'WIIMItJI,IIISMIlMiiyl, (JOIIJMIIIA DEMOCRAT. Saturday Morning, Nov. 10, 'G5. Bay-To AuvKitTiSEiiB. Persons wishim? advertisement inscrtclnu.sk hand to' in early on Thutiday morning to insure , their inscrlioii for that week, Qf Wo refer, (villi great satisfaction Ibis wcck,toour new Advertisements. COT Mr. Elias DimmucK, who died IU1S WCCK ill lUOUlOUr lOWllSlIlp, tUU COUn tv. wna onn nf (imp ml il!,nu ,! .Jt .,...u. uuiuuigsg, 1'armcrP. nlid li.i.l tn.l ,rnit...rn,l (,... had just gatlicrcd , tu.nvivii 1UUI thousand bushelu of excellent Corn. ir..v mi vt , ,-, , ,. , ftuT Ivanled.'l hrco INos, of Columbia 11 . . 1 . 1 n . , , -.oii- , . Democrat, diltod, Oct. 11, 18G5, vol. 10, Nu. o3, in wliioli will be found our ''Old Kooster. Ten cents each will bo paid for them at ibis office. t&f Ciias. II DuKULini, Ejq., whilom of this place and now of "William part, lias purchased property here and will shortly return to reside in liloomsburg. Mr. D. is an enterprising man and tfxosllunt citU zan. We tiro glad to welcome him back to bis old home and friends. C65 Header, if you want to sec soma il.i.... ,io.,i;., .,,i f..., t. i.t. n oi iff Miller's Store and examine his pile of now la.hiotiable goods. They were bought In n snlil nt liir-iins P,I1 m.inlr 10 C .0IU ai DargJins. Iall qUlCIf, ill- (1JS I "to - ... "TV" , . . ,"' , tUt" llUOtl! Wood!! Cold Weather ' ....,. i . , I is laat stealing upon us, and u wo liavo ,. , , ihe lire wliicli our wants and toinfort re- quire, Wo must either borrow, buy m ' btial the r.'ood boiuwith lo tnaks it. Il'c7'i0iiiu of our liberal farmer sub-' tcfibers briu us now a load of good fire wood ? ' tiiy Mr. LowKNi'.Ki'.o, ihe enterprising Merchant Tailor, has juit bad another ar lival at his ''Einporiuiii of Fashions,'' of iirwaiid chuiee Cltiihi and Cloihing. Mr. L. i,- alwa'h up to lime and square with , ihi- Fusluoi.s. See hi.- (,'ard. ty Mr. FiiANiii.ix L. Siiuman, of iJiaui '.illoy , cffiT.-. his per.-onal piopcr ly t ptililie s-alc, one the iiStii of Nnvcni bir. '1 Iil'ic wiil aUo bean Auction at I lie firm of I''. L .1. Mil man, in afternoon iilliK'Velitt'g. - iu- - CaT Mr. Wii.i.iam .NiA.srui.i.Eii . of Miuli-on tuwu-hlp, iIiih county, bail a iiiic llorbe and new liuggy stolen from bis Haulo oni' night, lari wtk. The Iioim' was iiutiicil in the Danwllo I l.rlirain'u Company, "l'liey i ff. ra liburul leward tor the lofnvery ol n.iid liorae, and Mr. M., another reward for the leiuiu uf his iJiigy . tz!" Mr-. ICsi'iim StoruKii, cff.'r-i for (all! iti unr culiiiiiiir. t.j-iia am.! bv hind t.ill-, a vitj Milnablp Farm and I'latita Hod, luo.tti'it in Fi-liiiiucrei'k tuwiifihip, lliln ruiinly, al Public Sale, upon Momlaj , Uie lo h day of Uitciiiher. Isuj" .Mes.-ra liO.soni.ltdKit it MeAl.AU TL , ivs.'iMito ol Ceo. Jiiiiigbi'itier, do icuitil, Mill roll at pntilii: vi nil no, mi Sat imbi, tlii- lid of Oeuiitbor. Put of thii property la loeatud in .Main and put in Mifllni t'jwii-liip, thi eoiinty. S-u bills and adveiti-omi'Ut. Cisf" Mr. William D-u man, who-e to i iiiiiitpdiately iiiidsrneath ,ho oll',co of the Columbia Democrat, repair.- Cioek--in llm best and most scientiliu manner and with gieut promptness. Mr. D aLo has on bund and efftrs for sale a Urge and dmice astoitmcut of Ni w Clock, Call and lie a 1 l Ik iii ''tick ou a race." fair Xtw Store in Benton. Mr. Jno. ,1. McilUNltv, of Cambra, has pureliastd Mr. Ilui-he's Store House in lLi.ton Co lunihia couuty, and filled it with a choice (election of New Goods. Mr. MoIIcmy i., an experienced Merchant and excellent Ini-iness man. We arc pleased to leaiu that he is doing a largo and increasing btiiiness, already, and lbs cry is '-Still they come" and carry of bis cheap goods. Sr Oystets. Do you with an cseel lent btc w or a superb fry 1 If o, call at l- 'n ii..., .n n AT. ,l.i (itrm.i n.,.1 xmiaji. BJ.iusiaiii.iii., uu ,..,ii. u"" you can have them served up in a manner which will ticklo your palate, Fkld is a icost excellent caterer, and as he receives none but the very beet of Oysters, oauuot fail to givo entire satisfaction to the most fastidious of epicureans. His bivahei uic really delicious and arc a most tempt ing dish. Oysters sold by tho quart or by tho can. Give him a call. t3 Wc havo at length met with a His tory of the War, which is strictly histori cal. It is devoted to a faithful description of tho events of tho past four years and unlike other works it is wholly impartial. The author, Thomas P. Ketteli., is a well known Literary man, and no politi cian; lliereforojhc is well qualified to write a work of this kind. It is embodied in one volume, which makes it convenient for family uso and so cheap thai it is mado acoessiblo to all. Although tho author commenced bis la bor soon sfter tho war broko out, tho on tire work has been revised siuee it closed ; enabling him to collect many fact9 other wise out of tho reach ol historians, and also, to correct mauy mistakes which ap peared in tho first voluiuns of other his tories. The agent is about to canvas tho county, and wo odvisa our friends to pat rouize tins wotk. BUSINESS COLLEGE N7r7V,7 i ni , 7 , , ' Ur" 1,b nml OI,MlBUl Utoci8t PHILADELPHIA. Tho most tnmiilele nml thornuolilv nnnolnted Ilusl- lin.a n. I I .... 1 I..-.. I .. it . i .. - ' " 1 vw.,ui,,- , ,, i.iiiirgij in 1 nrj inilll.l jf . I Tho only one In lliu illy posnnslng n Legislative I hatter, nml the nnly nun in thn United States author , Ircd tn confer Degree. ofMirll ninplotnns awarded to graduate hi Uiu Uouiuinrci.il Course under 111 Co I- poruto soil hy authority of law ritciislvo experience lii busltics., inn! uir.irillnK u c." 'uivuiiliiires lor mo iinnongii 1 hc.iritlcnl rind mm lor lii ii , . 'or". ir,. n""""111, IL'll I'dHlilvrn ' in. UillU.N CI) j pinciicni eiiuciinnn oi ynung men ,lL'sa!!lSI"i!)"Vi"':'Ai"vri'l"f: 'IlIUJIiY A Nil IMIAI'Tll'l tiU n cUklnlH nf AOTC'Al. IIUBlVUtfS Tit A IN I NO , , nriBiiini niui pie-eintueniiy prnctic.-il. alvlnir the Mil- 1,1 iU? 'r"t''' (imn a pomp trio niitiu into tho cli'"c "1 iipcouiitii, nrratiji-a nud published hy llio proprietor nfthis Institution cxrlii.vely fur lil.nnn , . - . ..- .... hi.