B .111 n 000 l.iit'O (inlii 1'i'iiM u kiiI I i i'ii.'Ii Ii nldrrs, 1. il l tn'j,.(ii B.OHii s. lsj.t (inlii rum k I !n r llr"l'i, ti no tn lUOil J COOIiohi Thiln'jlc. 'ciirlli,, .Vc. 4 Oillo 0 in. In.'UK) qnlil pens A; iui'ilonu.' silver casos, .1 00 (o no 10.IWI) i;!ionv llil.lers. .5 oillo lion ' I Till, ii.nlh.i.l nC .lijnnvltiff nT llii.. Iniiil. n. .l.n I liDt.l, l! ca-li is m lilllnrt"- ' . - " ! C.'riid ;ati's, iiii'iilmf i uch itrllclo and Its vniiio, ari id.irud in iicnl.'d ciivi'iniii'B and tinned. Onp oi' t'lPSf-ciivolup.'i will ho ni-tit hy mall to any adiirea nn v c.-lnt n -V. cuts, (, , ,,u ircipt ol llio C'tTlili -ttto you will sen what you -iro joins io Inv.', lh"ii It is at your opium to I-.' .loimr nmi mko IH.- artf la or not. I'nrch is. ln i.iiy thus ..(.(..In uCol.l IVafh, lll.imon.l itlnit, ..r uuv f . i r J.'wilrv on our list for Duo Dollur, and in lining can IH..V y ties ihiuOno DolLir'. .iith, a- Ih. i,. ,,rr no l.nnKs. ' . price of Coitificate.s is as .'.i. - ....... ,1 .. r..ti r.. . for kr, nlJiy'lite l"r''l en llolhus ; una Imndu'd .IH.ll.U. ...Ill ....III? ..U1II.-.B. A. II. ItulVilV St CCI.. V. (). Ilia l-'ii'i Kbh York. Oct. i;. I0M Dr. Talbutt's Pilis. (A.V'I I IIVHPIW'lt:) Cni'iposccl of highly (Juuceutrate.l ltr.itli from JtOOTS AND IIEIII1S Of the crcatiiht iii.-.l i r i u:il aliin, pn fiarud from the nai.iai prisi riplinli id Hie cm nr.iii u nr. l allinll. 0 lui-il hy him w 1II1 ri'iu'irknhli' siui'uss lor twenty yeurs. An mtulliiil" r uiuil in .ill niSKAPUS 01' Till! 1.1 vua, or any deraniteiitont of THE DIGESTIVE OKCANS. They cn'o Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Scrof til t, .l'lutii'iice.l'iliuiHiiesi, Liver Complaint. The vel'. i.uow n Or. M it s.i s of these I'nls : "I havu lived the r'ir.iiil.1 Ironi v!nrh y-ur 1'ills are li t eir.ii i ononih,. Liter mid' t i . 1 1 v c ' ( j r . n r,r any meiiiiiui' In inn wnrii', nuu are uiu mutt pertei t I'm nritii-u w Inch h.iset er jet In m,,,Ii' ,v ;nuli V, Th. y are mid I'k'i.s.inl to lake. 1 m .werful 10 uire. Tlielr p-m tiatni,' prop -rt i'i ftiiiiulule Hi t il niiivmos of th" 1, ..h, reoiote nie ..ii-iruiiioiM nf i;s m jam. purify (h hhnid, and e.vpi 11 ilnpa(i. 'J hey puree out th'.' foul huiiir. it hn li hreed mid arow ilis- i tempir. iiiuiui.iio iiiii'Iii or tisoruereu ortMiu 11110 1 their ni li m, and imp 1.1 a In althy Imiu with Utronjih '0 the w ho'.- -.-iii. lonly .In they cure . ni' itir) nay i"inpi.iiiii-. in . ver) r bfitly, litit No lur mid ihl-i ami tl.inat'rii" lwi'.t's,an'l Iji-ih i urly vii' rtuhh' ;ir' I'.i'fj Irnm any ri-kir fi.iriu No porsoii who ll.lH "ittt: llftL'tl tlll'M' VlA.-i lit uVOr 1)0 With-it tlliilll." 'i'ltfy rri'titc pur " l.iuod rmtl nmivi' nl! nii'tiirilieir. from thr vl"'Il, Ii'Mirt' an a iohiv' etiru fur FEVERS. llliADACUE. PIl.RtS.AIEIt CUIHAL DISEASES AND HER EDITAKY HUMORS. IIO.-'I! - l'or adults, one IV! i 1.1I11 innruln; 1 f 'r cliil dred iiu.iei c jears, i r sir a I'lll. toy Price One Dollar per Dos. Trade supplied, or sent hy Mail, pot paid, to any part of the United Slates orCauadas on receipt of price. None Genuine with out tho facsimile f-iguature of Y. Mott Talbott, M. D. V. MOT!' TALBOTT fc Co., No 62 Fulton Si,, New Yoik. Mav ISC'. jy ISAAC IC. STAUFFER, 5 WATCH SIAKER AND No. MS North s:.con"d S...7op. of Quarry. P II I L A D E L P II I A . P, , ,, . nors below Urliiiau s. and iusl icctito. a .'