Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 02, 1865, Image 2

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" Cjur Constitution gnard It overj
Our glorlou Union--hold It dour I
Our Starry Flag forsake- It never!
The promt Oaucaaslnnour only potrl
'tDITliD BY. i'.Vl T.T TATE, FnOFIt I etofT"
oaiuruoy mornings ucc. s, uo
1 "r-v m r?
od or compromised it knows no iacn8i, ir rowers ,
nmy of liberty.
labor anil prnpptty. It Is the sentiment of freedom, of
o-iuni rignts, or canal obiigntions tno law or iiaiuto
pervading tlio law of llio land
Special Notice,
Wo ask our friends, who M6. indebted
to this office, in any way or amount, to
inako IMMEDIATE payment, They must
know that our business requires a largo
amount of Cash, at greatly inorcrscd
prices, and can only bo met by prompt and
regular payment on the part of our custo
mors. We have over found them kind
and prompt, generally, for which they
bate our einccro thanks but thero arc
many others, who should pay U3 our hon
est dues, liko men, and not act as though
they intended to defraud the Printer.
Wo bopo that all indebted hereabouts,
will send or bring us our money at tho
December Court, Others can sand by
Arrested.- Wo learn by our c schanges
that tho celebrated loyalist Georgo Krcm
-C T 1 1 . T.,rv.. ..,.,
u 1 , iu nuiiuurauu iuw iisuiji, uuuciauu uu..
has booUMirrosteu lor passing .0. coun
tcrfeit "greenbacks." no spent much of
his time Jast winter in hunting "Coppcr-
hoads, and pointing tucm out to tbo sol
diers, for their ''disloyal practices." Ono
of his neighbors whom ho had arrested,
died in odo of tho hell-holes at. Harris
Vtyirg, while tho arrest and imprisonment
of another, caused tho death of the wifo
tho arrested man arriving at homo the
day after his wife was buried. Thus loy
alty as represented by Krcmcr, caused
the untimely death of two of his immedi
ate neighbors, while he himself was en
gaged in tho luorativc buiincss of passing
loyal money, because all is founded upon
a counterfeit basis monoy, loyalty and
all, This loyal posy, also spont much of
his time at the soldiers headquarters at
Philipibtirg, Curwensvillo and at this
placo, and whenever Kramer appeared at
either placo timing the day, a western
raid always took place that night; yet we
arc compelled to say that ho acted no
ireaner in this particular, than Chaso,
Piles, Miller, and those still mcanor
neaks, that made their pilgrimages to tho
soldiers headquarters during tho night, so
that no ono would sec them, for the pur
pose of retailing defamation and slander
against their neighbors all in the name
of "loyalty,'' and by men bclogniog to a
party governed by "great moral ideal."
Out upon such loyalty.
We clip tho foregoing from the Clear
ftciX Republican, and wo desiro to call tho
attention of our readers to it, that they
may see how great a family likeness ras
cality and "loyalty " bear in all sections
of the country. Tho leader in OlearGcld
County deals in counterfeit Si.0. "Green
backs ;" the leader in Columbia County
in '.'Devonshire heifers" and '"dogs," Vis
its to the camps by thoso "loyalists" from
Denton and others places, here and there,
resulted in raids and arrests of decent men,
and the fullering of women and children.
Hero as there, one of tho victims of thoso
''loyalists" "died in ono of tho hell-holes"
into which ho was thrust ; here as thore,
they sneaked to the camps at midnight
with their lists of suspected persons ; and
in some cases tho persons were actually in
tho army. "Loyalty" pays. These men
liavo been trading in it for year, and
everything was fair plunder that camo to
their hands. Day by day the light i shin
ing in upon their wickedness, and soon
they will again sock for the darkness to
cover them as thoy enoak from tho gazo of
their fellow-men.
Lo ! the poor Negro ! !
We obsorvo thatthe.Ohief of the "Freed
man's Bureau," reports tho condition of
tho negroes aa most distressing in the
South. He says, that 30,000 of theso
poor creatures in Alabama and 40,000 in
Georgia, without immediate relief, will
perish by cold and hunger this winter, in
thoso States alono, and calln upon the
Churches to raise them, at onco a million
of dollars ! So much for "negro-stealing-"
We pity the Buffering condition of these
poor JJncalnites," but as wo had nothing
lo do with bringing them to starvation and
death, wo must bo excused now upon our
woll-known principles of non-intervention
Where now ii the patriotism of tho coio
ardty Loyal Leaguers 7 Where now is
tho Christianity of hypocritical Abolition
Prcaticra ? Your bretbern aro dying of
starvation .' Fly to theif rescue, or bear
the curso of an offended God,
"De Nigs git dc Palm !"
When tho white soldiors wero returning
to Ilarrisburg after tho cloo of tho war,
Ilov. J- Walker Jackass, Caraoron and tiie j tory of the Pennsylvania negro parly, Iho
Hessian had nothing to say, "Not a drum j "coming muu" is coming,
was hoard." "Nary" a hurrah 1 nnd no tuoj0 w,1 oonjidor thomsolvcs
banquet 1 But when tho "Nigs" oome:',aD 'Tjal t""1 a biudder" "bross dolor,"
i,,n ilioii nntnes tho linnmift tho nra- and let all tho rest 'look do anioko houso 1'
lUIIIW IMWS w .- " - - - .....
tion-tho review and all "do pomp and
earciimetaneo ob war!" "'I'he negroes
carried off the palm 1"
Tho Old Guard for December. J
Wo have recclred the Decombor number
nf Tim fli.n flit Atiti. U'l.ifli clncru llm
i third volume of this popular Djniocralio
I magazine. Tho leading article it cntitloJ,
I "The Authors of the Federalist Copper '
heads, and a number of other important
coutributiona mako up tho usual tablo of
contents, Wo are pleased to notice tho
constant improvements ami progress of this
magazine. Tho publishers nnnounco that
it will bo enforced with the January uum i
,bcr to sixty-four pages', and that an m-
amount of Literary and Family
reading will bo added. This is very im- i
Iportunt, for Dctnowatio familios need soiuo
work Of tills KII1U to talJO tllC placo Ot tllO
Ai,i.,. ,n,i,ia ,t,, n.,i ,, nn,.ntr,,
with their pestilent dootrincs
Tho Pros-
pectus for the Now Year announces, as
among tho patrons and contributors of j
Tm: Old Guaiw for 1800, Hon, Charles j
O'Conor, cx-Govcrnor Seymour, Lake Michigan, as her baio of oper
ex Gov. Dana of Maino, Dr . J. n. Van
Evrio, Dr. Thomas Dun English. lion. J
W. Wall, Georgo Fitzhugh and Hon. H,
A, Pryor, of Virginia, Henry Clay Dean
of Iowa, and ether distinguished Demo
cratic writers and thinkers, A feature of
tho new volume will be a series of steel
plate portraits, with sketohes of all tho
most promiuont Confederate Gcuorals,
commencing with General Lee, iu tho Jan
uary number, to bo followed by Stonewall
Jackson, J. E. Johnston, Doaurcgard, A.
