Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 14, 1865, Image 1

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    KPtiimimiiiwnnmijjmw",mumuniiiuj jiJWMmiiiuiiiuiiuwHiiuiiiiiMiiMMijiimmwiiuMMMuui"i'i'J'
VOL. 19. NO, 33.
Baltimore lock hospital
Baltimore Mdi
The Only Place xuhtrc n Cure can be ob
tained. Dr. Johnson lm! dicnvred tho most
(Yrtnln. Fpfedy, and only Hirertual Ilctncdy In tho
World for Weakness of llio Hark or Limbs, Strictures
Atl'eclinii of the Kidneys ntnl Utaddi r. Involuntary
nlsrhnrseB. Imnntcnr), tlencral Debility, Nervous
liess, Hyspi f" I.nnsunr. Low Spirits,, Confusion of
Idem, rnlpltntlnu nf llio llenrt, Timidity, 'I n inhliinr.
Dimness of Sight or (ildilltioss. Hlri-aso of the Head.
Throat, Nose, or How els those Ti-rrililo in-orders,
nrliilng from Solitary Habits of Youth- secret niol
solltarv practices worn fatal l tin Ir victims than tho
mini; nf fyn n t thi Mariners nl 1 liiwi, lillnhtltiR
tliclr inoil brilliant hopes or iiiillcipailulis, rendering
luatriagc, fcc, ImpM-ilile.
Especially. "Iin have bi crnic the victims of Fntliary
Vlcf, that drrntlful anil di'struitivi' habit which itiiiu
nil sweeps tn ntt untlimly trnv'i thoninnds of yn'ini!
men nf thn mm-l cmiIH'iI tal"t,ts anil brilliant Inti lleit,
vho inleht otherwise have i-iittauied li-teiiiug ftii
nil's with llio thunders nf i Inipicnie, or Milked Inte
stacy tho living lyie, may call v, itli full tonlidi iilo.
Married person., or yeiin:? inr-ii contemplating mtr
rlauo, belli;; nwaro of phi-ie il weakness, organic do
lilllty, ilefiirinllld-, fi-rt 1 1 rnrnl.
Ilu Him plan's hinirii'lt under the rare of fir J. may
rilleinusly conflili! in his honor us a pciitleiu.iu, and
cuhllduuily rely upon his f kill ns a phisicuir
In nieiMatelj Cured and full vinor resinied,
' his distressing iill't'ctinn - Inch lenders llfn nils
iTald'i and tnnrrlase impossible -is tho penalty pat
'by the viitlms of iuipi.iper t'ululiieticiM Vnuiiii pi r
Mitis an; too npt to rnntnilt excesses from net lieim!
tmnre of thn dreadful cnnse'po m-es that may ensue.
Now, who Hint understand the "object will pnti'iid to
t n ii v Hint Ihu power nf pmcre alii n Is In.t sooner hy
those falling into improper h.,hits than by the put
dent f llesld'S ll ing ilepiivi d (i. Il.i.' pleasure tit ln-.ll-tey
iitlVpring lli inil serious mid destinUivo syinp
h, in nt hoih Inidy and niiinl an?.' Th'i tjyolrin In
mines deranged, the 'li) nnd incut il fiun-limis
weakened, l-iiss of I'r-i-i' alive power. Nervous Irri
tability, llyspep'ia. Palpitation of tli-J Heart, lu-liges
li'in, t'oiiflllntioeal Helnlity, a Wastini; nf the l'lani'i
l ough, (,'niiMiniitliui, Heeay and lie.itli
llll, iiJII.NsTtiN,
Member of the l!i yal foil -gn ol Suremu, Loudon,
t . i i- (nun one of Hie must i-uiin-nt fiilli-ge. in Hi
i mloil fH'ites. nod Ihe en iiletpart nf u ikim: life Sins
b. en -prut in 1 e In-spil.ns nl l,,iinliill, Paris, I'll it -t-
ili'lplll.l, and elserth re, li.l t lleeleil nune nl III n-t
ii-t-ilil-hlng Hires that wi r-. e -r l.niuvn ; ninny linn
hir.l wiili riugina in Hie I land when asuep
n , at nernii'.iiesV, h inc alariiied ,lt. Mitl'ien s, units
I , -lifuliless with fieipl-ul blit-liing, atlemlid ninui
ti.nes mill iler.iuitnieut of iiuii.l. i.'i iu cured iiinue,,i
i. . ly.
TAKI". PAn.Virri.AU NfiPH'i:-
Hr I. addresses nil llnisn n lm have mjnreil tl
.Ives by niipropi r iiidiilm 'ii u and nn.i,y habits,
uiiiili iiiiii hulk body and mind, iniliiiiuu them I'm
i mi, r liii-iues, study, s ci. ly. or n,-ir,iai-'e.
i'he ie are some ot th 1 sa.l an I ui. l.u.i in.l y Ifcrts
rn, M- , d by eailj hablis of youth, vi.: In akin ss of
" II .. , nii.l Limbs, I'aills III the, llil'lue-s 1,1
.si.iit, i. ii s nf .MiiM-ntar 'inw'i, lilpilalin;! nt the
ii, ,i Ht-spi-psi'i, Veil-mis Ir in ibd.ty, lli-raiuement
I, hit, .live I'll ii liml. lli.blllty. riyiili
(.mis ,i t;Hitmiiiii'i V(
li iM.iv lb f,-,n iiil eiti'ii'i no ihe iiiltid. -ire
, I, .ii .iili-il ,,,.s of 1,1, innrl r,itlfilsiinl of Ideas,
i,,i. ,1,11 ,,l f,,nl, i;.,l rnrlio,iii;s. Avi'i-inu to
,,. ,i Sell' lllrliiiil, nf tn il-id, , riiiiidiiy.ic
snln,' nt III. i.l s pl-iliM d.
I lion ..Hid ' -I purs, ins ,,!' ,,i asen mil now ll liC
-. Ii;,i is iln ,.,iisi uf iheir ii'-i Iiiiiiii healtii, losliie thi ir
. i-..,r, ti ii, vicik. pal,', in ivmis i,ii,l en ,1,'iiui'd,
ivmg . singular i.pp.'.'u.tiicj .ilemt the tyus, cough
uilil -.yiii;,lnni't nf i 'uusii i.tptioil,
ilii, I ne injini i' llr inr.e'l' lie a c. -lain praclli e. Ill
ih.Ij. ! in win ii .iln.ii!, a h.iiiit fis"ii.'inly kariii.d Hum
i il e,iuip,iiiiiii 'r .it lilnin, tile i if' U of which ,ilV
inalii'v Ii It. i ven .in n nslei'ii, ud. if H,,i cuie I n n
ili-rs h'.'iri i.iee iiniiiiMiililiauil Cestroyb butti miita and - Ii, hi i il ,lpdy liiile ' l.
H tl., i a pity Unit a young iii.iu. thn hep- nf our eniin
-V. Hie pinle nl Ins p.lrel.ts -hinll.l l,u ni.lti lied lioui
ai inoi-peils n.ld enj.iyiui lit. nf lile, by the muse-
ill ileM.iiing Iroiu.h' ii.illt if n.iiuru nun hi-
uuig m; in a " ,.im Miii i habit, itnih " idium uiiisl,
I'U-it. ,.i.i'.. mpl.iiiii
Select poctrn.
What the Okf SaAV-fisFiSaw."
Thrro was nn old (,-tw.lislt down In Iho s en,
Ami tic was ns n,uocr as n flih could be.
A lUli of tathcf rcmarknlito slrengtli
Soino eighteen or twenty feet In length.
At tho end of his unso ami hl-i upper jaw,
lie carried n terribly powerful caw,
lie Incil far down in the briny deep.
Where the lobsters piny itnl thn dolphins leap,
It enme tn pass on n recent dny.
Shut tho Telegraph Cablo whs dropped that way.
1 1 o I Ho I" says lie, with aflshy laugh,
"I sec tho Atlantic Telegraph I"
'U Is certainly clear to ino,
What Its effect on the. (Idles may bo I"
'Hut, whether lt' evil, or hcther It's good,
It shan't pass thro' this neighborhood.
"l.vil or good, I know what I'll dn i
I'll get at the thing nnd saw ll through I"
So he unwed it through with his terrible saw,'.
Which he carried about on his upper Jaw.
Jn-t about Hint time of day.
The signals ceased nt Valencia Hay !
And what was Ilia reason no. om knew,
Save the. saw-llnh who sawed thu cable thro-igii.
The Factory Girl.
, d, 1 1 that ,1 snon.l iniud nnd bndv ate III" iuol lleres
.ii i. .pn-iii in proimiti. H.nnubial happiness In-
!, id, V. II lm II ll . n Ihe ji.UI, I, j llll" nail life lie, llllie.4
,, wi-.nv I'llJiinilise I Iln. pp,-nil limine d, nil, 'ii- to
th vn -w, He liilild bei'niil --Ii nlnw il Willi de-pair
, in. ed w nn il ii lam In II) i. ll, itluii Unit He u 'l"
pi. nl another beeoiiie-i blighted with "ur own.
Offiisv, 7 Soitii I icttcthl; SI ntt,
I (ft blind side g ,,,ie final I'.iillitnore s'r"! I, it few donl'i
mm the lunar, I'uil not tn nliserv naiii'i and iiiim
"'Vn le'l'Ts rcreived mib'ss pnsl p'li'l and coll
laiiiing n slainp to lm u-ed on tin reply, lir,ous
h riling should -tale age and t,uinl iortiuii nra.l.utite
tiient dun ribing
Tho I'octnr's liipluioii lianas in bis nfllm.
ICixai ztiiu nt ul ilit I'nbS.
Tho many i!iiifaiuls inied .it I'-iM I'stabllshiin nt
niliiii iln-lasi l, nly "ear, .nil nu .niiuniroiis nu--ji.rliiiit "pi raiimis ,er.inned. by Hr. Jnlim
inn, witnessed bv lb ioilui-i f I'liu Sun and many
oiher papers, nnliies nl wbnh h,w api'-ared again
mid uiiiili I, fine Hie publie, bendes ln landing as
g, ntli-maii ol ihaiailer and rei-puii-,iiiiliiy, i a sum
i lent !.'ii,irinitv In the allliit, I.
akin Dimatts Uienl'tli
April le'-J -ly
lire 1.
(On the Sin n", Tbreii Honrs from I''s lintel
'iHIIS INSTUTION is now oprnetl nnd
fi r.,rl,l,n I In Ilu! most i-r-.llv Rlvb. Ileci'litloll,
Pri villa nml U.icratl'ig Hoimi. are large, convenient nnd
well adapted. The Siraniil ai'irtment ronlnins th
n ..r.n,.,ii.i, ,,i in.i.,1,., -ui-in tins t-niintrv, and
, inid I'triiliii's w ill ii, ib 1 1 hi. a to nu et nny and all I
eiiiergenries in practien lie will operate upon all the
various forms of III. I lT.?.-, I'.it ttin t. Oi eluou of
thu 1'iiiiil, (.'ross 11 riiiiiru of the Tear Hucla, lit-
vi riinn of the I'.yelids, I'ter) ,iiii .te .c. And will
treat nU forms nf fun s, Hyn (irnnuled I, ids. Onaci.ties
of thn IJornea, ii-.d t-i'ioliiloiis disenses of thu Uye to
gether with nil the di8"ase8 to which tlm Uyo U ub-
1 "lIUArNKSS Will treat all the diseases common to
the organ. Dim barges from Ihu i.'nr, Noises In lln- Cnr
Uaiarrh, difficulty ol De.fuess oven w hero
tho Iln s destroyed. Will iiiM-rt an ailHKlal one
answering nearly nil tho purposes of ihu natural.
HISUAfllrl nl' Till. TllltOAT. AM com
nion tn the Throat and 'on will hn trealed
CDNIIItAI. rU UOHIIY.-Ile will opurato upon Club
rem, Hair l.ip, l-'left I'ull.ite, Tumors, Caucers. Lnlar
,!id TencilJ, c. I'lasil : oi. raliotis by heiillhU new into derormod .iind (ieneral aurgery ot
.vhatever cliaraefr it m iv pi, sent.
JIKIIMA (or UUl'Triu: )- Me will perrorm 'Lab its
-iperaiiou inr ne ,-. .ve. .r - ...
r ...-Ir.'ii onerated tipouin
t "'I. V II Ul l HIV Ha I
bis is unquestionably a ,
,ln. flnl r,r,,,.,iv, litl-
Hliio or ii p..- " , - , -sniig met tuu
(intuit Ihero has been nn ini..'re.
.erftilapprnbationof all wlmliavo si'1'",1".1 i i-v. s ulv-
' abtuMi'ai, i:vi:a.-vvniiiioitiirtifli:i!ii';
.ug Ijiem tLu tiiotiou nun espresiiiu ui ,...
Tlieyare insnrlrd Willi Hie leusi pain.
' llfcMOKUIIOllW. (I'llff ,1-T'us truublesniiic d sease
,s readily tured. Thu.e bull', i-ag from H will dowel'
Jm"iju De O'rall' vUits Wilkes l'urro with a view of
tuilding up a iieiuijiicnt Inmiute for Hie treatment ''l
fl" l ye' l'ar arid lieneral Surgery. Tl.o ;por1enr.o , M
more than a 'I'laiter of n ee.iiuiy In llokpilai nnd gener
al piacliie.liu hop. s. will bea sufficient guarauH-o to
thesu who may uo diii.ed to employ him,
.M ay II, Idol. tr.
ritlli: undersigned respeitrully tuMrius Ills old friend
'.i .... .. .K iiiii hii has nuriliasi'd his brollters
i.i rest ill the above, estiiblnhliii ul. and Ihe uuiceru wtls
.M!.' ,.tt "!L ' i .J ' a e. tho lurg
v HP im in,.,..1 ,,. ; 'M t . , i.
w 'i est and nmsl extensiio assnitnient n I A N L. V
s'I'll V ISH ever intindiucd into this uiarKii.
". "i His slock consists of u lomplcto assoiiment ol
. ......l t - u,..v,.a ,,, i In, market, tout th
itli rilnvo rixtun'"t nf every description. Hvcn innl
iltovos, Hmlial 8, i yituiiar Bioves, av
..,.,,. I'.. , Hlnv.. ace &r. KIOVI'IIIP" ilUi
h ito conn.-ully nit hind and maiioftn mn J o ndcr
t-i ol repairing u ut-, ns usual, nu snvn o.-.. -npntriuin
- of old trt 'inl and now ciistoiii; ; r
tfiilly folliHi .l A KUl'1.11 1
louisbui Vnvenibi'r 3d IP"1 If
la n swert, rural valloy, nestled amoDg
tho hilli of Massachusetts, Mninls a ploas
nut village, with a pio'urt'Mjuo millpond
atid f'.it-tory. Si varal sii'iiiinra ago Hits
li unlet wa thu tuinpnrar rosi'U-uuo of two
yr.ung inoti, who arc 'ipp.irently travelling
artists; us their cliiol tiueiipatiou st'cmoil
to oonriii-t in rkftcjiinj; the s-cencty of tlio
Ufigliborhooil, which was tit'lrbratcil tor
its beauty Thoir arrival had cri'.-itt;d
onio stir auionn- tho silliiiO'rs, for without
a bit of pii toiiiioii, both young mon had
a eiH't.nii tlin-nitv of manner that matle
ihoiu lonked up to, and many a pretty
J'.iatnry girl, as she trippl' d to her work,
cat hack a lonk over her shoulder, if sho
met I'itlmr of the hanihomc strangers.
Thnujili the socieiy of iln- vil'ago was
tmuiually intollij'CHi, anil ihe I'o-i alc-.-i
w re fctitaik iblo fur lovlin.m, thoro wits
one faniftl beyond all thn re.-t, in both
anil po.-i-on.nwc'.t Ed tit M iilicr. She was
en orphan, without siliT or broiiio r, arid
lived with an and aunt whom i-lie eliicuy
supprrted by her labor in ilic. factory.
E lull was pujitilar with every one. Sim
was so grutlo, considerate and kititl, that
even those who at first envied, learned at
lust to love In r Tho younger of the two
uitiats, whom wo t-ltall u.une L-ivell, boou
liceamo in this sweut creature;
at least it'look, tones, and cnuataut seek
ing of her presence w re any proof, ho was
I hui itiiet'CrUt d. hi: and bis friend had elamer-
ml tin somo rooks on tlto tteeu hi.lside,
from which the village was overlooked,
ami as ihey sat ihero 'lie bell nfihu factory
rang, and the git-en was iiiiiiiediutely cov
ered with the girls employed in it, wend
ing their way thither al'ur dinner. Among
them it waaeasy to rioognzo the light and
graceful form of Edith Matin r.
Is she not beautiful J When.! can jou
s'iow tne a person so slpeliko,' said Lov
cll with undis'guis'eil enthusiasm.
Ilis companion made no reply for a mo
ment, but then abiup'ly remarked.
I think it is t'uuo wo loft this village.'
'Why ?' a-bed Lovell in a touo of aur-p-isc
'15icau30 if wo do not, you will have
that giriin lovo with you. Your admira
tion is evident to all her friends, and you
are loo honorable to hold out hopes ynu
never intend to fulfil.
'Hold out hopes I never intend to fill-GIT
iYes-for you don't think of marrying
tho giil do you .''
'To be sure.'
Tho dtice you do,' said his companion,
etaning to hi feet in uualVioted astonish
I.ovcll indulged in a hearty laugh, and
then asked.
Why not V
'Why not? Why, for a thousand rea
son. Sho's only a factory girl, a lady of
neither birth or education, but a simple
country lass, very good in her way, only
no matoh for Fred Lovell. xiiinu 01 pro
scntiti" her lo your fashionable friends in
town 1 No no it will never do. bhako
off thia lovo (it; pack up your trunk, ami
let us bo off to-morrow.
Lovell shook his head.
T nni. ncrhana. a moro romantlu man
no woman in our pet tliero whom I would
be willing to mako a wife, Tho city girls
arc so frivolouu, so fond of partios, so oa-
gr for wealthy alliances ; and really so
ignorant of houehold affairs (hat for a
man of my tastes to marry ono ol them
would bo folly. I am not fond of gay life
I think it waatos loo much precious
tirao ; nnd I want, thoroforo, a wifo who
will bo domestic, aud not involve mo in a
round of balls and other cntcrtaimnonts.
I do not wish to bo a heruiit,n fow friends
arc a great blessing, and I shall bo always
glad to gather around me a email oi role of
tho right kind ; but promiscuous visiting I
detest. Now 1 think I havo found just
the partner I required in Miss Mather.
She is well informed, agreeable, simplo in
her taster, has sound sense, and withal
possesses a largo sharo ofpersonal beauty,
and, if I mistake not, tho power of loring
very deeply. II I marry her, and tako
hor to the city,hcr iutu tivc fact and sho
has this in a remarkable degree will soon
suppl y any deficiency in maimer. In
short, 1 do not know where 1 could make a
better choice.'
'How? when she has no accomplish
ments.' 'Sho can sing with untaught graor, and
as lor jahberling Frenoh,l don't know bow
that would mako her bitter. Sho would
soon learn too, with her quick parts, I5u
sides I caro moro to hove ono pot-sosting
only superficial accompli bments.'
'Rut her. family ! ll-collect who your
grind-father was.'
'And who was hers J a worthy divine,
poor I grant, but estimable. Reside!, Iam
above the oant you tall: of. I' would care
little whether they were of royal blood or
peasant extraction. I belieTo with Rums
that 'worth makes tho man,' and the only
degradation I acknowledge is that of
'Well if ynu are resolved on it, I know
enough of your ohstinancc to say uo moro,
I5ut faith 1 Lnvoll, if you hail a guardian
an (1 I was he I wuuld lake you from this
place to-morrow. You'd thauk me for it
when you recovered your senses.'
Thin conversation hire, ceased 5 nnd di
rectly tho two friends retracted theit steps
to the villago
The uest morning Lovell'a companion
came down stair.i aitircd fur a journey.
'1 am going hack to town,' he saitl,tired
of ruralizing. The tit fur that is over,and
I am afraid if I stay hero 1 shall bo as
foolish as you.
So tho two patted, for Lovell remained
behind ; and in less than a week, it was
known everywhere in tha village that ho
aud Edith were engaged to bo married1
'll you eau content yourself with the
precarious life of a poor artist,' ho said
when ho told his afL'ction, wo may be
I'idith a-nsTiored 'with a look of her
bright eyes, so tender, confiding and elo
quent that Lovell adored her from that
moment morn than ever.
In a fortnight they woto married, when
Lovell took his biidctotro his rclttions
in tho southern city from whence ho eatno
Edith's parting with her aunt was sor-
Tho Arab and. His Serpents.
A Paris correspondent says : "I stop-
pod to see some of tho numerous shows,
which arc in full operation during tho hot.
idayfl. I found mysolt at last within a
cirolo whoro nn Arab was showiDg off
with eoven or eight groat Forpents. I
wanted to turn and go away ,but the crowd
had becomo so great that I found I could
not move, anil obliged to remain a wit
ness of certainly ono of the mot curious
and frightful spectacles ever offered to
the public. Tho snako .oharmor was
seated on tho ground, after tho fashion of
his country, with his snakoa all around
1 ; two or threo ol them wcro of tho
most enormous size ; almost as largo as
as a full grown bna. He would take them
up iu his hands, let them wind around his
legs, arm", body, neck and head ; stick
out their forked tongues and kiss him on
the hands, the lips, the eye lidn, and pro
sent their heads or tails to him, us ho com
manded them.
While the spectacle - was proceeding in
the most successful way, one of the largest
snakes slipped oft unnoticed by the Arab,
or apparently so, and dragging itself along,
got out of tho crowd, everybody, you may
ho sti ro, giving him a clear spaeo Just
outstdo of tho circle two dogs wore play
ing together. Thcscrpcnt ro sooner ra
pied them, than he raised his head; and
in an instant wan buy winding himself
around tho body of ono of thcumfortunate
animals. Tho poor dog litterally sorcam
cd with fright. It was like the tcrcam of
a human being. ,f
The nrali no sooner heard it and under
stood tho cause, than ho got up, went to
tho spol, and without toiiohinn; the forrent
tit all, spoko a fow wor$s,and the creaturo
instantly uncoiled itiol'l' slowly until it
lett the tlog tree, atu( I assure one ol (ie
canine race never ran an fat as that dog
did, as soon av lie git'loorc. Tho sur
priee of tin spcct.itoiyLpf this .-cone know
no bounds, and pieces of silver wcro lit
erally showered into tho Arab's turban
Threes Home Rales.
It appears to me tint throe simple rules
steadily observed from the very germ ol
active existence, would mako children's
tempers much more mutable than we gen
erally poo them.
First, nevca givo anythiug improper lo
them becausu they stro.igly and pasjion
atoly desire it ; and ever to withhold pro
per things ftom them until they manifest a
right spirit.
Second, always to gratify every reason
able dcaire when a child is pleasant in its
request, that your chilitrcu may seo that
you lovo to mako them happy.
Third, never become impatient and
fretful yourself, but proportion your dis
pleasure to exactly their oliense.
If parcuts become angry aud dpoak
loudly aud harshly upon every light fail
ure of duty they may bid adieu to domes
tic subordination, unless the grace of God
interposed to snatch tho little victims of
severity from distinction. I feel confi
dent of what observation I havo mado,
rowlul, but it was made in espcotatton of tuat although moro childrcu aro inured by
specially returning. Arrived at Fhiladel CSCC3sive indulgence than bv tho opposite
phia, tha carringo druvo to a haudsomo fniilt , yet tho effects of exiromo rigor aro
re9idenco in Walnut sireet, Sho wasdaz- ulC most honelesi : and tho reason is that
zled by tho glare of light that hurst from associations of a disagreeable nature, as
the windows. enmn nf thn nhilnmnlinrs have atatflil nrn
'Thn is the place, said Lovell, asiiuing , stronea.
A Tale of Terror.
At tho "Ctow Inn," at Antwerp, eonto
yoars ago, a whito spectre was seen bear
ing a lamp in ono hand and n bunch of
keys in tho other this unpleasant visitor
was seen by a variety of travelors passing
along the corridor.
Nothing would satisfy tho neighbors
that an unlortunato traveler had not bcon
nt some period or 0 trior despatched in that
fatal room hy 0110 of tbe provious landlords
of tho bouse ; tho hotel gradually abtainod
tho namo of tho "Haunted Inn," and
ccacd to ho frequented hy its old patrons.
Tha landlord finding himself on the
brink. of ruin, determined to sleep in the
haunted room, with a view of proving tho
grouudlessncss of tho story. To mako tho
matter more suro as ho said, he caused tho
hostlor to boar him company on preteneo
of requiring a witness to the absurd ity of
tho report j hut in reality, from cowardice.
At dead of night, however, just as the two
men wcro composing themselves to sleep
in ono bed leaving another which was in
the room untenanted the door flew open
and in glided the whito spectre.
Without pausing to ascertain what it
might attempt ou approaching .the bod,
towards whioh it directed its course, the
woman ru-hed naked out of the room 5
tand by tho alarm tiny created confirmed
more fully than over tho evil repute of tho
Uuablo longer to sustain tho cost of so
unproductive an establishment, tho land
lord advertised for salo tho house iu which
ho and his father before him wero born
aud had passed ihcir lives. Hut bidders
woro as soaree as customers ; the inn ro
111 ai ned for alo for noarly a year, during
which from timo to time, the spectre ro
At length an officer of tho ganiso'n,who
had formerly frequented the house, moved
to oomp.ission in favor of tho poor host,
under took to clear up thu uns-teTy by
sleeping in tho aforesaid chamber ; noth
ing doubted that the whole Was a trick of
somo ouvious neighbor, do-irous of dctor
iorating thn value of tho freehold in order
td become a purchaser.
Iljs offer having been gratefully accept
oil tho captain took up his hoadquarters
in the fatal room, with a bottlo of wino
and a braoe of loaded pistols on tho tabic
beforc'him, determined to fire at whatever
his wife to a light, and almost carrying
her into tho supurb parlor, with its Sax
ony carpet, roowoml furniture, costly cur
tains aud gilded mirrors reaching from
ceiling to floor.
'Whoso house is this? Having relatives
Iividc thus f sanl Julith surprised at so
much inagnificenco.
'It was my lioupo,it is now yours,' said
her huihand, 'I am not a poor artiit, but a
man rich iu worldly goods, yet richest of
all in you.'
Several years havo passed since then.
and Edith has fulfilled all her husband
than you aro, Harry,' ho saidbut I have
en-mo common, sonso in me. and l unuu 1
havo brought it to hear upon this qucdion
We havo now been here a which
timo I havo becomo pretty well acquainted
with Edith. I loft town wo both left it
heartily biok of its fiivoliiica 5 and ou
my parr,wKh tho firm opinion that I know
This may account for tho niolnncholy
fact that tho children of somo excellent
people grow up more straneonsly opposite
to everything serious than others. They
havo been driven rather than led, to ob
serve tho outward dutos of religion, and
its claims upon t'toir hearts have been too
oommonly prcscnlod to their minds in the
imperative and not in tho iuviting form.
"WlM.Y," naitl an interesting yotmj
mother to her youngest hopeful," do you
know what the difference is between body
and soul ? Tho soul,my child, is what you
I 1 ..1. .iii. ;.. i .
foretold of her. Sho has mado the boat ( f '0VQ Wllur 100 noay w"m nooul
Wive. and i ono of the most brilliant or- 1 3 your bo,'y. "'"''"'S
1 I II .L-s, it !. .
namonta of the oirolo sho moves in. hov- ow 8 """"cr i " 13 """"S
if.. r.;.t 1 r,0i,i.,t.i.J deeper iu. You can feel it now. Wh it is
uii a 11 luiiti iiilU iilii t iiit ini'i luuuuiu 1
woman, nnd uo crronter coutnut in lianpi
' 0 1 t-r .ll! ! !.!.. I-..
nnss ovists than between these two former ' intelligence iu ms uyes, --(u Jt a ,j ilU
A handsome rural cottage, fiillcn with
all tho appliances ol luxury has been erect
ed in Edith's native villai-o and thither
it !" Oh, I know, unit! Willy with a flash
of intclligcu
ucl shirt ?"
Bc2f A little girl, after iclurning Irofti
church uhoro she saw, a collection token
up for tho lirtt time-, related what took
every summer sho and her husbaud repair liCC aDt among other things ubo said,
to visit her aged aunt, who lias ueen in- wjll aj( uor oliildiblt iunueenre, "that a
tallod rantross of this pretty retreat. man r,aase, around a nlala with 3oma mon-
... ... :. 1 .il.i..'. . ,1... .... n
, . I. . .. .1 1 U V UU 11. UUb & UlUII b l-UW .SI. V.
Ay- An osoiiange fpoaus in a cnap ' - .
with feet bo largo, that whan it rains, or t3" A thief broke out of jail tho other
he wants to got into Iho shade, he lieu day. Roing ro-oaptured, he told tho con.
ilown on hU back and holds up ono foot. Utablo that ho might havo escaped i but
It fully answers tho purpoao of an um- lib had consoiontious Foruploa about trav
brojla. I oiling on Sunday,
object might enter tho room.
At tho usual hour of midnight, accord
ingly, when tho door flew open and the
white spectro bearing a lamp and a bunoh
of keys, made its appearance, ho scizad
both his pistols, when fortunatoly, as his
finger was upon tho point of touching the
trigger' ho perceived that the appiration
was no other than the daughter of his ho
a young anil pretty girl, evidently walking
in her sleep. I'rcicrving thn sluctest
lenco, he watched hor sol down tho lamp
plnoo hor keys carefully on tho chiminoy
place and retire to the opposito bed
which, as is afterwards proved, hho had
occupied during tho lifetime of her late
mother who slept in the room.
No sooner had sho thoroughly compos
cd herself, than tho officer, after loekin
tha door of the mom, went in search of
hor father and several competent witness
cs, including the water bailiff of tho (lis
triet, who had been ono of iho loudot in
circulating the rumors concerning the
Haunted Inn. Tho poor girl was found
quietly aBleop in bod, nnd her terror on
awaking in tho dreadful chamber affor
ded sufficient cvidciieo to all prci-ont of the
stato of somnambulism in whioh tho had
been entranced.
Front that period iho ppeetre was seen
no more j probably beeauju the landlord's
daughter removed ehottly afterwards lo a
homo of hor own : ami the tales of hor
ror so freely circulated to tho bowildor
uient ol tho poor neighbors, euded in tho
simplo story of a young girl walking in her
CST Delicious 1 An editor in Ohio
says ho was novor so happy hut onco in
his life, and that was ono warm day last
week, when ho lay in tho laps of two
blooming maidens, being fanned by u
third, aud kiBfcd by all threo. ' 'Uosh .
CviT li has been decided by Judge Coon,
of Ualiloruia, that uuder tho statutes of
that State, there in no law prohibiting
women fioin dressing iu male attiro.
This deoi.iou bus given great fcatislueiion
to ladies who wish lo "wear tha breeohea."
America, bravo, matchless, victorious
land 1 If wo were proud of hor beforo
tho rebeliion, what may wo not feel for
her now iu her groat triumph I When tho
sun of prosperity shone upon her, nnd hor
ohildrcn walked on their ways in love,
honor it hapinosn, we east our eyes abroad
and saw foreign nations bent in homage
before us. No mattor if tho envious
tongue gave vest to bitter Enecrs some
times, and criticised our ways sarcasti
cally. It was hut from tho lips, whilo the
hoart Jioat strong with profound ressect for
a land on whioh God had smiled so bo-nignontly.
After tho lnpso of a half century of
peace .and prosperity unmarked by factions
with their tcrriblo rcsults,tho black clouds
rolledtup over tho bright sky, and burst
in storms upon us. ituhollious hosts nr
rayed themselves against us j and to make
it worse, wo must riso from our quiet firo
sides, arm ourselves with weapons of dc
slrtiction, and go (orth to meet aud con
quer thoio who had boon as a part of our
own household. That was the biltor cup
wo were forced to drink. A man could
rcmorsoly striko down a stranger who
sought his life ; hut when a brother assails
him, ho romembors tho tender mother at
whoso bosom each was narturcd, and it
becomes a hard task to striko, even in eelf-
And yet, a, timo wore on, and no ren-
son coulu tnliucnco tho actrrcssorJ, wo
came to feel that we must cease to sparo if
wo could hope for victory. To sparo to-!
day was to slay thousands in a year among
our best beloved. So wo norved oursolvcs
to our great purpose, nnd swept tho Irai-
t'oroii.s ranks from tho soil. No longer is
heard tho roll ot tho drum,thc shrill musio
of tho fife the measured tread of march-
ng columns. It is quiot.and poaob again.
Wo kavo our homes at monn with hearts,
droading not evil tidings with our return
at evening. From tho thronged stroets
wo miss only individual faces. The groat
human tido rolls on as. full and strongly
ns beforo. What greater proof than this
oan we have of our power and mightiness?
We have foupht such battles na histories
of no other country can record, and whilo
wo stand forth to-day crowned with victory
tha missing ouly known by those who re
main to mourn them. To tho eyes of a
stranger in our land, it is as if they had
novcr oxistcd.
Who shall say that wo havo not met
and passed tho crisis nobly? Who .shall
drod to say that lile was not held cheap
in comparison witli our country's honor?
llicher to-day for the noblo blood hor soil
has received purer for the tears of sor
rowing ones whioh havo fallen upon it
stronger for tho principles of Right which
has prevailed, sinking Wrong in tho trai
tor's grave wo look upon America with
eyes that Fpnrklc with joy, and hearts that
bow in revcronce beforo God, thanking
him for the boon of peace tho matchless
glory and b:auty of a land that is ois
Amuiuca ! .
"Papa, why don't you givo tho tele
graph a dose of gin f"
"Why, my child ?"
"Causo tho papers say that they aro out
of order, and mamma always takes gin
when she is out ol order."
A Cask of Seduction. A conduct
or in tho employment of the Illinois Con
tral Kailroad compay, a year or more
ago, became acquainted with respectable
young lady reading iu Springfield 111.,
and by arts known and practiced by ac
complished liberties, affeotcd hor ruin.
Not long sineo he becamo a mother with
out having boon mado a wife. Her pa-
reuts, indignant at her fall, insisted that
tho infant should bo font away ond sup
ported by tho father. Complying with
this doinand, bho dispatched tho ohild to
Dunlcith, tho headquarters of tho conduct-
1... I. .1- .1 ST
or. Somo two weeuu ago 11 uieu. uicaii"
time a brother of llio mother, learning
what had been done, insisted that sho
chould again tako possession of her ohild,
aud prevailed upou her to come to Dun
lcith for it. Sho arrived iu Danleith last
week, aud learned of tho child'u death.
On Monday uight tho mother hcrflelfdicd.
Somo people who profos to have knowl
edge of tho facts, suspected foul play,
whilo others believe her death wu3 caused
by tho grief which broke her heart. It
is a sad case, parallels of which aro too
often met with in llfo. Information ol
tho young lady's death was, yesterday,
sont her friendii at Spritigfiald, Ac.
Zzir A friend of ours wju' lately into
a provibiou storo to purchaso a corned
tongue. Tho dealer handed him one. ro
marking that it w.t9 very moij, nnd fur
thermore, that it never told a lie.' ''It U
very evident iheti," replied tho purchaser,
"that it was never engaged in tho pro
vision business."
- "I'll tako your part," as the dog
Baid when he stolo tho eat'a dinner.
Ancient Writiug Materials.
When look learning was rare, and tho
greatest and wisest sovereigns, smoh aa
Charlemagne and William tho Conqueror
could do moro tbangmakc a mark as
an autograph that Tiow would shorao a
common ponsant, tho possession of knowl
edge gave an important position to a man,
and granted him many immunities ; hence
was derived ''tho benefit of clergy" as a
plea against the punishment of crime ; and
the scraps o( Latin a criminal was t-ome-times
taught to repeat, was termed his
cucck-versc,' as it saved him from hang
ing. Tho printing pross put all these no
tions aside, and a very general ppread of
knowledge broke down tho txolujivcncsa
of monaslio lifo altogether. Books mul
tiplied abundantly, nnd produced nctivo
thinking. Tho laborious process of pro
ducing thorn by hand-writing had gono
forever, and wo take leave of this subject
with a representation of tne working tablo
of a scribo, contomporary with tho iven
lion of printing. Tho pages upon which
he is nt work lio upon tho sloping desk;
011 the flat tablo abov'o ho has strucK bin
penknife ; tho pens lie on tha standi'h in
front of him. llottles for ink of both col
ors are seen, and an hour-gl.i?3 to givo
him difo rloto of time. A pair of seizors,
and a ctBo for a glass to assist his eyes,
aro on the right side'. This interesting
group is copied from a picture in the gal
lory of tho Musco Uorbonieo, at Nnploa.
Don't be Extravagant.
If the poor houso has any terror for you
novor buy what you don't need. Deforo
you pay threo conts for a jowsbarp, my
boy, asoertaiu whether you cannot mako
just as ploasaut a noisa by4 whisiliug, fqr
nature furni9hos the machinery. And bo
foro you pay fiftocn dollars for a figured
vest, young man, find out whothor your
lady I0V0 would "not Etiju'sl as"gl'ad lo see
you in a plain ono-that ousts half the mon
ey. If sho would not, let her crack her
own walnuts, and buy bar own olotbes.
When you seo a man paying .five dollars
for a Frcnobified toy, that a philosophy
Yankee baby will pull to bits in fivo min
utes, tho chances arc five to one that he'll
livo long enough to realize now many
cents there are in a dollar, and if ho don't
he's pretty suro to bequealU that privilege
to his widow. When a man asks you to
buy that for whioh ynu havo no use no
matter how cheap it is, don't eay "until
you aro sure that somo ono else wants it
at an advance. Money burns in somo
folks pockcts,and mako such a posky hole,
that everything that is put in drops thro'
past finding.
A Good Pun.
Couneollor Codex and Sergeant Ploap,
who had been opposed to each other in a
case of considerable interest, left tho oonrt
arm in arm to take a beefsteak together at
the ''gridiron,"
"You mado out your caso well, broth
er," said Codex ; "and it was no easy
My dear sir," replied Sergeant l'loas,
"I am never in better feather than when I
havo to provo that Hack is white."
"Well," said Codex, "I will give you a
knotty ease for your ingenuity. l'rovo
lo me tbat that vile blaukleg Thomas, who
swindled you out of a hundred pounds tho
last Derby Day, is the best man in her
majesty's dominions.''
"That is oasily dono," sitid Sergeant
Pleas; "for, however 001 any other man
may bo, no ono will deny that a blaoMcg
in suro to bo a Utler,"
C2f A little Swoedlsh girl, while walk
ing with her father on a starry night, ab
sorbed in tho contemplation of the skies,
boing aked of what sho wa3 thinking,
replied: "I was thinking, -if tho wrong
side of hcivni is so glorious, what must
the right ride bo !"
CSy-Aunt lfosy was dividing a mince
pio among the hoys, and Jim, who had
wickedly pulled the cat's tail, asked for
,his piece, tho dame replied, "No Jim,
you aro a vicked hoy, aud tho Bible says
there is 110 pcaoo for tho wicked."
Aunt Isabel ''Heatrix, will you have
some biead and butler?''
Deattix. "No !"
Aunt Isabel. "Is that the way to ans
wer? No what?"
lleatrix. ''No bread und. butler!"
ts3Aitetuus Ward say wheu ho heats
the aong, ''Coma where my lovo Ilea
dreaming," he don't go. Ilu don't think
it would bo right.
E3r ' I oau marry any girl I please;''
said a young lollow boasting ly
"Vory truo," eaid his wagghh compn
ion,' for you oan't pjeaso any."