COLUMBIA "DBMOCO. Saturday Morning, Nov. 25, '05. 6TTo Anvr.nTi8KiiB 'I'crioDD wishing ndvcttisomcnta inserted must hand them in fcarly on Thuisday morning to insuro tL'Mr insertion for thai week. JC6T 6. 0. Bahklky, Eq., has retired from the position of Aisooiato Editor of the "Star or the North." J6T'JAcon DbWwt, Esq., has retired from tbo Editorial department of the Bradford Argu?. Tho Columbia Democrat, didn't abuso us jn its last is uo Smuf Machine. For the reason that our columns arc devoted to more useful and sensible objects, Iffir Mr. Owkn 11. EyerIV, nt me Montour Mills, has Gvc of the largest and prelticst fit Hog3, we have lately soon, uiio of which wilt weigh about 500 lbs. l& A Truth. If you want a good family newspaper, subscribe for tho host paper in tho county iho "Demoorat." JBtaT Up in figures Printing paper and pork. Uoth the samcprioe 1.5 cents per pound and both a cash article. Delin quent subscribers will pleaso make a nolo of it. S& We have just printed and havo for sale at tins offico, a neat assortment of l'lain, lixemption and Common Notes. 'sional Gloke and Appendix will bu Also, Doublo .Venduo Notes. Call and ' published tl tiring the next bcssion o! Oou ijCo. i gross, to oonvono in this city on the first '" 'Monday of next December. K&T Mr. John A., will sell at! The Daily Globe will contain a full re- his Hotel in Mainville, on Friday, the 22d of Disceuiber next, a largo quautity of val uablo personal proporty. && Hon. A. J. Gi.ossuiienneii, hav ing been elected to tho nest Congress, of fers to dispo-c of hisr interest in the Phil ndelphia Daily aud Weekly Ago. j, ., " , , ttSrWr.l.C. hYEK, has purchased the House anil Lot, of Mr Jacob Bombo;, sr., iu East nioouisburf!, fur the consider- ation of 1,4(10. BST "A late Soldier of tho Army," had belt t settle bin own difficulties, in person, with the Ladies t( J'euton. Our motto, in such manors, i lhandsrf'' Reside, tic has vuiUield bis uainc, which of course, would exclude his rase from our columns. JBray A Ru?il.-Uur Irieud Henry CJigqcr, is going it on ''his own hook'' in the Gro cery and Provision business, on Main St He is sclljJig a largo amount of good?. The people havo found out whcie Grocer ies arc sold cheapest, and tho rush at Giger's .Grocery evinces that they have a disposition to trade where goods arc sold cheap. Job I ririliig. We arc making fro- quent additions of ueV type lo our Job Priming department, aud our assortment, euitable fur posters, handbills, circulars, bill heads, cards, &c,,is up to ibat of any other country printing olTice in the State.. Those who are in Deed of an) thing in this tine arc invited to if u a call. j The Pottsville Diinocralic Stand ard, ediied by N. C. Rahicl.vv, lieq., has been enlarged and greatly improved. It is now one of the fint-bt looking aud bust reading papers in Pennsylvania. Every democrat in Schuylkill county should give the Sian'Jartl his cordial support. i One of the best, if not tho very be?t Deinucratio papers in our State, is the II ' Harrisburg " Patriot ij- Union . lhe honest talent of Gen. Wji. II. Miller, and the watchful vigilenco ol Jno. U. 13rin.neu, E-q , pervade and enrich its columns It Is du erving "universal euf- frnge." I Csif Capt, M Wmitmoyek, our amia ft lend, publishes a small Card in the last Smut Machine. Ho denies that lie was nn applicant lo the Assessor for a Clerkship, that he has any concern, what ajCtor, about Minnesota, and, lastly, and very modestly, suggests, that wo publish thv returns of the lute tlcction. We can only say to tho Captain, that we aro not in tho habit of inflicting upon our readers such stale stuff. Gone, as wo fear our fricad will soon go, after tho no- gro. 2?- Love Made Easy ' A thing of beaut v is a iov forever." So is a pair of j j . those handsome uico fitting hoots made by , c ct' At.: en,,. AlCSSrS Savcry & Irum, on iMam Street, ; oi I. 'Pl, 1 . cn lmicrl 111 bhlVC S tlUilning. I UCy last bO lOUgj ,i rjs - ....11 ,.'f ,!, . inn -Lin 0F npU tit SO Cll tliat iney arc tne priat Ol cv.ory possessor, a hankering after If any young man has tlio opposito sex, and has his eye on tho object of his heatt'a desire, all ho has to do to accuro her con Bent is to purchase a pair nf these boots, and pet up with her ono night, and the next day ho can certainly employ the minister and buy tho ring. fc- B- The Bloomshukq Local Sen ate The first meeting of tho present ecs.'ion of this institution took place at the Academy last Friday evening. The following aro tbo officers Ficsident elect, Vicfj. President, Secretary, Scrg't at Arm9, Treasurer, D.J.Waller, C. B. Urookway, Albert Yost, W. Whitmoyer. The oitizena and especially tho ladies, aro invited to be present. Our young mou should at onco join. Tho resolution for debate next Friday evening, is one endorsing Andrew John eon's restoration nolioT. A livoly time is x pooled, MARRIAGES. In Pittiton, on tbo iOth of Nov., by tho Ilev. W. ,T. Judd. Mr. John II Clirisllnn iof Columbia county, and Mis Oarric II. morse, oi l'lttston, l'a. On the 12th lost, by Rev Wra. J. Eycr, Mr. Jacob A. Hauers, and Miss Anna Margaret Mnwcry, both of Gatawissa l'a. On tho 10th inst.,nt Town Hill by Rev. E.Wadswortb, Mr. Monroe Hoitou, of Eairmotint, and Miss Luoy K, Stevoni, of the samo place. DEATHS. In Montour township, Columbia county, on Sunday last, Sarah Ann Giggcr, wilb of Wra. Giggcr, aged 35 years, 1 month and 20 days. I" Bldomsbnrg, on Monday last, James 1irt' aBC(1 ato"' 00 soars. in uioomsDurg, on Tuesday Jan. Miss iMiznueui noss, agcu nuout ao vears At l.imo Kidoo, on tho 13tli Inst . Kli Lemon Mcndcnhall. son of L. 1), m,l Sarah J. Mendenhall, aged 7 years, 8 months and 1 day. III. Molhct't only darling liny, Ilertendcr enre, genllu unci mild , His fathers pride, promise ami joy ; (ioJ protect out angel cliilil. "Pather Motior crime come home i Methlnki I hear lihn say, "Prepare for your Heavenly home s Why crave the world another day t" Tho Globe : THE OFFICIAL