Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 16, 1865, Image 3

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" Our Oonitlliitlon-f.nard 11 rvcr!
Our glorlom Union hold It dear I
Our Htarry JtT.if-forsike It novcrl
Tlio prouu Caucasalun our only vocrl
Saturday Morning, Sopt 10, 'GO.
Ilrnotruc,, a siiilimcnt nut tube :tpinllcl totrupL
$ir Court next wool: in Dauvlllc.
jfaT A load of good dry wood will bo
taken on subscription, at this office,
Bftr Wanied A good steady boy, of
fair education from tho country, will bo
taken as nn apprentice at this oflico. No
town boy need apply.
Capt. TllOS. OllAfirANT'B Bpilitfld
address at tliu Nob Mountnin Meeting,
will command tho nttciitiou of our numer
oub readers.
BfST A letter from the Army, with si
d or ininprntiiiKMi a knuvm nn iiaiunuu, it rnnori . review of an abolition Lecture, and many
lu no tiauger, it oji ptcsses i.., weakness, in tiicuvc I .1 , ..,i ,:, . r. ...... I.
nly of .leppoli.i.1 II H lb. ...I. conservator of liberty, ,lUfcr iirllcloa ar "WniUllg space for pill)-
labor and prnperly. It Is lltu sentiment of freedom, of lio.ltioil.
-spiat rlrlilti ofu' Mli;iillunw-iliii law of iialtiro 1
tictvmiing (if mw .f iim iiind-Ai,u:s. jST" Tho blood-houuds of .ion havo
IDEMOCRAT1U NOMliAlToSs. ! nal" conHCl1 10 for 1''-csit,u'11 John-
,(oii. Roasou. IIo wants tin. Union ro-
l'OR alih'ior general stoicd.
,,E.rl,l,.r. W. IV. EC 116,1 VIS '
ctf iiuckh COUNTY. I Co1'- Wm' 1U Tc,-t'"11"- f bo
COih Potin'u Rcg't, a loial duel' fiom
ton Buuvr.viu: Gi'A'r.iui. Uradlord county, has been' cashiered and
!f!A.Hflt JOMft' E Eii"R'iV. ' fined SoUO for stealing a horse ami mule
Of CAMlllllA I'OUNI'V.
nut ahsemiii.y .
Williamson -H. Jacoby,
1011 1)1 ST AT'lOI'.N'HY
Milton M. Trough,
Of DKUWiriv.
run i'i!i;.Hi;iii:n.
Jolm J. StjlcH,
tt'R rnMME-SltiNE,'..
.John F. Fowler,
or riNi; nvr.
run r-L'iiVE.oii
Isaac A, Dewitt, nvr.
from Unolc Sam.
"2?" Wo are ovor-ruu with nows-mat-ter,
communications and udvertbeiiiont.s.
Our correspondent will, o Uust, exor
cise a little patience. They shall nil have
a hearing in duo time.
Hev Tonnage-Tax Landun, baa been
tioiniiuilQil .for State Sunatoi',by tho nhod
dyitts, in Bradford, SuMicliatit.u and
Wynu ing counties.
IMpJu&rjh T. lawin, who advertises
"A Card to Invalids," dating from Station
D., Buna: House, N. Y. City, it a swin
dler nu 1 imposture. 11 J in an adopt in
! olieaiing priutcrs.
'pious coamp, Mr. R'ading Gazette ?
The Columblu County Invasion.
Wu givo up a largo part of our ppaco
TO Till!
thlt week, to llio vigorous nud ittstruetivo COLUMBIA DEiVl ( K,'R AT ' T" Eo,,l"c,n liav0 lvcn u''
address of (M. FilKK'.i:, UpOII the subject jo:- of bcin rocognlxoit, anil it la cqnally H fTlciiIt to
ol wliallio very properly oills, tha"raul" iTiia follmving payments have Leon mado
upon this county, in 1SIM. He exposes,! t" the IMumbiu Demon nl ofice, dining
iu warm hut just languago, ill truo object i m?utU of Au8"'1 1805
a i n, r ir . -
.., l . I , .1 . imin;A liiino, S l mi i n Mnrumi i:i 7 Sil
uu.ut u iui , nutans many Ol US lliei- i.rtii.iim, I si Miontour Ui inlilti, 'J fid
J Ail Jame lit).. . M I)
UOO li Ac. II l Aii i my
1 At) I'lMl.ttu tL I
A ill . I IV lltmllr ro
3IW 'It l'.Mritli'-r c
j 1 1 via.., .Uw uijijiitiu ..nil viiitiiiu- i.j'nr ...una j?r
less falsehoods which wero iuhlithcd far , AmirawiSiJi-i,
and wide against our prAplo. Head it. uZl ''kA
' I'rcilerlrk I'rcy,
Jersey Shore Herald. , numm nuier,
llaiilLl IhiRpnliiitli,
. r r.ANic n. snvukii, issq., li.u associated n'?i?kXV
nOAh OIL discovered in Light Shod,!
' f f.iiH,. I.. ..-liar nf tin, tliiti'..'
ia,i., rt .... 1. ....... ....
mil jjcio ,w tolumlla ounly, In ilia o.llar of thu iiiidci- pro Hi(lcnt JnlmBnn nn Rpron,
wiioiolionilaof gray, joltow, wlillo, l.rown or red ilftti od, uidch will I .old by llio iuarl or gallon. '",MUllu rfOHUBun OU "tl,uU
lialr, Imvo SL'ttltHNlinitUt) TllCtlt COI.OIIS umlcr. Alio a second arrival of
llio wniidcpworkliiK lufluciuc of '
S u m m e r Goods
ouisTAnonovs hair dye,
which ila Mi perinaiicn lly In their tlcml tucli Itlacka
and Itrowna a innluro mlalit nitalako for horoivn rnn.i.tinff of cvftrv thine trrnnrallit kM.t in a rtiiititrv
18 -3 Mn,,uf,ltl""i1 by J. CIJiarAtlOttO. No. U Ator Homo , t"rc, v lilcli will l aoM
H no Now Votk. Sold by drugglta. Ainillcd Uy oil llalr ( hcapcr (hull the ChttlVCSt,
. - .. .... ' I -
4.1 i t urt iscrfl. -
.Ml W. ft.!tti l, i -1 N V ti mi riept. ti, 161'., I mo.
eiJO J IC ritiinnor
W llniiiii Hold
flu 'l.'ol V A Wilts
e .Vj ; JmuihIcIi III nit
!!!! lho II roll'
7 OU
4 Dil
mi. 'wniAs
iMr. S, UlltfCU (Jor,E.MAN, SOU of Josso " )V Maiigar. UllO lm 'rKvni.t
., , ,, . "uu IVtulco fa Co., IS Hi) ,i:.t ofT Uu nlngs
Coloinan, I'iiii., l'rothouotory of Colu mbia n Mnvaso, m n wihiiht
. , , . ' , T J Viuuli'tflini l!a 0 All I'rankllii Mm ,
COUIlty, Willi 111 Ul in nsSOl'ijtO Jjdltor of ,r" UMharilio .Mooiu I nil .'l.awrrnrp Uaiti'i.
4(1 V V. M V. 'V T A M T. I M I TVT t. M 'I'
J;hikm Mi Diiii.i'.I
iru Win II Mill.T
thu ''Jmry Shore Icralii." Thrv
both sound domoerats and practical prill- Jninea I'ruiZJ
tor., aud publish an excellent local paper, iimiieii oumi'cr
Thcso young men should he woil t-uppor t- j'w'vl,tur
ed by the "De.noeraoy of Old Lyeomiog.' "hiiij! rXf ("'
. .. I) II lliiyiniii
is, j . ., , .... , , ll.inifl Nuylnrd
AcGi.iieii7.- On Friday of last w'm lvuit
, ,, , 3 l'liiiip .Miiiit r;
week, as Mrs. Iln.Nitv Smirox, Miiinn r. fox
, . . , , , . . , , INl.ini llllliiilii'iidur
urivuig a uur.o ami i)uggy,llll a eiiilil Liy Joimv iiudiuo
too T-TM fiven universal satisfaction during
-,q . -JL tlto fiittilocn ycara It li.u tmcii Introilucod Into'
-,i ll.e Lull. . I tt.iti.'n, After being tried by iiilllioiu, It
I 'l.aWII' t llMl'M 'JIM i,,. , ,,,n,.,,,,.,1 II,,. ,i,, ,i c ,i. I
I HI) J .Miller iWi'iitlmilvi 4 M ... 1 .. . '.. ..."".I
i! HO "i; II l.lttlii lij'i 'J ,'U "tlu "iii'mue wncro una liniment l. appuci. ir
I in) lo"ph I.IHi, 1' (U uiiod an directed it cannot nud never baa failud In a 1
I Ju ,(!ro I' Drclabacli, V.t 1 1 'Jj i1(!le ii.Matico. for cold, eougSi.i mid liilliicnc.a. it
.ull John Dtellu rich, lU'l 'i .VI . . , .., ,,. . . i
4 01 '.David Miller '.' 01) can'l be beat. Ono 2.i cotit butllo will euro nil the
II 00 M A cwMht 5 OH Hbovo, licnidoa being useful ill cvrf' family for aud-
lii nn - I il Cooliiv
i ."ill lower va ifowr
1 .'ill Mcx.ilnter Ktauior
I Hi) ; Inlm Henry
I J'lmniiu li.ivli
1 IU'
I on
'J 00 VS liven It
ti, Miili.ielCleckurii.ill I
I M rilnilu. a mi !
" lirliloii la. Ha I.M-nt. rill, arntila. liian.l
t j!) -litis. &c. It in petfiictly innocent tntiiku Internally
I (HI mid ran be jtiven to thu nlilo-l peraon oryoungeaUliiM
.! j!!', t'rico 40 Ji ell cctils a bottle. OlUcoAU Cortlatidl Blrcct,
."hlmv ntn. noiu nynu irriifgi-ia.
n.'pl 10. I8U-I mo.
her bide, along tho dug road above Cfii''c nro ihanhl'ul to our fiieuds for ' on the pirt of iho sontii cm prevent the uccc. of
Street, tlu hoiso shared against tho kill, prompt payments' " u,',u,1i,'... nn.'.,I,-,,!M.7.','v..,,ol,':y,llkB 1
Oil meeting ft loaded team, and upsetting r.vcty!ioreentabll.ihe.color whicli nro beautiful in I
tho buggv, threw her and the child under Z.V&kXQ 5AJ.E. the people's oyoi. The hue- of thu .Vntionai rim ara
, i , ,. i , llumu ol Heaven, but umoiij all llio dyes f llarlli there
llio wajron wlieel, whiuli nasied over her irl...,!.!,. o I S71.. j . i i. ll(,hl! -.'IVf, (, itlHilf.rii'a tliftf tirinlitrtf I n t.i t.l , .in- '
" - .ii i;iih n(;a-:ii pi.;:s2f.
1. t...Al. . I. - .. 1 .1 - MM --.av-iv- w a vt.a ILJOVltlVi
u- mm iJiuibv; il. I it auvuiui ji.iiut's. i uu
oii-ly putfi'cl fjc almilea of naturu'a uvury aludeop
Call and aeo nnd Juilgo for your-olvoa.
HID alockcnnal'lanfl.adiea llia.i Uwdi ibolcoilttylca
and latest railiiuua
Kentuchy Jeans,
Thread, kn.
tVo will publish nest wcok tho rceont
apeech of Frcsldcnt Johnson, to tho dele
gations from soveral Southeru Statcs,upou
tho restoration of tho South to tho Union.
Il is a most important and clcgunt mani
festo, nud announces his determined hos
tility to consolidation as well as to socos-
; sion. It makes tho radioals feel very badly,
1 hut honest men will approvo tho conti
i monts csprcsscd by hitu. Wo rogrot wo
iiavo not space for the sjmech in our pres
ent number.
child was also badly injured. Mrs, Sail- 'PHIi under.nod. Admiuis.r, ol IXZZ: JJU0TS' SlI0KSt & Al'S,&o.
,. , r , , . , . 5 ill.' i;tut" of Mleli H I Kt.'ikrr, l.ito of lli'inlmk , . . ., , ' ' .1 'I'll.1 pnlionnuo of old friruils, and the public generj-
p. I 'iiuiiiliia i,.,unly. ili'i una. J. w ill cspuao Ul ""' " .. ly , la rii-pclliilly aoiicilrd.
ton, died of her wounds on Suml.ty l.i!t, t.,ui,,i,ii
. , , ,,, , nitwit, sine, hii iiiL- premituti, .in
at her rcsuluuaf in l.loomsbi.rg. ( Thwiulu Sq,lc,nb,r M, 1 803,
Thu Coin t adjouriifd, finally, ou tho following dccribod FAHM and
Thursday of lasl week, at noon, after Tl'tlCt OT ItllltK
Alii;, lu, lrb.j-1 111
DR. T0Ta"
Tliu lite Uust lu.irkct price pal.l for country produce
l.iglil Sued. July 13, 03.
IN 1' INT IIO'lTf.r.S Al' ON 15 IlOl.l.AK ri)lli:S, iirirnTtriuttT f'Ftr-k
hiiiuenuss. colic, &c. Ucail Hie follow- '(3 lSliJ? S A ) Iviil
IIobioi, July 71 1 . ISfii).
Hr.. T'.uiu; Wo ucd for tlin p it)enr your
Hur-e l.inlniiiiit for laincnos. Kickm, bruiiir's. rolioau.l
Ibra population of near ao.OUtl. Is it " " "- j JtTilXy"--
not high time to hurry up anolhrr body JJtf ACRIilfc), ZCUiXuZX
r.i.... .i i - i I,. n?
Mjsimn in tureu tiuyt mm u linn. i e in -m.I ilofk town dnp. nnd t.Vuniv a lore
id., on tln'Norili, ls,i,u' h'-idy, on llw n.isl,
li-nAntii t'tln It .l.,,.u f .......l "Ill l"ij I8 llilnla of Joii'ptl Jl.tll-t on tlli-Hl'hl
j .. . I", J" J.,,.,pll Vl
iui: .
llrwiOM, July 7lll, ISfil). I
IU:. Tniiitj; Wo ucd for tlin p it jenr your I
llor-e l.mliuont for liiiucnus. kicR-, btuisra, rniio au.l A lo,-rrii Rfnnlr nf VnmSlv ftl?!"..
What say you, of I he ol ono thousand trouji.i to Keep our people kuui.- k.'. nt tiv Aoa of i.nii arc i.-nrt i and in
. i .. a guou ,iu.' w rum ill lull, in i: i amnio ul w Ul I il i-l
iii oruer . oiuir.i ,i a.,
mw. x I'll i uti ojinu,
n.t ft n,1 a ii.-.
hi nf thu Di'in. : ... , 'I'llh Ijo"-I etroiifftbeuitig planer is llio
.Ill ol lite Utlll I Horwiek. oil lilt! 7lh of Hcpteuihor, r-'piUlte imu.JiuiI.I,,,,., !.. Oul.?r.l0rl J ,.,, rb9t,r of 7,r. .Ulcock -Tlicy are war 1 SHANNON BU
ic of Colu.ul.iu ! ,800, by luv. M. 1'. Ciotw aith, William '.'li'lMlr1""1- '" ,,,tt ,U"" MAIN ST.. BLOOS
ii to llio vigt-1 1, riint.-j, M. 1),. .Moiuhaut of Nictiau- tiy-fji.-to ruiuiiu'iirpai iu n', a. v, mi on 1 1 iMfoitTAxr iiUAi.rin:s.
". . . . I i. .1 i :. i . . i , i, ii.ii , vviirii .iiii'ii'iaiite i in ot-Ki.cii ainl Lonuitiuii-iiu ,,, , ...
nice Cointii Uto, which ho has uppijinteil, oah ( iiy.(eci:uuil Nui ol Andrew- hreas, ,,! i.,,vw, i,y . iin.y mil euro a mbw. r ti,,. Hack, rain in tii.i
1 11 1 I,1 ,. ,.f . ,,,i, ., ....I .1 . ,.i,i i1 Mli.wtV C'I'l.'r it " 1 M lili'.a l.aiueueii-ortliu kniii urof ilio Cold
lobe found in another column. Their 1 o ai',,?,,,0r M,,3!" . .'U,..-. i ''"'I1 "T" ""J """" ' ir'irl11'111
. ., . ., . JuNNiii Oi-uiKf, ol i ho LSjioii" i o JJji-i M. L Sri'.CKEi;, uppii.miuu.
'dtltj IS, among other things), to UCO that ,.,;i. ' I ,;;,,.. ,... ,. .,. , Knovville. Al'.any Co .Jan. IS. IP.'.J.
J ' c " ' Wiel. . A'lltltUy tutors. Hr l". Aluock. Hour Mr ; -s-evcuteun jcnraacnl
Hilt M'HIIili;
Leonard JB. Unpurl,
of iii.Oo.Miiiu nu.
roil ror.n'.T.i:
Williuin J. Ikclur,
Ehetieii October, 10th, 1805.
JC" El.IJ.Vll U., E-q.,
iSlnoi.isliiiig, is the Chair m
ocratic lauding Coitimiitec
County. Wo cull attention to llio vigi-1 j. I'lilJiu, M. W., Moiohant of Nictiau-
WUcreoii ara erecteil a good
uiiJ do not want to . .ie luun wiliii.itl it.
1 1 V ATT ntOtiT.
Maiiagur Van Amburgli & (.'o's, ML'iig.'t.,i. '
Hold by all ilriifSiaH Office, SO UorUaudt tit., Xew
Aiil'. 13, tr I mo
CEKIES and Proviaionti gen-ei-ally,
juat opening, and
for .Vale by
Wholesale and RetaW
TT want H'lii.keri or Moiislaehoa I Our Grecian
l oiupounil will lortu lliciu to grow ou thu rniuutliaat
face ur clilti, or luiir, ou liaM liciula, In fix Week.
J'llce, SI Ut. Hentby mall nnywlitre, eloielj acacd,
ou receipt of prlrv, AJJn i,
WA i:ni:u t CO., iloi us, Crooklyn, .V. V
rebruaty If. lsbj-j'.
F. C. IIAltlllSON, M. D.
WOUI.H ru.pcclfully iulnrni tliocitxcna cfliloonn.
burg, an, I vii iulty, that lie riKitinue.the 1 1 1 Also of
.ill, I ollcit n -h.trc of public patronage.
OrMtB. on .Main ritrciit, lint liouae below lli.Cour
lloit.e, llluoiiisliiirg.
iVbruiiry 3, Ib5.5 if
; CONSISTING ol all tho neoussoruw
' ntnl luvurlss of life, uually fot
Critlciiili'ii'a "
Htrutton,llryjlili.C.).. "
Tlicaa r'cripa, arc innmounU of $13 and $50 and aril
a- eoiiiucJi rath, by (lie Bluileut on cutrinsiltliur ofth
nhoe l.'ollefioa. Young men deairlng tooblnin a fiiiiau
cil i;.jlutn JJiUicatioii, will here dndagood epeci, ly.
Ion bv applvingdt the otliiv ofllio
Justkc of the Piucc, .iccmctl Convcyiui
Will attend to Hiking Arknnwlmlguicul., V,
Ueeda, Aloiigagei, Lea-i... llui.da, .N'clca. iic.
DT7 Ch.irei'a moili rule.
.May 0, irli"..- Sin
J. II. HAKMAN, Agent.
I?OUHAI,i:..fMOr.O rilll.l.irj Superior PH ).
; l'AA'1'15 OF 1.I.MI5. Warranted Bupeilor lo g
mnii ii factored .
I'or kalo iu Manufartur-ri l'nc:a.
liupurti July -J, IpUj Sum.
' every joltltiT and citiitii is usaesicd by
the UOth of Seplutubcr. j
f,d" Our L'nniilij Ticctf, Our lJeino
I HciitemUur 0, H03
In Main tnwiitohip , Columbia county,1
State Agiicultural Society.
- j . . - , N ,,a.llll in y unilljl , VJlllUllllll-l UOUIIly, .
Vigilance CoiumiUeo. cratie Couuty Ticket, is now eompleto and on the asth of Augusi, L-SUS.ul UiViiui-y. i f !L' ', loV"v tlotlco,,to f 1.,iPI,nrti ,n,ul
... , ' 1 y. , i . , i I'Kliiliilo" li ' betn is-ii, i.l Oi in.' .-iipciinirintiiiits
llielollowiiig i,-riui liai- lull .ippoiutcd .uHmi- it only rCHltiitll fof the ): 11I0C1' atS to ek'Ot i'lAKV r. I.IZAIU'.TII , agctl - years ,0 months o.'.tlif I'hil.i.t.lpliia M i:ni- thu I.Iiiiim Itonil,
, ... i . ...,.... ... .mil "S il n 1 iiml in ilm t..i,.. ,.l k.o if 'he iNorllnru I. Uk T ioiic Link Haven unit
hi' i oiinoitli 1 1 i,'il tr their i.'M)itii t , uUDrfCodiMllftl mnioiitV. Wo '" -3 llJs, una in llio iaillH pl.tCC, Ol , u.mlMli u:1 .iiro.i.U- -
itvii. Iiitiv iii I'ltliinitii.i i.ii A Ilia linio 11 llmlludto J r J J lli mini, il . i.i llw, Oil. .f ;,,r, I,, r I Ann .!,. nil.''il lur i. y Ii i li i , 1 1 1.1 lui. .in, k- i I i .I.-!
tuiviiihips in Colilinlii.l co llltf tliti'-' 11 Inulleil to J ., , i , . t lie tallH' ll lu'lvc , 111 till' Dili of Septutiibur ,
Hi--3l,llinrM-i,i. in,,.,, f.r ill" a.oMiieol ol .-joI'Iitj hllOUlll li.tve S till, HHil It, IS in Ml, i yJ,j (ju i. J Mt'Ol-UI LAN ai't'll 5! yi'at'S
"T " "l?"7,?!, W.1 htv'I'Mt "M't"l of rf-pr-ctthlo Mi-ii and esitel- 7 mo.'nln anil 'a I il.tyschildiVn ol Capt.
cjpeili'iit Unit I'liio'iti.ii'' -ti'iii b 1 Liken W ' 1 i i i, r m -ii i
i .ajs.t.i tj.n DArf i.ici ions to the i:i,'iiinu, and lent D jmoci MtJ, a tact however, know ami ). Li. A. luaiilua .l.iuitsuu.
nai sorely injured m my buck. Al leugtli I was in
1 iluciil to usij vour nla-turn. I wureouo cui.tnutlv for
til luoiitbs, and ilid more burd oik during nit
1 1 , , , i , 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 M llio prececiliu; lillecu )ears I have
t not iiuru a plastcrfur over iIi;Iuijuii uioiiths, add have
iihii no rciuru oi mo gunning pain uuu wcaKUU&j in
: my back, beuurutirelv wcll
I 1 am pour obedient servuat,
JOHN (i. CilAl'.Y.
! l'rlncipal Agency, llranilrctli IIoiiho. New York,
ri'l'l It v all liealcas in .Mtiliciiiea.
ijep'l 'J, 1:03.
read by all men. Trot out your "Sliol
a titl ID months.
that j ou furnish en h t'ul.ln i uoi hi Hi.: unlit. uy ei
i'i t'i rn ' i '',' ..r ........... ,,i ,,i.i .1'.
nipt of 'lu i laid ; lOl a lull i I "f 'Inlm iurliM".l ihitCS. '
in .1 properl) fit. bit -i"l ii'tuin u.vlupi: , lo .-.e lb il I
no oter In ki pt lioin tin' pollj on UUiliuii day, it ic I , .j yu ,llV0 (ldii us-or hi UUliftll illlls
that IIUll ! , ill'pllH U ol llio prirni'gu "I HUIIM woo . . . , , , ., ,.
.,... ., ..,i'.,..., .,.,,, i trail. its iii our midst ol tho woikin
bj tho i.oiislitulii'ii ol tin' al.Ue of I'eiinsjli.'mia . , abolition polilii'lll IIKioll illO,
lll.ioill iminll II I'urni III. 0 il l I l.'iiMjnll'Jrrf, J, It. unlit. iru' lji"(. IIS IMstiltliM .Illlllll'l
Cmal l'i l"t tullnievi r. '
U';moii -Uoiii .Miiieuy, win tioinioi, joiiii " . in Jordan township, 1A eomiti' county, , ,. , ,
Winner , , . i , . ,, - i III (! recti W Odd lowitship.Atlg , 1 , 1 oli-
tlri.iii,reek-illl.iiul,.iiu Uaae Holier. John (.. , MHil'.W J. KnISUI.NS, Wart ill 10-It'll as a , , .. . -i !
jJCiiyf ' jliAltY ALHM5 KKLLI5U, itgeil .1 j ear.-, .1
ti, ir ileum.', s.h drui.'iH. J'l.'.'pii t' . Hibbit. Hi ,, rm, tiii'il, and totiteiu'i'd to si ,U01,,, nnd 7 days
IHIU tti.lM'l ' , i i t 1 I 1 . M n" 1
ii-aii i -iiemy itiui.iiii' i. ''in. Miih.1,'1 (ieH i' mout'ti li.itd labor in I'ort OlilUni, iiml In Oraiij'o Anirust , .'il ,El.Mti:. Evi:r.-
'''ri'ii'i'ru- iii'iieii I'm. i.:, iMtui -in ih. nn i. Henry i) one year in llio legul.if .ti'iny. IIU liiotidi i tt n'id 7 tarr.
i'.,riaii,...ia.w.,nui Maiii.m ii.tiiitiii. Jam" s i ot Cittil UioeLw.i.y to look up tliu ea.e. In Oi.uilm' iwn, Anr. 17. M
:-. . ir .
iMCMill II
Cooi iah.i.,1 J 11 l.mitl.. Jaiim Diiny Haul. I I
M. iM.'ni.tU i' niton In-ii III.
t'nliitu.T'..'k i'ir'1'. U-jIiIiiiu, JA kso.i .M.'iiuu,;,
Li in." ittiinr. litis mil llln tier llild Uul Oil
Loiupttny shall not ho held responsible for auv loss or
ii,iiiU3e wliii 1 1 may !' sii.tiuii -.1 In ttuiirpurlaliou. or
r ,. , . , . . , , , e nno in me earn or ni mi' oi p us ni ii ,i uoiopauiiM,
111 I'ltic lownsnip, 011 me IJill Ol Aug. the tntn-U--. evlnliiteil sluilbe itoiue.l to tho
nno scums can he
A VALU Al'.liK treatise on tho naiuro
found in sink -
lablishiui'itts tn mica atid i.irgw lou us. Among Hi.
Ooveinioeiit Javadoivu. 'i'UA, from tho very
best to cheaper qualities. HI' ICES all
kinds. lined I run. Hunts. Uriel lleef
, 1'ork, I'liiiir, I'.hIIit, Olicesc. ('od
I'ish, Muckerell, Keroseuo Oil
i and Lamps. Wooden Ware,
' Urooius, i'ails, U.islceti
I .Vc, tc, fi&c.
I Syrups. Molasses, Uiiler Vinegar. Corn Starch, tin-
.In, Cruaiii uf Tuner, foreign l'ruits uud 'M tons of
1 articles too numerous lo uieiuicn.
All laid in shire the lute TALL IN UOLI) and wll
' bo soUt at tile lowest Lush prices.
fllooni-btirg. May 5", HO."..
Purify the Blood.
Ot 1 MsCIH'ir V ,1 1 1'iMl Y ,1 A M ES SOU O il Ost'lill i , V "i""1 "' "' ""-'- i i-r. . . i :t.iinuiiii.tinii and Is various stages, llroncuit.
I I f' u , . 1 o "V"" t"";lMi - fV1'!"' '""'' "'"I K'H, "it , r.aurih,ic., price ill t'tnts, iiuluiling poslaccaud THE OUEATEaT MEDU.'INE Of THE AOE
aud J. lite (. Shoelil.tUr, aged I. years, "i .H"s .in Ik'.'u p.n.1 lor ; trrii-i.-.ry.t...-i ..f "e!"t'e- .,;,,, pn.Bcpilous iih.cli haci'uiedtlioiuan,ls,iwll
timntlK in. ( il iv-' . v. , ., , . bo sent, ice ot c iare, to auv ono nppiyiiig. n win i .um uiinu.,iu iui .i.ue.! ui.u u re,wtt uum
- U'ODUI', JIM O HUi . . (.,. 1,,,lJ.,,,!,e1Hi,,r,pInl,ire. ,:eii,li,ate sicii- ,st , ,,,, m,t littlo, and uia be the means of sal ing .
, of 111 l,..iel.nvih.p,0lltheeih ol Kopt. tvbVlsnnl jour lite. dcu.l on a,l.lre,sc,l envelope ut.,1 stamp lo toOl'lW, 13111 and UlSCaSC
i . o DlSOIIl.trt i MAMiA. i illl"l)ter O W III. ' 'iit'ncaie sunn ou o Ki"reu ny inu Ageiitsoi inn i, m : Ul. J . i3i.Vi.alti, ,1 . n- ITti-ll
Velept, U ' ' ( J 1 I , , ' ',, , ' j , : ? '! .'- the return ofthe articles ro-p,ct- , Oos..l.ine I'hvs.cian. I BRYAN'S LlPE Pills.
Hi ti I'tiv-iiv. V lining' i liu i uiiuu a I bin.) i itu bliUimis. w
THE FIllVATIa ,11i:!lir;.l. A.JVISlai.s
(Esolusiyely for Ladies.)
.n invaluable Ueati.oof JCO pages, by
(mblliliedfor the benefit of tl.csci.
On receipt ot'l EN OLNTS, it will bf sent post Paid
in n sealed envelope, to ul! wl.o apply for it.
DK. J. JBltl'AW, EiSox 50755,
HJUiruiUvny, N Y
July 15, 1303.
Insurance Company,
I Cash Capital 6c Assets. $500.00.).
l ilt be issued from all .tall, ins on tho ub'ive at 1 And ou will receive it by return of mail,
II XI. I' lT.IOE. g.iod feupleuitier -Jllll til I a -M. July 15, l.-io.
Notieu i.f ri'i'ul.'itioos nilopteil liy i tin r lailronU .
lull he given heteallei. Artie e dnoited to tint parly A GliNTI.EMAN CUrcd of NtTVOUS
.ti 11 iiii.iiii-iiiiri. in in ' e.iro oi in i uu.ior-i.-iieu iiiieo j-n
l It IV Oil.
I'r.iiik.iu II mi. I .'..n. M.n'ii lloiv i II J ll" i.l. t
Oreeinvo'i I ."Mi'tii-'l .'itiiH. Win iy;i, A J .lib it
son, John I 'r.H.ll.'V.
il. luloik-ll II .1!' liinle, VV.ii 11 um.iiakor, Aaroii
Jackson-J.-hn l'' l)m, iSHai W il lleuty, (iemge
Lvi-iia.1 1' L Hill" in. Win Hoodiuiii, Jon.i. tabling
r. John V. a ;-r.
M.nilnur -Ev.'ul Wellivei, Nn.ill Manuel I'.ler
lleiioli.ull. J i U'li. k.
Ma.tis.,0- J.ilin t I'u.i-l'iil, U A sllullb, LilM.s
ItlIiii vie i . I 'Julio I lire .111
Ml'l' iSliipm in dauiuel Joliusoii, John
JitUiu J II Hi ti.-i : II II' A Mini ( 1'i.ib r 1
Mam U'm T .Siiiiio.ii., Ilaiui tu ii Jfiln. ,tl n Ii.i c I f
Orover. , . .
Urius- J.i.n i II H iiini.i L.'l . Ool H U lh" J"u
Keller, John Savder
J'liie -Ji.Iiii W't. L .J.ii ill n. Ju.i Lore
U'lainoiecu' Ii -I'lnlip O m J no ' IwiiltJi, Willi nn
Jln-li-liai II. ......
bcull-i ol W II Cut, I'lnlip I' H.ntiiii'i. A M U Uili
Soail iir -Hni'l Lulus. J.liua II l'nlz, Ainlii.w
E.llll.aill. Ileiuy r llejs
llyonl. i of tliu U.-iii. laliil O.nouilltiie.
I.. P. JLi;Lt;U. l.tiauiiwu
l;iooni! -pi If,, .Sf
The Constitutional ,Adyoeato
Ajji.M l. Tate, has putrha.od tho titt
divided part of tho Ashland ''Oou.slitu
tional Advteato, ' fmui bin latu p iriuer,
C. B. McGinley, lvq , and has now bo
.come thu sole Editor and Proprietor of
that excellent Demofiaiie Journal. Afl
.Democratic Folditw make independent Editors. We wish the young
iaditor .mil hi.-. Advoealo gient success,
and havo no doubt he will be well eus
taiued by tlto " uoble Democracy of
ilsS Tliu Pennsylvania Stale Agricul
tural Souiety, will hold its Thirteenth An
nual Eshibitioii, at V.'illumsport, com
meuciug ou Tuesday Sept. 20, aud con-
tiuuo four days. Geo. Weiih, E-q ,
Soperintendeut of the Catawiss i Uail Koad
announces that r.xouiaiun I icliots will be
issued from all Stations ou that Koad, to
Williamsport, (rout Sept. 20, to thu UOth,
iuolusive, at half price or up aud down
same as ono trip good to October 2d
inclusive Wo advise cvorybody, with
their wives and liieuds, to go aud hcc tho
greatest State Fair oyer held iu Ponnsyl
6 John Piatt, Esq., has been norn
Jnatcd by tha democracy of Lycoming for
In Oiaii"i' iwp, Aug. 17,
II. ex itniued lhe reuoids at Williaimpoit, Ivune, .tycd i j"irs -j iiioittits u Hay;-,
and K.,l ii eerliUeate lh..t Aw ft, to J. Hob- Daiilu.T nf Ira A, M try A. KLIino.
I'l M ..ilintll tovi'llaliip, (.Oltlltlhia CO ,
nil the -"itll nl Augtl-t, Mr- SoLOMAN
Si'lliiL I', aged ..biitU 05 )e,irs.
the mils, and allot mtieh ttoiible and ex
pense his icirano wan seemed,
Yl the It ipul)!'u:.'iti patty justify tho
arrchts and t.aiav t'utij ol llie?c uiihiaiy
eoiiiuii-i'ioii'-, even wlien hiieh glaiittg
catios are brought in their notice.
i7-v rt Aj '- stJ is t vriu j
Skylight Piciuro Unllciy.
IN TliU EM IIAMii: III.Ui.l;,
H.-'t.'iui' i -i. Ir,j y
.nmzx jafifisL,
!j 0 2 M A U K H T S T R 11 E T ,
imi'',1! i or
-null upon (t itoiiuui. Whumo ou you, 'fjnin !a, l-'sTKfft muI R'l.tiVliish
Ur. when you ?o far your oall- Toys, aud Fancy Goods, Pipes,
in" as. a journalist as to tdaudcr tho tie-1 Canes, China aies, ite.
fem-elcss. I ,,"",,,.,J.Bl-. . . . .
M' .11.,.).. ,n il, ,lln,,,-,l ii v., i -:il inn . iwl
II U OllUlllJ IU M.U ....vfi- ... w - j
hetwuou u 'Vuturan" aud "the keeper of
lUroeeiy Ill.lillUi: llOlll. IllO t eitr- . o ,.al,,, , r'..t.uri.iec twp , Uobrsburi', on
an" he ..peaks of, who bus a lino reputa- . a-&Vi;;..V ,V
tsS- Dr. .lohu has heretofore luun nip- j
posed to have a eakucss" to wauls the ',
fair .sc.:, but ''disappointment, like u woiui
in the bud." must ltao souied bis "milk
of human kindui'rs" aa iu his last issue ho
mailt b a most uttpiovoked, cowardly as-,
ul lu I'oliili.inied I'.y the tier, and so slated loin
S. , ,elar at the linie of sliipio.-ni, will bo iiucfully
iiiip-ii keil, ii -patMil an i ilepoiileJ al tile ilepct hero
lui -!:ii...t nl
i:. :. Willi v.Mrf. Sinn.
WillilianpOrt, Sept '.). l-bo-lit.
Hebiliti'. rrematiiru Ileeav. ami the cllccls of
. .il tli fu t iii.liarretiou, will bo hHppy to luriiirli nth r
ii till the i.i. aus uf cure, ?ulk hi uukuc.) Tltisrem 1
etly is simple, sale, uuu certain.
I'or full particulars, by roluru mail, please adiln is
GO Nassau Street, New York.
J .me 21, It-03. :!m
' Directors :
S.C Slayumker, John W. Stcacy, John Fendrlill,
i Samuel SliocO, Win, l'alton, Amos B. Green,
I liobt.T. llyon, M. H. Sliinnati, Ocu. Youug.Jr ,
5V. .McDonald. t). P. Eberiein, II. G Mjuicll,
; Edliiond Sperinc. ,
i.uu.i a i.tiDi.n. rres t.
M. . 8HUMA.V. Treaaurir.
OCO. YO.t;NO, Jr., Secretary,
d" II insure property ot us rctfoinblii rales as
will be consistent lo O.'j Company and those, insured.
L. II. CONOVEU, Agent,
Beach llayeu. Pa.
lor general ur l'nrifyin,' tho lllood and ' June 10, IPOJ.
me .ysiciii 1 1 o i n an inipuriiy
They are admitted to be the
llcst Family Medicine
Est tie ot Stttinul Vark, dt Scl.
' rn-il. -s.... T,:, .... T.. rt o reyoiuio loe Rioiiiarii, uiver uuu uiiiary cucru.
TVTntiop U licrrliu irii nn tli-it Loiters of & 11C trl OVCSteen IJiailO i' 01 IC tjuus which is the rlnet cause of ucrvousBess. (5 iJdi-
V T tl- 13 ," rC J p , , ..,, 1 JL still retains us preroilcnce and groat popularity, ness. Iiimnesi of riight, Headache, Hick Stomach and
1 Auioinisltaiiiii i.i, hee,t,te ol the i h.ive nam. -- .?. V... ,.. other Kindred couinl.ui Is.
riml pf thirty jwr, U now iuuuuiin;eil by tliu miuical Ilutldreils of Certificate Cdll bo ShoWU.
, TiVy li'tvc bcuii 112ml by lliuutfiiiiild with success.
lli- - in nt of LoIuihUi.i, ! i M . J. iv- L'f-ji iiit'ni l'
AuilM'W l.atlh.'n Ii, it'iii'MMJ in Hi" riiii'l I iwiidtiii) , .til ,n. i, nn.,,.,,j j ..,. I m nrL
l tri'ti'H li.iviim i liiiiJi "j tl in.uiiU uiiiuit t tliu Uhl.ilo ' , ' , , t
l i!i sai.l il.L..Mlfm .uaiuriubtiiil M in iku tiw t-amo viJuiuu und purity or tone, durability an.l tlwup.
iiL-bs. uur hew fccaio. Lruiicu action, iiarp pouiiw iron
Bryan's Life Pills
to regulate the Btnmaiii, Liver and Biliary Sucre- I
other Kindred complaints. I
known loll.j nan! iii!li.v 1. 'ml, nil il" I ay
AugiiiifJi, IrilS-liu $1, A.liu'r.
Ks'.atc nf' Thomas Cttmmiiigs, died.
1VT olico is hereby given that Letters of
1 1 Ailm:
frame, over-strung bass, seven octavo rosewood pi-
Kryan's Life Pills
want of good piaiio-.dre invited to send fur our De
scriptive Catalogue, wliii h contains photographs of
Ailniinirtratioo on the ountn of tho nbovu Thos. I . .. , ' . ,
Ciiluullhgs lata id l.ocu.1 twp .in llio enmity of I'o. ""oiliil pun uase a piiiuu wituom seeing inn cam
I. mil. i.i, ,!..'. I, have b"aii giautid to Washiug'.oii logii-. Medisl almo.l witlioul number, have been
A.l.iu.sof Hie above said township of Locust . All ' awar,tod to tho tSrovestecii l'l iiio, and thu LMcbrated
p, tsi. us having rl.'itms or a.'.-iiurt th" estate 1 ... . ,, ., , .... ... ..... ,.,
of Hie, are requested to present t h. nnvilboiil ' ViorW'siair, though put in luinpelition wild others
del ly, ami all persons Indebted to in, ike payment ' ii'.in all parts of Euro pu uud iliu U. ri.. it look the
iiniiiiiHU. nmnestuivaiii
alios we sro selling cheaper hy from S100 to S'.oO i
than tho same si) lu and lim.-li are suld by any oilier A.f0 adapted for all AgCS Ci Constitutions,
first-class makers in llio coiinlry. Uuilurs aud si I in
Manufacturers of
Rail lload Track, May
Coal and Cattle
Aug eii. i.-'tu-nw ?:i p.i.
Jhtuic of George Loi)gcnhs rr,dic' d.
If ettertt Testamentory on tlu cftato of
1- i;.-,, rgo Loiienbeiger. bile of Maine township,
I nil ol June, a sliay, suppored to
ars ii,i, e.inr re, i no, t untie, i ii,-
. . I. . ., .. ......I.i in,,,.. Ii,rll-.,r,l IltilL,! firlllirltV
Hon as a "Veteran nopiiai liiiuitnei ,'",... .... him .may or win iu lii.posej
Ai.r.vAni:i: krameu.
uiiteicd her piivaio room and at onee i "i .neoiding i i un
coinmeiieed au argument on sub- : i-'J5l :
, . . - i.'. . i. i. . - t....i .i i , rM I ii,, i ic 1 1 1..
jjeis iiuring v.'uiuu mid ruiii.ui.uu, ii "n. t u i nil
I.ineoln was a good man, ho dtd not dlc , Yi U SiC A L PCH5L1C.
in a good place." Of course this wasi
wrong, beeau-.o siucu that unhappy event j r ,,j ,, t,uiieorii,ort o(i ,,c;ll.. piaetie.i
ail theatres havo beeomo banclilicd ; but i 1 ri.iuu rmie M.ioui'.iaiiiei, ..( New vmk cuy
IlllSll'rilu '11, 'l"l i' .'- r... ....... ....
Iiuliy soihii oiueis ri
, f 1.. Il nf ,1... ,,r1, r.o.r.ll.ll I H fclsU'l "1 I'Olloly to
i a uniii i" iu , . ifiwf., ...v ...... . i (
Criloiiibia rounly, deed luie been framed hv the
one.'iibere.'r rtsi.liue in
ll..l..i,ii.'i in i'lvmoiilli : r.ll l
against llle est ito ol the the dete lent me t. 'pn'sted In
i, rev, nt il.eiu In the Eocui.irV at then rfrnb-iieoa with
not delay, nud nil poisons indetjteil u make pay
uteiit tuillie. nil.
wm. i.uMiE.Nin;i:i;i:i:.
Aug. eo. libj-ow s;;u.
btill the asscrliou iu the paper was un-
uliQedly false aud will bo so prououueed
hy every ono who tire aetjU'iintcd with tho
lady. Thu husband eotuiug in and hud-
iuir a strauger insulting his wile, very
properly ordered him out. Now, Dr. wu
suggest that you lot your mouuuea iu fu
ture out ou men not tvuuicn.
. "IVI - "
Dtmocrallc lU'nrmiiluihe Coufcrcncc.
il.ooii(Peitu, Sopt. 8, IPOS.
Tho Detnocralio CiiiiIbibiicu, reptesentitia
the Hopieteniative Disltiel, eomposoii of iho
cotiniieb of Columbia and Montour, mm at
llloomaburg, fsupt. 8ih, 181)5, llio following
genilomun betni; preaeut:
Cuhwibin Daniel Leo, J. S. Sanders.
Mantoui Jesto C. Ammvtmau, Caleb Ap
pieman. I ' .. : U-! It 1 ..!.. n.i
ltlU mcenilfj utnil; Dilliuu iu mum, "ii
wo il l
J t having come to our knowledge t hat iin-
The subsctiber is also the nmuufaetur
cr's Agent for
ChieiiCi'ilig & Ssili'll,
Ilazletou Bio's,
Linde.nau Si JSuii'w,
William B. llradbiiry'o,
Edward Bloomfield's,
MeDoiiald & Co'ti
Aol tMih i" ."c fv'i Jha.u's. an I rel. i ba'.t
Mclodeons and Ilarmoniunu-,
And L. U- Sluatt'. I'uiu i.lll.KLII oUti.Wsl.
i.iuuii.abuig, M.v -'j, is'-i.- ty
They aro compoied of the active principles nf Herbs
and (toots culled from our iUlds ntnl forests. They
are mild hut eeitain in their opcratinn producing
neither clumps, griping pains or sickness. They
may be taken by all ages, cuius or condition without
Bryant's Life Pills, Curo Headache.
Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Sick Stomach.
Bryant's Life Pills, Curo Giddiness.
Bryant's Life Pills, Purify tho Blood.
A Bos of Bryan's Lu-e Pills will cost
Tin y wlllaccoiiipHilifaiihlully nil that is represented.
'1 hey aro elegantly nut un hy the proprietor, wlio
was tho inventor of lilt VAN'iS FUI.MO.VIO WAl'EliS
I; u una in the American
If inn wish to fill v OK VAX'S LII'E I'li.LS and ran.
I'or O ue'lta. t'olils. r.roniliial and Tuhurcnlar Con. 1 L, 8a Tiv,.mv r,v0 Cl!liu ,' n letter to the propriu'
sumption, serotula und (. H. hility lli.i nin.l l(,r, a,nl you will get them hy relitrti of mall, post
mil t. blanil uud nutritious lori.i in which t.'od Liver ' Adiliess
,Uetablithcd ldM J Grovcstccu Co,
l'.i'J 11U0A0WAY, NEW YOlUt.
July e:i. let;..-, .0. H. a . Co.
S Q A 0 H 8 U M j? S I o
ibu iimler-igiiiil, William I SI ,J ! IS ,, ! 1 ,r was the inventor ol ill. "-i
s ii.l tmi i. hip .i.i.l Jam,.-,; u OU lIVei Jil IClI V, 'imcliuiio long and lavorubly
r.ll person-, having i hum l J -' Nation. .
iri'iiovEi) u v the academy or mluicine.
till 1-..111 he used, and with tiinte tn.liuht seruu.l to the
patient in u sing'o leaspooufiii of inu Jill), tbnn by
,'iihie llio ' i ,i in uy ot III" ileal "i uil. fur
sale by all uruggisti ami by
H. II. TRUEX, Wholesale Druggist,
No. 15 lleeknuii til,, New Yorn,
July Ii, ItiO.
The Great Invention of the Ago iu
Box 5079,
Dl!. J. BRYAN,
TO Cedar Street, N. Y.
J. Uutious ot the American W.iieli b ile lu i u put up
i. ii thu niaihci in groat nuiitbi i. i iileulale.l by tin i r
uiiei Moithlessiiess In injuie the riputatiou of our
gi inline products, t proteil on i nun i uteri etsund Ih'i
...... I... I...,,, ,n,i, ni lie n-.iln .ill 1.1 1. It Ih.i Ir.'iue
inaiksby Mlurlioui WiitcheMiiay .ntari.ihlybu known. I J, V, BKADLEY'.S New Patent I)l-
IVn til.iuiliailtne inur ii) .'i ..intu-.a.
Tim nr.t lias tli" nuiiiu -'Aiuerirsn Wulili Co.,
V.allham .Mass ." i i.graieil na thu iunK plate
The second has the inline
Appleloo, Tiucy ir. Co, Wa Ithtiut, .Mass.," cngrai cJ
on the misi.I" pimo.
'I lie Uul J II. lb Hie 11,1'i.e
the Lecislaturo. Ho was last year elected moiiot. ot Uanit Lee, Caleb Applomun, ol
tno i-n-b10' 'u Vl r i i Montour, was chosen I'mmiIuih, ami J. C.
by the democrats auu eueateu out ui ui Ammulinttn uml J. S. SanUer, Sscrot,uie.
seat bv the taceally fchoddyites. Mr. P. On moiion, tho Coiileience i proeuedetl lo
,! . .,.1 .tn ,t,U v,:. 1lrt ,r!. iiorainom acaniiiUaio for l,epteS..,,,
is a guuti uimi, o"" "- j w-- J
urcphantly electee., ticspitc mo loyai swin
dlers, to a poiition ho ban heretoforo hon
ored, as a democrat iu tho Geuoral As
TTon. II. S'rttoiiRH.M. 0. of Potts- santulivo District
villo, has our thanks for the Monthly Ro- On '-'-'-t-S'ji;';
port of the Agiicultural Depditmcut of Au j s. Sander., i. L
EUat, 100O. 1 AflMtllHAH,
wheroupon Daniul Leu nomitiisiud William
boh 11. Jacoby, ot uoltimuta.
On motion of Jes.u C. Ammermait, tho
uomlnuiior. was made nnaiiimouK.
On moiion, il v. as resoitud that tha pro
eepdingt. of this Conforetirt' bo puldiiliutl
in llio uomoeraiic pantsia ui uw ih.-hd-
!S. llarllelt, VVa'lliutu, M..." ougiavud on thu
itit-il9 plate.
All the above styles liaio tin n.unn Amnncaii Wntili
Co paiiitei on tuu dill, and uiu wairaulcd m evuiy
The fourth Us llio name
Wm, Ellcry, Hotlon Mass " vngiated oil tliu liisule
plate, and is i.ulou lliwitial.
,l tlu: abovo de.i ribeil Watrln mo luailu of van
ous si.i-n, auJ aru sold 111 gold or siller tasu. as may
lie li'i'ilrcl.
u ia i.aniu nnsiible I'or us to accurately icscribj
i the nmneioiis Inmate us in win. b wu have alluded. -I
'i'iiey uroiisually itiscuheil with mum's so iic.uly up- hing our own as tu escape thu olncratioii ul llirt
u'CUstoiuud buyers, roiuu uie ri'prcscnle.l as inane
liy ll. i -Uumii Watih C'.-i of Uo.lnii, Mas-., "- no sin Ii
' iiinipany rxisliug. Soin ' ate li.i.n nl the
Waidi," lu he sold as mil 1'o.ittli 01 Win Ellery stylo
i usually known as llio Mulilur's Watch." Olheis are
,ii,,,i, iltlie "AooIlIoii Wutih Co ," others lh "P. s.
li.nlley," iosti'iid ofeur"!' d. llarttuit," besides many
.Mi.o lit Diiuauisij
EMHAH. MAUNEri - CO., .. V. Whole.alo Agi Lls.
July 13. IcOa. I' 11, ibiia. y
ira?- EVERY SCALE Wamutled.
Orders promptly filled, apply to
Solo Agent, Berwick,
Bloomtburg, Pa.
July 2',', ISuo. Omo.
Mil -llL-, h- Imh JUXl It lltlll' 'I IM'IO til 4 I. itu.
u itti aiiollu i larjo ami m'le t a.u(Hut ul'
fhti nest tt rill of this LlMilUliull Will i.gainsl buying ceriatn , .ihtl.'s oalle,t Wauho. ho fieo-
.Vi'ilrtN tv At OO-sl l.iTIL l-ig. , ly udvcrliseilm illusltut; d papers us -Army Watches.'
(1 ii gin on I.UNLjtliA , ALI.OMI mi n, i . waiches. " "Mnisic Time Onsarvers," "Ar
'iho reglui prre.". ol Vn'u.n ramte f"" -" ' ' k Walcl. 8." llio l-fiM "f nlurli ,.r slatsrlto
,7 Pit t ii in of eleven week.', lu o paid al or U.- 'lu,lA't ,llBr.. A g I Wiili'h, in
1'LLX LLLU'TIC du double til III NO SKIllT
'Phis luveution consists o( Duplex (or !
4 Hi o) I'.lliptii I'ure Reiiueil bfel Spnngs. iiige in Hi in i.i.l t e Ii 1 1 y and lliuiii tg. ihei . edge in edue 1
luakln. uie;iiesi. ihum ilaiiiiu, ei,ii,iieiii,,i uoiaiile
Spring ever used, 'i'luy si I, torn heinl or break, like
il... M, i.'.li, iliu i ill" a. lltlll i nli.i niieiiliV II rfae, i. II., .11
p, rleilaud beaiiutul sh.ipo tnoro Him iwi. , as lung i S'iJNG AND SlUUAEt CiOODv
as any t-mgle ripnug ftLut that eier ban 01 can be '
made I mm based at I'liilaib lpbiu, at the l.iimot iigui. , ail !
Tin- w underfill llexihillty mid grcal .iciinloil and wjurh they ute deli.rimneii to sell on as moilciate terms
pleasure to any Lulv wearing Iho Duplex Ellipiie as niM ,,- proeured cl.ewbeic in lllooiusburg Ills
.-kill n ill l,e eniieiieaei il imiliuil u ly in all ciuiviiiJ ain, k lompnsos
Aciuhlies. lpias. L'niiaiges, Itnln ad t .us i iniu.t' ItHhtJi tHHWi,
i'eivs. Aim t'liaus, for I louiebaoo ami llousu lue.,as of tlmiceat l)les and latest bullion
tho tikirt can hu fulde.l iilooi in Use lo ou upy n snnll JJiil' OOOW, .111) t.Km U.lh.i,
place as easily and conveuieully us a silk or uiusliu . II illlill'illK l 't:t -V,IIW(.,
Hies'. , , I cr.njiti u:ii-r. iivku
A Lady bivtug enjoyed Uiu pleasiiir, coinfoit and , ilO.V, XII H'K'J'i . Slliit.8
gicat couvLiiiinco of Mt'iiuug the H ipleji l. li,li. I'w ,y rvrr.S, A.e . r,-,-. f,i
tocl iipii'ig rtmri for a siugl.. day will u.-ter uttai- n .n ,ri i Mnytlnug use illi kepi In rminny rlom
muds I'llliugly dispells! with their u.e. l or ihildicnl , vilnrli bo uiiilu Iho publi. geiieially.
Misica aud Youn;! Ladies they aie mpciior to al , lu HighcMpii. e paidlm iniiniiy pindmc.
' '.'be'lioops uiuivoicred with 2 ply double tlslo, ' H' ' MILLl'.R.
I'neud and will rtiai nvne a long at I In slug..- yam Diminishing. May 1.1, IfcUi.
. ..u. .inn u lin h ia iihiuI on n siuste rtlei.l llooti .'-kiits -
I no linen uulloiii rods on cveiy rikiil uie also iloiibln 0 28, HOOP S lv I TI T S
variilies liJincd in siiui n n auuer as 10 ioino 'e I Bluuli ,,,,,1 m,CL , ,l,.,,l,lo c.vno.l In preisnl lr.uu
una uul ui. ..... ,- - i, curing oil Hit ions wi.en uragmg uown siiius.siuua
tleps, t-c, n they urn ruitstaut'y autJct ton hen
C 2
a ,...;.ii v.iii'h t.'niiinaiiy
Wc'Hlsn caution rue ptiniic, auo patiiruiany sonnets
OWN .MAKE" Ol' HOOP sh'll'Jtl.
I.1..C in,,... r:,niit b'l all'orded tor any ".' h inoiiey
i.iiiu,., -v. v r i. .. ...ii
,1 llll 111 .ii,riiiiuii,..ii ,i. 'i,. w u'j.i" .- .".-..
ly iinpoil,,!.. II, it the pupils ho .lull the.., tnui. gios, iniposi, on. , AmA,..(tfi
Agents for Hi.' Aiuuii.ui Wuiili t'oiupauy,
Aug. IV, UU5-lin.
.n II,,' llll, lilie ul the tl . ill
el... i. jiii.i 'trii rtimees will he luadu for
and i'r 'ni'b.aml inu vuriom Ornamsiu il llrJu.lies
i, , i .., ,,. , , u i moot i,, nt th it the nuinls w ho sh
i n...i n, iio.ii .ii, mid Ii j nrcitiui nl i lie In mining
ol Uie term, or as soon alter us possible, in order to
sl.irl legJI.irli null the rlass In all cn.os tuuinn
will be i harked fni the i'-h.i. 'lias. uiil. olhoriw.o
by special proiioiu agn i ineni. , ,
'llio t'liiiclpol In. bed an ciperonco ol eurs in , f , . . (
loailiing the Lauguag. - and Higci Matin malic, a. SAl.I! SAL:! CHlE I ! !
well as Hie arioiii bniiiclms o i sub.taull it Lngmn .i,,,;i,, n,.. fur alii ,v,ni
LJu.atiou. aiirimll cpan. no stle.ta U -icon lapil 'S'llh hUDji'rilinr ollets lor S.UU al tMlOlu-
. l 111 "Ullgll lUkvia 111 IIP Pupil I
C sala and mail, tsjlt bi tlulliiiel
1 11 HAKMAN.
iu u.e
All aiomailH of the new and elegant Cor. lad Tapes, . Ai" gotten up cjpiestly to ineei inu ii.iuis nt I'u.i
aiid inu thu host uualiiy in every pail, gtuiig In thu Class 'I taut.
iv, nier tho most einieliil and pertett sbaliu nossililo. rcM . ,....1........ ....... ..1. tr, .i.un.iinn,,, nfi
atidaro u,,,es,.eniab.y thu lightest. .u.l ..csnahlo, ' ' ' , '"V , ' " , '
i.oinioitable and econoioiral skirl eier made
l.udiei' Missin' and ChllJiei. and ate snpenoi to
At A. J. Evans'
'I'llE iiiidersigiicd respecll'.lly infi'iiut hi tu mis
I and Ihe iiiblii. geiuially. thai lis jo t ii'iovcu
liini lite EiiaLern (.itie-, o large haji'rtio,'iit o
TiE.'W t It O V fIC
being thu hest .luboiim. nl ever in tins inaiki t
Also a lomplclu H-soituieiit of Hoy Ob'till'.. 1,, t
everything in tbo t'lothiug Lino for Hi i-iuin i
to l.i.-v Hutu n.'.i-nr'. upeifeil f.l f i.'rin.l e.i . no
, Hilling but He' hest workmanship allow ".I o ihi '
I.i luhmcttl He ao becpi ou liaiui a 'a,,,. s .i
HAI'M N i ''Al.'. to.., her with u ail- l . o. n- ' n.
u- .ill AM) at.r ron Yoiii.siii i" .
A J. i I.
HI .ouiibillg, Aptll. 'ii. liSI
iVf.Y behool will open its next 'J'ei tii f
iV-L ,ft en Wi k, on MONDAY THU '.-illOy i
AUUl.Hl' All tliu I'l.lllltli.s ol a liLe,..l I . i.i l , .1, l.ilj
. 1 1 I. h i u taught, Voiul .tnisiu will ho .. -i. i.,us
brant II, l"i Iho beuctlt nt the itbnle I', hoot
t, in, in u ill also bt eivi'ii in any of th. L .a it.
lui llmiiihu. and in Music.
CT-'lciiua lltieial.
LI ENOnA J. LE- ' Ul.u.
llluoinsburg, Aug IJ, Uoj lino
WHBI d' lillAHLHV &. DAlll , riopnelolsiil tin-1 II l"l lei""". ..... - - i , . , ' , , '
vciil.ou, and tfolo Mauul.iuu,e.s, U7 Lliauibers, and 71 all others i.iu.lo lu point m a l ' " ' ' ' 'I
s. SI I'.euuo rJtriels, Null Yoik. rahility , being made o the u .1 u ru e e.i Li,,,.h
. ...... i.. .... . ,. , ., .ii,iui.ia..uitli l.illneii huiihe.l i.oiellliu. audi
oiruniua'tauiu . an,;d.,Vn.;v;mV'u,' uba, ' Bc M... i f , " , " In , "u ... ,
.Memo, Eioutli Americu and tliu W .1 Indi". by impruvid . 'u u0 ,V,,1,r"'"1'fl . Ifl 'K IUI A It S Uj If J 'U '? X it
LS- ii'iuno lur lite Duple. Elliptic ior double) lil.i.H.ity mtl.e lat-un 1 ,uo U airauled lo g,ve in , ii .i , yi V. , ,
Snriiig hkltt. ln -.ulsi.tiimn , .'A undeliiy , Ulltl hOlllltrU Orpll ''" acl'1'1
- i Order, .lifren uuu iri'-nici'. mivi, na uc
t JOOKKT DIARIES, PHOTOG KAPIl laiL at Manufactory and liails Hunt..,
I ALI1UMS K ALJJIJM I'lCrnHEO. -.elliiig ai M. fiJS Aioll StVCCt, nbuVri (itll, l'hild'.i W i, IT.IH.. ,.r i-rm. Culi, OniTrke 1
V.t IsruiJ I sail, Uliirrt,.
lor i iitlni paiu.'uimii 111,111.
1 nl "t "
. tile, A tn at liu-'
1.1, II I, I .I.-.1-
' .k I-. I'tU" 'I'1' Tap
,,t, l'a Aaja I 5 Itba i i
oi. e. nan n.
, H I i, I- t in '