. I. .1 1 Zephvrs, Cutlon and Woolen Yarns, Cor.-eis, Laces, hjinbroidericH, Mus- 1:... T.-.1....1: T. 'i'.:... nil-., ijuyiuiiigi-, ami an 1 1 nn- nil n.'S, tVC , iVC, L'n ivrni 11. ivi.Wi. which nil are Jutitud to call un I cuaiuiue A fanner ,, i-i., o.ui'ui Dji.i,., liyniii ii'n.1,0, j.uuts, S1n11l.1v fclionl Ilnuksntrl a variety of oilier Hooks, 111 ...L . t. 1 ...... 1 ll,,..l.u XI ......I,,... 11. I - nn.l ll... ri 's f"r 1-115. Illank ll-eds and .Mi.ri2.n.'.'i. and an as. -uitui'uit of l'.ipei a id liuvelopes, p,, .ti., in h) louilil ai llio rew lltol; Klure, PCOI.ll Jlonr IHIOW lluiiinau'a h'turo, Jllnuuisburg a. ii. wnim, iriouiusi 11 re, Oct. 7, isrj. W.M O. JIAKCI2. K, 1). ri:Ai.j;, U K, 11. iiuiu.r.v. WM. G, II Alia IS tt CO. No ISO tioiitli Si cond S-'L, below Chotliiut, I'hlla, Manufacturers ol Voruishos and Dry in'.' J.ip'iut and dealois in While I.epil, Zinc. Oils, I'iiiiv, nal.uiu. l'ainiai'. Colors and Tools, liurii. nig and l.tibriciituigC'nal Uiln. lioiiiins, Naptha, A;c. tV" lllilueelli. Ills to dealers. ?cpt id, LiM-ly, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Wcnncr, deceased, T etiors TcMnmontary on the estate of - J.iroh Wenner. Idle of i'lshingcri'ik tnwnthip, i.oliinihia coiiuiy iicceaseii, uai e noun iy tile neuter of Wills ecc . u Uiu uuderslgiied resiilliig In bid. I township. .11 iieia.ins lijtin. claims niainsi tli i i siatu nf til" il.'O.'.ieni, alii re .nested tu present .noiu to lli-i Iliirul.T wn.h"'ii delay, and all persons indebt ed Io tnakj pnym nil foiihwiili. GEO. M. HOWELL, ExeciUor, ! Nov.Sn. 3. Ney kiarbcr Shop. r.MIE nnders'iLMied respectfully informs u inn riiizens til r iiii un ',uu r t aniline nuuiie ee oer any. Ilul he bus opened u RJ l'AV I ? 4 f 'JTIS P! rrnil . ll'iV J iAUiSl'jlt. UtJUl. J . . ,, ,,, , , , , '. 1 In Cndlt I ouso A.h y and licit door tn llio iilllcn of the- ' Colutebi.i liemoii.ii. where h is prepared to do neat Wi'iving and fjih.oiinl'le Hair (tilling, w ill! cam and dup tieli' I' T-' f.n c hn.i a call and see t,i.-,tiirs. iiwii'iui u'Kiii("i'ni ,l AMilAO I OiN. uoomsbuig Oil li I . . . . ... . ... "... . - " - - .-- .----...---.. r, . . ... Mil. ... . .1 i iin assortment ot watches, Jcwoliy, Silver ana ami I'ir. -i waitii. sett lug .i.iehiiie,-i'ea and Tahle ad rOIISrcauyiO DC liailru down, uuapi- am ini iv Aiiinrosi i nun iah.u uu i.tuer. "i 1'lattii Vt'aro constantly on hand. Sets, Sdnl flit ir Tea and 'I'aule i-i is nn.l l'.nlij, 1 Js-.i f, i,.,,,., fniiori-s ami rniildini's of all kindi sale li Diuuia i ami 1 ii rs in r.incy Cnods every ir3-ltepaiuh,.ufWaltlies and Jewelry ptuiiiutly at- Ue etc ; mid the o her 37,50.) milcles or valuable I ' , r , , , , .,... c " !" i'rice ... cents p -r I oiiln -S'i.eo ur doten. tended in. Ji wely. Work I Toilet Casi s I'hoi.'sriph .Mk.iihs coiislnuted or .Materials Uiat have slon I thu te-t of Address. lilil.V W A.MI'.lli ISt A DUl'OT January I, I-I'S. ly. , Opmifaee filter Watcher.. ind f.inev artii'lcj in fifteen yens, and iniiiitif.iclurcil ou an entirely dilf.-r- i , fij r.ilton i-tr. . i. New Vo.-t City. TT SA I t taiily. 