Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 04, 1865, Image 3
EC COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT.! Bf.4v.,ir.v Mnvnl-irr. Nnv.. 4. 1 flfii JKay'To Aiv1.tibeii8 Persons wishing advertisements inserted must hand them in early on Thutsday morning to Insuro tholr insertion for that week. j Ducks Thcjc splendid birds aro now appearing along tho tftUriuciianna. stair Solomon Shuman, of Main twp,, will soil taluabla parsonal property, at public vendue, on Thuteday, 10th of No vember. BSr Franklin Wbirick, Esq,, has enlarged and materially improved tho "So jiusgrovo Times." Uaivjai.ns is Jewelry , Attention ii airccted to W. FoiiaYTll & Go's advertise, went in another column. Special notice: HOT Our advertising patronago this week is most encouraging. PoOplo knay i where and how to invest tbiir money. And it id in this wsy they get their money .back; gy Capt. Thomas Chalfant, the ientleaiivU.y Editor of tho Danville Jit' StUig'tcer, was in town on last Monday, in couipasy witii Mr. Pinneo, also of Dan villa, and paid u their respects. . . . && Mr. John Jr. Johnson, rrlinrr ut-unt lor Mr. M A. Anderson, lias sold ba valuable jjtor House and properly, at Joaoh Haven to Mr. Joseph iitiuch Grove, Lutcruo county. llicks, Cf &dy During the lust lour uiontha, Gve tnillioii", Lifo thousucd throo cunt pieces were oiiucd at U. Mint in Pbtladvtphia. Wo dou't eoe any in liloc-aiaburg ; whern arc iltuy I ikiur.uuas.- tlUf lIOllblllOII Tho avidity with which are butuiug tho squirrcln .rt t-..t,!,u f ft ,11 il..lM,lll V li...,l,,lA 4UU ,aui,a ium utbu. ,w un.11.1 mill vw,,...usii,. i...i...t.i.'-. - rt .. . . I .M t.rawfnrd. Pas'ittevill". Prankllil l-Pa mo nuuiuer tu mo uiii-c,tirs uu --cau-bitgo caters." 6&r New Fashion Lidion used tu wear ihcir hair in a waterfall. The hair i, uiiw worn f.o luri;f that they OjII the (Mahtim tho 1 Falls of Niagra " Ni.tice.-T'ao young met, were : lined recently in I'ottavillf, lor defacing baud- bills. SVeuoiioc boys in iliiitown! aro iu (lie habit of tuu'ilatiug and tearing j d'jwu bilN, ulutnst as soon as they are putted, and wo ud.-Lc tla',n to discontinue tho mibt'hit'voua wo.k. DlPTlltniA. A Wist India piper pro fens, to know a sovereign remedy lor diptlieria. He is the recipo : 'lake a ouuiincn fibacco pipe, place a live coal iu the bowl, drop a littlo t ir upon the coal, diaw ti.: i.u".'. iuio t'uu in out ii. uio- charge it through the lilril-.' tSj' Wc h.n'j Lad tcvfial hjtd froit.. duiiijg the past week, t.-l.ich has pruduccil it tudden i-hangt- iu the appearance ofvi-g rmtioii Jack irO&t !l&3 I'ltVIt dliO IjOtlCC . . . i that bw has iceutui'd hu auiliority again. Nciv.itlitauding, in hii advanced age, ho Is. a uireLnttig n tlu radical abolitiou- lrt. . , , . ,,q frtUtl honillllj. Hi (IS 5 I'li II I S til CU (' I" VX -' II R id Ultt- &Kir iUV VeYi(l1lt 1-altOr OI tlltrt 3UHUncf, rotrecpninIcTne, otc. Mil Un nrliclt nf c'nds ... , M. , ( iv n j c rn pijiidiu!t will, tliu tttuitlji-T cm tins nnilco will Iju M.ichine, lUblUCS U Ol pilll, UD -ehl tlJ lU,. i,Mer o th ham- unimMialtdy Vn lie do- hU tppoinliiipt Ut'rcuuo Assessor. Ho does not tell tho that it was luadc in oj'puMUon to tie with of two ihirds of the RepuMieaus of Columbia Vwilr , Iho foola are not yet all j county, dead 1 More Any Goods. Messrs. 11. W CUEASV CZ. Co. r.C T.i.tIiI Slrnnt. have iul n -I roccivett a laruo ami ci.oice ngsontucui . Full and Winter Goods. These gcntlo won buy for cash and sell cheap fo; ready uuv. They keen an cxcclleut btort', an'l , . , . . . .1 . ore very accommodating jiercuauw, ana, do a laigo and increaaiu;,' buaincs-j. bee Oatd. CS?" Wo would eay to thai uuincrnuJ , fabioribers to the '-Old Guard ' that their' subscriptions will commence January 1 t,; 1800. This will make a complete vol-l time, whiih would not be the ousn if the t subacriptioni tv-ro to oumincucs in the1 middle of tlm vuluuio. j CS- lie op Good Temper -Iu find down tho Btrcm of lime, wo uinny thiugs to unnoy and disturb us, our pa tlenoo ufieu get3 sorely tried, und many apparently trivial camca seem allmost to overoomo our equanimity. Our vartam paieions il not curbed lead us into uiincul ties and dangers, aud havo a tendency to bring unhappinoss aud ruin. Yet if wo keep our passions under our oontrole nud buy our clothing of Dtvid Lowcnberg, ou Main street, wo will pa33 down tho cur rent of timo gay aud happy. ! - r. ' , . I.I .I.hh rn. VstT UOOrgO lluer au oiu uuajj i Harlton, was itnocueu uown anu rouuuu of about nine dollars, late ouo night last! week, in front of the I'resbytorian church! jn Lewisbnrg. 1 Lcivisburg Journol. What a horrihlo placo Lswisburg must be wbero a man cannot safely go to church with nine dollars in hU pocket ! ThTpoXuld-hTwIro of taki ng as ourroucy, Bovon-ttnrty uonua irom whioh tho coupons havo been detached. ... . t r Thero aro many of them in circulation, and unless a stop is put to tho practico it bids fair to becomo u lucrativo business 1 for sharpers to purchase 7-UO'n of the 1 mailer denominations, summarily diicouct ' tho interost with the eltsori, aud pass off the tondi u carreuoy. nM TTMTJT a iMrnrnnT) a hp VJVJJ U J-iXJJXjtl. XXK1T1 JJX.lJtx. X :oi- The following payments kayo been inado to tho Columliu Democrat office, during tho month of Ootober, 1805 i P noth (by W 1,1 $(J SO Illoom Fchool Dlittlct 1 So Mnj O K Hughes V SO .Samuel Reiuley uiucon ctccitcr i oo uuaa itrum Aaron Kilchner 'J no Samuel Ilrimcr Elate Air Society S On J Henry Croti, Ea1 iviu ueuea a ouuni v ii ,ni Robert Robblna S Oo Michael HriltalQ KU lluwrll 50 JnspnltWciia Samuel Wilkes 1 00 Win Ohl 1! Oo .... Albeit llnntcr l oo Aaron smith Pnm'l Ncyhnrd Ear S Oo Ch.i Neyhard llatnla or B un'l Kitclicn 3 On J J UplloHraph M I) 10 Oo 'iini j it .inner It oil r Mcllcnry Etl Nicholas Colo Peter Kaae (leo W I'nrvff Thm II, Cold Win I' klkcndall Win II Kreaine' II II llittubirger HI. KikutiJ.ill I)t of Jacob lloati Stephen Lihr Albert C Millard Lieut I' 1' llrockway Let I Wenver Robt t'rult Nathin I lerkenstlno k imii ,, ,i. t..i.n,i r. 3 SO llun J N Cunyncbam 3 SO 18 c T McDko 1 SO S on t, tc II It It Co 1 On " 30 If on VV II Jocoby 15 Oo 1! Oo Abraham Hill 1 SO 1! OoJno J Stllci E-,1 8IW TS i:u Ikcler Esq 8S S (lo linn Jacob Evan! Oo ! Oo Uapt tJ II llrockwny 8 Oo 3 uo Uolumbla County ! oo 5 SO It U Fruit Eat 5 "0 " SO Jnlm I' I'.iwlnr S Oo Oo Iriiiil'ltyCommCullepcS 00 I Uu Jnlm llrelich J SO a so i.cvl iii inMiinu I On Kiv II lllnkcr J John lle-l i; IG SO Re.v J W Le-chor ' Ju Let or Annuel Kltilion :i SOJaixb Ever 1 so 1 till So l"a llatunbucU 9 Oo i'i II MttlB Es't IllON U1TY UOMMEltGlAL COL LEGE. AND MATtON'AI. TEI.EOKAPII INSTITUTE, I . w, jkkini, j J. (.', Smiih. . M., AtLX. Cu, LL7, ) l'rluciplas. Flral College lUtiltll ii(r. Corner l'enn and St, Clair.Bta. Ssconil Odd I'l'lloua' ItulldliiR, SthSt., Third Noa. l!i)nnd 2i St. Clair 6trect, ARRIVAL PUR THE WEEK ENIIINO OCT, 21, 180 n S Horn ywell, lliindnlf, 1'uitnee Co, , Ohio, II Hrhuffcr, Alli-illiciiy City. Pa. J it r.uiiTfon, riitKtjureli. I'a. r.Mn, Cikiu, Alli'ahijuy Cv, Pa. J tv x'"'" aiigiutiits'n catmoreiand Co. ra. e? i ii ii iiuiuni, uanluu, stalk L'o.. Ohio. J II Stuff V. Ariiittnni7 Co. I'n. i J 11 Odull, Hit- Pfulrlo Wayni-co., Ohio. j 'i;"'"'!! fil I J X Hctitfpuii.'n. .SK'cli.tnlcslMir,' CuniierlaiiJ & V t ci nr'jv ii wen, W rili.itlmk.N. llnltiuiore, .Macomb Co Mich I. II lliiih.NVw Carlisle, Hi. Joseph Co Ind ,S i Carnur. diiinincrvlll,!, Troy, llavia Co Iot II C I '"It, Ht'j-kil.ilc, Walia-ii Culnd II I. Iti)u, ritiitli'ill'ild, .Mi'rior Co I'i W 'I'n itin -leir. Murmur. W.i.ti. Co O J II Mcunr.'V' SaUerflolil, .Mercor Co Pa J W Thoinp.'111- Ilomi', Indiana Co Pa A T sHearim, i-'OcmlurK, Caiiilir.i Co Pa W II II Ailauii, 'Jn-iMfiil'', Indiana, Co P U C Uctnig, Onail nhiitlcn, Tin. CoO irkivaL iol UK "trie t.ioino OCT. IS 1805, IIP Puulk, l.uckhoni.i't'lumblaCol'a J K llamillini, Pittiliuritli Pa . .. h Waltrrx, rallcutlmbjr, 'amliria Uo y W K McOiiiniM. tVinrhe.tcr. A.laiin County Oblo C Sw.ittr. Woijuter, W.iviiu Ln umo II V 11'.. .. ..... A I luff It..., it ,"'l 1 1 I ,1 ftf... ....I-..1.I I 'I IM 1 I. II 1 till,,. tJ.ll.'lll. , Tti.t.n. - - M.iltii- Crisf, Parii, Waliiii-loil Co Pa I II (iruliuni, " " I f, II VValtna. .Vik'and X Wcatwortland Oo Ta O J llnlliiian, .Malta. Mnri.Mii Cu Ohi' t.,-51ierwiiod, MeCoiinalNville, Morijan Co Ohl I T Walton Wund villi', .Munroa Co Ohio 1.' II llr.uli-y C.i.t I.ilierty, Pa R A Smiih. RoclmstiT IIimvit Co Pa I for terms and iufarinutioit cunccrtil ng the . ColccRe, adtlrcs, I JcKk'iha, miiii & Cowley; I Nov 4. IM4. 1QQ- 1866; 1867 SUver 17" AAA I'I I tO l),000!! $0 ! $2 1! $2 ! ! Two Dollars ! ! ?IanufacUirers' A gents ! ! OUR NEW MODE ()u0 of 0(lr QOLD or SILVER Watoh- Silver Toi Sets for 2, I clow atMtd. Ona nr niir tea"jrla o' oi.e piaco of our fJol i or Silver-ware is worth u tiuiial oftlicclieap dollar rJWrIy Wn l.ave nilopte.t tho Mlow I115 moje of F) i ! S v I h si J i o ss , 1 ti.Iv ofTS.OwU article, of valuol OUR NEW MODE ! 1 TK trlirlf uf'i' arMtti'iil"reJ from ens up to 5 Ujt) I i'tiii,iuiiiiJ hi Piano. .Mcloifenns, tin Id and Silvr W.ilcln a MiicliincslVa und Table Hct.tiolnt Miver 'JVa :i J Yanlij Stii.oii8 ami Tork.., ! lIl,, etc.; ami lt n S .iUJ nriiclr at' v.ilualilc 1 Jiui'lv, Wurh awd T-utt't t'asi-n i'lintosraiih Albuuts 1 U;i'iifat,fSilv'r W.ttciii'r. und tana arlic.t's in frual I wn ty. to(0) iiuUcc iiaiiitit'rt'd from one to T.j.Uuii 'r' pn.ilrd and pill intu -aled fiivt'Iopijs and well iiiixcd, and tine uf liic- it taken tint .itid hi1 lit tn lln; MP's iu iJttrtii.LKf iiiu ariicic.) u j uu: ruri'iiu ui iwd dtdlary. I'm-lnlaun' . litli' uuuilier on the tiuticn n'lit to ytiu should ht .Wd. and a 1'iai a, vr Uinniond tet ur U'dd Watch b1i'uM he iiuiah-r''d 0U it ill bu tu you fur kuU bt un tor t very ittu-K in cur lisluf 7j W) aitu'lt. Zj Atwr tecivitij an .iriiJi'.if Ii does not pica so you.yoii can r-turn u, aitU jour money SHAM lit ttft euty tlve i.jiiih must lu rent to pay crocuses or pa.i.i.'c. correcpiinueni e. etc.. on one nonco'r, mat whatever article corrc.pondt w ith 1 tne number on jour notice, nu can line it hv paying I Two Di liar., lor it, wuelher il Ii wnrlh $100 or S;00. I Ami il iu I'.iTnnr lnl,.r.'.ltfi rli'iil f urli :jml xplul itllL oin tine arii.-l.'b. ai it ive. ro.iii I ,iic'i to thu nubile. nlul limit. Ill lui;ri.'.isjs our .iil,.. Try Our New Mode!! Upon recfint of JScjuis. which paya for corretpon dence, pOktaite, c we si'nd one noticu. I poll teicipl ol 51 wil ii pa) s lur eur.eepunuwii" i iif.l inn. X. n.. hclnl mix ll'lticefe ,; 1Ult.,.,, , Whi,u p.iforcorr.ipoudence, n,.-l!,"i,. A.C. We aeki III 1 1 , lllfli S . 3 II I il llllO liretClll valued aliialesi. than SIS, aa anuipla of our goods. Upon receipt ofSltf which Days Inr uirrenoiiileucn, pnsi.ii;". Hi we mil lend 1.71 nonces, and a SOLID tiJLVr.K W VTCII. liy return AGE.VTd WANTED. Send for our circular I Agents' allnwed a lurge oah coaimission, by v?hich liny can make 23 weekly. Addrrrs plainly, 11EKIJ k BROTHER. Hot. 51 33, 31 Liberty il. New Vork. Cel. 14, ISC5 .-3m. A.J. Evam A.II.iujun Clothing Emporium ! 'J I1TS WAY, GENTLEMEN; m rf JYlm ATE arrival of Fall &. Winter Cloth- tug. at the old blind n(A. J. LVANrf, on Main ticcl, llluomiuHfg tho best and lalestatylea a, i 1 asluous. CLOTHES, CAS SAME IIS, fyt. Evciytliing iu the Ui'iilleuiaiia line of Clothing. Having In our employ tho well known ami eiperienc cd Cutter. Mr. L RtieiuRn. formerly ol Canton. perfet fit ia giiarnteed, and toorder. Also Large as snrtment of Ready mado COATS, RANTS, VESTS, Sic, &o. Ao.anas.orimeiit ol nooTfl. tho cheapest in the inarnei, au a splendid aa.ortmcm of Clothes and Caflsamers, fr aleor to malic to order. EVANS & IIARTMAN. nmomiburg. oct.u, leas. Canned Fruit. ' 200 Dozen Carof Fruit, just received Kunyon a i'roviaion store. Cloomiburc, Oct. 11. UCJ. . l SJKaEJSKACBI, ; jusljcc 0f (ie poacet Licensed Conveyan- cer, Scnvcner, .y-c. MVlflOE REAVER VALLEY. PA. ' Will attend to taking Acknowledgment!, Write eda, .Morlgagea, I.eatea, Donda, Noita. lie Deed XT' I'hsrgea moderala Ml, ir-iX,- l 2 00 1 7J 1 (0 I 00 13 00 l i 00 n oo s so iiutter. . r.uod . . POTATOES, . DIMEtl apples, MAMS IIACOV. . 20 55 75 2 SO 25 18 IIAV by the toil. IJ 00 CHICKENS, per pair. SO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Kitchen, dee'd, LETTERS of Administration on tho Eslate of Samuel Kitchen, late of Hugnrlnaf tafriish III. 00 tlllnli .1 rnilntir. .I..-.. , .,.,1 I.nvn l,.7 ...... ted by tho Register of Columbia county to tlia under- 1 V.. 1 ""I'erioni nnviiiK ciaunt agmiiit llio entuto 01 lllQ IrA rnfltlnalfl.l In n.Ma.., (I.nm !. i underilgned, reilillne In Ja c k a o n touihlp, wlih. l mil ilnlnv. n.t.l h,I .... . . n ... .... i. ...i ... ... '.. r ,i ii, UM lM.,BU" iiiuuuicu 10 innno payment i .v......,..,. JAMES W. KITOUEN, Administrator, Oct. 14, 16C3.-0W s:i oo A UD ITORNTjiTlio K. Estate of Jesse vim. deceased. milt. . , i . . ' rpiii, ilnderalgllcil, Auditor aimoliilcil bv llio Ornhan' thnlii i ,i " Ijl: county, la iniikq ifiatrlliiltlun of i. . .r "al"" i.ivi veticr, ii(iiniiiira. lor or Jeaao I.vani.lato or l,ocnt townmilp, In aahl coiiiitv, dcccaicd. Qiiintii. iIih .....Mi hi.1,. nr ii. .i ccneeiit In tliu ordi r eitablinhcd by law. ill attend at i... ., ,:, ,- """, . "i NnvriuT.,. ... . i. 1 . "'"!" 1 ilin i -i " " viucn, .1. .,i , in sain uuy, inr 1110 purpoeu or mak ni ti... ,iui.u...,i..m 411 haylnij dahlia or ilemanda ogalint tho cilatu or tho du- , fe.leiit, aro nollHeil to preaent them tiHIiu Auditor on 1 hat day or be debarred from coming m lr u aharo of the run J. I IIOIJERT F.CLARK, Auditor. 1 oei.iiass iwsi so. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate ofdaiab Dijer, dec ascd. aMIEuiiderslsnml Auditor appointed by tliu Orpliana A Uonrl of Columbia county, to make distribution r 1 1 V iiau.ia 01 i.euii vitiir, udniiuiitrntor rwi iaio in uiuwuin, townslilp, in said i county, deccated, anini (I,,, crediloriol tlio dec. dent In thn order lalablislii'd I y law, mil nun. I at lila ullice in Illoomtl.iirg. on Tliurad.iy. tho 23d of No. ' vcnibur linxt, at 10 oVlock, A. .., of haid day, for tho I jiutpuso ofinakinilhi) dlntriliutlon. All persona luv ins elaluis or ilemanda ugainat the "state oftho dur.o. uciii aro noiineii ti pri-smit thoni to iho Ainlltu on :,'n'u")'1 or "u debarred from cominj ill for u aharo of ,11V iniiu , ROUERT F. CLAHK, Auditor. 14, 18fi5. 4iv, J2 CO. Oct, Auditor'a Notice Estate of Franklin McBrUe, deceased. 1WK undersigned Audiior, appniuted A.bL '!...'.,' ?r:n '"; f--t"-t.i 'county t V, , 7, , , . 1 . .V 1,1 l,p n iuns oi iiuaii 0. .Mcllride, ailmlnlslr.-ilor of i'.irnklin .McUrlilo lati' of llemock toHinulp, in said county, ilici'iiscd.amoiii' tho several heir of ili, .i..,,..l..i,i i ii, ...,i... Hhed by law, will attend at III oHii o. iii llliiuiniliuri', U 10 ,!cV"ck A'M ( , 1 Yv r,r Z It ii uklnEt Uv , ,11,1,1b .".'im. All t. .wT"; "f ordema id. Z ..if, ...V. .P'lf r....i fi.?""' tlhed to preannt them to tliu nn.lltor on thal'd.iy, r bo debarred from coinlnc; in for a ahari- f tho fun I C. U. uAJiKI.E Y, Auditor. Dloonnburj, Oct. H, Ifc'CS.-lt 3-2.30 Autlitor's Notice. Estate of Jatucs Mclirvlc, deceased. , TpilE undersigned, Auditor appointed 5 by tin Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to I mako ilistrlbutlon of tho balance iu tho hands of lliili i II. .Mcllride, admiHlMrator of Jainos .McUrldc, late of I Hemlock township. In said county, dixnane4, unions i th" several lulrfof llio decodi'iil in ihoordi'r ctahlali. I'd by law trill utti'iul at Ins ollic, in llluom.buii;. on , ri.ittir.lay, tho Jltli day "'November ni-t, at 10 uVinrk. I A. M of said day tat tho purpnso of uiakiuj the tnbution. All pviona n.ivuit- claims or diiiiiinda , aeainut the estate of too diceilioii aro notified to prr. aent thfiii to tue Auditor on that day oi bo debarred from dial!. ' in for a sliarn oi'ihe fund. C. C. UARKMJV, f Auditor. I Oct. II, IECS- -4ta $2 SO. FllESU ARRIVAL OP Fall and W In lev A T Miller's Store 'pHE ulnrrlber lias Just returned Irom the t'ltiea X with another largi; and select arsurtiuet of Fdl.L AND WIN ' Ell GOODS nnfchaar.) s. IM,ll...t-lnhls . . .1..., ,, . whiih they are determined 10 sell on as moderate t rius i L u ..... , . - Vi... , . . ii . I .' ' " as ran or procured else w Here in llluoiuiburg. Ilia -tot k iiJ DlttSS GOODS. uf choicest still's and latut fashion. nnv aiwDs. .urn atiooKitiF.s, II 1lt;Hl'.IKK t7KfVVHVHK. CF.D.1II IMttK. UOI.UHV WAUK inO.V, ,YAI!.. HOOTS SIIOI-.S HATS H- CAt'S, S.r. , .c, Jfc, In short cterthiiigii!Ually kept in country Stores to whirl) lie invite the public guie rally. Tliu Uighcslprice panllur country produce. S. 11. MILLER. Uloonikbilrs, Oct. II, IFiiS. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Estate of Lruhrick Knovsc, deceased. Stato of Pennsylvania, Columbi'i County, rs ; T1IE Commonwealth of PennsvL ' - vania to Nancy Kuuuse, Hannah inlcrmar ried with Peler Nagle Catharine, nitermarrieil Willi Adam Liitg, Jacob Knoiii-e, Abram kunu.e, Philip Kunitse, Wuthiiigtoii Kunu.e, yrur petitioner. Jackson Kuuuse. Claressa Kiiousu. Alexander Kuoii.o, iniioil Iktiousi . .Martha J.iue Knouso nnd Perry Kiihum', tin laal three named f whom uro still in their luinonlv. anu having Irani Derr. Cs'1 . as their gu iriliau, ad ti lt n. The said Hannah, iiitermarri -d with Pelir Nn gle nud Jackson Knoiise, reside at Hi th l, in itrauch llouuty, Mulligan; all ihildrul mid legal ileccinicul of rrcderick Kuoiisc, deceased, and to all others inter ested, Greetlnr. You are horolty oiled to he and appear beforo the Juoges or our nrpliau's Court, tone held at Jtlooio.hurg. tu .-uiti County, on ttio tirt .Monday Iu Deieniber next, then and there to accept or refun'u to take the real e.t.ile of said Prcderick Kuoiise, dei.eaa ed. kituatc in Jaikmn towiishin. iu said comitv at the appraised valuation put upon it by an Impiest duly awarded by tho said Court and relumed bv the Slier ilfou tl)u fifth day of September, A. D., nnn thouaud eigtu nuuureu anu siAiy'iour. or snow cause way tue same should not lie sold ; and iiereol fail not. Witness the Hon. William Elwull, Esq . President of our said Court at liloouisbnrg, the 10th day of September, A D., Io05, JESSE COLEMAN, Utrk, O. C. Oct 14, 1SC3.-0W. Clucks ! Clucks ! ! Clocks ! ! ! THE undersigned rescctfully informs Iho public generally that lie has opened a CLOCK E& T.I li LI SUM EN T, iu the room under the Office of the Columbia Demo crat, in lllnoniibur;, where hu hua Just received a large and select assortment of NEW CLOCKS, including 30 and 8 day Clocks, of every style, which he olfers for sale on moderate terms. tC7 Hepjiriug Clocks done to order. Thuse from a distance repaired immediately ay All work warranted. Call and examine WILLIAM DUlOtl.N. Oct. 7, 1SG5 FURS. FURS. Wholesale and Ilctail. FUltS. C1IAKLI.S OAKFOKD & SOXS, PHILADELPHIA. Havo now opened their lar.'e and rpk'i.diJ atock of aiiipo, vim iiai'j 1 LADIES' FUll UAPi, CO LI. A US, .MUFFS. CUFFS, (! LOVES, AND HOOPtf, Alto the flneat ntaoriment ofPAPUY FUR ROUES, CAPS, MUFrLEltS, and CLOVES, ever before ollercd by them all of which i'i warranted to bo ai repre sented, Shipping Furs Bought, Oct. 21, lrC3,-3in. SAI1! SALT!! SALT! ' . . a , a- 1 ill rPniS SUDSCriDcr oUei'3 lor saiO ai WHOIC B sale ami retail, Halt by the Panel . ), II HARM AN. Supin rs. A'Jfuil S,IW-5mn WHEAT, pet buihcl. RYE. ' " CORN, " ' IIUC'KWIinAT. I'LUUIl per hbl. oloverseed, flax bi:i:ii 11UCXWHHAT Flour. HIII"Ul rJttJE G 11 E A T SALE AVatGhcs and Jewelry.- $l,0O0r0OO Worth T' DlHl'OSEI) or AT ONE DO LI, A 11 E A 0 II ! I Without rceanl Uialuo( I Not tu b paid for until ou knoi what you are tu receive 1 1 1 B Y A. II It 0 WEN (Ajciiti for1 the Manufnettireft) CO., No, 00 Lccknmn Street, Now York. ttZr noad the followfiig Lftt nf Article to bo oW far ONE DOLLAR UACI1 : ICO Gold HiinllnB Co Watchei, each 9155 00 loo Gold Wnlthea, variVla atyleo " 73 oo VOOl.ndlua Gold Watered " !ai so 500 tfilvor Watchei, eafh 91S 00 fj 10 00 1,111m l.k'Sniit ailvernlalcJ eaitaritanda an on in unim i.u'io j-run u lake uaak a' l.UOil aeltanf Tea Snomu. is oo to as no o 00 to M 00 enoto lira 400 to MOO .', IX) to 8 Oil a oo to s oo 4 00 to u so SSOOaettaof 1'orka " U.000 tinlileta, cnaraoil, U.OOO palranfl'iililc Hpnoni, '1 .'.nil 1.1.1,. ..lri.l, ui........ i.o'i', iiiuyiiinci . B.oooimlra of I Sou inaanificeut Nunkin Rhui. renuaut i;ar urorri, rsnort ed colora.) S 00 to 1.1 X no in a m n,3n0 aettanfladlcaJoHelry, lin'tiou Ivory SOOlo 800 S.SUO Gold l.iakila,iii!raved bafki,otcn lacu, penal linltallon Lndlca Watcll 111 OO iii.uuu 1,.1'iiL's' ii.iik i.oinlii, rlclrnnd nni'iuo patttrn, 4.400 licit llucklca Gold. Jet, and, (1,000 Intt-Kl style Vual i Neck Chains, S.SUO Gcnta' I'nlifnriilu Diu'iinud Pint, I. HUH California Diamond Ear Drum. S0dtu!!5CO Sooto IS DO 1 SO0 to 000 SOU to Mwl AbOtolOOO 3,000 .V.hiliitiitu and i:iiameluil Itevolt lug 1 inr, 3,000 California D.auioiiii A: Enamelod S00 to 19 00, Geiit'a Starf Pins, lion .Masonic and Umliicni Pint, !i.Suo Gold lluiid llracclcta, crifraicd nnd plain, :i,000 Jet nnd .Mosaic llroochea '.',000 Cameo Uronihcs, riih pattcrna, 500 to In 03 3 0V to 10 00 ! .1 00 to 20 00 a 00 to 10 00 3.000 Coral Ear Drops. i W) Im li.' CliatelalnoOhaina and very inny, SOO to SO 00 4 00 tu 0 00 PHOlo 15 00 U 10 to 10 oo 3 00 to 10 00 3 00 to 10 00 jooto a oo Guard Chains, GOOOGeutn' i'ios.a splendid iias'nieiit 4 OUUriolitniro Sleevu lluUum. entirely new stl Ic, 4,000 and Hltvvo Pultons, In ai tls, very rich 5.0U0 Hlervo l.uliniia, plain, enameled nnd ciicruved, 10,000 plain and handsomely engraved iliups, 3 50 to 10 00 i f.000 Im kern, double case. richly engraved 2 uuto 10 00 1S.00D aetta or l.adiea Jewelry, new and I latest stylus liuOtol'JUO i 5.000'l sonii- ileal Hiiiga, 3 00 to ti 00 '-'.000 setts ol' llonuin SlUiH, 'iollto GOO l.noUIJuld Pens it mild ei'tioil IliddiTa, ISUO to 2.1 110 , 2.0011 setsjet Gold Pens . Ear Drops, U Onto 1000 2.000 Golu Tliiiublea, K'linU, fir.. 4 0llto 0 oo 111,000 gold puna t haudaoiii., 5 do tu a oo 10,000 " Kbonv llrldura, S OUti, o.m c'Viiniat,:; na iliapolng ot these goods at ONC as follow a aiuliii! each articlu and U-i vnlnn. nn pliced In vraled inveiupca uml well limed, One of these euveli'pi's mil be aunt by mull tu any addre.a on recuiiit ol'2. cents. m tho reieipt ol iho Certificate you will a,.,, uimt ou aro gojoK to have, tliuii it la al your option to d.uiar and take l!.o articl- r.rn.ii. 1'iireh.iV- trs l"',' ,""s ol't" "Hold Watch, Diamond King, ,ir "- '' J".""V on our li.tlor On ,Mar, ami in no rasi! cm they g' t loa than One Hollar's worth, a Ilium are mi lilanhs. Tho price or Certificates ia as follow a : Ouo for 25 ci'iiti; live fur SI i eleven for 3.', thirty lor SSinUty live for 'l eu Dollars ! onu hiiudrud I for 315, . Tliu distiibiition Is conducted fairly, and all an 0'iual chance ut'otitaiiiing Um t.iliiahle prisi's by puts, cli.ising thj Certificates. Wo guaranty entire satis? faction iu all cases, 1 Agnnts wiinte.l to wliani wc ntfer aperial tcrma nud preiuiuius. Heiid 22 cents for one Certilicutc and our lircuiar with terms Address, I A. II. HOWE . & CO.. , P. O. liox -ijrn, New Vork. I Oct. 15. 1 50.5 Dr. Taibott' s Pills. (ANTI-DYSPIiTIC) Computed of hi,'hly C'uncentrateJ Extract! from ROOTS AND UERI1S Of iho greatest value, prepared from the orlelniil pre.iriptmn of iho celebrnti ,1 Ur. Talboll and used Ii) liini uith remnikaliie duccesa for twenty years. An infallible remedy in nil DISEASES OP THE LlVI'.n. or any deraimemenl of THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. i They euro Diarrhoea, Dyspppjn, Scrof i ula, J.iuudiec.liiliotiiiuess, Liver Complain'. i Tlje well know ii Dr. Mutt aaya of thi'ic I'llla : "I have ii. ed the formula from whirh your I'ilis are ! niaile. in my prnrtioi' for oi er 12 jears; they have tin1 I finest clfect upon the I.iitr an. I Dicertue Oii;aii nf any mi'ilirino in the world, and nru the inoft peifect li'uruatiic whiili haifeveryet been made bj nii)b'idy. i Tlicy .ire aft and pleasant to lake, but powerful to 'cure. Their peneiiaiina prnpirt ei btiinulalu Ihe vi. tal adi Hies of the ii'i'ii-, reiuino the oltriiLtioiiv ot its organs, purify the blood, and ejpcll disease. They ! purge out th ' tool hiimiir. which bieeii an,! grow dis I temper, htiioulate sluggish or kisordereil organs into anion, and iuipait n heallhy tnue with strength to thu w hole syhteni .'Vitoiilj Uo tbeycure the e.ery day couiplainti of everybudy, but al.n for i mi.lalilo ami tlangeroui dH ,ies.Mid being i urelv vee. ! r1''1'10 ""' '''"c T""1 "'Y. ll:ir!" S P"'90" '!'.' nai. once used tiieso ruts win eier no wuiio it llieni. 'l'hev create pure blood and remote ult nntmrities from the s)stei.i, heucn areapo.ilive cure for FEVEnS. HEADACHE. PIUCS.MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EDITARY HUMORS. DOSE -Pur adults, one Pill iu the morning j f irchil dred under d ) ears, half n i'lll. JG2?" Price One Dollar per Rox. Trade etipplied, or sent by Mail, poet paid, to any pait of the United States or Cauadas on receipt of price, None Genuine with out the fac.-iniile signature of V. Molt Taibott, M. 1) V. MOTT TALROT 1' Sc Co., No 62 Fulton Si,, New York. May 27, 1803 .-ly Isaac k7st a uff er,' WA LCEMAKERAND ITT! ri. bj riff, '"rf 'k& '"ur 'ffi) r.i4jS No M8 och Second Si., cor. ofjQuarry p U I Ji A D H L P II I A . An assortment of Vatthes, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware consiautlv on hand. TfS" Hepiiril'g ol Watches ami jewelry promptly at- i tended to. January I, 1-05. ly. 1 New Goods ! j rPho sub-cribor has movi'il to tho second j 5 Doors below llartiinn's, and Just icccived a new slock ul . Zuphyrs, Cotton and Woolen Yarns,! Corsets, Laces, Embroideries, Mua- lins, Edgedings, Dress Trim- j tilings, ito., Sec, ! wliii'li all arc invited lo call nud eauniie. j A. 1). WEUU. October 7, leiVI ' School Rook',, Hymn Rnok-t, Rihles, Sunday' School Hooka and n variety of other Hooks, lltanks ALiouut Rooks, Memorandum lloika. and Dia rics for l-ti5. 1 11 il 1 1 h Heed- ami Mm ig.igus, und an as. sortmeiit of Paper itud tiiivelopcs, fee,, fcc, to bo found at the New llcok Store, fecund Door below Hnrimau'a Store, liloouisbnrg. A. D. WEI! II, Iflooni5liurg, Oct. 7, 1805. Notice. Sjiccijic Performance, Janus Haitian's Estate. COLU.MIII'A COUNTY. S3, The Commonwealth of Pfniis)lvania lo I , ( Isaiah (litliiver, .Matilda widow of James Ra. I ''"i stun, .lee'd. Wil.iiuiiia Widow of Robert Hat- ' stou, James, Honalil C. Clvlla and Ciiarlea, minors ol the said Robert, dee'd. John R.ilslon, Win. I Ralston. Josiah Kntsluit Agues iniermurriuil with .Marshal Silveithorn Susan iiituruiartied Willi Milea C. Abbott- .Maltha intermarried lienrge lleidleinait and lleujnmin P ilartmau, Cuanllsn ofElixabeth ltal stuu a grand-daughter of intestate, helra of said James Kal.lun, ilec'd Creeling. )uil und each of you are hereby cited and commanded aa before you were, to be and appear iu your proper persons at uu Orphans' Court to bo liolden at HKmmsburg, in nud fur aald County on the tirsl Monday of DLCEMIIER nest, llu n and '.here loauiwci thu bill or petition of II. P. Ilartmau. nnmliiistrator of Hie estate of Janes Ral ston dee'd: setting urtli llio suid James Ralstun dec'il . died, soiled of rerlal I real eslalo s 1 1 unto in the Uor nugh of .Montoursvillo. Lycoming county, nud agreed with Josiuli (iulliver by articles of agreement, dated Hie Fourth Day of February. A. D , 1.-03, to seal nnd nW "a ""'u J"'''1' Gulliver, his Ueira U';1.".,.I;I,B'. , .... .. And to tliow causa why the said Court shall not de. cree the aperlflc perfoiiuaiico nf Hio said contract ac cordiug to the true Intent and meaning thereof and that a cnniejnnc" bi made under aald decree by your petitioner to tho aforesaid, Joaiah Uulllver ofthe aald prcmucB in lee simple. I SAMUEL SNYDER, Sheriff. ' OeL.IS.I?' W.M. firilAROlS, U, U, PEALE, tc E. U. HDIILE V. I WM. O. HARGIS Si 00. 1 No 130 South Second St., below Chestnut, Phila, " auufaeturors of Varnishes and Dry- li ing Jupr.ns and dealers in White Lend,, Oili, Putty, oakum, Painter's Colors aud 'loola, Itura iu; and Lubiicaling Coil Oils, lleniim, Naplfas tr K7" Inducemeiila lo daalaia IHpt n. IfM ly. Great Excitement IN light Street! ENT'S STORE! On Account ofllic Now Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods, H 1TAS just rcoeivod from tho eastern aland a nillpa t,.l im nniv An.nln. f lh t.l pltndld aaaortniciit of 1IW 'S09BS, Conalatlnit of every thing generally kept In a c.nntry lore, which will he aold ( licaper than the Cheapest, Call and see and Judge for youiaelves. Ills itockconalitaof Ladies Dfaia Goat's riioleeitatylsi aJ latest I'jihlons Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannclt, Carpets, Shawlii, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimores, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentncky Jeans, Thread, &c. Quconswaro, Cedanvaro, Ilardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c 1300TS, SHOES. HATS & CAPS,acc The patronage ofold frienda, and tho public genera, ly, la respectlully amieiled; The highest market price pnljl for country produce PETE It ENT. Light Street, Oct. T, IMS, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Xlanufacturots of Photographic Materials, WHOLE. ILK AMD HttAIL, 601 BROADWAY, H. Y. Is sd.llllon to cor uisla luiiu... of rilOTIWRArillt. Mi TLIUAIA sr b.d.iirl- for L followlbf, vIli Stcreoscopos and Stereoscopto Tiows. Or Ui... , lis.. ,o Imni.n.. .,, lacluilas VIEWS OF THE WAE, ObttlB.j , great ci.qis ftna formtns . eompl.l. fnOTOORAl'lllO UlSTOaT OFTI1K Or.EAT UNIOM COttTCSV Ball Ban, Dutch Oat). Yorktown, Gettysburgh, Fair Oaks, Savngo Station, Frederickiburgh, Fairfax, Richmond, Jleop Bottom, Monitors, Fort Slorao, Charleston, Florida. Pontoon Trains, Hanover Junction. Lookout Mountain, Chickahominy, City Point. Nashville. Petoreburgh, Bollo Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Uobilo, Strawberry Plains, czc. c. Am.rt.ta And KurtlKn Cltlp. .ii l.AmWsr-'1., HOfl. Suta. rT.A..,Ac,,, fur tuUIc or rrlTAt iklUtloo Our CsuLgn UI I., i.iil lo aoj sjdra on ttcilpl Photographic Albums. W w.r. th. rlr.t lo Inuoitjco th... Into lh Untt.4 SlAl"S tad n. ninuufsctLiTfl luini.n.t inntttl., In gr.t, rtns Instil prir. from 4ft i-uu W 4SU. Oar ALIUJMS hi., li.. r.pd HUonof MR.u.rlorlQ I -pot An4 itirsMllly lo An. olll.r. Ihoy will I ent by InAll, IU.n,on r.flpt of price. JS7ri.-(C ALBUMS MADSIO onlSR.4gl Too Trado will find our Albums tho most Srtloablo thoy can buy. CAI'J) IMIOTOBnAPIIS. Our C(tl3Tas no nil.r... o..r tut Tnortlso dlf.rl ul'tMU (to tvnlv). n I.Ptlt.n. .ie routnur.lIy bstiif rati.) of CuU aeut Am.ncBus, A. , ,U n".tt 10.1 M.j.CpnA. lnj Col. tlOSlat.rni.a. lOOhrlr " S'io "lli.r Oln or., ISll U, Inrt, 111 Col.v.cll, ".Ni'y'E.ri, 1!!, 4Ati... IJJrtiu., 6') rroitiiti.Bt Winca. 1,,'iuCiplMcf Work. of Art, !ntta3lng r.prodKll-m, of th. tno.t t.l.brtt.4 Eatr.rtnrA, I'.lnlle,., .'.ium. Ac. r.ul.u-. luut on r...ipt of SUenn. An oru.r fwr Out D. i,n l'ulur.i fnnn on, C.lnlufu.. will M lll.a on r-c.lpt of it AO, .ii.l ...l by .sit. Phot t'tpnor. t Ij otb.r, nr.l.iliig S""d CO. D, wtlt bW. rfio't fi.t percok of lb. Aaitu&l wllb orJ.r. UT fb price And Mjilj oi vtir sooU. cAoaol IaU to ulkll Oil ' lt"J5, T. Reeves' Ambrosia Fona TnaiE ed im The Original and Genuine Ambrosia i prepared by J. Aukn Iltiicj nnd ia t. e best h.ilr dressing and preservative now in use. It stops the uiiir f.iiliui; out. causes it tngr nw thick and lone and preveutsit Irnm turning pro iniiturely grey. It criiiurates daiiilrutr, cleanse., beautifies and renders the pair soli, glossy and curly liny ll. try it and be convinced. Don't be put otf with n opunuus article Ask for lleeves' Aiubrosia und take no oilier. Per sale by Druegi.ts and deniero in Panry Cowls every where. Price 75 cents per bottle -S'J.CU per dozen. Address. IIEP.VES' AMtlltOStA DEPOT, fij Pulton Str'.i'l. New York City. Oct. 7. 1:05-1'.' mo.-S II. S Tobacco AND 1 At Slroup s Old S'and. on Main Street rjP!ic undersigned having opend the Store 3 formerly ncetipied by Dunl Sttoup, aa a (Jrocery, and furnished r. with a large and varied ussortmenl ol excel lent TOBACCO AND CIGARS, mo.t respectfully invltea the patronago of Iho clll xeus uf iiliinm. bargain! vicinity. He ia prepared lo sell al wlioleaale and retail, upon the iiiu.t reasonable terms. Merihauts. Hotel keepers, nud Groccrynien, would do w ell to give him :t call 1,1 All kinds of ( hewing and Smoking Tobacco, in largo and imall oiiaulies, constantly oa hand aiiii for salo II II. IIUNSDEUfSCll, Liloonsburg, Sept.2'J, 1 603 Chios NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions JUST received ut Ruuyon'n Provinion STORE, a large astortmeiit ol CF.OCI.HI1W AND I'ROVISlONS.cousiBtiiii! of all the ncccsaaries of life bought for Ca.h-and will be sold tu defy competition. Hotel Koepers and Country Men hunts, would do well to call nud examine Slock and Provisioua before pur ilu'iug elsew here. Aumigst the stock may be found SFl.Altf, of all grades, MOLASSCS und SYRUPS from the lonutt price to the best grades. Grain & Ground Coffee, of all qualities, Navy, Plug, Twist, Fine-cut Chewing & Smokiuft Tobaco, Young Hyson, Im perial, Gunpowder aud Oolong Teas Cliersn. Crackers, Fino Salt, Wooden & Willow Ware, Matches, aud Cigars. Canned Fruit of all kinds, c re V IE C T 1 O re A K. I K S , DRIED ntUIT. No. 1 k. 2 F1SII by the llair.l, one half or one fourth or one eighth birrel, Ilerrirg, Cool Oil. icr, &e., all of which will be aold ut the loiveai market prioe. lloomaburg,Ocl''JI, ISO?. S. 11. DE WOLF, DEALER IN Ready-Made Clothing No 22 North Second st.f One door abovo Race St., PHILADELPHIA. UQr Clothing made to order at the short est notice May 27. leM.-fiui $2,000;,,AJ ..Zi 'I'll- Vr. All uiado by any one i r-'tcncil Tool., No eme- The Pretldenta. Caabiera. aud i'...uaeri or 3 Rank indorao thu circular. Sent free rieiiiu nti-vo.Hi,. in vIMliauipiee. AII''UC. ". .UJ.Iir.n eirtm l"ii Wnotk. Sprmpfltld. trmout Orl. I IfM - Jn SPECIAL NOTICES. CONQUER EARLY! The tendency to graynesa by promptly attacking THAT OP.EATiG.WCMV t ptrionil beauty, wllh lbs rnoit popular atttele of tho day, OniBTADOrtO's ItAIll UYB, In hit b, like Bliennan'a Eelon, "knom coiuctl worJ as laii. unacr Its application THE I1LACKS CO.MBOUT brilliantly, and the trowni of every thda appoar. .anuuctareil by J.CEIBTADOllO, No.O Aator lloaia New. Vorlc. Sold by Drugglats. Applied by all lialr Dreaaera. Nov. 4, Im, THE. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. FarmeriiFamlllci and others can purchaia no rtrr.i. dy eual to Dr. Toblaa' Venetian Liniment, forDyt entery, colic, croup. chronic rheumatliui, tore throits, toothache, aca sickness, cuti, burns swellings, old sores, br lilies headache, mosquito bites, pains In the limbi, cheat, back, Ilc. If ltdoea not give relief the money will ke refunded. All that It atked la Mrtsk and uie It according to the direction. IlR.ToaiAi Dear Sir : I have uted your Venetian Liniment In my family for a number of yean, and bo. Ileve Itto bo the beat ntlicle for what It ii recommenj. ed that I have ever used, for audden attack ofcroup il ia Invaluable, lhavc no hesitation Iu recommend. ing It for all the yses II professes to cure. 1 bare old il fur many years, unit il glvei entire asliafactioa, CltAS. II. Trtllt.VLB. QoiKiRtowM. N. J., May B, ISja Nov, 4, 'C5. Im, JJRANDUETH'S PILLS. WHOSE TIMEI.V USE, U.VDEK PROVIDENCE, HAS OFTEN SAVED LIKE, 1 hese celebrated Vegetable Pills aro no new, untried 'r ; Ihcy hate bceti used and tested in the United States for thirty years, and are relied upon by hun. dreda of thousands of families as almost their sole mtdicine when aick, Vo cara or eipunao la tparcd In their preparation, and It ia certainly true when 1 si aert that no King can have a medicine safer cr aurcr than Dtandrcth'a I'll I a. They produce a good effect upon dlaeai nlinortinv mediately9 when taken, Uy aome wonderful power, perhapa etectricor nervous influence, the progreaa of iliacaaed a ction ia arretted ; whero watchfulneii and pain have been present, the ayatem bccinea quieter, aud the patient soon obtains refreshing sleep, The genuine illtANDRCTII PILL I10X has upon ita UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT STAMP, will) D. IlltANDRCTII in White Leltera in the same. Nov. I, 'Co. 1 m. EmToit or the Dkmocrat Dbah Sir:-With your permission, I wish to say to the rcadera of your paper Hint I will send, by return mail, to nil who wish it, (free) a Receipt, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Halm, that will effectually remove, in trn days, Pimples. Blotches, Tan, Prccklei, aud all Impurities ofthe Skin, leaving the lauie toA, clear amoolh and beautiful. 1 will also mail froo to those havlug Ilald Heads, or Dare Paces, simple directiiua and information that will enable them lo start a full growth of Luxuriant 11 nir, Whiikera, or a Jlouitaihc, in lcs than thirty daya. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Ileipectfully yours, THOd. F. CHAPMAN, Chemiit. E31 Uroadway, New -Vork, Oct. 14. lE0J.-3moa. 'po Coxsi'MPTATivEa The undertigiied having been X restored to health in.a lew weeks by a very sim ple remedy, alter having suffered several yean, with a aeveru lung infection, and that dread disease, Con-auuiptluu-is anxious to make knoiw;to his fellow aulTererathe means of euro To all wlio desire it, he will send a copy ofthe pre scription uieil.frrce ol Charge. with the directions lor preparing and using the same, which they will And a ' seas cent for Consumption, AttuHiv, Uronchitls.Colds '. Coughs etc. The only object of the advertiser In I sending the prcsciiption is to benefit the afflicted, and sprc id information which he conceives to be invaluable i and lie hipca etcry sufferer will try hit remedy, ai it will cost them nothing, aud may prote a blessing. Parties wishing thcpresctiplioii, will please address Itcv. EDWARD A. WiLsON. Williamsburg. Kings County, Oct 14, lees. 3inos 1 New-Vork. i ''PHE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Or I J 6ans, forty different styles, adapted to saefed and ; secular miiiic. lor 330 ij 50 each. TIIIUTY-FIVE ( COLD or SILVER .MEDALS, or other first premiums i awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue free. 'Addicts, MASON 4. HAMLIN. Doiton, or MASON DROT11ER3, New Vork, Sept. 9, le5 y nphe Grovesteen Piano Forte I .SL 'till retains its prerodunco and great popularity. nnd after undi rgning gradual improvements (-r a pc rind pf llurty years, is now prono in .ed by Hie musical world to be unsurpassed an I even unequalled in rich ness, volume aud purity of tone, durability and cheap ness. Our new ecnlc, Ereuch action, harp pedal, iron frnme. nv.r.tlrilni' l..i. bx.p, niluv. rr..tii.nn.l m. alios we are selling cheaper Oy from 8100 lo S'200 than the same sljtu and finish are 60id by any other er in nrst-ciast makers iu the country. Healers and all in Wn III i.r tr.nit lil.-inn. t. rft an u it,.. I In .On. I Fn. n... II... leriptito Catalogue, which contains photograph. of ourdirTercni at lea,, together with prices. No one should punhasu a pn.uo without teeing this Cata logue. Medjsl almost withuut number, have been awarded to the Gioveslceu riauo, and the Celebrated World's tair, though put in competition with oihcra from all parts of Europe und the U.S. it took the highest aw aid. Established 1635 Grovesteen Co , 4'J'J BROADWAY. NEW YORS. July 29. 1603 . II, II S it Co. fN rails ready to be nailed down, adapt ed for nouses, Vactori-a and Ruildlnga of All kindi kinda constructed of Material! that have, Hood th" test of fifteen yean, and manufactured on an entirely differ ent and belter plan than any oth"r composition rirof ii gin use. Secured by putent. Very durable a nd at lew price. Circulars and samples sent freo by mail, READY noOFINO Co. No. 73 Ma ide Lsne, New York. Sepf 30 1605-1 y. Deafness, Blindness Catarrh,, Treated with lbs utmost success bv Hr. J. ISAACS I Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS I Oculist and Autitt, (formerly nf l.eyden, Holloed, i No. 510 PINE Street, Philadelphia. Te.timotliala from thu most reliable sources in llio City and country can ' be seen at his otlicc. The medical faculty aro inilH-il t( accompany their patients, as he haa no secret iu his prnetice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain , No chargo made for examination. i July la, lro5. lini ONE PRICE CLO IT1ING. JONES' OLD EBTAULISHED 0 N E P Ii IU E CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. At JON'ES' Crotcent Oiih Price Clothing Store. Iho lowett soiling price is marked in plain figures on each article, and never tarled. AU buy alike, whether Judge or not Thu stock it gotten up ill a superior man ner, expreaaly ror retail aalea, uioae warning a giioa substantial and fashionable article, should not (all lo 1(0,0 JONES', 001 Market Street, One Prioe A'tore. May 13, iet)5.-ly sioiitre DOLL, 5 02 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER OF tSci'inan, French and English Toys, and Fanoy Goods, Pipes, Canes, China Wares, &o. September 2, 1585. WHISKERS 1 WHISKERS! Do you s v WAnt i.niiKer. m mi.u,i.hi,, , . v... Compound will force ihem to glow on the nuoolhett jv, y . , , in Sit Weeks Price, $1 .' Siintby mail anwhere, clcei aed, on racelrt of price. Addteai, WIK.NERarlO Hoi W Bs,-i'a N rHuiv is in Doath of Lord Polmcreton. Tho tUamor City of Boston brinjrs for eign now to tho 1 Oth ult. Lord P nltuors ton died on tho 18th, at his rcaidonco in London, in his Slit joar. Earl Russet was generally regarded as hit successor in tho Cabinet. eoor &m shoe ESTABLISHMENT. S AVERY & KKUM. DEALL2S AND .M ANUFACTURUfla OF BOUTS AND SUOEX. Calf Skins, French Calf Skiun, Kid Morooao', Hibdicgs, Linings, 8hc Thra.dt NaiU, Awli, nnd SHOE FINDING'S GENERALLY. All Kinds orJIpn'sIJi)ols& Ladles' Shots which wa offer cheaper than tho cheapen, fnrraahor country, produce, 03 U'e nrn i.n,..,! ....... . n . J . u kinds of work at the thoue-t notice. IE- Shop on.Maln fctreet, InShive's Dlock, B oowi. B AVERY h. KltUM. Sept. 30, ISO... Ladles' Fancy Furs 1 1 AT JOHN FAREIRAS' E;r rfFnmifncic i y, No. 716 Arch Street, abovo 7 tit, Philadelphia, 'TvT-' rnrlfitiou nnd MHlliif.iCtilrp. ana nf ' itiu Uryef-t and mugt beautiful tuloe lions of fc for ChlldreiiV Wear, in the City, Alao, aflao assort. of (ieiit'a Fur Olovca and Collara. 1 nm enabled to dispose of my goods at very ration. ble pricee. and I would therefore solicit a call (rout my frlndo in Columbia county, and vicinity. CJ- Remember the name, nu nber and atreet, JOHN F A R I It A. 713 Arch Street, above 7lli, aouth tide, Philadelphia. CQ I havo no partner nor connection with aay other store In Philadelphia. Sept, 30, iei'.5-4 moa. NEW SKIRT FOR. 1865-0. The Great Invention ofthe Age in HOOP SKIRTS' J. V. BRADLEY'S New f'otcut DU PLEX ELLIPTIC (ordoublo SlltINO HKIRT. bis Inveution consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Sleel Surinea. Im-anl. nualv Uraiilcd tichtly and liruiiv tusether. edee tnoile. making the toughest, most flexible, clatticand durabla Spring ever used, They seldom bend or break, like the Single Sprltma, and tnn.c-,ueully preaerte their pi rlect and beaiitilul shape inure than twico aa Iouq as any Single ripring Skirl that iter bti or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing llm Duplex Elllptlt tkirt will bo experienced particularly in all crowded As'cmblica. Operas. Carruiges, Railroad I ara. church Pews. Arm Chairs, for I'romelia.o and llouio the SKirl can be fnlduil when in 'H- lo occupy a ini-.ll place ni easily and cnnveniinlly at u ,11k or niuilia Ureal. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Diplex elliptic Sleel Spring Skirt for u "inglj day will never oliai wnidi v illingly dispeute with their use. For children! Mts.ea and Young Ladies they a,o riiperior to at others. Thu Hoopa arc covered with 2 ply d-mblo twitted and will weur twico as long ui t hu elnglj yuru lovenng which is used on a si mile tfiecl Hoop tKirta. 'I he three oottom rods on every akin ore alia double Steel, and twice or double covereii to prevent Iroia wearing off the rod.' when dragging down sttiis.stona steps, cic.i which thry are comuui'y tubjoci to when in use All are made of the now and elegant Corded Tapea, and are the best quality in every part, giving to th. wc-urer the most giacelul nud perfect shape potaibls, and are uiiqucstlonatily the lightest, rnott desirable, comlortable nud economical Skirl ever made. WliSTS' UUADLI'.V ac-'AUY, Proprietors of the rn VLlitiou, and :ute .Maiiiifatururi,ll7 Chambers, and 79 Ai HI Reade Streets. New York FnrSa'e in Crsl cliss Stores in ihii City, and thro. out the United States and Cant-Jo., Havana do Cuba, Mexico, South America und thu We.t lndiei. SO" Inquire tor Iho Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring skirt. Aug 10. l:u5-3nio. A. ic C. Caution I TTHEREAS my wifo Catharine has Ti left my bed nnd beard, w ithoutjuii cauae or TV left inr Drot oration, all are hereby cautioned u ainii ""aau ?A' "ffi Sf icWoS: traction J. D. "Workbciser. EirT. Cit. II, 1E63.-3W 51 0. 0 28. HOOP SKIRTS. 0;38. HOPKINS' "OWN MAKE" OF HOOP SKIUTP, Are gotten up cxpreaily to meet the wants of Flrvt- isiaaa j rune. ombracc a complete assortment of nPhoy 01 ll All the i for l-ndles' new and desiraaii Hty a, .isiail length.' and Children, and are suneiiortu all others made in point of Syniiiijetiy. Finish nud du rability i being made of the finest trmpeied Cngliih Steel Springs with Linnen finished invering,- and having all the metalic fattenings iiuinovably secured. I'v improved niuciiim rv. They retain their shipn and Ela-licity in tho last and arc Warianlt'd to give en tire callslartioii ALSO coiiblaiill)' in receipt of foil linea i f good Faitcrn iiiada Skirts, at very low I'ricri. Skirti made to Order, Altered and Repdiiei1. Wiioletale and Bt tail, at Manufuctoiy and r-aili Room, No. 028 Arch Street, above Gth, Phild'o. 1H Terms Carh, One Trice Only I Aug. 10, 1J05-4 moa a .7., w'lnh XAl VyU.lJl.1 f V tl 1 1 1 1 Ah Elegant Novelty ia Watches. trho caees of this watch uro a new Invention eorn I posed of several dillareut metals coiiibiued, rolled together and planiaueil, produciue an exact imitation of IS carat gold. ral. ed Akcami i'hey arc as beau' liful at solid gold and are afloided nl .one-eighth th cott. Tho aes aro beaullifully di algued and uie en graved in the exact .tile of tho clebraWd Gold Hunt lug Levers, and sot. tat' ail imitation or gold us la dely detection, 'i'ho movements nre manufactured by the well known St. Jiniber Watch Company , f Eu rope and are superbly finished, having engraved pal lets, Ijucy carved bridge!, adjusting it'guiator line Ul al anJ tke'.t"ii hands. 1'hsau watches ate nil Hunting Ca.cs ami nf threw rires, the smulhst being for Ladies A catu nf six will lie sent by .Mail or Express Icr $1.'5 A single one tent in a handsome case fur 3ii. They wilt readily sell for three limes then cost. We aim im port a very superior finished and elegant watch winch we can sell for ?3'l oath or 3154 per caie of si x Thc.e aro also hunting lati-s and for L.iOiea ami Rents Wo n-o sole agents for this Watch Hi the U., States ami none are genuine which do not buar "ur Trude .Mark. Persons ordering Watches. O. O. D. will please remit 25 per cunt of the aiuouut with their or der. Orders for any kind of watches promptly aud faithfully fulfilled. Address. ARCASA WATCH CO., No OS rulton 51 . New Yorkruy, Importer. A. Dealers, 111 Walcbca nl'every doacriptioii. Suece.sora to tiirurd W. Devauah A. Co. Oct 7, IfOS-bme S II S. Dissolution of I'nvlnut.shiii. "JVTOTICE is hereby gi-ven, that the part- neithip (lately liubiibting bcturia Jaiuea B. .McMnrh andUeurgo Itcclict. of Catawus-i, Columbia county Penua. uadtr the linn of J. S .Mc.N'incli & Co.. w at ill. soiled on tho 'JJtli day nf Septamber. A. D.. 1S05, by mutual eminent, All debt owing to the tajil parterahlp are lo be received by siid James 3. .McNincb, and all demanda on ihe .aid patinerahlp aro to be presented to said Mr N inch, lor payment. J. S. McNIN'CII. GEO. UECHEL. Calawitat, Oct 14. 18'";.. WRAPPING AND MINING PA PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mills at TU i It Grove, near Uloomtburg. Columbia County, Pa,.T am now prepared lo till all orders for Wrapping, Dry Watting ana Water Proof Paper, on thort notice nnd fair piices. 1 hare op.urd a ware home in Wllt'i-Haire, and M pom led Joseph Hrown nf the ftim ol ilinwn.Guv 4. i u.. my u,si todiinost. I .if my papci to Luti'rr.e Coustr ' ri'-i.MVS TkOVCH, an.