Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 25, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 19. NO, 39.
Will Cure Your Oongli
I3altimorc, ild.
t'OMiwvi) svrit ue wu.n nir.ituv & ni:s-
l.kA ti.VUiU IIUOl',
Will Cure tlit Diseases of llio
W & Q A iff A X M & ,
Ku.h as Colds, Cough. Croup, Asthma,
Ui Cituliiti C j I a t r 1 1 , Soro Throat,
llniirsnic ss, Whooping
Cough, Ac.
Its lir.rly wo will prevent
rrjjM on a i; v cons i i m p n on,
Anil .- 'li li till.) I, mini (Ik(,ii H fully ilcvt-l
it wiii uilurtl I'Kiro i.lul lh, m any mlnr im-ili.
J l.imnmi t; i( rv "pfaktr of llio IVnn-iyU attia
liOll- ' i'l It' tM'i-l.l.lliVOt( Ml ft l " MllS UtW'lU i' 111 J-
n i . ii . . xt ni ly uM'ii.micI ii of ittf Iiiuliii nhm
' tht- MMiiiiiif n. iwiiir.itiv iuiliiifB littviiis; n-i'ii
i. it-M.j tii" ''in Ix tilth ih i ("i'l (.r.iil'j in,: ruMilti.
li is iir. lullv .mil r-ktitlnftv r'Mr 1 lriii Mil
I Im rr I.;. 1 1 ami u fca .n..' e R ml ly Dr. 1, l Ohur
hull, i a r. putfiltif tittri,iri rl" rihn'iiimlic, I'n ,
I Kflulttt Mi-,( ly nil liu&;it ami touutiy alurc
k i i- "
It I' Cro-hy, i'-roMii:t''.'!r iiml czriir?ctd nf I'ulU.
tv ii, rttuticii as lolf-, (j ;
IVrt t irs, IrPJ Jnn. ',U
Tin renin Hint I u-imi Hi- 1'lmi cm IVi
M ii v i," ii i y .mil I n riitiiiM-iiil il to tin1 iii!tlh; .it tint
r ' -i r-in --ly (it .uifh iiml i'uMn I lue
r i 1 ' 'Mm i I uty ilttiii'ii vvim taUii with a
or. i, jh f.niii'nu''ii ith a 'ruii' i.'uiijIio (('i'il,
n it I u .1 lulk ami ttr.'atli". hating hcar-l ho
i-.n- ii P. ii I ..t m tl..i i h"i nit l't ktuinl. t nrni'iiri'il a
i'V1 'l ii lii' I'liHl ii". rri'tM tli-i diiliinliy n
hi'nl .H': .ni.ll. Ii.rc lit.- I tlil't li.i.l t.l'ti'tl iiHH-lo'irlll
. I tti -i.uii- il i'IjImi I) itll Kvt rv r.unilv kIiu'iI
l,.t.' ii ih ili m It mi.. . U. V. ('UudilV.
J. i nM tii.ii, f V w Miw, Ilni;;- cotinty,
i,iu in.. 1- l'i o'n't h' li'i'r tay : A It u
fiT, i iMvmiu iwti ti . a ! nr il'talili) cmiili
f tin j. i - .n .'ii 1 if .lilwi) Miiii.aint an il H unit'
all '.i'i 1 Hi nt i lik j iii t.i m ii 1 iiif r, !. o it.
" i'.i. i i.Vi. in fi s 1m it. r i-'i'i i " tmii lli.iP any
i i.i ili t T4-. I am .ii(.'iii l'.r ittiuii- til ihi'
'imM I ('il..' .-Ii ninii .Ij.ina, li.ti u(iid cnu to
h i MI..L Hi' no t L' '-I
Ti" n i i u' ua "Ji'.rai.t t rnm a l tt. r i'mui Ilirai.i
l ih . i. .-- i". i it. a i' ('ii.uii''.! n( ('n : "1 h tc iriol
tli. Ii i. nr. I h.r .1. ami tliu; u to In llu hot lihijeIi
ii. .i i' li i.if i'l. a nun r a i) nata tti.iii
Mi) n Ii Hi ii I i .1 i' vvtir tnu in uty ?t" ."
t 'i , i r "I" i lit iif.'tfn nt Ii u m mtif-li coufi
i it. in ii iivu tu r lrm llio icftiiiinuy nf
I . i i i ti a" il. Hit' i.i mi, ) win in.
i mii ; i i'i my miif liui.'r w ts twt .iU-i1j,J v.nli
i t it
It In
V. i , II
li i i ii i 'i. ' !(-Hit titi' el if cf iliiicasoif, iiauti'
Ij.iii"-' t-f ii i .) it uiul Ia
"llTi UiimOLTilBH, W. ).,
riiui.ii.vvlllt!, Pa,
; '.Hi-- ill D-u'"lt' hi.! ?tr r.
Join i i li' IV ( iHVi;v, 2:i
."-'' i . , .il .-ifd i. I'lil'.'-t l; ln i, nr I
V 1- '. I-i.i ! i in I'ntnklni Htri'ct, Nun-
Tot1 . ..i i- 'nil IV .i'i milf A ! -ill-.,
Sili'li I .' I I VV. i-li.l I.V ''II & MOVI'.II Iir'!'.'-
''". I'' i r. .in I.- !. ' ly iivr Ur'.giut uiul
iii. f -r i i . li In t .--iii.itr.
' Ii v . t i -' i 1 i.iii(ftfi.i or Miiirr lvOipir .'ii
M'l I. - 1 1 1 1 i t'irti, i'ii inn i l In il i tt yuit nfl' rt Ith
irim- utii . H-, : lll . I U! fti'll.i ,it ul.c. ti nil: t tlr
fi hi. ii ll'
.Inn ' l-i ." - Hnl
I tin I NO BAIL r.o . . 73.
July 120. 1803
t Tiun'v Ijifio 1'rftn 'I'h Konh
mi tvi i fi-r ri.i' i.ii-iiiiit
1 1 .i-it tiitnlc- Hint cliililU'ii cry for II.