75IKII notices number -U Ircu mm M 7.'., ',.,,,, ,,,, n, ,i,. .. .;,,,,,. ,r. Oit. 7. l03-ia mo.-f . II. S. -t Xvt'AV C-tlJlfllSS 1 am printed md put into sealed tnvi lopes and Hi II , , r. ,. . . . i"' i.MH-? . iiiited. and oneof the" is laken out ami .nt ta tho ' I'g I" "sc. Fecit rod by patent. cry durablo a ml nl ' i T, V? f P V f 3 V ft SU 'Y A, "he siilunrilinr Imo mnt.nit (a din s.n..nnil I'vr'Oii hcuil nig to H.-t i". ecu','), to cover iii-nse f ini.t- ! i w price. Circulars nmi sainnle. sent free bv mail. I UiS V J'i'Wsus J f3t-4v UrsU 1 '. - GSreat Excitement IN MgM Street! AT BNT'S STORE! Oh Account of tlic Now Arrival dr Fall and Winter Goods TTAS just received from tho eastern Q R f.l.ihi la m. nhn.ln. a. .1. l.t ..... . - rplcndlil norlincnt of w'nTw tfort,Y IlJ3w GOODS, I'oimliitlnii of cVcrylliinscrneially kept In n conntry rturu, wlilrli will ha rolil i Leaner than the Chea". ft i'(i-..l. t-'MI nnJ nee nm! JmiIeo for J'ounttvc. "f ttckcoiiitif l.nclie Urnt Cioodt clioleesUlyloi biiiI Intent latliioni VUJIC0S, Muslins, Ginghams, ElanuclS) Carpets, yiiawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE OIiOTIIINO. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Quconswaro, Ccd.irwarc, Hardware, rdcdiciinsSi Drugs, ' Oils, Paints, KflflTH CITOI.C IT A 'I'S .C. P. A Dff S'lAnlrmnnn.,!',, , T. nn, p,i1 , ,.,,. Ton,.. ly, Is ii'sputi'tilly enlicited. The liljli.-sl inari'.ul price paid for country produce l'ETEll ENT. J.lRtlt Plrrct, Oct. 7, 1PG5. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., XIaiufacturois of Photographic, IiUtevlal:, WHOtH.tR .SO FtT.IU C01 BROADWAY, N. Y. Is 1 lion l.i our nmlii l.mln... ir I'llOriillKAnllC, tiff Tfclll,l.s, -iibt be- Iqtnrtrr. for lh fpllowlRf, -!.i Stoi'Cjscopos nuilBtoreoscojiic Viowa. Of 111 -ll wn hi.-" in l'nmno. u..prlni.nt, tpdadlns VIEWS OF THE WAK, OblAtt.'! Bl t..'ll strs.if- loi'l rrmlsf! s rrtnpllts rnoTcnaAi'iiio inaToaT onur.oui'AT u.sioa contact Bull Run, Datch Oan, Yorktown, Ot'ttyshnrgh, I'MrOitot Snrago Station, Freitoricksbuigh, Fairfax, Iticlimond, 3)ccp Bottom, Konilors, Tort Morgao, C'harlcito;, 1'ontoon Trnino. Hanover Junction. Lookout Mountain. Chickahominy, Citv Point. Hashvillo, rotnraburgh, licllo Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta. MoMls, 6trawlicrry Thins, C1C. K0. As stiff n cn.l r-rr'is flMii m,l I.ftp.,Wr, 0 spi, Pulos,An. AU',.i.-. il. tin Mf-.i. '., lot t.iMI- cr l.l.ll.illnn Our I stul p e sit. be t J any ki.lrwl on Iiccltt t( buii.p. Pliotographic Albums. Ws tvfTsris Pit I. (ntrlnra (li.ts tutu thr Vlli4 Stnt-s as J tvo n a-ipfiiCturr Imini",' qnnnlllle. lii pre tt VflrlelT, riuis (. In -. - ft 1,1 11 nnin Our A I. IU1 IN hais lis rajsi tin.ii r bi'iratjofler In b- lv an I ilurtl.lllfv Io anrolrfcr. lasy l!l l.r, H.Kl'.mi r-Pii Uf frk Ci?"i ixt ai iu'ms m tns to oiuir.e. 21io Xrado will find our Albums tSo aioct E.sloablo thoy can bay. CAWl niOTOOIIAriM. Onf Cililo?!"" Sow nn' rsirt I'lva Tnsi' ,tl(T is t is' jt. it , i a i tv 1 ci, t'.l is illy liiiij icwlj) of h.e i, i ,t, ,il.. ntmi-t I'm 1.' . I 0 .Is I'inp.tlt.risn, 19) ? stlior U 1n ,,fi, IZIIriiii,!, llSTol, nil., Nsiy urti-tr", ISt An'lwr., SJ.l'.'i.t I' tii:', tl)rr(,'!i,i.rotVfew& S,'."'t'',.pf WVtklftf