COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT WraK. - - " Our Constitution guard It ever ! Onr glorious Unionhold It dear t Our starry Flagforsake It never) The proud Oaucasslan onr only peer! ""edited by Liivi i.. tate, PKornicfonT BLOOMSBURG : Saturday Morning; Nov. 10, 'G 5 Di.M0cn.UY, n sentiment not tobc appalled, corrupt ed or compromised It known no bascnoss, it covet to no !uiier It oppresses no weakness. Destructive only of despotism It Is tho solo conservator of liberty, labor and property. It is tlio sentiment of freedom, of equal Tights, ofcmial obligations iho law of nature pervading the law of tho land Auks:. Special Notice. Wo ask our friends, who aro indebted to this rfficcxa any vuy or amount t to mako immediate payment i They must know that our business requires a largo amount of Cash, at greatly increased prices, and can only bo met by prompt and regular payment ou tho part of our customeis. Wo have ever lound them kind and prompt, generally, for which they have our sincere thanks but there aro many others, who uhould 'pay us our honest dues, liko men, and not aot as though they intended to defraud the Frin ter. Wo hopo that all indebted hereabouts, will send or bring us our money at the December Court. Others can send by mail, The Recent Elections. Wo have been defeated iu every Stato North of Mason & Dixon's Line. The op position by means of their thorough or. ganizition, their groat energy and abun dant money have succeeded ; and for a whilo-at least will havo everything their own way.. To a party not built on p)in cipk such a defeat would bo destruction. Not so with us. Our party is as strong and as efficient to-day, if rightly managed, as it ever was. Its numbers arc sufficient ly formidable to call forth ibe whole strength of our opponents, and its leaders aro among the brightest iutcileets of the natiou. Our defeat instead of inducing despair, only nerves us for greater exertion in the future. Relieving our principles to bo the only ones on which the Government of tho country can be successfully administered, wo will not fail to advocate them, and warn the peoplo against the monarchical ten dencies of the opposition: We have com mitted no errors as a party over which to repent wo have no new doctrines to enun ciate ; wo simply represent the principles of JefferaoD, Madison, Monroe and Jack-' son. Wo are not ashamed of our record J made up ; and to day as boldly advo- oate tbo doctrines of Stato's Bights, Mo- tallic Currency, opposition to arbitrary ar-j rests and suspension of civil rights, as wc j ever did. We would rather be defeated' vpholding the rights of white men, than j triumphant upon doctrines antagonistic to j ibe tenets of tbo party. In the meantime the opposition have not muoh cause for congratulation. Iu somo localities they have succeeded upon the question of opposition to President John son's restoration policy, and in others just the reverse. In some States they have ad vocated negro suffrage and equality, and in others they have been obliged to de clare against it. "A house divided against itself cannot Mand ;" and tbo wedge has already been enteied which will rive the party from ceutro to circumference. We, ou the contrary, are now more than ever united, aud ready to give adhesion to any constitutional doctrine, vthile not pledged to the support of any man. Tho Government which for fivo years has been llriftinrr nmnnrr flip mi-iIra nf ili-i.nntijm nA 0 ftQarclty. & seeking a quiet haven for re- pair,, aud must iu the end anchor huUo bosom of the Democracy. Funeral of Mr, Ektlcricls The fu neral of Elias Diktterici., Esq., which took placo ou last Wednesday, was very largely attended. There were 55 Car riage in the procession on tho Funeral march, from his late residence to the bur ial placo at Bloomsburg, in the old Pres byterian Burying grounds, where his mor tal remains now repose, iu tho "dleep that knows no waking.'' Mr. D. was a wor thy and useful citizon, honored and re spected by all who enjoyed hid acquaint ance, and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his untimely depart ure. Rev. J. R. Dimm, preached an appro priato discourse on tho solemn occasion, Worth Knowing. Dr. J, J. Ely, of New York City, has been fpendmg tho past week, professionally and successfully, in Bloomsburg, Dr. E. is neither quack, humbug or impostor. Ho is an educated Physician, skilful and experienced in the profession, and having dono up a very large business hero, for many of our citi zens, has rendered very general satisfac tion and carries with him their confidence and rctpcet. He has proved his eminent success in treating for Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Eye, Ear aud Heart diseases, fi?" Wisconsin gavo a majority for the Republican ticket of about 7,000, and ngainit negro suffrngo of 10,000, Freedom to Die. 1 In on address delivered at tbo Oliuroh tho Puritans, New York, last Sunday, by Cbaplain French, of the Frccdincn'a Bu rcau, the speaker said : "If not nssisted thirty thousand freed men will norish in Georgia before tho first of March. Thejr 1 am mm-timr nnd ilvtn. il,nrn. nllinrr fnr , coffins because thoy can't get bread." Gen. Fkk, of tbo Kentucky and Tcniici- fee reeiou, spoko in much tbo same strain, This, then, is the paradise- of Iroedoin to , which tbo New England fanatics have , brought the colored race. This, then, is . ..' ! the result ol a Black Kepubl.cau lour . . . . . . . . years' war "lor trie Alrican ana luu raco!"offour billions of monov anuan. dercd; of hundreds, of valua-, , ii .i.i.., - n. hln licoi weldl in linllln nf ntlinrrnnr .Northern land with maimed heroes, and',of usurPe- 'u "P ponaltieB of .... . ...... . . ,4 . . tho law. .Tiutien will not let men ito tin. oie lives wasteu in uauio ; oi lining our, - grid anu poVerty-StriOKCn W1U0W8 aflU or-i l.,,n, no can see, in mat picture, ine gain by changing tho war for the Union and the Constitution, to a war agaiuH iho nniioiitniini, nml cfoUl!oi,n,i i.,ci:(.,.in. ? 