-- i nirj i.urnr ui uiu siuuriii Utlll nlvlllf f I i 111 n COIUtllolU klluwln.lll.l i,r It. I i.rl.rlii-n I of tho best nccoinitaiits, I xnu CU.MMISUUIAL COlJIiSE EMIIUAOnS Hi)okkcojiing,Comuiercial A riihinetio, Pen manship, JJusinoss Uorrorpoudenoe, ComiiitTcial Law, L'ciuri'.i ou Uumucss Affairs, Commer cial Customs, Forma, and Actual liusi- nesi Practice. erix'iAi, mtANuitr.i .llfilrn and tUe Hlgitr MatScmatltt, Vhaxngnifhy, Or nimtnlal I'cnmanikip, tltt .in o luttelmg Counterfeit .hnty, I'.nglnttting Aup icying, A'aelsallJn and Tclyraphiiig Tni.UlllUl'IIINt!. The nrrnnsciiKwilii for Toll "rapjiinir are far i.ir.re ml. ErAtX: 'it in Ml I in l.in wi'li Iwmity lirmicli olllni in varioin pnn i.l'tlif rl y, wliero pubtlo hnl I iriiuneti-.l. mul in uhli li Hi.' i.tiii1cKti of thl t k! 1 1 m ton nri-p.T- iiiitti'il to prnulce. Nu ri'Riil.nr utrii:i. printlco ran bn h.nl In .niv ntliiT i-Rliool ofitntriiilinn in t'i- iMuinlr. ' Hli.nU uhlili no una can obl.iitni poailioti m n pr.ic-' Ileal i.p.irntor. Voiiiiu iiiuii urn cmilhiiictl ncaiun tin.' i ''c'linx o roiireHuiitiiiiniiH ,.r itm.i tn, wnimm any I 'Hli latllitic, pn.loiiil InliacliT. Ircraplilnir. ! r Titovr.r ' I hi lit'tHmlou is now ciijnyini! tit" larjir-nt p ttron- ' tron.ia ovrr tn.tn.ieil upon any ' oinuii?m.il ctioo in ll'r m ii... iiirr li vr liuinlroi stu l. i.ts wurr In iiilcii. . ilaiivi ih.' li i-l ).-.ir. anil our m vun hiin.ln'il il irini ' Uo-pa-t ar. Tin' het class of iu,tpi,ti may itiva- rlnlil) In' f.mti.l hcru, ainl ull In .i"MLlatl.jn aru llr-t ! itantj. LOCATION" AM) ACCUMMOIIATIDN'S I hla liiftiliiiioii I- lornteil in Ihe iiohi r.'nlral pari of til. i city, anil italic ii.rinto.iatioii for evtetil, .-li.-canre an. I rnn 'ii n-iiru, are umnirpa in'il All the rm Ii.ivr he.'ii lit lerl up in thn very U"ai l)li' vulli iii'.-ri:.-, orn -lis on cml' rivu nofsi;.-,. Tti.KoitAi'ii ornci:, srATtuAitv tf'roitn. AMI A I'.Kllt'l.AH j n.u or in:i'D-!iT and m-m-i:, suppll. il u lib ilnely rncrui .'.1 lillionrnpinc note, iik.'.I i ii a i Irculatl.iK iiiuiiluni 111 tile Dt p iitnn-til of Act.l.il 1 llajllu-ii. ' T1 VOltA'ft V.fr 7a wlni ili'ihi' tlid vor li l r.Kilnio f.r .1 rfiU'liral t (iitraiion jor liibinrss, j;u.iran tf-v n ntiirM' nf iu-'nii inni nu w ltr Ue i ;ti.illi'il, u In' lh' rii'itt;ilHMi 1,1m ft -tuliiiL' nf lln-lii.-litiitioi mii'iii. Iiii-im rt in n in.ike ilr 'inlursf iii nl llit: licsl :iti iti to cut c'j ami m tim im-iil. A.I (tnii DitUt t mix i iii mii: any t mii m r j,il t ar iuiii'H t" ii' lor an llJ.L'bru l r.lt (JIlU'lM.Mi ANM) UATAliOOl'H roii t .i ) m i n n i iiiii,l'lt i titurmr v n nnl lull i.iiln'iitdr if III.1 inr K'riii", i-i. 1, FaIKBAAK 1 i. Hie CmII,.!!.', ol ni-lr in linn i. M . l'r.-.ii.'iil. v. r. sj:umu. rl il 'iV.'iih r anil .Nu I. 1-iA- I.-m Supl of Omre !ilness, Co urf Proclam a lion . 1 MI.I.I.VS He lln. liiu.nM Hi w m.i,. I'rc-t.l-'iit ' j'ttljt nl tlii Cmirl itt )tr ainl Ti niiini-r an.l Ou I ir.il.ldil IMiwii, t'mirl 't UiLtrb-r & Hlll uf tin I'. .1: - ,111) t diirt nf l'i -in nun. I'll iii ami ( 'rlidii ( 'Miirt. 1 in tli 'J1 (It In In lit lMlnl. ciniii'f l l ihi MKiitic nl 1 "dIiiihIh.i rnllix .111 .111 I Wj oitii-iv ami t It 1 I'm. John M Ki- in -III -a- Si fill -n It il,lv, tr - i i it .In 1'"- nl iitlnni ln.i t 'iu 11 1,, .n.i vr istn-il ih ir pri-i'i pi, in t 1 my 1t.1t. Hi, 13, U uf M 1 1 1 1I1 nf unr ! I mn t'miun 4 (-li'iil limi,lriil ant' il (u i- ,nnl to 1111; ''iri-iti-il I't liul-litit' a I nhri nf O) -i .tn.- Ttfituui-r aihl ii w ral Jail il IImt li il'T l Hll.Mli T Snlln llf till' I'.'.U I', I'uiiuiinit I'll'f ; mi 1 t )i lili.iii 1 1 'iiirt . 111 liluniiliiiru 1 i I h - Miiint) nf ' i'..iniiiiii,i i tli lif-l Miiii.tav, ill 111 (In- lili il.iy; i-l I I . . l (' , I l Mil 1 1 II l I' Hill' w i-i-k. J nllii (- lii r In yi II til til" nrnii, r, III'' hMiri". nl III.' rM .1.I1J ull.i'ili'f uf 111-1 --'I-l i uinU M I'd- 1 ii. 1 1m 1 lliat Mi - Ui lli-n ainl llui in t'H-n nruM r ir- 1. 1 iti h M III . tin, ktiillc Inrci 11 ul k.iiiI H.ij Willi ilnir 1 t i urn, tii'j'iiMiiuiip ami i tlnr r' me mli r.i in ' l ' ' th..-' l In iif u Ihi Ii tu 1 tn ir uiIhvf. .ippi mil 11 (n i,mIuim it'l iIm-c tliiii .11. Ii luiiil hj ir u.titr..mc'' tn pri'M-t dt ;uiin-l tin- 1'Ht.uiu-rs 111 it mi r in iv U in tin- Jiul nf j siid I'oiiuh nf rnlunilti.i tu In tlii'ii aim il.-ri In iri"t' nl thi'tn .14 -.hall In Jiict. Jiirui-.iri' 1 i-iju.tPil tn li. I u 11 in.il in iln-n .itti'ii.l.inci, uzr .till) in Hi tr nutiis t -w- 1 ha.'iiat i.l(i'iin,liury. Hi- :tithila uf 'ori. 1,... C 111 tin .ir m iiiir lir.t 1 u III hu.iihI ritlit ( -r-,-. )linnln'l ami pityluur tin 1 tn 111.: ciiility uinlli )rar nf III In .' 'i n li iii 'Mil tin 1'iiit.jil i,f Ann V n a, i (fun ti t, 'i ii-. I '"M iiinu 1 t.nt. ) ?i X.Mtllll. jit.K, iSlicnrf. illnuMiliur. Nnv I. U'iiii'1 .litiors fr Die. Ttnii. IStio. Item, ,11 1III.1111 Appleman. Dll.lii'r." k - M. pllell Mll'll lei. Dor. Hi rw ick -Paul Kiikeiul.ill. lii aver - J .hu lii h-'r. tre Juliii i llagetibiirli Hemlock M.uhi.i.1 Appleiuai-.. David Artntr.itig, K. iibt'ii llogart Jim ks hi Jim Mclli iiry. Jr., Llisha Poiibms, Irani llerr. .Moiil'iiir- Lloyd Paxtmi, S.1111U I (liger M .-.11 1 i.u - l.lifh'1 'I 1 1 .1 rl 111 .1 1 1 , AIIjii A at. on. Maine John A liitiu in. iir.iiigu--11 I llajhirt, Juliii Meg.114.1. Sc. .ti -'i'hos W l.ds.ir, J.icoli K"l er, Jacob Clossen Sugui loaf - llavi.l Lewis, Samuel l'rit Tiui'ivr. Jurors for Dec. Tn-m, 1205. Peaver-Ainlrew f-liumau. John Sliumin. Ileiitoii -i'hilio Sliuli. II. 'ii Ku.'ill, Abrihatii Young llriurcreek Henry Diellerick. III. e.i, i-ll. 11 ry ( Hit ( al.ivi-. 1 1 ni-per Khan. J011 Pit 'r. Cenlri -Pi icr Di'loug, (!ao Low, Supli-n llutton, Hi nrv Miairer. 1 oiiyneh.ilh-r It Wohlforlh. rranklin Jesse .vIioimIi. Ja.kton I'leaver. I'lsliiugcreek Cli irles Ash, Sam.nl Vnst, Grei'iiwoo.l -Liiiaiitlel Conner, Hubert Kubbins, Jo-iali Uliui', Jti" Li-ggott. Win Kyer. Hemlock Jneob Harris, Hetibeii 11 Cuild, J.ickMiti lli r)' Liirleimiu . Locust- Aaron Lewis, Piter ISitui r, Wesley Perry, Hiram I'oi'l, l'ct"r Si liwnnk. .Mi. in u r Daniel Kiii-lincr, Jiitin Diilierlck, M.iiiic-I).iiin I Vuss. Miuli.oH - Win Kremner. Oraiij'e John I'luher. Cyrus Mclleiuy, l.'oi nelius Hellas, Samuel Cverrlt. Uiiariii'iriel.-Joliu i: .vteycrs. ivter uearp.iri. Jovian Itho.li'i. r iiiiuel Hauclc. , s-,s,ir,,(fi!,p ,.tf,. iirorg,. Monro. , 'IL"'" """"'"' v,u" Kr'""' M List nfl .-iiists for Si jil. I i rm tS(i3. I Llijah MiMurtilii Umlorsee of Aaron Wolf vs Chris, liau W.-lf a Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby. 3 Itus-el P stoker, vs Win Ikeler. 