P. Hill, Wade Hampton and others. This
feature alone will render tho magazino well
worth its subscription price, as it will form
an illustrated volume at tho cud of tho
year worthy of preservation as a valuable
historical work. Tho Icrms are to bo S3.00
por year, singlo subscription ; two copies
for S5 ; Dvo copies for 12 ; ten copies for
20, and an extra copy to all who will get
up a olub of twenty. These rates arc very that but a few years ago, this entire coun
reasonable for a magazino fnrnUhcd with' try was iu possession of the red man, who,
steel plate portraits, and wo trust all who like the Sun at the clorc of a bright sum
feel that a Democratic magazine ought to mer's-day, has taken his rest in tho genial
bo sustaiacd will give TnE Old Guaiid . climo of tho far West, with tho t'Sccptiou
their support. It is now tho only Demo-1
cratio magazine published in the United
Slates. Mr. 0. Uhaunooy Uarr will con
tinue his trenchant blows in behalf of tho
good cause, and wo doubt not Tiik Old ,
GlTAltD for 1800 will bo a vast improve-1
ment on its predecessors. Specimen copies,
of the January number, to bo issued early j
in December, will bo sent free qj postage
to all who desire to got up clubs or cs-
amine it with a view of subscribing. Ad-
dress Van Evuie, IIouton & Co., Pub-,
Ushers, No lGti Nassau at., N. Y.
Tr;f.: r n nM,tn,,.i
We naid a visit on last Sahirdav. fo tho 1
flourishing Borough of Ashland, in Scliuyl-' .
1 J
kill county. It had been some two years
since wo were last in Ashland, and wo '
..:.'... : '
nmu iuui.1 uaiuuiauuu iu wuiiuaa na iu-
creasing growth and business aspect
Ashland is siluato in the heart of the
Coal Itegion, and sustains a population of ,
over 10,000 inhabitants, composed chiefly
of u inors and laborers mainly Irish and
German Catholics preseuting all the mi
nima in trade and commerce of an East
ern City.
Tho Coal Mines and Breakers, in Ash-
land and its vicinity, aro numerous ami 1
extensive, and afford employment to a largo
number of laborers and disburse an im-
. o n,....i..
uiuiibu auiouuii ui ujjitiat. oioies, unurcueu,
Oathedrals.Shops, Mills, Tanerics, Hotels ;
and Restaurants, aro everywhere vieiblo.j
Among tho most important insitutionsin j
Ashland, is a flourishing Printing Office, j
whence issues a well conducted democrat-
io weokly newspaper, entitled tho lA$h-
land Advocute coudueted by Lieut. Alem
ii. Tati:. IJJcok enjoys a high repuatiou as a bravo abcth ouytlcr, both of Catawissa, Pa.
In shoit. A8in.AND,is a prosperous and ' and fearless Democratic journal. Tho On the 18th ult., at Berwick, by Rev.
active business Borough. Its prosperity ' Soooro (Cal.) Demount says of it : "The B, Pos, Mr. Vm. Buohman, of Nes
indicates glowing greatness. May its best power the paper wields is immense, and U ' To i if H Lur'rno'co11 llal,lcr, 0rIIob
espectations be speedily realized. its discussions of the grcatlquestiousunan. ' 1, r 1i'i'' i,,. r" n cj rPr.
Dr. Palemon John, United States Rev
enue ylssessor for this Congressional DU
triet, ardently wishes ami ansiou&ly prays,
lhat Edw. McPhcrson, tho lato Clerk of
tho IIouso of Representatives, at Wash
ington, will exclude the Southern Members
from their soats in Congress, and adds,
that tho lilfl of tho llcntihlin linnrrq iinnn
tho fiat of (this) ono man. President1
Johnson is in favor of their admission BUori 01 au wo" V'
Tho above utterances disclose tho remark- ,na" 00PlCB of tbis PaPcr V"U bc ,ont Posl
able fact, lhat the creature ollhe President ' Paid t0 u11 0r,lir'" tbcm' w 1,011 its' Proa,i
of tho United Slates, openly arrays him-! 1,108 for clubs' cct''can ba 8CC,1 Wo ad
self in opposition to his expressed wishes
and prays for the defeat of tho vital prin-
. - 1
ciplcs of tho Government.
Tho "Coming Man."
Tho long looked for is coming at last,
viz: the ''irrepressible conflict ;" tho
'culled pussen," kaown in State papors of
former limes as tho "Amoricau citizen of
African decent." Among recent telegrams
Irom tho Federal capital wo find tho fol
lowing announcement :
"A large uumbor of frcedmcu aro to bo
sent North, to bo employed in mince and
' J
onrailroadB. It a truo Pennsylvania is
not specially mentioned, but tho word
UmSnns" ftlftflrloinili.tn1i.fl H.M Mioi mnin
"mines" clearly indicates that their main
destination is tho state whore mining it one
of the principal pursuits. As tho dircot
consequence, thereforo, of the olectivo vio-
of,,fl., m . iu, fnr ,,,. r
Ward, P.opublican, for Clovunor of Ne,V)lircna (i"ar'0i"fl. Mr. Shimor publijlicn
, Jersey, is 2,769; bis Card in another column. .
wr-j'irrjjr;rtTatTttirlrrul jfenrux-m.nt'zncrmrvnrjnrii
Western Correspondonco.
FnrxrouT, li.t. , Nov. UG, '05,
Coi.. Ii. h Tati;, Dj'.An Sir : llav-
ing a fow leisure moments, 1 shrill endeav
or to placo eoiiid faets boforo your rcador,
which may pioro interesting. It has been
niy privilege to spend some fiftoen tuouths
in different parts of tho western States, and
ns n concral rule I find a highly rultiva-
ted country, especially iu this looality.