4tn . .i . . . .i . ...... . iijvcry man, woman anu cbild in the coun- try (except tho Bhoddy thieves) has suf. , fered trrlaron.lvt in mln.l. tn nnr.nn nrin i . ,1 .. . ., property, auu now wo aro ioiu mat tno 1 ' - very race for whom all the sacrifices were kl,ld a3 "as t,1L' caso ilu,,,U"' 80,1,8 of tUc made and endured, is rushing with the 1,ort MlUliu P I ""or as long fatal gilt of freedom at rapid speed into ' ftS tl,oro is a kPark of Demoorntic piiuciple tho grave. Will somebody tell us what ' lcft iu our Oovcriimci.t. we i.avo gained bv tbo war "for the Afri-1 The tiru0 h Dot far dis,nut' nheD a11 wll can and his race f" ( were concerned in that damnable crime . - j will have to suffer ten-fold to what their A Demoobatio Almanac." The victilll3 6ttffarol. And I trust Hint it will publishers of The New Yohk Day Book,1 not tl()p atliS CVL.ri. provosl Mursbol, Van Evrio, llorton Si Co., unnounee that wuo wa8 guiIty of !irrcslitig any person they have in preparation, "A Democratic ', wi,uout a trun bid aSmust ihew, aud was Almanao and Political Compendium," for t.auae f , ,lt;ir i p r i&o u im o n t and death, tho entiro country. A publication of this s,ou)j bo lmDj, utwecn the heavens aud kiud will bo very valuable, and it is somo- cnrltt, aud there left dangling ai a warn thing that is greatly needed. It will take ing t0 lui3e who may yct arii0 t0 GH t Li0 the place of tho Tribune Almanac, which ' placc3 of thoso who iQuabitour cjuu on account of ils extensive politioal statU-1 tJj for fcar lhvy may gct tho foolish idea ties found its ivay into many democratic ! tiut luo miitar'y iaw ;9 Mgker tbaa the hands, and produced much misobief. Wo ! cjv;a are glad the publishers of The Day-j Military con. missions who havo boon Book have hit upon this idea. It will bo ,guj,v of iiarjgi,)g rao au(i oven wmen instrumental of good and Domoeruts should wM0Ui sufficient ovideuco as has been the encourage it. Now is tho lime to spread, case will roeeivo tie same fate and the teach aud inculcate sound democrati.: j vo;oc 0f people will decide that those principles. The party must bo led back ( who were the cauc of their arrest should to its principles, and ovory vehicle that ' not escape alike ju-tice. will tend to tbii end should be welcomed i yox Populi and supported by tboo who desire once - more to see the glorious old Democratic fitfl" Fou the Headers or the Demo Party iu the aseundaDt. Tho Democratic j chat. Two men purchased a tract of laud Almanar, wo feel sure, will bo a sound and good co-worker in the cause. j Camp Fire'anTcotton Field. I We have received of the publisher, Messrs. Jones, Bros. &Co , North East Corner of Sixth and Minor Streets, Phil- adelphia, a beautifully printed and neaily bound volume, comprising a History of i tue War- Tui' lok contains 52-1 pages, compiled by lnos. , Ivxox; (bpeeiul correspondent of tho New York Herald,) 1 wuo '3 0110 of die moit versatile and able1 writers of luc country, and is both reada-j bio and interesting. Wo direct attention j t0 le card, in another column, headed ' "Agents Wanted." ; J5y It is said that Capt. Whitmoyer showed most evident signs of distress a few days ago, wbcu tho preachers and other loafers about the post office, upon reading in the Tiibune, that the nigger equality amendments had carried iu Minucsota, stamped and clapped their hands" over the odoriferous news. Only go in with them Captain, and you shall too greater things than that. A One Hundred Pounder from Blair General F- P. Blair, in a lecent speech fired the following well-aimed shot at ihoso who were tho first disunionists, and who. judging from preuent indications aro , determined to bo the last of that tribe, j He said ; j "it is4brown up to us that tho present ' ia n ifilinl 1 tt-mirtn r n tl n iiintmivioni HMir. ! . . "umu uou& uot Ml5aro mt- 1 navc iougui fWe aide with Democrats during the company with them than with those who) were rebels at first and turned Bidicals 1 afterwards because the emoluments of office lay in that direction. E- Dr. Updegraff, on Friday afternoon , ia tll u- s- Col,rt. '' Pittsburg, last last again performed ono of those delicate i week, all having been acquitted. Tho operations upon the oya that has givon , two loruer by NMepros, the latter insis' himsuch celebrity. It consisted in re iDS UP0U a trial, a jury was ompaueled, moving a cataract from the eye of an el- derly lady, which had boon growing for some years and had nearly or quite ob- struoled her sight. The operation was entirely cueccssful, and tho sight restorod, J.vzeme Union. . .... . , rtv Wlmf !n tlio world is the matter - with tho abolition machine I Why should it be making fun of our amiablo aud heavy friend Capt. Whitmoyer I Does it sup - .r ... pose such stuf wm answer as an cut. for the d sannointment of not reoeiv - lent, for the disappointment iug the clcrknbip to the assessor 1 Or is it because the Capt. is not in favor of nig ger voting ? CST A meeting jwasheld at Cooper In- rk on Monday evening, ii r r orinii nann n eF V a stituto, New York ou behalf of the suffering peoplo of tho South. Addresses wero made by Provis ional Govonor Parsons, of Alabama ; llenrv Ward Beeoher. Gonoiali Aleado and Fisk, and others, r, ir r Hon. II W. Tracy, late l, 0., of tbis.Distnot, has our thanlts lor a bound -i r .u. ....1 n . vuiuuiu ui iuu 1'icJssgu nuu umuuicui. ion nr. -f IB04-0O, for Ms '-CWiimila Wsmoeral.' A Just Retribution. Col. Tate '-It was onco said by tho ' immortal Vallandighain, "That time at last would set oil things even." Tho , , ., . , , . Kii1nhnii At fl,,a rrnfit .1 m . ,. ,. w "-tv"' "' comjiigrao. Men who were onoo lustra- mental in having ibcit neighbors arretted n,,a P'nccd 10 mihtory basttles and forts,' nDd lhoro for wecks la0hs 11Dd mu ibh-m. jUMtucuuuu, ut'S10 10 ro,lP "10 8111,0 reward, ivcn in o. oo.un wno u.u t,,c rty'work for the old Tyrants dupes, ,,, X... ,,,.,.. I 1i ftl - ""V " ( thn nllrnnrt nf nnrriin, flirt, nUnlmne irii v....,,.ub i, v w reaping mu rownraa tor ineir uaruua- v;..n.a iui men umuuu ,, .it , , n r ' are eo.npeieu to uy ,rom Ilicir no linn, tint in nxrnnn Irnm thn innus 'Uir,UOUCP, 1101 10 CSCBpC Irom ItlO nanus . . , - ; - " , . . . I pUUISIlCU WHO naVO DCCn nillliy 01 SUCH ai- ' ii ' icirea enmat. ns wnrn ntnmittpii lit I'n tin. - - - . -fT, " " ,, i b ond Luxerno id tho fall of 1801. Men I all.,,Wetl 10 ruD nt li,rSc- have bceu Kuilty ofaioaling peonlc's watches and - ' "'v" -' "'"' '"" """ , aml m!lkioe fi,Uo oatbsi rr 1,10 PurP30 of, compelling men of high readability to Miffer i inn ri snn nion t . of tlm liirur. hrirr ililn containing '..00 aeros for 41)0. One end proving moie valuable, ibey agree one "ball pay S225 and the other 5175 per acre. How much land must each receive fof gaoo ft Ic(Je , Answeri Jent Hl lgC5 Death of Col. Bowman, U. S. A. Wilkesbarhe. Nov. 11 Col. Bow 'an, U. S. Corps of Engineers, died at his lesidcLtc in this tonn ihia moruing. The. deceased was well known iu army circles, and was formerly superintendent at West Point. Ue had oliaigo of the construction of Fort Sumter, and at the imc of bis death was president of the commission of eugiuecrs for remodeling 'the ooast fortifications. The "Divine Stanton '."Mr. Sew aril says Stanton is "divine.'' Wo sup pose that was a "divine" reinirl: he made when he responded to Col. Streiglit's ui gent demand that ho should exchange prisoners man for man : "I'll bo d d if I'm going to give the in able bodied men lor bkeletons 1" The '-divine" Stanton 1 That is good ! Nothing like it bineo the "days of Joshua ! ' lT Gen. Grant ban sent to the Sec retary of War a communication recom mending tho uiuiteriug out of all Major aud Brigadier Generals of the volunteer service save those who have bceu disabled in tho service. The laet becoming known has Mired up many of the able-bodied Generals, and their politioal friends aic rrftr inr un n slrnnn (innn.i inn In P.nniru , - 7 , . , . . I Oram . piopo.ed swiping deoapuatiou. 1,1,3 tri1' of 1 Ur3J Meuk Ltq "f the Bellefonto Watchman, Dr. Krise- 1 of Cambria county ; and Goodlander, of I Clearfield county, were brought to a close and after hoaring iho testimony, a verdioi otn9t wai roudured by an Aboli- ( Q jury, without lo.tviug the box. Su s ent die "treason." It will now bo ihe d"ty of those men who havo thus been presented, to ascertain who their prosecu I l,f, l,.nn ;.. ,t. .1..,:. lv'0 sue mum miii turn. iioiimn oj.Viv.Tii4 Lcivhbnrg Journal - . 1 informed an t-x-confederato efficer that he 1 intoud to pardon any moro of tho' 1 . .. 'mUU ,u lm,uuu " ' rebel loaders at present. - - A COlirt martial is being organized , for tbo trial Ot Captain R. B. Winder and (J.n,e. with cruelty at Anueraonv... '1 1 r ...I i . CQr-ol. Mnrphy, uepublican, is elect- ted to tho Assembly in the Fourth dis. trict of New York by one mojority, COT Hon. Preston King, Collector of Itl-o PortofNew York, committed suicide on Monday night. His health had been failinp: for some time, and it was thouoht ,...?- ..,rc..J .i .r; mm uu uuuvim nuiu luuuuiug ui luo l,..n brain. Gouoral Nows Itoms. G? D."aJ ,olin A. LoGan J" bf " "P. ...i-l... I All.!.... . .. il.- t Lit- -I !. I""""" .u .u ,.,.. ., TT ., , , , Gov, Iliituillnn, of Tcxaa, expccli to call a Stato Convention in December. Th a, , of. Henry A. w. .,'.,., m. Li r, Wiso has been libeled for confiscation. Massachusetts L iiion uro ducted to the Legislature. John 0. Breckinridge is reported nt gt v Uatbariuci, Canada. GcncrM me a ,n Waibit.gtou. 0 , Lo slrPrt LnJ an itlUrviow ' ....... J with the rresident on Monday. , . . , , i; arQ fclt iu Mis3issippi) 0d CRitlatioa l0 - illlUIUllUUOlUU Ul U U'lilvJ I IIOUI I uu.lii.i disar, I ,CU) IS sucffl'sll d. F.(lei al SUb- - ii, n i: .1 : .1 i? ....... -..1.. 'officers havo recently been making inflam-1 ! matorv siiecelics to the frecuineli. , "" " " "HKl?"u- " i " ,, . 1 UCUCrai CJICKICS ICll W asilinginn OU C.......1 ... r ,i. ..,!. o.iiuiMav iui mum view with tho President and War Sccro- It id rcp0rted that ho will tupersedo General Gilluioro. .,.,...,,.. ,i .niui ill iiiiui ue rrusmeut uc...s ioug, y , .vuu t0 have Jciteieou jJavts trieu uuuor me indictment of last June, in tbo Supremo Judicial Court of tbo District ol Colum- bin. ESff' Geu. Howard recently told au .. i i f r i -. T...I...... Mi.. usse numce oi irixunieu ui o uuusuu, .miii i .1 . .1 i . ,i . .,. , , i, ,i:i,,l om1 that the lutid.s were not to be divided, and that freedom IUeaut Work. -Colonel William S. Ilawki.lS, an ex J rohttl ofljeer of fltlO lilerarv ' Uttliinmctlt!?, , rlW il .n NjihIi villi? nn ihn fit It nst During ibe quarter ending an Uoto- bor til '22 ''8J nrri'nU were Hindu in New! ..... .4 V. , r Q , r , rVQ undersigiied having purchased, ai 1 orli, including .,8U lemalcA. N tSln-rill-a Sle. on Mondaj, the Hill ol Novi-m- . . , . 1 bT7, ItOO, ,,s the prop -rty of Jacib liaup, .f drauge feS1 Tho majority fur tllR State Con- , twp., Uilunihla cuuu.v, Ihe following described per- .ill.,...,,, ! run..,l 1 sr, Tl. j inly against nogro suffrage waa 3,7 10. j vu ivy.uuif t,.j ' ... -, HE .NEW bllEUIlF-riie COaimiMlOU Of Jo'Cnh E Vaillecr Sheriff-elect ol Luzerne eaiuie. l,ns boon sU,!! ni ,l, ltc-nnl. ' nmnn M: C II P,,i ,-l, I, .l,n S 01UCC. AillJ D U I UteroailgU tllC e?ent incuhellt will retire Oil the 2rtll ' , 4f it 1 null- 3t, When Mr. auleer Will be duly 111- 1 prei inst stalled iu office. trlT" There was a reception of colored troops iu Ilarrisburg yesterday. Gener- ' al Gaiucion made a speech, lt'-vrrend J. Walker Jaeksou prayed, and Professor Wm Howard Day. of 2sew 1 ork, delivered un oration. The affair wound up with a grand ball 111 the evening. -They aro raising largo qtnntilics of hemp in Kansas, equal to any grown in, Missouri. A large quaLtity is needed for homo onu'umptmn-for the benefit of a number of official cattle tbiovci aud other , , . , , 1 1 . hard oases -but it is wasted by being sent uhroin MARRIAGES. Ill OrallliCVille Oil the 12th of Oct. by ,, ,,, . , ii i ii i i I llev. H Goodrich, Mr. John (j. Brink, to Miss SallieE Laubat-b, Loth of Iknton townrhip. ... m ti i -ii r,,. t By the Same, ISOV. 2d, Mr. JOUCS, of Blorim-burg, to Mns Laviua Obi, ol MaditOll twp. ,, , , ., , , Bytliesaine at Ibe rctidrnco of the bride iu Benlou twp , Oliver Palmer, of Bloomsburg, lo Mi so Hannah Davis. DEATHS. Iu Montour twp., Columbia couuiy, ou ; Monday last, Nov 13ili ltiOo, of Er-sij.ela-i, Elias Diktiekick, Esq , lato County Coiiiuiisnioncr, nb,ed SO years 1 mouth aud 5 days. In Mifllinville, Columbia CO., 00 Friday ,t ... . 10.C m i i- -,- cNOV. I Olll. lbGS, ilrs. AMANDA J., Vi.j (if .Tnlin A Slmni-in nf ill tin- oijonn a. ouuni.ui.oi, in me -.o u yeur oi uer age Iu Pine townsliip, Columbia onunty. o Wednesday Sib Nov. John J. Winter stee.v, aged about UO years Iu Danville, Oct. 10th ult.. Mn. Cath rine, wifo of John Towrer, aod 07 years and 8 months. Nm dDueiliscmculs, fi' ubs Situ sj.iajj 01-' Valuable Keal Esta.e. ''I'Mie undersigned, will offer for sale, by j Tublic Vendue, ou tlm premises, ou MOXDW, THE 1STH OF DEC. The following described Valuable Heal Estate, con sisting of A Farm and Plantation, Situate In Fisliingcrcclf township Coluiutuu rouuty. .'a , containing about 3 52 ACRES, About One Hundred and 1'ifty Acres of which is improve,! and in a tngii state i, I cultivation, the bal auce is limner lauu. 2 BsAEsltU HfiftAilIlE MWBJSiES AND A BANK BlltN, with all the ri-iuisita nut buildings, aro creeled upon said premises. TWO GOOD ORCHARDS, ) excellent Meadow with Spring and Well of nuvcr- ! "'"s "ear uie dwellings, Aiso.a go.j t'l''' !iLi!3&;& Willi a superior site for the ereciioii of ,i C!nl Mill, located along the main and I'uhiiigcrvek. iiaid property will be divided into FOUR FARMS, or sold together as may best suit the purclmer, day, when all jiidance will be civen and comliiinn. , rmu in i-omiiii'iicu ui ioo ciock A. .!., ou said made known by ! votitmii mtumjh Nov IB. IBCS-ta. W?''ii', 'J!Pf)'il'J,' lo sale, by Public v v vendue, on thepreniisc.. n j Salurdau Dccmber the 2d. 1 Sfi5 , The fnlloivma describeii M'liirli. nf l.nn.t. Int., il. ... tailor tin. I.ongenborser, o( .Mam twp., Columbia county dcc'.l., namely : Uno Traitor land situate in Mam township and i i rOllllt V nlnrM..-, 1 ,4 . .-. , ,1 1 r, I n , i 1 SEVEMTY-TWO ACRES ....j.u.und.jf 1 a i tin .nJi...r ... V Al.rtO, one other Tract of I, und. iiluluin Main nvn. containing about FOll 7 I' A CR ES, nil wood land, adjoining lands of Philip Miller, Jas .McAlarney and other. ALSO, annilmr tract of WOOD LAND, tZ tn commenre nUOo,ock A Jay. wiien aitendauco wm bo glen and condition made know,, by iv ai. i.UMi t.Mit Kt;i;rt, JAME-4 MeiLARN'GV Nov. i?, m n Exr's WEW GL07HIN6 3 FRESH A 11 II IV A L OF Fall and Winter ii Till) undeislgned, grateful for past patronage, resnct fully Informs htsttistumers and the publlcgcncrally that he has Just received from tho r.aUerii cities, the largest una ino.i seicrt siuck 'I'luit vet been iiuclieil 111 llloiimsbiirg, to whlcii he , friends, and assures Iheiu ilu nt great bargains. Ills , irtmeiit of Invltm the atteution of his that they urn uiicreii lor soiu c .;!,,, ....,i,i.i.r.,r u.n. "i.v. - -d-- Aimr.. .criplloni Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravnts St' i:nii.i.titiL in rjsiitoNADiic nuts i.iiaihi i uiuij ?,"V.wVnS.VLT iiTnv..V. It.i.s.L'si.i Jr.. &c. I .r..... ui.i..- i.., i uttun -"" Vo'l.TamfXwolry, nrvrv i.oeriniian. nn nnd cuenn. N. ".oiarA-'i-CArap ;r4farlUr4.. eallundsee. Noiiargu for exinuing uooiis. in,,.,.,.,.,,,,, v,,i. IM Irtil",. fjillie lsj'.l I For Sale. A Farm at Private Sale. .il,(!r.lirne.1 .,-,., tol U privat0 a uie, a rAit.M ami im.ntation, muate in i Hemlock tovni.hiu, Colunilii.i county, l'a about two niile-i Hurt of lluck Horn, near the Jcrsujtowu roiJ containing Sevoiity-Tbrco Acres of Laud, Whereoii 11 erected a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, .... . ,. nlarge l'-amc liau k Ham, nnd suitable cut-build ngs, ,0iJ(!ll;lur u lisua l.MMJH OROIIAltD. &0. , for further parUculars, en,ui,e of the subscriber, at " 1 ' t tt cmrnT.H,M) Nov. Ii, BM-Uiiio 03 Notice and Caution. toiiiil iimnum, viz ..... in .-.n-rtr. 1 u iuuiiu ivWiji, j vVli,.r,. mm one si-tof luruossr one How and Manuw, JUObu-.hi-lsof corn, (more or kss), fifty $M:e.".!..l.,..1l i.iVf.o' ."V.fli.1 . ol 'a UlU- Willi.) ucrm r Wheat and jacrej ofllyu i 11 , srl,u,, including his hoMseliold and kitchen for- nil lire 6' nirally '.II t which Iih has left lii the hands ol ihe n.Uil Jac. U liuup, during hli pi. isun-, and here i,y nublUI lautmu ull persons against muddling, or lllll. Willi .1 UCriM HI II Ileal UIIU o ucrt'sl Ol nyu I II I 11 A UP I oiangeviiio. Nov. n, leoi -3w s moN CITY UOA1M EltCLA L CvJL- LEGE. and national teleouai-ii institute. i w. jiskins. 1 j. 0. sami. a, ji., I rrindpins. rlr, ,.,.,. UulUlSt comer l'enn and St. Clair,?l.., .? $lTaAm& .rbiv.m ro na week isdinu Vov., i i, lea. 0 M Nngrauu, Jamestunn, Chauiuo n y a Mc'.'.'in'iUtflViii-.i'uyrhl'ra -a iui;'i;su.irnu, Mercer cu 1 fa J 11 rt.uilh, (.llu'.on, AlU'glieny Co l'a j c TMimpmui. " Puc-inp.rnuDiirsii u II W (iiln 111. Miiili. r'urnacs, Ilutter Co I'n II I' I'oe. S Till Hop', J V ll.silt-y. Uniuuwlle, Chester Co Ta 11 C lliigin.', V jtsoatowoii. iN'orin il Co -a l; " Hopkins. V. Iu Spring. Greene Co Ohio I' iMjers, l.iilletowu , Adams Co l'.i t s sdiwart.. i.i, maviiie, i.c-gingh c pa I' Unit to 11. riinitlliniil. Jeilersoil Cull. Vjuii W j c-bi ra.ii n, Cli.ittii-rs " 'I K l illiams, llriiniu-jtun J a Cittir-nm iV AI xandrla Wushingtnn Co r YXXTuco w Va J 11 Am-r. MouilicJuleui, l!nts Co Ohio II Millride. l'leasaut U.ig, iVntru Cu Ta M iindge, k. ui, Indiana, cu r.i for terms and information concerning the Culci-ge, UlllllObS, JtMilKi, S-'.Mlltl it I'oiM.LTi Nov 16, IUI. Agents Wanted For our new Work, CAMP FIRE and COTTON FIELD. IIV THOMAS w k.U., (s-puial War Cotrcpondeut ufllieN. Y. Ileaiald.) Tbu most tlirillinir inti rostinr? and ox- ritin; book of Army uxperunco ever published. aliouii ting iii perMJiiat a ivetures ileeilc ot noiiio oar- h , llllul,.,, touching incident-, lux-mui -.tratn- gi uis. Ine in camp and bUoue. ije .Mine absorlnug ,, r ' Mo ,..,, us,.ful IBforlliauull lhn any nth.-r work ctc-r yet luhlisliod Tn piopettne settlers upen the rich and fertile binds uf thv (ninth, now opnn to Northern outcrpri.e, it is especially invaluable, giving full, reliable and pra iiiiurmatioii ri-lai ivo to plantation manage ment and Milton culture, itidtapoiiiib'e tu the success ot'the Norlh'-ru emigrant. Relumed and dmablc-il oiliccrs and soldier', nnd i-ni-rgi lie young men iu w ant jf.i irofitable ciiipln,. ineni will liuU this a ran- cliuuee lo make money. We have Agents clearing S-uO per month, vv II i cu we w ill prove lo any doubling applicant ; for proof of the abuie cud for circulars and 6ee our terms. Address, iJONi.t- illtuS. ,t CO , N. E corner SUth and .Minor Ms, l'lul'a, I'a, Noa. Is, leu.i. PUJBLEC SABiE or VA L UA n 1j e re a l es TA TE ! IN pursuance of an older of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday, November 10, 1865, At 10 o rlork tu the forenoon . Anilrcw- Crcvelini: and Hniniiel llourv. executors of An hnalil Henry late of Orange lwp in said courtly, dic'd, will expo. a lo riitnir vet. one. on ine premise inls'es. a certain 0,11:0 I situate in tlm towiiiliio of f John M -gargle mid Jo In 1) W, Mnntcnme y a d east. Je eint.Mi llagnibuc Ic iieiiii.ut aud tiact ol tana Orange. ndjotning lands of Herring on the north Dr. I!i-I,.,,l ll.-m-u h.Ir. r,ll III. n.l lr r l m in l ll,,n, Ceo lleid.-r and l'elcr llkllick on thn south and llati. lei Vanderslire and Wir. Ilel'mg on the west. i , . .,.-, Containing iido Acres. ,,. ,, ti-hlrl, n,., ,,li.,l r,on,l TWll-STDltY llWI'UiT.TXC TKHTSl.r .. ...v.. w.-. Frame Ham Wurrnn Shrd un,l out. building, un excellent Spring of Water near ii,..i,,r i n i 'J h.rii is alio on the west end of said property one and a half story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and a good Hank Uarn, and a spring of water conveni. nt to tint same, a large part of the premises is clear ed, on which i s a GOOD APPLE ORCHARD. The uncleared pari is well timbered, I, .He the Estate of said deceased, situate in the twp. of Orange und county aforesaid ti'san I'm nwAv The above nrnnertv will l. .nl.1 nn rnnfiunnl.t. i.rm. nnd will bo divided i lit o two farms, if necessary to ' i tun purchasers ANDREW CREVELINC HAMUEL IIE.NItV, Ex'rt. Nov. 4, ieC5.-t ' Lost. OST about the 1st of October instant, n I'roniisnry Note, given to me by John Klchner , One Hundred Dollars, payablo one year after date, uuicu avpieiuuvr leuo, lor t TllC nubile fire hereby ralltinneil nnl l.nnrMin.. Hi. said Note, as tue payment there nfhns been slopped . .uiiMiiAM hill. Centre twp., Oct. S3, ISni. C, US, 15R0CKWAY. IT E 0 B V - !t IT - Qa A W , Bo,.ulies,,Pensions,cVo.,colleetcd, I Snrrlnl nltnnl i nn nni l tn tn n tiu --i i - .. n a . . u t Special attention paid to matters ariiing nndertho Iu. icrrai iieveuue i.avv.. IT" OITICE I'ourth door below American Hotel, Oct. 8 3. ,60.,. ULOO.MSUU- P.. SdHOLASHIPS FOU SALE. Ulnghampliii . Crittenden's riilladelphia. Rtrutton.llryant Co.. ' '. (luakerCity liulness College, Thcso Serins, are In nmnmitd ..rsii n...t ..n , is so much cash, by the Student on entn u,,' L, , r.h. above Colleges. Voung men desiring toobtatn a fliiuh ed Col eciste fblnrailnn iuiii i..... r.?..i ..;.V ' onby.pplvlnguh,ornc.n'the !.. Nov, II 8S3 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT wi,u,iBin uwiuvuai TOnTf T-lKRlt -I I y -i V. JLJ.XJXVJLJ'' i T r j , , . rpHU Very IlattOrillg OUPport lierct I rum given t tho late nun of I A Mia Q. M NINCII tc CO .linluces tho unJerslgred to enter it on the business m ME KG 11 A A DIZ 1 NG ha. ' upon nsoniewhat now plan. The ricitlt sjstcm been an Injury tn both buyer ami aclfer, ami I lie ru Ihcrolore .1A1DI: N. lTlCrIICBa lo open on the 13.1. day of the moath of Jmwwfifo and El.FiG ANT STUUIC OF EvOT OlTcrod in this CoulllV i consist- ' . f vnrlel.. nnd nunlliv nl' clnnln 1 mg Ot CVcry VariHy anil quality 01 BlapiC and FANCY GOODS, j .ri'iau j hav , . . I Groceries. QiUOOUSWare, -Hard- Mniin ! v"1 and all sort? of articles kept in a country: Store ; tnbe sold or in exchange for Alt A :kViMt V XMkVHU MM M u-u I '-u M. W? . 1 V, Tho whole busiues to bo conducted on 1 the than vstcm of pay as you gu ,- and at cheaper talc. nay other house. , o-caii and judge for yourseics. iurseies. J. S3. McNINCH Nov 11, 1303 liegisler's Notices. rn rtni' i. l i .. .11 l ....-' 1 fsV, 0 I ICE IB hereby given to all legatees, i crpi, ,mil u.f J,0fBU, interested in the P1: lates of the respective decedenh nml minors, the ' jiiuowing Aiiiniiilir.'iiiuu anu uu.iri iiiu iicLi'iiitis u.ivu b-,n,e,,,n Oiooflco of ,o "V": "rl",,ff:::7 1 hi llut Ornli.m'CoUit. to Ua IhjM In CIojiu-Ikim. in llu cuniy niofe.ani. o.. .Vey. .ui o, ik-c. ,.1 inrk. 111 Mi., iin..rnnii ui n.ilil .l.iv. I rI . , ... 1. ACCOUIU 01 UJQry UCIOIimilier, O.IO AdinlnlntriUnr. with the will iiim-i.-d of in-nry Deidimiihr ute r ii.-mi,ca twp.. d.-c-d o lrirci aecoilllt of ThOTlU Cri'Vi-li'l' ' 1 , . , , ,.T 1 f , Admr. of UcbuccaCrcveling late uf Scott l i . d-.i. U. i ... !iu, Admr ul Noalisi l', lau of 3l.u it Mwu. bliij. ilcc'd. 4. Account of Abraham Witlicr ailuir. U 1? rol on, mill nf .In ,11 .M IMiiMllllrtf. of Joseph tVitnor, late ul'Ilo.iili.sJre'A d.-rd. I 6. First and dial account of.) inm. Van iiuiiniiiii inuuui nan,.-r. ...inn. , ''.-,. ,. . ... ' Horn nnd J homn Uatli.-r. Admr Horn lati- ol UKeuwia tn p. d.c Account of S.miuel " rtccuuui ui o.iiiiuci tor of l'ctur Erkrnte late nt Millllr u Creaky. Exjcu Ms rill IS twp., -i.e'i'. 7. Account of Jnenl) l'ealer, ndiii Ellas realerJaU of ri.Iiiugcri-L-U k-.p, dec'u, 8. First account nl Duvill, AbraiU and in Van Moin i Cjn of Com,., u Van Hon., ..1 o. John Hemlock tw p. dee'd. 9. Second and linil accjii'it of I'liillp ii.. ,j ,n ai. i... ..r ii.i. ,.... I Miller, Admr, of l.vii.ili Hhuuian Ut of .Mai.i ton u- I ililp, ilec it. i 10. Account of Peter Voou'ii I'.seeutor if Robert Taylor lite of I.ocu.t twp d.-cM. ! 11. 1'iual account ol .1 j-it-pli Our II, i tliiiirdi tu of Amos Wlul'jtiiB'hi miar child of (Jeoig j I Wliitsuiaht.di'c'J. I '2. First and final aeount of Gcrge I'.t aus Admr. of Mian .McAIuliaci, litccf Un ircreuk trt l'., dee'd. lo. Final account ol .lames S, iM'Niwh and t'arah Jan.-Onigl'-s, rf A.hur tliugl h, late uf .Main tw p., di e'd. 1-J. Account of D ivid Leo nnd .Solo moil Nu hard, Aduirs. of liaild l.c-c, lau-'i.t I t-ntre twp.Coluuibiaio. di c'd. 15 of .1 li 1 1 Neyhard aud Adam l'.oat, Admr'. of li.-iijauiiu Evans, Int.; ofUraue tw p., d.c'd. Iti Account of .losiah Kline, Admr, o Elijah Kline ol Ui ntoa. twp , ilcrM. JOU.N G. FUEEZE, llej-i-tc.-. llloont.burg, Nuv. I, leiij. ;-; o '.V a p a a ism ex r.y. Notice of Confirmalion. rl bo following ajipritisnit nt.- nf red and K perkonal propcrl) l t ap irt to Widows r f Den- i onus u.ive nt-uii iin-ii in i ii- inni - in m it, gim-r I l.'oluinni.i coaiity, nad'-r the llul -h of riiit. ni-, wi.i I In- presented Inr nb uiut- umli-ni.iti m, t., in., in- . plums' ( 'nun In In- belli hi i:i,unsliiin; in mid ,r l i.aid ciuoly. in W l IIM.MIAl 'I'llt; i.O, ;A- ok i lli:t' A. 1) . Ir.uj. at l! ii'ilurt. i.i ll,, i.i I ' "uo" nfnanl.taT ; niile.M-Uc-pii u. i .icl ronnrma- I "" n- fl--.,.....; m... ,..i ,i.iii nn pernios in- I li-r-'sl-d III .-aid i-i.til.-i will t.ikc untie.-. 1. IMilow of John c-.igtr, sen., i.i local file. I '.'d A"B,. I-"1" , , ... , , 2. iiluw unuhn V niter of l.ncuit, illc-d lltli if leoJ. 3. Widow of Wm. iloliuian. ol lietilte, tiled .-... Aug In!.",. 4 Willow or Henry l..i,uuu, ol Uriarc cik, tileil ilil auf. Ifio 5. Widow nl I l'alU'uon, ol lire, nwood Med !lft Ally C. IViiIjw oj n i.t U tilianuon, ol s'cott filed I.I fept. 11-05, Ith isepl. 1 -ii j. iuim, iu ticorge l,ongt-iini-ri;i:r, ui ..mine, in o. iniiow oi smniiel l-atii-i, sugarinat, tuna t-tti ot M. pt leu.'.. V. Vt mow of Milu'imu sitruiip, ot .Madison filed .'lit M'pt It1!..!. 10. Widow of N. T. rcnnitigtoii of I isliiugcrei I., llled lldtict. I-M 11, Widow olJaun-4 W Kitchen, of Sugjrlnjf, .UUii "lOlhOct IfO.'l. ... ,, .nil,, ui 1',-iuici l. l.lll, oi neon, iiii-u .mil I'tt. Jirlij. joiin r niEEz-:, Uegister's i)f.i. ,. , 11 gi-'.. r llloomtburg. Noi . It, li.5, j WATCHES & JKHFJEJtlYft JEWELRF AT LOW PRICES! 100,0011 Watches, Chain., Lrckets, Kings, l!rac"l If, fit. o jnwi Irv, Cold I'eiis, W.' tic. P'u " to be paid for until you know what ou urc 10 reci'iio. 1110 (!o1'' Hunting Cam IVatrhei each S 0 to 51M out) Silver Wnlches t-ach iJ I to :i5 'U-B0) Gou I'"" "d Mlvsr Can"" i to H lone disposed or nl IIM. IKIl.I.AH earh without r- ' cits i,auies- Jewelry, (assnrtod) c-arli a Iu -iuu n iare .issornni ni ut jewelry nf firry ile srrtiHiou for ladies' aud gents' wear, in- Imm $:i to :.i.carh, Tim mc-ihoil of ili.iio.ingof l"P '.""! ) fJ !''.". "ullnr each IIS lollowM l,i;u'iti r n.-A-ri-:si linm,,, nl, in,i,i..i price are placed niSUAI.EO cvvm.iipi ,S i .. ''..n".!'.!:''" "t by Ma, t any u,. ,, . .. ' i.u'i i-eriiucaie cell is, ,"V "o-re are no tw,, i ,, g(l ' Al.Ui, ol your uiciiey. C rculars wnh ,,,ril. a 'lrs 'e! I Address, i.t. i.-, A. J. IIAIimi it. CO. ,, Htoadway New Vork. Nov. 11, 13M-3nio. "ho County Comuiisiioners uiil receive town, Columbia Co., between ule hours if III jl rroposais ai ine House of John I, Hurst, in hlab hlab A .M. and a l. M , on UATUItOAY. THE --M day of UEC. next, for buildieg an Arch Covered llrldge, over next, lor bullitii'ir an Ann iVv.m.i u.,.i. ,.... t P-, said brldgn to betiT feel buween nbatmeuts , Wl.llh II, I.. I M'h.i f.l.K, ,.. , .. iwaiiiiiitictr,, near u. n rarr's .Mil. iu I'rauk in width 10 leet. The abutmrntt are nlreaty bml- cept altering race lor hkewbaca. Plan and Spa loca tion can be seen ou Iho day and place of letting liy order uf the Commissioners. It, -'. 1'UfIT. Coniniissioncrs1 OlTicc. j Clerk lllooniiburg, Nuv. It, 1SU3 J Notice in Divorce , A, , , , Jn the Common Pleas of Columbia count Lucy Ann Maboaketta Teeple, ) Robebt TEcrtn, A, . . n Bit UOW, to Wit ! Sept. 7, 1805, an alias Supcxna in divorce having been re turned and Respondcnl not having hern found iu the County, upon motion of John G. Freeze, Attorney for L.bellant, Court grant a rule Upon KCFpondent to show why a Divorce a vinculo Matnnouii should lot UO UCOrCCU IU tllO abOVO Stated CaSO. ...! 1. , ,i i n . e i ' returnable to tbe said Court ot Common Pleas, on Monday, Deo. 4, 1805. Ovi'IUJjJJ Oil 1 llj'jiv. oieriff, Bloom.hurg, Nov 11, 'GS-Ow. '''' 1 ' 1 1 1 i. o HTTinr ovirtinn i -rr- Flaxseed Wanted. . .. . . 1 I 1AB' Will bo paid lor ODV quaillitV of I Jrr.ivaPLMi .. ' J J w VVCtVV t JlUi.Uia 0 1 U1H, i B00ni,bnit fpt 1M SHERIFF'S SALES. Oy vitluo of prvoral writs of venditioni JD tpona and Levari I' mo .llrectod, I.. sued oui n the Court r 1'om oori Hons or Columbia ounlv. will hu HximHeil to nubile m'p. Ai ii.. nnnti'i HOimi:, In llloomslHirg, on MONIIAV, TIIK 4TH ()f DRCIIM IlKIt t'G3. nt I n'cloflt III Ilia,,m, r,.li day, the following real estato to wit A certain tract or lot hf .munil .Uhhia In fi.A... wod,! tovynsliliNColmnbliico.eniitalnlncTBN' ACrtK.I Jacob Derrail. Isnac Dowltt. IVilll,,, , ii.ih.i. ...uro ui t ;rm , lownwi : aiiiointng lanils of ME.0 .ii ALSO, One other I'd rf ground, slluale Inihe count an I lowiifhlp afnre-aU, containing TWO ACRRS and tweiitytMO pirchei mors or less, adjoining lands of ' widow Conner, Jaiult uerrard and oihori, nlihiNj appuitrnances. ! ' ALSO, On.i il)i.T Im o rround slluatfl Iti thp. mum. .,,.!. less, adjoining land, of Jo.eph II, I'l.llon ,'ncnry aim.t. I'phralm I'ark. and idhers, wfiereon are nrected i Mury n,l n half I'rani4 llw. lllng Home, and I raiim' Stable, llh the appurtenances. towmhlp afire. II, containing ON'I! ,tt;nn niuta ui ALSO, ... ....... .... .... orp...wno.i i,.wu.i,in. contniniir ovu iol'kt-.V .louii more or ie.- uniiiui.'u 117 inuo iiiiu u( ,.. iMViiiIanl and others, Willi tho appurtenances ALSO, One iithcr lut sllutit" In tho ll!ace nf llnhr.h'irir, r . ftii'l tnwiulilp at Humid, unit-lining FORTY Tl l I'CIK.'lll.f. mljiilnlng I1111I. ofi; i, n I). Riekei., w hereon ure i-ri-ili-il 11 story and n half dwelling Uju. and fr.nn" sl.ibli-, with Hie appurtunai-ces. ALSO. oer,thr lo. of ground titiato i-i the viiini or Ruhr-burg, kmm n ,-14 Ihe "liumt lot," contnii Ing TOlt. TV MM' IMIKl'IIBH iii-ij or I'-.., ImunilHil on the west In Mnlii strut ;,n lh uuilu by Main ttrcrt. on iui- euri oj i i i i" iu juiiii-s i.i'ninn, mi nia south by u ill i mill,, ht'i i, ii in i: ii,'iuii"ii,iuci9, I ALSO, On" n'.Ju r lot oituotu In tli a uf noliri biirk ro ttml luu ti'liip uluri'utiltl, iOiitainlu tuuit)tnm ftti4 t'lic tfiilti nurtliL'ii, lu h.iiiiu mure t Icfs, luljoin;- t.tnj. .tnr) 'he ' oi lioucri runu. mm muiir-., vii;ruoii uru TfLte la mil a halt rruinu iioUnu unj trjina tabg( uih MpllrtUllUtlLL, ALSO, .1 . , ., ,?l n'" 'l .Vu. ! 'tli'mr "Vni In MsdlVili! . '"WNcltip. Cnlumbiu inunty. cunt.iliiln? on I.nn.lrc i and ten acres and one hundred and foiti p. rthei, uior.i ' or less, .uii'ilii l iiir lands ol John 1 ov, .M.ircurui Mont fl ry t act, I'lulip Vouug and other., n In reou .in i-nituil a irame il nulling liuiisu nnii Iraine liaru, Willi lllU Up JlUI 1,'IIUIICL'M. Silked taken in execution and lo ba sold as tbi pruput) of Wil.uii Ag'ir. , ALSO, I 1 " ""' lV'.,n. " cuuiisliip ot soon, in urn couniv u uiluinbni. uie lint j,,,,, n,ere(.f conialuiug 1'ifty 'Uu. ane nine p.iirh.., ( 1 hd, inori or le.s, bouiideil and tlen'nbeit a4 tnliovi. on the louh l.y laud i f I'. ter l-clmg and John l.nt Ul, ill' -ouill " liiuu in Ciiiiiuui .in -nr.1. on llic I. .1-1 liy public rn.ul I' ar.iui; from Light .-trect to Orangi mi,, mid ou the west by lain! i-f J, Whjtn aud otlierx.u heri on aie ereifd n Puruaco. a f!rlt .Mill, a Htor) fraiii-. dwilliiij.' Iiuiii". a name barn , the one rlory uvi Hin4 I.'ium-s and u .table 'I In-si lh-ri'or i,l," In tli s-ildlnp, nft-'-nit rnntalliluii H,.enl'.'i n atrea and lutlr p,rc!l t ilni t metMuro. 'ii.iiuui'iI i nd d. miiij,rla, luibn. .Ontlii iiurih by l.iu'd of John While, on me ea.t n l.,u,l , doniucl I. lli-ttl". llf Third tliereol itu.iti-in the fwiisliip nt Mount 'aMiiil. i-iuntj nlr m-l, i-iint-iiulns loir .i.:r.,i i'-K' by Z an i uiirtii f J ihn Willie, ou t!ic . Itvl bV l.lli.l of IV'ter -'rhiiL, .411. 1 . 1... n, iMnf. ou the e...t by i,im,h n jnim v lute The 1 mirth lln-ri'iil bi'itu' all tint mo torv I rami ftoti: and More llouv n ml ,.t i,f vruinl. h unit' in I igli.Miiit. ruuiitj nf"! o..1 id. l"MiM,'e,l on Un' i-.i-i tiv pillill, li'iulleg IV'itil l.lybl M, 't to unit.; vi'.. ,iu tin' iu-l hy t.iud lute i.f r-.i',i il I. Ilctti . m il, tn till b mi nite and and ,i;i in ,i,iith by ,i l,.t n , ui I. tf ot U u . Miuiinuii, .ui,l I 1,'iri 's Mi.iiur'n Ii iu t,ii .n 11 in tin-plan nf tii' villus: i.t' l.ii.t Si,. t. TPc 1'iitli It me .ill Hi it uitaiii lot i.t ei'iitti i ituat i.i i.iir'tt Sir', t i. r r. f 1 1 . runt lining eou i i tuin iiii ' ih- litui'li' a and Ii 1 1 j I.', t i.i il , ill ii, i , 4 , tn, plan ol .-ul I ijlii .-un t buund .Ion in ;it ,r liitiil I lullni' Irnni l.i(,,lt Mre, l liiil,-aiis ij.H , mi u, , wil b) land Int. of Mam el ll"lll". on til i.,iuPi In .in alley UUil on III.' liurlll by l.tud innv in I, it, ,,114 .iiiliuon nai ing I'recti'.i w Here ui ,i two -lory train i llwcllnig Home, and two i,uy ir.i.ii.. et.u.c, wi Ii ' appurli nauivi-. rciK-.i i.-iai; ex -c.-iion and tu u. .uld u the pr"pi it ol -.noil il 1.. II til -. All that carl iln trnrt r .ir . ,,r I .r ! n' , " n f . c 1-s a, twp., rnlunilii.i r.iiiliU. r or -iiiiiiu I'lKtv N Hl!&aiii a'liiwuui-. 4 linundi-d i,ud de im a i. f, , in wit : o, i the ii'iri.i 'i I. mil. of U iKon It. . 1 1- r.n,! lla. Mi-ll'-iiiy, on ih - rmttli hj. 1 iinl ni l.nar I, -wis am! ( Ilu'lcntan, on the im-.' i, I, u.u .1 .-aiuiiil loh rt- arid l.nwrird Mi n, nrj .in I im i'n o ! I lain! of tiiiuiii I liob.-it.s ob i-'-"n .im rri't"-i s oui nnd a lotll .t"i train-' ilivcluug houu, i,, , with tin- iippuM-H'tii. Uf. ?i-ii-L-d, taken in i--eittiuu and I, bi- 11,1 11, v pr' pi-rty I Jojin HinVits, ALSO, .'. r -'--lit Im - or ii"r. i' I .ml ititu it i, r. riut I,, wn -li'n 1.', I . Lii . riintiiiiin-! lhn. iiiimlr .' , , ' n.t. ..r..a. m,i- or l.-. an.i .le-i n. . . ' ,,w u t (. r-1 liy I n ml of Joini lii.'cr. - n ii r. .... t. uoitli tiv I tinl of ,lr llil.-. on 111 , .i.t bv i i. ;ri-il,,'i ., i.-i i,ih,-r-.on i,k- .-i mill land, f J n - h,,..;,,,,,!, , r,. rut-d i M,,,.,.,l I ii ,i , .... ,, hi.u-'.is l.-irn .in i m.l.l, . uis a l.irg hirii i ,i,i" , ho is mi allotil.r part o h il i fir ill, ii 1 1 it il,. n. uiirl-nonci-4 -ill. t..,, n m i j, i utluii and i Li- i. I.i 4 pr.UH.rii i II. IieiiiiiT. iiri oliSU, AI' ll,r.t n-rrrln ui"4'..a-;e t.-iiem n- and t-..i i or i lain inl.'iiu-l twp., I'oiuu, bin rn . b'liiudi'u i it, isiribedas i'i.IIhwb: Iu i. i i. ii i at u wbiii- ..a ir. ,1 tnrni-r. IIil-iici-.iloug l.inu of Jin ol. Idler and 1. ru. i nr.ith thrci uu iii.-i ,l-.-re,-.t .a.r, eiel-ty inr ,.. s ' i,, ,inn, . Iheilli- lilong land of IIi-ui.iUiiii t a'ue- . i ntt tlsi ri four P'-n lu-s In n oloi.e. tin ui b, laml '.f j I'redi-ncll Mhl.-i- mulil llin-e iit, i .1. ir i- west , -.i- elil) c lytn pi ri llri an, ti . t Itli.h ii. -I li ,ui Ill- ureal' lig land of f.irab Lee, incnli nin il. ei ; cil tlurt ti pi n In s .-nu' eiebl nib- lo s p.' tin nee along laud of Jacob Idl.-r iio.-th liln nun' .. ' ,.m- 'uarli r di-gi.-i-4 we.t In an appl.- tr.-e irom tu.-m.., south l i-st I lil.t pen III s lo the of In g.niung, roniaicing tn ciuv U actei. and tuny .in pcnlicri, .tint mea.iiie. t-uied. taln u iu exeruiieii and to tin m, as tai I nun rll oil. I all, , U'lllin.iis I ALSO, I A t" riuin tt-i'ct or pnee of laid, sit ' u lie iu I'l'.n to,ru.tjip I'riluinbia louaiy, i tin nt) out acrei men' or less, f uillin'pniv ,1 Iiii-i b'lituilii laud desrnlied as tulluii s, tn w it i Hi Ih, viutn 1 hi l.iinu ot lUcd nod .M.i'.-rs. on in, w, st i) .ihua ,.t I Ez aliit'ij-ni mi the noih by lands .it' llmanu-l l.ogari, an I on tin-e i.t by lauds ,.l .l.i,-i.l,cii.nn,-.-ili.i j Si t.i.. t-ilc'i to (.'locution ,111 I t b, .,,1,1 ii. the prupert) uf William II, rii.nuberlui, A LSO, A certain lot of trronud situate i-i ih-i borough of Ki rwiek. Iicini in fm ,t .-u tv, t, aud ll I '''"''' nsfolm., t wit I ',' ' "' ,""oih by bird Mrei t. on Ih.- west by lot uf AI ' W'H",; "" tl": '',y "" All"-V' "' ' by 1 "' ',' ", lv'? which are cre,itd a two story lr''""' )u, I"' ,'"'",,!- " "" ,l,c lmrtenanr,-.. tzul. taken in execution and 10 be .old .19 tin properly of Aagimus Scliuuli. ALSO, I - i'VI tlllll IUk tf Ull 111 11(1 IIIII fSIIllTtll' I in the village ul Contrails. Ciluinbi.i co. Ininndu.l nl S;-;;' n;""V 1.: .V" .t' ""lV. ''" L''""1"1 f ..-. j ..,u', ... ,,.u un ,nu iiurm by lands nf I'atrr k l.entiedy, anil on tile east by an .nn , c-iniiiiiiiug -.a i, ct i i iroui and ga leet d,-i-p. wli.reou is trrilcd a slorj and a hall d . Ilin; houss. slaughur Ituusi: ami stable with the appurt'-nanc properly of J tcob lliue. n 1.,-u, un, -ii 111 eiecuitou .ia j lo Da sod as t4 ALSO, All the following described mcfsiidnef, I !ol and tracts of laud, ntu it-in the i-ounty o j bi and Stale of IVnn'a The TirH thereof sil f Colum i t" Ubtii m said coiiuty, coutiining lluv ' "f,"''1, "'"'Sty nine perches of land mure or le.s. .u-ci-s nnu i -""'.".is iiupruieu. uoiinucd as toiiows : on soiiiii ay land of Samuel M.-Iiuk. on Iho east bv tlt .. : . ' i-.' i iii-r p-i uug ana Jim i-im. m 1111 pm no roau leaning Hum ijaiu Sirei-t to Oraiign illo. and oinko west by laud ufjoliii Whin- ami nth rs, on which are creeled a furnace, agrnt null. .1 two story frame divlli ig rioii.u, a frame barn, file one story frame dwelling; houses and a staMe Tho Second tberrol situate 111 the said twp , ofSi-uit in tho emmy ol Columbia nfores ml, containing I" acres mil fujr porches strict measure, and buinuled asa follows on the north by lands of John White, on ihe soith bv 1 and on thu ea.t by lands of Jjhn Willi", Joint Eot and Uwls - rsamuei i, iiettie. The third iher-nf mu lp!.vtu?Z lauus si 11,1111 vvniiu and laud heretofore of a L lleti If es moro or less, all ol winch is iinnroved h im Ij.I on I north by l.ui 1 of John tVdit i. ..11 tli . 1 ii'i n,-1 in 1 I 01 J0I111 w line, and un Iho west by land of Jun Whito 1 ...... u. niQca,, iij- inii.i 1, 1 rcter .ciiug 11114 Joan II i ';" f-mitli thereof being all thit certain two story j inTK? t ?"" bounded on ihoe.nt by tho rmi tcaumg iron j sauK aiC bX!ll E$X0 ! of LiglilStteel. The llini thereof umng nil that c" ' XyZi ironi, uno iiunureu unit an linn unpin and immunis; four in tlt.i plan or Light Slreei. bounded on tiie ea, t by iin-mud leading ir.un Light suent to oiauguniie. on tho west by lands laic of Samuel L iletlle, on the mill I, hv 1,1, fltl.l- nml ., ih. ..,,.,1, 1... I ... I ","r' " """" "I iiaieoiouo joiiiisuii, Having ereilcd thereon a two .wry rlLizeil. taken in i'T.i.uiinn i,.l ,r. t... .,,1.1 ... 11.1 property cf Samuel I, Inn and Mury Hi Hi. his wife. In the li.inil, ol Wm n Kouns. aiminnliawr iu i a win oiitiexed. o ,io said Mary II Urtiia as ceased c, M 3AM1EI, S , t I.i ShftirT. Orliro. i lu-,.ii Clomiburr Nomnbe. i, ISi.v ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers