Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 07, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 19. NO. 32.
Baltimore, Md.
The Only Place where a Cure can be ob
tained. Dr. Jnlinson tins discovered tho most
Orlaln, Hpcpdy, mid only MITt'dual Ilemedy In ttic
3-r . -
" Our Constitution guard It ever!
Our glorious. Unionhold tt dear !
Our tstarry ring fortake It never!
The proud Caur.asslan our only peer!
Saturday Morning, Oct. 7, '65.
Dimocrai v, n sentiment not to lip appalled, corrupt
ril or compromised It knows no baseness, It toner,
to no danger, it oppresses no weakness. Destructive
only of despotism It is the sole conservator of liberty,
labor nnil property. It is the sentiment of freedom, of rights, of cpial obligations ilie law of nature
pervading the law of the Al.u.N.
ii-.,,l.l rnr Wrnlness of Hid Hark or I. hubs. Strictures
Affcelinns of Ihc Kidney, nnd Madder, Involuntary
Dl.rhnrge.. Impotcncj, General Debility, Nervous
lies'. Dyspepida, Languor. Low Spirits, Confusion of
Idea.. I'alpltiition of tho llcntt, Timidity, Trembling.
IlliniiPis .if Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tho Mend
Throat, Nose, or Howils-those Terrible Disorders
iirlslhg from Solitary Habits of Youth-sccrcl and
solitary practices more fatal to their victims llian the
one of e-yrens to the Mariner, of till sacs, blighting
their mo.t brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering
m&rrlaee, Impossiblo.
('.specially, uhn have In-come the virllms nf Folltary
Vice- that driarlfol and deslructivn habit vvhlilinnnii.
ily .weeps lonti unllnii ly grave tbnu.nnds of young
ini-n of the ni'i'l exHled talcnls and bfllliant Intellect,
v.iio might i.lhervvlto have entranced H-deiilng Hen.
rs with 'In- thunder "f eloquence, or wnk.-il to ec
Uiy the living lyre, may mil with lull luiirtrteme.
Married persons, or jming iiu-n rrnl-iii-l Jtinr; mar
ling". !' i ' K aware, id pli.vsiriil weakness, organic de
tnlity,, iei illlj cumd.
He who pieces himself under Hit rare ol lit J. may
t.llglnusly confide In his honor as u, and
confidently rely upon his f kill as physician
OUOAMC kakm:ps
ru incdintelv Cured nnd full viiinr restored.
J his distressrig atreetion which linden life nils
rrable and marriage iinpnscilile-is lite penally pal,
by the victims ul inipioper indulgences Vming per
sons are too apt lo commit excesses fimii not lii-lno
........ r il... .In-mllii! i-tiliseimriir-ps that mnv ensue.
Now. who that uuderstund Hie subject will pretend to ', . vll- . kl..,, f. ,. ..... u ... ..i,..,..,- ..,
tjnvlhat the power of prorro nthm Is lnt sooner by , ' "
those fallliii! into impp'p'r habit-. II, mi by Ilie piu , thel noiu be deprived of the prlvllcte of .oliug who
ilent I llesiil-s li 'leg deprive,: o the ilea,Hr" ol li, a I have the proper iiulitici'l t -ns nfKlei tors as present cd
t-y (itTsprliic Iti- most serious and destini-iive synip- , ,,, t;0BlitmU-ii oCtli, ...le of I'ennltania :
hinsot bolh body anil mind niise. Tli- mi -lent be- ; '
ume di ruugt d, III - p!..i'.il and meiii-il luuellniir Itl.ioni Josiah II 1'urio in. iliv id Lowenberg. J, It.
Wiaaelleu, i .ns hi rr.' i.iv,t-r, .,r.i- .m- i.i.ut reier oiiimi .
Vigilance Committee.
Tb" follow lug pir.nns have been nppoinled as Hem.
m ratii: Cniiimlllees of Vigilenre for their respective
ton in hips in Columbia co. As the time Is limited to
th Jiilh of Sept. leik'i. for the assessment ol HildicrH
and others, who hat e not been assessed, we deem it
expedient that immediate steps be talicn to hate all
assessed TUN UAVa ptr.vioustn the Election; and
that )ou each Soldier Hon in the military ser
vice with a CISKTIFHWTK of Assessment and a llc
eeiptof'lav I'd id i ith a lull rt of 'tickets enclosed
in a pioperly indoised return envelope; to see that
.ahilliv. liisuPHsiii. IMIiiiuiMii t lb' llean l.i'ig
tmn, t'onsiinit ! II' I j j t',iiiiig ol in- I mm-
I iidgli. I.un.un.ptii'11. Heiuv 1.11.I Dc.illi
lilt. JOIIN.vruN,
Memtier of Ihe lt nl Coll-ge ol s'urgroa-. l."iirlon,
lirniliMte from on of the mol eminent l oll- gi- in lh
t nlteit rUales, and Ilie greater part ut h"e IHe has
bi-en spun In t e hospitals ol London. I'.ius. Plnln
delphia, nnd elsewhere, 1 ib-ited i-ouie 01 the mott
astiiui-hlug cures tint were en r knoivn ; many Iron
Wed with rii'ginir inthelieail and when asleep
great nervousness being alarmed at mdnen suimds
ba.hfulio ss. wilh frequent blushing, nllenih d some
times lth der.iiigmeiil of miu.l, were lured imun-.ii
ti. 1 ihIiIpi.h.i.n nil those who have inliired them
selves by Improper iinlulctiire and snlilni-y iMbits, j
which rum both body nnd mind, untitling them lor
either biisine.s, study. "Cit ty, or mamas'-
1'he.e are some of th 1 sad anil nn-lai'choly eileeH
produced by turlv liabln of youth 7.. i 1 aknrss of .
ihi; Hack and l.imlis, Tains in Ho- Head, lln.iness ol
Hijht, l.os. ol ,Mu-eular f'ort'i. Palpnatiou of the I
lliart Dyspepsia, Nervous Irintability. I) raneemeot j
of the llige.tive I'unitmm lieiieral Debility. Hynip
tonis of Coosuniptloii. ce.
MtNr.i iv 'I he fearful effecls on Ihe mind are moeli
to be drenued l.o. ol on niorv. I 'nnl'iisitin of I
Depiession of r-plrits, Uvll I'o'boilinm. Ai ronu to
Hociety. rielf-IUslrust. I.ovof riu nude, Timidit) ,4-c
jre soinii of Hie ei 1 s produrert.
Tboisnnds of porMius of all aces ran now Ju.lg- ,
ivhat is Ihe cause ol ilo ir ueiliuius heiilin, losing "! ,
vieor. beeoioiiit' weak pale, n, rvus unit ' 0 aci tied,
having a slnguliir - ill., eje., coutn ,
and siiipuiius ol Cousa inptiou. '
.. i, 1,1 ih, in. elves t.v a et'tain nrnrtice ill
nulgi'd in when al'ine, a habit fre'pi. mly li.iriicrl Irom
vil companions or at .rhooi, the offWts "f vvhieli am
nightly lell. even when asleep, affd, if not curml ren
tiers marriJEi: impoisihlii and ilestroys bum miinl ami
body, should apply immediate' j . 11 titiv 1i1.1t n voune inuo the bepe of our coun
ry, Ihu iride of Ins parents sliuulii be siiatclied Irom
re am) in-
Hocii peisons niitdt.
v m Holmes, John C.
li -iii-iii -K0I11 i. il-
o 1 nr ir.
1 I'-iiaii-teek- Villl.i.o I, .100. 11, Isaac llovver, John IS.
Jac .In.
I llor Itervvic' J. a Smdem Joseph P. Hibbet. Ill
rai'i llc.w.-r
iver Hmiry lliuiei'iier, t lias Michael (Jen P
I lr I-... 0 h K-'i
I nil xiidn w I' ri s, Allun Shelliamer, Henry I)
1 Kn ir
- I ai.ivv issa V.ili"r rlcott, Mahlon Hamlin, Jainc S
! MrNiiich
' t onv igharn J II Kniltle, James Harry, Daniel T
' .MiKlernan.l.'lliilon llivviit
rihiiif,ereeK- i v mi it. 1. bin-, Jj--kson Mcllenry.
I ii II vv hit,'.
I .ink in 17.1-.. Moses Ilovver, II J Header
l.ieeirv,M(-,...-ui-.iiei .ogirt. Win Kyer. A J Albert
son Jlilin V.I OMley.
. nileik-h i) Mi-lirldc, Win II Shoemaker, Aaron
J i-Ksnn Join T' Ileer, Hlss V M-Ilenry, George
Hurl -matt.
i.n'iist I'UIIeikiin Win (iw.linan, Jonas Fahring
er J.-lui V.-nL' -r
Tiouii'iir Kv.i-i Uelliv-t. Voah Maaser Teter
Mi-hi muli. J it (Julrk.
Ma.lisuo - John -v I'm loa, K A fmilb. I.elvls
rirhuvi.-r. i'anro.1 Ivresin r.
M. I'li' ,liip.ntu 3 imuel Johnson, John
.diHiu J II llei'-r I" II ll. ss. A Schwe peuhoi'cr .
.Miiiii Win T r-hino,in. Ilarui-in ( John, Michael
Or-iU'o James n ll.iriniu
Kr II, r. lobii Miv'i-r
I'm J nil ii W Hunter. I. fjarin in, Hs't. Jno Lore
U'ltriiigccu.ik - i'lulip IJ ml Jjines Kiiffor, William
Ilr.i l.. II.
fi-olt l.'ol W II i:m. rinlijiT Hartman. .M White,
riiieaiio.if David I. evils. Joshua li l'rilz. Andrew
l.aiiiiach, Henry i lless
Hi otil.-r ufthe D.-iii. ftan.l. Con mittae.
C. K. Ii;i:l,i;lt. Chairman
r.ioonisimrg., is,.j
BS5T Tho rcveiend npplioant for "Wliia
krj Inapnctor" sbould bo caroful not to
lenvo Lis finger marks when ho washes his
diriy linsn through looal tquibn in tho
Star. It looka ridiculous.
Columbia County Republican.
So "loyalty" has had a quarrel, oh I
Did "Judas" ecll "Thomas Dunn" out,
and boat him at his own game of political
thimhlo-riggiiig T So it is whispored among
ihcKnowiop; Once." Tho "yricwtfnp'
plicant'' is tho "recipient," said to be, of
tho office of 'Whiskey Inspector.' "Camr
has his Brutus" and Pco John has his
''Judas'and ''Judas" has got to bo Whis
kay Inspeotor" to the great disgust of the
hickoiy quakcr, who had a pot oanditlate
of hi9own. We doutsco why his lltver
enca should not niako n goud "Wohkcy
Inpectoi." A good many 'chapluiun in
the army' learned all about,
and othor amusements. We know noth
ing about the qualifications of tho present
applicant, hut he is doubtless t-ure he is
qualifiod, or he would not ask for tho ap
pointment. We are for the right man in
the right placo.
J Among the arrests in Missouri for
not tking the radio.lI oath aru those ol
the lady Principal of the Paln-yara Fe
male Seminary and a young lady, tracker
at Hannibal.
A catholic Priest, J.N. Ctitnminps has
been arrested and fined and lo eland
committed till the fine in paid.
Another rlcrgv man, k gpi raan Gatholio
is '.'waiting bis tt tut in Jefferson city for
the same otfensc of preaching the Gospel
of Christ without permisr-ion of Missouri
iiwi tins is tree America and ttic year
of our Lord 1885 !
Negro Equality.
Thoy toll you that the ltepublioatis are
trying to niako tho negro equal to tho
white man, and that will never do. If to
lire honorably, harm no one. and give to
every ono his duo, is to tnako everybody
equal then surely Copperheads arc not
1 . . - t.M. 1... -
equal to negroes I n no nut a nuiuy
thinks that thoy can legislate ono person
equal to another socially.
Abohlion county commute Ail'frcss,
We bavo constantly said the abjliliotiists
woro for Negro Equality: and in the
above extract from tho address of their
Committee, it is admitted.
The address concedes that Dcmoorats
chargo the Republicans with suoh a do
eign. Is it denied ? No bu' it is aveired
that nenrocs are bettor than white men,
This is n little farther thon we thought
Peo John and his party likely to go;
but hero wo have it in plain wordi that
white men "ars not equal to negroes."
It is then proposed to evado tho ques
tion by a dodge." Who but n niuy thinks
that they can IcgNlato ono person equal
to another socially. "
Without stopping to comment on the
want of grammar, and the bad cnglish no
ticable in the sentence ; wo desire to call
uttcution to the fact that the writer does
not deny the intention ol the Republicans,
to secure negro equality, to extend to tho
black race the ballot, and to attempt po
litical equality, Nobody charges them
with any attempt to "legislate' equality
' iociay'';but eeveral abolition county 10
volitions have patsed resolutions in favor
of striking tho word ''WHITE" out of
, Col II It Kline Jno
nil ,.ri,i..-rls f-lll 11 V OO-IllS Ol' HIP, )'! of dot latins from the path of nature anil in
dulg in;' in a i riaiu sirrrl habit.
heron eoou mpiaiin
retiert Hint a sound mind and arc He- nio.t neccs-
sii.y ri-iuinlea t-. promote eoioiuMal liapi sp In-
.,, ihe..,. iln. i.ioro. v Ibroaeh llf-. heiomrs
aweary pilutima.-e ; Ihe prm-peil lio.iily tl.-iik-Oh to
tin. view, Ihe mind heroines sh.i'i'me.i with
and fill.-d wall Ihe mclancliolly nll.-itloii tint Hi- o-p-pitiesa
of another becomes blight! d nh our own,
Office, 7 Sovlh I acii'l; Uirc,
1 eft-hand Bide going from Haiti more street, a fe iln-ir.
rom Hie corner. Fall not to observe namu and niiui
No li-iters reeelved unless postpaid and eon
laining a slump to be need o i the it ply. 1 1 tsons
w rltlng lihould Hat age and sen I portion of advertise
ment describing b iiipimiu
The Doctor's Diplomo hang in his office.
Endoi utmtnt ol the J'rus.
The many llinusandg cuied at tliin p.talilishment
within the last twenty year., and Hie .numerous no
rirtnnt furgical operations perfotmeil, by Dr. Johns
ton. vv lines jed bv the n pollers of The bun and man)
other tupei., notices ol winch have uppeared again
and again t fore the public, besides hi. Haioling a.
gintleman ol eharniter and totpon.ilitlit). i a sum
eient guaranty to Ihu ulllicted.
Skin Hsc isls Spti'l'dy ( wed.
Aptti lew - y
EVE AM) l.'Ait I.Fi.i.liAltV,
(On Ihe. H-piare. Three Iloois from Btei-le'. Il.uel
The Right of Suffrage.
To the Officers of Election and Citizens tf
Columbia County :
As Distiiot Altoucy for this county,
charged as suoh with tho duty of prose
cuting in its courts offenders against tho
laws of tho Commonwealth, 1 think it
timoly and proper to call your attention to
a question concerning the tight of voting
at tho approaching oleciion,to tho end that
tho laws may bo kept and tho legal rights
of the clcotors maintained.
Tho qualifications of an elector (beside
naturalization in caso of foreign birth) are
fow in number, nnd are plainly sat forth
in the Constitution of Ihu Slate; and so
lorjg as that Constitution re mains unchang
ed no power whatever can add to or sub-
traot from them. Thoy are raoited in
tho general election laws, and these law.
are thus mado to presont the only ques
tions whioh arise .as to the electoral qual
ifications of our people.
It has been alleged recently that uon
reporting persons undor tho Unitod States
drafts, and others who loft their districts
to avoid being drafted, aro not entitled to
vote at State elections, and that boards of
election should reject their votes. Rut
election boards have no right to reject the
votes of suoh personi, and no power to try
or detcrmtno the question whether they
aro in fault or not under United States
laws. The ubsurditv ol stopping clcotione
to try draft questions, is manifest at first
blush ; and there is no law conferring
conforred upon it by the States lo pass
uniform laws of naturalization for persons
born abroad. Each State fixes ozotuiive
y, by its own Conititution, tho qualifica
tions of suffrage at elections within its
I have thus called tho attention of elec
tion officers and citizens to this subject, as
ntroductory to tho nolico which I now
give, that for any violttions of the laws
securing tho full and complete excroisc of
tho right of suffrago to tho clootora of this
oounty, prosecutions will be promptly in
stituted nnd due punishment inOiotod.
Neither the.rpjeotion of legal votes nor In-timidation-of
voters will be permitled to
go unpunished. Tho laws aro In foroc in
Columbia Couuty, and they sltidlbo exe
E. II. I.1TTI.B,
District Attorney of Columbia County.
Uloorasburg, Srpt 27, 1BCS.
A Convincing Proof.
If any proof is rcquirod of the un
swerving adherence of our candidates on
tho State ticket. Cols. Davis and Linton,
tho manner in which they have been
treated by the War Department would be
sufficient. Col. Davis, especially, has
been made the victim of politioal persecu
tion ; but the people of this State have
now an opportunity to reward as ho
serves a man who would bend tho
How Stand We ?
Uy polling anything like a full Demo,
cratio vole this fall we oannot fail of oir
rying the Htato by terii of thousands ma
jority. Wo will toll you why we think
A yoar ago at tho October election, if
wo did not carry tho Stato, wo coma so
near tint tho difforenco was soarrely
worth mcc'ioning. Wo bolievo that w
did havo a majority, but woro ohoatod out
of it. Considering then that both par
ties wero nearly equal, what are the chang
es since then t
Philadelphia gave an cnotmous major
ity for the republicans a year ago. Tho
oity was full of contractors, speculators,
olorku, shoddyitcp, etc. All these havo
been Font to their homes and other em
ployments, so that they iro no longer
paid for wording, thouting and choating
for that party, and it la not likely that
their majority will bo within threo or four
thousand what it was last October.
Tho soldiers in tho army in noarly all
cases were eithor coerced into voting tho
Republican tiokct, or falling to do so tho
ballots were ohauged, or falsa returns
mads, as Capt. Hrookway states in hit
fpoocb. They are now at homo and of
ojurso will vote as ihey please. This will
give its thousand of votes, wbilo the op-
de. : position, no nue would prclond to csy,will
knee poll near the soldiers' vote they did a year
our state restitution. That is political I h p(wer 0Q c,cct,on offi(Jcr8) of rcgu.
2?" During tbs last session of our State
Le islature, Senator Lowry," Irom Erie
couuty, all opn and outspoken friend of
iirero equality, introducud in that body
tho following bill :
Sr.citON 1- Re enacted, ke., &o ,
ihnt't ohall not be lawful lit any passen
- it mil way compmy witbm this com
1 monweaUh'to make or onforee any rule,
rccu atian or practice excluding any raoe
of people from its passenger earn on ac
count of their color
This bill pasisri the Senate finally on
the fish ol" l-cbruary 1805, and every vote
in iis favor was republican. And yet the
''ninny" who wiote tho addree of the ab
olitiou couuty committee, talks about "a
n nny who thinks that thoy can legislate
one person equal to another socially."
Hero wad an attempt, any bow to tcgislate
a nigger "cquaPiOi'ihty, and all the re
publican senators proviug themselves nin
nies,' for thinking they could do it. Wo
now charge that you are in favor of the
I'snniul nnd nolitiaal" equality of tho
blacki and whites. You dare not deny it.
j" As was to be expected the '"old
Pharisee" and hie friends are makfing an
organ of the Slur, The insinuations
about those resolutions are as false m ihcy
are ridiculous. The Ch.tirman on reso
lutions asked us to prepare them ; we did
so. They Were reported to the Conven
tion verbatim as we prepared them ml a
singl'. one supjir sscd. Col co. Ittjndt'iam
Was there ever a more disiugoiiiou3
piece of double dealing I The charge is
that Dr. John suppressed a 7Ciolu'inn
passed by the convention : He evade that,
and says the I'hairman reported them to
the convention, and did not suppress a
singlo one. Nobody ever said he had
be reported those which had been prepar
ed, and Hvomorc, and those two the Dr.
suppressed. He dares not deny it. It ho
docs, the proof is abundant. There is o
letter in oxi'tancc from the chairman, a-
sorting the fact; and Dr. Hetlerly, a del- I Up0n a platform which declares for a high
rgatofrom Gouyngliiini, has a note in the protective tariff for the benefit of manu
equality that is what has been charged up
on them, and that is jutin effeot admit
ted, by dodging behind the word social.
We charge you again, Pco John, with
favoring tho 2olitical equality of whito
mot) uud negroes !
And we charge ) ou with saying that
white men ''are not equal to negroes !"
Where they Stand.
Mest-r". Hartranft and Campbell staud
upon a platform which takes ihe ground
tha the war has been a failure and that
the Southern State? are out of the Union.
Messrs Hartranft and G.nnpbell ttaod
upon a platform (hat is in lavor of confis
cating tbo Southsru lauds fur ihe use of
the negroes ; Hartranft and Campbell stand
upon a platform which is opposed to the
taxation of Government securities, aud
eousequontly in favor of taxing tho poor
for the benefit of tho rich ;
Messrs- Ilarlranft and Campbell stand
lating its exercise. On the contrary ,lhero
is most express law. with penalties, to
prevent any such departure from official
duty by them.
Ry tho 103d pcclinn of I ho Goneral
Election Law of v!d July, 1839, it is pro
vided, that
'If any inspector or judge of any elec
tion f-ball know.ngly rojact the vota of any
qualified citizens, oaohofthe
persons so offending shall, on conviction,
be punished in tho manner prescribed in
tbo 107th section of the act, e. by a
fine of not less than $50 nor moro than
By tho 67th soction of the same law, it
it is provided, that
'.'Every porson qualified as aforcsaidttind
who shall niako due proof (if required) of
bis rosidonco and payment of taxes as
aforesaid, shall be adnnttcd to vote in the
township, ward or district in whioh ho
may reside."
And by the 10th section of tho samo
law, an Inspector's oath Is prescribed,
to ibo blaok idol of Abolitionism for the (
sake of promotion Timo aftor time ho j
was receommeiided foi advancement by
his superior officers, but each time elay-j
at-home cuemios interfered, in the follow-
ing manner :
The Doylts'mcn Democrat wasconduct-!
cd, during the absenoe of Col. Davis, by,
Dr. J. I). Mendenhall. The Doctor is a'
ago, but considerable lens.
Tlioy canuot expect to make anything
like tho big majorities thoy did a year ago
in their republican counties like Suquo
lianua, Bradford, Tioga, and tbo liko,
while wc will havo no trouble to'mako ma
joritios equal, if not greater, in tho Dam
ncralio couuttes.
On tho whale, then, we bavoovory rea
son to feel sanguine of a triumphant vie.
tory, and henoo call upon our people to
organize ! The good timo ii now at
tlUS INSTUT10N is now opened and
A..iol,a In llm most fOstlV stvlc. Reception,
I'rTvateand Operating llooins aro large, convenient and
sell adapted. The rturgical apartment contain, in
flne.tiolleitlon of instruments i" this country, nnd
thus his laeullies will enable him to meet any and nil
emergencies in practice He will operate upon all the
various form "f IILIMlNKHa, Cataract. Oceluon of
the Pupil, t.'roks Uyes, Closure of Hie Tear thicli. In
version of the Cyelids. Pterygium, kc., -c. And will
treat all forme ofHores, Kyu Crannied Lids. Uparetles
of the Cnrnen, and Scrofulous diseases of the Lye to
gether with nil the diseases to which the L is nub-
..... L-t.rGt
lll.:vi .,i.,-ii -
-Will treat all the diseases common to ,
hare,-., from the Uar. Noises In the Lar 1 ailll V010 011011
By- Romcmber that the Election occurs
on Tuesday. October 10th. Make your
busiuos arrangements lo attend. Our
opponents idwiis go go early nnd vote
own.Ctttimbla County Republican
Sent. 26, 1600.
There's the advice of- a loyal hickory
mifikor to bis narty followois. "Go early
. . . rA. " KinOfir lip'
,!-(, inn iimmi - in- - - -- - j
the organ. Discharges from mo uar, Noises 10 iiw i
Catarrh, diiuiully of liearing.toiai ueainess even -
the Drum u tlestruyed. Will insert an aitlflrltil one
answering neatly all the purpose, of the natural.
JMr'rAHl'HijrTUUTllIlOAT.-AII di.eases com
mnn in "'0 Throat and Vose will be treated
'" VPll U. 2"U(1KV.-Ile will operate upon C ub
".,Klt. ,rf (-.,.-, rcllatcTuinor., Cancers, F.nlar
reel, Hair ;."' Cll; .-.oration, by healihg new
vtedTeucil., t. l, sl fjeneral Burgery of
rle.h Into deformed pM
whatpver character It may prj-"" ,., nnrrori "Labius
operation for the radical icoinpletr) cutj of IK
ihi. is un-iue.tioiiably a perfcl cure, and ' ' ' nu,"
He or no pain. Out ofmany hundred operateil dpo . n
loston there has been no tailiires. it h av ng nut M
pttdt l approbation of all wliohave siibniillecl o't
AltTll'lOAL UVKS.-WI1I inert nrllllcial '"e.1
InIl.ern the motion and PM'ree.ion of the t.atural.-
1. readily cured. Tlfo.e .ulTering will dowcD
w.c.a": vv.ii,.,u. with a view T i what ehe col
MMhp.WX&&? of Thomas Dunn, the falsifier of the pro-
ihu, .. nnnrier ofa century in Hospital t
Hi practice,
itHe who
Mar it.
Swear, lie', cheat, any
thing so you cau "vote often" Commit
frauds on the bal'ot box hcto at home, be
cause now tncro is no array lu tho field,
which can bo cheated, bamboozled and
co"rccd to vote tho abolition ticket. The
purity of elections amounts to noth
ing when success is endangered, so "go
early and voU often." That is about th
uicless exhibition of depravity yet
made by the abolition organ-advising itw
... . , . .M Will
Montour American, which wc copy in an
other placo, reiterating the averment.
Rut of course a man who will advise
cheating at an election, will lie to get out
of a scrape.
fiSf The Episcopal Diocesan Conven
tion of New York assembled on Wednes
day of last week. Tho annual sermon
delivered by Rcvi A, H. Tinton. At
the session on Thursday Bishop Pottiir
spoko in favor of ccolesiastical harmony
and reunion with the Southern Churches.
Resolutions in favor of reunion wero pass
ed. It was a damper on the radicals in
church and state who desiro coutinued dis
union. Be Vigilant.
Democrats ! friends of the white raco
and opponents of Negro Equality fie vigi
lant. Do not let any one p-uauudo you
to cut off any name from our ticket. It
is composed of good and tru men, who
aro all opposed to Negro Equality. Bo
vigilant and sco that no ono is deceived.
Montour Democratic Ticket.
J'or Assembly Wilhsm.'on H. Jacoby.
For She4iJ Jacob Shelbart.
For Register Win. C. Johnston.
For Commissioner John Moore,
For Surveyor Geo. W. West.
For Auditor David Blue.
For Coroner Ualeb Applemau.
r ,, .
fa.'turers at the cxpeno of the coubumer wuiou Pa" as ,0ows '
-a tariff to make the rich richer and the and that I will not receive any ticket or
,,. . . vote from any person other than such a 1
Messrs. llaitranft and Campbell stand shall firmly believe to bo according to Hit
upon a platform which i directly opposed provisions oj the Constitution and taws 0
to the "mild and gpiicrous method ot re- this CommonwealthntMci to vote at such
construction" now bein? successfully car- election, without requiring such evidence
ried out bv President Johnson. of the right to vole as is directed by law ;
Can anv voter of Columbia couutv cast nor will 1 vexatiously delay or refuse to
a ballot for these gentlemen while upon a receive any vote, from any in r son who,
platform opposed lo the poor man's rights, shall Micvc to be entitled to vota as afore
in n white man's irovoriimont, and to tho said" &c.
Federal authorities who are tuiocessfully It tUus appears , mat tno vote 01 a per-
encaced in rcetoring the Union ! Most son qualified under tho btate uonsiituiion
rwuinlv not ! and laws must be received, that its rcjec
r . . . 1. . 1 I rt-... . . 1 1L.1 .1.-
... . . -- ll0n lg 0D utaiciaoie ojensc, ana mat iuu
Summary of News Inspectors aro expressly sworn not to ro
The President last woek received on ject 8U0j votc, nor oven to vexatiously de
import nnd despatch from Governor Per- .(ay tue votcr in giving it.
rv, ol feoutti uaroiina, announcing mat There is a so ample provisioti of law to
I friends to cheat at tho election-and yet
uld becxpeetedoi tue pnu.
Dunn, tho falsifier of iho pro-
who limy lie di.po.ed lo employ hint, Wool V Head haVC Tl Uiagni fioeilt lCH-
the State Convention bad adjourned ;
having stbolir-hed slavery, placed the olcc
tion of President in tho hands of tho peo
ple, created a commission to prcparo a
code of laws for the frecdmen, approved
President Johnson's policy, and appointed
commissioners to soe the President in ro-
protect tbo voter from annoyaneo, intimi
dation, or violence Irom anv person what
ever in the exercise of his right to vote,
By section 110 of the elootion Law above
mentioned, it is provided, that
"If any person shall aic or
practice any intimidation,'threats, fores or
lation to the imprisonment of Jeff Ds violence, with depign to influenoa uuduly
'TMIK undemlgned respectfully inform, hi. old friend
L and ?;.totner. that lie ha" P1'"''"
........ 1.. ni,n..n ..uisi.iiiiiiiieiit.andttie i.nncurn will
.erenlU-r bn conducted by h i in - e I r x c 1 ii el v-I y .
. n lis. iii.t n-relved and offer, for sale, tl e laig.
I est and most extensive assortment of IAHV
B'l OVKB ever introiiucen intoiun otniivr,.
I m. ....... i. .i,.u .,r - ,-mmiiptp flksortment ot
T. "l" i Vh. market, loceth-
sr with Btove Fixtures of every Jeu'riptiou, Oven and
xBtove, lladiatura, Cylindar Blove., t-at "onAtr'
M novea, Cannon Utove., fcc 4cr. Rlovepipe and
Sw.te con.tiuilly on hand and manufactured tn order.
kv kind. 01 repairing none, as u-ji, un . ..-"
S&- Tho State Constitution has been
adopted in Colorado by 'a large majority.
The negro suffrage clau-e wa. defeated.
Do you hear that Peo John ! A new
white man's ctatc coming into tho union.
Dont you wish you could keep it out un
til it "legislates" a nigger equal to a white
tnnn politically and socially : eomc sputr.
SoldicrH !
Remember that the aboliton platform does
not say 0110 word agaiust ni'gro suffrage,
but that thiktv abolition pttpers, includ
ing tho Republican of this plaoe, bavo do
olared in favor of that infamous doctrine !
Maior Genoral Slocum has written to
Dean Richmond, aooepting tbe nomina-
tiou of tho Deroooraoy ot Now i oru auia.
- s - '
tST Everybody is a " Copperliead''
now-a-day. "who docs not favor negro suf
frage. Thus, a Springfield, Illinois, letter
to tho Cincinnati Gazelle, says "a little
batch of Copperheads, with Gen. Mc-
ic pationage of eld liUndi nfw W?"'' , ,.
.pietiiiir .d lilted ... nurenr , , . , ihe -V
CUrnand for President, met to ratuy
rtesidont John'onV policy. " Then
.loiinvn " a t'-'ppirbcd h hq ' UfV
and Govei nor Map-rath
Galveston, Texas, was visited by the
most terrific storm ever witnessed, ou the
13th inst. Soveral houses were blown
down and others moved from their foun
dutions. Trees and fences wore aUo
prostrated in every direotion. Fortunate,
ly no lives were lost.
The Stato Department has received de
spatches from tho American Consul at
Constantinople, which bhow that tho ohol-
era id decreasing in Turkey, but that it
has broken out afiesh in Italy and Barce
lona, Tho Now naveu steam saw null was
burned to tho ground Thursday night.
l.osB 8:10,000. lusuranco?25,000,moBtly
iu Now York offices. Tbo origin of the
fire is unknown.
Governor Wells, of LouiBana, has h
sued n proclamation calling for tbo elec
tion of Stato offic- rs and members of Con
pres on ibo first Monday in Novmhcr
or ovrrawo any elector, or to prevent him
from voting, or to restrain tho freedom of
oboico, suoh pereon, on conviction, shall
bo fined in auy sum not excoeding 500,
and bo imprisoned for any timo not less
than ono nor moro than twolvo months."
By this section a sovero punishment oan
bo inflicted on any porson who attempts
to deter an olector from voating by threat
ening him with : prosecution or arrest, or
using any other intimidatioti or any force
with such object.
Tho prctenso that Congress has prohib
ited non-reporting men from voting at
State elections is not true in point of fact,
and, suoh prohibition could havo no effect
ifitwc enacted. Congress oannot do
termino who shall or shall not vols at a
Stato olection, simply becauso tho ques
tion is wholly outsido of its jurisdiction
and beyond its power, It has no power
111 connection with, or relation to btate ;
very plain spoken mau, and was in tho
habit of publishing articles, occasionally,
which the nigar-worshippora pronounced
"copperhead" and "disloyal." Although ,
Col. Davis was iu tho field, thousands of, Close of the Great State Fair,
miles away, copies of tho 'Democrat con- j WiLLiAMsrouT, Fenn .Sept. 29. This
taining theso articles would be marked . l,1Bt d.ty 0f tho great fair ib less crowded
and sont to tho War Deportment, where than any time sinoe tho opening. People
thoy were eagerly seized upon as pretexts arc going home by thousands. Tbo trains
for setting his olaims aside. At one timo i8Jt night and this morning are so crowde-d
this persecution went so far that Col. Da-J tbat even women aro standing on the
vis was arraigned before his superior offi- platforms of tho oars. Hundreds of poo
cers, by order of tho War Department, ple, about half of them ladies, could not
upon chirges contained in an anonymtus gct 0n the trains last night, and wero
letter ! He was honorably acquiteu. forced to romatu over. It is estimated
Could petty persecution go further . tbat fivo thousand people were waiting on
Whon Col. Davis was wounded on . tho line of the railroad last night and this
John's IsUnd some of the stay-at-home . morning, trying to get passage on the
uinvniut.1' pnmaplcrid that it was a "nltv ! trains. No such rush was ever seen be-
he did not lose his head, instead ot his
hand !'' When men who call themselves
"Union men," and who pretend to lovo
those who fought against rebellion, would
tliuc stab in the back a brave soldier who
lay suffdring from wounds received in tho
nut-vice of his countrv. what will thoy not
do to provcut him from obtaining that jus
lice ot tbe bands of tho people which !
would bo at once a rcbuko to them and a
token of the downfall of their party 1
Therefore let no ono believo tbo falsehoods
concerning Col. Davis which aro masufao
turcd by tho Abolition prefs.
Had Col Davis, liko his opponent,
Hangman Hartranlt, sacrifiocd his oon
seienco and his self-respect for tho sako of
a high position, he might have been bask
ing in the sunshiue of "loyal" favor and
the boanis of the twin "stars" which daz
zled the eyes of Hartranft, and blinded
him to his duty as a man and his honor
an a soldier.
Had Col. Linton (who was wounded
four times, mid who was never obscnt
from bis rcgimont during his term of ser
vice except when disabled by wounds,")
acted liko his opponent, Ciinpbcll, and
civon his sanotion to schemes of negro
equality, thinly covored by the cloak of
"loyalty, ho might bo now tho incumueni
of one of tboso fat oflioos which the War
Department to well knows how to provide
for its pets.
But neither of theso two gallant soldier
forgot their duty as citizens and as Dem
ocrats, and it now rests wtlli tho people
of this State to fchow that the groat Demo
cratic party remcmbors its duty also, by
electing them both to tho offices for which
they have been nomtuated, and whioh they
would fill with honor to themselves and
profit to tho Stato. Alleutown Dtawcrat.
j?Sr Tbe ubolitiou papers aro trying to
make it appear that tho rooords of their
candidates, Hartranft and Campbell arc
much hotter than Davis and Linton- If
so, tell us how tho two formor passed thro'
the war without a soratoh, while tho other
two cmo out littorally hoi tn piccsf .
This morning a great trotting match
took placo between a blooded rnaro from
Luzerno county and a horse called "Grey
Stranger," from Lebanon r.ounty. Mile
heats; best two iu three. Won by 'Grey
Stranger.' Time, two forty six.
At throe o'clock p. in., another rao3
took place between "Groy Stranger" and
"Black Hawk;" from Vermont. First
heat won by "Grey Stranger " timo, two
forty-eight. Second heat won by "Black
Hawk;" timo, two forty four. Third
heat, won by "Blaok Hawk." Timo 2.38.
"Grey Stranger" met with an aooldont,
and did not run eutircly rouud the oourao
Considerable monoy changed hands on
tho result of tho raooby tho sporting fra
ternity present. A number of othor ra
ces look plaoo during the day, but wero of
minor importance.
At twelve o'elook to-day Senator Edgar
Cowan delivered an address on tbe fair
Grounds. A speaking stand was ereotcd
on the raoe course faoing tho main stand.
The latter stand was crowded to suffoa
tion to hear thu address. Govornor Cur
tin, A Boyd Hamilton nd Professor Hal
derman, nf Columbia, Pa., wero on tha
Inspector's stand;
The best time made during the raoe
yesterday was 2.30, acoomplishod hj a
bay maro from Plymouth.
Tho award of premiums was made
known this afternoon. Tho Secretary n
offico was orowded with exhibitors waitic?
for their ccrtifioatos.
It is now thought that not less thio (if
ty tbousautl peop'-o visited the fair. It t-'
supposed that about twenty thousand do'
I aro wero takcu nt the fair altogether j tij
profits will probably reach ten thous-"
dollars, Not tho slightest disturbance I'
place during the entire fair.eovo occasic
al arrests of pick-pockots! Everybody
now paoking up to go homo.
'ufftpRO or citifjoihip. except ibu powor Mighty MraiiRO, isn't 1' t
56T Tho Seoretary of tho Treasury hti
decided that aloholiol mado from beer is
not subject to taxation, the latter article
having already paid quo tsx.
tiSr Vote the Pemoowt't 'i'kt't.
lllomiitiiiiig Vav ni'o 1 d 1"" f .