tforiny ooaM. of (ho Northern Atlantic, in the valley of t ho Mississippi, nnd along tbo ctreami which flow from tho Stony rojuntains lo tho 1'nciOo, vrhllo Mexico tiiipronohcs sooi il dissolution, and south of it nit government tuo unstoady, labor uliiccish, population stationary, property insocuro, peculation rampant ond poverty general. There Is no established litcraturej ; ami moro aro nu roans i itou mu muu causo wo believed that "What Uoil tiau hlghway.pxtonding from Quito hundreds of joined together uo man should put asun lcagnos southward into upper Peru, in der," and wo have now entered upon fact as woll as namo tho Camino Ileal , onot,ar UOntost, not with open foca with the royal road has hecomo tUlapidalctl, 1 nrms jn tholr IiiiuiIj., but tlio no le dan-nnd-is supplanted by mud paths. And to goroua but unseen ones who aro insiduous what causo or caui-os shall thia result boUy coilcavoring to snp tho foundations of attributed! It oaunot bo tho Uatholio our liberties. Tho war has opened. Wo form of religion which provails, for Franco hjavc pianlcd our artillery. Our colots is Catholio, and yet among tho first of ua- aro s,,r0!U l0 n,0 brcczaj and wo will lions. Nor oan it be tho miegovcrninont I noit,Br ask nor civo quarter. Our nam- 01 opatll, i uu uriurn ui Uiuni3u kuiuiuai poltoy were much mitigated uoloro iituo flcndooco and thirty or forty yoars have elapsed slnco. Nor can It bo republican institutions, for wo havo thorn also. Nor oan it bo an Inferiority ol tho Spanish raco to others- Spain haa produced heroes and poets. Sho was onco domi nant in Europe, and moro recently sho broko tho power of Napoleon oven when her own sovereign was trcachorous to her causo and her honor; No odo of tlicso allcgod causes then produced the result before us, and wo must look further for an adequato expla nation. Somo of them may bavo con tributed to tho result, but they did not causo it. In my opinion, tho main cause has been, tho mixing of distinct ra ces. Tho Spaniard has not had solf-rc-epect enough to keep himself unoontarai natcd from tho natiyo and tho negro, and he has, thoreforc, inflicted upon his con quests or colonies in tho Now World, all tbe curses of h J brid ism. But ho has been still moro in fiult. In all tho now repub lics of the South his theory has beon as falso as his practice has beon vicious. Ho has proolaimed political and sooial equali ty amoug all slocks and mixtures ol hu man beings, in contompt of notorious facta and of past experience This theory, and practices conformed to it, havo produced monstrous evils,' whioh conturios naunot undo. In point of fact, in Spani.-h Amer ica, there is neither purity of blood nor organization of labor, without which no peopla can be energetic, virtuous and pros perous. It is for us to tako tho instruction ol this cxamplo and profit by it ; to rojeot. the appouls of falso philaothropy, and to maintain thoe principles of political and sooial conduct which wn havo followed, bcrctoforo, with signal advantago and sue ceis. I am, &c. &o., C. R. Buckaleyv. Hon. John Cresswell, Jr. Now, fellow oitizans, let us try no rash experiments with the pcoplo of the South. Let us not exasperate but conciliate Let us not adopt such a course :ib will jus tify robellionjn their eyes,or that of tbeir descendants, Furthermore, lot us insist that no prefcrenco hereafter bo shown to the negro. If he is as good as tho white man let him tako tbe same chances, How , is it now ! A Frocdsman's Bureau is erected especially for the oaro of negroes, and homes, farms, schools and tho liko furnished them at our expense. Nay, New England in her lovo for them eonds school touchers, monoy &o., while sho sells thu poor crippled soldier ivlio happens to become a township ohargc to tho lowest bidder. Why do these men adopt these negroes as their brethorn ' They want their votes. Horaoe Greeley says eman cipation will add 800,000 votsa to tbe Republican paity, and I, Winter Davis, of Maryland, anothor high authority, says : it is votes, numncrs, not tntoui - gonco,wo want." There oan be no doubt "It la votes, numbers, not tntclli that this party is pledged to negto cqualt- ity. Thoy bavo adopted it wherever tliay havo had power. Their conventions on-1 dorso it. Leading men in their party and , .1.. -.i:..i .,l,, r. tbbir principal papers openly proclaim It, & unless we at once crush that party tbov r c. ., will faston it not only upon tno bouth but upon us. Chic! Justice Chaso quotes Tao-1 Una, and preaches equality to these freed-' men, while Covode,umner and the lesser - iights make it an eternal text. In view, then, fellow-citizens, ol tho f..l. fl ju.iiiuiuus iuuuuuuicc ui tiiu uuniuuoii ei tlio opposition, so subversive of govern- ment Kd of tile objects for which this war was begun, what i, our duly ? In tho first ' place wo must bo truo to tbe crand prin-1 oiplo of liberty, must never forget what wo aro, what we havo been, and what is before us. Uy our cxamplo in 177G wo revived liberty throughout tbo earth. It asoended tho Andes? awakened Franco, an, I fntitriSt Trnlw nrifl Clmrnn aaea of their better days. It inspired Koscius- ko, Lafayette, Emmet, Kossuth, and Bolivar. May their example 1 not bo lost rXreatc tie, bo threatened? I point to history.- When King John attempted to destroy 1, L l.-L.... .1.