The time was when Michigan. Illinois,
Wisconsin, and a few others, woro con-
sidcrcd ''the thinly inhabited far western
' '
States." Hut by referring to tho census
of tho present time, wo will obscrvo that
that timo lias passed, and that Illinois
may soon stand, both iu population and
enterprise, as one of tho central States.'
In fact, at the present time slio outstrips a
number of the older States, in Agricul
tUro as well as Financil affairs. Having
Chicago, (tho Garden City,) accompanied
nlioii on ono side, and tho Mississippi on
t lio other ; she stauda almost independ
ent. Frecport is ono of tho many thtiv
ing towns, whioh lie scattered through the
Great West. It is situated on the Picka
lonioarivci'; which is noted for tho zigzag
direction in which it flows. It is of such
a winding character at points, that it has
been said of Ilaftimcn coming down the
river, to havo lied to tho same tree two
successive nights. Frecport is a rail road
center, comprising about 10,000 iuhabi
tants, It contains four priming offices
three English and one German, wilh an
extensivo job department connected with
each office.
It is a glorious sight, indeed, at the
closo of a clear day, to take a westward
glance over this vast scope of ruling pra
rio. And it is still moro ftartling to the
mind when we contemplate the thought
of a few who may bo seen occasionally
wending their way from place to place.
I holicvo it to be truthfully asserted,
when I slato that tills Great Valley of tho in
Mississippi, is tho most fi-rtilo scolion of
Country ou the face of tho Globe. Hut
the tide of emigration westwaid appears
to bo greater than ever before, almost
every train bring a large number of cmi-
grants, the majority arc Germans ; a por-
(ion of them aro settling in the western
part of Iowa, while others aro going fur-
thcr vct. And at the same time, the
'tide of emigration Southward, is hwolled
. . .. ' . J . .
Riinri. v here rlnflii! nennin r?nrnf rem i
is a question whioh cscites inquiry
Our market prices at present, stand tlius;
,,,, . . e 01 ,P . . rn n ,
Wheat is worth from SI ,15 to 1 ,50; Oat,
, 8 to 15 cents , Corn, 20 cts ; Ryo, .10 to
40 ccuU ; Timothy seed, 2,50 ; Clover ---
onwl . f53 Of) ! Under is tvnrrli .10 nnnU noi-
pound . arQ w()rih (o y()
per bushel, and plenty at tho3a prices.
All crops, with the exception of fruit
yielded abundantly this season.
We aro uow having our Indian summer,
and the farmers arc takinc advantage of
0 this pleasant weather, by gathering the
golden corn. I
There arc many things which I would
bo nleacd to insert, tint as lime and space
r,.:.i t .i.-.i, .,
loru.u, j. tiiiau uerc uio.u iur tiic presuui.
Nkw Yobk Day Book Wo
would call attention to the Prospectus of
The New York Day book, in another
column of this week's paper. It will be
seen, from the following, that The Day
swcrabic.' '1 lie llavcrliill (.Mass ) Han-'
II t. rn i sr. .
ncr Bays : ''Ii its course were followed, ;
the Democratic party would soon loom up1
again." The Natches Mss.) Democrat ,
says : ''Outspoken and uurcscrved in in
, dcaUl,K9 wit1,' aU , lotions touching the
interests of the whole people firm and un
swerving in its attaeliuiout to tlio principles
of '7-'i'Ae DaH Booh ia Serving tho
vise all our friends who inicud to take
I SOmo K ' paper, to bc euro
t rinl t i till frw 'in 1 ti1i I fnstf T I..
and send for The Day Jlook, It is made
up Bolcly for weekly circulation, not rc
priutcd Irom a daily, and its terms aro
very reasonable.
Dr. '. John, publUhcs tliia week an ar
tiole, headed "An Obituary," in which ho
comes to tho sage conclusion, that "Tic
Democratic parly U dead This Bamc
has been horctoforo predicted by as great
fools as Dr. John. But wo tell him and
! ll,om uay 1 Tl,at orgntiteation is not dead,
.:n !. .1:.. ii.,. ..... i i.l
llor iiwr uiuiautw
win live to snvo lLo cpublio und ohroni
1 clo tllO demise of Dr. PalomOU Jollll am
all tho other "lineal decondenti of tho
Revolutionary 'J'orics."
- The Exchange Hotel, of Wilkes
Barrc, has been purchased by .Messrs, II,
Shoiek it Co., by whom it will ba con
ducted in tho ftituto. Wo bespeak for the
Exchango, a liberal patronage by tho citi
zens of Columbia county, as it is a woll-
! kepi Hotel and is kuotvn m Democratic
the protended Methodist organ which
found J-inooln's bar room life bo full of
,intv. thus sneaks of Johson i '
"Antlrcw Johnson's real lift is yet to no
Mvrd, his real speeches yet to bo inado
All t,n ,1m I. rMiminrr. U mp.m
....... ,,.v. ,
nothing unless ho shall do something now.
Hut little that ho did boforo the rebellion '
Is praiseworthy. Ho identify bimioll
Willi a ruling clas3, novor speaking a woru
ordoiifg an act that bespoko tho oxisteuca
oi ran pniioipio nmiiu u...., u.uu . ,
potency. IIO Ueoamo a SlaV0IIOIUer,lUOUgn ,
llO knew it was wrong J VillUCU tho atlOll- Ilmiinli Im Imilw llmv woro richl.
which viliQcation ho allows to remain in 1
this cdition,though ho strikes out hutirado
against John Drown,'
What wonder that every town and vil-
I .1... VT .1. t, '
preacher, whoso services wore always at ',
tho disposal of a war meeting-cither to
odd fuel to tho deadly flames of civil vnr
laCO IU IHU HUfill liuu in ..jLiniu.e.
or. to top off with prayer the discordant
cries for blood and murder of ambitious
damagngucs and thieving politicians when
luis liiuu oi tiiui! n cuiugiuii liuu mwi
hands and your households by political
knaves labeled "christianitj Tho Ad.
vocatc has preached "loyalty," now let it
bo loyal or else let one of its applauded
mobs toacn it patriotism. 1
North d Democrat, 1
,m., . !
,, ... .
iU fnoinl nf'lliii nnnul ir T.iilv's Mana-
tho receipt ol tins popular jjauy s waa-
zinc for December. It is a splendid nuui- .
lifr Tlio nrilld'nlo cnLTavillP. "Puna. '
tier. illt pnuiipiu tiitr-iyiiifc, x.ijmi,
Papa, is one of great beauty, Lor many
years ''Peterson's Magazine" has had a
larger oiroulatton than auy other monthly
in the Uiiueu btatcs.