Art, I-rl-iJIrtr ,,f tha -.UtraM KrcTiTln;!, I'll, ti .,,, Villi... Ai I'nlaloirii?! B-.ll nn tac.'lpl cf 5ta'i,r.. An ..rj.t fir iii.ii llm.s rn'ur.i fiM.n our Cs'al -giis, will 19 nil 1 on t".pil if i, ati.l .ct ly mail. ma. J'hct"eraeli -. a 'J o'l'-il r' g cs-J. 0 II 11, wtllplc-ut lini I iwiniv n, rrtxiiL ,,f tin aiiinint m 111. tlnlr nr l.r 1 lis frUs at. J liusUly sf is good, uuil fail I) aalul Oct 7. IFO., 7. Gold 1C65, 18GG, 1807, Silver. I 10 75,000!! rtjO 1 &O T T fO f I ? Vi y pw Two dollars ! ! lYIanufuc lur crs' Agents!! OUll NEW MODE. Ono of our GOLD or SILVER Watch es, or Silver Tea Sct.i for 8, as below staled. One of ear le sets or one ol-ire of our Hoi I or Pit vcr-warc is worth a hu,ln.l of the tiienp dollar Jewerly 1 IV have a loptcd tlio fuliowin," moiln of W i s i v i h 11 i o ts , b) sale cf 73,000 articles of value I ! . , U)1 EW M0IK ! ! 7-1 lint) I I7 ,!'() c'iii, wliiij' ol' I'i iiio, Mi'lu.lcoriB. (lot I ""t' , ' I 1 1 m"'..'.' ...... UIU' 111 JI l."."IA ... r,. .,, inn. u-nii 1 ,,,...1,..-.... n... ,. ,11 i. in to ihu huldur of Hi" mine nriuicdiattlv fif im de. v','"1" iiirchiiotho,) un tin. ri.-.ipt ofiwu dilli.ii1. I'm 1 'i i'i nice : if tin iiuiiih'-i ou Urn iinlifo 1 sent to j 011 i-li'i'il.l he 51111, and a 1'iarii, or Diiiuioiid 1 s"t or C I. I W.ilrli t-lioiiiilheuiii,ih"re l inn it tt .tl I,- in ' ou nr aii'l to 011 for every indole 111 ourlislof. .ton nr aii'l to 011 for every aitiolti 111 our lislof 7n Odd arlli les. 1'- " liter rec-iviug ail articb.if It iloes nnl pleuso vo,i.yo,i inn rciurii ti, and tf'ur -liou.y HIIAl-U 111! itlii'L'liMill, ' Thuiiiv lit'o cols inn. 1 he .mil in em, nf Twuiily lit oc. nts 11111,1 be cent to pay rypeuses of'e. (iirresiiiiiiiii'iiie. (tc, on one iiutini ll.-iui mln r, that wli.ileter nrlicle cuiretponil sw.'th ! iseni.l '- .;.' 111.. Ulll.. 1,,-r .III . 1111- 1.. It. 1.1. .... I...... il I... Tno ll 11 ns for it, Hh' th':r it he tturlli aim) 01 i-dii! And it is l.r uur iuti re-t tu deal fiirly, uud siu.l out uni linn linn iej. ill 11 itivr-sini.iiiiiuiiio 10 IIU pilliSIC, and llK'rci.y ineieajes our saleii, Tit ry Our New Mode ! ! l'pon receij t of -.'5 cents, which pas for corrospon den -e, jii.-teee. A. e , w semi one notleu. I'pou ofl w hn.11 p.iy for rcrrenpondcuci', Jlii.t ign, te.. We i"M I fl . lejllc 'S. Cpoii Kin I'd of wliiih paysfor corraspoiuleiicc, poit.igo, ivC. we io milieus, ail I it fine present talui d at no Io-.. tf. in I , usa hiuuptu ofmir good. Upon rei' ipt of $ is. w liii-h iny.. foi coirespoiiil.'ii-e, piist.iuo, etc. we will reinl i;u notices, and a Sol. ill Hll.VIIli W VTCII. by return mail- AlilATS W.W'JXi). iJtii.l lor our circular I Agents allowed a large oasii commission, by which they can make $25 weekly. Address plainly, RISED & liUOIlJEK, Poi, SI 36, fx. NewYom. aiiewroom 31 Liberty Uct. 14, ISOI. 3m. Tobacco AMI lg& Store At Slroup's Old Stand, ou Main Stjcet rihe umlersignrd hav'nif; opend tho Stor f'iriiierit oeeupn.l i.y David 1S1 inlii., as ulliocerv, nnd i"u m i r in d it witii a lar'je ami varied aisnrtiiieut - 01 vj...t i leu. 1U IAULU A.MJ UlUAllH. moil le-peiifully nivitus tlm pationage of llio citl. ens of lllnouuhiirgiind viiinlty. He is prepared 10 tll al v. Iiulcsale and retail, upon ,. most reinouallfl terms. 