Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 18, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 19. NO. 38.
Will Cine Your Cough
Will Guru tht Diseases of llio
TMlilO Ajf ASS ft MSGS,
Sucli as Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asthma,
Bronchi!!, Catarrh, Soro Thrc-ftt,
Hoarseness, Whooping
Cough, &c.
I(sti:n:ly use will prcveut
.' nil even where tl.ln fenrlul disease Is fully (level
rnrd i will .ifT-irrl more iclief tlU.i any oilier niedi.
I. Law rfiia (let s. esAnr hi" t'm Ponnny Ivnnla
Him f Kepn-seutritlvei-, says : "Tills tough reim.-
iy is now i'Xl iinivi lv ue.l,.in. Is nf the l.igbcst nluo
In tlii- rniiiiiiiliiliy. lu ruriilivc t"''"1"'' liaung tieen
Puled h) thousand w uli I hi' in nut gri,tl''j ing risiilts,
It is rarelully anil .lllll'uli prepared from Wild
Cli'rry Hark mi il Mini ka Suasi Knot by Dr. Levi Obcr
hnllit-r. n repulabio pliyiielai of I'ltoenir.i il!e, I'ti.
nn, I is mill dy neatly all druegltti ami country store
I). I' (Vmly. tt t'ntmastr ain' fx-l'iirgem (if I'o'.t.
Itiivn, cerltti,-- as f ei,u a :
PonTOivi, l0"." Inn. 3,
Tin. c"lt',li'"i Hint 1 Inve used tile Phot nil Pectoral
tn my lamily . and I ri.cnnimeiid it In tin public as the
very hot lor Couch nml Cn'il. that I' I
eeririeii lino (t my ciiiiiirin 'vas t.ii.en uiiha
rolil, arrniii:iiiii;il w itli 11 t.'rtnijiy ,"iu(;li.r riail.Iiiili-ed. I
nni.'h saul abmil Ihu ihninu I'ntninl. I itmi urtil n
tiotllt of it. The lirnt tln-f n 'icvm ? diiriculiy of I
tiriMtliiiiL', ami In lure (If i lill'l hail ta.teii urn; (mirth
( tin bolt it wiu nit r 1 1 writ T. rrv family ihoU
tiitvt! it id tlo-ir li'iiis-. II. I. riioriliV,
J, l MiiUli. ilnu?i-t. of Vi'iv Mope, i:ukfi iount,
t'a , in wiimc tn Hr ObftholuiT. njH : "A few
da) n -met! I boiliilil i j ib z-u nl your v iluabt'; cottk'ii
frniftly to try. ami timl it vtv L' an il in Hear
ty all fuitL I .Ssihlil hlif tn m ml ihc a yfod of it.
""Vtnir iih'iliciui"' (jui'-i'lii ttt-r i.iliM'trlioit ill. Hi any
other U .vt'iuth -tr I am nirent lor sonic of tht
nirt rtntch iivu.iriilton', but oura ii't'iu to I
Li lining tU HmsI -no l !
I'm fo, 4i w nt; i in extract from a li'tli-r iroiu II ir nn (
('.Hi iiM'riotn: m-ar I otti' n, I'a : "I have tru-ii 1
the I'lmnio Tfitor it and titol it to In; the ben I chuIi
homIk I He i: l a nt (I me i tn itlt a (no re riM'v uli- tit in '
no) o h'r I Jmvi- i Ii nl tii i.i ".(on- " 1
I be pronto tr k itM'itu-im- u.ii i tmih ronti- 1
Vncf 111 ll c ti rttf v unwrrs Iroin Hit' t-Mi(ii"nv o
Ui-'uui-it lif 'ia- ii ! it, Hi il tin h.-hh-v win Ii- i
I'aid "iib tu iny jiccJa.c 'tu it it t",',l vvj ti
tit tifciii I
Il ii n iaitihl to til'1 thai (tnl.trru Lry fur it.- J
Triri- I tlllt rV-i'i u i I 6 ; Lain.- i'.ittt's u.Vi; '
UttLLAtt ,
Il i nil' iiiii ln r only -iih- rl )- f iluuai.t imiip"
t tho" ut ibf I bioit mot i,.jy
rrtriirci on) by
- I'luvniivitlc, lit
Bnl.tbi, nit Urt?2tot an I Stop k'ivr,
.lullNl'ON. Ilnl.l.itw AV I. riJU'l'CN, .Vo. 2!l '
Nfirtlt tilth Sirjvt, I lulud ii'tna, .ni l j
V t. V. I.l.i H At ' . Vo. M.t I'rai.klin Strict, Xcw ,
loik (i'in'iai U lin i';ilc Ai-'fiits. h I. I' 1.11 .mil Kit Si MOVCIt Dru. !
futi. ll''b.m;. 111.1 b in irly i'Mr ilrtgiiet ami 1
4n'iirj ti'irki i',i'r in oli inbia f'uuntv.
V li 1 1 i 11 iif.'p .i iiUkii uf stori he pi r lioiM
toil k pi't ilni mt i( ti i no 1 t hi to put ) on nir ltd 1
oiur otliT in 1 it 1 m. but !! J at 011c: to ntiu of the 1
11U l"i it j j
Summer Arraugemenl.
July '40, ItHio
rent Tiutil; Lint' From The North
ami SnriliW. rt f r I'lillidelplna New Vork,
IU.kIh'i ill'j, I, cli in. in, Mti'.n.i.v 11. I'inii, A.r
'I raiiii b-ai-c llnrmb'irii foi '.'w ' k . , lullovvs .