In 1800 it will bo I
greatly improved : the reading matter mil '
contain adoublc-sizc 6'tccl Fashion riata, I
:J; fohip'lS'
in tlio world. Tho to run will remain ho !
ilnllm-1 n iipur n Mnirln siwrrilirrq 'Pn '
aouaisa year 10 sinii. suscriuers. jo
rlubs It IS Cheaper Still, VIZ! five Copies
for 89,00, eight Copies for giaOO, Or lour-
teen COIItCS for P20.00. lo CVCrV ntrstin
.,. ' . , , , 's ., i
fretting Up a ClUt) (,at lliese ratO,J tllO I
'tin U iur will send an extra COT)' nratH. i
P' S"Ur 3C'." . ' JJ b"""'
Specimens sent (if wr.lton for) to thoso , to jret up clubs. I
Address, post paid,
300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
CcT Dr. J. J. Ely, formerly professor
" ' J 1 i
the Nashville (Tenn.) Medical Col!e"c, I
' a 1
i'b ttopping at the Exchauge Hotel where
ho is troating any persons allliolcd with
desoaso of any kind. Dr. Ely is very!
highly spohou of by the press wherever lie
has been as having been successful in
the treatment of oases however difficult.
f-uztrnc Union
rr" Sheriff Vanleor, of Luzsrno, was
swum into office on last Saturday morn-
'"? and entered upon the duties of his
! Scnctor Doolittlo reports the majori-
! ayaiuet negro suffrage in Wisconsin at
between six and seven thousand.
At Lillllt Street. 00 SatUrdaV I'VCIlinc,
Oetoter ain , '03, by Joseph Lilley Esq.,
Mr. John Ilippensticl, ot Mount Picas-
ant tVD.. and Misi Margaret Yost, of
Bnsrcreek, all of Columbia co. Pa.
On the 10th ult., hy tho Rev. 1). J.
V.'nlicr, Mr. Rev. J. M. Salmon, to Miss
Hannah Halcua, daughter cf Dr. J. II.
On 23d ult., by tho same, John W.
ilsnn, ol ailey twp., and Mi-s Mary
iuca ro3'cy. l "est uomiocu twp.,
rluntour eo. l a
Ou Nov. 2d, in Oranfrovillo, by Rov.
Nathaniel Spear, Air. William D. Van
horn, of Liberty twp,, and Mrr. Lovina
Bn'cee, of Mt. Pleasaut.
By the Fame, on the ISth ult., Wash
ington Strong, of Ferry, Bradford co., to
Mary Q Lutigor, of Jackson, Col. co,
On tho 20th ult., hy tho Rev. William
.1. Eyer, Mr. James Young, to Miss Cliz
- - r - J ' ' '
miller, on tho Kith ult., Mr. James Fow-
lcr and MUs Lydia Hughes.
In Espy, by tho same, on tho 03d ult.,
Mf . Augustus I.otterman of Lewi-town,
Mifflin co.. and Miss Catharine M. Ile-
fright of Petersburg, Huntington co. Pa.
On the 25th ult., at tho M. E. Parsnn
sonago in Borwick by M. P. Crosthwaito,
Ii-aao Martz of Bfiarcrcck, and Miss Sa-
mantha J. Hcvcncr of Nescopeek.
In Mount Pleasant twp. Columbia co
on the 20ih ult., Andrew Mcllick, aged
5-1 years.
In the town of Buck Horn, Columbia
county, on Monday last, Mrs. Mary Jano
shoemaker, wife of Jesse Shoemaker,
aged about 24 years.
In Cttawiisa townhip, on the 22d of
November, 31r. Uharles Eifenhart, aged
about 40 years.
In Loeuit township, on the t!2d of No
vember, Mr; Ceo. Fahringer, aged about
ot) yoais.
In Berwick, on Fiiday 10th ult., Mr.
barah Oole, ngetl 89 years, a nmntlis and
0 days, Sho was the oldebt resident of tho
After a very brief illness in Wasbing
tonville, Montour county, on the 18th ult,
Mrs. Nancy Butler widow of tho lato
William C. butler, aged 70,
At tho residence of her ton Jcsso 0.
Amorman in Coopor township, Montour
county, on buntlay Nov. lUM ult., Mrs.
busannali Amerinan, aged about 00 years
In Valley township, Montour 0 ounty,
September 21st, Mary U, Ware aged C-t
yeass 8 iiioiiths and fivo days.
In Shiokshinnoy, on Wednesday, tho
15th inst, Truman II, Ol.irk, aged 05
years, fivo months and 15 days. His fun
eral was largely attended by members ol
Shiokuhiuncy and Berwick Lodged of I,
0. of 0. F.
---.iMi.iMutgjwwwiJ'i'ii.i'. ii'j.miju.-rvirjjiiunltyvyvtarUtrrLwmyvr iiojj-iiij.hHuj M '!ijmn,mji.ii.,i.aj,j nimm,. i
,lrooJi'JJ - ' - "' - - ' - - - . ...
- " Return That Robe !
A nod lhiffulo Hobo, marked Thos. H.
J - '! nf C-ntro txvp.. vo? tnrn Bwny.rrom im "u
im m
..f tint tiMitnratmind 111 1 n t M iv I sirl . ntj tllfl CVCl!'
l. kiinWi. nml If It ft i not neon lotnmed U will ! tent
f"r, It rniil'o delivered to Hnmucl II. Ilii(jhe, In
lilooiiifliiirR. or tlio Miluetilicr m uaiawiun, nna no
quutiom win io ajkni. , -Tomr
JACO ) 11. MS1LL11.
ciawi,.a,iiec.!: UM-Juti,M
, -- , p o,
HOUSC ailU JLiOL 10 1 DfllC
. , . y . ,. , on Tljri, glrcot
J Maomtu .reon U etceted an cieellent
llrlck Dwelling llone, Miclieiinniioiaui,
f"' '' tl""P- Apply to
Is ollcrcd
MUS. A Ml! MA SinAI'.S.
Dec. a, ism-jii
Estate ot Thos. Stackhous'., deed.
iMra Timtnmnninrv on the cslalo of
J'iSfS V'.
iietLur ofwiii. ir.. u tlio
.'uloeor 'LSS'nl" aro"raf.e.. ?
