Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 16, 1865, Image 2

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    Ft ELI Mil1 1 1
o noh had issuod a proclamation lo tho
lDsurgcnts giving thoni rsovorat days to
1 it j uuvrn muir iirtus uuii icium iu meir
Now flantloraan. I want to road vou
What M-j. Uen. Couch drt say, ,n order
that you may understand exactly how
. . . . ... .
mauetous y , e mat inqurer "mon.;
was. and ho w thorouBhly tho record con- (
victs him of wilful lying. j
i'llu Qu Dcpmx
or T1IK Susqukhanna
Uloomsburg Pa
Aug 10th Gl
Ool J. Q. Freeze
Uloomsburg Pa
You aro nnllinr
iwd bv mo to inform those norsons in fin.,
lumbia Co who havo not reported as ro-'
quired under tho previous "drafts," niul '
arc known as desortors, that the churnc of
i ..... :. . . aJ
desertion shall be remitted bv mo provi
ded, thoy duly roportthemsolvos on or bo
foro 12 P. M. Suturday Aug flOth our.
rent. ,
This does not apply to thoso charged
with tho crime of murder.
I am vary rospt
D N Couch
Maj Oon
tomdg JJfpt"
Now mark vou. Follow flitimns. Mm ,
, 1 .
I . '
iiquucr went uroau cast over tlio country,
It used to havo standing at tho head of its 1
columns a statement, that its circulation
was over C0,000 copies daily, until bodjo 1 vcillo of thothouiand men. But tho Qcn.
other abolition paper, knowing its propen-Ural aud his men doubtless preferred Col
hity to lio, oontradiotod tho assertion and umbia County us tho tceuo of their cx
foiecd tho Inquirer to take it out. JJut 'ploiu. It was a safe placo thero was no
the ttatcmcnta of this letter which I am
reviewing circulated over this cntiro com
monwealth, nndwcro copied into all tho
abolition papers of tho country. "That
ihe insurgents woro to lay down thoir
arms aud return lo their nllogiauco."
Gentlemen, thcro never wero any insur
gents in Columbia County there were no
arms to lay down -and Gen. Couch never
it-sued "a proclamation'' lo any "insur
g.uU." IIo timply wroto a letter asking tho
drafted inon who had not reported, to pro
pent thcniEclvcs within a certain lime,
pioniising if they did so, they bhould not
be charged with desertion.
Da you fully appreciate tho malico of,Lo Lad to Bct Guitlc3 and scouts (there
tbu writer, his determination to maun-1 wuro ao 'tullit5c"t contrabands iu that
taeiuro publio . sentiment against y0Uj ijis : country) how ho sent a squad of men at
ahsolulo invention of falsohood to servo tc'r m5 olJ frioui1 Jics IIoss how after
his purpose? But here, fortunately, tho 1 u miduiK"t ride ho oaptuiod a boy who
ituord ao utterly refutes him. as to render ! U,10W som0 oluer b? vvho know wlicrc thu
what lie may Bay on uny other poiut, en
tirely unreliable
Let us uevei'lhele3S coutiuuu uur exam
nuiion of this most surprising Idler. It
It is almost to be rcgrgtted that wo
ero not allowed to march against these !
f2f'?'!ll1 '?.,-!.n.,. U,?n ?Ur'
near Beaton, at a placo ealied Still-water,
and were throwiug up riflo pits to rctist
our advance up the valley. Had wo ad-
7V'."1" wc m.gut navo nau a
kind of union arguments lo these scoun-1
drels as their friends in the South have '
been receiving at the hands of our soldiers.
But disloyalists aro cowards, aud to ioou
a tho exeitomcntofbad whiskoy had pass
ed away tho mass of their forces lost heart,
and thoee men who had property to lose,
who were in the.ranks, suddenly became
intensely loyal. At a preliminary exani-
iiiatlon held upon the prisoners, about ono!
m , Xin. V
bohavior. This kft about fiftv. oaro ho-'
111' taken to retain mini- :lrnint wlinm
there was not sufficient evidence to con
vict, as will appear on their trial."
Now my Fellow Citizens, tho man who I
wroto this story in tho Philadelphia In
q drer told a wilful, malicious and delib
erate fal3chood."(Con. Piollet, ''Whom
do you suppose it was 1") Col. Fueeze '
I ihiuk it was the Editor of tho Abolition
Newspaper at Bloouiaburg. II ho did not
do it he can deny it,, but whether 1 shall
believe his denial or not iu another ques
tion. No man over saw a rifle pit in
Columbia County, and no man here, ex
cept ouo who has beon in the army, knows
what a riflo pit is. I do not bclievo that
any man who was in that army of 1,000
wen was such a liar, scoundrel and fool, as
to write, that riflo pits had been thrown
up at Still-water by citizens, to impede
tho advance of 1,000 men, who had beon
trained for three years in the war, in thoir
march up tho valloyofthc Fishing Creek.
Besides, tho army had now passed over the
ground whero tbejso rifle pits wero said to
be. But no man ever haw them, every
ono of thoso thousand men knew that no
such thing over existed ; and it does not
bcoui possi bio that any officer or eoldicr
would invent such wholcsalo and malicious
falsehood. The Inquirer correspondent
calls you "traitors,' 'scoundrels,'' "dis
loyalitts," "cowards"' and drunkards
Tho wholo country was to bcliovo that
tho very pcoplo who stand beforo mo to
day, and who havo been attending this,
tha moH quiet and orderly and magnifi
cent meeting I ever smv; waro amojig tiie
most abandoned wrclobcs in tho univorso,
aud falso to overy thing saorod aud honor-1
ublo. And why I liecauso a political
oontost was goiDg on in Pennsylvania, and
thoso opposed to tho polioy of tho admin-;
istration had to bo denounced and derided
fi.iil ntiiiiml 'Pin. &tn!r , niter .n .ni-t-inrl
and Columbia County with her fifteen bun-' the f'or.tho udminislratioi, before ! "PiMa oalh- ,D fic.,:rot Par'
drcd Demooratio majority mubl bo crushed tho Military Commission that tried our i ""'T, U ut0ml0 ,aud l M
out r and in order to do it effectually this citizens. I read from the testimony of S.ontoT" tK 3' wMcfhad
man wauts Hood, ho hopes for a fight, tho Nathan J. lloss. ! liopolewly broken down uudor Uadwalader,
groaua of widows and tho shriek- of or- "It was reported around by different wao resurrocted by Albnght, aud was
phans aro mu-io Iw hi. uboluwu wta -, uud ' Umt noldioiu Lomitif up to iv putely political
tho tiogo of blood 13 tho oolor.noxtto black
whioh most doligliti his eyes.
