Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 02, 1865, Image 1

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    mSerttMtiMinii rum..iu. miiawi ii-jiiiiiwjuwimiw
)iiimwmrirjiia,nMnjiijiuju ii it iiiimij.ii sun
Vol. ia no. 40.
By virtuo of onvcval writs of vontliiioni
exponas aiiit Levari l'nclc.3, In tnu directed. Is
tueil out (.1 1 tio Court of Ooi.j iion I'loas or ('ulunrbln
county, will In cxpo,tdto utlilir tnlr, al the cnilliT
llOIiJii:, In 111 .(.i.uluiri;, on MO'.'DAV. THU 4 i ll )l'
DECEMHLR nt 1 o'clnit; l;i t lie afternoon ol said
day, lln followrng rnal eitaic to w it
A certain tract or lot of ground rdttnte In Grffn
svood township, Columbia co .contain lut! 7TJV ACIiUS
mora nr less fiminilcd n'i rnlln-vs : adjoining of
Jacob (ferrari, Isaac leuiit, Willi mi Mather, nnd oth
ers, whereon r.rc elected a Grlit Mill, n etury tl,,, a
half Frame JIjusu, olid two Etttlcs, with tha apput.
One other lot of ground, r-ltuntu In the enmity and
township coiinming TWO ACItLa nnd
twenty twn p-rches more or lets, adjoining londi of
widow Conner, Jacol) Uortard and othcri, with the
One mhor lot of ctcuml til'iMs In the county and
towtnhlp afo'renid, containi.13 ONI! ACRF. more or
less, mljulnini! lands cf Joseph n, Patton .Henry Stout,
llphrnim I'url.s nml Mhnrs, whereon aru erue'od a
utory and n half Prams Untiling House, and I tame
Btshlf, with thi at purti nances.
A lot of ground situato in tho villa;o of r.nhrshitrr,
Greenwood township, contnilil.ig ON'F. FOURTH 01'
AN' Ai 'ltl'. more or ler. bounded liy late of th
ilifciiJant and others, with the apputlciiaiucs.
One oth"r lot situate in the iHago of I'.nhrsbtirg, co.
nl townrhip nfoipsald, lonlaming FUHTY TWO
l'llIICIl Et3. adjoining limls of l! A: I!, (i, Nickels,
whereon are vruttcd n story and a huf dwelling h'jase
"kJ frame stable, i. ith the appurtenances.
'On ether lo. nf gro'in I titu.iti In thi villacs of
Jlohr'dr.irg, known a, the Imrnt lot,"' 10R
TY MN'li I llUCIIlltS, mnri! or less, bnuu b'd on iho
west I))' Main i tret l' on Hie unlit by Mum itreet. on
the east b lut I t' of .innii's Lemon, on thu sudlh by
lot of Trailed ftoe, with the appurtenances.
One other lot situate in the village of Koh.-sburg, en ,
cml towiihlnp .ilf.r.'sai.l, coniaiiiiii; tnrnty-one nut1
one lenlli H;rch'f., he t-anio more or le,5, ni.joini; I'iihis
of llonerl stout, und othcri, Hheron ertietl a
Horj and a Ii ilf Ir.uiu lnmj.j and IrJiiio stable, with
the aipurlcnaiKet,
On? nthn Inct rf iituit, part in rialiUlin
t'wnMp licimidf: (ttnnly, ru p.irt i'i Mnitimn
InvMislifi), l.'aluuitiKi cojnty, cnnt.iiinii,: one tmurirud
and ten acri'sr.nd u.h1 hiiinlrt'd and intlv'i'itlii c umre
nr leu, iijoi riliiu UikIh nf John I'ox, Margunt Mont
flunnrr t ;n t l'l:it nuiinnil otlior1, uhervuti uru
t-recU'd a frnmo l vvulliiig huuao nnd dauisj (jam, ith
ths npiurtt.iiiMirca,
Si-li'd tuki'ii in rscfutifjn an! to bo eotj rs tn '
,jrM'rli t V lUuti Ajjjr.
Th" frllow ini drr!!jrd rr;.letnte riuato in the
Inn iuIiii. ofSci.U. in tin' county of Cuiilnihla. the firat
pirt llii'renf cint.iiuliii; i-'ifiy Acres ani nine pari hi of
I lid, more or ;, oiujt.n.'j anu nescrin'unK lonows :
on tint ni'th by I md of P. ter htlnrr mill John lint on
tilt-South bv land 01 Saiuin-i McilKk. on the l!..t b
piililic road; fc ,n l.iyln t'tn-ei to tjrangi'Wlle,
noil on the ivi'flLv mud of J, Whr,i mid ( l.ii'ii,,v here
on arc er.-ct d n I U'li.T.e, n CnH .Mill, n nioiy fraim'
1,.,'riliii; house, ati'mic Lira, five ouo btory ,iv,l1!iii
l-'i'isea and tt'e
'1 iir ki cmul III r '"f alio in the nn. Imp, nfp.'o't
enii t.uiuni: Sevi'i t--" n .Rins an.l f .nr parch f t, slm t
i.ieaiire. louiide ' .in I i! 'srnb'-n at lotlowh : (In the
north by land of J 'liu WIm.', on the i'Jl by lud tf
t ninutl I, lli't1 b'.
'J'h" Thir.1 t'nTof fituateiu the t"nni.iip ofMnimi
I'.eaitaut. coiinl; i tur ninl. toi.tnuin tour'". and
rixy'' lunie or le! b it'".l on th'i nor'h
i,y .i ta -t Joliu U Pile, on tli r.,i,ti b land of J.n.'i
W'lni. ou fie i .ut li" lainl of I'et. r .-'chup. and Juln.
Wliiu-, fii tilt l. Mid. ol J n i lute
Tlie roiirtli ih rc l b' mi; al that Inu ttory Ptniu.:
F'ori' pud M.ue 1! tu. ami lot ol rio.iud, iuit' i.i
lllliMrctl i h;i I,. ..f"i i'i ni.l. bou n It d on Ih i n't by
.publi, roau I.; fi"ln I.ielit t-tti-.'l to llrnnfi'Ullc,
.ni the v -.1 Iv 1'iiul Ute i f t'L'.i cl 1,. Ilt'llle, on the
noiih by an :i ll.-y and and on the m ith by a lot uo.v
. r 1 t. ot 'i ' baiinuii. an I r i.,irt''B rh union, b in'
lot ,.) It in tlii'pl.lll of in vllll.v of l.i.tht Klnet,
'1','. "ifi.i I., i ip :il' lb it lerfun It t 1 1 eround Ml'ial.'
I.i Lilit rftri'i'l nfoi -mi I. continuity hui fet'l front
mm "lie Imiidr -J and lilt f.'Ol ill tl"-, lb .lid Nn. 4 in
the pi. ni of a. titl l.ifbt Sin et. Iwiiiiili'il on tli.i at by
i mil ...oil ij: r r l.'flit MKi'l l lUM'lZL'tille, on th J
. fft bv land Ij'.j ol lUm il llotiln, on tin: eouth by an
i!-yiiii 1 rn Ih n.-rlli by In. I i. iw or I ith of one
Johnit"! bavin, it el '! lit-run n 'tnry l-'rani,-liw.llnu
House, and IV. J story fi'luis Ltsle. i.r.h
uppur. n...i. e i.
!.tr'.l taLfti iM'rr:i n r.iJ to ba so.u ts ik
pr nerty ol .-an.utl U U I1'''.
.II thai c-rtiln -r pi -co p. Iisd rit'ialc in
Jjcbsnn tvp., l-'oluu.bia coiii'ty, containing Ili'l.
AL I'.l'.S and allo'.va it" e . houndo.l .ml ties, ribud nj
f ill H i' U' i.'.t : on tils urrth by l.t.i n of Wilson I'.nb-
rm and Sila Mill'Tiry, on the ninth l.y l.intlf f Isaac
J.enu au.l (It... Hurl. man. cn tl.f cast by lunls of
I uinufl PoLrls an 1 lldnaid ,M"llcnry i nd on the
wci.1 by li.irlirrf.intMel Iiob"rt3. Hhereivi arc cra-tcd
a one and. I.'i!.' n ry f.ant: il'.Tcli.nj liou'.e, a U'S
table, milit.'iu appiirteiutiie'.
fcViieil. 1 1' t i'i i leculi jn utid t j la Bold sa tin.
pi'jpeity ol John Uulertn.
A crlMn Ira'.' or piece of laud ctuite in l.ic'.ist
l.twiHlnp t'. I . co., containing three hundred mid fi'ty
litres iiimu or i'i.. liouniled and dt scribe 1 as. fo'low
ln tht! wctt by land r.f Ji In: Ili'ler, i o-l otliers on t'tc
north by lind or Mr. Ililei. on tlui-ajt by I in.l of Cm
KreilitT tind f tlierrt.on lh hi ith bj btudti nf Jouo
llun Ili'.iclanJ, nhort'Oii h rixtf.l a l.'h trcoal 1'ur
unci', ii"U"'. "a" null, btore h.i'ii.0, hix ilr.'clliu'!
iiniiin'i bam and si Pile, nln a larira bjrn and iifl
ling ho He on auolhur pari of a.ui tarm. Willi the ap
iiail. naiiGi'S , ,, ,,
fi-izi'd. tnhen in execution and to bo iold an Ilia
propeny cfriamuci Ii. Ivlni'.r.
AH that certain ineniuace. tenement end tract or
lantl in l.'Htikt twp Coluin'.il.i co . bnnn.leil and d .'
rcribt'd t.i fnl'tiw ' I'l'iiiumm: M n wine oac trio
lorui'r.lhencjali.'iu! lainl of Jacob l.llu ard I.frib.
iiorlluhr--nuirtei ihvrecs i list, i ifbty live perches
lo a iion , i.ieitc tlous land ol l.i oja.inii naK'ier.
vm thirty four pcr'-h.'t to " ttnn-. thfiif" b land or
l'redertrk ril:''- main llirt-o .prter inerecj west,
f-v-'il') ri?hi p-rthe- ami f.v. t.i.tltito a t"iii;, from
th-n'o nltnii! lund of Uarar., twenti nine decrees
wen thirtv ni pirt'lus und eight futlis lu a pos..
thence alons land of Jrc'di Idler, north Ally nine anil
me murler tlt'irreea woil to en apple Ircu. from theiicc
Boutli west I'liht penlie. ti. the Hate of bt B.nniiip,
comaicing twenty five acres and forty onu petcbe.,
""fcli'idV wKcn l -x-.cutien and t be lold a, the
ptopcrty ofi 1 aiks WiIIi iuh
A cprlain tract or picco of laml, sit-
uale in 1'iue township Cniuuibia county, cjhi.u hhk
twenty one acrcn mere nr lofct. of uniniproi ed laud
bounded and desciibe 1 in fed or. s. tn wit : On lilt' houtli
t? lauds of iieed and Mu-tern. on Hie w eit by liind of
Ll'a llunja i the nolh by lands of lluinuel Uofart,
nndon ti esa-tby lauds of JacoliCliauiwiliu.
SfUed. lal.en in cocution an.1 to b sold as the
Itoperlyof William II, riiimberlin,
A certain lo' of ground situate in tho
borouith of VerwicU. being in front SO fei t, and 1 1 I
feet in depth, bounded ami dtscnb.d f'"v VVr t
in the south by Third htrect. on ha wet by lo , ol M
tv Jatk.on. on the north by an Alley and tl e ca b
ot of Ii I' Ha'"' " loch are ert iied a two nory
iame dclnni.' house, with the ?V!'"1rc,'!n"k-
rJeiiJd. tukcu In execution and to be itld ai
raropertr " Aasmius Uchuall.
ho north by lands of John Whltp. on the so ith l.y
land f John White nnd Inn I heretofore of S I, Itctilo
and on the earthy laiuls of John White, Jnlin I'.nl nnd
l.inda latu ora.un'if I 1, lleltlc. Tliu ihl id theteof ,liu .
ate In the township of Mt. Pleasant In the enmity
nlnrrsaid, contain i ri,T I our ncres unit lty six p.-rcii.
i' moil! or l"s,nll ol U improved b mndc d on
the noith by laml of John Wnlta.on Hie soufi by inn I
of John Whli.' and on the west ,y 1Ml ,,f j vv,lt0
itinl on Iho cast by laud of IVter Sclius and John lint.
it ho fonilh thereof beiiiR all that certain two story
I rami! tloro and stnrn hour, tin 1 lot ol ground situate
in I .ht tflroei, in the tv.p. ofScnti nnd tuJnty nftw
i.iid bounded on tin) cast by Iho road ltMillny from
Lll'litflrcet lo Oinnfevillo nn the west by lauds of
annuel I, lleltlo, on tho north by an alley, mnt on the
cm,: Ii by lot now or Into of Win andi.'hnrlps tllunnnn,
bfiiif! ,i lot tunubTed Ihreo In the plan of tho vill,i(;e
ol l.ijhtsticet. 'Iln linh lliereofb. nig nil that cur
tulu lot of croutu rituatB In l.ljl.t ftree, i.i tin tp .
of fc'colt. ami county hfoi' sa Id, sixty ful, rue bun Ir.m ami ii'J foot depth ami liuuiui rlxj
foitfiti th.) plan cr I.igln Hirect, .''Ouiidud on tin tail
by the rn id linilitig Irmn I.tjlit r-irccl !o (Jraiigevil le,
on the wi ttby ijniit laio ol rtainui.l 1, tattle, on iho
louih by uu nllcy, anJ on the north by laud now or
lain olone Juliiison, liatlnj cr.'.rted th.'reon n two
tm.y train" statij ami also u two story I rani! litvol
llnri lloaio,
rJciied, taken in execution ntul to ho mlj gi thi
property of Samuel 1, licitli) and Jlary IhUlJ.
his wifj in tlio hands uf Win tl ivoons. a'linlnlstrals'f
wlih tho will annexed, of thu tuld .Mary 11 lkttls, do
Eli9rliTs Otncu, I BKorlff.
Illoonirburg, Novcmbar !, 18C3.
Co uri Pro clam alio n ,
W!ir.i;7-,..f, th liov. William IIlwfu, Proi-hlt'iit
Jitdyc dl'tliu Court ol Oyer nnd Terminer nnd On Juil ili'ljvi'ry, Com t ul Uuartcr Hi-smiiIIs of t fin
tVat-u an.i Court of ('unuiioii IMcih und Ordi;m'a Court,
in tlit? 2.lli Judirtnl DistriU, t-onipnvtMl ol tlu1 counties
of On'umhin.i'utlhi.ii ,-iuil Wjoinint', nnd th.1 Hon, John
AritoiMiliNA tftcpliPii l(iiItIy,Aoc,iEil"JntlL'u.sot Cidum
Lia count Vthnvo is'iivdllii'ir prft--it. Iic.irlii!il:itc the 2,
liny of M iy i i lii j ui our huni onu tliout-un.4 eight
IiMitdrud mid sill tivu nad to int oiirctd for tioliIini;n
Court ol rr nn ! '.Wml.' r .i.i.l (Ji Jail drlivery
(I'MU'r'il Uirni i i-l vsloiiu of tli I'nm e, Common L'kas
rniMlrplian's loiirt. in IMoonHtur,?, i'i ihu county nf
Coltmi .in on tin fir tMonrfnv, (lui.ig tlio 4tli day) or
Dui. lierl, t ronlinuu oui: uurk.
Not lc is linr'hy yivcn, to tliu (Coroner, the Juticc
of (lio IVate and Cuiibtahl a id' the b.ud county of Col.
ninbia th;it llt"j bo tiKii and llfio in their proper per'
mhis .t id v'i lock in liiO forenoon of 'Mi t day m ith their
r''i.oidg, ii:i,iti'U,.. aiili rther ri!iurud)ran(.e to do
tliose tliiiij-y Inch to their olhu't- app il.uu tn huiioue.
And tlio.Ni: that art; l.ound by 101 o-jutzanco, tnproecutu
a;';iiiibl the pnsuhrr that ar or may b- m tlio Jail of
Mid count) uf ' I itmTj ia to Ua thtm and there to proi
eute tiien. ui tvhah bujust. Jurors nro re-pi 'Sli'ii lo lie
punctu'u in uiuii aiicnuanc, njjreeaijiv in uuir nmicfs.
iMiennt liiooinsmirji, ma .mm nay 01 ucu
in thu year nt out l.'Ti one thousand cijihl
huiidir-d and h tlvtour. dud in the ei'Mv
nli. Hi yMr ofttiu tndfpt-'ndeiici: of the United Staves
ol'AmuKa. ( God save uil (?cMvin:FAi;ni. )
AsMULL WW lt;U, bherifl.
rioorn'litir. Nov. 4, lduC.
Sdcct JJoclrg.
A Slight Drawback.
Eneliantlng girl I thy form so fair
In playful dreams around me dances
They smile m bright, so free from care,
Thy dimpled theck ,thy Jet black hair,
My haart entrances.
But. oh 1 those eyes, those lovely eyes,
With Joy and innocence still gleaming 1
The winged light scarce swifter flies
Than do thu glances fiomlhoie eyes !
With pleasure beaming.
I'd won thee, maiden, were tt not
That wooing thee might prove beivlldcrln,'
I'd woo thee, maiden, were it not
J'or this one thlni wire 1'vk oot,
And sit svull imildiic.
G' and Jurors for Dec Turn. 1S05.
flennn Anpli'inan.
Uriarcreek Mepht n Michael.
Por. llerwlch-l'.iul Kirkendall.
Heaver liclier.
I rutin-John J ll.lgeubdrh
Ili'iuloel. -.Matlnas Appleinan. David Armstrong.
I.cub 'ii lioiarl
J.ul in Jnu Mcllcnri, Jr., l'.lislia I'.obbnis, Irani
.Moiitnur-l.lovil raxton, fSaruu.'l (Jiper
.M,iiiijoii-t.lish'i il llaitui.iu, Allan tVatinn.
M.iiui'J'iiiii A t-liuiu.iu.
tirangc .M I llui hunt. John Megaruel,
Eccilt -Tlio.1 W I' Jacob Kuln r, Jacob Clussen
tl.itai luaf u.ivi il Lewi-, a iiiiujI I'nti
rnosi Tits our.Y or a xititcTtvi,
Tiavus Jators jot Ucc. Tenn, ld05.
P.eavt'r- Andrew 3htiuiau. Jn'iii Shuman.
I'.enlnii -I'lnlm fliultz lli'ii) lioi.ll, Abraham Young
llriarcini'K- in ury iiuui'.ijii
lllo.ihl -Henry Oh!.
('.it iv 11 1 1 ati.'T i:iini. Jnn Ilitcr.
I.'fiit,f IM"r IK'ltiui!, li :d Low, Stephen Ilutton,
Henri n 'i. t.
t'uiiytigtriiti I' It Woblf.T'h.
l'raiiK.111 Jt s.' Mfiisih, Ja Ssnn Cleaver,
l'lflinv re -I. I'll irle. Ash. .iri.isl Yost,
CTii-euwn.i'i Ihumut'l Un ni"r. ttoberl Uobbins,
Ja-:ah ...i'. Jnn I f t It, 'A in I.jor.'i. l. -J.i ob l.'arrK lleiiben II Ouild.
Jac' stil -llerv I, ilrl..'Uii'.u .
I.o.uti- Aar. 11 1 ewi., P.l.T Ditncr, Wesley Perry
Hiram ivi, I'.'H'r bwiink.
iMoiilnur ll.iiiifl KasbiKr, John Hi 'I'.cilck,
Main. 1- Dauit'l Misd.
H idi-tnu tVin Ilreanier.
Oran.'i' John I'lsher, Cyrus McIIcmy, Cotnclius
rci'.M anrtt'i i;v r u.
i:oari,.iir 1 K -John 1) Merars, I'eter flearhart It tin P s. H mu o-l lla-n tt.
ty.iiluat - I'lnlip IJ-'rr. liforie Moore.
Semi Win U.irr.jnn lilt is liruiu, W.11 M Cut.
List ofl'r.HSfS for St r-'.. Tcnsi tSS.")
1 I'.liiah Mc.Mnrttio endorsee or Aaron Woll vs Chris
ti:.n W'f
2 J.i.'.ib ll-'risvs I'd' r 'aenby.
3 Iti's el 1' tUnttiT. is Win Ihfl.T.
4 J-.'oli llutli- I'.us. Jt S'i' llut'k.
5 Jon 13 I'tilir.iiwijr jr i L'l'uuucl Aehton.
I' llu;h "Ic'tey nobi-i !': I'elt r llliph iiit
" Ani'i3 V C'li'aiur r vs Huoi li Howell.
I A.ut'i- W iJrii..ut r is Mm .li Utiwoll.
II J..c -b t-li'.inan 1 s I'i tnti nis 11, lilroa 1 Company.
III II I' lifl',e.Ttl If (.'en l'l.'1'T'..l, lt.ll.
II Ctti A Hi rrnifi la P' t :r Milb r
I'i A:". in llli onus i:-ul.i:i Siller
I'I Jihn Mitli'itl j., is John UhI.ihI, tr
14 Cui'i nonwt'iiltli of IVnna at Ilia Itidatinn of lllrani
li Kline et nl vs Wesb'.v llowiuanit al
ID Jaiob Iteinley vs t.'alt.iw 1 s ;i 11 U Co
III Ib'iijauiin WiTtnian vs 11 A Wi.liams
17 A.I-1.1 liitteriih v Jeri'ini'ih .!i 1 obv
IfSi'ld.en lialdy vs l,'aitawn,-a Williamspoit & It V. i;o
19 Un h.ii'1 M.irjnn t.y her n;l fried Win 11 Iloaj-
l.tml i . Kill .irtl ilor(!Jti
CO W1.1 l.nneeub -rr;er A. J'is. M:l.iruj' I.t'r of
lie. 1 l,iiiiauiilierg r det'd. is llngli W .Uilioj-
i.i I Is el f I.
ill W in I, I ,:'o ' s Marmot! rrnv.'ling.
Win I. I.auu' is I ho, i.'reti'ling et a
'.'.t I'.iiiiii, liitiuui I ft Co. is K11U.
ill Aun.i llnbara llei.iiiuilitr. vs Henry OeighmilliT
SJ A Iniiiiiflrallura of Jtjiph I'axton. dec' J vs Win
1, I, line.
SJ In uilurl. tv.' p . 13 K'irs VI t rick
A certain lot or picoa of i-rouDil tituato
in the village ol Centralis, Columbia co. bnundod and
l1 i..b. r.,iinU J (in iho Foul 1 tiv Alt. Cniiuc
Hlreel, on Hie west Ly lands ofUtnri'ty, on tho no,tli
l,v lam . t f I'atri'.k iionncuy, nun 011 1110 i nn
4.!a. . .,,., .,-, iv. 1 .11 Irnnt nml I'JJ feet deep,
whsre'ou 13 cin'eil n story und n liulf dwi lling linuse,
slauehler lousa una itii " i'i" '.""-",,
r-'efjed.takiuuicxecuiionnud W bo fold c lh
properly oI'JjcjU llmo.
All tlo followlns ikForibod mcfsuagep,
lots and trncls orund, f tuateinino rouui) i.iu......
.V'.' " " e- of and more or less
. i : ...r i.,i,..i as fmiows : on
?l e nnrl h l'y landsof l'clcr'? and Jim Hut. on the
Vou.h by lainl of .-tunnel Mt Hick, on l m eas l,y 1 10
tiub If rnau eat ing innu Lia" - ,:.
'..'.ii....,., 1,; ,.r John W hue and otliers, 01
yUUU are ereued 11 fu.naco rl. "". j;
V "Z ' S,; I ; ami a su.le'.' The Secmil
Ihertol situatu in tha said tP "ff ott the "Uii y
..f 1. u .r.,. ... ,,,1 rni.iiiinuie 17 litre and lour
i.fcli.. strict tngjsutc. snd boumied follows on
tl'J J) Ofi'S' A P I'll A ISMJL TS.
Notics of Confirmation.
nrhe folio wing appraisim-nts of real and
2 pirsoual propi-rly M'tap-ut to Widows of 1):s:e.
dt nls h ive bt'itn tiled in the uihce of t lie Register of
Cnliiuibia county, uu.l r Hie lidles of Omit, and wnl
be pr 's 'liU'd fur nbtolute cuil'iriiiiitinn, to the Ur' Court In be held 111 Itl.ioiusbiirK. In and lor
Van! riiiniv. on WUAUrDAV J UU Uh DA V lit'
I'l'.cliMliilll. A. Il . Juj, at " o'clJik tn Ibo aftr
iinon of ..nd dai ; mill's ex.'cpti us tn such lonliriua-
links art (tri vi'iuiij ui.-'ti , 01 wuiiu uu itpsuiis in-
, -t -tl in 1 1. l ' tnfs 111 time ti'ttit-.j
1. " Widow id John stager, sen , ol I ocut, filed 2d
An". Isl 5
2. Within of John Walter ef Locust, filed 11th A ig.
1 .o.
3. Widow of Wm. Hoffman, of Oentro, filed '."Jd
1- Wido.'v of llcnry l.tiron, of I'.riarc tck, filed
.'3d All?. Icb'J
S. 'it'nw of Archibald PuUcrson, of (.reenwooj,
111.1,1 !UI At,.,
n Wid.iu ol w'n'i P. fchaiiiion, of fcolt. filed 1st
7, UtJow o. ti.orgc Lotigenberjer, of -Maine, filed
8. Wi'dow'o'r's'aiiiutl I'arks. Kugarlnaf, filed Idlh of
il"pt ledj
'J. Widuw of Suloinon Strojp. of.MaJisou. filed 21st
Hi'ut lt'l'.5. . , ,
10. Widow of N, T. rcnnlnsioii of Tlsh inscrcek,
filed 3d Oct. ltH.S . , , .
11. Widuw of James W Kilclien. of Sugarloaf, filled
I blh Oct l"l'.5. , ,. ,
12. ViiUw of liuiiiil G tut, of Scott, fiied 20m Oct.
lM john 0, ri'.i'.uzE,
register's Office. j Hcgislcr. Nov, 11. 15(15, J
During the year of 13-17 Iho West was
flooded with a ooui'tcrlleit coin, It was
so well manufactured that it passed rcadi-
Tho evil at last bceamo so great that
tho United States authorities requested
that a skiful detebliVe uiij-ht bo sent to
ferret out tho nest of coiners. I was iixetl
upon to perform that duty.
I had nothing to guide me. The fact,
however, that Chicago was the city where
the counterfeit coin was most abundant,
led me to suspect that tha manufactory
was somewhere within its limits. Il was,
therefore, to the capital of the West that
I proceeded. I 'spent live weeks in the
oity witheut gaining the slighte-st oluo to
the counterfeiters.
1 began to grow dieouraged, and really
thoupht I 6hou'd bo obliged to return
home without having achieved any result.
One day 1 received a letter from my wile
requesting mo to Fend souic money, as
she was out of funds. I went to the hank
aud aked for a drult, at the ehiiio lime
bunding a turn of money to p iy for it, iu
ivhi h there were several half dollars. The
clerk pushed three of ihetn back to me,
saving, "countci feit.'
'What 1" said I, "you don't mean to
tell mo those half dollars aro counterfeit!"
'I do,"
"Are j ou certain I"
''Perfectly certain. They arc remark
ably executed, but aro deficient in weight,
Sec for yoursslf."
Ar.d he placed one of them in the bal
anco against a genuine half dollar, a.ul
the latter brought up the former.
''This is the best counterfeit coin I ever
saw in my lite,'" I excltimed, examining
them cluselv. "Is all tho counterfeit
tuouey in circulation, hero of the same
character a3 this ! '
"0 dear, no," iho clerk replied, "it i
not nenriy so we'll duue. These are the
work of the fatuous New York counter
ft'itcr, Ned Willoit. I know them well
far I havo handled a great iiiauy in ui)
time. Here is some of tho money that i
circulating here," he added, taking half
dollars from tho drawer. "You see that
the milling is not to well done as Ned
Villctt's although this is pretty good too."
I compared the two and fouud that he
was right. I supplied the place of the
threw counterfeiters with good coin, aud
returned the former to my pocket.
A few days after this I reeeivoJ infor
mation which cauesed me lo take a jour
ucytoasmall village about thirty miles
i'ltim Chicago. I arrived thcro at night
Rud took up my quarters at ihc only tav
ern in the place, It was a wretched
dwelling, and kept by an old man and a
woman, the surliest couple, I think, it
has ever been my lot lo meet. In answor
lo whether I could havo lodging there that
night I noticed the host gave a particular
look at his wife, and after tome whisper
ing, 1 was informed in the most ungra
sound reached toy car, It wax a bcautU
ful moonlight night, so bright that 1 could
sec to read tho smallest print.
At last I began to grow weary, and
throwing myself on my pallet, I was booh
plunged in deep slumber. How long I
slept I know not, but I was awakenod by
a dull sound, which resembled some ono
hammering in tho distance. Isupposo it
was tho peculiarity of the sound which
awoko mo, for it was by no means loud,
but conveyed to inc the idea of somo one'
striking iron with a muffled hamiuor. 1
roso from my bed aud went to tho window.
The moon was now in the western hori
zon, by which fact I knew that it must bo
near in or mug. The sound 1 bad bclore
referred to reached ma more distinctly
than when in the back part of the cham
ber. It appeared to come from somo out.
houses Which were situated a hundred
yards from the house.
Now I am naturally of an inquiring
mind, and this sound, occurring :ta it did
in lue diiuuic ol tlio mglit, piqued my cu
riosity, and I felt au irrepressible desire to
and dircover ihc cause of it. This dosire,
as the sound continued, grew upon me
with such intensity, that I resolved to
gratify it at any price,
1 put cn my boots, iho only artio'o of
attire I had discarded, and cautiously
opened the door o( my chamber and noiso
lessly descended the rickety staircase. A
few steps brought ino into ihc lower apart
ment, which I fouud entirely deserted. I
crept quietly to tho window, and unfast
ening it without making the slightest noise,
was soon in tho moonlight.
Not u soul was v'uable, but the sound 1
have meutioncd grew much more distinct
as I approached the place from whence it
proceeded. At last 1 found niyscll before
a long, low building, through tho crevice
of whicii I could perceive a larid glare is.
suing. I stooped down aud peeped through
the key hole, aud to my extreme surprise
I saw half e.dosen men, with their coats
oft' aud sleeves up, performing a variety
of t-trango occupation. Some were work
iug ul a forge, others were superintending
tho c.'sting of moulds and eoiuo were en
gaged iu tho pruccss of mining coin. In
moment tlio whole truth burst upon mo.
Here was the gang of counterfeiters I was
in search ol, aud the landlord and his
wife oviibntly bjlong?d to the san o hand,
lor iu one corner I porceived them em
ployed, thu wen polishing off sonic half
dollar pii'ce?, and tho woman was packing
the Guhlud coin into rolls.
1 had set'ti enough and was about tore
Hint to my npartinutit, when 1 suddenly
felt a In'avy hand pluoed on my hhoiild r,
and turning my hi atl around, to my hor
ror I ou ii d albeit in the grasp of as ill
looking a tcoundrel as cvei escaped thu
"What aro you doing hero, my good
fellow !" he exclaimed giving mo a shake.
'Taking a stroll by iujoo ight," I re
plied, endeavoring to retain my compo
sure. "Well, porbaps you will just take a
stroll inside, will you ?" returned the ruf
fiau, ( ushiug open the door, aud dtag.
ging me in after him.
All the inmates of the barn immediate
ly stopped work aud rushed towaid us
when ihey saw me,
'Why, what's all this '.' they exclaim
ed, 'A loafer I found pecpiu' outside,' said
my captor.
IIo's a traveler that camo to tho tavern
lat.1 night and asked for lodging ; the last
I saw of him he was safe iu bed,' said tho
The men withdrew to a corner of the
apaitment, leaving ono to keep guard over
1 butsi into u violent fit of laughter, in
fact it was hytorical,but they did not know
it. They looked at otic anothor in amazo
nient. 4 Well j ho takes it mighty cool, anyhow,'
said onci
'Supposa ho don't think wo aro in earn
est,' said another.
'Come, strangpr, you had better say
your prayers,' said tho man who had first
spoken, 'time Hies.'
iMy only reply Was a fit of laughter
more violent than the firt.
'Tho man's mad,' they exclaimed.
'Or drunk,' said some
'Well, hoys,' oiied I speaking for the
first time, 'ihis is the best joke I havo ever
seen. What, hang a pal V
'A pal you a pal V
'1 ain't Dothin' else,' waB my elegant
' What is your iiamo I'
'Did ou ever hear of Ned Willctt V I
lou may he certaiu of that. Ain't ho
at the head of our profession I'
'Well, then, Tin Ned.'
'You Ned Willott?' they all exclaimed.
'You may bet your lifo ou that,' I re
turned, swaggering up to tho corner where
I had sccu the old woman counting and
packing the couutcifeit half dollars.
Fortune favored me. None of tho men
present had ever sjen Ned Willctt, al
though his reputaiion was well known to
them, and my swaggering, insolent ni an-
uer had somewhat thrown them off their
guard, yet I could plainly see that their
loubts wore not all removed.
'And you call thc.-c ihiugs well dono,do
you '(' 1 asked taking up a roll of the
tuonoy 'Well, all 1 havo to say is that if
you can't do better than this, you had bet
tcr shut up shop, that's all.'
Can you show us any better I' asked
one nf the men,
'1 lather thiuk I can. If I couldn't I'd
hang myself.'
'hvl's see it,' thry all cried.
This, wui rny lust coup, and one on
which my life depended.
'hook lK're.geiitlemon, I exclaimed, tak
ing one of the counieifeit half-dollars!
from my pocket that had been rejected nt
tho bauk, 'heto is my last job, what do
you think ol it !'
It was hauded hand-to-hand, some bay
ing it was no counterfeit at all, and some
saying it wts.
'Ilow will you prove it is a counterfeit?'
asked one.
'Uy weighing it with a genuine one,' 1
This plan wai immediately adopted and
its character proved.
'Pei haps he got this by accident,' I
heard a inau whisper to another.
'Try these,' I said, taking the other
two out of my pocket.
All their doubts now vanished.
'Heautiful 1 exclaimed some. 'Very
splendid I' said others.
When they had exmiincd them to their
nthf.tcliou they all cordially took mo by
tho band, every particle of doubt having
vanished fro u their minds. I carried ou
my put well. S iue qucslions were occa
sionally asked me involving some techni
calities of iho business ; these, howover, 1
avoided, by Mating that I waf on a jour
ney, aud would rather ttkoa glatisof
whikey than answer qicsimus. 1 he
whiikeywas produced aud we made a
night of it.
Il wus not until morning dawned that
wo separated.
The next day 1 returned to Chicago
and brought down the necessary assistance,
and captured tho wholo gang of counter
feiters in tho vorv act, The den was bro-
tST Tho following was handed us for
publication by S. P. Hathaway, who is a
"lohula" and is well acquainted with Mr.
Suicksuackr. To oppreeialo tho narra
tive, one should hear Mr. It. read it i
An Unlucky Dutchmen?.
"Wlios' TIN HEUE SX.NCE Isil l'IM OOUL "
"Brick" Pomeroy, of iho La Crossa
(Wis.,) Democrat gets off the following i
llil lOicker Snicksnacker, a Teutonic
vender o( suur-krout, wooden combs crudo
cabbige, striped mittens, cotton suspeti
den and such 'little dings," with truo pa
triotic i.cul, left Lie homo in LaL'rossc at
the commencement of the war, and enlist
ed as a slop grocery keeper, behind the
sutler's tent, on tho Potomac. When he
went away it was with the intention of
making some monitb, if it took all sum
mer, and nobly did he fight it out on his
lino. How he done, it is best told it to us
on bis return, last week :
'You sec, Mr Bouiroy, dcr trum heats,
und dcr call cooms to go to wars mit arms.
Iso be patriotic so much as General Wash
burn, Sheueral Curtiss, or Shoncral Hangs,
or any dcra Shcncrals what lives to come
home great men. So 1 puys some liddlo
dings, and qets somo bapers from der War
Comuiiddcc and goes mit tor poj'B tcr bo
patriots, and roll some liddlo dings aud
ujukososric monish. I kiss my frxnv five,
uinctccu dunes, and goes mil dum. 1 goes
to Shamcrsburg and makes much monish.
Un day I poke my window out uf mine
head to hear tcr serenade, and dink some
dings, when I see Stonevall Shackson mil
his droops und tier big brass band coming
down der street playing like der tyful on
der bra?s band,
'Whos' pin here since, lsh bin gon "
Dat Shtonewall Shackson is tcr tyful
mit fightin9,and I puti my monish in mine
pockits, und mine liddlo bahers in mine
bag, und 1 goes so quick ath never vas to
Gettysburg. Und dar I opens some more
sihore and still somo more liddlo dings.
Und day I hear some men un der horse
back ridding down der street liko dundert
und den I pokes der winder under mine
head and loo!; myself up dcr street, und
dar cooms dat tyful, Shcncral Shtonewall
Shackson, playin dero same uder tune as
I heard beloic,
Whus' pin hero since ish pin gon t"
Don 1 make mine monisli goomcs inter
miuo backets, ttud makes mine bag goowo
inter mine bapers and puts inin big sign
on der pig sHioro ou der comer, so 1 loses
more goods dan I had uot got, uud dings
I go to Wisuousin to sec min frow, as I
ha:nt seen iu dese two years, so long time
ash never vash.
Dcu I goomcs home, and knocks uo dcr
door, und my frow she makes talk und
tells me 'whose dare V
Den I say, Ilillfi.cker Suicksnacker,uud
she knows dat ish mine name, und she
knows dat ith mine name, uud the make
hegself goome out offer house ou mine
face, to good ash never vash.
Deu, Mr. Bamray. I looks mit mine eyeei,
uud I sees tome diugs ! Und so I ask I
mine frow if she has been married since I j
go off to ba a patriot, und if she ho no
married, why alio makes so much grow,
wheu I ha gone mit do wars ? Und I gets
mad as dcr tyful, and den I tinL's of dat
tamn Sheneral Shtonewall Shackson und
his pig brass band, und I sings ;
Whos' pill here si nc-i ish pin gon ?"
Und now, Mr. Bomroy, somebody
makes throuble mil mo, for Ish bin gone
two years, und I know some ding, und 1
goes pack mit ter war, uud I sing3 dat tam
Shtonewall Shackson song all tir way 1
"Whos' pin here sinro th pin gon I"
Leasu or the Catawissa Railroad.
For the lait two weeks it has been ru
mored that the Atlantic nnd Great West
ern IlailmtiJ had leased tuoCatwissa Rail
road. By Into information wo loan Hint
ou Friday last, th-j Directors of the road
conforfed the lease of tho road to tho Great
Western, tor the consideration of 8305,
OPO per anumn. Poicssion of tho road
is to bo given on December 1st, 1805, and
th? term of the icaso U 9U9 year. Tin,
lesscos furnish nil motive and all other
power, cars, &o, and run tlio road at their
owu expense, giving tho Catawissa $1,000
per day, which is over 8 per cent, on tho
preferred stock, and 35 percent, arrear
ages due, as well as 8 per cent, on oom
mon atosK.
The Morris and Essex Railroad Com
pany havo also leased their road from
Now York to Easton, to tho abovo Com
pany. These leases have in view tho es
tablishing of a giand through route from
New York to St. Louis, by way ofEast-
on and Williamtport. If thi grand objeo
can be accomplished, it will be of immense
importanco to the lino aud tho business
along the route. It will run the wholo
length of tho Lehigh Valley from Easton
to the Quakako Junction cloven railo
above Mauoh Chunk.
What road the GretU Western Compa
ny will tecuro through thu Lehigh Valley,
we canuot Bay, It is rumored that a prop
osition for the laying down of a third rai'
on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad.was reject
ed by the Company. They may succeed
in making arrangements with the Lehigh
Coal and Nav. Company to ran over their
new road when completed. As tho A. d
G. W. Railroad in broad guaged, it will
require tho laying down of an additional
1 , . ,.e ii.
cious manner possible that I could have a me. I soon saw they wee in earnest eon- 1CD UP ""'' "u ",usl u "l,u
I I ..... .1 . ... ,1 , r.r.H.'r. n Ia.I , tl IllA Klfltn
uuiiueujucti tu ati it u tuiiu iu tw u.u.u
EJridgc fiicUing-.
npho County Commissioners will receive
fl rroposals at the house ofjohn I. Hurst, in Slab
town, Columbia Co , In tween the injurs it f IU A. M.
nnd U l M , ou rlATL limV. 'I'll 1121 day of HtO.
iii'il, fur liuildiig an Arch Covered llridso. over
lioaNiigcretk.iieurli. W I'nrr's Mill. In I'ranUn.
iwp. Bald linden t" betiJ I' ft b twll llbjllllii'llts 1
tilth lb lent. Tho aim on nls are already bull', ox
cepl ulli'riiitf I'aco lur i5keb.icii Plan and fpaiilica
turn can be seen ou the iluy pud plate ot letting.
lly order uf thu Uouimiiiiioiicr. inUIT
Commissioners Olll 'o. t-'lerk.
nioounburg, Nov. II. Ib5. j
I have Ircqucntly in the oourso of my
lifo been obliged to put up with wretched
accommodations, so I did not allow my
cqunimity of temper to ho destroyed by
tho miserablo sleeping nps-rtmcnts into
which I was ushered after 1 had finished
my repast
bultatiou, and weio evidently debatiug
some important question. Tho man keep
ing guard over mo said nothing, but scowl
ed fiercely. I had not said a single word
duriog all the time I had been in tho barn.
I was awaro that whatever 1 might say
would in all probability do more harm
than good, and it has always been a max.
Tho chamber was of small size, aud im of miuo to hold my tonguo when in
Of cvory description, for sale at tliis ofuoo
certainly well ventilated, for I could seo
tho stais through tho roof. The bed was
simply t hag of straw thrown into one
croncr of tho room, without fchcet or cov
ering of any kind. '1 iast fact, how
ever, was not of much consequence, as it
was fcuuimer and oppressively hot.
I stood for more than an hour gazing
out tho opening whic: served for a win
dow. Bofore me waB an immense prairie
tho limits of whioh I could not sec. The
doubt. At last tho discussion seemed to
ho ended, for tho blaekost of tho wholo
came forward, aud without any introduc
tion, exclaimed,
'I say, stranger, look horo, you must
die 1
I did not iuovo a musolo or utter a word.
You have found out our seoret, and
do, ul meu tell no talcs,'
I was silent.
Wo will give you teu miuutos to say your
I have those half dollars Elill in my pos
session, and never intend to part with
tlicm, for they wura certainly tho means
of saving my life
tavern in which I had tiki u up my abodo ' prayers, and also allow you tho privilege
appeared to ho insolated from all othor j of being shot or hung,'
dwellings, and save tho croak of the tree- Suddenly an idea struck mo. I remem-
toad and the hum of tho, not a borad something that might tavo my life,
First Lovc.-David Crockett, when quito
a youth, fell in lovo with a beautiful Qua
ker girl, aud ho thus forcibly, graphically
and poetically describes the offset, in uu
ardent and suscoptible mind, produced by
first lovo :
"I fouud myself over head and ears iu
love with this girl, and I thought that if all
tho hills were pure chink, and all belonged
to mo, I would give them if I could just
talk to her as I wanted to j but I was
afraid to begin; for when I would think of
saying anything to her, my heart would
begin to flutter like a duo!; in a puddle ;
and if I tried to outdo it, and speak, it
would got Cight smack up tuy throat and
choake me like a cold potato."
YoiiTiirur, DErn.vviTv. The destruc
tion of the picker house of a mill iu Phil
adelphia, resulting in n loss of 85,000,
and the narrow escapo of tho entire mill
property, has brought to light n remarka
ble catc of youthful depravity. It ap
pears that a boy named Allen, who work
ed at tho mill, tired the building beeoauso
he wauled a holiday. On a former oc
casion, wheu he wanted a holiday, ho cut
one ol tho main beltings of thu null to
stop opperations. I'rovious to the day of
tho great fireman's parade, in order that
he might witness the parade, he got a lot
of stones and threw them into the large
water wheels, causing considerable dam
age and the stoppago of tho mill, Allen
was deleoted in both these trickv, but Mr.
Hill, tho proprietor of tho mill, who
teaches Eauday school, had Allen for a
pupil, and thought ho might relorm him
and thoreforc pardoued him. Allen has
been committed to jail.
Stkli.ino and Punctuation. It in
amusing at the present timo to see in &
newspaper a request that tho contributors
spell their words correctly and punctuate
properly: So far as cur observation ex
tends, good spellers aro the scarcest artiolo
abovo ground. A cotcmporary Bays :
''Twenty-five jrcars ago correct spoiling
among contributors to tbo press was fash
ionably, but it is not so now." Wo venture
to say that fifty per ceut. of the writor
now-a d iys taks no pains whatever to
avoid orthographical blunders'. In puno-
tuation they dou't kcow the difference be
tween a period nnd & fly-speck I They
don't know the difference between a colon
and two fly-specks. They suppo3a that a
comma is hut a crooked and accidental
cxtonsion of tho aforesaid (Jy-speck I They
havo au idea soiuo of them that a semi
colon is a fanciful combination of a perfect
fly speck with another accidental exten
sion 1 They imagine that a parenthesis is
composed of a couplo of semi-lunar fly
specks. With thpin n, dasb is a horizon
tal fly-sperk ; and exclamation point n.
vertical fly-speck with a rotund dab be
neath it ; an interrogation point a spiral
fiy-speel: standing ou a inhere wade of tho
same material. Quotations marks are
nothing hut accidental extensions. It is
a'.! Cy-spccks. The whole :ysteui of point
ing in composition h nothing but an ag
gregation of aoeideutal specks.
A Goob deal of excitement has been
caused iu Nashville, Tcnn., through the
discovery, by the oooJmitteo of the Legis
lature appointed to investigate tho affair
of the Stato bank, that between fivo and
6is millions in spurious notes had been is
sued by tho rebel Gov. Harris and his
accomplices. Their plan was to iseuo the
notes and dato them back beforo tho ro
hellion commenced, in order to give them
a greater apparent value, cspeoially in
case of acollapso of the rebellion,
Why are youag ladies at tho breaking
up of a party like arrows 1 Beoauso lhe'
won't go oil without a beau, and are in a
quiver till they get one.
An editor got sbavod at a, baibsr's shop
recently, e,r.d offered the darkey a dime,
but he refused it, "because," raid he, I
understand dat you arc an editor,"
'.'Well, what of that I"
"Wo uchber charge editors uuffm I"
But such liberality will ruin you."
"Oh, nobher mind, we make it op of
do Gunmen."
The Feuian Brotherhood have rented
rt fivo story building in New York to dp
oomodate their congress and crccutivo d
ii ' .
Over 000 persous arrived at St, J
soph, Mo., last week, from Idaho ml
Montana, who hud profited considerob j
from tha mines.
Tho military guard and General T
ker'e detectives havo beou removed
the White House, by the order of i
Bgy If you waot to keep pos'cd in l
affairs ot tho euuuty, ctep in and jjtt tv,
dollars and fifty cents worth of the Dmo.