1 .M,.,hauU, Um. I keepers, ami Urnciryiucn, would , M ,,, Eil u hlII1 a ,. , (. h Kiiih of t'liiHing nnd Kitiokiug Tobaico. in nmi iiiaiiin s, fousluiitly on hand uu. lutsaie. II. HLMjULIIOl-l; llloon.bmg, upt. i3 ltC5-6ino i.trr - rjr.i - j. - riiin:wj)KiMutiv iii.'.w:iiT,riuu mniyow SPECIAL NOTICES. CONQIJI31! EMILY ! Tlio lcnilnfy to rynsjj hy prnmptly allaellhg I'HAI imilATUNHMV to personal brtily, with the lonjt popular eitiele of tuo (Iny, cntSTArjono's iiaiii nrn, w tiltli, like Hlietmiti'i Iifglnn, "knowi no lueh Kofi as ffllli" Under Its application Till! UI.ACItS COMI! OUT hrltllanlly, and tho btntvtu of every appear. Manufactured hy J.Ct'.tBTADOKO, No.C Astnr llousa NewVoik. Sold by llriigslHi, Applied by nil tialf Dressers. Nov. 4, YJ lm, the discoveiiy op ti1e age. rarnier.ranillieBtid oiliem can purclias no reme. dy 0-1111 to Jlr.Tolil.i' Veiicllan l.inlincnt, fur Dys entery, colic, croitp.chronic tliotininllsm, tore throats, toothache, sen sickness, ruts, hums, -nullities, old ... ..... ...I . sores, unlives iienunciie. lliosriuiin linn, pains in llio limbs, (heit,bacl(, tee. If it dhes not giro relief llio iiioncy it 111 bo'refunded. All that Is niked Is a t-lal, and use It according to tho direction- Da. Tooias Dear Sir : 1 havo used your Venetian I.lniincnt lu my family for n tinmhe'r ofyeats, and bo lleve itto bo the licit nillcle for w hat It it reennnnenj ed that 1 have ever used, for sudden attack of croup It Is In vftlual.tfi, I havo no li-sitatlnn In recommend ing it for all the uds It professes to euro. I hare soul it for many years, audit gives entire satisfaction, 01! AS. II. TRIMNIUl. acAttERiOWrf, M. J., Jlay S, 1S3S Nov. 4, 'Co. tin, BltANDIiETII'S PII.LR. wnosnTiMui.v t'sn, iJNor.r. rnoviDG.vci;. riA3 orrcvoAVi'.n un:, These celebrated Vegetable I'i 1 1 s nro no ncw,iintrlcd remedy j they havr hieii used and tested ill the Uiiilad Status for tlnrly years, nn.1 uru relied upon by hun dreds of thousands of fanilllesjjas almost their role medicine when rick, No cam or cipciiso is spared In their preparation, and It Is certainly true when I as sert that nn King can hove a medicine safer or surer than Iltandreth's Tills, They produce a good effect upon d'tt'o ntmoil Im mediately when taken, Ilv r oine wondcrful.po'vcr. perhaps electrlcor nervous influence, the progress of diseased n ctlcn is arrested wlicro wntchfuhiess and pain have liirn prcsentitha system becomes 'palclcr. und the patient soon obtains refreshing sleep, Tho genuine IlltANDIlllTII I'lI.I. HOX Ins upon il n. UNITfll) STATUS OOVKP.NJIUN'T BTAMl', wllh II nUAN'nnF.TII in While Letters In the tome. Nov. 4, 'l!j. III). IImtor or iib IlEwotniT Dkau Sirti-U'iih your permission, I wish to say to the readers cf your paper that I w ill send, by return iwilt, to nil who wish it, (free) a lleccipt, w itli full directions for making and using a tiiiiplo Vc!itable Unll-.l, Hint will effectually remove, in ti n dnyf, i'linples, I'.lnti bcs, Tan, I'rorMes, and all Inipittltlct nfilie Skin, leaving tho same soft, clear smooth and beautiful. 1 will also mail free to those having llild Heads, or 1,'are I'.iccn, simple dlroctiius and iiifiirt.iallnn thai will enable them to nirln full growth of I.iiiurianl II air, IVhljkirs. or a Mous'ath;, In lci tlian thirty .lays. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Kcipcclfulty yourn. THUS 1'. L'll A PMAX, Chemist. 831 Uroadivay, Tlew -Vork. ici. ii, i; o i. .imos. 'I'll Coit'irrATit rs. The undersijiu'd, having Imimi X lesluml to lieallh in a fetv w eeks hy a very fii.i I Ic remedy, nllcr having suifered sever il y;ars with a revoin lung direction, and that dread disease, Consumption-is anxious to 111 ako known to his fellow sii!i'er"rs the means of euro To all who ilu-nre i'. lie will send a copy of the pro scription used. free ol Charge, with the directions lor preparing and using the same, whir li they w 111 find a st'CE cure fur ronsuiiipiion, Atthuty, KrondiiliSiColds Cnuhs iic. The onl object of the advertiser lu smiling the prrfriiptiou Is to heni.lit the nfliicte.l. and ppruid infuruiiPitn wiiicli ho conceives to lie intaluable ( and he liepn 1'tcry siill'urer will try his remeily, as it win cost liiein Homing, aim may iirnvc a "icsting. l'artiei wishing theprnFiriplion.will please address not-. nnwAiiu a. wndv, Williamtbiirg. it ingu County. Oct. 11, ISO.". 3irios New-York. "P13E Mason k. Hamlin Cabinet Or- B gans. forty different tl)lLs, adapted to sarfed and music, for ij:0 tn S'WO each. TIIUlTY-riVI! (Ji)M) or Sll.Vnit MI'.DAI.S, or other first premiums awarded lliem. Illustrated Cataloguo frco.'Aihlress, MASOV A. IIAJW.IN.Ilo.ton, or JMSOX DUOTliEllC, New York. fc'ept.D, 1,-Cj y. f"rhc Grovestcen Piano Forte JL mil retains iis prcioilcnco and great popularity, find after uiuh-rsning grailual iinprot'eiiinnls for a pc- liod pf thirty years, is now -ed hy the muslral world tn be unsurpassed and oven tinequSI'cd in rich ness, volume and purity of tone, durability nnd cheap ness. Our nrtv sc.ile. l:relieh action, harp pedal, iron fiame, over-strung hass, seven octavo rosewood pi anos wo are selling cheaper by front glOU to ;aio man u.o same n. io em, uro sun ,.y any cuier firat-clasa makers in the country. Dialers and all m want nl fjin.d pianos .iru liivileil to nen I for our Do- . i-enptitc Citalogue, which contains photographs of , ' . . , , ., oiirilil'.ertiil ttjles, logclher with prices. No ono thuiild pur' base a pi1"" w ltliout soring this Cata- loguu Medisl almost withoel niiuili;r, have been j awardod tothc flroventeen l'ltno, ami the CcleSratcd J World's -, Itiougii put in competition with others. from all parts of Unrope and the U.S. it took tha Inli'ini ijsiainithed IM.? Grovcstecn Co , I ill nr.OADW AY, NllW VOW;. Julv "9 lbti.5 V II. II r Co 1 ' '" 'J n 1Vf (rt r2?' 'IF; (sii 1 a W a -& a W IllIAIiY IIUOITNI! Co, ! No. 73 Mali'c 1 ne. New Yoik. p0pf 30 i?..J-i y i-, -r-ii ;.i , e r 1 i. DCalllCS.';, DlllKmCSS Oi Calai'l'll, , , J reaieo wiiii nie iiimosi surcess ny ur j. ittrtAl s , Oculist and Auri-i. iioriuurly of l.ej 11,, 1 N.'. -ill' I'I ,M-r'lriiLl. rtiiln.l. I .lil:i. 'I from the most reliable sourees ill Ihu I. ity ami country can he H-eit at ins nlhce. Tlie mnilii al laculiy am invited ' he Hen al ins nlhce. The luminal laculiy am iuvlUnt , , " "- ","i""'f.. ;.'"..'.'. .'"'."."'"