FAPKIl 01' CONOItESS ; lor Hie firs'. Session Thili,-l'inth .on grcss, The Daily Oi.niii: nn.l Tnr. Ciis-rinKK port of tho. debates ill both branches of Congress ; ao, the news of tho day, to getber with such editorial articles as may be suggested by passing events. The Conpressinnal Globj and Appen dix will contain a report of all the debates of the session, revised by the speakers, the Messages ol the President of the Um ted States, the Reports of tho Heads ol ihu Esecutivo Di'partuiunts, the Laws pa.s- , d ,'uriug the sess'on, and copious iudcxes i B. They will bo printed with new type throughout, made cxuressly fur h- j purpose, on a double rnjal shift, quarto form, uach tihct't containing sixteen royal pages, making about 5,000 pi'gcs for tin session. The Qnncrcssional Globe and Anrcti ilix pass free through ilia mails of tlie ! li t, 1 f l ..!. -r' UDitcu oiaius, iiuucr a j iui rcsniuiiou o Congress passed the Oih of August, lfcoV; but t'hc Daily Globe is ruhject to the usual newspaper po-tage. lu consccinetiee of the grot increase in tho cost of labor and ma'crials the pro prielors are c impelled to iucrenso the rub scription price, and aonouuee the follow ing as their lowest T E 11 M S : For one cupy of The Daily Globe dur ing the session 810 00. For otic copy of Tho Congressional Globe atid Appendix during tho sessioi SIO 00. Snbjoiiptinns for The f'oi'urrssional Gloho and Aninndix must be for the on- tire ression, but The Dailj Giohe may be taKeti tor one or mure niouins, at me rn of 82 a mouth No paper- Bent until the subscription money ba been recived. CfeEf" No club rates. F. & J. RIVES. Washington City, Nov 18, '05. S COLLEGE Cor. Tenth and Cliotnut PHILADELPHIA. Streets. Thn iTiff rnninlplft ntnl I hnrmi rv 1 1 v niinni iitfil lluii' tie or Coinim-mii cuiioku ' nuiury. 'I'l... ,,..lif nnn in tl Iv nnj.nsiiliir n I mt i I tl I i V f Charter, and theonlv uue in the United .'tale author i7ed tn confer Degree of Mi nt Diliploiunii nwanled to graduates in tile commercial course miner HtMor orirnte seal liv autllorltv of taw Cimducted hy Ei'utlemeu of liberal education and eilenuive experience in husiuesi, und nifnrding uue niialled advaulagea lor the thniosgll theoretical and piactical education ofyuuug men lor the annus du tiea and eiuployim ula of business life. Tlll'.OItV AND PIlACTlCi: CuMIUNi:!) by a aystem of ACTUAL nCSINl'.SSl Tit lINO I originnl and pre.sininently giving tlio atu- ' dent lit tlie shortest time a rump leto le.ighl into tho Alienee of nccouuu, arranged anil iublistied hy the proprietor of this Instituiion enlu-ively for his own ; ime, saving one. half tlie ordinary labor nf the student and ui villi' hun a eouipletu kuowledgu of th? practice uf the best accountant. THE COMMERCIAL COUHSE EMIIltACLS Di)okkeoping,Cotiimcrcial A riihtnetic, Pen manship, Dusincss Corrcrpondcncc, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Cotnmer cial Customs, Forms, and Actual liusi ncsi Prictiee. SDL-CIAL li:tANUtli:S Mgtbra and Ike Ihghn .Valhimaltis, rhonogrophy. Or namental Vtnman$hlp, lhe Art 0 IhttcUttg tVmntcrcit Mitey. f:fiaali"A Aar, vctli'tr, .'rti"lAfllJa and 'lleirayhj TULiunui'iiiNr:. The arranrenients fur 'lelegraphing are far more ad- I vance in anyiiiinc in tue i,iiiu ever on r m mo pun hc A regular Tele.raph Line is rouuecled Willi the Instituiion wi'h twenty branch ullices in various Iinru ofHl(1 c,.y,u.r pubiichuniness is iran.acted, nun ill which me muui'mis hi una insiuuuun arc llllMKll lo ,ir,iciici!. n regular nllice practieu ran hu had in anv other school of instruction lu the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. Young men are cannoned against tho deceptive representations of those who, without any audi futilities, pretend lo ti ach Telegraphing. PATllONAUi:. This Institution is now enjoying the largest p-ilron. tronagu ever bctsimed upon any Commercial schuol in the state. Over Ilvu huiidrec Miidi-nl-i were in atten dance the flrst year, and over seven hundred during the past year. The host class of .indents may inva riably hu found here, and all its associations are tlrst clash. LOCATION' ANI ACCO.M.MOHATION3. This Institution is located in thu most central part of the city, and Us accommodations, fur extent, ole- gancu anil cunveiiieucu, nru iiii.iiiiarevi.- ,, ruoms havu been fit ted up in the very nest stylo with IIUBINIMS OIT'ICUS Oil COUNTING HOUdUd. TKLL-OllAril OPFICL", STATION Alt V STOItn, ND A ntUCl.AK 11ANK OP llLT'OrilT ANI1 ISHL'H, siinnlied with finely engraved lithographic notes used na a circulating medium intha Hi partuient or Aclual """"'TO YOU1VO illBIV who desire the very best facilities for a .'radical Kducatiou for Uiislness, we ounraiileo a coursn of lu.'rucllon no where el.o COIirSO Ol III.'IUCIIOII I"' ",,s, s,u tiio rcpiitiition und suniiing of thu norrioVuc'r, XmSXZ; eipialleu, winui in Instituiion among uusiuti. uio 10.17" - . ...aD,.r,ri to mid ndvallceluent. All conteinphlliiig entering any Com mere at l,ollee, a'8A,lV.,L",'if0i,1.l:,'U"y!.1 r ti mcrcial Lollee, ALOGTJK of ia College, e of initrucllon. U1UUU1JI1U' uiiiumuu"" containing couudcto interior views and full particulars of thu course ICI""1. &c- , . ,s L. l-AlKHA.MVS, A. I'l l President, T. 0. SliAUCH, r-pecial Teacher and Supt. of Odlct Bunnell. Km I, Idol Id m mum N..E BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO I1UY Fall and Winter GOBS ! GO TO frmsj's Slorc, in Light street, l'a. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, str .ui'i o sj 1 1 1 1 II JiO) sugars, Molasses, fcyrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Uacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, spars, Hats, Boot-, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec, Sic. in addition to our large utock nfllry Onml., wc have a huge and full aaanrtment of Heady .Made, Clothing Ini Men and Hoys wear tthlcli we up determined to nil iheaprr Hi 'li can he bought chew here, fall and sen. and Jmlfi; rr yourselves k',Ta fine assortment of lllUlf3.