Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 18, 1865, Image 4
Farmer's Department. , . , . . - -u Notes for Novembor. "November! enmo, an I leaves aro dry Anil rustlo on the ground S Anil chilling wlndi gn whistling by. Willi low nnn pcn.ivn sognu. I nO croinff scnaon It noarlV OVr. - aa It lias ever stood, the party "f the iVallnn, mpetlar ,, ,, i . ,i. , to all scrtlnunl paiilons In H loyalty Inths right nf Colli BloriVlS provatl' Unplensant WCalll j co-en.unl States nnd tnlhc liberties of tho individual . . , ... , eitiien. Oncu morn Iti voice w III bo hcaru, nnco more r frCflUOntl V KCCD3 farmers Wltllltl UOOrS i a, nilhcrcnls will bo railed In lt time honored stnd , 1 , , , 1 nrds. in every city nnd town ofthe Northern and orthc for fifivcral RUCCC.'fllVC lift VS. Southern SL.tcs, . . mi ii i l in Tbo golden grain lias been gatlicreu in, lor tli o most part ; trmt nnu vegctaDics : animals aro senkinc , aro being I w I mora onmfnrtab B rclrcata from 1 10 niero- . I 1.1 ...I !,,,!. ,1 ct-nri- uuiu, uuu mivtu o l VJ l in J , nun . v. . prudent farmer it making proper prepa rations for wintor. November ia an excellent time to do Bomctbiug at under-draining wet portions of dry fields, as well aa for cutting new channels for small streams that flow on ths surface. On many farms there aresmull brooks, which may often bo turned by a few fur rows with a plow along the border of the highway, or tho side of a cultivated fipld, instead of allowing it to flow directly across cultivated ground, diflguring the smooth surfaoe with gorges and hollows whero the fertilo soil has been washed away. When the weather is too wet and low ery to perform any other labor, stones may be picked off mowing land, or hauled to the sido of ditches ; or slumps may be dug, or liftod out, and hauled together in heaps, When small stones arc wet and cold.tbe most convenient manner of picking them is, to pitch them with strong manure forks, or with light, round-pointed bhovels, This will bo found lefs fatiguing than to stoop and pick up every one from the ground by hand. Large stones should be pried up, and blocks or raili placed beneath them, so that they may be hauled when the ground is frozen, Corn stalks should bo thoroughly cured, and tbo largo bulls well dried before they sro stacked, or babied into the barn. The true way to secure corn stalks is, to build a long aud narrow stack, with only two courses of sheaves placed on poles a fool above the ground, with the tops lapping on each other. By stacking the sheaves in this manner, tho large, spongy butts, which are usually lull of water, have an opportunity to dry out, without injuring the fodder, as they will, if put in a large mow, or in a broad slack. How to Choose a Cow. On this subjoct tbo Working Farmer says : "There is always soma risk in buy ing a cow, of whoso previous character and history we know nothing, for there arc no infallible signs of excellence A rough, coaro,illshaped cow is often a no ble milker. Yet there arc a few points generally agreed upon by experienced far mers which it is well to consider before purchasing. A small boned head and light horns are better than large. Long legs make too wide a gap betwixt udder anil milk pail, and long-legged cows are seldom quiet ff oderJ, but wonder about too much A slender rather tban a thick neck, a straight back, wide ribs and broad brisket, aro to bo sought for. Tho body of the cow should b'j largo in proportion to head, neck nnd h-" though not excessively large ; and the hind quarters if large out of proportion iudicato good qualities. Medium sized cows, nil things considered, proves ihe best milkers for the amount of food they consume. The color of Ihe hair has probably nothing to do with the milking qualities, and good looks should be regarded but little iu purchasing diary cnimals. As to tho color of the skin, a bright yellow approaching that of gold coins, creamy color within tbo ears this and good rich milk aro very apt to go to gether ; and withal, a soft flexible hide, loose over tbo ribs and rump, is alto to bo sought, Tho udder should be largo soft nnd full of veins slretohing forward along tho belly, and the toats bo Urge aud not crowded together. Test the cow's dispo sition and inquire about it. Irritible and nervous cows aro unpleasant to handlo, and nlnioet always scanty milkers. Some thing can bu ascertained from tho looks and motions. Largo, mild eyes, easy,quiet motiens when driven, and gentleness when handled, todicato good nature. What butchers term "good handiing" is an im portant quality in a milch cow, for it in; dicatcs not only good milking properties, but easy fattening, when services in the dairy are over." Temper i.v Theatino Stock. The farmer's slook around him partakes moro or less of tho quality of tho owner or those who attend upon it. A man's inflti enee is imparted to bis beast, particularly the horses, the working cattle, aud tho milch cows. A man of trasciblo temper gets up nervousness in a horse or cow. The bruie becomes afraid of him ; and if of a vicious nature, is apt to bo hurtfully influenced, perhaps irreclaimably Bpoiled whereas a mild-tempered, diseritoina tivo man will gradually smooth down tho asporities of a harsh despotism, Wo have known milch cows, wild as deers, brought I'hn man la n ,. u. no mail is a au- to a piaoiu iraciauiiiiy. penor Ulld Ilia Superior influonoe Wl II be .