."' " 3 no 5ji irt in hi I'-"'""- AiiTii iciAi. i: i.ei ...soiled without pain ." tharge iinilij fm lAamiiutlou, Joiv is. im.. -1 'in 'u'l' ls' ONE PHICE ('LO THING. JONES' OLD L'BTAI'.I.ISIir.D (J j E l R ID E -s i rt minwi-i ,rnITfl L LU 1 U I 1 vr llUUbli, GO'l Iuavkct Street, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. At JfI!S' Cicscent One Pino (.Inthlng fiore, ihu Innest rfi lljii.. priceis marked in plain n.uics ou eacit aillrle. nmi never t ;i rl. .1. All buy alike, tviictlier judgn or not Thu stork is !"dttn up iu a superior man ner. i-Jiircislv fur retail sales. Those wnniluir a nod siihnt.iiilialniiUi.isliiun.iblu artitle, should not tail la i JOXES, (501 Maikcl Strict, One Price A'tore. May 13, ItUj. ly EM L Bi it Y Ttl K W roii Ilclunicii Soldiers and AH (illicit. AGENTS WAATED. Gieat Side of Jewe'nj and Sdviuwre, The Arrandalo Great Gilt Distribution. Our Ajonli. are making from 1'ive tn Thirty Dolla'ri per ilnv. und tv.i Mil need inure. L.ito Invoices ('ruin lluropj liave .swilled our nock tn nter lnic flillini Dollars. A 'I'h n.l.ii iimiiIi.huii ot Wntciies, Iiiii;s. Ladle' n in I i;-iiiil"iiiiieii' Jewcliy of all kiiiili, nrihe liiu.t fash. o.iiuls pait.-i .is selling at jl lutli. Sen! C.i imiK for a ci riiiie.ite ami you will aeo tvlui your nro enlilliid to; or $1 for U'te rerlillcales, or ?"i f t thirit. "i i n tl a 3 cent tlainp for our in''1" Hhi' h are ol Uiu must liht-ial Iciud . .Sow is your Hum ' MIR NOAI IT A. C'l Nn Ihl its s aawsy V,v " nl' N v i 1 64 ;. nn ll s - Release of Deoertors. The Secretary of Wnr ha. ordered that nil enlisted ..ion of the voluntoer service now iniprisoiiod by reason of having born found guilty of deiortion ho imtncdin'fllv rcloiised fro ui njslody and furnished w'th transportation to enable them to rrport to tho cbiof mustoring oftiacrfl of thoir rcsrlcctiro States who will furnish, them with a discharga with the facta of tlio caso endorsed thcrcdn, iholuding fon tonco cto , and tuch other papers as they may bo entitled to. In oases whoro Ihoro is no pay duo transportation will bo un derstood to apply to all enlisted mon of tho clats in question, of whatever corps or arm of tho service The followiog among other troops nrn to bo muetoreil out of tho service ; 8th 1 1th Connotieut 5 1st and Massachu setts unattached companies of heavy artil lery jNow York 41stand lOUd volunteer Pcnnsylrania ISSth and 21.1th volun teers. ESTABLISHMENT. SAVEHY.'fe KKUM. am) MANurAUTUiiumvor BOOTS AJSn SHOES. Call Skins, French Calf Skins, Kid Morooso'f, Bindings, Lining, Shoo Throd. Naili, Aw la, Pogjs and SHOE V1N01XUS G KNi! RALLY. All Kiudsorillpii'sDools&Lailics'.Shocs P- which wo offtr ehraper than tho P tisLi cheapest,, for cash or country produce. i.-.rfs a- v,. am nreonreil to mako to nrrlst- att kinds ofwork ntthe shortct notice. - Shop uii.Jlain Street, in Shlvo'e niock, n'oonts. burg. BAVLT.Y t KUtJM; Fcpt. 30, 15f.3. Jiiiil.tis' Paucy Pins I! 9SS AT .TOHN PAREIKAS' &'vh nrHintfntlcry No. 718 Arch tSlrcct, abovo T'X&Vh 7ih. I'hiladelnhia. vj liiavo i liv i;i.ioro ni mv awn im. if, tinrfnlinn mhiI Tnnnf..rItirf. nun of fir ihu laifLVst aihl most beautiful eIet Uotis of P'a!ia7 fFtUS.Sf, for Children's Wear, in the City, Alsn. artne assort ment of (Jem's l-'ur t.loves and Collars. I am enabled tn dispose nf my goods at very reason lilo prices, and J would thereforn solicit n call front my frieinbi In Col'imliit rounty. and ticlnlty nS" r.eincnibc- the naiiio, nu iiher and street, JOHN I" A P. I ti A, "IS Are h Street, above "ill, sonih side, rhlladelphtn. rc? 1 have on nor lotincctioii Willi sry other -tore In riiiladelphia. Pept, 30, rG.