i "On Fiiday wo onoo more took up our
lino of marched ar? now in tho .noun-
n i. ii i
tho east branch of 1 inking Urcck. Noun-,
ains , I around us. 1 ho valley is
... i
- - jO- - Vp n m08l
pcrpL.udicuiar for 0Ver seven hundred feet, j
1 0f course i am not aware oftho infer-
lumtion possessed at hcad-qtiartcrs, but
from all 1 can learn, tho insurgents aro
encamped In a corgo in tho mountains,
whoro they havo intrench uionts mounting
two hold pieces. Jtney nro saiu to bo lrom
three to livo hundred strong nnd from
I i . i. f 1 1 . n . i 1
iu uppiuaun muni wiui buuiciL-ui uuuiuurs ,
' ovorcomo their extremely strong posi
lion' II '3 tno praJ'cr of every soldier in
tiu command that they romaiu and givo
us a &R' Wo hardly lmvo hopes of
it.. - - ii it t
this, from tho cowardly courso thoy havo
pursued up to this time Still they aro
Hemmed in and may bo brought to bay.'
Cadwaladcr aud his thousand men aro
spoiliog for a fight (laughter) but if thoy
wcro really as anxious as thoy seem to bo,
thoy would bo down at tho front, whore
(Jrant aud his bravo follows, begrimmed
I by tho smoko and stunned by the roar of
ibattlo. arodoiucsorvioo acaiust tho one
murmurs of tho Fishinir Creek, tho crow
- ,
! P .1 ...!.!. 1!l
'ug oi mo cocks wuicii wcru ppeeuuy
captured,) tho grunting of tho pigs (which I
wero ouicklv slauchtered.) and tho rc-l
danger (laughtur) and ho marchod his
men up to tho hoacj waters of the Crcok
and encamped tbcm thcro iu a beautiful
valley, with inaguilictnt mountains all
around, and quiet aud peaco rciguing su
premo. Qcn'l Cadwahder is a man of consider
able military experience, lie made him
self a very excellent reputation as all offi
cer, in tho' war With Mexico ; but that was
before ho permitted liimtell to bo used by
men who bad no respect for constitutions
or for laws.
I wish I oould .fairly describe to you
Gen'l Cadwalador's hunt after that brt
'mounting two field pieces' what trouble
Fort was how that boy did'nt know but
could tell them whero there was a boy
who did and how at last somo body was
found who undertook to fix tho spot. Then
the Major General's eoicutifiu kuowlcdgo
of military matters came into full exercise.
his stragctic ability had a loouian worthy
0f Iiis faiuc 5 and his thousand men wcro
divided and located and timed with tho
utmost U11''tary a,)d prcoiiiou. Tho
Cra"d ''army of tho Fisliing Creek," iu
three divisions, advanced against thatlono-
ly Fort. (LauBlitfr ) After clambering
for talf'a"day "r rockH ad "t01"!)
lrougb briars and huekloberry bushes,
finding three or four old bear traps which
my friend Johu Mclloury had setup thero
to catch bears, they began to find sigus 0
a placo whei'o somebody had been ; aud
thon, "Look to your arms boys, and kcop
your powder dry. ' (Laughter.) And so
this valiant army progressed each divi-
tiou coraiDg iu rd" ad at proper time,
suddcnly surrounding tliotop of thomoun
lam, aim capiureu a juuca where some oj
yoilr lays and giila had iccn having a
! huckleberry 2nc-tiic and that was all
thoy overdid find. (Groat laughter.) No
Fort, no entrenchments, 110 riflu pits, no
field pieces, no fivo hundred men, no re
bellion, no nothing. That was tho cud of
tho expedition, and Cadwaladcr, liko that
ancient being of Spain.
Willi livviity thousand men,
Jlarclicd up the liill.and then inarthud doirn again
He was thoroughly disgusted Ho oauio
to Bloonuburg aud upon his military
kuowlcdgo aud experienoo as a military
- tl' 1 - . T . .
oineer, nu pronounccu, i uso nis owu
words, "Tho whole thing u farco."
What thon Bhould ho havo dono ? He
had arrested about one hundred of our
citizons, ho had incarcerated Forty four ol
them in tho bomb-proofs of Fort Mifflin,
ho had eatisfitd himself, after a thorough
search in all directions that the Fort was
mooiishiuo and tho rebellion a "faroo ;"
1 -n- .
and ns nn honest man, as au oflioer, dc-
serving the narno, he should havo made it
a personal matter to procurc their release ;!
but ho had not tho manliness to risk Lis
commission, j
So Iho original excuse for pulling theso'
men into Fort Mfllin had uttcrlv aud ah.
solutely failed, it was broken down beyond
auy rcsurcctiou, aud a new oxcuso must bo
invented for keeping 1,000 armed men iu
Columbia County. This political raid must
Still bo kent un. ami the Jtantz mn,tin,,n.
it is called, r n ;(H,,r ,i,pi !n"' n
. , L. ...... J .u..uwvuj
was tho next excuso for bringing tho sol
I diors. Uut tho llantz meeting was not
hold until after tho soldiers camo to
liloomsburg, would never havo been held,
I ou- fr -uir com'iDg; and could not,
thorcforo, bo tho oauao of the Invasion.
1 Uut tho cause and reason of that lUiitz
illlnnlirirr I.nvinrr linnn linlrl lvne rrloa.. I...
help some citizous who had boon trying to !
tab. drafted men, and llint thoy would '
ty"? ,Lu ,lu1,,,,IB84l f l"w. lhal wcro ' Ignominloualy defeated tho straight re
- ZTu ol. for congress , and i
sition was mado or resistance offered
I ,jcard luo report as to tho object !
of ,ho gol(licra ft ur o. Jjo.
Mi nniilliira nrlmn tlmtt niinui itn
,oto '""" 'tis-l board n or'
vanl? ,llt '? o1,Jcot W!! bttl "w
1!ca,rd ,Uq fl1olJ'?rs wore 80,,, 0 bur"1alul
T" T "
Edward Mollonry, aUc a witucsa for
tho administration swears :
"1 hoard noma talking at tho KiitiU
meelini:l that tho soldiers wcro Koiiiij to
ii. . i.
That is tho testimony of tho adminis-
(ration, and it explains why tho ltuutz
mooting was hold. And when tho soldiers
caino up, no citizen of tho county harmed
or threatened to harm one of them. No
!.l ..... ..IT. 1 . .!. .
..... r ! 1
,. . . , . ,
and pica, aud gavo them good whiskey to
drink ; and yet thoso same men tore down
their fences, burned and used up thoir
boards and lumber, out down their sugar
troes, dug up their potatoes, (.tripped off
their roasting oars, fed up thoir hay, eat
up thoir chiokouK, and killed their sheep,
v J - -
. . .... .
and rctuscu to pay i Hoy did more.
Thoy caught a young lad iu Jaeksou
township, took him lo a barn, and bung
.. , J , . . ; ,
htm by tho ncok several times, because ho
could not or would not tell Whero his fa
iher was. I honor tho young man for it.
IIo would havo boon rcereaut to his duty
as a sou if he had consented to betray
his father- Ho was finally let off bcfoio
life was extinct ; but is siuco dead, as is
believed, from tho effects of that hanging
by the soldiers of tho ''army of thu Full
ing Creek."
Such was tho treatment tho people of
Columbia County received ; aud tho pis
chickens aud sheep wero about the only
deserters tho soldiers caught.
But there was .mother reason which the
abolitionists subsequently huuted up to
account for the presence of thoso ouothous
and soldiers. It was, that thero had hecu
a lot of Democratic meetings in tho county
somo liuio beforo. It was pretended that
they were secret and therefore objection
able ; and that in tho faeo of "Know
Nothing Lodges," aud ''Loyal League
ltoouis" which tho opposition had been
constantly ruuuing for years.
On tho point ofuecrcsy, Nathan J. Hess,
a witness for tho administration, swears
that he attended ouo that was secret, but
that he was not a member. Of com to it
must havo been very sccct, when a mau
not a member could attend ; aud that he
atteudid but one, aud that at tho house of
Peter Kase. llo also swears that it was his arrest became a "military nuccssity."
in Juue 16G3 ; and all the evidence" given, ' U vou your Sheriff aud his assistant,
proves tho meetings to havo ceased u ' (and you through your chosen official,)
year or sixteen months before the arrests of were subjected to tho outrage and iudig
August 31, 1801. Aud yet every thin" nity of au arbitrary aricst, for no othei
elso fuiling,tho.'o little meetings uf twoutv. cause than enabling two I)i!ojoorat,s who
five or thirty persous, assembled in School uad cun arrested as desortors, to vote
Houses aud whioh, for more thau a year ''boio four, and another arreatcd two
had ceased to bo held and which a largo d,1's previously, wero all, on tho night of
ma-ssol testimony shows t havo beeneii-
tirely iuuoecnt in character, aro given iif
a reason why a thousand armed uieii
should invade Columbia County.
Fellow Citizens, no amount of special
pleading cau woakcu tho forco of these
facts. Tho statements I have made to you
arc substantiated by sworn testimony.
And tho conclusion is iircsistablo, that tho , tUo proper military authorities it ap
military raid into Columbia County wai poarcd that two of tho men had been
for a political purpose, aud had no other cu"u 'u 'be stato draft, anu wcro como-
object whatever. Let us examine tho
facts beariug upon this point a littlo moro
ful,y- . .
1 ho fatato election was rapidly drawing
l o... I. ...... r .- .
mvi jL-uitj -luur xtuu.ucrauo voters
wcro securely locked up iu Fort Millltti
Gen. Uadwaladcr had letircd from the
field after his campaign 011 tho Tubing
Greek to his quarters in Philadelphia,
with all Im blushing houors thick upou
him, and somo still moro pliaut tool mut
bo found to fiuish up the work., A Uulo.
nol (now General) Albriyht was delated
to hunt un soniethinr. that wl,i 1,0
euough Morgan till after tho election.
ft - O MM LWL
And then came hard swcariii". aud
cret meetings, and midnight eonfcreneen,
and etarchanibcr csaminatioiw : tlion
disappointed political aspirants oould safe -
,3 wroalt tuc'r vengcauce against Uctno-
1 mtlu vott'r6' aml odulgo in thoso person -
al Sedges whioh political partisanship
'had finii'niWiil ml,lii...,i 11
j Ua" GDB,!dered or embittered. Mauy
a?B werc "Pcnt iu lllis uuhallowcd work
a" tl,u ""liug testimony that ofi'ered
itsclf w:iH taUou in secret citizens woro
nrrosted and brought into camp, and do
"Ufer Su"d. wmethiug was
,vm ur Ulc,r l,llD1"
went, and thoso who knowing uotbinp rc
fused to fabrioate, were subjected repcatod-
I jJjQ,yt "'iiuaiy mouu 0. icti-
j i;; 'n ...1 , .1
I . f1"11" wL" CVCr' thlDS Was SUPl.ood
I. i .1.-. 1 , ...
! 10 " "ady, the gallant Colonel returned
to Uloomsburg, carpet bag stuffed, and to
a littlo meeting ol abolitionist,-, got up fer
Iho ocoabiou, and with that testimony as
his tort, ho opoued tho political campaign
in Columbia County. Thereupon that plat
form, in u loud and pompous voice, ho de
tailed uud dcboanlcd upon tho Uatcmcuta
moit of them false, taken down after an
But tho county of Columbia was not yot
considered safe. Two yonra beforo It hail
was foarcd that now it might elect my '
friend Ool. l'iollet. a straight Democratic
oandlJat0( u 1q ct Um
'got into congress ho would make tho fur
fly off of tho shoddy contractors nnd tho
robbers of tho publio mouuy. That at all
hazards must bo prevented.
The county was put under atiiet mili
tary Burvcilliauoo night alter night citi
zens wcro arrojtod, detained under guard,
loekod up in jail, or hurried lo nomo point
beyond tho county reports woro circula
ted that others wero to bo arrtstod,
for tho purposo doubtless of inducing them
to loavo home for the time being lists of,
prominent Democrats wcro tnado and
handed about with mock secrecy, aud in
limatious of their arrest given out Tho
' Loyal Jioaguo ' held it Kcoret nightly
niectiui's tho ahnlition newspaper
Hloomshurg gave notice that every draft
ed man who approached tho polls to do
posilo his vote, would bo arrested as 11
duxortcr and every other dovieo known to
political rascality, was inado uso of to iu
timato aud disfranchise voters.
But tho grand climax of this nover-lo-bo-forgotlCu
Political raid was reached on tho
night beforo tho October election.
I.. I.Hhiim 11 f ll.11 sl-ilnlnrv nrnliitiilion
' . .1 ., i r
.against stationing troops near the placo of
..,. ... ",- ,.., ,,,, mu.
holding elections, this "Army of the Fish
, iug Creek" was once moro ''postedin diff
' cront portions of tha county ,and upon ths
breaking of day," several promincut citi
zens in different parts of it wero arrested.
Tho only remaining member ofthocleolion
Hoard in Benton ( cripple) was arrested,
so as to delay or prevent tha opening of 1
tho polls several persons in Sugarloal '
wero arrested and detained until the clea-
' tiou was over along thu roads leadiug lo
tho places of holding tho election, squads
I of soliiiors wero stationed many citizons
crossed thu fields lo avoid them, others
remained away altogether, rather than be
I subject lo insult and anuoyauco, or arbi
trary, illegil, groundless and vexatious
1 arrcBt.
1 Iu Centre township, eleven soldiers stood
at the polls all day with muskets audbay-
j onets 1 llorc several persons near tho
epcaksr stated that their respective elec
tion districts had been similarly watoh-
I IuBloomsburg itself, tho insolonoj of
tucsu PeUV officials towered toward hub
limit'. There, ouo man w'as arrested who
had for twelve mouths lived iu town under
tho very noso of tho Provost Marshal, aud
it was only when liu was goiug to thu
polls to depoMtc a democratic ballot, that
tne eiecitou, liurricd lo llarwsburg, aud
locked into rooms moro filthy than pig
pens, companioned with niggers aud boun-ty-jumpors
and fed with them : Aud tho
telegraph flashed the important announce
ment of tho arrest to all tho North.
After two days, the whole subject hav-
ing been submitted to Cfovcrnor Curliu and
flue""y "l ncjcrters nor subject to arrest
tuo 11'ltional authorities ; and tho other
, ono bad really never been cither drafted
or notified ; aud all throo had been con-
. .. . . . ....
stantly and regularly at their houses and
nhont tlmlr lawf.,1 nnllinr .1,;
v. ! t . 4 V1.III11I.M, UUI Itl tllL,
long montha between tho Draft and tho
arrest Tho whole Five oitizoiiH, Sheriff
aud assibtaut were scut home.
Uut no icprimaud was administered to
w 1 a
tno iiu9v omeial, and no cheek nut urmn
- , 1
his tibc ami abuse ol unlicensed power.
Thoso days and uichts aro still uuauswer -
' e,l f..r . ,i, lT... nfi.i.. ,
Thu heart siekeus at tho recital of tho
wrongs insults aud outrages to which Co-
lumbia oounty has been subjected. No
man was safe from the mnlicn nf n nun.
, my. Neither worth uor station nor inuo
oonco, nor all thrco oombiued were a
' protection. Nor was tho law or tho cou -
stitutiou ofTcotual to Bhiold tho accused or
, . 1.:... i 1
tn fiffiirfl liim n cnnnrlr Mr 1 i.!o1
" "i vw " ,vd"'
Tho presidential election was made tho
ocottbiou for repeating many of theso out-
rages, but it is now unneccbsary to par -
;r .law,,. ,u,. l .4.
ol terror ended with tho elections, and
Iho Ircons heiiiLr withdrawn, tl.n l.'iJifnr,
a o
lircck lebcllioii being now over, tho
peaeelul pursuits of civil life wcro ugaiu
llut few of tho Fort Mifllin victims wcro
tried, and oftho whole number arrosted,
but sevou wcro couvictod ; aud that before
a Military Commission, ou testimony
which would not oven havo boon received
iu a court of justica aud before a jury. I
would enter upon a particular examination
of tho testimony lakon iu thoso cases, and
could easily strengthen tho argument iu
favor of the political complexion of this
I ovation ; but that object is, 1 think, suf
ficiently accomplished hy what has becu
already eaid;
Of thu bevou meu convicted by ihc
iMilitary Commission, ouo paid his fluo,
ouo was purdouvd by l'rosideul Lincoln,
uud five by Piesideut Joliusuu, aud creiy
one of thorn was undoubtedly innocent of
any criiniual offense
Thlsoxpcdilion, Oontlomcn, Inoluding
collateral expenditures cost tho Govctn-
mout, from first to last, not loas than half
million of dollars. Two Major Hone
fftl8) R wup,0 of Coloni!lHt mtom
tains, a thousand men, horses, artillery
aud military stores, a largo destruction of
' , , ,. t
private propuily, and oooupaliou of our
territory for a fourth of a yoar.resultod in
a military point of view, in one innacmt
man kilMtituLbity-four taken prisoners.
Oh ! wan it not a most brilliant episode
something for tho abolition party to ho
proud of, when ,its history comes to bo
This political raid into Columbia Oouu
ty is but part ol a system. What wo bnvo
6ceii hero at our own doois, what we havo
oxpotiene.ed in our own persons, wc havo
read of a3 occurring at other places. Wo
have read of elections being carried in the
state ol Delawatu at tho point of the bay-'
ouot,aud in Kuntucky and Tonucs.ou nnd
Indiana. Aud when at somo points,'
whero tho bayonets v,ero not sufficient, tho '
elections woro carried against tho admin-;
istratioii, thoy wcro eooly set aside, and
. , rit, r 1,. 1
treated, as Old Joo Bitner onco proposed
to treat an olccliou in Pennsylvania, ':
:r i,...i 1,..,,,, 1 ... 1 , 1 .) ,- .i,:i,
11 IL IlilU llUtbl ULl. U H'ilU 1 LA II11IVI ltu-
jeet ho was assisted and counseled by
Thai!, hiteveus, tho present loader ol the
ucgro-cquality purty iu this stato.
Thii military mode of carry ingoloctions
i, as I havo said, part ol a system. For
thu abolitionists kuow that tho reoord thoy
havo madofoi themsclvcs,ifpowcr shall once
more return to the Democrat, will keep
it in their hand for all lime. Many per
ilous in tho audience remember tho first
reign of terror through which tho people
of ihis country were called to p;iss,duriug
tho icign of Old Johu Adam-. Then, tho
pcoplo aroto in their might, and iu behalf
of thu law aud thu constitution, put Thcs.
Jefferson into iho uluir, and
swept out of existence tlut old Federal
Party; nnd it has been a bye-word, a
hissing and a reproach iu the mouths of
all houcst aud law uud constitution lov ng
citizens, from that day to this. Aud
yet the wrongs, outrages and violations of
the aoustitutiou done uud committed by
that party, enormous as history bhows
them to bo ; were but as the goutle breeze
compared to tho terrible hurricane ol
military despotism and disregard of eon
stitutiou aud of law, which swept over ua
in these Utter days.
"Let tho people awake and aromo them
iclvcs to this second reign of terror, to this
second attempt to carry elections by mil
itary forco ; aud the abolition republican
party of to-dny will" ricvor bo heard of
again, except iu hiatory.where they will be
kuoivu as the most corrupt and sooundrellj
organization that ovor attained power in
any country. And I aik you, my Fellow
Citizens, who do not belong to tho Dem
ocratic organization, whether, seeing and
hearing and knowing all IhU, you arc
content that tho liberties of the country
shall be wrested by force from the people;
aud the union, ib laws and its constitution
yo down in a sea of blood, aud be kuowu
no more forever.
It is high time, Fellow Citizen, that
this question shall bo considered by you,
and settled without mistake, upon a firm
and Boouro basis. No party but the
Democratic party fcelu it.-elf bound by I
constitution or by law 110 other party
bclievo that the constitution ought lo bind
uj. In tho opinion of the leaders nf ihn
, opposition, "tho Constitution is a leaue
i with death and a covenant with hell ;"
' aud the v havo set it usido aud tr:imlN.l
upon it, as a i.ieec of old narehmer.t.whieh
' could no lon-rer airord vou aud mo nro-
1 ... 1 .. , . . 1
' . - - '
tcciion, anu under wuieu wo arc no lonyer
to bo permitted to live. Take this busi
ucas into your own hauds
....... j. out. ,u .., ami
iu lull, aud from thin forth forever, there
all be such a political raid at the polls,
... , ' . 11
,;, .1..11 . ..u
""""i "nun inp uui in tsoriM 01
military raids, not only in tho County
1 r r'i 1.:. i.,., .1 t.... .
, " " V "uv.. uuuuu' luy cm,ro
' couutry. Ask President Johnson bv
vour votes anil viuir vnien. in ...
:,. .. '-"- -
ima CQuniry us uuaiiv loved ttucicnt cwa
and ooustuuttou Aik him to lo Lank tn
the time when ho, as a diaciplo of Andrew
Jackson aud James K. Polk, sat under '
the Old Democratic hickory tree, and 1
! listened to their honored teaehingi Auk
' i,jm to remember tho time when ho him
! wu u uo Uliu-
i t j 1. .
1 ecu was a democrat in whom there wa,
110 gullo, battling nobly for tho oonsthi..
tional rights of all sections and all meu
1 sharinc iu tho h-mmnl. n.i ,if...i- '
;!::r.,'L? ;z;.:
. and now baviua tho nower dommd Hi,
I i. ..... ' . , .. ... .
. I l " v.'.vu.i
i:ivu uatii 10 lie nconia 01 in n 1,.,
States their country, their laws aud their
eoHfctitution, lutactand uuitnpaired.
Luzerne Democratic Ticket.
For Senate Stanloy Woodward.
For Assembly Anthony Grady.
Daniel F. Seybert.
David H. Koou.
For Sheriff Joseph E. Vanleer.
Sf- The Patriot and Union.Vo print
olsowhero to day the Prospcctui of tho
Ilarrisburg Patriot and Union. It is a
not only a good Democratic newspaper,
but it is tho central orgau of tho Domoo.
raoy of Pcnntjlvania, and is deserving
of a liberal support by ovory lover of Con
stitutional liberty iu the Union. livery
citizen of Columbia oounty , who can afford
to take another paper, should bubsenbo
for tho Wlialv t'ATMOl' & U.NtOH
,14 the Nob fountain Meeting, on Wednesday
Evening, Auguit 30th, )
1'itiikiiu f?i. 1 1 t-iun- . lit Mnnlnnr Co..
(jn rosl)niio to rupu.uod call Item 1I10 iiu-
diuncuj euiiiu lorwitm and mid ;
I did 11 111 c 1 1 1 1 1 1) to Huh mcoiltio, Wi apeak ;
I innif In lltl :l 1 1 9 1 1' 1 1 u f . 1 L'miiiii over IMUI
your eomiiy to day to hum up a eamp
meniing. nnd tlion ' chronicler or e.ow. I
llioilulU I would l.lko ll loul. ul llio I'lltlllllt! .
treait Coiilndutcy yroiiml, umt poriiupn go
up to ulu ntu.d luuiuaia ol llio cuiinnr.iey,
U.uiU'a burn. ( I. .uinliter ) And tier
Imp II I coiilliiuu my pwttmiauont- I muy
euu whuio tho luimius Ue11er.1l Ciulwalailui,
flanked iIiai mountain. (Iloiiuttcd buiiyli
ler ) I wuii stnicl: with iitniiy.umeiii lo-diiy,
when I mi w mulch 11 pun your platlorm tumu
3U ol I liu men wlm it Has said urn up 11 re
bullion in tins vieiuily so Unit Lincoln hul
lo fund a pall ol his ut my nuiu to tupptue
it, ((JOlillliiied l.iinnlilut ) I wim tttirpriH
ed to find thai the)' woiu nil quiet, plum lar
itit-tx ; and ot tttuy weto lakon dim 11 10
Uiiclu Ijalii'n bonidiiitt linuso at l-'mt Al 111 1 11
No doubt, Hon. Culwaladi-r was r tti t whom
iim nam 11. hi wihhm iuiii ui. 11 uutu , uui
liu vuf tliuluda it had an ol'jeet Thu-.o tiuopn
wuio hunt bete bec.uisu j uui eimiily in lull
ol Itial peculiar growth called Democrat
men wliu wilt nut yiuin to tyranny, 11101111
II bu backed by Loyal l.uiigimn and n
iurgii armies. The otijocl was to atuumi n
eniilliet eo that they iinglil havo a preiuM lo
ravith your homes, decolatu your (midland
imptiiuii jour itfiiiiis, or olso Itiyhleii )dii
friiiu your ancient faith and make you mere
vassa l UI llllll UIU Ulliuiai WII3.T v 1111 iiau
. imu (U , pMim ,a Wmill
irttoti. Tho party now opprui-biuu. us hat.
had but otiu obiect tlneii ilb ineeivioii. One
- , , - ,.
ol 1 la great luiuli'ti, Alexander Hamilton,
said in thu Lon.-Hlnliuiiul Convention, that
the llriiUh yovuiiijneiit was thu tie-', form ol
HOVHrntnont thai uver uxisied. The expe
dition up l'luliiiig (Jruek last tailed.
1'liuy could not Micceed 111 yuluiij' up 11 con
flict between you and iim military arm ol
tho ovuriimenl, nor could tlu-y quell that
llii(ut!udiablo i-pui of Democracy which
lia-. uuniL'il bnhlly iu this region lrom the
days of thu Revolution lo thu pret-uul lime.
Although ihuy dragged olljour hoary-I.end
ed uld moil, your mi Idle aed men, and
your filing iiikii, and ihrunt thum into filih)
duuuuUK, the nullity plialan ol Ireumuu
lietu ptOMMU I an utidcncu thai like the
Christian church wo yaiher Mtenyili by per
secution. I urn forry to that llietu urn
muii in your iiinbt wlio are 1 n .-;i o 1 1 m 1 1 1 o for
Hilt- proceeding as lhj;re WfTa iihmi ivlio led
1I10 siuallhy IiiOiuiis to llie Ala-saeru ol Wy
omiui.', and as theiu wcru 'lorius in ihu
Udk'oliition, and thesu men are their regular
.iiiecessori. llioy aru oppo-ud tojoa on
principle and ulw.iys will .tie, lor al heart
llioy laror a ydein ol overu
iiiuul. They liavu ilniseil it in a thou,
land stibilo lorms, but thu .speech nl 11, mi
llion lo which 1 have alluded was the l:ej
note. 'I buy wuro deleauul in llie Constitu
11011 ul Convention, uud lor many 5 ears our
country was "guided by tho principles ol
Jclleioun, until in nn evil hour uur pcoplo
liMened to ll.u voicu of the y run ami plac
ed in power ut WushiutoK iluu who havu
persucutad u lor thu p,it four y : but
I.- I.l..n.l i 1, :. .1...
ol the American lluiiblic.ui church . Trno,!
ii.u uiuuii ui i.uMiui.uiiiu lll.lll,l 11 IU MMJll
dioy have riui an iron liaruuits 011 win which
Mil boar you down and your children attfr
)on lor year lo come a heavy load o! debt
contracted 111 the clforl to make S.untio fruo.
Aro tho white race to to slave 111 order to
eonfi-r a doubtlu'l boon upon tho neym
.vliich may perhapii Ijually result in his ex
tuminatiou ?
The party now iu pnwur seem almoel lo
h:te Bccumpliithed what they hnu been
aiming at since the days nl Uamiltou , they
have now tho puro and the t-word united, I
and we have lell their laarlul pnwnr. Paris
is uaid 10 bo France, aud llioy Rnuuhl
10 coinioldato power here ?o that Wardiing
ton .-hall bo the United Slates Ihuy have
.-ouyh t to destiny the reserved rishts of tho 1
SiaiH. Vou miift now briny aboni a iiilorm
111 the practices that havo crept in durum
the hiM li'iir yp!ir; yon inn-1 cleanse the au.
uuan a nblu al U'astiiiiiSri;bui before: we can
do thai, wo must cnuinieiu'u nearer home,
and pure llii- Main ol iho inon who are .uui
liavu been rntitiii us 'l iu; darkntnii thai ,
has- olKcuied the comiTy i" breiituia away ; '
peace has descended nneo ajjam upon our .
land. The Democracy aro lonmim; up,
in ev-'.-ry direeiion. Wu h.iva iho disci- '
plliie wo have llie nerve, a'ul if we are on
ly true to ourselves, true lo thu memories ol
ilie pant, trim lo our cotimry and 10 her ln-
uuic lenown.wo t-Ii .t 1 1 el Micrced in tiriu
1 1 1 twicl;
Ihu tnvernmuut to i'k aneieiit and
lauJ marks. ((i'i;al applause.)
Fnim the Sim pJ ihc !'oitli
Court l'rucmliug., Srpi. Term, lbj.
(illlll) .
vs. Jonii i ilharns liiiliciuu-nt
anil ll.itiery, irim lull, Verdict I
Sentence ol tho ('hup Three '
luipri-onmeiil 111 llio rniinty jnil,
i "" c,f ,illy ll,"llars nii c""1'- pro-ecution.
I -om. v.s John hlino.-lmhcmenl-A,-
mihIi ami Itattery not a iruo bill. Sentoncu
- 1 ''""senior pay ihu co-t-,.
turn. v. i.uium i nioie. inilieimtiul
akmiuIi atnl Uatlery not a tmo bill. Sen-
tuncu I'rotecuior pay the eo,M.
. Co"1V v'-, :r!'fla Iinlicimetii
AmuuIi and Uattery not a truo bill. Sen-
j leiicu. lrocclllor pay mo eii.sts,
Com- vu- '''"''i1 "'"inheer.-lmliet
' mom Obtaining property hy lal.-u iireten-e
, -nt. " " bill. &..tyiicu.-l'rsceutor
P-')' ihu coets.
1 ...
wun. Vb. jiary iwcfti.iinnuii
I Afnult and liaitery truo bill Wirdiel
n.ntu Kinnn. ,r n.,. .i..n..
wm COb ' I'ffwecinioii
, -...y. v . . , w . , v, , IIUU Wi jllU UUIIUff
1 Cam. vs. Iieirtiia Miller uruiv ol Puacu.
Sentence Delendaiil uud l'roiL-euior each
pay one half the costs.
ClmMiaii I,, Mooru was uppointed con
stable, for Suyarloaf mwiibhip.
'J'he (irand Jury report as .'ollown :
To the IlonwaUe jiulaei of tha Cam I
1 in111 Vftn: nnm ,n,, .-. t 1 r
1 V ., " Y "'1
! $ vSZZl ' ' '"
' T1' "'d Inquest ol tho Conimouwealil.
' I'unrisylvm.i.i, iu(uiruit; fur tfi body ol
L,ulo'1S'''a to thu county mid find them
a" in tolerably good repair.
A hoy pun on
iho m Mr 11. ..1,1 ............ : ... 7. ..r
?lvu 10 llm .0CCUP'ints ol tho jail and bhould,
.iw .v. ..... .'.uu., uu.) liu Jilll, M OUUIl
hi uiu "tumuli ui inu million, no 'Otnoveu,
Also, tho water elotol in the rear of ihn
1 Courl UniiMi should bu removed lo unniHinr
distance trout thu biiil.Iui.
j Wo alo think tho saluiy of thp publio in
cildainjeretl by the want nl a fenco between
iho public toad loading from liupurt lo thu
Catawisba briilno, by llio liloonisburi; and
Lackawanna railroad ; and recommend dial
a bocuro fence be orocio.l lor thu beeurity
oi iuu puoue lietweeti llio load ami Ihu rail-
;oad ul lln:l l'lace
AI.KX V. KICA, Foiruitin,
I hk liiNNEbsm: Ui,bcnoN Tho following
m given as Ihu result of tho recent election
of Congressmen in Tonnui-bee:
1. Nathaniel (J. Tayloi, Abolitiouj.i.
2. Horace Slaynard, "
3 Col. Win. II. SiukeH.
I I'M m ii nil Coopur, Dumociat,
6. Wm. b. Campbell, "
ti. Doisey 15. Thomas, "
7 Col Isaac K Hdivkms, Abolitiouut
8, John W Leluvich,
Four, (our Douiocra.e
Lot For Sale.
A eligible building lot, with an cxaM.
rX ltMt IIA11N llirfon cnclcJ .M'lilrnll
Hull Incut. I I
nioniMi!iirp,i otrmeil Tor enl u
Apply at
rum orm:
Flaxseed Wanted.
Tj ASH bo paid lor any quantity 0
W 1 LA.HM.I ui
l'-'''''""K. i-'i't' '-
" on fur Ihn Main Tunimliiii Ctliuul tliilrlil
my llbitfil. I'lmnintilluii upon tin.- Mill of! i-itnulit
nl .Maiinjlli', fJulmnlilu lunnly I'a.
i. y. unotVN,
Ht-,t. 1G. Ifl,3-8I W
n I'llll. I l.iv I ng lliiitouBlily iivorliiuli'il my I',,
licr .Mills at Pllll Ut'ivu, inut l!lii'iiiitiur Culuiiili,,
Ciiiiiity, I'll.. I Mi now imparl it lu till nil ontcrs fur
Writlt'lui!i Dty tllaaltnil anil IV'ultr l'i",if r.iiur, 0
nlmi t iiolifK .nut l.ilr pi in-. I liavu up'ncil a wr
Iiiiiimi 111 U'llkun llairi'i inut nppulu (lit .!-'rpli tlto
nl liu; linn urilrimii.llr.iv 1 my i ' 11 Jliio
l my p.iiici in LiutiMc Lunnly
1'IIHMAl Til! Nril,
Uluoiiihl, .!,(., t)c it. (J, 6i'.j .
1BC5. PUll.ADELl'illA 1UC5
IliilVl.l.t, ..-. T"! ItKf
iHSsuMtdUcisiii-c.;' u l'
VM' I: .CIMJ.S At i
North East Corner Fouith anl jMi
Strouts, Pu ia.
X. II, 111 tJloru, 11 'atKP la.irlt u
I.I.NII.V inut OIL Hll.inUil
Hi-pl, Hi, I e 3 liin.s
Tobacco and Sigar 5Urc "
'PIIH undersigned having opened 1 n 7
JL t-'in-ir anil Tiibacrti Htore in !)' tiiiil m- iu, r
tno uiiirti ortiiii i;i.iiiiniii.i ii.iiniim 'i, iii in ti;, ,, ,
Mlpply till! piiljlli; lu nuiu ml, Willi 11 1 Imlri' (in 1, ,,
UlUAItd. I'lVU-J, TUUAUM. Wlal' I,, ,
At rtanuiialiln ratuii
M" Cull mi J t-fiiiiiiini uur niit-k
lllooiiislitir i. fiipt '.1, 1H:." lini'M
Administrator'n Notice.
Estate of Solomon St'oup, l n,,i
I KTTE11P. of a-.iiui.'-t' iiio-i or, lh
3i J 1 -1 tt of ri ilunioa Slrm.p. I.'iIb i t M.iuik '
t.'nliiiiiiaa iiitin.y, ilti-at-.l, lii.Mt li u pi,i.,tftt .
lti'intcr ul' l,i,hinliia co., In t'n; ti 11 ilt-r itnci , all
ruiiK liiiviiu; rluiiiH mi.inisl thu c-rl.ili- il 1 1. .
MIU rt-"!UI"4ti-ll III lltl'.LMlt llli'tll 11 llli- A ttltltltk 41 1 .1 ,
tn.t rciiiilcticu in H'iMliiimtiMtvilli', Moul ini m
u illmut il. l )', all I alt pursmu nutuptuil lo in ,i
lii'jiu niiiiiu 1111,
JAWKri N .Mil 1.1 II
Pi-pi, 10. ism-oiv sun 1 n 1
Estate of 'Ihomas AUn, die'd.
rpllU iitiili'rlniiiiil Amlitor appointoit tij- tin' rirplnn.
x. Oiiiiii of Cultimliiu i-uiinty. 0, iniUu ilieiritiiitiuti ltt
tin) bnlimce 111 ll in. Is Tlliiuiiit ami Win. t.-ti 1,1
mliiislratura nf 'I'liom.n At I.ut- of Milllni i. ,
lili, III t.ilil mil illy, 0V1 M, aliiuli llie "i-ral n i
til Urn ilccuili-nt in ilia ori'iT i! liy law n,i
iilleinl ut Iiih tuiiii', lu 1 1 1 n. , ti i h . 1 1 ', cm i'uliir ..i) . in
lllli ilayofOLtoliur ni'Xt ui ID 1,'ul.iiK, A. Jt . n u,
Ja, I'm 1 1 i.j p rportii til' making til ili arlli.ninii
(Mirsuiu liiivin tl.iiim or aunsl ilin
iifilni ilrrvitiinl an- to pn-n. in Uiimii lu Hi i
ililnr nn Unit ilay nrtio ilcbarrvil final cumin,; in i i ,,
,. ,, I'l-ii !..' . i
tn.'iru ui ni'i 111 11 11.
tj.-pt. 11, ijw-hv S'5'i. ' ' ' .iilL',
.Mason It Hamlin (Jabim-t ()..
4 gain, fntiy ilull'rciit aiylur, aiiaptud id mici-iI . I
hotular music fnrS-Ut'i S .'HI i atli Till IJTY 1'1 .
ISUI.D iirHII.VIIll Mr.ll.M.H, . r nlliiT lltt prrmiu ,
nwarilc.l llicni. Ill utratcil U'.l:ilugiu- t'ruu Amln -
MASON & IIAMI.IN. Ilu.-t or3i fi. IlKil'lli;!:
Ni-w Vnilt,
ricpt.'-i, Itl'ij y
Al.Ji Perfons aro hereby cautioned
iigainn tn-Kpavalni; in nuy iiniMin'r, npnii tia.
prciiiisinni'iiii. uiiihTiiiijiicil knnwn iu l.'nl. J uuli l.i
t' rami, imar lilooin-liiiri;. iih llii'y will liu uiv
pnnifliiiil Inr i'vi-ry micti viiil.itinu i.y ilininii vig;ui ..1
llie taiva of Una CuaiianHnciilili
;'( t, ik: -iisi ,-.u
-01 -
Vaiuabie Roa8 EsUc
IN piirsuanbo of an order of tho Or
pliaiu' Couit of L'nliimli.a coiin'.y, nn
, Stittir lay, the 1th uf Uctulvr, 18C;"i,
' ni-xt. lit II) 0VI01 k 111 lie, fnrciinmi. p. tt-r K Mi-rl, in
1 ; 11 1 .1 1 in nf 1 lie minor cliililn-ti of John I'.ih ur
late nf fat iu I,! iwp in i..iiil cniuity, ili-iuai-it. .1.
i-vpOM- to ealu, by public vuutliiu, uu llie pr'iiints u
. lu i in ) u
I LOT OF h A N I) ,
niliiainin tin- iunslii:i nl'l.'.ilauisMi in until rum.:.
nilj'iiniii-,: l.ii. of 1 i.i it ItrucUi. on tin: Vvr-I, I I
I Oi-iuil. on ll,.: l:.i"t, I, null nf Jiiilgn l.'ni. nn tljt- re
, mill li-aac un I Daniel t,'ciil, ui thu f-.j.i.i,
! Twenty "three Acres,
' ni'Jilly ili.irctl l. I.stn tha Cbt.tlu of aniil i -
fi j I tl nLu 111 lllii f'ii . lit' ( '.it t five n i.i :im1 IViiiiiI v
1 uanl.
Klnetil'linrs. Sept. .1, bC", t'bii.
1L' Cnniiiliniia ina.lo Itunniioii itayorAali-
p. k. UKum t:-f
Locust tuji , H.'it U, IHiJJ.
Patriot aud Umax
roit tup
Campaign of ISO."
'HE political caiupuj;n in..4 op no!
1 1'llllKllv.llll.'l in ilostilu' l In 1. 1 .tin nf ur ' r,
lintl.niti-, niul In Imvea mnvfiiiil mtln.-n. .- n, ,i it.
Inlnro nf llio country ut Iiiij.-. in , i cr m . ui-.
"ill ilultriiiniu llie m,i f -t. un
li.iti' mi Inll.iunri- iiion llm .rci.l.-i.lnn c. i -.--.i l'. ,
yiarn tlirruartur. Out innro iuiin,t.iiil. 11 ... i.r.i- .1.
ileti'riiiino tNuilinii-c nf llio m it I' si. tSniiat ir I'riniiilii
M.ilf, ami llius altict tliu Ieijunii nf C.-niv-i. '
UlU IBjtiJt.lllOII ol i.i-nco tu all tliu l.-uiil It is, lliisti
Inrn LfvilHl liiiinrl:iiica Unit cvtry ilina ilinnl.l U
luuuY by every orjjuiiiza; i-.ii liu 'ut t.uik. I.u'
t very Iinunr.ibli3 inOiiiiM ulmnlil ti., .t..l I-. In i.i
tli.i up.uhtlic ami lukuivariu' unit l-.l .il.i' m-w vnli
hy cuii(tri.itiuii. It tan tuilv liu tliroiijl. tliu iiu.iiui.i
Mu ami iiulik-ii (i rinrl .Iuh nl l)i-n;,,cr:ii y tl.ucniin
try cm I.u icilucmi l iruiii tjio 111 r., l.loin of r.unillii.ii-ili-BrKilatlti.i
una t.tialiuii. OuUnlc lli-j ll-inocri-lliuru.iru
iioirinciir. Tlio rulu nf in lion Lftli, i
piiiilinn is ever i Inuijins une tiling lu tl.iy . ...
tliiui! i ite lu iiiurriiw, It is Lt-M t tiln-i un i it I
uipiUiL-iita-llio l.ite.tainl ino.t tiiilr,isc-iin- nl till,
my thu inuilLrn, en iuuiillia juilnir il link nl in ;ro u'
fragu. '1'n tlrlunt Ilim, uml all mini uln-iii, ., nl.,. liorili-K wlm liv. unlj l iluii,l. i .. 1
lyrnuliizu, lot nicry litu.ocriil umus jii.i Kf, ,i v
rusty .irinur u Iim fiitlicm in Dt-uiiiLri. j -ul vV.t .Im
ton, uf Jclli-rsoii, of JacltBuji , uu t turn, lu Lai I
tu ii tun '
An tliu iirrjau uf tliu lii-nunr iti-.i- i.,i,n in
WtiUly I'llRinr ahii l)si'r Ii,,h aciuir. a a f.n.. ,.
more tlillurcil cirnilmiuii iliau imv ctli i u.-in . .
Journal in Itin tilal.i. ll lias iiOrcinfuie iiccuj-icJ an lu
lluciiliai positluu in an alilo ami inli'..iru.ij .v oi U '
ill llio of lleuiurrtcy, ami .a iru'in'j say Hi .1 '
mill cnuiiiiiniii to liu a valii.-ililu orcun lu tlm party, 1
ih not for in, liuvri-vir. lu pun our own ivoiK. If
havo liecn r.ulliful tu Ulu t-.-ninu nf Uiu pally ami III
country uo liauu every llemucrat Vill mala- u un it.
jeil m ekiciiil our ilulil ol upt iuIioiiu, uy u.ltliui,' M
lll ut' Biilivclilnj.s. Wc liujiu rv.ry noil Dcinuii .
liu rcuiU Uiu will sun-lint iiiiu.j.uiJ iJailtui in -. -lur
ouu yi-ar. If ilnn k tuu uuali fur ilmno wlm a
very puor. let all hiicu nuiitl ut ilfty cent tarli, ami i
ceivu Ilia Weekly 1'itmut txa Uxiq.-, lur tliu tauipaisi.
LV7 Tliu lullowiiiK ni "la term,:
tiinglu copleu, per nullum, -J ."
" tlx muii llm ..-I
Clubs uf ten or more lu uiie aJJre.n. t!
11UU1NG TluTc'AMrAlUX.
yinijlu cnpioa,
C'luba of lell or uioru to unq a.Urcjs
50it .
All ordcrd should bu addressed lo tho
Patuxot and Union,
Jlarribburir, I'.i.
Si-jit. in, itsy
LATE XT A li I! 1 1' A L.
GJroeorie.i, Fruit, MoIiiskcb, aud van
(ouw uihcr oilicle. of Mcii.luu.li48; j.i.l i leiva
ltLvo. - &ioitr,
Bfoanubaij, Scyi in, i;i