- . Ir r J empted to destroy uiiHiii uuuiiy, mi; kiiiu uuruua uu uuiio 15, 1215, assembled at llunnymedo and - extorted Magna Charla and compelled tbetr king to givo them thoTower& City1 or London ..ourlt,.ndu often utbdl liberties wero invaded would they re-enact their great charter-had it read twice a yoarto the people, and fulminated ox- u.i.i.i. iii,.... i...: 1. t communications against all suoh as diso - beved it. Seo1 40 BzMJ'Nullivcndemus.' nulli negabimus aut differemus, rectum was on exemplary traitor. vcljustitiam."- "Wo will sell to no man.j Alter his treasonable acts, ho went out wo will not deny or delay to any man, and hung himsolf. Dr. Dunn, you havo right or justice. Again, when tho hved ka Juda, and do lk gBf StuarU so pressed prerogative ps to claim , , , , , . , the right of trying citizens by Courts of ,,ct (bc world 1)0 nd of one scoundrel. High Commission and tho Star Chamber, A iiento.n ruraoNKit. our sturdy ancesiorn in their vengtancu brought the head of Charles let to tho, Mu. Editor: All Dr. John can do in block ; and when they secured tho habeas raising ondorsers to a card, ho may man corpus under his Buecossor, thoy undo it ufacturo, and all such reprobates that aro a crime unpurdoiiable by tho kinir. to dis-1 'Q Ronton ; the filthy, slimy, dirty Aboli- obey it. Later still, our own fathers, for .... ..L !.. ll.-i I . . .1 ' i i .. ' I.OUJCJ DVl UUl IU lOUl IllUlCtmCIll IOC Declaration of Independence oast off, their allegiance, jind appealed to tho God of battles. So long as wo havo the ballot,' wo asic no otner mouo to redress our grievancen, but il that bo taken from us wo will profit by tho lessons of history. Fellow. citizens, in concliiMon, let mo appeal to you to support tho Demooratio party Iho only national ono now in ex istence. It had its origin with thu gov ernment, aud will only dio when that gov. eminent is no more. Our country is still on tbo verge of ruin through fanatical doctrines, and let It bo our mission to f reserve and transmit to our posterity the abors of our ancestors. We arc but in our youth Tho Koman Umpire lived 500 yonrt beforo its decline. Babylon oxUlod 1,000 yoars. Athens enjoyed it liber ties twolvo timoa aa long ns no have, and Kngland lina existed over six centuries sinoe Magna Chartu. Soldiers, let aa ronow the oaths tuken throo yoara ago, niid swear to sunnort onlv the nonstitution ft,i ti aw,, nn,t Opp0so anything to tho I contrary. Wo fought for tho Union be-1 WOfU IS 'Uur cail.o in truth ! Pure ai the virgin itripca whlrh unvo O'er ffcoilom'i everlasting youth. Ami upotlets ns the lolillcr's grave. Then let our onlv motto be, Our country, cnuie.amt liberty Our nation nnil our nation' law,., The rightn of white men .freedom", came.' "Reconstruction." A largo delegation of Southerners watt ed on tho President last week. Tho del egation numbered between (ilty and sixty persona and represented nine of tho late insurgent States, headed by W. II. Mc Karlaud, of Richmond. Tho Prosidotit roccivod them in a body in tho audience room. Air. McParlaud said they came to osprcss their sincere determination toco operate with him in whatover shall tend lo promoto tbo interests and wclfaro of our common country. They called upon tho President to assuro him of their pr-rional regard, and their confidence in his pur pose to administer tho Government upon tbo highest principles of wisdom and ma ture statesmanship. Thoy wero confident Iih policy would be earnestly BUitaincd by tho entire South, and that devotion to tho Union and free institutions would ever characterize all their political and personal acts, and it j was their purposo cheerfully and earnest-j ly to support him and his administration ! of tho General Government ; and in mak ing this plcdgo as gantlemen they had a right to demaud full credence for their sincerity, whatever may be said to tbo con trary. Tho pnrposo and object of tho cntiro South, ho felt assured, was for res toration and peace upon tbo basis of tho Union of tbo States. unrr.Y or the president. The President, in reply, said ho could not command lanauSe sufficient to express Ihr. iWti oratifiaution ha felt nt tlin vkit tao oeop grattiisjuon no ieu at tno visit and at tho patriotio remarks of the speak- ers whs had just concluded. Ho felt it J was thoir only safety and promotion. He had always been for tho. recognition of all Constitutional rights of tho sTave-owning States, and believed they could have been reserved in tho Union if tho istuo had w been made i tho forum instead of in tho field. Ho himBelf had been a slaveholder, but ho had rnado up his mind if the issue ever narrowed itself down to the Union and slavery, that slavery must go and tho Union bo saved, IIo said ho had confidenoo in their de votion to the rc.toration ol tbe Union, aud i. , . , . - , j ' the,r professions of loyalty, and ho was assurctt mat tno opposition was to aiu in buildinc up tho waste places of tho South, arut reatorinr noooe and hanmucss. r-oml ... , . , ' , ,. . ui uuu uuiuu. uc um iwi uuicve uic 'sensation letter renters and the editors i i ' . . ., 'Who ucrc endeavoring lo create the impres- sion that there existed in the South d,sa.- ,;,, ,i ,;.,;-; r- ,i, Sion and dmnlnfaction, Tor tho pros- , enoe 01 80 mnnJ ernmcn1 ond distinguished ' gentlemen, representing suoh a largo oou-, r,,ll.. .i: .!.. r ... duluiiiu, uiBjtiuucu ttc yct, una rrane the lie to the mnlimi utterances S t J tZnVZoTlns of ,."."" !r ,f . .u , pr:Lha.'na , lUB PeoP10 01 tue oouln anu 01 tbeir Pr Poso t0 restore tho Union upon tho priu- ciplea of tho Constitution, and hoped and believed they wero ready to oomo up and rn .,t .t , ir a ,i n .. tho Union ond the Constitu- tlOIl. ThO feUU existlDtr Tfl3 1 fainilv quarrel, and tho ties of friendship, now it was ended, he trusted would bo atronoor nmi morc onurjDr, .tian cve, IJe , the mission of this great people was high """"us.on 0. tins great pcop.o was '"S" , " n Union only could tho , f. . . - and holy, and in Union only could the e :. 1 .1 . a., n . huiiiujub 01 ua uuoiuu uuu 01 u trco uov 1 ernmcnl bo administered i The President spoke for about twenty i ... l, ' m.n.ites, and when he oneluded ho n, enthusiastically applauded by those pre- ' sent. : T ) 'lorthcOoiumm ncmncrnt." uuu. -u li. uiii iiui oir. tiuuasi tion crow, cannot wipe out tho damning! cli'irmnd Iia nmi , I. .. .. ...11... 1' T. ...!l I ""b"."" MM uuu IUUJT Ul U JJUII li Ul, il W 1 1 8'ic t0 'heir traitorous backs liko tho sh'ft of Nessus. a henton prisoner. tSr Tho Diraocratto Camp Meeting in Columbia county last week, was a decided success. From 3000 to 5000 peoplo aro said to havo attended it,nnd tho best order prevailod, Tlio meeting was iu session three days, and was ably addressed by a largo number of speakers, among whom were Hon. 0. It. Bnckalow and Hon. Uieitor Clymer, Speohes wero mado iu the niorningn, afternoons and ovaninga. Clinton Democrat, fini IIAAniA nCftSflODA T I UULUmDIM Ui-mUUllM 1 I'nmntion of tho President ol Ma, oh 10, li "Our OoiiMltiitliiti guard It ever! Our E'orlon Union hold It dear ! Our f tarry Flag--forsake It never t The proud Ojucasnan our only poor! EDIT CD BY LUV I.. TATE, PROPniETOR. BLOOM SB URG t Saturday Morning, Sopt 23, 1G5. DrnocxAiY, n trnllinrut not lobe n p pallcil , corrupt' r.n only of.iopoti,m t u the oi0con,ervator or liberty. .,.,..,. ,,r,,,,vi.,. .......vr 8' rlchti. ofeiual obligation, - lie Inw of untitle 11, pcrvaillni! the Inw of thu land-Allen. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. I'Oll AUOITOR atlMKRAI. COLOftBX W. V.I1.AVI8, or nurus county. ron simvr.voii oksurai. or cAMimiA count v. COUNTY NOMINATIONS. FOR ASSHMIU.Y . Williamson H. Jacoby, OF Iir.OOMSIIURtl. ron in ar. attorn by Milton M. Traugh, OF IlEUWrCK. rOUTf.liASURCIt. John J. StjlcB, OF UIINTON. FOR rOJIMISSlOVKIl John F. Fowler, or riNt: twi'. FOR 8URVKY0R . Isaac A, Dcwitt, onr.EXwoot) Tvr. FOR APDITOR. Leonard B. Rupert, or BLOojisiiuita. FOR CORONTH. William J. Ikeler, OP MT PLEASANT. Elfction October, 10th, 1805. Vigilance Committee. The foil. in lug pirtnux have been appointed asll .'iii. .' ocratic Coiiuuilteeii of Vigileneo for their respective , tounihipa iu ColilinbiH eo. Aa the time I, limited tn I th. urn. u.r.. e... (i. .. ... U..1.1....J r and other,, v, ho' hate' not been a.sensed, we deem It "tdle'it that Immediate tep be taken tu have all iemiI TCN AYs previous t., the Kitio..; and that you r.irui.h each soldier mm in thomiuury -or- 2 f.i? " ! "T" ffCT V.," f ? c " ' ' ' "7 cpt of I ax 1 did ; v illi 1 lull jet nf ticket, ouclo.ivl m a property endorsed return enviupe ; to ,pc that voter i kept from the poll. o Htecti,,,. day. and l";' ) H' con.titution oftho atato ..rivunonama . ... ...... . . . , r. " ' ',. . ,nwn- iinwi-uberir. j, it. Al,:"0"ry' Wm "uU"",' J""" v' , "i"-" imoi.. i,aar. i,.,wer. ji,n o. jacnnj. nor iiurvMci J. . sun lorn, Jiifip n f. Siblict, ill ram uoivcr Ileuver llunrv llinlc rliter en,., M.uiaei - v j.'" uenire-niiure i icai, rncn Miciinnier, Henry H Catau isra Waller Scott, .Mahlnn llainlin, J nine 3 McNiuch. t'oiiynglinin J 11 KniHIe, Jn.iiie li.irry McKieriuiu, Clinton Uuuilt. I'islnui.creek Uyrus ltulibin, J.)"knii CvriK II White. Diiilcl r Mcllenry, Franklin Daniel Z.irr, .Musiu llovvur, II J Riader (iteinwoud fai'iiiol B'vj.irt, Win llyor. A J Albert- son, Juliu Oruniley. Jlemlock-il U .Mcllitde, Win II Shoemaker, Anion Hmlth. Hurt' Jacknn-Jo!in 1 Derr, Siilai W Mcllenry, Oeorgu i.ocnt-L t: iimbem, Wninihuiinan. juna Fahrnig email. cr. jonn veascr. .Montour-Uvan W.lliver. Noah Mauser reter tieimbach. J t ctuick. iMadiBOii John A r'utitlon, K A Hmilh. I.ouU Schuvier.canrod Krcamcr. 1''"-'' tjhipm"1 S"""cl J"l,lls0"' Joh" , Miiiiin--J n iicticrU 11 itejs. a .chwei . G MMn-WmT Shuma,,, ..,n,, r. John. . orange-Jame. n iiarman tin-, ooi it n Kline Jn'o i'"no-ohVw liuniv. i. a riarmen, n.'i. Juo i.ore Itnariticco-julc I'iulni IJ.jul. J.iniea KtiiHir. William PreUlruli coit-(i w it i:m. PhiiipT ii.ittiuau, a .m W L " r,,w" Artw B "f ,hu "JJ- JX r.ioonibburs, tew. General Hurtranft. AgainstG.n. Hartranffs career as a military man we havo nothing to say.- Wo cannot imitate our opponents who as-i 8a" .lUo "putntion of every Democratic S0'(1'C1, wl'o olTers himself as a candidate for the votes of tho people. But tho negro P'-m upon which ho has i.J'.y,"KT"; u"0 u,ultc" 13 a logmraaio oauso lor as Satllf i-- i- .eg.wmato oauso .or as- sauiv ,,,, ... ihr " 0,80 ono P0IDt 1,1 his "hnraoter Wh,ot1 d"CrVCS 0CIUUr,! Gen Sherman eays'-hongiug should bo led to tho Bhcr- - J .. , . . . . p position, and assisted ,n not sotdur but a woman, and worso thau all I one whom he publicly declare I he believed, ro be innocent. An officer of his high rank who will assist, without protest or resigning, in hanging au iunocent woman, or ono ho boliovci to bo innocent, simply I at thu-dictatiou of a superior is not worthy 1 tho suffrages of a freo peoplo. j Col, Davis has no such stain upon bis oharactor.itnd though bo achieved nittlmi stars of his opponent ho boars tho far! " nobler marks of a ooldier honorable icouuds. Soldiers' mai. j0U suppucu in any quantity. The attention KemcmherthooDo-haniled veteran, Uo!. 1 'T"" yT V0,. f last fall I of Democratic clubs and commits is in W. W. II. DAVIS, who heads tho Dom-! 1 ' i,S Ucmo' vitc(J ,0 ,Ue P0(ioy circulating ooratio Siato Ticket That hand-lees riuht arm, whioh slruok o vigorously lor the flag uuder whioh you fought, appeals to you now I Itomombcr Uol, Liuton, cov orod with scars received in tho servico of his country. Theso wero noithor holiday soldiers, nor hangmen i they are truo and tried defenders of the Star, and Stripe, Pall into lino, boys, and give them a tUJ tT DULL.-Business in town duriog the last few day, haa been very dull. aar Remember that bv vlrtuo of aproo sued In conformity to a law ol Congress" dated March 3, i803, all Pcr-ons tloly enrolled or who went beyond the Itmitf, of t lll'J Uiiiirt uunu.i uv;t lun uiuib mu piutiiimvu iium vauiuibiu mo irnncmBc. u win do me utity 01 ma au thoritiM to enforce this nenaltc in all eases t t.t.. v lite election. Columbia county Republican. There nro only four falsehoods in tho , ..hove : 1st, That Congress ovar passed any law regulating suffrage in (his Stalo or !any other. Nobody of any intolligenoo thought or pretended that Congress bad any such power Tlio qiialifioationa "Ta. ,,,ir,,n fu,i n ,,.., iID thn IUt rUIIIIIJU u.u VAUIU,,. tJJ " Stato Constitution, and ncithor tho Con. , gro.a of tho United State, nor tho Iflgis- ture of this Stato can add to or tako from them in the slightest particular. 2nd. The President novor issued any proclamation concerning suffrage in l'enn- sylvania and novcr thought of doiDg so. MM ...... An nA f 1MnHAHn t.i ...n. I . i , i r ... .i ronortind drafted nion should forfeit their I ! ,, , , ., .. ,. privilcges of United Stales oitizon?bip un-l. !', .. , " , . i , der which a proclamation was issued i ' nn.l nnllnni. in i it ivifh onhtii, no h nil.iinu nf fhn Sloln llrnffpil rtlhtjini tn ! bllll.U. U 1 .11 U J 4 I Ul M ' 1 U U I k I .1 V II 1 LJ ' (default could not yet passports from tho , ',, . . . . , Sceroiary of Stale, nor sue in tlio United States Colirts and might bo subjertcd to other disabilities under tho United States j laws, but all this has nothing to do with I btato suffrage which is beyond any pro j icuce of power, authority or jurisdiction ' by tho Govcmmt nt of the United Stato j !ld. It is ml the duty of election officers I to reject tlio votes of non-reporting eili I zous as above assorted, On tho contrary it is thoir fworu duty to kpep and enforce the election laws of this state in their ro- ppectivo districts. And by express statuto : they iro subject to indictment and punish j incut for refusing the vote of any qualifiod , citizen as also to a civil action for dam l ages, nnd nny threat or intimidation ol a j voter by any perion is also indictable and , subject to severe punishment. Seo the laws recited in tho Sheriffs' Election Proc lamation in another column, lilt. Tho not of Oono-ress above referred .Mo was not passod March 3rd, 18uU, but about two years afterwards. Bradley's Hoop Skirt Factory. Dradloy'a Gtoat Duplex Eliptic Spring , Hoop Skirt Factory, 15 line of tho Cliriosi osities of the ago, alone to bo found in tho I , . , v v i n-. w .1 (cnterprizo 01 ftoH J ori; uity. Uecontly ! on a vMt t0 ,lj!'t oi wo MoPPl!,i in, ( n .1 1 t , i , , . , , Uradl7 8 lactory and wero astotu.ed i to wituefs the oxtout of bin enterpr-ze.and amount of buMoesS daily trantetcd m tbo line of making and selling Hoop cKiriij. ."oino live uutiareil nanus. rs in. . i-t . . ... . : C0,ista,ltly cmV the buMne'.s and over two tuuusma riiiris sro maile anil moiu 'Jilliv. I Wo think it the greatest esUblishinenl uuiu in niu uuuinry, ;inu lis pro- prietor, J. W. Hradjcy, K q., one of tbe bet luMiicch-men and most finished gen tlemen wo" havo perhaps ever mat with, Our friends, when iu that- City, would do well to call on Mr. lirndlcy, at bis S'es Uooins, No. H7 Chambers Street. The viiit alouo, would pay rxpciisos,and when onco there, thoy will scarcely come away without securing for a Lady-friend at home, 0110 of thoso inituitablo Kliptio Skirts, which could not fail to render their arrival at home thrioo weleomo. The Western Hotel Wc arc not in the habit of printing no- 1 t f I I- I r , ' 01 Put)llc nouses, tor wo always pay ! "r bil1 a"d ask ' boot, but just.V to a "eil-kt-pt hotel and its very accc. modat- , inn- proprietors, would socio tn insiif. a , Pnssi"S remark, in relation to the Wes- j Uotul, Nos. 0 and 1.1 Uuurtlandt T TliU bU!' ' looatel1 !'Car BroS centrally in the City, is ami uuuvoiiiuutiy arranges, anil tor good faro nnd cheap prices is not surpassed ny any house in Gotham. D. D. Win I Chester, Esq., tbo Proprietor, is himself a Gentleman and .cholnr .,! M. " ,Vrv ' '.. T A?- ; " ' '"""u"!'."! tvuu is untei fit, 1 r i Llork Manager, is tho very prinoo of l.le lows and knows how to keep a Il0te1' Wc are glad to know, that many of our J n v,,ri, i., r .. t i .l - ow ork, have found where their m- , ""nian 'aros best and their purses suffers leasti aml wo would Bay to thojo who havo not yot stopped tbero, whon next thoy go to seo that Gicat Emporium of fashion aud biuinees, to just call on our friends, 'he Messrs. Winchester, at tho ''Wojtetn Uotel." ' ' Watch Them . ''h0 Kopuhlioan Abolitionists aro tecrct , y "orK, org.tiiiziug thoir party. Ihey i w'" cxcrt evorJ nervo lo fef- out their j vote. Democrats of tho oountry ! lioll HO Vnilt tflpill'tid nmi rt.,rn,t,,n .!... w.Houi.juuiy. - fiy Wk hono our candidates. Cor,. Davis and Lieut. Col. Linton, both of whom aro fine publio speakers, will ohall - uugo their oppouenU to stump the stato. Let have an open canvass and a full duScuasiou of the quosiions ut issue. We'll , bet on tho white man's candidates on the stump or elsewhere. Ul nal Advocate. iSr A load of good dry wood will be taken on lubmipL, at Urn office. Importance) of a Full Vote. Wa nrmtM Aontntnttw tmnrnil nnntl I fin Vi o.... 7.. """" ' " acknowledged and admitted faot, that all . ifinb o t'lgw . ftMitio ttmtitffi jq? JflC UCTnOCTUVy ill Ific corning C'ttlW' , me coming c'clion full vnle, T.n . nnt nw- " l,"""'t v ' " , bu done ami our majority will bo uffiol- 00 "onc ami uur "IHJor" (uu 'u",u;- i ently large to crusu oui oi cxistonco m this Stnto that mongrel political organi- "lion which derives all its vitality from its oloso connection with tho fanatics and radioals of New England. Uierc arc somo ctguieon nunureu ctec lion tl.str.cts in Una state, or ycry neany that many. I ho ubsonco of three Demo- crane vo crs i u oaou ot itteso wouiu do a loss to us ofyi-c thousand out hunJretl f 1 htnlt or that. Iet every JJemo- ' orat who reads this think of it, and then , lot him resolve to see to it that every vote s i-oUed. 'Get out the vote anil we cannot. M defeated. j Freemen ! KW'uicn of Pennsylvania ! Ihe issue I .... , ' . . I will be presented to you at the next eleo- , , e , tion, whothcr you aro in favor of prcnorv- i. . .. ,. , ... - ino-vour novcrnmunt or the beucut ot l 13 " I i.nn.iin vna ami nnll, nnotnntt. , l,r WMOtllOr j r you wish to oltange it from a white-man's ' , ... , . , i Government into an amalgamate'! com munity, where whiiosand blacks will inter mingle upou terms of equality. This is no longer a question of slavery or free dom. Pennsylvania, was novor in favor of slavery, bill abolUhcd it long ago, ol their own I'reo will and accord. Tho ques-. tion now is, between a pure White Man's Government, and a hybrid, mongrel cor ruption of it, under which the negro will bo entitled to claim equality with ua at the ballot box, iu the jury box, and, ns a nat ural conscqaeiico, iu the various relations of social lilc ? Aro you prepared for such a debasement of yourselves anil your in stitutions ? Wk occupy much of our tpaco to day with a report of a soldier's speech, deliv ered nt the great Nob Mountain (Colum bia county) meeting, on tho yoth, ult. Tho eloquent speaker, Capt. C. H IJuock- WAY,(Hattcry F., 1st. Pcnna. Light Ar tillcry.) was no holiday soldior, no mere "curpet knight." lie was among tlio first to cuter into what he justly term '"a con tract with the government" U light fur tho restoration of the Union, and to com pel obedience to tho Constitution and the laws. Iiolilly, bravely, did he discharge his duties uuder that contract aud he has a right to complain of any violation ol it on tho part of the others. IIo might well apostrophize, iu tctm' nl respect, veueratiou aud uffrotioti, the starry ban. tier, whose folds wero about bun as. he tpoke. His good right arm had delivered mauy a stalwart blow in its defense. l'Ai Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, (we quote an I incident in tbe late war,) L'ipt. C. B. Broi.kw8V 8tized a fl staff ffhu jls buar. or (ell dead by his side, aud it was a mo- ment afterwards sbot off in his hands."- Soldiers will reeosniz-j tho rtcht of suoh a rilln.,nlilinl ir. ...t, oriim .i purposes, aud will not fail to listen to him with the respect which a gallaul man al ways feels for a kindred spirit. Age. Do iK Demoouaoy EIatk tub .Sol diers f Behold the facts : Ic Ohio Maj. Gen. Morgan, a hero of the Ili-bellion and of tbo Mexican and Tcxan war, is tho Demooratio eaudidalo ior governor , In always Demooratio New Jersey .Ma - ... . , . jor General Itunyon, is tho Demooratio . en noiniiiio for Governor : t vr t , . r l,, . In New Xork, Maj Gen, bloeum is the r .; jj i . e a . r xuiiiuui abiu uuuuiuuiu nil ucut'iciuri ut J State tho highest office voted for, olvcd xti Jiowa tno LiciuocraoY nave ro to Blinnorfc tlio soliliors' u iiiiliiliitn. in nn position to tho negro suffrage oaudidate of tho Republicans; In Pennsylvania, Cols. Davis aud Lin- . . , . r . , i i, . ., ton, two ucroes oi tue ivcut'ttiou, aro too Demooratio candidates for tho only two room iu your paper and 'you will oblige State offices to be Gl led ; j A SOLDI UK. Aud wo oan safely say the end of lion- .. " . - ,,. . Kk As.sesk. IXniocrat.i. re- oring tho soldiers is not vol. ; . . .. . . .... , . a. . , ,. member that it is but a hhort tunc until lurn in, then, oh ! I'coplo ! and enable 4, . , , ., ,,- . ... tho election, anil unless ynu ato as-ssed those soldiers lo gain a dertnivo victory , . . , , ' tcu tlnyn before, ou wt bo prohibited vo ovor tho plundering but no leis dfitruo- r J , ., . ting, li your namo upon the s.-ors live enemies of the country I , , , , , n ,i n rj , .i li i books! Is your Democratic nci"hbors' lln thn I liimnnrnnv Hate th . Kt.ltlin,. ? J ,,v,ol,u " Look at tho facts I ' ' r, The demand for tho speech of Capt. Charles I). Brockway, at tho Nob Mountain meeting, published in Titu Aoe yesterday moruing, was so great as to oxhaust au unusually large edition at an early hour. To meet tho wirbes of bun- drcds who bavo not been able to obtaiu copies, wo will republish tho speech in the Weekly Aoe of ncxtwoek. and nrint somo thousands of extra copies. Jt i will bo ready on Friday inorninir next. and orders received by Tuesday will bo ..... ... theso manly sentiments of a bravo sol- I dier. yLje. CoLUMniA COUNTY Thn Flnmnnrnt. ; have nominaled a strong local tiokot, with 1 - Jaohy, editor of tho Star of tho , "f1 108 Assembly, Democrat tnd an'bones'l v?n'hn .STAldlab ' Montour oounty, ond bo will bo eleoted by - f- ' (j "A couple thouiand majority," Brother Aroob, and nothing sboi!er. III. IJ. in .1 Hi I II i,iMiM n llliiWwa'i,"'llW'ViyilUIlMTiWKllu,1i(,B. Tho Prcsldont and tho Radlcalu. (EpeeUI lpat.h to the Public Ledger ) 1 wasiiiwotun, acpi. ao. WASHINGTON, Sept. TIlO JL rffl- dent will fight this radioal w war to tho bit- . Within one month after the in- . io'n of our new President, I ad- ftutlHrftilO . yoiHO, ,j,.b authority ,that in no ovont ' . ?. . . . . . would tbe rnUical element Do lavoreu, ana ... u. r m, t,iU,nn .in.n the wholo rourM of Mr Johnson sinco ltts pri,Vl.a the correctnoM of that asser- Xbere is no colder quarter of tho ci,y ,0 jBMructivo faclioa tbaU tho White Howo. Ueprosentatives thefrom jiavo cuL.,t atll caeirj ECtlt n oara a(tcr, carj,but in tU0:t cases tho President is too )UJ. t0 altend fj tl)cm . u ,cnjBg).d r thuir nro lc-s rreiti.iDt of lute, and n. ,i ,t, :, i.. hill J UjfVUllI ,U. .,. UUOI'IUI It will ho futile', though not without probable scrions euibarratsincut to tho Presiilent In carrying out the work of "restoration" ho has so nobly uomuionoed. This i' th' "'new danger th atthront'Mis ua." As long ago as tho -1 1 It of July, the Kxec utive saw tlio cloud of opposition to tlio policy rising, and then used tho above words. His sagacifj far seeing and pen etratini! saw it all. To ntevt thocoutest he , . . , i .. i i:.. li" armed at once, and pliinted httiHoll tfjuarcly on tbe bulwark ol the (Jotutitu . , n ,.- it. t, on- lo a woll-knowu houtlurntr, last . . , i . .... !. .i i, week, ho said. 'My chart is tho Con.tilu- T ., i ... 1 1 ,1, .!.,, l.!,."u l,,.i. i,1i I, tion, l shall not deviate a Iimr bnMtilli if I can help it. On that Constitution tbo States must bo restored, and tho privi'egos which it confers niift bo theirs. They are entitled to thorn, and thoy thtill havo thorn !" Tiie President is firmly anchored there, and it is because bo ban to fatt a hold I llllnn tlin iil'lm nf llin lliilinnnl tliln lllnl I 'tho waves of f;iliniie4. iii and doord dash- ed about llilll. Thoy Would boat him J . front his position, but it will bo ''thus far 1 ami no niriiier, ami tit y who until; uin ciwiso do not know the pi'ot ttiey ate dealing with The lift of radieil eonplnint' thin far made out, and to be presented itutiicdiuto ly after the opening uf UongrcfS, it is as follows : 1st. Kcfu-al to oxlend negro uffregi 'Jd. The npioinlinetit of secc-sioiiiMts us provisiotitl jiovoruorc. :tJ. The free exorcise of the panl-tiing powur, wiioiciii went iiiuiuucu inniij nuu ohou d bivo Icnii hanged. 1th. 4 Thu ijurodufiiou of arms into iho ISouthern States. 3'h. The ili.-bitndotiing of tho eolortd reoiineiits litli The refusal to onlur ,1 i-wi, ping conli oatinn 7th The re.-toration of the Southern churi'lies 8th. The r I'lisal to nriain hue, tin' leader ol tho rebel bofl.i, afior bu hail been indicted lr treafOtt. Uth. the rel'ii.inl 10 try Dav'n by a mili tary coin t. ltiih. The apathy shown in the ciifr.roo iniiil oftlie iMo'iiioe doctrine as applica ble to M h'ico. Such is tho list so far, and th rc is no disputing that it H quite formidable, but I j nVvul 1 rcslUt,,lt 11 ro"-v "ol 0," for lhu 0!,e,,i,,K pu,h"l fr 'I"-' u'rr,fio ' li,u lhat is eM'Cot''d to follow. That tho . oousut vative masses -thoso u ho lovo thiir country will mi h tain him in solul column there can bo uo question, and this is all the I'r-sidetit aks. Graut him this sup pott uin! be will hand his namu down to pt'strruy a second Washington. I For tfie 'Colunih'fi llfoniral " Qoh, jy. , Tatk, i ct- Sir: I hnvu been soldicr- iDg for ilncc ycar. aud whtu I arrivd at I homo I fintl many, very many who havo ! - ,, . ' , , , , turned bogus. I liDd them worse thiii the . , , , , . , .. . old long prolescd Win en. I htul some , , , , , . , ,. . who have been bought over lo Abolition . . principles for a tncie piiio slump, one at : . I ..... . Hl.. j I . I i . . .. . . I .. .1 lea-', who ia .i t uil telative, who ifsidL-n ls'l'nWrrcit'' loiviisbip. lie gt netally goes ny i n name oi .10 ureaser. I can t ' wl,'J'.1 u",,u UH" U' " Llind as ,0 ,l,i'k the AbolitioniMs nro right. I know they ate not. W'u were all ehcaiul out ol our . - r i!..l. ,f i. in . . voica ior iiuiu tuauu. riensu imvc tins thcr0 to ? If ,,ot' ,,avo lhu, VUtd there at ouco, and see lhat it is done, Don't let Abolitionists prevent you fiom voting on account of your owu rarclos noss. lie assessed, y''Taiimm'ni MARRIAGES, On tho S4tli of Aug ultby tho Rev. D. J. Waller, Mr. II. W. Marrh, of Fort Wa no la, to Mrs Fan.nik M. Weaver, of "'""""burg. . .L , r i mu reoiuence oi tno nrido s mo her. on Sept. llth 1805, by the Rev. W. S Iloaton, Mr. Anukkw Crevemso. of Ulooii)!burg,Pa..toMr. Mary Et,iz.nKTii Hickcox, of Springfield, Sufquehanna county In Orangevillo, on the Kith tnst., at tho German Reformed I'aroniti!o. bv Rev. W. Goodrii'.li . .Imti Ii' ir,i.Ma ir. ai:. SVlvimiaH. Kaufp. both' of Benton ""'"', i'l' I n.t t . ' i DEATHS. Tn Ql.. NT.ll 1 I J I8lh S SeP'ember. 8i Enoch Sd iVVJ7 rfll0o,7 day".7' S 7 ' mnthS 80,1 10 In Huntington lownsbip, Luzerne conn- a' Tumi iilf&ln? , V"' t-Kl 60,h ym X ,KVf L" "T1I1 OV tir-li.rtir ,f AN CVU MX U U C I Uil C 1H Clt lS . . -- tiUNHttAI, KLIiOTIOiV IMtOCLASIATlOV ,yi'"l,,VySi n"11 b?nI,n Att ornenemi Ancini,ir of luo Oomnintiwimllli of 1'cniii.ylMnU, mliile,! " An Act to tejuintotheiiciiorai Kiitiioua wiihin tiii.u.Mn tic tni election. n,i to tmiiiieint; , mm notij', hnt olficfrf nro to lio rliic.uil, 1. HAMUDL BMVUl'.R Hnriit m tuv rouniy ,,r i;i,m. hereby mm., ?.'T;Jl C'uil.ilyof. Uoliiuibln, that a Oeneral Un til, m win i. held In said county, on tJEONll TUI'.SOAY lotlii or Utri'OilF.ll, l-W, ut tin, nvutii etcliiiii .ILIricl, v llloom towntlilp, at llic Court llniu, lilniiiiwliuri 11c n t in towdttup. at tlie Public lloune nf John J title. in Iho'l'iiwn nf Dentin. Ilcnv.r toivMihlp, iiUli'j 1'uL.lln Mouse of Pranklml Sliiininu llrlarcreeh township, nt Uu Public School llnuv noar Cviuuvlll i. i:atawlsn towiMhip, at thn FuMlu houei of tSflp,u, Kontenbuudcr. Centre tmvnihln, nt the lloui ol'Jer, llit, ilni'J t. ou)unh,iiii towl slip, ut thu Publlu llun.oiir Itcnber Vncr. Flfhlngrrnek townthip, at the Public lton iiimi erly Kept by llouj Mcll'iur;. i I rniiKlIu tniinililp ut t;ia)lon' Bchhol lloiitt tiiocuw.iodtH'p, uttli" llinisi' of Jaeili it I'.tttei lleuilut.k tuwiisliip, ul thii "lincli Hum" jackmin tinvnshlp, nt the Mihhj uf I'.iekli'l OMe l.ocmt lonmlili ut the Public lloanu Juliu I. Murm In Slalit'iwn. Mlltliii tu p , nt Hie Public limine of John ilcltri Mull. an ttuvunlilp, at Ihu I'u'jIio lininj ..I .l.imii Itiniby. ATI I'luasnnl toiviuhlp, at the I'tibllu lluu'i nf Thou Jonen, Moiitiiiir tp. nt Hie limine of Win Ho llnijsli .11 .Main ti'iiliii. ut the Public II "l-e J A .iluie in llii'irlnitrreek twp, al tlie llnni f.f mrl iieni.tmi by tli n Dreiib.'icli OiaiiSB lowiijhip. nt the public; li'iuie of le m.ti HilalH'H, In Oriiiinov lllo. I'iiiu liiniuhll. ut thu Iiimuo of Allien Hniilei'lnu imlilp. nt thu llniii,i nf , i;lc. -'cutltunliip at thu Public llou.e uf J II .M ikIi... t At hidi lime mi I place Ihu luiilliiinl elccti ti it oni nyiM I'H hi mi uwiiiji mine, uuiriii am uujm UiIiccm vi. An Auditor (.I'lieriil. a nutveyor liuurral im Moniberof AMCiubly. A Dintilct Atturncy A fmn,!. trt'iKiiror. uiiunty t ihu niunnr. au ,,, (;0,mlv -uryevor Ouinty i?..,o..;, It Klu llier directed thu i lee' f ' I rt'iKiiror. .1 County t iiiiiiiiiMluiiur. A Uuuiiiy v 111. I'u llivr directed thu ' Icc' nf the . t i dlftri't nli:t be opeueil butivt'f i the Imiir, ul ,m , "'I'lurk iu tin' Iiiiciiooii. and hall ..iiutlunt op a ,lUlt,.rriM,,in, um ,ij(1umuicit until' rvelllui! Hllell tin! iiiiIIk ll.lll II I I limed. It i4 furlher directed that tho meeting iifth r JiiiUi' til the t'nurt lluu.e, in lllnniu.liHr? iu ni-'it the liiiii.!t.i' lliurllon, ulikh will be lliu IJih ,liv Uilnber in xt. Tin.' le.ui n Juilje of the Reprei'iitailve Him ctnnpoed of the toiiiiticn of t'ldiimbi i and Mnuio. ahali iiiL'i-t ut the L'ourt IIdiku, in tn'iinlur Tiiela Hie i;tli day uf () tuber uetl tn nine mi , turn, f.r l her ol Aiteiubly. Nont.1): in iiuitr.iiY liivHv, That evcrv tiernnn I'tecntlnit Jintlci' of tin I1 who rha I hold mi y alike ur apiiuintiuiint id pr im IrUi-t Under III'' tjlllleil fU.ll". nr ul' lllil Hl.lle ciiy or ciirioriil'jd district, whellier u cniiiuii -i . othcrur niiierHlju, .i ui rdiu it"uiii.i-r i.r aem i, ur rliall b" eliiphni' l un.lur III! I .'ii -. I :i 1 1 nxi. i . llv or Ju.liciiuy ilojmrtinnit ul tin stati.', m ..I i city or oriiuv inr. 'iporiiU'd iliniriil and uljn. ! n . ry member tlNiimnmniid l the sfl.itu I.i'si.l.n ..ii.l i.fll.M .ili.i'l ... rniiiiniill riillllrll ill llliv ril. I'liiiiniMinii 'M nl an I ni-iii purnied ,llnlrict. if by nf h ildmii or us.'rci. r; a' ih'i Km". Hi lice ornpiMiiutiiieiit ul" Jui'cu Innpei inr nr ib.k .1 nny eluiliiu ul this lloiiiininme.illh ind ml ipeet'ir, JuJi,'ii iu olli 'r oilicer ul ! elei 4I1..U 1 liclblu t.i bu voted lor. And tin: nalil art of Aiembly entitled an nt tint' In el'iitlmn uf tills IJiiiiiiiinnwe.ilHi." pn-i.1 J ', J, 1 B 10. furlher provide a rnllmd. vl Tin I the Itmpei lor .ind Jiulg.: nh ill meet .11 li renpettin-pi ice-aipniun-'l I'nr hul'lHii! the I ', iu Hi di-lriLl at wliiih thjy ro-p i.liv lv hel )' e fur. Hi'Moik. mi I tin 1,,'irlllui; nf tlin ll'DS'll I'l ' -DAY IU' (A'll)itKlt. au.l 1M1I1 slid Imp twi hi.. appoint una Clerk, who slilll b'l .1 ' Hi) lll.-.l , nei Ml h .llnlilit. , "In i'Um! Hi-11 rnn nh hliatl hav r. hlulieat mimli -r nf nles f"r lilspui'lnr hll.ljl n " V;;'";;; 'i.VV.V ,,',c.'.;.r,hV!lLlP".r.: ;: , nil." Inr Ju !"! Ill III" II'-.M Or l-i- III! I'li'illilii lilt ill ll,,i'l-'lr 111 III il.ll.i-. ll'l III tll: M "ii lift h.H n'ci'in'it mo neiiniil hiahi'iit iiunm i vnti fur liii"i''ct"r th ill not iittninl. Hi i p r i-il J i lj" lnl npiimut an I up ml ir in In, 0 . n if any v.nai ry mill Ciiitliiini mi tin1 limni ' n mi.ifi' i'f mi.' hnjr -it'lur thi' tlin.' ni:.l li) Ua f '1' "p-nni ol ihp i-k-ciiitn tli ' inlilti'iJ vniiT- I 1. 1 vv ti 11 tup, , .ml nr ill at , i' t I-t vmiii ti imi "in ' h.nn b'-i-ii i Ircti'il. pri'ifi-iit :it th" I'lt'rti'iii mi.i'I 1 ,,ii- "I'lh -ir ii noli -r in UU 'irh vhmih ' It li.'ll lio thu ilul nl Of 1' vrnl s-B .ii pi'i Hm iy In .ill' ml at III.- pliici' nl Ih.I'iii a v i 'llfiu ral. MiiTrii ir I mnsliipi'li'Ulu i an. i . j ' 11 1 1 III i' I i-t t lull is, I vpt np''li, I'M I III' purl'luu '! 4'M : inl'urm.lllilil In UK' Ill-P'-Unl III I J I'lj'', v In n i-n, ill ri-l.ill'tii to Ihu n'lll ni'aiij p-rann .it- . i -lilt-in to ll.K lit , licit IU uli'i tlnll, llll'l IM "lli'll 1 l' ' iii, ai. n iii ri'litlinii I" tho ii? ii'snin'iit l v,iir iimI I ii.-I'i i tnr-i or I'ltln'r t lli'-in -li-'U " "ii ' I im.- r"'ilir,'. n pi-iniii li.ill hi- prrmltt'-il I" v it- .it ii . On ii in nl'i f-nnl a vliiii- citi. n I 'o i h,-it. mu-nr uiiU'i, olio "li nl ii",- r i "i! .it li'ii I "in; .ir, nmi m III" i-lmi'ii 'I'-'ti w In r" "Hi tf I" i"'i", ton 'l'it iiniii"ilii' lv imc it i.-oiiiiiy i,n i on n -ii nii'V. j '. "jw-jat- ... It'll tLiy, tn fnrc Ihu i-lct linu. llni till, ii "i in li-tl Stiit". ii Im Iih-, pniMouhly Iii i ti .i 'in. ini' i nl' lln-t tfttiu ami ri-iiinw-il tln-'rt'i uin an. I r in un I ulin f h lO h.ii ' ii frl'l'-'l lo th" i.'"i 1 nn.l paul Mm-" aloii-imitl, i-h.ill i iiinl flur ii'Millns iu tii ii-, ?ii mi. unit, I , 'l liat llic nlutc fp-Hiui'ii, i ilis.'iia ..I' III' I m' - . Iji'tiit'cii llio iiru "f tvvt'iily tini- .mil iivt'iuy 1 . .. I... I. . u .!...! ,,, li,.. . 1 1 , linn .li.lrlrl lt'l I . Blull-iialit l-lll'll h'J L-lltill"J I" vnl", Ullll 'l'!,'' 1 . nli.'lll lli I iial'i' pal.t t.iX. M "It 'in' l'"ta'Hi ,ll ill pn: t ill pr utti'iiipi in pr, nil) ntllt.i'i iif.ui) I'lmtinn nn. I. r Uin ait 1 1 'it i titii siifh "Iih lin'i. tn ti-" nr t'lii'.'itfii nnv 1 1 ti t any nrti ulfi i'l. anil h ill iiili'rrnpl or Itnitc tt ricn- Willi linn in llio I'xt'i iii of in. ilnH. " np llic i nitlm. nr avi'iiti" In inn win imv ivh ' nanitj tii.i y In- linlilrn, t'l lull rl"l"ifl tiifnt ' i rat-o nl ntirll I'lfi'tion or fit ill tl-t' nr prati'1 ijtilinn ui'i-ai. I'lirtt "i iintin -, ..tin ' - inlliit-nc' uii'lnl oi tivL' any i'l. ilnr "i pt It i in fruni ininn;, i,r iratraiii Hi" frf iinnt '!' " 1 , pt'r-omo.i t iiiiv-u'lon! Ii-tint"lii in -i not BxcHi'-tlm: lH v".! .Intlarj t hi- iiiiihi Inr any linm ii"t leis U mi n" nm i""r ' ''' I u o I v it moi.tlw nnil it ii -hall l- -I"," " th" l.nurt ivlit'iu th" trial nl .-ini n ntt-ni'ti n i llHV!JarVoVul.V!'hTr,; l lit lint I li'hltlt ill nl uuili'il. ana not "iiliilo.l in vttulh ii'in ti n ril lil" t.ll'l "M"U.' t. I- h" .hall Iu ."iitonri-ii ti pi ulin- ii'-l !"- nun liiiniiretl or iittiiu lb iu nin: I ilnl' n-, a linprlvritlt'J lint lt.rtt til 111 fit itiniilin nl "l' ' " two yuarf Oiit'ii n.nlt'i tny hint, rt iry nirit-", in lit,tm, ' . lln, liiili .lay nl vipti.iiilt"r I -til MAMl.tll. SXVDEII "' 'i' St'pl- n, IriM. W-M ii i:, i. rr. w.i;. i i.. c. ir W.M (J. II AUG IS ,t CO Nn I.Tl ontllh Hi comt !!., I'ul'tiv I li"llliit It' itimlurtitrcrx of Varnishes am! ! me Jap-ini ao'l tlfdiors in Wliit - I. .til ml i. 1'iitiy. nukuiii. I nmii't'a rolnn .ni'l foN '"" iiig anil Itulniiattitpi t1 til Oil it. it-Mizin,, .Vipiti i. v LV lnuuri iij.-utt. in tii'iilt'rJ. h.-pt Ii'rt.'i-ly, rsi a ceo A S I) (fiT 1 w a re- At Struup.s Old Stand on Main .S " 'flThe undersigned having opotnl the m n. rnrmt'lly nt-i.llin.'il liy llal lil l-'Unilp. a, a (,t i H ml fill lil.hotl I' uittl .1 laigr ail'l I'lili'ii fit, it nl I'xmlk'iil TUliACCO AND CltJAKS. 'T.oup, n'.n.l ri'pprtrnlly luvltoit llm patrminyo nf tii n IlitMlitir llillj; ,1 nil , il l niiy , luepoieil In illl at whiiljkalt: nnil nn ' Uin innni rahOiiaiiii.' tt-rmi .Mi'lchitiilit, I In: nl km jirr, anil Crorf rynwn. " tjn ui'll in u i v i- him a call U3- All kindH nf t litiuins ami Hmoking T-'n in mri;i! ami Hiiiaii ittuiueri cnnmantiy tm imhii . fur talo. ii ii. iii:.siiKiici lllo'iiuliiitj, Sept. 23, teGS -Riiioa PHOTOGRAPHER, Skylight Picture Gal lei y. IN 'I'll E i'.XCIIANOi: IH.IU K HLOOiMSHUKG, PA rPcitb'i i. lees -y. DTii ' -IUSjII cly . ' f lamo to the premWos of tho undcrsiK" V re nl i iil' in ruhlncrri.c iwn . it".. i Iliiliiihnir ft niiutii uio lam oi jiiiic, a may riieur, niMiponni be about thmo yeun olil, calor mil ainl win to I ' uivnet ii ruqituteil to comtj fnriwttl. prnvo oropni' pay .harm-, ami takri In 1 ol aiconltns to law I B'Pt.1:, ism -an si so- ALUXANI,mi KRA,IU 5 OS MARKET ST RE ET, PHILADELPHIA, IMCOIITER OF (rleviuan, French and Eusiiufi Toys, and fancy Goods, Pipes, Canes, Chiua Watod, ito. Sptember2, !8tU. POCK RT 1)1 Alt I ISSPnOTOGIl "a i U ALBUMS U AIJ1UM riCrilRCS. -llii vtry low pricri rot tmn v t, FCfRV .'nirn i, i flirh i 1-6.1 S. W mr fe Hs". fSiU