- 1 1110s. A!st.iTJ:t.riiioi,'s iofticc." Estate of Yulentins Wliitcnight, dccl cttcrs of Administration ou tho esUts ef Valentino H'hilenight, late of llmnlock town ship, (.'nlitiiiliia cn.ileccased, liavc been granted by the. lti'iFter i.f Coin 111 hi a co. to the undersigned ' n) persons liavmij cl.iim-. against tlio citato of tlm deci ilenl are rciuesteil to present Ihcni fur settle meiit and tlioe indthied to tin citato will mako Imnndisfr tiavie.eiil to thu udiuiuibtratnr. C, , I5ROCKWAY, Mov. II. lPfii Cw 3. Adm'r. "fijiuciis ! O.ocUs ! ! C5EocK s 1 S ! THE undersigned roseetfully informs tho public generally that lie Ins opened n CLOCK 7o 11LISIJMEN T, in tlie room under the OfTico of the Columbia Demo, in Ulnnincbiirg, where ho has Just recelvii) si large aud t.elect .issorlnr-'iil of NF.W fiLODK. ,. 3,, .,,, s ,iav Clocks, ofovery -stylo, wlijcb i,c ,, dors fur kal" on uioderaiu terms. Hep nrinu' Cloi ks done to mdcr. Thoso from ft dislatire repaired lainieili.itely ujr- All itori: tvurr.inltd. ( all and oJamino U'II,I.tA.M I)UltM.Jf Oct. 7, 1G5 ; i'iCftVtiS'' AiiluTOSlcl f$ Jfo 'jJ'JilSE 5S&.E.ES fg'hc Original and Genuine Ambrosia J ia prepared Ly J. A nasi lU-nus and lu t. e best hair dresnimr uud prerervauve now in mu. It stop- th; uau f.niin,' f.ii. cau.' b it lor on and long and prcvcnt.sii from tufiim; pre niatnicly grey It era'iii.Ues', cl Mil..-., huautihos ami lenders the h nr sod, i;l,i,-y mnl imiy. Il iy il. try it and be i out i uei.ii. Ilmi t - mil nil' tvith a snunolls article. PHOTOG RAPHE Skylight Picdu-o Gallery. IN Till! KXC1IANC.I! PLOCK, P.L00MSDUIIG,PA. Notice in Divorce j tlc Common 'leas of Columbia count. 1 , ... ... liitnv An'I ,M Attn aiiv-it a 'I rli-i-r rr P.OBEIU' TeEPI.C, I A nd uow, to wit : Sept. 7, i alias Supcoua iu divorco h tcrtr. m. , A l, L. . . 1. lir.viu.' beca returned aud Respondent not huviu been found in tho County, upon uiotiou of John ! (" F'eczo, Attorney tor Libcllaut, Court grant a rule upon Itwpoudeut to show I wuy a invoice nviiuMoiUMnnohii hhouia not be decreed in thu above slated caso, returnable to the Miid Court of Common Pleas, on Moudav, Deo. 4, 1SG5. SAMUEL SNYDER. Sheriff. Klnouji-bur", Nov. II, 'fl.') flw. 181367" PHIEADEIiFHIa" "lOG5, WALL PAPERS. uowcli. & noui'.Ki:. ilSnnsiEUi'litfUt".) oi" I'AI'LK I1AXCINCS end Wl.VDUlV SIIADUS. North East Corner Fourth and Market Strcots, Piiir.AiiuM'iirA. H, D. A'lwayj in bnri.. a '.irje Stock of LINLN and OIL SUA DCS. Bopl, Jli. 1:'0 -3 mo.-, WUtSKEltSl WlllSKEl.S! Do you want Wliial.i ir ii MoiiaUu-hoi T O... I'onipnuiiil will inn., tln-in in trow ou the siiionlhest l.i.-e or i ltni, or Jiinr, ou h.ild huuds, m :sn Weeks. -I'i it,., 1 0". Cut b in, ul iintttlieie, tl.iuiy sia'vd, on rtci lpt of pme"i, W.U.M'U k CO.. Hue 13", OraiKI)n. N. Y. I1, iitii'.r; I ', l.-oi-y .StaJ.oJii't'y ami Kii;.Bt HSook's CJupi'h'd to dealers ami cadh buyers al D i' n ui rts. l C I'LtlUY. ' ' s.. a u Kai aev Mill'