as FLUID EXTRACT- BUCHU, A positive Mid Preclflo neracdy for disease of Hio ttikHtr, Kidneys, flrnvel nnd Ilrnpstesil Swellings, This Medlctno Increases thn powr-raof digestion, find kxcltM tbo absorbents Into healthy wWtli tho waleryttealcarccns depositions, find nil tinnatntal n lirgetntnts ere rodaced.M woll ns pain and Inflammation, nd I good for rocn , women nnil children, " HELMfiOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, !ler weakness ntlslng from Excesses, Ilablta of Dlfislpa. Hon, Early Indiicretlon, attended with, tho following Bymptoron Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of rower. Difficulty of EteathlDg, Trembling, Wakefulness, Tain In Uio Hack, riQtliloR of tbo Voir i Eruptions of tbo Face, Loes of Mcmoryi JTcak Nerves, Horror of Clicait, Dimness of Vision, Hot Bands, Brrseia of the F.ktn. Universal Lnsiillndo, rallld Countenance These symptoms, If allowed to goon (which this Modi else Invariably removes), noon follow FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, Ac, In one of which tbo patltnt may expire. Who tun say tbeyatonot frcn,nently followod by those "direful dla. MM ns'SAKITT AND CONSUMPTION? Many at o aware of tho canto of thMr enlfcrlng.bnt nono will confess. Tho records of tbe tnsino mjlnms and tha hielancholy deaths by conaamptlon Dctrr amplo wltocss to tbe truth of tho Assertion. Tho Constltntlon, onco nlloctcd by organic weakness, feqnlrea tho Did of mcdlclno toslictiEthcn mid Invlgorato ttieeystera.vjhlch HKLMUOLD'S EXTRACT OK BUCHU Invariably doca. A trial will convince Uio wojt sceptical. fa many affections peculiar to Females, tho Extract ftccne is nnequaled' Vf any Other remedy, and for all complaints Incident to the sex, or in tho DECLINE OK CnAKUK OF LIFE, tST Bti Btmvtoms asotx. t37 No Family should bo without It. T&kaco TSats&m, Mercury, or unpleasant medlotno for Unpleasant and dangerona diseases. IiELMBOLD'S EXTRACT OUGHU ffcaPKOE re wash Cures Secret Diseases Inalltbclretagca Utllo expcnse.llttloornocbango of Alot, no Inconvenience, and NO EXT0SUIU2. TJSE PIELMBOLD'S extract buchu For all affections nnd diseases of these organs, whether EXISTINO IX MALE OK FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, nnd no matter bow long standing. Diseases of tbeeo organs rcjnlro tho aid of a diaretlc. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic. And It is certain to have tho desired ctlect la all dlaeaaea for which It li recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! HelmbolcL's mam-T coscestuatto co3rrocsr rLUID EXTRACT SARSAP ARILLA, Forpnrlfjlns tbo Blood, removing all chronic constitu tional diseases arising from an Impuro Ftato of tho HlooJ, and the only reliable and clTictual known remedy for tho euro of Eorofula, Scald Head, Salt rthenrn, rnlns and Bwelllnga of tho Eoncs, Ulcerations of tbo Throat and legs, Blotchca,rtoplea on tho Face, Tetter, Eryelpelae, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, A5T BEATJTIPITS'O TUB COPJLUtESIOX. NOT A FEW of the xroret disorders tbat afflict mankind atlso from tho corruption that accnmnlatCH In the I'.lo&d. Of alltbodls cOTerleatbathavo 'ocen mado to purgoltout,nono can g.nal In eflect Helmdold's Comtockij ExrnicT of Sac bataeilla. It cleanses and renovate!) Ihc Blood, lnstllla ' the vigor of health Into tbo cystem.und purges oot tho hamors which mako disease. It etlmulatca the healthy fonctionaof tho body, and expels tho disorders that grow andranUola tha blood. Ench a remedy that could ho relied on has long been uonght for, and now, for tho first time the public havo ono on which they can depend. Oar space here does not admit of certificates to ehow lis effects, bnt tbo trial of a single bottle will ehow to the tick tbat It has Its victors snrpacslng anything they haro over taken. Two tablCEpoonsfnl of tho Extract cf Earsaparllla added1 to s pint of water Is equal to tho Llsboi Diet Drink, and one bottlo la folly cqnal to a gallon of tho Syrup of Earaa porllla, or tbe dicoctkm as usually mado. HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, As excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits ot dissipation, used In connection with tho Extracts Bucbn and SareaparlUa, In each diseases as recommended. Evi dence ot tho mobt responsible nnd reliable character will accompany tho medicines. Also explicit directions for nso, tclt.l hunirtdt of thovtandi living witnesses, and up wards of 20,000 unsolicited certificates and recommenda tory letters, many of which nro from the highest sources, including eminent Thyslclans, Clergymen, btatcemcn, 4c. The Proprietor has never resorted to their publication In the newspapcra j he does sot do this from the fact that Ida articles rank as Standard reparations, und do not need to be propped up by certificates. The Science of Mcdlclno, llko tho Doric Column, should stand simple, pure, majestic, having Tact for its basis, Induction for Us pillar, and Truth alono for lta Capital. My Extract Bareaparllla Is a Blood TorlCer j my Extract Buchu Is a Diuretic, and will act as such In all cases. Doth aro prepared on purely eclcotlflo prlnclples-fn vacuo and are tho most active measures of either that cin bo made. A ready and conclusive test will be a com parison of their properties with those set forth In tho fol lowing works t See Dispensatory of the United States. See Professor Dzwebs' valuable works on the Practlco ef Physic. See remarks made byttie celebrated Dr.rnrsic, rtdla. See remarks made (jrpr. Ernaun JIcDowxtt, a cele brated rbyslctan andT JSfembcr of tbe rioyal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and" published In the Transactions of the King and Queen's Journal. Seo Medlco-Cblrurglcal Itovlcw, published by Bmj'a Tjutibs, Fellow of the Royal Collego of Surgeons. See molt of the lato standard works on Medicine. D BOLD BY ALL DrtCOOISTS EVERY IVHLKg. Addren letters for Infornutlon, In conCdcsce, to H. T. HELMDOLD, Chemist. PRINOITAL DEPOTS Uelmbold'o Drue and Otiemical Warohousc, No. 601 BEOADWAT, NEW YOEK, and Helmbold's Medical Depot, No,. 104 BOUTH TENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA. BEWAllK OF OO tJNTRRFEITS. &.BK FOn UDLMBOIill'BI TAKE NO OTnHItl April 10, 1805. ly. A. LOGAN GRIM, .Attorney and Counctllor al Law, LATORTP SllLlVANTO TA Miliary and olhsr cIiiihs sieniplly attended to, ctbirll,Irt3. Hi J3 Q JLj Dr. TalboU's Pills. (anti iYarr.THi) Composed of highly Conccnlrntcd Extracts from HOOTS AND HERBS (if the crrnteat medicinal value, picparc.1 fmm llin original prosrrlpllon of the celebrated Dr. Tallinn. mm utrn ny mm wim rcrnataauio success lor twenty years, nil niiiiinuic rciirciiy in an DtauAsr.s oi Tiin liivr.n, or nny derangement of THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They cure Diarrhoea, Dyspeptic Scrof. nla. .lautnlicc, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, The well-known Dr. Moll says of theae Tills ; "t liavo used the formuln from which your I'lllt ire made. In my practice for over 12 years . tliey have Ilia finest effect upon tho Liver nnd Digestive Organs of any medicine in tho world, nnd nru the most pcifeU Purgative which hasevrr Jet been made hy nnylindy. They nro safe nnd pleasant to lake, hut pnweiful to fine. Their pnnittnllug piopjit cs stimulate the vi. tnl activities of the bodv, rcuiuvu the obstructions nf its organs, purify the blood, and cxpcll disease, They purge out the foul humors which breed nnJ grow ills temper, stimulate sluggish or t'lsorduted organs into their natural action, nnd Impart n healthy tnno with strength to I ho whole system. N it only ilu they cuio thn every day complaints of everybody, but also for inltlnble nnd ilanaeruiis diseases. nnd heme purely veg etable are free from nny risk ni harm. No poison who has once luedthese Tills will crr ho witkout Ilium." They create pure blood nnd remove nil impurities from the system, hence uiu a positive euro for FEVEKS, HEADACHE, riLES.MER. i OURIAL DISEASES AND II Ell EDITAllY HUMOUS. ' DOSn-l'or adults, one Till In the morning ; f irchll dred under ajenrs, half n Till. I PaT" Price One Dollar per Box. Trado 'supplied, or sent by Mail, post paid, to any part of llio United States or Camillas j on receipt of prico. None Genuine with out tho facsimile signature of V. Mott Talbott, M. D. V. MO'IT TALBOTT & Co., No. 02 Fulton St,, New York. May 27, 1803. ly The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. The undcrsitned having taken tho well-known Turks Hotel, repeclii illy nniiiiuiiccx to Ins friends nnd tin: public generally, thnt he is prepared to accomuiodatu nil wuo may lavor mm wiiu iiicir cusioiu, to enure sni Isf.irtiiin. lie rs provided with ampin Stabling nnd prnvlnder for tho accommodation of '1'ravdlurs, Teamsters, Dro vers. Ace., on moderate terms. Cr 1'ubllc custom Is solicited, GEO. W. MAUUER. Bloomsburg, April 8, IPC'S.. CLAIM 'AGENCY. THE undersigned, desires to call tho uttcntlnn of Ihc Tuhlir. to his facilities for obtain ing Tensions, Itoiinties (Local nnd Government) liouii ty Lands fo-Soldiers, Hack. pay, Settlement of officer's Accounts. Ace. Discharged tfoblieri or their hes can get their full Counties, though generally lliey have only received part. No charges for information, nor unless claim is secured. Office with 1'.. II. Little, Esq., in uliito frame building below Exchange Hotel. C. B. BROOKWAY. April 1, ieC3. ly. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHMAKER AND 118 North Second St., ror. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and An rlated ware constantly on hand. Hi" Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. January I, 1503. ly. BLANKS. Deeds, Mortgages, BONDS, Marriage ertificalcs for Ministers of tho Gospel & Justices of tho Peace, SCHOOL ORDERS & ARTICLES OF AGREEMENTS. LEGAL MLANA'X : iSummous' Subpoeueas EXECUTIONS, SCARITKJAB AND CATIASK3. WARRANTS A COMMITMENTS. Notes : Common, Single, Double, and A'o rmnlimi. Parrliment rlmls with every other kind of Blanks, for sale ut tue oUiee ot the JK)LU MBIADEMOCRAT. rflAABKOi. J ' Third lll'lii 'ri,niinml inn j mi a Iranian, jijnj juousana, mu pa- PCS ClOllL COVCtS a , BY ROBT. E. BELL, M. D A caution addressed to youth, the married and those , CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt nf TEN CENTS. A arefui perusal of this small bunk has been a BOON TO THE AFFLICTED 1 and lias save d thousands from a life of mUery and mi UNTIMELY GRAVE. Il treats on tho evils of youthful Indiscretion, Self Abuse, Seminal Wenkiicsx, Emissions, Dis eases, Ociiilat Debility, Loss of Tower, Nervousness, i'rematuru Decay, Impotence, ic. &c., which unfit the sufferer from iiilfllling I ho OltUOATlOMH Of .MnitlAaK, Address, Dk. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Box 507D. 442 Broadway, N. Y. July 15, 1FI. JACOB LADOMUS, DEALER IN English, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARH, kv. GIB Market Stmt, comer of Decatur, Philadelphia. Dealer in American, English and Eiviu Watches, making a speciality of ilu celebrated Ahlhican Watch, which lie would recommend In all wanting a good time keeper, unit will be sold m tha lowest prices and ure the chcupest und best for the piice. March 4, lrC3. ly. WEN TITKY. II. 0. II 0 W E R, SURGEON DENTIST. RrsTF-CTFULLY otrers his profess servlotiB to the ladies nud gentle men of lUnomsbiirg nnd vicinity, He is nrennred to attend to all the vnrim,.. operations inlliolino of his profession, and isprnvided with the latest Improved PQHCELJllft TKKTJI ; which will belnseited on gold, platiua, silver and rubber base tolnnkw. il as the naluial tenth. .Ml'iernl plate and block teeth manufactured nnd all o orntlons on teeth, carefully und properly attended lo, lleiilenco and office a few doors above the Court II. line, same side. Illjo.nsburg, JuneO 18C3 NEW Cll.QIR FACTORY. rplli: UNnKltSIGVUD announce! to his UmuU an NEW CHAIR FACTORY, iSl In the frmo buHdintr on thfl corner of Main Siren, and Court House Alley, In rarl of Men's Tin thop where he keeps conitantly oil hand aud makes to or- l IU. KI4IUS UI or Hie beat kind, latest stylo, and at moderate prices. (,iv h 111 a call. Oouutry produce taken in exchange for Chairs. JAMES CADlfAV, Uloonisburg, July SG, 16M. BLANKS! BLANKS! I Of evry desoripliou, for sale at this offioa. HW&Uln Keep Youit Eye 1 ON THIS PLACE. i , I 6' IS OND All II IV A It 1 OF NEW GOODS. HAS enlarged nnd greatly Improved his Store Itnom nnd storked it with ft large and superior Slock nf HA 1,1, nnd WINTER 0001)8, which will be sold as low ns nl any other establishment In tho country, nlicos at 10, 18, 0 and U5 cents. Muslins, Bleached and Vrotvn at 20, 28, up to 48 cents, tillEPrt OOODS of eve.rv shade. quality nnd price; a full lino of Domestic floods, via ; Checks, i-'lilpcs, Tlcks.l.lnncn nnd Cotton Table Diaper, Ginghams, Nankeens, ftp , fcc. A good supply of Ladles Shoes nnd Colters New stock of Hats nud Caps. Ml Wool Ingrain and Collage ('urn els, a splendid nrttclc Just opened ami lor sale, A fresh supply of Groceries and SpjceS, n new lot of GADATl AND WILLOW AVAUK. MACKERAI, by tho quarter, half nnd whole barrel No, l ami'.', ineiiliim nmi large. Also, n largo ami splendid assortment of GtLASS Mm BMEISOTIE new designs. Also, n new lot of TflUNKS and Oil Cloth Satchels. Ilnvlns bought theso goods before the late rise, I am prepared to sell low. cheap a9 the cheapest for cash or country produce. Wll STUDY TO rLEASE, Rloomsburg, Jnn. 7, ltn5. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg 'I'WO DAILY TRAINS. ON AND APTnit MONDAY. J0M1 12th. TASSHNOT.U TUA1NS WILL HUN AS 101, LOWS : I.UAVC NORTHWARD, Leave NorlbiimberlaHil, " liunvillo, " Rupert, liloomsburg ' llrrHick, Shlckrhiuny , ' Kington. Arrive nt Scranton, Now York, Thiladclphin, L T. A V 1 SO Leave Kcrantnn, ' Kingston " llcrwick, IPoonislturg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive lit Northumberland, " llarrisburg, " Wnsliington, Philadelphia, KIN) A.M. -HIOT.M. en .'i in 0. 5.M I'.-i 1(1. IS tl.'JO JD.tti 7.UU 11.11) 6.1.-. 13,13 T. M. 11.1.1 t.ol) III.W 'M h:m I'll WARD, (i DO A M 4 20 T. M 7. no 5 :io 8. :l". 7.:su '.1.05 8,t!U u as k:i.i 10 00. 11.15 lo in 1. wiT.M. i.a 11.03 10,33 5.10 5.00 The shortest and most direct route tu the west nnd tli'i nil region 1 trr Trnins of tho riiiladclpliln nnd Erie Railroad leave Northumberland every morning for Krie, nrriv ins there tho nflernoon of the same day to connect with trains for Ilnifaln. C'lceland. Chicaco. with nil points west, and connecting at Uorry with all traliu on the Oil Creek Railroad. Now nnd elegant Sleeping cars accompany the night trains each way between Northumberland and Haiti inure, and Northumbeiljnd nnd Thilnilelphia. II. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, June 17. 18C3. Baker & Confectioner rpllT. undesigned has always on hand and for sale, X FRCSil CRUAD, HAKES, TIT.S and French and Domestic onfec tions in eieit and splendid vnrictv : Nuts. I'ruils.and every thing usually found in a first class confectionery More. lie wouiu mil especial attention to ins newiy re ceived Flotk of PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. Having recently fitted up a new and elegant 1CI; CBIEAM ALOOiV, on tliu first floor, two ilnnra west of llyt Moyrrfl Orne store, hc1 prepirert to wait uncm Ins many cur tnmerfl ujth first ciafRci Crraiu nt cheap ;is lli! ilieapexl. lie will supply l!all t, Vatttf nnd I'ir.nirs will) Ilv L'reaui, Conletlioji ry, fee, nt reasnablc rates. B. II. STOHNER. !nomburg. April 22, 18(13. FRESH A 11 11 1 V A L Spring and Summer, if bw mmmMW -FOR EVERYBODY Tlin undersigned, grateful for past patronage, reaper, fully iiifiums lilscustumers and the puhlicuencrally that lie haaJiHt received from the Eastern cities, the uiont seiert stocK oi SPRING&SUMMER . That has yet been opened in lUnoinsbtirg, to which he invites tliu attention of his friends, nnd assures them Ul, lhey ate nirerPrt for salo at Rri,,lt i)araiiis. His oiock cjuiprises u iiire ii-suriiiiu.ii "I GCNTLEMEN'S WEARINfJ APPAREL. Consisting nl Pisiiionjiiii.k Drfss Co its. of every des criptionj Pants, Vests, Shirts, (Jiavnts Stocks, Cotton llanuKcrcmcis. tuovev buspeuuers. etc. Cold Watches and Jewelry. Ofcvery description, fine nnd cheap. call and see. No charge for oxuming Ooods. ' DAVID LOWUNBERO, Uloomsburg, April I, dhi. (June Iri'J.) KCTIE. rPHE undersigned being a regularly li- I rented AUCTIONEER. Hereby ofTi rs his cervices ns such to all who may feel disposed to give hi in a call. His l ng experience in Ihc buf.iiit-ii, will enable him to render satisfaction lo Lis customers. All persons desiring my services, will please Inform nie to that effect before tncy advertise. IIIAM DERR. rnst'Oflke atMresa : Uoltrfbnrg, Columbia connty.ra, Jackson (nwnsliip, June (Jt, 1c(k5 StOVC &TillWarC SllOn rrxtrts 1 t e , , , ' I UiJ'j undersigned informs the public in general, that he lias opened a NEW TIN SHOP In the building f inicrly occupied by P, s, Moyer. one door below the Columbia Democrat Ollico, on Main Street. IHooinsburg. where ho will make all kiuilsn Tin-Ware nnd Repairing, in good stylo and on modur. alo terms. STOVT.8 nf all kinds nnd qualities for sale or fur nished to order. . CSiy Country produoe'takon and public custom respectfully solioitrd. JACOB METZ. Jr. Illoomsburg, April 29, 1805, ly NEW SADDLERY AND rfe) Harness Shop ! ! rPHE underfiignod, reapeeifully informs JL Tho citizens of Light Street, and tbo generous public, Ihat he has opened a new shepfor tat manu facture of ull kinds of SADDLERY AND HARNESS, In the old Store llouio officii, McDowell, iind next .iu... ,u i.m oioro, in i.ignt nircet, wiiere he will manulacturo HADIILUS, UIIIIH.l'.rt, II AltNESH Kt , lo ordir and on moderate terms, W Repairing of all kinds, executed on Uiurtnofie and in good style. Country produce 'akon in exchange for wort fund public custom invited, ELLIS L. FR11AS, Light Flrect, Juno 3, J80.V A FEW REASONS WHY THE BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY, suppled lo Ranks, Merchants and County Offlms of thc-hest mateiial. Orders bv mall mnmntlv n of the-hest mateiial. Orders by mail promptly nt it line .1 to. Mutch L mi, W, O. PEItllY mil ami Race tlieeu, riill'a. I The Cheap Grocery Store. JlLSO HAWS, CATS AiV SHOES, Wtii'. undersigned lias removed his Hat nnil 1 Op Plnro J. up to Ilvons' old stand, whsre In t'dnlllon to n superior ussoilnicnt of . . SPRING AND SUMMER 1 III Hats and Gaps CONFECTION ARIES, CRACKERS, ' Molasses, Sugar, CoiTco, Teas, Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, SpiCCH, Dried Fruit, Butter, 11 IV..'.., voin uit" I I'arlor and Hand Lamps, Books, W riting Panor & Ink. ! Hardware and Ctdatware, ! rocket A'nivcs, Combs, ' .C, iW.., A-C, Toge,her wi,.a vi'nlely of nrllcle, gcnor'ally kept In n) H'aT.oA Hue lot of KIIM. MOROUCOAmid Mutual to ' hlch he invite, the nt on.lon of Shoemaker- and tha I P"Mlc' .mi ,, n,n-rnv Illoomsburg, May 13. ISM ' I 1 1 . f WW. riMIT. iinderalgni-irl" nisn extensively encaged III th nnd krprncoitptanllv on Iiatul ml fnr nalc at fila Warcrooms, a large usaortmunt of FINISHED ggg& COFFINS, ily which he is cnnbled to ml orders on presentation Al so Keeps u good Horso nnd Hearse, and will at al times be ready to attend r-rU. Illoomsbiirg, January 89, 1330 IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Harvey's Female Pills the mot Infallible and popular remedy ever known for all diseases of the female sex They have been used in ninny thousand cases witli unf.iiling suries and may be relied on in every ease fur which lln-y nru re commended, nnd particularly in all cases arising from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, no matter from what cnno it niics. They nre olTuc tiial In rustoriug to health nil w ho nro millering from Weakness nnd Debility, IJlerluu Discharges, iScrvous ileus, Itc, tic, and they ACT LIKE A CHARM ! in Mrcngtlicnin;: anil rectoring tlie stein. Tlmnnanils nf ladies who iiavu mitlWed for years ami tried various otlicr reinedies in v.n. owe n renewal of their health .nd ttrensth wholly to ic vllieacy of DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. Theynro perfectly harmless on the system, may he taken litany time with peifcct safety ; lint during the early stages of Pregnancy they should not be taken, or a mia.iirriage may be taken, or h miscarriage may bu Hi" result. They never causu any sicknesn. pain oriliMri's. llacli box ciuilnius sixty pills. Price One Hollar. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, A remedy for special cncs. four degrees stronger than the ubuvc I Price Tivo Dollars per hoi. A private Circular to I mlies with line anatomical engravings, sent free on receipt of directed envelope nud stamp. . " O' Cut this notice out if you desire Dr. Ilnrvey'. Pills, mid it you inniiot prorun: them of you r Drug- gi-t, do not take any other, tor some dealers who nro iiuprineiplo,d w ill rrTouiiut'iid other Teurile Pills, lhey can make a larger prolil on-but eiuloie the money and rend dilect to DR. J. BRYAN, CONSULTING PHYSICIAN. No. 442 llroalwuy, New York. ' who will take all risk if propel ly directed, nud will semi the Pills, i-ecurcil ironi observation, by return mall, Post Paid. SOLD IIY DRUOCISTS fiflNCRAI.I.Y. DH.YI AS HAUNLS St CO., Nrw Vork. Wholesale Agents. July 15. lew. j. r. tvtn. r. moyx New Drug Store. "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rpll!'. undersigned would inform their friends and the J public generally, tli:it they havo taken the stand for ruetly occupied by'Roo. Al. llnuciibuili, iu the Hichnuge lliiilding, nn Mnin street, in llluoiusburg. where he has Just received a full supply of 1 IH'iig's, Mciiiciuus, fl'aiitls, Oils. 1 JLnmiiK, &c, ' Which will be sold on moderate term? for ready pay. i Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortiiud I size. I Physician' proscriptions carefully compounded, at 1 nil limes nud on short notire. I uy ConlVclionciy of llio best scleclions, and Soda Water in season, j U7" A share of tho public custom is respectfully so. I iciicd. UYLR & MOYKR. I Rloonisburg, April 11. IEC5. , FUI5SII WAIJi IMP15R , I US 1 rcceivea a UCW assortment Ol COOtl tf stvles of WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOR- j DER1NG AND CEILING PAPER, and n general vnni'ly of material in lug lino, winch will bo found on Hit- I'lltST 1'I.OOIi 11. uncinate y i-ut I I of Lull's Drug Flora, iu tliu Rupert lllutk, whtro nil peisons wisliiiig goods in his lino will bo alK-iukdto I 111 person ut all limes. , 86F Paper Hanging executed to order and best style, at thort notice. I E J. THORNTON. I ' Illoomsburg. April 30 1605. ly j Exchange Ootei 1 Public Sjuurc, Wilkes-Banc, Pcnn'a. I TllE '"Jowignoa, having puvehased I stock of this well kuonii llolol, (formeily by jiujnr putcrhaugio or u. j vnpic. respcniuiiy tho kept 11.. il licit the p;itronjge of thu public. 1 No pains will he spared in nny of its departments In render satisfaction 10 nil 1 The table and tho bar will always bo supplied with the best the market allords. Cooil stabling lor horses.aud I attentive- ntdlers Also, Livery numbed. The exchange la elllglldy situated on the Public I Square, and has therefore peculiar advantage to per sons attending court or lining business in tho public j unices. Charges moderate , N. II Whenever you come to town, nlonsn mil. P. C. k W. ECKROTH. Wilkcs'Darre, July 15, lrfi5. National Foundry. ni.00MSnURG,C0LUMBIACO.,PA. ri IIL' subscriber, proprietor of tho above named uv era for e i",""ent' now Prepared to receive All Kinds of Machinery, .' Collcries, Rlast Furnace, stationary Hiiginas, Mills THIillHIIINH M M HINDS. fcO.. kC. Hois also prepared ! .u iku Uloves, all sizes and patterns, plow-irons, ...i . . verything usually made in first-class foundries. His extensive taciliti . .1 ol practical workmen, war. janti him in receiving in. Urgent contrails on the most reasonable terms, ca?HnVira,n0f all kind, mil be taken in exchange; for By This establiehmeiii is luca ed near the l.acknivaii. na Illooiuiburgllailroi.i Hopot. , PETER lllnoiiubiirg, Sept. I!. I'd 1. JOHNC M5AGER, MAN! TACTURP.R . It HOLE8ALE DEALER IN m HAT.S CAPS, STRAW GOODS IJONNETS AND ARTIFIC1 I FLOWERS, No, 8ft7 North I hud Street. PhilaM Nov W,M. M T""'Jlir 'Hi 1 1 t 1 1 TU MS HkVX ,SKf 1 Mi '7 r -ay Lvlilgh C.itllc Powder, T S warranted to ho the most nowrr- In aaent or the stom ach and blood of Calllc, Bwlne, or Shaep, In nr inning uigcsiipn.cieiniS' lag file system and trail storing the ptttlnVJ an imal fliilil In llfik, fat, milk, butler nndsirvngtli nnd establishing health nnd vigor. duvovs nonnn MI'Li: TOWDI'.rt Is tha only medicines legally t.ntrnlrd in l'rnnre. llnB' land, Swltnerlnnd anil Holland, and duly ml milled by their (oiirls, ALLEMIOVItt honorcu wittiprizo men .i l,i Mr. Diivoy. Troiessor m uio mv ZXCo ego !i Anricuiluro at Tarls, and now mnn 3&t?fe aml A- A"" town. Lehigh bounty, e .n'"1"' nmv, All dlsenses oi inn I-I.JIM..V ;; Vi . .. will pi, or-c.iiiy Ani ff'...., i.inl.o.t stnic nl iirrfection. SSrj'or U 5!:I"E0C"'l!! 1 '"Jed' I ousan.l.oi valuablo how- from contagions Z.... . -?$$r&m'' " errectual overcome nil the tdntacle. which usually J?c -''lriF'ps'tc hlidrei,. Soronlldent is Hie Inventor of the success J i'.Viils'hJs every 'g.mi V, iTlrw I h n written prescrlptlon.a. a new li.i'ljuin imai-h!' RAT. MICR AND ANT I!X- TliRMINATOII, Is n powder for tho sure extermination of nil Vermlns, will never chango Willi ago nnd ilimnle, nnd much preferable to the old Thosphotous Taste, which hard ll. i.. . .u,i tl...... niakliiE II worthless. For direc tions and particulars see the small bills Hi the boxes. tt7 On.- hundred nnd Ihlrtysuven premlnms hnvo been nwnrilcd lo these r.elibrntcd preparations, up to "rovm.'Roy'r, nrn the wliolesnlo Agciils In Thil'a. WHOLESALE .J- 11ETA1L. For sale by W. Erasum, sole Agent for Bloom9burE. Sharpies", LntHWissn. L. H. So J. .Jhiieiiiiiki r, milk Horn. MnHer At Hro.. Mlllvllle. U. Trestoii, Rolirfburg. , Blewnrt ft Slo.iu, Oningevillc. Heiidershotl. Illnoineburg. V. Fowler, Lspy. Crensv k Co., Light Street. Law 4c Spiingler, Linie RWge. How mail, Ai Owen nnd Miller, Uorwick. il II. Ii,v,'l.r. rowlersvllle. CiS All orders lor Columbia bounty will be addressed to W. ERASMUS, Wholesale Agent, lllooinsbtirg. C. U. 1IIRNER. November 19 Iffll I'Jm. Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Couitlandf. Street NHAR I1ROADWAY, NHW YORK I'lTY This olibestnlilished nud favorite ri'oit of the Itusi ness C'ouiiiiuiiily has been recently reiltii'il, nud is com plete in everything (an uiiniui-r lo ihc comforts ul its patrons Ladies and families nrcpi'iially and tare fully prmiilrd lor. llli centrally lointi'd in the hii-inem part of tho city ami is contiguous to the Unci .f stoiimboau enrs, oinniliusses ferries, Itc. The table la amply supplied Willi all llio liijiirli'i IIik season, nnd iseipial to of any othor hotel in .In country. , , , Ample accommodations nru otlej-ed for np aril ol IW guests. Sy- Do not Ni'licvt iiinni'rs.narkiuen, nud nilicrs w In may say "(he Western Hotel i full." 1). D. WINCilLS'l'LMl, Proprieti i. TI10S. D. WINCH KSTHR. Feb. Ifl.lHli. NEW OMNIBUS.; I he undersigned, grateful for past (r at- r-uinge, res ppctfnlly informs thu Tr.ivcllins Piildlrs ho hasjust procured from Now York, a I new, binuiful nud rapacious Phoenix Company Cach, i by whirh lueiina he is now enabled to convoy J us engers nnd llnvgace, snTely and comfortably belwri-M l.loomsliurg anil the several Rail Road Depots, t n I Hie Trains. It will he his study In net 0111 mod 1I0 In 4 , customers to their satitfnrlion. Ilu solicits ice puldi 1: piitriinnge. C7- t'ARi: :w CENTS. . JACOI! L. OIII TON'. I lllonnubiirg, Janunrv 7, 1F-M, New Grocery Sore, MORE FRESH '(.'OODS. (Formerly Eiasmas' old SiamJ on Mam Street, Blnmnsbiirg. rPHE' undersigued has just received a a good (.lock of FALL AX WINTER I)RT GOODS, of nil kinds, .lien's Heavy CALF hm li)'P BOOTS the bet in llio m irktt a Onnd Assortment ol Lidios ami Chjlilreiis' Miocs nf all kinds, A Fresh Lot of Groccrios. of all kinds, such lis Molasses, Teas, I Rico, I lish, Sugais, Coffee, Spires, ' Sail, if ats and Caps, Tobacco, Srgars, Candie?, Rnzcns, Ijard, &c, itc., Sio. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Tognder with a great nriely of notions nud elri'io 1 as, too numerous to mciiifnii. tt.7" llultcr, Hpgs, ,Me-.t and produce generally takui ri exchange fur goods HENRY GIG ER. liiooui.bilrg, HM-. 10, Ifiil, NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. 'QlllTK SALBS AM) mLh PROFITS.' ''SMIE undcisigned, having inkeu the a tiioie lately occupied by James K. Ever, on .Minn """vo '""i Mrfct.m bloom.burg, and Blocked . ".ii. i-.vij. urn iy 01 Rcipectfiiily informs Ids friends nnd lie pub'ic gen how ill In- liuppy In renivon share of public pationag.., and truls Hint ho lan lendi-i ccnur ul sntlt.facti.Mi hy selllus them th.i ho in .pialily 1 I ill K JR Olfl A J J. V2 H , on fair terms ami nt salisr.uiory prim's. Ills stuck imisists, in part, of DRY GOODS, GROCKKIRS, I'lSII. QUnilNSWA II IL WOODHMVARi:. HOOi'tJ.SHORS, HATS, CAPS nud cspenally wilh a spleuiu.l variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, y.i.vcr .iUTlCUlS S,c , He, width ho wi,! sell us cheap as Ihc cheapest, for rush 11 ready pay. rcy-Louiitiy produce, generally taken iu excliancu fi 1 goodj. ANDRHW TKRWILLIorR, Illoomsbiirg, Jan. 7, 1Si!5 y. j S. II. DE WOLF, 1 . DEALER IN Ready-Made Clothing No 22 North Second si., O110 door above Hare St., PHILADELPHIA. KSr Clothing made lo order at the short est notice. May S7, IfOi.-Cm STATES UNION IKOTIil,. COd und C03 Market Street, Philadelphia, ri'HIS Hotel is located in the very centre of business a mid isneur the rrspeituclt, places of uiiiin,eniont p.'!'"' '""ly-' It particularly desirable lo persons visilinc Iliiladelphlaoii business or pleasure i and iho.Maiiaaer hopes by close personal attention 10 the wants uffili his guests lu make ii a tomforiable home for much as iiij .. ... . with th. ir patronage. J. 1. IIAVEIS I'ron'r. May 23, HiiL-l? r'o. ' Piano Forte for Sale. A. Superior Toned Piauo Forte. 7or-rn. vox Rosewood. Round Corner., tpnunllna .nniil.r lues , t.i.. tiu. uiuKtrs win oe soia at a bargain for If unrdisd lor immodiailelv. I cmh IT7 Thn ninLf.. .in.rBn.n. fn, II... .... 1 at Eyerly'a house, Scotl Town, Illoouiiburg. Pa. Augul 18. imi5, ' New Barber Shop. TIIOS. D, BROWN, Barhor, i Awunew ''OOM"Bi-Ra.coi,H.tft.r.. SehenkV Mandrake -i i Its Symptokb, Cause and Cuke, T HIS lias icccivcd its name from a con taut min-.r.x or siikncsa nt the stomach, whkh nllends the pain in tho held. This lieadaclin H npl to brgln in die moiliing mi waking fiom a deep sleci nndv.ln'ii mine iircgulgnly of die, has been louimit nl on the day b'ifiiii', nt nomi.tiuies for a.ncrald.i) previous. Al fiisl llaie M rt itislrrasingly pprrsslt fei llng in the head, vihiiti gi.idn illy mcrjci inlonse vote heavy' pain in the temples, frequently nl tun ili-d by a seiij.0 of liillin'ss und tenderness iu otic rye, and exlMiidiug across the 'Ifien.- iii a 1 lammy. . . , ., ., iiupicaianl taste iu Hie mouth, an ollensivg bie.ilh.iiud tbe tongue covered Willi a jollowisli wlule lu'r. 'I ho sulVerer desiies lo be nlone in a dark room. As soon ns Inc patient fe ds lhe fittlni'ss in the head and pain iu the temples, take a'i' doic nfSihiiik' s ninlrnke Pills' and III nn hour or two lliey will feel ns wi ll as Hie .1.011 uoil la A. m 1 ruin, w nn. 1111 iiiiiic.' j Liav- lor IC, ri.lsiiir. Poli-tini' 'i'au.ii'p 1, Alim-i-.... . .. 1 llli'. Aslil.ind. Tin" Of 'vo, All.-nlnw 11, nud I'lni . . l . I his has been Itnd by thousands, no, lis nlwajv phin.-it h l. A M and r.l." P M, slopping ul nit'.iuou anil p rim i nl i-lalious only . j Wi Tr.iins, ftoipiug nt all poio s ot ? (io M 11, i Furetoriirp nn-l'1 of tlie sirk lieadaihe coiiiinsi 011 ctery wetk or ten dajs, lhey will nm be tiuubli'd wilh it once in three months Sdii'lik's Mandrake Tills nn compound ofn ri'iinbrr of rout besldcj Podopliiiiiii, or 1 oucenlr.ilrd .XI.indi.iku nil of whlrli tend to relax this errition of the liver and art moro prompt iIimii blue pills or merrury, and wi'hnut leaving nny ihngernus e 11", m. in a billniiis person thev will show tln'iusulvis bythc stools. They will c.xpi.1 worms. miicii-, lulc nud nil moilii.l mailer from Ihn system, In Fiik he'iljiho, if lliey arc taken us illi.-iuj nliovi", (.Hull done na si.on as lliey feci llio Hist kyuiploms "fit Dr. Pchiurk will an-l hiu directed Ins ugcn'.ii to itlurn ll'e inou.y iplhey ill nof guo (.or file B.ili.l.n lion. II a p'uoii ha? been compclleil In srtiy nut hub nt' night, or diing loomiiih wine, by taking n dose ol pills on going to bed, next morning ho will feci ns ihn Hie had not drank a diop, unless he forgets to gu to bed at all. They only coit VJ cents a box. Whoever taknsiheiu will never use any other. 'lhey aie H01II1 1 dollar to a sick man f(Jr every cent Die Dwnt foiget the iiame-SL'IIRNcK'rl .MANDATE PILLS'. Sold wholesale and 11I.11I al Dr.Siliciitk'jPiinciiMy Office, No. 15, North Sixlh Street, Pciladclphia, nnd by Drugglits and fc'torckeopers generally, Price for Pulmonic Synip, Scanood Tonic, Hack Jl 50 per buttle. 57 50 the half dozen, or two bottles cftyr rup and one of Tonic, for $7 75, Dr. Schenck will bo at hit ollico, No, 15 North Si iniiaueipiiia, every taturday to see patients. He . '"akes no chirge for advice, but for a Ihorough exam- mation of the lungs with hit Reipiioinuter. Iiccliargee thice dtllsii Mnuh Ji), JOcJ THE PHOENIX PKCTOR AL AVill Cuie Your Ocm gli- THE PHOENIX l E0T0.1AL ; ' on. ' COMrOIJNIl SYRUP 01' WILD CHERRY It SI N i:ka snaki: root. Will Cure the Diseases of the . Such as Coldsj Coughs. Croup, AnthtuA, Bronchitis, Oatarrn, iSoro Tiiroat,, lloarsencaa, Whooping , Cough, fiC Itstiinelj U90 w.ill. prevent PULMONARY CONSUMP'I ION, And eien where th!e f.'iitful illsenin II fully divtl- oped it will nll'ord more li lief lliau nny other modi c"'. .. .... I. Lnwrencn n.'iz. rx-vpnifft or too i cpnsyivnni.i House of Representatives, suys : "Tliii iimgli rem. dy Is now extensively iisciLntnl Is nl fie highest vnln to the cnmtnuiilty, Its ciirntlvo 'unlM:es hiivliii; been tctted liy llioiluuils with Hie lu0it gr.'ltll'vlug rnnills. It is cateiiiny nun rKiinuiiy pri'parco irom irnu Clierty nnd Mnekn Snnko Runt by Dr. Levi Obor. Iir.ltzrr, n reputable phyilrlan of Plmi nl- vlllc, P.i.. anil m soul ny ueaiiy an uriiggmii auii couniiy suire. keepers." I, I . UTOII'y t '' I "PI unifier tin il i a-i i.i. rntij i ill;.. town, ccrtilies us follows : , I Drr.roiiHi in.i, ,i, ri.l. reiiliies lb-it I havo iled the Pliociilx Pi rtoriil In my rnmlly. and I recommend It lo the publl.- -is tin very best remedy for I'ouiili nud Colds that I have ever irieu. oiiu i n.j i ' ' ,", ' cold, nicomp.niicd Willi n Croupy L'oiigli,. o Ltd Indeiil, Hint il could n it l.ilk nnd I ri-athe. Ilavlu" hi ntd m much said iibout Ilu: I qcm lx I'lrtoral, I procured a liolllu or It. Tho itrjt itOsu relieves thn ililllnilly nf brc.ilhlng. nnd hefuru the child hud t.iueii on. rourlli of the boltiu H was entirely well. llv. IV f.nnili ho d have It ih their lioiisc. ., D- P KOf'h . J.Oi Sinitli, drugslt. of New Hope, lliuks toiitity. Pa., In writing to Dr. ObriholU'T. says: "A lew days slnii! I bought tnn doen of your v.itunblo tough remedy to try. nnd find it very good,.ind as it i- mar ly nil guiiu 1 would like you to fiul mu u gross oflt. "Vour medicines gliua littler satlffuclioii any other 1 have iu the suite. I nm aui'iit ror some of thu most popular cough prep.iriilions, but )ours suinu t. be iloinu Hie most good. The following is .in cxlrart from ;i h tier rrnni Hn. .m Kills, merchant, near I'otMuw 11, 1'n "I h.ivn 1 r t - I llrij I'hirniv I'litornl, mid liud It In be the best 1 1 rr Ji incitlciiiu extant, Il Incits Willi .1 uin'-- t.ilt Hi .11 liny oilier that I liavo ever h id In In) tore." '1 lie pro.irii'tor of this Iiiu.lii in.' .i muili ("nil ileniciu il 1 uralivi' poweis Irom Ihc tiliniony .,f tlioii'imils uho have usoil it, til it the y will I.. Paiii r." u lo my pun baser who is t s.ili-n ! will, lis eil'. i is II 1, mi pleasant In lake children rry In it Trie.! Illlli'l'V riVU I. I'.NI rt ; I..11K- lii.HI-4 l. DOLLAR Il 1-iiil"iid.'.l for only one cl.ns nl duoaiii's, nam' ly, thus.- ut ilu- Throat and Lung's if Pii'lLirid only by LEVI OUlsnilOl.TZHI., M, D , I'lutuiAVillo, Ta Sold hy nil llni2Sltand Stori l-i'i'i'' JUIINSI'O.V. IIHLI.IilVA V, ft CUWDILV. No 2: North S1MI1 Stn-ti, I'hilaili Ipln.i .1 T. O. Will, I S ft l'i... No. II.". I'lanklin Strati, N, w Vnik, (ii ui i..l Wholesale Aim iit. S.ihl In 11 P l.l 'l ami I. Villi ft :,!UYLR II,. o fi5ls, l!li -ini I.m ru. ami by m arly ovtry drugmt ,111.1 (.Miiilrv Mon-km-piir in l'i li'iiihi 1 - inly. N ,, .',.,. t,.M dniggutur -toril;.M , 1 ,! . mil liei'i. tin's iiu'ilirli.i i'o not 1 'I lino m.ii oil nl. I -inii' oilier meiln iue. Imt sen. I .it our : to ..ih '! in. acenis n.r 11. June IfU?. Km KLiADiNG AIL HOiMt. Summer Arrangement. July Utf. 1S0 , iP r,J ) a.i.l at Trunk Line lroni Tim Not it I N'rrlh Wi-'t lor Plill id. lphu. i- Vnik 1I.....I.ML-. 1'.. it. villi-. I.. I--il 011. Ul-'Hi.nvn. 11 isiioi a;. . Ti.nns li- ive HnrrM.ii.z I'oi N' V.'rK, ,i iidl-m. I Al II tiu.7, '.."i.l'l.l S.I5 A. .M., nud 14'. P l , niriwnj t Now V-rk ill Id l'J . -V a" 1 i'U..ii I Mi 'tu I' tl 1 'I I... .'il.i.W' .-inini'.'t .I'llll yl'ini'ir Triiiiitf 1,11 III I' o- sjlmnia Kail Una. I. and nh i' lug t'.irn ai 1 oinpj. I, 111 r 'i. 1.1 iiir.iin ; i.-:.iw .,',- iiiik ai 'i 1 11 J Ml noon I'uil n I' .M, a I''l .li 1 ,11 KU'I A M ..'.I :i.:i.i P M-: I oiimlli' nt A M 1111.I '.',. I' M ; ..i I ; 1 1 1 . 1 at 11,1(1 Al und IJ.Su noon. T..10 i.u 1 .11 :i .11 nmi -J.I.. I' M iiinl Heading .it 1 oil 7 :W imiI I i ,5 a .M. I :iiand f..l P .M. Rionliiig Acromniod.ilioii 'Pr.ilo ; ' i':iv.'3 lb 'I'li'iir -i-I'i.oo A .M Mliiriiiim fiom I'liihi'lilphiaat.". ml I' M. 0 .liinil'i.i It it ft Una. I Ti.iiu I. iv l:."i.liu nl .no nmi Itl.fl.'iA M audi. UP .11, for Hphral.i. Lit.' ('.' 11111I11.1. ttc. lln Siiii.lni s ; I. civ . w Vork in -lllll' M I'll, 1 1 -dolphin :i I". 1' .11. I'ot i- 1 II 11 ".Ilu A M, r.iiu.i.iii7 11 M, ILirriidHire'C I". A .Maud !l".i Hug at l.h'J A M h.r llnrriFl.iir;. ('oiiiiiiu'aliou. Aliteaira. Heapoo. ESt'iool nn.l Ln:-. sloii Titki'iri '11 and from all point'', nl ri-.tnc. d It-it -llaggiigo 1 liL-tked lliruinili ; ell iioutiils allow v. I . ... ti P.isMiiigir. II. A NH 1 il.l.r. I t;i:siRl. SirrKILUMn..'. I Rending, I'a. July l'i, IcCj. GLAD NEWS 10R Till: IJNl-ORTi;'AI'H. USED WITHOUT DETE'MToN. Tin y dn 1101 iulerfere w illi business pursuils, nud -ir.' tpi'ed) 111 lutioti. NO t II AVGH Or I11M IS NHcrsidMIY. HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are warranted in till rajou, I'OR TUT. STURDY AND I'llll M A NTNT I'll!!: nl' Seminal Wt'iikiicws Ur.-tlirnl nod X'-iviniil l)i-eh,ir 1 Oleet, r-'xu:il l)is.nisf-4, iluimi hi.iiis imp it. -in il 11 1 mil .-mil .V'twiu llil.ility niid diheaM s of III.- II, .!. ' I anil Kiiliieys. 1 They are iiilapli'd for mule or f''ii"ili'. old or yum: and nre tin- only re lii.blo know k lor Hie mu' "I'-iH h -easusiiiiiiiir,' from I YOUTHFUL lNDISCUET'O.Y In all Hi'Xiial .Hi-.eiii'es, n fiouorilica, Stii.'i't' I Hli'i'l. nud 111 all U 1 1 111 y nmi Kidney iiiinpl.iiuis In I m-t like .1 1 bariii. Ilt'lii't i.s I'Mior moil by 1.1K11 ' 1 hint'le box ; and finm lour lo ,1:, gi'in idil M , 1 1 ui uri'. Sold in boxes ciinlniuin; fn pills, prico f mu Did' ir or hix bi'Ms, I'ivo Dollars ; also, 111 large bo..i., .." Liming four "f hu Mnall prn'o Th-ee l.ull.irs. I PritatH i.'iriul.'i rs to Oi'iiilrii en iimv, ,cnl free 011 receipt of dueled emi'lope and slinip I O" If uu 111 ed thu Hn Pills, ml uiililiisa.lvi; Iii mriii lor ri I'tri ntf, and ifyou causiol procure Ho . of lour druggi'-L do iinl be iinposed nu by nu.v r I remedy, but utlosc tin ui'inoy in a leii-ir I" tl"- 1 ' I ptutur. ,' Dr. J. BYUAN.Coii.ultirig Physician, li.ix 5ii7;i. ' llroa Iwny, i V I Whowlll lake all riU if propi-rlyi'ini toil ; ni'd v will ii'ci ivu IIiciii poi-l paid, bciuiely tealud trout 0 .orviiiion, ny reiuru mini. SOLD I.Y Dill OUL-rj'rf cr.VER.M.LY.'..l!M',.S i('n.. Ni.v Yosi' Who'ebiilt Ageiii July 15, led. rpilUTropriitorof lliis well'ltnuwnanil rcntnilv I". ' .L led House, tbo lhniiNoi' llort, siluot.' on 'I flrcet, in lllnomi.biirg, iiniui'ilriti'ly .-i-niii' tin- "i ' hia t'nunty Court Hoiiao, ri-spi'clfulii ioi...- yltil and the public ill general, Unit ins llnoro is - .. . der for the reception .'lint cuiert.ii n nir-nt 01 n.a rs wni inny leel disposed to favor it wilh tln-ir custom. II" I' ' spared no .'.xpeiise in prepaimi' tho I:i ikmik, l.o Hi' 'iitertaiuineut of his gueits, ueilh.'r flail llier ' I"' ' thing wauling (on Ills part) In iiiii ikIi i to Ihrir pi'is" i ' comfoit His hoUbO is fpanoiis nud ciijnys an -1 1 " business localion. tCTOniniliU'eii niiiat all limo I.etwi'tii Hiu tlx i" Hotel and the various Ihil Road De.ots, by ulm li flvr elem will be pleasantly i wrji'Ved tu rum fii'iii Uw t pctliiutitalioiiii in duo nm, rVinoct tlf Cine. W,M. 13. KOONS. .MAY, 1SC0 I sU AT II lilt! LEATHER ! 1 rPII IT undrrsinucd hvn leave (o inforii: 1 t.ieir I'lii uils nud the publii , that lliey I p hand and nifor fir Mile iln'up, at thu .Xiiidi.iun 'I'.iiiu '" near Iwo miles Norlli of Jcr.u, town, C.duu.!i.i'i l'atil kinds of ;l; ji a x a y Which they will rtll at mar' i-i prices, or .....mi, I i Hark and Hides. 0'ir Lealher i. the t'ul.l I to I'm tied, whicli will prove niiitl diirnijlii uii'l i ii.nii '' best war". Wo will cc.ll .y the Sid, puco js Jikii .' todu.t porcli.isors. jai'ois A.fnvtai;i:i: if niauifcon i'.inuety, Aug, VI, lBii5. Zw .J Ull. R. Til A YE LJ 6 M, D HAV1M1 ihanced lil re-idciiio fuuu Moiiiru-"' ''" WHAT I'lTl'STOV, l.'Ui rn,! ,i,uuty, iioull '" tohis pationsiind all wishing his profi' ''" Co., thu they inn .'i.lJr.'kM him ut Hi l.i.. ....iil.I t ' ' Vj All calls in the vicinity of Hit- Railio.m, " ' deil to wilh promptness, April 8, leb5. POCKKT DIA R llMim'Onh 1M S ALIIUM3 ft ALIllj.M I'll l'l'RI',3 '; iy lm pur i foi i.i li W u iTi. i' i til 1, 1 05. t n R.