-tnr,;.,;..! WI. .i-.l. .1 r t communiodiccl. Wlea etoek-men keen fooli .,.. . . r... s ana irritant! out oi tneir jtocn-yards, I860, THE WOULD, An Independent Democrat! Dally. Weekly Ac Semi Weekly Newspaper, A FTKU four years of civil war, forced jCjl npnn the penpioorthe United Ptatei hy the. vlo lenrc of Hip sectional parties, wc nnw enter upon a tier era of unity nndnf progress, Norlh nnd South, a , cordial en operation of all honest men la needed to re I pair Ilia waite ofwnr. lo cs'nlillsh on r IVaco through thi) IriiimpTrTif eiHind constitutional principle! In Hie ; administration of tho government, and onr Unity by guarding all thai makes Union desirable Tho treat Dcmocra tie l'ttrtv. ubntn iil.inrv la lio pan I Ilia history of private, prosperity, of terrilotrla -,,. in,. i nr hit ........ ,.. .....f -I....!. ....... i.itiiriviiiMii i ui tx,,,,,., umi-i in i.iiirrir.i. Simula iiijit rin l" "ln principles oi una ureal iicmncrntic. ratty or . Nation. The world has borne firm wltncs. throughout 1 ,, t(, ,,, ,,k of n,, those piincinici tu IVr."' ii"ni.i.inii'. (."ii.inii-..iiii,. (vtlllivi 1IIIUM 11 rtllll AVSYvrl ' ,!'.l !'' 'l' "e'1'0; nil sct.iuns- ivnm uu tiiMnveu iy 1110 prri UUICC. mill blinded I. Ihe prepossessions of none. I 'i'liatlhc princinlei of Aniericnn lleiiniernrvuhniilil thim be Httcrcd, with no weak or iinrcrlnlM voice, hero In thi' great metropolitan cenirj of American enter prine and cnuiniercn In n matter nt ineh imnortance to cicry citicen a mint recommend The W orld to tho eo-otineration and lunnort nfirnnd mn In nil arilniiM Of the Union, , Whatever (kill can devmo or onterprlio acoinpllsli ill contribute to mnko The World what It in our to mlve that It ihall continuu to be tho btil newspaper oflheOay. i nnrrioNS Tho Dally World aflordi acoiiiplclo compendium of, and commentary upon, the news ef every day, Thn Semi-Weekly World u u large tiuarlo iheet, aamu tilt at dally, cnnlilning ull ita newa, correipon deuce, rditoriali. rnmmcrclal and market market and provision reporli, and a freih and enter tnlnlni! miieellany of literature. I'libliihcdTnesdar and i'rldny. Tho Weekly World alarce inarlo iheet, eaiuo lino as Daily, lias now ihe lark'cst circulation of jny week ly ijournal publlibcd save one Ita extraordinary iuc cc lineo Ita union with the New Vork Argm hai Ju. tided tho morl liberal expenditure, which will niaki it unrivaled in Interest and value to farmer. Pub. liihud Wednasd.iy, I Its Market Reports embrace the New York. At bany, Brighton ami (Jiunlirldjje Live Stock .Markets j the ,Vew Vork Cuuntry Produce and General Produce .Markets i special and valuable "P Intelligence, a a department of Agricultural Heading ialtogutlicr cum. poiing an unrivaled handbook of current nifinatlnn lor thii Parmer l.ivn stock or Produce Dealer, thi! Country .Meniian I, etc. S. Ill rending fur tlm Tamlly Circle embraces tho freshest and bcl Slorici, l'o. try, Itvligloiii Heading, etc :i. Its Digest of the News Is not, like most city week, lies, a mere ivaste.baskct nf the Daily J only matters ol Interest anil imparlance are chosen from the Daily, while the mass ot its content, are preiurcd especially for llm Weenly. Ill K'VKlJf UHlkU Ulatlltl IIIVTU SIIOlllU UV 1UUIIII souie active, publcsplriled Dem icral, who will coni fer a beneflt upnu ui, his neighbors, aadthe cause, by making A determined ellort i forma duo of four, ten, twenty, ornny lor me nceiciy ivurtu, a', our ureal ly reduced rates. GREAT RCnUQriO.y IS TtjllMrf. SAILV HOEI.U. One cory, one year, by snail SH.MI WLCKLY WORLD. Ten DoUars. One copy, one car Two Dollars Four copies, one year Seven Dollars. Tencopics, one year, Mfleen Dollars, ucopies, 1 yr. 10 one auuress. i ivuuiy-nve Dollars, 40 copies, I yr. to one address, Filly iiollars. An extra copy of the Weekly edition lurnlshed to cluai of twenty or more I'or clubs of fifty tho Seini.weeklv. and for clubs of one hundred the Dally, will ho sent tu euller uo of a. club. Additions may be mmle to clubs at any time during the yrrr at the regular club rules, Changes from clublitt can only be made by repiuit of the person recel iug the club packages. All siuli requests must iiamelhe edition, pust olhce, and statu to which it Inn previously been sunt, and inclose twciity.llvu cent, tu pay for changlugto separate ad dress. Orders for any editions of The Wot lb iiiiv bo sent by mail, and enclose Piiit-Ollicu Money Order or Dank nrau tor auiuuiu (less trio discount), ivu nave no uu thorized traveling agents, Money sent bv mail will be atthe riik of the icnderj. Orders and lelli'irs should be addressed to. THE WORLD, 35 Park Kow, New York. Oct.ais.l8dj.-3m. Gold 1865, 1866, 1867, Silver. 1 to 75,000!! $2 1 $2 ! ! $2 ! I ! Two Dollars ! ! Manufacturers' Agents! OUR NEW "MODE. One of our GOLD or SILVER Watoh cs, or Silver Tea Sets for S3, as below fetalcd. One of our tea sets or one place of our fJnl I or Silver-ware ii worth a buihel of the cheap dollar Jewerly We have adopted the following mode of W i s ( r i I) u t i o n , by sale of 7.5,000 articles of value I OUR NEW MODE i i The articles of goods are numbered from one tip to 7." .000 I 37,501) con, Isling of Pi.nios. Melodeons. t.olcl and Silver Watches. Sowing .Maclimes.Tca and Table Sets, Solid Silver Tea tmd 'i'abla Spoons nnd 1'orks, etc.. etc.: and the n-hcr 37.500 articles of valuable Jinely, Work and Toilet Cases Photograph Albumi OpenfaecSilvur IVatchcr.nnd fancy articles in great ari"iy. . j uuu notices numbered from one in 75, Will are pri.ited and put into sealed enviloucs nnd well mixed, and oncofthesu is taken out ami lent In the person sending in us 23 cents to cover expenie of put age, correipoiidence, etc., anu the article of goodi e.rreipoiidlng with tho number on tho nitice will be sent to the holder of tho same immediately (if he de sires lo purchase tho article.! on iha nfimi dollar. For instance : If tho number on the notice lent to you should be 500, and a Piar.a, or Diamond set or Gold Watch should be numb-re,! Slid it will im to ou fur SJ, and so on for every aitieU in our listuf ?C (UU, Cr" "After receiving an article, if it docs not pleasu you you can return it, and jour money SHALL UU Twenty ttve cents musl be lent to nav ciiKntu nf pastage. correspondence, etc, on one notice liemember, that whatever article corresponds w th ihe uumber on your notice, you can have it bv paying Two I)i liars for it, whether it b worth Sl'H) or SeOO. And it is for nur Interest lo deal fairly, and send out our flue artKlci, as il give confidence to the public, and thereby increases our tales, Try Our New Mode ! ! Upon receipt of 'J5 cent, which pays for correspon dence, postage, Ac., wa send one notice. Upon rrieipt nfsi whicn pays for correspondence, pottage, &.c, we send six notices. Upon llereipt of $3. which payifor correspondence, postage, tic, we sead 40 notices, an I a tine present valued at iu less thin $15, as a sampln of our goods. Upon receiptor SIS. which naya lor correspondent., pnstuge.ete.'. whl itnd 150 notices, and aSOI.lD SILVKR W VTCII, by return mail- AGENTS WANTED. Send for our circular I Agents allowed a large oash commission, by whioh they can inako 835 weekly. Addrers plainly, it BED & BROTHER, Salesroom. Uoi, 51 33, 34 Liberty it. New York. Oct. 14, I8C5.-3U1. JE .11 P li O Y ITI E K T rou Kelurned Soldiers aud All Others. AGENTS WANTED. Great Suie of Jewelry anil Silveitoare. The Arrandalo Great Gift Distribution. Our AgenU arn making frnm Five In Thirty Uollars per day, and we nil need more. Lain Invoices from Europj have swelled our stock lo over One Million Dollars. A iplendld assortment nl Watches, Rings, Ladies' and Ciiillemuen' Jewelry of all kinds, of the most fashionabls patterns, selling at 31 ouch. Send iU cents for a tirtilleato and you will see what voar are entitled to: or SI for tfte ccrtlllr.-ilei. ,,r a.l fn. thirty, "r send a 3 cent stamp for our termi In Agenti I which are cf tho most liberal kind. Now is your j AKIUNDAI.E Ic CO. So. 107 llroaawiy, New Vork. Nor. 4, 1865-$14 3m, II. S, H. Estray. Came to the premisoa of tbo undersigned rending in Sugarlcif Iwp,, cm or about thu lit of Scptcinb"! lait, a RED BULL, with a ilif In the left Ear, Suppoied to be one i ear old i,itin, ni. n.. n,,..i. ,.... P'"re property paychargei, and taknUlui away or will bo dlipoiedof M0idtngto law, t.t., OH,1l,l- Jw Jl Jl TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC TIIli subscriber, '20 years a practical JL nano rnrio .lianniaetiirer, or New voric Cite. hn pfrnia.iently located in lull section, and wont ; re.rccltnlly aollclt order, fu, TUNING, 11BPAIIUNO, AND 11EU- UJiATING PIANO KOHTES AND MELODEONd. Tho subscriber is also tho manufactur er's Agent for Ohickering it Son's, Ilazlcton Oro's, liindeman & Son's, William II. Ilradbury's, l'.dward Hloomfiflu s, McDonald & Go's PIANO FORTES, Ana Car hart Ac Needtum', nrnl rdimbcVfl TYT i1 nflnnnn nn1 T-Tn 1 titna i.uvviuuua uuu j. a ii iiLjiki muni And U y. Sluatt's PipeOIIUKCII OlMMNS. 1 V t l.J 1llMV 11 f JAiULiO iU0UUl AliU. Dloonisburg, May 20, 1815. ly NEW SKIFIT FOR 865-6. Tho Groat Invention of the A HOOP SKIltTb in J. W. Hit AD LEY'S New Patent I'LEX HLMPTIO (or double sntIXt! 8UIRT Thia Invention consists ol Dnplix (or two) r.lllpttc I'uro Ui'llncd Btrel Springs, Ingeni ously llraldeil tightly and (irmly together, edge to edge making the toughest, most flexible, clnstlcniid durable Spring uvcmmciI, They seldom bend or break, like Ihe tJIngln Spring, and consequently preserve their tirr,rl nnil hpitlitirnt sli.ino Itlfiri, tllnn Iwlrn lunr as nny flnglo Spring Skirt that ever has or can bu made, The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to nny Lady wearing the Duplex elliptic .-Mrt will be expericnci'd particularly in all crowded Assemblies. Operas. Carraigcs, Itallrnad I an. church Puws. Arm Chairs, . for and Homo Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in Hie to occupy a small place as ensily and conveniently as n silk or muslin dreii. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort nnd great convenience of wearing the Diplex Ulllt'tic Steel Spring Skirt for u siuglu day will never al'ici waida willingly dispense with their u-e. Kor childreiil Misses nnd Voting Ladies they ate superior to ui others. j The Honpi arc covered with 3 ply double twisted thrend and will wear twice as long us the ilngle yam covering which Is used on a single Steel Hoop Skirts , ' Tito three ootloin rods on every Skirl nre also doubln Sleel, and twice or double covered to preterit from w earing otf the rods when drnsgiug down stairs, stimn steps, &c, which lliey are constantly subject to when In uso All are made nf the new nnd elegant Corded Tapes, and nre the best quality in every part, giving In tho wearer the most graceful nnd pcrfert shape possible, and arc unquestionably the lightest, limit desirable, comlortablennd economical Skirt nver ni'idu. f WCdl'd' UKAULUY & 1JAIIV, Proprietors of tin III veutloii, and Sole Manufacturers, 'J7 Chambers, and!) I tV HI lltadc Streets, New Vork. FnrSa'i in Iirtl-clasi Stores in thii City, and thro' out the United States nnd Cauvd.i, llavnun do Cuba, .Mexico, South Amertrn anil tho West Indies, i b'. Inquire lor the Duplex Elliptic (or double) spring nkiri. Aug ID. ICIij-.Tnio. A. Sc. C. THE PRIVATE MEIMCAlT ilDVISEK, (Exclusively for Ladies,) An imaluablc Irratiicuf 100 pages, by published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt nf TEN' OUNTS, it will bo lent postpaid, In a sealed envelope, to all who apply for it Address B J. JSUYAIV, BSoX 507, HOIIroadway, N. y. July 1.1. HCi. COLUMBIA Insurance Company, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER Co., Pa. Cash Capital &. Assets, $500,000. iCIIAUTtilt l'CIll'CTUAL) Directors : John W. Stcncy Win, 1'atinn, M. S. Shnman, 8. F. Eberleiu, Edmnuil Snering 8. O Slaymaker Samuel Shocli, itobt. T. ltyon, N. McDonald, John Fenilrlch. Amos S. (.rcen. Geo Young. Jr., 11.0 Minich, AMOS S (illRI'.N. I'ros't. M. S. SIIUMA.V, Treasurer. Jr.. Secretary. OEO VODNC E7" Wll insure nroncrty at ni reasonable rates as will be con si stent to the Company and those insured. L. II. OONOVEU, Agent, Beaeb Haven, Pa. June 10, 1805. WYOMING Insurance Company, Wir.KUS-IIAItllB, PRNNA, CAPITAL AM) SUIt PLUS, - $150, ASSliTS, Stock not called in, 850,000 Hills receivable, ..... 