Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 14, 1865, Image 2

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" Oor ComMotlon snard It evet I
Our ctorton Union hold It dear !
Oar BMtrv riarforsike It never 1
Tb. prond Paucasslan our only pter!
EaiTEDv6Y'LliV,i; U'TATE. FgomiBTOR.
Bt-ObMfeBURG't t
Saturday Morning,. Oct. 14, '65.
DiMfxlm a itntlmeot not to be up) nllrd. t.orrupt
ui or coniprorplied It knows no basenuss, It cuwen
lonoaner,tttr?ptf..etno.weakiwii. Destructive
only ofdespotltinll l the aole conservator of libetiy.
labor and property, tilt Iho entlraent of ftoedom, of
4ual rlchU, of ciua! obligations the law'of natur
pervading the law ofjbe land-Alti.
The Campaign. " '
During the- late campaign Democratic
ineotiog were held in Columbia Count; and
turrounding counties and.addresBcd as fol-
lows, bv our eitrTSne.
At Ucrwiok which 'was addressed byiT.v.J '
Col. Ent, M. M. Though, Esq.
At Roaringcreek wbioU was addressed
. . '
by Qol. Freeze, and Capt Drockwuy.
At Conyngham whioh was addressed by
Col. Froeio and Capt Brookway.
At Fowlcrsvillo which was addressed by
Col. Tat!Col.;Ent, J. S. Sanders and
M. M. Trough Esq.
At Half' way House -which was ad
dressed by. Col. Levi L. Tato.
At Jerseytown whioh was addressed by
Col. Ent,..C. Q. Barkley and W. Wirt
Biq. . ,
At Buck Horn, which was addrcscd by
W. H. Shoomakcr.and Col. L. L. Tato.
At Beaver Vally which was addressed
by Co1.' Freeze, aud Capt. Brookway.
At Espy which was addressed by Dr.
Freeze M. M. Traugh and 0. G. Barkloy
At Mainvillo which was andrcssed by
Col. Freeze and Col. Ent.
At Jone'a Hotel which was addrcusad
by .Capt. G W. tltf, and Dr. Freeze.
At Mifilinville which was addressed by
Ool. Freeze.
At Benton whioh. was addressed by Col.
Tote and Capt G. W. Utt.
At Alinas Colo's which was addressed
by Col Tate.
At Danville, Montour County, which
was addressed by Capt. Brockway. .
ApfJolumbus, Luzerne Connty, whioh
was. 'addressed by Col. Freeze and Col.
Ent. . .
At 'Ashland Sohtiylkill County, which
- was addressed by Capt. Brockway.
At Catawissa, whioh was addressed by
Col.jEnt, aDd Col. Freeze.
At Robrsburg whioh was addressed by
Capt. Brookway, Capt Utt, and W. H.
At Lightstrcot, whioh was addressod by
Col. Freez3, and Col. Ent.
Crj. A t Nob Mcuntaiu which was address, d
by Senator Buckalow, Wesly Wirt, Esq.,
Col. Freeze, Col. Etit, Capt. Brockway,
M. M. Traugh, Esq, E. R. Ikelcr, Esq;
.andseviral gentlemen from other parts o.
Real Estate Sales.
Mr. E. R. Ikcleh, bas purchased of
Mr. C. 11. Christmnn, tho property ad
joining Mr. Unapgut, East, including the
new brick and Storo-bousc, for the sum of
Mr. I. W. Hartuax, has puraha acd
lho property on Main Street, cow occupied
by dpt. Mensch, being a lot and dwol
lipg house, for 82,400.
Mr. B. SxonxEB, our Fruiterer and
Confection;r,haB purchased a part of the lot
of Mr. Philip Unangst, on tho coiner of
the Alloy opposite Miller's Storo, on
Main Street, including the frame dwelling
House, lor tho consideration of 53,000.
The Closing Democratic Meet
ings. On Thuriday evening, of latt week a
meeting was held at Buok Horn. Capt.
Isaac Leidy, President. Wm. H. Shoe-
. maker, Esq, and the Editor of this journ
al, delivered Addresses. The meeting
wos graced by a large Delegation of pa-
. triotic Ladies, to whom we make our ac
knowledgements for the presentation of a
beantiful evergreen Wreath- Long, but
not in single solitute, may they wave.
On Friday evening, Col, Freeze ad-
dressed tho ever-faithful democracy of
"Old Mifiiinville."
Saturday afternoon there waj a meet
ing at Benton. John McIIenry, Esq., in
the Chair. Capt. Geo. W. Utt, and Col.
L. L. Tate, were tho Speakers, The au
dience was large.
On Saturday evening thoro was a meet
ing at the residenoe of Alinas Cole, Eaq.,
in Sugarloaf. W. B. Pelennan, Esq.,
President. Col. Tato addressed the de
moeracy assembled,
On 'Rrirlritf n!inf nnr frfpntl lipid a
meeting at Jones' Hotel in Mt Pleasant.-
Capt.G. W. Utt and Dr. P. II. Freezo,
eaoli, delivered tolling spoeclios
Saturday evening the meeting was at
Calawlasa. Col. W. H. Ent, and Col. J.
G. Freezo, addressed the people. A large
t&- New Goods. Ex-Sheriff Miller,
bas jutt received a liesb assortment of fall
and winter goods from the city, at his
store on Main street. His stock consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries, &o., that are not
arpaaifd to quality, by any establish,
iMPt.ipfllSomsburg. Call oad ex,miU9
gen 6 adtertiiew.nt.
Columbia county Elcqtion
' leobltBrolvrKD. .
' . Davis
. arm,
. 2,i2 ;
' 37. ta:
70' '
73 I
Ueate r. -V 160
li.,,,.n,. '
,i VV'"' '' ',...
ti' '. ,
j BloptU,,. . . 1.,'..."., yl?t)'
I Oafcwiiia ' -
ICctltro-.i,. .v 160
iCoilyugbam.. ... .. .IlOf '
FifhitjRCrec'k -. 2si8 '
lri - J ,
i ta v f
Madison .100
. C r
Montour .13 m.
Ml Pleasant 02
Orange 113
Pine 73
Roarinccrcek 12 m;
Scott 120
Sugarloaf 124
Tho Democratio majority in tho county
will exceed 1400.
By our estimate it will
.1 Kt i j'in ...:u i .i.. i.....
..... u.w..... ... w
vote ever given in the county, all things
Presidential vote of last year which was
i,;t,i .i:.r-,. ti.q rein i,
limtilir nl!rnnlnrW. Tim n.ntftritp rcill lin
, ., -. 1.1
neany tne same i was . a year w . n a,
full vote was polled, whereas it should bo I
under 1200 (by reason of tho reduced
' reason of tho reduced , ol tiio United btatesj that his administra
te .strength of panics re- uas ucen eminently naiionaland eon
s. It is a splendid voteJ 'e,nli'?' ,aQ(i tLal ,ie ' entitled to
nit- . i .... 'he gratitudo of tho people of the stales
Columbia connty is still forurlv in rebellion. L ,ul L-..I
vote) if tho relative
mained the same
and shows that
"tho Star ol tho North,"
The New York Tribune' however of-
feois to speak aj an oracle of that party,!
hut it endeavors In tlirruv nlislnrilcii in llm
way of th peaceful restoration of tho
., n. . t , ,
southern States. I; does not endorse the
polioy of tho President. From an article
wiucn appearcu in us columns a low aays
ago we cut the following passage:
"Now we object to the scheme of recon
struction which the copperheads and tho
unconverted rebels are crowding upon the
publio as President Johnson's, that it
puts this large majority of Unionist com
pletely in the power of tho rebels, wjiose
actual majority it converti into it virtual
majciity by nullifying tho blaek Unionists
politically, and thus reduuing tho white
ones to impotence".
The pretense that copperheads'1 and
"rebels aro '-'crowding upon the publio'' a
snhi-me nf rnnnnalr.mri.n in.t.lln,,. n,1
shamelessly untrue. What the Tnbune
misreproEcnts and deuonces is tho meas
ures cf the Prcident for restoring the
southern States on tho basis of the Con
stitution. This 'voheme" of reconstruction
is di.ta.teful to Greely, Stevens, Sumner, I
el id omne genus, becauso they desire the!
establUbmont North as well as Soulh of a!
despoiio oligarch,, which will allow them'
to rule the country in the same manner in I
which the infamous 'Council of Ten' onoe i
ruled Venice. They do not desire to see !
constitutional rights established arvwhoro'
. ,, , ' . 1
ai.u i.iL uuau uii who oi;ive to nave
lho republic again united.
PhilaJ. Daily News, Sep. 28.
A Free Fight.
At Catawissa,on Saturday evening last,
upon the adjournment of the democratic
meeting, which th abolitionists bad been
riotously disturbing and endeavoring to
break up, during the progress ; 6ome of
the more drunken and less decent of the
nigger loving party oamo in, and conclu
ded they would indulge in "a freo fight.
It was but a little time however until sev.
ol them got their no3o baodsomsly skin
ned, and lost a portion of claret, that
would greatly tend to lessen the next
morning's headacho,frora the bad whiskey
they had imbibed.
Tho mooting was held at a Democratio
house, under a previous call, and persons
who did not intend to behave themselves
quietly and peaceably, had no businos
there. The attempt of some drunken row
dies to break it up,only reacted upon them
selves j the Democrats very soon clearing
the bouse of their presence, and remained
masters of the Cold. Three cheers for
McOlellan were called for and given with
a will "by the boys in blue" who were at
tho meeting, and the lovers of tho blacks
soon subsided.
Tho Democrats bobaved with great for
bearanoo and only asserted their manhood
when the demonstrations became unbear
able. If tho Catawissa republicans have
a.Dy Bbam.e' tber0 '8 n a flD0 cb8DC0 for
I luai BEuinneui oi mouesty
We are glad to add tbat every man of the
old command of Col. Ent, without respect
to party, unequivocally condemod the ao
tion of their friends and neighbors, in this
thing.-- Star,
Tho Mississippi Election.
OAinc III., Sept. 8. The Jackson
Mississippi Dispatch, of tho Sth says Geo
Humphreys msjority for Governor will
probably be 10,000 G. L Pallor the
anti-negro testimony oindidate for Judge
of tbo Court of Appoali in tho Jtoknn
dUtrjet j, e1iotH b a m atj
1 fc.VfiT3?5ANiV&TMJVJ ,
ProeroSS Of tllO Roconstrurtion
JttSvSSfoSt in NoStfi CdrSlln?? I
Movoinont iu North Carolina
Fassago of the Ordinance Abol
ishing Slavery.
Enthusiastic Indorseniriit of President
Uolins.uii's'Uptonstructloo l'ollcy.
&c, ' &o. iic.
' t . ,
Spiehl Llipatch to the' Wortd.l
1 - . . (Jet'. 8. via )
. WashingtoD, Oct. 8, $
The folloVfin'g bfdinaico introduced by
Mr. Little, from the committee on tho ah. !
olitlon of slaverv. passed tho convemion
on yesterday
Be it declared and ordained, liv tho
ilolegates of tho poople of North Carolina,
in convention assembled, and it is hereby
declared and ordained that slavery and
involuntary servitude, othorwiso than for
crimes, whereof tho parties shall havobcen
duly convicted, shall bo, and is horeby,for
over prohibited within the state.
Mr. Ellis, of Catawba couuty.introduced
. . ... n. . . . , '
i .. -IT 1 . . 1 . 1 .111 ...
'q . 1UU ur" ,ff0 e "
?tA B deIeEatcs of l"e
P' of North Carolina in convention na.
P' 01 "U V.
Isembled, that wo havo tho utmost confi-
dcnce , lho ncknowk.d d nbi,
patriotism of Andrew Johnson, Fresidont
, ol tiio United States; that his admlnistra
loruierly in rebellion, (or the feold uud
statesmanlike course he has. pursued in
behalf of the Constitution and civil liber
ty. .
Itcsolvel, That the adininiprmlmn nf
, 1 resident Johnson 11 as UOt beoli irnnin.
b . 1(!oj1 ""ment. , that his
patriotism is broad and liberal, aud cm-
l,rilP r ......
... , lula uucu nanny
and mighty ropubl ot that his nolicv if
i nifu uui ni booh una all tho 6tate
fArmnrti tn .... I . :.. . I. 11 .
.........j ... .".uiiuu, iu me ui noaie-
etead ' from which no one will over desire
to depart.
In the convention ou Friday o message
was received from Govornor Holdeu, in
clojjpg the address of the frcodmen's con-
.cuu,jun uuiu m itaieign. a motion
was mado to refer it to a committeo.whero
upon .Mr. CaldweJI, of Guilford, .poko
earnestly in favor of giving gravc nflen.
lion to tho matter therein presented, aud
spressm a ueep mtOreSt in Ihe Welfare
. " P, rcment ot the colort'd PPul
Hon of the state. He expressed the opin
ion that the South will show herself as
liberal aud geueroua in ber treatment of
iu.a iccc me ixortn i be oommun ca
" u.wuuout a u.cniing
. ,. TUE ELEC"S.
J "'T" V, n f gVer
" ffCuSrisB LegWa-
," the ! ' iNovcn,bcr'
f" T Tb! ture elected on
, J " "qUIfetl to meot on lbc 10th
of next month.
iinn itrcu tlii -f..-. .... ..
Man Snor. Ou Monday evening last.
William Stcttcr, Constable of Con, ng
ham township, Columbia county, shot
Thomas Levins, with a revolver. The
ball entering the body a few inches below
the stomach. Constable Stetter.
! that he committed ihe deed in self defense.
ihe wounded mau died on Wednesdav
morning. Mr. Stetter come to Athlan'd
immediately after tho occurence, and
committed to the Pottsvillo jail for safe
Keeping Constitutional Advocate.
Attempted Escape of Dr. Mudd.
Foutress Monroe, Oct. C The steam
ship Daniel Webster, from New Orloanj
on tno 22(i alt., has put In here fhort of
coal. Her offioeis report that during tli c
landing of prisoners at the Dry Tortugas,
Dr. Mudd atlemted to crcapo, and was
found in tho coal punkers of tho steamer
Thos. Scott, and put to hard labor wheol
ing sand. The quartermaster of tho Scott
was arrested for aiding Mudd in his effort
to escape.
PiiEPAtttNa i-on War. Tho corres
pondent of tho Philadelphia Ledger writes
as iouows irom Washington -
"I hoar from authoritative sources tbat
tho radicals are arming their batteries
heavily for Ihe great contest they aro do
termined to wago r.t tho next scs.ion of
Congress. President Johnson, they as
sert, is not carrying out the prinoiples up
on which he was elected, and it is the de
termination of tliceo geotleraen.that uo oth
er principles shall govern if they cm help
it. One of the most radioal of tho old
Senators has oveu-gone so far as to 'de
clsro his intention ol offering a bill of im.
pcaohniont soon after the meeting of Cod
gross, aim auvocatmg it with all his bcous-
. . . .
tomed energy and determinaton. The prc3
ident, it i, well known, is not unmindful
nflinfMsiics,) ......I ...... ..
. " v""'( r1 u'ouu ,UBl " "sing
but bo has cast bit anchors upon a suro
bottom, and no apprehension nood bo felt
for tho sal'ntv nrirlms. ahir. ti..
' '' u'
XST See tho Cad of Messrs. Bm. .
Habtmak, Mnnhsnt Olotbir.
Maa3lISJSIU0T..S - .'Ur -
A "ellUC JP loturo Drawn Dy WO r
oyal Governor Drownlow of i
ICnilCSBCO liiUCCt OX liauicai
Teaohiutr Portrnvcd Nccro
troops must bo Withdrawn
- "
nrownlow'i Whig of Iho S7th ull
Thodsands of freo colored persons aro
' oonerrcuting in end around tho largo towns
i 'i'cniiessoe, and iliousands aro coming
'from other States, onclhird of whom can
stoop to work. 'They onterlaiu the cr.Jinj them from one county to another for
trial, wlnm ilioir condemnation has been
not get employment) or reel willing to
roneotis idea that the Qovernmontis bound
to sdpply all their -wants, and even to
luruuu uifiu muii nuunen, n, iu uruur 10
that, the white occupants' must bo turned j
out. There is a largo demand for labor
lurmsu them with house, 11, iu order to
in every stotion of the State, but tho col
orrd people, with hero and thcr. u noble
exception, scorn tho idea of work. They
Bddlo ai)d danco at night, and lie around
thojstort'S aud Street corners in tho day
time And some Of Iho indiscreet teach
er's ;of tho negroes from tho North, who
know nothing of the negro character, have
been known to tell them not (o hire to
white people 1 Having tho tinolu idea in
lhcir uettda of aoolUion tbo.v adviso ,l,e
simple aud credulous nogro to a life of
rrecanous siihsistcnce.ol idleness and danc
inc. and of crowding into the towns to be
cduoated, iu preference to good waccs and
comfortable homes in the country. If
some sreat chauge is not mado when Wiu
tor comes on, and if the military forco ia
withdrawn, as they will be, there will bo
great suffering and fearful mortality among
suFnuac and suiteuance.
Thore is a bad state of feeling now bo
tween thoin and ike whites, aud it is daily
growing more hitter. Many of the negros
are insulting tho whilo, females, who never
owned any ol their color, and never did
them any wrong. They frequently elbow
unprotected wbito women off our narrow
pavcmenti, aad curse white .men pushing
them, just to show their authority. Oth
ers aro swearing ou tho streets, aad we
have heard them s'a, that they will clear
out the d d towuj And still another
class will say tbat if hey aro not allowed
their rights at the ballot box thov will re
sort to the cartridge box.' And they swear
ihey will be backed up by the Govern
ment. , As one desiring, the welfare of tho col
ored people, they wi)l permit me to say
they cau't drive the -Legiflature of Ten
uesseo into coul'o'ring Upon l hem tho clec
live IranchUo. Thuv can, by the demon
stratious they are makiug in this direction
deprive themselves of any 6uoh privilege,
so far as Tennessee is concerned. The
federal Government has no rifilit to con
trol the suffrage qucstiou iu Tennessee.
And the great Union parly of the nation
will baveiuoro senso than to attompt to
control the question by Congressional leg
General Tilon, ai Memphis, has deter
mined that bo will compel the free people
of color to leave the city ami surrounding
towns, evon if their removal requires mil
itary force. He bas sent a patrol through
tho city to learn who have emplojmeui,
and who have uot, aud to notify them that
no further supplies will o furnished tn
those that can support themselves and ro
fuse to do so. At Memphis they have
been contracting for wages, and bceorniun
dissat'uOedjbreak their contracts and leave
off abruptly. Gen Tilson has notified
tticm that this will not be allowed, that
lhy must make good their contracts, aud
that he will compel them to work at tho
rates nud places ugreed upon.
I rank Gen. Tilson among tho beet men
wo never had in command at Kno.willu,
and I am pleased to find that he is still
showing his good sense and love of jus
tice at Memphis We lack such disciplmc
among the colored people iu this end ol
the Statt, aud I hope it will not bo long
until moro rigid regulation are adopted
by tho Commissioners of Freedmen,- who,
as I undcrund it, havo control of this
branch of affairs. There is no better
man iu tho service than Gcu. Fiek, and
if ho tails to do his whole duty it will bo
because his headquarters aro at a disiauce
and he is not ported as to the state of
tbincs heru and alons tho lino of il,!.,
President Johnson will remove alt the
troops from East TennesHce before a great
while, and tho colored people, as well as
me wnues, wui nave to take care of them
selves. A portion of them I know and 1 1 is at fault I am notable to say. Roliev
feel assured tbey will be industrious and ing that their long continuance iu East
quiet citizens providing for themsolvcs and! Tennessee will be productive of no good,
tatnilies. The great majority of them but of much harm, I have written to Pros
will not, and will get into trouble many , ident Johnson to remove them to those lo
ot' them will break into tho Penitentiary 1 oalities whsre ihoy aro needed, and where
The, will fail by Ihcir threats of violence j they aro needed, and where tho people
to accomplish any good, and ho is their were a uuit to bring on tho rebolliou. In
best friend who advises atrainst this course' deed I havo informed the President
ol conduct. Colored soldiers in Federal
uniforms, with guns in thoir handa must
not suppose that East Tenneaseeans will
he intinidatcd by them, or Buffer their fam
lies to be abused.
I know these people, and I know they
will not submit to be ruu over by negro
soldiers. Aud knowingthis, I desired
keep down any eonfl.ct between the race,.,
Ihe East lenncsseo troops, who have
fought three dreadful years 'to free the.
neuroes, and net tho privilerre ofnnminr.
i.-.l. .. .L-; r.i , . , P 1
uuua 10 tueir oia cueriaiieu homes, are not
TiV C.0".',rcd V"U,er.s,
I T n I " ?! !!'
...iw.iutu iuu imiueui
ate control olhe colored troops, and are
iu daily conversation with t'liein, may as
well understand this dot at onoe.
white and ulack uioiiTS.
Loyal men in East Tennessee OODOedo
tn tho colored people thoir freedom, and
me rignt 10 ctjoy all they can make, or
even rea izu from Ihe niil nf 1 1, 1. n...
even realize aid of the Govern -
. - ' . r
?&"a.! 6V ,f"r,,,l,r P"V',CS o'
educate their children t ,.t tLZ '
not prepared to sec all their churches and
..." ... ,.,VI,.. . U
i sohool-liouses turned over to them, and the
I '""t white children ofUnion parents,
! W,h..Uli.,;!r ow"c.douys "es.denicd houses
' v., , M.S.,,,. uuu uuuses in wnirn tn oaoh
school, bocau.e a few impud, nt leaohers
upstartt from the North, out of any em!
pl5tnpnt, havo conocived the idea of im
, mortHlizine the uepro I Thr-i-, s,.
'nf .l.. t-t: " t..: .T
Hi T J!'Mf '.' 'twitbst.nd. ,
. '",U4'UK ,u u oil mo SUB Ot 1
thfl ITn nn .de. .till k!t. . ..-.i. . .
ing the result of the
war. ths. tbe w i.
obild js it pood ti a
There aro those of us here, on tho side
of the Union, who do not recognize tho
igoi 01 mo uoverumeur, niter emauoiuft.
ug the iwg. .f ih. U..I... men to take
tuoir lauus uuu property uu a punisumont
for having owned slaves ! Thoro aro
UiOiB oi us iioio, oiatmiug inrii moro u no
discount upon our Unionism, wbj don't
rccognizo tho right of a captain or a lieu
tenant in command of colored troop, up
on' thu representation of a negro of bad
cbraotor, arresting rcspeotablo loyal
.. e. -i . it ., . ., .
whito men with negro bayouots,and tnarou
agreed upon in advanco 1 And there aro
thousands of truahcarlcd Union citizons
M""- . . . . ... .
and discharged Federal soldiers iu East
TennoJseo, who will die right here, Iu a
second war, bufore they will submit to
any Mioh insults, wrongs and outrages 1
1 speak out plainly, becauso the state of
tho public wind requires it. There is a
, v . . , . r i ...
deep, lUtennu desperate fueling getting Up
iliiniinlinnt tliu eml nf llm Ht irn nnnn tliia
lUlOUgUOUl III IS ecu 01 lUO Ol.lle Upon lUIS
Subject. I think I SCO Where aild What It
uiir li.n.1 nii.l I ilntir.. ,n . ..,,..,1, lUa
will lead to, aud 1 desire to remedy l tie
Ovil. I adviso tho White population to
.1 ii .
treat tllO the negroes justly IU all respeOtS
and not disturb them in their lawful, peace-
, , un.uiu iu..., i,, iui,ij.ui.w
ful pursuits Ihoy were urnied and uni-
formed by the Goveriuncut, and ouht
uot be denounced on that uceouut, whviu
they conduct themselves properly.
Ou tho other hand, let those who havo
control of Hie negroes advise them to a
quiet and peaceful courso, and to reconcile
it to themselves to whito men and their
families L'lljoy what rightfully belong to
them. Ut them frown down all malicious
complaints from negroes of bad character
against white pereOllS who havo always
stnnil fair T.'l llu.111 i-nnan tn nrrovt rron-
stoou iair. Jj.i tnera cease to arrest gen-
tlcilieu 01 Ohatacter aud StandlUg. Olid of
. . .
loyalty, because some enraged sla70 has
faucied ho cm procuro such arrest. A
day of reckoning will coruo hereafter; :iu.l
il these encroachments upon tho rights and
liberties of loyal men aroimprulently con
tinued, the day will comesoouer than any
of us want ta see it.
t , t v i v nur
... , , -
C1UCO writing the tort'gOlOg 1 am inform-
iil th'tt nt n rnlnrpit hill in t hn Ilnivor.ilu at O colored OailllitllO UUIViirslty
building IU this city three colored persons
I. ii i i. t. i .l
wcro killed in one bight. It is said they
wero shot by whito men dtesaed in no-
, -
, , .. ... I ..... . . p.vitrti. .ut;ill t. llle .Audit"! U,
men a clotiies Ur couue I condemn in JjlJ f or '"' oa"eJ f'"" coming ia tjf a .ban- of
unmeasured terms any suoh outrage, and Jtt ' iinitpiir r nt i.u
I make mention of it to -how the state of uuumu f LLAKK,
fyuliug gottiug up between tho races. oct.H, I'd seriu Auditor.
These l-utl.t are to freoui'Ut.tind all wronc.'
White soldiers and officer, attend the,,..
aud dance willi tho colored woiurn. One
Ohio sjldier, a muu ol very lair education
iiini-iirpil i liiiw.e In ni-irru h.i nr,r rli
procured a IlllOt-sC 10 lll.irry, I)Ut not dli-
closing the color of his intended, aud ac-
.,,., , r i
tually manifcd a youn:; wench, formeily a
,lave in 'this city ! If this sort of alliance
auiiuu nia uste, i uavu no uouiuiuuit 10
ui ike
7 ,lo. ....... ..!;. . ll.-i lUr.
. wv huiuii.iu hu... .uu .mw.
rai? or uie coioreu popuintiou are uoi :u
good oiuiii; llaeir freedom aii when they
were in bondage. Aud at the speed we
are all making tn the dircctiou of their
uulighiiueiit, aud teaching, prcauhig, pray
ing, ringing aud dancing w.ll takj half of
tlmtii to i ii t ii iu a short time.
One halt' of all the colored soldiers in
uniform in Ea-.t Ti-nneeKfe have nore-piet
tor that uniform, and do not appreciate
... i i m.. " r.l
iid uig.niv auu luipouanci-. A wo ouut'iu
in inn uunoiic, sometime sinci', up m a
nanow sidewalk in this city, knocked the
lrb,.. tUia .1... .1.. .
ing him upon his hands and knees. li.
was Irving to get out ot the wiy, and they,
niltvi ui ,111a uiiii'lb IIIIU IUC I'UUl'l.lUlUW
eaw it ; hut, being fcebln, and leaning up
ou a si.-iu, no moved too b
11, ho moved too blow for thoir
ideas of progios. I made no complaint
but concluded that these colored riirhuij
had not "learned to repei:i tho uniform
of the army," und weut my way, uoi re
joicing, but feeling iu the left kuoe that I
was worsted in die eueounter, which I
had not brought about but sought to pre
So dicrs snd offlOerS WuliriUe tne Feilcr- IV f b la"d''"1 Danlal-inltli nml Isaac Mcllnle.
, -r , '"oi, ui""" Whereon are erect.J a TvVOSl'OP.Y Ht tMutYt.I.
al uniform ought all lo be gentlemen, uoj un uoi;si; a.nm afuami: uaiiv.
matter what their color, but tho only two aeiied.taku.i in ei-eutioj. an.t to ti sou uj the
..... . ' J. .. . I tirooertv of Julio U Mill..
colored soldiers I evt-r cicountertid did
not provo to bp of that style. I bhu
no wish to try them sig-iiu. I might light
upou others, leks refined, who would run
me through with a bayonet. Binir deni
, ed a white man's choice, I only ask a
""S1"? S Pnvllel5e. 01 gttlUg QUI Of the
The plain truth is, the colored toldier.s
have not been proporly iuatructed. Who
1 no troopj are needed in East Tenue.sco
of any color, and that tlv) loyal poople and
! the civic authorities are fully ab.o to pre-
erre order and take care of the couniry. iTT, i.a uf, nnMTCilawi mJ?? M"8'
Tbe Bench, from the County Court up to ' 8I'' ' "
the Supreme Court, is occupied by loyal ' ZJt $.ffibfl?2t& vtTJ'
judges ; tho proecuung attorneys are loyal ,', Z :,",,, ,l,al'""' Agne, inierinarri.-d with
men, E'o aro the sheriffs and justices, and u '?a la" ''lThri!Z
wo are prepared in East U'ennessee to;.
Presefvo order without the field troopss. ,'"': Lf.'i,, '"""S'V"'' and each or jou are
, I " "-- of,,V?
HaiiWAY Roddeby. Ou Sunday '". '!2yei' '""'""'urg. .n and t',, ,m
:. , . . T .
B"H'B last as donn son ot Jacob Kohler,
1,ver 'tabl ket;P"' of Una Borough, was
I returning from Tremont, alone in
riage, he was stopp.d by two robbers near
the farm of Coroner Johnson. One seized
I the heads of the horses while tho othnr
I dcmnd Jolin'a money. Upon refusing
' t0 ,lyIivcr. "n uttcmpted to get into
tbe carri1g;i but John sliuek him on tho
' Uo with a billy, laying him out in a
l,:.....i :. ...
J -" . ... WW 11, 14
, horizontal position in the mml ...
man then came un with " , L i
rae up
' m PrCeDte(l "t ot young Koh-
, .
ur wuo struo,s 11)8 robber on the hand
( with his billy. The robber then seized
Kohler with his r.nht hand, and ,lMtB
,.:. I .t . . ...
I V . oarr,afi8 oeat mm sev
J and ,obbed hitu of 57 35 Tlw wen
' doojpJ- Constitutional Advocate,
1 ,. -j
The SO l ers. almcL. , ,n Oo.uieoiicut.
. ' - man, votou
BfJ. nit noism .,,IT...... :
Having. oea the ehphant ti y iBo:
& Tho Day of Judgment it coming.
Libbcus 0. Uerry has just recoverad u
judginrnt,tu tho Supreme Court at l'ough
liecpaio, for $300, against tho United
States marshal for illegal and im
prisonmcnt in 18012. Titers U a lively
tinio ahead for the Stantous and Mutters.
CSjr The Conittttiitional Union, publish
ed bv Hon. T. D. Floreuuo, Vashingluti,
has been stjpoied by President
the vehicle for future official advcrii-eiuent,
inttend of the Uepublioiu, an Abolition
n rr r. .... .n
m ...j,.
i ClU 5iUUCl ItbClHCUlS
Auditor's Motion
.... , ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,.. ,
T. ..u . Ad'10'- PPntcil
H by the Orplum' Cmirt of linlumlilt lountvto
uukc dlnnbutlon of the balaneo In ilio lmn.l of II'ukIi
M. Urldo, mlinliil utrntnr i,f Furnklin late of
,eln,k towii.lilfln ald rounly, decraieil.nmnnir tin
evernl helra of the il.'cedent, In tha order club
llnd hy law. will altend at lil fittlM, ill llldamibiirir,
0(1 Saturday, the nth day uf Novcmb-r noit.
m lO o'clock A. M., of laid day, for the purpuie nf
inaklnglho diatrlbu'lon. All periont having claims
or demand against the estate of tho decedent, are no.
ih'Uo present theui to the auditor on that jy,
b debarred from louilna In for a share of tho
llloomsburg, Oct. 14, loCi.-4l Si.iO
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of James Mcliridc, deceased
nj'HL undei signed, Auditor appointed ,
.,,.,.'.,!?,,l.7..y?.u.!!.,.0.f .l:.0.l,"L0hL .,c''n ..? I
1, McUride. ndmlaislra'.or of James McllrMe, laie or j
ft:' tiSZtiXXStSf. I
. M . of said day for the purpoie of Making the dls-
fibution All uormm havine claims or dema.ids
agjlllfl th(. late of llle aretieM arc ,10ljnrdto ,re-
't tham to tho Auditor on that day or bj debaned
................. In f... .1. .. rtnt.. r ,
r Ti nni'V
' tAI"-l't. .
Oct. 14, l6G'4tj $1 i(t.
Dstate of Jesse v tns,dc.cae i.
,..t,n .. . t I
l.'iiy. ui uersune.l, Auditor appointed by llm Orphan'
tl a b, hti.i, In I id i.nj. ..r i ... i. .. ............
.t. i . ' . '-"'"""'la county, m make distribution of
, ...v t,vie i rii'.'r, itoroifl'.i rn
lor "' Jesf hvau.,late of Locust townsnip, in said
c"u'"y deccasod. ainuiig the several heirs of the de
c, neeiit in the order esUbli.Vd by law. will attend at
J ' umt-"- Blnoiuslmrg, on Thursday, the Kid day nf
November next, at lu o'clock, A, M , of suit day, lur
the purpose, of unking th .iisuibjtiuti. mi iwr.ons
.iV"? tJi"m.,'n!lf """"be"'!"" f Ve
um UI 'b Mri'JB,
Estate of Jacob Dyer, ate used,
i 'r,!ru'"le'.,i,'"u'1 Jilnf b the Orphans
; i-0;i"1 ,,rtu1,'"'1, ''i'.l,,'' .,,,,,lle '""butluiu
cf the baluncu lubuudsof l.ui Vuter. ado,n,iuri.l..r
'I,?-' .i.0"-'' .Ia"! of '.vs wi"'"', i inrn
"u"l. deceaccd, nmons the sevornl heir. of the dtci.-
dent m the oru , c.ubii.hsd iy law. ,u mwuk.,
i"'i"-' oiiiiinuiniii. Ai. persons ,v
I "r ueoiaousagailiil Itn estate orth decs
- tl t Ol ur. ili'llll 2U 10
present llu-in to Ihe Audit .r on
inaiutiy oi oc titodttcd irom louuug in tor u .Iiaii,
thu luud.
Oil. 14, ln',5 w, 52 J,).
Estate if Samite! Kitchen dec .1.
ETTER"? ol Adiniuistrati hi on
Aj Eslnte r.f Hmi'iil K'iirl,.n Inie r j,..,..., ..
I'innsiilp Culombin county, i-o.-i.c.l. Imve r.-cn nu.
ico oj ino ,
ted by the lieaistci of Columbia runt) to tna m.der.
; siirned ; all per.ims hiving tlairns ugan.i
f lho ileccdent are reuujsle I to inn... i.. n.
un,liri:n,l. tceliUi'g in futarloaf to'.nshiM wi.l,
not dnlay, and all pcisous indcblid lu nuKe p.)u.e..t
I ... ,r . a... r-v
Mi,a ".u ibnw,
Oct 14. ism-Swsioo'
KHERIFo'a SAL ii. ' ,
BY ittus nl n. wrii of Voi.di ,
tluni Eipn.n, i.nisd ru- of llij.C.i.ut of -, mrioti 1
rieas of l.uierne county, to me dlrerlei, will l e n
pnsnd to puolio ale at tile C 'I.'KT lltiutr,, m r.i.,oo.- '
burK. on TII1.1HOAV. tn,. DAY if uiTUUKR.
lfn.1, nt I u clock, iu ths atsruoo.., thu tul.nnu ir iol
csief, tn wit
All th-.t cert In t-anor pi.ra ef land sltoste In Mad.
..uii .ut.iiHKi,,, i.iuoiDi. tojoty, vontai.iltij ,
jlrad and twenty acrus buanJJ on Ho, r-ouih oy
UnrU ef Joii.,.s Ki.neruiil S'i lliaui liarber. on the
west by lands of C.inard Kra nnrnh i iir
Sheriff's Office.
llloomsburg, Oct, 14, 1FSI.
I Hblir.
Canned Fruit.
200 Dozeu Cutis or Vrtih. jast reoiived
and ror sale, alwhoksae and retail, at
Runyon'a Provision Store.
Rlonmsbiirg.Oct 14 1PM.
JBissoIutiosa ol" jPartnt'M.sSii?
TaOTICEisherebygiven. that the part-
r- ., i. T. "uos'siiiig ouiwten jam.. 0
I , L'fi? ."" '"f60'!.'9," 'el'"'. olUatanissa, Coliiuibia
county I'eiiua. under tho flrni ofJ. H McNincli i. C-..
was d .solved 011 the Will day nf Hcptiiihcr. A. I),
loCo, by luutaal consent. All debts owing to the
sjld partership are to be recoiled by s, Id James fl,
McMnch, and all demands on ths said pailm.rship
nre 10 ba presented lo said .McNUtli lor payment.
J. S. .McMM'li.
Catanisia. Oct 14. is;;,.
UU1. lULlUb.
I Specific I'ufounawe James 1Ws'ojtIt""u'1
j Estate "' Vu"'ni..
coi.uhuia county, hb. I ""'
I Kiitac
i , .. "i- urn .'louuay or UECDMIICR nen.
iVa,,',,,- lu,uo''vr' ,"" 1,111 " pviition of h f
d! W
' lhc Day f reb,ilry. a, n
"&"'. U"'u ",4 L,ul' '
ie .if I-..1T... .... . ".-."i .le.vo
1 . mo'.1 to seal and
oriisrims. siau uwuvor. his Leus
Oct. is, ism. samuei. snyder, tshcriir.
lilt . I W I.' ITIIIl 1' I
T,r S"a"'v1' ...
' """"" - .uncoiling Phy
For the cure of Chronic Diseasm of Ruth
New York
A LL PERSONS, who sre nfilicnri
BWute Wl'r4.
"I the irrcat skill of tin. i, ''." "u nemseive.
Ida... nr. i
ian au.l i
.... ....VB. a mi
nation uZ T I:"' S Jn.b..'iil..r.C.';nu
recommended to ou, reidi .fTl. u l
recomineiided toou, ,.";7i;'..,..f.r,.l,V"' r O is!
vised togiye himncal, a i. ' "... '
by till, nailer i l?i L' A."u 'V 'niotit w Lo tue,
Caution j
WniHUEASmy 'Ho Oatharlna bin
'. nt,1,l"' r11 P"on r hereby cautionpd atalnii
i.Vm?- i'i1."' tn '"' nttn,lht n do.
lilSlS g 1,0 ,tLU xb,t 0,18 ttt .
, , JI Woililielerr.
Cm, OK. It, ltf3w (I iu
A-1- tr,l,l C. tlr,iK,if
Clothing Emporium!
Firm of Evans & fiurtinan.
t ATI? ..;i r tn , m
"'" "loom.biirg the bet and latc.tAiyu. a?
CLOTHES, CASSAMtillS, S-c, fa,
EvcijUllns in tho (loiitli'inaiis II ho of Clithln;
llavmi: In our ompHy tho well known and "tpurlen-.
ed i.'utt.'r. Mr. t:. I,. HticiiAan, formerly nt Easton.
peifct (11 Is eoarnteed. mid toorder. Also -Lirgati.
Hurimeni ui i.enay niajo
Also -an aasortuunt "d ItUOM. tbj chiapst iath,
At.oii splendid as.ortinettt of
CTothea and' Caaaamerd,
for or to maketuurd-r
llloom.bnrr. Oct 14, IPCS
Fall and Winter
MiUcr's Store
, T'af.ffi.ViV'V'.t'V "
I X l"""'herl'irgandelettas4iirimet of
purchased at Philadelphia, nt tho lowest liure no I
which they are determined to sMI on as moderalotrru,,
as ran be (.rociirtd elscwhtre in Ulooiusburg. Iih
stork ininjirixe
i.tiiii.y aoorti.
of choicest ttyls nnd latn.l fashion.
uitr auoDx. .uvu uitucattrjt.
ii uimr.iftK Qur.w-iMitr.
aw.iit ii'.jik. uui.Luw iKtun
mux. .vjhu, noon siiot.s
n.'TS (MW, -e., 4c, it..
In shun evf.'iylhlnc u.ually kept In 'ouatrr ii.r.
' to hl,li h- invito tin- nublli coocrally
I 1hB lligiiesl price paid lor couutry produr
eioomtburg, Oct. 14, Mi.
Eitutt nf h rede rick Kiwiise,dKiuid.
Stale of I'etiUHylva liitt,
ijvlumbix County,; i
i TT i THE Comtuouwealili of I nn,
, - vai.uto Nancy Kr.ur. Hnunah tr.t-,M,
; 'V
1 Kwt. yaiiniiiitu Kiiu, ) ur stiunnor Jm,,
iinou.e. Madha J ne Kn
last three fi.ho
ami iii.iui. Iran, Dm. I
liuils at2 btl'l tl tlltlf w,
u. Tn-am h Mencainc-d v, i... v,
, le ...o Jucksi i. Kn.iu.e. rt .de H I'.eit, 1 in ,,,, -
Umiy. iie..fgai., 1.1 ch.Ued d i.V.i .'elc,
"kr!n. t uiuu,.,.,,',
. i.,... ii... i.. .... ti.
Von ait' hiMnbj cited 10 ho uni .n
before the Judges of our "rphio'j Court, to , ,
I. loom. burg, in ni.i i.'ouuu, on tiu 1 r-t i Ia
,..Li'iiii.'r next, then uud there to arenu, orr.i... i.
! tbku lh.' etai' of said (''lederick Kuoumi. d t .
ed, situ ,t' Hi Jdck.oo ii.vii.Iiii, In sal i ;oin,,
I the a,i,jraisi'd i aiiialuo pot upon it h; ao Ini , ,
! a.viirued ' i tin 1.1I1I I :,mi 1 1 auo rvlunud b 11,1 si,
, liioutiK nun iij; vi at'inuinuci. A u mm t.i ,.a.
vl'hl buuilied al.,1 ellt f.iur. , r .bow c.Alist
4iue should not be n'i'i i,i iirio, f .i, not
I u, ii... n.Mi vv.i vi.. ,1 i.
I I'li'iiiiiiil of our .kid Ojurt at tii.ium inrj th iu
J f.h) ietwn Jir, A. U., !3iS.
.iv.:ssl.' mu.'! tv
- ' . - . . . A . I. ..
t. itik, J, C.
"11J. r'5 c'r
Gold 1QG5,
i to
1860, 1867,
75,000 ! !
V- t i
DoHars i !
rvlanufactxirers' jlrnnlr. !
One of OUT G 0 LD or -SILVER W-.ul,-
cj, or Oliver J en ctn le.
as dvlow ttaud.
On rf onr tea salt vr una plicif our )l'
ver-ware is worth a bd.hel ol ilu cheap dolUr J i
Wc have aJo,.le.l the f.dlortlng ino.ld of
by l.u of Jl.or,1 articles iifvaluai
Thd articles f ,00,1, ar.j uumb.rjd frooi on.i hjo
.jjiyil -.,S.,ii cuu,l.i,g of fi.n..., .Meio.Uoui
i.iid Mlvar t.atch.a 8,iring Machine., Tea aad eJ.
ftels, Holld Huver 'IV i umiI Tauie buoonj ao I ...
etc. etc.; and th o )0r 07 3'JU arii.if, oi I-
Jiwcly, Workf.u.lToilut ruses 1'hototrHor, .
upeniueerJihtr fancv artic , , , .. i
va.i't. 7S.IJ0.I notices nambereu I'ruiu o.ij ! . . . .
am pn.,led an J pm
in itu, uuu unc r.i ind.f n laKen out and
-'p"l"iii' iin uie numuer ou the n-u,. k
sent to the holder of il, ..lm3 um,.,Ma.iy , i u 4
'ires lo tho u.-tu-ls,) 0u th reccl'.t o ,i
"ollara. fur losunco : Ifth, uutuher o', "t
sant to ou should b, Sju, and a P1..1 n .
s-.t or.Oold tv'ulcu sh nild b, ouijbre,( iui ii . -1,
ou lor S . auo .0 on lor ever, a.i,.,l. m u ,.- i
7i udu articles.
"Alter rec-lving an articla.if ildnj.n.
)'-;.)o'ie;in I., i,d jUr la.J Bua...
JwbiiI) ,lv c-iits iimsi Le sent to pay opens.
p..Ha,ie,'ideiicc. et... uu ooti uMKe
I.eiuenibt', Wh llevcr nrti.!.. .............1 ., ..
I lie number ou .-ur hutic , )ou cm have it lr mini
iurs lor 11, unctliir it hj wnrih 3100 or
s for our inUrti.i 10 deal r.iiriu .....
uui Hue artl.le.. a. It givu' c j(S u v u lu, , ,
uioicuy incicssea oar alei,
nr f. V CT x. -t ,
NcV iiode!!
, r.. .A.cb pay, to, eo,re
d.nco, pu'tase, -c . wo -nd cue not,Ce.
Z'' """W'-
pXiWS&S 'S nnT TOfc
unu S.;. mi -ampin nrour ,ix.
""i-vhb w .-icii. t,y fZnl mil '
ici'vtj leimen .
AOLivid NAMED, do nd for our circular '
Agents allowed a large cash coaiuiiii-b.
by whioh thoy can make 820 wrckly.
Address plainly,
RbED ,t BRO l'HHR,
34 Liberty 'l-i.
-ct. 14, WS
lint. St y
New YorJ
iSTew Goods !
'The -ubseriber has moved to the eccm,
new .'t'oa'ot"610" "'". ju.i,.i.
Zephyrs, Cotton and Woolou Y.rm.
l-oisetK, Laoes, Embroideries, Mui
lius, Edgeding,,, Dnss Tiim
mings, iio., &a.,
which all are Invited to call tiu uiamlno
October T.J8B5 A, D. t'Hh
,l 11
.r..j.Jr,"V'.' ma. ,5""K. "i,k'
, r, i! . ,' "A" "'i'.1 variety of oibcr Ho
, . , , - m.-ioii, hocks, ami
CI ! ."S. 2.,, H-r..,od - ot:.,' .
""" '"oomsuurg
Blooiiisburg, Oct, 7, 16M,
A. D, wciia.
uroiiini "
w. o. i'i.rtn.1
'ltv.Hu Uu rti (