4 Jamb I'luiks Hvrs. vs Jcsm' Huck. 5 Jonas Piiliruisi r jr vs Huianuel Ashlnn. ii Hugh Mclleyoolils v I'eltr imph.int 7 AmosW I 'reamer vs Uunrli Howell. p Aiiio, W Creamer vs Cnocli How ill. U Jae .b tltuiii.iu vsi;alawiss Uailroad Company. 10 li T Ui tgeard v. (ien Pall' r-"ii it al. II (ien A Herring vs Peter Miller lli Aaron III. ..mi vs Iteubeii SUIT l.l John .Mnhael J., is John Jliihael, r 14 I'oitiiiiouw iallli of IVniia ut th Itelatiim of lllrntn it Minuet ul vs Wesley How nun it al 15 Jan.h llemley vs Catt.iwiss.i li It Co lli ll. nja Wertiiinii vs M A Wt'linns 17 A.I..111 liielericli vs .lereniiah J.,io'iy lSSnpheii llaldy vs Caltuivis-a Williaiuiporl 5i Lii II 11 Cu 1!) liaehael Morgan by lier next Irn-.l Win II lloag- l.iml vs Milliard Morgan '.0 IAiii Lonjeiib rger i. Jas. Me M imy Lx r of (ien Luiigeiiberger dee'd. vs Hugh W .UrLey- ii ul.l ct a I , ai Win 1. Luneo vs liar moil Creveling. 'JJ Win I. I. .nice vs I lios Creveling et a a.l liiiuii, liaigin 1 k Co. vs Levi liuU. at Anna li.iibar.i DJigiiiuiller, s II .cry Uaig hinilier i;5 A.luiini.lratluraof Juitpai'axiJ.i, dee d vs in I. Lance. '.'U II. 'it, loci, tivp., vs Llias Dictenck. 1065. PIIILADELrillA 1865, WALL PAPERS. HOWULI. & uoi'iiui;, itSaiuiIHt'lut erfi of l'APCll HANOINUS and WINDOW SIIADUri, North East Corner Fourth and Market Streets, PiilliAUELPUlA. N. U. Always in Store, a 'argo Stork of LINEN and OIL SHADES. Sept. 10, lif.5-3 mas, BLANKS 1 BLANKS!! Of evory description, for sale at tnis offioo iirnwtnmjiMim,mjiuuLmujjmnRi l.,IIIIJ', I'J.UUJH1IIMXUMJ RECEIPTS FOR OO'J'OHEn, TO THE COLUMBIA DEMO RAT, X !0i Tho following payments liavo been inado tti tho Columbia Democrat office, during mo imnuii 01 vjotoucr, ia : P Itnll, (hy W !,) JtnJ Ch Hughes (Jldioii Striker 81 .'.0 lllonm Fchool District 1 .1 !) 5(1 Samuel Rcuilcy 1 Ail 111... If S 70 'i ll.i 'J 0.1 3 M a on I 2 M I a ii.i a On J .Ml a u 10 On 3 On 1! W) i :.o 1 Oil 1.1 (to I so .1 0.1 K 'i II.I .') II.I ill) on 5 On Annm Kclrhncr '.' Ou Samuel llnuier 5 Uo J Henry Crou, Cn !! :.Ufol 'V II lint .1 On .Mlthnel llrlltolti I .'.() Jn.i'i'li Welti I UU Win Oh I 1 (HI Aaron fmllh Slate Alt Sitclely Win Belles Hubert Rohbltu II (' III. well niuc-1 Wilkes Albert 1 1 1111 to r nt I .V'liiiihi i;'i 'i Uo I'h.i' Noylmrit lUt.itoof rt.im'1 Klkla-n :i Ho J J UptMlmph M I) l.npl J It Mill, r StioiJl&Wi:ikrolli Itolir SIcllcury 'J M linn J NConiitcliam Nltlu.laa Cola M Uo P Jlcl'iko WKver 'J no I, t II It It (In 2 ill Hon W II Jnroby '.' Uo Abraham Mill '.' Do Jim J villi's I1 "a l.'lt Ik. li r .'. li. i lion Jacob Dvaiu J Unt'niit I! II llrorkwuy 3 on Coiiinitiia I'oitnly J ..II I! C I'ruil I If ' 'J .'" Julio P Pimlrr r.'l Tims II Colo wmp KHiMuinii , It Kri'iiitiu II ii l,,n'b..,Err i; , Kikciiitli I ., ,., I.....I. ...... iVV,.r, i ... Albert (.'.Millar. I 5 no 1 I. n ut I' 1' Hrockttiiy I l.i'Vl Weaver lln I.l 1'riilt ! Nalh.ui I'll cki iiIino J 0" I roil l.'llv "11111111 Col lecu UO I Uo John lln licit 1 AO e SO l,ci llrl.hlln. I .i.i I i'o Itcv II Itlnkor a .Vi Iti ill Iti. v J V l.i'icliL'r 1 .VI JOI1II ll. at l)l i'l nun: I Kllilicn :i iU J.iroli liter 1 SO Jacobs J ; v n n r f ) a (M Alini'd Uoffmnn 100 Italic llariibmli !! Uu II II l.lttlo l". ' o ISAKGAINS ! JBAKGAINJS! II' YOU WANT TO 15UY GO TO I'rrasj's Stnrc, in l.iglil Sslrcel , l'a. Who A'pcj all lin h of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, (J INC II A M , FLANNELS, OAK PETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-nmdo (Jlolliiug, Migars, Mobiles, Syrups, coffees, Teai, Fi.ih, t?nly Jiaeon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, tgars, Hats, Loot , Cans, Shoes, Drugs, - Oils, Paint-', itc, ,Vc In . lilt' til on In our 1. 1 rue ali'i k ol llry llmi.ti., we tl.ll e a I ui;i' iiii.I full .i-jortiiii.nt nf lt.-a.ll .M.uli- Clollit.ii. loi I. eu mul II") wear uhiili iv. ire ilctrruiie.'il In .'"l (h.'ap.'r lli -ii can hi- l.n.nilit ele heri'. lall nn.l us t mill jhilgi- for) i. nr3. Ivi I " Tii.'t iitj.ii keep i il.i.- a.urimr nt ..f lll!t'flc .iii.I Mt:iii'l i:.-, .. j.ipplj Hi.- iili...iii' ..f a n ir 'lir Urns . Stoi. in l.uht Sir.:. 1. whii'h will h- circliit'v emu. ,i..itntli'il nut vuitnlily il'ri'i'te.l fir the a.-i oiun t itio.i of Hi. ir rii-toio. ri ii. W. CIU'.ASY, iCo. I Ighl .''ireet, Nn I. A J. I.V.xJ Ctolliiug lliHr.'iiv Emporium GENTLEMEN, 'JHIS WAY Finn 1 f Kva: s & il 1(111 1 ATI'! arrival of l'a II it tn-.' at lli nM t net uf j. Winter Cloth- IV ut, 1 -tin latest ?tf1 -m ,i mi Ml i t. l.ti lllIlrir-4 the lict .ml Cvi l Hung In the C.'iitl -iii .us lii,.; nfCl.lhilig Having 111 oar cil 1 nit -r, vi r 1 in,i1 ij Ih.' well Know 11 and e;i...rienc I, Uhiiiiiun formerly i.l Canton p rl I (11 t. ;.iuriit t'Tt'oi in ol l(".iiy d.nua l.iorder. At. so -I. irge a. CDAI'S, PANTS, VESTS, Ac. kr. Al.n - nu .15.,.. it'll ut id POU I'jS, 111: cli Mpet in the ni.iikil. AU0.1 plrliili, lis -01 1 me nt i.f Clothes and Cassamciv, for -rfU- or to mjk. I 1 r,.T EVANS it HA HTMAN. Illnonisbiir: Oil 1 1, SPLENDID B AUG A INS ! All Sure of UiL'.r Money's Worth. V. FORsYTH 6c CO. .Tl uu. I 11 Ann Sirci r, V. V (I ne 4J mid II Nassau Slreit; i.lf r lor -al Hi f itlow ii,0-iiiaguitiieoi List of Wiilchi's, I'ltains, .Jewelry, Er. C" ItlCII Mil ll'l.i: ONT, DOLLAIi'.r-J And not lo b. p.n.l for nil 011 know w hut a are In . r W11 h.',. fin 1. J!.V) linlil 1 eail". j 5 00 In j 1.10 00 V'i i.-nlii- '.ol t Wan lies, 3.3 DO each. oiM.a.li. ,v i; .ou' Silver w arches. I.'i no eacli join Vest. .'.k k (in ,lr.l Cllalllf, SiOlto I5llt)euill i. otiiK.ol.l P. m l llr ii ri.-i.. ,in iii III oi eai.li. I. uu.) P.aiu rn i.., , V I Inn rius 5,1 lo 5 0) each. i.O.i'l (.'.iliforuia Diatii iii.I Pius uid lling.. 10.000 s.-i- i.i.lie,1 Jewelry. 1U D.I.I lin'. I Pens, Silver M i inted llnliler , lOOUIIio.l Pens, Silver Case, and 3 On to i. ihi i-nch 5 00 to 15 UOeaUl loom 5(ii)ciih Penrils. I 01 tn U CC each T gethcr. with liild nu Sli Irs. Ilnso ii Sluds Me n Holt, us (iolil Peii'il-, lliekles, llroocll 's Cul.l Tlilol' I I s Car ilro"- ( liil'lri'ii',- Looiis u.oiiic Plus nu I King,, Mj Hi g,, -cjrfPun, Walch K.'V.iAt.ii a vsre"' o S-lc tVar eiiibrniiiig (inlilet-. Cups. Castors, Tea an I Tilde sp mm ,tc. fr.no S"i tojj , Hi ailiritis iii tnu si... k are of the iie..u.i nu most fahloui.b..' l)es. Certitlcal.is of all the v ui mis mil, I e .ii u ui in s 'al.'d envelopes and unveil, thus siv imr all a fur lIi nice, and onl by mul, as or -d'rul; an I ou ih rteeii'il of the iiTtuicate it is at Jour option l.i s.'ii I i)'li D'll.l. Mi and lake Hie ar lulu nam d 1 1 it. or not , or any other urtule in our Id! ..I . . i ll v altf' Consflnates an l Premiums. Single Cerlilicile, i5 cuts; Ave Cerlific ilea, Jl ; eleven, SJ : twenty. five w I'll premium ol 11 d. I Pen, 33,75: fitly Willi premium ol CI I Pencil au i I'.-n.lU; one hundred with premium .f Silver W.ilih. S.'), Iwo li.iiidr.i.l Willi pieiui. uu oi'tJ .1.1 Watcli. S' i crtilli I'ale money enclosed w nil ird.ir l.very letter, from ' whatever source, promptly au&iverud (loodh -em by mail, can fill y packed All articles net satisfactnr. can b return.', I nu J exeli itigeiLortha i iiiouey refiiu.li il if wl-hed. Tlum au.s of dollars' ' worth of Walchni sold to our ciiitoiuers during the I pa.t jear. All II.STS wntil. d ii eryw her". Rend il edits for ' Ceitillcate and Circular. A hire's, W t'OI.'SVPII A. l O., .iii,l nu Slnet, New Unk. Nov. 4, '.5-3tn. Sto S .M.P Agts. Est ray '1 trayed from the resilience of the under- K; sinned, ut I'lshiugrrei k township. Colutiibia C'n about the nml. II. i part of August, a RED STEEll, Two ) en r. nnl l.ut Spring. Any perum ciiiujin formation cue. 'ruing lin V. her. 'at. "ill will ba liber ally roivarde. I, LHVI IIP.lrHII.IXi:, I'Lhingi-reek tivp., Nov. I, 'uj-3wr. $1 5.1 jOSt. 1 J V. Hitunliy last, uetwecu tlie n'si- last, betwecu V " dei.ee of the uuilersigned, in Centre township. r?li,ntiiwu. A PASS BOOK, Cniilaining a proumary Nolo for SH0. ngned hy Mr Senile. A li beral reward will ba paid for there, turn of lliu Hook and Note. JOHN' IHlLMSUIl Nov.J, 'f5-3t. I50 i Wft ItAPI'ING AND MINING PA- uer Mills nt Mill Grove, m ar lllooiiisburg Columbia I I'ounly, P.i I am now prepared tu IHI all orders tor ' Wrapping, Dry lllnslirig and Water Prnof Tapei, on .hurl notice nn.l fair puces. I have opened a wine ' housu in Wllken-llarre, and appointed Joseih llrown si ihe firm ul llrown. Gray & l o., my agent to dispose of.niy pspe- m i uninr Cnjuty 1 Bionniihur; nspi t ir$ I llv .'1.1 a s pu. fcall and Winter G 11 E A 'J1 S A L Id ov Watches and $1,000,000 nvf! t'V Worth TO II K lifSI'OSEI) OP 0 N E I) 0 L I, A It E AO II 1 I -p Without re?onl In value 1 1 Not to bi ul l for until yen know ulial yon nru to rieelvo 1 1 1 li.Y u. 11 It 0 if EN .J- CO., (Atcnti for tho Manufacturer! ) No. 30 Jiecktiiau Street, Now York. E7" Itcud llio folhwlns I.Ut of Arrirlci to ho lulj r.ir OMJ IIOI.I.AIl UAUII I ICO fioM Hunting Cnao Wntchea, inch 81201) 11)0 (iolii Watclim. vnrlo'ii itylen ' 7.) DO Itml.niliPii Hold Wiilchca, " 5(1 So 5U0 Sliver Wntchea, cart, j 00 to 40 00 I .linn Dlcualit lilvernl.iteil rnntor tniiiln fill III In L'iiiiii l.umi ". " iroilfli. fnko llaik'i" l.tiliil !tt of" Tcailpooiii, '.Alio lelti of " Forki " U.liUO (lul.iet', cucnivuil, .'l.liuu p.ilra ofTablo fiin.itis, a.'iOO palra of Salt H ua, l,5i M nitiitiiificoiit Napkin lltiiei. 15 00 tn '.',5 110 Him to li oo HlOto 1,1 00 -I 00 tn 8 00 .1 00 to 8 Oil 3 00 III A 00 4 Ol) lii 0 50 S.uuopaiia of Petulant liar Drotii. (nitort oil color.) 3 00 In 8 30 3,301) aetti.fla.leJewelry, lio'lion Ivory .'i00 to 800 .wuuuoiu i.iiLheia.rucraveu tiarRS.wnicn fare, perfi it iiiillnllnii l.mllea Wntili looo iu.uuo i,a v nacK i.otnba, rich and lini'iui! palti ra. 4.400 I'.ell lliuklca Col. I. Jot, mul 5 ID lo'JJ 01 100 tn 15 00 S 00 to lit) UO 5 oo tu au oi) Vii Iran I to, 0,000 latent it)lu Vest h N'rck Chains, .1.501) lletiti' I aliforiila Dlnmnuil Piui, I Olid Calil'.irni i lliaiiininl liar Drnpi. 3,(K)0 .Mliiiatntu unit Kliuiuelc.l ttevotv I nil I'ina. ' 5 00 to 10 00 5 00 to D0) 'J.OilO Callliiriiin I) ntnond ti Diianitlo.l (li'iil a Ucarf I ina. '.'.1100 .Maaoiiicau I Iliubleiii I'l in, .500 Cold Hand llraeeleta, engraved a. ol p'alu, 3,000 Jet anil .Mo Mil' llroochea '.'.UOO C.inii'ii nrouihea, mil patterns, very liiatv, 3,0011 (.'oral liar l)rop. !i,IOU I. a Una' UinU'l.ilne. Obaim and Hoard Oh iltn, fi (100 (Scuts' Plus. a apli'n llilaaa'menl 4 I.U) Solitaire Sleevu Uuttnua, entirely lieu stvie, 4,(0) Stu.la and HUcvc lluttiina, in n'lla. very rich 5.0o(l Hleevo I ulioiia, plain, euaiiiiled and engraved. lOjWO plain mul haiidsnniely uneraved SOD in In on .1 00 lo 10 00 3 00 tn 30 00 3 00 to 10 00 5 no to an oo 4 0J to U 00 8 00 to 150.1 ' a to loin oo 3 00 to 10 00 3 00 tu 10 00 a oo to 600 lliua. ' 250tu 1000 , 8. COil liiiketa. double rae,ricitlv eiicravcd '.'ll'Jto 10 00 Ij.OOu aitla of l.ailioa Jewelr, law ami . I.ileal ity.' 0 Oil tn 1J 00 ,1.('0O li.iti.tsoiiieeieal Itltisa. a 00 to 8 00 1 tt.Oii'l aitla ofllosoiu Slii.H, '.'."nl In lilKlj I. ii. 0 Hull.' Puna gtA I ex'tion holders, l.i no l.i'.'.i 0J i a. oi.o aelsjet I. old Pens &. liar Urojij, 0 uu to louu ' eoiltHiolu Tliluililus, Vnilh, fir.. 1 0.1 Id U ii" 10, 'jiiO ijo,l pens ic liaiulioiii silver cases, .1 tu lo S on JO.Ouo ' Wiuny llil lers, 5 Ouiu i;uo Th i luetliud of ilisp.i.lii'j; of theu gouu'a tit ONU Hot. I. Alt .;.,.: is lis I'ollo'ts- L'crtilleates. uautiiit; eacli nrtli.lu ami its value, are placi'd in M-aleil i nu opeb and well mixed. Out; of tli.'A.'i'iivel.ip.'s will bu eiit hy mall tu any addrtss on ri'i'. Ipt ui '.'.I eenls. O i tli j receipt ol I ! i j i 'urtitirate you will see what oii are iMiiuy to have, then it is al onr optinii In etnl the iioiiar ami take the artiile or not, Piirchas ers ma) Uiu, n'ltiit) aliottl Watcli, Diamond t!inn-. or uoy an ol Jeweln on our list lor One Hollar, and in to) i ajuraii iliu.y i tie a ilidti One Dollar's worth, a iln'ru are no blanks '1 hi) piic "f t'ertnlciles is as loll.iw s : une lor '.'" ceiit; the for SI ; ileven for Si, ilnriy lor 1; ,ut) live lor 'I '.o Dollars ; one huiiilreil lor .5, 'llle illKllibiillnu is i olid ml rtl fairly, ami nil an e.ii,it chance of oiitaioioj; the valuable prizes by pur i lia-iov loi LerlilicaU's. l'o giiar.i.itue emir.: aatis- 1 1. lion , ,l east's Aiienu wanli'.l to wlioiu we nlTer speeial turinsaud pieiniaiii. Heml .'-.' cuiti for one i.'ertilia tie and our inciltar with teiiuu ,ildre-s, A. II COWUN CO . P. u. liux 4-.';u, New Vurk,. Oct. 1.1 l-il.l Di TaJbott's Pills. ( vi l-iiVril'LTir) Cm im-i'tt nf highly L'.iiicfiitratcJ Ilxtracts frnni ROOTS AND. HERItS Of ihi- erMi.'ft nii'ilii ni.il ul u ri par'nl from cIm t I irui rii'tmn ul lln i -kljrilt(l Dr. T.iIIkiU, it u 1 1 it iv ii i in with r-mark.itili suci fur I went) jf.irn. Aii i mul! tain ruui-,"ly in .ill niriUAHi:- or Tin; i.ivi:a, ur any ile ru n y i-iucl.t of TUB DIUHST1VJ5 ORGANS Tlii') cuic Diarrlioca, Dpfj.ifi, Surof nit, .l.iunit ioo.liiliotim.-.Iivcr Gomptainr. Th-1 wi ll kuuw n Pr .Mm t ay of tln'ttt! 1 i.it u-i'il tin fiiMiiul.i I'ruin wlinli ynur IMN arc mailt', in in M(.iii Inr nv r ! yarn; tin)' liivctlK1 fini'-i i llcrt iituiith" l.ivir nml l)ii;u-tivc Oif!aun uf any im-ilKin. in tin wnrli. ami are tin iml perl cm riiij.ili wliuh Im-4 v i-r it tini'ii m.i.li liy aiivlmtly. Tin Jin-?.tf an.l I'U'iM.uil In like, In I ii-twi'iful lu itirt. Tli' ir it'li t :ilin' i'rni it fS (.tiui'it.itu lln . t.il .let i it i's nf Hi - hi., it'inni' (tn- uti.-sl rut 1 1 imii- nt ltd nri.Mii. purity th-' M I, ami xjii-ll ilt-n-am. J iicy purift' mil Uic tn il liuiii'T . Miiih liri't-ii an rn iIih t.'iiiptT I i Min 1 .i t ctnu'ci-ih t. r .isonliToil oraiiH into t It-1 1 n.tliir.il at tlnn, .mil imp.i.t a liiatthy t-un1 with -tri'itiMli to tho wlmlc -t.Mii 'I nnly tin thej curu itn ii-r i.i) I'liipi.iint i'l - .'i li'niy, but ,iNn Itir uihtalili ami iiiiiii!i'rn'if ilii'a.i'&,fiml tnjini: nn-t) vi-j-I't.iM an f ft' (ruin an) rkur h.irni n pt'ifim who h.ir "iirt ii.-i'd Hi.-. I'lIU rtilti'ifi hu win. oil llt'iu." 'I'hcy iri'.ili' pure Mum) ami riMimvu all impurities i rn in m m rii'-m, ii"iici- an a pui ive nru ir EE Y E '.S. IIKADMJIJE. PILES,MEIt CUKLAL DISEASES AND HER EI'l'I'AIiV II U MORS. DOSH-ror a. lull,, oni' P. 11 in lliu inorniug ; f irelul dred iiniler eears, half a Pill. '" Price One Dollar pi-r Box. Trade ujiplied, or cent by Mail, po-t paid, to my paitof ttic Uliited Slati-s or Cauadas ou receipt of pi ice None Genuine with out the fai'.-iinile riiriiaiure of V. Mott Talbott. M. D .XlU'i'V TALBOT r .v. Co., Fulton St,, New York, No G2 I-I-.5 .-ly Mav ISAAC K. STAUFF ER, WALCHMAX.ERAND No. 1 (8 North Second St., i-or. of (Juan Vi P II I L A 1) E L P II I A . assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and An f'latcu ware constantly tin hand. TS H"Mirih-; uf Wfltchusi ami JcwHry proiuplly au tomlcil tn. J-tnuarv I, lrl5 ly. New Goods 'Phe -ub-crilier h-i iiiuvimI to tint second h Doors I, (.low ll.irliii.in'b, and just leceived a new aim k uf Zephyrs, Ci (ton and Woolen Yarns, Cornets, Laces, Embroideries, Mus lin, Edircdiups, Dress Tiim iii i iijs, iVo . .S:e., whiili nil are inv.ied to call ana eiamine. a. ii. ivnui. October 7, 1-1'", Solinol 15 inks, Il yniti Poiiks, Pililes, Sunday Sihooi liookiun.l nvaiieiyof ether lli.ok,. Illauks n-ooiit Hooks, ileim, ran.! inn Hoiks, unit Ilia n.'s or l-i.'i. 111. ink Deeds and .Mungag.i., and uu a, .ortiiu'iil nf Paper aid Huvi lopes, &.r.. Ac.., to bo Iniiiul nt the New lii id. Store, Pcuiitl Door below llartinari . Sduu lllooiiisburg. A. 1). wr.llll, lllnumsl urg, Oct. 7. 1605. Notice. Sjncijic J'cifornuitice, funics Hulston's Jsiiitc. COI.I'.MIIIA COUNTY. SS. 'I lie I'liiniuonweallh f Penns) linuiti tn ( H , i Isaiah liul iver. .Mani la wnlownf James Hal- i ) i htoti. dic'd. Wil.umnu widow uf Robert ltnl noil. James, H'.nal.l ('. Hliiia and Cliarles, iiiiunrs ol th-; stud Ituliert. dee'd John Ratstou. Win. ilal.loii. Jusiah lial-tun Ague, iuieriiiuriied Willi Marsli.il Silverlhorii Susan nili'riiiariie.l with Mil s ('. Al.!,, at Manila intermarried Hrurgn llii J, i,..,,i and ll.'i'Janiiti P ilartinuu, (iuiirdisn of p,iir.ibetli K .l- ,nn a gi!iiu.iluughlori intestate, heirs ufsaid James 1 linl.toii. dee'd l i n i l i nt'. you and ea.-li uf yon jro f lieribr i iteil and commanded as before you were, in I l.o a id eppeur in ynur proper persons at an Orphans' I I nun tu be bullion at Pluoinsburg. ui ami tor raid I I ounly nu the first Monday of DHCILMIIUR n it. Uu li and 'lit-ie luaii.wii the bill or petition of I l'. j Ilartuiaii. luuiui.i.lralor oi ih ' estai n' Ja iieoK.il , si, .a ike'. I, selling lurtli in - ,iu J.iin.'s Itnlstnii dee'd . I died, si'1.ed oi ii'rtui i r ii talc situate in llio ilor- niigh ul .Wotiiniirsvillo. I. 1 iiing county, and agreed . will Jofiali 5 u lli ii' r liy i. the I'oiirth Day of 1'ibrn iniivty the iiuita unto sai or assigns. And to sluiw causa wh tree Ihe spctinu pcrfoun.' i-ordiug tu Ihe true i men , thai a convey une" bi ma , iKtilioner to the aforos ii i. let ul agreement, dated , A. D . 1-iiJ, to seal and iuiah Gulliver, his heirs 1 ui said Court shill not do. ,i uf the said contract ne urit meaning lln reef and under mul decree by your J usiali Gulliver of Ihe said , piemiset 111 lee simple. t-MlUHL 8NYI)i:H, Shcriir, Ocl. 15, Ir-li.5. W.M. U. IIaRGIiJ, L, II PP. ALE, .& n. II. IIUI1LF.V WM. G. H utGIS k CO. No 130 IrJouth Sfcond : t below Chestnut, riiila, Mil auufacturors ol iruishes and Dry 1.1A I'lR Japant and de. Oil,, Putty, oakum. Pain. IPg and Lulnicating Cnai T 7" Inuurcinint. to ' ftpl ii I6l'j I 1 n iii wiuto Lend, zinc, l-nln.a n.l Tunis llllr,. - - "'-- u.ntlH,, n.',n . Great Excitement IN Street ! AT STORE ! Ijiglit ENT'S On Account ofllie Now Arrival of Full and Winter Goods. HAS just received from the eastern Cities end Is lihw opening nt tho old Stand a splendid nsiorlnieut of ('omitting of every thl ng generally kipi In n country Hore, Hhkh will bo sold ( hcajnr than (he Cnrupcst, Call nnd aeo and Judge fur yourtclvei, Ills atoekrnnaistsnf I, a. lies llrcit Condi choicest tlyle, and latest fashions Ualicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, CaVpcts, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Ca'ssiincrcs, Satinets, Cottonades, Kqutucky Jeans, Thread, &c. tiucensware, Cedarwarc, Hardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, kc BOOTS, SHOES. HATS k OAl'S.&o I'll e natrouace of old friends, and the public eenct a ly, is lespeitfully solicited. a no iiignesi inarKel prico pain lor country pro.iuco PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 7, 1SC3. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Uanufacturou of rhotographic MatcrialJ, WHOLkStLK ASK KIT1IL, 501 BK0ADWAY, N. Y. In H.l.t'tlon to our it.uin buine of I'HOH.'JrtPlNC MA TLKIAL&, Muarv lw UMiti-fi (cr Iha following. tt,i Stereoscopes and Storcoscoplc Viows. Uf Iboao huMi mi lmmne riMortmcut, tuclojing VIEWS OF THE WAB, Oktalncl nl icrfkt tjxi.te hn.l running k cumtla runifiiitupuic ituiom onni:ncfUM'j.i contcjT Bull Run, Dutch Gap. Yorktown, Oottysburgh, Fair Oaks, Eavago Station, Fredericksburgh, Fairfax, Richmond, Teop Bottom, Monitors, Fort Morgan, Charleston, Florida, Pontoon Trains. H a u over Junction. Lookout Mouutftin, Chickahominy, City Point. Kaahvillo, Pcter6burgh, Bello Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Mobile, 6trawbcrry Plains, cec. ate. Ai'iirk nn tiuit I'6rJpt ftttn nn.l Lan.i-i , O np, fitttui ry. Ai.., A' A U.i. tin ul i ui): Sicrvucii , (uf j italic or prtt txtill.iilm Ojrftlal.'gua v.m bn sent t-iftny ftJJrei(jn r(ftlt Photographic Albums Wu wcrothd fimt ti Intrn-luru thfn Into the Unltil S(tM nd wt i4ittHifrlur Iinnini qtmntllii In pt1 vnrictv, rna( 1 Ior In rrlr frvin SOcnt to 50. Our ALIMJII h iva tfi repu. I Intiuii f Mm; lienor In tr'ilr and Jumbility l. ov otbuf, TLifJ will Ih rtit dy iitull, I'KElnii twell't of prire ZSTt lXV. At.tttlM-i MAUtt TO OIIDCB.jSS Tho Xrado will find our Albums tno most Saleable thoy can buy. C.VK.M riUITlinKAI'llrf. 1 flir CutMfirie fmbmcM ovnr Fun Tnoi'mndlffpTefil nbltttt Cti "lib It n I Llli'ii nt eoiitlimiill) belnp; mud) gf Kul nent Auiraiui. r mi Aniil lOti Mul Uai lii" l'al Colt CiOSUtmnni, ir01(ritf M f .cf M-tlim, l3'MUinM, S:5('A'totic! 1' Navv O ti-uri, lih Anthun, 40 Arluu lSf- slni", ?t- Prouilnenl Wcbmo tVn.-i ff WVrki of Art, Iatlodluft f-pr.vlictn.ik of tlt mon ihr&td Knettrlngt, I'slulitii;, SitJ. t. Cutti.-Riin tat on r-ipt or Stntno, An crJpr It Oh I iff) Pbturt fiM.it. our Ciulufu, will fjlel on r.ilpt c( 1 vi, tii.l ictt by nmil, rail rhot"jithTi .ij otheii or UrUtg cikhIi CO. U , will pkeu tiTnt twcniy tits Jierctnt of tbt knii'inl with their nrWr. (jT'ltvrli. MtJ -i.kJl) i.( eai jo4j cwat UutlU. Ilrt 7. l-'w, 7. Reeves' Ambrosia U'OR TBIIE BR A IK. Mie Orisinul and Genuine Amlrosiit is prepared hy J. A li t'.w I'km'ks and is t. e best Inir ilressuiL' and preservatuo iiuw in use. It stop the .air I'.iili.i.' out causes it loer ow tliirk ami Inn'.' and , revel. Is n from tit rum? pre malnrily crey. It eraduiiles ilandriiil', I'le.iuses. heautihes and renders the I'.ur coll, ulos-y nml curly liuyit.try it nnd he eouv uu u.l. Dou'i lie put nil' with n spurious article Ask for lleeves' Amhrosi.i and take no other. Tor sale hj Urii'.'t.'1-tH and dealers in I'anev Ooods every where. I'nco 7j rents per bottle -91.00 per dnzi-n. Address. IU'.I'.VP.S' A.VlllltOSIA UUPOT. Ci rultnii Street. New York City. Oct ". letH-l-.' mo. S II. S. Tobacco AND O At Strottp s Old S'and. on Muin Street 3 Store HP ho uudersir'nt'd bavinc opend th 3 formerly "ceupieil by llavi.l Siroup. as a (irocery, and fiirniklied i wilha large and varied assortment 1 ol excellent i TOIiACCO AND CIGAHS. I mnt respectfully invites Hib patronage of the citi zens of llm. mi hiirg.uiil ticiulty He Is prepared to sill at wholesale and retail, upon the mo. i reasonable terms. Moiih.nits. Hotel keipers, and Groccrymcn, wuuld do w ell lo cil e hi in u call. ITS-All kinds uf I hewing and Smoking 'I obacro, in large ami small .pianlies, constantly on hand and '"rtillu II. II. llUNSIIUUGLU llloou-burg, Sept. 21, Irtia (linos NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions JUST received at Kunyon's Provision STiUti:. a large nssoK nt of GROCI'.ltl fi AND I'liOVI-liiNS.coiisisling or all the lucoflsariesnflile bought for Ci-h and will be sold to defy competition. Hotel Iwepersnndi oiinlry Merrliants, would do well to call and examine Slink and Provision before pur tha.ing elsewhere. Ainnig.t the stock may be found SI GAH", ol all grades. Mul.ASSUS nnd SMtUPS from .ie loivei'. price to thu best gradis Grain & Ground Coffee, of all qualities, Navy, Plug, Twist, Fine-cut Cncwing & Smokiii" Tobaoo, Young Hysou, Im perial, Gunpowder and Oulong Teas L lH'cge.Urackers.l1 luc Sa'.t.Woodeu.t Willow Ware, Matches, and Cigar. Cuoncil Fruit of all kin'ls. d O IU Ii C T I I A BC II3S, lllllUD ritL'lT, No. 1 k S! PISH by the Ila.r.l, one half ur otic fourth or one eighth birrel. Ilerrli g. Coal Oil. e., -c . all of which will be sold nl the lowest market pri '.'. iu.ii.iii.huri. Oil SI. 1IK. tt;iiciH! Clocks ! ! clocks ! ! ! THE underpinned ronoctfully informs the. public geneiully that he has opened a CLOCK E! TAIJLISI1MEXT, In tin rnom under Ihe Olhro of the Columbia Demo i r it, in lllnoiii.liiirg, where ho has Just received a largo and select assortment of NEW CLOCK Incliulln? 31 and 8 day Clocks, of every style. which lie oilers for sale on moderate terms. IO liepnriiig ( lock done to order. Thoiefrom a distance repaired immediately fjjr- All work warranted. Call nnd examine WILLIAM DOIliUN. Oct. 7, lgCS Canned Fruit. OflH Dozen Cans of Fruit, just received ..... ,, . ,j ,U(., ti wnnic.ao anu retail, at Hunyon's Provision Store rinmilu on ii m SPECIAL NOTICES. CONQUER EARLY ! Tho tendency to srayneis by promptly attacking THAT oniMTnNI'.MY to perional beauty, with tho most popular article of the day, citisrADono's nun urii, which, llko Blierinan'i Legion, "knowi uo tuch rrord at full;" Under Iti application THE nLrtCKSCO.'VffOIJT brilliantly, and tho htnwni of every ihnde appear. Manufactured hy J.CEISPAIIURO, No. 0 Attor tlo.ii) New.Yoik, Sold by tlruggliti, Applied by all lialr Orcttcri, Nov. 4, '0J I in. the im:ati:st discovery of the age Patincm.Pamllles and others can purrlinte no reme dy eiu.il to I)r. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for Dyt cntcry, colie, croup.chronic rheuinatlsm, sure throats, tuothuclie, ten tickncss, ruts, burns twelllngs, old sores, of nisei in uui.ine, inos'iuiio iniia. .ain .1. ...w , Unit's, chc.t.'back, If It doet not give relief the , money will lie'refuiided. All that Is asked Is 11 trial, and use It according to the direction Dr. TontAs-U.'nr Sir i I have used your Venetian Liniment In my family for a number of years, and be lieve 1 1 tn be tile bealurtlcle for what It is recommend ed that I have ever used, for sudden attack of croup It is Invaluable, I have no hesitation In recommend Ing It for all the uses It professes (n euro. I have sold II for many years, and it gives entire satisfaction, CIIAS. II. TKIMNL'K. aiHKKRToivN, N. J .liny 8, IS38 Nov. 4, '(J. lul, BRAND UETirs PILLS. WIIOSBTIMI'I.V tJflll.UN'DKIt ntOVIUCNCIi, I1A3 ori-UN- sAvr.n i.iru, Iheio celcbrnled VefMablc Pills ate no new.untrled remedy jthey have been uied and tested' In the Unltod States for thirty years, and are relied upon by hun dreds of thousands of families as almost their sole medicine when sick, No cam or espenno is spared In ineir preparation, and ttl certiinly true when 1 ai sert that no Kins cm have a medicine safer or tutor than Urnndrcth's Tills, They p roilticc n (lood rlfcct upon (tls n.o almo't In. mediately when taken, llv some wonderful power, perhaps eleclrlcor nervous inflienee llio ptosicss of dlseused a ctlun isarreited i where watchfulness and pain have been present, the system becomes quieter, and the patient soon obtains refreshing sleep, Tho ifcntiitio ItltANUIttiTII I'l I.L l!OX has upon it a UNITIiUS PATHS fi()VI'.r.NMi:.S"P STAMP, with 11. llltANHUt'.TI! in V hi to Letters in the siiiue. Nov. 4, '05. 