1 1" -n-VrrVmi'
,SB5e,v 3
Tlioa. BTACKIIUUai!.
tvrf 1 Jl IliTC liOtCJ?
Public Square, Wilkes-Banc, rain
rr,nj5 mlcr3innrd, havlns pm-chascd tho '
jl umniiota property
-fl- tlio nboo tiroiicrty and pronojo to refit and make
ltafirl rlas Imltl ...
N'ii pains will Im spared in any of its department!
In ri ndcr fatlFf.'ctlnn to nil pilesla.
Ti.r. nml llio l,ar will nlvov be Fiitiill"il wltli tbo
l"'t tlin market alloiilB. tiooil tabling Tor lior.riviiid
.llu,llv,, os,r,, aieo, Livery attaciied.
T)m ..,:,m u rtitciMv pituated on the ruidie
Square, mid lum llii rrinrc peculiar ndvantaces to por.
nt.t.n,,,, cmirt or tloina bualiicfcti Jn ttlo public t
oiiic-. (largos muiicrau' i
n. u -winnover you cmne to town, picaio aii.
11. v, uu,, 1 rop rs.
December 2, I8(!3-Iy
-jiiq jvjc11 JMustlltllc America I
N, Y. Day-Book for '66
Till! IIav-IIook prnpo- to Maitd in the future, n,
jn ,, ti,t. prmt dnctrino that ihi, is u
Whltu .Man'a (Inverninent on thn Haniii of a l'
'""-"al Hemeia of AmJiican dvHUatlm.
and Industry. It (lL'irc tnhu ilistiuclly c.iunlud nut
cf lliatdaas "fjiiiiriiaU liich prnpus.) Hi surrender
i,,miciatic prluilpleatn nrowiirdly public cliininr.
a 'i IMsp' """ " ", J """ ;
,,e pnal ARritultiiro Classes nf tlin cnuiitry nsninst ,
ti!?i.ui.iif ii.i....a. M' A" 'I' ilVi'.iU
t?.u ...... .t... i.y .".'"' V.".
I'auiasiau, lor tour imiik ami iiioniiy jenr. Kepi un; .
ii-,., ,,i M.,i,. im.,!,i .imii rmietitiitioiial l.ihertv 1 Irine
nt ?i creat pueunl.iry s.iriintc, In New Vork, mid at a I
tnui;, ton, hen it no utlH'r Jii'irmil m keep II cnimu- ,
ny. Ithas nut IhrriToru, been prliit"il im-rs-iy ts
make luc'iiey, but his ihojiiii rather In In; Ui;lil and
""I'tiie ivnpio, ui.m to court tim r.m.r orcii.pio. ami
rich enrporitifns anil In w rong vlth tim
''nvu b'en better f pecuniarily, but it
would have been snilly bankrupt iu prineipu had II
taken any other ennrso. It lines net mean to tun u
competition with flui'ldy Democratic Abolition pa-pi-
rs supported by pilllienl funils robbed I r urn the
people, nml it naru tho masses ttiatllier-! are nimy
iii.catleil Demnnerntle ii'iners enriieed in III ; cnn.niri.
t by to inortK.i-'u llm bones ami smewd of tlio fariniu?
IIIIO linillSirilll ri.l.l". I'J ii'iiHlll"l'irrn "im riiiinoiipir1 i
ami surrender the obi Union and tnu idd Uou litutioii
In Hie loii;Telits. lt, 'liernfore, rails upon all true
men lo by it for another year's light itli the
Anollliouisl-. wmnpnli.t. and public plunderers, 'llio
luy.i'tonlt is now generally reengni.eil Hi, III J
Ijoading Democratic Weekly of tho Coun
try, and lias the
Largest Circulation of any Published, bo
ingtlu only New Vork paper of it class in ule up as
a I'nniil) and Airricu'lurdlJouriml.
Willi rctL nEronTS or ha, tiij sr. MiaKsiw.
Terms Cash in Advance,
On" :opyonc year, 9 C 00
Three i oies one year. 3 50
I'nc copies unn jear, und one to tlic getter
up ortliecliib. 10 00
Tun copies one year, and one to the fotter
up of ilto club, 1 7 ,10
Twenty uipies onu joar, 30 bU
Gold Pen Premiums.
Send for a lperi men copy, anil e thi foil particu
lars I '.he (tol. 1 1' -u Premiums uttered for gel ins up
clulis for Ifi'O.
We employ un travelinrj agents, livery peron who
hates neio eqiiality is authorized and r' 'piloted In
an as ni;eiil and semi on mlctipliniis. Ly-Ad.lress,
giving posl-otlii-e, county ami rotate iu full
van' l'.vr.un:. iioiiton & rn.
T.'o lu-J Nassau Street, York.
Dee. 2, ISOj
The Biagazlac for the Times
Peterson's Magazine
Dounr.c Sized Steel Fashion Plates.
This popular Mncnzinu v. ill ba greatly linprovcil
for Ictiii. It imII conttuii
One Thousand Pages !
Fourteen splendid Steel Plates !
Twelve mammoth Fashion Plates!
Twelve Colored Pattern I
Nine huudrcd Wood Cuts I
Twenty-four Pages of Music !
All thi will lie civen firnnlv Two Dot l.trsa year,
nr n less than Mayuzmu of the ilais cf 1'c
trriin." Im
Thrilling Talcs and Novelettes
Aretlic lies! puliliiiliii.l anywUcri". All tlio inot pnji.
ulur wrili'ia lire iiiiiiloyi'il in write cingili iilly Inr
ri'ti'tsiin." In lt.ii. in nilililinn tn its rnni-il qnnuti
ty nf thorl slnnu., I'mir Uriii.niil l'"iyri!lit Novel
I'ltHWill Ins civrn. I,y Ann ri. l'rank i.oo
l", .-ii ; il i c t ; tlic iiiiilior of 'fimv I.'a Dinry," ninlilio Au
thor nf "Tlic Hccnnil Lift)," 11 :igi pulilisliss
Mammoth Colored Fashion Platei
All end of nil t'tliers. Then; I'lato will I") ongrarnl
mi stcl Twin' thn ujuiil tfi.i', nml ill niiitinii frnni
f.iiir to ix n;iirun. I licy IH Im nin rlily rnlurfil.
