Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 04, 1865, Image 4
tUMtuMbunaii: Farmer's Dcpnrtmon 1. 1 I Clean Pigs and Dirty Pens. In tho Maik Lane Express, the load log British farming newspaper, there ore almost always to be found useful articles ppUoabld to tni dally necessities of far .tners. In a Into ntimuer is mo luiiowme, which every hog raiser, who knows any tiling about th business, must oonfe to be correct : 'Pigs bavo tho roputation of a roal , lilrine for dirt and, oertainly, tho way in 1 ... .. i... r ..1,1 Wutcn lucy ate Kept on ooiuo uiuu ibowtbat their owner ro determined to pite them amnio opportunitiaj lor oarry . ,1 t. ill,:.,.. ' is:,, nniinn nun tint?. ing out this liking. iNo notion can, SOW ever, bo more erroneous than mis, as none II certainly SO produotlVO OI lOSS to tho, , . . .,1 ,!,: kespcr. Let any ono not convinceu oitnts .. .t, ,Jo nf nier Irppninrr the nj iu iwu ....,,,. r 0 dirtV and tllO OlCOn-tUO lOOU ID OOIU oasis, ' . and other general treatment, ucing ine iime, and the result will show him which or tho two is tho best. A great deal do pends upon the modu in which they aro houted. Mr. Raines, of Mills, adopts the following s A large out-house is eueloscd at tha sides, so as to bo waini and dry. Tho floor is paved and sprinkled with burnt clay, and ashes obtained by burn ing weeds. In this tho pigs aro fed ; whilo for retting and sleeping thev bavo a com partment railed off at tho other end, am ply provided with clean straw. In nnoth croaso box feeding has been apblicd, the pig? being kept in a pit, into which tho manure from Iho ox or cow stables is put. Tha pigs tread this down, and seem to en joy themselves amazingly. In one case, whero this plan has been adopted, the far mer states that his pigs have 'given him a profit by their meat, and left tho dung as good guano for nothiDg.' ' The Ample Worm. This insect 'ib becoming truly formida ble, and a largo share of the small crop of apples of the present year is spoiled by i its injuries. A now.contrivance is propos- j ed for destreyingit by means of hay ropes i passed around-' the trunk of the tree at midsummer, under which those insects pass to the pupa state, and are then easi ly killed. This remedy is no doubt use ful as far as it goes, but we question if it will, prove anything more than a useful auxiliary. Swine in sufficient numbers to eat all tho fallen fruit from the moment it begins to drop until it approaches full ma turity, will doubtless prove vtry effectual, but ihoo who have large orchards will' find it difficult to assemble swine enough to do the entire work in a completo man ner. It may bo necessary, therefore, to resort to sleep the only objection to which, is their propensities to bark the trees ; en 1 circling them with .board boxes, or rolls of busswood bark peeled from saw-logs 1 will bo easier and better than to allow the insects to ruin the crop. Sheep soon be ' coma fond of half-grown apples, and eat them readily. No orchard should bo per mitted to run to grass until tho trees have attained good size ; and even then noth ing of larger growth than the thort her bage of hhetp pastures. The top dressing of manure which these animals will give the orchard will prove another advantage. An additional scattering of manure from the yard in autumn will make up the do ficitney of growth occasioned by a con cering of turf. How to bring up Sandy Land. J49. Clajton, Mason couuly, Illinois,' writes : We have a good deal of laud in this county ou which nothing but rjecan be grown, it being nearly clear sand. Wlut is tho beat way to improve the san dy soil ? Such land may probably be brought up into thoseasons so that a tol erable crop ol corn, wheat and rooU will follow in 11 few yc.irs. Buckwheat sown cow on land which has a small dressing of louie omuionical, manure, 100 to 150 pounds of Guano, or J201) or 300 pounds of bono dust, per aero, will give a good growth probably. Plow this under toon alter the Grst blossoms appear, and then low rye. In spring, soy tho niiddlo of May or first of June, when tho rye be gins to head, turn it under and sow corn, or sorghum broadcast, (or in drills if tho land is weedy, which it probably is cot) and plow this under in August, and if do- i sired, buckwheat or turnips may bo sow-! ed, (tho latter quite thickly) and this crop' plowed uudcr; the buokwheat before frost, or the turnips before hurd freezing, After this you will bs sblo in all probability to get a good crop of red clover, whioh means wheat or anything else, (after it) provid. ed the same rysteiu is kept up, and a well! manured crop is introduced once in about four year. Pattesino TiiANicsaiviNO Turkeys, j For each turkey mix about a pint of In dian meal with one pint nf unboiled uhuat flour, and pour boiling water on it, stiring rapidly'lill it forms thin uiush. Place the dish where tho fowls can havo ssqcccjs o j the feed at any titno. Let skimmed milk ( or wafer be given also. In two weeks they j will he fat and oily ai butler. They will frtc.n Lellor tn Imva ttinirJirmrtsr In nryni yrd, i BMBOIaB'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A pollute end Ppecino Heme Jy for disuses of to madder, Kidneys, Grnvsl d Dropsical Swellings, This Medlctao Increases the powers of fllgoitlon, una (xettei the absorbents Into healthy action, by TrLleu the wateryorctleauous depositions, nnd all ttnnstorsl en hrcementi 6to reduced, M well as piln and tnimmtlo. Ad It good far-meo, women and chilatao, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCHU, ror weakness arising from Ercessos, Habits of D!)ilpa Won, truly Indiscretion, attccdod with tho follow las itmplorast Indisposition to ExerUoo, Lost of Memory! Weak Nerves. Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Hot Hands, Dryness of tho Skin, loll f Tower, Ciacultyof Breatblnc, Trembling, 'Wakefulness, rain In tho Baek, nothing of tho Cody, Ernp'.lons of tho race, Universal Lassitude, rallld Countcnanco, ThcsoeTtntitoms.lf allowed to coon (which Ihli Modi 1 tlno Invariably removes), soon rouow- FATorrr, EriLErnc fits, &c, 1 a ono of which tho pallent way expire. Who can say ucyaronot freraonily followed by those "direful dls- ...." easmitnlm Manyaroawaroof tho cause of tb.rlrsuu'erinE.butnono wlllconfcs!. Tho rccorils of tbo lns.vao asylums and tho Bgijartoaeueonsnaptioabca - rtiopiowiinoMto tho truth of tho nsscrUon. Tho CoailltuUon, oaco affectod by organic ireakncM, eeitlrethonldof mcdlclnotoatrcnEthcuandlnvlgorata n, .rt.imirrAtnnT.'n'sr'rTrtAnTOF uncntT Iho system, which UELMBOLD'S ESTUACT OF litJCntJ UTSrtubly docs. A trial wfll convlnco mo saost sceptical, In many affcetlons pccnllar to Females, tha Ernuci Scare m useQualea by any otner remeay, ana tor an i complaint! Incident to tho tcx, or In tho I DECLHE OR CtlAKQZi OF LIFE, DJ" Bis Sthptojis aeote. t3 Ho Fatally should ho vithout It. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or utplsssint raedlctoo fot tmpleasaat and dangcroas clbcaoca. HELUBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCHU CuS-oo Secret Diseases In all their stages llltlo oipenso, little or no change of tilt, no lnconTeolooce. and NO EXPC3UHE. USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For nil affoctloca and diseases of tbecs organs, whether EXISTIKQ 111 MALE Or. TZUMX, rron whatever caiseorlglnatlag.ondnoiaattcrhowloca standing Dls:a3C3 cf theso oretm rcjulra tha eld cl a dluctlc. HELRBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 13 tho Great Diuratio. And It Is certain to havo tho desired effect laalldlieatei Cor which It li rcccarae-icl. BZ.OOD! BLOOD! SLOOP 1 Uelmtoolcl's tnanLT coscxxteated coittocsb- FLUID EXTRACT SAR3AP AR1LLA, I'orpnrlfylns tho Blood, rcmoTlng all chronic cocstltn. tlonil diseases arising f.-osi an ircpnro etato of tho Elood. tod tho only reliable and effectual fccown remedy for tho euro or Ecrofcla, Ecald Head, Salt Khcna, Palna and Swellings of tho Cones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, maples on tho raco, Totter, Erysipelas, end all scaly Eroptlons of tho Bhln, Awn wixvutsxxxa the coairjuexrosr. NOT A TEVT cf tha TV out disorders that aQlct mankind arise from tho corruption that accumulates la tho Blood. Of all tbo dls coTcrles that havo oecn rnado to parceltont.noao can equal In effect IltLsrooiD's Cojrrotiro Extract or Sae satakilla. It cleanses end renovates the Blood, Instills tho vigor of health Into tho syMcra, and purges out tho humors which mako dlscuc. It Btlmnlatcs the healthy facetious of tho body, and expels the disorders that grow and ranhlc In tho blood. Ecch a remedy that could ho relied on has long been rought for, and now, for tbo first tlaso tbo public havo ono on which' they can depend. Oar tpacohero docjnot admit of certificates toehowltscfTccts, bat tho trial of a slcglo bottlo will chew to tho elcfe that It has Its virtues surpassing anything 4hey havo over taken. Two tablespoonsful of the Extract ot Sarsaparllla added to a pint of water Is equal to the Lisbon Blct Drlnh, and ons bottle Is fully equal to a gallon of tho Syrup of Ears partlls, or the decoction as usually made. HELIiBOLD' S HOSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits of dissipation, used In connection with tho Extracts Buchn and Earsaparllla, In each diseases as recommended. Evi dence of tho most responsible and rellablo character will accompany tho medicines. Also explicit directions for use, ten 1 humiretli cf thousand! llvlns witnesses, and cp. wards of M.C00 unsolicited ccrtlScatcs and recommends, tory lettors.rnany of which are from the highest courccs, Including eminent rbyslclsns.Clcrgymen.Etatcsmcn, 4c. Tho Trcprlctor has cover resorted to their publication In the newspapers t ho does cot do this from the fact that his trUclcs ranlc ts Etandard Preparations, and do cot need to be propped op by certificates. Tho Science of Medietas, like tho Doric Column, ehould stand clmplcpure, majestic, havlDg Tact for Us basis, Induction for lU pillar, and Truth alono for Its Capital, My Extract Earsaparllla Is a EloodPnrlier i my Eitriel Bochn Is a Diuretic, end will act ss rucli In all cases. Both oro prepared on psrclz iclcnllflo principles 1 tieuo end ar tho most cctlvo incisures cf cither thst can be made. A ready end coaclnslvo test will ho a com parlson cf their properties with those sot forth In tho fol lowing worts t See Dl:pcn:atory of the United States. Ece rrofessor Dxwics' Tt-Uatla worfcs on the Practlco cf Tbyslc. Ece remarks mode by the celebrated Dr. Pimic, rhlls. Eco rcmarha mcdo by Br. ErnrtAiu McBowzlz, a cele brated Physician and Member cf tho Eoyr.l Collcjoof Surgeons, Ireland, and pchllshcd In the Transactions of the Elsg and Queen's Jocrnd. Eco Medico-Chlrurelcal r.cvlew, published by Bnj1) Tsatxcs, Tellow of tho Eoyal Collcgo of Surgeons, Econojt of tbo lata standard works on Medietas. bold nr aix DnrjnaisTS etekt where. Address lottcrs for Information, In confidence, to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. PltlNOIPAIi DEPOT! Uolmbold's Drug and Obetuloal Warolioui, lU. 031 BROADWAY, 1.EV7 YOUX, nud Helmbold's Medical Depot, Ko. 101 SOUTH TENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA. BE WAKE OF COUNTERFEITS. A OK FOB UllLMBOLD'SI TAKE NO OTUKKI April lfl. 1 60S. ly. LA I KST ARRIVAL. Groccr'e-t, Emit, Molasi'M, and var ous other aitlcle of Mercbandire, Just recelv VUKYOH'H 8TORK IrvrtflTvOlg, 1MIM. T BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO I)UY Spuing and Summer Crcisy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, fc MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, ' HOSIERY, SHAWLS, j KeadV-niade UlOUlinir, " , 8.'?' Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, 'Lard, Tobacco, Bgars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &o. In addition to our large stock nf Dry Gnniln, we tinve n tuigo nml full assortment of Itcaily Made Clothing Im Ven and Uo) wear which we ire determined tn ell oheaper th in cnti be bought clsKWlicre. Call nml luti. ami jQiige lur yourselves They nio keen a tinnanorunent of DUUCJi' and MUMIUI.VEd, t supply the absence "fa regular Drug Store In l,iiht Street, which will be c.ircful'y com pounded nml suitably directed for the nicuinuilatioit uf i their customers. I IT. W. CRICASY, &Co. Light Street. April 53. 1803. COLUMBIA Insurance Company, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER Co., Pa. Cash Capital & Assets, $500,000. lOUAKTXlt miPKTUAL-.) Directora : Jolm W. Stcacy, Win, I'u ti on . M. S. Slininan, S. F. Uberlein, Edmonil 8nerire. S. C Slnytnaker, Samuel tshocn, I Kobt. T. Ryon, John Fendrirh, Amos S. Green, Oeo Young. Jr.. II. U Miuich, iv. .Mcuonaiu, AMOS S OuCCiV, Tres't. M. !f. SI1UMAN', Treasurer. OCO YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. (C U'll Insure property at aj rcasotinblo rates ag will be coiisistentto tfie Company and those insured. L. II. OONOVEIt, Agent, Km Beach Haven, Pa. Juno 10, 1BC5. WYCM1WS Insurance Company . WILKCS-BARRC, TCNNA. CAPITAL AND SIKI'MJS, - - $150, A 3 3 t T S , Stock not called in, . - . Hills receivable, . 810,000 io.ijuu i!.7,oao U. f.S-llO Ilonils Temporary unJ call loans, .... 1(13 slnro Wjoiiiing Hank Stock, SO shares First Nulionnl UaiiK ai Wllks-Darre, U shares Second National Hank at VVilkes.Uarro 40 shares Wllkes-llnrrc llrtdge Stock, Real IMale, t . JuilguieiiK, Due from Agents and others, . . Cash in hand mid in Bank, .... 0,0(10 e.ido 5,000 7,011,1 2.5S0 1,310 I0J 7,414 1,041 fi. M. HOLLUNliACK, JOHN IllllCIIARU. SA.MUUL WADIIAMS. CIIAHI.l.S DOltUANUi:, R D. I.ALOC. I. . D. SHOEMAKER., II. M. IIOYT, O. .(ILI.1NS, Wsr. S. ROSS, ( II.Mll.Us A .MINER, STEWART 1'IERCi:, li .11 HARDING. O. M IIOI.I.ENHAI'K, I'rcsldtnt. I,, li. SHOEMAKER, Vies Vrtt'l. 1. C. SMITH, Skcrataky, F. URuWN, Accnt, .March 23, 13 u, i insuurg, Pa. American Hotel, CJHIJSTWIJ STHSEET, Opposite old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA. S. M. IIEULINGS, Proprietor. W.M. II. Heulinos, Llcrk. May 27, 1CG3. lini Eagle Hotel, npiIE undersigned having opened a pul 4 lie house, in Rohrsburg, Columbia Count kcown as the EAGLE HOTEL,' Announces to hii friends and the public generally, that he will be happy at pll times to administer to their entertainment. Custom solicited. Give him a cull and you will not regret it. WILLIAM EDGAR. Rohrd.urg, July 8, IsflS, BELL k ALLAB CH, Proprietors. CORNER OF THIRD STi-PENESYLVAN1A A V WASHINGTON, D. Oi i .w S hw next term of thin In-inuiion will ? begin un WEDNESDAY, AUOUST ICTII. lf(',5. The reglnr prrres ot tuition range from $i,3n to $7 50 per t.'rm of eleven weeks; to be paid at or bc ore the miilille of th: term, The usual extra changes will be made fur (ietliian ami I rciu'li, and the various Ornamental Urnnrhes. It is extremely important IhaUku pupils who shall attend the School should bu prescut nt thu beginning oi me lerni, or as soon after n possiblo, in order lo legui.iriy wild mo clabs In all cuses tuition will bo i Purged fui tlio rcn, thm, unless otherwise by specli.1 previous agreement. i ue rriucipai I us n had an p.rnefiin nf v.nn teaclijiir; thu Ijniguagos mid lligor Malheinallc. well nulla various branches or a substantial English Lducatinn, and will spare no efforts to secure rapid .u,ugl, lilirjllB, l( ma pUPIIM. . , REV, II, RINKElt. A. M. Augusts, I5C3. Piincipal. CONSUMPTION, CATARRH, AND is nox aims can ue CURED. A VALUABLE traatifo on the nnluro of Consumption and its various .laics. Rrouchil. . is, (.'.ilurrli, &c, price It) Cents, in. hiding posincc.aod I simplu prescrijilions which havotured thnu.ants.will be frlit, free of charge, lo any one applying. It will cost you but little, and may bo tho means or saving your lift, feud an addressed envelope and stump tu DR. J. BRYAN, Coiis.iltiug Physician, Al'l Broadwav. N. Y.. J ' And you will receiroit by return of mail, suiy io, leu?, LEATHER! LEATHER II THK undersicned bc leave to inform t.ieir friends and tho public, that they keep on hand and oiler fir sale cheap, at tho Madison Tannery, n..:,r Iwn mile. .Mnrlh nf Ji'isnvli.wn . lloli , ,,, I, In onlu. near two miles North of Jerseytuwii, Columbia county. i u,, an Kinus vi j--a k 5t ? i Which ihoy will sell at market prices, or exchange for Hark ami lllilo.. Our Leather is tho Cold Liquor Tan ned, w li i Lit will provo uin.i durable and warrant tbt best ware. Wo will sell by the Bide, piece or 1UU cwt , to suit purchasers. JACOIl A. SWISHER & CO, Madison Tannery, Aug. I J, lull.;, 1W $3 00. .(alttinory and ESfanU IJook'H Qupplied to dealers and cash buyers at tow wnoiesiie nist, Msi(k i. lCfi,- GO TO w. c. reuav. ttfl and Bvjs en . rtti BLANKS. Deeds, Mortgages BONDS. Marriage OcrtiflcatcB for Ministers of tho Gospel & Justioes of tho Peace, SCHOOL ORDERS & ARTICLES OP AGREEMENTS. LEGAL JiLANKS t Summons' Subpocne , EXECUTIONS. ISOARirtUAB AND CAT t AUKS, WARRANTS & COMMITMENTS. Tr in liUvwi t Cnnimmi. Simtle. 75nfW. tind Xan-Kx- annlion, Parchment deeds. with ovnry other kind of Blanks, for salo ,t tho offico of tho oolumbiademooiiat. 'Proclaim Hit immutable principles of Dtmocracy throughout (he UimL THE WEEKLY Patriot and Union, FOll TUT. Campaign of 1805. npiIE political campnifit) just oponetl in 1 l'euiis)lnnl.i Is destined to bo one of great Im portnncc. nml to liave a powerful influence upon tho futiitf of tho country at Inrgo. In a grunt ineiiurii it will determine the gubernatorial content of Ifiiifl, nml have an Influence upon Ilia presidential plertion two years tlir-realter Hut mnre will probubly determine tho choice ofilie licit U.S. Si'iintiriroiuthln ' Stnte, uiul thus afl"ect the legislation of Crncrrpsutiil the restoration of peace to all ilm land. Itu, there. i fore, of vital importunes that every exertion should be iniidt! by every local organization ho put to work, but i very honorable means should be adopted to stir up tho np.illietic and lukewarm1 nod to make new votei by conversation. It ran onlv by through thu iinmuta bio and golden principles ot Democracy that the conn try can oe rcuecmsii irom tue iiiruiiium 01 i.inauct-ru, t iieuTauuiiDu uiiu iiixaiioii. utjisiuu iiio iiemocracy , tberoarc no principles. The rule of action oi'thc op I position is ever changing ono thing tu ilay anine. tiling ele to iuorrow. It it held to gctlier merely by i cxpM.ienlslhu latest and muvt outrageous of nllbe lug the modern, aix-iiiontlm political triek of nejro suf frago To defeat this, ami all other schemes ofthe ,tiolltloii. shoddy hordes who livj only tn pluntlcr and ' lyraniiizclct every l)iu,ocrat arouse ami gird on the rutty armor of his father in Democracy ol tVashiug. 1 ton, of Jellerson, uf Jackson j nud uiarrtito battle and to victurv I THE WEEKLY PATRIOT UNION. As the Central organ of the Democratic party the Weekly Patriot am Urn."!! has acquired a l.irgn and mnre niU'ueeJ than any other llciuocriitic Journal in the rnaU. It lias uerctofuro occiipieil an 1 ,i- iiiicntiui po5iiioii us un nine ami imiu-irious worKor In the eansu oflleuiocr.'U'y. ami s frienlssay liat it still couliintoH tube a valuable orgbn to tliu party. It ,is not for us, hoivrvir. to pile our imn noih. If wo nave ueuii 1 .1 1 in I u 1 to inr cause 01 ine parly ami tne rountry wc liope every Democrat will maku it nil ob ject to oteud our tleld ofoperutioiis, by ailillng to our llrt of subsclibc.'t Wc hiipu every pood Demount wliu ruu.l this will send hii iriuie ami Si .V) lur u copy tor rue year, llihlsistoo much fur those who me very poor let all slice bend us titty cents each, and re ceive the Weekly I'Aintur np Union for the campaign, lD 'lhii follow Inn are too lerm: Hlnglu copies, per annum, go .',11 " six mouths 1 M Clubs often or more to one address. 8 UU DURING THU CAMPAIGN. Single copies, SOets, Clubs of ten or more to one address 4vets, All orders should bo addressed to tho Patriot and Union, Harrisbuig, Pa. Sept. 16, IS'55. Purify the Biood. THE GREATEST MIIDICINE OF TIIC AUG A sure antidote for sicknem, ami a refugir from Sorrow, i ain and Disease. Bkyan's Life Fills. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They are admittsd to be the Best Family Medicine lor general use. lnrifiii, Uiy Wood and ctcasmng tlic system from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills to regulate tho Stomach, Liver ami Piliary Sedi tions willed is thechiet cum- of iiervouiiess , (.iiltll i;C3, Dimness nfSight, Headache, rick Stomaih and other Kindred complaints. Hundreds of Certificate can be Shown. They have been used by thousands with success, Bryan's Life Fills Aro adapted for all Ages & Constitutions, Tliryare composed of the active principles of Herbs uml Roots culled from our fli Ids ami forests, They arc mild but certain in their operation -producing neither cramps, griping pains or sickness. They maybe taken by all ages, boxes or condition withuut fear, Bryant's L'fo Pills, Cure Headache. Bryant's Life Pills, -Cure Sick Stomaob. Bryant's Life Pills, Curo Giddiness, Bryant's Life PilK Purify tho Blond. A Box of Bryan's Lire Pills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Tlii y ulllaccoinjitlfh faithfully all that is represented. '1 hey nre elegantly nut un by tho nronnctor. who the inventor ol IIIIYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS I n meilicino lung ami favorably known tn tho American i ivniion, If you with to buy DRYAN'3 LIFE PILLS and cm. not net them nf your druggist, clout take nny oilier, out semi i wemy rive i ems in a letter to tue proprie tor, and you will get tlicm by return of mull, po.t. paid Address DR. J. BRYAN, Box 5079, 412 Broadway, N, y. b'oLD nr Druooisis GcEnAi.iT. F.MDA3, IIAltNESkCO., N. Y. Wholesale Agents, July 13, IpCj. February II, 1603,-y 16G5. I'liiladrlpliia & Eric ISG(j. A 1 Xc ft. 0' A B s. This great hue traverse thu NoKliern and North, west counties of Pennsylvania to lliu rily of Erie, on l.ako llrie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Cuiifpany, uml is operated by them. TIMK Or rtSSt.-ttlLll 1IIAINS A t NORTItl'MBIRLANII, LKiWi: I' ASTIVAIU). ' Ens Mali Train, 3 M P. M. Erie Eprc Train 3 oo A. M. I.lmirn Expre.s Train, II t P M lllmiru Muii Traill. 10 M AM Tyrone AccainmuJatinii, u Ul P M MS YE U'ESTH'Altl). F.rlo .Mail Train, I 0 A M Erie Exhress I ruin. S 4U P M Elmlrn express Train A 3D A M Elmiru .'lail Train, 3 33 P M Tyrone Accommodation, 4 IK) A M Passengers Cars run through on tho Erie Mall mid P.spress Trains withom ciuxut noin ways uutween riUlauelphiu anil Erio NI1W YOR1C CON.ST.CTIPN. I.eavo New York at CD P. 51. arrive at IlilcD.lO A, .M. I.eavn Erie ai I" II. arrivo at N'utv Vork li, sioon, I No Chango of Ci. i.elwcnii Erin aHd Nuw York, I Elegant r-leeplii, ar on all Night Trains piyatthccor.3otin..i. Market his. Phiisdeipiiia. A"jf Sfn j,U''5? n'!h "lid Mar'ket'fif. Pln.'-a . f '.V, K. "M1' , ?-'Ml u"a Mj,kcl 6"" "oyouius, 1 Cl. .... 4 or i!iioriiiiuiuiiir-ivtiiiiK ins.ciiuiir uiisiiichs, ap William drown, Aj-nlN.C. R: II.. Ualtlmoro. 11,11. Housluu, (li 1. Freight Agt , Philadelphia, II. W, Gwlniier. i. iiT.Tickct Agt. I'liiladelphia, A. L.TYLER. (', I, Sup't. Williumspurt. Orlober7, 16U3. J. II. Jl vRMAN, Aoent. RUJ ERT. PA 17OII HALK ef j), ,-,o rillLLlTS Superior PIIOS a. rAAIi.ut i.iaju, ttnirautcd Huner or lo anv manufactured. For salo at .Manufacturers! Prices, llupert, July i-i, lr(,3.3mu, BLANKS 1 BLANKSlI Of 07ry detc,.( foe tale tnis offloo Keep Your IEye ON THIS PLACE. SE OXD All HIV A L OF NEW GOODS. f 1 AS enlarged and greatly Improved his Store ttoom J 1 and storked It Willi n large and superior fitock of MA 1,1, ami WINTT.Il (1001)9, which will be sold as low as at nny otlur establishment In the country. nlicos at 10, 18, UO ttntl 25 cents. Muslins, lihaehtd and Grown at 25, 28, up to 48 cents. DnnSr! nOOU of every shade, quality nnilprlco) a full linn of Dniuestii; flooilt, v! i ('hecks, h'ldpes. Ticks, l.ltilten and (Jotton Table Dinpur, Ginghams, Nankeens, ftt , ic. A good supply nf l.nilirs Sh es and Onltera Now Mock of Hals ami Caps. Ail M'nol Ingram ami Collngv Cnriicls, a splendid nrti-ln Just opened ami for sale, A frckh supply nf Groceries and- Spices, a new lot or CADAR AND WILLOW WARR. MACKIirtAI. by the quarter, half and whole barrel Nos. 1 and S, nimlliini and Into. Also, a large and splendid assortment of new designs. Also, a iidw lotof TIIUNKS and Oil Cloth Hatchets. Having bought these goods before the late rise, I am prepared to sell low, cheap as the cheapest fur cash or country produce. WIJ BTInYTO ri.EASU. Illonmsbiirg, Jan. 7, I -Uj. LacKiiwnutia & Glooiusburg RnHtonil, S&" TWO DAILY TRAINS. -a irvTJ AMI Al'Tlllt .MONDAY. JUNniSth, IPOS, TJ AND Al'Tlllt MONDAY. JON n 12th. ArtMiis'ci'.it 'I'liAiv.-j wn.r. nnv as tr.r. LOWS IV Hi CAVE NORTHWARD, Leave Northumberland, H.UUA..M. S.OOP. M. Danville, . t.40 5 40 " Rupert, t). ti.25 l.looiiuburg 1U.13 fi20 ll-rwltk, . . 10 23 7.30 Shlrkslilnny, . 11.10 H.1.1 " Kington, . 12.15 I. M, II. IS Arrive at s"crnuton, . . 10,23 " New York S SO " Philadelphia 0.30 I, I. A YE SOUTHWARD Lcava Srranti.n, - . HIIOA.M 4 25 T. M " Kingston 7.(1(1 4 3'J " llcmlck, . . P.35 7 HO ' llioomsburg 9 03 fc,20 " Rupert, . . UB5 b.lhi " Danville, . . 11)00 U.I3 Arrive at Northumberland, 1 0 -HI 10 to lliirri-biirg, l.'iDP.M. 1.25 " Wahiiigtou, U.ilS 10,33 Philadelphia, 5.40 S.UO The thortcnt an. I most direct route to the wetland the oil region I irV Trnlm of the Plillnilelphla and Erie Railrnsd leave Nurttiiiiulieilnnd .-ti-ry morning for Erie, arriv ins theri! thu afternoon of the tame day to connect with traini for llud'.ilo Ch-vi'laml, Chicago, with nil points west, mid loum-iling at Curry with all traiiu on the Oil Creek Railroad New and elegant Sleeping cars accompany the nUhl trains each way In'tween Northumberland mid ilalti more, ami Northumberland and Philadelphia. II, A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, Jttie 17. IfM, SiaEier& Confectioner TIII1 iinilesigned hai always on hand and for sale. A I'REH.i IIRIIAD. GALES. PICS and French and Domestic Confec tions in gn!(t and splendid variety ; Nuts, t'ruits.and every thing usually I'o.iml in a first clans confectionery More. He would mil especial attention to his newly re ceived stotk of PICKLED PRUl P AND JELLIES. B. II. srotiNEii. Kloomfburg, A pril 22, I'M. NOTICE. scalers AxFgxoHgas, rPIlE uniicr.sigmd being a regularly li JL ccncd AUCTIONEER. Hereby nlT rs liii nervic an curb to all who may feel riipiHUfijrt tn Rivft liitu a call. Mi I in; oxprrir-nci) in ihf l)iiKiti09, wilt citnbtu him tu rcudcr s.ilisdicMOfi tu 1 i cii-tim rr.-. All HTtririi iltflriiii my irrvic will plrnio inform me to that UlVu hefiirn tury ml vr ri 1RAM DEIIR. Post-oflice address : Jackson ton.hli Rohrfburg. Columbia ouiuy.rn. luue Jl, Ifii.',. S tove & Tinware !s5 hop rB"'llE undrriined informs tho publio in general, that lie has opened a NEW TIN SliOP In Iho biiililing fir uerly occupied by P. H. .Mover, on door below III- Columbia Demiicrnt Oflice on Main tStrcst lllooiiiiburg, here he will niaka all kinds i Tin-Ware ami Repairing, in good t!j and on mo icr ate terms. STOVI1H nf all kinds and qualities for se or fur nished to order, 0" Couulry produce taken and public cgstoni rc.-pcctfully nolicitfd. JACOB iMETZ.Jr. Cloomsburg, April 20. IcT.;. ly NEW SADDLE UY AND Harness Shop I ! rPHE undiTsicncd, respretfully informs B Thu ritizi-ns of Light Street, anl tt? eiicrnus ,11 Ml .1,,., I... I...L .....1 . .l.m fn 1 . pu blic, Hint In- lint, opined , new shop for 11. l luauu- tacutrc ol an Mmi or SADDLERY AND HAlUTESo, In the old Store llouso of Gen .McDowell, cnti next i 1 oor to Ent's rUoru, in Light Street, wiicre ha will mainitacture KADIII,i. Illtl Dl.llS, HAICIE.' to ord -r uml on iiiodernto terms. ITS" Repairing of all kinds, executed on rhoit tic'lu and in goud s yle. Country pioilucc 'aken In rsclianga fur vrerfc ,nnd public cusium invited, ELLIS L. rilEAS Light Plrcc:, June 3, ISilo JA OB LAD 0 M US, DEALER IN E.nolisii, Swiss AND Amciuoa.n JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &c. 018 Market Street, comer of Decatur, Philadelphia. Dealer In American, English and Swiss Watches, milking a speciality of the celebrated Amlriua.n Wakii, which he would reioinmeiiil to all naming a f.1,,,,1 ,l,., III...,,... N ..'III l,U .,.1,1 ,., (I... Ir....n.. prices ami are thu cheapest and best for the price. .Tiarcn t, l:ej. ly. TINWARE Si STOVE SHOP. rpilE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend j X and cue toiuers. that lie lias purchased his brothers merest in tho above e.tabli.huieiit.iiudtho concern wile hereafter be conducted by liimselfi xclusively. uc uas jusi receivuu uuu oner, lor sale, ino iarg ZLM '"si extensive MfiTOVIld over iutrod -nsivc assnrlnient of FANCY introduced into ihis market. Tli His slock consi.le of a complete us.ortnient ot he best Cooking nml parlor stoves in Hie market, togeth er with Htovo Fixtures nf every description, Oven and lioxtitoves, Radiators, Cyliudar Hlnvus, (hist Iron Air. Tight stoves, Cannon fitoves, i.c. sec. ritoveplpo and Tiuwuru coiiituiitly on hand and manufacture,! to order, All kinds of repairing done, us Usual, on short notice, Thu patronage of old friends and new eustomurs re. spectfuliy solicited, A. M RUPERT. Uloouisburg. November 3d 1 P I It. tf. The tforks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBUP.G. The undersigned havinglaken the well. known Forks lintel, ri'tpectu illy announces to Jm friends and the public generally, thai he is prepared to accommodate nil who may favor him with their custom, tociilira sat Isfaitinn. lie is provided with ample Stabling and prnvinder for thu iiccommodatloii. of Travellers, Teamjlor., Dro. vers. A.c, on umilernle terms. ZjT Public custom is solicited. GEO. W. MAUKER, BltcjssMirj, iprll ft If. r jiLSO I HATS, CAPS AiI SHOUS, ' rrllK undersigned lias removed his Hat and Capploro 1 up to livens' old stand, whtro In addition tu a I superior assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER Hats and Gaps Vm CONFECTION ARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Suijar, Coffco, Tcoa, Tobacco Suuff,( Cigars. Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs Parlor and Hand Lamps, ' Books, V5 riting Paper 81 Ink. Hardware and Ccllarivare, Focket Knives, Combs, J it'C, O'C, il-C, , Together wltlu variety of article, generaliy kept . n ' mAJ,o-A One lot of KID. MOIIOUICH and LiNtNo, ,o WhlLlllie invites Hie a. iiio ouutmy.n. anu ilia public. JOHN K. GIUTON. Illoomsliurg. May 13, UCa MS i,7 mm im Si .aMMfjuj. rii v?.'.rJxr.rry?r rMlEt,n,lrrMgi.-.srs enenjtvtiy enfigr-t 1 I.I i fiiirrtsAinr Uvuinut. and keeps conetnntly on hand ml for ealunt his Wnrcrooms, a larra assortment ofj FINISHED gggty COFFINS, By whleh he Is enabled to nil orders on presentation ' Um.Vb?ady " I Units be rcnuy toattunl ""',.. ..,uvr lllnoinsbprg, January 2'J. IS50 IMPORTANT 10 LADIES. Harvey's Female Pills the nin'l iufalllbln and popular remedy ever known for all di.i.ves ol Hie. female .ex Tlie) have bi rn used in ninny thousand csi with unfailing success and may be ri lied on in even r.i.e fur hirh they are re- commended, an, I panlcalaily in all ca-es an.iiif frum Obslniitiou, or Stoppage oj Nature. no nam r rrom what came it arises. Tiny are elTje tuul lu lecturing to h-,ilih a'l ti ho are salfiring frou Weakness nud IMiility. I tonne Olrch.irjes Nervous ness SiC , s.c, and they ACL' LIKE a charm: in Ftrciipt'ifiiiuf nud rei. Wring the nysttni. 'llTmnritJr? uf litdit s wu 'Va nuH'Tct! furynrM ami trieil vanouit oih'-i rfthutJiLii m v t iiwuJi renewal uf their Ilea th nnd Ptmiif tli hnM tn Vu. "lleacy of DK 11 AIU'EY'S Kb..." ALE PILLS. 'I hey arc perfectlj hirinlis on (be .y.t,-in, .in, he tnkinut.iny lime with peif.-ctsafitj ; hut domic llm early stngse nf Pn ijiiaiic) they .liould not be tahrn, or a mo nrriage i-i ly lu taken, or a misi-arriaur nny be (ha re-ult. Tiie.y never cause any sickne.s pain oriliilress. Each box contains snt) pil.i. Prifr una Dollar. DK. IIAllVEV'y GjLDEN PILLS, A letncily for sprcutl mos, four degrees nronger than the above ; Pro e 1 1 1 e Dollars ,rr nox A private Ciri iilar to ..die. mill fine .natei.dral , engravings, sent fr, is on receipt uf ,lirw-iled envelope t and .Limp. : 3j Cut this notice out if you desjre Dr Marvey s I Pills, and it you inunoi procuic lln in of our Drug i ji t, do not take a-iy other, tir some il'ilers who ill r unprinciidcJ v. ill recoin.r,nil otfi. r I'.-r.Hie I'll , , th;y csn make a larger profit on -Uil enclo.i tn j inutie) auJ svnd rlittct to DR. J. BUY AN', I CONfUl.TINO Pll VftH'tA I No. 4" li)oa;twuij, fcu York. whn will take all risk if propeily dir-cte-1. ind will send the fill., secured Iroai ol,,trvilion, by rctura mail. Post Paid. Hi LD BY DRrCOIfTR OCNr.RAl.l.Y. DEVI AK RAllSEt it CO.. Nrtw Yo, V h.-.lcsalr. Ajcnts. Julr 13. lJoS. i j, r. tin, i. n. koi a 'New Drug Stoke. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rpili: utiiler.lgiieil would inforir their friends nnrl the j J 'inline gem rallv.tnai tney iiav taaen uie sian.i lor merlv nri-uiiied bv Geo. .M. HiiL-enhuch. la the Pichaiise , i iluililing. on Mam street, in Uluoiiisburr, where helms ! Ju.t reci-iveu a full supply of , ! WS'USS, i"2 i5cae2t."fS, EasS5lf, aS, ! SjIiIIgiM, tiC, Winch w ill hi sold on moderate tirms for ready piy. i At.o, NOTION'S generally, of every variety, scrtand -.j,. , Phy-if inn j' prescriptions carefully compounded all times ami on snort nonce I ST" Confection, iy -jf the ii-.... i ..... 1- l!,,r,r.rtlnn, I, it lln- he. I aelerliona. an.t fnils r f k ..' .1. Ml. .....ah. 1 ... . Cull v .... iciiett. EYE II Sl MOVER. fllnonishiirg. April II, lRf3 FSSEiSEfl WAEiL FAPUR T UaT received a new asiortment ofgood J style styles of WALL PAPER, DE1UNG AND INCLUDING DOR-j CEILING PAPEK, I mid a general variety nf material in his line, which will bu fi uiiil on the FIKSF F1.0OK iiniiitdiatr y east , of Lull's Drug Stor. In the Rupert Ulnck, where all 1 persons wisiiiug goons in ins nut win Ud to 1 in person at all limes, I ZS2?' Paper Hanging executed to order and best stylo, at short notice. ; ! E J. THORNTON, j ) Rlonmsbnrg. April S'J 11103 ly j I Exchange OotcJ, j j Public Stjuure, Wilkts-Uvre, lnn'a. i , rIl K underaiRUPU1, Imvifig ptl.'ehasrd tho ! sloes oi mis wen knoivn licit."!, ,fofniefiy kept by Major Piiterbaiigh) of II- , Ynplc, respcctlull; so. .im iiiu iiairiuiazu oi iiu mi i ne. INI mwfm wmam No minis will Im spared in tiny of Its department' , ,.-, ,,. to render satisfaction to nil gue.ts. 1 Tth. EJ. ION MOTsEfy. Tho inblo and Ihohar will always be supplied with tlio! , ,.,.. .. c, ... n, i 7 u be.t iiiu market utlonis Good stuldlug lor horses.and . c0'' s'"1 M MaiK.'t blrcct, Philadelphia, , attentive o.llers Alsu, Livery attached. jrp!B Hotel is located in the Very centre of buslnsii ine excimnse is eingiuiy snunicu on tho I'ubilc Squire, and has iherel'oie peculiar advantages to per- si mending court or doing business in tho imblie nilir.e f.,nmA. I ... n , ,. ' "...., wu,,v, ,i,uu,u,u i u Whonevar you cntna to town, ploaso call, P. C. & W. ECKROTII. Wilkes. Ilarre, July. 15, leC3, National Foundry. BI.OO.MSUUKG.OOLUMBIACO.J'A. 'I UK subscriber, proprietor of Hie above named e. ! J Ifiisivo cstiibliahiucnt, is no.v prepared torecel'iu V'.M . IVI AH Kinds of fllnchiiicry, r f'olleries, lliait Furnaces, Stationary Engines, Mills THI'USIIING MACHINES, e.0 . 4iC. no is also prepaicu lo mako Bioves, all sizes and patterns, p'im-irons, and everything usually made In V. '," '""'"""-nl ol h s guests, neither shnll Iheru beany-fiist-class t'ouiidriea. '"''lu'6 usouny ruaut in n,j,,e HMn, (,, pntO lo iiiini.ter lo their personsl ,',VIJ!'"VU -'"i'"c and practical workmen, war ca;;.rJ"'Cf lt",J" La ,jkcn e""anf fl? T'llis establishinent la Inrn.ed near the,. ni, Uluom.burgRuilruad Depot. ... , PETER DlLLMYKfi. Uleomsbur:, 8fH. IS, IM3, JOHN 0. YE AGE R. MANt FAOTURER&WIIOU'.SALE DEALER IS m.11 ATti, CAP, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWER8, No, 257 North Third Strct, Pbila'd ClatUu Pouilcr IS warranted u, bo lh most power, (i agent or thn aril and blood of CatUa. Bwliir, or Sheep.ln priZ tinting dlgoslloii.cleana. In tho system and Iran, sferluir Iho purified n Imnl llillil In llesU, fat. milk, butter nml ttrcnrih mid utlablishing healtii and vigor, Diivov'ri nonan fc M ;t.l POWDI1R Is hi omy mrjiiiciimt locally iiateriteii in France, llng Intnl. Hwitzerlfliiit lloliand, and duly ad. AEaIUt( i,.n,"iu t,,i, yriin nieo- nlw, and Invented by Mr. Duvoy. Professor ot the Im. Serial Oollrgn lor Aerlciilluro nl Paris, and now mart. r.c. ,n,u fi ii. li i un int. ii r oi aim ii Alien. ! town, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. 1 ".!,.,.:..;. rihn I oo I, Lungs and Cotr. lAi JIM ,vWVE W "'J'"' , 'Vmi...! vainahio hrfr." i.-i cmtngloui, a, wpn mj"'"; ((Tcctitnllvovereomo all the nlnt.nlcs which ususlly j-v chllilre.i. eonMr-nt U " , '"""V .11 ills iiinurioii-i r,.,., ... - - 1 1 . ,.,.rv A,M, nun 111 1111s prepiiiiiiiu". .0- v 1, . - u.ited pliylclnn, with n written prescription, ot a rntr Lr.i in materia mcilica, ..... Till! UNION ROACH. RAT. MlCC AND A.NT IS. 1 TIlltMINATOII. , Is n powder for tho sum esieriiilnatlnn of all srmla.; I will never rlmngo wlih ago and tlliuato, and muck prif. ralde tolhe old Phosphorous Pu.le. which hare ent In n skort time, making U worthless. For ilireo i.m. 1 Lnrilciilnrn nei the small lulls ill the bums. une iiuii'ireii "'. .11111 j . en i-i-i .,- been awarded lo these celebrated preparations, up 10 October V".l, mill. , , . .,, Rotai. At lloTsn, are. thn whnleialo Agents InrhJJ'a. WHOLESALE UUTAIL. Por sale by W. Erasuiu, solo Agunt fo liloninabiirg. t-harpless, Catawlssa, I.. II. Ac J, Shoemaker. Basil Born. Master & Cm.. Milltllle. C. I'rrilon, liohrrburg. MtcwHtl h. Sloan, Oraugevllle.' llendcr.holl, llloomsburg. f. Fowler, Uipy. Crcusv k Co., Light Street Law & ypatisjer, t.imf Itl.lie. llowman, i Owen aa.l Miller, flsrwleB. OH. Fowler, Fnwlersvllle. G& All orders for Columbia Connt will he addressed to IT. ERASMUS, Whtlrssle Avnt, lllonmibaK. C. 0. HIKNKIt. novemser in. leos --liin, - - W i,', I H Rfitl! 2 ISvBi, jfos. i', 11, 13, 10, 17 Cou-tl.mdt Street KpAiADWAY, NEW YORK C1TF This old-cstublished ind favorite resort of tha Bu .1 ,,. o.nnnunlty lias been n centl y rellttcd. ami Iscaia pirlC 111 01 nrj llillil; nidi can riirnt.ri inu roil';riS l ill patroui I .allies and families are sp (ialiy aru csrn fully prorldrd for, It l cmtrally located in tni bu incss part of thiol ami is contiguous tn linos if itiianibuau cars, oinnlbusses ferries, Ac. I he uhle is ninnlv sunimrd with nil the lusurius ( ' the seesoii, and is einnl tu that ol any mher hutsl in t, ! country. Ample aecommodatiniis ro onorod for upManl ot W I glle.ts. Z "o 0"' k'lievi iiinn-ira iiark nun, and o hsrs I. may say "the Wcslirii Hotel ii lull." ! D. D. WlNX'llllSPi'.R, Preprl-t. i, Tllll'l. V WINCIIEHl'KK. Feb. 13. IK'-i b. 'f ho limit-r.Mr.'nod, crmrful for pti pit. Innsge, re spei trully mf rins lb" Travelling lui'ii g'Uernlly.ihat he h i. Just procerr.l from Now V irk i I new. b'aiineiil tn,l caonrious I Phoenix Ci.rapany Coach, j by m bo h iin-aiM he i. n rv o'la'i'nrl t.i conrev f f I enr;-r- m l Ii.ij.p..x-. .ifclf .-. 1 1 c nfortaiot i .e.e.- s i i lln,,iiisl,ur; .-in, the ret. rii lt.ul Roiil p,.in l i e ,i i In T'.ll,IR. It Will lie pis sllhlv lo accolllllilil.l,, 'i , ruvtomrre to (h..r satiH'cr'ion lis solicit, t ftiM-.t , patrori.iei- i. r a E M CENT-' J.'.'.'OI L OIR T-H ninm.biirf. Jaiuinrt '.. IS'w. New Grocery Horn, MOKE VKESII 'l.'OODS. (Form nlij Eiasnvts' nld Sumd) a, Mnn Street, Blnomfl'irq, rPHE tiTidi-rnicjiied Lis ju-t received a JL good stock r,r FALL AM) WiSTKB Diiy COOD.t, of all kinds. Meo' Heavy QA1.F M1P BCOTS the he ,i in the mnrkei a ri-..l srtmsal ni L (I and Children.' Shoes nf all kimi. A IVcsh Lot of Groceries, of pl kia-'s. its .j Molnsx'A, vuj;aifi, Tea, Uoff. o, Itioc, Siilfe.-r, ih, Suit, s. Hats and Oas jTobacoo, S-t-rtrn, I'arulir.', Unions, Lttd, &r. ,tc , ,te. l'EKI) AD P UO VI Tl iV3 -..;, ,,h , ! , , , ' "S ' "lln a treat ariety of notion, and r..i. ,hf 'iitiiirroii. lo inr I ion. 0." fl itler, Eggs, Mo, t un! port'iti generally Isk.t i 1 ' "" l"i b""- HENRY GIGEll. Il.oom.hnrg, Dfc. 10. IKI NEW STORE A CHEAP GOODS. i,(Ql'It K SALES AS I) SJlALIi PROFITa.' HE under.-ii'iipd, havinc takn thu Plor lately n-cupiod by Jam,. K. F,y.r. ,,n Msln Ptred. abuvn Iron rftr.-.-t, in r,e,0,n,0urc. and st;lfd rieiectfijlly informs Ms friends and hi nub fe ch orally. Unit he will b.-happy lo receive a share cf tb rubliciiutron.ige and Hums that render irener. ul satlsfactl ni by rnlimg them th- best quality i.? MEKOSHAWillBZli, on fair terms ami at sslurulorv prloos, His .lock consists, in pari, of DRY (iOOD.f. nuOCCUICH. FISH. tii'EENaw.vui:, WOoliKIWACn, rjooio.tinor.ft. and osperlnlly wjlh a jnlennid variety e.f'AT3' LADIE.S DRES.S GOODS. F.imr .1l.TKI.hS S;c ,S,e., which ho will sell as cheap as tho iheapest, for r sh t ready nny, tO-Couniry produce, -cnenlly taken In etehanje: f. r geodt. I . . ANDREW TERWILLIOPB, fll.iDinsii irj, Jan 7, lSil5-y. a. aim is near me rcspectucl. places ft wjiicii make it particularly desirablo to perio.ii vl.illBI Pllllailelphia on buslnessorplcasurc ; and the Mr.ussei hopes by close personal attention m the wants oim bis guests to make it a comfortable hoir.ti for touch t) u ... i ...... with their pntrunuga, sl. D. UAVKiV Prop'r, May S3, ItTCI. -18 Pis. sxiiHMsg mm nillF.ProprietoroftJils well. know n ami centrally le ritrcel, in llloiiiinliurg, iiniuediately -.nnnsitc Iho Culum -- ,., nt.i .,......-, iiui s.u, .lllilliu on ,-,'. uiai.onniy i.ourl House, rcspectlully i ami the public ill general, thul his louse is now in oi dor for the reception uiidentertiiiniiieiit of travelers who may feel disposed to favor it with Hair custom. He liars spared mi expense in propaiing Hie ExuuNoe, for lh - J,""" 1. 1 ,A,,,o, u ti "C w"iu"bo VKtSy spective Stations in due tnno to meet the Cars, V,'.M. U. KOON3. may i, ieco. The Eiuhigh jtSY School will open its next Term of L'-a Eleven Weeks, on MOXDA V Till". Will DAY of AUG UUP. All thu branches of u liberal English Edu cation nro taught, Vocal u!c will bo a ctaadsil branch, fur thu benefit uf tho whole r-'cliool Instructions will nlsobo givun in nny of tho Ik ",! ful llranches, und in Instru menial Music, tJ"'Vvxmt '.locral LLKN'OH I tiF.SWr.5 Jtfp Vlri Auj It, leen it