1 in. l'.mmn or iim Uimoi rat I'kak Smi-U'ilh your pi ruiis-ioti, 1 w l-h tn say mtlie readers nf your paper that I will send, by return mul, tn all who wish it, (free) n l'eteipt, with full diriclions for making and usius a simple Vepitiiblo llaliii, that Hill effectually iciiioi o, in ti n days, Pnnples. lllolf lies, Tan, freckles, and all Impurities of the Skill, leuiiug the lauo soft, rl. ar smooih ami beautif H. I will iilsu m ul free to those havlui; Raid Heads, or Hare Paces, siinpli dlreuiius and liiforiuati.iu that will enable. tliem to start a full growth of Luxuriant II nir, IMilskcrs, or a Moustache, in le-s than thirty days. i All applications ansiv're I by return mill without charge liespectfuily yours. THOS I'. Oil ATM AN, Chemist. I Ml Uroadivay, Ituu-Vork. I Oct. II 116"i.-3uios 'I'O Con-i'mpi sitvts -The uiidersleiu J liavltii been J. restored in health in a tew weeks by a very lim I pic remedy, after haling sulfered seveial years wltha .event lull? .'iHeciion, au.1 Hut dread disease, Con I bumplioii - is uiivlous to make known to his fellow j sufl..i"rs Ihe irleaus of curu Tu all who doiiro it, lie will send a copy of tho pre ' criptmn used ffn e ntCharrje, with the directions lor preparing and uli.g the same, w tucli tl.ey will find a t sl'Ri: itnb for Consumption. AthHiy, lirouihitis.Colds ! Co. i,' lis itc. Tho only object of the advertiser in ' sciulnit! (he prescription is to benefit the ufdictcJ, and ' sprcd iiiforiuatii.il wliicli he conceives lo bu Invaluable nnd lie hopes ever) sufferer w ill try Ins remedy, as it will cost them nut lung, and may prove a bleating. Parties wishing tliepresiri llia,will please address ' Kev. IIHIVARD A. WILSON. ! Wllliaiu.linrg Kings County, i Oct. 11, lSila. 3aios New-YotU. r Villi Mafon &i Hamlin Cabinet Or Jl gnus, forty different styles, adapted to sacied nnd teciilaruMiir. fur ?i ti S '"O each TlllllTY-nVI'. OtiLlI or SIl.VKll .MHUAI.S. or other tlrst preniiunis awarded them, lllistrated Cataloguo free. Addtess, MASON & HAMLIN. Ilotton, or M HON I1ROTIICUS, New York. Sept. 0, lei'5 -y'. The Grovesteen Pian.") Forte 1 still retains in preiodence and great popularity, and after iiuili rgoing gradual improvements U: a pc. nud pf Unity ears, is now pronoun ed by tho musical world lo he unsurpassed an I even unequalled in rich ness, volume and purity of lone, durability and cheap ness. Our new scale, Lreuth action, harp pedal, iron frame, over strung haJ, seven oitavn rosewood pi anos we are selling cheaper uy from $100 to S-0 , than the same M) le and finish are sold by any other, lirsl class makers in the country. Dialers and all in I want of good pianos are invited to sen I for our De-( seriptive Cat ilouue, which contains photographs of , our different 6lles, together with prices No two' should pun base a piano without seeing this Cata. Ingti'i Medjsl almn-t without number, havo been i awardod to the Urovesleeu Piano, and the Celebrated 1 World's air, though put in competition with others from nil parts of Curope and lliu U.S. it tuok the highest uu a d. i f li.iabiishod 1SD.) J Grovesteen Co, 40'J llltOAUWAY, NKIV YORK. July 29. Ipi5 J . II. II. a & Co. CN rolls ready to lie nailed down,--ed for liuses, l'ailori' s and Duildings of i .i. HUUUlj- of all kiiuii constructed of Materials that havo flood the lest of fifteen yean, and niiinufactiired on an entirely diffcr cntand belter plan than any other composition rnof. ii gin me. Secured by patent. Very durable a lid at lew price. Circulars and samples sent free by mall, P.UADY ROOFING Co. No. 73 Ma uic I aiic, New Yoilr. fi.-pt' so iBa.-l y. DeafnesfJ, Blinduess 5t Catarrh, Treated will) Uu' utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS O.ulisl and Aurift. (fnrnivrly of l.eyden, Holland, No. ul'J PI Sired. Philadeliiltia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City nnd counl'y cin he seen at his ollin'. The medical faculty nre invited Ii niinmpuuv their paiictils.as he has no secret in liis praelice. Ait'Pll'lCIAL UVKS inseitcd without pain No charge mule for cSntuliiatlon. July lu, Icoi. I 'm ONE P1UCE CLOrillNG. .1 ONES' OLD EBTADI.ISIII'0 O A' E P II 1 1; CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. Al JO JI'S1 Ore.renl Dim Price Clothing tore, ine lowest filing prico is maiked In plain flsures on each article, and never varied. AH Imy alike, whether judge ur uol The stock is gotten up ill a superior man- tier, expro.siy ior rciau rairs. . uuse hhiihhb i,i.i sub-taiiOa! and fashionable urtlclo, tliould not fail to go tu JOXES, 004 Market Street, One Price A'loro. May 13, lcU5.-ly WHISKERS 1 WHISKERS! Y 7 want Whiskers or .Momtnehos ( O Do you Our Grecian i:onipnund will force them to grow' on the imnothest face or chin, or hair, on buld neai s, in pn .. nr... Prill). $ I till. Belli by lllall ailjnueiir. ciuseiy .,ou, ,. .nr.,,,, nf n,l. A.lilreS,. WAUNL'R fc CO.. Uci 1:3. Brooklyn Tcbruaty lr, le03-y , N. V. $9,000 . Tho Pr, R mado by any one Slenci Tunis, No cpe ri-nce necessary- -. "i'i'i and - r-i usnk indurse Ihe circular. Sent free wlth.saiiiplci, Anddeesslho Ameiicun Bteneil Tool Wooik, rpiin.oti.i, ' " Oct. SI. lS65,-3m. T)o1)KeFdia 1U ES, PIIOTOG 11 A P 11 I ALUOMS t ALBUM PICTURES, -J1".1! " low pniei for ci W O PERRY nil 4 leAJ S W r. 4c k,F rtnlt Colorado Election Dcmooratio Triumph. Denver, Oct, 28, 180d The inoloscd is a transcript of tbo offi cial vote. Tbo Democrats will probably have tho Legislature and the Congressman, with the entire Slato ticket, Tho official canva's of tho vote on tho adoption or in jection of the State Constitution shows : For Constitution 3,026 Against Constitution 2 tT.U Majority for Constitution loO The question of negro suffrage was pa. . , , , Uto SCHie IIU10, Willi IU0 10110?. ing result ! ror negro Suffraito .11)0 Against negro nuffrago Mujority against 4,n a,ri4 BOOT Am SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. SAVER Y & KRUM. DfiALCllS AND MANUFACTORLRS OF BOOTS A A) SHOES. Call Skins, Ercncli Calf Skins, Kid Morocco'?, HlndiUe;"!, Lining-, Shoo Thread,' S' ails, Awls, lVgga and SHOE FIAT)LUS GKXEKALL All K in its nf Men's llools&Li'i(liis'.,luif-s which wo offer cheaper than the clteapest, for rash or country produce LLV Wp aro nrcuared to make to order all kinds of work at the s!mrtot notice. it- Shop on Main Street, inSnive's Ulock, P uomr burg, SAVCUY ii Mi'JM. Sept. 30, If 6A. Lailii'S' Faucy Furs I! AT "J0HN PAUElIiAS'' nsr. CKr Furs illnui.rnctot J'i No.TIS Arch Strut, cbtivo T tit , Philadelphia. 1 have lu.w in tore of my ow o Irr. y7n.r:yr-rt portatlon nnd Mauuf inure, mi' if llle largest and most beautiful ill c .i... .. for Children's Wear, in (ho Cily. Alao.afiae ai.urt- meiit of (ieiil's Pur Olovc and Collars. Iain enabled lo dispose of niv gooils nt very ransom ble price", and I would therefore s-ulieit a call Ir" n my friendn In Columbia county, and vicinity t;." Iteiueuiber the name, nu nber an.l slreit. JOHN I' A It I R A, T1H Arch Street, above Till. outli side l'hllad-tphln C? I have no partner nor lOiintUion with tuy u'.her store In Philadelphia. Kept. 30, 1PC5-I mos. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Estate af Ircdtitrfc lincuie.dcciusc'I Stato of Pennsylvania, Columbia County, ft -.TIIE Commobwealili l'cousvl- Sb.L. I ( .v-w ' vauia to Nancy Kntnise, ll.iiiiiali intermar ried with Peter Nngle Callinrine, l tit nuiirried wnh Adam Luiz. Jacob Kuouse, Xbram Lu ,ii-it, 1 tulip Kiioupf. Wathingtou Kuoii-e. yi iirpeim mer. Jackson Kuouse. Claressa Kiiousc, Alexaiui. r l,i .ii.i. eauio I Kiiouse. Martha J.uie Kiioute and p. fry Krintse. Ih last three i.iitiieil . f wlioiu are ttill :'i tnur imuorii. . and li.iung Irani Derr. ft,'. lb on ir.,i.ui, ai ii dm. The said Hannah, internum- il .. nil Peter Nu cle nud Jackson Ktiou'.e. resiile nt lli-h I. in luniuii Ilounty, Mulligan ; all cluldred tmU h-ual ih sceniienls of I'redenck litiousc . decensed, ruu lo ell oth ri i.i.sr ested, Greeting. You are hereby cited to be i i.d appear before the Judges of our orphan's C'.urt. tube le l.l nt I'.loumsburg. in sain County, en Uu- 'ir-l .liou.i.iy in I'eceinber next, tlien and there to are. pi or r fiue ti lake the real estate of saul tieueiirk imiousc, iiecens ed. situate in Jackson tnivnt-hip, in .nul joouiy at Ihe npprnlsed valuation put upon il by an tuques Uuiy awarded '-v the said Couit nnd rei-iruad t. in Slier III on the fifth day of SepteiiiluM, A. I)., nm- tnnusan I eight huiidied nnd sixty-lour, or slnu. ciisu whytiiu same should nut be sold ; nnd hereo: fail not. Witne.'s the Hon. il.iatn J'jiwull President of our said Ooutt at Bl.iom-t.r.rc Hi day of September, A. D ItoS. JESSE COLEMAN. C7t ,.', J. C sq . I'.IU Oct 1 1, ISM Cw. Ailiiitiiifsli-ntoi-'r I'otict. Estate of Valentino WhKetn'ght, die . J otters of Administration ou tho esitto U. jnf Ynuntinc IVhitonight, late of Hemlock tu, n rliip, Coluiutii.i co . ilirca&ed, Ii.ivl be-u (i-ftnuit ty Hie Ilegi.ler of Columbia co. to the un iersigne.t .ul nersniis liavitte r laitns azaiust the e-l.'ite of th. dece dent are requested to present Ihem I r S'MIIP inelll III, I uiak': .li. u .lllff tlio-o Ituti-uieii io toe esialu win payment tu ihe aununUtrator- C. B, BItO KWAY. Adni r. I ftov II. lbC5-0w ?3. A DM I N I8THATO It' S N tJTICE . Estate of Samuel Kitchen do. d. T ETTEltS of Admini-ti m-m on Dip S J Kitnto of Samuel Ifitcli, i., Pile of 3ugatloaf townmp. Ciiluiubia county, decen-' .1 have been gian ted by Hie lieelster of Columbia county to the Lnder- ngned ; nil persons having claim.- hg.ui.t ihe esluta of the decedent are re piert'! I to presmt them tn Uu undersigned, residing in J a e k s o n low nship. wnh r ut delay, and all persons lodibl-i. tu make puj'iiu n( forthwith. JAMES W. KiTCIILN, Adixiiusi.iu'or. Ort. 14, lefsL-Cw gioo AUDrrdjTs f"uncE. Estate of Jesse Ev ;;s,Jc:eari. riiHE iindersighe.l. Auditor uppoiiited by thn Orphan . .1 Court of Co.unibi.i louul) to m ik iiistrib itu'n of thu balance in the hands of L( w is i tter hum u'.t a lur uf Jeyse U'Mus.Iate of Loi i-' l 'vii.mp- ui saii rou. ity, deceased, arming the s. . - f-'il In it, i ih Uo , crueent in the order rsl.'iblish. i: nv i n. wul .t.-ndat his olllce, ui lllooiiisburg, on 'I ii,ir--,. . the i - itny if , November next, at ID o'clock, A l . .',1 .-I i Oa)' ' the porpo.u uf inaking the 0i-'ri'i'itl"ii .Mi persons' ' iiaving i laiuis or diman.ls agu'ii.-i U" eft-il ofrkede re.l.'iit, are uoiiileit to present (hi in (oth'n Aiutitor oil that da ur bu didantj Iro.n e",,uiig u for u share nf tWe fund. IlOflEIiT E CLAKlv , . Aud.tiir. j Oct. 14, ISG5-4w?J a. AUDITOU'S NOTICE, j Estate of Jtuob DtjCr, r.'cc iue.1. ' 'I UeU""1 '"."uu ..I,' u-i..... ' J '" -'... I ,,.... ori-oionibia countv. t.i uiakd diitribulion of the balance in liands ul Lew," Yiiter. u liuini-irntor uf Jacob Dyer, late of Cnuwjsi.i, 1'ivn.hip in said ruuiiiy, ilicuted, uirmi g Hi" cr. dnuriul the dice ik.it in tin-ordjr established ly lav. nil, attend at his oihco in lllooiiisburg. on I huriday. lili J ld nf No vember nxl, al lo o'clock. A. ".. u v. ud dui.furlhe purpose of nuking thn dilr..au t,i. ai puisonsh.v Ing elniuis or demands ngain.l Hi piii ofili'. aecu dent are noiuled lo present lin-ut t,. ihe Auditor un Hint day ur bu debatred from o uiu,' in lot a rlute of the fund. ItOBEltr F. CLAHIv, Auditor- I 0r.t. 14 ISC3 -4iv, 83 51.' Adminiattatov's JJotice. Estate of Jacib L'oa's, dec asel. T ETTERS of adininistiation on the. H . . . .. S 1 P.stato of Jacub Iloat.. late fcf Heaver twp.ilec'd. havo been granted by the Regisu-r nfi ."ii.i.ma nt, lo ttieundcrtigned ; all perscni having il.nuis u.'iui.stth ostnte of the deredenl ute ie.pie.te w p eieut th lev the undet.ighed, without deli,) nne il persons in. debted to make payment fartliwuti ANORl'.W SHI .1 ' N, Ileav.'i ti.wn-lup-Colui.iliia r. CHAIll.i P IIHA' P Un.ou iwp, ' . nm Ikitl couu.y. Ad i t l.irator., rn .i y'ti tv V MS M iMMMtMiiggiialiiWi ' ir.-i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers