COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT,; Saturday Morniug-Aug. 20,1065. fie?- The buckwheat crop of this State is said to promiso a largo yiold. iSf They aro to havo a new wire sus pension bridge over tho river at Williams port. SOT Accounts from all parts of the Stato rspresent the projpect for tho ootnitig corn crop as umnually Isrgc. , SW Our friouds and customers, will ploaao bear in iniud, that wa MUht have MOXKV, and hope they will improto tho on'porttiuity to mail prompt and punctual payments at thu coming September Curt, . . , tSf Tho Lehigh (Jounty jJeinooratio meeting, which ueseaiblcd on Satuiday lift, nassed a reso ution reeomtncndint thr, II -r , i o,!,0 . I,, , 1 r .I.UU. U UUII "-'...VO, U3 Uliiil'iaiV 1 Governor. Osf?EcoN(iMV. Th" h'gh figures tha' rule for meat should itidut'e general nbt'.i-1 neooc on tho port of our citizens', ab a means of bringiug dnwn prices. i "A few nights ago citiicus of, Lcwisburg inado a dorccnt upon two dii-' reputable houses, demolished the doors nud windows, disrobed tho femalo occu pant, coated i lie 111 with tar and feather, and then drove them from tho town, i SDr Is it So ! It is stated that cvn ry German and Irish Inborer has beon turned off tho public works by tho Kepub liean authentic? of the oity of Ohtoaf;o, to make room for "Amorioau citizens of Af rican do;cct)t " Soi.DIKlt.i' Dlt.CHAIt(5i:S. Wo osuti?n soldiers against telling ihoir discharges to brokori, who, when Cm grefs shall appro priato lucd to volunteers, will sell them bauk at iinmenso profit s. Soldiers who have houorab e discharges should c&re fully preserve their papers for pecuniary value that may attach to thorn, and as evi dence of their patriotism in the hour of their country's peril. S&T Thu Weatiiek. The morning and evenings for the past week have been very cool, while the middle of the day ha been exceedingly warm. Tha change fioui 50 to 01 within a few hourj, renders it neoeosary for person! of faeblc health to exercise a proper degree ol caution if they would guard sgaiuH the di'sascs is, oident to thin seusori th v ar. KST Stoei' rf !v-r Corn.-t 15. ni will bo at the ' Three Day Meeting' to bo heid the coming wf-ik. It ii u.o ruiroird t'u4t a ilt'leat'on from Williauieport wiil biing a Bi.nil along All tbo iudioaltofts ihow thit shere will be a irtMuo.jd'jUt turuoui, slid wa would gain couuftl our inends to bring proti s.ou aiotia as ilio town will not be able, uthf rwu-r, to supply tlio demand. Oil eour-o tbe hosrdmg teuts and hotels, Cirs 1 supply a limited number, All the fligs to hi? had should also be brought along. t C(i?' The Shoddy-Abolitiou Ropublican oall theirs thu "Union party." Tho only "'Union'' that c&u be discovered about tho party, judging from the resolutions of their county uoDvouiioii', and the utterances of their oreans aud orators, i a union of colors tho mixing of tho white aud black raoes through negro Bufferage aDd equali ty. Yos, it is a "Uuiou" party, but not a tavory nuss by any means. Ci2r Campaign Dsjioceat. We iiave received several aubrioribers for the cam paign eiuoo our last issue. Every Derm crat in the oounly uot now a etibsonber, should scud in his name, ar,d fifty oents, which will pay for three mou'.hs from the time of subciibiu. Let our frionis in every townihip exert themselves in our be half. A brighter prnapeet for a Demo cratic victoi y in Pennsylvania, baa not presented itself for yoars. An tssuo of negro equality aud exemptioti of rich bond holders from taxation, cannot but end in favor of Democracy, if tho people are properly informed. ttQr New Fashion. About the lalost touch in tho fusluou of hats or flats or straw noloied disss on the heada of tho ladies, is something in the ehap of an iin menso pot-lid, with just enough cavity in tho ceutre to admit of a very email bump of veneration. Two holes are punched through the brim, a broad ribbon is run over the top and ihrougu these holes, and the thing irrcoinplctc. It is not (('it to as big as an umbrella, but it is about tho same shape, and it is said to answer the saino purpose Tho proprietors of those institutions will havo to bo provided withj pretty strong rig-j'tng, or tho wind may , blow them into tha next townsl ip. ! Sad and Fatal Accident. We re grct to learn that on the 2sid of July, Samuel H. Leidy, brother of Hon. Paul Lcidy, of this place, of tho 15th Illinois Infantry, while travelling with his regi ment from Fort Lawrenco,Kansas,to Fort Kearney, was accidentally thrown from the wagon ou which be vras riding, and the wheel passed over his head and breast, eausiug'bis death in two hours, Tho de ceased was formerly from Columbia co , but has for u number of years jart been residing in Illinois and Minue'ota the lattor Statu being his resideuco at tho time he entered the cervioe' Ho leaves a fife and four children to mourn bis tin ltuly datb " Innvt?k fntrtligenccr. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. :o:- Tho following payments hayo boon mado : i to tho Columbia Democrat office, during tlio month of .July, 1800 : Id Oliprlinlt?nr.M.n JIO0i1 (IV T Bhiltnnn Esq 6 CO S 00 3 no n m 4 60 r, oo r. of. si inan Hot i.'Pttbr-g)7 no , h ii swans: John Keller tin I'.ll J chick Ilcniy Kclclincf ,MaJ Samuel Frcas Isaac. A Oeultt Hid M n Cox Win Edgar Dr. I'lU t Ills, e.l llnnih Km Esq B Snyier Sheriff Jesse OnlciuTiii Esq A Stronger Mrs Margaret Creasy Mlii!) Mcndetihall I. A Hutchison Lafayette Creasy Ellas f'ronev Col W II lint I 40 8 sn 3 50 1 .Ml 2 50 1 W 3 .Ml 5D 3. 