I.ii.l i l'.W. ' H.NiC; l.aiso i".ntll, i U.VD
A'cr tht "Columbia Dimntrat,"
f 7 "
It. ii .ii
r i
.i ,i 'i
5? '
l In-
Xiiiv-vYiirk, i:'-', I. illl.'ill, .i(.n .1. I, ilnll, dti'.
p- 1 m- 'i..iilr.- Iiu N 'W V"ih, li-. lul.'iMVa :
' 7, ..i hi'I .l.'i A. M.,i'inl 1 I.i I' M.. airnnijj at
, Id 'ill i.M.iiiii I.I.II.IH I lillil I'. M.
i' . i' I .- it!: 'J'i.i. i.- iill 111 I'l'lin
liii Hi. I, mi! fiiM it is i. ntn uixomiiuiiy
tin-n i i n i i .- li A. M 'I mlii- uiiii'iut iljniiti'
I. av in l.m:iii. 1'iiluvilic. 'i uiuaiimi, ATJiilth-t-
1. .... .in! I la ' liii'-. i-. Alii iiIiiTmi, ami I'hiluili'l.
tl' i.i al .- I . '! mi.! i'.Ui I' .tl, t-lHiillU Kt-liaiiuu
..i'l ;i i l.H ii -.! lull irily .
V,. i ii.i-. l.).j.mi; at inlH'., ill 7 -."i W an I
Hi, I' M n ; l.uaw; N-w nrk at !l A .M
I J i'ii i,. ,11 ,ii .1 - I' i, I'liiluili'lpliia in i-.iii M ami
J. ' i I' M i ..ii-v ill at MA M iimiI -J.-.-j r M ; Abh
I.ili.! ,il 'i.l.l it till ! I'i !!ll lui.m. 'J'.iuia-il.l lit !' l!i A
,M uiul 0 I-'. I' M ami U.-auMi' lit I nil. T !I6 nuil lll.t.i A
1, 1 .1.- a i I ii I.i I' Al.
Ui'.nlin? A'-i inii'i"i(liitlnii M'laln: I own H 'it'll n; n'
t u i a m I. mi a ii. i. 1 1 Mm riiii.-i'ii ipi'n it J "U r ii.
riilnuii.) i I. hi lli-.n1 'I iimii I i.'' It'itiliny nt li 00
ml in .A t, ami n I'I' Ai. lor l.lliaUi. ,!liz, (,'nl
tlililna A.'.
tin Stia.lajB ; l.i".Vi JT. v.' Vnrl lit Ml I' M, l'llila-iii-lpliii
! I.i I' M r.ittvilln 7 !'" A V, 'I'aiitit'i'iu 7 il) A
! t1 i' ii.-A .Mauil il 'U 'I '.' at 1,1'H A M for
Jrj ' 11-.
t'lniiiiiii iiiiuii Mll"itcs. yi'tHH', r'l'lionl (iml l!riir.
mult Ti. '.. t. '.i ami Iroi" all pun.' -. a' n-il i'-. 4 IIut-
II. iat-..-'- IttruiiBlt ; 'll p mil u nll'iw.'il cucli
J'JM.-Iijir. M'
Ot-"ktti. .-ti'tr.ii rL.sui.ST.
lirR.lins, I'.i. July in, l,ii!3.
n n run UNfouruNAru
Tlif tlo mil iwiurffie Willi'ni luumilts, anil arc
Uprtlll 111 .illi"U.
l.ias'u: or tiiui' 13 Ni:cnssuv. narf.t'i'.i'l i" " caiM. .
,. t. axi ii i,u im-.W vxur. t '
Vul .ii.'l .N-.tou lA-bililj ."i'l .liffJHul 111" JHniUlcr
"ftp,; ::,!! ntt'il fur .i.alo or fi-male, M r V"""!!
nml nr.- U y lulnAIt knonn fur "in "full ilU-
1 . nil r-. muI liif. Ouimrrluii. i!1rkl,l!.r.,
: ,h ...l m ll rm..i .V uu.l K.'l''")- ""'i;1'"";,
atl?!,,. .itii.rai, 11. In I i fi..;ri.miJ J'
,,, si , a..a 1 1. iiu four io .in Iioh-h sciurally Hi' a
.i I.V', U...I if you c.hi..t lirocurQ to f
.fyinir .Iruwi-t. .lo .ml Uo i.i.p-. ;l o 1 '). ' '
t. miii'iIj , but .'iiclon- llio HMiiuy ... u li ltur to m" I"u
Dr. J. BYRAN, Coii'uUIdr lUylc!aii,
.. ......' JI.J l.niiiihVIIV. N i.
Win. ..'ill i..ko all rt.k .f Propyl' .li renin; myu'
will ri'.'i'lvulli'fui pn.l, uturuiy .taiou
kriBiiuii. hy n tun. , v
r-Ol.ll HV illll CUlr" I h (II, M.I. Al. Ii -
' Wliuiomlu Agi'l.U.
July 15, lr'CS.
0 02 MAltKKT S Tit BET,
tMI'dKTl'.R or
Ocrinnu, I'rcnck ami FisiSlWi
Toys, ami (looils, Pipes,
Canes, China Wares, ito.
rj),plriiiLi;r-, I'M.
The Only Place uhirc a Uwc can be ob
tained. Or. .Tulmson hns dfoenvcred tho mnst
(Vrlnlu. Ppf-ily, nml only KiTi'iliial lli-moily hrtlie
..rl.l for W.nkiii'n of i,e Unci, ur l.lui'ji, Htritturi'i.
Alli'i ti.nn of tho KiiliipjH uiul ;ini!ilcr, 1 tit nluntary
Di.iliiiri:. ., iupoli'iic , CiMiiral Dclillity, 'Cortnii..
in . I l .pipjia, I.iiiiiiiior, Low Splrit. ChiiI'ii, Ion nf
lili'iK. riiiillatiiiii nf Hie Hi nit, Tnnlillty, 'I rcmlilliiK,
I i in iifxc ,.( Higlit or (llililliui., irnsp of Hie Iliad
Tlirnat, N.ii., or llmuls-lliosc 'Icrilhlo lisi.rili'r
iirisini! Irtuii folltitrj llnlnli. nf Vnutli-ncrH mnl
mlitaty priutlces moto Inlal to thi lr vlciiiiin limit tlic
kons nf ryriii. to llm MarliiiT'. .if lllimos, lilicliluiK
tlu'ir urn tt iiiillinnt Impin ur until Ipatioin, rcmli ring
liurti.igu, ic l.ii03K.blo.
IVpcdnlly, wlm liava hccnnn) tho vicliias (if Snlitaiy
Vlc.J, lli.itilrtailful ami uVmmicUvd liililt lilcti nimti
allv wirpii loan lililllndy irur ttHHiiamU vi' jouag
Iim'H ortlic inn-t fxnitci! lalnilfi uiul hrltll.iitt Inlt lied,
wlm lutein olhci w linvc t-nlra m i-d UUiiing tnu
n't'H Willi 'Ik.' Uuitnli rh til' i lo'HifiM'i1, nr wnkfil lo it
btary llio Ih hig l rt't m:iy rail with full confldciMi'.
Matrl- il .f ron, or young hicmi rnniPinfilnltnp mar
ilni,"', Iu'Ihj; iiwnri nf I'linltal uuaknvHb, organic tic
hillty. ik titrimiii1", c'M-illly citrnl.
lie w hu ii'ik i h liiiiit.Mli u'uih r llio rare of Ilr J. may
H lU'imish ruiiluh' in Immij a. a Milli'iiu'iii anil'iilly rely iiinii his fkill u a itisiciuir
oik; mc w j:akj:s3
itu iiH'i!i.M l. U'irt'll uu.l full Ijnr ri'ttinrnl.
'i hU ilctfiu-i'i nlfi itiiin hu h n-mlers life mlr
rrulih) aii'l miuriiik' iiii"I(fiIiIi' W Hh: pi'iinliy inf,
b Hi.- vi.uai-'tf imiu ipcf iinlnlyi nrfu Vmihl' ht
win arc ton ni in c.'itiinU i (. '. from nut Uf ink
iiw ari' "f Hie iln itilliil ituin it nr. . tlijt in.iy ftit-ilc,
imu', m Hint nii'li r?!iunl lln .-ill )". t will irt'U'iitl tn
tany the nmur vi' pmct"1 :iti n n ln-t nniiiT lv
Hi'iHf lalUm: intii nrpruiM'r ti ildta lhan by the (irii
(h ut 1 i.i nlku ' ii. t ili pi ivttl u tho iliai.n nl heal
tcj i'trjuin Hit iiintt r-i iiuii .mil ih -ilihiiiM' fsjinp
IniNtif iiL'ih limly mi. I mtml iirt.'. Tim Sj tini K
i'tiui"s iiiMiijjfil, it-' 'l,;.-l(ul .Hid m. m,i i'uiicHmiiv
w i'iir!'iici, .nft f alive pirn er, Svt nn Ii i j'iliiy, Uyiii'itsi,i. i'.ili!:,itiuit t th- Hi nrl. 1 n:ip's
Him, CtiiiMittitiunnl 0' li.niy, a Wa.llnii nl thu Tunny
(Ji'Ugli, CuiMii.iipHiiii. Ht i ay .in .1 Death.
int. .iuh.v-tuX,
Mi'inlMir of Hi'! Ual Coll-fr' ol urv'fnrM, hoittlnn,
liriitlii-tii- fmin "ii i I Hn- tiv.-t riiiiiii'iit rll"jfi" in tli
I ntli l M.ttt uiul 1M' trrrit r pint of whose lifi Un
lii'i-n H'ttl in t c li"ritiiiH nl lit mluii, l'uri Phila
tit Iplu i. a'ld li-Tf ii.ts t ll'i-t li 1 i-fijl." of til'' 1ll"t
n.H'iu Iniitf iiiri l rr i i Knnn; many lr"'i
dli-ilniUi ri'M'iiu in iln h -ml nn.l ins l.eii unlet
itu;. it lKi-voii.iiciit, In imj; -ilitrimHl at rihl ien ''iiiidi
Itipitiuitiis. with ircaiifht lihihim;. atti'ii-lid koiih-
hnit b Hh it raniiu nl ul mliiJ, ctiiud iiiiiiicm '
TAUU rA'.iriiTl.AIt NOTini. j
Ur. J. n'l.ii1" nil liium1 who have iniurim tli'iii- .
hui-h by iniprop-r imliil.Miri; ami suIuhm' lialnK. j
wt.iih )iiti lu.Ht li-tuy ,mi n n I'm i hi; lh"iu lot
i nlirf liiiin,', tiiy. n iri"tv. or ih.iri'aL'i' i
I )i -i a itt n'jiuii o Hi i-l an-l im l.u hnPy r llert-i
iroiIiii;ert hj . nrlj" liatilM ol mull. it : i-jknces of
Hi It n'i .itul l.imttft, I'aiiu in Ihu lle.hl, himnusn ol
i'i'Ul, !. i.f .Iiu Liildr '"tti. rjlpit.ititiii tif tin'
Id art I ipfp-ia. X.'rvnm irratuhility. I) 'raiiRiMiient
ul" Hie Hi!e-tiM' I ii ii i-1 joiiM, Dcfillit.V , tiynip
ttuii nf i "ii" i'ii;tt mi .
My I'At-i v 1 h l. it I a I (rti on th tuiml arc much
lo Im nrcniltjtl. I.ih of mi'inon. oiiOiion i f Idt'iir,
I) 'p t fifit'ti nl tpiriM, I'.il K -Iioili'tcs. Avi'r-ion to
toi i iy. M'll-lmiruii, lv" nf H nuil", 'J nniility,4wt
ire Ki mii nf lln: e 1 " pfti tn ''I.
TlmiiRund- ft" porim '' iill-atM rnn now Jmlc 1 Ht.- mui! ut -li ir iii-t'liutns h -ulth, luaini! ikvit
viifur, h t-ohinti: wnli j H . in-rvnu ami on aci.tlt-il
h i tii a mi ft ii In r .ij'ji.'ai.i Tii ali' nit tltctycs, cuuh
.lit I tj llli Jlilli! Ul I if il AH t. .0.1.
.Tiio 1 iivc liiliiroi' tli iiu.''.. In- n c.-lnin nrarllcc.lii
.iiil.n.l in ii"ii nl'iiii', i. Ii iliit Ini'i'i.-ii'ly leartiBil Iron'
i- il I'.iiitpaniiuiti, nr nt "i lino1, tli.-. ll'-i i of w Itltli ari'
uuliily I II ..-von vll"ii iml.-'-p. untl if nl ruioil run
il. m liituri iiti' iii.poi.tliic nml ili'stioya bnlli in i il l an-l
t,.i.!y. fltunltl apply limn -lii.itnl) .
It lint u pity Hint a ynunu iinm. llm Iicpt ol our conn
ry. in- pri .r ol Inn i- .r .n- f'.i oil ' In miiiuIh'iI from
nil prii.pi't-t'i uiul i-njuyiiii'iit o( lit", l.y llio coiim-
i.ii-ih'.' in i t.iiitij ir i. ti ii- i .ti ii "i n.iiuro. linn m--.111?
inn in u t:..u..i i.-iri'l li.'tli. Htnli pfrstiit. muni,
iili.iic jni iiipliiiin
n-fl". I Hint a r.ufi.l mlii.! no .. I 'i !.' nr llio most nfecp
'a.y i.'-pimiu lo pioinuti- cilitiubiiil liiippinuhs 1 n
il. oil, u Iiln i.i I Kl.-iia tin' jniirii.-y thr" Ii lifo bu-i-oui'?!,
awi'tiry pili'riiiiititu ; lln prop -i'l liouily ilin kuiid to
tn.' ii',v. lh" iiiiinl I" .'.iiu 'm 1.I1 iiliiiv.-il Mild i!up.ur
mi l Itllinl nittt llm no lain In. r iltrtlmt Hut
of aii'itlii'r ti.-C'iii'-a I iuIii. l with om 01111.
Offl:r, 7 South J'rc cihl; Sired,
I i fl-liniul snlr g lint' from itiilllmnro ilrt'.'t, ti few ilnnrf
mm Hi" i in hit. t ail not to ulitirvi iiauio unit until
'.'7" N'n l.-'tera rcci-iv'1 mili'i". ponp.ilil nml con
it ij n to tup t.. I'.' iimiIi ii tin' .. p'y, Icrsuiib
wniliiu' nlio'il.l .-ml.- -.I'" a nil s.-n.lporlioii ol .ulicilisc-
III. -Ill lloH-rltlHH K.VIll't'llll
Tl.o I'O'tm'i, liiploiro h-ins" in Iiln cilice.
JUntlorsm'.iit ol the J'rc&s.
Tlic tinny thnunainli enrol al tills ral.-iMlsliuient
IVitlllll til" n.l lliuiuy yi'tir-, linn in - iiuiiiinui', m, iiiii-rtitioiis iH'rlorifi'-il. liv Dr. John
tun, witiinmod l.vihe ri po'ii i J "I Tli ' -'tu ami many
mlirr papiTi., iii'Uiim i.i in.!i have .ippi-arcl -iaiu
mnl nc ii I. tore lln- piiiii'i', U'-Mum lo- riaiiiiinn .i.
l!i-iitlcinan nf iliaracl'-r mnl .i.-pouil)ilny, i a tulii
iiliiI cui'riimy to lliu jlllHtcl.
SUn Dini.ues SpcuHlij L ured.
Aptli Si, IriS.-ly
D 111 U P D E G RA FF'S
(On lit" n.'.iar, riiiOB Iioors from tUcilt'a Hotel
"IIIS INSTUT10X i. now opened arid
S i'ii it flir I In llio in."-' .u.ily tl)li'. lU'Ci'i.tion.
tri :il- ix.'i OiicL.ti'ii!!!!-..'!." i'n- l-irj;.-, "vivnlisil aiut
hi-II iiilnplcil. Tlit .-"iraicnl tip iiTnii'iit loiilains llio
liii.'i ciilli'i'lon ut in-t.-unif 'its ni tins rntintry, anil
... . ,.. . .'... ,,,i... .,ll linn In nii'i't iinv mnl all
lllll- Hid I'lui -. ,,...,, l.H ,
I i-iii. rui-u'l' "I I1"'"'1" "' I" ' ,', V.f
..irioim iiiriui oi hhhimi,.-.-, . .m.i,.,... ........... . .
,,. .'uiul. from l'-v-", l loMiro nf tli" 'ii'.ir Diict.i, In
' , of llio Kj.liili., rt.'riiiiii. &'.. ' Aii'lMiH
,,H,.t ail ; irii' of or..-. liy (iriuiulnil l.liU. ()piir.'ti''8
,t i ,o .'uriu-a, nml fcroluluui. himiii' of III" .ye I''
2!.ior '. "ll I." .tlii' "!' Hi" i "u-
'' ni- l'M--r! Will all 111.' til- '.-if"!, rotiim.ui , to
in. n .. vini' In tin- Lar
troy. -ii. iiui iu-'.t un
,11 , i...v
Autumn Leaves.
10 ADD IE.
Hofily atnl jllnlly ilown,
thancra of ollutv, ro.l, ntij brown,
Kicrj- lnpo mnl color bleu ling,
Onilic pliyr' iilinfilineunjliig,
I'lora in briglit gatlanj. wo.tvci,
A cliupm now,
To t I nu lior brow,
0( b.'sutifiil Autumn loavei.
railing ccnicl.'.ily mnl s'oiv,
Auiuinii lcaflut. liiptr Urn,
H(ink to ni I.i inniiriiliil greeting,
(if suith'B cliangui, tal nml Heeling,
A ml their narb. of goronus ilyu
In fornl (laJc.
Say lailira bristliest thing, must illit.
Through llm furcrt, vala ami ilcll,
Whiil It It iln'ir whlspi'riugt tell I
Ono ol I pong for.-, or .Itisisg,
llm! ili'.ith illrg'i foiuvcr tinging
O'er 'U'p.iitcd Mtiiiiiit.'r,t. tomb ;
"l'.i!iiug away,"
'J'ltc l.-atl n say,
Wlnlutlni lloiicrs luvu caidt loblooin.
r.inbtciiis of il. cay nnil ilcalh I
Hi ralil nf tolii ivinter'n brcatli t
While thejear Is alonly ilyln?,
Un Ihc groun.l ill ialt.'rNl lying,
l,)iii) withori.'.l.browu, atij nure,
Tlii'y rustle,
To pa.kini: truaJ,
Tailed rolirtof ili'i
mwiw. ii.iw-igwwiiiiwii miiiihwpi.u. m.ti wmm.
A Southenier Frees His Mind.
A iti' Adukkssks AiriKMUf. Wauu.
tin 1 1 r li ill Iri
... . .....,J ,. i in. tint itrni.
mtwl W rYlll-lYllW.Ai- -All d",:n-
mon to HI" l Hi"" ""'... " . -' ,,., f.,,l,
(UIM.'.IAI. HI U'.i'i' i '.' " " l ' - ,, , .
.1 Hair l.ip, I'I' fi l'i,l..ito, I'uniur.. I'mtivm. I.'ilar-
anil'lVMC't. fcc. ri.iuo .,p"riiiioii- '" ' '.
Scilh into ilerorincl i.uu. uiul (iLiural Burger) ul
u haii'ViT t-iiaitui". it in.) pi'."" i.T i it. a
lillUNI (nr liuri'l'lli;.; Ho mil r"rform "
on. ration r..r to ruiuai trump., i-j ..; -.,.;,
Vlin L umiu.' a p. rl.'.'l mro. nml la nr.ite
,' , n o lain, ot.l oftnany hu,.Jre,l ,.c r lttt-a i. p , ,,
l o"toutli. r! li'l.ein no failur.'.. it having u t "
nerl.. i approbation of all iiii.ini'.vu (iiiiiiiiiu
1 Ali'l'ir HV It. - Will m-rt nrlUlclal l.y' B'v-
in? he . Uih n.ut.ou ami Mmi'Mion of the uulural
l liev are iiiauri'ii nun i i'u". , , , .i,n-H
iIiMouitnoiti.-. fni.s,)--n..-tr...ibipo.o i'B;
ia r-ailily turcl, TUo.o tunning irumii
lu"":. .. ...,,.. ii llh n view nf
bu :.. g'W . l?..v: 7 ..,::.'...r .
niori' Hia 1 u nmiriur m u if""n i ...
a pr'iiiir".!i'i hop.ill I"' 'illU'lo;.l gu.tranlw t"
. 1 . II.......... I t.l 1.II...I..V ill 111.
Ulnae Mll'i in.') "u ..i.pB-- f".
JU) II, leui. u,
Flaxseed Wonted.
i1ASU will bo paid lor uny quuitily of
U. 0. II 0 W U 3?.
r.I'?ri'.l'l i'l.'I.I.V .'If r hla iirofi'ta
imitl (i-rtu -B t.. Imlli'i nml gi'ttllo.
,1-11 ., uu.l, Ul" .1IUI VlllllllV. 110 IS
: 1 .,".i ir, mi. ml in .Il llio vaiiuua
. ft..1 'r,' ..;-i.i . .(....,. ,,.i ni, ii.i
1 . :', . , ", ,Av... I'.,; fi',.S THr.TII: nhirli
ll I -ioi-ri"il on gohl, iiljliu.i. filvi-raud rubber br- i
lOlonill.'ll III" " . . -,'li
Mt nril nlulu ami block li" tli nianuf.irturi'il nr. all
ni oriiin n "U ''" '! caiffu'l) tuni i ropi-rly .'iit' nil.'U i:
ll.' mnl Im' ili."r iil'ov
HI .inn tuto
in ,i .ust'ir; JuncO. J" 3
lh. Court
Home, Ga , Sopl. 1 , 18G"),
Mn, Aktemus Wauu, Showman :
Sill The ri'?un I write to you in par
tickler arc hckause you aic about tho only
tnait I know in all "God's co.nitry ," bo
sailed. l'Vir soiite fcvttuil years wo ru'iS,
so-culled, hut now late of said country de
oi'.-ibod, have been trying mighty hard to
lo suiiithiti. Wa didn't quite dn it, anil
now its very painful, I aisuro you, to dry
tin all of a jiiddeti and make out like wis
wasn't t'n re
My friend, I want to say samtbin. I
sii;pi:fc tliereis nw law ogin thinkin, but
thiukin doul help inc. It don't lot down
u y tlicrmomctiT. I 'jiust exploile myself
"vnerally, so as to fed better. You fee
I'm ti jiiio to ooltcu down my leil.tu. I'm
emleavorin to luljugato myself to tbc level
of surround in.' '-'ii'!'umtauci'.-, so-cullcd.
Dut 1 can't do it until I am allowed to say
uuitliiii. 1 want to quarrel with sonu'-
liody, ihen make fiieinla. I ain't no giant
killer, lain! t;o Nonvwi ..un bar. I
aiut no boarcJiiaiiiutor, but 111 be horn.
wn'ijiled il the talUin aud the writin and
tl:o tlauderin baa all ot to be doue on
one side any longer. Sum of yo'i f ol K h
have to dry up or turn our folks loo.'c.
Aiut your editas got nntliiu' else to do
but to peck at us aud rquib at us, and
eriAT over us ? I every man what kau
wiito a paragraf to uon.ider us bars in f.
eago, aud be , a jobbiu at us to bear
u growl ! Now you fee, my friend, that's
what's disharmon'iou", and do jou jmt tell
eiii,i'ne and all e plurihm uuuni, so-called,
thai if they don't stop it at once or turn
us loose to say what we plcne, why we
rebs, co-called, have unanimously aud
jointly and severely ret,olvud lo to to
think veiy haul of it if not harder.
That's the way to talk it. 1 aiut agwine
to o-iuinit myself. I kmw when to put
on the brake'1. I aiut agwino to say all
I think, like Mr. Ethridge. Nary time,
No sir, Hut I'll jott tell you, Artcinus,nud
you may tell it to your show : If wu aiut
allowed to express our Heiitiineuts, wo cau
take it out in bating ; aud bating runs
heavy in my family, nhurr. I hated a man
so bad once that all the hair come off my
head, aud the man drowned himself in n
bog waller that night. I koul.l do it,
again, but jou see I'm tryiug to harmon
ize, lo neq'iir.tcs, to become kalm and
Now, 1 suppose that, pootikally speak-
"In Disiu's fall,
Wc sinned all."
Hut hUwii the way I sec it, a big feller j
and a little feller, so called, qot into a Qte,
aDd they foul and lout aud lout a long tiiuo,
and everybody all around kept l.ollcrin
bauds off, but kep helpiu the l.'g feller,
until finally tlio little feller caved and hol
lered enuf. Uo made a bully Oto, I tell
you, S.'lab ! Well, what did the big fel
ler dn 1 take him by the hand and help
him up, and brush the dust oil' bis clothes 1
Nary tima '. No, sur ! But ho kicked him
after bo was down, nud tbroweil inuil on
him, aud drug bim obout and rubbed sand
in his eyes, and uow bo's gwino about
bunting up bis poor little property. Wants
to con(tkatc it, so-calied. Blamu my
jacket if it aiut enuf to inako your hoad
But I'm a good Union man so-called,
laiutogwine to fito no more. I shan't
voto for the next war. I ain t no gucril
gwinc tu keep it, but as for my bein sub
jugated aud humiliated, and aiiial(jaiiHtcil,
und ouervfted, ns Mr. Cbao sayc it niut
so, nary time. I ain't anhauicd of nulbin
nutlicr, aiut rcpcniin, aiut asin for no one
horse, short-wiuded pardon, Nobody
needn't be playin priest around mo. I
ain't got no 820,000. WMi I had, I'd give
it to the poor widcrs aud oriin?. I d fat
ten my own and interesting offaptiog in
a'jout two niiuutcs and a half. They
should not eat roots and drink branch wa
ter uo longer. Poor unfortunate things 1
to come into this subtoonary world at such
n lime. Tlicio are 1 or 5 of them that
never s'tw a sirkus uor a monkey show
uctorbada incket kuilo nor a piece of
cheese, nor a raisin. There is Bull Bun
Arp, Harper's Ferry Arp, and Chit'ka
honiiny Arp, that uever seed the pickters
in a spellin book 1 tell you, my friend,
wc arc the poorest people on tho face of
the earth but wo are poor and proud
We made u bully lite, Scl-ih ! and tho
Aiucrikiii nation ought to fuel proud of it
It hbows what Auierikam kiu do whon
thc-y think they are imposed on so call
ed. Didn't our four fathers file, bleed
nml die about a little (as on tea, when not
ono in a thousand drunk it ? Bkaue they
sukseedt'd wuseut it glory ? But if they
hadeut I aiipposu it would have been trea
ton, and they would hao been bowin and
tcr.tpin round King Cieotgo fur pardon.
t;o it goi-c, Arlcnius, and to my mind if
the whole thing wa-. flawed dowii,it would
make about a ball pint of huml'mr. Wc
hud good men, great nun, ebris'.ian men,
who thought we was l'gbi, nud mauy of
'im have youe lo the undnkav(.'rcd eoun
tiy, and have pot a pardon as is a pardon
When I die I'm uiity willinto ri-k myself
under the shadow of their wings, whether
the climate bo hot or rold. So mote it be.
ell,u!i!y be I'v& fed tnuff. Bit I
don't feel easy yit. I'm a good Union
man sertuiu and sure. I've bad my pan
taloons di.d blue, aud 1'vo gl a blue
bucket, nud 1 very often fuel very blue,
and aliout t'.vire in a tilnle I go to the dog
gory nud git blue, aud then 1 look up at
(lie blue scrulcan bi'itvciK atnl silig the
meiiaukoly eboryus of the Blue tailed Fiy.
I'm doiiij.; my duriidcft to haruiouiz;, and
I think I could succeed if it was not for
sum thing. When 1 see a blncl-guaid
uoing aiouinl the' creels with a gun on hi j
shoulder, why rilit then, for a (cv min
utes, I bate the whole Yauky ir.iti.m. Je
rusalem, how my blood biles. Tho iusti
tutiou what was handed down tout by tho
heavcL'ly kingdom of Jla-i-acbusetts now
put over us with powder and ball 1 liar
uionizo the devil ! Aiut wc human be
ings I Aint we got eyes and ears and
feel in' aud thiukin'! Why the whole of
Al'rilc y ba. rimo to town, women and
children und bubies and babboons and ail.
A man can tetl'hoiv far ii is to the city by
(he sn.ell better than mile-post. They
won't work for us and they will peiMi to
death tbi wiuter as tuic a the devil is a
hog, so called. They are now baikiu in
the summer's nun, liviu on roasiin care and
freedom with nary idea that winter will
como again, or that castor oil and f-altb
costs money. Sum of 'em 100 years old,
are withinin arrund about goin lo kaw
leilge. 'J'he truth , my frien.luinliody'.s
badly fooled about tho bizzineis. Some
bo' y has Jrawed tins clelaiit in tho lottery,
and don t know what to do with him.
He's j'-st lliroviiii his snout about loo3o,
aud by anil by be ll burl somebody. These
nights have to go b ick in the. plantations
aud work. I aint goin to support nary
oue of 'cm it's a lie, so-oalled. I golly, I
aint got nulbin to support. iuyolf on. Wc
fout ourselves out of every thing rxcept
ohildrt-n and laud, and 1 suppose tho land
Is to bo turned orer to tho niggers for
grave jatdi.
Well, my friend, J don't want much. I
aint ambitious as I u-scd to he. You all
have grit your i-howa, and tndnkojs, and
eirkuics, and brassbauds, and orgins, and
ean play on the petrolyum and the harp
of a thousand strings and ?o on j but l'vo
only got ono favor lo ak of jou. I want
cuuff powder to kill a big yallcr stump
tail dog that prowls around my premises
at nigbl. l'on honor I won't choot at any
thing blue, black or a inullatter. ill you
send it 1 Are you and your folks fo
sheered nf utc aud my folks that you won't
let us havo any anuinysbcu ? Arc tho rab
bits and crows and black rakoons to cat
up our little corn patches ? Are tho wild
turkoys to gobble all urouud us with im
gel over it. Sec hero, my friend, you must
send mo a littlo powder and :i ticket to
your show, and yon and mc will harmon
ize, scriiu.
With thoso few remarks I think I feel
better, and 1 haiut made nobody fitin mad,
for I'm not on tbst line at this time. I
an) trnoly your friend all present and
accounted for.
BlXt. ABP, so called.
P. S Old man Harris wanted to buy
my fiddle tho oilier day with Confedcrik
money. Ho sed it would be good agin
Ho sed that Jim Funderbuk told bim, that
Warren's Jack saed a man who had jist
cum from Yirginny, and lie seed a man
who told his cousin Moody that had
whiped 'cm again. Old Harris tays that
a feller by the name of Mack C. Million
is coming over with a million of men.
But nevertheless, notwithstanding some
how or somehow else, I'm dubus about
tho money, If jou wss mo, Artcmus,
would you make this fiddle trade ?
11. A.
A Stouy roii Rr,i' un mcans, It is
amazing to witucss tho audacity with
which the llt'publioans claim to be tbc
frieuds of the Union, which they were
once ready to ''let slide.'' It reminds us
ot an old story, which may be new to sonic
of our readers,
In certain portions of our country wc
have an auiiual called a woodchuck, which
builds its habilat:ou similar to nc other
boast under the sun. Oao of thum hav
ing for a short time vacated its premises,
on its return found rsconced therein an
Intruder, who had taken possession in the
temporary absence of the propiictor. He
monstrance had no iffuct,the stranger was
determined to remain in his new louud
' Well,' replies tbc intruder, 'I'm a wood-chuck.'
You a woodchuck ! Great heavens, you
don't look like a woodchuck.'
'Well, 1 don't care I'm a woodchuck.'
'But jou don't talk like a woodchuck,'
'Nevertheless, I am a woodchuck.'
'Aud nioro than all, you djn't smell like
a woodchuck.'
The intruder was a skunk. Ulicu Ob-
mi vcr
i,I Want to no to Monnow." On
the little Miami Kailroau i( a stution call
ed Morrow. A new brakesuun on the
road, who did not know the names of the
stations, was approached by a i-lranger
the other day, while st.mdinn; by his train
at tile depot, who inquired
'Does this train go to Morrow to day ?'
"No," said the brakeiuan, who tbuuuht
the stranger was making game of him, 'it
gin- to d.iy, yesterday, week after next.'
'You don't understand me,' persisted
the sti auger, '1 want to go to Morrow
'Well, why in thunder don't yoj wail
until to-morrow, then, and not eoiuo both
ering around to-day. lou can g-i to-morrow
or any other day you please.'
'Won't you answer a civil question
.... ) Will il.lj iraln In Mnrt-nw V
u, . ii j ' in ..-.,..... - . . . -
'NM exactly. It, will go to-day aud
ceme back to monow. '
As the stranser who wanted to go to
Morio'rv was about to leave in digiist, an
other employee, who knew the station al
luded to como along aud gavo him the
r rquircd information.
lloASTxo Cm'Hf'ii Towi:u. A French
traveller, who had not learned to mauago
tho Enflish lauguago, went to dine with a
iilU'man to whoui bo brought a letter of
iutrodu'tion. Tho first spoonful of Eoup
burnt bis inon'h.
'Ma foi 1' hu exclaimed ; 'in dis soup is
too mueb summer.'
Tho ntxt day ho wished to order a
chicken for his dinner, but could not re
member tho name, lu his perplexity, ho
turned toward the window, aud his cyo
caught jight of a weather cock on a church.
'Vat you call da V exclaimed ho, point
'That i a ohurch-towcr,' replied tuo
'Den I vish you have do kindness to
roast von church-tower for my dinnor.'
i la. l'vo dono look tho oath, and I'm
Rather Rough Honeymoon.
On last Friday morning un athletic
youug larmer, in tho town of Wnynes
burg, took a girl, "all bathed in blushes,"
from her paronts, and started for tho li rat
town aciosi tho Pentisylvioia line, to bo
married, whero (bo ceremony couid be
performed without a license. 'J be happy
pair woro aeoompanicd bv a bister of tho
girl, a tall, gaunt, sharp-featured female
of omq thirty seven summers. The pair
crossed tho lino, were mariicd, and return
ed to Wellsville to pass the night. People
at tho hotel where tho wedding party
stopped, observed that Ihcy condncted
themselves in a ratli ur singular manuer.
Tho husband would tako bis rister in-law,
the tall fern tld aforesaid, into ono corner
of ihe parlor, and talk earnestly to her,
gesticulating wildly all tho lime. Thau
tho tall female would '"put down"
aud talk to him in un angry and excited
manuer. Tbon (ho buiband would take
his fair young bride into a comer; but he
would uo sooner commence talking to
her, than llio gaunt si-tt-r would ruh in
between them aud angrily join in tbc con
versation. 'J'he people at (bo hotel as-
certained what this meant about 0 o'clock
that evening. Thcie was an uproar in the
loom which had been assigned to the
newly inairied couple. Fcmalo f-hrieks
and ina-culinu ''swears,'' ttartlcdcd the
pcoplo in the hotel, and (bey rushed to
tho spot. 'J'he gaunt female, was pressing
against the door of the room, and the
newly married man, modestly undressed,
was hairing her out with all his might.
Occasionally she would kick the door far
enough upon to disclose tbo stalwart hus
band, in hia Oentlemau Greek slave ap
parel. It appears that tho tall female insisted
upon occupying the s.imo bed with the
newly wedded pair ; that her sister was
favorably disposed to the arrangement,
aud that' tht! busbutid had agreed to it bo-
fore tbc'widding took place, and now iu
diguautly repudiated tho oontract. "Wou't
you go t.way now, Suan ?" said the
newly married man, softening bis voice.
'lN'o,'' ifiid she, "I wun't so there?''
'Djn't jou budge ;yi inch '." cried the
married si-ttr in tho room.
"Now now, Maria," said tho young
man lo bis wife iu a piteous tone, ''don't
go tJ c 1 1 i l; up iu this Way ; now dou't.'
"Ill cut tip's much as I wanton' ' she
sharply replied,
"Well," roared tho de.sporato man
throwing the dnor wide open and stalking
out among the crowd, "jest you two wim
in' put on your duls and go right straight
home aud bring b ack the old man and
woman, aud our grandfather, who is
nigh on to a hundred ; bring 'em all hero,
and I'll mun i tin ivlioled d cabuodli of
A 'cm, and wc ll all dup tegzther f
The difficulty was finally adjusted by
the tall female taking a loom. Wellsville
is enjojing itself over tho sensation. lis.
-4-- -
DOT IuSiam the penalty for lying ii t3
h.ivo your mouth ."-ev.ed up. Suppose
such a law weie were in force here, what
a number of mules wo would have.
ptinity ? If a mad dog takes tho bydcr
fuby, is all the community to run itself' to
death to got out of tho way ! I golly 1 It
Innl-a lil.n vniii' tn. mil hull all Ink tbo rcb
ol-foby lur good, ud v, u(vtrBv,ino lo I claimed tho osfcctRut dauchtcr
C3r-A man said the only reasou why
his dwelling was not blown away in the
late ttorm was because there waj a heavy
raortgigo on it.
There's a chap iu town with hair
so rod that when ho goes out before day
light ho is taken for tuurise, and the
cocks begin to crow 1
-m '
tSf" The child's mind is liku a virgin
sheet, of letter paper j and its address in
after life will depend entirely upon the
way iu which yu direct it.
t Some stupid editor says, "if a feo
of fifty cents wore charged to sea the suu
rise, nino-teuths of the world would be up
in the wonting."
A Government Insi'kctou and irra
'Paiitm;ii.' A government ii!pcolor, vis
iting a. lunat;o asylum, saw tho medical
superintendent and said :
'I don't wish to goovor tha siiyluin in
tho usual yjay, but to minglo with thu pa
tients ns it I woro an officer, a surgeon, or
even one of theinsolvus. By so doing I
shall b brsttnr oubld to judgs of their
intellectual ttatc, aud of ihcir progress-in
tho direction of san'ty,'
'With pliaauri',' said Ihe doctor ; 'it is
Saturday, and wo usually havo a dance
on Saturday night. If you go to the ball
room, m wu call it, you will sco t lie in dano
tug and talking without reserve.1
'Would it b.i objectionable if I danced
uitli them 1' asked the oDU'ial.
'Not at all,' was the reply.
Tho official walked into tho ball room.,
aud colooiing the prettiest girl ho saw for
a partner, was soon keeping Up a very
animated conversation with her. Iu tbo
coure of the eveuing ho said to tho doo
tor. "Do you know that nirl in the white
dress with tho blue epois is a very curious
ca o. 1 havo bcou talking to her, and 1
caunot for tho life and soul of mo discover
in what way her mental malady lies. Of
course, 1 saw at nnce she was mad saw
it in tho odd l:.ok of her eyes. -. Ishe kept
looking nt me so oddly. I askad her if
she di.l not think she was Qucou of Eng
land, or whether she had not been robbed
of a largo fortune b llio voluuter mov-
mout, or jilted by (ho i'nnco ot Wales,
and tried to find oit the cause of her lu
nacy, but I couldn't ; &ho was too artful.'
'Very likely,' answered tbo doctor;
for she is uoi a patisut, but one of tha
bousc-mai.b, atnl as sano ai you are.'
Meantime, the pretly housemaid went
to all her fellow servants and said :
'Have you seen (ho new patient I Ho's
b"cn dancing with mo A fiuo tell man,
with beautiful whiskers, but us mud as :i
March hare. u asked me if I wasu t
the Quecu of Eugluud ; if a o'.uuteer
hadn't robbo.l me of a largo fortune; and
whether the Prince ot Wali-3 didij t want
to marry me. He is mad. Isn't it u pity ?
Such a fine vounif man !'
Short and Swskt 'Why, you see,
when a man comes a courtin' mo,' said
Mi . Dob-o:,, '1 hadn't the least thought
ol what be was after uot 1.' Jobie oanic
to our house one night after dark, and
rapped at the door. I opened it, and sure
euough there stood Jobie light beforo Kry
lace anu oycfj
'Conic in' sea I 'aud take a ebcer '
No, Luzie,' sez he, 'lv'e come ou an
errant, und I always do my . rrants'l'ust.'
'But you'd better ooia.- in and take a
cheer. What is your errant V
'Courtin' biiiinoss. .My wife's been
dead ihec three weeks, and everything's!
going to rack and ruin ribt straight along .
Now L'zie, if you've a mind to have me,
aud take cari ui' my bon?c an' children,
an' my things, tell mo, and I'll come in
and take a cheer ; if not, 1 11 get soiuo one
el-e tu,"
Why, 1 was fkeered and said ;
'If you've come ou ibis courtin' busi
ness come in. Im.ut think ol u a little,
'No, I can't till my errant' dune.'
'1 should hko td Ihiuk about a day or
'You needn't, Lizzie''
'Well. Jobie, if I must, 1 must, so bore's
to j ou then.
'.So ho name in, T' ei. tvnt after
the Squire, an i h manljd iu ilj'bt "fj, an'
I went homo that very night. ! I -11 you
what it is, these long nouitiiis don't
amount to in-tYinc" at ail. Just as well do
t iu a hurry.1
ff6F As u lady wa'3 walking, a short
time ago, a gentleman's button caught hold
of the of her shawl. Ssmo mo
ments elapsed bef.ire the parties wtresep
arted. ' I am rttacbd to jou,'' haid the
gentleman, good-lmnncredly, while ho
was industriuusly trying to gat loose. 'Tho
attacbuiiut is mutual,' was the good-humored
VaS' A schoolboy bein asked by his
tcaoher how be should flog him, "If you
i!i)sw, sit',1 should liki to hive it upon the
Italian system of pannnnsbip, tb ' h"avy
strokes upward, nud tho dowu one light."
Zsir llonaco Grcily used to .boast of
having once been a Priutor's Devil. lie
has tinoo earned the title of Devil's Piiu-tor.
rv,v A IM.iladelnhia naner says ; 'Miss
....... l i '
Anna E.Dickinjon is always fresh.'
Many waning Misses would Hko to huow
how sho keeps to,
car- "What is colonizing, ma ?" ques-
ried a bobeful miss of seventeen. ''Col
onizing, my dear," replied her mother
"is haveng a homo, and raising a family."
'Oh ! ma, how I would like to oolnizo,'
V I -
fi5 Show us a man with watch seals
like dinner plates dungliug from his lob,
aud we'll show you an asvi.
Funny to see a young lady with both
hands in soft dough, ami a mosquitoe on
the end of her nose.
t& Tho decadence nf watorfalls will
cause a great falliug off of hair.
Cu? The following error in punctuation
is n good illustration of tbo ujo of tbo
comma. At a banquet this toast was giv
en i . , ,,
"Womon without her, man is a brute.'
Tbo reporter had it piintod :
"Women without her mau, is a brute."
C3 'Where do you hail from V que
ried a Yankee of a traveler. 'Where do
you rain fioiu V 'Don't rain at all,' taid
(ho astonished Jonotbati. 'Neithordo I
i iihil, o mind our owu buoirieoiV
'NobaJy ever bit anythiuy by
love," said a sage-logkiuj porsou.
"That is no, true," said a youug lady '
who undo the rom-uk, "lor Iouoe lost
three night's sleep."
What is the dtft'jrfueo between a
bedbug nud a mau sleeping with snakes
under his bed! Oae crerpi over tho
sleepers' and thu other sleeps over tho
A Pircn Baiti-K two darkits throw
inir tar pots at moll other.
tor What is joy I To count your
money r.nd find it a huudied pounds mure
than you expected.
Ez$T Uo was n political obup who des
cribes ladies' lips astho "glowing gateway
of buaus, pork, bourhrout and potatoes."
Jl" Woman is'taid to In. a nu ro tt.-tu
siott but il is sometimes pleasant to hug
1ST It ii about titui to rov'.ve that old
joke : "The best ngiii'ultuiil faira" far.
I mere daughter.
" jU N0N S ST0B.
nioonitbun' ' K In i il s