COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, j fS3fiiE s 'nlcb.1' For thirty years havo they labor " Onr Constitution goard It evsr Our glorious Unlort- hold II dtar I Onr Blarrv riagforsalto It never t The proud Oaucaaalau- -oar only peer! ----- - -----EDITED BY LUV1 I.. TATE, rnnffctETOH " BLOOMSBURG: Saturday MorniuR,Aig 20,1 80S.- Dimocraiy, a sentiment not tnlie appalled, corrupt- rtoi wpioiMd-tiknow.nta.en....u towitt to no oppree no weakness, rtratrnctive jSiffiSK MtoXZZXXb ' oqual rights, of! obligations the law of nature pervading the (aw of tl.o land-Amu. . Democratic County Convention. , .,.w,.k,Mr,B Aflmn.iie rjiMto,.. m and for the several lloroughs and tllecllon Districts , will meat at th-lr respective places of holding the 1 General Uectlons.-exccpt In Conjngham iwp., there t they will meet at tlio I'ubllc House ot I'cter Hower,- on batouuav. 'i lit! scth of auoust. leos, between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock I. M., of said dty, fori the purpose of choosing two Delegates from each Dis trict, to meet In County Convention at tlio COURT IIOUBU, In llloemtbiirg, on MONDAY", TIIU SaTH D.Y OP AUGUST, ieii5, at 1 o'elock. I'. M for tlio purpose of making the usual annual nominations of the Democratic parly of Columbia County. E. A. LITTLE, Chairman, JOHN J, STILES, I I9AIA1I BOWER, HEN'V HlNTCilHTEU JOHN llll.l,, l'ETKIt K. HEKUINU, JOHN 1'UUIT. Is. U. IUCKUTTU EUAS UlLTEMCK. Democratic Slab J lug Comniiitce. Bloomsburg, July 2!, Jcltf, NOB MOUNTAIN MEETING. A Threo Days Moeting will bs held in tbo MEQARGELL GROVE,atthe West end of the Nob Mountain, ORANGE VILLE, Columbia county.Pa., on TUES DAY WEDNESDAY AND THURS DAY, AUG. 29th, 3lhh and 31st, 1805. There will be speaking in tho afternoon and evening of the first day, and in the morning, atternoo'n and ovuuing of each of the days following. Citizens with their families will occupy board tents and covered wagons j return ed soldiers will bring their Army tents and flags j a newspaper stand supplying " the daily papers during the meeting will be established ; aud original poetry, pre pared for the occasion, will be road or lung. The object of this moeting is to revive and strengthen popul-ir coolidcnce in the doctrines of Jefferson which arc uow more than ever neccftary to puMio salva tion, though trampled uiuIit foot in high places and despii-ed by those 'who prosper upon the calamities of their country. The speakers will maintain, with Mr. Jepfer BON, that a Public Debt is a "moral cank er" and pecuniary eurse and not l,a bless ing'" ; that all "abuses" i'b government should be arraigned at tho bur of public rcasou" ; that thero bhould be "economy in the public expense, that labor may be lightly huidened" ; that tho Stato Gov ernments should be r-upported "in nil their rights as the most competent administra tions for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies ' ; that we should havo "a jealous caro of tho right of election," re sisting interference therewith by corrup tion or force ; and uphold with our whole icfluonee and power ''tho euprem&oy o' the- civil over the military authority," and "freedom oi religion, freedom of the press, freedom of pcreon under tho prtcction oi habeas corpus, and trials by juries impar tially selected." SPEAKERS: COL. VICTOR E. PIOLET,of V EOXi Bradford county, Robert It. Little, E;q.,of T'unkhannock ; Franklin B. Gott en, Esq., of Pottsville; Robert A. Lam berton, Esq., of Harrisburg; Hon.Obarles Denison, and D. L Rhono.Esu , of Wilkt.- barrej G. Chaunoy Rurr, Esq,, of New York City ; and Hon. Paul Leidy, of Danville Columbia County will also be fully rep resented upon the t-peaker's stand. Hon Charles R. Buckalew will attend the meet ing throughout, aud speeches will bo made by Col. Wellington 11. Ent, Capt. 0. D Brookway, Col John G. Freezu, Charles G. Barkley, (County Superintendent of Sobools) Wesely Wirt and E. R. Ikelcr Esquires, and perhap by others. Rev. Alvab R Rutan, of Luzerne coun ty, who was kidnapped, during the paM year, subjected to tho farce of tho military trial and unjustly consigned to a Gov - mont Baslilc, trom which bo was only dis charged upon the indignant remonstranct of the Governor, Members of the Legi-ltt turo and U. S. Senators of this Stale, w'n be present and narrato the particulars ol tho outragous persecution to which he was subjected, 'J ho firjt meeting on each day will be opened in an appropriate manner bv a uler gyman, and good order will bo preserved throughout by an efficient arrangement for tlio government ot tbo meeting. A select ed number of returned soldiers will per form picket duty, particularly at uight, about tbo encampment, from winch spirit uous liquors will be excluded, Tbo procodiugj, inoluding the sper-obes remarks, prayers, and poetry, will be fully reported and published iu a volume for which subscriptions will be taken upon the r round. Citizens who desiro to ocoupy tents, or secure ether accommodations at the meet iog, can consult Samuel Everett, at Orango villo,or Cnarles G. Darkley,E3q.,at Bloom burg. Growing Brighter. Every day tho prospects of the Demon, raey grows brightor. From every qnar ter we hear the most ehoering news, and looking a little into the future, wo can tee cumbers innumerable driven to our woudcful volume nnd power, and a varie standard by tbo effects of abolitiouism. ty of expression that ie equalled only by While our party is united, harmonious a costly pipe organ, while its purity and and determined, tbo opposition is divided, wrangling and disheartened. They ecu the result of ihcir own work, aud in it read tbo doom of their onco powerful organi- zation. I ho hobby upon which thoy rcda into power carried them to their political grave tbo means they resorted to, to re- tain power, crushed them with its own weight, and now, helpless, hopelees, driv- fit) to lie well by tbelr own folly, nd tho strength thoy expected to reap" through the dcitiuction of tho institutions of tho South, given over into tho bands of tbo Democracy, they Btand feeling and know eil to succeed, little dreaming that success would bring uU'unato mln upon them j for four loDg, bloody years havo thoy carried on a war for iho purpose of making that nUccess pcrmaiieDt, little thinking that the .boomiDir of the last cannon would be tho knbll of their political party. But it is so. fce tho liand ,itlig Up0n tU8 mi , . , i... ir,,i wall" and as a last desperate effort aro bending every energy to enfranchise tho millions of blaeL-s throughout the country, with wllOIU tllCy will attempt to IliaL'C a VQlC0 allian0Cl In this thoy must fail. Thousands of honest voters who have clung to tbom foryears.are turning away in disgllst from a party that Would place tSol T U a level with negroes for tllO UFU " " " " utb Sake of the spoils Of office. 1 hey bf 0 tUO ru; rt puritan nblitiotiisin has brought .. . . , .. t upon tbo country, the degradation it wo'd bring upon tho citizens, nnd aro turning their eyes to tho Star of Dcmooraoy that has been a guide of our statesmen from 1787 to 1800. The futuro of Dcmocraoy is brightening and with tbo future of our country. Let those who havo stood by its principles through the fiery ordcils of tho past four years, still stand fum. Success is but littlo in tho advance Reward comes with it. Let us work then! abolitionism has been strangled in tho blood of tho brave men it has slaughtered, and we need hut do our duty to bury its hideous carcass so low that even the trump of Gabriel will cot resurrect it. "Popular Intelligence a Bulwark of Liberty.'' Says the 11epullican,n commenting upon the abovo text, 'ignorance has been one of the groat bulwarks of modern democracy.' Reckless assertions arc so common in the shoct abovo quoted that we seldom notice them unless glaringly false or mischeivous. The above assertion his been so repeated ly disproved we need not now discuss it, but simply wish to prove tho inconsistency of the Opposition. We admit that "Pop ular intelligence is a bulwark of liberty," and therefore wo opposo giving tho elec tive franchise to a mass of ignorant, bru talized nsgroes in the South. Let us, liko Andy Johnson, put the thing in the shape of a syllogism. Tho miss of the blacks arc ignorant and brutal ; tbo Re publicans aro in favor of giving them the , , . . 1 ' 1 ! 1 he mover of the resolution advocated its tavor of giving votes to ignorant peopic . ,, m, , , . . . , , .1 passage as necessary lo save tho party They favor tho exo usion of tho educated J. ., , ,. . . i from the charge of inconsistency and hy classes of tho South, therefore they place . , ,. , . ' ' 1 ! pocrisy, and to prevent disaster and da a premium on ignorance. . . ., . tT . , , , : feat in tho coming o-unpngn. Iledenouuo- But this wiabing lo eduoato tbo necro is , . -, 7. , , . , all fudc. The lleniiblicans want his vote, , , ai noiuo to mass mrtunes out or tno cov and one ot their leading oraoles, Henry . , ,. ., , ,. f . . , ' eminent, and paid lip-servioe to tho sol- v inter Davis, in a speech at Chicago 6aid : ,; , , . . , , r. , , , , diers, but were now unwilling to recognize 'We need tho votes of tho colored peoplo - , - , , . ? . , . . ,1- , ' i their claims or reward thoir heroism, it is numbers, not intelligence, that counts , , , . ,. . . After some further discussion a motion at the ballot box tt is the right intention, , . , . , , ,. , . , ., , . . , B , was made to proceed to the second reading and not philosophic judgment, that oasts aud cousideratioQ of tLe reso)utioDi anJ J tho vote. ' .ii,, , ,. . . t was votod down by a large majority. Now which thall wo believo, Dr. John i or Senator Davis ! Wo believe the former 1 , r,,E re!olut101'3 adoPted ''"""l-V evade at.. : i. .: . i r i to bo a quack in politics as well as iu quack in politics as well medicine, hence his assertions should be -,i f ,, rfloniuAtl with mn rrrnina nf n nmnnn . If ho really wishes intelligence to be tho basis of his party, let him ignore tho doo- j trine of negro equality, or ho will place himself in a ridiculous light before hisl"u """V uo uegm, una re reador8i j. i fernng s'ato questions to thc "law making A Invaluable Medicine. Henry Hoyt, Esq., contributes te the Boston Journal, the following prescription lot what he says is an unfailing remedy for Jholura-morbus, Diarrhoea,. &o, Mr. II. aiuai Qunog ine terrible raging ol . , .. . . . .1 iu mm coy a lew years since, in no case did tbe remedy fail where the patient could be rcaehod iu seamn. Ilis no less pffeoiive in cholcra-morbus and ordinary diarrhoea, A remedy so easily procured and so vitally effioacious should be always at hand. An ordinary vial of it oan bo had for 25 conts or so, and no lamily should bo without it over night. Tho writer of tliis received the receipt of this a few days since, aud having been se riously attacked with the eholera-morbus the pant week, oan attest to its almost in agio influence in affording relief from excruciating pain. He ardently hopes that every one whose eyes trace theso lines will cut this article from tbo paper and procure tho medicine without delay. Its prompt application will relieve pain and presumptively eavo life. Take One part laudanum. O110 p-irt oaniphoratcd spirit. Two ports tincturo of ginger. Two parts capsicum. Dose Ono tcaspooiiful in a wineglass of water. CST" The Cabinet Organ of Mason & Hamlin has, for so small an instrument, ' sweetness of tono are truly charming. It is most admirably circulated to meet, tbe wants of families and small churcnes. It can bo trau-porttd with safety, takes up no more room than a melodeon, does not soon get out of order, and makes an ele- gant article of furnitura for tho parlor. We aro but doing a favor to our readers by calling their attention to tho Cabinet Orgsntvtrrtoaft Dapiitt. Tho Abolition State Convention, IlAnarsnuno, Aua. 17, 1865. Afewmluutas after 13 o'elock, Simon Cameron, tho Winnebago Chief, osconded 1 h -, Dm sneaker' ettnd nml called tlm boilv in o der l" as mov tuM ih t oruer. n was mo veil ami soconueu tnat John Cctsna act as temporary chairman 10US. The loyal hosts that rallied to tho stan durd of Abraham Lincoln in 1804, must rally . , ... tn touu unuer mo uanneroi muoon. didmos to bo Dominated to-day. Tho re bellion was protracted by the sympathies of Northern traitors, and theso men nro even now endeavoring to create a di inombcrmcnt of the Republic. Tho trai tors of the South are now electing Con gressmen to act iu concert with the North ern traitors wtio have been elected by , . , xt . it their disloyal friends to iho National Leg- . . mi -i i o i laiuiuru. jl ncriu uiuu win niu tuu ouuiu in furthLring their pro-slavory designs. . Tl.o jpirit of slavory still csbts. The military power of the Government must coerce the South to tho support of the loyal and anti sla very policy of President Johnson. The time has como when their property must bo confiscated and their wealth divided among tho loyal people who haio aided in tha suppression of tho rebellion and tho overthrow of tlieslavo power. Mr, Cess ua thought uo mercy should bo given tho South, but that they should bo inada to pay the expenses incurred in this war, as well as tho imcoso public debt of the land. Tbe opeaker was very severe in his dc nunciation of the southern people, whom he characterized as demagogues aud aristo crats, Ho was glad lo know that our loy al President was determined to put down and keep down the.e pro-slavery aristo crats, who havo been breeding treason aud discontent in tho land for mure than thirty years. Ho closed amid great ap plause The call of the Senatorial Representa tive districts wore then mads. Hon. Thatl. Stevens moved that a com mitteo ol five be appointed by the Chair, to rport upon the contested scats in the convention. Carried. Mr. Todd, of Cumberland, offered a resolution recoguizing the olatms of sol diers who havo served tho republio on the battle field a9 superior to all others, and reeommending that uonc but soldiers he noiniuatcd by the convention. This gave rise to a brief and animated diicussion . , . , , . . , ., 1 luc rro""ueu q"oUS oi me nay. ine nrst one in sunstanoo thanUs tbe soldier . for having mado tho neuro his equal a n,w l-i'' 'econd while damning with faint praise President Johnson, gives occasion in tbe , a' .u lourlu l. P"0" mt0 ma P0"0? l !.j i r .1. . . , ,- .... , b- -as op- nosed to hh nlnn nr Rennnatrnotion 'Pl, or the convention tlnon takinir tlm nhnir pcoplo havo had enough of musketry. ,lnnft in tlm ntonlo anil is aware that tUPV V"n having claims or demands ngalnu the lal 1 Aci'Ollllt of bunmel oyllaIt' adm'r. oi me convention, upon taicing tno cnair v v t 'm-i, .o0 ,n . 1 Vr , in .. tl. J u,e ,a"1 '","!Ul ,ea" od, ,a .T,0 r11'"" of "f0""" "'"''"P. 'i""" Mr. C. returned thanks for tho honor con- .IV. As to the item of forage, to which jutrmt him. His epocch of Thursday know,, toil... said n,icrw Uu I 2 Final nciiouni of Lov.ii Yatlor, Ese. forrod upon him : bo hoped tbo dolibern. Col. Olootl objects, wo cannot amend it. evening was not characteristic of him, lor ( Auglllt8Si lt0jfl,9J 'l,l,Lrt u'"ia;t. ,eulft tm U.ivt fy.MhDu(.iaiecn:t,W, tions of tho convention would be harmon. Wo havo hotter evidence than that of n f-P- u tuT. 8 but To ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. I'ViLnt of II. P. irtner and 1 . ; "uu u' ""a ", 1 " JIU,e ,u,""' UJB b-.stow sycophantic praise on Edwin M.lto violate mv lite-long rule of conduct, Stanton for his efforts in behalf of "lav? i nd for once to nottec a political alanderer! and liburty(i)and close by an assault on ' .1 r .- . . tho Democratic party. The noraiuees aro' John F. IIartranft,of Montgomery County, iui? ti. r. rM... uuuu !.'. tiuitiuu i.ui iiiu 1 rU 1 CrV iii 1 v. n.' or Auditor (ieneral, and Jacob M County for Surveyor 1 ,- ivaniu- bell, of Cambria - 1 ttT , .,, uvuiai, IIUC3UUUH4VU nuiuuiuiuiopuv:, , ., ,1 e , . , . . '.has clothed himself, and givon vou a about these men ore tho camnnimi nlnaos .1 .1 . ... 1.: .... . Iiavo somctning tO Say , n - , From the New York Tribune, j "Military Justice" Again. ; Col. U.S. Olcott.who writes us a letter,; elsewhere published, is ono of the "nine officers, twontyservants.oue photographer and thirty four horses," who compose the Douhlecay court martial-he being a Department. Wo shall briefly answer bis points. t tr.t. .. ,, , x. jnuu czpeiisH or us uounicuay court martial arc paid out of tho omount reserved from Cozzons contracts, who pays the expenses of tho United States Circuit and District Courts, in Phjladcl. phia, and the further expenses of the of- ficers of the army, who 'are doing work ... .MI.l.-...- which theso ltnino officurs,twenty servants ono phonographor and thirty-four horses," should bo doing ! tt ,. . , n, .. ,, II. to Col. Olcott, the gov- ernment mokes enough out of Cozzens to pay the court. If thero wero no oouit, would not all this be clear gain? The mouey goes,and no adequate return oomcs , -. If j , , Irom it; and,so far as debt and unnecess- ary expense aro concerned, it might as and was ho not to muoh raoru tho richer well ho in Cozzon's pocket as in that of by every note tha failed to coma home for the court, Tho money most certainly redemption, thouch thoy did suffer and does not go to the Treasury, where it ba. "ft"" D? ofou "h ro ot . old enough to r loembor nil this, now lonS'' know why this br-d, bad man in some Ill. Col, Olootl explains Judge Thump- times spoken of by your ncniors as tho son's decision. That deoiiion was plain. "Grcat Vinnebngo." end somolimos as Cozzens was arrested "by order of tho "ld Kiokap00'' Secretary of War," .and discharged by . ffln;)C:re,t!;nU tLirty '"'A.1 haT0 . c ' '. . , b ' watohed tho tortu us career of this man the same Secrotary in deferonoa to tho and havo never u reason to abandon gtUirtrjg wrath of PeDDsyWanis. Thero my fint imprrrtj of his ohraolor, was uo appeal to arms, (or the War Sec rotary snowed great discretion, uoi. ui- oott intimatna that any fututo Aatcai cor. 1ms Wl 1)0 ""iistcu nun arms. uoio- a , , , ii i! ncl. you aro mistaken, aa well as iDjuUl- lou 'In 'ueh an intimation. Not a musk- ct will bo raised against tho wr.t. The corrosponuuiH. xi.ia loragu uUntu , i... rni.!. t !. l,....1 . and when a Kovernu,eut olloivanoo is made, tho offieeiH lw.tys find some way Tbo on v wav to oontro- - --- ; - . ' . vert our bill is to ,ond us the Uourts pay roll Col Olcotfs ,' , , , o,tho labored Wo bavo now answered SiaiUlUCUlB , UUU III UUIUJ U dofoiiBO of the Press in reply to tho 7to- wf. But Col. Olcott and the Press make thi mistnko! Wo do not attack the this mistake: Wo do not attacu tue Doubledsv OOUrt martial, but Mr? whole . ' ... . system of tmhtaru courts asjembling in J , , . . ,, poaccful States and presuming to admin- , . , We take that court as an ' . ,m nnn . fn,K. of "aui" ' u .7 ,1: 11 " nnMiinrt T tn niiTiititt ti F thp mnmhnrrt ;'" " J. " " about tno just anu uispasMonate commeuis af tho Tiibune can only be accounted for on the law of nature, which makes the ,. ., .., barnacle enng to ine snip, or mc repine to tus uioou-yiciuiug oouy assail aro 'awni ng -uu is good, and the work is easy, and (par- licularly in Thompson's bailiwick) tbt-re i no barm to bo dreaded. But it is cx- mi pensive and absurd. Let the War Do- partmcnt put its "nine officers, twenty v r , ,,.,., scrvant', pbonograplier anil tnirtj-iour horses," at some war duly or muster them out of tho service. The Pru reminds us that these officers arc gallant, aud some of i i u ...... j.i c, ii ii,,, ihem have been wounded Granted ! But there aro ten thousand otber soldiers quite as gallant and as severely wounded.- Must the v ba inado into court niarlidisl them : but the system ef which they bliud, tho law" and honor of our state will . -wrfe. i-SNSSejtv 15 Secoud account of John Apploman . we hail alwavs hoped, obedient but yet be vindicated. I ;7?fttS Adm'r. of naiti, Appieinan. late of iiemlocK township I r-.., .,,-.. xl nor' IIICOill rcpurmi uis uctus 'vvwiS!' X'V , o A ... tT,., Tlnlnhnlil ll'vniiff If theso courts are intended as milit iry ducod Mr Lincoln to itivue turn to a seat , ., , ,,rr ii i . :, i ..., i in bi Cubinet. In les than one year hopita s or "Homes, let it bo announced . . . . . , r,. ' v ' from the day on winch Simon Cameron and we shall not say nay. As tho whole WJ) ;ntae,i as Secretary of War, Con business Hands now, it is a ecandal an gress, though at that early day it had bo extravagance and an absurdity. Trv a lore it but evidence of his crime, mau 140 days-snond SiJO.075 83 in 'ihe ihd'guantly drova him from tint high , , . ,. , , . ., , cmco. 'two-turns ot tno tnonioers oi tnc m c a s i 1 h r trno work, and have him released ,n .p. to of lower u e nf t,)e j, N t W K I r V OR 186j 0. your power-and then to go on aud try lratiotl) 0I)d ould glaiy have 8UStllin(M j Iho GrcU I-.tcntmn of t! e Ago in another man, who will probably cost each member of it a- thoy did its distin-l Ii 0 U i O IV 1 It lo, another 20,000 and bo released. If Col. giihbed head. ! J. V. BRADLEY'S Nf-w PfteDt 1)U- Oloott or tho Vfjscan match this in rare i You can imagine how pait.ful it mut; n.r.x ELi.trrio (..r double si i:im skiri , r cm,,i,i i,i.n to fl(,e T, l'avo been for them to find themselves rphis nvoution ronsiats ol Duplex (or hlimor, we should UkO to see it. it l.Cr- con5lrailu.(, bv duty t0 proolaJn ,le r.irt'. ) to Ctnptlr Pure BeAn.d EHeet ripHnrti. tainlyisvcry funny, and we would be tho Grjl man t'he head of their party had .l glad to enjoy if, but unfortunately, it been induced to appoint as the succcffor sprma oycruvd. Tiny seldom bend or break, im J COStS SO much and look' abturd, OVCIl if It mi, 'u, rna . ... . Cameron vs. Kelley. It has been well said that "when rogues fall out honest men get their dues." Tho lollowiug rioh cxposo of the doings in tho republican nill prove interring, .', , . , i, . i It would seem thai iu the scramble for the Philadelphia spoils,. tbo ajjpointeei ol Si- mon Ctmerou succeided, much to the ilis- iriNt nf rhn four ''Inval' (Jonirrn.smo n b jo ----- .- .1 . 11 . I'l , represent ng that U ty. the mccessfu K . , b , , , -, . parties iiidi.crco'ly sorennled the 'Win- niiiiago Cbief" who, unable to conceal bis tr.uiih, "pitched into" his alrea ly enured oppouuuts. It, called forth tho following tirt reply front William D. Kelley, Mem ber fro ii 4th Cong. District, and a pet amung tho Abolitionists. f To thc Union Men of the Fourth Congressional District. A long aud rueee.-sful career in crime .. ..7... i r ,'. " ' .r'ri " . .7 . . i nmiinlclens the rriiiltv. A reriAnt nsiru 1 (111 not uowever uddre-i von tnr Hih finprl twn r n nrj for hri nkliifr n hottle p'l . if irn ii iimviihiihiii r hbjhi punii.u inn iraae j. i iowirx articles m per. oropriy. were pur l UO not, UOYtevcr, , auureoS JOU lor tUe UOtU IWO UOliarS lor un aKIUg a OOllIC .r'.-.,. .. mc!r,,ur Vattli-s i.tuv .nviinablvbe Knnnn. .na.ed l,v the ulf-tib r it : .rf's Hale, on SAT.,. P. iiuiwuaw w ..unlink ui9 iiiucuuuus u ,i..,,u M lift. Lnn 7 .'. - ' --"-v.., 1 Vii nnd 11 in rpcnm i:Lfiii iqp Tn vnn 1 1 1 ! you, and il its record, familiar to you all. i;in... n,l rnnnl llwrn I lin,l in -i'-" ... .um. ' Mv PurPose is B'itn t0 Pieri:e tue ",ail I of ill-gotten gold in which tbe slaudorer ! I,.,. i,i...,i i.,..,rp ...,, :., . u" viu.uuu u.u,.K.., ui. 6nu.i uu a glimpse of tbo loathsoraa object it protools. "v l'"F"'" '""J r"""11' 'ua ed'rbTh'i's' tOSUn ZS ing evcuing at the Girad Houso in this city, and availud himself of tho occisiou ,0 vil1' m? oolIeaguc8 a,J(1 myself, "the XS! a.V il I v, as but a youth when I first heard 'IM10 mmari nf sVeirlotT iinnnntimtrl t It n I as tbe perpetrator of a great ciitno. lie 1. 1 , . . .... 1 had been made the agent ol the Govern- muni to carry a large amount ot moLev. duo them, to the Winnebago Indians, and bad taken advautogc of their iterance aud helplessness to enrich himself. Tho 0 of yu who had then attained to manhood, Jou maY ".ot ,no. '"P ,?1 80 my - . , , . ., - 17 '? n u,0.ou.r,u.,uB no'B"""o ? M.i I ber that instead of paying them in specie wbioh tho government confided to huu for l,,at purpose, ho retained it and gave them the notes of tbe Middletown b-rnk. of wllioh ue wu8 nn owner. At lheir eu! oawpmout in tho remote wilderueiB thet-o notes were utterly worthlers The Indi- ... . . ,JDb C01"" "' 1 u" ienj ,or '' purpose , ' . carJ redemption, Bu' v Oamtron ? Was m .t there, nor carrj 'iem to Middktuwo for ' 'That WHS that tl) Simon thoir loss his gain, ' tL1;. or bo hafl d, thom Uas never been falsa to bis criminal in-, tinots. He has endeavored to turn llicm i ., r. li . ti! .. i i,! !. i all to proutablo uccount. tils ambition is rdidPM.d pan-icrs to his avarice and he measures honors by the per-quisitas thoy ro", . lo .)0'ooulf noinl ,,,.,,,,,., .... . uomo. . .... ThJ,uKli an aottve pnrtiaipant In the poll- poll- tjCJ 0f hi8 county and State for more than ,a f a ceuturv. dur tin whicb loni! periou . ,. ,... ;rslw. no as punwu u. ,.(uu . . uyT , 01 COUtrilCtR, Willi Vigor nnu ceaseious siduiiy, ho has never dared to permit his name to h'o presentod to the people of oouuty or state as a oamlidato for an eleo- -....., tjve Otlico. Ho crawls to the feet of tbo sppolntlnir power. Ho cares not who j may bo king, so that ho may still bo u "" "'"B " . 3 h ""Lff. l0ur ' Bra ud 0 that eud bo Cbatt ers With aud corrupts WeaK and needy mnrnburs of Oonvuniions aud the Let's- memoors oi tjonvtnuous uuu iuo juv6.0 laturo of both parties, ' " . ' , fir. I need not recite tllO dlBgrocelul tacts attendiog his several canvasses lor the United States Senate. Thoir nauseous . . odor lingers in your nostrils to this bout: in tnc ni iibdouuiiiim to. " , jjcmocrauc memucrs, anu in ine iat piu j tweuty .thousand dollars for the one vote, which would have elected him. The last) transaction was eo flagrant that tlm legis-, ature compcllcd ,0 ,nkc cegnlwnco .jtry as-a reproach to our State.-! y?- unhappi,y for Pennsylvania and her great itterests the buzzard winged fame i of Simou Cameron is national. Uy month 1 of abject solicitation and corrupt bargain - '"8;""";" Cates and reeuntation-, ttiat ItllpOfcOd lllra Up0tl president Lincoln us tbe represen- llve man llf thc Kep.tone State. That was an evil hour lor 1'cnnsylvaoia. You all remember bow he organ zud il.t Navy Agency u th.t cty, and ft-el Hie iuilfablo Jh h) thub' ll( on 011- iNaTJ y;rd a(,d e0lrimcrci,t( ',! other buuuts ( mati, A I have said he begged and uargaiueu lor lue innueiicw wnion in- . . , a. J I 1 ,1.1 , Ot Jobn It. D loyd uau exlliolteil grealcr aptitude than bo for his worst tii. ks. Hut it became inevitable. For this old man ..... i- ,- , . ,i ....1 notwithstanding his boabted and rrpll Cli nil inns, hnlipvcs that one ol bis Tuitnti IS neTer rich enough until he has a little more, and, to save their party and tho country, the friends of the Administration in the Uouao hod to pioclhiin his infamv and denounce his crimes1 rJor was the vot(j hy wl)ch lhl)y d,(J ,f a lneilpre one Ji, inemls and those who would mot gladly have averted this disgrace from ,7 i i ii i . i 1 .i-i OUT ijluto could rally but allOUt one-third ...... tt :... .1... .....i.:.. r Ul II1U UUUe 'ILZUIUEl IllU lUB.'lUll'MI Ul UUU , im. . i . . demnaiiou. The vote was ubout two to ono a(,aiD3t thoagh j, fis a Pcnu- eyleanian, not willing to b-ar witness gaint the ropresentativo of our Suite, hut 100 we-' satisfied of bis guilt to vote agaiuvt tho resolution, failed to record my veto. With Grateful regards, yours very truly, ivi ta , T-v WW, D. KELLEY. "" " jy- In Nashville, on tbo 27th of July last, a while soldier was fined twenty dol i -. ,.-i.s .i . .e lur ""'B "1B l,a11 " so'dier at one of the cainoi of iustruc'ion. P The same morning a nigra servant Over thn lioail Ot a Wnlte SDullCr WIIO Wap over tno iieau oi a nue Boi.ner wuo v, te,1(jinr hospital. Tho army scale of pri - CCS TUO OUCer if niggOr's TUlOp is eigtl - . - teD dollars more worth tbnn a wluto sol dler's head. - - - iisy (1IA0E or Name The name of .1 . vv . ft 1 v IDe "OiU UapllOl i'1'UOn, at aSUIt.ginn, bT Pf by order of tho War Dopartnii-nt, on th serious charge of "disloyalty to the negro." has been changed. Hero after it will be kow a' luo "St3tQ 0U8e'" A very aPPropr""o name. MARRIAGES. At the residence of tho brides parents, on tho 15th iust., by Rev. Wad-worth Mr. H-nrv C. Racon to Miss Hannah L. Warner, youngest daughter ofDr-S. II. W'arncr, all of Htinington, Luzerno co. , In Fihingercck twp.ou Thursdaj.Aug I ,11 Vt-IDUEbllb. IF J,VU I UUI CU H , ll U f 17th by Elder John Sutton, Mr. Martin , A-u-on, ,o MNs Mauv Cathahink, nniv iiniinnii-r ill iinrirv i-.uiir --j o j --j - DEATHS. III Suearloaf twp, Columbia Co., on . e uo uui of it, aud if justice he not lame as well as buXSbc i,6fu..h"rVofler. for sale , r.h.i.TV.d. " 6 ,p. , - .. f,-.i t 1 tone si Class Trade :T " nuiuunig loiav. 1 1 ai uppiiri o rimtsday, the 27th of July, 1R65, Mr.'rni... Af li, 'i, i . i h" l'' made to lite said Ci.url to grunt suihihaii''' COUSELISON GlflTON amid about !I5 vpm S hey OinbrocP c complete apsortment nf and lhai if nnsuffulent tramn be .hown to lb., c-n-ivOH.NELlSON UIMUN,agl.a dOOUl 00 years, I All the new and desirable Btyl ., six, and length 1 ,r"r'' "ylheiih day ot aeptembor, ld3, thy II -In n0nr,ill0 nn 1 flit, M-0 1 f"r I adit s' Misses' and Children and ar superior 10 ' "'" derlaro the persona so associated to bedims IU JJanville on tllO lUttl, met., iUlSS a 01 hers in c in noinl of Svinniu-i.v. rini.h'.,. 1 jT. and be a enrnorat nn nr hndi-m.liti m mi 11 Saiuii JArE Rishel, in tbo 24th, year I of her age. C:iUMJUUa MY School wii open its next Term of ?.tX! ?1?WV tub e-T... ...Avof neuuei. tn mo uniiicucs oi a iiDerai ungusn tidu cation am taught, Vocui -usic will bo a standard branch, for Oil benefit of Ihe whole rjchoul Inslriirliona will also be given in anyof the Dcauti fjl llranclies. and in Instrumental Music SJ- Terms .iberal. CF CNOKA J. LEECHES Uloomsburg, Aug, 12, lSb5-lino, SAl.l ! SALT!! SALT!! rrillE fubscriber offers for sain it wlinln. J. II TUBMAN Rupert, Ta A"i;uU,.lfcAi-3rcf NCtD 5VDUCttiSCmCUt0, s: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EstileoJ Samud Park , tie? 'tl, ' i TVTnlico is horebv niven, that Lettorn of N ffl.5 i$$ tloTu, ' Jd esmuei -;?-i, -?i h. Jf nlt Snd t!! 1'" L " . . ... TVTnlinn llnrnlii' iricpn flint l.nllnra n f I xH Admlnlstraiioo on the estate of the above Tho... ' v." :".;m", ,T. "K:. V.V,.:'nf '."""V o-.. . .. j"-,- lrt-- iftlio ileceilcni.ari' roiueilcd to present thcn.wllhoiit f' f"0"' ,B 'u"k P"lunl ' WASHINGTON ADAMs, Au, go.ieos-cw 83 Pa. Adnvr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George Lmgenk'ger, dtc'il. f ctters Testamentory on tha estate of JLlOeO(!0 LonjC1,berger. late of Maine tovvn,lp. Columbia county, dee'd havn been granted by ine , n sister r taid county to the upder.igned, residing in .aid townsii p. a Mcnrm-y in Myinmitn t aii persons bavii William and J i tl. s ;... ...... i 1. 1... ...., I, . .1, n,.nn. linwliii, rlalir. oL'slii.t the eslat'1 of the tho decedent are requested in 1 llhelt , he Eecuior nl their residences wlih um delay, and an per.un. indebted to make pay. WM. wnoenbchobr. JAMCi AIcALAUNBV. Aug. so. laos-cw e 20. ,T. Weichselbaum, fir tnrf . tt ESI tf fl W sr w SLii&mim from Philadelphia, 81 Ilc.pectt'iily Informs the citizen, of llloornsburg nd St'ECTd ULES! OP r.VERY SIZE AND QUALITY. A new irvunlion of Spectacle., for dislant or ilose , fSVAJVir.K.'S oimr'nyno?:'; Sf.rl TXZZZ rr ,., ,0 have b;en rperatH upon for thsltat- aratt of th? rye, ami m im new kind of and "'"'nfoirimay tTy llCMSSIISriS'K: cia... TunniiTtVT HIGHLY IMi'OKrANT. yery ne.t nr,iiM,, p,um, and .,. "XKiep: Spi n.n! Qulztinc Olasses of ey. Vu.JT.u.'jurlr; o riati line, will! gnld. silver, steel and tort.iise shell , ery variety oranin-. i m upuca iiuenninauieii Optical and nlMcr I 'nirniii'iit. and glaasi'S cnri fully repapired at -liotl uiiIich Mo ca i alwavs sel-'cl gla. e. to suit th vi-i'ti of tip ucr.nn. as h. .cii them, upon first trial. Ho will ri uiki i in this place during Hepti'inbfr Oo'irt antl thus'1 In want ol the abuvn ar liclis will plea.e ,-ivo liiui a eaV Hi- will II required, goionny resp-ctnble li'ue where his service maybe wanted. if 'I h. vrry hi-n Uy Water and lh bitt Hunting Gliues nlvns .11:1-, Auguit I'J, IM'5. 1,1 C'gic npii'i.-t ti, ,u . uu.r.ii'..i.j .uat,i,v .lien pufeci and beauti'ul nhape more than twice as lung ' " s?kl,t 11,01 "st 0f "n L- iiiadL. The woiHi' ful fleslbllltv snd -teal comfort and pleasure many i.iui) wuuiihk iiii uup'ex i.i liic t.kltt kM be exp.nanc-d particularly in all oowd-d A.-ei,iblies. Operas. L'analee'. Iluilrnad I ars churih IVws. Ann Chairs lor I'loinf lia c and lluuie Ores., as the SKin can bu ft1 Jl.i wIimi hi u.ii iu .,rcupy a -iiimI place as easily and cuuvuiiieutl,v as a m. ur liiw.tln tires. A l.ady havin? enjoye.! the r.!.-asure, cox.fart anl (-icat cnnvLiiii-nct ut wcjriiiK Hie 1 ipl-z Ellitiiic bleel Sprint: SKir for h .nml- tiny will nuver stu -a ds williii2lv disneun! Willi ilr.-ir H.e. Fur rhUdrenl .in. .08 anu lojiiff i.aaiiH in ae Hturrior 10 ai Otll'-IS. Tlie Hoop, ire covered v itb -2 p'y d'mhle twislej tlire...t aua mil wear twice a 1'i! as l he ulriKlu yarn (iiverinc w Inch is uj.jil on a tjiiilf rlecl llnop skirls . I lie inree noivoiu rnj on e . rj skiii no Di.n nouoirt sicC, and iwict- or double cnvcr.M t pnent Iruiii wejring nit I is - roiU when urnei:liir down stairs, .Iwiik Hep., -c, winch itVy are cuii.uiit'y subject towiien in u.t I All are mad'! of the in'W and elegant Corded Tajx-s. und aio tlie bfsl qu.ility In evny pari. gi,iu. lo tho wearer the must nr.icetul anil pi if''M shii'u pussible, am) an- uii'iuesUuuaaiy t lie liylilesi. nui.i desirable, cu in I in Libit mid i-coiioniic.ii shirt -v-r nnd . Wl.dl'd IIUA1JL.I-.V 4. :AltY, rropri. lurs i.f iheln vi ot on hii'l-olt-.M tuufjcun-r., 97 cliauiuers, and TJ hi Ur.ide r'treetti .i-w Vurk I 1'nrfH r in hr.i el it. riturus in this City, and thro'. I mil iIih l!iiili'il rtl ut .-.tut l.'aniidn. Kmi-hum .lr Cnhri j Slcxno, r-uutli Aini-nin anil the We.l Indies. Cv- lu-i'm I.t thc Duplex U.ipiic i.ur double) Bpnuy Skirt. I Aut IV. I0jj-3n.n. A. Jt fj. i I CAUTION FROM ITU'; - j ftMW'pflg AM WATS 3"3 . ..... . i t having eomc 10 our knowledge that im- ! i"'io "' American Watch ha, e? put up I "' ' ""'"' i.uiat,d by u,.r , J"; te ll.anuiiiciurti mur Piyn-. wi i, a, cue. ,rUn hj ih nan ., Alll Jtan w,teh Ca - .uh..,n v... . c-njn-ved 04 the inside piato. - I Applelun.Tra.y.t.O 'rim yirn 1 um inf ni The second lias the name wjitDain Aiass.. tngravej on tuu n.i'iu iik. j .ha.w. lnni. niap . en-raved on the I AIIiIih ab-ive itylet hete thnp.ntn American Watch Co paimeu on Ihedul, and are warranted in tvtry; 1 respect. , vn, r'.llery, llO'ton Mi.rj ' enjraved on the meidc ! nlale. and is l ot on Hie ,11 1! All tlio above described atches are maJe of vari I ous size-, and are cold in gold or silver caaet as may J be rf qui.-ed. Ii i nardlv oos.iblofnr u in acciirv.Ply rercribe tho nsim roulinitati"i' to 'Ahich we have alluded. TEihv iirt-ii.ujliv with i.nine. so nenrlv aD- proiilnng our own ai tn etcape the oh.trvalinn of the II llll CCUl,, t'lllUU uujna- 1 unit li a. ni.i. by the L'nion Watch Co,, of i o.tuii .Mas..,"- nnsuch company txisling. Some ale nam d Hie "SIJier's U'ntcli." to bo sold as our Fo j rf It or Win. Klur style usually known as the Soldier's U'alcll." Others arc nam-d Um "Appletnn Watth Co ! " t there the "I". liiriii.t "be.idf,'ni.inv liaiuey, insu-au oi our "I b varittn-s naiiicd In such a manner as lo convey the idna thai tiny aro Iho vemble nroductioiis of Use American .vatch Company. We also cniilii.u tile public, and uailirularly soldiers against buying ceriain arlieles culled Watches, irec- mere lime, cannm nc anoraeu lor anynicn money. ,..'&a8r,,rp,o.v,To!;,rtof w" pro,tc, nam iroin gross 1111po.11 on; Ai,g.i0.UaTuAUWAY-: UJRK- " 6 2 3. HOOP SKIRTS. HOPKINS' 'OWN makp." np linnp arr-n-rj ft o u - ! Are gotten up to meet the warns of ri..,. . rBn.b''i" yfr';)rb''n.e "'". ,l?,.nflV,!f7pe"',;nsll! ; having all the metalic faJeuinga immovably secured ! bv iiniimv, ,! Iiu,,.hi....rv Tl.u ,...! .1 . " 'J I l'.lancity tnihe la.t-anil are Warranted to give en- Al.b() constanlly Iii rrreinl of, full line. f enj ,c"le'" m,a,d.e ril,,",''.a r."' sain.iSidS !2,ft - urc .aiuificuun vr.. noo a i c. . i ,., t-, 0JB ArehiBtreet, above Otb, Phild'a, IT- Terms CaslITone Price Only I tug, tv, icoo t iiios JQcafness, Blindnesa &. Catarrh, Treated with the uimn.l success by nr. J, IDAAC3 Oculist andAurisl, (formwly of l.evden. Hollaed. Ru.oill mLBireet. I'hiladclphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and country can hsi man nl hi. niR.a Tk ji s . ....... . .. . be W otrice, The medical faculty are Invited Wo charge made for emiDuti ' ' nraelire. A it'l'i Pii'i A i. i'vrj .j ...j.i . ... .. I! it. Mini in Ima ntirnitt m HI HI MM LhH LA- ...t -i- u-i.. - n.. i. .1 I . . y. CI.v, I n ,' ,.; ; , ,, ' r ,m. ' .. . nincn, jnun ja ueson, Jacub Urensv. Oeoree I. -i-s: Oltici-rs Watrhis," -Maic Tune Observers,' "Ar- . jroh tt Yitier nm, m;. iii..?. ' , i - July IS, n-uS. Um Register's Notices. N'OTTCE is hereby given to all Icgataes, creditors and other pcrxont Interested in the es intes of tho respective decedents nnd miners, tint it,. following Administration and Orjafi Ian accounts hate. rniiowinK nutninisuaiinn nna urjari iti accounts hate. beennied in tho unco of tho rtegntorof Co.umi.iatu, tffiZWTZ rounty mtifeini-i. o v.ririeiiia-,m 'or eept. low i,(1IYI8 I til... . (.l.u'i a "l irtr, V,UH,MJ I'sustermacher, late of I'ranklln two., deciaied, . I-..... n. .yii.a l... L-J 1 1 ........ .1 A i f .11, m l(irV..r t ,bees:ate or Joieph Gcarbsri. lata of Catawina ,wd- 5 Account ol ijswu C Ore'", aum r.9? Wlllard i). Orcm, Isle cf .'coil tn p , deccatud 0 Tirft and final nonount cf 'Im, Rob bins. Guardian of Alrsham litinan mltiur cblld i lsiac Tituian. 7 Pint and final aconuut of Vtn. Rob bin., (iuardlan of lime '.C Tltman, minor child m" l.sacTiinihn. 8 Account of Levi Wrte'-'s nd Abra- h.m v-m .au..f i.,i,v,g Yetas. deed t)F,rtnnd (Jin.! aeon-, .f )u. jelii, Ktccutor of Elizabeth Man. late rf Cect t luwiicV u. dee'd. J" ..'wi'Hii. in uvu I 1 i .1 , 111 .'.'.'Count 111 Job 'I V J i.l adn'r. nf Peter lloiMne. who was Unardlaa t' liltui,i Joi'lne deed who lelt Issui Omnia'j Uuaijlan l 11 Account of Jobn : 8, Adm'r. of Peter Podlnn, who was guafillax ? Daviu C 'o. ! dliiq, dee'd who died lcali lu' i: -l G UoJjne whose guaru. in Is HirMnJ iti-a.ler ; 'J Account of .lulin V Eod,ui, n-'rai. ot 'eter Ilodlno tvho was guirdian of Euzaliolh bo I dine, uow Elizabeth Reader. 13 Firtand Cnal account nf Jclm D U i dim, adm'r. of Henry .M i)ildinc,lito of Kadis'jntw-, deceased. 14 Account of Jobn Evelm J ana l'eter nf Sauiucl Wuarv lle of Locust ttvp., dee'd. 17 First and final account of Jame? Itasfrsand Benjamin F Ilattiu, I'.iccuturs of lleoiy llatttn. dee'd, 18 Account of Win Snyder guardian of of the person and eslalo nf Oliver Palmer, minf chiidof Thomas 1'alnici. dee'd. 19 First and final account of Elwoml Huhi-i. Exr. of Charles Maitcllcr late l lirlatctett town.iii., dee'd. 20 First and final account of W M V..or!. In, lli'r of Ashel UlekersoH, laieof nemicK Koto'ijli deceased. 21 First and final account nf Jaaob Evans Bilm'r, or Michael Wliilenight late of llfffiloct township, dscM. 22 Account of John Switzer,arviog Ex ecutor of Frederick Siviliea, lato of Ocrry twp., dec't. 23 Account of Samuel Creasy, guardian of l.oui.a Uri'vcr, late Louisa l'rv. tnliior chllJ of Peler Try Utu of Mtllin twp. dee'd. 21 A'-couut of H W Croasy, Adm'r. of John MutOey. late of Scott twp, dtc'J. 25 Accouui of Mathias Wh't'soicjl'i, Guardian f Sarah E Kline, daughter of llaunon "lint of .lit I'lcasanl twp, 20 Aeeoimt ol John Staddon, gundi ,.i of Hniuutl, minor child vf Charles iluward of Oieeu wood. 27 Account of John Soott, Guardian nil 11,'iiry M llojglnnil. minor child of Jobn liunjl'.nJ 4te of l.uousl twp.dtic'd. 28 Account of Edwsrd Eiiwatu.i, adin'r of Augustus B Pearce, lute of Brlarcsek twp. dec',!. 20 First and tinol acooiint of Pn, nl Koh- trnbadtr Adm'r of .Martha Perry, lale of Louu.t ticp. deceased. !h) Account of Jaotib llnrttrrtn. adin'r. of Jacob llarliiian, late of Colnurnu en, i,tc' ' U I First and filial aconuut of Peter K Ilerlielu Aum'r of Henry 1 llpuglind, late ( IWp.d'C'd 1)2 Fir't aceouut of Robert F. ( . and Mii-liael F Fyerly, Eii-ulnr. of Jacob Eynlr.lsi. of Blown Iwp, lUt'd. 3!l A f..unt of Win. 0. Fit-hi-r Oi irJiu'i of llfary Cdtuyi., late vfrn-iiVl i. lp,d'd. H4 Acfnunt ol W l.u. nii.-ht, fc-uar-illan of l.niah Kline, miaor child of fTarai,r Hl.i.., deceased. Ho AccJUnt of Dnvii) I), molt, (ur'.i of John Kiuhen child ofll'nry Kiubt.n dct'd, !Hi Ai'eount of J.:itn iMi 'riiy, Kxut'u rf ol jnui' .tmrrat isic o: 10.11120:3 cj ue n b7 ttrsl an;ou"it ot, JWirt r . L'lai;, l'.pfulnr of John fierier, lale ol Htaiuccrrt'k, ln rilip dee'd. IH Account nf RubTt F. O'ark, .-dui r of3;is F. Fowlar. lr.t ofr'cntt iwp. t! -1. US) Auoouni ot Andrew R . "o!:y ,lr vivlnp r.iecutor of John Jacoliy. late of .Ml I'll . tUMIlMtli dee'd, 10 Final a'-couot ol Sell) 15 Romm and Rower, AJin'rs of Isahh flahl. iate of Hi i WKA Bn(, dt'd tl Kifsi ntiil final niVMint of J II, Ifnl le r, Excrut'ii of Wiu Fi j lale i f Mini-! twp , d.'c d. 42 Fir t untl filial kcoiuq; nf Jo'.'it Smith, ono of tho P.tecjtur. of Jacob Mills, uio uf Niadisou twp.. d-je'd. 4.') Aeeoui.t nf Ironurl 13. Rupert, Ad mirtifaH'r of f.tnti Ar.'i Jni.k.'en, lale of Moo township, Cl-U'd 44 Account of Kit Oe7t!,..'l. amrilica tf Ueiijannn V Abbott, minor child of ll'u Abbott. Scott tuwtithip. JOHN , THEZZZ, Uistr. Augtirt 3. 18C5. t'tO A if. 'J. fl day. thesin hay ijc aui.iw .let: is m. tmn.i ty ofThomaa Wiavcr, in iUmiocIt twp,, Cuiuuui county, ii . I 'I'U'fl UMtfSPQ ANT P MIT.fUr Hfl"' 1 " " j, w -a v... Two head of ymir'g cattle, ouo linmn onf two-horae Wi-g hi and bed, one Spring Vi'ugon, one Uuggy, threo Plows,0(i i.ain.w, nneCul tivator, I fled and box, 1 set of harness, ono 1 single tU and 1 tr.duie 4i hndto, .Ml of which have been left in charce nf Ihe said Tbe. Weaver, to have and tn hold the same during nir pleasure, of which all persons Interested w.ll isls ,'0lce JOHN DlETlT.llICK '?Vi-:'w 9.3. Montour tnp . A'l, NOTICE. " &c matter of the CuUaicissa Land and j JJuiMina CdmnatlV, ' r r ? I'o all whom it may cnncrrn : Take n' I tier, that J K bhnrnlees. Isaiah Ji hn. Walui Pcoti, Wru J Kjer, Samuel Koiienbader. Jamn ,.,.. ,.,1,11,1,,1 nnd n m. , , ,r, n V ...r.,.,. , f wxx&KVfTt purpor ing to be the proposed charier 01 ihe ' xxxai 1 are mora fuily specilicd and set 11 in in ilia .aid g 1 catiun ior inr.orporalion. a' And ths said (. ourt perused and examined tho s;i . instrument and fumu tlsft objects and r nditioni.lh"" I m set forth and contained lo bo lawful and not liijJi' ! 5'V,-Llhi?'lr.0.l'l.u?',u, "'''"'d county, an' ous 10 coiiiiiiuiiiiy ; nave directed said wriilngsi' fncii'a i"". ucvoruig iu 111c sam aiucl's ami cnndlllunr- su 1 ''M have continuance by Ihe name, stylo and tint ' instrument mentioned. JErislH ml.I'MAV I'rrllionolsrr. Uluomsbarg, Aug, Ii, 16J5. Pcnnsvl VOTlJtl ATrnilltlir.nl0 cnsyivania Agnomtural fcO i city r-sr-sTtr. ti i c. . . - i I 1 's 'HE Ponsylvania Ktato -gnoulturl 1 Bnriety will hold its t'lhlbllinu on Bepteiatxt .o, -a, and J, taw, at WILLIAMS PORT, Lycoming County. Any information desired wl be given upon ft""'; al appllcaliou or by ItiKr Iu iho utidersif nta. at N'orristown, or A, IlOVIl HAMILTON. "rrldm Harrisburi;. r" " and anerlho ith ofHeptcuibcr The onice or tno nortety will bu open at Wllliarai Srcrlrv anu (liiwilUK HID itllllU II IlIl'H fir h I's-.ilU I'm lUItl" N'orristtwn, J.ily U WS