10 I IID i ill 7 no S .'.') a as a ;.i s tin I oo V rt Iljcblcr Esq Moses Srhllchcr II J Philips DnnM Palmer (111) John t'iiiincr(lli'iiton) 17 CO in it ll'iiihii Alexander Kmohs Jesse II t'nii"iitir Jacob DruniiieMrr Edward Graham Et of Jno Yeager Isaac IS Yost Columbia t'ouiily n ii i tpii Onpt ft. II .M VantS AUritll ,t Miller lion Win II lacohy tint of Win lloirman MraO B llrugler C) A.Migargcll Si I) 11 M fifvi-im Henry Kclchnci Samii'd Hvetetl a HO 3 (HI 3 00 8 01 2 00 3 00 1 11 2n no 5 oo 1 i) S DO 3 IK) 3 00 3 00 3 (10 3 So !! (10 I AO I'xnl II Cent rinni',nMEnt li oo id', filS' Vount .! rlo i'luiip r i:ir 3 75 '.' 30 ii so H SO Jnl.n W Kline '.'opt Jno II Kiine Jno II MrMlrkin ll.'V II Nelson 10 Com. ir I enn'a 15 70 OMiiiri-vllle X.nchool'J 00 Bst of M McDowell 7 Oil Jno Kecffer.ciioiiton) to On r j-tyror'nts for July nr more rcapoc talilo than lartfe. few of our n'.i'iFcrHierii. wo are aorry to aay, to whom ve have cnt Mtl4 have as yet, re-ponded. We h"l.- liiat all lii. Ii lilol. whclhor at hnmo or abroal, will iihliso us by an early ri,mittane,I OF TLTf! Ti ll. (TN . II T S iiri lift Ifefni tj'5r!lf IV pii'fnancn of an order of the Orphans' Court of t'eiumbi.icouiity.nn Saturday August 20, 18G5, i At 10 o'clock In Hi forenoon, Andrew Crevcland nnd Hmucl lletiiv lSiccotora of Arrhibald Henry lat" o( f 'ruiige two., in said county, dee'd will expose to salo by Public und.'ie, on the premises, a certalH messu age t( iicment &nn tract of land situate In tho low nslii;) of Orange, ailjolning lands of John .Mrgarglc nnd John Herring on tho North, Dr. D W Montgomeiy and hiclurd llnu's heirs on the Kat , Jon inlaii Hagen boch. (!co llcliler and Peter Mellick on th South, and Daniel V.uidersllro and Win Delong.ou tho West. CONTAINING 'S63 UCIIBS, more or leas, on which at c erected n good Two-Story Dwelling House and Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, and out-build- . it g.i, au excellent Spring of Y nier near the door. There is also on the West end of finl nrnporty a one and a half dory Frame Uwi-lliug House and a I good Hank Ham, and a Huririj of Water convenient to I tho sauiii, a largii p4rt of the premises in Cleared, on w hicli ie a GOOD AlPLE ORCHARD. The uncleared part is wvll timbered. I.ato thu e tale of said o c'd. situate in tlio twp.. i f;.: and county .iforoadiU. Ji;..Si; COI.ISM N, Clerk Uliiiiiiisbiirg. Aug. 1. IhtS. " 'lhu hI ovo prope-ty will be sold on reasonable terms and wii lie divided into tws farms, it niccssir) to nut purcha crs. Axoitnw oiinvnuso. i I3A.MUUI, IltiNltV, ( 'v August S, KS ORANG E VII. LE ri0 S 53 A Hi SUJaSOILy A cademy.and Soldiers' 0 rj.ltn ns tchool JV The Next Term of this Inttitution w.Il com- uienm on MONDAV AUGUai I4T1I IcGo Tor fartker particulars inquire of P. OF II. D. WAI.KCR. Principal. Oiangcrille. Augusts, l&bS. Co urt Pro clam alio n , UrHKRCAa, the llos. Vvulmm Di.wmx, t'roenlent 1 Jud;e of the Court of Oyer and Tirmliter and (Sen eral Jail Delivery. Court uf (Quarter r!efuiiis of tne IVne. and Court of Cominon Pleas and Orphan's Court, in th" 25th Judicial Unarm, composed of the counties of Ci'luinbia. 1 ul'ivan aim Wvouung, and the Ho. John .VKe, nuld&s'lephen llaldy.AssoctateJiiiljesi.f I'oluni. bin riiunty.havo ipiu'ed tin lr precept, henring tat" the 1(1, day of Feb . in th- vear of our Lord one thnusan-i eight buuilred in. J niily- five sndtoiio ""lr 'Cted f t hoi ling a i nirt of Over .nil' lerinini.r and Oeneral Jail deliver), G 'ernl O'i titer Sessions . f the Peace, Comnion 1'lens anil Oiphan's Court, in Uloomsburg, in the county of ( i.i,i.i!iii on th nrt Monday, .octng mu iht Jay oi , Sipt nut, ti euntmue one week. Notice i-her. b given, to the Coroner, th Justices of the Peace anil i 'titiFtables of the Kiiil county of L'o. un.bia tht the be then anil tin re In iheir proper per soiij at 10 o'cl"'k in the forcnmui oft,ilil day with iheir r'tori. ine(u(ftitiiins nnd (tiler r'-nienibrance to do ihoe ihi'igs w Inch Io their appertain to bo done. ! Anil those that am bound by m-ognunnee, toprosecut- iigain.t the prinun-rs t Ii ar nru or mat bu in th: Jail of said county of Culninbia M be then and there to prose , eute them as shnl, b-Just. Jurors arc requested to be pui.i'tosl In then attendance, acreeunly to tin ir notice s. , Dati'U at Ittoonisburg, the '-Mil day of Ju'y, L. f. Un the year et our Lord one tb'i'iaand right t) )hunilred ami tixty-loir. and in th" eighty- , ninth year of the liiilepen.lenceol the Lniteii Mates of Arn(iica. Goo i, i: ihk t'OMvoswK,Lrn. ) ' sAMl-'!SI. r-W, bheriu". ' SlierilTs Office, lllooinsburg July ay, K-lw. i Traverse Jarcis fi r September Term, Go. ' RIonm-Do'i-hl'is Hughes, Daniel P.uaver John Mnhai-I. 1 Dnari rcK-Freas rowler, llnoch Rilttnhouse Fran- i ci- F.v.tns. Win. Frea John G. Jucnb). us.i .Mores llartman, Snuiiiei Mhuman Ccntro .M 0 Reiuley, Samuel C llower, Thos. Fry. I Ccmyiigham-Daiid Camp, James Harry. Isaac W j Hans I Fi-hin3cr"ek-Saniuel CCrrrcling, Franklin Samuel Loreman, ( Greunwooa- JUtliias Kline. Samuel Gillespie. 1 Hemlock N P Moore. Locust William Heidi, T K, Ilerkine. Sit Pleasant-Jackson Ikeler Maoison-tVm Kitchen. Samuel llumott. Perry 0 C!i riHtUin Jlilllio-Li'Wls Creasy Thomas Aten, Philip Ort i J I oiii-enberger, i MiaiioiU'lsaiher Lv.-in, I Or inye-rlamuel Zimmerman, ! Jr'ii.i 1 lioinis -siacKoiisii, P. riwishar. Bugailoaf -John Kile, -en. Jurat? j'ji btp'riuw 'term, I citJu. Tiloom -Pfter J 'l'rs Oeo W. Correll. llur. Kerwica -Gilb-nt Fowler. Hi inon -Sam irl Anpli mall. B'nvtr-John Fry. I Caiawls.i-l.t wis Ycllcr, George rtishel, Teter G. ' CampbtU. ; uewiro je remian iiasemiucii. Conynsham A. W. Ilea. Gi.eii.voo.l J F, Deiuerich, Renlaml-i Eves. Locu.t Win . Osbiuii, Jehu Leo. Mt Pleasant rlepheii Ciaivlenl, Thomas J. Well ver, George Creamer. Madison John Graham. .Mifllin John L. linnd. ttu'it-Pcter Schug. .Marshall G, Kinney. I'horaa Crenling Sugarloof-rrederic'-: L-iuhach, Geo Hteadinan. List of I'nusfs for st'iii.'lum ISOi. Elijah Mc.Murtrlu Endorsee of Aaron Wolf vs Chris tian Wolf. C Jacob H irris vs Peter Jacoby. 3 llusn-l P oloker. vs Vm Ikelor. I David'icli vs Jidiu WarJ'ii. S Jonas lleliruiger jr vs Eni.inu Asliton. 0 Hugh MeKeji'Oh.s el ai va IVi.r ullphant. 7 Amos W Cri.iui'r vs Enoch Howell. W Crcautt'r va Lnnrh lluwi-ll. 9 George Can, eudorsee ot James Carr va Sylvester J Fotet al 10 George W Garrl-on vs Casper I Thomas. II Geo A Herring vs Peter .Miller 11 Aaron Ulnnm vs Reuben Slier 13 John llinlerliter vs John J nmesim 1 1 rtMiinniiivcalth i f I'euua nt Hie Relation of Illram R isliue it al vs Wesley lluwurin et al IS jaenb Reiuli y v CdttiwiB-a It R t o , Hi Ueiijumti! Wertman vs M A Williams 17 Adaiu llietcrich v .Ii renuall Jacoby Id Stephen ildldy vs Cnltawis,a Williams port &. K It Co 19 Itathael Morgan uy her net fried Win II Hoag- land vs Richard .Morgan VO Geo Loiigenoerger ctalvs Hugh W MeReynolds et nl. , Aug 5, 1F05. 1 ifla:scii',i.',,s SAftiji. T1Y vntue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me di " reeled, issued out of tlu'l'nurt ,.f C"iuuinii Pleas of Columbia county will be exposed to public sale at the I .'on rt House ill Ulooiusbuig, oil .Monday IN" 1th dav of September next at one u clock, P. .M , of said i day. the following realeutaloto wit . A ci n un trail or piece uf laud situate in Locust , township. Columbia com. ly. In, indeil ami de.cribed as follows ; on thu south by lands of John l.rnst, on the westbe laii'ls uf Jack-on George, and oi, thu east luuds of Jiih'i Siotr e containing more or less ; Whereon arc erected a story and half dwelling house Willi upperteninces. Seizeil taken in execution and to be sold ai the prop cit ol Nicholas Usker. ALSO, At llie -into snd place, a cmtain piece or lot of Land, situate in Locust twp. Columbia county, con taining TEN A' UES, bo tno same morn or lets, hound ed a lollou. a. to A it - on the Wert by land of John Lee. ou the North bv laud of Franklin Hurl:, on Hit) F.a.t by land of Peter rwank. ami mi tlio So th by the main ro.tu leading from Hlngtowii. where on aro erected two two story Frame Dwelling Houses. Frame llarn and stable, wo lithe appurtinances. ,,8eit"d, taken lit execution, and to be sold as tho ptoperlv of John P. Walter. y 1 ' SAMUEL. B.VVDER. ebeiltff'i Office. Sheriff Woomrburr July 7, ItWS I 1 M 1 00 mrrrnn. egos . . potatoes, ntunn apples, MAMS BACON, . S.S 20 I AO u no . so . 17 to 10 on io oo s so I'LOUIt per Mil, v; smi"'1'' . nuck wheat ru II AY hy the ton. 10 oo Flour. 3 oo CHICKENS, per pair. 40 GENERAL ELECTION. Printers TVci 83.00. - - Candidate for District Attorney. cahlMeror"6 " ,,U,,,oril"1 ,0 4Mnou,,' fc DISTUIO'l' A'l.'TOKNUY, at the approaelilnr fifncral Klecliun, fubjecftn tin docliiun of the Columbia county Democratic Conven- V AuruUS, IPOS -. -I Legislative, WIM.IAMSO.V II. JACOI1V, r.i of Itlootmbur,. wo ara nutlior Ir.ed to announre. will be n canill date for re nomination to tin l.i:llsLiATUHi;. before the real T)i'in,icratic Convi ntlon of Columbiu Counly, ainji'it to thu u.iiam. of the parly. i July 2i), lriiS -T II. C. l Caiadidnto ior AsceiAbly. lapl. STATU-) II SI. YA.VTZ, of .Mifflin twp e 'are .uthrrlzr-ilto ntinnriiirp. will he candidate for miction Io r. rr-.i'iit liie Ilrm. Lfncy of Col linibla ! and .M niiloiir in Hie Geiier.ll Assembly, JuiySi). lniS-S3Ui. Candidate for Trejiourer. 10HN.I STILES, of Ik'nton townjhip, . ... . ' 1 . U !hreut!i the carm-t solicitation of hismanvliem orrallc frii niU. has h-en indon d to offer lilnisi If as a can.II date fur tin- i.iilco ol TURAfLT.l'.ll id Columbia county, aubjert to llii decision of the llemorratlc Cun i iilioii, iniicii ill uc lii-ld on tlio2.lh of August next llenlon, M ly 27, l05 Commissioner. "JOHN V. FOWLICU, Esq., .of Pino t town kId ., w- are niilhorlzed to announce, will be .i'' for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, At the approachlni llcnfral tllectlon, subject to the riicision of tho ColumbU County Huuiocrnuc Conven tion. June 17, IMVS. tf (JomiaiiKKionur. VjJM.R DEMOTT, of Madison twp., Y V .o arc a-thoiized to announce. will Ue a can. lldato for Cni'V'TV rC 1 1 1 : to V wij . t'Ut iNll VjUAiOllOlVJi'S tt.ll, i At the aprroR'hing Grner-.! I'.'fttion. subject tothe 'ik-cliiluiil Hie Cu'iiii.bia 1 iii.iily Dem i. ratic Convn t,,n Juno 10. t-K. -tc- READING KAIL ROAD. Summer Arrangement. July 20, 1SG5. I G r"at Trunk Line From The North' and NVrth Wct for Philadelphia, New York. Reading., L'bnnn, Ml -ntowu, F. i-lon. Kr. Trnitii I 'Uvm llnrntburg tor N w YorK, as I'.illoivs . At 3 0.1. 7, -.Sand rt.13 .. At., and t til M arriving at Ni'W rrK nt to (M . M . nil ! .( in and'. ,M. 'I he above emu "-t w nli Praius onthi Peon svHdtiia linn P.o.ul iri.1 fc'lecpliig Cars acc'ui.p.niy the 3 I'O nnd f.l.i A. M Truln- w ith"Ul change, l.mvu tor Heading I'lilt,. ille. r.iuiaqua, .Miners vill'.1. Ashland, I'm. Grove, Alien low u, i.nd I'lin.idi.l. pln.i at '.13 A .M mu' r.15 P ,M, .lopping at Kcbaiiou tunl p riucii al Matiiinp only . Wiiv Train? mripping at all poiuta. at 7 2J A M and 1. to P ,M. Iteiutuing ; l.eavo Now York at 0 A l 1 J 00 noon, and1 I' M, Philadciplilu at P.Otl A Al and 3.3u r M : lotisville at a l A ,M and u.Si P M ! Ash land at 0, 10 U and Ii llu noun. T lm:i''ri at 3 15 M and 2 IS P .M and Itouding al I nu, .'M aud 10.13 A .M, 1 It-anil (0.'i I' M. Heading Accoiiwuodatioii Train j I eavss Radlng a' CO'i A M r.lurul'ii' fiiiin I'hila.leiphiai.tS OO P !. Coliiinbl.i 11. ill Trains leave Keailm." at (1(10 and lu.65 . M ami u 131' ii. for l; i. l.iliz, C'ul unilu.i acc. ur Kiuntays : l.eiv N.w Yotk at r f)3 P M. Phila alphri a I.. P .M. Putl-nlln 7.3.1 A l.Taunq.ji7 OA ;i, ll.-irrii.bur2 IS A Maud Ile..lliij at 1,00 A ,M fwr liai ri.buig. Ciiiliiilil .ttlon Mil-aes Reason. Aciool and Kteur. tion Tickets o nii'i from all pnint-, at reduc dual's. Ilaggage checked thrntigh ; --u puuud? allowed e-h Pasi.enger. O. A. Mi.ul.Ltt, lieailing, Pa. July 1'), 1365. A. 3. DAVIS & CO., PlilLA D E L ' 11 1 A, .Vauufacturcrs of lail Bead Track, Hay Coal an 1 Cattie Afl! eti' $3 PLATFORM AND COUNTER OF I EVERY DlOoCKIPTfON SS- EVERY St 'ALE Uarranted. Oiu( ra ill R. mptly fi'led, tpply to H. EATON. :-'ol( Agent, Bt-riviok, J. K. E YEN, Blooir.aburg, I'a. July S2'!, 1005 Omo. NEW ARRIVAL. j ' j'A A- J- Evans ; CLOIIIIXG ilPOSlSlli BLOOMSBl'RG, PENN. LATEST RYLBS CAK P GOODS I '( III: under. i.'iuii reiei null) informs his triends i I and ihe pubhe gei ..rati) , ilial he lias just received from the l. i-lein titles, a large n-mirtuient of MEW Gi.pT HI KG- iH'iog tile best assortiii-nt ever oil. reO in this market. Al.o a complete as-orttm nt of lion Cloihiug. In fact evorvthini! in the ( hulling Line For tlmse who prefer tn leave Iheir measures, a perfect til guaranteed, and . iilhing but tile best workmanship allowed at this es ta libhment. He ulso ki eps on hand a large assort mei 'of iwo'is axd shoes. HATH VN'D CAPS, together witha variety of noliuiis. Ey 'ALL AND SUIS I OK YUUIISUI.I- ll A. J. F.VAWS. nioomsburg. April. -13 l-i'il. American Ootel, en S':st u a' s t as e et , Opposite old Independence Hall, l'lilLllM.I.PHIA. S. M. HEULINGS, Proprietor. W.M, May i7 THE H., ( Uric. 1-bS. Urn PHIVITL! MEDICAL ATrVbiili, (Exclusively for Ladies,) Ao invaluable (realise of 100 paces, hy published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt ot TEN' OTN'TS. it will be sent post paid, in a sealed envelope, to all who apply for It. Address 1)61 J. BRYAN, Box 5079, tU Broadway. N V Jgly IS, 1W WHEAT, per bimlid It VIS. " " CORN, " 11 IIUCKWIIEAT. SPECIAL NOTICEB. B. randrdh 1 IMU Qr-ncrnl Assitautof Nalitro, What Is health t What In dlicaie t llenllli l when Ini nupply nml upcndltiirn nro fiunl. llenm hIihi tho i'ply and tipendlturc aro unequal. HANDRKTlfH I'tMiH impail curtain eipuMvn power Io all inatti'rn in tho body Hhoio life It btlovv tlia ulnndarili'f the diirrnuiltiij! pally, or which have remained longer than tho tlmu nature doigiied. fin lurevcru nml all that dan uf eaica nhlch ioon run In to motliflcatlon llrnndrcth'a t'llla Ii ivo marvukiin tur- 1 alive qanllllei. Our hodlci nro continually changing, ' onJ iy uii chanso we live, eimuid matter to- n preparatory cllu.t forourood. All UrandrctU'. fill. jaroiuppoieitfrointhurciullttodu lialn'plyj Af-i.nn incic i;norn oi naturo. Aucmt S, IciiS-l mo. rrhe Grovcsteen. Piani Forte Ktill rrlalnn Its prprodonce and urcat popularity, nud after underlining gradual Improvemonla for a pe riod pf thirty ears, la by the inu.lcal world to he unsurpassed an I even tincqualioit in tlrli. t nes, volume nnd purity of ton.,, durability and chB,ap. ncsii. Our nrw scale. Urench action, harp pedal. Iron friutie, over-strunij bas, sn'eii octavo rojewood p. nno wo nro sulllnit cliapr or from a I on tu 8200 than tho samj-slj In and finili are aold by uny other first - class inakors In the cuuntrv. Il.nlsrs 'and all in want of good pianos aro invilod to s-nJ I'm our He- "Illva Calalopuo, which contains pbotocrnphs of .nl styles, together Willi piiccs No one tlinulil pur. lusn u pis no without teeing this lata I'.gue Medasl almost without number, have been awardud to the (Srovesteeu I'luio, and the Celebrated U'",M'" o".-..":'' put m comvtiition win, others iVrtli, fill M!.f, . nr t!nrit no It... It J 1. .....I. .1... mitncbi ai.aro. (.Ustubii-lied lrj;a GroTerteca Co, r.i'J IIUOADWAV, NIHV VOIiK. July 20. teoj-. II. ,1. S i. Co. ONE PlilOH CLO 1 1UNO. JONES' oi.n rBTACi.taiiuD O A' E ' K. J V 11 CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 R-ciltei trect, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. At JOVnS' Cri -rent One Triro Clotliln." Store, the mwesi selling price is niaiKOit in plain liiwres on e.irli ankle, and never wirie'1. All liu) alike, wlnllur Judge ornol The stock is gott'-n up in a superior man . "er, cipr-sly for sales. Those winning a rood J substantia! and fahlonable arllcU'. should not lail to ... JV.j;s, UUt lUarhet HI net. One i'rieo .Vtoro. .Ms- 13, leUS.-ly I) It T" 0 15 IAS' ( F.RTAIV CCIIF. FOR PA I Sri AND ACIIEd. and V warranted superior to any other Croup it posi tively cures ; relief Is absolutely ure innneili-tcly it it usci . Mnthers mii'-mbcr ihi, and arm yourselves j wito u bottle without d"lay. Croup is a lineage which lii'. ,o nittr.'. frequently attacking a child in the .lei. I cf titglil; bt-lor. a physician can be summoned it in iy be too laie. Remember, tho Venetian Liniment' nevr fills. Price Id and rt) cents a bottle. old by all lin ci-t Oifice, id i.ortldiidt Street , N'uw York. July ii. lef, . Int. A GENTLEMAN cured ol Nervous Xi. Dibility. Preinaliire Decay anlihe rtficts of youinful nulls' ri liou. w ill be luppy t furni'h others v.itu the iii'-ausi.t cure.viiFS orciiAiio,.; Tins rt. m cny is hiiliple. sale, ami t.eruiu. For lull by return mull, please address JOHN B. 00 DEN, 00 N-isiiu Strott, New York, Jjns 91, I5CS 3ni A CARD TO INVALID. A ( lergyiiau.;wln!" resiilmg in Smith America a a lei-siomiry, diM.oveied a safe and simple remedy or the ( lire of Nerviu-j Weiikne.s. Ilaily Deiay, llis eai.... of the Crnury and Heminal Orguita, and the whoie train nf disorders broi gh on hy bam ful md vieio'is habits. Grual numbers havo b"en already cui"'l I.) this ncl.'o remeilv. Pr- mpted bj a lUstre to bem fil the alll eled and unl'orUiiiate. I .vill tend the recipe fir preparing and, using this medicine, in n oe-il '0 cnvi lope, to any one who need) it, I'llEU OF CI.AUGF.. pi...isr inclose a post-paid envelope, addr eased to yours If, Aditress, JOS El H T. 1NMAN, Hiatic.ii I). Uible Houeu, N. Y.i. ity. April li, -y IIISKEBS: WHISKERS! Po'ynu want V linktirs or Mou&t:.elit'H ? Our Grccun rompiMint: will tMtrv Un'in to pr.iw un the biuoothfit facewr c.iiu, t-r hair, on bilJ lifitdr. in mx Wet-ka I'riro. 1 uh, rifiit by mill onywliare, closcl) sta eil, tm retuiiU of pri-n1, Addsr's-s, IV i:m:K CO.. Uox 13, Urooklyn. .V. V. Vt hruiiry H, lcu.1-y THE PHOENIX F KOTO UAL Will Cute Your Cough. THE PHOTNIX PI'CTORAL ; on. ('OMrottNn svr.t'P v wii.n ciieuhy - si:n- lka snaku poor, I Will Cute the Diseases of the Such a Colds Cou?Ls. Croup, Asthmu, Broochith, C'Jtarrli, Sore Throat, Hoar-i'iii'.-s, tVliupping (yOllgll, sC, Its, timely uso will prevent PULMONAUY CONSUMPIION, And even where this fearful disease is fully devel oped it will nllurd mure ulief than any other luudi. cine. . . J Lawrenc Getz. "i SpeaKir ol t le rinnsyvania House of Represent Hives, snjs "This couch reme dy is now extensively use. I, and is nt thf highest value to the e.oiumunliy, it. curative quallli'-s having been ti'iied by thoii-Mids with Hi.' mo.t gratli.wng results. It is rareiully nud skillfully prepared from l lid Cherry ll.nK mi l -euek.i Mia. Ruoi by Dr. I.evi Ober hultzer, ii reputiibic phyileian i.f Phoeuixi me, Pa, and is sold by neuily ull iliuggi.t. and country atore ke. per." D P. Cnisliv, ox-roslmas ter and cx-l'urgcas of PotU town, as follows : I'oTTsrowN, lei'SJan. 3, This eeiliuej that 1 liivv iisd the Phoenix Pectoral in my family, ami 1 recommend it tn the public as Hie very bust remedy lor Cuiich and Colds that I havo ever tried Jue uf my children was t.iKen vviflia colit, neconipanieit with a t'roiipy Cough. so bad, indeed, thut it could n it talk and breathe. Having hetitd so inu.h said about tho I hoeiiix 1'ieloial, I procured a bottle of it. The llrst dos.i relieves thu dithciilly u( breathing, and before tmen nne fourlh of tne bnlt'i' it was entirily well. Even faimlv sho d have it in their h )U. . D P CIIOHIIY. J.C hmilh. druggist, of Vow Hope, lluck, county, Pa , in writing to Ur Ohcihuluer. jy : -'A few oa)s Jline I bmigliitwo dorenof your v iluablu cough remedy to Uy. and And it very good. and as it is near ly (ill gone I would like you to send mo a gross of it. "Y"iir iiieiliiiiies gives better satlsficlioii than any , other I h ive in the store. I am agent or some of thu most popular cough preparations, but yuur seem, to be doing I lie must good. . The following ,s nu extract from a letter from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near I'nitsiowu. I'a : "1 have tried the Phuiuix IVctoral, and 11 ml II to be the best cough medicine extant. It meets w Ith a iuuih reiiily sale than any oilier tint I have ever had in my store." ; 'J he proprietor of this medicine has so much cnnrl. deuce Hi its curotivn powers Irum llie testimony of thousands who have us.'d it. that the money will be I'mii Mac it to my who is nut ..itii.K'.l with itseffei'ls. i ltis sopleusant to tal.n that children cry for it. Price I IIIP.TV-FIVE I. EN I'd ; Largvi Rtlle. ONE uni.l.Ali. It i intended for only one class ef diseases, name, ly, those ol the Throat and Lungs. CJ- Prepared only by LEVI OliERHOLTZER, M, D., Ph'Tnixville, Pa. Sold hy all Druggists and Storekeepers. JOHNSVON, HOLLOWAY, 4: COWIlfSN, No 23 North Jixtli Streci, Philadelphia, and F. C. WI.LI.S & Co,, No. 115 Franklin Street, New Vnrk. General Wholesale Agents, SnU bv E. P LUTZ and & MOVER Drug lists, lllooinsburg. mid by in nrly every druggist und country storekeeper in ciili nibi i oounty. ,v II.-Ii ouriieerest druggist or storekeeper does not keep this mediciuo i'o not i l him put you oil' with om olhcr rucaliclne. b'H Mnl at unce to one cf tho agents for it. June VI I Ai Cra -"urtxTK"; . . .v i CO A1. OIL. IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. ifOAL OIL dlsoovered In Llrht Street. I I'oliimMn county, In the cfllar of tho under- IjnCd, which will be aold by tho quart of gallon. Also a second arrlrat of .Summer Goods Consisting of every thing generally kept In a country store, which will be told ( hcaper ltun the Cheapest, Call and sec and Judge fur yourselves. Ills stockconslttsof Ladles Diess Goods choicest styles and litest fashions Calicos, Muslins, ' Ginghams, Flannels, Carpoti, Shawlti, Hosiery,, Silks, BEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassiinerefe, Satinets, j ' Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, A:o. i Groceries, Queens ware, I Cednrwato, I Hardwaro, Mcdicinas, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c BOOTS, SHOES. HATS -t CAPS,:o The patronage of old friends, and the public genera, ly, Is re-pcctfully so'icited. The highest market price paid for country produce PETER ENT. .LlSht Street, July tS, 1K05. PR0VIS3ON STORE A large Stock of Family GRO CERIES and Provisions gen erally, juat opening, and for i ale by Vhoiesale and Reta AT THE SHANNON BUILDINGS, MAIN ST., BLOO.MSI.URG. ON.SISTING ol all the necessariM ' and luxuries i f life, usually found In sucK tatilishiiieiits in cities and largo towns. Among til.. aro ML'OAR. ALL GRADES. COFrElS, FROM OLD Government Jav ulown. TE, from the very bin to cheaper qualities Hl'ICES all kind, Drleil Fruit. Hums. Dried llocf Pork, 1 lour, Butter, I heese. Cod 1'i-h. Mai'kecll. Kerosene Oil and Lamps, VVoud. n Ware, llruoms Palis, Vuskt,ls &:c, Sic , cc. Syrups, Molasses, Cider Vinegar. Corn Starch, So da, Cream of Tartar, Foreign Fruits and 30 tons of articles too uuinerous to meutii n. AH laid in since the late FALL IN' GOLD and lie sin J at tif lowest cash prices CASH PAID FOR EGGS. LAYTON RUN YON. Rloem-burg, May 37, 1305. (, oa UMr riuN, ca ta a an, a A'z; hJlOSClUTJS CAN HF. CURED. A VALUABLE trcatie on tho nalnre of Consumption and its various etagca, is. t-atiiiili, he, prieo 10 Cents, in-luiliag po.taL'e.aad simple pri scriptious which have cured tlmu. amis, will bu si i.t. free id charge, to any one appl)ing. Il will cost vou but little, and maybe the means of saving vuurllfu, tiend an Addressed envelope and stamp to DR J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Ai'i Broadway, N. Y And you will recaivc it by return of mail, July IS. Ie65. FHEHH. ARRIVAL or SUMMER A T Miller's Store. 1 THIE suiis'-ribcr ha Just returned from the Cities I X with a.ioiher large and select assorlinet of SPUING AND SUMMER GOOD ! nurLhased et Philadelphia, at the lowed figure, and I which tney are deterinineil to sell on as moderate tr.rm i as ran be procured elsewhere In Illoomsburg. Ills ! stork comprises i i Ditl.fS GOODS. orclioic-t styles and iaic,i icsninr. ojir owns. anouF.itir.s, i ir.lllK. ItHWII' lIVJiK , no.v. jw .. huots .v snoi s JUTS H- C.J'A'. He, l(c., e In short everything usually kept in country Stores towhiih ho invite th- puhll generally. i ' ho II ghestpri'e iialdlor . ounirj proauce. S. II. MILLER. ISIooinsburg. 'ay 13, 13CS. Q U E K US Cod Liver Oil JeHy, APl'llOVRO BV THIS ACADEMY OF MLDICIVE. For Ci ughs. Colds. Dronchial and Tuburcular Con sumption, i-crofula and General Debility The mint null, hlaiiJ ami nutritious form In winch Cod Liver Oil can he used and with more benefit secured Io the patient bv n sing e tenspoonful of Ibis Jelly, than by iloub'e the quantity of llie clear or unjelllflcd Oil For sale by all druggists and by E. li. TUI EX, Wholesale Druggist, No. IS Cceknun St . New York. July 15 l?iSS. Adminifft-ator's Notice. Eta te o'Muthius M'l:iteniht,dec'd. otter of AdiiiinNtraiion on the estate iof Mnthias Whiten'ght. laie of I.emlotk town ship Columbia co . deu-ased, have b-cu granted by thu Register i.f Columbia co. to the umlersigiieil all p. r.-oiis having claims against the estate of Hie dece dent ara requested t" pr.- -nt tliuin to th underaigned at his office in lllooui.burj. Pa., without delay, and all peroiu indebted to make payment forthwith . C. U UROCli' AY August 15 15115-Cw L Administrator. LEATHhR! LEATHER! I flfllE under.ij;ti:d beg leave to inform I taeir friends and the public, that they keep on hand und offei f i nil-cheap, ut the Madison Tannery, near two miles North ot Jerse, town, Columbia county. I'a.. all kinds of 'Ja. SATKU, Which they will sell at market prices, or exchange (or Bark ami Hide.. Our Leather is Hit I'old LipiorTan ned, which will prove most dur.ia e und warruui llu best ware. We eill sell !,y the Side, piece or 100 cwt . to suit purchasers. ' JACOB A. SWISHER A. CO. .Madison Tannery Auj. I.'. lei 5, 3w 83 00. 'ftMu next friii of this IiiMimnou will 3 begin on WEDNESDW, AUGUST I0TH, 16i!S. Tlio reglar nrrccs of tuition range fruui Ji.iu to t" Su per I inn ol'ileveil weeks ; fore thu middle i f the term. io ue paiu at or pe- The usual extra changes will be niado for Gcrmin and French, and the various Ornamental Branches. It is extremely linpiirluui thut the pupils who ahull alien. t the School should be present nt the beginning ol the term, or as soon after as possible, m cirder to starl legulxrly with the class io ail cases iniium w ill bu i harged foi the rut,1, tcum. unless btherwit by special previous agreement. Tim Principal I as had an experience, of years m teaching thu Language and Niger Mnthematic as well us Hie vuriuus branches of a substantial Eugiiik Education, and will spare no efforts to secure rapi aud thorough progress to hit. pupils. KISV II. RINKER. A. M Augusts, IE05 1'linrlpal Sra3!sS A.fiB &BSe BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! U-UU flX LU UUX WANT TO BUY and Summer ! Upn i XC K31 Jl.JJ.VT a: v'uA m iyiM GO TO Crfasy's.Store, in Llclit Slrtot, Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, OABPETd, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, ooffeeM, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, spars, Hats, Boot, Caps, Shoes, DmH, Oils, Paints, &c.,&c, . In addition to our large stock of Dry Goods, we haw a laige and full assortment of Ready .Made Clothing lot ien and Uo)s wear which we ire determined to sell cheaper thjn can be bought elsewhere. Call and see. and Judge for yourselves ITT" They also ktep a fine assortme nt of DKUGr1 and MUUIClN'C-t, t supply the absenca of n regelar Drug Store In Light Street, which will be cnrtful'y com' piunde.d and suitably directed for tho accomodation if their customers. ; II. W. CREASY.-&CO. I Light Street. April 23, 1555. GLAD NEWS TOR TIIK UN'FORTUf.'ATH. USED WITHOUT DETE'.'ITON. The.y do not Interfere Willi business purjalta, and are speedy in action. NO CILWQE OF DIUT 13 NHCCSSARY. BELL'S SPECIFIO PILLS sre warranted in all cases, ' FOR TIIF. SI'F.I'IIY AND PKRM AN ISN'T CL'HB OF Bciuiiial Weakness, Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, Mexual Dlssases, Kuiml-.ions. Irupilenci. Oen i lll Mi Nervous Debility and diseases uf the llladder , and Kidn-ys. They arc adapted for male or feni-do. old or young 1 and ure the only rolii.ble knunM lor the cure ofnlldis- i cases ail slug from I YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. In all Sexual Diseases, n Gonorrhea, t-tricturl, I Glit, and in all Urim y and Kidney complaints, they . netlike a charm. Relief is exuerienced by taking h .iuele box ; and fiom four to six boxes generally effect a , ure, I Sold in boxes containing CO pills, pric Ono Dollar, or six boxes, Five Dollar ; alo. io large boxes, con ' laioing four of the small price Th'ee l.oll.irs. Private Circulirs to Genlleii en onlv, sent free on receipt uf direited envelope andHtamp IC" If )ou need the the Pills, cut out this culver tisement for reference, and If you cannot procure them of vour druggi.t. do not be Imposed on by any olhcr remeiiy, but enclose tile inonev in a letter to llie pro priitur. Dr. J. BYRAN, Consulting Physician, Ilox5U70. 412 llroadwoy, N V. Who will take all risk if properly directed : and you will receive tlieiu post pant, sccuiety sealed fruiu ub servdliun by return mall fcOLD UY DP.UOQISTtt (5 i:ERALLV. nKMASlSAltNKd tCO. Ntvv Y'oSE. t hoe!bJe Agents. Jul 15. I8JS. FRESH A R It IV A L Spring and Summer, wr-l -FOR EVSEY ODY Villi undersigned, grateful for pait patronage, respec (j fully iulorms lilscuslumers and the publicgenor.illy that he hasjiist received l'om the Eastern cities, the t'irgest and most select slock of S PRIN G &SUMM EE' Tint has yet been opened In lllooinsburg, to which he invites the attention of Ills friends, and assures thrm that they are offered for sale al great bargains. Ills Buck c iinprucs a largo assortment f GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, Consisting ot Fashion nt.F fiRks-Coats, of every des criptioni Pauls, Vests, shirts, I ravats Slocks, Cottnp Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders. Sec. Gold Watches and Jewdry, Ol every description, fine and cheap. N. 11. Remember Lovitnbirg'i Cheap JM-iordos,', call and see. No charge for examing Goods. DAVIU LOWENBEBO, Bloomsburg, April 1, 1-105. (Juno 1S5J.) InCTIS. MiE undersigned being a regularly li censeu AUC ITONEEIt. Hereby off. rs his services as such to all who cay feel disposed to give him a call. His I n- experience in the business, will enable him to render satisfaction to t.i, cusiou crs. All persons de siring my services, will pleato Inform me to that ctTeu before tuey anvetlise. 1RAM DEBR. rnsl-oRlce address Jackson township : Rohrsburg C olurabix touniy, Ta. i nine Ji, ijuj. Slove & Tinware Shop rJ'HE undersigned informs tho public in gencial. that he has opened a NEW TIN SHOP In the building f'r-nerly occupied by P. S. Moyr, one door lulow the Columbia Democrat Office, oil Main Street lllooinsburg. he will iiuike nil kinds i Tin-Ware aud Repairing, in good style and on inoder ale terms. STOVES of all kinds and qualities for site or fur. njshud to order. CaS"" Country produce taken and pub'le custom respectfully solicited. JACOB METZ, Jr. r.loonuburg. April 2!). 15C5. ly FStEiSBrl WALL PAjPEiK JUST received a new assortment of good stylea of WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOR DERING AND CEILING PAPJ3K, and a general variety of material in his line, winch will be li'Uiid ou tho FIRST FullOrt iinmcdiate y east f Lutr. urug StoM, In tne Rupert lilnrk. whtre all person, wishing goods in Ins Hue will be attended to in person at ull times, Cray Paper Hanging exoeutcd to order tnd host btyle, at short notice, E J. THORNTON. Bloomjburg. ApiH 30 I1'- -v Exchange Siotel ullic Squure, Wilkes-Barrt, Pum'a. HJ'-IIE undersigned, having puvchased tho stork of tins well known Hotel, (formerly kept by Major Puterbaugh) of II. J Vaple, rcspectlully so. ln.ii llie pilrouage of thu public. No pains will I.e spared in nny of its departments io render satisfaction to .01 giun.. The loblo and Hie bar will alwe.s " supplied with th best the market anords .ood siatdiag fur hor.ts.uud ulteutivu nUlers Also, Livery attached. The exchange Is clliflbly situated on tho Public Suu'ire, and has therefore peculiar advantages to per sons attending court or doing business in. tho public oi'.ices. Charges moderate N'. II --Whenever you come to town, pleas) tall. P. C. & W. ECKROTU. Wilkcs-ntrra. July IS, 1S0S. PLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY, oOsuppledlo Banks, Merchants m.1 Cnuny O d' er. ol the best material. Orders by mail tended to. .viHirli t, IBM W. G.YERRV. .th sftd Gsr Pirerti, Pbll'e, VJ."ti'JJ-' m.jT.rr. si wjir,wruvjrj:j JssMSsmii KO'VU-iM THE TRIAL OF J UFFE USON D 1 Via Altjanv, N. Y,, Aug. Mr. 11. H. Giliell, ono of tho connifl of Jefferson Davis, in a ooto to the Albany Argus, says : "Mr. Davis has no mote itifotinattoit concerning his trial than othors liava." In a letter from Mr. J)avis, dated tho ICth hint ,to Mr Gillett, he says t "I am still ignorant of the chargci against me, tho source of them, and tribu nal befuro which I am to auswur. Your letter g&vo mc the CrSt notion of the Wash -inglon iud.iotmcnt. Mr. Davis requests Mr Oil'etl to hay a conferenco with Mr. Charles O'Oonor, Lis onl other oouusi-L so that the; may be prepared for the trial v.-heaevet it may bo brought on, with hs little dutay a tho nature and importanco of tho esse will permit. Adiniiiiilintor'ii iVotice Estate oj Wm, Hoffman JJiccascJ. LETTKlty of admlnlttrattoii on the Ilstato ol IVm tlolfman, latent Centre twp,, columbiarn., dee'd have been granted by the Hcglsier of Colombia Co., u the undersigned i all persn.ii having claims agalns, ..a estbte of the decedent are reqaesieil to prcseat 111 c in i , the Administrator at 111 residence in said tow. ship without del.', and till person indebted to n.aka payment forthwith. JESSE HOFFMAN, Atldiinistrator. July 9J. IKS-Ct St. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Jaha Verger, Diceustt. f ETTKRS of odn:'t:istrali: .i on lr- ,L J klttate of John Yeager. tn., late uf Locust tw Columbia county, deceas-d, have bien g-,i tnj i,y th Register uf Columbia ceuntv lu'tlie underilgncd j all persons bavlhg clatms agjin-' the cslute of thedv cedent are reqiiesl.d to ptrsip thetn t the under rimed, residing I'l tild tow nship, without ilelnv, auj all parsons indebted to make payment foriliwith. , JACOI1 YUAGCU. ! WASHINIIT'iN ; Administrator's. JalTCJ.IS'S.-Ovr S3 Administrator Notice. 1 Estate of Levi Ash'O'i, Deceased, X EPTEBS of'istration on the -S.J Estate of Levi Asliton. !-.le of Pine township, Columbia ciun:y, deceasrU. hive teen .rnut-d Jiy ihe Register of luiobia c l. to ll'e un.lerien" J : hV per. sons havlngclHiins initlnst the es.ste of the 'lece. are requested to present tfi. m tn to Ad;, .nistieto his residence ui line tw-p,, wlttiO'jt eelay, and .i all persons indebted to make payment f' rtliwlth. JOHN LOltC. Adn.'r. July 13, 1S0S. -Civ 33 i AUDITORS NO i ICE. " i rjMIE endcrslgiied AuJ'tor. atrpoiote by the ("out JL of Couiiuou Pleas o Coli ml n t'"jntv. tndirtri' the fund in the hndsof Hie ltu pbcritl" of Columbia county, Horn the bii.i: of the reai e late i f ' r-ainuul C. KnckbuLin. among the several lien credi tors oftliu sai I riumuel C. I'. . kbaun ; will attend el ; his olhce in Klooiiisbnrg, on F . 1D i Till; 1st DAY ; OF SI. !' C.MIlr.R NliXr. at lu o clnck. A .M., of ssid , day. for the purpose of making ui.lributlon. All per. sons having claims or 0 ...' lids against 'he said fund ' arc notified to pri-seot them t , tne Auditor ou that dry, , ur be debarred frou coialng in for a share of the full'' I , C. (1, HARKLtSY. f.lecresburg, July W. 05-32.10. Auditor. Justice of the Pc'ir.e Licensed Cmveyan rcr, Setivcner, 4c OFFICII BEAVER VALLEY, PA. Will attend to tak'ng Acknowledgments, Writ Deeds, .Mortgages. Lea. is, Bunds. Notes itc. K7" Chnrgej noderate. May 0, IcMiS.- 3m ERRORS Of YOUTH. 4 fJIS'.VTr.l.llTA V ,. ...a..--J -.. A years from Nervous nnd Geaital DeUllty.Night 'y Emls-ions, on l seir.uiat Werknees, tho result of youthful indiscretion, nod came lie ir ending his ilaye in hopeless misery, will, for the s-iko cf suffering I man. eelid to any ono ot'-iict .-d. Ihc simple means used I by him. which effected a cure in a lew weens, after Ihc I failure of numerous medicines. S lid a directed e:i I veiope oud stamp and it w II vest you nothing. Address EDGAR TltEMAlN. Slntlnn !.. lOrh si, V v.,rtrf.,L July 15, l6S. ' F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. YA7PL'ID "'Pectfully inform tho citizens ofClooixs V V burg.and vicinity, that lie continues the practise of MF.owi.vE .ixi suxaiMr, .nd solicits a share of public patronage. Orrtcc. on Main Street, Hist house "below the Cour House, Lllooinsburg. rehruory 3. I S5.S t f SCiiOLASUIl'S F0K SALE. Crittonden'8 - Philmlolphia. htratton.UryantSt Co.. Tliesw Scrips, aro innmcunti of sis and fjco and are much cash, bv the Slndont on entringeliher ofihe . 1 .Uol,e.ser.' , ",rn J's'-i"l. toobtaiu a finish (d t-ollcgiMe Ediicalion, will here Hndagiod specula ion by the office ofiho v May L IcilS COLtl.Mill U'JMOCU Third Edition, jlfty Thousand, 100 p-i-gss , cloth covets, BY ROBT. E. BELL, M. D., A cautlon.-tddrcjscdto youth, tho married an those UONTEM PLATING MA R RIAG R. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt or TEN CFNTJ A careful perusal ol this small bonk lias been a BOON TO THE AFFLICTED 1 anJ has tuived thousands friiu a life or miseri lnd sn UNTIMELY GRAVIS. It treats on the evils of Youthful lndicrction, Self Abuse. Seiiilnnl Weakness, Euil-sious t-eno'ii DIs., Genital Debiliiy, Loss or Power, Ver o i-nis. Ircmatiire Decay, Impotenre, ic fee, which unlit the sufferer from lulnlln.g ih oin.ia.irws,:. of MiPMunv., Address, Drt J. BRYAN, Cutipulting Physician, Box .1079. J43 Broadway, N. Y. July is, iecs. BLANKS. Deeds, Mortgages, BONDS. Marriage ertiiica ttis for Ministers of tho Gospel fc Justices of iho Peac, SCHOOL ORDUNScI' ARTICLES OF AGREEMENTS. CECAL IJLANKS : iSiimnion.s' Subp-jciifas EXECUTIONS. SCAfclFICAS AND CAPIASES, WARRANTS A COMMITMENTS. Notes: Common, Single, Jiauble, an I Nan x- emplwn, 1'arehraenl deeds, with cvry otbsr kiud of Blanks, for sale at tho oflico of the f-OIAlIHEMORT, J. H. H ARMAN, Agent. RUPERT, PA luauutaclured, ' For sale at Manufacturers Pricts. Rupert July !M, lAoS-3mo. BLANKS 1 BLANKS! . Of ovary dftsoripfioij, for twit atthij offltw