At .1 u'l. 7 .6 tml I.1 A. M., tiol 1 4 A P M . nrriving at
Nl-iv n at Hi tut A. M . .in I HM.ui t ii;to M,
l be 11 Im. c c'imi'' t nidi hiuiilar Vrmii on 1 Ii IN-nn
ylanit Kail ltoal. anil lifpiit- far- nixoitipauj
tht Jwi nml r I.' A M 'I' UIimiii cmnjM'
I .f .1 vo tor It' aim;, I'olt-v itlo, Taiuapia, Miners
ii Athlaml. I'm - lirovr, Allviitown. ami IMiil;ok-t-phi
N at." 11 V M ami !. I' M, t.toppiu; at Ki'bauou
niit pum i al Mation utily .
U,iv rrani", htop.Hiii; at all potiitv. at 7 2' M aii'l
i 4u 1' M, K.'iuriiini' , Ik!IVv Nlv Vmk at It A M
I i tm uuuii. ,-ni.ln f , riiiladclphia at H.OU A M ami
M, .to 1' l . n.tlfV ill.- at -.I.'j M ami Jv'j l M; h
inoi.ito.iu i au it i j nil noon, 'r.innni ai ;i 15 A
M 4iol -J.m I' .M ami UtMtltng im 1 oj T,;;', au-l lu 4j A
M, 1 J-nni liOi t ,M.
Iti-.idiui: ti oinmo'latiim Traia , i a is i a
flu i A M n-tui iiiiil from rin(an-Iiliia at ('l 1'
Cnluii.hi-i Hall It"al Tratui Ifavu Iti'jiliny at ti itlt
nml 10 05 A M uiul o.I.i I' .M. lor Lphrata, l.lll?-, Col
li uil.ia v
Dt Hh o.iai , l.ta..' V Vork at fiMP .M, llnla
ilrlplua .i lri 1' M I'uit-ivilln 7 tlu A M, Tdmaiu.i 7 U A
M. llarrMoirfS 10 a Man.: Keeling at i.UO A At for
t'ouimu ation Mi jr-t 'isot1.'iI anil l.'xrur
ciiut Ti k"U 'o .niil from all pimil-i, at ri'dun d Itntf t
iCi-ZC.ipu (.htiiktul thruitgh ; eU poumlj ulloww-l iach
I'uncjicr. J- A. Mi.OM.S,
(7 f Mi K A L fU'tRIM-MtT.
Itradinj, Ta. July i:, IHiW.
They do not interfere uilli hiiiincss pur.uii., amt are
.ptcdy in aciiou.
are warranted iu all caico,
Ueminal Weakuesi,, l.'reihrnl and V.isinal l)ichaices,
llleet. Herii 'l I)i.h"i', Uiuini.iiuu,, luili'deuce, Cen
Hal iimI Nervous Debility and disejbis uf the llladder
and Kiduey.
They are adapted fir male or female, 1 M or young
und are the only iclii.ble known for Hie cure of all dn
eaiesniUin'; from
In all Hex.ial Diseases, as Connrrlica, Plilctun',
CKet, and in all I'nri.i ) and Kidney couiplnints, they
artliko a charm. KUuf is eiuetienied hy tahuiB a
ilntfle bot ; ami fimu four to .Ixluaes fcnerally ttUcl
, ucure.
fold in hot,', roiitaiiniii; M pill., prico Ono Dollar,
or ill bote., five Dnllarx ; ulso. iu lari-'e hoieB, con
taining four f itiu .mall prieu Three l.oll.irs.
Private Circulars lo (ientleieen nsu, .ciil free on
receipt "f duelled envelope and ftaiup.
IE If " '"'tl1 llio lliu Pillk. cut out this ndver
li.emeiil lor ri ferencu, an.l ifyou cannot procure llieui
of vu'ir ilrui;!-.!. do not liu impored on liy any oilier
reined), hut ruvlu.c the money in a letter ti Hie pto
orirtur. Dr. J. BYRAN, Consulting Physician, 5U7'J, 419 llroadway, N. Y.
Who will take all risk if properly directed I nud j on
will receive tliiiiu poat paid, securely sealed from ou
serration, hy return mail.
Hr.MA3UAllNi:d fcCO.. Nsw York.
Wliutesalo Agents,
July 13. IfCJ.
ei nian, French ami English
Toys, ncd Fancy Goods, Pipes,
Canes, China Waros, ko.
BcptcmbcrS, 1665,
ALIIUM3 U ALI1UM PICTimilS, -ellinf at
tiry low prl.M for caih, W. ri. PERKY
i.iii lit. , w nr, Rm" rki.i
Baltimore, Md.
The Only Place where a Cure can be ob
tained. Dr. Johnson lias discovered tho most
Cnlaln, Speedy, and only Effectual Remedy in Ihc
World for WrnKin- of the llark or Limbs, Strictures
Aft'ecUon. nf Hip Kldnrys nml llln.lili r. Involuntary
Disrhnrgcs. Inipotencj, (icneral llrhilily, Nervous.
ne, Hyspcpsln, Languor. Low Kplrilg, Confusion nf
Ideas, Palpitation of Ihc Heart, Timidity, 'I renihllng,
Dimness .il Sight or (llildltics, io,ifc or tlin
Throat, Nose, or Howcls-lliosc Terrible Disorder.
Iirising from Solitary Habits of Youlli - srere t end
military practices inor" fain I to tin Ir victim, than the
song of ; ri'M. to the Mariners of Clisscs, blighting
their must hrllllant hopes or nnticipatiniir, rendering
ma rt In go, fee., impossible.
INpcrlally, who havo become the victims nf Solitary
Vice. tt'nldtridfnl nml destmctlvi! hnlnt which mum.
ally s'Aeeps toriti UMitnrly trine Ihournnds of ynimu
men of the mo-t uxaltcil talents anil brilliant intellcrt,
who might nlhcrw Ito have entranreil ILtcnlug Sen
a'e with Hie thunders uf clo'pirure, or waked tote
star) tho living lyre, may cull with full cnuildcncu.
Married permits, or young men rmiteiiiflnttng mar
rini". being narn of physical weakness, organic ,le
hlllty, deformities, speedily uir-,,1.
lie w ho liiaccs htmseif under tho care l)r J. mnv
n Humility ronliile 'it hl tioiinr us n feiitlenutn, anil
coiiftikiitly rely upon lilt skill as a phyniclair
m niei'latel Curril nml full Vlret
1 lii ilirtrrs-'I'iL' nirerilnn hirh lemlers life ruU
enlile uiu! innrri.ii;'' ini""ilile is lh, penally pal,
hy ihc fitlins of impi.ipcr iiiiluluenri". Voiiii:r per
nulls ale ton apt In rinnlhit fllesM-ii riMil luit tinp
oKnrc of tit,-ilreaill'ul riPiiHcniriiio IhiA nny enr-tie.
.N , i w . Im that n in I,' r stun, I the snlij, 1 1 will pri leiiil In
"' the power of proeri-alii n i lo.t noner hy
' umihc
"'l f i.fiui' 1' -in? ,!i irtvt-tl n, lti i1cnnutf H lit nt- ,
Inn- ( loth bo-ly .vi-1 iihTkI jhi-.'. tin: ! tt m it.
ritun ili-rnnpcit, ill plij-friil ami niunMl fiinftluno
niriii M riiiss ami tll'IMf IICUVC syilip I
cati'iiftl, l.osht'f CfttTt-ritivr! ikiuit. ltioiii lrr(.
talulitv, l H'i i.T. r.(lii.(ti'in of ih I It-art. tiHi:M
tinn. Co.itiltntinMhl tflniiiy, n Wallrijf o( tli-r Tramu
Coin'li. CmiiiRipMiu. IKcnj an. I UluUi
IIU. toii.VoToV,
Member of t lie It jal (.'ulli c! M Sur-rnn, tim-tdnn,
(ir-uluaio frum one nf It." mml cniiiti'tit Collcff lu ill'
IJimt'it t'ltf-, a mt tin tiri'ati r inrt r w tinsr tliV Im
Imtii s pi lit In t c i ih t i ( ,i t s nf l.uililun, I'arii, i'litlrt
tllihia, anil (l-n ht-r- . f ift.i ti ! ntiif u thr nnf t
at"iii htiiK turs tint wrn i-wr known; many truti
IiIimI Willi riitcitic iti tltr li'-ait .ntl ti-n uu rit'erp
i ml nirvtiuxiicsH, lirinc alarntiMl at ihli'i ii s.uiuls
iM-.ifulii'f illi frt')"i'iii dltif hitij;, atli'inltil snitin
tiMii-y nitli ili r.iiiiiiciil of tiihi.l. Wvrv cured iiuitinii
uti I).
tki: PA'.n'ictrr.Ait nTii:-
ir J. nAArvnr t. all iIimh.! w lio Imc inlnro-I itii-ru
w h imprc(M r imlulpL-iifc amt Mliinry habits,
s ti i ch ruin hotti IhmI ami ihiUtl, uhlHlitu; lli m fur
riilur biiniifn., lMil -i"Cicly, or iiiaruaL't!.
rine an- itiin of Hi mi an-l in lam li'.l'y ilfecM
priKliirfil ly rarlv NablU of youlli, vtr : v't-akucys of
ih,- Cat k ami liinlii. Taiiu in tin- ll al, lliiniH of
rii.-ht, l.u' o Mh cular fowt-i, I'.itiHlatioii of tin
lit art l 1'i'pftia, .Mtvum I rr At.iti i i i i . iitT.iuuim.Mil
of tlo Ilit;ti f runrttoiM, li'-m-rM liability
linns if t'Miiuiuntlou. Air.
Mi s i Lt.v I lit- Onrful fil'-ct-j on ihr- mi ml arc much
to In itrt'.tib'il. LiMtJ of im no'n. I'oiifusiwu of lileu.
l)-ifis.nn nt pi rtl. IJiil rn'boiliii's, Avtrr-iout"
Hoi i- ly. .-''It'-lhmii;, ,oV" of tfo tttidf . TjuiiilityAc
ir oiiiii if ttu' i'V4 pro liti-i'il.
fhoinaiitU of portions o" all iir" ran now juilijc
w h i 1 1 Mir catifo- of iluir th 1 1 mini lo-nltli, tii-juiii th ir
viijor. ln'iomtiic ivwlf pair. iier"u au'I tn aciatcit,
h'lvini: a "iniiular appi-ari c; about lh c)C', cnuijh
aut ) iii-loiiii of 10 it n iiiptmn.
who f.nvc ii.l-irrt' ttn nisi; vii !iy a ctf-tim
iu('tt jn wiicti aluiti. .1 Ii iUit fro'i'ii mly lt.aruii trmii
tvil coiw-intn. or nt o-hi.ii, the t'lffct if shdti nr?
iui;htly I' U. vwh wn u .llM a"l, if tint curcil run
Iir ui.irri.ip iinponslbb' aid cclrt,y& both '"Itot
b'xly. fhioibl apply innui'riiiii-lv.
W hat a pity that a young intiii. th hepu of our coun
ry. thr prtilt- of hi pir nt. i-hoii I b- inatHifl from
li iro-ocft. ami j irjff it of lib, by thu roitM.
(uiMicof ik'Uatiuc from ihc patlt nf uaturi anil 111.
iluf;' itijr 111 h c riaiu trit, PwU jiff ions mul.
btfmr -i'i( iimhiun
reflcit tttnt i sound iiiliu! ail a bodi are the inol neres.
.aiy ri itiiMte. 1 1 pioiuote h.ippiiie,. In
,l,e,l iihoiit Ihe.i tin journey through life becomes
aweary pik'nuiae ; lit.; prospeit lioiirle dnrkelis lo
IV Mrw. Hie mind lieoolil. s shadow uil wlih desp-Hr
no, I lilled will, the m, l.incliolly r, tl 1 1 n Unit the h.if.
ptueps of attoiher lejcoiue tdftiied nh our own,
0Ji-.r, South I-rc.'ci irk Street,
I eft-hand aidi gnjnc from lt.-ditmore stri-et, a few door
r, iu Hi'' ciriier. l'.iil not lo oils, rv- name and Hum
.7 N'.i le.ters received enle-s ('o,tiaid and con
laming a -lump to be nml mi Hie nply, lersons
riling lioiilil an" and send portion i,i ailvuitisc.
iti'-ul iletcnhiiig syuipte,i ,
Tim I orlor's Diploiuo hangs (u ht ortlre.
EmlorsimnU 0 tliC P'tSS.
The many tliout.atids curcil al thU establi.timent
wiiliiu the la-t twenl year', and the numerous im
jorunl Surgical oieraiiins perler "eil, by Dr. Johns
ton, wilnc.sed hy Ihe u poller- "t Pit i Min ami many
other papers, iielnus oi which Hu.e .ippeared again
and aeiiiii b, fore the public, be.ides In .landing as
geiitleiuaii o iharart-r and rerpoumbility, l a a u Hi
in nl guaranty lo the adlicted.
Skin )heises Spenlili ( tired.
April t!M.-ly
KYU AM) l.'All liXFlMKAKY,
(On the Spiarc, Tluee Door from Btrile's lloiel"
"PHIS INSTUT10N is now oprned and
1 furnished In the ntott cotly style. Iteceidion.
Private and Operating Rimini, are large, eonveuient ami
well adapted. The up irluient contains the
fincktcolleelioii of instruments lu tills country, and
thu Ins taeulties will enable him lo el any and all
uiiiergemies in ptaclno lie will operate upon all the
vatioii. loruii-of ISLlNnNi:!??. Catarait, tieeluon o(
the Pupil, Truss r.yes, Clo.uie of ihe 'fear lliirta. In
version or the I'.yelidt, Pter)Ciuiii. fcc. .r. And will
treat ad form, of rfurLj. r.) tiiunnled Lids, Opaceties
nf the Corma, a-id Scioliiloiis ilii,ean' of the Lye In.
geiher with all ihc di.eases lo which the H)u is tub.
' Til". U'NLSS -Will treat all tho diseases common In
the organ. Diliatge. from ihe I ur, Noise, lu the lar
Catarrh, ilitlkutiy ol liearing.lolal He loess '.V'." ""''':
the Drum Is det-lrwycd. Will m.ert an iitlllicial one
answering nearly .ill the purposes ol the natural,
DIUASl'.rt III' Till: l llllUAT.-AII diseases com.
mm, lo Hie I'broal and Noso will be Itealed
Ci:li:ilALsSUUr.i:UY.-lle will operate upon C ub
feet, Hair Lip. Cbift Pullale.Tuuiors, Caiiceri. Ln lar
ged 'Pencils, 4-c. Pla.lic operiitioiu by luiililig new
Uuuii into ileroruieu pans, ami weueiui n"i
whatuver character it may present.
IILKNIA (or ItHP'l L'llli )- Ho will perforin "Lab lis
operation for ill. rilical icomi'l. tr; .uru of Hernia,
ilii. is uutueiitiunablyii perteit cure. ami i. u'.iio wuu
Utile or no pain, um ofmany Inn dred operated upouin
llo.lou there lias been no faimr, s It lining ill' tHiu
perfiilaiiprobation nf all wlmhave suliuiiited lo It
AliTini'AI. Dyes civ
lug (hem tli moUnn and exprei-sioii of the natural.
They nre iiiserud wilh the leal imlii.
,,, o, iiiiiu roii... Tii,. i.o , e.ome disease
is readily cured. Those suffering from il willdoweli
,0Dr"i:p Wilkes llarre witliaviewol
building up u permanent luMiiul. for thu trcatnienl or
Hie llye, Lar and lieneral Surgery. The P-riJ of
more than u rpiarier ofn ceiiiur) in llo.pital and geii'-r;
al practice, ho hopes, will Ii" a .uinrlenl guaranm-1
the.o who may uu disposed to employ him,
JUyll, leUL tr.
II. 0. n 0 W E R.
Ursl'P.iTIT'LLY olTers his profe..
lonal service. In thu ladies and gentle
i men of III, iniutbuig and vicinity, He is
nrrnared in nil, nil lo nil III" virions
operations in Ihe Hue of his profession, and is provided
wilh Ihe latest Imnrnved POIICKI.'IM TI'.KTHi which
will h,.1 inserted on gold, platina, silveruml rubber bate
tnlnoVwi il as Iho nntlllnl teeth
Minerul plate and block teeth manufactured an" all
orernlion. on teclh, carefully mid prnpeily attended to,
Residence and otliro a few doors shore the Court
l( ui.e, sama sida.
KDIuo.mburi, Jua.O, 116
Select IPochrn.
Popping the Question.
0'nhatn sliochlnrj tliitie ImlooJ,
01 wlmt n nuhlil fafhlii'i
That when it woman falls In Irtve ,
Shu may not hroalli her pashlon ;
AmtinuRh lia coulJ make ai Well
The needful iletlarnlloii,
Tlat she Intend, to make with 'M,ii
A final reparation i
Ami could not Jim a well protcnt
Tin thrllllna, .weel propoail,
That rho would Hko to give Herself
To Hymen's hle.t disposal,
Or, to be more eipllrll e'en.
And sav my reader. IfoilbV,
Tint .lie intends to clnnso Lcr.ol f-
ller single self to doulilo.
Toihlnk n woman could not say,
'ilovc you more my llirry,
Than all the world.eteept myself -
Dear, would you like to nnrry I
Jim wants me, bill I don't want him,
Consider what you utter.
Ilecnuseiii) heail you ee, you tee,
I. In a dreadful duller,"
The Philadelphia Fiaud.
At the rccrot election iu Philadelphia.
Ailjutant Weaver, the Democratic candi
date for City Ooiumi.hion.vr, was elected
over John (ivvn,lhu Ahcilitiurj candidate.
The friends of Given, truu to the prac-i
, . . .. . .
wu JVHv,Jiti;o nuiuu III4VU UUII I Ul ICU
, ilrti;.:n w... r .1 c lt
r"e nUOIIMOIl p.-Tly 01 that CUV lor tllC
lal livft or sisyunrs, ilctcrniincd to ili
Iraud Adjutant Weaver out of his flection,
Mid to sul at untight the will of tho pus
pie aj expressed through tho ballot-box,
To accomplish their ohject they manufac
tured election returns purporting to bo tho
vntii of Pennsylvania troops stationed in
Virgiuia and Louii-nnn.. These fraudtt.
lout roturn-i wcio ent to Washington City
and iS'ow Y'jrk, and thoro mailed to the
I'fothoiiolary of Philadelphia. Notwith
standing the fuel that there pretended
election returns bore upon their face tho
evidence of thiir fraudulent character, an
Abolition I'rothonoiary readily certified
tht in lo the board of return judges filled
up and .signed a ccitifiealo of election in
fa7or of John Given, tho Abolition candi
date. Tints endorsing aud countrnatio
ing one of tho vibst frauds that has ever
disgr.ccd this or any other couutry,
It wiil be remembered that this same
lllaek Ri publican party in 1600, attempt
ed to dojriic the Hon. Win. 0. Lilnuau
ol his .cat in Congress by altering the
oleeti n returns from ono of the wards
aTter Xho voU had been counted off aud
announced. In 1 801 this same party at
tempted to dcl'iat tho cl ction of Robert
Ewiug as Sheriff by what is known as
the " Scbimnullenuing fraud.'' Indeed,
for the last live or sis years the city of
Phitadi lphia has been a raokling sore
upon tho body politic. No intelligent
man u ho cnrt fully in-j ccts the election
returns of thai city, e.ui coins to any otli
er conclusion than that tho number of
votes cat is VOry largly in excees of the
uuinbur o! votaMu inhabitants. That,
at least, is the well settled conviction of a
majoiily of tho voters of this Slate.
'lhc;o frauds upon the elective franchise
we have borno until forbearance has ceas
ed to be a virtue. It is now our duty to
act. Some ol our leading merchants and
tradesmen have sometime been debating
thu question whether they should not ptit
loni,! the nun chants and tradesmen of
New York in preference lo those of fhil
adelphia. but thus far a feeling of State
piide has kept them from carrying out
their intentions. After such exhibitions
of fraud aud utter disregard for decency
and law, we think it tho duty of every
Democratic merchant and tradesman iu
thu state of Pennsylvania to purchaso his
goods in somo city whero such outrages
upon tho elective frauchiso arc not toler
ated. They can certainly buy cheaper
er iu Now York lhan in Philadelphia, and
tho transportation will amount lo very lit
tlo more, They can save mora in buying
than tins cost of transpottalioti. Ah ex
ample should bo made of Philadelphia,
U Iho people of that oity have no moro
regard for tho purity of tho ballot-box
than to hand over tho empire oity govern
ment to ballot-box Bluffers, forgrs of
election returns, and tcoundrols of the
deepest dye, then it is high time that per
sons who have some regard for decenoy
and tho rights of others, should cease to
have any communication with people who
tolerate or countenance such unblushing
frauds. It is tho duty of the Democratic
Press ol PouH'ylvanian to call tho atten
tion of our Democratic merchants and
tradesmen to tho outrages which aro be
ing yearly praotised in the City of Phila.
tlclphia against their rights and tho rights
of the people of tho State, and to sco that
incasuros aro adopted whioh will bring the
people of Philadelphia to their tenses.
During tho war the Philadelphia mer-
clt ants were inlcnsly loyal They refus
ed to advcrti.o in or in any wise patronize
a Demooratio news paper, for fear thoy
might coniproiniso.thcir standing with the
" government." As long as they could
tell their goods lo contractors, they were
ready and willing to endorse any outrago
Which Slanton and his tools might perpe
trato upon Democrats. Damocrals wero
mobbed for daring (o exercise the liberty
of specob, and the pttrty thus maltreated
placed under bonds for his appoarancc at
Court, whilo the cowardly scoundsels who
committed tho outrago wcrp permitted to
run at largo without being pro-ocutcd.
The Philadelphia merchants could sit still
and permit such acts to pass unnoticed, so
long as ibey were selling their goods at
high profits. They fully endorsed the
doctrine that the people of the South had
no rights which any pcron was bound to
ropcct, and were willing that it should bo
put iu operation aguiust the Democrats of
Pennsylvania. They wero for a war of
extermination because they were reaping
a tich harvest out of the blood of their
ilaughtercd countrymen, and we aro cretl
ihl.y informed thatcvfij tho?e who profess
ed lo ho Democrats among tho Philadel
phia met chant-, voted tho Abolition ticket
on the day of tho election. It is Ihorelore
not to bo expected that the Democratic
parly will, spaniel-like, lick tho hand that
smites them. Philadelphia doorves to
be let severely alone, aud wo aro very
much mistaken if the people of Philadel
phia don't learn to their sorrow that their
utter disregard for law and decency has
recoiled with terrible effect apon their own
US?" IIknhv Ward Bkeoiier says
he wants "a government hereafter so
"tronjrthat there can never be oither a tu
mult or an insurrection." Then the gov
ernment of hell ought to suit him exactly,
for there Lucifer's power is so absolute
anil :o gre it lint nuno ever think of re
sistance. W road of "robullion in heav
en," bul never of rebellion in hell. Ac
cording to Reseller's theory, hll is the
best and thu best admitiNti-red government
in existence. No wars ! no riots ! no tu
mults 1 no insurrection I no rebellions I
no sympathisers with treason ! There
power is so pcrfuet aud despotism so adrui
ruble, that tho peace of the kingdom is
uevor disturbed. Insurrections ami rebel
lious fttpp05c a consciousness of oppres
sion, or somo wrong, with tho hope of ro
dress. Bul there is nothing of this kind
in Mr. Dceoher's model government of
hell no consciousness of injustice, aud no
hope to inspire action. All is the te,r
inertia of power ; that is tho perfect mod
el ol a strong government. Wo hope Mr.
liecchcr's admiration will not bo dampen
ed when he gets there. For our part, we
want to sco discord, vengeance, and re
sistance reign wherever and whenever tyr
anny and oppression raise their beads.
Wo pray God that there may never be any
peace, anywhere, on tho basis of despot
ism. It is tho people's right and the peo
ple's duly to free this world of tyrants.
It is tho people's right to be free, and lo
scud to Satun's kingdom all who try to in
troduco his system of government on
earth. Old Guard,
izy- Thu o.her day the 10 U S. (Col
ored) Heavy Artillery raarohed up llroad
way, Now York, numbering over sixteen
htiudred, with overcoats, knapsacks, aud
white ghvis, and preceded by aealorcd
band of thirty pieces. Tho shoddy papers
went into testacies over lite darkies. "No
mora imposing spectacle, has betn present
ed to the citizens since the Soldiers began
to return,'' taid one of them, '.'Thoy
marched with a steadiness and regularity
that drew tho most enthusiastic plaudits
from the thousinds of t-pcotators that
lined ouch Bide of the street," said anoth
er, " I lieir reception was me warmw
that has ever been extended to any of our
itiurning iihaves," wroto a third, And
so they had it, but all forgot to say whero
the "braves" achieved their laurels, or
why they received ''the warmest recep
tion," &c.
Adyicb to Youxa Men, Get mar.
ried, young man, if you have arrived at
tho right point of life for it; let every
consideration givo way to that of gotling
A good wife is tho most faithful and
coustuut companion yon can possibly havo
by your bide whilo performing tho jour
ney of lite, oho can swceien your sour
moments as well as your tea and coffee j
and, iusioad ol sowing weeds of sorrow in
your path, she wiil plant happiness in
your bosom. When ti woman loves, she
loves with a double-distilled devotcdncss ;
and when she hates, it is ou tho high pres
suro principle. Her love is as (leap a the
ooeau, and nrong as a honpen bailer
Fi'om Washington.
Washington, Nov. 0.
or cttiEr justice chase.
It is known that President Johnson has
expressed tho greatest anxiety to bring to
a Ugal issue the question, whether treason
H a crime, and whether it can as such bo
Tho following from to-day's National
Republican, is believed to be substantially
correct I
Tho President has not only consulted
his constitutional advisers, bis cabinet,
and thtf proper law officers of the govern
ment on the subject, but ho has aleo invi
ted to his council somo of tho most emi
nent constitutional and criminal lawyers
iu the land. Among these may bo named
Chief Justice Chase, who canto hero from
Ohio uninc time in August last at the spe
cial invitation of Ihe President, to consult
on the general subject of trials for treason
Subsequently President Johnsou nddress-
cd.a letter to Chief Justice Chase, inform-
him that it might become necessary for
the government to prosecute some high
crimes and misdemeanors com tutted
againtt the United States, within the Da
tiiet of Yirginii, Chief Justice Chase's
circuit, and inqu'triug whether the Circuit
Court of tho United States for that elis
trict is so far organized and iu condition
to exercise its functions, that the Chief
Justice, or cither of tho associates of tho
Supreme Court, which hold a term, of the
Circuit Court there duriug the autumn or
early winter for the trial of causes. About
the midillo of Ociober. Chief Justieo
Chase replied lo the President. Ho pos
itively stated that his Circuit Court lor
the District of Virginia, either to be pre
sided over by Irmself, or one of his asso
ciates, would not hold a term during the
autumn or early winter. Ho stated that
tho reguler term, authorized by Congress,
would commence this year on the 27th of
November, the present month, only ono
week before tho annual term of tho Su
premo Court, when all the judges arc re
quired to be present, allowing but ono
week for tho Circuit Co trt to sit, which ,iu
the opinion of the Chief Justice, would
be too short a term for the transaction of
any very important business. Rut the
Chief Juslicc adds, that wcie the facts
otherwise, he so much doubts tho proprie
ty of holding circuit courts of tho United
States in States whiclt havo been declared
by the Executive and Legislative Depart
ments of tho National Government to bo
in rebellion, nud then fore subjected to
martial law before the ODmplete restoration
of their brokeu relations with the nation
aud the supersedure of military by the
civil administration, that he would be un
willing to hold Mich courts in such States
within his circuit, which includes Virginia,
until Congress shall have an opportunity
to consider and dot on the whole subject.
The Chiel Justice expressed lo the Presi
dent the opinion that a civil court in a
district under martial law can only act by
ths sanction and under (ho supervison of
the military power j and he positively as
serts that ho could not thiuk that it be tho Justices of iho Supreme Court
to exercise jurisdiction under such condi
Tvo Ways of Doing a Thing.
In the mail train down from Harrisburg,
recently, wo had in ihe seat forward of us
a gentleman Jack Tar in a go-ashore out
fit, jolly, genteel aud happy, with a deeid
edly pretly specimen of t ighlceu year old
crinoline, to nbuui ho had becu a week
spliced, and was conve-yiug Philadelphia
Opposite Jack and wife were a couple
that any ouc could sec were on a honey
moon cruise, tho bride all blushes, beauty
and bashfulness, and tho gallant bride
groom all devotion and endearment.
At one of tbo way stations half way
down the mad the oars slopped, and tho
careful, coueidarate gentleman bridegroom
thus addressed his timid bride.
"My love, I am about to step out for a
few momenu to proeuro somo refreshments.
Do not bo alarmed during my absence.
Gentleman Jack took tho euo. and pat
ting his wile on the shoulder, suug out, ns
if he were hailing Iho main-top gallant
yard iu a gale of wind :
'Isay wifoy, I'm going a6horo to wet
my whistle; do not tumble overboard while
I'm gone."
SQr Jeff, Thompson lato rebel General,
tolls the editor of the Louisville Journal
that tho only persons in the South who
wish to do any fighting aro those who
didn't do any wbeu they had the cbanoe.
Wo bava a good many euoh people in
tho North i
A Strange Meeting.
Ono afternoon, iu Ogdensburg, N. Y.,
an old man was jogging along npparantly
in deep meditation, On iho other side of
the Btrcet was a returned soldier, who ob
serving tho old gentleman, started across
towards him, accosting him as Mr.
Wright. The old man did not appear to
hear tho soldier, until ho was overtaken,
and saluted wilh a ''How do you do, Mr,
Wright I"
Tho old gentleman half hesitatingly
reached forward his hand, which was
heartily grasped by the soldier, pcored
intently into his face, and replied :
"Well, I declare, you havo got the
start of mo this time."
"You ought to know mo," replied tho
soldier; ('I used to work for you."
"When!'' asked the old man.
"Hcforc tho war," said the soldier.
"Arc you euro 1" inquired Mr. V.
"Where do I live, aud what is my Darnel"
''At Btiar Hill, and your name is
Wright," said the soldier.
''Well, this is strange ; how long did
you work for me I" the old mau inquired.
"A .'ood many years was tho rcspou.o.
"And yet I do not recognize you.
What is your tiaino V
"Albort Wright," said the soldier.
At this announcement, tho old mau
dropped his cane, and fell upon the sol
dier's breast, exclaimiug :
"My God I is ibis my son Albert J"
The scene which followed is boyoud de
scription. The son embraced the father.
Both wept tears of joy. Tho old man
danced with delight, and in his tcrpsicho-
rean feat out a pigeon wing double ehas-1
sa half right and left do sc do ala-
mandUft and balance, nil in a style
whioh indicated that he had quito forgot
ten his age or infirmities, and wound up
his deliohtfuf performance, by exclaim
ing :
'Wouldu't tho old woman give her
eyes to know this V
For some minutes the two men engaged
in these immoderate exhibitions of love
and affection, and then went off together.
A lady who witnessed the happy meet-
in of father and son, informs us that she
was so interested in the scene, that sever
al little tears or joy drops camo from the
well of her own heart, and made their
escape from her eyoi, before sho know
what they were about. She inferred from
tho conversation that Albert had long
been given up by his parents as dead.
Thero must have been a jjyous timo at
the elder Wright's that evening.
Mrts.-PAnTiNG roN on "Proclivites."
Whero is jour little boy tending!"
atked the good man, as he was enquiring
of Mrs. Partington into the prooli vitcs of
Ike, who had a bad name in tho neigh
borhood. He meant (he direction for
good or evil the boy was taking
'Well," said tho old lady, "ho isn't
tending anywhere yet. I tho't of putting
htm into a wholesome shop, but some says
tho ringtail is the must bencGcious, though
he isn't old enough lo go into a shop."
"I mean morally tending," eaid Let-
visit or, solemnly, straightening himself up
like an axc-hundlo
"Yes," said she a little confusedly as
though 6ho didn't fully understand him ;
yes I bheuld hope he'd tend morally,
though there's a great difference in shop
keepers, aud the moral tenderness in some
bcems a good deal less than iu others, and
in others a good deal moie. A shop
keeper is ono that you should put confi
dence iulo, but I've always noticed some
times that tho smilingist cf them is tho
dccciviiigcst. One told me tbo oilier day
that u dress would wash like a picco of
white, and it did, just like it' for all the
color washed out."
A Chicago joker contributes the fol
lowing to the Drawer. Wo hopo it is not
a sample of Chicago husbands:
There lived ou S street, Chicago, a
hard working man, who always tended to
buisiiuss belore pleasure, ln this he was
right. Ono day his wife was taken aiok
and the next day she died. Tho husband
kept at his woru as usual, and after the
funeral he returned to his labors.
"How ib this ?" asked ouc of his neigh
bors. "Can't you btop to moiiru a liitlo V
"No, sir,'' was tho roply. "Business
before pleasure,''
And the old Icllow returned to his
jg- Brigbam Young is, Indeed, a Pillar
of Salt Lake. His idea of a wife is Lots,
-gj- Funny to Eeo a young lady with
, both hands in soft dougb, and musquitoo
on tho oid of her no5,
Execution of Wirz.
Capti Wirz was hung between 10 and
11 o'clock on Friday morning 10th init.
On the gallows ho declared his inno
cence Ho died without exhibiting any signs of
Io the morning Father Boyle adminii
tcrcd tho sacrament to Capr. Wirz, and
Father Wiggct, also of the Roman Catho
lic. Church, thon placed upon tho prisoner
tho black canibrio robe, remarking as ho
did so, "I hope this will be turned into a
white one iu iho ether world."
At two minutes past 10 o'clock Capt.
Wirz eamo from hig cell in tho Old Capi
tol Prison, accompanied by Provost Mar
shal Russel and other officers, and by
Fathers Boylo and Wigget, and passing
between tho military guard, they asoendod
tbo scaffold.
The prisoner was then sealed.
The scaffold was twehn feet square and
twenty two Icet to iho top beam, with o
trap twelve feet from the ground.
The guard consisted oi the 105th Porjn
sylvauia volunteers and throe detach
ments of tho Veteran Reserve Corps, un
der the command of Capt. Walbridgo, the
military superintendent of the Old Capi
tol Prison.
"J'liero were several hundred spestators
prcsent besides the tho military, civilian
having been admitted on special passes.
Amid profuud silence Provost Marehal
Russel proceeded to read tho order ol tho
War Depaiiuiant, founded on tbo verdict
of tho court martial which tried tho prisoner,
When tho reading of tho Order was
completed, Wirz conversed with thoso on
the platform wilh seeming calmness and
self possession, and it was remarked that
he bad a smiling countenance. To his
spiritual advisers he said :
"I am innocent. I havo to dio : but I
can dio like a man. 1 havo hopo in tho
future. 1 have nothing more to say."
His legs and hands were lied, the nooso
passed around his neck and the blaok cap
placed over his face. Ho stood ereot
without faltering, evidently having nerved
lumsel for tbo solemn event. Those on
tho platform retired to tho railing, leav
ing the doomed man in tho contre of tho
6trueturo. After a few moments of nro-
found quiet tho drop, at a preconcerted
signal It'll.
Ho hung about fifteen ninutcj, and
then was cut down His body waa laid
upon a stretcher and conveyed to to tho
prison, whero it was placed in a coffin
and transfurred to Fathor Boyd for intern
- - - st.,..
The Printer's Ten Commandments.
1. Thou shall lore tho Printer (especi
ally iho Ladies) for ho loveth you muchly.
'2. Thou shall subscribe for his paper
for he scekcth much to obtain the news of
which you remain ignorant.
3. 1 lion shall pay him for bis paper,
ho labore'.li bard lo givo you tho uvs in
duo season.
1. If a business man, thoa -halt ad
vcrtiso, that thus tby profits may onabla
thoe not only to pay for thy paper, but
put money in thy purse.
5. Thou slult not vuit him regardless
of his office rules iu deranging tho pa
por; G. Thou shalt not touch anything that
would give him trouble that ho may not
hold theo guilty.
7. Thou shalt not read t'aa manuscript
in tho bands of the compositor for ho
will not hold thoc blameless.
8. Thou shalt not read tbo news feforo
it is printed for he will givo it to you in
duo time.
9. Thou shall ask him few questions of
things in tho offioe from it thou shalt
tell nothiug.
10. Thou shalt not at any tima Bond
abusivo end threatening letters to tho
editor, nor cowhide him more than fivo
times a year nor bring tho printar old
rotton wood nor bring produoe that de
fies tho d 1 to cat.
Thu Insckixtios- In Jamaica In
telligence relative to the uegro insureetion
iu Jamacai. state (hit disorders begin in
tho district of St. Ihonus, where martial
law has beou declared. Tho leader of tho
insurrections is named R.iail B"oglo' Tho
government had offered two thousand dol
lars for ti 13 arrest.
Two Spanish wir vessels, tho Santa
Lucia and tlte Andaluzi had left Santiago
do Cube, on tho 1 9th tilt., to protect tho
Spanish citizens tu Jamaica, and offer aid
to the authoiities in euppressing ths revolt!
.'"7" Miss Tueker says it's with baoh
clnrs as with old wood, it's hard to got
them started, but when they do take
flatno thoy burn prodigiously.
if A man in Wisconsin, whilo bath
ing in tho river last week, discovered, af
ter an industtiou. " scrub" of bis own
person lor abont five minutei, a pair of
j drawers whioh be had loO about I we
yean bolerir