- and .MI.lllMNI.ri, to supply tho nbeueu nf a regelar llrug pounded aud aullnlily d'recled fur ttie'.-uc'iiinod.ition of their euftiuiiera, u. w. citicAsr I IRIit Ptreet, Nov I, lr(15. &Co. A J-1:V,!" A. II.RIMAN Clothing Emporinni! THIS WAY, GHNTLUMEN, Finn of Eviu s & Ilnrtman I ATI-: arrival of Full & Winter Cloth- I J trie ; at Iho old atind i.A. J. UV XN8, mi Main Siieit, llliimiKlmrg the heat and lateatstvlea and 1 .iNhjiins. CLOTHES, CASbAMtirtS, Ac., l'.v-i tiling in the (lentlcin.ina Hue f Clothing. Iln ing In our eiupl'iy the well known and cxiierlc lie ed Cult r. Ur. I . I, Kin UARn, toruierly nt K.iatou. i"rfi t lit is L'uarnt I, and looruor. i,so l.-irge ai aortincnl olltcaily uialc i COATS. I'AN'TS. VJ-'STS Aim-an aanortim nt ol liOOl'd.lh uuuki t, cheapeal in the AIoa aplrudld nsinrtuient nf uiotncs ana uassamers r"r ale or to nnke tn!nf der KVANS Si HAKTMAN lllonnuliiirg. Oct, 14, lnc,5. Court Proclamation, U' II I'.li i:.S, the Hot. Viti.iAM lli.wiu., President Judge "I the Court nfOyi r aud Terminer and (ien it:iI Jail Delivery, Court ol (luarter Me. ioih ol' tho IVace and Cnurt of Coniiniiu Plena and (lrdi.iu'a Cniirl, III the 'JlUll Jlhlii'iul 1 11 el rn I. eiilnpuaed ol the 1 on nil 1 of I Iii'i. riiill l :iii aud H'j miii 11 l', and tlie lion, John M'llejni'ldi.Vt-li'phen llatd)-'AaiicinteJii,h.'esiir Cidum. Iiiu county. haw issued their pri repl. hearing diite the 13, l.ij nf M ii in Hi j.'.ir of nor Lord one llmiiMiiirl uight liumlri'd aim uMly. lim audio niodlrected for hoi. line a I 'nn I nf C))er 11 in' Ti riiiim r aud Ceiiernl Jail delivery, (loner. il Uuarti r iSesaioin of the Peace, ('oiniuou 1'leja ilhl ()rilian' I'oilrl. ill llloouulnirg, in tlie eouuty of Ci.linuliia no th li r-t Mini lay, vhein the llli day; ol' Dee. ,let, eoliliuue one we, k. Milieu i liereli, given, to lln; Coroner, the Jii'lieea of the Peace ami Ciui.taldus nl' the i-.iol rniuity of C". uinlila that tin') lie lin n and there in llieir proper pur- iiiua nt in o'i link in Hi,; fnrei 1 offaid day llh ihelr re, ordn. iioitiiiioiiii ami other renienihrauce to do those llutigi w Imli tu their oihcep aip'-rl.iio to he done. And those that ,irj hound liy ieeognij;.iiice, In prosecuW ag.iiusi the iirisuii, rs (hat aru ur 111:1 , he in tho Jail nf said 1 mini; id Olumlila In he then aud there In prose eute them as i.i.ill Ii, jit. Jurors are re'i'iested to he 1 1111 'lual 111 Hi i-1 1 iilti'iiilauce. ngreealdy to Hi ir nnlii us. 1 , D ited ut illiMiuijIiuri;, tliu With day id Hit. I.. S. Sin the j ear m our Lord one tliousnnl eight ( -v j liiimlr.-.l ami si ty-mur. and 111 the eiglny. 11I11II1 year ol'lhe lu, lepeli.leureof tlie I'nited Male, of Aiuerii a. (,'ou s e 1111 CoMMowrAi.iu. J r-AJICUL KNYDUli, t-licrill'. lUoi'i'isliiir. Vov. 1, Iso.l. (lniwl Jiiiors or Die Term. 1S05. Ileuton -William Appleunii. " llnarereek - Mepheii Mich, nil. lor. Ilerwick- Paul Kirkeudatl. Ileaer -.1 din Muiier. I entre John J ll.igeuliurli llemliH k -Mathiaa Aipleman. David Armstronr, lieiilien llogart Jiickj in Jno Mctlcury, Jr., Uliblia liohbina, tram Di rr. .Moiitoiir-Llo) d P.tTton, Snniuel (iiger M.iuiion l.ltslia 'I ll.irliu.iu, Allen Watson. .Maine- John A Hiui!.iu. urango ,M 1 llayhiirrl. John Megnrsel, tfcott -'i'hos W K.lgar. Jacoh ICulier, Jncnh Cluasen r'ugarlnal -David Lewis, S.iuiiiul l'nlz Tiuvies Juron for Dec. Term, lsti5. Heaver - Andrew .-(human. John Shuinan. P.eiiloii -1'hilio SI11II7. II. :n) Kozeil, Atirihain Vouug I'.riurcreek Henry Diettericlc. III00111 -Henry Old. Cal.nv issa -t asper Klnn, Jon Riter. Ci utre-l'eltr Delong, (!jd Low, rit-(.li u :i llutton, lleiir Miatl r, ( onyiighalli -P It U'olilf.irili, rraiikliu -Jesse .Meu&iti, Ja.'saon Ch-aver. rislniMi reek Charles Asli, S.iiiia l Vu.t, GreeuiMioii - luiauiiel Conner, Hubert Holddua. J41-1.1I1 Kline . Jno l.eggutt, Win Kyer. tleiuloik Jacuh Harris, Itcuben II Cull. I. Ja Kmiii llery l.urleiuan. Locust Aaron l.eiu, Peter lljlnor, Wesley Terry lliraui Cord. Piter S, liiuiuk. .Montour I' liiiel Kashiu r, John Diutturlek, .Maine Daniel Nus. .M ad t sou V 111 Kriui mcr. Orange John 1'isher, Cyrils Mcllciuy, C01 neliua Delias, H.iiuuel bverett. Knaringcrei k John C .Meyers, Peter Gcarhart. Jo-i'iu Itiio.les, Mamuel Hauik. igarloaf-l'hilip Hear, (leorje .Moore. tieull Win Uurri.un, Ulna Krum, Wm ,M I'.nt. List iil't'.nisis for Sent. Term ES05. , Llijah McMurlrie Luiiorsee of Aaron Wolf rs Chris tiau Wnlt '.' Jacob Harris v Peter lacohy. n Kus'cl P Moker, s Wm Ikeler. 4 Jacob fhuks llxrs. s Ji-sse lluck. 5 Jonas I'alirnigerjr vs Lui.inucl Ashton. II llti-h Mi li. ) 0 ul, Is v Pciir 7 Amos W Creamer vs lluoeli Howell. e Aiiio. v i-reaiuer s Luoih Huell. t J.n; 'helium in tsCalawi.s li.nlroa.l Company. 10 H P li. igeard a lii ii Pain r'sim, ct ul, 11 tjen A lli rrins la IVIer .Miller i'J Aaron Itlooiu va ll'-uhi-u r'ltler CI John .Mil hai l. J..y s Joliu Mitliael, sr 14 CoiiimouMeiilth of Peiiiia at the Ituliition of Hiram It chii" et ai vs Wt-sh-y llnwiiiati et at 15 JacJih Itemle) s Caltawissa It It Co Hi It'-njauiin Werluiau vs AI A Wnliains li AUuiu IiioIuiIlIi . Jeremiah Ji.iu'iy I.J Hli pheu ilaldy a Cattawisa Williamspnrl & Lne It It Co 111 Itachael .Morgan ..y lu-r next fried W.n II llnag- land vs Itiihard .Morgan to Win Longeiib.-rger Jas. Mc.Marny Ui'rs. of Run Lungeiiburger dee'd. vs Hugh W .Mclley- iiiiMs el al, 'Jl Win I. I mire vs Harmon I'reveliug. Hi Wm I. Lance s lios Creieliug el a -.'.I Ilia nil. Uuigui I . Cn. vs leu Kulz. l'I Ann. i 11. ill, ur, i IK-liiiiiilli,-r. i. llunrv llcichiniller 'j A.lnum.lraliura uf Jusepli 1'ailuii. dee'd va Wm L Lance. '.'il tlemlock twp , va I'.lias Diclelick. Notice in IMvorce. In the Common I leas of Cvtnnliiti couny. Lucy A.n.n MAitaAitEiTA Iekple, vs liODEUT TeEPLE. . i ..... . a.,.,, i mnr, n now. l " ; oef"" 'i V"" J.X. alias Sui tuna in divorce having been . il rrturiit-d aud Hcpondent imt having been found in the Couuty, upon moiitiu of John G. Freeze, Attorney tor Jjibcliant, uourt . - - . grant a rule upon lierponat-nt to snow why a Divorce a Vinculo Muttmouii hhould , Wllv not bo dcorCCU III the llboVO SlalCU C3S0, 1 . cumabie to the taid Court of Common ()t JeorCC(l in tllO llboVO Staled 031 1 icmruablc to the taid Court of Comni Ploas. on Monday, Deo. 4, 1805. , SAMUEL SNYDER. Stcrtf, ninnmsKnr... Nnv. 11 '(15 OtV ' i -- - - - BLANKS I lUsANK.s! I Of evory description, for aie at thin ottioe SALE "Watches and Jewelry. $1,000,000 Worth TK 1 AT ONE HE DIM1'03KI OP DOLLAR E AO II 11 Without regard In value, tt Not to lm paid for until )i ii know what you are to leccivu ' I I n y a. n k o ir en .y go., (Afcnti foe Ike Manufacturers ) I No, .TO Rcckinan Street, Ntw York. I rrT" Head the Mincing List nf Artich 1 to be' olVI i f,,r O.M! Mil. Mil I1AUII ICO flold Hunting Case Walchc, each tlMlM I 1IIU (Juld Wntchea. various atyloa ' 7.11)0 WW l.ndleii Until Wntchea, " .Ml ill SOU diver Wntchrs, ca'h 00 to IU ml Minn illver plated rnatnr aland .H till to '.'II UO ,oil) I'rmt A: Cakv Uaik't" 15 Oil to V.i nil l.linil .ett of" Ten riniiii,, " HIHiln l.llw a am rell nf " Korki " SKItolSIKl 1 S.diHHloliktii, encrnved, 4(Klto C IK) :i.(K)ialriirTnlileHioont, .'i Wl to 8 (m , :i,.'iuu imlra or s.iii )ioniii. :i mi to .1 mi 4,iui masnlficeiit Napkin lllnu.. -I lit) M (I id B.unillialrii nf I'end.mi Drnpt. (atanrt. edrolnra.) . IH1 1 fit) 3,nno aettanf ladlefjewelry, im'tinti IvnryJUOlo HUD I fine, tierffit linltnlliiii l adlea Watch lu UO , I0,0i)(l l.ailiea' Hack (,'oiubi, rlcliamt niil'im' i.ilttrK, S0dtn53 0 4.1(10 Ucll lluiklea (iohl. Jet, and Vulcanite. .'. 00 to 15 () , : (1,00(1 latett fI) lo Veal & Neck Chalna, 5 00 to 'Jo on I A,.'illil (lent.' ( iillf.iriila Diamond Piin, SIKI tuVO (Ml , 1,11011 Calirornhi llliinmiiil i;ar liro na, uuuioiuuu I :i nun Viliiliituru end Ihinmeled ttvvnlr (ne I'lna. 5 00 to ID 00 2.UO0 California 11 aiuniiil & EiiiiHiclcd llent'a ricarfl'iiK. 'J.finn Masoiiicnnd I'.mhlem Pint, 'J.Suu Cold llnnil llraceleta, 1 iifraveil and plain, 3.(100 Jet and Moanlc llroochea .100 to In 00 .1 IX I to 10 00 .1110 tn SO 00 3 UO tu 10 00 5 110 to 7.0 UO 4 DO to II U'J Hun to l.'.on '. II) to 1U 00 a oo to 10 no 3d) to 10 01) UOIIlo 8U0 'J.eiKI Cameo llrooihcs, ruh patterna, very tasty, 3,000 I oral liar Drop.. 11,100 La ilea' ChntelaineOhaina mid liiiard I'll iiiu , fl.riOO llelita' l'lua a spleliilld aaa'lU'lit 4.000 rhilital re rleuv lluttoin, entirely new att le, 4,t)0) fliida and r-'liero lliitlolia, in 1 si tta. vi ry rieli . 5.0UU Mleevc l.iiUous, plain, viiauii led mid engraved, 1O.C00 plain mi. I handsomely engraved Is 1 II D J.Wtn 10 (if) 8,1)00 liiikela.ilouble, ca.o.ilrhly rngrnved 'J (lit to 10 00 1.1,1100 Hi-tt nf Ladies Jewelry, new and latest ilylea II 00 to 13 00 .l.l'OO handsome goal Illng, aiKlto m U.dUII aetla ot'liOBOiil MiliH. 'Jolltn tilhl , 1.0. 0 doll' Pens sgol.leJ'timi holdcri, Ifl 0(1 to Si (JO . U.01.11 aclsjct Hold ruin ,t Dropa, li Oil to IDUI) I 'J I'OUCnlu Tlllinhlea, I'encils, kr. Inilto (Inn In, (mil gold pens ,v h iii.laiiin.i sllverc KC, , nil to f on 10,0110 Lliony llil.lers, i Oiitu Tlie method of diapo'lng of the'e goods nt ON'U llUI.LAIt e.i-h is us tollows 1 Cerlilleates. uainliig each arliclo and it. value, am placed 111 seated 1 live opes aud will mixed. Ouu tif Iheseuuvelopes w ill he sent hy mall to any addreis 011 receipt uf-i lent.. (I.i the. receipt nf tlie Certilicato you will see what you aro guing lu h.ue, tlieii it is at your option to aeud the and laku the arttileor not. I' era may thus nht 1111 a Hold W.ileli, Diamond liing, or any si 1 of Ji-wi Irv 00 our list for One Dollar, 1111.I in no ease can th'y g tlu.j ihau line Dollar'a wnith, as there are 110 blanks. The price of Certificates is as follow a :- tine lor rents lUe lor SI i eleven fur SL thirty lor i'l ; tUly live for T'.u Hollars ; ouu hundred tor Si.i, 1 Tlie distribution Is rnmlucteil fairly, anil all an ch.iucu ol olil. lining Hie v.iluahiu pri.ea hy pur' rh.ising tin Cerlilleates. We giiarautoe untlru sails, t'lclinu in all cases. I Agents wauled to whom we nlf'r imperial terms and premium. Hetid v'-J cents for one Curtilicjlu and our I circular with tcima Address. I A. II. HOWLS' CO.. 1". li. ltux l'-'te, S'ew Vork, I Oct. is. Or. Tail bolt's Fills. ( X1 I IIVSI'IITIC) Coiupnsed nf highly l.'iuirenlrate.l Lxtracts from ROOTS AND HERDS Of III o i j'st tncitiriinil iiln', prrnrrii from tin1 tipnuil u vt riplitni nl itir 1 1 U dniU il Dr. 'i'.itliolt, il tuid h liim with' sti cress lur twenty j year. An Ittt.iltiltlfl ri:niaily ht nil nirti:AHi:s ur 'nn: uvi.k, or any ilciiini-ixciit of T II IS DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They cute Diarrhoea, Dyspej sin, Sorof tila, Jaundice, DilioU'Oicss, Liver Complaint. The well-known Dr .Moll i.iys of th"su Pills "I have u-ed the formula Iroin which your fills are made, in my pen ti'-e for over l'J e,ir ; they have the finest cil'.-et 11)1011 lhe Liver and Digu-tiie Organs of 1111)1 Iicine in thewnrle, and are the most perfeit I'liru.itii-i- which h.ieer)et been madi.' h) anyhndy. 'Phey are safe and pleasant in t-ike, hut imweiful in rure. Th'-ir pem-tintiug prop rt es stiiuulale the vi tal acn Hies of the lioili , remove the ulislrurtion-i ot itsoreaus, purify tlie hi I. and expcll diseasu, 'lhe, puree out the tout humor, which breed and grow dis temper, stimulate sluggish or 1. isordei ed organs intu their natural a, lion, and imp, n t a healthy looo with slrengih to Hid w hole s) slein S' -t only do they rure tlie eveiy da) eompiaints 01 evervniuiy. mil also inr nild.lble uuil ilnllgetoua being llrely veg etable aie from any riskor harm No person who li is "uice used these Pills w ill eer ho w iti,-i it them." They create pure blood and remote all impurities from the s stem, li-uce are a positive curu for r'EVK iS. II DAC11E. PILKS.MUR CU1UAL DISEASES AND Hrill El'ITARY HUMORS. DOSIl l'or ailulls, une IMt in lhe iiiorning j firrlul dred under H)ears, half a Pill. tiif Price One Dollar per Uox. Trade fupiilit-d, or prut bv iMail, not naid, to any part of the United Slates or Oanadas on receipt of price. None Genuine with out the I'ai'Minilo riv-nature of V. Mott Talbott. iM. D V. .AiOTT TALUOTT it Co., No 62 Fulton St,, New Yoik. May JSTIHits .-ly Isaac k.'stauff er, WALCHMAK.ERAND a ilia EiWEliii No. 1-18 iNorlh Sei'iiud .Si,, ror. of Quarry, 1' II I L A I) E I. 1' II I A . An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, filvor and Plated Ware constantly on hand. H?- Kepiiniig of Watches ami Jewelry promptly at tended to. January 4, leisl. ly. New Goods ! rjPlio Mibscribcr h-ia mnvi'il to the second ! Poors below Hartui, ill's, and just leci'in.-.l a new slock of Zephyrs, Cotton and Woolen Yams, Con-cU, I.aces, Ettihroidcrii-s, Mus lin, Edge-dings, Dress Tiim nii iiis, Sea . &c, which nil arc ini ili'd to cill an 1 eiamiue. A. II. WLIUI. October 7. MIS School lijiik-i, Hymn lionk-i, IJihles, i Sunday tv-honl Ihioksand a variety of othi r Hooka, IllatiKs Account . inks, .Meiuoraiiilum Hocks, and Ilia ri '. for l-ti.'i, lllank Heeds and .Mortg.ig.-s, and an as. 'oiliiiiint nf I'aper and Hun-lopes, &.e ,t.., in bo I on ml at lb" New It. ok rilore, frond Hoor beluw Hailiii, Hi's Hture. Illoouisbiirg. A. 0. Wl'.IHI, Itlooiuhhiirg, Oct. 7, I WIS. Notice. Specific Performance, Julius Ilalslon"s r.siaie. COI.I'MIHA COHNTV, PH. s,-s- The Coiuiooiiiieallh nf Prnnsylvnnin to I i Isaiah tlul ivi-r, .Matilda wnlmv of James Knl j I simi. di c'd. Wilainma widow of Hubert lial-rs.-, slou, J.imi-s. Iloual.l C. l'.lMlu and Charles, minors ol the said Itoheit, dei'd John, Wm. Italston, Josiah lial.ton Agues iiiiermaiiied with Marshal filierllioru f usau iiit'-rinariled with .Miles C, Ahhott .Maltha intermarried 1,'eorgo lleidleman and Itci'jamin P ilartman, Oiinrdisn of Elizabeth Ital .toii a graml-daughler of intestate, heirs of .aid James itnlilnn, dee'd llreeling. you an. I each of you aro he-rib' ciled ami rnuim.iuded as before you were, tn bu ami appear in your proper persona ul an Orphans' Court lo ne noiueii ai - '" irn, in mm i"i sain I County on thu nrst i ol iii.i;i;.m next, - ill nr petition of II. P. -state uf James Hal- .1 I James Itnlstoii dee'd . i .le situate in the Hor- iog county, and ngreed ' s of agreement, dated V. II., Imi-J, tu seal and . i.ih Gulliver. Ills heirs tueli ail, l '.nere inniii" llarlinau. nmnluistrat -atnu lire', I. selling Ion . died. scUcd of rertal . iiupli of .Montoiirsvill Josiau uuuiii-r ,i... i,,,,i, ii.,,- ,.t I . . i tlie run rth Hay ; convey ihu s ime umo - Iir tldtll'llal. And lu show rauso w y the said Court shall lint do rre the specific perf"' ..ancu nflhe said contract ac cordiug to the truo ml nl nnd ineaiiiug Ihcrenf and that u coiiveyauc" liw uindo under said decree by jour ps-litiuner to the aforesaid, 1 osiuh (iiilliver of thu s.inl prcinisea lu fee aiuipb-. ' HAMUP.I. S.N'VIILIt, Slicriir. Ort. 15, lella. wm. a. iiauui., l. ii. PLAi.i;, & i:. n. iiuullv. WM. (... UARGIS Si 00. No 130 B. nub rji-ioiid St., bcluw Che.tuut, Phila, aiiufaoturoi'.- of Varnishes antl Dry- ing Japans nn ' dealers in Vlnto Lend, 'inc. inter's Colors and 'Ionia. Hum il Oil., H.ntin., Nsplbs, A.c . Oil.. Puny, uukuni. I mi, and Liibitcatins ' 37 luntirrmenl. , daslsta. S.rl W, leHS-I) G It E A T or Great Excitement IN IJglit Street! AT ENT'S STORE! On Accnmil oflltoKcw Arrival of Fall and Winter Gocds HAS just received from tho Clllea itul la now opening at tho ol eastern old ataud a .plenum aaaoruncni oi Rnnalatlne of every thlnR generally kept In a ccnutry Morci Hhlrh will ho anld t hcupcr Ihnn the Chtajusl, Call and aec ond Judge far yourrelves. till atockenlialttaof l.adlei llreat (loud, choicer! at) lei ami uictt laiinuni nilCOS, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpels, Shawls, Hosier1, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, C6ttonados, Kentucky Jeans, Throad, ko. n 9 Queens waro. Cedar ware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Arc ROOTS, SHOES. HATS Si CAl'S, Arc The patronage of old friends, run! the public genera ly, Is rv.peftfully sielcilcil. The highest market price paid for country produce PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 7. lt-Tia. 13. & n. T. ANTHONY & CO., Hanufacturou of Photographic Materials, WHULR.Ata ASD BIT.tL, 601 BH0ADWAY, N. Y. In IJUton to our main tunlnru of ri.OTOfiJt.M'MIt MA TkltlALN, war h-t )urtn f.r lti followlnR, Stortioscopos and Stereoscopic Views. 01 tt-M wo hfift itn Immftiio t rtuii'nt. Incladleji VIEWS OF T1IK WAR, Obllo1 t ftrvit irini Ami formlnit a erxnpM rcm.mRM'iMC iiwtobt otthe gkkat umjn contc31 Bull Ruu, Dutch Gap. Yorktown, Toatoou Trains. Oettysburgh, Hanover Junction. Fair Oaks, lookout Mountain,, Eavago Station, Chickahominy, Fredericksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Fetorsburgn, Poop Bottom, Bollo Plain, Monitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, Atlanta, Charleston, Mobil?, Florida, Strawberry Plaint?, &c. &c. Amtrlfift dnj fVri'itn CI tin n l Ijirnlncitpat, O-ufi, Sttln rr. A., Ac Alio. HeTuHiiiif Strrf r , fur public or prWl thjtlon Our tttoju m i!l b int tu any addrtu on rclp f bump. Photographic Albums. V vreri Ih flrnt ti Intmitiife thi Into th UrtUoit Stilt nd w manufacture Imincnt quntitUmi In crt vnriwtT, rrn Inn lit ,'Ttr from JJretlU tn (H. Uir ALIUIMS lift tftf 1V IMloti vf Mt.ji niffHor in ami .larlillity ti nay otlr, lb) will ) aunt ly in nil, FJtkK.nn receipt of rlc- t37nsK Ai.ntjys made to uttncn.3C3 Tho Trado will find our Albums the most Saleablo they can buy. CAR.n nioToniiArns. Our Cl'.l'Vii nnw nul.rjrm o.r Kivr. Turn A'fft t.'fVfinl nlijuftt 0rt " I'Mitlntik Hre tei&g tu le) uf Etui Dvnt Anivrlcnn, A , rl hIhhiI ltio Mr.J-0ni. 100 1, tout lnU AttMmn, Ifttllirl; " S" tVr u.lnori, 1J(Uhfnf, 915 CulmioU, "ft S m v Utllrvr, Mi Author, 40 ArlStU- I. 'ft vt-v.', M l'roiplntnl W.tnoo. 8,0iii 0'i!m ff WorVi ftf Art, InfluJIujr rrprvl ftivi, vf th tlelrtaJ EnaTTtnp, rs!titiiixi, M.tno. Ac iAtuIoeuoj at cm rfflft r-J SUirp. An orJr fwr Um Iutn l'ulur fmut our Crmlofiit, will bo fDUl oa recljU of t to ati I iut Uf mull, rntn lhpligrr.jilier, a.i-l uthf r .inUriitK gOsMlt C 0. I, fill pVwu rtmit twenij-tivo frcnt. rf th mnnittt wltli tticlr orltr. tVlbeCiIcct t-J of vif gW'licjuinotfiJl WmUj(x, Oct : IrTsl.-T Gold 1065. 18f?6. 18G7. Silver. 1 to 75.000!! $2 ! $2 ! ! ' $2 I Two Dollars ! ! Manufacturers' A gents I OUR NEW MODE. Ono of our GOLD or SILVER Watch es, or Silver Tea Sets lor 8'2, as hcloy stated. One of our la sets or one place of our C.n I nr Pit- ' ver-ware is worth a bushel ofthecheap dollar Jewerly We have adopted the following mode of i 115 i s i I r i h i t i o , by sale uf 73,tiuu articles of value I OUR NEW" MODI' ! ! j The nrticlo of jfno U uro rutiiibrroil frJtu niin up t ' T.i OtHl I ;J7 ,.',) coii.Utlii ir I'l iii'H. Mi'loiItMins, (;,i I nml Silver Wsitclus. owni Michtnes,rJVa aiiil Tahlu I Hris, Hulhl Silver 'IVa ami Tahlc Spimtis ami 1'urr.K, itr., etc.; ami tin; n her tl .Vul ailhley if vnlualdo ! JiWL'ly, Wurk atitl Toilet Catui riiuliraIi Altititus U'X' fiU r W.iU.iLT.aiiil tinc urtic n in pn-at ari ly. 73 Oiltt lint ieui ti tt Nibtr(l from ime tu 7 .i:imi aru pnatt'd ami put into k jiU'i! ctiv t'lupen ami will j niMfil. ami nncuf hw ii t.ikuii nut ami s'iit tii the I pi rnoii PtMhlintr tn us ii'iitrt tu cnyci cip-nsti uf pfu-t-ugt, rnrr.'sptiinli'iift!, rti1,, m.l thu artult; (T putntn v rr r-pmi.linii ivith tfti numliur tin- imtici will lift ticiit tu tin' Inililcr oi'tlic i-.imt) imuiriituiciy (if if il1- I Mrt-s to piirtliasi thu artirlc) im lliu receipt iiftwu tlctlirn. I'tir nibtancu . Ifttm niiitilier mi th'- notice ! ffiit tn yuu li(Mild hu .rl)J, uiul n I'iarn, nr Ihniiimnt I id ur tiulil Walv 1 1 iMnilii he iiunili'n'l it will ho tn mi for aint so ua tor vvcry uitlcU in our littnfl 7a nrtirk's Lr- "Alter receiving att article. if it iIoq not pleaso vo.i.ViMt lan retura it, ami tour money tfil.VI.I. l)U UliTUKNUl)." 'J',tnty liio ct'nu imisl lie fnt to pay pypensat of p'sr-tatre. rorresponiii-nce. eir., on one mUfu licmeinu'ir, w..nrur aruri coirespoiidsMilli the uuitiber oil your notice, yuu can haie it hv paying i nn in.iiars lor ii, wneiuer il lie nurlli Siuu or jnuo. And il is for our interest lo deal fairly, n ml scud nut n 1 1 line am. I. -s, as it gin" eo.iil lum-e tu thu public, and Ihuicuy Increases our sales, Try Our New Mode ! ! I'pou receipt "f-j cents, which pays for correspon dence, ,io.tai.'u, Sic , we a'-iid one nonce. Upon receipt of SI whim pays fur correspondence, post.u:u, ic. wo send six notices. L'pou Receipt of Sj.whlch puysfor correspondence, postage, A.c.. wo s'-hil 111 notices, nn I a hue present v a I ii i d nl n ' less than $15, asa .ample of our goods. Upon receipt of$IA which pa)s for correspondence, pnsl il'i . i tr wit w nl mid 1511 notices, and ah'Ol.lU rilLVLIt W VTCII, hy rclurn mail- AliLNTd V AVPUU. riend for our circular I xgcnia allowed a large cash coin mission, by which they can uiako 825 weekly. Address plainly, ltliKD Si BROTHER. falesrooin, Um. 51 J, 31 Liberty ft. New Vork. Oil 14, le03.-:im. Tobacco AM) At Stroup's Old Stand, on Main Slice fPho undcrsipnrd having opend tho Store J formerly oceupled by llavtd cliuup, as a Urocery. and furnished it null a largo and varied assortment ol o ice I Ien t TOBACCO AND CIGARS, limit respectfully invites tho patronage of th nil tens of llhioiii biirgan.l vicinity lie Is prepared to sell ul wholesale and retail, upon the most reasonable terms. .Merchants, Hotel keepers, and Groccryiuen, wuuld do well to give him a call. rj- All kinds of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, in large and small quantles, constantly on hand auJ fur sale. II II. llUNLIIUKCLU Cloon.burg. Sspl 3J, liCJ-Uiuui SPECIAL NOTICES. (JONQUEIl UAItliY ! Tho tendency to prnynena by pmmptly altacklnn THAI HnBATKNISMY to periona.1 beauty, with the limit popular articla nf the day, cni8TAono'8 n, in nvn, whiih, like Bhetman'a Leglnn, "knowa no audi nord at fiiili" Uniler Its application Till'. IILAL-KBL'OMItOIJT brilliantly, and tho lirmvna nf e.ery rlude appear. .Manufactured by J.l.'l'.lrt l'AIIOUO, No. r, Aatur II" i Ncw'Voik, Uuld by llriteiilaia, Applied by all liair Hrcnera. , Nov 4, 'M lm, 'ii;(;ki:,ti:st disco vehy of the age. I'arniera, rnnilllea and others can purchase im fine. dy ciual to Dr. Tohiaa' Venetian Liniment, fnrllya- cntery, colli-, rriip.f.iirinilc rhcuuialiani, aorc thrnuta . tiiolhache. aea alckiu-aa, cuts, burn, aw elllnga, nld aorta, hrulaea headache, iuo1ulto bltoa, pallia In lhe liniba, chesthark, kc. If It dnea nut jlvo relief lh J lunney H ill he n landed. All that la aiheil 1a a trial, and une It according to the direction- lm. Tnniia-llear tflr : I havo uaed ynisr Venetian Liuiuieut lu my family fur a number ufyenra, mid he. lievc ittn be tho lieitarllcle for ulial il la recommend. ed that I havo ever iiaed. Pur sudden attack nf crnup it la invaluable, I have no liCMtatinn In recommend InH it for all llm uaea It prnfesaea to euro. I ha.vo told il fur many year., and it fives entire aati.fa'ctiuu, CM Ad. 11, -llUJI.Nt.ll. tlUAKSttTowi, N. J Hay t), lsja Nuv, J, 'l's5. lm, BllAN'DKUTirs l'll.hS. wiiosr.TiMiii.v L'sii.u.vtu-n rnovnmsct;. has OPTLN'SAVL-D Lll'i:, 1hee c-lcbrilcd Vegetable fills are no ncw.untrled remedy ;lhey have been used and tcatml ill the tlniied rtales fur thirty yeara, and uro relied upon by liun- ilreda uf thouaauda nf faniilic.fts- nlinost their "lc mcillclne nlicn lck, Nn cam ur etpeiiac is .pared In their preparntiuu, and it if certainly true v. In n I as aetl that no Hint; ran havu a lucdiciiio safer or surer than llrandrcth's Pill., i'hey prndiiro n (.'oodelfect upon disca"0 ntinortlni- iiiciliati ly ulu n taken, lly some ivnudctfiil rower, perhaps ilmtrlcor nervoua intluenec the proareaa of ili't-nHed a rtieii is arretted i where untchfiilncas