Attn, a pmti-i n, frmn n Urcss, Mniililln, nr
( lnltl's Urea iati Iu cm nut, without, thu :,lii nf n
inn, it, 1. 1 nuikcr. Also, page uf Uuutcliolil
una utlior Nt'coipU,
-SS- lt is tlio Beat Lady's Magazino in
the World. Try it for ouu year.
One copy, one year 2 50
Five copies, frr ono year 8 00
Eight copies, for one year. . 12 00
JL'eurlcon cojiici, one yoar 20 00
ritllMIU.MU IOlt OllTTlNO UI CI.UB3:
To cviiv in-rmti ci lti"2 up a cluli i.f live, iisht or
fiii.rlcni. nt llin nlinyp rutrn, a enpy nf tlio Mni.'ii7.iiie
Iur idiu w hi gocu iiraiix. Aiiurun, iuiiaiu
uiMiti.ns i. ri:Ti!ii.-0N,
notil,'hcflniit r-lrsi t. I'lniaili Ipliia.
ITT Hpcriiiicnii i-unt Eratm when n-ut for.
lloci.'; IfuS-at
I . W. Jivmvi, )
J. t.', Fmith, A, M , l
Aim. Cow ley, )
Tirpl Collrjn lluililin?, C'nrnrr Pi 1111 nml fit, Cltlr.Etn.
R, coml ' ' O ld I'l'llowt' lluililini;, .Ith Ht.,
Tlnril " " Niu. '.'0 ami 'J3 Si. Clair Street,
AittuviM roi Tlin wine F.miMi ov;3, 1SC5,
1' t. Ppi cU, I'lusliiui; llol.uont Co., O.
1) HaiiL'l,m-in I'.eil li.tnk I'uin.iru Armstrong Co
II Ii Hags N'W i'liilailelpliiaTitii Cu O
C Clintni. r-'iiinuul Cu O
J N .M.-jrre Ca.j l' I'll
II .M WaaliiiiKtun Wash Oo Pa
A I, Someri Cuyahoga 1'alU Hiituiiiit Co (
J C I'm Iur ma Mt Jai.ksi.n l.awrt'iico Co I'a
A W Irwin Arroyo i:ik Co I'.i
C I, Cuttou ltiiliniiapuliii .Marion Ci InJ
II I. tiihley On ii'lilnii Guunuiy Co O
H Mi lluwell Alt IMriiel KranK Co I'a
(I Heck Jr I'ittany Conlru Co I'a
I II lleck
T II I'rnw Jlcadvillo Crawford Oo Pa
A W Cordon " " ii
J II U'i'ltiiior ConErC8 Waynn Co O
J I! Warner " " "
(! II Clnloril I.ltouler tVint'd Co Pa
J It r-cntt All,,:,,. Alliens Co O
I' IS Jruiitli llrii.'Kipnrtlli'lCriO
II I'. Wadillo I'.I iu lirnvo Ohio Cu U'f.l Vn
li W JlcCullougli lllnomiiig Vnllay Crawford Co
1! W llariuun ii
It M Pipcu Hintu l.lck Ariinlrnnt! Co Pa
J T Cliltun Wnalilmrii Co Wis
H II Ilamoy lllair Cu I'a
0 H llainoy, llldcrsvillo Wnili ao I'a
Por term nn.l infjruulioti coiicoriilns llioColloso,
JeMTIVJ S1.TITII X frtfl'.!
iT1 Z'SSTi 'S'
& ( mt.r lv
ii.b iii iinran ill
AIE 11CJ1A ft VIZ 1 NG
.,,(, j,m new t.Un. Tim credit ,rMcmh
ftnomontiat new itsn. Tim credit tpu
mi Injury tn Lmli Imycr ami nellci, and tin
been n Injury l botlilmyer and llei. audlhcrcroro
topPiMi to open oil tlio 13lli day of tlio month of
lot ember, 13, In
Evor offered in this County consist
ing of every variety and quality of ttaplo
PANSY 6008,
rjrnnnvine. t'Tnrr?
and all sorts of articles kept in a country
Store to lie told
or in exchange for
Tlio whole buiucss to be conducted on
tlio pjntcm of pay as yon jo ; ami at clieapcr mien
than liny other linmn
117" Call and Imlce for yourfelves.
Nov 11, 103.
Fall and Winter
TllC underlined, prntefiil for past patrnnaje, tespec
fullv Informs litscuttinni'rs and t lie I'libticcenerallv
that lie has just received from tin. Ka. tern cities. Ilia
iarfa'31 ami mosi tuicri riCk i
iMliVlkM1 ftv JOJnJUA AASI
That lias yel boi:ii (ipeneil 111 llluoiiisbur
Invites tin-iittcntlou nf his frieiul. an
that they niu oll'eied fur sabs nl (jrcat
loiiishurif, tt, which lie
i, anil assures thctii
i...P.,.ii. Hi.
stock comprises inrgeusnirinieiii nr
' ..,,.:.., ..... . trvAart
Bon...!.. ... ,iy de.
- V, T m V i , i
I.iikI Wale ins ,)mvi'lrv.
orrverydi'crlption, line and elK'.ip.
N. ll.- Ueiiii'iiiliur " l.mrcnbcrs's Uhritv r.mrorhm.'
'call aiulaee. No charge for cxamini; (ii.e,l.
nionimburp Nor, IS, JPilS.
(June IrVt'i
Fall and Wiutoi
Milicr's Store
rpiin s'ibsrriber lias Ju,returneil from lbs Citiu
J. n ilh nuoilier larce nifi scleil nssoruocl of AN!) WIN I Eli GOODS
purehaeil at I'liilae'i-'plilR, nt Ihe Imvcrt liipir", nn.l
in, I, they are deter,,,,,, o ,MI on a, u,o,e,.,. r,,
',;" 'I, '' "'' el-ewhe.e ... Ill,.u,sb.,rg. 111.
L'llill.h IHfss
Jim (.III. IIS. .HM t.llOL l.l.lI.H,
llio.y. ..ii.t. ijtitirs J(iu
rr.ii.-in iv.i it k.
Ji.n-s cars. iVi , .tt.. ft..
In short everytliiu? iisii uly Kept in country ftHres
to whlfll I;.- unite. Hie jiubliV prneralty .
Tile Highest nricr paid lor eotiutry pr'ilui e.
Ulooiiisbiirr, Nov. 51, ItCS.
TTILIj hi- xposrtl t sslf, hy Puhlio
V.'iiilnr, a' 1 1 llntrl of 1 1 1 T iitulcre ijitril. in Uib
villnci' f 1- invil v, 'Julimitn i rount . n,i
F'iday 22. Dm (f December, 1305,
rin f.ill.m inj; il.-. rihoil val'j .hie prnnil rrl'-rl7,
naiui ly ;
New top Buggy, 1 fanry scl Buggy Har
ness, 1 single'set Buugv llaini'ss, 1
double set Trut'k Hainrss, ono
Sjiring Wagon, 1 Sleigh,
Two extra double bar
rel Shot Ci'uus and
1 Smoth-boro
Ono Bar-Rooin Stuvc, and ono Parlor
Four Hogs,
Two larsi .Meat Stand, lo'. vt I.U't Cui. nml a lot
of fivo utnl trtt gallon Kegs
New Carpel, one extension Table, other
i a i, ic, r-iniu.s aim nam iuui, two iIuimi llulri.oiic
n Intnfnin'io. nevcra! Lnnkins ghaiirf., in? with
Ilia entire slnck of hniniiliclil ana litrlicn furniture.
ton liuiurrulla tn iiiclltliili
uy" fait- lu cbiiiuir-iirc at IB A M.. nf jai,l ilnv,
wiipii nin-iiilaiicu will ho jiven hiiiI ronditioiu maiiii
kiiuwn hy
Mninrille, Nov. 23, 'li'i-tn J . U . Ilyer. Auctio nocr
Valuable Kcal Estate.
rpiic undcrs'iRucd, will ofTar for sale, by
fi Pulillr Vendue, on the prcmiics. on
The following dc.cribcd Valuable P.eal ntale, con
eutiu uf
A Farm and Plantation,
Situate in riMilnrrccU tuvviulup Coitimi-iw rouuty,
tuwiiahip Coluinluu (
i it , guiii.tiuiii (tin I'll
'-i k a
Almut Onn llundri'd and Tifty Acroj of whidi Ii
iiuprnved and iu a liijjh Muto ol rultivaiiiin, the bal-
auru la iiinuer inuii.
with rill tlio rc'iuisito out h uldlngs, are erectod upon
aid pri'iuisiij.
r.ircllcnt Meadow with rrpring and VWll of never
falling waVr, near lln; divclliiijja, Alao.a I'OuJ
wllli n miperior site fnr Cii rreeiinu of n (iri.t .Mill,
Inciil.-il u.lung thu uiaiii 1!,M'I and ruhiugcreuk.
riald prnj-crty will ho ilividcd into
or inld tngiMhcrai may best ut tlio purrlinor,
Ci' fuld turniiiuii-uio lit 111 u'clorh. A. .11., on old
day, wh'Mi attJinlaiico will bo given and condition
Hindu Iiiowii by
Nov. IS. I8fl5 1.
C, B, .Erockway,
i& Ij'tT 1ft ei is v a u - il & w
Fpcclal nltcntlon pnliltn nritti-m nrini'gimtlijrtho In
ternal llcvriuic l.aiv..
03" OITICU I'ounh ilo below Aniciicau Hotel,
ui.ooueuu i, Pa
$30,000,000 L O A N
or THE
Rctlblic of Mexico, Coupon Bonds In Sttme
Of 830, 8100 ?.r00 anil 81 ,01).
Principle and Interest Payable in GoLt
10,000,000 to bo Sold at SIXTV
on the DOLLAR,
I'tr Out . In ot Seventeen t'er Cent. In CUIt
ItnNUV, at tlio pretcnlrateofpr-'iniiimoiigciM.
in IT Q Cntftinnxt t tut tIl it I n on IttlArAal irPt't.
run riitar yiiak's ivrnnusr At.nn.vDV riiovi
Immense trade r.f.Mli Iiir tmt Agricultural l.nnds' l'ott lines, Impotts, and Tare n.
tbo tftate of Thniaulipas and San I.ul, 1'ntnji i nil '
I tho Plighted r.iilh nfllio sni 1 States an I the dtnpti'
(ioverriinent are, nil Pledged for tb redemption of
' tlicio Uonds anil paymsnt of Interest.
i Tho Sccua'ily in Araplo.
I in U. H. C'et cy n ill buy a 7 per ct told bond pf f 5'
SG0 '' " " sum
U:ioo " lt " ' rcuo
! smio ' " " si.ooii
Lit every I.nvr of r.'pub kan Institutions liny at
I OxJ liONlh
I'i iculsrs forwarded and pnliicnp tinns tecelvu.! t
JOHN tV, COItl, I1M il.'0, and
J. N- TtPl'r. I'luini-ial Asenl 'I the RcpuM,.
of Mexico, J7 Urondivay. N. V,
Zy Fubbrl.tlnm also lecelveJ by ithtiKe un,'
l!.inkcis Ecu-rally throughout tlie United Stales.
Nov. 'J5, lhli5--0ir.
sn.e.'ioiu viniarv or
, Wn i ol.oe IaivIv,- &r
' n. rj s s J kj I y v 1 i
At, 09 N.t.-Rati Street.
W'e nntv i fT.-r a spti-iiilid variety nflho rlmiresl an I
kct cools on ti riu thai uiulsiili ami will .n,i
' ry bony ; an l iro'irdealliie are not l.ur ami Imn.-t'
, do not patrouir.o us ; and ifoiir foods are nut ns r i.
ir-ruii'ii, hijl-i. iiilm .nit wftviLi, akrt'Kli Toe Til.
I M-!lll.
I COVDi riOXf.
I Twenty thousoiiil articles of goods ari
lor sain at two dollars each cousiitiiiir !
COI.I) W.Vaill'.S. Dll.VniS WA-ITIItS. Silver Ware
And a Cr 'at rarirty t finry pnods and Jenrlir
, ,. ., u ..iu .... , iwriuy in ..
I. Hill. .Kill tWl'lllV ItlitlKli.l ni.ltf,.u n.. I.. .
Iroin one to twenty iiioumml umi mt uu.i si'.ibii'ii
eiop. i nud tboronbly miei, c,n.i ninnijcr ci-r'
st'Oliiiiue with soino Iirl.-ile of eiKiiis Auv m,
i s. minis thirty tent-, an oil tuhire-l tihotor ipli .11
i rereive two i.ftlies lo'tires wnlii.nli punt.,-,, , .,
, .".V.T.r" iorV, ,,e ,loll.,,' "i ra'' o mmI, ."
u u.s ,re to Ih, .,,.,,1. The amclc oi ' . . .
( rrespon,i,a. w ,th ti... ,t i o'.-r on the ncllre, .,
' I r le, mil I,.. n-t on Un r.ceiiii , i;j
i.rarlliill. rfliiro 111, I ... i ,.(,,,,. .
ri ml ilnrir ciitf f,ii an ml cnl.iri-ii I'liui .,.. . ..,
lit '. CuiiUC nr l''.iniy, an, I two i,il.,.
U'lfc ii. i, trial ami w Know )u. u . I .e.i.i hS-m
AiJilru'e all uniurn
iu.l, Xtvr Vo.t,
Nov 55 Y.'-1 mo 8. a li.ivif.
VABClIvKS li ryfi-sV&Jl'jf
l"0,r.t)u WalclirPf ('linin, l,nrknl, liiiiin. I',,' to,
(irt nl Jew. Irv, (Jnlil I'l li., k: ,Vr.
Tn he i1iinf.l i f at 0C llol.t. Ml i-m-h wi:lini:
jr-inl tn valti" nnl in lit- pant Inr until yn'i knuis iv ,,.,i
yuu arn tn r,:riivi;.
It'll ;m, iiniiiin; Cam Watchoj c.h 5'n t , -j'
Sun H.lwr IVntili,'? cailiSJ'ii ,
lti,ii,,il tinlii I'i im ami Kllvsr Warn n.irli ! '
lU.Unn Si tt. L.tilli's' Juwi'liy. (iF.nrtcil) crn-li I In
Anil n l.n;',' a-.9nrliin-iit nf J ,- .-1 r nl ,v-iv
Fcripllun Inr I.tIi s' ami gi'iiK' w, ar. i nrj ins in , .i
Uf frnni .1 in SS.I l-ai II, Tllu mi I hint u i.i.pnsiiii;
Uu-vc pnutU at Oun t Nil In r i-.irli nit f,illnv
I.llli'l'll'l.-ATIIH n.iniinq nil Alll'lrl.l'. m; 1 '.
into arc .'.n'.-il in SUA 1,111) l'.VVi;i.i)ri ami .
munil tillv of lllrti w ill In. hi lit l,y Sail tn .irv a I
ilrons mi rncciit rf i'i ici!. O-.c I't-rtifi 'iil 2oi,-i,h
I'. vn fnr SI. 'I Ii -rn .in iiolll,M;s, nil uiu.i i
llm VAI.I. i: of ji.ui un iiey. Circular itli paiu- i
luii! free, Aililri'fts,
A. J. ti CO
eO Iirnalr.ay New Vork.
N'ir.ll, IPC. -:ii;io;
A Farm at Private Sale.
HPlio uiuli'r-'k'tii'd ofTers to sell tit private
JL naif, n I'.WMI AM) IM. NTATIHV. .I'u.ili- in
lli'inlurl, town. hip. Coliiuibl i cnuuiy, I 'a , nhoi.t tw ,
tinlrs ivrrl uf Ituck llurii, near the Jei cj town ruA.I,
iSeveuty-Threo Acres of Land,
UTiorrorT U crccteil a gnnil
nlarei' Pram" Haul litiin.nml unit able out-Liiililingj.
tojctlor Willi a i;,iuj
I'ur fill Hit partirulara. oniuiro of Un nubicriher, at
liuuiiint' anil, ou inn uiaiii ro.iu.
J. II.
Vnv. H. p-.j-Hnin S3
Notice and Caution.
rPlin undersigned having purchased, at
.ft . lirrin"'ii H..le, nu Aluuday, lliu 11th ol Nnveiii-in-r,
l-M, a.i tlio prnpnuy n Jnrh liaiip, of maii?,i
lu p., Cnlunibla rnuiuy, llio fulloHing iliecrlb-il per
ruual propeny, viz :
one Con', two ynnns Cattle t.rec Ilora,nna tnnhorf
Wagnn, n.,c fl'il. niu- n i nf I arncas, on c Plow nnd
Harrow, -.'uo lititlii'lj of Com, (mure nr Icm), fitly
liiir-h'.'ls nf Oats, M hu-liols nf Kyi-, ;ij ImIi.-b nl'
Wheal ono Inn ft' Hay, In luli. of Potatoes, I Pirn
mug .Mill. Willi.') ,ici,' if U heal ami .Inrri's nf Ityu in
Hi- ground, iui'luding In- hnimclinld and kitchen far
mi lire gvi-.i tally i.ll ufwlm Ii hu iias left in ill,! liauda
of the said J.ic. h liuup, .luring hi. plw mire, and here
by publi. ly cautinn all pLraniiB au.iin.t nieddling, or
in anynno iiiterfeinis with al their peril.
Orang-villo, Nov. 11, lefi3 -3iv S
Executor's Sale.
yiLI. ho exposed to sale, by Public
" Veniluc, on tl.oprcniUcs, on
Saturday JJccmbtr the. 2d, 1805,
Tho following di-aerilied T.nctJ of hand, lalo tin r-tat-)
nl" lieu. I,.iiit'eub, r;cr, of Alain twp,, Cnlunibla
cnuuiy ili c'd., nuiiii'ly :
OnuTiactnf l.iinl niuato in Mam towiuliip an.'
county nloiiiaid, luuiaiiiin
adjoining laudi rf Win Longi'iilicrgrr, I'iiiUp Alilltr.
and (-llio , nf u Inch aboul Uty ac.iiB nro tlearud,
Al.rjy. one utherTr.icl of l.iiil, iiiuta In .Main twp,
containing nhmii
nil wnnd land, mljoinlng lanila of Piiillp Miller, Jar
MrAlarney und uthrr. ALSO, another tract olf
situate in Mifflin twpnu,t icuiuiy aforcicid, coittam-
Inj TllUP.n Al.'ltns, ailjulniiig land tf Tlioa. Ale.
;u i . t , . 1 1 u r a .
U.- Halu to coniuiunco at IlloVlo'k A. M., of tali!
lay, wlii-ii ittleudaiico will Im nail coudillwia
injduKuutMi by
H .Al. I.UMlliMII,
JAMP.S AlcM.AIi.S'l'.y,
Nov. H, 1SI5.5-U
; nxr'.
AIIIOAI.I A AI.UU.M I'll ri'l'.L'ii. - s.'lin. n
i-try low pin i fir tali W t; Pl!ltU
MmclU IWJ f. ,if fcl.atf ft,