40.IW0 U. S. 5 1!0 Uonds, S3, 000 Temporary nnd call loans fi.oou 103 shares Wtouiing llnnk Stnck, . (i.l-o 30 shares First National llniiK hi Wllka-liarre. 5,000 70 shares Second .National Hanknt tVilhcs-Ilarre. 7,0"' 40 shares W Ilkes-Unrre Uridge Stock, . . 2.50 Ileal Etale, j,5i Judgments, - m.. Due trom Agents and others, 7,414 Cash in hand and in Uank r.til.' BI8fiECTORS. fi. M. 1IOLLENIIACK, JOHN UKlCIIAItl). S.UIUEL WADI1AMS, CIIAItLbS DOUUANCE, It. 1). LACOU. L. D. SHOEMAKER, II. M.IIOYT, (. .OLLINO, Wm. S. ROSS, CIIARI.E-- A .MINER, STEWART TIERCE, .ii iiamiim; G. M IIOLI.EVHACK. lrnUtt. L. 1), SHOEMAKER, Vici IVm'I. R. C. SMITH, SicniTifty, , a HROWN. Agent. March A), lo 1.. 1 msbiirg, Pa. American Hotel, Opposite old Independence Hall, rniLADELPIII.V. S. M. IIEULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. II. ITeulinos, llerk. May 57, lW. f.'m Eagle Hotel, r",HE undersigned havioi opeuctl a put 1. lie house, in Roliriburg, Columbia Count keown as the EAGLE HOTEL Announces to his friends and the public generally that ho will be happy at all times to administer In tneir entertainment, custom solicited, Cive him call aud you will not regret it. WILLIAM EDGAR. ' Rohrrburg, July 8, 1805. FURS. FURS. FURS. Wholesale and Retail. GiiAitLKs oAKromr&lo.s, r II I I, A D E l v II i a . Have now opened their large and splendid stock of LADIES' FUR CAPS. COLLARS, MUFFS, CUFFS, GLOVES, avi) iioors, Aim the finest anortinent ori'AFCY I'UR ROUES, CAPS, MUFFLERS, and GLOVES, ever before otrercd by Ihem all of which u'o warranted to be ai rcpro icnted, Shipping Furs Rougbt. fe'. 21. JWi5,-3m. air mmmz mw& BELL ic ALLABA0H, Proprietors. i ' ,, : 1 CORNER OF THIRD ST$ PENES YL VA N1A A V WASHINGTON. P. Ol A. B. DAVIS & CO., fuiladelp in a, I Mnnufactur r. of n i i rmt i w-a B'ail IiOaQ 1 niCk. HaV 11 ,llUl' "UJ Coal ami Cattle fiSALBS. 9 PLaTFOUM AND COUNTER Ob' EVERY DESRCI85T!ON. lar EVERY SCALE Warranted. Orders promptly filled, apply to 11. II. EATON, Solo Agent, Uerwick, J. K. EYE It, Islooinsburg, Pa. July 22, 1805. Omo. Arcana Watch. An Elegant Novelty in Watches. Tlio cnics of llm watch are a new invention com- I tin, I'd nf several illH'.ircul metali comblncil, rolled tnei'ther and iilunlsncd. producing an exact imitation I of IH carat gold, called AnctNt. They arc as beau tiful u olid gold and are atliir.lcd a; one-eighth llm cost. The raiies are heauttifuily designed and nre en graved in tho exact style of llm celebrated Cold limit Ins Levers, and to exact nil imitation of gold ns In dely detection. The movements am manufactured by the well known St. Jimber Watch Company if Eu rone noil nre superbly lininhed. having eueraveil ual- lets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting legulalnr, line di 1 nl mid skclrtnn hands. I I'hvse wntrhe are all Hunting ('.tics and nf three 1 sires, tho smallest being for Ladles A case of six will be sent by M.iil or Exprcis for Slio. A tingle one sent in u liaiiitsoniu case for 3'&, They will readily sell for three times their cost. Wn nlsn im- ' port a very superior nuiihed olid elegant watch ! which we cnu sill tor 330 each or $I5'J pvr case of si x These are also huuiiug cases and for Ladies nnd Gents We a-c side agents for Ihis Watch In llm C. Htntus and nnno are genuine wl'nlido not bear our Trade .Mnrk. Persons ordering Wnlehes. ('. tl I), w ill please remit U5 per cent of th-i nmouiit with thci r or der, t'ruers lor any Kiiiit ot watches promptly anu faithfully fulfilled. Address. ARCANA WATCH CO., No 02 Fulton St., New YorkCuy, Importers & Dealers in Watches of every description. Successors lo Girnrd W, Devauah &Co. Oct 7, IMi3-thnn.-8 II S. Purify the Blood. THE GREATEST MEDICINE OF THE AGE A sure antidote for sickness, nnd a refugi from Sorrow, Iain and Disease. Bryan's Life Pills. ENTI It E LY V E G ETA BL E. They nre admitted to be tho Best FamHy Medicine (or general use. Piiiifyin.' tho lllnnd and cleainmg the system from nll'impuiity Bryan's Life Pilis lo regulate llm Ptnmaf h, Liver anil Viiry Fcr3 tlotis which in Ih'i rliir-t muse of nirvoutnm , (Jidtli iick, Diiniies of Biglil, llcadaclie, tick Stomach and other Kindred comjiluims. Hundreds of Oitificute can be Sbmru. They Iiae been ujed by iliuuB.iiitlg ith ancccss, Bryan's Life Pills Aro adapted for all Ages & Constitutions, They are composed of the active principles nf Herbs and Hoots culled from our (If Ids and forests. They arc mild hut ctrtaiu in tlieir operation -prodHeing neither crumps, griping pains nr sickness. They maybe taken by all ages, sexei or condition without fear. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Headache. Brynnl's Life Pills, Cure Sick Stomach. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Gicldinem. Bryant's Life Pills, Purify tbo Blond. A Box of Bryan's Life Pills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They w ill.iccnninllth faithfully nil that Is represented. 'I hey uro elegantly put up by Ihe proprietor, who was the inventor of ltd VAN'S FUl.MONiC WAFERS a medicine long and favorably known to the Nntion. If ouwih to buy IIRYAN'S LIFE PILLS and can. not grt iheiu of )our druggist, dont take any other, but semi Twenty Five Cents In a letter to the proprie tor, and you w ill pet them hy return of mall, post paid Address DR. J. BUY AN, Box 5079, 412 Bro.tdway, N. Y. Poi.n dy IlRUnr.isrs GcsEnsiit. EMDAS. P.AIiNES II CO., N. V. Wholesale Agents. juiy ia, lens. tvuruary 11, icus. y I8G5. I'liiladtljiliia & Eric R A X Jk 'It. OA, I8G5. This grent linn traverses 111'.' Northern and North west counties of l'ciiiiylvatiin to the city of Erin, on Lake Erin. It Ins been leased bv the Pennsvlvania Ha Iroad Company, nnd is operated by them. TIME Ol I-ASSENUtlt 1 R A I N 3 AT IHIUTIIUMCCn LH. A'. E IsASTU'AUU. Erie Mail Train. Erie Espress Train, I limr.i Enprcss Tr.uu, Elmira .Mall'i'riiin. 3 ) P. M. 3 110 A. M. II SA 1' M 10 55 A M fl U) P M Tyronu Accouiiuodnlinii, LEWIS U'ESTWAIU). Erin Mail Train. I 01 A M Erie Eiress I rain. S 411 P M Elmira Express Traill 5 :10 A M Elmiru .Mail 'I'raiii, 3 35 P ,M T) nine Accommodation. I 00 A M Passengers Cars run through on the Kno Mail and Express Trains without ciunmk both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York al7.0U P.M. arrive nt Erii-3.10 A. M. Lcavn Erio ui 5.(15 P. 11. arrive at Now Vork 12. noun, No Change of Cnrt between Eric nnd New York Elegant sleeping Car on ull Night Trains For information respecting Passenger business, ap ply atthe Cor. :iillh and .Market Sts. Philadelphia . And for Freight buainessof the Company's Agents. S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor, Kith and Market Sts., l'hil'a J. tV. Re nolds, Erie, William llrown, Agent N. C. R: II., Raltimnrc, II. II. Houston, Geu'l. Freight Agt, Philadelphia, II, W. (iwinncr. Gcn'l.Tiikct Agt. Philadelphia, A. I..TVLER. Gen'I.Sup't. Williamspori. October 7, ItfW. FRESH JillRlVAL OF Fall and Winter Miller's" Store. mlliS subifriber lias Just returned from Iha Oltln X with anoilier large and select nssortinct of FALL AND WINTER GOODS purchased m Philadelphia, at tho lowest figure, and which they are determined to sell on as moderate terms an ran be procured elsewhere in llloomiburg, till stni k la Dn:$ mikks aoans, of cholce.t styles and latest fashion. nur nouns, .i.vo nioct:inr.s. II lltnH'.IRK QUF.FJmMIti:, CKDAU IMKK. HOLLOW If'.JfK IIIOX, .ViiiS, BOOTS i- SH0KS HATS H- Cirs, tfcc, 4e de In short everylhingusiially kept In country Storss tn which ho invito the nubile generally. The ilighettpriru paid fur country produce. S. II. MILLER., lSii.5. BLANKS I BLANKS!! Of every description, for a!t at this offioo Keei Youii Eye ON THIS PLACE. SB OHD AlllllVAL OF NEW GOODS. t i HAS enlarged and greatly Improved his Store Ilnnm i and stocked it with a large nnd superior Stock of, MA 1,1. and WINTER GOODS, which will be sold at low as nl nny other establishment In the country, '; nlicos at 10, 18, 20 and 25 cents. , Muslins, lilt ached and Urown at 25, 28, ; up to 48 cents. nnESS GOODS of ciery shade, quality i and prlcn j a full line of Domestic Onodi, i Vi ! Checks, Stripes, Ticks, Lluncii nnd Cotton Table Diaper, Gliigliams, Nankeens, Ice &e. A good supply nf Ladies Shoes nnd Gaitel New slock of Hals mid Caps. ' All Wool Ingrain and Collage Cnrncls, a splrndid nrlirle lust opened and tor-iale, A fresh supply nf I Groceries and Spices, j n new lot of tvn ipii tiiw WAnu . UUilll. OIIV IT I 11J.V M II 1 M ACItl'.ll At. hv Ihn .m.-irler. luilf no, I whole, bnrrrl Nos,.l and ?, medium nnd large, Also, a large and splendid assortment of kASS AEILD BJIfi!S!i113WIB!3S new design". Also, n new lot of TRUNKS and Oil Cloth Natctcs. Having bought these goods before tlx late rise, I am prepared to sell low, cheap as the cheapest for caih or country produce, WIS STUDY TO PLEASE. Illoomsburg, Jnu, 7. IfdS. Lnckawainia & Uloonisburg Ilailrond. CCiT TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a OX AND AFTER MONDAY. JUNE ISth. IK03, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN' AS FOI. LOWS: LEAVE NORTHWARD. Leave Norlhiiinbi'rl 1, eMitl A. ., 3 00P.M. " Dnnvillti, H.40 A 40 " Rupert. M.'i-j li.'At Itloniiisbiirg III. 13 n.'.YI ' llernick, . lo 'J3 7.30 Shlrkshlnny. - II. in MS " Kliigti.n, . . IS.IJ p. .M Mi Arrive at Srraiiton, . I.5U I O.'J.S New Ynrk 3 30 ' Philadelphia uso LEAVE SOUTHWARD Leave Srrantnii, - . tilioA.M 4 'JS T. M " Kingstuii . . 7.00 3 30 Uerwick, . . n.:n 7 311 " IhooiiiHbiirg 1)05 S.'.'l) " Rupert, - o-jj e.3o " Danville, . . In no 0.15 Arrive nl Northumberland, HMO 10 no lliirrisbiirg. - I.V10P..M. I 'J5 " WaFliiiiglon, 0115 10,3. " PhlUdel)hin, 5 40 5.00 The thorlei.t and must direct route to the west nnd Hi' oil region I Vt Trains of the Philadelphia vol Erl T.nilriid leave Northumberland ever) morning f ir Erie, arriv me there thu ufiernnou ol Ihe same duy to coiiuuct with triiiiis for Itiillalo Cleveland, Chicigo. with all points west, and connertiiig nt Co try with all train -on tho till Creek Railroad. New and elegant bleeping cars arrompany the uichl trains , 'arh way Imwerii Nnrthuiubcrland and ll.illi more, and Northumberland and Phila,telphii, II. A. FONDA, Sups. Kingston, June 17, Ii(i5. Baker & Confectioner THE undesigned hai always on hand and for sale, J I'llllS. l I1RUAD, GAKES, PIES and French and Domestic Confec tions in gie-l and splendid variety ; Nuts, Fruits, slid every thing usually fojnil in a first rlas conl-ctiouer) store. I'e would will especial nttcntiiin to his n.-wly re ceived sloik of PICKLED FRUIT B. UlooiiHburg, April lrt'5 AND JELLIES. II. SL'OlINEIt Stove & Tinware bhop rpiIB undcr.siRned informs the public in B gcucral. that he has opened n NEW TIN SHOP , In Ihe building f inn rly orrupjed hy P. P. Mnyer, on dnnr b.-low the (.'0111111111-1 Democrat Ollice. on Main j Striit. I'looiu sbu rg. where he will make all kinds 1 I Tin-Ware and Repairing, in good stile and on mo.lcr 1 ate terms. STOVES of all kindi and ijualitiei for sie or fur I nished to order. CSi" Country produei; taken and public custom rc-pcctfiilly solicited. JAl OB METZ Jr. Clnomsburg, April '."J. ISM. ly NEW SADOLEHY AND Snrness to- r, f , , r Mlh utidfrf-iKHcti, rcsri'stiully informs 1 lie citizens 01 i.ignt firert, an 1 tun 1 rnerntis pu blic. Hint In- has opined n new fa cut re of nil kinds of shop fev lb 1 inanu- SA DDLEltY AND IIAUNES , In thu old Store House of (ion McIMwdl, end next nor to En I'd Store, in Lihl Street. ivVn ho will mnuiilactiire SADDLES. liltlDLES, IIAltNIiid ti , to ord -r and on modi rate term-. nf" Repairing of nil kinds, ciecuted on rliort nc ic. , and iu good s j le. Country produce Mkcn in exchange for '.vcr!-.uiid public custom invited. ELLIS L. FHTAS Light Strci) , June a, ISiiS T A r.l U . A I I I I ivl llS ti IX KJ J J JJ 11 -1 W JTX J kj w DEALER IN , English, Swiss and American ' JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Jfco. GI8 Market Street, corner of' Drealur, PuiLADEM'IIIA, 1 Healer in American, English and Snis Watches, making a speciality nf tip- celebrated A 1.110 am Watch, which he would recommend to .ill wanting a 1 go'id timekeeper, nail wiii he sold nt the lowest prices and are the cheapest and best for the pilce. ; .liarcn . inn, ly. 1 TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. 1 THE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend and customers- that he has purchased his brothers iii uu im, ,uniicii in, uniiiirn ie establishment. nnd the tonrcrn w Is merest in tno aDnv lierealter be conduited by hiiusi If exclusively. lie has lust received and infers fur sale, the Inn f..fe,VH, nil, olfnr f.if a.-, ., ll, In,. est and most extensive assortment of FANCY His stuck consists of a complete assortment he best Cnoking nnd parlor stoves in the market, togeth- , , " J "i '., " 10 " 1 ?uc""'- er with Stovo Fixtures nf every description. Oven mid ' i,il, A",1.?,?.".'1 Ie"'1 " i alwuys he supplied with the llox Stoves, Radiators, Cyliiular Stoves, Oast Iron Air-1 ST.!.i """ket afiords. (.nod itabllug for liorsei.anil Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, 4c. &c. Stovepipe and "'"-""ve o.llurs. Also, Livery nttachod. Tinware con.tantly on hand nnd iiiuiiurnLturei! to order, ' I '10 exchange is elliglbly situated on the Public All kinds of repairing done, ns Usual, on short nnu;, : Siuare, and has therefore- peculiar advantages to pir Tho patronage nf old friends and new riirtniuors re. I "on attending court or dome business in llm 1011.11- .....CII., cnll..ll...l A , I, I MX (Or, sp-.iiiiii -"'ii.'i, , .. ,,J Illnnmsnurg. Nuvi'inuer -id in' 11. tr. The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST HLOOMSUUP.G. The iinderelgncil having taken the well-known Forks Hotel, ropectu illy announces t-i his friends nnd tho public generally, that Im is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom, to entire sat isfaction. lie is provided with ninpla Slnbling and prnvinder for Die uccouiiiiodatioii of Travellers, Teamsters, Dro virs, 4e., on modernto terms. C'" Public custom is solicited. GEO. W. MAUGER. nlooansbiirg, April fi. ms. S. II. DE WOLF, DEALER IN Ready-31ade Clothing No 202 North Second St., One door above Race Et , PHILADELPHIA. t&- Olotbing made to order at tho tbort eat oolieo. Wsy tr. imj. cv RXKttfJ3I$ Cheap Grocery Store.! BIA'J'8, CAPS Ai SHOJGS fl'lin underlined h.n removed till Hal anil Cup Slot 1 up lo Kvani' old itand, whirc in addition to n tuperior ttiinrtment of 1 SPRINGS AND SUMMER n Llats and Caps j CONFECTION ARIES, OR ACKERS Molasses, faugar, Cofleo, Teas, Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, Spicea, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books. Writing Papor & Inks Hardware and Ccdarwarc, Tockct Knives, Combs, iJ'C, )'c., ij-c , Together with a variety of articles generally kept In a 8lAt'so--A One lot ef KIIW, MOROiT.Ori and I.lsixuito which he invitei the ut ention of Shoemakers and the public, JOHN K. UIUTON. nioomiburg, May 13, 1(03 TllEundetslgi.f,t,snri' ftt'nslvity enfigcd In t l7iif(cr(oiii(r lusinMS, and keepsconitaully on hand nd for sale at his Warcrooins, a large nssortinerit of FINISHED gg) (JOFFINS, i lly which lie ii enabled to Oil orders on presentation' Alio Keeps n good Horse .nd Hearse, and will at al liuiei be ready to attend runcrcls. SIMON C. all J VIS. nioomsbnrg, January IH30 IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Uarvey's Female Pills the mnn iiifatlible sml populnr reuietty crer (.nnrtifor all ilicf-nFti nl the l'iiitile ki-x 'J hi j botu iif':l in ninny thnui.itnl rnifi iirtfitilii.j: duccvm- mitl itiiiy lie relied on in ever) ciuu fur w hkh lh nf r rr loiiiiiiciiilcil. ami p.uitMiliirly in nil dtim.ii; from Ohatru(tlony ot Stopfnigc of Nufutc. no inalti-r frnm whnt cau-ir it aritM. Til)' nro ftVtf tual In rettnrini: t' In allh nil who ftie MillW in frnm Wcakncm niut lithiliiy, Lterinu tiilt.iri;f 4, Ncrvmij ness Acc ,vc.,niul thy A(JT I.IKE A Oil ARM! hi trelist'ieiiiiif; niut reetnrinit the "lent. 'I Iiniitinmls nf Udifs vrn ,ihvl. Anfl'Ttd lrenrh and in-d .iriniM nthcr reiiii:Uii'H in v. 1 utvu .1 rftiew j! i'f tlifir I if a 111 nntf strength wholly ir ,. tlk-uc uf DR MAHVEY'S F h.i.' ALE 1'II.LS. '1 liey are perfeitly hirniless on Ihe -teui, m.i Im mini stall) iiiiiu with pel feet safrt) i hut during the early stages of Pregnancy they .hould not be taken, ur a mis urriage muy h! taken, or a misi.irri.igi- nny bu th result. They ucvur cause any snkiie-s pain or distress. Each box columns sixty pil.s. Price One Hollar. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS A remedy for .periiil rnnes. four degrees stli'ii(.'el 'rife Five Dollars per hot. ' than the i.hove A private fin ulir In indies with hue aii.iloiuicil engraving", it lit fie s 011 receipt of d.rict-d ciiib op.. and slump I r" Cut this notice out if you de-ire Dr. Ilarvy'l 'Pills, nnd il you .iiniiol procure them of Drug . ei-t. do not take auv oilier, fir tu:n- d-Mler- who I ?hVr".:!krtV;VrS:V"in,,l,.:l,'.rJ! money and end diicci lis eln-le I II s, uclose the money DR. J BUY AN, I CONSULTING Pll SH'I.'.V, I'o. 4-1 Si Hioxtwuy, A'rw lurk. who will take all risk if prnpniy ilirected. nd will send the I'lll-, secured 110,11 nunc rvitinn, by roltirn mail, 1'nst P..11I. St I. II (IV DRt.'C GISTS CENTRALLY. DEM AS IIAP.VES ic CO . Nbw York, U holesale Aguiits, j July 15. IPU5. ! 1. r. VCR. I. It. MOTS New Drug Stoiil. ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL frplllS iinder-lgned would inforip their friends nnd the I 1 public generally, tint tin ) lime l.iki.11 Ihe aland for- 1 nicrly occupied by Gen. .VI. Il.igcllbltell. lulhe Escll.lllge loiiioini:, 1.11 .linio siii'ci, 111 niooiiihuurri w oerc uas j,t rCceivcu a full supply of ; fiiitsSlJ)., I Whiih will be fold on moderate terms for read p-iy. , Also, NOTIONS gencrallj. of every variety, sort nnd 6I7.H. I'hysicians' prescriptions rarefutly roinpoanrieil, nt all tunes and on short 11. men. 0T" Coufi-ctiouci' ;f the best selactior.i, and Soda I Wnter in -eason. L" A shure of tile public custom is respectfully so. icited. I EVER 4; MOVER. Cioninshiirr, April II, lffiS. i FKSiSM WAIiJi fiMSilti . TUST received a new us.ortiuam ofnnd . I . , , .VVnts - liiAnf tf styles of WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOR DERING AND UEILING PAPEit, and a general nri ty of material in hi. line, itlurh will be found on the FIRST I'l.llOtl i.uiiicili.ito v east of Lull's Drug Stor- In Hie Rupert Work, where all persons wishing goods in his lino will lo ntl.iiid-d to in person at all times, CtaT Paper Hanging cxrctited lo order and best Etyle, at short notice. P. J. THORNTON. Rlooinsbrirg. April ffJ Irliii - ly Exchange OoIei7 Public Square, Wilkes-Bd re, lnn'a. i nr.,,,-1 . - ii- . ... nnilb UndtTHinned. llflVinrr nii.-p)m,1 it.r, , X. stock of this well Imnivn ii5?,i c,. ........ ... . v-unuilir or (formerly kept )y .Major Piiterbaugh) of II. J. Vnple, refpectlully so. licit Ihe patronage of th i public. nt ..?..p,'"'" ".'L1 b. parcd in nny nf its departments nOlfB I'h..... ......I .. 1 "- .,,u,jji.B ,,,,jitr(i.,i; N. II Whenever you enuio in town, please tall. P. 0. & W. ECKROTH. Wilkci-narre, July 15, ISU5. National Foundry. BI.OOAISHUUG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. T 's' J?, 'Jif 5.r '.b'; P r i e 1 0 r of the, nbeve named e t ler. fir C8lal"i,,1""cia' is no,v Prepared to rccchu AH Kinds of illaclifnrrv. r Colicries, lllast .Furnaces, Stnlionnry Engines, Mills TIIULSHING MACHINES, &U., c. .. 1. ins pivpatcu in niahe stoves, all sizes riitterns, plow-irous, and everything usually modo in fli st-clnis l oundriea, ' uu ..!,.."icil ',n6iv0 "Ie" ancl Practical workmen, war- ,n, ... . "Jn '''"lvi"3 1,10 largest contracts on tho immrejionablo terms. u7 Grain of a k nils win hn cim.. 1., ..i . eastings, """" c"-"""bo ior This establishment I. In,. .,1 .,,.. .,. 1 .., . nafl Illooui.biirB Railroad Depo' UI,.B,.hur.. Bepu IS. ie03. l'ET':" ""'V. U1V JOHN 0. YEAGEU, MAM FACTUUClti. WHOLESALE DEALER I.V . HATcj, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFIUIAL FLOWERS, No. 3f)7 North Third Slret, riiila'd, wyiFiTTiniwN III! lllll'l I Km A'fiAf m iTrJikV I 1 Tc lichlgli cniUc Fbvrdcr a warranted to 3 warranted on ino merit pcmr In agent or iha stma. ach and blood of Oatllt, Swine, or sines., n ; mi ling dlgeilinn.cteani, ingthe ivsleiiund tran. the purlfled an, I nrnl fluid in riosh, fnt, mllk.loilter niidftienctk nnd calnbllililng hetltii and vigor. nuvovs MUMS I'OWDKR Ii tha only tnedicliiei legally patented In France, Kng lihd, Swltferi.nid nnd Holland, and duly ad mitted by their Court!, lioiiored wlthpriie uied- ....l ini,i,l ht- Mr. IlovoV. rrofeiinrof the Im. ner'lal College lor Agriculture nt Paris, Mid now uian iifacttircdby U.O.IIIItNER. Dr'of Z, and A., Alim- town, Lehigh ISoiitity IVonsvlvanla, All diseases nf the Slniincli, llioivi, i.tings and How. els, speedily and certainly eureii. iienuny itncK will he brriiuhl Into tttc very highest itnte ol perfeclloB, and Mie nr two lnlilepooiiiiil n week. Is if great valu to hard working liories, breeding stink nnd coin, and saVcd llioiisnnds i'l nluahle hnrsci Inmi cnntngluira dlicnscs. ns wellnt the natn-ynn Ins I n the ; nrniy. Till! LErtlflll WIIUM CONFECT 'I.NS cl'ectunllt nverrome all Hi" obstacles which uitially prevent the txpelllng of wntms, are pleasant to Like, nnd also one of the. most ngreenble purgativei fcrf clllldreil, So confident l the Imentor of I he siiccerj nl his laborious .todies, Iu the pathiilnglcnl compo.l. linn of this prepii.'ilimi.that ne fiirnlshe every gu,l uated pli)-lclan, with a written prescription, ai a urn era in materia iiiedlc.i. .,,., .., TDK UNION 1(0 ('ll. HA I . MICE AND ANT EX. Tlill.MIXvrOlt, Is a powder for the sun- exieiiuliialiim of all cmilns, will never rli.iiigc Willi ago and illmate, and muif, prefernbli-to tile old Phosphorous l'i,:tu, which hard, e ns In n 'korl time, inahliig It worthlcsi. Tor dirvn. Hons and particulars see I lie small hills in the boxes, , ffir tin,, hundred nnd thlrty,seven prenilnnis havn been awarded to these celebrated prcparatlUs, p M Urtobcr '-".I. leTit, RoVAl.Ai llotin. are tllo wholesaln Agenti Iu Phil A WHOLESALE &' llliV.UL. For sale by W. Erasmtif, sole AKnt la Blooinsburg. Hharpless, Catawlssa. L. II. la J. Shociu.iker, Rnik tlrr Master U Uro.. Milltllle. 1 i". Preston, liohisbuig, i t'tewarl k Sloan, OrangoiIIIis. Heiidershott. Illeuiniburg. ' C. Fowler, Espy. I Crensv it Co., Light .Ureal Law & Spangler, Lime Rids. I nnwinan, k. Owen and Mills!, DerwIeJt. G.ll Fuwler, Fnwlerivllle. Sfif All orders for Columbia Oounty , will ua addressed to I IV. ERASMUS. T.'hoHsaln Agnt, lllonmrburg. j . CO. I1IUNEU. Snvf mber 13. Iffll --17in. Noa. 11, II, lit, 15, 17 Couitlaiidt Stieet NEAR URllAinVAV. NEW YORK CITY riiU olil.est.iblifhfil 11, VI r.noilli resort nf llm Ru ii ntihs Cniiiiiiuiilly has been recently refitted, and is curs plrte 111 nverllnue that can minUtcr to the comforts o ' iu patrons l.mlius and fmnilies arc specially nl"l uirn . full) provided Tor. ' It i f nlrnlly located In Ihe bu mess purl of Ihe el ' and i C'inlliiuoiis to tnu principal lines i.f iifainb uK . ,nti. toniillolsses ferries, it C. I lie table is nuio siippneii wnn nil ino iiiiiim-i r. si-nsoii,audiseiial to mat of an oiih'I lintel la hi cuuntr). Ainjib- ncconiiiin.iatioiis aro onereii tor upward of I I, gltentN, Us Do n"t itelievL .iiniiers nackmen, Hid n'hers i l,u ma) sa) "th" Western lintel Is full." II II. WINCHESTER, rrnpilei. , TIIOS. H. WINCHESTER F. h. 15. Ifnl. ni: w imsi I'lic unil,.r.sit;ii('(l, (jr;nrful for pafl in. r.n.ige, re,perliuiv mf run Ihe Travelling lu'-'l.i (enrnl, Im li,i.Jol proenred from New ork.,i new . Ii.'iiuiiful and cap ifjous Phoonix Cwmprtny Coach, by wlii'h iiii-uim ii,, ni - i.a'ile 1 eouvi-v Ins engi-r" ;iii, ll;i,,;at.-, :ir, I,- nn, c fnrtahly li-lwei- , l-lnolni.lmrr I'm' the s.vr.-l 'tall Road ll.'pot., t.. 11 n 1 the T-iiIim II will hr his study In ncniliinied iif h 4 eiiktono r-In their satKi'aftloii II. solicits I. ,H ! a palri.iML'" l" l Ari! .M ENTS. J ")!l I, DIP. I' I I. '"'""inloife. Jiounrv 1. If-iVi. JSew Grocery SbViu MORE FISKSII liOODS. (For.ncrli ihtMiias' oil Saml) on Mit'n ttifcrt, lifaumsli'o g. rpiIH utidorrigni'd h-ia jut roreivod a Ji good Slili 'A of vxu, am) im nut m oois, 1 f all kin la. Men-, llcnvy OAl the be, t in Hi- in-irk. t . n nl f,. ii s ,ind ( luldreui' shn-s of .ill kinds. A Fresh Lnt oi Ci rocerio.-, of ull Kiii' , iurh Molasses, Tea', llic.'. I 1 Hh, Ooffo , I Ojill'Oh, Silt, Hats an3 Oats, Tobaeeo, Si.-trs, Of-ndii.', r!hi"n, Lard, iv c. , Sea FEED AND PKOVISI"NH. 'legein-r wild a-r.iu wirn'ty f io, and meeiu in? tin iinuirrous to ine i toi. 17' 11 liter, Eggs, .Me .t .m,l pr!,du?n reuer'lr I ibira I i riili n;n fur goods. ' ' II EN 11 Y GIG Ell. I- nun tnrg, Die iu, .'CI. NKWTOItK ,t CHEAP GOt'DS." "QL'Mi hALGS AM. S.rlALL IMlOi I f S. rS HE unflerhi.riicd. ituviticc ml.-an tli., T f. -' K I ...... ,1 .-if.-ri, in ihoo:mijij il ii iili rfi ..-I . .... ... . it Willi every van !) of llerpccilull) inoriii Ids frleii Is ai 10 Hl3t) ,e .,. eial y.that hew. II I,.' happ I, rc-nc, .l,.-.,,. nf tlu public pation.igj, ,v,. lrlIll,, ,nl ll0 , ,rwll.t jcn,(. nl ralisi.iction by selling ilicui th- hen fpialiir r f on fair trms and at sail jr.icioiv ptlees (lis stock co-lust., in part, if DRY GOillW. (IUOCLIlli:s. FISH, m'EF.x.-p.Mr.n. VVOOIIF.-s WARE. 1300 I S, SHOES. "ATS. CAT. il"fiany wnn n spiepaui variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, vr .ihricu:s . ., e i Hii! sell as cheap as the cln.,ip;bt, for n sin i ti hlch lie ready ray rrr-iVoi, n. i-ouniry prouueu, gsncrn y taken in cjchanLis fi r uood. ' cicnan.n n r ANDREW lWJ.y TERWILLIGFU. I, ni, nioo nsburg, Jan 7, T,Vx EJ.XilON ESO'fl'il'IIi. COO and f,03 .Market Street, Philadelphia, rpillS Hotel islwated 111 tho very rcntro r,f businnii J and isnenr the respurlacU plncei of amusem-nt w Ii ell u.akv. il particularly desirable to v .,1 iu, Philadelphia ou business or ple.iiro ; and tin, Mniing"? hope, by cloe personal attriuinn ton,, wannofhlt his guests to make it ucnuifortahlo homo for much wuh their painuugo. c iiAVUA rrop'r. la 31. M -It r-c uM&m& asm ni IS Proprietor ufthii willituownnnd centrally loer, J ted House, the Exiiuniik HurtL, sitiiato nn Mil, street, in llloiinirhiirg, inline halt ly rjnioeltu the Colum bin Cniiiity Cniirt House, respectfully informs his friends and the public 111 general, Unit his lloiisii is now In o der for the reception iiinleiiterlaininent oflMveleri wha may leel disposed loluvnrit with their custom. He bis ipnred nnexpeii.o in pp-pauim the iSxi ii vmie, lur tho eiitertainnieni nf his guests neither shill ih'ero'be """J (" Im parti to miuiMer tn their peri 1 be any. ciiiiuori. 111s uuusu is a i.irimiri mi, m, ,....,1 ,n. "'""' I'unlion. LT run nt all tinu.-s hi-lwceii the F.x ir I,,'nL'1 ""''I'" nrtou Rail Road Depot, by whieh ot elers wil ho pleasantly tmivcyi d tn and from Uio rs speclive Stations in due time to meet Iho Can. urn , on,,,, IV .11. U. IVVJUiKO MAY I, IrCO, A. llJAIJJjftt m n s m x I l I tMTrivilT , HAVKG ilinnrcd his resident from .Montrose, to EST PITTSTON, I.uzoriio county, xrould iar to his pan nm and nil wishing Ills professional servi """'SsJH1 !'" """loi" liimui iiiu laitnauied place. Sp" All calls Iu tin, vicinity of the Railrnad, atten ded tn with prumptiiess. April r Iro,-,, S A I. 7 .' SAL T! .' "s7LTl ! THE Kiliseriber offoiH for Mtlo at wholo ule and ritiil. Suit by the llarrcl. Kiipirl, Fa, Au,iii J ln jn