and pain have been preacnt, the ayati in hecmea 'piieter. and thu patient aouu ohtatns refreahiti sleep, Tho ceiiuiiic llltANIIULTII I'ILL IIOX has upim Ita I'NITLII H PATES 111) II LS'T PTAMP, Willi II. I'.KAN'Dlll'.TII III White Letters in tho same. Nov. 4, 'Oi. I in. Unt-tnn or hie IiMotnT-I)iiR Sin :- Willi your perinlsiiiun, I wih tn any to the readers uf ynur paper that I will semi, by return mail, to all who wi.h it, (free) a liecelpt, w nil full dlnclinii. fur making nnd usiiiR a simple. Vepctahlo Halm, that Mill cH'eciually remove, in tin days, I'liuplea, lllritches, Tan, freckles. nnd all Impurities ufthc Skin, leaving tho soft, clenr, smooth ami beautiful. I will nl.n mail free to those havlu; llaM Heads, or llaro Paeea, aiiupW directiiua and iuf.irmatiiui that will enUe them to start a I'ul I crou Hi nf Liuuriau-. II air, IMilskers, or a MvaiiaHie. In les than thirty days. All applications nnswere I by return mall without charge. Respectfully your., TllUd P. CHAPMAN", Clo'iniM. S3 1 UroadiMiy, New .Vork. Oit. 1 1. lflia.-ninns I O ros.i'Mi'rA uvis.-The unduriiiui d having hcuu X restored tn health in a few weeks hy it very sim ple remedy, alter bavins sudored several years with a, severe lung nireclion, and that dread dtsnase, t;,in. tiiniptioii - is ami. ins to make known, to his fellow- 1 siilfcr'-r. the means of cure To all who desire it, lm will send a copy of the pre ! scriptiou used ffreo nl Charge, w ith the direction lm ' preparing and Using the same, which they will find a ' si'ite ctiiF. for Consumption, A.thuiy, Uroncltitis.Cnlda ! Coughs etc. Tho only .object of the ndverliicr Li ' n'n.lina the presriiptiun is to li-ni-flt the nlllicte.l, and c pro ul information which he conceives lo ho invaluable and he hopes every sulfi-rer will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may prove a I'let'ini;. Parties wishing the pres, ription , will please uddrcss Kev. L-IIWAUI) A. WILSU.V, Willlamrhurs Kint'sCounly, Ort. I'., iet',.).-3nins ) New-Vutk. "UE Mason it Hamlin Cabinet Or guns, forty different stjles, adapted tn sacied and secular music, for S'O ti SHU each. Till HTV-P1 VU O'jLO nrSH.VIlll iMLOAI.!?. or other tlrst premiums awarded them. Ill.strated Catalogue free. Addiess, MASOV U II AMI, IN. Iloiton, or.M V10. I1UOTIIKR3, New York. Bept.'.l, IclU y i ho Grovcstccn Piano Forte still retains its proeodeuco and great popularity, auj tfier undergoing gradual improvement fir a pe riod pf Ihitly years, is now prnnii in .ed hy thu musical world tn he unsurpassed an I ev cu unequalled in rich ness, volume and purity of tone, durability and cheap- j ness. Our new scale, L'renrhactiun, harp pedal, iron frame, over-strung bass, seven oitavn rosewood pi anos we are selling cheaper hy from $100 lo SJufl I than the same sti lu and finish aro sold hy any culler first-class maki-rs in the country. Ihnlers and nil in ', w aul ol good pianos are invited tn send fur our He 1 seripttve Catalogue, wlmli contains photographs of , our ilid'eri ul stiles, together with prices. No one.1 , should pur base without seeing this fata- logu Med i si almort withoul number, have been n-r,r,lo,l to the Crnvesteoil Pt mo. and the Celehraled World's air, though put in competition wllh nther,s ; from nil parts of P.uropo highi!s.iw a d. I Lslablished It-:).' 1 aud t ti ii IJ. 8. it tuok the Gr&vcstccn Co , I'.lli HP.OAIHVAY, NEW VOPvIC July 20. lhi!-. II. II. a . & Co. JN rolls ready to be nailed dotui, adapt ed for l.ffii'es, "l'ailori- a and lluililings of all kinds couslruiled of Mnten.ils that have stood the test of fifteen yeais. and manufactured on an entirely differ ent and belter plan lb in any oilier composition rnof ii g in use. feiured by'-nt. Very durable a ml nt w price. Circulars and samples scat free by mail, KUADV ItllOlTN'O Co. N'o.';3 Ma iile I anc, New Vork. Sept- HO 1PC5-1 y. Deafnests, Blindness &. Catarrh, Treated with the utmost surcess by Or. J. ISAACS Oculist nnd Auiisi, (foriiis-rly of l.eydi n, No. 5111 I'l M) Sirei 1. Pliiladi lphla. Teslinionl.ils trom lhe most ri li.ible sources in tin- City and country can be teen nt his oinro, The medical faculty aru invited ti accompany their patients, as he has no secret in his i,r,,i-.. A l.'l'l I'l I I A I. l'.Vhrf lliktrted willluUt uaill i NociMrgo mad.! for I'lniniunliuu. July la, leih, l.'ni ONE PRICE CLOI IUNG. S1 OLD .''PTAIILISIIIIO 0 S E P 11 ICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. A( JONT.S' Crescent Ouu Price CI .thing Flore, tho . lowfal silling price is marked in plain figures on each article, and never varied. All buy uliko, whether I Judge nmot Tho slock is gotttn up in a supertur man ner. Cipro-sly fur retail sales. Those wauling a gonl substantia! and fashionable article, should not lall lo so in JOyJIS, 001 Market Street, One Price iS'ioro. .May IH, lt-C3.-ly is" jl l7o Y HI E S' T POll Rf liirnnl Sold lp i s and All Others. AGENTS WANTED. Great Sale of Jewelry and Sdvencarc. The Arrandala Great Gift Distribution. Our Agents arc making from rive to Thirty llollara r,er day, nnd wn sill need more mi oices from P.iirepa have swelled um .lock to over Hue .Million llollara. A splendid as.oriuiiiit ol Watches, Itings, Ladies' mid U.iulleium-n's Jewelrv of all kinds, ofilie must fushionatils p Uterus, selling at $1 each. Huiid J5 cents for a cirllllcale and yon will see what voitt nru entitled to, or .il for trie certllicalvs, or 5 for thirty or ssnd a .1 cent stamp fur our terms to AtenU which are ufthc inu.t liberal kind. Now la yuur ARRWnALr. K CO. Vn IfiJ Ittouway. ,Sw Voik Sei I'M 51 1 Jul tl S. S. Tho Stcamaliip "Atnlanla." Nuw 1'ouk, Nor. 21) Tbo report tliat tlio strainer Atnlnota lm come to the cily j is incorrect. Sho still remains at Quran tino. Tlio cabin pasjcngcrs haro hen placed in : small vesid, and after a thor- ! ougli examination of their baggage anil pcrtons, tlioy will ha allowed to oomo to tlio city, As yet, the Government hm done nothing towards mipplyiny a for the Btotragc paf-scii(rfirrj. Until tlli In done tho Atalanta catmnt bo fumlrriteil, and oonscquBiitly canmit be allowed to cotnp to llm nit-.- , VV i mil) cri 11 Vi. ESTABLISHMENT, S AVERY & KIHJW-, ULALCUS ANII MANLPAUTLIitLita Or BOOTS AM) SUQliS. Calf fikins, Fretich Calf Skins, Kid Morooeo'o, liindinpi, Lining', Shoo Thread, Naik, Awla, I'eggs and sSVOZi FINDtSUS GENERALLY All Kinds tifillcn's Cools stLitlifS' SIiops fU-J which we olTcr cheaper than tho Wtl cheapen, fnrraalinr country produce. wJs u We are prepared to mako to order all kinds of work at the shnrtc-t netieu. It- r-hup uu Main Strfi t, in Shlve's lllnck, Il'ooias burg. BAVP.I1Y it l.P.UM. Sept. HO, !Ffs5. LtuHi'S' raucy Furs ! ! AT JOILV FAREIRAS;: E'ui's ilEaiiiiiactory No 713 Arch Street, abovo 7th, Philadelphia.. l nave n- v in i.n oi my own im S&" fortntioii and Manufacture, ono nf V tlie largest and moat tioauurul sgieo- tious uf for Children's Wear, in the City, Also.aflno assort-nu-nt of llent'a Pur Olove. and Collars. I am enabled lo dispose of my goods at very reason", hie prices, and I would therefore .olicil n call fro my Irlende in Columbia county, nndiviclnlty. rjj- Ueinoiiibcr the name, nu nber nud street. John 'aiwha, 7'P Arch Street, abovo "111, soulh sido, Philadelphia CT l have no purlin r nor tunncctlon with any other 'torn In Philadelphia. Sept, '.ill, lffu-4 inns. NOTI0B IN PARTITION. Estaieof I'rctlaick lnovie,(lcceaed. State of l,tnii3lvania, Colu'tibH Count;, rs: iTHE Coniriioiiwcaltli of Punniyl- ' .-sv vaiila to Nancy Knotise, llnnnah intermar ried with Peter Naglo Catharine, intermarried with Adam 1. ul. jai-on Mtnusc, Anraiu hnouse, l'hilii hiioiise, Washington Kuoii.e, y. ur petilioner, Jackson Knouse, Clan ss,i Kiiouse, Alexander Knouse Samuel Knouse. .Maltha J.inii Kunusu and Perry Knouse, Uu last three named f w hum are still in their minnritv, and h iving Irani Oerr. Us'i , as their gu inhabit ad li Irm, 'I'hii said llaniiah, inieruutried Hh Peter Na gle and Jackson Kuuuse, reside at Iteth -1, in llraniji Itounty, llclligall; al thildrcd and legal descendants of t'rederiik lsnoiiae, deceased, aud to nlluthvrsinUf vsled, Greettug. You arc liureliy ciled lo he and-appear In fore the Judges of our orphan's Court, to bq held al lllnouisburg. in said County, on Ih" first .Monday in lieci-iubi-r in'M, tin n and there to nrcejit or refuse, to take the real estate of said t-'rederieh Knouse, deceas ed, situ-ite in Jackson township, in said bounty, at the appraised vatuat put upon it hy an Impiest duly awaided ' y the sai.H'ouit and n turned bv Ih.i Slier illnuthe lil'lli day of Suiiumbei, A. II., one thousand, eight hundred and siity-four, or slimv cause whytha same should nut be sold ; and Ucn-uf I, ill not. Witucib the Hon. William EIvtsII. Rsq . President of our said Court nt Uooiubnrg, tin lUtti day nl sjepleuiiur, A 0., Isni. JESSE COLEMAN, LUil:, 0. C. Oct 1 1, lPCJ.-Bw. Alatiiiiiste,.'si(M''.9 iolice. Estate of Valentine Wliilcitight, dee'd i T otters of Administralion on tho estoto I V .nf Vnlei ,'Mcnllno iV'liiti'iiight, laic of l!emlm-k town ship. Columbia co. deceased, have been granted hy the Itegister of Columbia co, lo the undersigned nil i itiTMiiitH lii imr 1 1 aims a if .mist th" i- tale ot the dec. , (iuaal nru ri"iietuil to present iheiu fur s.-uln and , tho-e inucuieu in me estate win iua:iu immeuiaio I ' .. . c. 15 DUO JKWAY, Adru'r, N'ov. 11, lrlii -Cw S3. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE . Estate of Samuel kitchen, dcc'tl. J ETTEIH of Administratiiin on tint Ji.J I'.stato of Pamiiel K'ucheii, latn nf Docnrloaf toiiishii Colinubia county, deceased, have hei;u gran ted by the Heeister i.f C iluuibi.i ouutytn thu under, signed I all pe rsuus li-vinu claims ag.uuu the estate ot the ilecedeuuare re.uel" I to iresenl llu'tn tn thu unil'-rsigued, refilling in J a c k s o li lowiiship, with nut delay, and all persons lud' bt'd lo maku payment forthwith. JAMES V. KITCHEN, , Admimsiiutor, Oct. 14, IhftS Cw $' 00 Admini3Liatox''s Nojice. Estate if Jacob I louts, deceased. 7 ETTERS of administration on (ho n i Lstatu uf Jacob Moots, late of lljaver iwo.ilcc'd. have le-eii granted by tho Heglsier of Colnmbtu Co., In the undersigned ; nil persons having ilamis ugainst tha estate of tin- deeed'-nt ari- ru'pieetud to present them In tin- nn. I. isiglu-,1, wilhoni il. l., . au.l all persona in. dibted to make payment forthwith ANIIHLW MIU 1 N, ih-r.ver tow nship, Columbia CO. Cll.Utl.l.S llHAIrt, Un.ou twp , Scliuvlkill coiiuty, Adniiniiitraciire. Oct, 51. 18r5-G'v si 4;iociis ! (L'Soclis ! ! Clocks ! ! ! THE nndori(jiiod roseoifullv informs tin- public generally that lie has opened a CLOCK EbT.'lDLlSMlEXT, m the rooiri under the Office nflhe Columbia Demo crat, in HI isburg, where he has Just received large aud select assotlmcut of NEW CLOCKS, Iiuliiding 30 and 8 day Clocks, of every stylo, which lie otrers for sale on moderaie terms - Vy llepnring clocks done lo urder. Those from a distance repaired laimednilely. ZZT All wurk warrauled. Call and eiamine II 11,1.1 l.U IJUU .11 i.i , .-s , Oct 7. 1-fJ Uccvcs' Ambrosia FOB Tim BBAIIt i f"Pho Original ami Genuine Ambrosia J is prepared by J. Allen UctvKs nnd la t. e best hair dressing and preservatuc now in use. It stops I tltss oair failing out, causes it to gr ov. thick and long I ami prevents it from turning pre malnrel) grey. It I erailirates daudrutl, cleanses, be.iutines and renders thu hair son, glossy and curly lluyil. try it and Lu convinced. Ilon'l be put inTwith a spurious iirticle. ' A.k fur ileeves' Ambro.ia uud iaku no other. For I sale b) Uruggi.ts mid dealers in l-'aiicy floods every I w h -ro. Price 75 cenls per bottle - Undid per duieii. Address. ItULVLS' A.MlillUHlA UUfUT fij Pulton street, New Votk City. 0,t. 7. Wi5-PJino.-H.'ll tl. PHOTOGRAPH E , Skylight Picture Ualloiy. IN Til T. KXCII AN015 IILinU. BL00MSUURa,PA. isptftutitl! IfOl-y m -A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers