III li: uf.l 14 lVT.,.! tin1 flrtl 1 A 1 rs-F- ' "Peo'Jobn wonders lln.t -o do not ! a th-nt'bo calls tho Comity Fair." itnlsmko of our. Wo nro. 'Hot in I r.1J' ..f '.. .! ii i v . i. r bit f noticing Black Republican !ojj.Mi5ctlnK(, ' Dr, QA;NtitA'OU.tT, publiih cs card lu imooiae, Ho is eaid to be a scion (1 skillful Pbjsician, and invileaall d with any of tho diicaHu ho otiu- fi C.'OS.tO nolo lllJ arrival IU Blmtuahura .,.,1 , M ,. i r , . ... . .t" HVll tiicitiselvcs of Ul3 medical JCrvi- I , .ii i . nit l'UrlllOr UOtlCO Will bo CtVcn of UU ' m 't to Columbia countj. M T t.i. t a? mr, u. i.iMVL.NUBitn, ai uii ciieap tbinrr Etnririviniii lia liifil fcpcivfil mi lUHig L,ini()liuni, nan Jiiei iciciveu all uddiiOnal tUpply of choice Cloths tiud iicnt Cluthitig to which attention is diicc ted. Bervkd Him Itiattv. A reiurucd eol tlicr ia Philadelphia, co,ihidud former oaptain a day or two sinoo, for tying him up by the thumbs whilu iti the army. , Ol At Kooxville.thc other dav,& wlitto tor goaut vrus ordered to hell as ho wa pnss. ing a negro guard, but not doiut, so tho negro shut hiiu. 'l'lie ball passed through his breait and then iutu anoth'r person ktlliog both. I KSf Trie r ftiti innii ulirir, i!!liin! ' I I trvices tvero rtqiicstud bv Wirza bavo left Wasliiug'on Oeorfjis. They wcia not allowed to fceo thoptituicr. An appliua (ion from a ck'rgjtnaii oi SYashiugton bus ileo been unsuccesiful, Another Ful.sefiLO , I ho Editor of th o ltenublican. in fneakincr of thu Editor of utiiuuni.aii, iu rpaainji in tuu Ijitlior OI till. Journal aud dratted uicu mivs . ' V "'""" Ull-Ui bBi3 I "That in soma of his Speeches, ho ad- ! . . '. it, vmu mtiii iu iiiiiii uouiuniici'r! anu KICK out tlioge offietrs of clei'tious who rcfustd to ltt tlietc tiepoeile their lialicts !' rp, . ,' . , i t i J, llli II Simply liOOllier Of Dr. Johta unmitigated J'ulst.'woJs, thittf:. Wo did adviuo .lor ire Old no SUCH OUT DenifiCrati C r . , , ITI IrieutlS, t'VOrywherc, that If lilt! OCHUIII abolition cmiimitiei's not thu ''officers ti' election , as Mr Dunn t&ys. attempted t.) inltrcltire witli the ck'ctivo franithiini to kii'k them oil, I he gr'iuod,and we tuo glad to know that the iiu'cjiinn had ltd desir ed elf ets B&T Vo osll atientton to the adverti's- UieU of A. fl Itowmi i Co., NeW nrk, ....... - . . . , , , WhlCM Will 1)0 (OUIIU 111 uur ailVt rtlslll COl- f uninc TWe U.. n ..su .f! -"J ..-, U.WVO V. Jewelry and Silver H are, to bo sold at One Dollar lor ujcIi iiriiele, Ity pitying !o5 oetitu you can learn ulrat a riict jo" i i:ti li.tvo Tlis-r.i i o.irlriiiilu i.nt u.uoli u,ksAU(i shouU ihrnk.tioin their Chernov that ovtr uuo ua prtMty tiurfl oi L'mtiiK njon; than tin wnrth 0 1 fc & thlirUJOUeV. Wu le.irD tlt thev waul J-gilltS With whom ihfV drul llbrrullv, " . , " 1 ha I'St very attractive, ftnu will pi fur , ' r J peru al, uvenif nu do not iuvot. fiSr Mesrti. Elad & Buutiieu, adver lisu Watfhe-s aud Jowelt) , to day in our columns. Tlmy aro o.iid to be men of iti tegrily and ju.lico will bo done custom trs. 'I'wo dol ara invtsied iu thtir good.s, will in also a (air luturn with a large divi dend, G2d Pro-ident Jiihosou has done noil) tug of Utu Uiatwo like better than his no tifieutiuH to certain reverend eoutleiuen "I tho Methodist persuasion, whu wcut dowu to New Orleans shortly aficr 13'itlcr's oc cupatinu, aud cooly touk poseesionof such tdifices there us Milled them that the) luust uow jie thoro ediGcaa up to those who have a better t'tlo to thom. The Nurtbetn g-ntlcmon si-era to have been comiderably astonished at this notice to quit, but, wo gueas thej have r,u alttrna tivo but to obey. Rev. Mr. Newman, for uierly of the Fourth street church here if one of the "ubtouioUed." Wo think hi' was aUo of tho "fstcruiinatnrs," wh''n tbo war.was in progrt-'ts. As like as noi now, he will soon be found atuoug those who arc abusiug the l'rorident, and pro tiounriog tbo war a failure. So we go A'. Y. Express. RIARRIAGEH. A Oraogiville, Ootob 'r otb, 1863, by the Rev N Spear, Joel R. Albertson, ol Greenwood, to Miss Harriet MoHonsy,ol Jack.ion. j In Bi.torjisbur", on the 0th iuft.. b) Re. .1. 1 Dimm. Mr John Connelly to MUfl Mar Eliztbelh Mover, all ol Nor thumberland coiiniy. Pa. In Oraogav.Hc. September, 28, 18G5, by ltev. G. II. iXv.Mr. Richard F. Whit niojer aud Elizabeth Shoemaker, all ol Columbia oouuty. Pa. DEATHS. In Greenwood, September .Oth, J805, Abraham Patterson.of Co. D, 210th Itegt. P. Vegod 29 yeara & month. .mu 1 days. In Bloomsburg. September 12th 1305, George VV Haoooli, fcged 17 yetic. und 0 tnoDtb'. In Greenwood. Aticujt 10. Carou Hap. py Burcrta Alberou, ag 3 years and 0 month;. It Mt, Pleasant, Oct, 7th, Adam San den, aged 60 ;cars. In Now Golumbu, Eept, 10, 1805, An netta Yliiabctb O'Brien, aged 7 yeari and 10 tnontha. It) New Oolurubus, Oct. 7 1805. Wm. HurUy 0'Brlo, 6 ym ad i dyi 0 1! 1 A T SAL K op Watches and Jewelry- $1,000,000 Worth. , . . "TO EE lllSl'OSKn t)I,' i AT ON '13 D 0 It. i) A (3 JI J 1 wiiimuiTi'tv,"viiuii 'Not.tobs paid for until j'tu know v!iii ; ou'tfii tb rti,l II I uy H .n. jr'VAT (Ajrr.tr for the M.inuf.iciurr r ) Nu. 30 Ltfckman Street,' Now York. UT .load the lfwl i, .'jf'WV'l" lo 1" ol.l f.r OM. (Mil. Mil EACH i ICO Gold Hunting t'we Walchu, each SI'-'A On inn U.iM Wutrhi. i nrlo'ls styles v.i oil Wii l.ndlr. (Inl.l Wutilien, n in su Add Sllmr wiii.'iiea, CJ,., r.j ,)(J .,, , l.imu l.lppiinl iillv;rrlat(fl rnntor st.imla w (MtoVUUi) I WW " " ( rliit&fiike liiik" IStKltnSAOO I I'H'l ndttif " 'AaPpooiK, bwitul.-iou j ju M utt oi " i iirna S.I'OO Oohlet. rnjlavml, ! Ikll!l t.nl It l.t.. U ... - t) 10 to IA 01) 4 00 to H liij A ll'J to B . awilu A OH p:i-r- of Salt fpniing, m,."!'! in :i;iiiiic-'iit .Mipaiii Kinifi. 00 to I! A I d.UI'UlMIr of I1 'lld.lllt liar Drool, fluinrl. ;., color i 8l, j :!'?"J t'tl'".,fl idl'iijewi Iry , lin'tion Ivory A00 to SOU 2,iU0 llolil l,nckcl.,iiu-ruveil bnika.wntcii tnce. pi'ifnt liiiilnlioii I ndlra W aul) j CO 10,000 l,.iillr"t' Hack Uunilij, ricbuuil nuiiiui! pattern, AlMtoliOD i.iuu Hen imtNifi, uoiu, jot, an u Viilciinlle, AooiolAOO 6,000 laii'nt lyle Vol U Neck t.'haln, A 0ilto2iMK) A AOU flt'ota I'ltlifiiriiia Diniiiiiud I'iih, A (HI to 'JO OH 4 lino Califiirnli Diauinnd Knr Itropa, AootulUOO 3,001) Vilnlatnro end Klmuiel vil licvulf ,1 In; 1'iiia, A 00 to 13 00 n rt.m ,iAitr.....lM i a. n , . .,viiv i.nun'l u.flllluilU Ofc l,lHVIUU Ut'iit'a Scarf I'liu. 5 00 to In 00 A no to lo 00 3 00 tu lu 00 I 3 00 to SO 00 I 3 UO to U 00 I 3,000 Mntonicaml Kmblem Plnj. 2.J0U (Jold Hand UraceUU, engraved and p'ain, 3,000 J it u ti it Moaaic Broochei U.tOU Cnneo Urouchea, rich pattjrm, very tatty, 3,090 Coral Uur l)rop. U.UOO Lit ilea' LhatrlaineOii.iliu and Guard CliaiiK, fiOOO Unlit' i'liu a tplcnJIdaia'inint JojIS ooo) 80()to Jo()i a io loio iu , 4.0U0MoliUire Sleeve lljlloii., entirety I nuivilyle, , 4,0D)titMa mill -leve lluttuiii, in I mills, very rlcli I A.O'jO rilut'vo l.uitoiK, plain, enameled I un.l cneravd. 1 00 to 10 03 3 00 lo 10 00 a 00 lo 8 00 Q AO to 10 on 10,000 plain lunl liaiijsumoly engraved Hints. ft (Will l,.,.ki.t .tit.iMrt rn.i .trliltf mi p l',..l -t n I,.. In n.t 'A.oou etu of i.aiiie Jewuir,'iinv and llltltft .tll.ld ll llll (nil fir, A. 000 ii i tl il )! iic deal Iliuit. 3 00 to B 00 1 Si.Ol'l setli o llnauill SitUiH. UAlllii 111)') 1 OiiotiolJ IViu tL nl t ex'Uuil lioliicrt, lS00ln'2j00 , ti.oou teiiijcl (,'olu I'eiia & Uar Uropj, bouiuiouo uoout;oiii Tliiinbie, fvuciin. Vc. 4 onto ooo l'l.Oud i;olil pens fcliiiidtioiiij mlvnrca'es, A 00 to B 00 . lUiOJU l.lumy llil.a'ra, AUuij UO'I I TIu nifllio'd of dlpnlng ol these foods at ONjU 111)1,1, Ail ,i-!i l as fulliiMa Cerliav'atea. naming eucli urtlclo nnd Hi value, are 1'Uci-m1 1,1 "e:"eJ uivunpeauod well mued. one oi tliesj ouveliies will he sent by nidil 1 1 any address on rec-u ui sj cents. oillierotoiptullliu ' erlifi-ate you will aoo what you are going to iiavi-, tiniu it i. ui our option t send the lioiiur uml laku t:ie artiele nf nut. l'urclu" ers may thus obfiu a Oolil Wntcli, Oiiiuiand liiug, or a.iv eel ol Jeuuliv oil uur Imt for ie Hollar, and in no euso can lliuy gtla t ihati Onu lioll.ir' worth, as Itierodiuuo blanks, 'iru price of i;i litlcutrH is as loiimv h tiiiu lor ..isceiiliii ti I"' i . ivcii lor Oi, thirty Jur Si, elty lue lor I Ml Uuiiari oiu hundiuu SiA, The iJifluhuliim is ronducted f.ilrly. and all an clu - iug Hit irti.1c,itej, tV gj4r.i-iuu enure sjUh- I.K - IIOII ill .I'l CUil'IS Agul. wuute I io wimiu we alf-r spceial linn and pruini mis sjiiu h i,.-ii. i ir one i.eru'Uaio a.iu our cirt-Uiur ,v .Hi leiius iViiiliesi, I A. II. liulVL It ( i) I I' ll. ti'jx -i.ti'i .'iuiv Vbrk. I Oct. IS I'CA Dr. Talbott's Pills. (AMiiLiysPirnc) Coufoseil of l,i i.j (.'.. iii'Ji.i.ile 1 1'xtracts 'rn KOOT.S AM) UJ.ItUS ! tlt. nrAnla., .1 ,.,l..n nr.'i-nrfil Trni., th.. orixlnal pittiniuw ui tlje ri-lftJintiit Ur. Taiboll and mid hy liiiu nli ri'iiMrhabli' sutccss lor twet.t) years. An IrilalliuR remedy in nil lilflLASii-t OF Til U l.t VIT., or an) deraneinei.l of THE DIGESTIVE ORUaUN'3. They cure D'urht'iu. Ilvfp-pta, Sorn!- tila. Jaundice, i'ilu utirhS.Lii'i-r (.Vunplait 'flu w- n li ive uifd TIu w. II kn"w l)r Voi ,sy. in th S'i Fills I III'- film ii iioiri unitli our I'llLs ori ZiSu ; J ri'''' tnfl!ai"1 yt,;i'iUl u , P"W1" i cut. 'l ltfir pcii' t'.itnt tV'"p it lh ftiimnlnit' Hit vi- tul uctivit.mof Hi- ho,i. rcnit.vu thf tiUi-iMn tioiid oi iif ors.iiM. piiriTj lu-' tl! ainl'Xp U diRcasp. 'Ili'j purfi out ihi fml hum r. wtifU 'v d unt snm Uif. ifinjier. ti nmlatt sltiui-1 Ii nf u isori'rtl uruuis nit" ' ltlf,r r.ti ucuon a mi hnp-iit a iipaiti.y t-nH witu J htrcnilt Ki the ln)l vj'i-i.mii N lmi'y no th-iy turf lp rvcry nny c"injn.tiiiii- oi r .rvo-tnv . uin .iino tur miilnbt uml i) auj;.ru'ih ili.i iiM'S.innl In'm urely vrc tUMi1 arc I lrnu any rHi nr liariu u p(.rnn wJm Ua finn Mrf'J th I'iUh Hi ri-r In- wit- n.it U 'in." Tliey (.full? t'lro bit nil md ri'itiuve ull itnpurittet fintu Itiu bjht.;iu, Ir-iicc ;iru a imviut- cure for b'EVErta, HEADACHE. PIEEd.MElt CURIAE DISEASES AND IIEK EDIT.. HY HUM OILS. DOfiG -For adult', one Fill in IlK niuining , f 'rchil died undi-r 4,-,trs iialfnF.it. CSdJ Price Uue Dollar per Doa. 'I'radc supplied, or lunt hj Mail, port paid, to any patt ot the Uuitetl blatt-s oruatiadae j on recoipt ot price. None Ueuuiue with lout tho fareiuiile eipuaturti of '. .Mott 1'ulbott, M. D V. MUTV TALBOT I' Si Co., No 62 Pulton Si,, New York. May -J7, I tijA.-ly The Forks Hotel." LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. Tlifl iin(lfit;np,il htivint? .ak"r. ilit w tW-kwiwu Korku llmcl, rtieclu illy aiun'miec n his trieiitie aud ili ptiltUc ppiiri, tU, Hint li m pitjirird to ncciHiuiioiiatu .ill n 1m mi i) law -r liio with tti.)r i usiotn , tu '--n'.irc UfHl lion Ik la ir ullti nmpln 8jiu1inp nnJ privindT fur mo QcconinioitHtiim nf J ravellvfo, Tcnusierb, Uro wo. fcc.t nu iiiotii-niit, ti ruin i'ublc luioi.i u X'liciici. GEO W. MAUGER. Floomsburg. April b, HtA. ISAAC K. STAUFFES, iry a i nrr tat a tt iri" a tt r No. l is North Second St., nor. nf Quarry, i PHIL A D E L P II I A An acsortinent of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated. Ware constantly on hand. ir5 Repiirihg of Watches and Jewelr) promptly at tended in. January 4, lo05. ly. illAKaU0Ol, Third Edition, Jlfttj Thousand, 100 pa- go , cloth covets, j BY KOBT. E. BELL, M. D., I A caution addressed to youth, the married anil these i CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. J Sent by mall, post paid, on receipt o' TEN CENTS.' A carctui 'lerusal ol tins small ln'.k has been a i BOON I U THIS Al' l' blUTl'JUl and ha. savei' ved llmiisands fmni u life of misery and an UNTIMEIA GRAVE. n Iho evil, of Youthful Indiscretion, Self- r. irt-nls r.o Abuse. Seminal Weakness, Liuhsioiib. Sexual Ills- eases, Genital liebiliiy. Loss of Power, Nervousness, Frematuro Decay, liiipotente, ice. 4ic which unfit the tuflcrer Irom mltililiig the UMiaslTIOM Of .V.1RBIAOE, Address, Dn. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Box 0070. 142 Broadway, N. Y". ;uly ij, iscts. JJUNTSSTIiir. H C. II 0 Vv E R, XUtW? '""Ol .'-" i...-.,.,l.,l.ln,lu .11.1. nen of i'l .on .. . various .-TTtT.JL'H':",, ' , .,f.,s.ion.an.l Isnrovlded Z hVl elnt , SP ovid TOisOriMlA rKBTHi will l olnseited on gold.platina, silver And rubber br toloosw. II a. the natutal teeth , Minfriil Plato a.u oi.H-s lecui .uaiiuiiiaMi-a- - oi en-tien. on teetb. esiefmiy and properly tttW t, 'Kr.idotice and oSrca fw doori iore ih Cairt i .vusd. tide. ,).n ir.' JunsS t!l receipts for shpte.mber TO IltU 0LUM13IA DKM0C11AT. -:oi- Tlio following payment;) ham boon tiiatloj " tu tlio (.'Jimiiliin Jjcmnctut olTicoi during (t. .......it. .. Ui....l.... lonr. . iiju i..u..iti wi v7i.-M;iu tier, louti ; CaUdo V lUclilel. SlilW) MWvnlmon !5 Oil A Mil Win Miller Centres, IUI John llnriutirry, i:i i obi, aim wm l.nngeiiuergcr, 3 0(1 V. HO Est nl (li ,i l.tingciibcr n (10 Enroll Itcrtngor, H.-iiiiin-l Ale, Mamurl llauck, J I. II' nd SAO Onpij It Yoho. "t li Oil I U Hwtmii'iililier. hi niC.?u$ell, j,.oh Ytili.1. J n Corn Itson, I!'" I' Klliti) Hi, 1st nf Sti ix'i Smith, i i:i (ii ii. fisher, in on ill 00 1 301 I HO I -to J iIim j Georhart, f ii J t niupi.cll, I HO i V V''ilJ.' '"" "" '""'in.ij.lir.ini.. I .ni nr i..,i i,,. ...t.i.i.'i.ii i A) MuIiiHiIiiiiiI lll.lrlcl, I IM A Sil I. III,! I'l ll nu in. T Al AliKlernnn, SOU ciiMii'iit (iparhart JtJ J,, 'iiifilnn, IVter lllipcinllcl Jlni 0 Jacuhy, UAU (,'iit.iwlsoii i, ii u A. tl 01) - o ' l.olill Worls AO i:l of ttrmri t'ark, 4 00 Jolin (lent 4 A') .10i iiOO I'm inu Alon, ncucf, W M Ikijliif. Hliiiiifl Hnyilo.' filitr, J 00 nnnltl Keller. Ad AO JMnf.M Wiglitnlglit 3 00 . BSO Wn Infold An 1 n.'i'l I: I, Ki'lchncr 4 1A ! rtutim tvoit, Jullll litz. B50 Jm IVtllt 100 n lloir.inn. .) M Jnsi'pii roll) t! ol) r;iepli,ii Mutton 7 00 Jiiinii Cailinan All i An in J'li'iicilik Mcfly, liTSh.irple. " Ktiuttman, Irani Dm. I', J r' llltllcrlcli. AOU nMAllinJr '.'to ao iiul'ii ii .vjcnriue iru UAO i:tof Jiio'l'iiwiisand Aon 'J UU Uaylon Runyon 1U 00 i i, ni'iwig, W II Kline, J"o ilotTinan, J Wdii'lluiinii n" " itrhhnn. t'ol J (I Freeze, Kt of Jno Linden, llnn,(Tl... 'i AO l.evl 'l'liuuiaa HO ti 00 T ,M Cox U'25 Jimepli Ili4 111 Ol) F.st of II Kctchiicr a Ad UeoK lleia 3 l Win ntiuckliighatn I 00 Win I' Mcllriue 5 A'l St l" Reed 11 AO Wi i Milligan 8 00 (leoC llrundaii AO VS Doebler Uta U 60 Samuel Wilkes AU 'J Mil 1 Qi) 2 AO Ai) A IK) 2 00 1 00 I 3 UU 1 00 ni'in, uiiyi Wti i, startling K",f li 0 Kuun, Vul Wlntertteon MnOco Kellr Urooklna rotter. UeuJ D Wiim wtu l,Alnnn CaT 0ur thanks nro again t'uo lo tjur frieudu for liberal payments. Wo again urge our distant, .suoscriuorj, to many oi whom we bavo sent bills, to remit ui by mail. They kuow the umount, generally, they aro in arreirs, and we have cnuQ deuou in their honu.-ty to py tho printer, but they shall uot put us to the uupleatt ant necessity and expuuso of duoumg. E. & n. T. AITTH01TY fl CO., Ilaanactureis of Photographic Materials, WIIOLISAII ANb USTalt. 601 BROADWAY, Is. Y. Is H lion loom main tiu.lniu of PHOHl'.rurilH. stA,. 1 LHIAUS. w. irt h.al.iiatlar, for lb. ld,lowUa, rls.i btorooscopes and Btorooscop.to Views, Of Uliss s.bsv. auiu H..DI. a.rorlmaiil, ItKladiBl VIEWS OF rilE WAR, Ot'slss.t st (cr.at axfianit sn I foruilns s rr,np1.U riiOToonsimc uhimv oriiiKuar.AT VKtoH cokTtst Ball Unn, Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Fontoou Trains. Gottysburgh, Hauovor Junction. Tair Oak's, tooltout Mountain, Eavaje Station, Cliic.tahnminy, Fredericksburg.!, City Point. Tairfax, Ii'ashville, Kichmond, Fclersburgh, Prop Bottom, Bello Plain, Titonitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, Atlanra, Charleston, HoVib, Florida, Strawberry Plains, ftc. &.C. Amrlran snd reralru ml, anil 1 WvaMi, ll-una. tliataa rj, Ve i'. Al,, llavhlutt n.r.' ofM, !r r.'itill or ,rii. sil.lbiUOD OurCaMlvi,-u.wiU U MUt Ui sny silaa ct, rKbl a, fiu. Photographic Mbums. V' -)flli fsfnl If Intro U' tiK tSi UnltM tnti cinnufuctvir Ittinin. f-unitl't In l?r-it vtrtttv, rn( lag in rl- ffotn iO -utiU to fih ') if K1 H' 11) fin-4 tnt rtu tin on of btlnj; tupetlcr in 1 truly nl li.r-l l.ty tu fta oitar. Tfcfl) will imit l.y (aI1, iftiLur. frsfftt f irien Tlie X'i.'Jo v;lll find our Albums tuo most tialfcablo tLy can b jy, tit-j rao;ui-i inc. O' C.tln ho s-tu'irtft n.' FitB Trt-ir d'?i-firl lbjfU (tO ttLlltltvliil ) "l i ,i- y bfatlaf UlalivJ tf Lul" Bint Atui IkttM. Ac , tit abaiitl 130 M.J-(.ijl 1 .1 Linut C 4 eiSiit.-rnmt lirtHrlaf; " SWi,ihrOn-f., ll'-Uiit.w. :i Colonel, 1SNn.iyOIi ', Ifl Anlltoi-, ArtltU .Y "K- it W I'tvuilct-ril WfUXUV Z,im W T WtvtK J Arl, Inetuilnc rfitvi ..tt-JUi of th mott ttlthri'd EnrTflr,p l'-J.itfnci. SLtttj-A. k rii acut on roc'lft nt sum iv 111 fl!il ca fcy ti liiat t it by null, mil. ao orjtr lor vm isttr 1 K.tirct irii our i-Auuug.it, l'holjrTil'tir tvi.l allien nt nut tomU 0. O. D Will VfWff f-Titt twniiv-ti- tureen i.f IU ft 11 nit t -itL tlittlr ttrJ-r. f ,y"TL- ud HUIt,l W VUX 'Ar4 iMXQdt fUl ii uliitT. net 7, lei'l.T1 7. Reeved Ambrosia FOES THE HAIR. 'he Original and Genuine Ambrosia ' prpirod by J. Aii.es Re.v and is I. best hnlr diewviiie .Hill orrsfir vl I V 0 llort ill Use. It StO IhH u.iir f.iiliu out, cans s it logr on thirk and Innj uml nri'ventait friun litroln? ore malliri'l I'rey, It eririratos dandruff el-iinses, be.ei titles and innter. virtue "f writ tl( ' ''(I., to mu dill..- hair soft, glo.ay and curly lluy it. try it nd U l uiuedout .T the Court of C nion Plea. &??"An?b?..; ,fi?0uV,',;c,,,,n,,rin,, sale bi Uruigl.ts and .toiler- m Fun-y Conns veri tlie ireuii.i;a. in l;Sht -tr o mi where. i'rice 75 cents per bottle -S 1,00 I'er iloz-o. Address. UKf.VUd' AMBROSIA Ol.l'ui. 1.1 Fulton strci l. New ori t.ity. Oct 7. ISUA -l-J mo -rt II. t Great Excitement IN Street AT STOKE ! BNT'S iiii j.fftiiii i iii uie aeiv dinui oi . .n.B m ? 1 1" ... - - J' tilt tlllVl II 11HV.I MUVUkU ! HAS just received Irom tho cafturn I Cities . ml is now opening tt tho oil stand a. splendid assortment ol 'OTTf annTlS Jl 'J taasC WvJ x'.. J' toi'.slstlnc of every tiling generally srpi in a cooinry siun, whir!, will be sold ( luaper than the Cheapest. Call and see and judge for yourseliea. His slockconslsts of Ladies Dross Goods choicest slylei aud latest taihious Calicos, Muslitz, Ginghams, Flaunold, Curputs, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE t LOTHING. Cassiiucrus, Satinets, Cottonadei!, Kentucky Jeans, Thread. &o. Qucenswaro, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paint,, Ac rs k OAI'S.&o. nAimn otirttT'Cj tT A BOOTS, SHUL.b. HA The patroi.age of old friends. and the public geneiu- ly, I. lospectfully so'icited. The highest market price paid for country produce PE 1 EIv LIS 1 a Light Street, Oct. 7, 165. S. II. DE WOLF, DEALER IN Ready-3'Iadc Clothin i No 22 North Second st-t , Ono door abovo Race tl.. PHILADELPHIA. .w nt.it.!r, . A in nr.lr nt iIia ihnrl. ."'"t, ,u"- " rat notice. May 87. 16M.-m s ULANKSI BLANKS! ' Of ertry descriptioo, for al atthis office Wantc 1.. A fw Imtlt nf I'uitipl.ui", also, Corn XA nmt t'o I tlmH. Apply al THIS OFFICE. Heat no. !m',.'. 8(oie House AMI 0 'rill! t),Vlii:il8t(lNi:0, nifirs to sell on mo I crate i' term.. Ihe w ill known STfll! P tTmfkJl,1 nWt tin lirvitay . 0 iyJXili llUUaJ'i l;Vj JS 1jJj IN UUUar , B.MtN AND 'STAHLKS, UAitA iliMrniAlllil'iS, iirntt nro vrc. ;l. riluai j od 'n Wyiimln Can ilaml Nnrlli Ilrnnrh IMl. ii, n..t. II I nlw l'a. the sroRu house. Is larce mid well tirramed. with CRnCuttV at arh 1 md all I Ii j propi-rty i In cood ci,njiiioii In vti.iit 'l "ni nl the lmt Slnre rt.iiid In tin' Northrr part ol tVnn Iviiiiia. ami it In mil niviiiff too iniich tot ray lliat it I now mid ban for years ilunn Un lnr,'.i Imsi. nemofany rntalill lininnt on l!n iri nl. The ciun t'y Undo is exi iliit and is so ii&orted liv a llliernl nnl I wealilij "nVri I .'tilHiml inin.nuully? r oniiisniriiit. in .m.n i....r,h..n ..,.' i..,...l!.1?r.''c. i, nn''tl''r njuiiiin of theeo'intrt.rlene r"''"Se 11,9 "u"'H"r, tu. irtr thi valuable pfupcity ID For particular. :ihJ term, apply lo John H JohiiHon, Btacli Havth, Hept, niilh, ieCA,-m. 1300T AND S T AJJL1SUMENT. "SAVEHY & KRUM. OEAUIJUS ANU MANlFACTURKKfl OF BOOTS AM) SJIUES. Calf Skins, Preuoh Call Skins, Kid Morocco's, Binding.), Liuiii-i, Shr Throud, Nuik, . A win, Pcg2H and SHOE FA'DiAVS GKNEIiALLY All Kinds t l aYIftiOontstb Ladiris' hiiocb S&l which we olftr cheaper thsu tho s tl? clieapsst, for rash or cojntry prniluce. " 1'J' We are preoar'd to make to order all kinds of work aitlie rhurlc-t notice. (- Shop on Main fetreet, InShlvn'a Clock, n oora, burg. BAVCUY' it KRUM, Spl, AO, 1503 L.ullts Faucy Tltrs 1! AT JOHN FAI!EIUAS' Vnv iTEauufnctory, No. 71H Ari'h Street, abtivo I HthHtt 7th. Philadelphia. i rn " r.a . .. I.. i... ' s.y l nave 11 w n, iun- 01 ,;iy i',-,i i'i- I iXZ-fi-?' rortatloo aad Manufictur". one of I nxVaaaSt ih I irg-st und imut beauliful sel'c- ('"'"'"Vtriiae'vY ii a a i . for Chll Irni's Witir inthol'liy. Mo, alias Mtort , mint of ti. nt' Fur Olnvo" und t'nll.ira. I am enabled to ilispnae of mv eoml. at very r inon I M price, and I would Hi rufire nliflt -x cull tr im my friendn Ir Columbia coiinlw and ncinlty Remember the iijmu, nu iib"r and street. JOIIM i'tRIHA. ! 7if. Arch Vtrert. .i'miv. 7'b. roulh il.la I'hlla'lelpliia i liavi' no pmln r r.or luuncclioo with ny ' other slotii In rhiladrlrhia. ' Hipl. 30, IFi'A -4 in"". '' PN roll reitdy to bs nailed down, adapt ,-d t I euse t la.ttui' i '1 lluildlnr of " Unl1" ' constructed of . Materials that have stood the lest of 11 lien 11 yea in and mmiuf.ictured on an entirely diflVr- i iliind tettir plan than any clh-r composition rime ii g in use. Secured by pnlfnt. Very durableondat isw priii". CUnilar and sa'nplcs seniree by mail. KUADV ItOOriNO Co. No. 73 Muiiiu tiune, Sepf SO 1KA-1 y. New York. SheriffVSale. A yt C i ' I i Ml"' wti. iciu.i, nteoilock In mc lorenoon, ue ionov,mg rvai esiair, In ,Vlt A certain LOT Oil PIKt'F. HF (irtnO.VI) siluate in Ihu vi lage of l.igh' htreet. Cliinilin coui'ty. being i po f' tt trnnt and IAH fe'-t diep. and No fi and onef Ii ,1, , of No "in pUn of .aid towu, rthureon are culled i' "iwti Mory S''rnme Ihvellinj,' Holls,! a frame stable, nnd u well ot water oi uie ooor, wnn, , In, n m.iiila H.i oreri. ii-ixeil, liken in execii'ion nd to bo sold as the property of v illiani M Vnh.-. 1 1 ' aAJIL'F.U SNYDER, -Sheriir Mi.'riir OIRca Ulnjinsuurii, hepl. at. iHU'i ( Tobacco AM) C , I PJ 'nW6 SO TKfiv W" JTt Wl 3 fii 30 S Al Utroups Old Stand on AJuin ti'ietl r ,,)e uu,iorsi iuncd havin ropt-nd Iho Store S furm,.t, occ"p,d ,,y u.,, i,Btloup. as a (Irorery. rrni.lied I. willia large and varied ossortmeul I TOBAGOO AND CIGARS. 1 tiiot rispn-tfuliy ikvllca tha patrona.c of the cttt I ...in i.r niioiiu liiireniel vicinltv He is menared lo stll al wlulcbiile and retail, upon the most reasonable itrnis. .Meiihaiits. Hotel Ke-pers, and Urocerjmen, would du well to cive him a c..li. l All kiuda i f I hewing and Hmoking 'luliaico, in larg and su.jll .iuaul.es, const mil) on hand anj ,or II II. IIUNSUERGI.B. Illoonsbu lg, Sept. S3, IEbj boios PHOTOGRAPHE , Skylight Ficlure Gallciy. IN THE EXCHANGE IILOL'K, BLOOMSBURG, PA. September 5, IrCA-y. JimX EICTKaBi, 5 0 2 MAR K E T S T R E E T , PHILADELPHIA, tMl'OF.TF.Il OF Ucrmnn, French ami IEjnffJial Tuya, and l'ancy Unoils, ripes, Canes, China Wares, tfco. Bcptinbcr3. IHu.1. ORAPPING AND MINING PA- YT i'ER. H iving thoroughly overnaiiled my F. per Slills nt Mill Orovu, near llloninahurg Columbia Counl) , l'a.. I am now prtp.ircd lu till all orders lor Wrnpinng, Dry lllasllng ana Wal' r I'mof Paper, on short untie" und lair pine, i i. p ji'iu , ...... house in Wllkei-llarre. and appoin led Jos. .p l I rown ol the firm ofllrowu. lira) V o.. my agent lud.spuse ol my paper in ..uasrus. ".i.(,MAS TRENCH Ulooiii.burg rirl in. If". .,.',i, . i i ," iKERS ! Do )HU A7HISKERS1 W.UlSlvE t-Y ii, IV ln.liiiri nr Milllsta i ,i... o.-e.. i ii i-m to erim on lue - iv.c.-v.'t: .!:i.'b'y0n,.r., P.).,r lotlvv February if. 100.,-) I V . t .. , . .... I. ...1 hesils. ,n elli: Weeks . SAl1! SALT!! A1.T ! rpn E f ul.seribrr offn. for ,ul at n hole JL ain "a leiuii, uai,, ...v ...r Rupert. Ta. Augu st A, lrf,A-3ioo Teachers Wanted! FOR DLOOM DISTRICT, COL. CO. VS. rpbe Directors of Bloom School District Z . . .... a'l'V aa Tr.AHIirn - Intake ciTiren of the Wmtsr Schools No one need apply ex- cent thev can produce flr.t class Certificate., a .0 fttfcaUof ao?J PP'S - Wln lOCIOieiiy a , " ing niiyine! the Board of Director, at lb; public v;.minton at the Academy, on October S3, mo aehools to opsn on tha lit of Novmbei Uy oidei i 0,im,s on,7 ta j k edrau et'y lintioR or Jin rtMotRAT-llrih Sir : Willi your , pennlsslon, I wlshlo ay lo'the reader of your paper lliat t will lend, by return mall, Id nil who wish It, (fret-) n Hccclpl, with full dlit clinnn for mahinB mxl using n Hinple Vegetable llilin, that will cflVcltiilly remove, in ten days, I'imple. tllntrhe, Tan, Frecklss, tin J all Impurities riftlm Skin, tenting tho ouiO .oil, ' clear smooth and beautiful. ! I will also lll.'ifl freo 10 thoae having ItuM lltndl, f-r will rnnlile them tu fttft n full growth of Ltmiriam II mr. Whlakto.or n Mouttachc. In l! than thirty in .. .. All appllcatiom nn.Hrtrcd by mum mail without tll'' lte.pectrullyynur, ay, 'I'llMIl P Pltlliv IM ph.-!,, ., . n , 11 , B3I BruaJway, Hework, u:t. H, I0C3.-3inrj t . I" .,"r 4 u'""-'fil!uci iiavlngbeii . v - , . . . r.iofu iniieaiui in a i-w nui Ksuy a very Miu- IiIb reincdyi allor having milTered Hovcrnl year, with a aevcr lung nlFectlo.i. and that dread dlseass.Cun, . .-.. , , . , , umptlnu 1. anxious tu luakc Luown U lilt Mlow ulfrrerstho mean of cure I'dhii tviir, iiaiim fi. ti., .iriii .,1,1 oi. . ... - .. . .. '"'i'1'01' ""I l Hiar.o, Willi the direction, lar frtparlng and using I Ii aaiuc, which they will Cud a ..,.,...,. ..'..... '.... . vv.,.u.Uj...u. ..s.ii.,,, ...oi.u.ii o,u. Cough tie. Hie n1 sbject cf Hie advertiser In ending thdrreccrlptlon I lo bmiellt tlia nfHicle.1, and prcid Infiirniallon which lm conceive. toto Invatusllo ai.dl.el.epe.cverysuBererw.il try 1,1. remedy. a. II will coat them nothing, aud may prove a be.ng, ( Fartle wishing the pro.ttlpllon.wlll plena: addrc. i,. l'hki.,,1. a mi , llev. hon Abt) A. WILSON, Wllllainsbnrg, King. County, Oct, H, 1EG3, 3mo I New-York, 'BMJK Mason AA Hamlin Cabinet Or gun., forty different styles, adapted to .acred and secular music for$j0to SW0 each. TIIIRT V-FIVK HOLD nrrltlaVF.K Jinii.M.a, or other ilrst premium. awarded them Illustrated Cataloguo free. Address, MASON U II AMI. IN'. Do. tun, orMtBON UI'.OTIIIUIS, New Yo,k, bept. 1), leCJ y I Who Grovcstcen Fiain Forte fl. still retains Its fircf ujtnco and great popularity, 1 nnd nfler undi rgnlng gradual Improvement f.r a pa- 1 rlod pf thirty years, it now prono in.cd by the musical world tu bo unsurpassed and even unequalled in rich lies, volume nnd puiity nf tone, durability nnd cheap utss, Our r.rw sciilo. Lrencb action, harp pedal, iron' Irmue, over-strung bass, seven oitato rosewood pi-i anos we nro selling cheaper by from (100 to SiuO than the same at) In ami finish are sold by any other hr.l class maker in the cuutilry. IKalcrs and all in wunt of good piunns ere invited to senJ for our Pe- ' scriplive Citalnguni whiih contains pliotogiaphs of our ditl'eient sljlis, together with prices Nu one should pup liaso u piano without seeing this t ata logus Medial almost without number, have been awardod to the Grnvesteeu Flino, and the Celebrated Wurld'a air, though put in competition with others , from all parts of Uuro po and the C, 8. it look the hisliest .nv.1 d. ' tlstabiished IS3A Grore.uen Co , IIKOADWAY, iMlW VOKK, July iO. I&GA-). II, II. a. A. Co. .w a a I i . -r r 2 It ti I IMtVV SMM rutt. j-ouu-u. Tho Great Invention oi the Ago in H001 SKIRI J W. BRADLEY'S New Patent I)U-1 FLUX CUI.IPTIR (ordoubla St RINO dKIRT 'llns lnventitin fotisiala ol Duplex (or jL two) l'.lllplic Pure Refined 8lccl Hpringt, Ingurii outly Urnlden ti xlitl nnd Urin'y tugellier. edge to edge making Ihu tnuelersl, iu"t tt.xir.ln. el-isiicaud durable Hprntg everiiied. Tiwy seldom buiiu or break, like the Single Spnnes, and roimeq lenily preserve thvir p rfvet and biniuti'ul ali.tpe more llun lv,ieu as long as au binglu -iptiug Kl.nl tnat ever lit or can be i,i.,iii The womie-ful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure in any i.-oiy wearing tlio iiup'ex i.iuptic cl.irt will be expvrieue 'd particularly in ull crowded As-euiUlies, trperas. Canuiges, iUilroad t ars rliurcli Few. Ann Chairs lor I'roiueha .e no. I House l)ies,as Oli.t.1 n., I,., f. .1.1.1 ..Ii.iii in If.u In np..lnu n am. II piare as easily und cunveuieiiiiyas u sii. or muslin , uresr. A l.ady having onjoyed ilie pleasure, cmnfort nnd gitul ton violence ol wearing Iho O iplex fclliplie ."icel Spring Skir' lor u incl- ilny will never otic - wa.ds iMIIiiMl)' dispense with their me. tor children Misses and Young l.udies liny ato superior to ul otners. The Hoops lire covered with S ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as I lie single y.un i imaiini- vvliii'li 1b Il4i-it mi H smelt Sleel IIiJOD Skirls . I lie tniet' uolloiu rods on evi ry Skirl are alsu double Steel, and twice or doubl ,10 covered to prevent Inmi Hearing nil the rods wnen nr.icgins noun siairs.siuue leps, it., winch th-y arc con.taiiilyHUbji.tt lowheu "aII Ire nnde of Hie new and elegant Cord-d Tafea, aud are thu b,'st quality in e.ery part, givinj. to tho wearer llu loon greeetul and perfeit shape pusslulc, ami nro iinnwiniiani v ilu Imhtest. must desiikbie. cwus7 volition, add .-iole Jlauuf.ictur-.'.sJ. chambers, and ,J "ttTM this Cty.and tii-o'- inquire .or me iupu- s-nipue x uo,.o., bjirmg rikirt. Aug 10. lsuA-3mo. A. L ADJllNISTitATOIt'S "NOTICE. j EU'teoJ Siunutl Park, dec1 d. . TVToiiecie hereby given, that Lettors of 1 Vdniinislrati, ii on lliecatite of the above nam ed Samuel i'ark. late nf I lie township of Sugariosf, iu - Itie touuly of Columbia, dee'd, liavu bceH grunteu to 1 Andrew i.auuacn, resiuiug in uie sum lowus'iip . nu persons having ciuinis or ileinaiids ugaiu-t the estate I of the said tb-cedeut aie i.'iuesleil to make the same known lo tho said tuderw Limbic!) without I'.eliy. ANDREW 1.AUI1ACII, I August SI, 1305 -Cvv S3, Adai'r. 0 2 8. HOOP S K I It T S . HOPKINS' "OWN 5IKU" OF HOOF SK'ItlV, 0,, a " c' Arc 6otlcii up cxpres-ly to inset the wa:iu of First- 'I i a rl rflil 'lhoy ftinbrace a complete a0sortinert of All the new aud desirable Styl s, su5 and length I for I ndies' Misses' and Children, and are superiur to I allolhe- made in point ofSymuiactiy. Flnisli uud dn-1 ralnliiy ; being made of the finest tendered Enjlisii ( Sleil iprmgs- with I.inuen finished core ring, ar-d liaving all the inetatlc faatenings iuininvably secured by improved machinery. They retain their shupa uml I Elasticity tothe last-ana are ivarra.ucu io give en - tire satljlatllon , , AI.SO. constai.lly iu rerelpt ul full lines ot goo.l l aslem ti.ado Skirts, at very low Frires r-Kirls u .do to Order, Altered and Ueiialre.'. tV.iole.alo aud lie- tnil, at Manufactory and bails Loom, Ki). O-ifj Arcll fttreet, aoovu utll, 1 .Ul.U a. trl- Terms Cash, One Price Only 1 Aug, 10, I3u.1- I mo. ClocE.s 1 Cloctia ! ! tJocIi.s 5 ! J THE undersigned roeo'fullv informs the public gt'i-crally that he lias opened a ( LOU A A's T.J li L1SUMEX T, in t!i ro.iin under the Office of the Columbi'i Demo cr .1. in llloi lurb'iri!. wh.-re he has just received a large and select n'soiluieui oi NEAV CLOCKS, Induiiing aininl S day Clock, of every style, which, he offers for salmon uioderato terms tjy ,i..p,irni.i mcouni iiiorues. . t.u., ...... UiexVZ:t WILLI M DOItM N. Oct 7, 1SGA iVrcana "Watch. iu Elegant Novelty in Hatches. 'r lie case of ilu watch aro n new invention com. I i nosed of several ditfareul metals combiuud, rolled toetther und ulaiiisncd. producing an exact imitation of lo carat gold, culled Akoshs. They aie a bvau- , j u,,dod a. oiie-eichth imu J heaultituUy designed nnd are .', ,,. ftyU, 0, tllB celebr .ted Gold Ilu UIIU-U'llllllU tii" graved iu lie' exact style ol the celebrated G"M Hunt ing i,ever. nuu ei I'oai an i.iuiuii.ui u. .'.., ... del)' deleiiion The movement Il inanufactureil by tl.o w "II knuwn St. Jiniuer '.Vatch t'oiupiiiy !' En- I tl.o w "II knuwn St. Juueer 'A atcli t'oiupiiiy rope nnd are superbly finished, liaving engraved pal feiV. fancy tarved hr.dge.. adjuiltug legulaior. Hue d. sji.,vtr;!ror,i port., very superior finl.he.l and clega.n watch himh we can sell mr S3) each or S'5) per case of si x Z ;hM;r; - suie ami yX .J,",' pioaso remit S3 per c. nt of iho aninuiu wnn inoir "r ,n.r l ir hi rs lor nnv kind of watches i.rou.ptli auu , luilhfuliy fulfilled, Addre, n I ARCANA WAlt'll CO., ! No Hi Fulton St.. New YorkC'ly, Impeller Dealei. I ,o IVittei.i.a ol' nverv tln.r.r i ol ton. Successors to Guard W. Dcvauah It Co, Oct 7. letiA-umo.-rt II S. I ir.iaj 't1rsnil.es of tne undersigned-known as Col. Jacob Ei. I (a(lOl.t)r) ami S5lall BOOK ti i'a,n, near Itloomsbiirg.-as thev will he duly f r.n. nnA PnBl, hVer nt ' punished lr every vll.ina by the.ulUvigor of D O low wbole.ale rates. vvercKUY Msrrk i ls3A, im Uh aud Uare en , Ibtl afcrs--. ila l.asat .aafiftfittsi-alW. THE WEEKLY Patriot and Union, Poll TllK Campaign of I8C5. r11., nn1!!na1 i.nmi.tt. tn r.nnn,,4 in purtnnc. anil to haven iioworful Infliioncf! upon Ih'i i'lti"" oflhc country nt larg". In n (trout moatutoit will diMcrinlna th ntilicrnalnrlal tnatcut oflSUfl, anu mi Inlliiuiito Upon Ilia irf nMcmial cl,-ttlnn two ( llirrcafter. lilil innro liriprjitunl.lt will pmlably ilfliirnilnotHi - rrinltc oflhc iict U.H.H.nnt iriromlUI ri.iu - , uilil limn nill-n lllu ic:ifimiiuii ui uriiKivBiaiiil i tlieicjlorillon of p. acu to Ml the land, h It, llictf I fori! of vital Importune that overy rtertlon Miould I made t.y every local orKaniiation bo lint 'In work, but ny honorable nieana alioutd bi adopted In ttlr up Uia apathetic and lukewarm' and to inako new votn itiry iM'iiuruuio iiicniin piiuuiu ui niiuutsu i ,y com ersatloo It ran ontv lio tluougli tho iiumuta. fcte and col Ji n principle of Democracy that thetonn ry caw fce tccli:viiisJ f roin tiio ihroVloui of ilogradaliou and lamidon, Outsldo tlio D'rnocracy tlijrnare nnplinclplci, Tha rule of action of tho op- l.inllli.n I etcr rliatifing-oiio thing today oni thing rte to iii'Trnw. It ii tield to cellicr merely by ovxn ilisnts -llij latest and most outragpou ol atlba- J rig the modern. .Uinontha pollllcai trlek of negro uuf. frage . To defeat lil. and all cllicr ctiimce oTtlia rttiotltloii-iliodily Imrdet wfio.lv. enly lo ptundar and yrnl,Xe.(:l cv., Uciuocrtl erou.o and tird orr the rusty armor of his fulheri lu l)imocraey-ir vVashlnjr, On, or JelTcuon, or Jcl.oii ; aud inarcLtubf.tllii and . . THIS WliKKLY PATRIOT tf UNION, Aths Central organ of tin l):mocratlc party In Weekly 1'xtriot nd Unf it hat acquired a large and more ililfuaed clrtnlatloti than any other Dcmocratio Journal in the Hlatj. It has Heretofore oceuplod an in. tlucutiat position ai an able and Industrious worker in in; cause ol ujinocracy, an J a triena. .ay nai i till continue, lobe a valuable organ to i lis party. It I. uot for u. howevir, to pue our own work. If we have beau faithful to the cuuse of the party and lbs country we i.opo every Democrat will make it an cb Ject to extend our Held of operation., by adding to our hor.adMhi will send his mine am 31 AO for acopy tor oiu y-ar, lflbiitoo much for those who ate very poor lei an mice sriiu n niiy cfius enrn, ana re eclve the Weekly Fatkiut snp Umiok for tho cauipaigD. i CTa'" The following are tno terms! single copies, per annnni, (2 AO " six months I SO Club often or more to unn address, V. 00 DURING TllK CAMl'AtON. Hlngle enpim, S')cts. Clubs of ten or more to one address 4bcls, Ail oider. vbould bo addretsed to tho PAfltlOT ANU UMON, H.rriaburg, Pa. Uepl. 10, l3vA. Purify the Blood. TUE GKUATCST MEDtOINi: OF THC AOS A sure antidote fur sickness, and a refugs from SorroWi I ain and Disease. Bryan's Life Fills. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They are admitted to be Uie j BcSt'fr 'UIUI I V Medicine I lor gsporal use. r.irif)ln tha Blood and cleasning tl.e system from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills to regulate the Stomarh, Liver and Ciliary fieero lions wlilc'i Is the rhiel" cause of liervuu-ii'-it. (iiddi ness. Dunnes, ol Sight, Headache, iik flomadi and other Kluored complaint. , i Hundreds of Uortiticate can ba Shnwu. j Tllcy have bten nsed'by tliousi.nds with success Bryak;s Life Pills Aro adapted for ell Ages & Constitutions, Ixiicyare composed of the active principle of Herbs , nnd Hoots culled from our flilds nnd forests. They ar8 ,jd iul fcIllM n j,Hjr operation-producing ncilhereramps, griping pains or sickness. Tliy miVbe taken by ull ages, sexes or condition without fear. , ... ,, , . 1 Bryant 3 L'fo l'lllf, t.uro UtsadacllU. ' JJr atil S E'.I3 I 1113. Uurt; hick OtOmaCU. i ' ' ..... , r f p; (,ir (5 riiiiriL'xs i BLl a JJlie nils', Otiro Ulualnt.S. Bryotit'tt Liff Plli:, Purify tho Blood. I . : I . i, e T!6V,..C T Prrtu ra-!1l ! A Of DfiAN -S t.IiE 4 I.L3 Will COSt BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. .j-ney will arcompllili faithfully all that ia represented. wft?n 1 . .. . n,lvAN,s , .... I not get liieni of our druggist, dunl lakn any otiier, bit send Twenty Five i.'ents in a letter to the proprie- tor, and you will get tlum by return of mall, putt- 1 I nil. I a.Hrtr,. DR. J. BRYAN, Box 5070. 70 Cedar Street, N. Yr. Hiun tr riROuoisis 0sRtr.i.T. UMOAB. IIARNEd &. CO., N. Y. Wholesale Agents. July 15, leliA. IVbruary II, leOA.-y Administrator's Notice. Estate of Solomon Sfroup, Deceased. B ETTEtiS of ntlmiuittr:itio:j on tbo U. lMituof S doniou Sirmp. late nf .Madison twp, i tmumuia eiuio y, o-cf aseu, n. u le-vit ioe'u uy mv Register of i-niuiiifci.t co,, to the uiiiierr-iiu d ; itM per- are r,qi.V,.ed wVrVm lh ."; ,o h,rUl,Ll,.; zl u LuUnC Oils, iiuuxiu., Nupiua, a.. his resident in Wasiilnr-tonv ll.o. Mi.iiioi.r county ' p udi--M. I U to v -aler.. ,.,ih....t .lal'ie. mi l ill i.,.,..,ii. .n.l.i.l,.,l In mitn i..,..i S-Pt ''" I lorlliwilh. t t "s t .111 1 Spt. 10, IFI",-Cw S3 (W Admr- AUDITOR'S NO I ICE. Estate of "i nomas Aie.n, dte'd. rpIIE undersigned Auditor appointed by Ihe Orphans ' ,,; - - .,,,,, - .,,.,.,,,.,.,,,,. ... ..... ,Vll, ..... . , X COIIII III U..IU1I1UIU CO llliy. IO lll.lO nisitioiiuui. cil' ioiiii.trat.ir of Thoniis Alen, late of Jllinin town- I Vouniy. de'd. anion, the several heirs . ireeihux in bv r,iHr ...(aiuslied l. Imv. will ri"i,, nl his oliiie, iu Hloomslni.g. on t-uurdav, lue I HiU day of Ocmler li-xi at lu o'.lock, A. St.. of tuid i eay, for the p iposh oi mamnj tin distribution. AH i. or. mis h.ivln Ll.'iiius or demands .1l:aiHst lite estate of iti j decedent are notified to present ilii-u. lo the Au ditor on that day or be debarred Irom coining in for a hare of the fund. C. II. RROCKWAY. UJ ll iw --1 Auditor. COLUMBIA Insurance Company, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER Co., P. Pooh Ponitni a Ascetfi fl5f.no.nrjo. fcttAHTc.lt FERl'UTL'AL) u"""t'" lu" ' ' - uirectors : John W. Strucy. John Fondnrh Win. Fati on, Amos H. Green S. C Blavmakcr, Memuel Shoci), oobl.T. Itynii. N. .McDonald, hi. r. c-uiiiiihii, i,eo i oi.uk jr. ti. V EUeriein, II. G Al.nich, l.diootld HoerlliJ. AMOH S GREEN Fres't. M. f. SIIU.MAN. Treasurer, flln VntTNl.. Jr.. strrrelaiv. fJ- WII insure propsrty al as reasonable rates a. will be consistci.iio 11.1 i;ompany o-i.. ui.-sc ..isuicu. L. 11 CONOVEK, A-eut, Bach Havcu, Pa. t..n.. io i LE.YTHER ! LEATHER 11 - 1 rj.i m i j ,DfJ bet! leave to inform r S 11 J, un r tf1' that they keep on , Wl.icli thev will sell ut market prices, o. llarK and Hide.. Our Leather i. lb" 1 "J or exchange for old l-i-iuor Tan- 1 10 ' '- lA, .v sw.siier t co. - jiadiron T-innary. ' Jiv uo. Aug. 12, leM. . Caution. f. l.T, I'erioiis aro hereVi? rivutinii'd f acains trespassing in any manner, upon - '.f...,.h..i,..lUiiuin t,s I'ol. JSLOb MOSKfi COFl'.M A. rt.p't 3. 1' II 4t THE ELECTION. The Statr jirobiblij Jitpublican b'j a re duced majority, Tho news by telegraph 3 imperfect, i.. . ...,tl ,,,. f il, Ci.i. t...i r . 'uvuriuu.ii jk.ii ii u umw umiu uuui .f . ... ... ... . .. ' IbuttllC Itldioationi ftfO that tbo Rcpubll' . . oat)8 llRVO elected their StatO tlckol b n ' jrj mr.l.irld- tr.riTr1v ri'ilnr-nrl frnm Iliaf J " ev year. " A. DAVIS & CO., I'iilLADIiLV lli.l, ' MHbufactnrers of reail&oadTracMIay Coal airi Cattle '9 PLATFORM AND COUNTKH oir EVERY DESCRIPTION 6jr EVER' SCALE trarranlvf. Orders promptly filled, apply to U. n. EATON. Solo Agent, Berwick, J. K. EYEK, Bloomsburg, Pa. July 22, I6ti5 fimo. TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC rpiIE f ub.-teribcr, U0 years a pr acting i fi. Flano Forte Manufacturer, of New York City, I ha pornni cutty located in this section, and woul lespcctlully solicit orders lor TUNING, REPAIRING, AND REG- ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS. ,lhe "U050"1"51, " also lue tuanufat-ttir- t akcui iur Ghickering & Sou'd, llazltton Jjro a, Linde.nan ti Son's, William IS. Bradbury's, Edward BloomGeld's, McDonald & Oo'a PIANO FORTES, And Carhait Sc Necdhnm'ii. and Feloubet'. IV) elodeons and Harmoniums, And I,. U Stuart's Pipe fllURCII OROAN'8. jam lis Mcdonald. Woointbiirg.' May 30,latJ, ly 1065. PHILADELPHIA 1005. WALL PAPERS. UOWCIala ft UOURKC, 32ainilUclUfet'3 of I'AlXll I1A.NGIN03 and WINDOW SHADES, s,-...,. r.- t ... i sr. .i. .. iiuriu linsi, ijuiuci i uuilll unu Jiarsei Streets, Philadelphia. N, U.-rAlwaje in Store, a 'nrge Stock of l.IN'LN and OIL. aUADES. Sept. lfi, IBUA 3 mes, '-'fUE PltlViTE 31EUH AL AUYisEII , (Exclusively for Ladies,) An invaluable treatise of 100 pages, by published for the benefit ol the .ex. On recriDt of TEN OEM'S, it will be sent post paid. , in a sealed envelope, to all who apply for it. Address I I US J5. i-Sssr sft70 4(2 Uroadwny, N. Y. July IS, HSA, W.M. G. llAROisi, V., It. FEALE. A: U. II. HUtiLEV. Y.'M G. HARGIS & CO. No I3'J South Errand St., below Chestnut, Fblia. unutacttirt-rs of Varnishes ami Drv- I'-i i. ing Jap.iir. nod il'-alers in Wliite Icnd, Zinc. l)il IUI' - , ' .i...UIU lull T I I OOTS Ullll lOOIS lOIIU' " " - V t t "4 n j A N elijaiiile building lot, with an excel , 1 (71. lent UARN Ihcrcon erctteit, centrally located in Lioomiuurg. is ottured for sale Aonly ai I bepi iu, icoi. THIS OFFCE. Flaxseed Wanted. C1ASH will bo paid for any quantity of n LAXSEEl) at RUNYON S STORE, llloomtburg, Sept. in, loCA. Stray Sheep. (lame to the eMicin'suri) of the undersign J ed, hi Mountplei.sanitjnhip, Columbia county about harvest l ist, XLXE SHEET. Tko owner is rcauesleil In prove property, f ay charge and mac iliKi. awj), or lluy ni.l mposud of asthe law directs ROUERT C. HOWELL. Ocl. 7. le'M-niv SIA0 1 lfifi5. Pliiladi'liMiiii & l.rte IM)5. I i. s H- V ' sS A :tV ft A 1 " It P A i , ,-fwrws5,i: VSTCAf-ViSl ; 'g&tszzie'irfz I Thl preal lino traverse, the Noithern and North. j At.sl omuiies of l'uniis)ianiu lo Uie city ot Erie, on It has been based by the IVii'ls)lvania Railroad Company- md is operatml by them TIMS. Or eiS.-tMl..lt IhllM A. HOhllll'MOCBl-SSn LE.WE LASTRARU. Erie Mail Train Erie E ipreas Train, Lliuiri, Lspiers Truin, Elinira i tail Train, Tyrone AuoiiiuioJatloii I 30 P. M :i io a si II -.A F M 10 '.'5 A M II 0) F M LEWI! WEiTWAitD. Pue Mail Train. Erie Lspn i I ram. Ihinirii Express I'ruin E iiiir,! .Mull 'I'rai i '1') roue At ciuiiu.o lat.o.i. 4 Ot A .11 5 40 1' M A UO A M 3 .IA F M 4 OJ A M Passinccm Car run througli nn the Erio Mail and Ex, ness i r un w ithuu; ciu.Mi. iiutli uy. butween FliilaJelidiia and Erie NEW YORK CONNECTION Leave New York nl'.Od F. M nrr.vo nl Eric3.40 A, M Leave Eric al H.uA P. M a.r.ve l New York I J. noun, No Cli.iiigu of t ors tiotiv . 11 Eri" and New York Elt giint sleep.iu '." "' Night Trums For infnrui:ition icspeiiiug I'.is.ei.ger l.iiines, sp ply al ilia Cor. .1.111. ..11 1 .iiarkei i-is. run. pup. aiiu or 1 rt'igui uhsihi ..in am ...,ii,...j . i.s-.--'-S. II. Kingston, Jr.. t'.'r l.llli and .Miirl.ct St- l lnl a . W. ltenods. t.r.t William IIioh.i Agent N-O. It: It., Ratlnnnre. II. II. ilmiston, Ofi.'l. Freight Agl . I'hHJdelphia II. W. Gwlii'i 'r tl ..'I.Tl.ktt A,-t " . ... "Iphie. A. L.Ti LEU. Gen I f-up't Willininspuil. Grlubtr. li. New TUkbbr Shop. TU08- D BROWN. Barber, Pl.OOMs.IH RJ I'liinniis i, A ,.''. the El. p3 'fl1llll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers